Home Dental treatment Dream Interpretation - sharpening a knife. Why do you dream about a knife: good or bad? Why sharpen a knife in a dream?

Dream Interpretation - sharpening a knife. Why do you dream about a knife: good or bad? Why sharpen a knife in a dream?

A knife dreams of separation, quarrels and losses in business.

A rusty knife means dissatisfaction in family matters or a break with a loved one.

A sharp and polished knife foreshadows future worries, a broken one - the collapse of all hopes.

If you saw in a dream that you were wounded with a knife, get ready for domestic troubles and the machinations of enemies.

If you dreamed that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife, show not the best sides of your character.

If you dreamed of a knife lying on the table, then in real life you are too afraid to meet new people. Apparently, one day you “got burned” very badly. Try not to be led by your own fear, and everything will work out.

If in a dream you saw that one of your friends was picking up a knife, then you are currently walking on the edge of what is permitted. For some reason, you think that no one around you notices this, but soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior will come.

I dreamed of a beautiful knife - in reality you will unexpectedly receive a gift, but not a harmless one, but with a catch.

If in a dream you cut something with a dull knife, then it’s time for your teenage complexes to outlive themselves a long time ago. Stop feeding subconscious fears, otherwise you will not get rid of your complexes.

If in a dream you lost a knife and cannot find it, then at present you are too tired.

If you bought a decorative knife in a store, in reality you always strive to control the situation. You want your spouse to always do only what you want.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about knives, which in her understanding are a symbol of enemies and betrayal, as follows.

In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful.

In a dream, some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream promises you quick changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and it became stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, then in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Knife

In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.

In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

A dream in which a knife fell out of your hands means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house.

Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful!

If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand tries to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and it became stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.
Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams in which piercing and cutting objects appear are always alarming and filled with danger for a person, especially if these are attacks with a knife. If you look at the dream book, a knife in dreams can be interpreted not only as a threat - it all depends on the nuances that are important to pay attention to.

Why do you dream about a knife?

The interpretation of a dream with a knife should begin with the situation: what kind of people are around, track your feelings at this moment, when someone appears with a knife in their hands, or the dreamer himself is holding a knife, then how this object ended up in his hands. If this is a dream of an attack with a knife, what events preceded this episode. Everything is important. If at the moment of waking up it arose, perhaps the subconscious is trying to warn you about the need to pay attention to your surroundings.

Why do you dream of being attacked with a knife?

When analyzing a dream about an attack, the following point is important: the dreamer had a knife in the dream or the attack was committed on him by another person. Options for interpreting such a dream:

  • if a sleeping person is attacked, this promises changes in his personal life;
  • a familiar person from the environment attacks with a knife - the dreamer walks on the edge of what is permitted (on the blade of a knife);
  • if a person sleeping in a dream attacks someone, he may soon commit an unseemly act, for which he will be condemned, or show unseemly traits of his character;
  • for a woman, being chased and attacked by a man with a knife is an upcoming meeting with an ardent lover;
  • Freud's dream book - a knife in the attacker's hand is a phallic symbol that predicts sexual intimacy in the near future for the one who sees the dream;
  • if you look into the spring dream book, a knife put to the throat during an attack is interpreted as making some kind of demand.

Why do you dream of a knife in the back?

A person’s back is a vulnerable spot, so any dream book interprets a stab in the back with a knife during a dream as unfavorable:

  • if one of your friends attacks, you should pay attention to the people around you, in the near future one of them may “plant a pig”, a friend may betray;
  • stab in the back - the occurrence of unforeseen problems;
  • the sleeping person dreams of someone stabbing him with a knife in the back - in reality he will face disagreements in the family, the machinations of envious people;
  • the dreamer himself attacks others with a knife from the back - a low act towards one of his colleagues or relatives;
  • According to Danilova’s dream book, a knife in the back is initially interpreted as favorable: an invitation to a party, but lack of measures in attending such events will adversely affect health.

Why do you dream of sharpening a knife?

Dull knives in the house are a sign that there is no man in it, this was believed from time immemorial. What can a dream mean: sharpening a knife in a dream:

  • if you look into the family dream book, sharpening a knife means that you are about to do something bad;
  • when sharpening a knife, an emery wheel is used - for a woman, such a dream promises a lot of fallen tasks that she cannot cope with alone;
  • for a man to sharpen a knife to perform an activity or task that does not correspond to his inclinations and interest;
  • according to the summer dream book, sharpening a knife foretells that the dreamer will want to commit some kind of dirty trick, or do a bad deed;
  • The Oracle's dream book interprets a dream in which a person is sharpening a knife, that at present the dreamer is full of negative thoughts due to the insult inflicted on him and is thinking through plans for revenge.

Why dream of killing a person with a knife?

Murder in a dream carries different meanings, it all depends on the circumstances, sometimes the subconscious is trying to free itself from burdensome relationships, thoughts or futile deeds. Other interpretations of sleep:

  • erotic dream book of killing a person with a knife, such a dream indicates a strong sexual attraction to the one whom the dreamer attacks;
  • It would seem like a nightmare to kill yourself in a dream with a knife, but such a dream can portend happiness or a passionate desire for love;
  • killing ill-wishers or competitors with a knife in a dream promises victory in reality;
  • the dream of killing a person with a knife is interpreted by psychologists as uncertainty and complexes of the person who is dreaming about this dream;
  • According to Freud, the dream book interprets killing a person with a knife as a symbol of the end of an outdated relationship that must be put to rest.

Why do you dream of finding a knife?

A knife in a dream can act as some kind of artifact, especially an antique knife, and finding such an object can mean gaining strength. When interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention to what kind of knife it was and what feelings were felt from the find, what was it - fear, horror or admiration? Finding a knife in a dream - different interpretations:

  • Felomena’s dream book talks about such a dream that an imaginary friend will appear in a person’s life, but in reality he will turn out to be a hypocrite and one should be wary of new acquaintances;
  • An old dream book - to find a knife, warns that the secret entrusted to the dreamer must remain carefully guarded, and no one around her can be trusted.

Why do you dream about a broken knife?

In this dream, it is important to note the details of the breakdown, what is broken - the blade or the handle, what events preceded the breakdown of the knife? From such nuances a complete picture of the dream emerges. Here's what different dream books say about a broken knife:

  • Miller's dream book - seeing a knife in a dream with a broken blade may indicate an imminent illness or the emergence of a painful situation;
  • the collapse of hopes and dreams;
  • repairing a broken knife promises the restoration of close relationships with an old friend;
  • if a hunting knife is broken - to worry due to tedious expectations, a dining knife - to a quarrel with relatives;
  • dreamed that they were giving a broken knife - the dreamer does not enjoy authority among others due to an aggressive and disrespectful attitude towards people;
  • if a person gives someone a broken knife in a dream, his attitude towards this person suggests confrontation and a challenge to conflict.

Why do you dream about a lot of knives?

Many knives as a gift in a dream will please only a collector of edged weapons; for other people, when waking up, such a dream raises a number of questions. World dream books interpret a dream where there are many knives in different ways:

  • gypsy dream book - seeing knives in a dream in large quantities suggests an act of violence and calls for careful behavior in actions and words;
  • receiving knives as a gift - deceit and deception of someone around you;
  • seeing dull knives is a sign of concern for loved ones;
  • giving a set of knives to someone yourself means separation or quarrel with the person for whom the gift was intended;
  • knives lying randomly in one pile - the resentment that the dreamer will feel in the near future due to a quarrel;
  • For a woman, many knives in a dream predict temptations, following which she exposes herself to dangerous consequences.

Why dream of cutting raw meat with a knife?

Cooking is a natural everyday process, but if this is understandable in reality, then in a dream it can appear as a symbol or omen of something, and often those who dreamed about this process have a question: is the dream of cutting raw meat with a knife favorable or not? Dream Interpretations interpret the following:

  • according to Miller, cutting fresh meat is a vain, wasted effort;
  • Vanga in his dream book warns of serious health problems for those who cut meat in a dream, and if it is a dull knife, there will be no cure;
  • Juno's dream interpreter interprets a dream where a person cuts raw meat with a sharp knife in a positive way for health, his skeletal system is strong and strong;
  • for businessmen, cutting raw meat in a dream is a symbol of the successful completion of work begun;
  • For a woman, such a dream is an indicator that positive changes will soon appear in her life.

Why do you dream of a knife in blood?

Dreams with blood have a mostly negative connotation, because blood is a violation of the integrity of a person’s physical shell, and if there is blood on an object such as a knife, then questions arise, what happened, whose blood is it? By answering them, you can analyze the dream. How is a dream where a knife is stained with blood interpreted:

  • the French dream book interprets a knife in blood simply and clearly - a family quarrel due to the fault of the sleeping person in the near future;
  • Miller predicts financial losses or a long separation or quarrel with a loved one;
  • a rusty knife in the blood - dissatisfaction with family life;
  • a bloody knife is a work of art - an authoritative, influential assistant will appear in the sleeper’s life;
  • a woman who abandoned her lover dreams of a knife in blood - in reality, it means a dramatic end to the relationship.

Why do you dream of a knife in your hand?

A dream - a knife in the hand is very useful for interpreting the state, thoughts, mood of the dreamer; it can indicate significant problems at a given period that are tormenting and require an answer or a possible solution. What events in reality do you dream about having a knife in your hand:

  • if you look at a women's dream book, a knife held in the hands of a sleeping woman speaks of worries and worries associated with the family;
  • holding and admiring a knife sharpened to a shine - means making an important decision that affects the fate of others;
  • a knife with a long blade - a test that will cause a barrage that will be difficult to cope with;
  • playing with a knife in a dream means anger and a desire for revenge in the heart;
  • a person dreams that he is holding a large knife or cleaver in his hands, and he is walking around with it - success in a dubious, risky event.

Night visions reflect the events of the past, and also lift the veil of the future. If you had to sharpen a knife in a dream, dream books will help you decipher what this means. Most likely, the vision acts as a warning or hint.

Miller's Dream Book

If you had to sharpen a knife, Miller interprets it as follows:

  • This is an unfavorable symbol. It symbolizes the need to prepare for difficult times and a fierce fight against ill-wishers.
  • If you sharpened an old rusty knife, it means that you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs. Soon you will decide to quit your job or break up your relationship.
  • If you cut yourself while sharpening a knife, then you should mobilize all your strength. They will be useful to you to withstand future troubles.
  • If, while sharpening a knife, you break it, it means that your plans will be upset.
  • If you sharpen a knife in order to attack someone, it means that in real life you are fighting an unfair fight.
  • The dream may mean that you have accumulated a lot of grievances and problems. Maybe you shouldn't keep everything to yourself. Share your problems with someone you trust.

Modern dream book

In the modern dream book, sharpening a knife means the following:

  • In life you will have to face some unpleasant activity. Perhaps, in order to achieve career or personal goals, you will do something that you do not want at all.
  • Sharpening a rusty knife can foretell that old secrets will be revealed. This may cause a break in the relationship.
  • If you see someone else sharpening a knife, then you are in danger. Someone is plotting against you. Try to remember the details of the dream. Perhaps the one you saw is your enemy.
  • If you give someone a knife you sharpened with your own hands, it means that you spend all your strength and abilities on helping others. Perhaps it's time to do something for yourself.
  • If you sharpen a kitchen knife, it means that quarrels and troubles are coming in the family. But no serious consequences will follow.
  • The bigger and more beautiful the knife you sharpen, the more success you can achieve with your intelligence and skills.

Loff's Dream Book

If in night vision you had to sharpen a knife, Loff’s dream book will interpret it as follows:

  • This is a symbol of preparation for hostility. Perhaps this will be due to competition at work or on the personal front.
  • If someone gives you a sharpened knife, it means that there is a person in your environment who sincerely wants to help you. But don't count on it happening on an ongoing basis.
  • If you get hurt while sharpening a knife, this may portend betrayal by a friend or close relative.
  • If while sharpening a knife you admire the sparkling blade, this means that evil thoughts have settled in your head. Because of this, people close to you may turn away from you.

Ancient dream book

According to the ancient dream book, sharpening a knife means the following:

  • Preparation for active action in matters of competition and rivalry. This may concern your career or personal relationships.
  • If you sharpen and hide a knife, it means that you are afraid to take initiative in working and communicating with people. This may be due to past negative experiences.
  • If in a dream someone else is sharpening a knife, and you are looking at it, this means that you may soon quarrel with this person. Most likely, you will be the instigator of the scandal.
  • If someone in your dream sharpened a knife and then handed it to you, this means that in reality this person will show favor to you. But very soon you will understand that the patron is acting in selfish interests.
  • If you drop your knife while sharpening, this indicates that you are overtired. You may need to take a break from work, hobbies, and relationships to recharge.
  • Why dream of sharpening a knife can be interpreted as a symbol of your fears and distrust of others. The reason for this may be a negative experience from your past.

Autumn dream book

According to sharpening a knife in a dream, it means the following:

  • This could mean anger and resentment that is building up inside you. Learn to release negative emotions so as not to “explode” at the most inopportune moment.
  • If you grind down the blade completely while sharpening, it means you are overworking yourself. By trying to do everything at once, you deplete your physical and mental resources.
  • If someone else sharpens a knife, this means that in the near future someone will make a claim or express dissatisfaction with you. Get ready for a tedious showdown.
  • If you are sharpening a beautiful antique knife, it means that long-standing secrets will soon be revealed, which will open up new opportunities for you.
  • A dream in which you sharpen a knife may mean that you strive to keep everything under your control. Thus, you suppress and even terrorize your loved ones.
  • If, despite all your efforts, the knife remains dull, this indicates that you have prejudices and complexes that interfere with your personal growth.

When interpreting the meaning of a dream in which you are forced to sharpen something, dream books recommend clarifying what exactly was sharpened in the dream. Interpreters give very varied explanations, both pleasing and upsetting, so finding out the meaning of a dreamed symbol is the first thing to do when starting to interpret a dream. And then, putting all the interpretations together, you will understand what awaits you literally tomorrow.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, sharpening something in a dream on a whetstone or on a sharpening machine is a sign of approaching danger.

Do you see that a friend lent you the whetstone? This person will actually help you strengthen your fortitude. And if an abrasive stone was offered to you by a stranger, then this means that the time has come to show strength of character.

Grinding your teeth in a dream is a signal that you have taken on a task that is too tough for you. Give up this activity, the interpreter recommends.

Knife sharpening: From irritability to success

Many dream books know why you dream of sharpening a knife. For example, the Eastern interpreter assures that sharpening a knife in a dream means an outburst of accumulated resentment and irritation.

Miss Hasse's dream book will please you with its interpretation: if you dreamed that you were sharpening a large chef's cutter, then this is a sign that you will achieve a lot thanks to your hands and mind.

Do you see that you cut yourself while sharpening your knife? The dream book of the gypsy Seraphima advises to be careful in your statements, they may turn against you.

Sharpen your pencils, or Be prepared for any surprises

Did you dream that you were sharpening pencils? Remember what they were like, popular dream books advise. For example, sharpening simple pencils is a sign of sincerity and simplicity of judgment.

And if you sharpened colored pencils, then many different events await you: red and yellow ones promise fun, blue and green ones predict good health and relationships with friends, black ones predict tears and sadness, and white ones say that you need to start with started some difficult-to-progress business.

File your nails as a symbol of emotionality

Why do you dream that you are sharpening your nails, the Modern Dream Book will tell you. If you dream that you are cutting your own nails - expect a surge of emotions and an unexpected influx of energy; and if you had your nails filed in a beauty salon, this means you will need restraint so as not to say too much and not get yourself into trouble.

Sharpen gardening tools - Will have to do some work

Did you dream that you were sharpening axes, shovels or other gardening tools? This is what the dream means, according to the Slavic Dream Book: sharpening an ax is a sign of readiness to give a decisive battle to an enemy or competitor, especially good if in the dream the ax was sharp like a razor blade.

Pastor David Loff gives the following explanation: if you dreamed that you were sharpening a hoe, get ready for difficult work, but sharpening a shovel in a dream is a sign of a successful combination of circumstances that will make you richer and happier.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sharpening the edge of a knife or sword - portends joy and good luck.

Sharpening a knife - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will accumulate irritation and resentment.

Grind - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To wear off something leads to emaciation.

Sharpening a knife - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To the requirement.

What does the dream about Sharpening mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Improve your knowledge.

Dream - Sharpening a knife

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To enmity.

Dreaming of “Grind off” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Grinding something in a dream means theft.

To see Sharpen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sharpening any objects on a sharpening machine or on a whetstone in a dream means danger. Using a grindstone in a dream means that you will take on a troublesome but profitable business. If in a dream someone hands you a sharpening stone, then you should show all...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Sharpening?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There are teeth and knives on someone.

Dreaming of “Sharpening a knife” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you sharpened knives in a dream, the dream warns that what you have planned could ruin your career. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you are not sharpening, but dulling a knife. He can't cut at all.

Interpretation of the dream Sharpen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The art of your hands gives you income.

Sharpen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The art of your hands will give you income.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an Ax?

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