Home Stomatitis How is the dream translated? Foreign speech according to the dream book

How is the dream translated? Foreign speech according to the dream book

In this article we talk about sleep and everything connected with it, in English.

Friends, hello everyone! Do you like to sleep? Of course! I think everyone likes to sleep. Isn't it amazing to get a good night's sleep over the weekend? I don't know about you, but I really love it. Sleep helps us recuperate and prepare for the new day. It’s not for nothing that they say sleep is the best healer.

The article is quite funny, I know. To be honest, I really wanted to sleep, so I decided to write about it :)

So, the article is dedicated to sleep and everything connected with it!

We talk about sleep in English.

First of all, “to sleep” in English will be like “to sleep”. If you are talking about a noun, then the same goes for “sleep”. Just don’t confuse it with the dream you see when you sleep. Well, or you don’t see it, it depends on your luck :) Such a dream in English will be “a dream”. I'll tell you about it later.

So, examples:

How long did you sleep last night?

(How long did you sleep last night?)

Did you have a good sleep?

(Did you sleep well?) verbatim - Did you sleep well?

If you've had enough sleep, you can say:

I had a good sleep, thanks.

(I slept well, thank you)

I’ve slept very late this morning, so I’m full of energy.

(I slept a lot this morning, so I'm full of energy)

I got enough sleep.

(I've slept enough)

And vice versa, if you slept poorly:

I slept bad last night.

“To fall asleep” in English would be “to fall asleep”:

(Yesterday I fell asleep at 11)

"Asleep" is translated as "sleeping". For example:

Where are the children? - Where are children?

They're asleep already. - They are already asleep.

If you want to sleep, you can say:

I feel sleepy. I should go to bed.

(I feel drowsy/sleepy. I should sleep)

I want to sleep, I’m off to bed!

(I want to sleep, I'm going to bed!)

“Short nap, doze” is translated as “nap”. Verb - to nap nap.

I was very tired and napped right at work yesterday.

(I was very tired yesterday and dozed off right at work)

It’s dangerous to nap when you’re driving.

(Dozing behind the wheel is dangerous)

Now about dreams.

The dream we have is “a dream”.

I saw a dream last night. You were there!

(I had a dream last night. It was you!)

Nightmare is translated as “nightmare”:

I had a nightmare yesterday!

(I had a nightmare yesterday!)

Prophetic dream - prophetic dream.

Well, to summarize, I’ll put everything in a table.

Vocabulary about sleep in English.

sleep, sleep to sleep, a sleep
get enough sleep to get enough sleep, to have a good sleep
drowsy, drowsy, lethargic sleepy
fall asleep to fall asleep
go to bed (go to sleep) to be off to bed
short nap, doze, doze a nap, to nap
sleep (dream) a dream
nightmare a nightmare
prophetic dream a prophetic dream

More meanings of the word and translation of SEEING A DREAM from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of SEEING A DREAM from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for SEEING A DREAM in dictionaries.

  • TO SEE A DREAM - To dream
  • TO SEE A DREAM - to dream, to have a dream
  • TO SEE A DREAM - to dream, to have a dream
  • SEE - see v. see
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  • SEE - See
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  • SLEEP - 1. (state) sleep; slumber (also translated) in a dream - in one "s sleep through a dream - in ...
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  • SLEEP - 1. (state) sleep; slumber poet. in a dream in one`s sleep; I am sleepy i am sleepy; he is from sleep...
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  • SEE - see see* (smb., smth.) good ~ see* well; I see him as alive i can see him before me now; ...
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  • DREAM - Dream
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  • SEE - To see
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  • SLEEP - sleeping
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  • SEE
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  • SLEEP - m. 1. (state) sleep; slumber (also translated) in a dream - in one's sleep through a dream - ...
  • SEE - see (internal; in different meanings) see* (d.) do you see anything there? - can you see...
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  • SEE - v. see, perceive with the eyes; discern; witness; hold
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  • SLEEP - Sleep Trap
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  • SEE – Show
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  • SEE - See
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  • SEE - Look at
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  • SEE – Behold
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  • SLEEP - 1. (state) sleep; slumber poet. in a dream in one`s sleep; I am sleepy i am sleepy; he didn’t understand anything from the dream he...
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  • SEE - see also. easy ~ that. From (A2) we observe (or see) that ...
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  • DREAM - sleep dream
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  • SLEEP - 1. noun. 1) sleep to get/have a good night's sleep ≈ sleep well at night to induce sleep ≈ induce sleep...
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  • SEE - Chapter I 1) see; look, look; observe see visions Syn: look, notice, observe, watch, witness, meet Ant: disregard, …
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  • LOOK - 1. noun. 1) a) look to have/take a look at ≈ to look at; get acquainted with to steal a look ≈ ...
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  • LAST - I 1. adj. 1) excellent from late 1. 2) a) last to come in last ≈ to come last (at the races) ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary

Today we would like to tell you about this important element our life is like a dream. Some people love this business, others not so much. But one thing is clear - everyone, without exception, needs healthy sleep. So, we invite you to come with us on a journey through Sleepy Hollow! Are you with us? We're going in!

He who sleeps does not waste time!

How did you sleep? We hope it's sweet. But, if you suddenly have insomnia ( insomnia) or you toss and turn for a long time and can’t sleep at night, and in the morning you can barely crawl out of bed, then here are 8 effective and simple tips for getting a good night’s sleep. a short time. So what we recommend doing:

  • Listen to your own biological clock (biological clock). Set a routine and try to stick to it ( stick to it). Every morning you will get up in a great mood and feeling good!
  • Before going to bed, rest is required. You shouldn't work until the last minute. Your body needs time to readjust and relax. Try reading or watching movies every night before bed. Nightmares on Elm Street, for example;)
  • The bedroom is for sleeping, but your phone or tablet will distract you. Therefore, it is better to turn them off or remove them. L - logic.
  • The bedroom should be cool. The optimal temperature is 15-18 degrees Celsius, and not the usual 21. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you may have a nightmare. But more on that later.
  • Write down your problems and tasks or keep a diary. Often we cannot fall asleep for a long time because we mentally remember what needs to be done tomorrow. Write everything down on paper and go to the side ( hit the hay).
  • Listen White noise or sounds of nature. Even in sleep, our brain listens to sounds. And white noise or nature sounds will eliminate distractions.
  • Forget about caffeine until the morning. Its effect on your body can last up to 14 hours! Although this doesn't work for everyone.
  • Find out how many hours of sleep you really need. Many people claim that four or five hours a day is enough for them. But, again, this is all strictly individual. Turn off the alarm clock once and see what time you wake up - that’s exactly how many hours you personally need.

Phrases and idioms

Time for cool expressions on the topic of the day! Let's go!

to crash out- fall asleep quickly (pass out or pass out). I crashed out at his house last night. - I passed out at his house yesterday.
dose off- fall asleep unintentionally. I thought the seminar would be interesting, but I dosed off in 5 minutes after the beginning. - I thought the seminar would be interesting, but I fell asleep 5 minutes after it started.
to catch some z's- sleep. I'm going to catch some z"s before the party tonight. - I'm going to get some sleep before tonight's party.
sleep like a log / dog / rock- sleep like the dead without waking up for a long time. I was so tired after running five miles yesterday that I slept like a log. - I was so tired after running 5 miles yesterday that I slept like the dead.
go moo-moo- sleep for a long time (until the cows come home). Goodnight ya"ll, I"m going moo-moo! - Pokedova everyone, I'm going to bed!
tuck someone in- tuck someone a blanket. She tucked in her little son and turned out the light. - She tucked the blanket into her little son and turned off the light.
toss and turn- fidget and toss and turn on the bed. My neighbor was having a party and I was tossing and turning all night. - My neighbor had a party, and I tossed and turned all night.
hit the hay- go to the side. I'm going to hit the hay, then go to sleep. - I'm going to go to the side and sleep.
the sleep of reason produces monsters- the sleep of reason gives birth to monsters.

7 Little-Known Facts About Sleep

There are rumors that sleeping for 30-40 minutes is more beneficial and energizes you much better than, for example, two hours. But these are just rumors, and we offer you the following facts about sleep:

  • Everyone has dreams. And even the blind. Only in their case, dreams are a set of certain sounds, sensations and smells. Those who became blind after birth correspondingly dream of the images they saw before losing their sight.
  • You forget 90% of your dreams. Just five minutes after waking up, you forget half of your dreams. Sad, isn't it? Well, after ten minutes, you remember only 10% of the various nonsense you dreamed about. It’s scary to imagine what chemistry lessons would be like if Mendeleev remembered the entire table that appeared to him in a dream.
  • We only dream about people we know. Perhaps you yourself have noticed more than once that in your dreams there are a lot of strangers and suspected their imagination of inventing them on its own. In fact, all the people you see in your dreams have met you at least once in reality. So that creepy zombie that chased you for half of last night may well have the traits of your classmate's mom from years past.
  • Dreams prevent psychosis. Students who took part in a recent inhumane study were woken up as soon as they began to watch their first dream, and then allowed to sleep for the required 8 hours. And there's no way to call it biphasic sleep (biphasic sleep) - a feature in which the main dream is divided into two rough parts - a person wakes up at night and remains awake for an hour or more. So, in the next three days, the experimental subjects had difficulty concentrating, hallucinations and irritability. Those who were not disturbed by the allotted 8 hours of sleep felt normal. This is the research.
  • Dreams about something more. Even if in a dream you saw a very specific trash can at a bus stop, it is not at all a fact that your dream is about a specific one. Most likely, your unconscious is flirting with you - it, as a rule, is trying to compare this urn with something deeper and more important than a piece of cement. Dreams, you know, are symbolic.
  • Those who quit smoking see more vivid dreams. How is this related? We have no idea, but there is information about people who smoked for a long time and then gave up this habit. So they, in one smoky voice, claim that their dreams have become much more intense. True, they mostly dream that they have taken up a cigarette again: (And they wake up in horror and panic from nicotine hunger. We all know that smoking is not good! Therefore, if you have already started, don’t quit;)
  • During deep sleep, your body is paralyzed. And perhaps it was nature itself that worried about such a mechanism (it’s a pity that about snoring ( snore) didn't bother). So that you do not try, for example, to reproduce the actions that you dream about. The cervical glands produce a hormone that causes you to fall asleep, and neurons send signals to the spinal cord, causing your body to first relax and then become still. That's it.


“This task is so easy - I can do it in my sleep!” Probably everyone has had this at least once in their life. And what do you think? Yes, yes! In a dream, you can cope with certain tasks. We're not talking sleepwalking here ( sleep-walking), referring to the work of the brain.

So, experiments! A team of neuroscientists from France, using an electroencephalogram, proved that the brain continues to perform a task even during sleep! Participants were told certain words and asked to press a button. right hand, if the word denoted an animal, and with the left hand, if the word denoted an object. Quite simple, it would seem. But the amazing thing is that even after the experimental subjects fell asleep, their brains continued to send signals through the electroencephalogram and the task continued to be carried out. Moreover, the answers were correct.

Have you heard about prophetic dreams ( prophetic dreams)? Those that are supposed to come true. They say that they dream of such things from Thursday to Friday. Only the time frame for such dreams to come true is up to ten years or more. There is a chance that when/if they come true, you won’t even remember that you ever dreamed about it. In general, dreams are an amazing thing. There is such a thing as binaural beats ( binaural beats) is a kind of artifact of the brain, imaginary sounds of controlled music that the brain perceives (“hears”), although there are no real sounds of this frequency. Want to experiment? We have a special audio file for you! Turn it on before bed, put on your headphones and turn the volume down, then go to bed. When you wake up, your brain might surprise you with new words in English! Worth a try! And don't worry, you don't risk anything. Checked!

The meaning of dreams

Remember the temperature for sleeping in the room? When last time have you looked under your bed? And in the closet? Did you have nightmares? nightmares)? This type of dream means that the brain cannot cope with your inner fears and processes them chaotically. This is a sign of emotional overload ( stress) or approaching anxiety disorder (anxiety disorder). We recommend being vigilant, not overworking yourself and not wasting your precious nerves over trifles. Otherwise, there is a chance that first you will have a dream, for example, a dream where you fall into an abyss ( gulf-dream). If such a dream occurs immediately after falling asleep, then most likely you are overtired and the brain falls asleep before the body. This is often accompanied by hypnagogic jerks - small spasms that may wake you up, but soon return to sleep. And then suddenly - a nightmare! And it doesn’t matter anymore whether you sleep with the door open, the light on, whether your hand is hanging on the floor, whether you are completely covered with a blanket or not... He’s already dreaming! Of course, you can try hanging a Native American talisman called a dream catcher above your bed ( dreamcatcher), so that the bad ones get entangled in the web, and the good ones slip through the hole in the middle. The main thing is to believe. But we advise you to simply take care of yourself and be attentive to your health. Well, at least so that Freddy Krueger doesn’t come out of your nightmares to sit out in safety.

Some more phrases here!

You didn’t think that there would be no more cool phrases, did you? Here are a few more frequently used expressions:

cat nap- nap. A cat nap left me refreshed enough to face the rest of the day. - A short nap revived me enough to cope with the rest of the day.
shuteye- another short sleep. You know I get crow"s feet if I don"t get enough shuteye. - You know I will have crow's feet(wrinkles at the corners of my eyes) if I don't get enough sleep.
don't sleep a wink- don't close your eyes. The sister had a really roaring night and I didn’t sleep a wink.- My sister had a rather stormy night and I didn’t sleep a wink.
wide-awake- awake, on guard. The maniac is somewhere around, we got to stay wide awake. - The maniac is somewhere nearby, we must remain on guard.
crack of dawn- at dawn. They finished their crook business at the crack of dawn. - They finished their dark business at dawn.
beauty sleep- sleep until midnight (it is believed that it preserves beauty). Your beauty sleep doesn't really help. - Is yours nap doesn't really help.
recharge my batteries- gain fresh strength. I have to recharge my batteries, I have an important business meeting tomorrow. - I need to gain fresh strength - I have an important business meeting tomorrow.
heavy sleeper- a person who can hardly be woken up at night. The fireworks trick didn't work, man. Your dad is such a heavy sleeper!- The fireworks trick didn't work, man. You couldn't even kill your father with a cannon shot!
to lose sleep over(something) - worry about something. We need to finish this project by Saturday but try not to lose sleep over it, we have plenty of time to work on it over the next two days. - We have to finish this project by Saturday, but try not to panic - we have plenty of time to work on it over the next two days.
to sleep on it- take the night to make a decision. I’m really not sure whether to buy your car or not. Do you mind if I sleep on it and let you know tomorrow? - I’m really not sure whether to buy this car or not. Do you mind if I think about this question tonight and let you know tomorrow?

That's all for us! May insomnia not bother you and may you have a warm bed for the coming cold nights. Don't forget about pajamas and let your dreams always be interesting, colorful and memorable, and the best of them will be prophetic;) Later, guyzzZzZ!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

“The amount of sleep required by the average person is five more minutes,”(“The average amount of sleep a person needs is five more minutes”), noted one British comedian.

We live in such a rhythm that there is less and less time for sleep, everyone around says that sleep is overrated(the importance of sleep is greatly exaggerated), but every morning I still want to curl up under the covers and fall asleep.

In the Russian language, sleep has a special place: you can take a nap, rest, go to bed and nod off, sleep can come and go, you can not sleep enough and oversleep. In terms of the variety of “sleepy” expressions, English is not inferior to Russian - today we’ll talk about sleep in English.

  • ImsogoodatsleepingIcandoitwithmyeyesclosed.
    (I'm so good at sleeping that I can do it with my eyes closed.)

"Sleep" in English - tosleep. Or todream when you dream ( dreams). If you suddenly have a nightmare ( tohave anightmare), and you will wake up in horror in the middle of the night ( inthemiddleofthenight), remember how small children who woke up from a nightmare are calmed down by saying: “ Itwasjustabad dream”.

The essence of dreams has not yet been fully solved: many believe that one can see a prophetic dream ( aprophetic dream), someone has a recurring dream ( arecurringdream) and tries to unravel its symbols ( tointerpretadream) using a dream book ( adream book). To attract good dreams and protect themselves from bad dreams, many hang a special talisman called a “dream catcher” over the headboard - in English adreamcatcher.

Some people seem to continue to daydream and have their head in the clouds even when they are awake - they are called daydreamers, and the verb todaydream means “to fantasize, daydream, daydream”:

I drifted off in a daydream during the lecture.- I was daydreaming during the lecture.

I spent the whole day daydreaming about my new motorbike. - I spent the whole day dreaming about a new motorcycle.

  • I slept like a baby last night - woke up every three hours crying in the dark.
    (Last night I slept like a baby - waking up every three hours and crying in the dark.)

How did you sleep last night? Let's remember what the sleep process can be like:

fitfulsleep - interrupted sleep when you constantly wake up abruptly and have difficulty falling asleep

heavysleep- heavy sleep with unpleasant or disturbing dreams

troubledsleep- restless sleep

restfulsleep - peaceful sleep after which you feel refreshed

sound sleep- sound, deep sleep

beautysleep- sleep until midnight, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism and improves appearance

tosleeplikealog/ dog/ rock- sleep like a log, sleep soundly/deadly, sleep without hind legs

to sleep like a baby- sleep like a baby's sweet sleep

to be a light sleeper- sleep very lightly

tobeaheavysleeper- sleep like a dead man, so that “you can’t wake him up with guns”

tobearestlesssleeper- sleep restlessly, toss and turn, wake up

I was tossing and turning all night.- I tossed and turned in bed all night.

Want to know what the position you sleep in says about you? Watch the video of our beloved Ronnie:

  • There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.
    (In life there is enough time for both long conversations and sleep.)

To go to bed And to go to sleep- It is the same? Let's figure out what the difference is.

Togotobed means “to go to bed”, it is a conscious action, a decision to go to bed and get ready for sleep, which does not necessarily mean that you will immediately fall asleep:

Last night I went to bed and read a book for a little while. - Last night I went to bed and read a little before going to bed.

I usually go to bed at 11:00 p.m.. - I usually go to bed at 11 pm.

Togotosleep or tofallasleep translated as “to fall asleep”, you move from the state awake in a state asleep, this is an unconscious action that often happens against your will:

Last night I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.- Last night I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

IamsoexhaustedIcould fallasleeprightnow. - I'm so tired that I could fall asleep right now.

Tosleepin- this is lounging in bed and getting up later than usual:

Imofftomorrow, soI thinkIllsleepin. - I have a day off tomorrow, so I’ll sleep longer.

Tooversleep- oversleep. This most often happens if you made a short-sighted decision the previous evening. tostayuplate (intothenight) - stay up late, stay up late at night:

Don"t stay up so late, you have to go to work tomorrow. Andmakesurenottooversleep. - Don’t stay up late, you have to work tomorrow. And try not to oversleep.

Tosleepover- stay overnight with friends. Asleepover- a party popular among American children and teenagers when guests stay overnight until the morning. You can also organize aslumberparty- a kind of “hen night party”, when friends stay overnight in the house of one of them - or apajamas/pyjamasparty- pajama party.

Can I sleep over at my friend's house?- Can I stay with a friend overnight?

Tocryoneselftosleep- cry into your pillow until you fall asleep; fall asleep in tears. A very popular line in romantic songs about unrequited love:

I cried myself to sleep every night.- Every night I fell asleep in tears.

Tolosesleepoversomething- lose sleep due to anxiety, worries or thoughts about something:

It" snotworthlosingsleepover. “It’s not worth losing peace and sleep over this.”

To sleep on it- take the night to make a decision, think about it and give an answer in the morning with a fresh mind. The translation of this idiom correlates with the Russian proverb “the morning is wiser than the evening”:

CouldIsleeponitand letyouknowtomorrow? “I could think about it overnight and let you know tomorrow?”

  • A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting.
    (A day without sleep is like a cupcake without frosting.)

If you regularly go to bed not at night, but rather at dawn ( atthecrackofdawn) or early in the morning ( intheweehoursofthemorning), you must be - anightowl, that is, a “night owl”, a person with a special sleep-wake cycle. Unfortunately, this world is designed for early risers, and if you... an early bird And amorningperson, you are very lucky. You are probably unfamiliar with the desire to take a nap during the daytime - totakeanap: totakeacatnap- sleep for half an hour or totakeapowernap- take a nap to gain strength ( togetyourenergyback, torechargeyourbatteries). If you suddenly decide to take a sneaky nap ( tosnatch/ tostealanap), try not to be caught off guard ( tobecaughtnapping).

If you didn't get enough sleep ( nottogetenoughsleep, nottogetagoodnight" ssleep), you have every chance of yawning all day long ( toyawn), nod off ( tonodoff), accidentally doze off ( todose off) or even “pass out” ( tocrash).

  • I've got a date with the Sandman.
    (I have a date with the Sandman.)

There is a lot in English interesting ways to say that the time has come to go to the side and depart into the arms of Morpheus:

I’m going to bed/I’m off to bed- I went to bed

Imgoingtoturnin- I'm going to the side

Itspastmybedtime- I should be in bed by now

I'm going to hit the hay/sack- I'm going to the side

I'm going to get forty winks- I'll go take a nap

I'm going to get/catch some Zs- I'll go and sleep a little

I’m going to get/catch some shut-eye- I'll go take a little nap

  • Nighty-night!

How to wish sweet words in English?

Ggood night!- Good night!

Sweet dreams!- Sweet dreams!

Sleeptightanddon" tletthebedbugsbite! - literally “sleep soundly and don’t let bed bugs bite you.”

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so why not use those 25 years to improve your English? Unfortunately, it is impossible to learn English in your sleep - nothing can replace active language learning while you are awake, but good sleep necessary for new knowledge to be perfectly assimilated.

As a lullaby ( a lullaby) we leave you alone with the legendary track of The Beatles called "Good Night".

Husband. sleeping state; rest of the body, in oblivion of feelings; ·opposite vigil, vigor, reality. Deep, sound, undisturbed sleep; sleepyhead is light, alert, sensitive, audible, dozing. Rise from sleep, go to sleep. Sleep attacked and overcame. Concerns about sleep and food... ... Dictionary Dahl

dream encyclopedic Dictionary

DREAM- SLEEP, sleep, m. 1. only units. A periodically occurring physiological state that is opposite to wakefulness, during which the work of consciousness completely or partially stops. “He spent more than one night without sleep.” Goncharov. “Matvey Savvich... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Dream- sleep; m. 1. A physiological state of rest and rest that occurs at certain intervals, in which the work of consciousness almost completely stops, the reaction to external irritations decreases. Strong, deep, sweet, heroic sleep... encyclopedic Dictionary

dream- periodic functional state humans and animals with specific behavioral manifestations in the vegetative and motor spheres, characterized by significant immobility and disconnection from the sensory (see sensory system) ... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

dream- noun, m., used very often Morphology: (no) what? sleep, what? sleep, (see) what? dream, what? sleep, about what? about sleep; pl. What? dreams, (no) what? dreams, what? dream, (see) what? dreams, what? dreams, about what? about dreams 1. Sleep is a physiological state of rest... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

DREAM- a periodically occurring state of rest, which is accompanied by a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system, switching off consciousness, muscle relaxation, slowing of cardiac activity, breathing, etc. The onset of sleep depends on ... Concise Encyclopedia of Housekeeping

DREAM- main voltage network SON mounted vegetable seeder Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. DREAM “happiness bypasses the unfortunate” “with [me] there are only misfortunes” “the most mischievous impudence” “son... ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

dream- See unclear, fall into sleep, tend to sleep, lie in lethargic sleep, induce sleep, induce sleep, be in a lethargic sleep, fall into eternal sleep, go to sleep... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N.... ... Synonym dictionary

DREAM- 1) cultural universal, image and mythology of an alternative reality; 2) a specifically borderline state of consciousness, described in terms of otherness and the theology of dormition; 3) aesthetic. analogue of conditional death. The first meaning of the term... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies


  • Dream, Casey Mars. At night on the beach of Santa Barbara, two lonely, love-starved people collided - the fragile, sophisticated Jenny Austin and the courageous sea wolf Jack Brennen. In a world where both...

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