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What is lytic destruction? Destruction - what is it? Types of destruction and their features

This manual discusses the main changes that occur in the bone and are reflected on radiographs.

First of all, these are processes associated with a decrease in bone mass and accompanied by a decrease in bone density on skeletal radiographs (osteoporosis, destruction, osteolysis, atrophy, osteomalacia).

Osteoporosis is currently considered as a metabolic disease of the skeleton, accompanied by a decrease in bone mass (bone trabeculae) and, accordingly, an increase in bone transparency. Osteoporosis manifests itself primarily in cancellous bone, and more delayed in compact bone. Radiologically, osteoporosis of the cancellous bone is characterized by a decrease in the number of bone trabeculae per unit bone area, and the cancellous bone acquires a coarse-mesh pattern. Along with a decrease in the number of bone trabeculae, thickening of those trabeculae that experience axial load occurs (so-called hypertrophic osteoporosis). Compact bone becomes thinner in osteoporosis. This is clearly visible in the diaphysis of short and long tubular bones. Normally, the greatest thickness of the compact layer of bone occurs in the center of the diaphysis, as a result of which the medullary canal in this area is the narrowest. In osteoporosis, thinning of the cortical layer leads to the fact that its thickness is almost the same throughout, and the bone marrow canal expands. With severe osteoporosis, the bone beams are poorly differentiated, the cortical layer sharply thins, but is nevertheless visualized. As a result, a “glass bone” symptom occurs, in which only the outer contours of the bone are differentiated. Osteoporosis in the vertebral bodies leads to the visualization of predominantly longitudinal trabeculae, emphasizing of the endplates (“framework phenomenon”), the intensity of the shadow of the vertebrae approaching the intensity of the shadow of soft tissues, and deformation of the vertebral bodies as wedge-shaped or “fish vertebrae”.

Osteoporosis is divided into primary and secondary. TO primary osteoporosis include osteoporosis in women postmenopausal period, senile osteoporosis and idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis. Secondary osteoporosis is a consequence of the large number diseases of the endocrine system, diffuse connective tissue diseases, chronic renal failure, digestive diseases as well as the manifestation of side effects of a number medications, including corticosteroids, anticonvulsants etc.

Rice. 2. A – normal bone structure, B – osteoporosis

Osteomalacia just like osteoporosis, it is accompanied by an increase in bone transparency during X-ray examination. The basis of osteomalacia is insufficient mineralization of the excessive presence of bone beams. Osteomalacia is characterized by “blurring” of the trabecular bone structure and lack of emphasis on force lines, which is characteristic of osteoporosis.

Rice. 3. Osteomalacia

As a result of osteomalacia, bone deformation occurs in the form of curvature of long tubular bones. A well-known symptom of osteomalacia in classical radiological manuals is deformation femur like a "shepherd's crook". Osteomalacia occurs when rickets, at hyperparathyroidism.

Bone destruction– destruction of bone beams caused by an inflammatory or tumor process. During destruction, the bone is replaced by pathological tissue - pus, granulations, tumor masses. In the X-ray image, the destruction is characterized by areas of clearing; the contours of the destroyed area of ​​​​the bone have unclear, blurred boundaries, or may be compacted (sclerosed). Depending on the extent of the destruction, it can be small- or large-focal, local or extensive, superficial and central. Bone destruction can be caused inflammatory processes in the dice ( osteomyelitis, tuberculosis), tumor processes (benign and malignant tumors How osteogenic, so non-osteogenic origin). Areas of lack of bone tissue can be the result of atrophy from pressure or bone erosion due to the destruction of bone by formations located in the soft tissues, such as actively proliferating synovium (pannus) in rheumatoid arthritis, accumulations of uric acid salts (tophi) in gout, etc. d.

Rice. 4. Bone destruction. A – inflammatory destruction, B – malignant osteoblastic destruction, C – malignant osteolytic destruction

Osteolysis– a pathological process accompanied by bone resorption, in which bone tissue completely disappears in the absence of reactive changes in surrounding tissues.

Rice. 5. Osteolysis

The edges of the preserved bone remain clear, but the shape of the destroyed portion of the bone may vary. With osteolysis of the terminal sections of the nail phalanges, the latter become pointed or rounded. With intra-articular osteolysis, the shape of the articular ends of the bones becomes bizarre and their congruence is lost. Osteolysis occurs as a result nervous disorders trophism or combined disorders of vascular and nervous trophism for diseases such as syringomyelia, scleroderma, Raynaud's disease etc.

Bone atrophy is a process accompanied by a decrease in the volume of the entire bone or part of it. Bone atrophy occurs when the load on the corresponding limb or part of the skeleton decreases. Bone atrophy is often combined with osteoporosis, while osteoporosis itself does not imply a decrease in the volume of any part of the skeleton. A classic example of bone atrophy is a decrease in the volume of the femur. after suffering tuberculous coxitis (arthritis hip joint), bone atrophy after polio.

Destruction of bone tissue is a sign indicating a pronounced pathology in the body, which can negatively affect the course of concomitant diseases.

In medicine, this process is known as bone destruction. In the process of destruction (destruction), the integrity of bone tissue is disrupted, which is replaced by pathological formations such as tumor growths, lipoids, degenerative and dystrophic changes, granulations, hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies. This condition leads to a decrease in bone density, increased fragility, deformation and complete destruction.

Characteristics of bone destruction Destruction is the process of destruction of the bone structure with its replacement by tumor tissue, granulations, and pus.

Bone destruction occurs only in rare cases at an accelerated pace; in most cases, this process is quite long. Destruction is often confused with osteoporosis, but despite the constant fact of destruction, these two processes have significant differences. If, during osteoporosis, bone tissue is destroyed and replaced with elements similar to bone, that is, blood, fat, osteoid tissue, then during destruction, replacement with pathological tissue occurs.

In the human body, destruction of tooth bone, vertebral bodies and other bones is often observed as a result of poor nutrition, poor hygiene, the development of hemangioma, and other concomitant diseases.

Why does the tooth bone deteriorate?

Dental diseases are a pathology that is accompanied by the destruction of bone tissue. Among various diseases teeth that cause destructive changes in bone tissue, the most common are periodontal disease and periodontitis.

With periodontitis, all periodontal tissues are destroyed, including the gums, bone tissue alveoli, periodontium itself. The development of pathology is caused by pathogenic microflora, which enters the plaque of the tooth and the gum surrounding it. The infection lies in dental plaque, where gram-negative bacteria, spirochetes and other microorganisms live.

The activity of negative microflora is provoked the following factors:

  • bite problems;
  • bad habits;
  • dental prosthetics;
  • poor nutrition;
  • shortening of the frenulum of the tongue and lips;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • carious cavities located near the gums;
  • violations of interdental contacts;
  • congenital pathologies periodontal;
  • general diseases.

All of the above factors are the causes of the development of periodontitis and contribute to the activation pathogenic microflora, which especially negatively affects the attachment of the tooth to the gum.

Periodontitis is a disease in which the destruction of the connections between tooth and gum tissue occurs with the formation of a periodontal pocket.

Pathology causes destructive changes in periodontal bone tissue and alveolar processes. Development acute form diseases are caused by enzymes that negatively affect the intercellular communication of the epithelium, which becomes sensitive and permeable. Bacteria produce toxins that harm cells, ground substance, and connective tissue formations, while humoral immune and cellular reactions develop. The development of the inflammatory process in the gums leads to the destruction of the bone of the alveoli, the formation of serotonin and histamine, which affect the cell membranes of blood vessels.

A periodontal pocket is formed as a result of the destruction of the epithelium, which grows into the connective tissues located at a level below. With further progression of the disease connective tissue around the tooth begins to gradually deteriorate, which simultaneously leads to the formation of granulation and destruction of the bone tissue of the alveoli. Without timely treatment The tooth structure may completely collapse, which will lead to the gradual loss of all teeth.

Destructive changes in the spine

Bone destruction is dangerous process, further development which must be warned at the first signs of pathology. Destructive changes affect not only the bone tissue of the tooth; without appropriate treatment, they can spread to other bones in the body. For example, as a result of the development of spondylitis, hemangiomas, destructive changes affect the spine as a whole or the vertebral bodies separately. Spinal pathology can lead to undesirable consequences, complications, partial or complete loss of mobility.

Spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is a type of spondylopathy. As the disease develops, pathology of the vertebral bodies and their destruction are noted, which threatens spinal deformation.

There is specific and nonspecific spondylitis. Specific spondylitis is caused by various infections that enter the blood and, with its help, spread throughout the body, affecting bones and joints along the way. Infectious pathogens include microbacteria:

  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrheal gonococcus;
  • coli;
  • streptococcus;
  • trichomonas;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • pathogens of smallpox, typhoid, plague.

Sometimes the disease can be triggered by fungal cells or rheumatism. Nonspecific spondylitis occurs in the form of hematogenous purulent spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, treatment must begin immediately after diagnosis.

Spondylitis is the cause of the development of destruction of vertebral bodies

With tuberculous spondylitis, damage to the vertebral bodies of the cervical and thoracic spine is noted. Pathology leads to the development of single purulent abscesses, cuts, and often irreversible paralysis upper limbs, formation of a pointed hump, chest deformation, inflammation spinal cord.

With brucellosis spondylitis, damage to the vertebral bodies is noted lumbar region. On x-rays small focal destruction of the vertebral bone bodies is noted. Serological testing is used for diagnosis.

Syphilitic spondylitis is a rare pathology that affects the cervical vertebrae.

In the typhoid form of the pathology, damage occurs to two adjacent vertebral bodies and the intervertebral disc connecting them. The process of destruction in the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral sector occurs quickly, with the formation of multiple purulent foci.

Damage to the periosteum of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic region occurs with actinomycotic spondylitis. As the pathology develops, purulent foci and punctate fistulas form, the release of whitish substances, and destruction of bone tissue are noted.

As a result of spinal trauma, aseptic spondylitis can develop, in which inflammation of the spinal bodies is noted. The pathology is dangerous because it can occur long time asymptomatic. In this case, patients may learn about the destruction of the spine with a delay, when the vertebra takes on a wedge-shaped shape and foci of necrosis appear in the spine.

What is a spinal hemangioma?

Destruction is a pathology that can affect both soft fabrics, and bones, patients often have hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies.

Hemangioma is a benign tumor neoplasm. The development of hemangioma can be observed in humans regardless of age. Pathology often occurs in children due to improper development of blood vessels in the embryonic period.

Usually, there are no obvious problems with the newly formed tumor, since it does not manifest itself with any symptoms, but this depends on its size and location. Discomfort, some disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, and various complications can cause the development of hemangioma in the auricle, kidneys, liver and other organs.

Despite the fact that the tumor is a benign neoplasm, children experience accelerated growth in width and depth of soft tissue without metastasis. There are hemangiomas of the mucous membrane, internal and bone tissues (vertebral hemangioma).

Hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies are extremely rare in children. They develop as a result of congenital defects in the structure of blood vessels. When an increased load falls on the affected vertebra, hemorrhage occurs, activating the work of cells that destroy bone tissue, and this is how the destruction of the vertebral bodies occurs. Thrombi (blood clots) form at the site of the lesion, and in place of the destroyed bone tissue, new vessels appear, again defective. With a new load on the damaged area of ​​the spine, they burst again and hemorrhage occurs. All these processes, one after another, lead to the formation of hemangioma of the vertebral bodies.

Treatment of hemangioma

In children, hemangioma of the external integument is more common than of internal organs or the spine. Depending on the structure of the tumor, the pathology can be:

  • simple;
  • cavernous;
  • combined;
  • mixed.

The tumor does not affect the further development of the child in any way and looks like a cosmetic defect. But since tumors tend to grow quickly, doctors recommend constantly monitoring its condition; if it grows actively, immediate treatment will be required. For these purposes it is used:

  • cryodestruction;
  • sclerosis;
  • cauterization;
  • surgical intervention.

One of the most effective methods is cryodestruction - removal of capillary superficial hemangiomas, which are most common in children. This method can be used when the tumor is actively growing. It should not be used to treat cavernous or combined hemangiomas, since traces of ugly scars may remain on the skin. Cryodestruction is a method of removing a tumor using liquid nitrogen, which destroys its structure. For complete removal neoplasms must undergo three treatment sessions, after which the damaged skin tissue will begin to regenerate.

Destructive changes in bone tissue are a pathology that requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

This approach to pathology will help to avoid many diseases of the skeletal system and complications in the future.

The process of destruction in the bone structure, which gradually leads to its replacement with malignant tissue, granulation, pus - this is bone destruction. The progressive pathological process is accompanied by a decrease in bone density and an increase in their fragility. Harmony in the development of bone tissue up to the age of twenty occurs normally and naturally. After this age limit, the formation of such tissues becomes slower, and the destructive process only worsens.

Bones are a solid organ in our body, their functions are to provide musculoskeletal and protective function. They consist of hydroxyapatite, a mineral substance, about 60-70% of the bone's weight, and organic type I collagen, about 30-40%.

When this composition changes, bone density decreases. This is one of the reasons why it is more difficult for older people to recover from any injuries than for a person at a young age. Minor negative external factors can easily lead to injury, because weak bones are more susceptible to impact. A number of factors can speed up this process.

8 important reasons

The internal source of bone tissue destruction is osteoporosis. This disease is systemic and progressive. Is it an exchange or clinical syndrome, characterized by a decrease in density and an increase in fragility. The metabolism of this tissue decreases, it becomes less durable, and the rate of fractures increases.

This disease was first found among Indians North America, around 2500-2000 BC. Also, the characteristic posture of this disease can be seen in the paintings of artists Ancient China, Greece.

The degree of risk is determined based on objective medical history and examination results.

Osteoporosis leads to porous bone tissue. Several factors can also negatively affect this process. Causes of bone destruction:

  1. diseases caused by a disorder of one or more endocrine glands - endocrine, chronic diseases;
  2. flaw nutrients, these are bone builders in our body - magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, main reason deficiency is an unbalanced diet;
  3. the last independent menstruation, that is, the period of menopause;
  4. lack of weight indicator;
  5. Availability bad habits, worsening their progressiveness;
  6. heredity, fall threatens people who have blood relatives under the age of fifty who were diagnosed with this disease;
  7. past injuries that were aggravated by fractures;
  8. professional athletes are also at risk, a large part of physical activity is the cause of the onset of this disease;

Important! Osteoporosis in advanced forms is more difficult to treat. It is worth paying more vigilance to prevention.

This will reduce the risk of disability and can save you from fatal outcome. The risk lies in the absence of obvious symptoms, pain, severe discomfort, or unpleasant sensations. Most often, people are in no hurry to seek help because of the “lack of pronounced symptoms.” And when there is a fracture, and therefore contacting a specialist, unpleasant news is discovered.

Destruction of the skull bones

The most common lesion. After long period Over time, some bone foci are replaced by completely different ones. X-ray examination will help identify bone tissue defects.

Foci of destruction can be ten centimeters in size and larger in diameter. In such cases, people feel a strong headache, ear pain. Pain sensations are observed mainly at night in people with affected long bones.

Children show great passivity during this period. It manifests itself in reduced mobility, refusal to lift any object with hands, or simply to walk.

The shape of the lesions is oblong, elongated along the length of the bone. Complication in the spine area, the person stops moving.

Destruction of the frontal bone

The air space inside it due to inflammatory disease performed pathologically - by the content element. The filling is serous or purulent, edematous mucosa, or cyst. It is also possible that the harmonious state of the walls may be disrupted due to fractures or tumor damage. Particularly doubtful cases require the use of iodolipol and mayodil injected into the axillary part.

Destruction of the jaw bone

It manifests its effect repeatedly due to the germination of tumors. They develop from epithelial tissue into the oral mucosa. Up to ten percent is sarcoma, a larger percentage is cancer. Adenocarcinoma of the breast, thyroid, and prostate glands are some of the causes of metastases.

Important! It is X-ray intervention that will help to see isolated defects and various types of lesions.

Destruction of the femur

A consequence of blood flow disturbances and necrotic elements. This disease is aggravated by increased alcohol consumption, cordiosteroid use, joint injuries, and pancreatitis. Opportunity early diagnosis possible with the use of tomography.

Destruction of the temporal bone

It is best diagnosed using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Such methods are the most informative, they are accessible to most people, and this allows you to limit the size of the search.

Tumors are often found in the pyramidal part of such a bone: neuritoma, fibroma, glomus, osteoma. The ear areas are most often affected.

Metastatic lesions are possible with cancer of the mammary glands, lungs, and kidneys.

Important! Radiologically, it is possible to anticipate the manifestation of a tumor in a given area, with an appropriate size. It is necessary to know the structural features of the bone, the basics of anatomy for the timely detection of the first signs of different nature and approaches to eliminate them.

Destruction of the humerus

It is a serious disease that affects the bone element with the appearance of dead areas. Then it changes to adipose tissue. This disease is called ischemic necrosis. The pathology is based on a change in the normal state of blood supply to the bones. Consequently, this fabric deprived of 100% nutrition - it slowly dies.

The worst thing is that this disease leads to irreversibility in the condition of the bones. The minimum percentage of restoration of the structural part of the bones.

Important! The patient goes through all stages of the pathology within a period of several months to 1-1.5 years. Once the destruction of the humerus has begun its effect, this process can no longer be stopped. The patient goes through all stages, as a result of which, most likely, he ends up in a wheelchair.

D Construction of the pelvic bones

Accompanied by long-term asymptomatic treatment. Most often this is the wing iliac bones next to the sacral - iliac joint. The first sign is a change in the bones, swelling. Children and adolescents are most susceptible to this disease. The pain threshold is moderate, the sensation is aching in nature. From a pathological point of view, there are no fractures. Treatment can only be surgically - bone resection. Big sizes form a defect and are shown by autoplastic and alloplastic replacements.

Prevention measures

Because of special method diagnostics, greater accuracy in detecting changes in density is possible.

There is an ultrasound technique called densitometry. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to determine even minimum indicators decrease in density. Other hardware interventions on early stages ineffective. For comparison: an X-ray machine will show a result of twenty-five to thirty percent.

Experts discuss some signs that indicate the progression of this disease: a decrease in height of more than ten millimeters, the vertebral part is curved, the lower back and thoracic part hurt, especially during active physical activity, you get tired quickly, and your performance is minimal.

An active life is the best preventive measure for development of this disease. This:

  • balanced diet: correct ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, large amounts of food fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • walking in clean air;
  • morning exercises, physical training, not for wear and tear;
  • minimizing bad habits such as cigars, alcoholic beverages and drinking coffee drinks;
  • relaxing and toning massages.

Note! Before selecting exercises, approach it consciously; it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor or a fitness instructor. Over the course of several months, combining a balanced diet plus moderate physical activity– the inert mass increases by several percent.

Medical therapy

Similar preventive measures therapeutic methods of treatment. The difference lies in the greater direction of action. The disease itself is characterized by duration and labor intensity.

Note! A person should consume fish oil and eggshell powder daily; it is easier to digest.

Bone destruction is treated with drug therapy. You are provided with a wide range of medicines. The specialist prescribes treatment individually.

Self-medication is useless; the disease leads to a deterioration in the quality of life.

To minimize the occurrence of the disease, it is better to use preventive measures.

Lordosis is a curvature of the spine of a natural (physiological) or pathological (painful) nature with a convexity forward. Natural lordosis is anatomical feature each person. Hyperlordosis is a pathologically curved spine. IN medical practice The term “lordosis” means precisely too strong a bend spinal column as a result of injury, illness or poor posture.

Hypelordosis is a disease of the modern world, when physical labor has been replaced by intellectual labor, and manufacturing process no longer requires human effort. The consequence was a decrease in motor activity, weakening of muscles and, as a result, poor posture.

Curvature of the spine is a consequence of weakened back muscles, decreased strength of muscle contraction, inability or unwillingness to monitor posture.

General description of the disease, its characteristic features

In medical practice, it is customary to classify hyperlordosis by type, origin, shape and degree of mobility of the spine.

The spinal column of any healthy person has natural curves. Without them it is impossible to maintain the body in vertical position. They act as shock absorbers when walking and running and help withstand significant physical activity.

As a result of injuries, diseases, pregnancy, an increase in physiological curvature is possible - hyperlordosis. Increased bending of the ridge in the lumbar area is a common consequence of displacement of one of the lumbar vertebrae, congenital bilateral femoral dislocation, or rickets.

Cervical hyperlordosis can develop as a consequence of other pathologies, and as a result of thermal and chemical burns, in which deformation of the cervical vertebrae and scars tightening the neck occur.

With this pathology, the spinous processes of the vertebrae come closer together, the vertebrae themselves diverge, and the load on the intervertebral discs increases manifold. Poor posture is the easiest consequence of the disease. With the development of hyperlordosis, dystrophic processes with severe pain syndrome develop in the intervertebral discs.


In medical practice, there is the term “lordly posture”, by which an experienced diagnostician can determine pathology with sufficient confidence. Its signs include:

All of the above signs are of a general nature. Each type of disease has specific symptoms. Highlight:

  1. Thoracic hyperlordosis. Curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, a rare form of pathology. In advanced cases, the shoulder blades protrude strongly forward, resembling the folded wings of a bird.
  2. Cervical hyperlordosis. With severe stoop, the neck is stretched forward, and as the disease progresses, it becomes noticeably shorter. The shoulders are shifted and lowered.
  3. Hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine is the most common form. In the lumbar region, the spine bends noticeably forward, the stomach is protruded, and the angle of the pelvis in relation to the spine is increased.

Causes of the occurrence and development of the disease

In medicine, the following classification of this pathology is accepted:

  1. By origin (congenital, acquired, secondary, primary).
  2. By form (natural, pathological).
  3. According to the degree of mobility of the spine (fixed, unfixed, partially fixed).

Each type and form has a specific origin, clinical course, and symptoms. TO common reasons their developments include:

  • neoplasms of benign and malignant nature, cancer processes;
  • congenital diseases, injuries;
  • postural disorders in childhood and adulthood;
  • incorrect posture when reading, working at the computer.

Trauma and fractures are considered as one of the reasons for the development of the primary pathological form of hyperlordic curvature of the spine. Including gunshot fractures, which provoke putrefactive processes in the joint tissues and lead to joint defects. A number of diseases have also been identified that increase the risk of developing lordly posture:

  1. Neoplasms of benign and malignant nature. Thus, with osteosarcoma with an initial focus in the spinal column, an increase in the size of the joints occurs, and as the process metastasizes, the shape of the vertebrae changes.
  2. Bacterial and mycobacterial damage to bone tissue and bone marrow.
  3. Spondylolysis.
  4. Spinal tuberculosis.
  5. Osteochondrosis.
  6. Chondrodystrophy.
  7. Pregnancy. In pregnant women, lordic manifestations are transient and disappear over time.
  8. Deforming endemic osteoarthritis, urovsky disease.

Prerequisites for the development of pathological curves are age-related changes in bones, excess weight with deposition of a fatty layer in the abdominal area. The last factor is closely related to a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy and irrational diet.

Thus, there are three groups of cause-and-effect relationships:

  1. Objective – age-related and pregnancy-related.
  2. Bound by an incorrect lifestyle.
  3. Occurring against the background of other diseases, injuries, prolonged bed rest.

Congenital and acquired

The primary form is a consequence of painful processes in the spinal column and spinal muscles. Occurs due to abnormalities in the intrauterine development of the embryo, birth injuries or injuries to the woman during pregnancy.

The secondary form is the result of diseases of the hip joint, a lack of certain microelements, and pregnancy. Thus, with hip dysplasia, the compensatory function of the spine is activated, trying to adapt to changed conditions and maintain its shock-absorbing ability. In this case, the root cause is treated. And then there’s hyperlordosis itself.

Congenital hyperlordosis of the cervical-collar zone is always the result of abnormal development of the embryonic skeleton or birth trauma.

Acquired cervical hyperlordosis can equally develop in both men and women and is a consequence of:

  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • osteochondrosis or rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical area.

Spondylitis, radiculitis, and hormonal system disorders lead to cervical lordosis.

Possible reasons are considered:

  • constant long-term spasms in the neck muscles;
  • overweight and obesity.

For the same reasons, thoracic hypolordosis develops.

Congenital lumbar hyperlordosis is rare. The impetus for the development of pathological curvature of the spinal column is anomalies in the formation of the fetal skeleton, trauma to a woman during pregnancy, or birth trauma. Hyperlordosis of the lumbar region is inherited and can manifest itself after several generations.

The mechanism of development of the secondary form of lumbar hyperlordosis is triggered by pathological processes musculoskeletal system, leg injuries, hip joints, spine, genetic disorders.

Among the forms of acquired disease, the following types of hyperlordosis are distinguished:

  1. Rachitic. Appears in children either in the first months after birth or in the first year of life. It develops as a consequence of a lack of vitamin D, which, in turn, leads to disruption of the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, the main bone-forming element. Leads not only to hyperlordosis, but also to other irreversible joint deformities.
  2. Paralytic Result of systemic autoimmune diseases muscle, bone, joint tissue, invasion of infectious agents, calcium deposits in bones and joints and the formation of calcifications. How most common reason development of pathological lordosis, various types of myositis, poliomyelitis, and in children – cerebral palsy.
  3. Traumatic. The consequence of dislocations and disorders of the connective tissue of the hip joint - with lumbar hyperlordosis; ankylosis, fractures inside the joint, open injuries With purulent discharge, unsuccessful surgery.
  4. Functional. The problem of children's and adolescence when the growth of bone tissue outpaces the growth of muscle tissue. Bones become deformed without the support of a muscular corset.
  5. Compression>Predominant in middle-aged and older people age group. The main reasons are considered age-related changes bone and joint tissue and diseases leading to pathological changes in the vertebrae.

Classification by age

Hyperlordosis can develop at any age. The following types of this disease are distinguished according to the age characteristics of patients:

  1. Infant. First of all, the congenital form of the pathology is considered. Develops during embryonic development with improper formation of the vertebrae. Infantile hyperlordosis is a common result of rickets.
  2. Children's. A consequence of constantly incorrect posture during home and school activities. The cause of lordly posture in children is flat feet, when the shock-absorbing functions of the foot are lost. The load falls on the spine, the shoulders move forward, and a specific “duck” gait develops.
  3. Youth and adolescence. Appears at puberty, when hormonal release causes rapid growth of bone and joint tissue. And the build-up of skeletal muscles lags behind. Curvature of the spinal column in adolescence and early adolescence is a consequence of incorrect posture. Teenagers are often embarrassed by being too tall, shift their shoulders, lower their heads, and this pose becomes habitual. The spine “remembers” it.
  4. Adult. It develops against the background of other pathological conditions, with injuries, constant wearing of high heels, and very long periods of bed rest.
  5. Senile, or senile. Age-related changes in joint and muscle tissues are considered as the causes. With age, strong, elastic muscles become loose; a weak muscular system is unable to provide the joints with proper support. Diseases that have “accumulated” throughout life and caused complications in the lumbar, cervical or thoracic region also lead to senile hyperlordosis.


It is based on the collection of anamnesis, initial examination, instrumental examination. During a medical examination, postural abnormalities are identified and special testing is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the presence or absence of neurological abnormalities. The spinal muscles are examined by palpation.

Mandatory procedure instrumental examination- radiography of the spine in two projections - direct and lateral. The degree of curvature is determined by the patient’s ability to bend and straighten his back as much as possible. X-ray reveals the degree of mobility of the spinal column and destructive changes in the vertebrae.

If it is suspected that the curvature is the result of diseases of a somatic nature, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy are performed. With the help of the latter, changes in tissues are differentiated from infectious processes, malignant and benign tumors.

In addition to the above, there is a “folk” diagnostic method:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall.
  2. Place your hand between the wall and your lower back. The hand can pass heavily, freely, or not at all.

The last two cases are pathological. A sign of increased or, conversely, smoothed lordosis. The first option is the norm.

How is the treatment carried out?

Manual and conservative therapy, massage, therapeutic exercises are the methods used to treat lordosis.

The therapeutic technique depends on the nature of the curvature. If the pathology is the result of an infectious lesion, benign neoplasm or other disease, the pathology itself is eliminated first. If you are overweight, a special diet is prescribed.

Drug therapy

It is impossible to cure spinal curvature with medications. The use of medications is indicated in cases of increased pain. To relieve pain attacks, the use of drugs with an analgesic effect is indicated.

To achieve the greatest effect, medications are used in conjunction with physical therapy exercises, massages, and manual therapy. Medicines are intended for single use and the course of their administration does not exceed 14 days. The most popular drugs include Sedalgin, Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.

For moderate pain, it is enough to take the drug once a day; in case of severe pain, the daily dose is increased to three doses.


It is a set of specially designed exercises. Therapeutic exercises help prevent the progression and increase in joint deformation, relieve pain, and strengthen the back muscles.

The photo below shows a set of exercises for lumbar lordosis.

The exercises are not difficult, will not take much time and will not take much effort.

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands at your sides. As you inhale, bend over and try to touch your feet with your palms.
  2. Stand against the wall, press your shoulder blades, buttocks and heels tightly against it. Without tearing away the points of contact, try to straighten your back as much as possible.
  3. Stand with your arms extended down. Bend over, grab your knees and try to touch them with your forehead.
  4. Take a deep breath and do a squat with your arms extended forward.
  5. Lie on your back. Extend your arms to the sides. Raise your legs as high as possible and try to throw them behind your head. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  6. Lie on your back, arms extended. With your back as straight as possible, touch the floor with your lower back.

This exercise must be done daily. Initially, each exercise is performed two to three times, then their number is increased to five to ten.

The effectiveness of therapeutic exercises increases if a set of physiotherapy procedures is used simultaneously with it. Therapeutic effect They have baths with herbal mixtures, pine, juniper, cedar needles, paraffin applications and applications with ozokerite - a natural mineral wax. Such pads relieve spasms and inflammation. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.

In the video you can see a more detailed set of exercises for the treatment of this pathology.


Massage sessions performed by a specialist eliminate pain in all areas of the spine, painful manifestations in the back muscles, eliminate numbness.

Massage procedures are carried out either before meals or two hours later. For greater effectiveness, medications are rubbed into the skin: Viprosal, Apizatron, Fastum gel. The course and duration of massage sessions depend on the patient’s condition, form and location of the disease.

Manual therapy

The main difference from massage is the equal impact on muscles and joints. Conducted by a vertebrologist. The procedure not only solves a number of problems with the spine, but also improves blood circulation, tightens and maintains muscle tone. It is more effective than drug and hardware treatment.

At the session manual therapy two methods are used: soft, using muscle-energy techniques, and hard, using the striking force of the hands.

Consequences of the disease in the absence of timely treatment

The initial stages of hyperlordosis give a favorable prognosis. Increased bends can be corrected without serious consequences. The inability or unwillingness to follow the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations leads to an increasing increase in deflections and the formation of a hump, the removal of which is a long and difficult procedure.

Hyperlordosis provokes the formation of hernias and pinching sciatic nerve. Subsequently, the limbs become numb and lose sensitivity. Due to severe pain and inability to move independently, the person needs a wheelchair. Due to loss of tone in the muscles, atrophy processes begin, nerve endings lose vitality and die, leading to paralysis.

With development pathological condition Lung volume decreases, breathing becomes difficult, pain occurs even with minor physical effort. The heart is overloaded, the internal organs are compressed, and pain appears in the intercostal space. There may also be prolapse of the kidneys and problems with the formation and separation of urine.


Spinal curvature is easier to prevent than to treat. Treatment is a long process, but for prevention it is enough to have 10-15 minutes of free time. Both therapeutic and preventive measures include:

  1. Exercises that develop and strengthen the back muscles. Weak muscle support is a factor provoking the development of pathological curvature. Regular swimming, yoga, rhythmic gymnastics, and sports dancing will ensure a straight back, beautiful posture, and a healthy spine.
  2. Balanced diet. Baked goods, high-calorie sweet dishes, everything fried, smoked, pickled lead to inevitable weight gain. The higher the weight, the larger the ridges of fat on the abdomen, and the harder it is for the spine to cope with the load. The menu includes foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and microelements. For children, it is important to get calcium into the body - the main “builder” of the body’s joints.
  3. Properly selected shoes. Constantly wearing high heels is a direct path to strengthening the curves of the spinal column.
  4. Tracking posture while working, watching TV, doing household chores. This applies to both children and adults. Curvature is possible at any age, but in children, with a weak skeletal frame, changes can become irreversible.

Destruction of bone tissue is a sign indicating a pronounced pathology in the body, which can negatively affect the course of concomitant diseases. In medicine, this process is known as bone destruction. In the process of destruction (destruction), the integrity of bone tissue is disrupted, which is replaced by pathological formations such as tumor growths, lipoids, degenerative and dystrophic changes, granulations, hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies. This condition leads to a decrease in bone density, increased fragility, deformation and complete destruction.

In medicine, this process is known as bone destruction. In the process of destruction (destruction), the integrity of bone tissue is disrupted, which is replaced by pathological formations such as tumor growths, lipoids, degenerative and dystrophic changes, granulations, hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies. This condition leads to a decrease in bone density, increased fragility, deformation and complete destruction.

Destruction is the process of destruction of the bone structure with its replacement by tumor tissue, granulations, and pus. Bone destruction occurs only in rare cases at an accelerated pace; in most cases, this process is quite long. Destruction is often confused with osteoporosis, but despite the constant fact of destruction, these two processes have significant differences. If, during osteoporosis, bone tissue is destroyed and replaced with elements similar to bone, that is, blood, fat, osteoid tissue, then during destruction, replacement with pathological tissue occurs.

Bone destruction occurs only in rare cases at an accelerated pace; in most cases, this process is quite long. Destruction is often confused with osteoporosis, but despite the constant fact of destruction, these two processes have significant differences. If, during osteoporosis, bone tissue is destroyed and replaced with elements similar to bone, that is, blood, fat, osteoid tissue, then during destruction, replacement with pathological tissue occurs.

In the human body, destruction of tooth bone, vertebral bodies and other bones is often observed as a result of poor nutrition, poor hygiene, the development of hemangioma, and other concomitant diseases.

Why does the tooth bone deteriorate?

Dental diseases are a pathology that is accompanied by the destruction of bone tissue. Among various dental diseases that cause destructive changes in bone tissue, periodontal disease and periodontitis are considered the most common.

With periodontitis, destruction of all periodontal tissues occurs, including the gums, bone tissue of the alveoli, and the periodontium itself. The development of pathology is caused by pathogenic microflora, which enters the plaque of the tooth and the gum surrounding it. The infection lies in dental plaque, where gram-negative bacteria, spirochetes and other microorganisms live.

The activity of negative microflora is provoked by the following factors:

  • bite problems;
  • bad habits;
  • dental prosthetics;
  • poor nutrition;
  • shortening of the frenulum of the tongue and lips;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • carious cavities located near the gums;
  • violations of interdental contacts;
  • congenital periodontal pathologies;
  • general diseases.

All of the above factors are the causes of the development of periodontitis and contribute to the activation of pathogenic microflora, which especially negatively affects the attachment of the tooth to the gum.

Periodontitis is a disease in which the destruction of the connections between tooth and gum tissue occurs with the formation of a periodontal pocket.

Pathology causes destructive changes in periodontal bone tissue and alveolar processes. The development of the acute form of the disease is caused by enzymes that negatively affect the intercellular communication of the epithelium, which becomes sensitive and permeable. Bacteria produce toxins that harm cells, ground substance, and connective tissue formations, while humoral immune and cellular reactions develop. The development of the inflammatory process in the gums leads to the destruction of the bone of the alveoli, the formation of serotonin and histamine, which affect the cell membranes of blood vessels.

A periodontal pocket is formed as a result of the destruction of the epithelium, which grows into the connective tissues located at a level below.
With further progression of the disease, the connective tissue around the tooth begins to gradually deteriorate, which simultaneously leads to the formation of granulation and destruction of the bone tissue of the alveoli. Without timely treatment, the tooth structure can completely collapse, which will lead to the gradual loss of all teeth.

Destructive changes in the spine

Bone destruction is a dangerous process, the further development of which must be prevented at the first signs of pathology. Destructive changes affect not only the bone tissue of the tooth; without appropriate treatment, they can spread to other bones in the body. For example, as a result of the development of spondylitis, hemangiomas, destructive changes affect the spine as a whole or the vertebral bodies separately. Spinal pathology can lead to undesirable consequences, complications, partial or complete loss of mobility.

Spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is a type of spondylopathy. As the disease develops, pathology of the vertebral bodies and their destruction are noted, which threatens spinal deformation.

There is specific and nonspecific spondylitis. Specific spondylitis is caused by various infections that enter the blood and, with its help, spread throughout the body, affecting bones and joints along the way.
Infectious pathogens include microbacteria:

  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrheal gonococcus;
  • coli;
  • streptococcus;
  • trichomonas;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • pathogens of smallpox, typhoid, plague.

Sometimes the disease can be triggered by fungal cells or rheumatism. Nonspecific spondylitis occurs in the form of hematogenous purulent spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, treatment must begin immediately after diagnosis.

Spondylitis is the cause of the development of destruction of vertebral bodies

With tuberculous spondylitis, damage to the vertebral bodies of the cervical and thoracic spine is noted. The pathology leads to the development of single purulent abscesses, cuts, often irreversible paralysis of the upper limbs, the formation of a pointed hump, deformation of the chest, and inflammation of the spinal cord.

With brucellosis spondylitis, damage to the vertebral bodies of the lumbar region is noted. X-ray photographs show fine focal destruction of the vertebral bone bodies. Serological testing is used for diagnosis.

Syphilitic spondylitis is a rare pathology that affects the cervical vertebrae.

In the typhoid form of the pathology, damage occurs to two adjacent vertebral bodies and the intervertebral disc connecting them. The process of destruction in the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral sector occurs quickly, with the formation of multiple purulent foci.

Damage to the periosteum of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic region occurs with actinomycotic spondylitis. As the pathology develops, purulent foci and punctate fistulas form, the release of whitish substances, and destruction of bone tissue are noted.

As a result of spinal trauma, aseptic spondylitis can develop, in which inflammation of the spinal bodies is noted. The pathology is dangerous because it can be asymptomatic for a long time. In this case, patients may learn about the destruction of the spine with a delay, when the vertebra takes on a wedge-shaped shape and foci of necrosis appear in the spine.

What is a spinal hemangioma?

Destruction is a pathology that can affect both soft tissues and bones; patients often experience hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies.

Hemangioma is a benign tumor neoplasm. The development of hemangioma can be observed in humans regardless of age. Pathology often occurs in children due to improper development of blood vessels in the embryonic period.

Usually, there are no obvious problems with the newly formed tumor, since it does not manifest itself with any symptoms, but this depends on its size and location. Discomfort, some disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, and various complications can cause the development of hemangioma in the auricle, kidneys, liver and other organs.

Despite the fact that the tumor is a benign neoplasm, children experience accelerated growth in width and depth of soft tissue without metastasis. There are hemangiomas of the mucous membrane, internal and bone tissues (vertebral hemangioma).

Hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies are extremely rare in children. They develop as a result of congenital defects in the structure of blood vessels. When an increased load falls on the affected vertebra, hemorrhage occurs, activating the work of cells that destroy bone tissue, and this is how the destruction of the vertebral bodies occurs.
Thrombi (blood clots) form at the site of the lesion, and in place of the destroyed bone tissue, new vessels appear, again defective. With a new load on the damaged area of ​​the spine, they burst again and hemorrhage occurs. All these processes, one after another, lead to the formation of hemangioma of the vertebral bodies.

Treatment of hemangioma

In children, hemangioma of the external integument is more common than of internal organs or the spine. Depending on the structure of the tumor, the pathology can be:

  • simple;
  • cavernous;
  • combined;
  • mixed.

The tumor does not affect the further development of the child in any way and looks like a cosmetic defect. But since tumors tend to grow quickly, doctors recommend constantly monitoring its condition; if it grows actively, immediate treatment will be required.
For these purposes it is used:

  • cryodestruction;
  • sclerosis;
  • cauterization;
  • surgical intervention.

One of the most effective methods is cryodestruction - removal of capillary superficial hemangiomas, which are most common in children. This method can be used when the tumor is actively growing. It should not be used to treat cavernous or combined hemangiomas, since traces of ugly scars may remain on the skin. Cryodestruction is a method of removing a tumor using liquid nitrogen, which destroys its structure. To completely remove the tumor, it is necessary to undergo three treatment sessions, after which the damaged skin tissue will begin to regenerate.

Destructive changes in bone tissue are a pathology that requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment. This approach to pathology will help to avoid many diseases of the skeletal system and complications in the future.


Symptoms and treatments for chondrocalcinosis

Chondrocalcinosis is damage to the joints associated with the deposition of calcium salts in them. The disease most often occurs in old age; it can “masquerade” as other pathologies and is therefore not always detected in a timely manner. In most cases, patients are diagnosed with pseudogout, a form of chondrocalcinosis. But other types of disease cannot be ruled out.

In the article we will look at how chondrocalcinosis is classified, what symptoms it manifests and how it is treated.

  • Causes of chondrocalcinosis and risk factors
  • Classification of chondrocalcinosis
  • Symptoms of chondrocalcinosis
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Treatment of chondrocalcinosis
  • Treatment with folk remedies

Causes of chondrocalcinosis and risk factors

Chondrocalcinosis, like pseudogout, is a consequence various diseases. That is, calcium salts are deposited in the joints due to an increase in their concentration in the blood or due to metabolic disorders. Most probable diseases and the deviations in this case are the following:

  • osteoarthritis – damage to the cartilage of the joints;
  • hyperparathyroidism is an endocrine disease in which the functions of the thyroid gland are disrupted;
  • hemochromatosis – hereditary disease, in which the iron content in tissues increases;
  • decreased magnesium levels;
  • permanent joint damage;
  • irradiation.

We can conclude that the root cause of chondrocalcinosis is genetic abnormalities and diseases that cause metabolic disorders. Therefore, diseases that have a similar development mechanism are also secondary factors. For example, when diabetes mellitus metabolism is also disrupted, which can cause salt deposition in the joints.

There are two known risk factors. The first is genetic predisposition. If a person has close relatives suffering from diseases that cause metabolic disorders or chondrocalcinosis, the risk of developing the described disorder increases by 1.5 times.

The second factor is old age. It has been established that in elderly people under 75 years of age, pathology is detected in 14% of cases, and in people over 80 years of age this figure reaches 80%. In fact, the percentage of detection of chondrocalcinosis could be higher, but doctors often make the wrong diagnosis.

Classification of chondrocalcinosis

In rheumatology, two types of classification of chondrocalcinosis are used: according to the reasons that caused the disorder and according to the accompanying clinical signs. If we talk about classification by etiology, three forms can be identified:

  • idiopathic chondrocalcinosis – cases in which it is impossible to determine the cause;
  • familial chondrocalcinosis - cases where hereditary and genetic provoking factors are identified;
  • secondary chondrocalcinosis - pathology develops against the background of previous diseases, often combined with gout.

The first two forms are practically untreatable. The doctor can only prescribe symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. You cannot completely cure a disease without knowing the cause or without having leverage over it.

Based on clinical signs, chondrocalcinosis can be divided into four types.

  1. Pseudogout - has the most cases of diagnosis, is characterized by damage to large joints, most often the knee.
  2. Pseudoreumatic arthritis - has a chronic course, most often manifests itself in the joints of the hand. Over time, it leads to joint deformation. The symptoms of the form are similar to rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Destructive chondrocalcinosis is the most severe form, which affects several joints at once. Occurs in older people over 65 years of age.
  4. Latent form. It occurs without symptoms and is discovered by chance during examination of other diseases. Easily treatable.

There is another form that is rare - antipathic chondrocalcinosis. It is characterized by a sluggish course and absence clear symptoms. Most patients report constant but moderate pain in the various joints– elbow, shoulder, hand and spine.

Symptoms of chondrocalcinosis

Signs of the disease are different, depending on the course and form. You can see them in the table.

Form of chondrocalcinosis

Main symptoms

Pseudogout Acute pain, swelling and redness of the skin in the joint area, increased local temperature. Movement restrictions may occur.
Pseudoreumatic arthritis Pain in small joints, their deformation and decreased functions. A characteristic symptom is morning stiffness.
Destructive Severe pain in several joints at once, development of swelling, redness of the skin. Increased body temperature during exacerbations.
Latent There are no symptoms.
Antipathetic Moderate and constant pain, slight swelling. Limitation of movement in the affected joint.

The symptoms described in the table are not typical, that is, they may indicate other joint diseases. Therefore, diagnosis is necessary.

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose the disease, a study of synovial fluid for the content of calcium salts and radiographic examination is used. In some cases it gives good results CT scan, in which areas of the joint covered with deposits of calcium salts will be clearly visible. MRI is not used to diagnose this disease.

An auxiliary method is ultrasound, which can help identify areas of structural changes in the joint and recognize other diseases with similar clinical picture. The doctor needs to make sure that chondrocalcinosis is present and exclude true gout, rheumatoid arthritis and other pathologies.

Treatment of chondrocalcinosis

If you have joint pain, you should consult a rheumatologist or therapist. Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to somehow influence the deposition of salts in the joints. All treatment methods are aimed at eliminating pain, reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process and restoring the functionality of the affected joint.

According to the results of clinical studies conducted by the European Association of Rheumatology, the best results can be achieved using the following methods:

  • ensuring immobility of the diseased joint using a pressure bandage;
  • periodic removal of synovial fluid;
  • treatment with low temperatures, for example, a cold compress.

A good effect is achieved by administering corticosteroid drugs directly into the joint cavity. These medicines have an anti-inflammatory effect and are able to relieve pain syndrome. If, due to the nature of the pain, it is impossible to inject the solution into the joint, analogues in tablets are selected. A good option is Acecrofenac. He interacts well with others medicinal substances, does not affect digestion.

The type of drug, its dosage and course duration are calculated by the doctor, guided by the following rules:

  • the drug must penetrate quickly into the blood;
  • the active substance must be concentrated in the synovial fluid;
  • the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug should dominate over other actions;
  • the drug must be safe for elderly patients;
  • When prescribing, other diseases must be taken into account.

Self-administration of corticosteroid drugs is prohibited. These drugs are dispensed by prescription from a doctor, who decides whether their use is advisable and calculates the individual dosage.

To maintain quality of life at the proper level during chronic course Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids are prescribed in reduced dosages. There is no special diet for chondrocalcinosis. Nutrition should be complete and balanced in minerals.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is impossible to cope with excess calcium salts and their deposition in joints using traditional methods. It is possible to only slightly reduce the degree of the inflammatory process. Chamomile infusion is well suited for this, which you need to drink 100 ml three times a day.

To relieve pain, you can apply cold compresses and lotions, even without using special infusions and decoctions. To avoid microscopic injuries to the joint and its cartilage, you need to provide the patient with rest and apply a tight bandage. As soon as possible, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Chondrocalcinosis and pseudogout are chronic diseases caused by deposits of calcium salts in the joints. The pathology is manifested by pain, the development of edema and loss of mobility. To accurately diagnose and select medications, you need to get examined. Only in this case can it be eliminated unpleasant symptoms, the disease itself is currently not curable.

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