Home Prosthetics and implantation Speech therapy session pets with sand. Summary of a group speech therapy lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Pets and their babies

Speech therapy session pets with sand. Summary of a group speech therapy lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Pets and their babies

Topic: pets.


Correctional and educational:

Clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic;
- learn to use the preposition y in speech through ex. “Who has who?”, “Who has what?”;
- teach to form nouns. pl. hours from units hours through ex. "One-many";
- teach to form nouns. with mind-affection. suf. -ok, -enok through the exercise. “Who has who?”;
- learn to coordinate numbers. with noun through ex. “How many animals”;

Correctional and developmental:

Correct thinking through exercise. “Collect a picture”;
- develop articulatory motor skills through art. gymnastics; fine motor skills through finger gymnastics and exercises. "Connect the dots";
- develop visual attention through the organizational moment, ex. "Get to know the animal";
- develop coherent speech (ability to answer teacher’s questions full sentence) through ex. Ex. “Who has who?”

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate perseverance in class, a desire to see the result of the work started.

Vocabulary: cow, goat, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat, ram, calf, kid, kitten, puppy, lamb, pig.

Equipment: subject pictures with animals (cow, goat, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat, ram, calf, kid, kitten, puppy, lamb); Dunno picture, sectional pictures (dog, cat, rabbit, ram, goat, cow), a picture with a silhouette image of animals, a painting “Barnyard”, a ball, colored pencils, tasks on A5 sheets for exercise. Connect the dots based on student numbers.

Preliminary work: unlearning finger gymnastics and physical exercises

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. The one who guesses the animals that are drawn in these pictures can sit down. (horse, goat, cow, pig, dog, cat)
2. Speech therapist. What would you call these animals in one word? (Domestic)
Speech therapist. That's right, homemade. Today in class we will continue to talk about pets. And so that our tongue can help us with this, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist. Oh, listen, guys, there’s someone rustling around me. Yes, this is Dunno. Guys, Dunno will watch you carefully and at the end of the lesson he will appreciate everyone! So be careful! He forgot what kind of babies domestic animals have. Can we help him remember?

Ex. “Who has who?”

First, let's name the mother animals [pictures on the board: cow, horse, dog, cat, pig, sheep]
Speech therapist. Everyone has pictures on the table, take them. Katya, who's with the cow? (a cow has a calf.)
Similarly, a horse has a foal, a dog has a puppy, a cat has a kitten, a pig has a piglet, and a sheep has a lamb.

Ex. “Who has what?”

Speech therapist. Well done, Guys, which pet has horns? (in a cow, in a ram, in a goat)
Who has the mustache? (rabbit, dog, cat)
Who has soft paws? (at the cat)
Who has an udder? (y cows, goats)
Who has a snout nose? (at the pig)

Ex. "One is many." (with a ball)

Speech therapist. Now let's play the game "One-Many". Katya, one cat, and if there are several, what will you call it? (cats)
Likewise, dog-dogs, cow-cows, horse-horses, sheep-sheep, kitten-kittens, calf-calves.

Ex. “Call me kindly.”

Speech therapist. And now, guys, let's show Dunno how we can affectionately call animals. Cat. What would you call her affectionately? (kitty)
Likewise, dog-dog, horse-horse, goat-goat, sheep-sheep.
Physical exercise.

Ex. “How many animals?”

Speech therapist. Dunno says that we don’t know how to count with you at all. Is it so? Let's prove to him that we are smart guys and complete the next difficult task. In front of you barnyard. Misha, count how many cows there are. (one cow)
Children count other animals in the same way.

Ex. "Get to know the animal."

Speech therapist. Guys, there are animals hidden in this picture, name them. (cow, horse, sheep, goat, cat, dog, pig)

Ex. “Collect a picture.”

Speech therapist. Collect the picture and name the animal you got. (dog, cat, rabbit, ram, goat, cow)

Finger gymnastics.

This finger is the smallest
This finger is the weakest
This finger is the longest
This finger is the strongest
This finger is fat
And all together a fist.

Ex. "Connect the dots."

Speech therapist. Connect the dots and name what animal you got?

Bottom line.

The speech therapist evaluates the activity of each child.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution


Nikiforovsky district, Tambov region

Abstract speech therapy classes in senior group By lexical topic



teacher speech therapist

Davydova Elena Yurievna

r.p. Dmitrievka

201 5 G.


Correctional and educational:
- clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Pets”;
- learn to use the preposition y in speech through exercises. “Who has who?”, “Who has what?”;
- teach to form nouns. pl. hours from units hours through exercise. "One-many";
- teach to form nouns. with diminutive suffixes - in the exercise “Call it kindly.”

Correctional and developmental:
- correct thinking through exercise. “Collect a picture”;
- strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

Correctional and educational:

- cultivate cognitive interest in the world around us
- instill a love for pets.

Progress of the lesson:

    Org moment.

Speech therapist: You will find out who we are going to talk about in class today by solving the riddles.

I'm crawling along the fence

I'm going out hunting.

The mice hid in holes,

I've been watching them for a long time. (Cat)

The nose is round,

And the perky tail is crocheted.

Mom is a pig, dad is a pig.

He is their favorite son. (Piglet)

To a person true friend,

I can hear every sound very clearly.

I have an excellent sense of smell

Keen eye and keen hearing. (Dog)

Champion in fast running,

Sometimes I drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats. (Horse)

Hungry - mooing,

Full - chews,

Little kids

Gives milk. (Cow).

Speech therapist: What would you call all these animals in one word?

Speech therapist : That's right, homemade. Today in class we will talk about domestic animals. And so that our tongue can help us with this, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue.

    Articulation gymnastics.

The cat laps milk.

Stick your “wide” tongue out of your mouth. Raise the tip of your tongue upward “cup” and hide your tongue in your mouth.

The calf sucks milk.

The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the wide tip of the tongue under upper lip and tear it off with a click

Horse snorting.

Vibration of lips.

    Exercise “Who has who?”

Speech therapist: Mothers and their babies have lost each other. They really want to be together. Let's make sure they meet. Children complete the task.

Speech therapist: Now let's check. Who has whom?

The cat has a kitten.


The horse has a foal.

The dog has a puppy

The pig has a piglet.

The cow has a calf.

    Exercise “Who has what?”

Speech therapist : Guys, which of the pets have horns? (In a cow, in a ram, in a goat)
Who has a mustache? (In a rabbit, in a dog, in a cat)
Who has soft paws? (at the cat)
Who has an udder? (At the cow, at the goat)
Who has a snout nose? (At the pig)

    Exercise "One-many".

Speech therapist : Now let's play the game “One - Many”.

Cat - cats,

Dog - dogs,

cow - cows,

horse - horses,

sheep - sheep,

kitten - kittens,

calf - calves.

    Exercise. “Call me kindly.”

Speech therapist: And now, guys, let's call the animals affectionately.

Cat. What would you call her affectionately? (kitty)





7. Physical education minute.


That's what a cat is like, (They walk at a “catlike” step)

Round face, (Stroke the face)

And on each paw (represent claws)

Claws are scratchers.

All his toys - (Jumping in place)

Cube and reel. The cat is like a ball (They jump after each other in a circle) Jumping around the apartment.

8. Exercise. "Collect pictures."

Speech therapist: Collect pictures and name the animals you got:





Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic "Pets"

Target: updating the children's dictionary on the topic "Pets" in a speech therapy session through the use of elements of theatrical play.

Correctional educational tasks: Consolidating ideas about domestic animals. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Pets”.

Correction and development tasks: Develop articulatory motor skills, facial muscles, fine motor skills. Develop visual, speech, auditory, tactile perception, creative imagination. Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and educational tasks: instill a love for pets.

Equipment: colored pencils, landscape sheet, scissors, illustrations (pet poster, pictures of pets),

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello, Dasha! This morning a white-sided magpie flew into my window and brought a letter from my grandparents on its tail. Let's read it! (Takes out a letter and reads: Hello, friends. We had a problem - all the animals from our yard fled. Please help me find them. And to find it, you need to solve riddles.)

2. Guessing riddles.(As you guess, pictures of pets are posted on the board.)

Stigma like a cake,
Legs with hooves,
Thick belly
The tail is like shavings. (Pig.)

He is horned and bearded,
Looks sternly at the guys.
If someone is being naughty -
Gore, gore, gore! ( Goat.)

The stove is running
All in rings. ( Sheep)

Who changes
Milk for hay? ( Cow.)

Fast as an arrow
Strong as an ox.
There is a barge hauler in the field,
In battle - an eagle. ( Horse.)

He caresses his “friends”,
Swears at “strangers”.
In your own little house
Sits on the lock. ( Dog.)

Pan walks along the road.
He has legs like flippers.
The neck is long and arched,
Pinches if you're angry! ( Goose.)

Goes fishing
Not in a hurry to waddle;
My own fishing rod
Your own boat. ( Duck.)

Our good friend
He will give us feathers for our pillow,
Will give eggs for pancakes,
Easter cakes and pies. ( Chicken.)

Always on everyone
Puffed up like fur. ( Turkey.)

Emerald eyes,
Downy fur coat,
Dear songs,
Iron claws. ( Cat.)

Teacher:- Well done, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandparents are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped bring back? (Pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, goose, duck, chicken, rooster, turkey, cat.)

How can all these animals be called in one word? ( Homemade.)

And why? ( Because they live next to the person who takes care of them...)

3. Finger gymnastics: Dog.

The dog has a sharp nose
There is a neck and a tail.

Right palm on the edge, on yourself. Thumb up. The index, middle and ring fingers are together. The little finger alternately lowers and rises.

4. Speech therapy lotto “Who has which baby?”

Teacher: All the babies of our animals are mixed up in the yard, can we help return the babies to their moms and dads? ( Yes.)

(On the flannelgraph there are scattered images of animals and cubs. We need to collect them together: the cubs with their mothers.)

Dog - puppy
Sheep - lamb
Cow - calf
Pig - piglet
Horse - foal
Chicken - chicken
Duck - duckling
Goat - kid
Cat - kitten
Turkey - little turkey
Goose - gosling

Teacher: Well done!

Poem “My mother is the best.”

Maybe strictly and harshly
On others look Cow.
Only Calf all day
I'm not too lazy to admire her.

Mom - The horse is so beautiful!
Lush tail, thick mane.
Look how she is
Graceful and slim!

Let's wait a minute longer -
Let's look at mom - Duck:
Let the water heat up
Near the shore of the pond

Pee-pee-pee! - Chicken sings.
The voice is unusually ringing.
Mom is happy: - Co-co-co!
He will fly high.

Mom looks at the lambs.
Mother's gaze is full of affection.

There is no more beautiful goat in the world
And kinder than our mother!

5. Call it affectionately:

Puppy - puppy
Calf - calf
Piglet - little piglet
Foal - foal
Little goat - little goat
Lamb - lamb, etc.

Well done, you completed this task too. But I have one more task for you, it’s called “What’s wrong?” Find the mistake, say it correctly.

6. Game “Who Says So?”

Cow - oink-oink - hums
– Horse – meh – laughs
– Pig – moo – grunts
- Goat - ku-ka-re-ku - bleats
– Sheep – and-go-go – bleats
– Dog – cle-cle – barks
- Goose - ko-ko - cackles
– Duck – meow-meow – quacks
– Chicken – woof-woof – bubbling
- Rooster - quack-quack - crows
– Turkey – oink-oink – bubbling
– Cat – b-e – meows

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task.

7. Game “Who eats what?”

It is necessary to distribute animals into food groups.

Cow - hay, etc.

8. Drawing or coloring pets.

What kind of pets would you like to have at home, please draw!

9. Summary of the lesson.

The work is evaluated;

What animals did we meet today? ( Homemade.)

Organization: MBDOU No. 273

Locality: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk

Summary of a group speech therapy lesson in middle group on the topic: “Domestic animals and their young”


  • expansion and activation of the subject dictionary, dictionary of signs on the topic “Pets”;
  • development of thinking - riddles;
  • strengthening the skills of practical formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes;
  • the use of nouns in the prepositional case;
  • formation of coherent speech;
  • development visual perception, attention, memory, speech attention;


  • small pet toys;
  • Leopold the Cat toy;
  • pictures depicting animal homes;
  • large puzzle pictures of a kitten

Progress of the lesson:

Speech therapist- Hello guys. I'm very glad to see you. Shall we play? (we go with the children to the group, and Leopold the Cat meets us there)
Guys, someone came to us. Hello. Who are you? And why did you come to us?

Cat: I am Leopold the cat. (The speech therapist can change his voice and introduce himself as a cat)

Speech therapist: Why are you so sad?

Cat: I had a best friend, but the evil little mice hid him. They sent me a letter. Here it is.

Leopold, you vile coward. You will be able to find your friend only after you complete our tasks. And since you have no friends, you won’t be able to complete the task. For each completed task you will receive a part of the picture with the image of your friend. As soon as you collect the whole picture, we will return your friend. Ha ha ha.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know what friendship is? And what does it mean to be friends?

Guys, can you and I become friends with Leopold the cat?

Children: Yes.

Speech therapist: Since we are friends with Leopold the cat, we can help him complete his tasks.

Please look, there is a box here, and the number 1 is written on it. This is probably the first task.

Task No. 1 Guess our riddles. You must not just answer, but find the answer and point to the toy.

1.I have a patch

Instead of a tail - a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink, oink!”

2. I am small, white,

Fluffy, timid,

I give wool to my owner

For scarves and sweatshirts.

3. Although velvet paws,

But they call me "scratchy"

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

4. Bearded and horned

Will climb into the garden

Eat cabbage and dill.

5. I serve my master,

The master's house is a watchman.

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.

6. And sour cream and kefir,

Milk and delicious cheese,

So that we are healthy

The motley one will give us...

7.Guess for yourself who I am.

I pull a sleigh in winter,

Which glide easily through the snow,

In the summer I pull a cart.

8. A ball of fluff - a long ear

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Speech therapist: Guys, please tell me, how can we call everyone who is depicted on toys in one word?

Children: These are pets.

Speech therapist: Why are they called pets?

Children: They live next to a person, a person takes care of them.

Cat: Look, here is the first part of the picture.

Speech therapist: Let's open the box number 2, this is task number 2

What are baby pets called?
I will throw you a ball with the name of the animal, and you will answer me with the name of the baby animal.

Speech therapist: The cat has...? (throws the ball)

Child: Kittens. (throws the ball back)

Speech therapist: The goat...?

Child: Little goats. Etc. (A cow has calves, a horse has foals, a sheep has lambs, a dog has puppies,
The pig has piglets, the rabbit has baby rabbits.)

Cat: You guys are great! Here's another picture!

Speech therapist: Here is the next task! Task No. 3

Didactic game"Call me kindly"

Guys, do you like it when people call you affectionately?

Animals love it too.

Let's call our animals affectionately.

(the speech therapist also throws the ball to the children one by one, and the children respond)

Goat - goat,
Cat - kitty,
A horse is a horse.
Dog - doggy




Speech therapist: And now we will rest. Leopold the Cat, join us.

Finger gymnastics “Porridge machine”

Speech therapist: Masha cooked porridge,
(index finger right hand children “get in the way” with their left palm)
Masha fed everyone porridge.
(arms spread to the sides)
Masha put porridge:
Cat - in a cup,
For the bug - in the bowl,
And for the cat - in a big spoon,
In a bowl - for hens, chicks,
And in the trough - for the piglets.
(bend one finger at a time on the left hand)
Took up all the dishes
(unclench fist)
I gave away everything down to the crumbs.
(blow crumbs off palm)

Speech therapist: Well done guys!!! Let's move on to box number 4

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Guys, look, we have pictures. You need to find each animal its own home and name the correct name of the house. (each child has one animal, each child names the animal and where it lives - puts it on the picture with a picture of the home)

The dog lives in a kennel.
The horse is in the stable.
The cow is in the barn.
The goat is in the barn.
The pig is in the pigsty.
The cat is in the house.
Sheep in the sheepfold.
Rabbits in a cage .

Cat: You guys are great! Look, all the tasks are over!
Speech therapist: Guys, let's quickly put together our picture and find out about Leopald's beloved friend.

Let's put together a puzzle. The picture looks like a kitten.

Leopold: Thank you guys, you helped me find my friend. You are friendly and smart guys.

It's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, guys!

Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Let's guys remember what animals we met in our tasks?

Children: Pets.

Speech therapist: What tasks did you and I have to complete for this? (children’s answers)

Speech therapist: Which tasks did you like the most? (children’s answers)

You did great today! We tried and completed all the tasks! Goodbye, guys!

Used Books:

  1. A.V. Aji “Notes of integrated classes” (middle group)
  2. N.V. Nishchev "System" correctional work» in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment.
  3. N. V. Nishcheva “Card indexes of outdoor games, exercises, physical education, finger gymnastics.”

Speech therapist lesson notes “Pets”

Correctional educational tasks:

  • replenish and systematize knowledge about domestic animals and their appearance;
  • clarify, activate and update the vocabulary on the topic “Pets” (animal, baby, cow, calf, horse, foal, cat, kitten, dog, puppy, goat, kid, pig, piglet, rabbit, little rabbit; care for, water, feed; homemade, useful, necessary);
  • improve the grammatical structure of speech (use of nouns, plural nouns, formation of antonym words);
  • automate the pronunciation and differentiation of sounds in gaming activities.

Correction and development tasks:
develop coherent speech, speech hearing, visual attention and perception, memory, visual-figurative thinking, fine and gross motor skills.

Educational tasks:
cultivate skills of cooperation, independence, initiative, activity, love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work.

  1. Looking at photographs of pets.
  2. Preparing riddles about pets.
  3. Learning the outdoor game “Horses”.

OO integration: social-communicative, cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.


1. Organizational moment. Development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations

The music of “The Compound” sounds
- I suggest you go on a trip.
And who we will go to, you decide for yourself.
- Find who is hiding here.
Take turns lowering your hand and picking up one item at a time.
Hidden in the container among the beans are plastic figurines of domestic animals: cats, cows, goats, dogs, horses, pigs, sheep.

2. Repetition

Who is this? (animals)
- What are these animals called? (pets)
- Today we are visiting domestic animals and will talk about them.
- Why are they called pets?
(Domestic animals live with humans. He takes care of them: gives them housing and food. And animals benefit humans).
- So, what are they like? (useful, necessary)

3. Syllable analysis of words

Divide the name of your animal into syllables

4. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the use of nouns in the plural form in the genitive case)

Game "Yes - no"

Now imagine that you have not just one such animal, but many.
- Let's play a game "Yes or no". You say who you have. Your neighbor says that he does not have these animals, but he does have others.
Children complete the task and comment on their actions:

  1. I have cats.
  2. And I don’t have cats, but I do have pigs.
  3. And I don’t have pigs, but I do have goats.
  4. I don't have goats, but I do have cows.
  5. I don't have cows, but I do have sheep.
  6. I don't have sheep, but I do have dogs.
  7. I don't have dogs, but I do have horses.

What other pets do you know? ( rabbit, camel)

5. Development of speech breathing and voice. Game "Loud and Quiet"

Of all domestic animals, the cat is the most mysterious and mysterious creature:

Cunning, but at the same time trusting.
Predatory, but at the same time tender and affectionate.
Domestic, but somehow wild.
She is devoted to her owner. And at the same time - a freedom-loving animal.
She cannot be forced to do what she does not want.
And if she wants anything, she will come to you!

And this amazing animal invites us to complete tasks while moving along this route.

- What is the first figure in the diagram? (Red Square)
- Find this figure. Guess the riddle.

- Who is this? She is big, spotted, horned. She has kind eyes and a tail with a tassel at the end. She gives the man milk. (It's a cow)
- What is the name of a baby cow? (Calf)
- How does a cow voice? (She hums - mooooo)
- Take a deep breath, hold your breath a little, and on a smooth long exhale say: muuuuuu

Let's play a game "Loud quiet". Let's say Muuuuu….

  • with a gradual increase in voice strength
  • with weakening voice power

- Look at the diagram, where do we need to move next? (yellow triangle)

6. Syllable-sound analysis of a word

Guess who's hiding here.
(The child asks a pre-prepared riddle)

- Who is this? She has a beautiful head with big eyes, golden mane, slender legs and a long silky tail. She transports goods. Loves oats. (It's a horse)
- What is the name of a horse's baby? (Foal)

- Who is this? She is not very big, she is kind. Loves to pinch grass, play, and jump. Gives people soft and warm wool from which they knit socks and mittens. (It's a sheep)
- What is the name of a sheep's baby? (Lamb)

-Where should we go next? Be careful! After the triangle there are boxes and a ball. (First to the boxes)
- Find them. We need to complete the task: make diagrams for the words.
- I suggest you choose for yourself which box you will use to complete the task. This box contains the most difficult words, this one contains the easier ones, and this one contains the simplest ones.

  1. Mouse, cat, ram
  2. Horses, paw, legs
  3. Bull, cat, nose

Work checking, evaluation.
- Look at the route map.

Instead of geometric figure- a ball is drawn.

7. Improving the grammatical structure of speech

Ball game "Say the opposite"

Let's play ball.

The game is called "Say it the other way around". After catching the ball, you must finish the sentence I started.

  1. The horse is big, and the cat... ...small.
  2. A cat has long hair, and a cow... ...short.
  3. The ox is strong, but the calf... ...is weak.
  4. The horse is tall and the dog... ...short.
  5. The cat is obedient, and the kitten... ...is mischievous.
  6. A pig has hard bristles, while a sheep... ...has soft bristles.
  7. The dog is big, and the puppy... ... is small.

- Look at the diagram, where do we need to go next? (man in motion)

8. Development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement

Let `s have some rest.

9. Development of mental processes, syllable analysis

Game "Find the odd one out"

Children make pre-prepared riddles about a pig, a goat, a dog.

Who is this? She is not very big. She loves to lie in the dust or puddles and grunts. She has small eyes, a hooked tail, and a snout nose. (It's a pig)
- What is the name of the cub?

Who is this? She is not very big. It can be white, gray, black, spotted. She gives milk. She has horns. She loves to jump and butt heads. (It's a goat)
- What is the name of the cub?

Who is this? She may be different sizes- from very small to very large. She loves to walk and play. She is called man's friend. She good helper: guards a person’s house, helps border guards guard the border, helps blind people walk down the street, knows how to carry out various commands. Loves bones and meat. (This is a dog)
- What is the name of the cub?

Find which animal is the odd one out?
Owl, pig, goat, dog
Owl - bird
Goat - starts with a different sound.
Dog has three syllables, while others have two.

If you have any difficulty:
- Count how many syllables there are in words
- What sound do the words begin with?

10. Development of fine motor skills

Cardboard, plasticine. Prepared pieces of plasticine:
large, medium, small, two tiny. And also ready-made eyes and antennae.

- You did a good job with this task. While we were working, look who we got? (Cat)
- Which cat? (Sad)

- Why do you think she is sad?
- Let's blind her kittens. After all, cats usually have many kittens.

Look, in front of you is also a piece of the night and plasticine.
- Take the largest part. Let's roll a ball. Remember how we do this - we draw a circle on our palm. It turned out to be a ball. Show the balls on your palm.

Now let's clench our palms tightly. What happened? (circle)
- Let's attach it to the middle of our piece of paper.

Likewise for the second part.
- Now take the third one. Let's roll the ball. Now we roll the sausage, the flagellum. Take it with your fingers and bend it into an arc.
- What do you think it could be? (tail)

- Where could he be? Attach it wherever you like best.
- There are two small parts left. What do you think it could be? (ears)

- Roll the ball, make a circle, and now we’ll pinch the corners a little with our fingers. A cat has triangular ears. Attach to the sheet.
- Make the finishing touches: eyes and mustache.

11. Development of coherent speech

You made wonderful kittens. The cat is very happy.
- Tell me, what are your kittens doing?

My kitten listens to rustling noises. Fluffy kitten is sleeping. The kitten listens carefully to see if a mouse is scratching somewhere. A hungry kitten drinks milk. A satisfied kitten admires the stars. Meows, purrs, catches, washes itself, plays.

12. Summary

What were we doing? What can you tell your mom about today’s trip?
- I was especially pleased today...

Summary of joint activities with children of the senior speech therapy group of the speech therapist teacher “Where did the bread come from?”

Target: introduce children to the process of growing and producing bread by activating and clarifying vocabulary and practical mastery of grammatical forms.


  1. Correctional and educational: enrichment and activation of vocabulary on the topic; exercise in selecting related words to a word bread, in the formation of relative adjectives, composing sentences, agreeing nouns with numerals.
  2. Correctional and educational: development of articulatory, general and fine motor skills, as well as thinking, memory, attention.
  3. Correctional and educational: fostering the ability to work together, fostering respect for people working in agriculture.


  • gloves – “worms” in terms of the number of children,
  • subject and plot paintings on the topic,
  • different types of bread,
  • board with sand,
  • toy car set,
  • watering cans with water according to the number of children,
  • seeds of wheat,
  • sun toy,
  • sprouted wheat,
  • toy baked goods,
  • bags according to the number of children,
  • cards with numbers from 1 to 5.

Non-directive techniques:

  • indirect circulation (“worms”);
  • placement of the teacher at the same level as the children;
  • problematic questions, the answers to which children find themselves, using knowledge from the “current zone of development” and, with the help of the teacher, expanding the “zone of proximal development;
  • giving children the opportunity to choose;
  • direct contact with materials (wheat seeds, sand, water, young wheat sprouts, finished bread);
  • use of materials that can be used for more than one purpose (sand, water);
  • inclusion of adults in activities on an equal basis with children;
  • free communication and movement;
  • “I am messages” (result of activity).

Game techniques:

  • articulatory gymnastics in the form of a fairy tale about “worms”;
  • moving through pictures;
  • game of "grain growers";
  • ball game;
  • "shop" game.

Progress of the lesson

The speech therapist and the children enter the office, greet the guests and sit down on the carpet. On the carpet lie multi-colored gloves with sewn eyes - “worms”.

1. Articulation gymnastics

Speech therapist: Who is our guest today?
Children: Worms! Children and the speech therapist put gloves on their hands.

Speech therapist: Worms, where do you live?
Children (on behalf of the worms): In the ground.

Speech therapist: What are you doing there?
Children: We crawl, loosen, make the earth soft and fertile. All plants grow well in such soil.

Speech therapist: And you know, guys, worms have a lot of fun. In the morning they swing on a swing (exercise “Swing”), then drink tea from beautiful cups (exercise “Cup”). After drinking tea, the worms must brush their teeth (exercise “Brushing our teeth”). And then they ride horses all day (exercise “Horses”).

Children perform exercises duplicating the movements of the tongue with the movements of a gloved hand.

Children and speech therapist: Thank you, worms! Goodbye! Take off gloves.

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson

Speech therapist: How many things we managed to do in the morning! What did you guys do this morning?
Children: We played, went to kindergarten, talked with mom, had breakfast.

Speech therapist: What did you have for breakfast today?
Children: Porridge, bun with butter, tea with milk.

Speech therapist: Tell me, do you only eat bread for breakfast?
Children: No, for lunch and dinner

Speech therapist: What can you say about bread?
Children: Bread is a very tasty and satisfying product.

We eat it every day.
We eat bread for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
There is bread in every home.

Speech therapist: But before it gets to our table, bread goes a very long way. Want to know how bread is grown and prepared?
Children: Yes!

Speech therapist: Today you will find out where the bread came from.

3. Lexico-grammatical exercise “Selection of related words”

The speech therapist offers the children a plate with small pieces of bread of different types. Children try bread.

Speech therapist: Do you guys like bread? What is he like?
Children: Delicious, soft, aromatic, fluffy, crispy, sweet.

Speech therapist: How can you say something kind about bread?
Children: Bread.

Speech therapist: Is the word bread a relative of the word bread?
Children: Yes.

Speech therapist: What other words are related to the word bread? The pictures will help you.

The children, together with the speech therapist, go to the table on which the pictures lie. Each child chooses a picture and selects a related word: bread bin, bakery, bread (crumbs), bread. The last picture is a tractor driver on a tractor.

Speech therapist: Who is in the picture?
Children: Tractor driver.

Speech therapist: Is the word tractor driver related to the word bread?
Children: No.

Speech therapist: What else can you call a person who works to grow bread?
Children: Grain grower
Speech therapist: Right.

4. Formation in children of the concept of the process of growing bread

Pictures depicting plowing the land, sowing seeds, rain over the field, the sun over the field are laid out in order on the carpet. Children walk, picking up and looking at one picture at a time.

Speech therapist: What is the first step grain growers need to take to grow bread?
Children: Plow the field.

Then you need to sow the seeds of wheat or rye.
It takes rain and sun for the seeds to sprout.

Following the pictures, the children approach the board with sand. Nearby are toy tractors, different types transport,

Speech therapist: And here is our field. What do grain growers need to grow bread?
Children: Tractor, combine, seeds, machines.

Speech therapist: Well, farmers, let's get to work!

Children choose the transport they need and explain their choice. The children then drive their tractors through the sand to “plow the field.”

Speech therapist: Our field is plowed. What should we do next?
Children: Sow wheat or rye seeds.

Children “sow” seeds.

Speech therapist: Somehow our seeds don’t germinate for a long time. Maybe they are missing something? What do you guys think?
Children: We need rain and sunshine.

Children take watering cans with water and water the field, using a sun toy to “warm” the earth.

Speech therapist: So the wheat shoots appeared. A speech therapist demonstrates young wheat shoots. Children look and touch.

Speech therapist: Is it possible to make bread from these shoots?
Children: No.

  1. The shoots turn into ears of corn.
  2. The ears are ripening.
  3. The grain is ripe and poured.

5. Lexico-grammatical exercise “Formation of relative adjectives”

The speech therapist shows the children pictures - a field on which rye grew and a field on which wheat grew.

The speech therapist throws a ball to the child and asks a question, the child answers the question and returns the ball.

  • The field where the rye grew, what kind of field? – rye field;
  • ear of wheat, what ear? – wheat ear;
  • oat flour, what kind of flour? - oat flour;
  • cornbread, what kind of bread? - cornbread.

Speech therapist: The ears are ripe, can we eat them now?
Children: No.

6. Exercise in writing a sentence

On the carpet are laid out in order pictures depicting mowing ears with a combine, transporting grain to an elevator, the operation of a mill, baking bread at a bakery, and finished bakery products.

Children walk in the opposite direction from the “field”, pick up and examine one picture at a time, and make up sentences:

  1. The combine mows and threshes the ears.
  2. A truck transports grain to an elevator.
  3. At the mill, grain is ground and turned into flour.
  4. At the bakery, bread is baked from flour.
  5. The finished bread is taken to stores.

7. Didactic game “Shop”. Exercise in agreeing nouns with numerals

The “seller” appears: Dear customers! Please come in and buy fresh bread, buns, bagels!

The speech therapist takes a handbag, in the handbag there is a card with a number from 1 to 5, and goes to the “store”, the children choose handbags and follow the teacher.

Speech therapist: Instead of money, we have cards with numbers; we will use them to buy bread and bakery products in the store.

The speech therapist approaches the “seller” and asks:“Please give me two loaves of bread.”

Then, children one by one approach the “seller” and pronounce the following phrases:

  1. “Please give me five bagels.”
  2. “Please give me three cheesecakes”
  3. “Please give me four loaves of bread.”
  4. “Give me one cupcake, please.”

The “seller” gives the children toy baked goods. The children say goodbye and go to the carpet.

8. Summary

Speech therapist: I have this good mood Today! I really liked how you did tongue exercises with the worms. They helped us a lot, didn't they?

  1. And I liked playing with the tractor.
  2. And it was interesting for me to come up with related words.
  3. And I also wanted to play “Shop”.
  4. And I like to play with sand.

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