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Chronic generalized anxiety disorder symptoms treatment. Generalized anxiety disorder (generalized anxiety, phobic neurosis, anxiety reaction, anxiety neurosis, anxiety state)

Strategic planning at the municipal level can be defined as “a systematic process by which local communities (with the participation of all stakeholders) create a picture of their future, based on local resources, external and internal conditions, and determine stages and activities to achieve intended goals.

A strategic development plan can be seen as a document-based reflection of the desired future state of the economic and social structure region (goals) and the way to use available and realistically possible resources to achieve this."

The initial principles of strategic planning for territorial development are:

1. Reliance on available resources. An objective accounting of material, financial, labor and scientific resources will make it possible to correctly assess the competitive advantages and capabilities of the territory and determine the main directions of its development.

2. Taking into account historical and spatial-geographical features and patterns of development of the territory. The natural economic and sociocultural course of events must not be disrupted, but it is necessary to creatively continue them.

3. Taking into account global development trends, as well as scientific, technical and socio-economic processes.

4. Search for allies. Territories alone, and especially individual municipalities, cannot cope not only with the implementation of their plans, but also with current problems. Allies should be sought in all instances and spheres: among higher authorities, in the business environment, the media, and science. One cannot do without positive public opinion.

5. Elimination of imitation. One should not strive to become a shadow of another territory.

To understand the problems that hinder the spread of strategic planning, it should be borne in mind that, firstly, it is not adequate to the establishment by society of a certain order and the unquestioning implementation of activities strictly in accordance with pre-determined tasks, i.e. is not built on the basis of command orders. Secondly, with strategic planning, achieving the future is not implemented as a rigid line of behavior, but acts as a vector of movement that can constantly adjust its direction under the influence of newly emerging conditions and factors. The main thing here is the implementation of the mission of developing the territory. Thirdly, strategic planning is not a self-regulating system that acts under the influence of external conditions and adapts to them.

When forming a strategic planning mechanism, one should proceed from the need to respect the interests of all participants in the development of the territory: government, business, and the public. But driving force The authorities always act: they not only realize their interests, but also create conditions for the effective functioning of enterprises, improve the investment climate of the territory, and provide equal competitive opportunities for all partners.

Agricultural economists A.V. Merzlov, A.L. Novoselov and N.V. Chepurnykh note: “Attention should be paid to the fact that the strategic plan is not a law or a decree that must be observed by the administration, entrepreneurs and citizens. It is mandatory to the extent that the administration considers it the basis of its economic policy. A well-developed strategic plan is the basis for implementing more detailed plans for each year. It should be borne in mind that the strategic plan does not represent a certain guarantee of the implementation of the envisaged development strategies, but is only an important tool that helps in the implementation of the chosen areas of development. It is always based on information that was known during its development."

According to the Ural economist V.S. Bochko, the positive aspects of strategic plans are:

· systematic resolution of objective contradictions;

· complex use resources available in the territory;

· purposeful implementation of structural restructuring in the territory in the direction of diversification of the economy and services;

· moving away from the “raw materials” focus of local economic development;

· subordination of investment activities to the creation of comfortable production, cultural and living conditions for the population of the territories;

· gradually bringing the economies of municipalities closer to world-class development standards.

V.S. Bochko writes: “Since the economy of Russia, and therefore the regions, is catching up, it is impossible to get out of this state by gravity, without special organizational efforts. We need creative coordinated actions of the authorities, all structures and social groups. This opportunity is represented by the development and implementation of strategic development plans for territories, i.e. developing comprehensively and solving social issues not only on a residual basis, but on the basis of targeted programmatic development. In such conditions, the main results of the implementation of strategic plans will be:

· increasing the competitiveness of the territory;

· development of a new way of thinking about the forms and methods of territory development;

· formation of structures on the territory - locomotives of economic development;

· synthesis of state municipal regulation and market self-regulation;

· formation in the territory of a new, corporate type of relationship between government, business, public and other structures.

The end result of the strategic development of the territory is the achievement of a social effect from the activities carried out, which consists in increasing the well-being of the population living in this territory.”

Territorial planning

Until recently, there were no regulatory documents obliging regional and municipal authorities to use strategic planning when choosing prospects for the development of a territory. With the entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, state authorities and local governments are obliged to carry out territorial planning. According to Part 1 of Article 9 of the Town Planning Code, “Territorial planning is aimed at determining the purpose of territories in territorial planning documents, based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors in order to ensure sustainable development of territories(emphasis added - Auto.), development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure, ensuring that the interests of citizens and their associations, the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities are taken into account.”

Part 3 of Article 9 determines that “territorial planning documents are mandatory for state authorities and local governments when they make decisions and implement such decisions.”

According to Part 4 of Article 9, “It is not allowed for government bodies or local government bodies to make decisions on the reservation of lands, on the seizure, including through redemption, of land plots for state or municipal needs, on the transfer of lands from one category to another in the absence of territorial documents planning, except for cases provided for by federal laws.”

According to Article 30 of Chapter 4 of the Town Planning Code, in order to “create conditions for the sustainable development of municipal territories, preserve environment and cultural heritage sites”, “creating conditions for attracting investment, including by providing the opportunity to choose the most effective types permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects" zoning is carried out.

Legislation on zoning of territories in our country is in its infancy. Legislative acts directly related to zoning of territories have yet to be adopted.

Since the beginning of 2003, the Russian government has been preparing a draft federal law on zoning of territories. This bill intends to solve the problems of zoning territories, taking into account the experience of legal regulation of relevant relations in foreign countries.

At the moment, zoning of territories is carried out in accordance with the standards contained in the Land, Forestry, Town Planning Codes, federal laws"About specially protected natural areas", "On railway transport in the Russian Federation", "On communications", etc.

Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev"
(FSBEI HPE RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev)

Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy
Department of State and Municipal Administration

Discipline "Sustainable development of territories"

Topic: Strategic planning of territory development (using the example of N. Novgorod)

Completed by: 4th year student, group 404
Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy

Head: senior teacher

Defended Score
"___"___________ 20_g. ___________________

Moscow 2014

Table of contents
Chapter I. Strategic planning for territory development 5
1.1 Concept and essence 5
1.2 Territorial planning 8
Chapter II. Analysis of the Nizhny Novgorod region as an object of strategic planning for the development of the territory 10
2.1 General characteristics of the Nizhny Novgorod region 10
2.2 Characteristics of the main development risks of the Nizhny Novgorod region 12
2.3 Assessment of the implementation of municipal target programs of the Nizhny Novgorod region 19
Chapter III. Long-term development planning for the Nizhny Novgorod region 23
3.1 Strategic priorities of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region 23
3.2 Target structure of the economy and forecasts 34
3.3 Key areas of government activity 35
Conclusion 46
Bibliography 48


The relevance of research. On modern stage In the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, regional problems are becoming increasingly relevant. Russia consists of 88 subjects, each of which, in turn, includes many municipalities - large and small cities, rural administrative districts, hundreds of settlements. Each of them is characterized by a unique economic structure, specific reproduction cycles, and its own social sphere. To achieve the goals of sustainable economic growth of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to ensure the overall development of each of the municipalities.
The Russian Federation has achieved some success in suppressing inflation and making payments social nature, transition to a growing trajectory of economic development. However, these positive trends are not manifested evenly across the country. Many subjects continue the difficult “struggle for survival,” which allows us to put forward the thesis of growing regional asymmetry. In addition, increased regional differentiation has extremely negative consequences for the socio-economic development of the state as a whole.
Developing a development strategy for the Nizhny Novgorod region is the most important task both in regional science and in practical activities. The content of the city development strategy is determined by the specific socio-economic situation, and its development is impossible without taking into account and assessing the development prospects of leading enterprises located in the city.
Leading enterprises are city-forming enterprises that determine the profile or specialization of the city. Strategic choice of profile is the key to future success in developing competitiveness factors and attracting or retaining consumers.
It is achieved through strategic urban development planning using tools for developing and implementing decisions on a long-term vision of the future. In general, strategic planning is a special type of planning work, consisting in the development of strategic decisions in the form of forecasts, projects and programs that involve setting goals and development strategies, the implementation of which will ensure their effective and sustainable functioning in the long term.
The object of the study is a set of social relations that develop in the process of strategic planning for the development of a territory using the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The subject of the research is strategic planning for the development of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The purpose of this work is to characterize the essence and specific features of strategic planning for the development of the territory using the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Achieving this goal seems possible with the help of the following tasks: 1) give a general description of the Nizhny Novgorod region; 2) study the problems of development of the Nizhny Novgorod region; 3) consider municipal and target programs of the Nizhny Novgorod region; 4) characterize the strategic priorities of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region; 5) analyze the key areas of activity of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter I. Strategic planning of territory development
1.1 Concept and essence

Strategic planning at the municipal level can be defined as “a systematic process by which local communities (with the participation of all stakeholders) create a picture of their future, based on local resources, external and internal conditions, and determine stages and activities to achieve intended goals .
The strategic development plan can be considered as a reflection, presented in documents, of the desired future state of the economic and social structure of the region (goal) and the way to use available and realistically possible resources to achieve this.”
The initial principles of strategic planning for territorial development are:
1. Reliance on available resources. An objective accounting of material, financial, labor and scientific resources will make it possible to correctly assess the competitive advantages and capabilities of the territory and determine the main directions of its development.
2. Taking into account historical and spatial-geographical features and patterns of development of the territory. The natural economic and sociocultural course of events must not be disrupted, but it is necessary to creatively continue them.
3. Taking into account global development trends, as well as scientific, technical and socio-economic processes.
4. Search for allies. Territories alone, and especially individual municipalities, cannot cope not only with the implementation of their plans, but also with current problems. Allies should be sought in all instances and spheres: among higher authorities, in the business environment, the media, and science. One cannot do without positive public opinion.
5. Elimination of imitation. You should not strive to become a shadow of another territory.
To understand the problems that hinder the spread of strategic planning, it should be borne in mind that, firstly, it is not adequate to the establishment by society of a certain order and the unquestioning implementation of activities strictly in accordance with pre-determined tasks, i.e. is not built on the basis of command orders. Secondly, with strategic planning, achieving the future is not implemented as a rigid line of behavior, but acts as a vector of movement that can constantly adjust its direction under the influence of newly emerging conditions and factors. The main thing here is the implementation of the mission of developing the territory. Thirdly, strategic planning is not a self-regulating system that acts under the influence of external conditions and adapts to them.
When forming a strategic planning mechanism, one should proceed from the need to respect the interests of all participants in the development of the territory: government, business, and the public. But the driving force is always the government: it not only realizes its interest, but also creates conditions for the effective functioning of enterprises, improves the investment climate of the territory, and provides equal competitive opportunities for all partners.
Agricultural economists A.V. Merzlov, A.L. Novoselov and N.V. Chepurnykh note: “Attention should be paid to the fact that the strategic plan is not a law or a decree that must be observed by the administration, entrepreneurs and citizens. It is mandatory to the extent that the administration considers it the basis of its economic policy. A well-developed strategic plan is the basis for implementing more detailed plans for each year. It should be borne in mind that the strategic plan does not represent a certain guarantee of the implementation of the envisaged development strategies, but is only an important tool that helps in the implementation of the chosen areas of development. It is always based on information that was known when it was developed.”
According to the Ural economist V.S. Bochko, the positive aspects of strategic plans are:
systematic resolution of objective contradictions;
integrated use of resources available on the territory;
purposeful implementation of structural restructuring in the territory in the direction of diversification of the economy and services;
moving away from the “raw materials” focus of local economic development;
subordination of investment activities to the creation of comfortable production, cultural and living conditions for the population of the territories;
gradual approach of municipal economies to world-class development standards.
V.S. Bochko writes: “Since the economy of Russia, and therefore the regions, is catching up, it is impossible to get out of this state by gravity, without special organizational efforts. We need creative coordinated actions by the authorities, all structures and social groups. This opportunity is represented by the development and implementation of strategic development plans for territories, i.e. developing comprehensively and solving social issues not only on a residual basis, but on the basis of targeted programmatic development. In such conditions, the main results of the implementation of strategic plans will be:
increasing the competitiveness of the territory;
developing a new way of thinking about the forms and methods of territory development;
the formation of structures on the territory - locomotives of economic development;
synthesis of state municipal regulation and market self-regulation;
the formation in the territory of a new, corporate type of relationship between government, business, the public and other structures.
The end result of the strategic development of the territory is the achievement of a social effect from the activities carried out, which consists in increasing the well-being of the population living in this territory.”
1.2 Territorial planning
Until recently, there were no regulatory documents obliging regional and municipal authorities to use strategic planning when choosing prospects for the development of a territory. With the entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, state authorities and local governments are obliged to carry out territorial planning. According to Part 1 of Article 9 of the Town Planning Code, “Territorial planning is aimed at determining in territorial planning documents the purpose of territories, based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors in order to ensure sustainable development of territories (our italics - Author), development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, ensuring that the interests of citizens and their associations, the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities are taken into account.”
Part 3 of Article 9 determines that “territorial planning documents are mandatory for state authorities and local governments when they make decisions and implement such decisions.”
According to Part 4 of Article 9, “It is not permitted for state authorities or local government bodies to make decisions on the reservation of lands, on the seizure, including through redemption, of land plots for state or municipal needs, on the transfer of land from one category to another in the absence of territorial documents planning, except for cases provided for by federal laws.”
According to Article 30 of Chapter 4 of the Town Planning Code, to “create conditions for the sustainable development of municipal territories, preserve the environment and cultural heritage sites”, “create conditions for attracting investment, including by providing the opportunity to choose the most effective types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects" zoning is carried out.
Legislation on zoning of territories in our country is in its infancy. Legislative acts directly related to zoning of territories have yet to be adopted.
At the moment, zoning of territories is carried out in accordance with the norms contained in the Land, Forest, Town Planning Codes, federal laws “On Specially Protected Natural Areas”, “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation”, “On Communications”, etc.
Chapter II. Analysis of the Nizhny Novgorod region as an object of strategic planning for the development of the territory

2.1 General characteristics of the Nizhny Novgorod region

The Nizhny Novgorod region is a subject of the Russian Federation in the center of the European part of Russia. It is part of the Volga Federal District. Administrative center - Nizhny Novgorod.
One of the largest regions Central Russia. Area - 76,900 km², length from southwest to northeast - more than 400 km.
Population - 3,297.047 thousand people (2012). Population density: 43.44 people/km² (2011), share of the urban population: 78.9% (2011).
Borders: in the northwest with the Kostroma region, in the northeast - with the Kirov region, in the east - with the republics of Mari El and Chuvashia, in the south - with the Republic of Mordovia, in the southwest - with the Ryazan region, in the west - with the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions.
Rivers - Volga, Oka, Sura, Vetluga.
The Nizhny Novgorod region today is:
territory - 74.8 thousand square meters. km (0.4% of Russian territory),
population - 3524 thousand people (2.4% of the Russian population),
GRP - 222.4 billion rubles. (2012) (1.9% of Russia's GDP) .
In terms of revenue in the region, the leaders are the automotive industry (share of the sector in total revenue in the economy = 13.8%), transport and logistics (8.5%), food industry (7.4%), ferrous metallurgy (6.8%), At the same time, telecommunications (4.6%) and electricity (3.9%) are leading among the supporting sectors.
The largest employment of the population is provided by the automotive industry (93 thousand people), agriculture (73 thousand people), transport and logistics (64 thousand people), as well as the scientific and educational complex (55 thousand people). Among the supporting sectors, the leading sectors in terms of the number of employees are the housing and communal services sector and construction (62 and 34 thousand people, respectively).
The highest level of wages is in the information technology sector (more than 21 thousand rubles per month), fuel (14.33), chemical and pharmaceutical (11.4) and glass (10.28) industries, while in these sectors of the economy A small part of the working population is employed. The highest level of wages among supporting sectors of the economy is in the financial, telecommunications and electricity sectors - from 8 to 11 thousand rubles. per month.
The highest level of labor productivity (output per employee) in 2011 was achieved in the glass, fuel, food industries, ferrous metallurgy and information technology sectors. In recent years, significant productivity growth has been achieved in the shipbuilding, glass, iron and steel and fuel industries - based on price indices in 2012-2013. growth rate of more than 10% (CAGR). The electricity and telecommunications sectors lead the performance of supporting sectors.
In terms of the volume of contributions to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the leaders are the automotive industry, transport and logistics, the food industry and construction.

2.2 Characteristics of the main development risks of the Nizhny Novgorod region

External factors can be both a source of benefits, opening up new opportunities for growth, and a source of problems. The government of the Nizhny Novgorod region takes into account the following challenges:
Proximity to economically developed industrial centers
More attractive payment conditions and opportunities in the labor market, developed infrastructure and living conditions outside the Nizhny Novgorod region stimulate the outflow of the most promising and talented, especially young specialists, to other regions of Russia and abroad.
Industrial centers such as Moscow and St. Petersburg are today leaders in attracting investment. Including the headquarters of the largest financial and industrial groups are located in these cities.
By creating a developed transport and logistics center on its territory, the Nizhny Novgorod region is forced to compete with such historically established hubs as Moscow and St. Petersburg, through which the bulk of goods are distributed today in the central part of Russia. Due to Moscow's preferences in the field of customs clearance, a significant part of cargo flows passes through the capital. On the other hand, unique geographical position The Nizhny Novgorod region is a good prerequisite for the creation of a competitive transport and logistics infrastructure in the region.
At the same time, the population of nearby large industrial centers provides the highest level of consumption of consumer goods in Russia, and industrial enterprises in these regions are consumers of raw materials, equipment and other industrial goods. All this opens up significant additional opportunities for enterprises in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Federal center policy
Long-term strategic priorities for the country's development are defined in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 N 1662-r (hereinafter referred to as the Concept of Development of the Russian Federation).
The strategic goal of Russia's development is to achieve the level of economic and social development, corresponding to Russia’s status as a leading world power of the 21st century, occupying a leading position in global economic competition and reliably ensuring national security and the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens.
The implementation of the Development Concept of the Russian Federation involves the formation of effective incentives and mechanisms for economic development at the regional level.
Russia's accession to the WTO will lead to increased competition in a number of sectors associated with the entry of foreign companies into the Russian market. At the same time, competitive enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region will be able to take advantage of the benefits of joining the WTO, including new opportunities for access to international markets.4
In the context of the globalization of the world economy, the role of internationalization of enterprises in the region will increase: involvement in international labor cooperation, exchange of people, knowledge, technologies, know-how.
Strengthening globalization processes allows companies to take full advantage of outsourcing part of their production processes in order to concentrate in those parts of the industry value chain in which Nizhny Novgorod enterprises are most competitive.
The tendency to strengthen the “economic power” of large international and Russian corporations that are already operating or planning to invest in business development in the region will continue. Decision-making centers are shifting beyond the region and often the state.
Knowledge Economy
Over the past 30 years, the share of intangible assets in the asset structure of leading companies has increased to 70%.
The most dynamic growth over the next 20 years is predicted in high-tech industries such as information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and health products and services.
The most competitive in the future will be regions and countries that are able to form, develop and retain qualified human resources, as well as those that have a developed research and production complex with high innovative potential.
The role of China and India
The economies of China and India are and will remain in the coming years the main competitors of Russian regions for attracting foreign investment.
Nizhny Novgorod producers of goods with low added value will not be able to compete on price with producers from China and India due to the low cost of labor and significant domestic demand, which ensures a large scale of production.
At the same time, the economies of India and China are opening up new opportunities. Firstly, these are new dynamically developing markets with high demand potential, in which efficient Nizhny Novgorod enterprises can successfully compete. Secondly, the developing industrial potential of these countries provides Nizhny Novgorod enterprises with the opportunity to gain a cost advantage by concentrating only on those elements of the value chain that create maximum added value, transferring operations with low added value to the territory of these countries.
Safety, environment and health
The increasing threat of terrorism in Russia and throughout the world will lead to a significant increase in countries' spending on national defense and security (over the past 5 years, the national defense budget of Russia and the United States has been growing steadily at an average annual rate of 7%). The Nizhny Novgorod region, with a powerful military-industrial complex and advanced scientific developments in this area, can qualify not only for a state order, but also for part of the international financing of security costs.
Strengthening security measures is associated with the threat of reducing the intensity of the exchange of people, knowledge, technology and information, which may limit the ability of Nizhny Novgorod enterprises to successfully compete in international markets. Security risks also have a negative impact on tourism development.
Strengthening environmental standards and requirements will lead to the need for significant additional investments in the modernization of environmentally problematic industries, including chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, agro-industrial and other enterprises.
The threat of global epidemics, including bird flu, is a significant risk factor not only for the population, but also for certain sectors of the economy.
Changing consumer preferences towards increased demand for environmentally friendly products, growth and large-scale investments in R&D and the production of health products.
Energy prices
Despite the fact that the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region does not directly depend on energy prices, changes in the price environment could lead to a deterioration in the economic situation in Russia as a whole. This circumstance will primarily affect those sectors of the regional economy, the potential of which will be primarily related to the level of consumption within the country.
Let's consider the key problems of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Low level of labor productivity. Most sectors of the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region demonstrate a relatively low level of labor productivity. Even in sectors where recent years have seen fast growth productivity due to the introduction of new production technologies, a large gap remains (in the glass industry, productivity levels are 25% of current US levels). On average, for the basic sectors of the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the level of productivity today is about 6% of the current level of productivity in the United States. This situation causes the inability of companies to pay high wages and determines the ineffective structure of employment of the population.
Lack of modern logistics centers and an international-level terminal complex, including efficient customs and warehouse facilities.
Underdevelopment of transport and logistics infrastructure
Despite the relatively high density of automobile and railways, the presence of an integrated transport hub, the region has a number of problems in the field of transport and logistics infrastructure, which limits the possibility of realizing the potential determined by its favorable geographical location, including:
Limited access to the northern regions of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the northern regions of the Russian Federation from the center due to the “disconnection” of the region along the river (the only road-railway bridge on a 300-kilometer section of the Volga River is capable of providing no more than 50% of peak loads).
The road transport system of Nizhny Novgorod is overloaded with transit transport due to the lack of a convenient bypass route, which leads to forced transport downtime and deterioration of the environmental situation.
Undeveloped infrastructure for cargo and passenger transportation at Nizhny Novgorod airport.
Insufficient cargo terminal capacity, lack of conditions for international operators, lack of regular routes, need to reconstruct the runway.
Limited permeability of the Volga riverbed in the area due to the low level of the Cheboksary reservoir (5 meters below the design level).
Energy System Limitations
In the Nizhny Novgorod region, there are restrictions on ensuring sustainable energy supply, especially for newly created or expanding production facilities.
One of the main problems of the region's energy complex is the underdevelopment of transmission and distribution networks.
High degree of wear and tear of generating capacities.
The shortage of energy capacity is felt in Nizhny Novgorod and Dzerzhinsk; the problem is especially acute in the area of ​​the left bank of the Nizhny Novgorod region. For example, in the Bor region there is a shortage of energy capacity of at least 100 MW.
Necessary further development gas supply infrastructure; the degree of gasification in the northern regions of the region is insufficient.
Most developing enterprises in the region face difficulties and delays in connecting to the power grid. Obtaining technical conditions for the allocation of energy capacity is associated with significant difficulties and unreasonably high costs.
Relatively low quality of living conditions
The quality of living conditions in the region is one of the significant factors in the investment attractiveness of the region, and is also often a critical factor in the struggle for talented and qualified specialists. The concept of “living conditions” combines a set of parameters: the quality of living conditions, safety, environmental conditions in the region, the presence and level of development of infrastructure for culture and recreation in the region, the quality of the healthcare system.
Relatively low life expectancy and high infant mortality rates are indicators of the low quality of the health care system in the region.
The quality of housing conditions in the region is at the Russian average.
The environmental situation in the region requires significant improvement; today the level of pollution of natural objects in the Nizhny Novgorod region is higher than the Russian average.
Limited opportunities to provide affordable housing hinder the retention of Nizhny Novgorod university graduates in the region.
The region's relatively high crime rate also reduces the region's attractiveness as a place to live and vacation.
Low degree of internationalization (international cooperation)
Despite its high place in the ranking of investment attractiveness (4th place in the Expert RA ranking, 20011) among Russian regions, the Nizhny Novgorod region is characterized by low level international cooperation and integration in international system division of labor, which is a significant obstacle to the development of the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The closedness of the regional economy prevents the exchange of people, technologies, knowledge and limits the possibilities for productivity growth of enterprises in the region.
According to such an indicator as the share of foreign investments in the total volume of investments, the Nizhny Novgorod region ranks 29th among Russian regions and 44th in terms of foreign trade turnover per capita (for 2011).
Only a few Nizhny Novgorod enterprises are active participants in international professional communities, and also make full use of best practices and international expertise to increase their competitiveness.

2.3 Assessment of the implementation of municipal target programs in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Currently, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, programs are being developed, both comprehensive, covering all areas of the territorial economy, and sectoral, dedicated to any one industry. In addition, there are programs devoted to the problems of a group of industries (for example, sectors of social infrastructure), as well as programs aimed at solving problems within regional settlements.
Important factors determining the need for programmatic development of the problem at the regional level are:
strategic significance of the problem for the development of the region,
the impossibility of solving the problem without concentrating resources of various affiliations and targeted support from the Regional Administration,
the need to coordinate intersectoral connections to solve the problem,
high efficiency of technical, organizational and other measures proposed for implementation and ensuring structural changes in the economy,
Significant social, economic, environmental effect. The process of development and implementation of regional target programs involves: the initiator of the program development of the problem at the regional level, the state customer of the regional target program, the implementer of the regional target program. The initiator of the programmatic development of a problem at the regional level is any individual or legal entity who comes up with a proposal and justification for the programmatic development of a problem at the regional level; state customer of the regional target program - Administration of the Nizhny Novgorod Region; executor of the regional target program - committee, management, administration department, other organization entrusted with responsibility for the timely preparation and implementation of the target program, ensuring effective use funds allocated for the implementation of the program, the function of coordinating actions, participants in the implementation of the approved program.
Currently, numerous development programs for various industries have been developed and are being successfully implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Let us list, as an example, some programs that are currently operating in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Regional target program "Creation of family kindergartens in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2011-2020"
Regional target program "Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2010 - 2014 and for the future until 2020
Regional target program “Stimulating the development of housing construction in the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2011-2015”
Regional target program "Providing housing for young teachers of general education institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region using a mortgage loan for 2012 - 2014"
Regional target program "On additional measures aimed at reducing tension in the labor market of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2013."
Comprehensive target program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2011-2015
Regional target program "Development of social and engineering infrastructure as the basis for improving the quality of life of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2011-2014"
Regional target program "Youth of the Nizhny Novgorod region" for 2009 - 2011"
Regional target program "Development of social and engineering infrastructure as the basis for improving the quality of life of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2012 - 2014"
Regional target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2012-2016”
Regional target program "Development of education in the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2011-2014."
Regional target program "Preservation, revival and development of folk artistic crafts of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2012-2014"
Industry development program for the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2009-2014
Program "Providing housing for young families in the Nizhny Novgorod region" for the period 2011 - 2014
Program for modernizing the healthcare system of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The “Buy Nizhny Novgorod” program for 2009–2014 is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the effective activities of local producers, stimulating the promotion of their products in the regional and Russian markets, and reducing consumer inflation in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
These and many other programs make it possible to more effectively organize the development of various sectors of the socio-economic sphere of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Chapter III. Long-term development planning for the Nizhny Novgorod region

3.1 Strategic priorities of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region

The Nizhny Novgorod region is rightfully the business and political capital of the Volga region, occupying one of the leading positions in terms of development among Russian regions. The regional Government's focus on the modernization of existing enterprises and the active construction of new enterprises in the region in strategically priority sectors of the economy ensured a multiple increase in labor productivity in the region to 35% of the average level in the United States. The population of the region is predominantly employed in sectors of the economy with relatively high level wages. Real disposable income of the population is about 20,000 rubles per month, which corresponds to a growth rate of 8% per year.
GRP per capita is about 10 thousand US dollars, which corresponds to the level of Hungary and the Czech Republic in 2012.
Being a leader in the automotive industry, the region occupies at least 25% of the Russian market. Several leading international automakers have located their assembly plants in the region, followed by dozens of auto component manufacturers. As a result of restructuring, Russian enterprises have been transformed into assembly plants of mainly commercial vehicles, as well as modernized production of automotive components, which they successfully supply both to local consumers and for export.
Due to its unique geographic location, which provides access to the largest and most attractive consumer market in Russia, a large-scale center for the production and distribution of consumer goods (FMCG) has formed in the region. The established modern logistics centers ensure efficient transportation of raw materials and finished products.
The scientific and educational complex is not only a sector that provides a significant contribution to the economy of the region, but also one of the key factors in the competitiveness of the region, providing it with qualified labor resources and maintaining a high level of innovative activity in industry. The achieved level of development of science and technology has made it possible to significantly strengthen the competitive positions of such sectors of the economy as: information technology, radio electronics and instrument making, defense complex, aircraft and shipbuilding, medical and pharmaceutical industries. At the same time, effective commercialization mechanisms have been created in the region. scientific research As a result, dozens of new enterprises with high growth potential, attractive to venture investors, are created annually on the basis of the scientific and educational complex. Modern educational programs that meet the needs of the economy and developed infrastructure have made it possible to significantly increase the export potential of Nizhny Novgorod higher educational institutions. By providing university graduates with opportunities for career growth and affordable housing, the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region has significantly reduced demographic risks.
Taking into account the heterogeneity of the region's territory in the northern regions, priority development, along with the food industry, was given to the timber industry and tourism. The growing need for raw materials for food producers was a catalyst for the development of the region's agro-industrial complex. At the same time, agricultural production was predominantly concentrated in areas located in the southwest and southeast of the region.
The region is an active participant in international economic relations. A high degree of internationalization, intensive exchange of knowledge, people, products and capital ensures a high level of competitiveness of Nizhny Novgorod enterprises in international markets and the attractiveness of the region for external and internal investors.
The Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the most attractive places in Russia for work, recreation and raising children, providing its residents with extensive opportunities for self-realization and unleashing creative potential, including the best career opportunities for the most gifted, educated and ambitious people. The region has created high standards and favorable living conditions, including environmental quality, level of social security, quality education and medical care, safety, as well as developed housing and communal infrastructure.
The main goal of the Government is that the level of well-being of the population and high standards of quality of life can be achieved in the presence of an effective and balanced economy, favorable living conditions, as well as an effective executive power.
During the strategic analysis process, an assessment was carried out current state key sectors of the regional economy and their development potential. At the same time, all sectors of the economy were divided into two groups: basic and supporting. The priority sectors of the economy, on the development of which the regional government should focus its efforts and resources, were determined on the basis of two groups of criteria: the attractiveness of the sector, as well as the presence in the region of prerequisites and necessary conditions for the successful development of the sector.
Criteria for determining industry priorities
As a result, the following industry priorities were identified:
1st priority group:
automotive industry, scientific and educational complex and new economy, information technology, food industry, radio-electronic industry and instrument making, chemical and pharmaceutical industry
2nd group of priorities:
ferrous metallurgy, fuel industry, aircraft manufacturing, chemical and petrochemical industry, glass industry, tourism
3rd group of priorities:
building materials industry, medical industry, timber industry and pulp and paper industry, light industry, shipbuilding, agriculture
The territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region is heterogeneous in terms of conditions for the development of certain sectors of the economy, therefore sectoral priorities were clarified taking into account specific features individual municipalities. 4 main zones were identified, uniting areas with a similar current economic structure and characterized by favorable conditions for the development of certain sectors:
1. Forestry zone.
2. Industrial and scientific-educational zone.
3. Innovation zone.
4. Agro-industrial zone.
For areas classified as the Timber Industrial Zone, the following industry priorities have been identified:
food industry, timber industry, recreational and cultural-historical tourism, shipbuilding, agriculture, small business.
For the areas classified as the Industrial and Scientific-Educational Zone, the following sectoral priorities have been identified:
1st priority group:
automotive industry, scientific and educational complex and new economy, information technology, radio-electronic industry and instrument making, chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
2nd group of priorities:
ferrous metallurgy, fuel industry, aircraft manufacturing, chemical and petrochemical industry, glass industry, tourism.
In the Diveyevo, Arzamas and Pervomaisky districts, classified as the Innovation Zone, the following sectoral priorities have been identified:
1st priority group:
information technology, scientific and educational complex and new economy, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, radio-electronic industry and instrument making. Automotive industry, small business.
2nd group of priorities:
business and cultural and historical tourism.
In the agro-industrial zone, the focus of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region will be on the development of the following industries:
food industry, agriculture, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, radio-electronic industry, recreational tourism, small business.
Taking into account the areas that form the main contribution to the sustainable development of the region, determining the main directions of development (specialization), 5 zones of priority economic development of the Nizhny Novgorod region (growth points) have been identified:
1. Large urban agglomeration. The zone specializes in the automotive industry, glass industry, information technology and telecommunications, chemical and petrochemical industries, pulp and paper industry, military-industrial complex, business and recreational sectors.
2. Metallurgy and metalworking zone. Specialization - metallurgical production and production of finished metal products.
3. Innovation zone. Specialization - information technology, energy saving and ecology, medical equipment.
4. Forestry zone. Specialization - timber industry complex.
5. Agro-industrial zone. Specialization - growing grain, production of milk, eggs, meat of all types of livestock and poultry, as well as their processed products.
Zones of rapid economic development of the Nizhny Novgorod region are of national importance
Taking into account industry priorities, as well as the key advantages and problems of the region, the following “directions of the main attack” of the Government were identified:
1. Providing leadership in the automotive industry.
2. Creation of Russia's largest center for the production and distribution of consumer goods (FMCG).
3. Realization of the potential of the scientific and educational complex and innovation. strategic planning municipal Nizhny Novgorod
The possibility of ensuring leadership in the automotive industry is due to the following prerequisites:
- steadily growing demand for sector products (motor vehicles and components) in the Russian and international markets;
- the high degree of development of the sector in the region today and the willingness of RUSPROMAVTO shareholders to invest in the modernization of their assets;
- the presence in the region of many machine-building, defense and instrument-making enterprises, many of which can become qualified suppliers of components for the automotive industry;
- the presence in the region of historically established technological traditions and a system for training qualified personnel;
- a high degree of influence of the sector on other sectors of the economy. Numerous examples from international experience confirm the sector’s ability to act as the main catalyst for economic growth in a territory;
- the unique geographical position of the Nizhny Novgorod region in relation to key automotive manufacturing centers in Russia;
- significant potential for growth in labor productivity in the sector, both through intensive modernization of existing automobile manufacturing enterprises and through the organization of assembly plants in the region by leading international automobile manufacturers (OEMs) and new manufacturers of automotive components;
- high export potential reduces risks and increases the stability of the regional economy, while the geography and export capabilities of manufacturers of automotive components are much wider than the export capabilities of car assemblers;
- the high strategic potential of the sector provides the opportunity to maintain and develop competencies in the field of mechanical engineering, materials science and electronics (up to 50% of innovations in the automotive industry today account for IT and electronics);
The regional Government’s focus on the production and distribution of consumer goods is due to the following factors:
- The market for the production of consumer goods is characterized by stability, sharp downturns and deep crises are unlikely: 70% of the FMCG market is occupied by food products, which are essential items, therefore such sectors of the economy as the food and chemical-pharmaceutical industries will serve as a kind of shock absorber for the risks associated with the market situation world markets or changes in government policy.
- Steadily growing and stable demand for food products, medications, household chemicals and other high-quality consumer goods.
- Related FMCG products can be various household goods, which will stimulate the development of the light, glass and petrochemical industries.
- Low investment and entry barriers, relatively fast return on investment and high growth potential make the sector attractive to investors.
- The unique geographical location of the Nizhny Novgorod region in terms of access to large-scale consumer markets.
- High degree of development of retail chains of modern formats in settlements located in the zone of transport accessibility for enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
- Significant export potential reduces the economy’s dependence on domestic market conditions.
- Currently, in the Nizhny Novgorod region there are developed industries specializing in the production of consumer goods, including food, chemical-pharmaceutical and light industry.
- Already today there is experience of successful placement of factories by foreign companies producing consumer goods in the Nizhny Novgorod region: Coca-cola, Gallina Blanca, Heineken, Wella.
- In some areas of the Nizhny Novgorod region with limited conditions for the effective location of enterprises in priority sectors of the economy, the food industry can become the main catalyst for growth.
- Relatively low requirements for production personnel, which allows the sector to provide necessary resources and redistribute here the released personnel from other sectors of the economy, including agriculture.
- The region has the opportunity to produce the raw material base necessary for the development of the sector.
- The development of the production of consumer goods will stimulate the growth of other sectors of the economy. For example, increasing demands on the quality of raw materials for the food industry will lead to increased efficiency of agricultural producers, and the need for packaging materials will stimulate the growth of the petrochemical, pulp and paper and glass industries.
In the era of the knowledge economy, science, education and innovation become the main driving force of the economy and a key factor in competitiveness. At the same time, the contribution of the scientific and educational complex to the regional economy should be assessed from the point of view of four components:
- As a promising sector of the economy, providing employment to the region’s population in enterprises with a high level of productivity and added value.
- As a source of innovation, enhancing the competitiveness of regional enterprises.
- As a growth factor that stimulates the emergence of new economy enterprises, formed on the basis of the scientific and educational complex and with high growth potential.
- As a factor of competitiveness, providing the regional economy with high-quality labor resources.
- On the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region there are all the necessary conditions for effective development scientific and educational complex, innovation activity and new economy enterprises:
- The Nizhny Novgorod region is historically one of the most developed scientific, industrial and educational centers of Russia, which during the period of reforms managed to largely maintain its potential.
- A developed defense complex, mechanical engineering (including aircraft and shipbuilding), radio electronics and instrument making, nuclear physics and energy, medicine, materials science and other areas of knowledge form the basis of the technological foundation formed in the scientific and educational complex of the region.
- Spending on science in both the private and public sectors is growing steadily.
- The high potential for the development of enterprises in the innovation belt, due to the improvement of the system of commercialization of the results of research and development work, will stimulate the development of sectors such as radio electronics and instrument making, information technology, innovative medicine and pharmaceuticals.
- Internationalization and international cooperation in the innovation cluster will provide access to best practices, which will contribute to the growth of labor productivity in the regional economy.
- The sector is export-oriented, which significantly reduces risks and increases the stability of the regional economy.
- Leading universities in the Nizhny Novgorod region are among the top ten best universities. Russia in its category, including Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University, and the number of researchers per 10,000 population in the Nizhny Novgorod region exceeds the Russian average by 4 times.
- Historically established scientific schools, a high level of development of military science, which corresponds to modern world trends.
In 2012, Russia was recognized as one of the most attractive countries for investment in R&D and is ahead of countries such as France, Germany and Canada.
There is significant potential for growth in the export of educational services outside the region, which will not only bring additional income, but will also help solve the demographic problem by retaining university graduates in the region. However, the export potential of Nizhny Novgorod universities today is constrained primarily by the insufficient number of places in dormitories.

3.2 Target structure of the economy and forecasts

As a result of the modeling, forecasts of key indicators of the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the period until 2020 were obtained.
The average per capita income of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region, while maintaining the 47% share of the disabled population, will increase from 5.6 thousand rubles. ($195) per person in 2013 to 18.5 thousand rubles. ($650) per person in 2020 under the most likely scenario.
The average salary of those employed in basic sectors of the economy will increase almost 5 times from the current level of 6.8 thousand rubles. per month (USD 240) in 2013 to 26.8 thousand rubles. per month ($940) in 2020.
The total revenue volume in the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region will grow at an average annual rate of 6.1% over the next 15 years and will amount to about 2 trillion. rub. in the most likely scenario.
At the same time, the region will reach a GRP per capita level of about 10 thousand US dollars in 2012 prices.
By 2020, the largest number of the working population of the Nizhny Novgorod region will be employed in the following sectors: automotive industry, scientific and educational complex and new economy, agriculture and food industry. The number of people employed in the information technology sector will increase significantly.
In the most likely scenario, in 2020 the following basic sectors will take the leading position in terms of annual income of employed people: the scientific and educational complex and the new economy, as well as the automotive industry.
The largest share in the total revenue in the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region among the basic sectors will be occupied by the automotive industry, the fuel industry, ferrous metallurgy, the scientific and educational complex and the new economy, as well as the food industry.
Among the supporting sectors in terms of the number of employees, transport, logistics and housing and communal services will lead; in terms of annual income of employees - transport and logistics, housing and communal services and the financial sector. The largest share in the total revenue in the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region among the supporting sectors will be occupied by: construction, transport and logistics, as well as retail trade.

3.3 Key areas of government activity

An efficient, dynamically growing and balanced economy. In accordance with the selected strategic priorities, the Government will act in three main areas: creating favorable conditions for the development of priority sectors of the economy, modernizing existing enterprises, and attracting investment to create new enterprises.
Creation of favorable conditions in the Nizhny Novgorod region for the development of priority sectors of the economy
Taking into account industry priorities, the regional government should first of all concentrate its resources on solving the most important problems that impede the successful development of priority sectors of the economy. At the same time, the Government will influence the following specific factors, thus creating favorable conditions for doing business in priority sectors:
Labor resources. Due to changes in the structure of the regional economy, the need for labor resources will change. Based on an analysis of the employment structure in developed countries and a long-term forecast of the structure of the regional economy, the structure of labor resources corresponding to the needs of the economy in 2010 and 2020 was predicted.
The government of the Nizhny Novgorod region, together with vocational education institutions, will develop and ensure the implementation of modern programs for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.
Share of extra-budgetary sources in education expenditures, incl. student funds will increase. This will require expanding the practice of providing educational loans. The role of government funding (including the regional budget) will remain high, including in financing the construction of infrastructure, for example, training centers and dormitories.
Ensuring increased accessibility of higher education for residents of rural areas and small towns will require the development of modern (for example, distance) forms of education.
The implementation of educational services outside the region has high potential. This task will require the construction of dormitories and the marketing of the region's educational services to markets in Russia and abroad.
Internationalization. Highest value internationalization will have an impact on the development of the automotive industry, aircraft manufacturing, instrument making and electronics, the food industry, as well as the scientific and educational complex and enterprises of the new economy. The penetration of foreign players into the Russian market and the opening up of opportunities in foreign markets requires enterprises to bring their products and methods of doing business to international standards.
Access to consumers in Russian and international markets. Access to consumers in the Russian and international markets is a determining factor for the development of a number of priority industries. Large companies in the sectors of the automotive, food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries can solve this problem independently. Small IT companies and high-tech enterprises of the new economy should receive assistance from the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region in organizing national and global marketing of their products. Such assistance may include:
Organization of a unified information space, presentation of materials on the Internet.
Organization of educational programs for business representatives to promote their products in international markets.
Providing support for the participation of the most promising enterprises in specialized exhibitions and conferences.
Buildings and structures, land plots. Conducting an assessment of the efficiency of use of exploited land plots and buildings, as well as an inventory of sites potentially suitable for attracting investors.
Improving the processes of interaction with investors, including the procedure for submitting information and procedures for obtaining permits.
Creation of a unified database on plots of land that are offered to potential investors, which will include comprehensive information about the possibilities and restrictions on the use of land plots and property complexes, as well as legal, production, technological, financial and other information important for investors.
Attracting independent developers to the territory who are interested in investing in industrial, logistics and office real estate.
Transport and logistics infrastructure. Attracting investors to the creation of modern logistics centers, construction of a modern terminal complex of an international level, including a railway junction, road infrastructure, and an efficient customs and warehouse complex.
Construction of a bridge across the river. Volga.. Construction of a low-pressure dam and a two-line sluice and a road crossing.
Construction of a bypass road in Nizhny Novgorod to relieve the city of transit traffic.
Providing conditions for customs clearance of goods comparable to those in Moscow.
Energy infrastructure. Construction of the main line LP-500 kV Kostroma State District Power Plant - Nizhegorodskaya substation, line LP-220 kV substation Nizhegorodskaya - Borskaya substation, which will allow efficient receipt of electricity from neighboring regions at the most favorable tariffs, and will also reduce the risk of blackout of more than 2/3 of the region in case of damage 500 kV lines.
Carrying out technical re-equipment of existing thermal power plants and replacing outdated low-power equipment will increase electricity generation within the region, which will require increasing the capacity of the gas infrastructure and gas limits.
Construction of new generating capacities is a longer and more labor-intensive process. The most significant projects here will be the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Nuclear Power Plant, a combined cycle combined heat and power plant and a low-pressure dam built into the body in the area of ​​the working village of Bolshoye Kozino hydroelectric power station, which will help meet the future needs for electrical power in zones of rapid economic development.
Access to finance. Preparing enterprises for effective interaction with investors and financial institutions.
Assistance in financing by subsidizing loan rates for enterprises in priority sectors of the economy.
Stimulating the development of financial institutions in the region.
Assistance in attracting risk capital for high-tech enterprises and enterprises with high growth potential.
Creation information system, allowing regional enterprises to obtain an adequate understanding of available financing opportunities.
Development of entrepreneurship and small business. Entrepreneurial activity of the population and willingness to take risks are important conditions for the emergence and development of high-tech enterprises in the innovation belt, as well as such sectors as tourism, light industry, construction, agriculture, trade and other services for the population. The development of small businesses will provide employment for redundant workers of modernized enterprises and conditions for employment of the population in areas with limited opportunities for attracting investment.
The regional government will create conditions for the development of small businesses through:
Removing administrative barriers.
Development of financing mechanisms for enterprises at an early stage of development.
Consulting support and training for entrepreneurs.
Active involvement of the population in business activities, including the formation of a favorable image of the entrepreneur.
Modernization of existing enterprises. The speed of modernization of existing enterprises is the most critical factor determining the growth potential of the region's economy. Not only the competitiveness of regional enterprises, but also the investment attractiveness of the region depends on the results of modernization. It should also be taken into account that the speed of modernization of existing enterprises is a critical factor compensating for the impact of demographic risks, as it stimulates the reduction of excess personnel and their redistribution to new jobs. By promoting the modernization of enterprises operating in the region, the Government will solve the following tasks:
Stimulating strategic planning at regional enterprises, including initiating regular presentations of development strategies at the regional government key enterprises economy of the region and determination of state support measures for them.
Carrying out activities aimed at increasing the productivity and management efficiency of enterprises in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Creation of an operational database and monitoring of the financial and economic condition of large city-forming enterprises in the private sector, as well as enterprises with state ownership, and enterprises in the agricultural sector.
Development and formation of proposals for anti-crisis management of large “problem” enterprises, enterprises with a state share of ownership, enterprises in the agricultural sector, or initiation of bankruptcy procedures for ineffective enterprises.
Promotion of advanced training for enterprise managers. Development and implementation of mechanisms for retraining and employment of personnel of restructured or liquidated enterprises in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
Attracting investments to create new enterprises. Ensuring the required economic growth and the pace of its modernization is possible only if new enterprises are created in the region in priority sectors of the economy. To ensure the declared rates of economic growth in the Nizhny Novgorod region, it is necessary to increase the volume of investment in fixed capital from the current 15% of GRP to 20-25%, typical for countries with rapidly growing economies.
In the region, it is necessary to improve factor conditions that are sources of sustainable competitive advantages to attract strategic investors. At the same time, it is also necessary to stimulate the activity of portfolio investors, which today is limited due to the lack of objects in the Nizhny Novgorod region that are attractive for investment - enterprises with ambitious growth plans and owners ready to cooperate with investors. The regional government will carry out targeted and systematic work to improve the investment climate, actively attract investors and prepare regional enterprises for effective interaction with investors. To increase investment activity, the regional government will focus on solving the following tasks:
Determining investment needs and priorities in accordance with the approved Development Strategy of the region, as well as assistance in the development of objects attractive for investment in the region.
Formation of the image of the Nizhny Novgorod region as a territory attractive for investment.
Preparing regional enterprises to attract investment.
Attracting strategic investors.
Attracting direct financial investors.
Development of investment infrastructure.
Involvement of financial resources of region residents in investment circulation.
Increasing the efficiency of government interaction with investors.
Implementation of measures to reduce investors' risks (administrative, legal, financial and political).
Quality human capital
The most important asset ensuring the competitiveness of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the long term is human capital. At the same time, the expected demographic decline is a serious problem, without which the region will not be able to compete successfully in the future. The government of the Nizhny Novgorod region will pay special attention to the development of existing human resources, educating the younger generation of region residents, attracting new qualified personnel to the territory and creating conditions for retaining the most talented and enterprising graduates of Nizhny Novgorod universities in the region. The priority objectives of the Government in the field of human capital management are:
Formation of personality and creation of conditions for creative self-realization of residents of the region.
Carrying out an effective demographic policy, including stimulating the birth rate, reducing mortality and ensuring the influx of qualified personnel into the region.
Monitoring the labor market and future personnel needs; training and retraining of personnel in demand by the new structure of the economy, by the educational complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Creating conditions for retaining the most talented and enterprising graduates of Nizhny Novgorod universities in the region, including providing affordable housing and creating conditions for career growth.
Creating favorable conditions for living, working, relaxing and raising children
Providing comfortable living conditions for the population in the region is the absolute goal of the activities of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. At the same time, favorable living conditions increase the competitiveness of the region, making it more attractive for qualified personnel. Taking into account the limitations of the regional budget, the regional government will look for solutions that, as a result of their implementation, will achieve better results in the social sphere with comparable or lower budget expenditures. At the same time, the Government will focus on solving the following tasks:
Providing the population with comfortable and affordable housing, as well as high-quality housing and communal services.
Development of infrastructure and ensuring high standards in the social sphere (education, healthcare, culture and sports).
Formation of a single cultural space and ensuring equal access to cultural values ​​and benefits.
Improving the quality of the environment and creating the image of an environmentally friendly area.
Ensuring the safety of the population.
Development of service sectors for the population.
Formation, on the principles of social partnership, of mechanisms for interaction and social responsibility of government bodies, business and society for the preparation and implementation of social investment programs that ensure high standards of living standards for the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Effective executive power of the region
The effectiveness of the executive branch is one of the most significant factors determining the competitiveness of the region. The most important goal of the Government is to transform the executive authorities of the region and municipalities into effective, strategically focused organizations focused on achieving their goals. To achieve this goal, the Government will focus on solving the following tasks:
Creation of a performance management system for executive authorities:
- Development and implementation unified system planning (strategic vision and priorities, medium-term strategic plan, operational plans of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region, departments, municipalities).
- Development and implementation of a system of benchmark indicators for all levels of executive power, reflecting progress in achieving set goals, satisfaction of target consumer groups, budgetary efficiency of the Regional Government.
- Development and implementation of a results-based budgeting process.
Improving key management processes and organizational structures in regional and municipal executive authorities:
- Planning and implementation of organizational changes.
Introduction of information technologies in regional and municipal executive authorities:
- Analysis of needs for information technology provision.
- Introduction of information technologies.
Formation and development of human resources potential of the executive authorities of the region and municipalities:
- Formation of a personnel reserve, development and implementation of a career planning system for employees of executive authorities.
- Development and implementation of criteria for assessing the performance of employees of executive authorities.
- Development and implementation of a motivation system for employees of executive authorities.
- Development and implementation of a program for advanced training of employees of executive authorities.


The Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the key regions for European Russia. It has great economic potential and is advantageously located at the intersection of major trade and transport routes. And the administrative center of the region - Nizhny Novgorod - is also the center of the Volga Federal District.
A regional development strategy is needed in order to look into the future with more confidence, have firm guidelines, clearly define the paths for the progressive development of the region, and ultimately, radically change the life of the entire region.
The main goal of the work of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is to improve the well-being of the region's residents. Solving the task of transforming the Nizhny Novgorod region into a prosperous region with a high level and quality of life for the population primarily depends on the ability of the authorities to build an effective economy that will provide people with the opportunity to receive decent wages and the budget with taxes sufficient to finance urgent social programs.
The greatness of Russia will grow by region. As a result of globalization, regions are becoming full participants in international economic relations. At the same time, they fiercely compete with each other for sales markets, investments, talents, budgetary and administrative resources.
Unlike other regions of Russia, the Nizhny Novgorod region does not have mineral deposits that could form the basis for economic prosperity. All the region can count on is its unique geographical location and human resources: talented, skilled, enterprising and well-educated residents of the region.
Today the regional Government is forced to act in conditions disabilities and resources, which means it is necessary to prioritize and concentrate on what is most important. A large-scale study of the state of key sectors of the regional economy and the prospects for their development is necessary. Analysis collected facts will allow us to assess the current level of competitiveness of the region, opportunities for growth of its economy, and determine strategic priorities in the activities of the Government.


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Strategic development plan for the region is a management document that contains an interrelated description of various aspects of regional development activities. The preparation of such a document includes:
. setting goals for the region's development;
. determining ways to achieve set goals;
. analysis of potential opportunities, the implementation of which will allow achieving success;
. development of methods for organizing traffic in selected directions;
. justification of rational ways of using resources.

The strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the region is an indicative document that allows the regional administration and the regional community to act together. This is a document not only of the administration, but to a greater extent of all subjects of the regional development process, including economic agents and participants in the political process. This is not a directive from above, directed from the regional administration to entrepreneurs and residents of the region, but a guideline developed with the participation of all agents of economic activity.
Such a plan provides for balanced and coordinated actions of all entities to solve existing problems. It is a tool for establishing partnerships, a mechanism for identifying and implementing effective strategic actions in all spheres of life in the region.

The main characteristics of the strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the region include:
. highlighting strong and weaknesses regional economy, the desire to strengthen, develop, and create the competitive advantages of the region with a focus primarily on creating better living conditions for people;
. brief ideas and principles that guide producers of goods and services, investors, administration and the population, helping them implement decisions based on a vision of future development;
. partnership interaction of all regional forces.

A component of the strategic plan for the development of the region should be the administration’s action plan attached to it for the implementation of the planned activities.

Stages of developing a strategic plan socio-economic development of the region include:
1) assessment of the achieved level and characteristics of the socio-economic development of the region, which also involves an analysis of the regional resource base of this development;
2) development of a concept for the development of the regional economy, elaboration of scenarios for the modernization of the regional economy in order to
adaptation of the latter to the new system of interregional connections and interdependencies;
3) selection and justification of directions for the future development of the region.

These directions are classified depending on the possible ones, determined on the basis of a preliminary analysis of future development scenarios, based on calculations of various options for the specialization of the regional economic complex.
The starting point for developing the concept should be the identification of the region’s development goals, as well as its sectoral priorities (“poles” of the region’s development). The main goal of the region's development is seen in solving the problem of self-sufficiency of the region, i.e. the ability to independently perform the full range of functions determined by his status.

The main target of the strategic development plan for the region is to improve the level and quality of life of the region's population. To improve the living standards of the population, it is proposed to form and implement a “social order”. The concept of “social order” includes a set of services necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the population.

To implement this installation, the following are being developed: standards:
. currently achieved standards for consumption of goods and services;
. actual level of consumption in developed countries;
. rational standards.

In a roughly generalized form, regional development alternatives can be defined as follows:
1) a growth strategy, which is carried out by significantly exceeding the level of short-term and long-term target parameters over the previous year’s indicators on an annual basis (it is used, as a rule, in dynamically developing regions with significant potential);
2) a strategy of limited growth, which is characterized by setting goals based on the achieved level, adjusted for inflation (this strategy is chosen mainly by regions with a stable economic situation that do not want to take much risk in choosing development options);
3) reduction strategy (this alternative is chosen in the event of inevitable stagnation of production in the region in order to mitigate negative consequences and is called a strategy of last resort, since the level of goals set is lower than what was achieved in the past).

This strategy may have several options: reorganization or complete liquidation of inefficient production; cutting off excess, i.e. curtailment of those productions, the economic inefficiency of which causes a drop in results for the region as a whole; reduction and reorientation: liquidation of part of production with the direction of released funds to repurposed and modernized enterprises in the region.

Determining the “poles” of regional development is the most important task when developing a regional development strategy. The main direction of reforming the economy of most regions at the present stage is a gradual movement towards the formation of a new social structure of a post-industrial type based on the use of new technological methods of production in the conditions of a multi-structural socially oriented economic system with modern characteristics of the quality of life of the population and with the active role of government bodies in regulating the economy.

An important principle for the development of sectors of the social sphere will be to reduce the pressure of these sectors on the regional budget while simultaneously increasing funding for these sectors in the budget.

Implementation of this provision means:
. extension possible sources financing sectors of the social sphere, attracting funds from the population and enterprises for this purpose on mutually beneficial terms, up to the creation of enterprises with mixed capital in budget-funded sectors of the social sphere;
. reducing the cost of the social sphere due to the resource saving regime, carrying out targeted social events, structural restructuring and expansion of self-sustaining activities, in connection with which institutions and enterprises in the social sphere should enjoy tax benefits and most favored nation treatment;
. pursuing a policy of developing competition in the social services market with mandatory control by regional authorities over the quality of services; stimulating the creation of a competitive environment in monopoly markets for social services; holding competitions and auctions for the right to provide social services; formation of a municipal order for social services for all main types of social sphere.

Another direction of modernization of the region is to ensure conditions for economic growth based on expanding the production of competitive goods, supporting innovative production and new technologies.
The region should more actively participate in the formation of priority directions for the development of enterprises of all forms of ownership and levels of subordination. The basis should be the preferential development of industries operating to serve the population. In this regard, the restructuring of industry, especially large enterprises, should include support for those enterprises that, as a result of market research, have real effective demand for their products. It is also necessary to support innovative development and establish production facilities that are competitive in other markets.

To solve the problem of industrial restructuring in the first stages, it is planned to identify priority sectors of the economy and leading enterprises, which will ensure balanced growth of production in all sectors. Support for leading enterprises will create the necessary financial stability of the region's economy, become a source of increasing employment, provide work for enterprises in related industries through cooperative ties, and concentrate financial resources on breakthrough areas of the economy without scattering them. Such support assumes closer ties between enterprises both in the same industry and within the framework of inter-industry cooperation with the aim of gradually including all enterprises in the region in the development process.
Industrial restructuring involves increasing the flexibility and adaptability of enterprises and supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

Mass and large-scale production in most industries in a crisis is not profitable enough. Therefore, it is necessary to support a policy of reducing the scale of production while simultaneously increasing the number of small enterprises in various fields of activity.
The implementation of a diversification policy will make it possible, on the basis of large industrial enterprises, to form several medium and small ones that more efficiently use the same production capacities. However, this is only possible if a certain mechanism is created for implementing the procedure for unbundling enterprises and dividing property. One option for such a mechanism is to create an industrial group on the basis of large enterprises with a management company responsible for solving joint problems and interfering in the affairs of each enterprise only within the scope of its powers.

Support for small and medium-sized businesses is necessary for the region to pursue a policy to create jobs without reducing production efficiency and labor productivity. Small businesses, especially in the field of production and services, have large reserves for providing employment to the population.
One of the goals of economic restructuring is the saturation of the commodity market, the achievement of which is impossible without the support of local commodity producers and industries operating in conditions closed to the regional market.
Support for local commodity producers is aimed at ensuring the stability of the economy, its strategic independence from foreign markets, the concentration of financial flows in the region and, as a result, ensuring the stability of its budget. Changing the direction of support towards domestic production and consumption does not mean focusing on a closed market, which is practically unrealistic in the context of the global globalization of economic relations. We are talking about adjusting economic relations, eliminating imbalances between the import and export of products from the point of view of their social utility and impact on the economy of the region.

The creation of cooperative structures in the form of technological chains of product manufacturers that are maximally closed within the region will make it possible to ensure a more complete utilization of production capacities, reduce costs, and save on taxes.
Restructuring the country's economy at the present stage is impossible without the support of resource-saving and energy-saving industries, and the implementation of a resource-saving policy. High material consumption and low efficiency of resource use are one of the main obstacles to production growth in conditions of orientation towards effective demand, therefore resource saving can be considered as the main criterion for evaluating
ki the feasibility of measures to restructure and develop this production. For this purpose, it is proposed to create a mechanism for comparing resource costs for all development projects. Enterprises must justify the costs of resources in their calculations and disclose alternative possibilities for their use, especially in the case of obtaining investment loans.

They require solving the problem of inter-budgetary relations, distribution of subsidies and transfers among the regions of the country. To implement this direction, a policy of strict control over the region’s income and expenses is necessary and the efficiency of property management in the region must be increased.
Increasing the efficiency of the regional economy is also possible through increasing productivity, utilization and efficiency of use of production facilities, which can be achieved through the introduction of intensive technologies and, as a result, reducing costs.

Long term promising direction implementation of these activities is achieving financial stability of the regional budget, changing its structure, finding additional sources of financing.
Main components socio-economic development strategies should become:

Carrying out targeted structural, scientific, technical and investment policies;
. solving social problems while reforming the economy;
. stimulating business activity in the real sector of the economy.

The main direction of economic policy is the creation of a middle class of owners.
Structural restructuring of domestic industry is possible on the basis of organizational and economic reorganization of the scientific and technical complex, the establishment of an effective research and development system, the activation of science on this basis and the implementation of its achievements in life.
Solving social problems is the most important criterion for the effectiveness of reforms carried out in the country.

Depending on the time horizon, certain goals can be set and measures can be planned to solve social problems:

Within the long-term perspective, the global target setting for the implementation of social policy is
bringing the standard of living of Russians closer to the standards of post-industrial society;
. within the medium-term period, the task is to achieve the pre-crisis standard of living of the Russian population;
. As an operational goal, one can set the task of ensuring conditions for the physical survival of people and preventing a social explosion in society.

In the field of stimulating business activity in the real sector of the economy, the most important measures are:
. establishment by law of the minimum amounts of the guaranteed wages, which reflects the price of unskilled labor and should be focused on the subsistence level in the country; bringing the parameters of the Unified Tariff Schedule into line with the cost of living;
. guaranteeing timely payment of wages by the employer;
. legislative definition method and procedure for indexing household incomes in order to maintain real purchasing power cash wages in conditions of inflation;
. reducing the wealth stratification of the population, overcoming unreasonably high differences in the income levels of the wealthy part of the population and the poor.

Strategic development plan for the region is a management document that contains an interrelated description of various aspects of regional development activities. The preparation of such a document includes:

    setting goals for the region's development;

    determining ways to achieve set goals;

    analysis of potential opportunities, the implementation of which will allow achieving success;

    development of methods for organizing traffic in selected directions;

    justification of rational ways of using resources.

The strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the region is an indicative document that allows the regional administration and the regional community to act together. This is a document not only of the administration, but to a greater extent of all subjects of the regional development process, including economic agents and participants in the political process. This is not a directive from above, directed from the regional administration to entrepreneurs and residents of the region, but a guideline developed with the participation of all agents of economic activity.

Such a plan provides for balanced and coordinated actions of all entities to solve existing problems. It is a tool for establishing partnerships, a mechanism for identifying and implementing effective strategic actions in all spheres of life in the region.

TO the main characteristics of the strategic plan socio-economic development of the region include:

    highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the regional economy, the desire to strengthen, develop, and create the competitive advantages of the region with a focus primarily on creating better living conditions for people;

    brief ideas and principles that guide producers of goods and services, investors, administration and the public, helping them implement decisions based on a vision of future development;

Partnership interaction of all regional forces.

A component of the strategic plan for the development of the region should be the administration’s action plan attached to it for the implementation of the planned activities.

Stages of developing a strategic plan socio-economic development of the region include:

    assessment of the achieved level and characteristics of the socio-economic development of the region, which also involves an analysis of the regional resource base of this development;

    development of a concept for the development of the regional economy, elaboration of scenarios for the modernization of the regional economy in order to

adaptation of the latter to the new system of interregional connections and interdependencies;

3) selection and justification of directions for the future development of the region.

These directions are classified depending on the possible ones, determined on the basis of a preliminary analysis of future development scenarios, based on calculations of various options for the specialization of the regional economic complex.

The starting point for developing the concept should be the identification of the region’s development goals, as well as its sectoral priorities (“poles” of the region’s development). Main development goalregion is seen in solving the problem of self-sufficiency of the region, i.e. the ability to independently perform the full range of functions determined by his status.

The main target of the strategic plan development of the region is to increase the level and quality of life of the region's population. To improve the living standards of the population, it is proposed to form and implement a “social order”. The concept of “social order” includes a set of services necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the population.

To implement this installation, the following standards are being developed:

    currently achieved standards for consumption of goods and services;

    actual level of consumption in developed countries;

    rational standards.

In a roughly generalized form, regional development alternatives can be defined as follows:

    a growth strategy, which is carried out by significantly exceeding the level of short-term and long-term target parameters over the previous year's indicators (it is used, as a rule, in dynamically developing regions with significant potential);

    a limited growth strategy, which is characterized by setting goals based on the achieved level, adjusted for inflation (this strategy is chosen mainly by regions with a stable economic situation that do not want to take much risk in choosing development options);

    reduction strategy (this alternative is chosen in the event of inevitable stagnation of production in the region in order to mitigate the negative consequences and is called a strategy of last resort)

ties, since the level of goals set is lower than what was achieved in the past).

This strategy may have several options: reorganization or complete liquidation of inefficient production; cutting off excess, i.e. curtailment of those productions, the economic inefficiency of which causes a drop in results for the region as a whole; reduction and reorientation: liquidation of part of production with the direction of released funds to repurposed and modernized enterprises in the region.

Definition "poles" of regional development is the most important task in developing a regional development strategy. The main direction of reforming the economy of most regions at the present stage is a gradual movement towards the formation of a new social structure of a post-industrial type based on the use of new technological methods of production in the conditions of a multi-structural socially oriented economic system with modern characteristics of the quality of life of the population and with the active role of government bodies in regulating the economy.

An important principle for the development of sectors of the social sphere will be to reduce the pressure of these sectors on the regional budget while simultaneously increasing funding for these sectors in the budget.

Implementation of this provision means:

    expanding possible sources of financing for sectors of the social sphere, attracting funds from the population and enterprises for this on mutually beneficial terms, up to the creation of enterprises with mixed capital in budget-funded sectors of the social sphere;

    reducing the cost of the social sphere due to the regime of resource saving, carrying out targeted social measures, structural restructuring and expansion of self-sustaining activities, in connection with which institutions and enterprises in the social sphere should enjoy the regime of tax benefits and most favored nation;

    pursuing a policy of developing competition in the social services market with mandatory control by regional authorities over the quality of services; stimulating the creation of a competitive environment in monopoly markets for social services; holding competitions and auctions for the right

performing social services; formation of a municipal order for social services for all main types of social sphere.

Another direction of modernization of the region is to ensure conditions for economic growth based on the expansion of production competitive goods, support of innovative production and new technologies.

The region should more actively participate in the formation of priority directions for the development of enterprises of all forms of ownership and levels of subordination. The basis should be the preferential development of industries operating to serve the population. In this regard, the restructuring of industry, especially large enterprises, should include support for those enterprises that, as a result of market research, have real effective demand for their products. It is also necessary to support innovative development and establish production facilities that are competitive in other markets.

To solve the problem of industrial restructuring in the first stages, it is planned to allocate priority sectorseconomic leu And leading enterprises, allowing for balanced production growth in all sectors. Support for leading enterprises will create the necessary financial stability of the region's economy, become a source of increasing employment, provide work for enterprises in related industries through cooperative ties, and concentrate financial resources on breakthrough areas of the economy without scattering them. Such support involves closer ties between enterprises both in the same industry and within the framework of inter-industry cooperation with the aim of gradually including all enterprises in the region in the development process.

Industrial restructuring involves increasing the flexibility and adaptability of enterprises, support for small and mediumhim entrepreneurship.

Mass and large-scale production in most industries in a crisis is not profitable enough. Therefore, it is necessary to support a policy of reducing the scale of production while simultaneously increasing the number of small enterprises in various fields of activity.

Carrying out a policy of diversification will make it possible to form several enterprises on the basis of large industrial enterprises.

them and small ones that use the same production capacities more efficiently. However, this is only possible if a certain mechanism is created for implementing the procedure for unbundling enterprises and dividing property. One option for such a mechanism is to create an industrial group on the basis of large enterprises with a management company responsible for solving joint problems and interfering in the affairs of each enterprise only within the scope of its powers.

Support for small and medium-sized businesses is necessary for the region to pursue a policy to create jobs without reducing production efficiency and labor productivity. Small businesses, especially in the field of production and services, have large reserves for providing employment to the population.

One of the goals of economic restructuring is the saturation of the commodity market, the achievement of which is impossible without support for local producers and production facilities operating in conditions closed to the regional market.

Support for local commodity producers is aimed at ensuring the stability of the economy, its strategic independence from foreign markets, the concentration of financial flows in the region and, as a result, ensuring the stability of its budget. Changing the direction of support towards domestic production and consumption does not mean focusing on a closed market, which is practically unrealistic in the context of the global globalization of economic relations. We are talking about adjusting economic relations, eliminating imbalances between the import and export of products from the point of view of their social utility and impact on the economy of the region.

The creation of cooperative structures in the form of technological chains of product manufacturers that are maximally closed within the region will make it possible to ensure a more complete utilization of production capacities, reduce costs, and save on taxes.

Restructuring the country's economy at the present stage is impossible without supporting resource-saving and energy-savingproductions, implementation of resource conservation policies. High material intensity and low efficiency of resource use are one of the main obstacles to production growth in the context of focusing on effective demand, therefore resource saving can be considered as the main criterion for evaluating

ki the feasibility of measures to restructure and develop this production. For this purpose, it is proposed to create a mechanism for comparing resource costs for all development projects. Enterprises must justify the costs of resources in their calculations and disclose alternative possibilities for their use, especially in the case of obtaining investment loans.

They require solving the problem of inter-budgetary relations, distribution of subsidies and transfers among the regions of the country. To implement this direction, a policy of strict control over the region’s income and expenses is necessary and the efficiency of property management in the region must be increased.

Increasing the efficiency of the regional economy is also possible through increasing productivity, utilization and efficiency of use of production facilities, which can be achieved through the introduction of intensive technologies and, as a result, reducing costs.

A long-term promising direction for the implementation of these measures is to achieve financial stability of the regional budget, change its structure, and find additional sources of financing.

Main components of the strategy socio-economic development should become:

    carrying out targeted structural, scientific, technical and investment policies;

    solving social problems while reforming the economy;

    stimulating business activity in the real sector of the economy.

The main direction of economic policy is the creation of a middle class of owners.

Structural restructuring of domestic industry is possible on the basis of organizational and economic reorganization of the scientific and technical complex, the establishment of an effective research and development system, the activation of science on this basis and the implementation of its achievements in life.

Solving social problems is the most important criterion for the effectiveness of reforms carried out in the country.

Depending on the time horizon certain goals can be set and measures can be planned to solve social problems:

Within the long-term perspective, the global target setting for the implementation of social policy is

bringing the standard of living of Russians closer to the standards of post-industrial society;

    within the medium-term period, the task is to achieve the pre-crisis standard of living of the Russian population;

    As an operational goal, one can set the task of ensuring conditions for the physical survival of people and preventing a social explosion in society.

In the field of stimulating business activity in the real sector of the economy, the most important measures are:

    establishment by law of minimum guaranteed wages, which reflects the price of unskilled labor and should be focused on the subsistence level in the country; bringing the parameters of the Unified Tariff Schedule into line with the cost of living;

    guaranteeing timely payment of wages by the employer;

    legislative determination of the method and procedure for indexing household incomes in order to preserve the real purchasing power of monetary wages in conditions of inflation;

    reducing the wealth stratification of the population, overcoming unreasonably high differences in income levels between the wealthy and the poor.

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