Home Prosthetics and implantation List of educational institutions for the disabled. Addresses of educational institutions of the Russian Federation (higher, secondary) accepting disabled people for study

List of educational institutions for the disabled. Addresses of educational institutions of the Russian Federation (higher, secondary) accepting disabled people for study

On June 7, Moscow will host a presentation of universities and colleges teaching students with disabilities and disabilities health. Representatives of the distance learning faculty of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University spoke about this.

“The presentation program includes: acquaintance with educational programs of universities and colleges, acquaintance with technologies and teaching methods in universities and colleges, discussion of opportunities and features of admission this year.

In addition, you will be able to find out in more detail about universities and colleges: about faculties, about areas of training, about entrance exams, about the work of preparatory courses at Moscow State University of Pedagogical University, about the rules of admission and conditions of study for bachelor's and specialty programs, about benefits for winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads, about employment prospects, competitions of past years and everything else that interests you,” says the message published on the faculty’s page.

Everyone is invited to participate in the Open Day for applicants with disabilities. Contacts and a link for pre-registration are posted on the website of the FDO MSUPE.

“It has been our long-standing dream to gather on the basis of one university those universities and colleges that teach students with disabilities,” the dean of the Faculty of Distance Learning at MSUPE told the portal Miloserdie.ru Bronius Aismontas. — On June 7, we have planned an Open Day for children with disabilities and their parents to present educational programs of universities and colleges adapted for the education of young people with disabilities. I want people to know about this more people. We will conduct such events systematically, perhaps once every 2 months.

We are talking about all forms of learning. First of all, about full-time, but a number of universities also have distance programs. They are more acceptable for many people with disabilities. At our university, at our faculty, we develop distance learning in psychology. There are universities that have such programs in law, economics... There are not many of them, but they exist.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is now paying great attention ensuring accessible environment and educational opportunities for people with disabilities. Enrollment in universities is now beginning, and, unfortunately, many applicants have little understanding of what educational programs may be available to them.

When disabled people contact us, we also cannot always provide them with full information. Therefore, we decided to start together with the Public Council of Parents of Disabled Children and Young People with Disabilities under the Department of Labor and social protection a campaign to inform the population of Moscow about educational programs for people with disabilities.

Behind last years the number of universities accessible to people with disabilities has increased slightly. According to the Education Law, 10% of budget educational places should be allocated for young people with disabilities. Unfortunately, this indicator is not met. This is partly due to the fact that work with applicants is poorly organized.

We need career guidance work, we need the development of educational programs, psychological support for applicants with disabilities, and preparatory courses. Such a program needs to be developed throughout Russia so that applicants with disabilities know what opportunities they have.

We are waiting for everyone who wants to learn about adapted university programs for young people with disabilities on June 7 at the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University on June 7 at 18:00 at the address: Moscow, st. Sretenka, 29, room 506.”

List of universities and colleges taking part in the Open Day for applicants on June 7, 2016

State budgetary professional educational institution of Moscow "Small Business College No. 4"

State Autonomous Institution Scientific and Practical Rehabilitation Center for Disabled People provides training in the following specialties:

034702 “Documentation management and archiving.”

Graduate qualifications – management documentation support specialist, archivist. Graduates in this specialty work as an inspector of the personnel department, inspector of the office ( general department, secretariat), secretary-referent, assistant manager, head of the departmental archive, archivist, archival manager, head. fund in the state archive.

030912 “Law and organization social security».

Graduate qualifications - lawyer. Graduates in this specialty work as inspectors in the personnel department, legal department and other departments of bodies and institutions for social protection of the population.

080114 “Economics and accounting (by industry).”
Form of study full-time, duration of study: based on 11th grade. – 2 years, based on 9 grades. – 3 years
Graduate qualifications - accountant. Graduates of this specialty work as economists, accountants, and chief accountants in organizations, institutions, and firms of all types of property.

072501 “Design (by industry)”.

Graduate qualifications - designer. The specialist is trained to develop and create original designs of clothing models, taking into account aesthetic, economic and technological requirements and market needs. A graduate of this specialty can work in the field of clothing design in design and art departments and bureaus.

035002 "Publishing".
Form of study full-time, terms of study: based on 9th grade. – 3 years, based on 11 grades. – 2 years
Graduate qualifications- publishing specialist. Graduates of this specialty can work in publishing houses and printing houses.

072601 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts (by type).”
Form of study full-time, terms of study: based on 9th grade. – 3 years, based on 11 grades. – 3 years
Graduate qualifications - artist of folk crafts. Graduates of this specialty can work in art restoration workshops, firms and enterprises producing artistic products.

250109 "Gardening and landscape construction."
Form of study full-time, terms of study: based on 9th grade. – 4 years old, based on 11th grade. – 3 years
Graduate qualification – technician. Graduates in this specialty organize and provide work on gardening and landscape construction of landscaping facilities, conduct landscape analysis and pre-project assessment of landscaping facilities, and carry out design drawings of landscaping facilities using computer programs.

071001 “Painting (by type)”.
Form of study full-time, terms of study: based on 9th grade. – 4 years old, based on 11th grade. – 4 years
Graduate qualifications – artist, painter, teacher. A specialist is preparing to professionally perform easel paintings using the techniques of painting and graphics, miniature painting, and icon painting. A graduate of this specialty can work in creative associations and artist unions.

Director - Syrnikova Bella Alikhanovna

Form of study: full-time
Disabled people accepted II, III groups aged 15 to 45 years living in Moscow
Accepting applications: from May 19 to August 5

Rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, musculoskeletal disorders
Rehabilitation after violations cerebral circulation, diseases nervous system
Rehabilitation for diseases leading to temporary or permanent disability
Mobile rehabilitation department (mobile home care teams)
Comprehensive rehabilitation
Vocational rehabilitation
Medical and social rehabilitation

Education. Specialties:
Social Security Law and Organization
Documentation management and archiving
Painting (by type)
Design (by industry)
Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts (by type)
Economics and accounting (by industry)
Gardening and landscape construction

Master of gardening and landscape construction
"Green Worker"

Technical College
At the State Budgetary Institution Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled educational activities for people with disabilities has been conducted since 1993 as part of secondary vocational education.

The educational process is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard basic level of open source software. The duration of training is from 2 to 4 years, depending on the chosen specialty and previous level of education. We accept disabled people from 16 to 45 years old, living in Moscow, who have successfully passed the entrance exams or based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

Classes are held in classrooms equipped with modern equipment and specialized equipment (including multimedia). Practical lessons take place in training and production workshops, which represent a model of a manufacturing company based on the profile of the student’s specialty. Students undergo practical training on the territory of the center, in workshops, as well as in various institutions, farms and facilities in the city of Moscow.

The technical school employs highly qualified specialists, including 3 candidates of science, 27 teachers of higher and first qualification category, 5 teachers are members of the Union of Artists of Russia.

The main principles of professional rehabilitation in the conditions of the Rehabilitation Center are the development of creative and intellectual abilities, the desire for self-expression and achievement real results in practical activities.

Specialty 035002 Publishing

A publishing specialist must proofread all types of copyright and publishing originals, proofread the main text, conduct editorial analysis text, use computer technology when working, artistic and technical editing of publications, draw up publishing contracts, conduct advertising events to promote publishing products, manage and organize the activities of the production department.

An artist of folk arts and crafts must be able to depict a person and the surrounding objects. spatial environment by means of academic drawing and painting, create artistic and graphic designs for products of decorative and applied art of individual and interior significance and implement them in material, independently develop coloristic solutions for artistic and graphic projects of products of decorative, applied and folk art, carry out sketches and projects using various means and techniques, to vary products of decorative, applied and folk art with new technological and coloristic solutions.

Specialty 030912 Law and organization of social security

A lawyer must receive citizens on issues pension provision and social protection, consider a package of documents for the appointment of pensions, benefits, compensation, other payments, as well as measures social support certain categories of citizens in need of social protection, identify persons in need of social protection and carry out accounting using information and computer technologies, receive citizens on issues of pension provision and social protection, carry out establishment (appointment, recalculation, transfer), indexing and adjustment pensions, assignment of benefits, compensations and other social payments, advise citizens and representatives legal entities on issues of pensions and social protection.

Specialty 072501 Design (by industry)

The designer must organize and carry out work on the design of artistic and technical, subject-spatial, industrial and socio-cultural environments, maximally adapted to the needs of various categories of consumers, technically carry out artistic and design (design) projects in the material, control the manufacture of products in production in part compliance with their author's sample, develop a coloristic solution for a design project, make sketches using various graphic tools and techniques, make reference samples of a design object or its individual elements in the material, master classical visual and technical techniques, materials and means of design graphics and layout, use computer technologies when implementing a creative concept, take into account the features of materials, manufacturing technologies, and features of modern production equipment when designing.

Specialty 080114 Economics and accounting (by industry)

An accountant must have professional competencies in matters of documenting business transactions, maintaining accounting the organization's property, maintaining accounting records of the sources of property formation, performing work on the inventory of property and financial obligations of the organization, conducting settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds, drawing up and using financial statements.

Specialty 034702 Documentation management and archival science

A specialist in documentation support for management, an archivist must be able to organize documentation support for the management and functioning of an organization: carry out work on preparing and holding meetings, business meetings, receptions and presentations, organize workplace secretary and manager, process incoming and outgoing documents, systematize them, draw up a list of cases and form documents into files, provide telephone service, receive and transmit faxes, draw up and register organizational and administrative documents, organize archival and reference records. information work on documents, work in electronic document management systems, develop and maintain classifiers, time sheets and other reference books on organizational documents, ensure reception and rational placement of documents in the archive, ensure accounting and safety of documents in the archive, provide organizational and methodological guidance and control over work archive of the organization and the organization of documents in office work.

Specialty 071001 Painting (by type)

An artist - painter, teacher must have professional competencies: to depict a person and the surrounding object-spatial environment by means of drawing and painting, to apply knowledge about the laws of construction artistic forms and the peculiarities of its perception, consistently work on the composition, master various techniques performing painting works, using computer technology in the implementation of a creative concept, carrying out teaching and educational activities in children's art schools, children's art and other institutions additional education, V educational institutions and vocational education institutions, apply classical and modern methods teaching, use individual methods and work methods taking into account age, psychological and physiological characteristics students.

Specialty 250109 Gardening and landscape construction

In this specialty, students study: designing gardening and landscape construction projects. Conduct landscape analysis and pre-project assessment of landscaping objects, carry out design drawings of landscaping objects using computer programs, develop design and estimate documentation. Conducting work on gardening and landscape construction, analyzing the demand for gardening and landscape construction services, implementing modern technologies gardening and landscape construction.

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