Home Prosthetics and implantation Specially protected natural areas are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks

Specially protected natural areas are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks

For thousands of years, man has treated the Earth as an insatiable consumer. But over the last century, people have begun to realize that Nature needs our protection. All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks is playing important role in an attempt by the state to raise the level of environmental culture of citizens. Similar holidays have long been on the calendar of any developed country.

Russia is taking its first, but already confident and significant steps in this direction. The “green” date appeared in the holiday calendar of Russians only in 1997, on the initiative of the Security Center wildlife. It all started with a sudden shortage of “soft gold”.

A little history

Barguzin sable fur has always been highly valued on the world fur market. For a hundred skins one could get money that was enough for a family to live comfortably for six months. And the Europeans bought skins in any quantity, so quickly that an auction sales system was introduced! Insatiable greed led to the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century the Barguzin sable was on the verge of extinction. In order to restore the population of the darkest and most expensive sable in the world, it was decided to declare the habitat a protected area. In 1916, on January 11, the first national reserve, called Barguzinsky, appeared on the territory of Russia. Since 1996, the territory of the reserve, 366,870 hectares of the Baikal coast, has been part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site.

By 2000, about 5% of the entire country's territory became part of protected areas (specially protected natural areas). Today there are more than 40 national parks and about 100 nature reserves in Russia. By 2020, it is planned to create 3 reserves, 12 new nature reserves and 20 parks of national importance. Imagine how many people have dedicated their lives to preserving natural heritage! When Nature Reserve Day is celebrated, hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals contribute to environmental education of Russians! By the way, the main events take place on January 11th. And this is not just a memory of something important historical event. This is a reminder to people that their actions can have irreparable consequences for the Earth.

Unfortunately, a fur coat made from Barguzin sable fur is still a status item to this day. But at least the population of the magnificent beast is not in danger. Other rare animals live under the protection of the reserve: musk deer, weasel, flying squirrel, shrew, chipmunk, weasel and wolverine. The waters of Lake Baikal are home to the seal, a local endemic. The photo shows the landscape of the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve and its dear inhabitant in every sense:

Pride, care, understanding

The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks is celebrated in Russia every year in different ways. Volunteers participate in hundreds of environmental cleanups and landings; with the support of sponsors, excursions to nature reserves and parks, open seminars, conferences for children and adults are held, story and drawing competitions are held in children's institutions, entertainment activities with an educational emphasis. But the goals are the same - to attract the attention of citizens to existing problems, to teach people to appreciate the natural diversity of a great country. And it works! For example, during the March of Parks in 2013, we managed to collect just over 4 million rubles. About 17,500 volunteers took part in environmental events, and more than 250 sponsors provided financial support.

Every year in anticipation significant date ecologists conduct children's master classes. Since it is a January holiday, popular winter themes. For example, children are told why it is important to protect forests, shown photos of forest inhabitants and explained that for many trees are shelter, home, and food. And then the kids learn to make Christmas trees from artificial materials while the master tells them how many firs and pines are cut down every year just for the sake of temporarily decorating a room. Or they teach children how to make bird feeders and explain that birds are very hungry in winter, since people have occupied the territory where there were once fields and forests full of seeds and insects. A simple master class can be used as a script for celebrating Parks Day in a kindergarten.

In 2013, a single symbol of reserved Russia was approved - the silhouette of a brown bear against the backdrop of the taiga. Only thanks to the work of the reserves, it was possible to preserve and increase the population of species that were one step away from extinction from the face of the Earth - beaver, snow leopard, bison, Far Eastern leopard, sable, etc.

For adults, environmentalists organize educational excursions to the country's nature reserves and parks. During the short journey, the guide talks about the daily responsibilities of the employees, why the reserves are created, how the number of inhabitants is controlled, and what results have been achieved over the past year. Many people think that a nature reserve is just a place where you can’t litter or hunt. The guide explains that security is not the only task.

The protected area is painstakingly studied in order to identify all problems and find solutions to preserve and increase the population of hundreds of species of animals and birds listed in the Red Book. And it doesn’t matter what date the excursion takes place; it will be possible to gather a group on the day of the celebration or a little later. The main thing is that people leave home with new knowledge and with the desire to pass this knowledge on to their children and friends. Environmental education is one of the most important tasks!

During the period when the whole country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks, anyone can help Nature. And to do this, it is not necessary to donate fabulous sums to a fund to support the development of protected areas or go to Siberia with volunteers. Although if you want, why not? But it will be enough to take part in the educational part of the event, telling your friends about the existence of a little-known holiday in non-environmental circles, prepare congratulations with your children on postcards or in poetry, and organize a cleanup day with friends in a local park. It may be a small thing, but it’s already something! Canadians, for example, consider their parks a national treasure of the country (3rd place in the sociological survey “What is Canada for you?”). And we, residents of such a huge and ecologically rich state, are not at all proud of our unique Nature. Maybe it's time?

Every year on January 11, Russian ecologists and all those who care about nature conservation celebrate the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks. The date of the holiday was based on the day on which the first Russian nature reserve was created. This event occurred on December 29, 1916 (which corresponds to January 11 according to the new style). The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, located on the shores of Lake Baikal, continues to fulfill its tasks to this day.

The All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks appeared on the calendar not so long ago. It was first celebrated in 1997. The initiators of the holiday were the Center for Wildlife Conservation with the support of the World Wildlife Fund.

Reserved nature,
Reserved wondrous land,
Rainbow under the sky -
Choose your favorite color!

These clean lakes
Forest and rivers and meadows
Under state protection -
Protected shores.

There are animals and birds here
They roam the fields without fear.
Let's save these grains
Let's save our nature!

Day of Nature Reserves and Parks
The country today celebrates
And even if it’s not hot on a January day,
But they warm our souls
About the beauty of the nature of thought,
So let's keep it all together,
Forests, fields, lowlands, heights,
The tops of the mountains to the skies!

Take care of the Earth, people, take care!
Save this fragile planet for your grandchildren.
So that they, walking along the protected paths,
They grasped the sacred truths with their hearts.
So that the forests rustle, so that the grass whispers...
Leave them the right to love nature!

There is a special day in Russia,
He is dedicated to nature.
Beautiful nature reserves
And national bow to all parks.

About the safety of wild flora
This holiday tells us
To the open spaces of the Motherland
Everyone could appreciate it.

Preserving nature is both my and your duty,
Don't let her die in the fire of days.
Nature opens her heart to you,
Hurry up and warm him up.

Don’t pick a flower, but rather plant a flowerbed,
Don't torment the leaf, it's alive like you,
You better grow a tree
For birds looking from above.

Nature in Russia is luxurious, beautiful,
The reserve is beautiful, I can even sing it in songs.
Wonderful parks are not in vain
They decorate my nature!

Let's praise these workers,
That they are created and given us comfort!
For our souls and for our close souls,
Sometimes they give us all shelter!

I congratulate you on the Day of Nature Reserves,
How much good you do,
Forests and fields, shaggy animals,
Give your love, a lot of warmth.

Let your heart not harden,
From the malice of human and worldly vanity,
With your care you bring into the world,
Lots of warmth, love, beauty!

Reserves and parks
I urge you to take care.
This is a place for dreams
For walks, warm meetings.

May they always give you joy
These glorious forests
Starts behind them
Let there be only a streak of happiness.

Reserves and parks,
We must protect everything.
There is no more beautiful Russian nature,
At least go around half the world.

We don't always need a holiday,
To protect nature,
Every person can
The forests are in order to be preserved.

Clean up, don't litter,
Take care of our nature.
And years later, to you friends,
Thank you! - the kids will say.

Beautiful protected places
The harmony of nature delights,
And the power of the forests is huge and pure,
And like a magnet it attracts you madly.

And on this day one cannot help but remember those
Who saves all this wealth?
May your life be pursued by success,
And nature responds with kindness!

Congratulations: 45 in verse.

The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks 2020 is celebrated in Russia on January 11. Everyone involved in environmental protection activities participates in the celebrations: public and environmental organizations, government agencies. They are joined by teachers and students educational institutions by protection profile environment. In 2020, the holiday takes place for the 24th time.

history of the holiday

Nature Reserves and National Parks Day was established by the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund in 1997.

The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the founding of the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve on January 11, 1916 - the first in Russian Empire. It is located on the eastern side of the ridge of the same name, on the shores of Lake Baikal and has biosphere status.

Holiday traditions

On this day there are themed scientific and practical conferences. Authorities, together with citizens, organize educational events. There are events that draw attention to the attitude towards the environment industrial enterprises, the state and ordinary citizens. People are encouraged to separate collection household waste, use resources carefully. Leaflets, tapes, calendars are distributed. Social movements hold exhibitions.

Awarded to prominent individuals for outstanding achievements in environmental protection and sustainable management of resources. certificates of honor, diplomas, orders, medals. In means mass media programs dedicated to nature and its protection are broadcast. They talk about large-scale man-made accidents and their consequences for the planet.

About nature reserves and national parks

Nature reserves play an important role in preserving wildlife heritage. These objects are protected by state legislation. IN national parks x it is prohibited to conduct industrial and construction activities. Rest, movement and leisure are allowed to be organized in strictly designated areas. Violations may result in fines or criminal liability.

Protected areas are subject to scientific research ecologists and biologists. Animal populations, their dynamics, and mutual existence are studied. Nature reserves and national parks have become favorite vacation spots for tourists and travelers. They represent a kind of untouched island, where the destructive effects of civilization have not reached.

According to the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2014 there were 103 natural reserves in the country.

By 2020, it is planned to create 11 new nature reserves, 20 national parks and 3 federal reserves in Russia.

Day of reserves and national parks of Russia. This day, at the suggestion of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund, began to be celebrated in 1997.

The choice of the holiday date was determined by the events of the autumn of 1916, when Russia adopted legal act“On the establishment of rules on hunting reserves”, regulating the procedure for the creation and operation of reserves.

As a result, in the Trans-Baikal region on December 29, 1916 (January 11), the Russian national Barguzin Nature Reserve was established by an official government decision.

The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve continues to function a century later. Now it is a biosphere reserve. This status was assigned to it in 1986 by decision of UNESCO.

The reason behind the creation of natural protected areas in Russia was the activities of the Environmental Commission. Her work began in 1912 and lasted six years. Based on the plan to create a network of nature reserves on Russian lands, in subsequent years national parks, game reserves, and nature reserves were created throughout the country.

In today's Russia, 49 national parks and 103 nature reserves are fully functioning. The special protective status of territories makes it possible to study the biosphere, monitor its condition and changes occurring.

National parks and reserves received the legal status of objects of national heritage (No. 33-FZ 03/14/1995). The goal of a modern law-abiding society is to preserve natural attractions, plants, and animals.

Parks and reserves are entrusted with the task of education and environmental education population.

In fact, the lack of education of the population and rash behavior in relation to natural resources have led to the creation of specially protected zones everywhere on Earth. They are especially protected from thoughtless human activity.

Russian the legislative framework regulates the features of the protection regime of national parks and reserves, regulates and controls any activity in these territories. But what does a law mean if there are no people behind it?

People whose work preserves in its original form the incomparable creation of nature, flora, fauna, wonderful landscapes in various parts of the vast country deserve recognition, admiration, and support.

The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks of Russia is a holiday not only for Russian ecologists, it is a holiday for everyone who understands that the nature of the Planet without proper care careful attitude may gradually perish, this is the day of those who think that they will leave their descendants as an inheritance.

Since 2000, the European Community has decided to hold European Parks Day on May 24th.

Europe values ​​natural resources, and even in urban environments it tries to do everything necessary to green the city and for those people who want to breathe fresh air at any given time - that is why in every European country you will be able to see many green areas and parks. The parks are protected by the state; littering, tearing up plants, digging up or damaging trees is prohibited on their territory. It is worth taking care of the nature of your country, representatives of the movement for clean parks Europe for citizens of their country.

On Parks Day, thematic excursions, exhibitions, festivals, children's programs are organized, lectures are given, films dedicated to environmental protection are shown. The holiday was conceived with the aim of attracting public attention to the fact that protected natural areas are an invaluable part of not only the natural, but also the cultural European heritage.

From the history of the holiday...

The choice of date is explained by the fact that on May 24, 1909, the first National Park in Europe was created. Today there are a large number of National Parks in Europe.

It is worth highlighting, for example, Parc Vanoise in France, the area of ​​which is about 50 hectares. It is home to hares, chamois, marmots, mountain goats and many other animals. The beautiful alpine meadows are considered one of the most magnificent places for photography in the world.

Park Coto de Doñana in Spain located in a swampy, impassable area and is a transit point for birds that fly from the north to Africa. In this unique place you can see flamingos, herons, Spanish eagle, and storks.

Jasmund National Park in Germany offers a variety of landscapes in a small space. The chalk cliffs that are located in this park are known throughout the world thanks to the paintings of the famous artist Caspar David Friedrich.

Brijuni Islands in Croatia- this is another very beautiful one national park. Here you can admire a variety of vegetation: pine trees, Mediterranean oaks, olives, laurels, rosemary. In addition, the park contains historical monuments that were created back in the era of ancient Rome.

In the Russian Federation, National Parks have been created since 1983. The Losiny Ostrov and Sochi National Parks were the first to appear. Their creation was supposed to solve a complex of problems: organizing tourism, protecting natural, cultural heritage, sustainable development of the territory.

Celebrated annually at the initiative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Nature reserves are parts of a territory or water area that are forever withdrawn from all types of use and preserved as natural ecosystems.

The world's largest nature reserve is located in Africa. It was created in 2002 by combining three national parks - Kruger National Park in South Africa, Limpopo National Park in Mozambique and Gonarezhu National Park in Zimbabwe. Their total area was 35 thousand square kilometers. The idea of ​​creating the reserve belongs to Nelson Mandela.

And the smallest reserve is located in Russia. Its area is only 2.3 square meters. km. The reserve consists of six sections: Galichya Gora, Morozova Gora, Plyushchan, Bykova Neck, Voronov Kamen and Vorgol Rocks. The Galichya Mountain Nature Reserve was founded on April 25, 1925 with the aim of protecting the unique flora and fauna of these places.

From the history of the holiday...

Today in the Russian Federation there are 100 nature reserves and 35 national parks. Their total area is 3% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation. In the Chelyabinsk region there are 4 nature reserves (Ilmensky, East Uralsky, South Uralsky, Arkaim) and 2 national parks (Taganay and Zyuratkul). One of the oldest nature reserves in the country, the Ilmensky State Reserve, celebrated its 85th anniversary. Today it is an environmental, research and government agency with the status of an institute as part of the Ural branch Russian Academy Sci. In Russia, there are only four such reserves that are part of the RAS system. The Ilmensky Nature Reserve is also unique in that it is the only mineralogical reserve in Russia. International Day of Nature Reserves is one of five professional holidays for guardians of protected lands: May 24 - International Day of Parks and Reserves, June 5 - World Environmental Day, October 6 - World Day of Habitat Protection, October 14 - Day of Conservation Workers.

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