Home Smell from the mouth The benefits of physical education for health. City hospital of the resort city of Gelendzhik

The benefits of physical education for health. City hospital of the resort city of Gelendzhik

Health modern man inextricably linked with sports and physical education, which allow you to increase the protective functions of the body so that it can withstand the harmful effects of aggressive microorganisms, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. negative factors environment. This is achieved not only through performing various trainings and exercises in the gym and at home, but also through a balanced proper nutrition. This combination allows you to resist the development of many diseases, strengthen immune system, increase its resistance to various negative influences.

Technological progress has affected all areas of activity. The advent of smartphones, computers and other devices has had a significant impact on lifestyle. Working and doing everyday things has become much simpler and easier. This could not but affect a person’s physical activity, which decreased sharply.

This situation has a negative impact on functional abilities, weakens the human musculoskeletal system. Internal organs begin to work somewhat differently, but, unfortunately, the changes occur for the worse, not for the better. better side. And since movements are kept to a minimum, a sharply falling level of energy consumption entails disruptions in muscle, heart, vascular and respiratory systems. All this affects the body and health, causing the development of many diseases.

Sport allows you to compensate for the lack of movement and increase energy costs. In addition, in the realities of our time, it is sports and physical education that become the only accessible ways manifestations of activity that make it possible to fill the natural need of each person for a certain amount of loads and movement.

Dependence of systems and organs on sports

Active physical activity, which is typical for absolutely any sport, has a positive effect on people's health. Countless studies have been devoted to this undeniable argument. scientific works, dissertations, articles. If we present their essence briefly and to the point, the positive impact of sport on health comes down to the following specific points:

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

Bones become resistant to stress, and muscles, increasing in volume, gain greater strength. During jogging, swimming, and working out in the gym, the transport of oxygen to the muscles improves, which activates those that were previously at rest. blood capillaries and to the subsequent formation of new vessels. The supply of large amounts of oxygen changes chemical composition muscle tissue- the concentration of energy substances increases, and metabolic processes, including protein synthesis, begin to proceed faster, new muscle cells are formed. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system reduces the risk of developing osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, and herniated intervertebral discs.

Strengthening and development of the nervous system

This is facilitated by increased speed and agility and improved coordination. There is a continuous formation of new conditioned reflexes, fixed and folded into a certain sequence. The body begins to adapt to increasing loads, performing exercises becomes much easier and more effective, and less effort is required. Speed ​​increase nervous processes leads to the fact that the brain reacts faster to external stimuli and makes the right decisions.

Improving vascular and heart function

Blood vessels and heart muscle become more resilient. During training, organs function more intensively, and muscles, under the influence of stress, require increased blood supply. The blood vessels and heart begin to pump more oxygenated blood, the volume of which increases to 10-20 liters per minute, instead of 5 liters. The cardiovascular system of people leading an active lifestyle quickly adapts to stress and recovers after each workout.

Improving the functioning of the respiratory system

Achieved as a result of the increasing need of organs and tissues for oxygen. Thanks to this, the depth and intensity of breathing increases. Against the background of no stress, the volume of oxygen passing through the respiratory organs in 60 seconds is 8 liters, and during swimming, running, or working out in the gym it increases to 100 liters, that is, it increases vital capacity lungs.

Increasing the protective functions of the immune system and qualitative changes in blood composition

The number of red blood cells contained per cubic millimeter in exercisers permanent basis people rises from 5 to 6 million. The level of white blood cells - lymphocytes that neutralize harmful factors - increases. General strengthening immune system - direct evidence of the positive effects of physical education. People who regularly engage in any kind of sport or go to the gym get sick much less often and recover faster.

Improved metabolism

In a trained body, the process of regulating the content of sugar and other substances in the blood occurs much better.

Changing your attitude towards life

People leading an active lifestyle are less susceptible to mood swings, neuroses, depression, less irritable and more cheerful.

How does sport affect a young body?

According to statistics, seventy percent of the total number of children and adolescents who are often susceptible to various diseases skip or do not attend physical education at all and do not play any sports. Time spent watching TV or computer, mental stress during lessons or work homework cannot compensate for the lack of physical release.

An inactive lifestyle “ages” a growing organism and makes it vulnerable. And if before pathology bone tissue, vascular and heart diseases were diagnosed in representatives of the older generation; today these ailments affect both children and adolescents. To avoid such adverse consequences, strengthen the body and immunity, one should not neglect sports and physical education.

The problem of popularizing physical education and sports

The beneficial effects of physical activity on the human body have been confirmed by research, practical observations, and are reflected in numerous proverbs among different nations peace.

Both teachers and doctors make a lot of efforts to ensure that society develops a positive attitude towards sports. IN educational institutions give out free passes to visit gyms, swimming pools. These efforts, of course, bear fruit, but the number of people who ignore sports and physical education is quite large.

Sports, of course, are important and necessary for everyone. The main thing is to maintain moderation and avoid overload. We should not forget about the injuries that can occur if safety precautions are neglected.

There are many subjects at school, some are favorites, some are not, and among them is physical education. There was and still is a lot of gossip about it, because some people think that this is a necessary item, while others think it’s the opposite. And yet, should this subject be in school or not, and where does the dissatisfaction of schoolchildren come from?

Some argue that those who need to be athletic and play sports go to a sports school, but in a regular school there is no place for this subject. In fact, physical education classes create fear and apathy in students because they are taught inappropriately. When performing some kind of physical exercise or participating in some kind of sport, everyone is afraid that they will be laughed at and that something will go wrong.



Physical education at school. The benefits of physical education.

There are many subjects at school, some are favorites, some are not, and among them is physical education. There was and still is a lot of gossip about it, because some people think that this is a necessary item, while others think it’s the opposite. And yet, should this subject be in school or not, and where does the dissatisfaction of schoolchildren come from?

Some argue that those who need to be athletic and play sports go to a sports school, but in a regular school there is no place for this subject. In fact, physical education classes create fear and apathy in students because they are taught inappropriately. When performing some kind of physical exercise or participating in some kind of sport, everyone is afraid that they will be laughed at and that something will go wrong.

Another “but” is the lack of necessary equipment and sports equipment that would make the lessons more interesting. Schoolchildren do not like to carry sports uniforms with them, do not like to change clothes for physical education class, etc. If all this could be avoided, that is, there would be no negative associations with physical education, it could even become a favorite subject. Another disadvantage is that physical education lessons are somehow illogically distributed in the lesson schedule.

The advantages of physical education are that it teaches children to lead an active lifestyle. You don't have to be an athlete, but everyone should play sports. Movement is life, it allows the metabolism to improve and the body to function properly. In addition, you can cultivate a competitive spirit, but do it correctly.

In terms of inclusion in the schedule, physical education is usually introduced between two difficult subjects. It is not good to make physical education the first or last lesson. Yes, you can start and end the school day with sports, but this is not the purpose for which physical education is taught at school. A lot depends on the teacher. If there is no dictatorship, there is patience and individual approach, I want to go there.

Pros and cons of physical education lessons at school.

Sport is very good for health, as movement is life. A love of sports is fostered in physical education classes at school. Physical education classes are aimed at developing cravings and the habit of physical exercise. They are also carried out to improve the health of children. In order to play sports at any age you needsports suit good quality. A sports suit will provide comfort during various physical activities. Tracksuits are designed specifically to ensure that nothing restricts movement during physical education or during active recreation.

There are different opinions regarding the benefits of physical education lessons. Some children don't like physical education because they find it difficult to complete certain tasks. It is very important to understand that you need to instill respect for sports and even try to get children interested in it. The task of teachers is difficult, since an individual approach is very important. It still won’t be possible to ensure that all children perform all physical exercises the same way. School program implies uniform classes for everyone, but due to this obligation, many children do not like physical education. Children with poor physical development, who in some cases make good progress in other subjects, often face problems.

Why do some schoolchildren not like physical education lessons? There are many reasons, and everyone has their own. The most common reasons are due to the fact that children begin to joke and tease each other about the lack of certain skills. How could this be resolved? Of course, you can force a child to learn to do some exercises ad infinitum, but is it really possible to achieve high-quality results by force? In order to cultivate a love for an active lifestyle, it is necessary to ensure that the lessons are not a burden and only inspire positivity.

Each child should do the exercises that he can do and play the sport that he likes. You can introduce children to various sports, but you don’t have to force them to do them. Sport develops the spirit of competition, etc., which can be good, but often in school everything ends in disunity of the team. Physical education lessons at school often distort the concept of sports and some children never want to do it again. Instead of fostering love for an active lifestyle, disgust is fostered. In each class there are athletic children who do everything well and enjoy physical education lessons. There are also children who suffer from physical education lessons, which is also important to take into account. Responsibility always lies with teachers, but also with parents; if parents lead an inactive lifestyle, then children will tend to imitate them.

Physical education and sports in our lives are so serious and apparent value that there is simply no need to talk about it. Everyone can independently analyze and evaluate the importance of physical education and sports in their own life. But at the same time, we must not forget that physical education and sports in our lives are of national importance; they are truly the strength and health of the nation. An undeniable advantage of physical education for adults, since in most cases a person is in a sedentary job and does not have any physical activity in his life, much less professional sports training. Thus, meeting today a person who plays sports every day is the exception rather than the rule.

The following are distinguished: characteristic features the fact that the human body does not receive enough physical activity:

  1. Bad dream. This is the surest signal that a person lacks activity, even if he devotes a lot of time to mental stress. In advanced cases bad dream turns into insomnia, and this is a direct path to irritability, inattention and a tendency to depression.
  2. Constant feeling of weakness and lack of strength. This is justified not only by the oppressed psychological state, which is observed in most people who do not engage in sports, but also because in the absence of loads it suffers muscular system and musculoskeletal system. In this condition, a person experiences stagnation in the joints and muscles, their weakening, which can lead to serious consequences. Moreover, often a person begins to feel real pain in the joints, back and muscles that occurs during prolonged walking or physical work. This is a direct consequence of the fact that the body is not provided with even the basic necessary loads.
  3. Pallor develops due to the fact that the body suffers from oxygen starvation. This can be avoided by doing physical exercise and various sports outside.
  4. Poor appetite.
  5. Excess weight is an important signal that a person does not have enough physical activity. At the same time, obesity will not only interfere with movement, but will also significantly increase the risk of heart and vascular diseases, as well as the development of diabetes.

The benefits of physical education for adults

The following main criteria are identified that determine the benefits of physical education for an adult:

  1. Regular physical exercise significantly reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. This is justified by the fact that sports activity helps maintain myocardial tone and also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. This greatly reduces the likelihood of a stroke. In this case, it will be enough for a person to simply practice frequent hiking on fresh air.
  2. Physical education helps normalize blood pressure, but only if such loads are moderate. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect (cause hypertensive crisis and all the ensuing consequences).
  3. Exercises help avoid the early development of diseases of the joints and back, such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, etc. It has been proven that older people who have been involved in sports since youth can maintain excellent joint mobility even in mature age. In addition, with frequent sports training, a person has less back pain, it is easier for him to walk long distances and climb stairs. It should also be noted that walking, swimming and regular exercise slow down the progression of existing joint diseases.
  4. Exercise reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes (type 2). For this reason, physical exercise is useful for those people who are prone to diabetes (overweight, high arterial pressure). In addition, even if a person is already sick diabetes mellitus, frequent physical activity will have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease and normalize blood sugar levels.
  5. The undeniable benefits of sports for a person’s weight. With its help, you can not only reduce the number of extra pounds, but also maintain your weight in a stable state. This especially works when sports are combined with a wisely selected diet.
  6. According to statistics, people who are physically active are less likely to get sick from cancer. Sports especially protect women from breast and colon cancer.
  7. Sport helps normalize sleep and make it sounder. With its help you can short terms get rid of the problem of insomnia.
  8. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the psycho emotional condition person. It has been proven that regular physical activity relieves bad mood, depression and even panic attacks. Moreover, in this state a person will feel more confident and calm. In addition, there is evidence that sport has a beneficial effect on people who have psychological disorders.
  9. Increased performance.
  10. Reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis - one of the most dangerous vascular diseases.
  11. Increasing human endurance. With frequent physical exercise, a person’s brain function improves, because the body is saturated with oxygen. For this reason, we can say that sport is a natural and very useful energy drink that can quickly tone a person up.

The benefits of physical education for children

The benefits of physical education for children are expressed in the following:

  1. Active loads help maintain strong bones in children and adolescents. Thus, bone tissue is more dense and can better “absorb” calcium.
  2. Exercises that the child began to do since early age, are favorably reflected on the baby’s posture, because they strengthen not only bones, but also muscles. Thus, the child protects himself from further development scoliosis and other types of spinal curvature.
  3. Physical activity slows down bone degeneration. This prevents the development of osteoporosis - a disease of brittle bones.
  4. Exercises help children maintain optimal weight, because today, according to statistics, every third child after twelve years of age suffers from extra pounds, which guarantees health problems in the future.
  5. In adolescents, sport reduces the tendency to depression and stress. It also develops culture and dignity.

The best types of sports activities for children and adults are traditional physical education, fitness, swimming, cycling and running.

The benefits of physical education - doctor's advice

Before you start actively training, you should know the following:

  1. Before starting your first workout, it is important to visit a doctor and make sure that you do not have serious contraindications to active training. For example, you cannot play sports if you are seriously ill. of cardio-vascular system, periods of exacerbation of the hypertensive crisis, as well as with obvious disorders in the musculoskeletal system. In such conditions, most likely, the doctor will prescribe rest or moderate exercise for the person.
  2. There is no need to rush into active physical activity after a recent illness. surgical intervention. After the operation, at least a month should pass and only after that you can gradually practice exercises, etc. Otherwise, the person will be in pain, and the tissue may be damaged after the incision.
  3. Only after a doctor's permission can physical exercise be practiced during pregnancy. In general, if the period of bearing a child goes satisfactorily, without any deviations or pathologies in a woman, then moderate physical training will help to the expectant mother only for the benefit.
  4. If a person has previously suffered a stroke or heart attack, then he needs to be extremely careful with physical activity. In general, doctors advise people in this condition to spend more time in the fresh air and practice long walks. This will be quite enough to maintain good physical shape.

During physical activities the body rapidly loses moisture, so on such days it is recommended to drink at least three liters instead of the traditional two liters of water. This is the only way to avoid dehydration.

Remember! Physical education is no less important than healthy eating and good rest. It not only prevents many diseases, but also has a beneficial effect on psycho-emotional state person, which is actually very important. Physical activity is beneficial at any age, be it a child, an adult or a pensioner.

GBUZ "Center" medical prevention» Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory.

Performing physical exercise causes a flow of nerve impulses from working muscles and joints and leads to central nervous system into an active, active state. Accordingly, the work of internal organs is activated, which provides a person with high performance and gives him a noticeable surge of vigor.

Many exercises contribute to prevention and treatment chronic disorders internal organs and musculoskeletal system.

The main qualities that characterize a person’s physical development are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. Improving each of these qualities helps improve health, but not to the same extent. Weightlifting exercises make you strong, sprinting helps you become fast, and gymnastics and acrobatic exercises help you develop agility and flexibility.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that for effective recovery and prevention of respiratory diseases, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable things in terms of health. physical quality- endurance, which in combination with hardening and other components healthy image life will provide a reliable shield against many diseases.

Reach high level endurance can be achieved using cyclic exercises, i.e. sufficiently long, uniform, repeated loads. Cyclic exercises include running, brisk walking, swimming, skiing, cycling, aerobics, and also, with certain reservations, sports such as basketball, tennis, handball, football, etc.

Scientific research and practice in many countries around the world have convincingly proven the primary health-improving effect of slow running on the health of people of all ages. Running has been proven to improve blood flow in all internal organs, including the brain, which is especially valuable as it provides the energy base for improvement brain regulation And mental activity. Fans of recreational jogging experience significant improvement metabolic processes due to increased microcirculation - blood flow in small diameter vessels.

After systematic running sessions, noticeable positive changes are observed in the state of the nervous system. Vision and hearing improve, a positive emotional state predominates, lung capacity increases, mental capabilities increase significantly and the information received is better remembered. Headaches practically disappear, sleep improves, and mental and physical performance increases. All this is due to an increase in the brain tissue of special substances - neuropeptides, which form the biochemical basis of mental activity.

Other cyclic exercises include fast walking for a fairly long time (1.5-2 hours). An effective way to strengthen leg muscles and improve their shape is to walk barefoot in shallow water along a river or sea. At the same time, blood flow increases, especially in the vessels of the legs, conditions are created for muscle growth in length and width, and at the same time an excellent hardening effect is achieved.

One type of health cyclic exercise is cycling, which strengthens the muscles of the legs and arms, develops strength, agility and endurance.

Swimming, like other cyclic exercises, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, helping to increase its power, efficiency, and vital activity. With systematic swimming, thermoregulation improves, the intensity of blood flow increases, and the heart muscles become stronger. Gas exchange also improves, which is very important for the full functioning of the body. Moderate swimming loads have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, “relieving” fatigue, improving sleep and increasing performance. Swimming, which trains and improves the thermoregulation and breathing systems, serves effective means prevention of respiratory diseases.

Now many fitness clubs practice different kinds aerobics, which is also a type of cyclic exercise.

Aerobics is a set of endurance exercises that last a relatively long time and are associated with achieving a balance between the body's oxygen needs and its supply. The body's response to increased oxygen demand is called the training effect or positive physical changes. Here are some such shifts:

  • the total blood volume increases so much that the ability to transport oxygen improves, and therefore the person shows greater endurance during strenuous physical activity;
  • lung volume increases;
  • the heart muscle is strengthened and better supplied with blood;
  • the content of high-density lipoproteins increases, the ratio total number cholesterol is reduced, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • the skeletal system is strengthened;
  • Aerobics helps cope with physical and emotional stress;
  • efficiency increases;
  • Aerobics is a real way to lose weight or maintain normal weight.
It is the latter aspect that most attracts young girls to engage in aerobics. But it must be said that exercise can only contribute to weight loss, and the main factor is a balanced diet.

Using a variety of aerobics programs in fitness clubs - step aerobics, fitball, body shaping, belly dancing (belly dancing), aqua aerobics, etc. - you can get the maximum benefit and pleasure every time.

One of the important areas of physical education is gymnastics. Gymnastics is a system of specially selected physical exercises and methodological techniques, used for comprehensive physical development, improving motor abilities and improving health. Gymnastics has been widely developed and has many varieties (athletic gymnastics, fitness yoga, Pilates, calanetics, stretching, etc.), which are now widely used in fitness clubs, but these types of gymnastics can also be performed independently, at home.

Choice individual program physical activity is necessary to make exercise enjoyable, to make the heart healthy and the body strong. Physical exercise improve mood, increase muscle tone, maintain spinal flexibility and help prevent disease.

Everyone knows that physical education is beneficial. But few people understand how important it is for prolonging youth. Scientists are sure: the decrepitude of the body and many ailments typical of older people are associated not so much with age as with a sedentary lifestyle, or more precisely, with a lack of movement and physical inactivity. Physically active women over 50 get sick no more, or even less, than thirty-year-old couch potatoes. And they live longer! It's never too late to get off the couch. According to one study, a group of middle-aged men who started exercising had a 44 percent lower five-year mortality rate than their sedentary peers. Physical education not only replenishes Pension Fund health - it allows you to look and feel younger now, makes it easier for you daily life. Isn’t it still difficult for you to go shopping, take out the trash, or pick up your grandson? Are you able to catch up with a departing bus without getting out of breath? Do you have the strength to make a small rearrangement in your home after returning from work? Aerobics (that is, activities that speed up the work of the heart and lungs), power training(weight lifting, push-ups), stretching exercises - all this significantly improves your physical fitness and makes it easier to cope with everyday activities.

Physical education increases energy. If you feel sleepy in the middle of the day, a few stretches or a 10-minute brisk walk will perk you up by increasing blood flow to your brain.

On the other hand, exercise improves sleep. In one American study, people who did 40 minutes of walking or light aerobics four times a week fell asleep twice as quickly and slept an hour longer than those who did not. By the way, with age, night periods deep sleep, giving maximum rest, are usually shortened, and physical exercise is perhaps the only way to prolong them.

Regular exercise makes us calmer. People who are accustomed to them have pressure in stressful situations jumps less than those of those who like to lie on the couch. Scientists from the USA have shown that frequent physical exercise reduces health complaints under conditions of emotional overload by 37 percent.

High mobility relieves chronic pain and reduces hot flashes during menopause. Even a few weeks of regular physical exercise increase self-esteem, allowing you to feel like a strong-willed and purposeful person. In the end, it just improves your mood!

· Improvement of the cardiovascular system. Almost all regular physical activity strengthens the heart and increases the elasticity of the arteries, improving its blood supply and reducing the risk of ischemia. Moderately intense training (“burning” 1200-1600 kcal per week) increases the level of “good cholesterol” in the blood, which protects against atherosclerosis. Perhaps regular exercise also prevents oxidation " bad cholesterol"and, accordingly, makes it difficult for it to adhere to the walls of arteries and form atherosclerotic plaques. The American Heart Association recently concluded that one of the healthiest exercises for your heart is lifting weights. It lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and improves general state of cardio-vascular system. In addition, glucose metabolism accelerates (which reduces the risk of diabetes) and the ratio of muscle tissue to fat increases. And the latter means an increased metabolic rate - muscles “burn” much more calories than fat, even at complete rest.

· Increase in blood oxygen capacity. Regular classes Aerobics increase the endurance of the cardiovascular system, preventing a decrease in the oxygen capacity of the blood, the rate of which after 25 years is about 1 percent per year. The oxygen capacity of the blood during aerobic exercise usually increases by 6-20 percent, but can increase by one and a half times. The higher the oxygen capacity, the more active the gas exchange with each inhalation and exhalation and the lower the likelihood of oxygen starvation and shortness of breath.

· Strengthening bones. Their density increases with loads, especially power and shock, for example when running. In women over 50 years of age who exercised with dumbbells two to three times a week, it increased by 1 percent over the year. At the same time, with a sedentary lifestyle, it decreases after menopause by 2 percent annually. At the same time, the ability to maintain balance deteriorates.

· Cancer protection. Regular exercise reduces the risk of colon, lung, breast, uterine and prostate cancer. According to one study, daily moderate exercise for 1 hour reduced the incidence of tumors of the direct and colon by 18 percent. It has also been found that a minimum of 4 hours of physical activity per week reduces the risk of breast cancer by half compared with a completely “passive” control.

· Benefits from head to toe. Exercise helps you get rid of excess weight and a variety of disorders. For example, strong thigh muscles appear to protect us from arthritis knee joints. Moderate exercise at least four times a week halves the risk of developing diabetes in women. With 2-3 hours of moderate physical activity weekly the risk cholelithiasis falls by 20 percent. It is clearly established that moderate aerobic exercise strengthens the immune system. One study found that women who briskly walked for 45 minutes five days a week took half the time to recover. It is also known that the positive effect of physical education on the immune system can be traced up to 87 years of age.

· Life extension. According to the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research (USA), women with moderate physical activity the likelihood of premature death from cancer, cardiac ischemia and other diseases is 2.5 times lower than that of their sedentary peers. You don't have to exercise every day to prolong your life. As shown by 17-year observations, moderate half-hour exercise at least six times a month reduced mortality by 43 percent compared to the “sedentary” control group. Good physical fitness appears to be even more important for longevity than maintaining an optimal weight. Scientists have proven that thin, sedentary men die more often than their overweight but athletic peers.

Physical activity does not mean going to the gym or even doing certain exercises. Research shows that an extra 30 minutes of movement each day, including routine activities like cleaning and walking up the stairs, improves cardiovascular health and helps you lose weight as well as regular exercise. So take more walks, use the elevator less, play with your grandchildren active games- any muscle effort will count towards you.

· How much will it be just right? It doesn’t matter what exactly you do, the main thing is to “burn” 1000-2000 kcal per week. The lower limit corresponds to half an hour of walking at a speed of 5.5 km/h or 15 minutes of running at a speed of 10 km/h daily.

· To each his own. The best way to increase physical activity is to choose the most pleasant form of exercise, which is perceived more like relaxation. Ask yourself: what do I love, what would I like to do? long years? Do you like splashing in the pool? Great! Water aerobics and swimming provide moderate exercise that is gentle on joints and is especially beneficial for arthritis. Do you love nature? Better! Hiking accessible to people of any age, regardless of their physical shape.

· Timing. Research shows that morning exercise is the most sustainable. The explanation is simple: during these hours people are not yet overloaded with work, have not had time to get tired and are usually full of good intentions. What if you are a night owl? Well, best time for classes - the one that is convenient for you. If your fitness peaks in the middle of the day, try jogging or race walking during your lunch break, for example.

You need to change your life, even for the better, wisely. Basics of success:

· Warm up and cool down. To ensure maximum benefit from your workouts, start with a 5-10 minute warm-up, which will warm up your muscles, making them more elastic and less vulnerable to injury. Get your blood pumping with a walk (5-6 km/h), an exercise bike (65-75 rpm), spinning your arms, or at least walking in place. Finish your workouts with a “cool-down” (about half the time of the warm-up), gradually reducing the intensity of the load. This will prevent blood from stagnating in the veins, which can lead to dizziness. It is best to do stretching exercises for those muscle groups that have worked the most (caution: if the muscles are not warmed up, this can injure them).

· Choose workwear. Firstly, it should not restrict movement. An elastic training suit is best, or shorts with a T-shirt in hot weather. Don't exercise in jeans - you might chafe your skin. Dress in several layers of clothing so that when you warm up, you can remove excess clothing. Closer to your body, wear something made of a lightweight blend of fabric that wicks moisture away from the skin. Avoid cotton - it soaks in sweat and becomes sticky. The choice of shoes depends on the nature of the activity. For example, in the gym you need slippers - flexible, with thin insoles and soles that slide easily in any direction. Running shoes, on the contrary, should be rigid, with thick arch supports and firmly cling to the ground. If you wear them to the gym, it will be difficult for you to take steps to the sides, you may even twist your ankle. And when jogging in light slippers, you risk slipping and injuring your foot by hitting the ground. Most universal option- sneakers. It is wise to have several pairs of shoes - for different types loads

· Drink more. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, cramps, loss of strength, and even fainting. Drink a large glass of water no more than 20 minutes before starting your workout, and then sip about 60 ml from the bottle at 10-minute intervals. Don't wait until you feel thirsty - it indicates that dehydration has already begun. When you're done, drink another full glass. During training, refrain from water only if physical activity provokes urinary incontinence.

· Do not hurry. Many, in a hurry to improve their health, enthusiastically begin to exhaust their bodies with hard training. The result is pain in muscles and joints, injuries, disappointment and refusal to exercise. It makes more sense to increase the duration, frequency and intensity of exercise gradually, focusing on improving your physical fitness. You can, for example, set a goal of half an hour of exercise on an exercise bike every day (to strengthen the cardiovascular system). To start, pedal for 15 minutes every other day. When you get used to it, add 5 minutes, say, once every two weeks. Once you reach half an hour, increase the frequency of exercise, for example, by one day every month, until you reach your goal.

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