Home Wisdom teeth Chinese gymnastics - exercises for beginners for weight loss and health improvement, video. Chinese gymnastics: exercises for beginners

Chinese gymnastics - exercises for beginners for weight loss and health improvement, video. Chinese gymnastics: exercises for beginners

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Gymnastics classes are gaining popularity today. This is not surprising. After all, it is gymnastics that strengthens our body, improves our health and helps us feel better. It's the easiest thing to do. You can do this at home, in the halls.

Healing gymnastics with Tai Chi exercises

In addition, it does not require any additional costs or purchases. Tai chi gymnastics is considered quite effective. We think it is necessary to talk about it. It has several nuances and characteristics, without them the benefit will not be complete.

What is tai chi gymnastics?

Tai chi gymnastics does not require special physical training. In fact, tai chi is special complex exercises, which implies a combination of grace, dancing skills, ability to fight and improvement of the whole body. A set of these exercises was developed back in Ancient China.

What is tai chi gymnastics?

He absorbed all Chinese wisdom. The story of its creation is simple. During the reign of the Fu Zi family, the emperor asked for a special dance. He was supposed to help fight diseases, have medicinal properties, and it should be easy, anyone can repeat it, regardless of their abilities and skills.

This is how a set of tai chi exercises was created. This complex affects a person’s worldview and his internal state. It is important to disconnect from the outside world while doing this.

Everything must be done smoothly; they must gradually transition from one another. At the same time, your brain must control absolutely everything you do, every movement, even the smallest.

This is the only way you will be in complete harmony with everything that is inside you, with the world around you. This will help you not only feel much better, but also develop nervous system, her work. You will also be able to develop willpower and a sense of responsibility.

Since tai chi qigong is a healing gymnastics, it is suitable for absolutely everyone. People of any age and weight can do it. Typically, such gymnastics classes take place on the street, that is, on fresh air.

Can everyone do tai chi gymnastics?

There is often an opinion that it is because of this that the Chinese have such a long life. In Russia, gymnastics is also gaining popularity.

Created great amount schools that work only in this direction. The result does not appear immediately. It requires long training and energy expenditure. Only by gradually studying, trying, working, will you notice positive results.

Of course, gymnastics is not omnipotent; it cannot cure everything. By doing it, you will not become completely healthy, and you will never get sick, but you will still easily notice positive changes.

Healing gymnastics and its properties

Tai chi healing gymnastics has the following positive results:

  1. Development of the central nervous system.
  2. Boosting immunity.
  3. Strengthening joints.
  4. Development of the circulatory and respiratory systems.
  5. Helps activate all areas of the brain.
  6. You can easily improve your intestinal and digestive health.
  7. Coordination improves.
  8. Prevents colds.
  9. Helps to rehabilitate after injuries and fractures.
  10. The fear of falling is reduced.
  11. Confidence in yourself and your abilities increases.
  12. Increases flexibility.
  13. Endurance develops.
  14. Strengthens muscle mass.

Tai chi requires the right choice music. It must be smooth, slow and melodic. You should feel it correctly and perform it easily. Music should under no circumstances interfere with your studies, distract you or prevent you from concentrating.

What should you pay attention to?

You can choose classical music, just smooth melodies. You can change them if you get tired of them. This will make your studies more fruitful.

It is important to completely cleanse your creation before your training. Completely disconnect from all problems. Forget about stress, think only about the activity. You need to exercise every day, preferably at least half an hour a day.

It is best to practice outdoors. Of course, if it’s cold outside, you can go indoors. Then you can turn on music with the sounds of nature. Breaks in classes should not be desired, otherwise the result will be much worse than you expect. You can rest no more than once a week, only if you have urgent matters. And so, try to be able to allocate at least half an hour for classes.

Gymnastics video

If you are not confident in your abilities and don’t know where to start, then watch the tai chi gymnastics video. There they will tell you everything about the method of performing exercises, rules and types of exercises. This is very helpful information for newbies.

Where do we start training?

  • choose clothes. It should be light, free, and not restrict movement.
  • choose shoes. It should fit in size, not fall off, and not rub.

  • It’s better to practice in a group, this will help speed up the results.
  • We perform in harmony with ourselves, concentrate and breathe correctly.
  • We work only on bent legs.
  • the sequence of exercises can be changed and alternated.
  • do 4 to 6 times each.

Types of tai chi gymnast exercises

Gymnastics tai chi exercises have a variety.

  1. immersion Let's take a breath. We raise our arms, then, as we exhale, slowly lower them.
  2. horse mane. We bring our legs and arms forward synchronously and one by one.
  3. hug of the moon. We hold our hands in the shape of a circle above our heads. We also round the legs.
  4. throw. Slowly and smoothly we fall forward and backward with our body. We take turns putting our hands forward in a lunge. The feet are firmly planted on the ground, the heels are not lifted off, and the heels are not moved.

Tai chi is a type of gymnastics that originated from China. It combines elements of martial arts, harmoniously intertwined with easy-to-perform gymnastics. The success of this type of sports activity was discovered and highly appreciated by people all over the world.

Tai chi will teach a person to relax in classes and spend time with benefits for health and oneself. Almost everyone can attend tai chi training, regardless of age, weight category or endurance. But visiting a doctor is good idea, he will definitely tell you whether tai chi is right for you or not. To avoid overexertion, constantly evaluate your own well-being, and if you become overexerted, lighten the load or rest.

Once upon a time, tai chi was considered a kind of leisurely movement exercise, reminiscent of both dance movements and elements of martial arts. That's what makes her beautiful. Despite its martial origins, tai chi is not based on tension or constant efforts. The main thing is relaxation, which you achieve through tai chi classes.

If we evaluate the impact of tai chi classes on human health, we can draw a colossal conclusion - even the very weak health of the classes does not have a bad effect; on the contrary, you get the maximum benefit for the body from the training itself. The essence of the classes is simple - alternating specially separated smooth and neat, almost intuitive movements.

A person initiated into the tai chi technique is able to direct personal energy in a useful direction in order to feel own body and his slightest urge to action. Interestingly, active use This technique in life helps to establish and improve the emotional background, improve the functioning of the body. In addition, during tai chi classes you will become familiar with the basics of martial arts.

How did the special tai chi gymnastics come about?

Tai chi was not so long ago only a military technique in China, but it appeared relatively long ago, in ancient times. There are various beliefs and stories about this; in them you can hear different stories about the emergence and development of this technology in the world of people.

One of the most plausible stories convinces a person that the technicality and flexibility of the movements of this gymnastics are due to the movements of the snake. They imitate them quite well. According to legend, a martial arts expert witnessed the fight between a crane and a snake. He was so delighted with the clarity, dexterity and measured calm of the snake's movements that the tai chi technique was soon born.

And for good reason. Over the course of many centuries, the people of China have improved their emotional, physical and mental well-being through this technique. It is also important that constant exercise can give a person a cheerful state of health and excellent health. The interweaving of combat and tai chi gymnastics has spread outside of China over the past couple of decades. For many people, it now replaces fitness classes and other intense physical activity.

What is the significance of tai chi training?

  • As already mentioned, tai chi helps a person stay energetic and alert. At the same time, it promotes active relaxation, both physical and emotional-volitional.
  • Knowledgeable people claim that exercises of this kind help prevent the occurrence of bone diseases and fractures. You strengthen muscle tissue, joint elements, your body becomes elastic and resilient, you improve motor coordination
  • Tai chi classes are recommended for people who have recently suffered fractures and various types of injuries.
  • Exercises also have a deeper effect on the body - blood flow increases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, blood pressure. As a result, a person who exercises increases the body’s immunity and maintains his health.
  • The usefulness of tai chi for excess weight is also excellent - one lesson burns three hundred calories.
  • During training, you learn to control your own body, not only its bodily shell, but also your own thoughts. It’s not for nothing that Tai Chi is put on a par with meditation.
  • Classes are available to all people, and in some cases even to people with limited mobility. motor activity. You don't need special clothing or equipment
  • First, attend a class with a trainer, then you can train at home, even daily
  • Monitor the depth of your breathing during training - it relaxes and helps fight stress
  • Tai Chi helps improve and develop peripheral vision through active practice
  • Sometimes there is a slight dizziness - the exercises work well on the vestibular system.

Rules for practicing tai chi

  • To start using tai chi, make sure you wear comfortable clothing. Let the clothes not restrict movement and be comfortable, made from natural fabrics
  • It is best to spend time in class physical activity by removing any shoes, remaining in non-slip socks or barefoot
  • Exercise in a ventilated room, and, if possible, in the fresh air
  • Master coordination of movements and balance, do everything smoothly and feel the body.

Tai chi is reminiscent of gymnastics, because all movements here are slow, even and smooth. All over the world, chi tea is considered a health-improving exercise. If translated literally, tai chi (taijitsuan) means “exorbitant fist.”

What is tai chi?

Tai chi is a set of self-defense techniques that is a healing part of wushu. In 1 hour of training you can burn about 300 calories. So this type of gymnastics is suitable for anyone who wants to get rid of excess weight. However, it is still not worth doing this type of martial arts just for the sake of losing weight. The main goal of this Chinese meditative and sports technique is to gain control over your body at all levels (spiritual and physical).

How does tai chi training work?

While performing the exercises, you need to imagine how energy moves in your body, it needs to be carefully controlled. After classes, it begins to circulate properly and helps the body “remember” its healthy state. In tai chi, the meditative part is as important as the sports part, because physical balance helps us achieve spiritual harmony.

The nervous system comes into order, thoughts are organized. Very soon after starting classes, you will notice that in difficult life situations act as focused and efficiently as you did during the exercises.

The main thing in tai chi is balance!

Tai chi is, above all, the art of balance. Thanks to this Chinese gymnastics, the following changes occur in the body:

  • stretching improves;
  • joints stop hurting;
  • coordination increases;
  • excess emotionality goes away;
  • you are struggling with depression;
  • the mind is cleared;
  • diseases of a psychosomatic nature go away;
  • performance increases.

There are no contraindications for classes and exercises. Tai chi even helps people recover faster after surgical interventions. This art can be practiced by both young and old people. Moreover, you can train both in a group and at home. If you decide to practice at home, special tai chi video lessons will help you, which you can watch at any time. These lessons will be especially helpful for beginners:

It is very important to independently distribute the intensity of the load so that you can perform the exercises comfortably.

What is required for classes?

If you are a beginner, then, first of all, you need to worry about what clothes and shoes you should wear for tai bo. It is worth noting that during exercise it is important to feel the ground under your feet, but your feet should not slip. Therefore, shoes with thin soles are best, or you can use regular socks with reinforced feet. Of course, you can exercise barefoot, but only if it allows temperature regime premises. Clothing should be light and not restrict movement. When studying on your own, do not forget to watch special videos.

Tai chi chuan is the full name of this art. The technique originated in China many centuries ago. This was originally the name of the species martial art, which used the internal resources of a person. According to legend, its founder was a Taoist monk who watched the fight between a crane and a snake. From here came the smooth and at the same time precise movements characteristic of tai chi.

Until the 20th century, the art of tai chi was passed down exclusively within the family.

Tai chi - the way of harmony

Today, the tai chi technique has changed somewhat and has begun to resemble a harmonious combination of martial arts and gymnastics. Her goal is to achieve harmony in everything: movements, expression of feelings, communication and, of course, physical health. Tai chi, first of all, teaches you to achieve balance. First - physically, when the student learns to coordinate all his movements and at the same time breathe correctly. And then - in the soul, because physical balance helps to achieve inner harmony.

It is not for nothing that the symbol of tai chi is the traditional yin and yang.

Tai Chi gymnastics is based on gentleness, which, according to the Chinese, can generate brute force if necessary. Muscle strength is achieved through proper load distribution, relaxation and stress relief.

Benefits of tai chi

Tai chi helps to regulate the nervous system, so it is recommended for those who suffer from depression or are under stress. Special exercises make the body more flexible and strong, help strengthen joints, and help prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures. Technology has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system, promotes normalization blood pressure and effectively strengthens the immune system. In addition, tai chi helps to significantly reduce rehabilitation period after various injuries and diseases.

There are practically no contraindications for practicing tai chi, since it allows you to avoid overexertion. Despite the apparent ease of the movements characteristic of tai chi, it forces all muscles to work, correctly distributing the load on them. This is why the body becomes more toned and stronger after exercise. And smooth dance movements help you lose up to 300 kcal in one session. And at the same time, you should not confuse tai chi with fitness, because Chinese is aimed at healing and harmony, and not at weight loss.

It is believed that with age a person loses mental acuity. But if you constantly keep your thinking abilities “in shape”, this can be avoided. For example, perform “in between times” simple exercises. They will allow nerve cells brain to preserve youth and performance for a long time.


When you do your usual daily activities (getting dressed, moving around the room, taking a shower), try doing them with your eyes closed: this will allow other senses to become active.

Perform at least a few actions during the day with your non-dominant hand: if you are right-handed, try writing a few lines with your left hand, holding a spoon in your hand, toothbrush. If you are left-handed, let your right hand work. This will force the pathways and cortex of the opposite hemisphere of the brain to perform unusual work, thereby expanding their capabilities.

When performing various calculations, do not use a calculator; if possible, do the calculations in your head.

Invent for familiar things unusual application. You can do this mentally, or you can bring your ideas to life - then you will also fill your “habitat” with unusual creative things.

Every person cares about their health to one degree or another. Most people use various diets or go to fitness to normalize the body's activity and prevent excess weight. However, not every person can withstand such loads constantly. There is only one way out of this ambiguous situation - Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics. This ancient, unconventional healing discipline has helped people recover from serious illnesses and fight against old age from time immemorial.

General concepts

Tai Chi is a set of exercises that does not require much effort and special training. It is based on three criteria: grace of dance, health system and fighting technique. Each component is in complete harmony with the others. It is thanks to this that the effect of unity with the surrounding world is achieved.

Tai Chi teaches a person's mind to interact with the body through full contact. Every movement of the arms and body performed during gymnastics is visualized and controlled by the mind. Thanks to this, the concentration of the body reaches its maximum. Tai Chi distances one from pressing problems, which has a powerful healing effect on the nervous system.

It is believed that this gymnastics originated in Ancient China during the reign of Fu Tzu. The Emperor ordered Yin Gan to come up with a great dance that could heal the sick and would be within the power of the common people. As a result, the sage invented a set of exercises consisting of smooth movements and fighting stances.

Who is Chinese gymnastics suitable for?

Tai Chi exercises are allowed for everyone, regardless of their age. In China, people do this exercise outdoors at dawn. It is believed that this is why life expectancy is so high in the country. In Russia and all over the world there are thousands special schools, in which they teach you to synchronize breathing and perform soft movements, imitating various forms.

Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi only bears fruit over time, so don't expect instant results. The toning effect will come only after several sets of exercises. In China, it is believed that such activities are more suitable for older people, since they do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, run in the morning or follow a diet. In addition, gymnastics allows you to improve flexibility and normalize activity internal organs, and calm your nerves.

Benefits of Tai Chi

The effects of Chinese gymnastics on the body cannot be overestimated. Regular classes increase joint flexibility, strengthen the central nervous system, activate hidden areas of the brain, improve coordination, and normalize the functioning of the heart and intestines.

Repeated studies have shown that Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics is extremely effective in the fight against osteoporosis. This amazing effect is achieved through carefully thought out slow movements. Scientists believe that constant training minimizes risk and helps strengthen muscle tissue. Many doctors recommend such gymnastic exercises during rehabilitation after fractures.

Healing effect for injuries

Any Tai Chi master will tell you that balance is paramount in gymnastics. It is precisely this ability that serves as a guarantee of health in life. It is not for nothing that Tai Chi is recommended specifically for older people who often lose coordination and fall, getting fractures of various degrees.

Scientists have proven that injuries of this kind cause serious complications in old age, including affecting longevity. According to statistics, older people are most often hospitalized with. It is almost impossible to recover from such an injury at this age. Only smooth movements with weight transfer from one leg to the other can help.

Thus, Chinese gymnastics not only teaches coordination, but also strengthens the skeletal system after serious injuries.

Psychological and physical impact

Tai Chi has been shown to significantly reduce the fear of falling. Numerous studies by psychologists have shown that after 3 weeks of regular exercise, 30% of people gain confidence in their own strengths and abilities, and after 3 months of gymnastics - 60% of those involved. It's a matter of balance, which reaches its highest degree towards the end of the course.

Chinese gymnastics is allowed every day, for older people - 3 times a week. After the first 10 lessons, endurance will appear, flexibility will increase, and muscle mass will strengthen. Smooth movements in the fresh air help supply tissues and organs with oxygen.

Important nuances

Not only the body should participate in the exercises, the spirit is also important. Regular exercise helps you escape from reality and explore the depths of your mind.

To conduct classes important nuance is music. The right soundtrack creates a suitable internal mood and promotes rapid relaxation. The best option is the melodies of a flute or other Asian traditional instruments. It would be a good idea to add sounds of nature indoors.

Tai Chi is also suitable for overweight people. The exercises do not require physical effort. Regular exercise allows you to burn more calories than morning jogging.

Where to start

Tai Chi can be practiced on any surface, as long as it is not slippery. Shoes should have thin rubber or leather soles. Regular socks are allowed, but with reinforced feet. You can also exercise barefoot on a soft lawn if the ground is not cold and there is no wind. Clothing is loose, light, so as not to hinder movement.

Today it is customary to practice in special groups where there is a Tai Chi master. Such sports clubs are recommended for beginning gymnasts. The essence of group lessons is to memorize basic movements, energy control, and meditation.

Exercises for beginners

Tai Chi for beginners comes down to three main rules:

1. Any movement is performed slowly and smoothly.
2. All concentration is directed to your own body.
3. You should breathe freely and evenly.

The basis of Tai Chi for beginners are the “Waterfall of Freshness” and “Water Circles” movements. The first exercise is performed with bent legs shoulder-width apart. The arms are extended, the head is tilted forward. Slowly bend your shoulders down, then your body. The muscles should not be tense. The movement follows the flow of water. Having reached the maximum inclination, you should slowly return to the starting position.

During the “Water Circles” exercise, one hand is placed on the lower back, the other on the stomach. The pelvis performs smooth rotations in a circle, then to the sides.

Complex of basic movements

In Tai Chi, the description of exercises comes down to the mental representation of a certain form and the subsequent imitation of its projection with the body and hands. Each set of movements should be performed 4-6 times per session in any order. In Tai Chi, exercises are performed only with bent legs.

“Immersion in Chi” is the main movement in Chinese gymnastics. After a deep breath, raise your arms to shoulder level, then slowly straighten in front of you.

The “Horse Mane” exercise consists of alternately synchronously moving the right and left legs and arms forward.

The “Hug the Moon” movement boils down to an impromptu embrace of an imaginary sphere. To do this, bend your arms above your head. In this case, the legs should describe the same circle.

For the “Throw” exercise, lunge slowly with your body back, then forward, while bending left hand at the elbow to forehead level. The feet do not leave the ground. Right hand turns palm down as you exhale.

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