Home Oral cavity Interpretation of dreams. Dreams to wealth

Interpretation of dreams. Dreams to wealth

A dream in which you see yourself rich predicts that you will soon fall ill with a serious illness.

If in a dream a poor man sees that he has become rich, then many misfortunes and humiliations await him.

However, the dream also predicts for the poor that their hard work will help them advance in life and achieve a decent position in society.

Sometimes a dream about wealth predicts risky financial or trading transactions that may fail and you may lose money.

The dream also portends losses through excessive talkativeness.

If in a dream you see people you know rich, then in difficult times they will not leave you in trouble.

If in a dream you became rich, having inherited a huge fortune, then bankruptcy and troubles await you due to the machinations of enemies and envious people.

If in a dream you became rich, then lost everything and regained wealth, then you should exactly wait for the fulfillment of such a dream.

For a rich person to see in a dream that he again has those things that he had in poverty, the dream predicts ruin and need.

Accumulating wealth in a dream is a sign that you will be able to regain your fortune by putting incredible effort into it.

If you have won rich booty in battle, then shame awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - To Be

Being at an auction is a surprise.

Being in hell is a nuisance.

There is news at the academy.

Being an actor is a joy.

Being an obstetrician is a joy.

Pharmacists are a nuisance.

Artel worker - a change in business.

An artilleryman is an obstacle in business.

There is displeasure in the archive.

Archimandrite - joy.

Architect - news.

Being an astronomer is a nuisance.

Ataman is an obstacle in business.

In the booth - a change in business.

There is joy at the ball.

There is sadness in the bathhouse.

There is joy in the gazebo.

On the stock exchange - success in business.

There is trouble in the swamp.

To the sick - health.

It's a disaster in the hospital.

There's fun in the barrel.

For an armed person - a surprise.

To be in the grave is gossip.

There is joy in the monastery.

A monk is a surprise.

There is fun in the clouds.

There is joy at mass.

Being a priest is a nuisance.

Interpretation of dreams from

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Why do you dream about Wealth?

Wealth in the modern dream book

A dream in which you saw great wealth in a treasury or bank vault means that you will soon decide to engage in a very risky business in the hope of making a significant profit. In the eyes of others, you will look like a wealthy and authoritative person, but excessive carelessness and self-confidence can cause the collapse of your plans. If you dreamed that you owned enormous wealth, then in real life you will be able to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles on the way to your goal and achieve a lot. Seeing yourself in the company of rich and influential people in a dream is evidence that difficulties in business will soon await you, but with the help of true friends you will be able to solve all problems. For a girl or young woman, a dream that she is surrounded by richly dressed, wealthy people promises an acquaintance with an influential person who will help her make all her dreams come true.

Wealth in Miller's dream book

A dream in which you saw yourself as a very rich person is a sign that, thanks to determination and diligence, you will be able to achieve significant success at work or create a prosperous, profitable enterprise. Fate will be favorable to you and luck will become your constant companion, but there is a risk that you yourself will destroy your happiness, because, succumbing to a fleeting temptation, you will betray the person closest to you. If you dreamed that you were lucky enough to get rich quickly, this indicates that in the near future you will be engaged in risky activities, the profit from which will significantly increase your material well-being. Seeing your friends as rich and successful people is a dream that symbolizes the loyalty of your friends and their willingness to always come to your aid. If a girl sees such a dream, it means that she should pay more attention and care to her parents.

A dream in which a rich man boasts about his property means that in reality they expect news of the ruin or bankruptcy of a loved one. If a person sees untold wealth in the form of jewelry or treasures, then he will be expected by the generous support of an influential person, which will radically change his destiny.

But if in a dream you have treasures, and then lose them and cannot be found, then this is a sign of losses in reality. Moreover, they relate exclusively to the material sphere of life. The infidelity of friends is predicted by gold suddenly disappearing from their hands. In general, it is not a very good sign in dreams. Often associated with deceit and betrayal. Seeing the state treasury in a dream speaks of a person’s imminent promotion, which will bring him material well-being. Under the guise of wealth, there may be a search for personal happiness in any relationship. In this case, in a dream, a person is intently looking for the expensive item he needs, which symbolizes security for him.

What if you dream of a rich person?

According to some dream books, wealth in a dream is far from an unambiguous symbol. For example, seeing a rich person in a dream has a good meaning, but being rich yourself means experiencing financial difficulties in real life. It should also be taken into account that wealth is a very relative concept. Each person has an individual idea about it. Some people are happy with a small amount, while for others millions are not enough.

The correct interpretation of sleep depends on this. For example, one person will regard the amount of money found in a dream as wealth, but another will not. But in general terms, dream books definitely agree on one thing: feeling rich is an unimportant sign.

If you see many people next to you whom a person considers to be very wealthy and does not experience feelings of envy, then this foreshadows his leading position in the real environment in life.

What does it portend?

What a rich person dreams of is always significant for real life, as it symbolizes its material side. Contemplating treasures through an obstacle that cannot be overcome means that well-deserved recognition in business relations will soon come.

Touching and sorting gold coins with your hands means finding a worthy rival in business, competition with whom will increase self-esteem and who will subsequently be a friend to the dreamer.

Running away from someone with wealth means earning the trust of a person respected in real life, which will lead to an improvement in personal well-being.

For the most part, wealth seen in a dream does not carry much meaning. However, in some cases, the dream book recommends paying attention to such visions and figuring out why they are dreaming.

If in reality you are concerned about finding money, then such dreams are not surprising. This is where programming of the dreamer’s subconscious takes place to solve a specific problem. And only the details will indicate how current affairs will be resolved.

Less emotions!

The first thing you should pay attention to is sensations. If you dreamed that you were overjoyed at your newfound wealth, then in reality you should change your attitude towards money. It is a strong attachment to them that prevents you from getting rich.

But the chances of achieving success and improving your financial situation are indicated by a dream in which you treated wealth with absolute calm. Why do you dream in this case that you remained indifferent after receiving a large amount? According to the dream book, real enrichment awaits you.

Spiritual wealth

Traditionally, night dreams reflect a person’s state of mind, his experiences, hopes or fears. Wealth in a dream literally means high spirituality and a big, kind heart.

Moreover, these are not mountains of gold, diamonds and expensive jewelry. The dream book believes that such an interpretation will have a dream in which you dreamed of something more modest, but no less valuable - in particular, precious stones.

But seeing countless treasures and not being able to touch them means that in reality you have a passion that is better to get rid of.

Friends and career growth

If you dreamed that you were fabulously rich, then in reality you will experience rapid career growth. However, the dream book thinks that this ascent will be a real test for you. After such a vision, you should prepare yourself for the fact that for some period you will have to work literally tirelessly.

Why dream of seeing someone else's wealth in a dream and not feel envy? To true friends who will support and provide assistance in difficult situations.

The dream book does not interpret very well a dream in which you bathed in luxury and enjoyed your newfound wealth. Alas, in the real world you will be bitterly disappointed.

Decryption features

When interpreting, the dream book pays great attention to what exactly wealth was like. Thus, jewelry can be a dream of a quick but not very successful marriage, gold - of deception, silver - of spiritual growth, etc.

You should especially take a closer look at monetary wealth. Money itself has many contradictory interpretations. Why do they dream? To tears and good luck, to troubles and fun, to illness and prosperity. Often money is a symbol of deception, and therefore seeing it in a dream, especially in large quantities, is not always good.

A dream in which you see yourself rich predicts that you will soon fall ill with a serious illness.

If in a dream a poor man sees that he has become rich, then many misfortunes and humiliations await him.

However, the dream also predicts for the poor that their hard work will help them advance in life and achieve a decent position in society.

Sometimes a dream about wealth predicts risky financial or trading transactions that may fail and you may lose money.

The dream also portends losses through excessive talkativeness.

If in a dream you see people you know rich, then in difficult times they will not leave you in trouble.

If in a dream you became rich, having inherited a huge fortune, then bankruptcy and troubles await you due to the machinations of enemies and envious people.

If in a dream you became rich, then lost everything and regained wealth, then you should exactly wait for the fulfillment of such a dream.

For a rich person to see in a dream that he again has those things that he had in poverty, the dream predicts ruin and need.

Accumulating wealth in a dream is a sign that you will be able to regain your fortune by putting incredible effort into it.

If you have won rich booty in battle, then shame awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Life

Seeing your life changed in a dream, that is, imagining it in a different version than it turned out in reality, foreshadows in reality new alternatives for your future destiny.

So, seeing yourself living underground speaks of an imminent danger that can nullify all your affairs and throw you from your occupied heights to the very bottom of life.

Interpretation of dreams from

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