Home Prevention Competencies of a teacher of additional education of the Federal State Educational Standard. Demonstration of professional competence of a teacher of additional education

Competencies of a teacher of additional education of the Federal State Educational Standard. Demonstration of professional competence of a teacher of additional education

The last few years in domestic education have been characterized by a revival of interest in the educational and educational space outside of lessons, in the free time of students, and in the meaningful organization of their leisure time.

The main objectives of additional education are: creating favorable conditions for the manifestation of creative abilities, organizing real activities that are accessible to children and giving concrete results, introducing romance, fantasy, an optimistic perspective and elation into a child’s life.

Extracurricular activities are aimed at meeting the needs of children and youth in informal communication, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his creative activity. Additional education gives the child a real opportunity to choose his own individual educational path. In fact, additional education increases the space in which schoolchildren can develop their creative and cognitive activity, realize their best personal qualities, i.e. demonstrate those abilities that often remain unclaimed in the mainstream education system. In additional education, the child himself chooses the content and form of classes and does not have to be afraid of failure. All this creates a favorable psychological background for achieving success, which, in turn, has a positive effect on educational activities. Additional education for schoolchildren is provided by the leaders of various creative interest groups.

Additional education, despite all the features of its organization, content and methodology, is subject to all the laws of the educational process: it has goals and objectives, the content determined by them, the interaction of the teacher with children, the result of the child’s education, upbringing and development.

Modern educational technologies are not the only means of reforming education. The main strategic and technological resource has always been and remains the teacher, whose professionalism, moral values, and intelligence determine the quality of education. Today in the Russian Federation there are 18 thousand institutions of additional education.

The tasks of a teacher of additional education include managing the various creative activities of students in the field of additional education and organizing extracurricular work with students at school.

An additional education teacher is one of the most important specialists who directly implement additional educational programs of various types. He is engaged in developing the talents and abilities of schoolchildren, including them in artistic, technical, and sports activities. He completes the composition of creative associations, contributes to the preservation of the student population, the implementation of the educational program, conducts direct educational activities with schoolchildren in a certain creative association, providing a reasonable choice of forms, methods, and content of activities. Participates in the development of proprietary educational programs and is responsible for the quality of their implementation. Provides advisory assistance to parents on the development of children's abilities in the additional education system.

The activities of a teacher of additional education are aimed both at developing children’s cognitive motivation and at solving educational problems that directly meet the vital needs of children, which will allow them to predict in various futures. life situations opportunities to apply knowledge and skills acquired in the system of additional education. It is teachers of additional education who are called upon to integrate efforts on the physical, intellectual, and moral development of the individual.

A teacher of additional education must have the following personal qualities:

  • be sensitive and friendly;
  • understand the needs and interests of children;
  • have a high level of intellectual development;
  • have a wide range of interests and skills;
  • be prepared to perform a variety of responsibilities related to teaching and raising children;
  • to be active;
  • have a sense of humor;
  • have creative potential;
  • show flexibility, be ready to reconsider your views and constant self-improvement.

Among the most important factors that influence the development of the personality of children in the system of additional education, the most important is the professionalism of the teacher. Only next to a master can another master grow, only another personality can educate a personality, only from a master can one learn mastery. The professionalism of a teacher is the basis for the formation and development of a child’s personality.

The development of professionalism, or the professionalization of a teacher, is a holistic, continuous process of developing the personality of a specialist. The process of professionalization is only one of the directions of personal development, within the framework of which a specific set of contradictions inherent in the socialization of the individual as a whole is resolved.

From the moment of choosing a profession, the leading contradiction of professionalization becomes the degree of correspondence between the individual and the profession, which is the main condition for high professional excellence any specialist. Moreover, a personal make-up may be favorable for one type of activity and completely unsuitable for another.

The process of professionalization goes through several stages, during which mutual agreement and development of certain ways for an individual to fulfill professional requirements are carried out. A person’s creative attitude to the performance of his professional activities is evidenced by the fact that a specialist not only applies his abilities, thereby achieving success in his activities, but is also active in his work, as a result of which he makes changes in the activity itself. Only in this case is it possible to introduce innovations from a specialist. Not only is there a direct relationship between abilities and activity, but also an inverse relationship, when a person’s abilities influence activity and cause changes in it.

Experts in the field of occupational psychology have developed specific provisions characterizing the suitability of a person to a profession. The following personality traits necessary for professional activity are identified:

  • abilities and predisposition to work of a certain type, and these can be both purely physical and mental, psychological qualities;
  • knowledge and skills required for a particular job; this is what a person can learn, acquired special education and practical experience;
  • inclination and desire to work, otherwise - will and motivation. It is necessary to distinguish between internal motivation (interest, sense of responsibility, desire for mastery) and external motivation (money, rewards, status and prestigious aspects). Intrinsic motivation has the most positive impact on both cognitive processes and the personality as a whole.

It is necessary to take into account some other signs of a person’s professional suitability for work, the significant development of which indicates the high professionalism of the employee. This is the necessary speed of work, accuracy of work, harmlessness of work for the psychophysiological state of the human body, when there is no exhaustion of strength and a person restores his working capacity after rest.

It is also important that a specialist has a positive assessment of himself as a professional with high expert assessment from colleagues through public thanks, certificates, recognition from managers, etc. The lower the self-esteem, the higher the need for external signs of attention and recognition, and the lower, as a rule, professionalism. A high expert rating is an indicator of a person’s professionalism. The criteria for this may be consultations with colleagues in the specialist profile. The frequency of calls to an employee on issues related to his professional activities can also serve as a sign of a person’s professionalism.

An important role is played by the specialist’s ability to adapt to unfavorable operating conditions, as well as his socialization in general. Developed intelligence can remain only a potential ability of a person if personal qualities do not allow it to be used. For example, a person may have a high level of development of abilities, but conflicting personality traits do not allow it to be effectively realized. The latter include constant calculation of who worked for how long, who received how much for it, claims in the order of receiving social benefits, and the desire to establish priority in relation to any events. These are the so-called arguers who would rather externalize their internal tension than actually try to offer a solution to the problem. Their personal position is most often passive, i.e. things don't go further than indignation.

Scientists have found that job satisfaction actively influences the effectiveness of professional activity, namely: the higher the satisfaction with the content and conditions of professional activity, the higher the efficiency of a person’s work. Consequently, one cannot expect high professionalism from a person who is always dissatisfied with everything, indignant and critical. In this case, a person classifies himself into the category of satisfied or dissatisfied with the activity, using a system of subjective criteria. The severity of these criteria depends on the level of aspirations of the individual. Other things being equal, job satisfaction will be higher, the lower the level of aspirations.

External behavior and state of a person largely depends on internal behavior and is regulated by it. Therefore, it is very important to be able to maintain and maintain a healthy mental state, especially since the work of a teacher is subject to severe stress loads. About our exceptional plasticity nervous system wrote I.P. Pavlov. The scientist noted that it is self-regulating to the highest degree, self-supporting, restoring, guiding and even improving. But in order for all this to happen, it is necessary to take some action in this direction. A five- to ten-minute training of the central nervous system should become a habitual thing for a teacher (and additional education teacher), like morning exercises.

The term “professional competence” began to be actively used in the 90s of the last century, and the concept itself is becoming the subject of special comprehensive study by many researchers involved in the problems of pedagogical activity.

The professional competence of a teacher of additional education is understood as a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful teaching activities.

A preschool teacher can be called professionally competent if he carries out teaching activities, pedagogical communication at a sufficiently high level, and achieves consistently high results in educating students.

The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, the formation of sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, and the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. The socio-economic and spiritual development of society directly depends on the professional level of the teacher.

The changes taking place in the modern education system make it necessary to improve the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, i.e. his professional competence. primary goal modern education– compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and state, preparation of a diversified personality of a citizen of his country, capable of social adaptation in society, starting work, self-education and self-improvement. And a free-thinking teacher who predicts the results of his activities and models the educational process is a guarantor of achieving his goals. That is why at present there has been a sharp increase in the demand for a qualified, creatively thinking, competitive teacher who is capable of educating an individual in a modern, dynamically changing world.

Based on modern requirements, we can determine the main ways to develop the professional competence of a teacher:

  • work in methodological associations, creative groups;
  • research activities;
  • mastering new pedagogical technologies;
  • various shapes pedagogical support;
  • active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes, forums and festivals;
  • generalization of one’s own teaching experience;
  • use of ICT.

We can distinguish the stages of formation of professional competence:

  • introspection and awareness of necessity;
  • self-development planning (goals, objectives, solutions);
  • self-expression, analysis, self-correction.

In pedagogical literature the terms are often used and have already been “established” competence, competence.

Wide application of terms competence, competence is associated with the need to modernize the content of education. The Strategy for Modernizing the Content of General Education notes: “... the main results of the activities of an educational institution should not be the system of knowledge, skills and abilities in itself. We are talking about a set of key competencies of students in intellectual, legal, information and other areas.”

Lexical meaning of the concept "competent” in dictionaries is interpreted as “informed, authoritative in any field.” And the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” defines competence as a range of issues, phenomena in which a given person has authority, knowledge, and experience.

Many researchers have studied professional competence: Yu.K. Babansky, B.G. Ananyev, T.I. Shamova and others. The works of these researchers reveal the following aspects of pedagogical competence:

  • managerial aspect: how a teacher analyzes, plans, organizes, controls, regulates the educational process, relationships with students;
  • psychological aspect: how the teacher’s personality influences students, how he takes into account the individual abilities of students;
  • pedagogical aspect: with the help of what forms and methods the teacher teaches schoolchildren.

You can regulate your mental state as follows:

  1. Self-regulate emotional states, for example, through the external manifestation of emotions. Emotional stress will decrease if a person’s attention switches from the cause of emotions to their manifestation - facial expression, posture, etc. Labeling an emotional state in words and talking about how it occurs also helps reduce tension. But talking about the reason for the appearance of the condition only intensifies emotional experiences.
  2. Be able to control your facial expressions. This includes relaxation of facial muscles, facial gymnastics in front of a mirror, and a simple image of a “face” in front of a mirror.
  3. Manage the tone of skeletal muscles. This includes training exercises to relax muscles and sports.
  4. Control the pace of mental processes. Application of complexes of breathing exercises.
  5. Consciously create situations for mental release. This could be games, walks, hobbies - anything that can help restore peace of mind.

Thus, the professionalism of a teacher, being important factor development of the child’s personality must be combined with his physical and mental health.

Professionally significant qualities of a teacher include:

  • pedagogical orientation is the most important quality that represents the dominant system of motives that determines the teacher’s behavior and his attitude to the profession;
  • pedagogical goal setting - the ability to determine the importance of pedagogical tasks depending on specific conditions;
  • pedagogical thinking - mastering a system of means for solving pedagogical problems;
  • pedagogical reflection - the teacher’s ability for self-analysis;
  • pedagogical tact - treating the child as the main value.

And another important addition to a preschool teacher is the ability to stimulate one’s own creative activity and creative abilities of students. In the system of additional education, the emphasis is not so much on explaining to children this or that subject knowledge, but on developing their interest in expanding individually significant knowledge. The role of the teacher in additional education is to organize natural species children’s activities and the ability to pedagogically competently manage the system of relationships in this activity.

Thus, the competence of a teacher is a synthesis of professionalism (special, methodological, psychological and pedagogical training), creativity (creativity of relationships, the learning process itself, optimal use of means, techniques, teaching methods) and art (acting and public speaking). And today it becomes obvious that it is impossible to “add up” a competent professional from a simple sum of knowledge, great feeling A teacher must have responsibility when teaching the current generation.

The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, the formation of sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, and the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. The socio-economic and spiritual development society.



Professional and pedagogical competence of a teacher of additional education

Additional education, despite all the features of its organization, content and methodology, is subject to all the laws of the educational process: it has goals and objectives, the content determined by them, the interaction of the teacher with children, the result of the child’s education, upbringing and development.

Modern educational technologies are not the only means of reforming education. The main strategic and technological resource has always been and remains the teacher, whose professionalism, moral values, and intelligence determine the quality of education.

An additional education teacher is one of the most important specialists who directly implement additional educational programs of various types. He is engaged in developing the talents and abilities of schoolchildren, including them in artistic, technical, and sports activities. He completes the composition of creative associations, contributes to the preservation of the student population, the implementation of the educational program, conducts direct educational activities with schoolchildren in a certain creative association, providing a reasonable choice of forms, methods, and content of activities. Participates in the development of proprietary educational programs and is responsible for the quality of their implementation. Provides advisory assistance to parents on the development of children's abilities in the additional education system.

The activities of a teacher of additional education are aimed both at developing the cognitive motivation of children and at solving educational problems that directly meet the life needs of children, which will allow them in the future to predict in various life situations the possibilities of applying the knowledge and skills acquired in the system of additional education. It is teachers of additional education who are called upon to integrate efforts on the physical, intellectual, and moral development of the individual.
In the conditions of modern educational policy of the Russian Federation, the question of an innovative approach to the construction of scientific and methodological work in educational institutions seriously arises. Advanced training of teaching staff in the additional education system, continuity vocational education is a necessary prerequisite for the development of a teacher’s creative abilities, labor productivity and a condition continuous development individual professional experience.

Teachers' training is carried out throughout their professional career. Professional growth is facilitated by continuity of education and the personal active position of the teacher, when practical individual experience is meaningful and combined with social and professional experience.

The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, the formation of sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, and the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. The socio-economic and spiritual development of society directly depends on the professional level of the teacher.

The development of creative professional growth is particularly influenced by the research activities of teachers, participation in scientific and practical conferences and seminars at various levels, master classes, and open classes.

One of the forms of increasing the professional competence of a SUT teacher is his ability for self-education, which manifests itself in personal dissatisfaction, awareness of the imperfections of the current state of educational activity and the desire to find new ways and forms of organizing the educational process, the desire for self-improvement and the achievement of qualitatively new educational results.

Today the teacher has the right to choose various options advanced training: this includes full-time, part-time and part-time training distance learning, studying in advanced training courses, participating in online seminars, webinars, sharing experiences on the Internet, etc.

The ability to clearly formulate a goal, specify a problem and focus attention on the main, significant details, creatively rethink the organization and results of the educational process, the ability to reflectively comprehend and search for something new are indicators of a teacher’s professional level and the key to students’ achievements.

And another important addition to a teacher of additional education is the ability to stimulate one’s own creative activity and the creative abilities of students. In the system of additional education, the emphasis is not so much on explaining to children this or that subject knowledge, but on developing their interest in expanding individually significant knowledge. The role of the teacher in additional education is to organize the natural activities of children and the ability to pedagogically competently manage the system of relationships in these activities.

Thus, the competence of a teacher is a synthesis of professionalism (special, methodological, psychological and pedagogical training), creativity (creativity of relationships, the learning process itself, optimal use of means, techniques, teaching methods) and art (acting and public speaking). And today it is becoming obvious that it is impossible to “put together” a competent professional from a simple sum of knowledge; a teacher must have a huge sense of responsibility when teaching the current generation.

Scientific and methodological work on developing the professional competence of SUT teachers is to teach the teacher to be mobile in a rapidly changing society, to independently design his own professional trajectory, and to develop creatively through the means of his profession.

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management N.B. Solovyova

Goals and objectives of methodological support for the professional development of additional education teachers

Methodological support for additional education teachers is a means of stimulating the growth of their competence, enhancing their professional skills, developing creative initiative, and mastering advanced pedagogical experience.

Professional growth should ideally be carried out continuously and confirmed at various stages of certification.

Objectives of certification

determine the level of theoretical and methodological knowledge;

identify the level of professional excellence achieved after receiving the previous qualification category;

determine the compliance of the level of qualifications with the goals and objectives of the continuous education of children and youth, additional education of children and youth;

find out the teacher’s ability and need to reflect on his own teaching activities;

to promote the implementation of continuous professional development of teachers in the field of additional education for children and youth.

During the methodological support of teachers, they are formed, and during certification, they are assessed. general pedagogical and special knowledge and skills, creative potential teacher, namely:

Competencies of a teacher of additional education, which are assessed during the certification process

1) knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations and trends in the development of the theory of education, modern trends in pedagogical science, conceptual and programmatic foundations of upbringing and training in additional education;

2) implementation of the goals of continuous education, pedagogical support for the creative development of children and youth;

3) the ability to work with regulations in the field of upbringing and additional education of children and youth;

4) knowledge of methods of additional education of children and youth in the field, best practices within the framework of their activities;

5) knowledge of specific problems of continuous education, additional education of children and youth in accordance with the specifics of the institution, the ability to work to resolve them;

6) analytical and reflective level of the teacher;

7) mastery of methods for reproducing pedagogical knowledge and skills;

8) use modern forms working with students based on latest achievements in information technology, labor organization;

9) social and personal competencies of a teacher.

Professional level of competencies additional education teacher according to category is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of the competencies of an additional education teacher in accordance with qualification category

Defined indicator


Knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations and trends in the development of the theory of education and pedagogy of additional education, modern trends in pedagogical science

Knows the conceptual foundations of continuous upbringing and additional education of children and youth, knows how to translate the goal of education into specific pedagogical practice in additional education of children and youth

It focuses on and compares the provisions of individual areas (schools) of the theory of education, the conceptual foundations for the development of additional education for children and youth. Applies their provisions in practice, taking into account the specifics of the institution, profile and direction of the association of interests

Carries out modeling and design of the development of additional education for children and youth within the framework of a profile or direction, carries out innovative activity on testing theoretical developments in the field of upbringing and additional education of children and youth

Implementation of the goals of continuous education and support of student’s creative development in additional education of children and youth

Carries out constructive pedagogical interaction with various categories of students and their legal representatives

Carries out constructive pedagogical interaction with various categories of students and their environment. Creates favorable conditions for successful socialization of students’ personality, development

students of various groups.

Carries out constructive social and pedagogical interaction with various categories of students and their environment. Creates favorable conditions for the socialization of students’ personalities.

Stimulates the social development of the student’s personality.

Provides pedagogical support for educational and professional self-determination in the context of an association of interests.

Working with regulations in the field of upbringing and additional education of children and youth

Knows and complies with the requirements of legal acts regulating the upbringing and training in additional education of children and youth

Implements education and training in accordance with regulations, taking into account the specific conditions of the educational institution, the profile and direction of the association of interests

Organizes and implements innovative models of education and training in accordance with the main directions social policy of the Republic of Belarus, reflected in regulatory legal acts

Knowledge of methods of additional education for children and youth, educational work.

Knows the basics of educational methods, methods of additional education in the profile and direction of the association of interests

Proficient in methods of educational work, psychological and pedagogical methods of creative personality development, methods of diagnosing a child’s abilities, methods of additional

education according to the profile and direction of the association of interests.

Applies them in practice.

Proficient in methods of educational work, psychological and pedagogical methods of creative personality development, methods of additional

education according to the profile and direction of the association of interests. Applies them in practice.

Knowledge of specific problems of upbringing and training in additional education of children and youth, the ability to work to resolve them

Carries out activities to shape personality and environment in educational institutions in accordance with the specifics of the institutions.

Provides solutions to individual problems of pedagogical correction of student behavior

Solves the problems of preventing deviations, promotes the social adaptation of the student’s personality.

Carries out pedagogical diagnostics of the development of students in interest groups, identifies problems in training and education.

Carries out a wide range of areas of work on the formation of the personality of students, participates in the implementation of areas of continuous education, pedagogical prevention, correction, promoting social adaptation to the educational and professional self-determination of students, promotes specialized training in basic education).

Analytical-reflective level

Knows and can apply general methods scientific analysis.

Capable of assessing situations and results of pedagogical interaction with students and their legal representatives.

Carries out self-monitoring of teaching activities; plans the implementation of training and education tasks; organizes the pedagogical process and development of the child’s abilities, stimulates the creative activity of students.

Able to comprehensively assess situations and results of pedagogical interaction.

Carries out self-monitoring of activities based on reflection of experience and diagnosis of student achievements; plans the selection of means and methods for creating a developmental environment; organizes the management of student self-development.

Capable of comprehensive assessment and reflection of teaching activities, systemic analysis and examination of the experience of colleagues, systematic transfer and dissemination of teaching experience. Able to model and design pedagogical activities. Applies design, modeling, scientific analysis, and investigative evaluation skills to work.

Plans a strategy for the development of the children's team and children's abilities; organizes a developing and educational environment that stimulates the creative and personal growth of students.

Mastery of methods for reproducing pedagogical knowledge and skills

Analyzes scientific and educational literature, carries out self-study, uses modern methods acquiring knowledge and transferring it in the process of professional communication with colleagues.

Owns wide range scientific research pedagogical methods, and the possibility of using them to make a forecast of the development of the individual and the environment.

Knows the methodology of conducting

scientific and practical seminars in the specialty.

Able to prepare analytical materials (reports, analytical and information reports, materials for scientific and practical conferences and seminars).

Prepares reports and presentations for teaching staff, specialists and parents.

Knows the methodology of conducting open classes for teachers in the specialty. Prepares speeches and presentations for teaching staff, specialists and parents.

Proficient in a wide range of methods for conducting educational and scientific-methodological work with specialists in the field of additional education of children and youth. Able to effectively operate and present accumulated knowledge and experience, scientifically based and methodically expedient to inform about modern achievements in additional education of children and youth.

Knowledge and application of information technology

Owns modern means communications. Uses modern information resources in searching for information, business correspondence, etc.

Able to process, accumulate and summarize information, create data banks using modern information technologies

Able to apply modern information technologies in processing and systematizing scientific research and business information, use it in various types analysis of teaching activities

Knowledge and skills in organizing work in the field of teaching

Uses available tools and equipment in carrying out teaching work.

Plans the rational use of existing equipment (audio, video, Internet resources) in order to improve the activities of the association of interests, methodological work, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience

Consults specialists on organizing workplaces in accordance with the requirements of scientific labor organization. Develops programs for the economical and rational use of educational institution resources in order to organize activities in interest associations

Social and personal competencies

Has knowledge of professional ethical standards, has a high level of civic culture, empathy, readiness to resolve crisis situations in professional activities, an adequate assessment of one’s own professional activities, responsibility for its results, skills of a responsible attitude towards one’s own health

Possesses knowledge and skills about the formation of a favorable professional and cultural living environment, skills of constructive professional communication in the teaching staff and with students’ parents. Able to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with all participants in the educational process

Has knowledge about the directions and methods of developing corporately significant qualities among members of the teaching staff, creating a professional team in the implementation of social education and socio-pedagogical support, forming pedagogical goals and incentives for their implementation

Certification materials for the final interview during the certification of a teacher of additional education are prepared on the basis of the documents presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Documents of certification materials for the final interview during certification of a teacher of additional education

Self-education report (on text media).

Feedback-characteristics of the head of the methodological association of an educational institution on the conduct of necessary paperwork, the use of normative legal framework, labor organization (on text media)

Report on self-education for the period after the previous certification (on text media).

Program of associations of interests (meeting the requirements for programs of associations of interests of children and youth).


Analysis of the conducted open lesson.


Analysis and generalization of the current direction of one’s own professional activity (generalized experience in current direction on text and electronic media).

Analysis of the conducted open lesson.

Analysis of maintaining planning and accounting and reporting documentation (plans and reports, other professional documentation, compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in professional activities), labor organization using modern information technologies. (Is carried out by the deputy head of the institution or the head of the methodological association. Provided on paper).

Analysis of methodological, project, educational activities of the teacher, organization of interaction with parents of students, teachers of basic education institutions, and other areas of professional activity. (Implemented by methodological services, heads of methodological associations and provided on text media).


1.1. Competence, professional competence, professional pedagogical competence: content of concepts.

1.2. Development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

Conclusions on the first chapter.



2.1. The structure and content of the acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

2.2. Conditions for the implementation of the acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

2.3. Results of experimental research work on the introduction of an acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education and their discussion.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Acmeological approach as a factor in improving the quality of professional training of a future life safety teacher 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Leontiev, Andrey Mikhailovich

  • Development of professional reflection in postgraduate education: methodology, theory, practice 2006, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Metaeva, Valentina Aleksandrovna

  • Formation of professional competence of preschool teachers in the system of additional professional education: advanced training 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Swatalova, Tamara Aleksandrovna

  • Acmeological development of productive competence of future music teachers 2012, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Rumyantseva, Zoya Vasilievna

  • Deontological training of teachers-defectologists in the conditions of modern education 2012, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Filatova, Irina Aleksandrovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education”

Relevance of the problem and research topics.

In the Modernization Concept Russian education Until 2010, one of the important areas for updating the content of education was the competency-based approach. Competencies and competencies act as instrumental means of achieving modern educational goals.

Modernization of education in Russian Federation, conditioned by the need for socio-political and economic changes in the country, is impossible without providing the education system with highly qualified personnel. The materials of the State Council “On the development of education in the Russian Federation” (March 24, 2006) emphasize the need to train teachers with new professional competencies.

In the Main Directions for modernizing the system of additional education for children, among the priority measures aimed at increasing the professional level of additional education teachers, the creation of an interdepartmental system for training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff is highlighted; development of state requirements for programs of additional professional education in the field of additional education of children for teachers of institutes for advanced training of educational workers at all levels.

The transition from out-of-school work with students to additional education for children inevitably gives rise to the problem of training additional education teachers and retraining leaders of clubs in out-of-school work institutions. About 300 thousand additional education teachers, educational psychologists, social educators, teacher-organizers, and methodologists work in additional education institutions of the Russian education system, among whom more than 40% do not have a pedagogical education (data from 2004).

The interdepartmental program for the development of the system of additional education for children until 2010 to solve the strategic task of “Ensuring modern quality, accessibility and effectiveness of additional education for children” provides for increasing the social status and professional level of teaching and management personnel of the system of additional education for children, modernizing the federal system of training, retraining and advanced training qualifications of management and teaching staff for additional education of children. However, in the list of promising tasks for the modernization of teacher education for 2005-2010. There is not even a mention of teachers in the field of additional education for children, but tasks are listed aimed at improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions, teachers, teachers of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, training teachers to solve educational problems at various levels of education.

The discrepancy between the educational needs of additional education teachers and the content and forms of the existing system of training and advanced training necessitates the determination of modern content, effective forms and methods for developing the professional competence of additional education teachers.

The development of professional competence of additional education teachers is understood as a system of processes aimed at their mastering the necessary competencies to perform professional functions in the system of additional education for children.

The relevance of studying the development of professional competence of additional education teachers is due to the following contradictions:

Contradictions of a socio-pedagogical nature:

Between the strengthening of the ideas of humanization and democratization, the transition to a competency-based approach in education and the insufficient response of additional professional pedagogical education to these changes;

Between the trends towards a predictive, projective nature of education and personal development and the insufficient technological readiness of additional professional pedagogical education to ensure these processes;

Between the increasing requirements for the professional level of additional education teachers from society, the teacher’s need for self-realization, to master the methods of personal, social, professional adaptation to ongoing changes and the fragmentation of the development of means of personal and professional development of additional education teachers.

These contradictions actualize the problem of meeting the socio-educational needs of additional education teachers in mastering technologies for the development of pedagogical competence as a guarantee of professional and life success.

Contradictions of a scientific and pedagogical nature:

Between the widespread use in the literature of the term “professional competence of a teacher” and the lack of normatively defined content of this concept, the uncertainty of the list of competencies of specialists in various areas of teaching activity, the essential and formal characteristics of the professional competence of teachers of additional education;

Between the availability of scientific developments on the theory of personality development, adult education, competency-based approach to education, developmental and personality-oriented learning technologies; the certainty of conceptual approaches to the development of the system of additional education for children and the lack of research in the field of development of professional competence of additional education teachers.

These contradictions actualize the problem of theoretical justification * and development of models for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

Contradictions of a scientific and methodological nature:

Between the focus of additional professional education on the development of social mobility of teachers, their personal potential, ability to solve problems and the dominance in the existing practice of additional pedagogical education of programs that provide knowledge in a certain area of ​​​​pedagogical activity;

Between the needs of teaching practice for new methods and technologies that develop the professional competence of teachers of additional education, and the insufficiency of didactic means, educational and methodological complexes developed on the basis modern technologies personality development for the system of additional pedagogical education.

These contradictions actualize the problem of developing modern didactic means of developing the professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

The resulting set of identified contradictions made it possible to formulate the research problem, which consists in determining the theoretical foundations and finding optimal solutions for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

The relevance of the formulated problem, the search for ways to resolve these contradictions determined the choice of topic dissertation research: “Development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.”

Limitation of the research field: the development of professional competence is considered using the example of the activities of additional education teachers in the system of additional education for children.

The purpose of the study is to identify the essential and formal characteristics and conditions for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education based on the acmeological model.

The object of the study is the professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

The subject of the study is the acmeological conditions for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

The research hypothesis consists of the following assumptions:

2. The acmeological model of development of professional competence, built on the basis of anthropological and andragogical approaches, contributes to the effective development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education. The effectiveness of the implementation of the acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education is determined by the content of motivation, value bases and personal qualities of the teacher, his vital experience, the conditions of self-education and pedagogical interaction.

In accordance with the purpose, object, subject and hypothesis put forward, the following tasks were solved in the study:

1. Analysis of scientific literature and practice on the problem of developing professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

2. Clarification of the concepts of professional competence, determination of the essential and formal characteristics of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

3. Determination of the conditions and features of the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

4. Development of an acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education and justification of the conditions for the implementation of this model.

5. Conducting experimental research work to test the effectiveness of the acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education and the development of methodological recommendations for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study. The basis for the selection of theoretical and methodological sources were the principles of humanism, determinism, development, systematicity, from the perspective of which the main scientific provisions on competence in the works of E.F. Zeera, I.A. Zimnyaya, J. Raven, who laid the foundation for the competency-based approach in the theory of vocational education.

The methodological foundation of the process of developing professional competence was the acmeological, andragogical and anthropological approaches reflected in the works of K.A. Abulkhanova, B.G. Ananyeva, O.S. Anisimova, A.A. Bodaleva,

A.A. Derkach, S.I. Zmeeva.

The methodological and theoretical foundations for studying the activities and professional competence of a teacher were the works of O.S. Anisimova, S.G. Vershlovsky, B.S. Gershunsky,

V.I. Zagvyazinsky, R.B. Kvesko, N.V. Kuzmina, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, A.K. Markova, V.A. Metaeva, J.I.M. Mitina, A.M. Novikova, V.A. Sla-stenina, I.P. Smirnova, M.I. Stankina, E.V. Tkachenko.

The philosophical and theoretical justification for the acmeological model of development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education was the theory of vital education, reflected in the works of A.S. Belkin, N.O. Verbitskaya.

The study used the results of work in the field of competency-based approach in education by A.JI. Andreeva, V.I. Bidenko, O.A. Bulavenko, V.A. Vorotilova, D. Ermakova, V.A. Isaeva, A.V. Khutorskogo, JI.O. Filatova, A. Schelten.

To clarify the content of a teacher’s professional competence and define effective ways its development, the works of S.V. were used. Alekseeva, N.A. Alekseeva, L.I. Antsyferova, V.L. Benina, N.R. Bityanova, V.A. Bukhvalova, M.T. Gromkova, O.B. Dau-tova, I.V. Kruglova, S.I. Pyatibratova, E.I. Rogova, V.P.Simonova, G.B. Skoka, Z.A. Fedoseeva, S.V. Khristoforova.

In order to identify the essential and formal characteristics of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education and determine possible ways of its development, the works of A.G. Asmolova, V.A. Gorsky, L.G. Dikhanova, R.V. Gutsalyuk, Ya.L. Kolominsky, O.E. Lebedeva, L.G. Loginova, E.N. Medynsky, A.A. Reana, I.I. Frishman, D.E. Yakovleva.

When developing a program of additional professional pedagogical education, we relied on research in the field of studying technologies and methods of pedagogical education in postgraduate education by I.A. Zimnyaya, K.M. Levitan, A.K. Markova, A.E. Marona, N.N. Tulkibaeva; psychology of teacher professionalization N.S. Glukhanyuk, E.F. Zeera; self-management G.M. Lisovskaya; N.P. Lukashevich.

Research methods. To solve the problems, theoretical and empirical research methods were used.

Theoretical research methods - analysis of philosophical, methodological, pedagogical, psychological approaches to the research topic; comparison of different approaches to defining concepts; synthesis of the content of concepts; construction of abstract models of the concepts under consideration.

Empirical research methods - analysis of regulatory documents on the research topic, analytical reports of additional education teachers during the inter-certification period; monitoring the activities of additional education teachers; questionnaires, surveys of additional education teachers; conversation with managers and methodologists of institutions of additional education for children; monitoring the activities of institutions of additional education for children; study and generalization of the work experience of additional education teachers; conducting experimental research work on the research topic and processing its results.

Research base. Research and experimental work were carried out on the basis of:

Faculty of Advanced Training of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" (Ekaterinburg) as part of conducting advanced training courses under the program of additional professional education "Self-management of a teacher of additional education" for 31 teachers of additional education of institutions of additional education for children of the Alapaevsky district of the Sverdlovsk region ;

Municipal educational institution of additional professional education "Training and methodological center for the development of education" (Novouralsk) as part of conducting advanced training courses under the programs of additional professional education "Information culture of a teacher", "Self-management of a teacher of additional education", scientific and practical seminars "Design of management activities" , “Project Method”, “Organization of Research Work with Students”, organizational and activity games “Design of Pedagogical Activities”, “Festival Model” for 285 additional education teachers of secondary schools and institutions of additional education for children of the Novouralsk urban district of the Sverdlovsk region;

Educational and methodological center for additional education of the Education Department (Novouralsk) within the framework of a methodological seminar and pedagogical laboratory “Gifted Child” for 30 additional education teachers of secondary schools and institutions of additional education for children in the city of Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk region.

A total of 346 additional education teachers working in the system of additional education for children participated in the study.

Stages of research. The dissertation research was carried out during 1998-2007. and included several stages.

At the first stage - organizational and preparatory (1998-2000) - the domestic and foreign experience of additional education institutions for children and secondary schools in the field of additional education for children, the work experience of additional education teachers, various models advanced training and certification of additional education teachers; qualitative indicators of the activities of additional education teachers were identified; the idea was formed and the scientific research apparatus was determined; a program of additional professional education “Teacher Information Culture” was developed.

At the second stage - analytical (2001-2003) - the state of the problem of developing the professional competence of a teacher in theory and practice was studied; the content of the professional competence of the teacher was clarified, the essential and formal characteristics of the professional competence of the teacher of additional education were identified; the working hypothesis of the study was clarified; an analysis of the activities of additional education teachers was carried out; the theoretical foundations of the acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education were identified; Experimental research work was carried out on the formation of an information and reflective culture of additional education teachers, on their preparation for organizing research work with students, and on the use of the project method in the additional education system for children.

At the third stage - design (2004-2005) - an acmeological model for the development of professional competence of an additional education teacher and a program of additional professional education “Self-management of an additional education teacher” were developed.

At the fourth stage - experimental and exploratory (2006-2007) - the conditions for the effectiveness of the implementation of the acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education were checked; the structure and content of the textbook “Professional Competence of a Continuing Education Teacher” was developed; the research materials were summarized; dissertation research was completed.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the formulation and solution of the problem of developing the professional competence of teachers of additional education:

The essential and formal characteristics of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education are determined;

An acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education, based on andragogical and anthropological approaches, has been theoretically substantiated and constructed; the conditions for its implementation have been determined;

The factors influencing the effectiveness of the implementation of the acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education are identified.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

Based on existing approaches to determining the content of a teacher’s professional competence, the content of pedagogical competence is highlighted;

The content of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education in the initial and long-term periods of his activity, the patterns and features of its development are determined.

The practical significance of the study is as follows:

Selected and adapted methodological tools self-diagnosis of professional competence of a teacher of additional education;

Effective methods for developing the professional competence of a teacher of additional education have been identified;

Crisis periods in the professional activities of additional education teachers, methodological and didactic means of prevention and assistance to additional education teachers during periods of professional crisis have been identified;

A program of additional professional education “Self-management of a teacher of additional education” and a textbook “Development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education” have been developed, which can be used in the practical activities of institutions of additional professional education and for the self-development of teachers of additional education.

The main theoretical principles and results of the dissertation research were published in the journal “Education and Science”: News of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Education (Ekaterinburg, 2008); “Scientific research in education”: Supplement to the journal “Vocational Education. Capital" (Moscow, 2008); scientific and methodological collection “Education: search, innovation, prospects” (Chelyabinsk, 2007); materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socialization of Personality junior school student V educational process"(Ulyanovsk, 2007); 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogical Systems for the Development of Creativity” (Ekaterinburg, 2006); 7th All-Russian Conference on Additional Education (Kazan, 2006); 13th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Professional and Vocational Pedagogical Education” (St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, 2006); 5th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation“Acmeology of Vocational Education” (Ekaterinburg, 2008); All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Legal and organizational problems of development of the education system of the Russian Federation: present and future” (Ekaterinburg, 2007); in the Proceedings of the Scientific and Methodological Seminar “Science at School” (Moscow, 2001); 5th interregional scientific and practical conference “Innovative technologies in pedagogy and production” (Ekaterinburg, 1999); 3rd regional scientific and practical conference “Acmeology of vocational education” (Ekaterinburg, 2006); 4th regional scientific and practical conference “Acmeology of vocational education” (Ekaterinburg, 2007); scientific and practical conference “Professional pedagogy: formation and development paths” (Ekaterinburg, 2006).

Testing and implementation of the research results was carried out in the process:

Participation in modules of the International Game-Technical and Methodological Association “Moscow Methodological and Pedagogical Circle”;

Advanced training for teachers of additional education on the basis of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" (Ekaterinburg), Municipal Educational Institution of Further Professional Education (advanced training) "Training and Methodological Center for Education Development" of the Novouralsk Urban District of the Sverdlovsk Region.

The following provisions are submitted for defense:

1. The essential and formal characteristics of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education are determined by the specifics of the system, the content of additional education for children, professional education and the vital experience of the teacher.

2. It is advisable to develop the professional competence of a teacher of additional education on the basis of an acmeological model of the development of his professional competence.

The peculiarity of the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education is that this process is carried out on the basis of vital experience and subject-subject relationships.

3. Acmeological conditions for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education in the system of additional professional education are the teacher’s motivation for teaching activities, the value foundations and personal qualities of the teacher, his vital experience, self-education and pedagogical interaction.

Structure of the dissertation. The dissertation research consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 207 sources, and appendices.

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  • Andragogical conditions for professional and personal self-development of a teacher 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Skryabina, Natalya Yurievna

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education”, Karacheva, Elena Viktorovna

Conclusions on the second chapter:

Basic competence of the individual, ensuring the social and functional activity of the teacher, the ability for self-organization and self-development;

Functional competence of a teacher, ensuring that the individual meets the requirements of the teaching profession;

Operational and technological competence, ensuring the technological readiness of the teacher to perform the pedagogical function.

Existing programs of additional professional education and advanced training in the system of additional professional education do not meet the needs of teachers of this profile in developing professional competence in full.

2. The acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education makes it possible to organize the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education, taking into account the characteristics of his activities, education and vital experience, to overcome professional crises, to prevent professional deformation and emotional burnout throughout the entire teaching activity. The acmeological model for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education is based on acmeological, andragogical, anthropological approaches, the theory of vital education, the principle of “cultivation”, the seven-level concept of managerial decision-making, and the results of a study of the psychological characteristics of the professionalization of a teacher.

3. The main didactic means of developing the professional competence of a teacher of additional education when implementing the acmeological model of development of a teacher of additional education are reflection and self-management based on the results of reflection.

The choice of forms and content for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education depends on the level of activity (reproductive, heuristic, creative). The criteria for changing the level of professional competence are the level of development of reflection, the complexity of the professional tasks and problems being solved, which is determined by pedagogical experience and the level of management decision-making.

4. Mastering the technology of self-management is most effectively carried out in a modular form of organizing the educational process, based on vital experience, andragogical principles of learning using self-diagnostic tools with access to the design of an individual self-development program. Mastering the technology of self-management by teachers of additional education who are at the heuristic and creative levels allows them to overcome professional crises after 10-15 years and after 20 years of teaching activity, as well as not only maintain, but also develop the level of professional competence, prevent the emergence and development of professional deformations, professional and emotional burnout, maintain a high functional level of the individual and the health of the teacher throughout his professional activity.


Most scientific developments devoted to the development of a teacher’s personality, professionalism, and pedagogical skills contain a description of general pedagogical competence based on the pedagogical education received at a university in the specialty “teacher” without taking into account the specifics of the field of pedagogical activity. The variety of approaches to determining the content of a teacher’s professional competence in the context of education reform makes it difficult to determine the list of pedagogical competencies and determine the conditions for their formation and development.

In this regard, in the scientific literature and practice on the problem of developing pedagogical competence, the traditional cognitive approach to advanced training in the system of additional professional education with a separation from teaching activities prevails. Mastering self-development technologies allows you to develop the professional competence of a teacher throughout your career.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the system and content of additional education for children, the teaching staff of institutions of additional education for children is currently in the process of theoretical research and gaining experience in developing the professional competence of teachers in this system.

The professional competence of a teacher of additional education has its own characteristics that distinguish it from the professional competence of a teacher. We include the following as features of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education:

In-depth general competence of a teacher of additional education, ensuring his success in previous professional non-teaching activities;

Professional non-teaching education and work experience that determine the direction of pedagogical activity in the system of additional education for children;

Availability of the necessary pedagogical competence at the level of vital experience;

The origin of the functional and operational-technological competence of a teacher of additional education: at the beginning of pedagogical activity they rely on vital experience, in the process of pedagogical activity they develop, relying on pedagogy as an element of the culture of mankind.

The essential characteristics of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education include the teacher’s mastery in a certain subject activity, his determination, communication, creativity, ability to solve problems and overcome difficulties, a positive self-concept, commitment to the interests of the child, the desire for self-development and the transfer of vital experience through cooperation and co-creation .

The formal characteristics of an additional education teacher include professional education, knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogy, psychology, and legal support for the system of additional education for children.

The system of additional professional education in the context of modernization of education in Russia and the system of additional education for children is a key link in providing institutions of additional education for children with personnel with the necessary level of professional competence. The content of additional professional education programs for additional education teachers is aimed at familiarizing them with the regulatory framework of the additional education system, pedagogical technologies recommended for the additional education system for children, and the development of a projective group of skills.

It is advisable to develop the professional competence of a teacher of additional education without interruption from teaching activities, using acmeological, andragogical, anthropological approaches, self-education and pedagogical interaction. Features of the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education are determined by the specifics of the system, the content of additional education for children, professional education, vital experience, diverse motivation for teaching activities, success in previous professional activities and orientation towards success in teaching activities.

The acmeological model of professional competence development contains necessary funds in accordance with the levels of professional activity of a teacher of additional education. Levels of professional activity are determined by teaching experience, the level of development of reflection and management decision-making.

The implementation of the acmeological model is possible without interruption from teaching activities in the conditions of modular teacher training in the system of additional professional education, methodological support in institutions of additional education for children and self-education.

The main didactic means for the development of professional competence are reflection and, based on the result of reflection, self-management. Building individual trajectories of professional and personal development allows you to develop the professional competence of a teacher of additional education in accordance with changing requirements.

The development of the reflexive and analytical abilities of a teacher of additional education ensures his transition to a higher level of managerial decision-making in order to solve more complex professional problems and gain new professional experience. The use of self-management technology allows you to develop the level of professional competence, overcoming professional crises, preventing the emergence and development of professional deformations, emotional burnout, maintain a high functional level of the teacher’s personality throughout his professional activity.

In conclusion, it should be noted that our study does not exhaust the problem of developing the professional competence of teachers in the system of additional professional education. In the future, it is planned to search for effective technologies for the development of individual components of the professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

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Report on the topic “Technology for the development of professional competencies of a teacher in modern conditions of additional education for children using the example of creative associations”

The teaching profession is one of the oldest in human society; it has always been considered not only responsible, but also the most difficult. The works of past thinkers emphasized the need for a person who has chosen the path of mentoring the younger generation to have not only an interest and ability in teaching, but also a certain level of preparedness. “The content and ways to achieve such preparedness were gradually developed by many generations of practical teachers and educational theorists”

The focus of the modern education system of the Russian Federation is a professional teacher who is capable of providing high quality educational services aimed at shaping and nurturing the student’s personality, which, in turn, is a prerequisite for the realization of desired, social significant directions personality development. In modern conditions of rethinking cultural and value guidelines in education, there is an unconditional increase in requirements for additional education teachers and the level of development of their professional competence. The system of additional education for children, focused on the development of the student as a subject - an active creator - needs a teacher who can predict, design, construct, organize and analyze the processes of development of the subjectivity of each child; capable of consciously building his professional activities.

But, unfortunately, it should be noted that Russian universities are not focused on training teachers - specialists in additional education with higher professional education. One of the reasons for this negative trend is the lack of GOST standards for higher professional education in the specialty “Teacher of additional education”.

Universities train specialists only in the specialty “Social educator” with various additional specializations. This has led to the fact that the system of additional education for children is not actually replenished with qualified teachers - specialists who are competent specifically in the field of additional education of children, who have the competencies necessary for the successful development, training and education of children and adolescents by means, forms and methods of additional education in a specific subject. (educational) field of activity.

Therefore, understanding the diversity of components of the concept of “preparedness” (or “readiness”) of an additional education teacher for teaching activities made it possible to distinguish the category of professional competence. From the point of view of the semantic concept, this category goes back to the terms “competence” and “competent”.

Competence (from the Latin: Coitireepia belonging by right) - the terms of reference of any body or official; - the range of issues in which the person has knowledge and experience.

Competent (from Lat. Competent, capable): having competence; knowledgeable, knowledgeable in a certain area.

Therefore, competence is essentially the possession of competence; having the knowledge to judge something. In our case, possession of competencies not only in the field of pedagogy of additional education for children, but also possession of specific knowledge that allows us to design and implement activities in children's creative associations of various directions. In other words, competence is a personal property of a teacher of additional education in a particular subject area of ​​activity.

The issue of a teacher’s professional competence depending on his creative abilities attracted the attention of prominent domestic teachers. One of the pioneers in the development of this problem is P.F. Kapterev, he explains his close attention to the appearance of the Russian teacher, primarily the school teacher, by the fact that, in his words, in the second half of the 19th century, “the school teacher accomplished the ace democratization of education.”

Consequently, today, as part of the democratization and reform of the entire education system of the Russian Federation, the additional education teacher must meet the new tasks of developing the system of additional education for children. Currently, a teacher with such professional competence is becoming in demand, which would allow him not only to master new content and teaching technologies, but also to be able to comprehend his professional mission, build personally developing and culturally appropriate interaction with his students. The effectiveness of professional activity depends on the optimal compliance of the subject of activity with social needs, norms, and conditions for the course of this activity.

When creating an “ideal” model of a competent additional education teacher, one should constantly keep in mind the boundaries of the subject area and field of activity, one must be aware of how far his competence extends.

Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the role of the personality of the additional education teacher in the educational process: the personality of the additional education teacher in the processes of development, training and upbringing of the child takes first place; certain properties of his personality will increase or decrease their educational influence. A teacher of additional education influences the educational outcome, first of all, through his special properties- competencies. Using not only his intellectual potential, but also certain personal qualities of a whole person, and, as such, influencing his students.

An important pedagogical idea that contributes to the content filling of the category of professional competence of a teacher was the thought of P.F. Kapterev that in the pedagogical process the development of a student largely depends on the constant self-development of the teacher. He wrote: “The greatest scientist and the student of the elementary school stand, although at opposite ends, on the same ladder - personal development and improvement: one at the top, the other at the very bottom. But both of them equally work with their minds, learn, although each in their own way; they are workers of the same field, although at different ends of it. They are connected by the need for self-education and development.” .

The above confirms the relevance of this dissertation research, which lies in the need for professionally competent teachers who are able to implement educational programs in the system of additional education for children, taking into account their updating in changing sociocultural conditions.

The relevance of studying the technology for developing professional competencies of a teacher in modern conditions of additional education for children is due to the following contradictions:

Contradictions of a socio-pedagogical nature:

  • * between the strengthening of the ideas of humanization and democratization, the transition to a competency-based approach in education and the insufficient response of additional professional pedagogical education to these changes;
  • * between trends towards a predictive, projective nature of education and personal development and insufficient technological readiness of additional professional pedagogical education to ensure these processes;
  • * between the increasing requirements for the professional level of additional education teachers from society, the teacher’s need for self-realization, to master the methods of personal, social, professional adaptation to ongoing changes and the fragmentation of the development of means of personal and professional development of additional education teachers.

These contradictions actualize the problem of meeting the socio-educational needs of additional education teachers in mastering technologies for the development of pedagogical competence as a guarantee of professional and life success.

Contradictions of a scientific and pedagogical nature:

  • * between the widespread use in the literature of the term “professional competence of a teacher” and the lack of normatively established content of this concept, the uncertainty of the list of competencies of specialists in various areas of pedagogical activity, the essential and formal characteristics of the professional competence of teachers of additional education;
  • * between the availability of scientific developments on the theory of personality development, adult education, competency-based approach to education, developmental and personality-oriented learning technologies; the certainty of conceptual approaches to the development of the system of additional education for children and the lack of research in the field of development of professional competence of additional education teachers.

These contradictions actualize the problem of theoretical justification and development of a model for the formation of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

Contradictions of a scientific and methodological nature:

  • * between the focus of additional professional education on the development of social mobility of teachers, their personal potential, ability to solve problems and the dominance in the existing practice of additional pedagogical education of programs that provide knowledge in a certain area of ​​​​pedagogical activity;
  • * between the needs of teaching practice for new methods and technologies that develop the professional competence of additional education teachers, and the insufficiency of didactic tools, educational and methodological complexes developed on the basis of modern technologies of personality development for the system of additional pedagogical education.

These contradictions actualize the problem of developing modern didactic means of technology for developing the professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

The resulting set of identified contradictions made it possible to formulate the research problem, which consists in determining the theoretical foundations and finding optimal solutions for the technology for developing the professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

The relevance of the formulated problem, the search for ways to resolve these contradictions determined the choice of the topic of the dissertation research: “Technology for the development of professional competence of a teacher of additional education using the example of creative associations.”

Object of study: the process of developing professional competencies of a teacher of additional education.

Subject of research: determination of technology for developing professional competencies of additional education teachers. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the model for the development of professional competencies of a teacher in modern conditions of additional education for children using the example of creative associations.

The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the development of professional competencies of a teacher of additional education will become more effective if there are:

  • - the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the concepts of professional competence and professional competence are analyzed
  • - a model for the formation of professional competencies of a teacher has been developed
  • - the level of development of professional competencies of a teacher was determined
  • - a model has been implemented for the formation of professional competencies of a teacher of additional education for children in the process of experimental work
  • 1. analyze the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the concepts of professional competence and professional competence
  • 2. develop a model for the formation of professional competencies of a teacher of additional education
  • 3. identify the pedagogical potential of creative associations in the formation of professional competencies of teachers do.
  • 4. determine the level of development of professional competencies of a teacher of additional education
  • 5. implement a model for the formation of professional competencies of a teacher of additional education for children in the process of experimental work

The methodological basis of the study is the doctrine of the leading role of activity in the formation of personality, its activity in the development process, the idea of ​​the integrity of a person’s subjective reality, the reflexive nature of the development management process, the unity of psychological and pedagogical science and practice in the field of becoming a professionally competent teacher.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

  • * based on existing approaches in determining the content of a teacher’s professional competence, the content of pedagogical competence is highlighted;
  • *. the level of development of professional competencies of a teacher has been determined

The practical significance of the research results is that:

  • · a model for the formation of professional competencies of a teacher of additional education for children has been developed;
  • · research results The results and conclusions of the study can find application in various educational systems additional education for children.

Until now, there are no clearly defined scientific ideas about what personal qualities, qualities, knowledge, abilities and skills must be possessed by a teacher of additional education, i.e. there is no specific clear structure of professional competence of a teacher of additional education.

An analysis of the supply of teaching staff to institutions of the system of additional education for children shows that, due to their specific position in the entire education system, they have always been replenished with creative and enterprising people who are passionate about “their work”, professionals - “masters of their craft”, but, unfortunately, Most of them do not even have basic pedagogical education. Improving your qualifications, including in pedagogy and psychology, methods of additional education in the system of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff today is quite problematic even in regional centers. This is especially difficult if we take into account the specific (subject-activity) profile of the activities of a teacher of additional education, since the data educational institutions focused mainly on the teaching and management corps of the education system. This situation cannot contribute to the competent solution by additional education teachers of the challenges faced in the additional education of children, their upbringing, development, self-determination and self-realization.

Let us highlight the pedagogical competencies of a teacher of additional education, which are manifested in practical educational activities:

  • - ability to apply modern methods and means of pedagogical diagnostics;
  • - resolve pedagogical situations, taking into account categories of students with different levels of development, inclinations, abilities and health status, including through the use of specialized and multi-level programs of additional education;
  • - the ability to effectively prepare students for participation in events (competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, etc.) at various levels, up to regional and all-Russian;
  • - independently test and successfully apply innovative pedagogical technologies or their elements that are worthy of dissemination among colleagues;
  • - create productive conditions for realizing the creative potential of students;
  • - implement research and experimental methods of teaching and education in pedagogical practice;
  • - manage self-education of students (pupils).

Meanwhile, the diversity of life’s “camping” situations and circumstances, the ever-growing demands of society on the system of additional education in the range of services provided - health, educational, leisure, etc. - they diversify teaching practice so much that one-sided commitment to the specific pedagogical competencies of a teacher of additional education of a “wide professional spectrum” often becomes a limiting factor in the process of improving his professional skills. It is quite obvious that pedagogical situations and the pedagogical problems generated by them that a preschool teacher has to face in the learning process differ significantly. These differences are a reflection of the inherent characteristics of creative associations: the need to organize the process of additional education in small groups (associations), usually heterogeneous in gender and age composition, level of cognitive interests and motivation, level of physical and functional readiness for activities in conditions of autonomous life support for a children's group.

professional teacher competence creative


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