Home Gums International competition of pedagogical excellence. Regulations on the All-Russian competition of professional skills of teachers "My Best Lesson" International competition of pedagogical excellence for educators

International competition of pedagogical excellence. Regulations on the All-Russian competition of professional skills of teachers "My Best Lesson" International competition of pedagogical excellence for educators

We invite educators, teachers, and additional education teachers to take part in.

The winners and laureates of this competition for teachers are awarded Diplomas, participants - electronic Certificates!

About the competition:

The organizer of the competition is the International Educational Portal for Children and Teachers ""

We invite teachers preschool education, teachers, additional education teachers, educators, students of pedagogical institutions to take part in I International Competition of Pedagogical Excellence "Methodological piggy bank - 2017".

Contest International, teachers from other countries can take part in it, but works are accepted only in Russian.

On remote competition "Methodological piggy bank - 2017" Author's methodological developments of teachers on various topics are accepted: pedagogical and creative projects, games and quizzes for preschool and school age, lesson notes for preschoolers, lesson notes for schoolchildren, holiday scripts and game programs for preschoolers and schoolchildren, etc.

All participants of the competition, immediately after posting their work on the website, can download electronic Certificates of participation, and based on the results of the competition - Diplomas of winners or laureates.

Competition dates:

Competition goals:

Identification and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, modern innovative technologies, the opportunity to share experience on a scale that goes beyond the educational institution and region.


Competition for educators (educators, teachers, additional education teachers, etc.).

Job requirements:

The competition work can be submitted:

    as text document in Word format with font size 14 (the work can be decorated with photographs, tables, diagrams, etc.)

    In design methodological development There must be a title page, the goals and objectives, and the literature used.

    The work must have a title and short description(in the description you need to indicate who will benefit from the material, what age it is intended for, goals, objectives, etc.)

    The volume of the work file (Word document) should not exceed 2 MB. If the file volume exceeds the specified size, the application will not be sent.

Evaluation criteria:

    compliance of the work with the theme of the competition;

    aesthetics of execution and design of work;

    novelty of the idea.

And also when summing up the results will be taken into account:

  • results of voting for the work, evaluations of the site jury.

How to participate in the competition?

    Register on the website (a teacher or parent of the participant can register).

    Please read carefully Rules of participation in distance creative competitions for children.

    Pay the registration fee for participation with one of PAYMENT METHODS presented on the site. Organizational fees for a group of participants are paid by the Curator with one receipt for the total amount.

    Select a nomination, click on the " icon add work", fill out the application form, attach the competition entry and a copy of the payment receipt.

    Carefully fill out all fields of the competition application. The data you enter will be used when processing incentive documents.

For detailed instructions on how to add work to the competition, see the section "How to take part"

About posting work on the site:

    Works on the site published within 3 days from the moment the application is received and the work is accepted for consideration.

    If after 3 days you do not receive a notification about the publication of your work on the site, contact the competition organizers or resend your applications.

    The administration of the site "Odarennost.RU" reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition if the submitted materials do not meet these requirements.

    Participants after the 3-day period, they independently check the availability of the published work on the site and if necessary (the work is not published on the website, etc.) contact the competition organizers by email. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    The organizers contact the competition participants only in exceptional cases, due to the large scale.

Summing up, awarding the winners:

The jury determines the winners of the competition who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

    The winners are awarded the Competition Winner Diploma.

    The laureates are awarded the Competition Laureate Diploma.

    Participants are awarded a Competition Participant Certificate.

After publishing your work on the website, you independently download the electronic CERTIFICATE OF THE COMPETITION PARTICIPANT (the link to the diploma is placed under the competition work). Attention! After the end of the competition, Certificates of participants in the competition are no longer available, and voting for works stops.

Electronic DIPLOMAS will be available for download immediately after summing up the results of the competition in the section "RESULTS OF COMPETITIONS"

More information about the rules for participation in competitions can be found in the section

“I am a teacher” (essay).

School... Each of us has our own memories, impressions and associations associated with this word. Some will excitedly and emotionally talk about their school life, others will remain silent or simply leave the topic.

For me, school is more than just memories. School is my life, my work, and, if you like, my destiny!

No one expected that I would connect my life with the profession of a teacher. Among my numerous relatives there is only one teacher, and that is me.

I will not hide that when I was a student, I was always admired by my teachers; they were people completely different from everyone else, in their way of thinking, in their manner of dressing, in their attitude towards us children. I was lucky that on my way I met such masters of their craft as Shakirova Satura Gumerovna, Abdullina Raisa Grigorievna, Ataulin Zhavdat Gainanovich, Karimova Lira Telmanovna. The lessons of these teachers were memorable not only for the presentation of the material, but also for the atmosphere that reigned in the class. There were thirty-six of us students, but the silence in the lessons was such that from the outside one might think that the office was empty... Everything that the teachers said was absorbed by every cell of our body. We didn’t want to leave lessons, but we weren’t in a hurry... we went to electives, clubs...

I first thought about the teaching profession when we, fourth grade students, were introduced to class teacher– Lira Telmanovna Karimova – tall, beautiful, fashionable, as I remember now, in a bright red suit. Everyone in the class literally fell in love with her: the girls tried to copy her way of speaking and carry themselves proudly, the boys admired her beauty. Every word of Lira Telmanovna was accepted unconditionally. Everyone, without exception, began to attend the poetry club, although the class was mathematics. And Lira Telmanovna sent my literary “opuses” to a republican competition, where I became the winner.

It was from that moment that other professions, except for the profession of a teacher, simply did not exist for me. I went towards this, what is called through thorns to the stars, it seemed that life was testing my strength and loyalty to my chosen path. After the ninth grade, I was unable to enter the Beloretsk Pedagogical School..., but I easily passed all the tests at the Uchalinskoe Music School, after which I taught for a year at the Urazovskaya Music School. But the dream of becoming a teacher, specifically of Russian language and literature, did not leave me.

And, lo and behold, I went to enroll in the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, no longer hoping for anything, I entered. Five years of study flew by like one day! And so... I am a teacher! I am a teacher, and this obliges me to a lot: it is no longer enough for a modern teacher of Russian language and literature to simply have deep knowledge of the subject, he needs to develop it and use it creatively in his work.

U V. Belyakov has beautiful lines about the work of a teacher:

Leafing through well-known volumes,

We learned to speak beautifully

In the words of Pushkin, Makarenko, Dumas,

But this is not only our strength...

Strength, indeed, lies not only in the ability to express oneself eloquently, which is why I try to bring something interesting into every lesson, be it a “little zest”, some kind of teacher’s know-how, or the latest technique training. I discovered the techniques of critical thinking technology. When I started reading about them, I realized that all this has been done by us, teachers, for a long time, there just weren’t such sonorous names. For example, syncwine is a type of work where each student can reveal their creative potential and abilities. The guys like to create their own masterpieces, albeit small ones. By the way, syncwine is an excellent way to repeat studied material. I first became acquainted with this technique in the lessons of my colleague, Alsu Sagitovna Tugulbaeva, ten years ago!

Well, as for the “reading with stops” technique, it seems to me that this is a well-known commented reading, with the only difference being that the goals that the teacher sets for himself in the first and second cases are different. I like to use “reading with stops” in literature lessons; this technique helps develop independence, monologue and dialogic speech in children, and most importantly, independently obtain knowledge, as required by the Federal State Educational Standard.

I also love writing lesson plans! Honestly! This is similar to the construction of a high-rise building: everything is clearly verified according to time, stages: they are invented various techniques, interesting additional material is selected, and all this for effective, fruitful work, so that the guys not only hear you, but also understand, and let through everything that you are trying to convey to them. After all, the mission of a teacher, in my opinion, is not only to give knowledge and develop students, but also to educate young souls.

...And every hour and every minute

Someone's fate is an eternal concern.

Giving a piece of your heart to someone -

This, brother, is the work you and I have...

Agree, it is from us, teachers, that in many cases the quality of our lessons determines what our students are and will be. What they read, how they act in certain situations...

It is we who are responsible for those who look at us every day, sitting at school desks. And the future of the school depends on us. After all, a school is alive as long as the teacher in it is interesting to the child, as long as the teacher in it does not crawl, but flies. Therefore, I would like to wish all teachers: spread your wings and soar above the bustle, troubles, problems, careless students, let your students bring you only joy, and work - only positive emotions, and then you can sincerely say: “School is my second home, I’m a teacher and I’m proud of it!”


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Slide captions:


Galiullina R.Kh.

MBOU Secondary School No. 5

Explanatory note

(1 Slide ) Methodological seminar.

“Use of technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing in Russian literature lessons”

In the pedagogy of the 21st century, the student’s personality is at the center, the development of which is the goal of education. The modern pedagogical process is focused on individual approach For each student, the teacher needs to develop his best qualities in the child, taking into account the characteristics of his personality, forming a positive “I - concept”, stimulating “to learn with passion”, increasing the level of his education.

Modern requirements for Russian language lessons are quite high. The following interrelated learning objectives should be implemented in the lessons:(Slide 2)

  • equipping students with knowledge of the basics of the science of language;
  • developing skills in practical knowledge of the Russian language (spelling, punctuation, cultural and speech norms);
  • the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts in oral and written speech in different life situations;
  • nurturing a sense of responsibility towards the word, sensitivity to the beauty and expressiveness of Russian speech.

Practice shows that too small a percentage of school graduates actually master information culture, so I see the attractiveness of this technology in the opportunity to develop critical thinking in students through reading and writing, through the development of a culture of working with text.

It is extremely difficult to motivate a modern student to cognitive activity in the conditions of the vast information space of our time. In my opinion, this is due to an insufficient level of development of thinking and, above all, critical thinking. And this is very important for a person in modern world, which is included in new Age with a new look of cognitive culture, for which “reproducing man” is an essentially outdated and uninteresting concept. In addition to reproducing activity, there is another type of activity, namely combining or creative activity. What is meant by the term “critical thinking”?

(Slide 3) Critical thinking:

A natural way of interacting with ideas and information;

A reasonable, balanced approach to making difficult decisions about how to act and what to believe;

A special type of activity that allows the student to make a sound judgment about the point of view or model of behavior proposed to him;

A starting point for developing creative thinking.

This is Creative processing, analysis, interpretation, etc. studied information

Thus, the ability to think critically helps a person reduce the number of actions that we would later regret, and therefore increases our chances of success. Critical thinking is independent thinking, which begins with posing questions that need to be solved. We can say that critical thinking is the starting point for the development of creative thinking; moreover, both critical and creative thinking develop in synthesis and are interdependent.

In the course of working within the framework of this model, students master various ways of integrating information, learn to develop their own opinions based on understanding various experiences, ideas and ideas, build conclusions and logical chains of evidence, express their thoughts clearly, confidently and correctly in relation to others. Technology is a system of strategies that combine methods of educational work by type of educational activity, regardless of the specific subject content.

Brief description of the main ideas of the technology.(Slide 4), (Slide 5).

The technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing (RCCT) was developed at the end of the 20th century in the USA. Its authors: Steele, Meredith, Temple, Walter, are members of the consortium “For Democratic Education”. Since 1996 The technology is distributed jointly by the Open Society Institute, the International Reading Association and the Consortium for Humane Pedagogy and has been tested in schools in many countries. The technology has been used in Russian pedagogical practice since 1997.

The creators of the technology modified the ideas of free education (A. Kovalchukova) and creative self-development of the individual (J. J. Rousseau, L. N. Tolstoy, J. Dewey, J. Piaget, M. Montessori), the activity approach to learning (A. N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinshtein), the principles of student-centered education (E.Fromm, K. Rogers, E.N. Gusinsky, V.V. Serikov, E.V. Bondarevskaya), as well as the ideas of heuristic learning (A. V. Khutorskoy) and brought them to the level of technology. RCMCP technology is universal, penetrating,“supra-subject”technology open to dialogue with other pedagogical approaches and technologies. This is, first of all, an approach that is not a way to decorate the lesson, to give children pleasure from the use of gaming techniques, group forms of work, and frequent changes of activities. This is a completely clear structure, based on developmental and educational goals.

(Slide 6) Novelty:

Development of the student’s personality, preparation for independent productive activity in the conditions of modern society;

Development of creative thinking by reducing the share of reproductive activity;

Formation of information culture, skills to process information, use it in their practical activities.

Basic technology model

The technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing (RCMP) is a holistic system that develops skills in working with information in the process of reading and writing.

(Slide 7) There are 3 stages in technology:challenge - comprehension - reflection.In almost any lesson, you can turn to RKMChP and work with students of any age.

(Slide 8), (Slide 9)First stage – call . Her presence in every lesson is mandatory. This stage allows you to:

  • update and generalize the student’s knowledge on a given topic or problem;
  • arouse sustained interest in the topic being studied, motivate the student to learn;
  • formulate questions to which you would like answers;
  • encourage the student to be active in class and at home.

At the calling stage existing knowledge on the announced topic is updated, i.e. Even before getting acquainted with the text (text refers to written text, the teacher’s speech, and video material), the student begins to think about specific material. At the first stage, motivation mechanisms are activated and a goal is determined.

The second stage is comprehension . There are other tasks here. This stage allows the student to:

  • obtain new information and comprehend it;
  • correlate with existing knowledge;
  • look for answers to the questions posed in the first part.

At the comprehension stage, direct work with the text occurs. Reading the text is accompanied by student actions: marking using the icons “v”, “+”, “-”, “?” (as they read, they are placed in the margins on the right), compiling tables, searching for answers to the questions posed in the first part of the lesson, etc. As a result of this, students receive new information, correlate new and existing knowledge, and systematize the data received.

Thus, the student monitors his own understanding independently.

Third stage – reflection . The main ones here are:

  • holistic comprehension, generalization of the information received;
  • appropriation of new knowledge, new information by the student;
  • the formation of each student’s own attitude to the material being studied.

At the stage of reflection, information is generalized and the role of writing increases. Writing helps not only to understand the material and reflect on what you read, but also to express new hypotheses.

RCMCP technology uses different methods and techniques used both at a certain stage and as a strategy for conducting a lesson as a whole.

Some techniques that I effectively use when teaching Russian language and literature.

(Slide 10) Technique “Confused logical chains”consists of constructing a chain of facts, sentences, words, dates, rules, quotes in logical or chronological order.

The construction of a logical chain can be carried out together with the teacher, in groups/pairs during the lesson, and can be offered as independent work or homework assignments.

Topic: “Noun as a part of speech”

Part of speech - happens in a sentence - denotes - independent - subject - changes - predicate - what? - Who? – subject – answers – gender – case – number – has – short form.

Topic: “Biography of A. S. Pushkin”

Moscow - Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - "Old man Derzhavin noticed us..." - St. Petersburg - Mikhailovskoye village - Link to the south...etc.

Technique “Creating a cluster”

The point of the technique is to try to systematize existing knowledge. It is associated with the “Basket of Ideas” technique.

The rules for constructing a cluster are very simple. Drawing the model solar system: star, planets and their satellites. There is a star in the center - this is our theme. Around it, the planets are large semantic units. We connect them with a straight line with a star. Each planet has its own satellites, and each satellite has its own. The cluster system covers more information. Clusters can be used on various stages lesson.

(Slide 11) Cluster “Two Worlds” based on the story “Chopin and Mendelssohn” by L. Petrushevskaya. Grade 11

Technique “I know - I want to know - I found out”(Slide 12)

The technique “I know - I want to know - I found out” is working with a table.

When studying a topic at the challenge stage, students can be asked to split into pairs, confer and fill out 1 column of the table (these could be some associations, specific historical information, assumptions). After discussing the results in class, students themselves formulate the goals of the lesson: what do I want to learn? To eliminate gaps in your own knowledge, fill out column 2. After studying the topic, they compare the information received with what they had at the beginning of the lesson.

Reception of ZHU at a literature lesson in 5th grade on the topic “The Tale of H.H. Andersen” The Snow Queen»

I know

I want to know

Found out
(realization of meaning or reflection)

Pair work: what do I know about the topic of the lesson?

Formulation of goals

Correlation between old and new information

Definition of "Fairy Tale"

Biography of the storyteller.

What is his tale about?

What's happened " literary fairy tale", character traits of all the heroes of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

“Catch a mistake” technique

The teacher prepares a text containing erroneous information in advance and invites students to identify the mistakes made.

It is important that the task contains errors of 2 levels:

  • obvious ones, which are quite easily identified by students based on their personal experience and knowledge;
  • hidden, which can only be established by studying new material.

Students analyze the proposed text, try to identify errors, and justify their conclusions. Then they study new material, after which they return to the text and correct those errors that could not be identified at the beginning of the lesson.

(Slide 13)

Russian language: Spelling/grammar errors: "wooden porch" (wooden).

Literature: "A.S. Pushkin greatest poet Silver Age of Russian Literature" (Golden Age)

Strategy "IDEAL"(Slide 14)

AND - I wonder what the problem is? It is necessary to formulate the problem in terms of How.

D - Let's find as many solutions to this problem as possible.

E - Are there any good solutions? Good and effective solutions are selected from the many proposed solutions.

A - Now let’s choose the only solution. The strongest solution to the problem is selected.

L - I’m curious, what will this look like in practice? Work is planned to implement the chosen solution.

Use in Russian lessons POPS - formulas as one of the many techniques of the technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing” allows both to give a sample of the language and to intensify the student’s activity. POPS - I use the formula when teaching how to write an essay, which I consider as a means of developing critical thinking. After all, an essay, like any other type creative work, requires an understanding of the topic, text, the ability to analyze and summarize acquired information, and evaluate something or someone.

(Slide 15)

Plan for a linguistic essay “What is the role of introductory words?”


How often do we use introductory words?


Introductory words play a huge role in a person’s life.


1.They provide an opportunity to gather thoughts, 2.Make the speech logical, consistent, 3.Show an attitude towards what they are talking about, 4.Convey the source of information, 5.Help a person out difficult situation, 6. Convey joy, grief


Introductory words help you more accurately understand what is written and read the text with the right intonation. They help the writer more accurately convey his thoughts and feelings and make his statement more expressive.

Technique “Writing a syncwine”(Slide 16), (Slide 17).

Sinkwine - the easiest form of poems according to the algorithm.

Translated, “syncwine” means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules.

The first line contains one word - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

On the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine.

On the third line, three verbs are written that describe actions related to the topic of syncwine.

The fourth line contains a phrase consisting of several words with which the student expresses his attitude to the topic.

The fifth line is a word - a summary, which allows you to express your personal attitude to the topic, gives it a new interpretation.

Children of all ages enjoy composing syncwines. For example:(Slide 16)

Cinquain based on the story “Mumu” ​​by I.S. Turgenev, grade 5


Capricious, absurd.

Complains, punishes, destroys.

He ruins the lives of his serfs.


This is just a small part methodological techniques related to the formation of critical thinking. Detailed information on this topic can be found on the Internet on the website of the international magazine on critical thinking “Peremena”http://www.ct-net.net/ru/rwct_tcp_ru

(Slide 18) The technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing makes it possible for the student to grow personally, introduces the child to the spiritual experience of humanity, and develops his mind and individuality. Technology is open to solving a wide range of problems in the educational field. It is a set of special techniques and strategies, the use of which allows you to build educational process so as to ensure independent and conscious activity of students to achieve their educational goals. RKMChP helps the teacher replace passive listening and retelling with active participation of students in the educational process, and thereby increase the effectiveness of classes.

Bibliography (Slide 20)

  1. S.I.Zair-Bek, I.V.Mushtavinskaya. Development of critical thinking in the classroom: A manual for teachers. – M.: Education, 2004.
  2. E.A. Kozyr. Characteristics of RCMCP technology techniques. //gas. “Russian language”, 2009, No. 7.
  3. I.O.Zagashev, S.I.Zair - Beck. Critical thinking: development technology: A manual for teachers - St. Petersburg; Delta Alliance, 2003.
  4. Piaget J. Moral judgment in the child. M.; AK, 2006.


Information card

participant of the competition " Teacher of the Year 2017 »



Participant's response



Name (in full)


Middle name (in full)


Date of Birth


Place of work (full name according to the Charter)

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary comprehensive school No. 5 MR Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Belarus

Position held

Teacher of Russian language and literature

How long have you been working in this position?


Basic education (name and year of graduation from university (and faculty) or secondary educational institution)

Magnitogorsk State University,

Faculty of Philology, 2002.

Factors that influenced the choice of profession

Love for children (plus His Majesty's case).

Service record (indicate your previous places of work and the year you entered them)

Urazov Children's Music School, button accordion teacher, 1996-1997

Teaching experience (full years)

16 years


Titles, awards, prizes, scientific degrees (indicate the name and year of receipt)

The most significant problems in your teaching activity

Development of a student’s creative personality based on studying and taking into account individual abilities

Publications in periodicals, books, brochures, etc. (indicate bibliographic information)

- “They teach you to empathize and win” “Uchalinskaya Gazeta” No. 5 01/20/2017. – 10th page

Collection of methodological developments of teachers (Speeches, master classes,

development of lessons and extracurricular activities) Issue 1 / Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 5 of the municipal district Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan: editor A.B. Abshagitova – Uchaly, 2017, pp.: 7-15.

On the website https://infourok.ru/user/galiullina-regina-hakimyanovna

Marital status (indicate the spouse’s first and patronymic, his profession)

Married. Galiullin Reval Mubarakovich, JSC UGOK.

Children (please indicate the name and age of the children)

Christina – 14 years old, Karina – 14 years old.

Pedagogical credo of the participant

To have the right to teach, you must constantly learn yourself, you must constantly move forward and not stop there.

Professional and personal values ​​closest to the participant

Efficiency, responsiveness, responsibility, mastery of teaching methods of the Russian language and literature, desire for self-improvement.

Family well-being.

What, according to the participant, is the main mission of the competition winner?

The competition takes all participants to a new level in the profession. Therefore, it is not very important who becomes the winner. The important thing is that each participant will become a conductor of the best that our profession has. His mission is to convey this best to his colleagues and, most importantly, to his students.

Interests and hobbies, stage talents

5-se urta doyom belem bireү mәktabe

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 5 of the municipal district Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

MBOU Secondary School No. 5 MR UR RB

To the Organizing Committee of the municipal

Professional competition

Pedagogical excellence

And public recognition

"Teacher of the Year 2017"

The municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 5 of the municipal district Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Belarus nominates Regina Khakimyanovna Galiullina, a teacher of Russian language and literature, to participate in the professional competition of pedagogical excellence and public recognition “Teacher of the Year - 2017” in the category “Teacher of Russian Language and Literature” .

Galiullina Regina Khakimyanovna has been working at MBOU Secondary School No. 5 since 2002, training and educating students taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics, and contributing to the formation of a general personal culture.

Regina Khakimyanovna uses a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching in her work, conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies and teaching methods. Plans and implements educational process in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, develops work program according to the secondary school course and ensures its implementation, organizing and supporting various types of student activities, focusing on the student’s personality, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities, organizes independent activity students, connects training in the subject with practice, takes an active part in the work of the educational training of teachers of the Russian language and literature.

Students of Galiullina R.Kh. participate in olympiads and competitions at various levels: at the school stage of the Higher School of Education in the Russian language in 2014, 11b grade student Adelaida Isaeva became a prize-winner, Alisa Galyautdinova became a winner. In the All-Russian competition “Russian Bear Cub” in 2014, the winners were Karina Absattarova, 9th grade, and Aimara Bagaeva, 11th grade. In the reading competition: Marat Khadisov, 11b grade, winner, Alisa Galyautdinova, 11b grade, prize-winner, 2015.Municipal level:Reading competition “Living Classics”: Marat Khadisov, 11b grade, 2nd place, 2016. Essay competition “Singing My Republic”: Dilara Salimyanova, 10th grade, nominee, 2013. Game-competition “Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for Everyone”: Zakieva Luiza, 10th grade, 1st place, 2013Federal level:International Olympiad of the project “Infourok” in the Russian language: Karina Yanzakova, 6th grade, 1st place, 2016, Ablaev Arthur, 6th grade, 3rd place, 2016, Pokhlebaev Kirill, 6th grade, 3rd place, 2016 International creative competition“Talantida”: Roman Shayakhmetov, 10th grade, 1st place, 2015

Regina Khakimyanovna constantly improves her professional level at advanced training courses, seminars, pedagogical councils and conferences, at meetings of the school and city association of teachers of Russian language and literature.

Passed the CPC at the Institute of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus on the topics: “Aspects of analysis work of art in the lessons of Russian language and literature”, “Teaching Russian language and literature in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”.

The teacher summarizes the experience pedagogical work and shares it with colleagues. At meetings of the ShMO she made reports on the topic of self-education “ Gaming technologies in Russian language and literature lessons."

She actively participated in school and municipal meetings of the Moscow Region and seminars for teachers of the Russian language and literature, making presentations on the topics: “The use of information and communication technologies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature”, “Changes in the State Academy of Literature”, showing an open lesson on the topic “ Young heroes of the Great Patriotic War.” In 2013 and 2014, she participated in scientific and practical seminars Russian society teachers of Russian language and literature and spoke on the topic “Formation of cultural competence in literature lessons in a multicultural space.”

Galiullina R.Kh. annually works on the jury to check works on the Russian language and literature at the municipal stages of the Higher School of Education, and was a member of the appeal commission.

For several years he has been the permanent secretary of school teaching councils.

Conducts annually group classes with students of grades 9 and 11 in preparation for the State Examination in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

From the beginning of each school year Regina Khakimyanovna organizes the involvement of students in her class in clubs, sections, and additional education institutions and regularly supports and monitors their attendance and results.

Regina Khakimyanovna Galiullina was awarded Gratitude, Diplomas and Certificates of Honor at various levels for her conscientious and fruitful work in teaching and educating the younger generation.

Galiullina Regina Khakimyanovna

Teachers of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 5

MR Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Belarus


I ask you to allow me to participate in the municipal professional competition of teaching excellence and public recognition" Teacher of the Year 2017."

Training session ( educational activities for preschool educational institution) I will

spend in 6th grade

I will need the followingtechnical meansto teach a lesson and class hour: projector, screen, speakers...

My competition materials are located:

Dear Colleagues!

Within the framework of the competition it is planned:

  • Publication of your author's developments in the electronic periodical "Continuity in Education" (Registered on July 29, 2011. Certificate of registration EL No. FS 77 - 45979) and obtaining a certificate of publication.
  • Conducting training webinars with your participation as part of the broadcast of the best teaching experience and receiving certificates of appreciation for broadcasting your work experience
  • Cash prizes for the winners.

Partner organizations of the competition:

LLC "Center for Human Development" Successful man future". Founder of the Professional Community "Continuity in Education" www.site

Public organization "Pedagogical Society of Russia"

ANO Center for the Development of Cultural and Educational Programs "Expertise. Consulting. Education"

Federal innovation platform of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPUpersonally developing social and educational environments"

Federal Innovation Platform GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1679 of Moscow

Competition experts:

Vorkina Ekaterina Viktorovna


LLC "Human Development Center "Successful Person of the Future"

Candidate psychological sciences.

Timofeeva Liliya Lvovna

candidate of pedagogical sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Development, employee of the laboratory of problems of development of preschool education

Budgetary institution of the Oryol region additional vocational education"Institute for Educational Development"

Member of the Central Council of the NGO "Pedagogical Society of Russia"

Prosvirkin Vladimir Nikolaevich

Head of the Federal Innovation Platform, Director of State Budget Educational Institution Central Educational Institution No. 1679, Moscow

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Komarov Roman Vladimirovich

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific Secretary of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Sukhodimtseva Anna Petrovna

Head of the international festival "For a gifted child - a gifted teacher", Ph.D., senior researcher at the research center continuing education FGBNU "Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education", member of the Moscow regional organization Union of Writers of Russia.

Yasvin Vitold Albertovich

Professor, Doctor of Psychology,laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education,Professor, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University , expert Presidential program management trainingin the field of education of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation,Head of the Federal Innovation Platform of Moscow State Pedagogical University“Formation of regional professional expert communitiesfor humanitarian expertise and pedagogical designpersonally developing social and educational environments.”

Drobysheva Elena Alexandrovna

Speech therapist of higher education qualification category, defectologist at the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Basic Secondary School No. 29" of the Engels Municipal District of the Saratov Region, curator of the creative group "Problems of education and socialization of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in the educational space of general education organizations: from integration to inclusion" on the website "Continuity in education" www.site

Okolnishnikova Elena Vladimirovna

Director of the municipal educational institution "Issadskaya secondary school", teacher primary classes, psychologist, speech therapist, moderator of the regional innovation platform “Organization of inclusive education of children with disabilities in a mass educational environment”; expert of the Committee of General and Professional Education Leningrad region on carrying out control measures during the implementation state control(supervision) in the field of education

BarabanovRodion Evgenievich

defectologist, clinical psychologist, specialist in the field of speech pathology, pathopsychology and psychosomatics. Chief psychologist of the State Budgetary Institution Center for Promotion of Family Education "Yuzhny". Corresponding member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Psychological Society. Author teaching aid“Fundamentals of medical knowledge with the clinic of pathologies” edited by Ph.D. Seliverstova V.I.

Valery Nikolaevich

Educational psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, specialist in the design and management of educational programs, expert in the field of education.

Kozilova Lead Iya Vasilievna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management educational systems Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education FSBEI HE MPGU

Directions of the competition:

- “Pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical technologies for the development of children's giftedness”

Within the framework of this nomination, the concept of “gifted student” is considered in a broad sense: it is not only excellent grades in subjects (academic giftedness), but also personal passion for a certain area of ​​knowledge (motivational giftedness), ability and inclination for some type of activity. A gifted child does not always develop harmoniously. How to help such children by creating an environment conducive to their harmonious development? Every child is gifted. How can you create an environment to unlock your child’s potential, instill confidence in your own abilities and build passion?

Within the framework of this nomination, the following are accepted: a description of the models of work of an educational organization aimed at identifying and supporting gifted and highly motivated children; programs for pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical support for various categories of students, promoting the discovery of their abilities and the development of talent; original diagnostic methods and approaches to identifying signs of childhood and youth giftedness; original copyright educational courses, development (projects) of training sessions/lessons, programs, technologies and events, methodological recommendations as part of a model for enriching the content of general and additional education of students.

- “Creating a system of social elevators for children with special educational needs”

Child with disabilities: children with disabilities, children with behavioral characteristics, children with disorders in the development of mental functions, children with speech therapy disorders, having problems in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, low-achieving children, etc. - a challenge and reality for every educational organization. Teachers involved in the inclusive process sometimes find themselves “unarmed” in the field of special knowledge. Mastering competencies in the field of psychological and pedagogical support for these categories of children is an urgent task modern system education. How to create conditions for the inclusion of a child with disabilities in the educational process of school? How to work with parents? How can we help him socialize among normatively developing peers and be in professional demand? A child with disabilities is not a problem, but an opportunity for an educational organization to create a socially oriented atmosphere of help and mutual support, comfortable conditions for receiving an accessible and high-quality education. A child with disabilities is an example of hard work and the desire to “live a full life.” This is an incentive for mental and personal development.

Within the framework of this nomination, the following are accepted: description of models of psychological and pedagogical support for accompanying children with disabilities for different types of educational organizations; original programs for supporting and constructing educational trajectories for students who have difficulties in development and learning (pedagogical, psychological and health-preserving aspects): children with disabilities, children with behavioral characteristics, children with disorders in the development of mental functions, children with speech therapy disorders, students with disabilities development of the emotional-volitional sphere, low-achieving children, etc.; methodological recommendations and technologies for including children with special educational needs in the educational space for the purpose of their further successful socialization and career guidance.

- “Mechanisms for including adolescents in social structure society as a system for the prevention of deviant behavior, social infantilism and professional uncertainty.”

The modern generation of children is “different”: “clip thinking”, the desire to get “everything at once” with a minimum of effort; raised under the “overprotection” of modern parents, passive and not proactive. We can be indignant and scold them for being like this. But they are only a “product” of our society - the values ​​that we instill in them. How to help a modern teenager find a “core” in this life? How to create the basis for him for “great achievements” tomorrow? How to teach him to evaluate information flows and form his own judgment and attitude towards the world? How to form in him love and respect for himself and the world?

Within the framework of this nomination, the following are accepted: a description of developed approaches to supporting children with deviant behavior and children with suicidal tendencies, programs and methods of working with children at risk; description of models for including adolescents in social life societies: volunteering, business incubators, career guidance games, etc. Psychological and pedagogical technologies for the formation of a “successful personality”.

Professional teaching competition

“Continuity and Innovation in Education”

includes several stages:

Stage 1. Collection of applications from participants from October 1 to November 15, 2017. Issuance of electronic certificates of participation in the competition.

Stage 2. Expert review submitted works of participants (from November 15 to December 20, 2017) and publication of works that passed the second stage of the competition in the electronic journal "Continuity in Education". Issuance of electronic certificates of publication.

Stage 3. Broadcast of the experience of the winners of the 2nd stage of the competition in the form of a webinar and public voting (from January 10, 2018 to April 30, 2018). Issuance of electronic certificates on the transfer of experience.

Stage 4. Summing up the results and awarding the winners (from May 1 to May 30, 2018). Issuing diplomas to laureates and winners.

Based on the results of the competition, the winners (1st place) in each of the competition nominations receive cash prizes in the amount of 20,000 rubles, laureates (2nd and 3rd place) receive gifts from sponsors.

Cost of participation in the competition - 400 rubles. Both individual and group projects are possible.

As part of the competition, the participant receives:


Educational organizations (teaching teams) and teaching staff carrying out their activities in educational organizations of Russia in the system are invited to participate in the competition general education(preschool, basic, secondary), as well as secondary and higher professional and additional education:)

The educational portal “Educational and Methodological Cabinet” website invites preschool teachers, teachers, additional education teachers, educators, students of pedagogical educational institutions to take part in the competition.

The professional competition takes place from May 15 to August 15, 2019

Competition theme: “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity”

The competition accepts original methodological developments that have pedagogical value on the following topics:

Articles on pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods.

Lesson notes for preschoolers.

Lesson notes for schoolchildren.

Consultations for parents of preschoolers (schoolchildren).

Master classes for children, teachers or parents.

Games (educational, didactic, role-playing, active, intellectual...) for preschool and school-age children

Notes of conversations with preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios of intelligent, sports entertainment for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Interesting educational stories, fairy tales, poems for preschool and school children

Notes on game activities with preschoolers (schoolchildren)

Holiday scenarios for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios for game programs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios competitive programs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios of extracurricular activities and activities for schoolchildren

Scripts, class notes

Scenarios of leisure programs with fun games, songs, funny competitions and dances

Scenarios for discos, skit parties, tournaments, KVN

Scenarios for summer holidays, scenarios for summer camp events

Procedure for holding the competition

1. The competition is All-Russian. Teachers from other countries can also take part in the competition, but we accept works only in Russian.

2. The competition is held among teachers who have blogs on the website

If you don't have a blog and want to take part in the competition, then You need:

Register on the site;

Leave a request to open a blog (follow the link)

After reviewing your application, we open a personal blog for you.

3. You publish the competition works yourself on your blog during the period from April 16 (the beginning of the announcement of the competition) to August 15, 2019 inclusive.

At the beginning of the text of the work, be sure to indicate all your complete data (full name, position, place of work).

4. The number of works from one participant is not limited

5. After posting the competition entry on the blog, you leave (follow the link). The application must be submitted within 5 days after posting the work on the blog (applications for work on the blog posted more than 5 days will not be considered)

6. After receiving your application, the editors conduct an expert review of the work for compliance with competition requirements within 3 business days from the date of placement of the application. If your methodological development meets the competition requirements, then it is assigned a number and placed in the competition table.

If your work has not passed peer review (the work was not accepted for participation in the competition), then your work remains on the blog. You can take part in the competition, but with a new work, you can correct and redo the old work, but it will no longer be able to participate in the competition.

7. Those interested will be able to express their opinion on each of the works and support the participants in the comments to the relevant articles.

8. Collective works are not accepted for the competition.

10. When summing up the results of the competition will be taken into account:

Site administration ratings;

Ratings in comments to the work;

Attention: Only meaningful comments, review comments, and analysis comments will be taken into account.

Comments will be scored from 2-4 points depending on the content and volume of the comment

At the end of each article there is a comment block and social media buttons.

Attention! Each development will be assessed separately. If you propose several methodological developments for participation in the competition and want them to be evaluated jointly, then you need to send a personal message to the site editor Tatyana Alekseevna before August 15, indicate in it which works (numbers of competitive works) need to be combined and what to call your combined work .

11. August 25, 2019 The results of the competition will be published and the winners announced.

Requirements for competition materials:

Presentations are not accepted for participation in the competition; the presentation can only be as an appendix to the main text of your work. You can read how to post a presentation on a blog;

Materials for which Certificates of Publication have been received or that are participating in other competitions are not accepted for participation in the competition;

A description of the work must be provided (at least 2-3 full sentences): what category of educators (educators, teachers, parents...) will benefit from this material; for children of what age (group, class) is your material intended; describe the use of your material in the educational process.

The submitted material must indicate the purpose, objectives...

If you used any sources when compiling materials (for example, poems by famous poets, aphorisms or quotes from famous people, descriptions of teaching methods or other sources), then you must indicate the authors of these sources;

If photographs, pictures, drawings, diagrams are used in the design of the material, then they must be at least 700 pixels in width, the pictures must be bright in jpg format. Photos and pictures should not contain any extraneous inscriptions (dates, logos, etc.);

Quizzes, tests, riddles, test materials must have answers;

Practical materials will not be accepted without photos (illustrations). The number of photos must be at least 5 (there should be no children in the photo);

The text is formatted in the Word editor;

Materials must be neatly designed, taking into account the requirements for the design of materials on a blog. All practical materials must be well illustrated: at least 5 photos (illustrations). Photo size is at least 700 pixels wide, without dates or logos.

The volume of text must be at least 2 printed pages (Times New Roman fonts, 14 point size only. Line spacing - single)

You should not use: headers and footers, footers, embedded objects, frames (labels), frames and fills, objects drawn using MS Word.

The text should not contain links to websites. Only the Authors of poems, works and aphorisms can be indicated in the text.

You can insert a video from YouTube into the text. You can see how to insert a video into text

Video materials can only be used as a supplement (application), and not as the main part of the work (material).

Bulleted lists can only use standard characters.

It is not allowed to make abbreviations like: V, Vol, R-k, U-k, Ved. etc. It is necessary to write in full: Educator, Child, Student, Leader, etc.

We reserve the right to edit your work and change the title of the work to suit your content;

Additional terms and conditions.

Participation in the Competition means acceptance of the following conditions:

● the organizers of the Competition do not enter into correspondence with participants whose applications were rejected (did not meet the requirements of the Competition);

● the organizers of the Competition reserve the right to use the materials provided for the Competition at their discretion.

If it turns out that your work has already been posted on other sites, or you have violated someone’s Copyright, then the work will be removed from the competition and all previously issued documents will be canceled. Your work remains on the site.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What to do if the material contains a Presentation?

After posting the material on the blog, you send the presentation to us at Email sv@site

You must send the presentation before writing an application to participate in the competition. After the presentation appears in your material, you submit an application to participate in the competition. We post presentations within 1-2 days.

The subject line of the email should indicate “Presentation for my blog material.” Presentation requirements are specified

You can also, additionally, instead of slides, insert into this material photos and pictures that your presentation contains (all photos and pictures must be in jpg format, of good quality and without logos of third-party sites, photo size is at least 640 pixels in width).

Why was the methodological development (work) not accepted for participation in the competition?

2. Your work is collected word for word from other people’s texts, or a complete copy of someone else’s work. Your work has low uniqueness (less than 50%).

3. The volume of work is less than 2 pages of printed text.

5. If the work is poorly and sloppily formatted, there are many errors in the text.

6. If for this work you have already received an award document from the site (Certificate of publication, Certificate of participation in another competition).

How to post a table on a blog?

There is no way to post tables on the blog. Therefore, the table must be presented in the form of an image (picture, illustration) in jpg format, or the table version must be processed into plain text. At the same time, the main part of the methodological development should not consist of tables and pictures.

In the body of the letter, you must indicate your full name and inform that you want to publish a summary - a table for the material posted on the blog. Be sure to include a link to the blog post for which you are submitting an abstract.

Only after posting your abstract, you leave an application for participation in the competition. We post the material within 3 working days.

Is it possible to receive a Certificate of Publication for a competition entry?

For your competitive work you can receive a Certificate of Participation, and if you win, a Winner’s Diploma.

We do not issue a certificate of publication for competition work.

If the text of the work contains special characters (for example, in extracurricular activities in natural sciences). How to post such work on a blog?

If your work contains formulas, technical symbols..., then you post the material on the blog before the formulas (description, methodological design, outline of the abstract, etc.), then you need to send the entire abstract to our address

In the body of the letter, you must indicate your full name and inform that you want to publish a summary with formulas for the material posted on the blog. Be sure to include a link to the blog post for which you are submitting an abstract.

Only after posting your material, you leave an application to participate in the competition. We post the material within 3 working days.

Do I need to pay money to participate in the competition? Do I need to pay money for Certificates, Diplomas?

No, you don't need to pay for anything.

Participation in the competition and issuance of all documents (Certificate of Participation, Winner Diploma) is free. We don't have any org. contributions.

Participation in all competitions on our portal is free.


We do not answer questions asked in comments, in private messages, or to email addresses, the answers to which are contained in the text of this competition regulation. All comments with such questions will remain unanswered or will be deleted.

Summing up the results of the competition

Number of winners: 10% of total number submitted works

The winners of the competition are awarded Diplomas for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively

All competition participants receive Certificates of participation during the competition period.

If it turns out that your work has already been posted on other sites, or you have violated someone’s Copyright, then the work will be removed from the competition and all previously issued documents will be canceled. Your work remains on the site.


As soon as your work is placed in the competition table, you can download the Competition Participant Certificate within 14 days from the date of placing your work in the competition table.

Procedure for obtaining a Competition Participant Certificate

As soon as your work is placed in the competition table, the “Download Certificate” button appears on the page with your material (next to the “Edit” and “Delete” buttons).

You can download the Competition Participant Certificate within 14 days from the date of approval of your application.

Samples of Diploma and Certificate

Works of participants of past competitions

  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from January 15 to April 15, 2019
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from September 15 to December 15, 2018
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from May 15 to August 15, 2018
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from January 15 to April 15, 2018
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from September 15 to December 15, 2017
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from May 15 to August 15, 2017
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from January 15 to April 15, 2017
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from September 15 to December 15, 2016
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from May 15 to August 15, 2016
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from December 15, 2015 to March 15, 2016
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from August 15 to November 15, 2015
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from April 15 to July 15, 2015
  • “Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity” from January 15 to March 27, 2015


Participant #1

Participant #2

Participant #3

Participant #4

Participant #5

Participant #6

Participant #7

Participant #8

Participant #9

Participant #10

Participant No. 11

Participant No. 12

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