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Vertebroneurologist – medical specialist, who studies destructive pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system and their treatment. The specialization of a vertebroneurologist is diseases of tissues, nerve roots and nerve trunks of the spine.

A distinctive feature of this medical specialty from neuropathology is an exclusively conservative approach in the treatment of various diseases and pathologies of the spine, provoked by a violation of the condition and functioning of nerve endings.

What diseases does this doctor treat?

The specialization of a vertebroneurologist includes mainly those diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system that arise due to damage to nerve endings. These include the following:

  • curvature of the spine;
  • pinched nerves;
  • protrusion;
  • kyphosis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • lumbago;
  • ischalgia;
  • spondylolisthesis.

The vertebroneurologist also deals with patients experiencing frequent painful sensations in the spine after undergoing herbs, surgical interventions, due to constant physical activity. The specialist not only removes the pain, but also finds the cause of its occurrence, which means that the risks that the disease will return after therapy are extremely small.

What signs indicate the development of pathologies?

Most diseases of the spine, which were caused by a violation of the condition and functioning of the nerve roots, are manifested by pain that carries different character and intensity.

Besides pain syndrome, appear following symptoms, in the presence of which it is necessary to contact a vertebroneurologist:

  • frequent and long-term headache;
  • nagging, dull pain in chest;
  • unpleasant, painful sensations in the neck, lumbar region;
  • numbness of the upper or lower limbs;
  • a feeling of “pins and needles” crawling along the legs or arms;
  • after being in one position for a long time, a feeling of stiffness occurs in the back, along the spine.

If these signs are detected, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible before the pathology worsens. At early detection You can get rid of the disease using conservative methods without surgical intervention.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

At the appointment, the vertebroneurologist surveys the patient regarding complaints, clinical symptoms, makes an anamnesis. After a physiological examination, the specialist directs the patient to undergo a series of laboratory tests and passing instrumental examinations. Diagnostics includes the following types of studies:

  • general and detailed blood test;
  • CT scan(carried out mainly in cases where there is a suspicion of an oncological tumor compressing the nerve);
  • Ultrasound of the back;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • X-ray of the bone structures of the back;
  • myelography.

What types exactly? instrumental diagnostics use to determine the causes of unpleasant symptoms, the doctor decides after examining the patient.

Treatment is selected individually. Vertebroneurologist is a medical specialist who does not use his specialty in the treatment of diseases surgical intervention. Medications are prescribed only if severe, prolonged pain occurs in the back, which extremely negatively affects the patient’s quality of life.

The vertebroneurologist uses the following techniques in his therapy:

  • massages;
  • exercises physical therapy;
  • traction method spinal column;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures – electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, iontophoresis, etc.;
  • pharmacopuncture.

The doctor prescribes medications for taking vitamin complexes for supporting immune system, sometimes prescribed homeopathic remedies. In cases where the cause of nerve compression is cancer tumor, the vertebroneurologist refers the patient for a consultation with an oncologist.

Back pain, acute or aching, warning sign, with which you need to immediately contact a specialized specialist. If the symptoms of the disease are ignored, this will lead to a worsening of the situation, the emergence of serious complications, and surgery will no longer be possible.

A vertebrologist is a doctor with a narrow specialization, which includes methods for diagnosing and treating diseases of the spinal column. It helps to detect and cope with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, quickly get rid of back pain and other unpleasant symptoms that accompany spinal damage. Vertebrology is a relatively new field that has already taken pride of place in modern medicine.

Diseases treated by a vertebrologist

Most people do not even suspect the existence of such a specialist as a vertebrologist. They continue to refer back problems to , .

Each of these doctors prescribes a specific treatment related to their activities, and to achieve a complex effect, you have to undergo several doctors at once.

But at this time there is a highly specialized specialist who deals with pathologies of the spine - a vertebrologist.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of doctor this is and when you need to contact him.

Vertebrology is a branch of medicine that studies and explains the effect of each vertebra on the body. The specialist is a vertebrologist - a doctor who deals with back problems. His competence includes diagnosis, prevention, treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

He tries to cope with any problem in a conservative way, with the help of manual therapy, involving specialists in this field. Vertebrology is a young specialization; treatment methods that exclude surgical intervention are used to treat diseases.

A vertebrologist diagnoses diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • unstable vertebrae;
  • post-traumatic state;
  • spinal deformity;
  • any damage to the vertebrae.

This is a small part of the existing dystrophic diseases of the spine, which are in the specialization of a vertebrologist. But in addition to diseases, a vertebrologist deals with damage to joints, nerves, and spinal tissues. Pathologies include:

  • damage to vertebral tissues by infection;
  • radiculitis;
  • lumbago;
  • bursitis;
  • gout and others.

You can contact a vertebrologist if you experience pain in cervical spine spine or back during pregnancy.

When to consult a doctor?

Symptoms indicating problems with the musculoskeletal system can be varied and are often difficult to associate with the spine. Some of the common first symptoms of the disease are: pain in the stomach, problems with the kidneys or pancreas. With such symptoms, it is difficult to make a correct diagnosis without examination and consultation with specialists.

The main reasons to make an appointment with a vertebrologist are headaches, discomfort, pain in some part of the spine.

You should seek help from a vertebrologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • girdle pain in the sternum or between the ribs;
  • constant dizziness during sudden movements or after waking up;
  • pain, numbness in the shoulders;
  • numbness of the upper or lower extremities, perineum;
  • causeless surges in blood pressure;
  • crunching in the spine while moving;
  • back pain radiating to the buttocks, thighs, legs;
  • poor posture;
  • limited back mobility;
  • fatigue, weakness.

Early back problems may be indicated by a rapid heartbeat, problems with the kidneys, heart or stomach, or difficulty urinating or defecating. If you have such symptoms, you need to contact a therapist, who will write a referral to a vertebrologist.

In particular, you should not delay visiting a specialist if you have already had problems with your spine. Self-medication is not recommended; it can worsen the condition, which will lead to the development of complications, including disability.

How to make an appointment with a vertebrologist?

If a number of symptoms appear that indicate problems with the musculoskeletal system, you should contact your local physician, who will make an opinion and give a referral to a specialist in this area.

A vertebrologist is a specialized specialist who is located only in large cities; you can get an appointment with him only with a referral from a therapist or another doctor. If your city does not have this specialist, then it is recommended to find one in the nearest cities and go for a consultation.

There are vertebrologists in private medical centers, where you can go without a referral from another specialist.

Before you make an appointment with a specialist, it is recommended to find out about his certificates, work experience, and read reviews from his patients. If you have chosen a doctor, then there should be no discomfort in communicating with him, but there should be trust. Only in this case can you entrust back treatment to a specialist.

Vertebrologist treatment methods

At initial appointment the doctor interviews the patient, collects a complete history, and also learns about heredity. After this, the vertebrologist conducts a thorough examination of the patient, which consists of feeling the back, checking reflexes and muscle strength, as well as assessing the symmetry of the body, examining it for injuries and diseases.

A detailed examination is the main part of diagnosing the problem, since with its help the doctor receives information about the patient’s condition, suggests the disease and the cause of its development.

To confirm the diagnosis, blood and urine tests are prescribed, as well as instrumental diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI and others. Sometimes a puncture may be prescribed.

After everything has been done diagnostic measures, the diagnosis has been confirmed, the vertebrologist is selecting treatment. If possible, the doctor tries not to use medications and surgery. The operation is prescribed if necessary. Treatment methods for spinal diseases used by a vertebrologist are:

  • manual therapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • spine stretching;
  • osteopathic treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Drug therapy is used if the patient complains of pain that is difficult to get rid of. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed if inflammation is present. In other cases, the doctor tries not to use medications.

Neurologist-vertebrologist: what does he specialize in?

A neurologist-vertebrologist is a doctor whose responsibilities include the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine, but unlike a vertebrologist, he deals with problems caused by disruption of the central nervous system. nervous system or damage to nerve endings.

This specialist is considered a specialist with many certificates. The majority of a neurologist-vertebrologist’s patients are people who have had a spinal injury, manifested by neurological symptoms.

People turn to a specialist for radiculitis, osteoporosis, curvature of posture along with damage to the nerve endings. The doctor may involve other specialists to make a diagnosis.

After identifying the disease and its cause, the neurologist-vertebrologist draws up complex treatment, which usually consists of taking medications that relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms, as well as manual manipulation, massage, and physiotherapy.

Surgical intervention is prescribed only in severe cases when conservative treatment does not help or complications have appeared.

To sum up who this vertebrologist is, watch this short video:

A modern woman manages to do everything - build a career, raise children, pay attention to herself and the man she loves. But unfortunately, there are times when the fast pace of life has to be slowed down - times when fatigue sets in, migraines and dizziness torment you. On the background feeling unwell fears and increased anxiety appear.

Doctors are convinced that in 99 cases out of 100, the cause of such a sudden deterioration in health is cervical osteochondrosis.

Causes of the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that primarily affects the intervertebral discs in the cervical region. You can select following reasons development cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Sedentary lifestyle - working by car, sitting near the computer for 8 hours, going back home - also not on foot. So it turns out that instead of normal physical activity, which strengthens the muscles, improves blood supply to the joints - a sedentary lifestyle and all the problems that accompany it.
  • High pillows for sleeping. The non-physiological position of the head during sleep leads to the pinching of the arteries that supply the brain. And so, instead of getting up fresh and vigorous in the morning, an irritated fury with a headache gets out of bed. During migraine attacks, even something as small as not using a pillow can significantly improve the condition.
  • Stress, nervous overstrain can also provoke the development of cervical osteochondrosis and accompanying depression, dizziness and increased anxiety.

In addition to reasons directly related to lifestyle, another group can be distinguished:

  1. Metabolic disorders, excess weight.
  2. Hereditary predisposition. Especially important factor for girls. If your mother suffered from dizziness or attacks panic attacks– the likelihood of such conditions occurring in you is very high.
  3. Developmental anomalies of the cervical spine.

Many do not even connect the dizziness, fear or depression that occurs with existing cervical osteochondrosis. But that is precisely the reason. By curing cervical osteochondrosis, you can significantly improve your psychological condition.


Not the most dangerous, but no less unpleasant symptom osteochondrosis – occurring without apparent reason dizziness. You can never predict in advance where they will arise, what will provoke them and how long they will last.

Dizziness is associated with the following syndromes:

  1. Cochlear-stem.
  2. Vestibular-stem.

In the first case, dizziness is caused by a lack of blood supply in the cerebellum and adjacent vestibular apparatus. Patients complain of a feeling of rotation of the surrounding space, vibration of walls or the ground. With such dizziness, uncertainty in walking, eye twitching, and, in some cases, nausea and vomiting are manifested. Symptoms are obvious when abruptly rising from bed or throwing back the head.

In the second case, the functioning of the organs of hearing and balance, located in the cochlea of ​​the pyramid of the temporal bones, is affected.

These symptoms allow a specialist to diagnose the corresponding disease and determine a set of measures to neutralize the symptoms.

Less common are symptoms such as hypothalamic, syncope, visual and pharyngeal-laryngeal. However, these symptoms are not characteristic; they can appear only during periods of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, and during remissions, they may be completely absent. Dizziness is always present - regardless of the stage of the disease and its severity.

Fears and depression

Rarely does anyone connect their increased anxiety, obsessive fears or recurrent depressive states with cervical osteochondrosis. And in vain! Experts say that most of these problems arise precisely against the background of the development of osteochondrosis and are directly related to it.

Depression is characterized by a depressed state, pessimism, low self-esteem, decreased emotional and motor activity. In addition to the general depression of the psycho-emotional background, patients note pain in the stomach or heart, unstable appetite. Insomnia develops quite often, and women may experience irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Psychologists say that depression is not always manifested exclusively by a gloomy mood. Quite often, a person with depression is characterized by sudden changes moods - from euphoria to complete depths negative emotions, and, as a rule, unprovoked and without any apparent reason.

To diagnose depression associated specifically with cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to consult a vertebroneurologist and psychiatrist. They will prescribe examinations aimed at identifying emotional activity, the presence of pathological neurotic reactions and to determine the degree of narrowing of the spinal ring, when confirming the diagnosis of “cervical osteochondrosis”.

Many patients report panic attacks with cervical osteochondrosis.

Therefore, if you have dizziness that occurs periodically depressive states And obsessive fears You should pay attention to the condition of the cervical spine and, if necessary, treat osteochondrosis.

What to do?

There is no quick cure for cervical osteochondrosis. Therefore, to alleviate the symptoms of this disease, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Sleep only on low pillows, on a hard and level bed. The temperature in the bedroom should be about 20-220C. If you sleep at this temperature it’s chilly, it’s better to stock up on a warmer blanket than to raise the temperature.
  • Observe correct mode work and rest. If the work involves sitting for a long time, arrange “physical training minutes” every 50 minutes - get up, do arm swings, gymnastic exercises. Dedicate more time to physical activity - walking, doing morning exercises. Good help water procedures– swimming or water shaping. If possible, study active species sports

  • Quit smoking and alcohol. The amount of coffee and strong tea consumed should also be limited.
  • In the diet, give preference to foods rich in B vitamins and magnesium: wholemeal bread, meat, preferably boiled and fish, vegetables. Nutrition should be made as healthy as possible - increase the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed, give up smoked meats and pickles.
  • In the presence of overweight– reduce it to normal, do not overeat, give up sweets.

In addition, you need to try to stabilize your psychological state. To do this, you can contact a psychotherapist or neurologist. They will appoint sedatives, perhaps physical procedures - acupuncture, audio stimulation.

Note! Antidepressants can only be prescribed by a specialist; you cannot prescribe these medications on your own!

Good help group classes in a psychotherapeutic group with a psychologist. We need to use all the possibilities - after all, it’s ours psychological health The quality of life also largely depends.


It is impossible not to treat all the listed symptoms - all manifestations will increase and life will simply turn into hell. The most severe complications:

  • Onset of symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia, disruptions of biorhythms in the body, premature aging;
  • The appearance of suicidal tendencies with concomitant depression;
  • Ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes;
  • Increased pain threshold;
  • Development of phobias and sociopathic conditions.

Therefore, at the very first symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis - dizziness, headaches, a feeling of stiffness in the cervical spine, it is worthwhile to immediately begin treatment and be sure to complete it. A healthy habits, acquired during treatment, let them remain for life!

Vertebroneurologist: what kind of doctor is this and what does he do?

There is a separate branch in medicine – vertebrology. Who is a vertebroneurologist? He studies diseases of the spine. There are still very few such doctors. The reasons lie in the huge amount of knowledge that you need to be able to operate correctly, and experience is required.

Direction vertebroneurology

Vertebroneurology – what is it? A new separate direction in medicine. Vertebroneurology includes several disciplines: neurology, neurosurgery, orthopedics and manual therapy. The main principle of this new industry is to understand the root causes of spinal disease. Then treatment is prescribed, including conventional therapy and alternative methods.

In vertebroneurology, the causes of congenital and acquired diseases of the central and peripheral parts nervous system. As well as their relationship with pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal system.

What do vertebroneurologists treat?

What do vertebroneurologists treat? These specialists deal with juvenile flat feet, intervertebral hernias, and osteochondrosis. Kyphosis, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and protrusions are treated. Vertebroneurologists help correct the curvature of the back, treating not only diseases of the spine, but also the nervous system and joints. The list also includes vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Often people go to the doctor with persistent stomach pain or headaches. Uncomfortable feeling in the back (both when moving and in calm state spine). Patients complain of problems with the kidneys or pancreas.

In practice, it turns out that much of the above is a consequence of diseases of the spine. In this case, vertebroneurologists begin full examination in many directions, since pathology may not be within their competence.

Most often, such specialists are consulted for radiculitis, scoliosis and osteochondrosis. These diseases occur in every second person. In second place for visits to the doctor are protrusions, intervertebral hernia and vertebral displacement.

When should you see a doctor?

You should contact a vertebroneurologist in case of acute or dull pain in the spine. Especially if the sensations do not go away for several months. Also, consultation with a specialist is required if you have:

You should consult a doctor if you experience pain in the spine during movement, bending, bending your back, etc. If it feels heavy, but physical activity could not be the cause. For tingling in the legs and arms.

The list of main vertebral neurological syndromes includes:

For all of the above syndromes, an urgent consultation with a vertebroneurologist is necessary. He will be able to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe individual treatment.


Before making a diagnosis, a vertebroneurologist performs diagnostics to obtain a clear clinical picture, Availability inflammatory processes and the sources of their occurrence. For this purpose, ultrasound, MRI, X-ray and computed tomography are done. If necessary, appointed additional examinations from different specialists.

Treatment methods

Basic therapy includes taking painkillers medical supplies. They are prescribed in the form of tablets, injections into veins and muscles. Treatment can be supplemented with manual therapy and osteopathy. Massage and acupuncture are used. Methods used:

  • restorative medicine;
  • neurosurgery;
  • reflexology;
  • pharmacopuncture;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • biomechanics of movements;
  • physiotherapy.

During treatment are prescribed homeopathic medicines, biostimulants for damaged spinal discs, vitamin complexes. Special gymnastics is prescribed. At the same time, the doctor gives recommendations regarding lifestyle corrections.

The achieved results are consolidated by swimming and therapeutic exercises. The duration of treatment is determined depending on individual characteristics organism and stage of disease development. Therapy is carried out until full recovery, and relapses occur only in very rare cases.

During treatment, a gentle effect is applied to the muscles and internal organs. Blood circulation and the activity of the lymphatic system are restored, and the original function of the joints returns. The body adjusts to self-healing.

Another effective method which vertebroneurologists resort to is spinal traction. This method has already proven itself in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Physiotherapy has a very wide range procedures, which is also used by doctors as an addition to the main therapy.

IN last years reflexology has gained recognition official medicine. The methods have it positive results, which are saved a long period after the patient has recovered. Reflexology is based on bioenergy. Even in ancient times, doctors treated patients by applying their hands to certain points on the body.

Pressure is applied during therapy varying degrees. Gradually painful sensations are becoming less and less pronounced. Acupuncture is good for treating illnesses. For proper therapy, it is necessary not only to have extensive knowledge in this field, but also sufficient experience.

Why are professional vertebroneurologists rare?

Vertebroneurologists are doctors of a rare specialty. The work of such a specialist is fundamentally different from the work of other doctors. They, most often, engage in diagnosis and treatment only in a specific area. Vertebroneurologists cover several areas at once.

These specialists differ from chiropractors, who are popularly called chiropractors. They have only a superficial knowledge of traumatology and orthopedics. During therapy, strong physical impact on bones, joints, muscles and vertebrae: reduction, depression, stretching, etc.

Vertebroneurologists are doctors highest category who have extensive knowledge in several areas of medicine, which allows for less painful and more effective treatment.

Therefore, there are still very few such specialists, since such a profession requires a huge package of theoretical and practical knowledge, the ability to improve techniques and methods, have a lot of their own developments and, of course, experience.

Many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine can be prevented if they are not the result of injury. To do this, you need to follow a few basic rules. First of all, the daily routine. Sleep should not only be complete, but also comfortable.

It’s bad if the bed, sofa, etc. very soft. For the spine, a sleeping place with a mattress of moderate hardness is best suited. You should only walk in shoes that have the correct sole position. Your feet should feel comfortable in shoes, boots, etc. comfortable. Do not strain the body with excessive physical activity. IN gyms There are always instructors who can help you choose the right training program. The most optimal sports activities are swimming and daily gymnastics. You need to watch your posture workplace choose the right one or arrange it so that it is convenient.

All of the above rules need to be followed not only by adults. Children from a very young age should be accustomed to gymnastics and sports. You should not allow your child to slouch. The place for doing lessons must be chosen correctly.

Important fact:
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Vertebrologist (spine doctor)- a specialist who treats spinal diseases conservatively and surgically.

The help of a vertebroneurologist is relevant for such diagnoses as osteochondrosis, hernia intervertebral discs, stenosis, deformation, tumors of the spinal column. Consultation with a vertebrologist in the clinic is also relevant in case of fractures, developmental anomalies, and also after spinal injuries.

➤ On our portal you can choose a vertebrologist from the best clinics in Moscow and make an appointment with him online or by phone. Find good specialist Doctors' questionnaires with information about their work experience, education, as well as patient reviews will help you.


This question is often faced by patients who are looking for a professional. Thus, the best vertebrologists in Russia are presented in the list of our online portal. To search for a doctor, just enter the area where it would be convenient to get examined. Reviews of vertebrologists, on the basis of which the rating of specialists was compiled, are also presented here.

How to make an appointment with a vertebroneurologist?

An appointment with a vertebrologist can be made by phone or online. It is possible to take advantage of a special discount provided to Docdoc users.

How much does treatment with a vertebrologist cost?

The cost of an examination by a doctor in Moscow clinics is from 1,500 rubles. The price of treatment is from 2000 rubles per session.

Which vertebrology center should I go to?

Find good clinic- Very important task. On our website you can find a suitable vertebrology department based on patient reviews and clinic ratings.

What kind of doctor is a vertebrologist-orthopedist?

A vertebrologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Previously, orthopedists and neurologists dealt with similar problems, but recently a new direction in medicine has emerged that studies the effect of the spine on the entire body. Some doctors receive additional education and have both qualifications at the same time.

What does a neurologist-vertebrologist treat?

A neurologist-vertebrologist is a medical specialization that combines extensive knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the human nervous system. An orthopedic neurologist will help a patient with neuralgic spinal diseases.

How is an appointment with a vertebrologist?

A full examination by a vertebrologist begins with a questioning of the patient: the presence of complaints, localization of pain, limitation of movements, etc. It is important to identify the relationship between symptoms and external factors: weather, loads. An examination by a vertebrologist combines two templates: orthopedic and neurological. The doctor evaluates the patient’s gait, posture in a sitting position, lying down, pressed against a stand. Palpation will allow you to determine the degree of development of the muscular frame of the back and diagnose pathological changes spinal column. To make a diagnosis, the doctor will need laboratory test results.

How to prepare for an appointment with a vertebrologist?

No preparation is required for the examination by a vertebrologist. It is enough to collect test results taken no more than 6 months ago and the opinions of other doctors.

How does recording via DocDoc work?

You can make an appointment with a vertebrologist online or by phone. You can find information and reviews about doctors on the DocDoc website or check the necessary information with the operator over the phone.

Note! The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. To prescribe treatment, consult your doctor.

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