Home Wisdom teeth Methodological development of a teacher on the topic: “Development of a system of additional tasks for different types of educational dictations according to S. Lvova’s educational complex.”

Methodological development of a teacher on the topic: “Development of a system of additional tasks for different types of educational dictations according to S. Lvova’s educational complex.”

Target:System development additional tasks To different types teaching dictations according to the teaching materials of S. Lvova.


    Using this form of work at different stages of training.

    Development of a system of verification and self-test using a system of tasks.

    Involving students in the process of writing assignments for texts.

Product summary:

Let us draw your attention to the educational complex “Russian Language”, edited by S.I. Lvova. Distinctive feature of this textbook on the Russian language is its focus on successfully mastering the main types of speech activity in their unity and interconnection.

The textbook by S. I. Lvova and V. V. Lvov includes rich text material intended for work on spelling. From the fifth to the ninth grades, this textbook provides systematic work with standard exercises “Spelling Minimum”. The material of these exercises is used to conduct vocabulary dictations. In this work we consider this type of dictation as an educational dictation.

Since the distinctive feature modern lesson Since the Russian language is focused on development, a system-activity approach, it makes sense to talk about the close relationship, the unity of all types of work. Work on spelling requires close interaction between spelling skills themselves and theoretical and linguistic ones. That is why the idea arose to combine work on the spelling minimum with work on other areas of linguistics: to include tasks on word formation, phonetics, morphology, and spelling in a regular vocabulary dictation.

Thus, a transition is made from the reproductive method (vocabulary dictation) to the partial search method (selective work with dictation).

The project presents some options for working with vocabulary dictation at different stages of the lesson. This work is supposed to be a form of training, although it can also be used for any type of task control in the format of the Unified State Exam and OGE), which once again emphasizes the relevance project work on this topic.

These didactic materials can be used by teachers working not only according to S.I. Lvova’s educational complex, but also according to other educational and methodological sets, since they all involve working with dictations.


A Russian language teacher needs to develop strong spelling and punctuation skills and enrich lexicon students, teach them to master the norms literary language, give children knowledge of linguistic and literary terms. In that great importance has a teaching and learning system according to which the teacher works.

Every Russian language teacher constantly feels what an important place the textbook occupies in his work.

A distinctive feature of the textbook on the Russian language, edited by S.I. Lvova, is its focus on the successful mastery of the main types of speech activity in their unity and interconnection. This feature helps to perceive and understand spoken speech and the printed word; competently, accurately, logically, expressively convey one’s own thoughts in oral and written speech, orients towards intensive speech and intellectual development. The content of the textbook corresponds to the new educational standard for the Russian language, which is especially important in the conditions new form final certification in this subject.

Main part.

The textbook by S. I. Lvova and V. V. Lvov includes rich text material intended for work on spelling.

From the fifth to the ninth grades, this textbook provides systematic work with standard exercises “Spelling Minimum”.

With this material, the teacher can offer students the following forms of work:

    memorizing the graphic appearance of a word or phrase (in this case, the words (phrases) to be memorized are written large on the board or students are advised to carefully examine them in the textbook);

    use of mechanical memory capabilities (students write down a word or phrase several times);

    remembering the spelling by perceiving a clear pronunciation (a word or phrase is clearly pronounced syllable by syllable by a choir or by an individual student, first loudly, then quietly, even quieter, in a whisper and to himself);

    using the technique of morphemic writing (students write down a word or phrase, separating morphemes with lines, while explaining out loud the spelling of each morpheme);

    recording a word or phrase with detailed graphic explanations of spelling and test words.

At the discretion of the teacher, the spelling minimum can be offered partially, completely, or with the inclusion of those words and phrases that students had difficulty writing.

In a strong class and in a class of average performance, in order to develop the ability to concentrate attention, you can offer work in variants: words or phrases are read by the teacher in pairs: the first word (phrase) of the pair is for students completing the task of the first option, the second word (phrase) is for students performing the task of the second option. When using this form of work, each pair of words (word combinations) is read twice.

Another form of writing words (phrases) of the spelling minimum is interdictation. Students take turns dictating words (phrases) of the spelling minimum to their classmates (one at a time) from memory. If any of the words (phrases) are not named, the teacher supplements the dictation.

The process of writing words can be complicated the following tasks:

    morphemic recording of words;

    recording words with accompanying spelling analysis (full or partial - as directed by the teacher);

    recording of words with accompanying language analysis (showing individual sounds in transcription, highlighting the morphemes being studied, indicating grammatical features, etc.);

    recording words as part of phrases constructed by students in accordance with the teacher’s assignment.

Another option for accompanying testing of the ability to conduct spelling and language analysis is additional tasks after traditional dictation:

    different kinds parsing individual words;

    analysis of individual phrases;

    constructing phrases or sentences in accordance with the teacher’s assignment (according to a given scheme, with a given content, with a certain stylistic task);

    composing text using words (phrases) of the spelling minimum.

This product offers its own methodology for working with the “spelling minimum”.

Practical part.

5th grade.

Exercise 31, page 17.

Shine a lantern, offend a friend, run around the house, boil beets, open the door, remote area, brave parachutist, enjoy the beauty of nature, trace on the parquet, earthquake sites, volcanic crater, amount of precipitation, surface heats up, increased temperature.


    Underline words that sound the same but are spelled differently.

    Find and write down a word consisting of two roots.

    Find the grammatical basis among the phrases and write it down.

    Find and write down nouns in the instrumental case.

    Find and write down a word that is an exception to the rule “Chu, chu I write with the letter y.”

Ex. 47, p. 23.

Table of contents, lean over, be dumbfounded, old-fashioned, one-year-old, threshing, request, hand over, pointer, consciousness, images, expression, station, exam, phonetics, spelling, linguistics, hasty, apparatus, education, rider, sparkle, distinguish, special, expressive, evaluate, repetition.


    Find and write down words in which voicing occurs.

    Find and write down words that name branches of linguistics.

    Find and write down words that have the prefix O.

    Find and write down a word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word.

Ex. 150, p. 70.

Amazing incident, defuse the situation, get ready for the road, breathe hard, notify a friend, huge icebergs, nutrients, detect problems, meteorite fall, unique phenomenon, grassy plain, favorable climatic conditions, a successful photo collage.

    Find and write down the adverb.

    Find and write down a synonym for the phrase “block of ice”

Ex. 211, page 95

Independent, expression, inflected, conjugated, inflected, onomatopoeic, quickly run away, stop, exclamatory, does not feel, did not want to bother, is unwell today, does not want to explain, dislikes secrets, hates betrayal, whistles.


    Find and write down verbs that cannot be used without NOT.

    Find and write down a word with the spelling “Spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.”

    Find and write the verb in the past tense form.

    Find and write down the adverb.

    Find and write the exception verb.

Ex. 244, p. 112

Sensitive device, ancient art, skilled craftsman, stone staircase, magnificent panorama, cower in fear, grown champignons, go on tour, local centenarian, express regret, bring a fire extinguisher, rustle pages, silky surface, give a coffee maker, colored markers.


    Underline the verb phrases.

    Find and write down a word with the spelling “Spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.”

    Find and write the noun in the genitive case.

    Find and write down the functional parts of speech.

Ex. 306, p. 138.

The soul rejoices at happiness, I don’t want to rush, I want to greet him, he spares the feelings of his parents, he was offended by his comrades, starting a dangerous game, melting in the sun, ski rack, they will meet at a meeting, read expressively, unite the youth.


    Write down the grammatical basics.

    Find and write down a third declension noun.

    Find and write down the words in which the stun occurs.

    Find and write down nouns in plural form.

    Find and write down the phrase adverb. + ch.

Ex. 498, p.45

Viewing the area, updating your spring outfit, a far-sighted act, an odorous liquid, a fair fight, a garlicky smell, sparing a friend’s pride, a shady corner of the alley, a heavy backpack, joyful anticipation, beauty is fading.


    Find and write down a word with the spelling “Spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.”

    Find and write down the word in which voicing occurs.

    Find and write down a word with a diminutive suffix.

    Find and write down a word with a double consonant at the root of the word.

6th grade.

Ex. 97, page 51

Diversity of plains topography, distilled water, horizontal direction, artificial selection, precipitation, meteorological station, modern geographical research, small-scale image, measuring the depth of a reservoir, high blood pressure.


    Find and write down the word in which the stun occurs.

    Find and write down words with a double consonant.

    Find and write words formed by addition.

    Find and write down the name thematic group words "rain, snow, hail"

    In whichword spellingconsolesbeforeWith voiceless consonants it is written "С"?

Ex. 195, page 104

Facilities artistic expression, expressive, composition, climax, repeated elements, bowed, tactful, metal rope, red-hot furnace, enchanting night, bulky, impressive, progressive, magnificent, biographical, respectful.


1. Write down a word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word. (bulky)

2. Indicate feminine nouns, 3 declension. (oven, night)

3. Find and write down the word according to its lexical meaning: the moment of highest tension in the development of an action. (climax)

4. Write down which means of artistic expression you know (2-3 optional).

5. Find and write down words with the spelling “ Spelling I-Y after C"

Ex. 318, p. 162.

Single, lighting, wooden, clay, demonstration, silver, infectious, glass, punctuation, excursion, cranberry, windy day, windless weather, insomnia, Gostiny Dvor, hotel, constitutional, operational, commission, straw, sloppy, unfriendly, fair.


1. In which words is the spelling of the suffix an exception to the rule?(wooden, glass)

2. Write down words with the same root. (windy - windless, living room - hotel)

3. In whichword spellingconsolesis determined by the rule: “In prefixes at -3/-Сbefore- WITH "? (insomnia)

4. Find a word formed by addition. (single)

5. Indicate words with a double consonant at the root of the word. (commission, sloppy)

Ex. 439, p. 20.

The idea of ​​education, arrange in a prescribed sequence, agricultural production, a complex device, the territory of a monastery, defend against attack, handicrafts, jewelry, remote terrain, impassable mud, achievements modern medicine, dryland irrigation, grind gems, destroyed bridge.


1. Find a word with an alternating vowel at the root of the word. (place)

2. Find a word that is a synonym for the wordsmoisten, water. (irrigate)

3.Find a word formed by addition (agricultural, precious)

4.Identify the word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word. (terrain)

5. Write down the superlative adjective. (the most difficult)

Ex. 577, p. 91.

Eleven markers, emergency help, two-story villa, four-time champion, circus acrobat, quantitative indicators, collective numerals, eighty million, overcome the distance, exploration of Antarctica, record the temperature, talented teachers, unique creation of nature, quantity, countless, threefold, five-story, one hundred fifty-eight kilograms, three million twenty nine thousand two hundred seventeen.


1. In whatwords spellingconsolesis determined by the rule: “In prefixes at -3/-Сbefore-3 is written for voiced consonants, and before voiceless consonants- WITH "?(countless, distance, exploration)

2. Replacephrase"circus acrobat", built onbasiscontrol.Write the resulting phrase. (circus acrobat)

3. In which word is the prefix PRE- close in meaning to the prefix PERE-? (overcome)

4. Find and write down words with a double consonant at the root of the word. (million, kilogram)

5. Write down your proper name.

7th grade.

Ex. 94, p. 37.

Common vocabulary, dialectisms and professionalisms, outdated words, show delicacy, provincial theater, legendary personality, famous composer, minor obstacle, under a plausible pretext, proposal for cooperation, shot sparrow, training in the pool, pretend to be witty, count on someone's help.


    Find and write down a phraseological phrase meaning “experienced person.”

    Find and write down an adjective formed by a prefix.

    Find and write down the pronoun, determine its category.

    Write down the word with the spelling " Alternating O-A in the roots."

    Write down a synonym for the word “delicacy.”

Ex. 193, p. 79.

An amazing feeling, sophisticated deceit, dotted with directions, poetic nature, accompany the collector, the use of cellulose, metal structures, a company of friends, a lost exhibit, a free classifieds site, a corrected inaccuracy, an election campaign.


    Find and write down homophones.

    Find and write down a phrase with the main word participle.

    Find and write down an adjective formed in a prefix-suffix way.

    Find and write down a word with the spelling " Writing Y-I after C"

    Replacephrase"metal constructions", built onbasisagreement, a synonymous phrase with connectioncontrol.Write the resulting phrase.

Ex. 286, p. 114.

Approximate distance, visual representation, choreographic ensemble, comfortable hotel, present an original hypothesis, glue stick, appreciate the politeness and charm of a stranger, curtained window, economic community, rescue team.


    Find and write down a word with the spelling “Spelling suffixes of passive past participles”

    Find and write down a noun formed with a prefix.

    Find and write down a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

    Find and write down a synonym for the words “assumption, guess.”

    Write down a paronym for the word “economic.”

Exercise 344, page 139.

Broken line, birch bark letters, potatoes baked in ash, field sown with rye, sniper rifle, demand satisfied, awarding the winners, thank you for your help, symmetrical structure, corrected inaccuracy, trampled sprouts, from a rebuilt unit.


    Find and write down a word with the spelling “N and НН in the suffixes of relative adjectives”

    Find and write down a short participle.

    Find the verb and determine its mood.

    Find and write down a word with an alternating vowel at the root.

    Find and write down the grammatical basis.

Ex. 611, p. 117.

Walk for half an hour, overcome obstacles, wait for a month, get to know the fate of the heroes, in the continuation of the book, win despite difficulties, keep in mind, make a mistake due to absent-mindedness, transfer money to a bank account, talk about plans for the future.


    Find and write down grammatical homonyms.

    Find and write down derivative prepositions.

    Find and write down the adjective used in the meaning of the noun.

    In whichword spellingconsolesis determined by the rule: “In prefixes at -3/-Сbefore-3 is written for voiced consonants, and before voiceless consonants- WITH "?

    Find and write down the verb in which voicing occurs.

8th grade.

Ex. 73, p. 43.

Dishwasher, patrol in the suburbs, colossal energy, harmony in nature, stylistic feature, aroma of plants, unforgettable dialogue, distant cannonade, ricochet, transport patrol, remember later, political figure, administrative decision, overgrown lilac bush, pollution environment, unlimited possibilities, quantitative and qualitative indicators of learning success, individual author’s neologisms, stored for eight centuries.


1. Indicate a word with a diminutive suffix. (bush)

2. Write down words with alternating vowels at the root of the word. (plants, bounce, overgrown)

3. Write down words with the same root. (patrol - patrol)

4. Write down what “neologisms” are.

5.Whichword spellingconsolesis determined by the rule: “In prefixes at -3/-Сbefore-3 is written for voiced consonants, and before voiceless consonants- WITH "? (overgrown)

Ex. 121, p. 71.

Propaganda-mass activities, formal business style speeches, means subjective assessment, dramatic works, prototype of a hero, write an autobiography, conference at the institute, digital camera, purchase a CD, satirical image, unification of forces, attention of those present, restoration of the building, modified due to the earthquake, the route of the new canal, harmony in nature, sacred relic, soldier's overcoat, competition participants, canvas tents, territorial waters, police patrol, autobiographical sketch, journalistic style, phraseological richness of speech, gradation


    Find and write down a synonym for the word “harmony, beauty”?

    Find and write down the derived preposition.

    Find and write down the participle that acts as a noun.

    Select and write down a synonym for the word “gradation”.

    Find and write down words with a double consonant at the root of the word.

    Find and write down words with the spelling “Spelling I-Y after C”

Ex. 364, p. 208.

Touch on the right, look in surprise, come from afar, go out before dark, make it red hot, make your way to the left, first you have to think, feed your fill, a unique exhibit, encyclopedic Dictionary, fiftieth anniversary, training programs, information and communication technologies, personal computer, aircraft design, anti-virus programs, RAM capacity.


1. Write down words in which the spelling of the root depends on the subsequent suffix. (touch, wade)

2. Indicate the erroneous judgment.

a) the word “exit” has 5 sounds

b) the word “volume” has 5 letters and 4 sounds

c) the word “anniversary” has 6 letters and 7 sounds

3. Identify and write the active present participle. (educational)

4 . Write down the word thatIs the spelling of the prefix determined by its meaning – “approximation”? (come)

5. Find and write down an adjective with a foreign language prefix.


The result of our work was a small collection of tasks for vocabulary dictations based on the “Spelling Minimum” exercises. In the process of our work, we came to the following conclusions:

    The choice of certain tasks largely depends on the characteristics of the class. In principle, tasks can be differentiated in the same class. Students choose what they prefer to do. In this case, it is advisable to give not 3–5 tasks, but more.

    All exercises to complete the spelling minimum are distributed among sections of the textbook. Thus, the vocabulary material depends on the topic of a particular section. But it is recommended to work on spelling at different stages of learning, therefore, a vocabulary dictation with tasks will be appropriate both when learning new material, and when consolidating, and in general lessons.

    In some exercises, the author of the textbook recommends that students themselves create a list of words for the spelling minimum. And here again we see an opportunity differentiated work. Some students can compose not only a vocabulary dictation, but also come up with tasks for it, and then check the work.

    This collection didactic materials can also be used by a teacher who does not work according to S.I. Lvova’s educational complex, since work on spelling is present in any educational and methodological set.

Thus, educational dictation with tasks is the type of work that is appropriate both in preparation for the State Examination in the Russian language and in the implementation of the new Federal educational standard, since this type of work is based on a system-activity approach aimed at the formation of UUD.


    S.I. Lvov. Russian language. 5th grade: textbook for general education. institutions. At 3 o'clock - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

    S.I. Lvov. Russian language. 6th grade: textbook for general education. Institutions. At 3 o'clock – M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

    S.I. Lvov. Russian language. 7th grade: textbook for general education. institutions. At 3 o'clock - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

    S.I. Lvov. Russian language. 8th grade: textbook for general education. institutions. At 2 o'clock - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

Director of MBOU "BOOSH No. 1" L.V. Soboleva

Preparation for the OGE

In Russian

Phrase. Ways to connect words in a phrase.

Synonymous phrases

Collocation - is a connection of two or more independent connected by a subordinate relationship.

Coordinationthis is the way subordinating connection, in which the dependent word is placed in the same forms as the main one. For example: linden alley - linden alley, autumn garden - about autumn garden, this girl - this girl.

When coordinated with the change in the forms of the main word, the forms of the dependent word change accordingly. For example: in this blooming linden alley, this blooming linden alley.

Management – This is a method of subordinating connection in which the dependent word (a noun or other part of speech used in the meaning of a noun) is placed in a certain case in relation to the main one. For example: help mom (D.p.), write to a friend (D.p.), tell about the exhibition (P.p.).

When controlling with changing the form of the main word, the form of the dependent word does not change. For example: tell a friend (D. p.), I’ll tell a friend (D. p.), tell a friend (D. p.).

Clue . If we have a phrase with a preposition, then this connection is management (for example, a cottage near a lake, going on vacation).

Adjacency is a method of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is connected with the main word only in meaning. For example: constantly take care, speak while smiling.

When adjoining, the dependent word is immutable.

The main word



subordinating connection

dependent word


Independent part speeches



winter road;

talented doctor


flickering light;

smiling child

Ordinal number

first snowdrop;

fifth lesson

A pronoun similar in form to them


any toy



loyalty to duty;

taking care of sister

A pronoun similar in form to it

choose from three;

the best



move quickly;


in a new way


read while lying down;

dreamed smiling

Infinitive ( initial form verb)

desire to relax;








Forms comparative degree adjective

taller girl;

shorter trousers

Immutable possessive pronounsher, him, them

her toys;

his opinion;

their reputation

Algorithm for completing tasks in OGE format

1. Find the main word (the one from which you can ask a question to the dependent), leave it unchanged.

2. Find the dependent word (the one to which the main question is asked). Determine what part of speech it is expressed by.

4. Change the way the dependent word is connected with the main word.

3. Check whether the selected word has the same root as the original word.

4. If you simply swap words, the method of communication between them will not change.

Examples of completing tasks in the OGE format

Exercise 1. Replace the phrase “fir cones” (sentence 4), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

(1) Composer Edvard Grieg spent the autumn in the forests near Bergen. (2) All forests are good, but the mountain forests near the sea are especially good: in them you can hear the sound of the surf.

(3) One day Grieg met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. (4) She collected fir cones and put them in a wicker basket...(According to K. Paustovsky)

1. The phrase “fir cones.” Cones (what?) are spruce. The main word is “bumps”, it remains unchanged.

2. The dependent word is “spruce”. It's an adjective. The dependent word must be modified (it must be a noun or pronoun similar in form to it).

3. It is necessary to obtain communication control.

4. When agreeing, the dependent word is most often found before the main word, and when controlling, it is after the main word. We select a cognate word for the dependent word (the noun “ate”). We write down the answer: “fir cones” (a phrase with the connection management). The task is completed.

Task 2. Replace the phrase “paper flags” (sentence 15), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

(14) There, on the Volga, there was a war going on even in winter. (15) Every morning Anna Nikolaevna moved red paper flags on the map in our class, and last winter there, near Stalingrad itself, the flags got stuck near some obstacle. (16) Anna Nikolaevna then came gloomy, until the flags on the Volga suddenly moved and began to move forward, towards the border... (According to A. Likhanov)

We reason as follows:

1. The phrase “paper flags.” Flags (which ones? From what?) made of paper. The main word is “flags”, it remains unchanged.

2. The dependent word is “from paper.” This is a noun with a preposition. The dependent word should be changed (it should beadjective, participle, ordinal number, pronoun, answering the question which?)

3. It is necessary to obtain communication approval.

4. When agreeing, the dependent word is most often found before the main word, and when controlling, it is after the main word. We select a cognate word for the dependent word (adj. “paper”). We write down the answer: “paper flags” (a phrase with the connection agreement). Mission completed.

Task 3. Replace the phrase “looked in surprise” (sentence 56), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the connection adjacency. Write the resulting phrase.

(50) On the first floor of this huge house there was a light on, and piano music flowed from the half-open window.

- (51) Who is that playing the piano there? - asked Kostya.

- (52) Did you fall from the moon? (53) A famous artist lives here. (54) And his daughter plays the piano,” said Styopka.

- (55) Daughter? - asked Kostya.

(56) Styopka looked at Kostya in surprise...(According to T. Sh. Kryukova)

We reason as follows:

1. The phrase “looked in surprise.” I looked (how?) in surprise. The main word is “looked”, it remains unchanged.

2. The dependent word is “with surprise.” It is a noun with a preposition. The dependent word should be changed.

3. It is necessary to obtain an adjacency connection.

4. We select a cognate word for the dependent word (an unchangeable word that answers the question how?). This is the adverb "surprised"). We write down the answer: “I looked in surprise” (a phrase with an adjacency connection). The task is completed.

Training tasks

Exercise 1. coordination control

with the preposition: mink coat

plush toy
lion's mane


wooden house

concrete road

rice porrige

glass roof

phone call

porcelain cup

without preposition:
parents' house

Foxy burrow

regimental banner
solar heat
strawberry smell
student desk
horse harness


shout of joy

Snake skin

Task 2. Zcontrol synonymous with the method of communicationcoordination

apparatus for gymnasts
path to the forest

lilac bushes
drawing lessons

smooth coated dog
five storey house
boy of eighteen

a man without conscience
literature question
striped suit

shotgun with two barrels

corn porridge

girl with brown hair
brother's advice

Task 3. ZChange the suggested phrases with the method of communicationadjacency synonymous with the method of communicationcontrol

wince in annoyance

looked boldly
walked wearily

approached silently
looked indifferently

looked respectfully

leaned down carefully

hummed carefree

rushed fearlessly

listened sympathetically

Task 4. Replace the suggested phrases with the method of communicationcontrol synonymous with the method of communicationadjacency

done with care

dug diligently

spoke with sympathy

told with pride

waited anxiously

looked with embarrassment

Option 1

Listen carefully

Presentation is interesting

Be respectful

Calmly reflect

Easy to decide

You diligently deduce

It's easy to transform

Fragrant grow

Talk while smiling

Go back home

He says sighing

Ruthlessly exterminated

We parted peacefully

It's hard to lift

Go humming

Laughing he told

Complete successfully

Looking sadly

Screams joyfully

Swims tirelessly

You rewrite diligently

You clean diligently

You look enviously

Solemnly celebrated

Looking sad

Bravely defended

Stood bravely

Fought bravely

Bravely defends

Acting decisively

ended victoriously

Option 2

Lines of poetry

Student's portfolio

Children's toys

Kitchen set

Maple leaves

Vowels with alternation

Strawberry Pie

City streets

Children's laughter

Mother's hands

Traces of a wolf

Family secrets

Publications in the magazine

At the book exhibition

In the gooseberry thickets

In a birch bark mug

On a silver tray

On a gravel road

In the bird feeder

With raspberry compote

Work table

Finishing material

With pear syrup

Plum jam

Chicken soup

Cake for the holiday

In a straw hat

Optional tasks

Exercises for home

At the Mathematics Olympiad

Option 3

Wooden house

Birch sap

Straw hat

Arctic fox coat

Plastic windows

cotton candy

In a mink hat

Hare tracks

sea ​​surface

To the school library

Autumn rains

Morning silence

In the cool magazine

Diary entries

At the forest house

At the school site

Strange people

fashion clothes

In a wooden box

With youthful enthusiasm

Logic games

Humorous stories

Computer games

Malachite Box

On oak bark

Bird hubbub

In a brick house

On a wooden fence

At a country dacha

Winter clothes

Calico robe

In woolen socks

Deer horns

In the wolf's tracks

Blackberry ice cream

Curd dessert

With cherry syrup

Option 4

Looked with envy

Treated with respect

Remade with quality

Wrote without errors

Perform with diligence

We prove with confidence

We argue with arguments

You lie without conscience

Exclaimed in surprise

I asked with tears

Went to work

Sent to clean up

Dreams of vacation

Ended in victory

Whistled with rage

Go with a song

He told me with a laugh

Successfully complete

Looking sadly

Screams with joy

Swims without fatigue

You rewrite with zeal

You clean with diligence

You look with envy

Celebrated with triumph

Looking with sadness

Looking with silence

Got up with a hiss

Boiled with a whistle

Crashed with a crash

Acting with Determination

Ended in victory

Laugh with anguish

Types of subordinating connections in phrases




Remember! A dependent word can appear before the main word, after the main word, at a distance of several words

Self-test material

Option 1

B2. Replace the phrase built on the basis of adjacency with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

Listen carefully

Listen with attention

Presentation is interesting

Express with interest

Be respectful

Treat with respect

Calmly reflect

Reflect with calmness

Easy to decide

Decide with ease

You diligently deduce

With diligence you bring out

It's easy to transform

Transform with ease

Fragrant grow

grow with fragrance

Talk while smiling

Talk with a smile

Go back home

Return to the house

He says sighing

He speaks with a sigh

Ruthlessly exterminated

They exterminated without pity

We parted peacefully

Parted with peace

It's hard to lift

It's hard to lift

Go humming

Go with a song

Laughing he told

He told me with a laugh

Complete successfully

Successfully complete

Looking sadly

Looking sadly

Screams joyfully

Screams with joy

Swims tirelessly

Swims without fatigue

You rewrite diligently

You rewrite with zeal

You clean diligently

You clean with diligence

You look enviously

You look with envy

Solemnly celebrated

Celebrated with triumph

Looking sad

Looking with sadness

Bravely defended

Defended with bravery

Stood bravely

Stood with courage

Fought bravely

Fought with courage

Bravely defends

Stands up with courage

Acting decisively

Acting with Determination

ended victoriously

Ended in victory

Option 2

B2. Replace the phrase based on management with a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

Lines of poetry

Poetic lines

Student's portfolio

Student's briefcase

Children's toys

Children's toys

Kitchen set

Kitchen set

Maple leaves

Maple leaves

Vowels with alternation

Alternating vowels

Strawberry Pie

Strawberry pie

City streets

City streets

Children's laughter

Children's laughter

Mother's hands

Mother's hands

Traces of a wolf

Wolf tracks

Family secrets

Family secrets

Publications in the magazine

Journal publications

At the book exhibition

At the book exhibition

In the gooseberry thickets

In the gooseberry thickets

In a birch bark mug

In a birch bark mug

On a silver tray

On a silver tray

On a gravel road

On a gravel road

In the bird feeder

At the bird feeder

With raspberry compote

With raspberry compote

Work table


Finishing material

Finishing material

With pear syrup

With pear syrup

Plum jam

Plum jam

Chicken soup

Chicken soup

Cake for the holiday

Birthday cake

In a straw hat

In a straw hat

Optional tasks

Selective tasks

Exercises for home

Home exercises

At the Mathematics Olympiad

In the Mathematical Olympiad

Option 3

B2. Replace the phrase built on the basis of agreement with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

Wooden house

Wooden houses

Birch sap

Birch sap

Straw hat

Straw hat

Arctic fox coat

Arctic fox fur coat

Plastic windows

Plastic windows

cotton candy

Sugar wool

In a mink hat

In a mink hat

Hare tracks

Hare tracks of hares

sea ​​surface

Surface of the sea

To the school library

To the school library

Autumn rains

rainy autumn

Morning silence

The silence of the morning

In the cool magazine

In the class journal

Diary entries

Diary entries

At the forest house

At the house in the forest

At the school site

On the school site

Strange people

Strange people

fashion clothes

Fashionable clothes

In a wooden box

In a wooden box

With youthful enthusiasm

With the enthusiasm of a young man

Logic games

Logic games

Humorous stories

Stories with humor

Computer games

Games on the computer

Malachite Box

Malachite box

On oak bark

On oak bark

Bird hubbub

The hubbub of birds

In a brick house

In a brick house

On a wooden fence

On a wooden fence

At a country dacha

At a dacha outside the city

Winter clothes

Clothes for winter

Calico robe

Calico robe

In woolen socks

In wool socks

Deer horns


In the wolf's tracks

In the footsteps of the wolf

Blackberry ice cream

Blackberry ice cream

Curd dessert

Cottage cheese dessert

With cherry syrup

With cherry syrup

Option 4

B2. Replace the phrase based on control with a synonymous phrase with the connection adjacency. Write the resulting phrase.

Looked with envy

Looked enviously

Treated with respect

Was respectful

Remade with quality

Remade with high quality

Wrote without errors

Wrote flawlessly

Perform with diligence

Run diligently

We prove with confidence

We prove with confidence

We argue with arguments

We argue with reason

You lie without conscience

You lie shamelessly

Exclaimed in surprise

Exclaimed in surprise

I asked with tears

Tearfully asked

Went to work

I went to work

Sent to clean up

Sent to clean up

Dreams of vacation

Dreams of relaxing

Ended in victory

Ended victoriously

Whistled with rage

Whistled furiously

Go with a song

Go humming

He told me with a laugh

He told it funny

Successfully complete

Complete successfully

Looking sadly

Looking sadly

Screams with joy

Screams joyfully

Swims without fatigue

Swims tirelessly

You rewrite with zeal

You rewrite with zeal

You clean with diligence

You clean diligently

You look with envy

You look enviously

Celebrated with triumph

Solemnly celebrated

Looking with sadness

Looking sad

Looking with silence

Looking silently

Got up with a hiss

Got up hissing

Boiled with a whistle

Boiled whistling

Crashed with a crash

Crashed loudly

Acting with Determination

Acting decisively

Ended in victory

Ended victoriously

Laugh with anguish

Laugh hard

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