Home Pulpitis Breathing simulator for emphysema. Treatment of emphysema at home

Breathing simulator for emphysema. Treatment of emphysema at home

With emphysema, the lung tissue loses its elasticity and stretches. Emphysema occurs either as a complication of chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, or without bronchial asthma under the influence of other causes. When emphysema is accompanied by bronchial asthma, then the complexes therapeutic exercises can be combined into one common one, since in both diseases the expiratory phase is affected.

With emphysema, due to loss of elasticity lung tissue, difficult to exhale. After normal exhalation, a significant amount of air still remains in the stretched lungs, and in order to remove it, it is necessary to artificially compress it with tension. chest and increase its mobility in the exhalation phase. Thus, the entire complex of special physical exercises for pulmonary emphysema is built on deepening the exhalation phase. For this purpose, you can exhale with a drawn-out pronunciation of vowels, as in bronchial asthma, and intermittently exhale, counting out loud, until the sound stops completely. During exhalation, you need to squeeze your chest with your hands and lower it down. Breathing with the pronunciation of consonants with vibration is not used in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema without bronchial asthma, since pulmonary emphysema does not cause bronchospasms.

An approximate set of therapeutic gymnastics exercises can be presented as follows.


IP - lying down, breathing under control of the hands. Pay attention to maximally lengthening the exhalation by pressing your hands on the chest and abdomen. 6-8-10 times.

IP - lying down, hands under your back.

Sit down, lean forward with your hands, actively deepening your exhalation with springy repeated bends. 4-8 times.

IP - sitting, hands in front of the chest.

Turn the body to the right and left alternately, adding springing movements to the depth of the turns, deepening the exhalation. 4-6 times in each direction.

IP - sitting, breathing with deep exhalation under the control of the hands. As you exhale, count: 1-2-3-4-5, etc. for as long as possible. 5-7 times.

IP - sitting, legs apart, arms to the sides. Bend over and take out the right and left sock alternately, using springy movements of the torso to deepen the tilt, deepening the exhalation. 4-5 times to each leg.

IP - standing, hands up. Pull your knee to your chest alternately with a deep exhalation. 4-5 times with each leg.

IP - standing, breathing with a deep exhalation and prolonged loud pronunciation of the vowels “a”, “o”, “u”, “i”.

IP - standing, hands on hips.

Tilt the body to the right and left alternately with springing movements that deepen the tilt, exhale. 4 - 5 times in each direction.

Calm deep breathing.

IP - standing, legs apart. Rise onto your toes, raising your elbows up to your bent arms.

IP - legs together, standing, arms up.

Bend down, as if preparing to jump, arms back to fullness, sharp, deep exhalation. 4-6 times.

Breathing is smooth and deep. Walking 2-4 min.

IP - sitting, calming breathing with an emphasis on exhalation and muscle relaxation. 3-8 times.

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“Well, one more floor, now I’ll catch my breath - and then…” A familiar picture: a man stands on the staircase, cursing the broken elevator, and looking painfully up between the flights. Breath escapes from the chest with a whistle... This is a sure sign of a terrible disease - emphysema.

There's a lot of air, but what's the point?

Emphysema - chronic illness, in which gas exchange in the lungs is disrupted. As a result, the alveoli (tiny bubbles from the lung tissue in which this very gas exchange occurs) stretch, losing their elasticity and ability to push air out.

The cardiovascular system immediately comes under attack: the heart works with increased load, and accordingly wears out much faster. It leads to serious illnesses(hypertension, cardiopulmonary failure, etc.).

If emphysema poses virtually no danger to older people (in their lungs all these processes are caused by age-related changes, they develop gradually, and the body has time to adapt to them), then those who are younger have a hard time. Emphysema attacks them rapidly, leaving almost no chance.

If you have emphysema, you should never take a steam bath: a weakened heart that does not receive enough oxygen may not be able to withstand the temperature shock. And the opinion that “any disease comes out with sweat” is without any basis.

ATTENTION! If you give up on “young” emphysema, the disease will most likely lead to severe disability.

Fresh breath, but it’s hard to breathe

The disease can occur independently (primary form) as a result of a violation of blood microcirculation in the lungs, a genetic defect, changes in the properties of surfactant (a special substance that prevents the pulmonary alveoli from “sticking together”), regular inhalation of compounds heavy metals, toxic gases and dust. But more often emphysema develops as a complication of bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive bronchitis (secondary, or obstructive, form).

The very, very beginning...

Here are the first signs of emphysema:

Shortness of breath when physical activity. At first, difficulty breathing appears occasionally and more often in winter, and then begins to haunt the person constantly, even at rest.

Lips and nails become bluish.

When breathing, whistling sounds or wheezing are heard, and the exhalation lengthens.

And the most characteristic symptom-puffing (a person covers his mouth while exhaling and puffs out his cheeks).

If you often suffer from infectious lung diseases or have found yourself with at least one of listed signs diseases, make an appointment with a doctor immediately! This is one of those very cases when you cannot waste a single day, delay is like death: treatment started late usually does not give a positive result!

Three in one

To put accurate diagnosis, a triple examination is necessary:

Visual inspection;

X-ray of the lungs;

Function Study external Breath— spirography.

Let's make life easier

Whatever treatment your doctor prescribes, here's what you need to do first:

Quit smoking - categorically. It is better to do this gradually: the body does not like sudden shocks. Also, avoid people who smoke: secondhand smoke can cause more damage. more harm than active.

If your work involves you with harmful substances(fine stone dust, dyes, etc.), you will have to look for a new place: there is simply no other option. Otherwise, despite all the efforts of doctors,

the disease will progress rapidly.

Significantly reduce physical activity.

The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of defeating the disease. Keep in mind that if emphysema develops, complex surgery may be required.

Aperture, get to work!

The basis of treatment for emphysema is breathing exercises. First of all, master the so-called diaphragmatic breathing:

Stand with your feet wide apart. Raising your arms to the sides, inhale deeply, then, moving your arms forward and bending down, slowly exhale, drawing in your abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back. Place your hands on your stomach, take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth, while pressing on the abdominal wall.

Train daily, morning and evening, for 10-20 minutes. In a month or two, or even earlier, you will learn to constantly breathe in this way.

Yoga breathing exercises

In addition to diaphragmatic breathing, master exercises from the arsenal of Indian yogis:

Starting position: standing on the floor or sitting on a chair with a hard seat and a straight back.

Slowly take a deep breath and hold the air for a while. Then exhale in strong short bursts through pursed lips without puffing out your cheeks. This type of breathing is called cleansing. Always start your gymnastics with it and finish every exercise with it.

Inhale deeply, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds, and then with one sharp effort push the air out through your open mouth with sharp sound"Ha!" or with a prolonged “oum”, closing your lips at the end of the exhalation.

Inhale, hold your breath for a few seconds. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, then clench your fingers into fists. Straining your arms, pull them to your shoulders, and then slowly and forcefully, as if pushing off the walls, spread your arms to the sides. Then quickly return your hands to your shoulders.

Take a watch with a second hand. Inhale for 12 seconds, hold your breath for 48 seconds (as long as you can to start with) and exhale for 24 seconds.

Repeat each exercise three times.

Gurgle to your health!

To train your breathing muscles, do the following exercise every day:

Take a rubber hose (1-2 cm in diameter and about 50 cm in length). Take a deep breath and then exhale as slowly as possible through the hose into the jar filled with water.

To begin with, limit yourself to 10 inhalations and exhalations, gradually increase their number until you feel slightly tired (sweat may appear on your back and chest - don’t be alarmed, this is how it should be).

Healing fingers

During the day, at the first opportunity, massage the following points:

Hegu is one of the most popular points, known in acupressure as the “hundred disease point”; located between large and index fingers With back side palms (at the top of the Mount of Venus);

Dazhui - located in the depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra;

Tiantu - just above the interclavicular fossa.

The duration of the massage is no more than 10 minutes. After that, knead terminal phalanges thumbs.

Pulmonary herbs

For the treatment of lung diseases there is great amount phyto-remedies Here are two universal collections that are suitable for everyone without exception.

Take 2 tablespoons of fragrant violet root, a tablespoon each of pine buds and licorice root. Pour a tablespoon of mixture into a glass cold water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 1/4 cup infusion four times a day for a month.

Mix a teaspoon each of knotweed grass, coltsfoot leaves and elderberry flowers. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 glass four times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Aromatic remedy

Aromatherapy is now successfully used in the treatment of almost all diseases. In case of emphysema, vapors have a beneficial effect on the condition of the lungs essential oil eucalyptus. You can spray it with an aroma lamp or apply a few drops on a handkerchief so that the healing scent stays with you all day. And before going to bed, drop a couple of drops on your pillow.

Vitamins, minerals...

Bronchitis and pleurisy cause emphysema, which, in turn, provokes new inflammatory diseases lungs... It turns out to be a vicious circle. Therefore, to protect lung tissue from infection, take beta-carotene (2 mg at lunch), vitamin E (16.5 mg in the evening), vitamin C (500 mg after breakfast) and zinc (5 mg) twice a year in monthly courses. at night).

During percussion (tapping on the chest with your fingers through a pressed palm), the so-called box sound is clearly audible (knock at your leisure on a closed empty cardboard box- this is exactly what the lungs sound like with emphysema).

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Pulmonary emphysema is a disease affecting the respiratory tract, which is characterized by a pathological increase in the air space of the bronchioles, accompanied by changes in the walls of the alveoli of a destructive morphological nature. Emphysema is one of the most common forms of non-specific and chronic illness pulmonary system.

Factors that are responsible for the occurrence of emphysema are divided into 2 groups:

  • Factors that impair the strength and elasticity of the lungs (congenital alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, tobacco smoke, nitrogen oxides, cadmium, dust particles in space). These factors cause primary emphysema, during which pathological restructuring of the respiratory part of the lungs begins. Because of these changes, during exhalation the pressure on the small bronchi increases, which under its influence passively fall (merge and form bullae), thereby increasing the pressure in the alveoli. High blood pressure in the alveoli occurs due to increased bronchial resistance during exhalation. It is worth noting that after such changes, the patency of the bronchi when inhaling air is not impaired in any way.
  • Factors that increase the stretching of the alveolar ducts, alveoli and respiratory bronchioles (are the cause of secondary emphysema). The most dangerous factor is the presence of chronic obstructive bronchitis (bronchitis and asthma), even tuberculosis, which can develop due to long-term smoking, polluted air, specific professional activity(this category includes construction workers, miners, workers in the metallurgical and pulp industries, coal miners, workers railway, people associated with the processing of cotton and grain), adenoviruses and lack of vitamin C in the body.

Forms of pulmonary emphysema:

  1. 1 diffuse – goes complete damage lung tissue;
  2. 2 bullous - diseased (swollen) areas are located close to healthy parts of the lungs.

Symptoms of emphysema:

  • shortness of breath, suffocation;
  • the chest takes the shape of a barrel;
  • the spaces between the ribs are widened;
  • bulging collarbones;
  • swollen face (especially under the eyes and in the bridge of the nose);
  • cough with hard sputum, the strength of which increases with physical activity;
  • to ease breathing, the patient raises his shoulders, which gives the impression that he has short neck;
  • "pant";
  • when taking an x-ray, the lung fields in the image will be excessively transparent;
  • weak, quiet breathing;
  • low-moving diaphragm;
  • bluish nails, lips;
  • thickening of the nail plate (nails become like drumsticks over time);
  • Heart failure may occur.

If you have emphysema, you should be wary of any infectious diseases. So, due to a weakened bronchopulmonary system, they can quickly develop into chronic ones. When the first symptoms of an infectious disease appear, treatment must be started immediately.

Useful foods for emphysema

  1. 1 cereal crops;
  2. 2 raw vegetables and fruits (especially seasonal ones) - zucchini, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes, bell peppers, all leafy vegetables and citrus fruits;
  3. 3 sugar and sweets must be replaced with dried fruits (prunes, figs, raisins, dried apricots);
  4. 4 seafood;
  5. 5 seriously ill patients need to adhere to a protein diet and focus on cottage cheese, legumes, lean meats and fish;
  6. 6 herbal teas from currants, linden, rose hips, hawthorn.

Portions should not be large; it is better to eat less at a time, but more often. This is due to the fact that as the volume of the lungs increases, the volume of the stomach becomes smaller (therefore, eating a large amount of food will create discomfort in the stomach).

Traditional medicine:

  • Physiotherapy, which helps improve lung function.
    Exercise 1– stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, blow out your stomach and inhale at the same time. Place your hands in front of you, bend over and at the same time draw in your stomach and exhale.
    Exercise 2– lying on your back, place your hands on your stomach and inhale, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale deeply, while massaging your stomach.
    Exercise 3– get up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your belt, take short, jerky exhalations.
    The duration of each exercise should be at least 5 minutes, repeated regularly – 3 times a day.
  • good coach respiratory organs are hiking, skiing, swimming.
  • Every morning is necessary rinse your nose cool water. It is very important to constantly breathe through your nose (switching to mouth breathing is strictly prohibited - such actions can lead to heart failure).
  • Oxygen therapy– inhalations with a high oxygen content, which can be done at home. You can use a simple substitute for these inhalations - the “grandmother’s” method - boil potatoes in their skins and inhale their steam (you should be extremely careful not to get facial burns from the hot steam).
  • Aromatherapy. Add a couple of drops of essential oil to water and heat in an aroma lamp. The patient needs to inhale the steam that will appear. You can use chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot, and frankincense oils. This procedure repeat three times a day until the disease disappears.
  • Drink decoctions and infusions from chamomile, coltsfoot, centaury, scolopendra foliage, buckwheat and linden flowers, marshmallow and licorice roots, sage leaves, mint, anise fruits, flax seeds.
  • Massage– helps in the separation and removal of sputum. Acupressure is considered the most effective.

Before starting treatment, the first thing you need to do is quit smoking!

Emphysema is a chronic disease characterized by enlargement of the alveoli of the lungs, leading to weakening of the alveolar septa, thereby reducing the elasticity of the lung tissue.

Past diseases such as pneumosclerosis and bronchitis lead to emphysema. Also prone to emphysema are people involved in professional music and other professions where they use resistance when exhaling.

What consequences occur if emphysema is not treated?

The disease, emphysema, is a very serious pathology that leads first to pulmonary failure and then to heart problems.

If pulmonary emphysema is not treated, the consequences can be very dire: deterioration of ventilation of the lung tissue - breathing problems - failure of cardio-vascular system- pneumothorax.

It is very important to begin treatment of emphysema from the moment the disease is diagnosed, since only correct treatment And preventive measures will improve the patient's condition.

Goals and objectives of exercise therapy for pulmonary emphysema:

  • improve emotional condition sick,
  • increase the maneuverability of the diaphragm,
  • strengthening the intercostal muscles and abdominal wall muscles,
  • long exhalation training
  • increase ventilation of the lungs,
  • education proper breathing during any effort.

B (physical therapy) therapeutic exercises for pulmonary emphysema included, diaphragmatic breathing from a position lying on your back, learning to breathe correctly when performing certain loads from a position lying down, sitting on a chair, training for prolonged exhalation.

Therapeutic exercises for emphysema

Let's perform several exercises while lying on your back:

  1. We lie on our backs, arms parallel to the body. Diaphragmatic breathing, while inhaling, inflate the stomach as much as possible, while exhaling, deflate it – 5-6 times.
  2. Now the exercise is to flex and extend the feet and hands, one movement - inhale, 4-5 movements - exhale 6-8 times.
  3. We place our hands to our shoulders. We lift and spread the elbows to the sides - inhale, then press our hands to the chest - and exhale for a long time 4-6 times.
  4. For this exercise, breathing is voluntary, alternately bending and straightening the legs at the knees and hip joints– 6-8 times.
  5. Place the palms of the hands on the lower lateral sections of the chest. A short inhalation and a long exhalation, accompanied by pressure with the palms of the chest. We perform this exercise rhythmically – 4-6 times.
  6. This exercise is also performed lying down, but the arms are placed parallel to the body. Calm and even breathing, thereby relaxing the chest muscles 6-7 times when exhaling.

We will perform the following exercises on a chair with a back:

  1. You need to sit on a chair, leaning on the back, with your arms down. Place your hands on your belt - inhale, then turn your body to the right - exhale, do the same in the opposite direction - repeat 5-6 times.
  2. Hands are also placed on the belt - inhale, tilt the torso to the side - exhale, then in the other direction - drink 4-6 times.
  3. Hands again on the belt - inhale, now we tilt the body forward, but there is no need to lower the head, we clasp the chest with our hands - long exhale - 4-6 times.
  4. Exercise “Coachman Pose”, for this you need to sit on your knees and close your eyes. Exercise to relax all the muscles of the trunk and limbs, even, calm breathing - drink for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Now they sat down on the chair again, with their hands down. We begin the exercise by raising our arms to the sides, straightening our legs - inhale, bend our arms to our shoulders, and our legs at both the hip and knee joints– exhaled – again 6-8 times on each leg.
  6. The exercise also involves using a chair, with arms extended to the sides. We tilt the torso towards the leg, touch the toe - take a long exhale - do it 4-6 times.
  7. Exercise: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on shoulders, breathing randomly. We begin alternating twisting of the body, first to the right, then to the left - repeat 6-8 times.
  8. Your foot must be placed on a chair, your hands on your knees. We bend the torso towards the knees - exhale long, then straighten up - inhale - do this 4-6 times.
  9. We perform the exercise while standing, the torso should be at an angle of 40°, legs should be spread shoulder-width apart, hands should be fixed on the belt. Calm inhalation - we protrude the abdominal wall and a long exhalation - while retracting abdominal wall– drink 6-8 times.
  10. We sit down on a chair, lean on the back, and put our hands on our belts. Quite calm and even breathing with a moderately long exhalation - trying to relax the chest muscles while inhaling - 8-10 times.
  11. An exercise while sitting on a chair to completely relax the muscles of our entire body. On the count of 1-2 - inhale, on the count of 3-4-5-6-7-8 - exhale - perform with closed eyes 4-6 times. This exercise should not provoke muscle fatigue; inhalation must be increased carefully.

It is very important to perform exercises regularly, as this will alleviate the course of emphysema, as well as in order to improve the patient’s condition.

Emphysema is a rather unpleasant pathology that interferes with full breathing. Over time, the organ without proper help increases in size and pneumosclerosis of individual parts, as well as many others, can develop. unpleasant consequences. Therefore, for pulmonary emphysema, doctors always prescribe breathing exercises not only to increase ventilation of the lungs, reduce shortness of breath, but also to improve the patient’s overall well-being.

With emphysema, lung cells change and cavities form in the organ, which often reduce the useful volume needed for breathing. In these cavities, gas exchange occurs much more slowly than in healthy lungs, so patients experience shortness of breath and respiratory failure. One of the tasks of breathing exercises is to train a person with disabilities lungs for proper breathing.

With regular exercise, the following beneficial effects are observed:

  • Increasing inspiratory length;
  • Breath control during physical exercise;
  • Improvement of psycho-emotional state;
  • The performance of healthy organs of the respiratory system increases;
  • The muscles involved in the breathing process are strengthened;
  • Inhalation and exhalation become more conscious, which helps smooth out the effects of respiratory failure.

For people with emphysema, breathing exercises is an integral part of the treatment of this disease.

Indications for use

Among the indications for the complex breathing exercises can be called various diseases upper respiratory tract, such as:

  • Asthma;
  • Frequent and prolonged runny nose;
  • Adenoids;
  • Gastrointestinal ailments;
  • Problems with excess weight;
  • Systematic colds;
  • Allergy;
  • Skin diseases.

This is far from full list. That is, breathing exercises help not only with emphysema, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole. It is, of course, not a panacea, but it allows you to mitigate severe symptoms and reduce the risk of dangerous complications.

Principles and rules for performing exercises

Breathing exercises for emphysema include exercises that help you take a full breath, strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum and torso, as well as others involved in the breathing process, and restore the mobility of the sternum. Semi-bed rest and even bed rest are not an obstacle to performing exercises. It is optimal, of course, to do gymnastics while standing, but if this is not possible, then lying down or sitting on a chair are also suitable.

You need to inhale slowly through pursed lips and exhale through your nose. This will force the diaphragm to work. You should not inhale quickly, as this will stretch the alveoli and may harm the patient. Breathing exercises are performed four times a day for 15 minutes, each exercise is also done three times. If desired, the number of times can be increased, but you should not decrease it, otherwise the effect will not appear. Before the session, it is necessary to ventilate the room, as the air must be fresh.

During the exercises, it is important to ensure that your breathing is rhythmic. Exhalation should be lengthened gradually, since with emphysema the air is often not completely exhaled. You cannot breathe too quickly, nor hold your breath; all exercises are performed at an average pace, which does not change throughout the day. You should start gymnastics with static exercises, which involve less load, and then move on to dynamic ones.

A set of breathing exercises

There is a whole range of exercises for patients with emphysema. When performed regularly, patients feel much better.

Static exercises

In a sitting position, while exhaling, you need to name consonant sounds for 2–3 minutes. If the exercise is performed correctly, vibration of the chest will be felt, and the exhalation will automatically lengthen.

Place your hands at the bottom of your chest. As you inhale, rise onto your toes, and as you exhale, touch your heels to the floor. To enhance exhalation, additionally compress the chest with your hands.

Sit down, spread your arms to the sides and turn your body to the right and left. To increase the amplitude of the turn, you can ask someone to help.

Sit on a chair, lean on the back, fold your hands on your stomach. Taking a deep breath, pull in your stomach and squeeze it with your hands.

Sit on a chair, lean on the back, hands on your stomach. When you inhale, the elbows move back, when you exhale, they move forward. In this case, it turns out that the fingers press on the stomach.

Lie on your back and breathe deeply through your entire diaphragm.


One of the most simple exercises– walking. While walking, you need to inhale in two counts and exhale in five counts.

For the next exercise you will need a gymnastic wall or some other convenient and reliable support. You need to grab the support with your hands at chest level and squat so that when you go down, you exhale, and when you go up, you inhale.

From a lying position on your back, while exhaling, raise your knees to your chest, and while inhaling, return them to their original position.

Lying on your back, raise your body and lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands as you exhale, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Lying on your stomach, while inhaling, bend at the waist, trying to reach your head with your toes, and while exhaling, return to the previous position.

Breathing simulators in the treatment of pathology

Breathing simulators come to the aid of those who are not able to perform the exercises on their own; for example, an elderly person will not be able to do everything. In addition, breathing machines reduce the amount of time you have to spend on exercises and also help you properly distribute your strength. With the use of simulators, the time for gymnastics is reduced to 3 - 30 minutes a day, and the effectiveness remains the same.

There are special techniques developed for training on simulators, which involve a gradual increase in load. A noticeable effect occurs after 3 to 4 months of regular exercise.

Features of breathing exercises for emphysema

For those who cannot or do not want to use a breathing machine, there are also quite a few techniques. The most common of them are Strelnikova’s gymnastics and breathing according to the Buteyko system.

This technique consists of a small number of exercises. You should start with the first three, and then gradually add one more. It is advisable to do such gymnastics twice a day. At the initial stage, a 10-second rest between movements is allowed, later it should last only a couple of seconds. You need to inhale through your nose, short, sharply and deeply. Then passively exhale through the mouth.

  1. Stand up, raise your arms to shoulder level, inhale sharply, hugging yourself by the shoulders so that your arms do not cross. It is optimal to make 8 – 12 movements, but if it is difficult, then it is permissible to perform at least 4.
  2. Stand up straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, a sharp breath is taken with a slight squat and a twist to the right. Then return to the starting position and similar turn to the right. At the same time, the back is straight, the body turns at the waist, the knees are slightly bent, the hands seem to be trying to grab something. You also need to do 8 – 12 movements.
  3. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but the arms are lowered along the body. Then a slight bend forward is performed while inhaling, hands reaching towards the floor, but there is no need to reach it. As you exhale, the person straightens up, but not completely. The optimal pace is 100 small inclines per minute. The exercise must also be repeated 8–12 times.

Once the base has been mastered, you can add new exercises one by one. These include:

  • Turn the head, inhale to the right, return to the starting position - exhale, then to the left - inhale. You need to start the exercise with an inhalation. Starting position – straight, legs narrower than shoulders;
  • Head tilts. The starting position is the same. Tilt your head to the right - inhale, return - exhale, to the left - inhale, while trying to touch your ear to your shoulder;
  • Head tilts. Forward inhale, return - exhale, back - inhale;
  • Starting position: straight, right leg laid back. Body weight on the left leg, the right leg is bent and placed on the toe. Then you need to squat on your left leg, taking a strong breath. Change legs and repeat the exercise;
  • Step forward. Stand straight with your legs narrower than your shoulders. Raise the left leg bent at the knee to the level of the stomach, while the toe is pulled down. Sit on right leg with a noisy breath. Return to the starting position, change legs and repeat the exercise. Step back. Left leg bends the knee so that the heel reaches the buttock. Squat down on your right leg while inhaling. Come back, change legs, repeat. It is optimal to take 8 times 8 breaths.

Breathing according to the Buteyko system

This technique consists of gradually reducing the depth of breathing, until it becomes completely superficial. The series of exercises requires little preparation. First you need to sit on the edge of any hard surface, keeping your back straight. Hands are placed on knees, gaze is directed slightly above eye level. Then the diaphragm is completely relaxed.

Now you can start breathing. It should be superficial and silent. If done correctly, you will soon feel a lack of oxygen. The recommended duration of this exercise is 10 – 15 minutes. If you need to take a deeper breath, this is also done only top part sternum. You cannot deepen your breathing. At this point, the preparation is completed and it’s time for the exercises.

  1. The first thing to do is the following: inhale, exhale, pause, 5 seconds for each action. Repeat 10 times. When performing, you should use only the upper sections of the lungs.
  2. In the next exercise, you need to take a full breath with your entire chest and diaphragm. Inhale for 7.5 seconds so that it gradually rises up from the diaphragm to the sternum. Then exhale – also 7.5 seconds. Pause for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Hold your breath and massage the points on your nose. This exercise is done only once, without repetition.
  4. Repeat exercise 2, pinching either the right or left nostril, saddle for 10 repetitions on each nostril.
  5. Repeat exercise 2 with your stomach pulled in throughout the entire exercise.
  6. Full ventilation of the lungs. To do this, take 12 maximally deep breaths and exhalations, each taking no more than 2.5 seconds. The exercise lasts 1 minute, and then while exhaling, the maximum possible pause is made.
  7. Four-level breathing. First, exercise 1 is done for 60 seconds. Then inhale, pause, exhale, pause, each stage also lasts 5 seconds. Done in 2 minutes. After this, each stage is extended to 7.5 seconds. Duration 3 minutes. Then inhale, pause, exhale, pause lasts 10 seconds. There are 1.5 exercises per minute. The total execution time is 4 minutes. Gradually increasing the time, it is advisable to strive for the result of one breath per minute.
  8. Inhale, hold your breath for as long as possible, exhale, hold your breath for as long as possible again. This exercise is done only once.

To finish, repeat the preparatory exercise. It is important to do the described exercises on an empty stomach, thoughtfully and focused, without being distracted by anything in the process.


Despite all the benefits of breathing exercises, there are also contraindications to them. These include:

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • Mental disabilities and mental illnesses, due to which a person does not understand what exactly he is doing;
  • Dental diseases;
  • Chronic tonsillitis;
  • Heavy bleeding;
  • Acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • Aneurysm;
  • The rehabilitation period after heart surgery.

The use of breathing exercises during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor; a specialist will suggest the exercises necessary for the expectant mother.

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