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Adaptive physical education is part. Adaptive physical education – what is it, where to work

We offer an interview with Mikhail Dmitrievich Ripa, professor of the Department of Adaptive Physical Culture at Moscow State Pedagogical University. Our conversation is about specialists in adaptive physical culture.

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There are professions that we have heard a lot about: or programmer. And there are no less interesting and important, but not so “promoted”. In order to expand our readers’ understanding of existing professions, we present an interview with Mikhail Dmitrievich Ripa.

- Mikhail Dmitrievich, we know what physical education is. What is adaptive Physical Culture?

Adaptive physical education, or, in short, adaptive physical education, is physical education for people with disabilities physical capabilities(disabled people), also for those who have serious health conditions, for example, diseased heart, poor eyesight, poor hearing - and, finally, for people who are simply not physically developed enough. For example, a person has been sitting at the computer a lot since childhood, rib cage he is compressed, therefore has insufficient volume, his muscles are weak, his posture is impaired. He seems to be healthy, but in physical education class he cannot run the distance along with others. Here it must first be brought, so to speak, to the “basic” level.

As for disabled people, we must keep in mind that we are talking about completely different types of pathology. This includes amputees (those without arms or legs), the blind and visually impaired, the deaf and hard of hearing, people diagnosed with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy), with intellectual disabilities, etc.

At the same time, large differences are also possible within one diagnosis. For example, amputees may have a limb missing completely or partially; with some forms of cerebral palsy, people do not walk, but have free use of their hands, can play ball - which means they can participate in outdoor games and competitions, and with other forms - they are deprived of this possibilities; mentally retarded people are, say, physically healthy, but they remember very poorly, so it may take them longer to learn running skills, for example, than the blind. When working with children suffering from such an illness, it is very important to know, for example, that theatrical lessons are more effective, and when holding competitions for such children, it is necessary that they all receive awards.

An adaptive physical education specialist in his work relies on the opinions of doctors, psychologists, speech therapists, speech therapists and other specialists, uses proven methods - and at the same time applies an individual approach to each student. But at the same time, it is absolutely important for everyone to thoroughly develop fine motor skills, because this will help people master working on a computer, master writing, sewing, and household skills.

- So, a specialist in physical activity is physical education for people with health defects?

You know, in popular literature and in works in the fantasy genre, the concept of “parallel world” is quite often encountered. It's either subtle world, existing simultaneously with us, but not visible to us, or a world in which we live, but our destinies turn out differently. I have a feeling that the people we are talking about now seem to live in such parallel world, and a sighted person cannot fully experience how life is for a blind person. He can close his eyes and try to imagine what it's like; but he is unable to understand what it is like to constantly live in the dark. But then he returned from Afghanistan, he became blind - and he immediately understood everything and felt everything.

And so it seems to me that a specialist in adaptive physical culture is a person who does not necessarily need to go through Afghanistan to understand how life is “on the other side of the river”; he is a person who builds bridges and connects both banks into a single city. After all, sick and disabled people often find themselves isolated from the ordinary life of society, sometimes it is an existence within four walls. The task of an AFC specialist is, as in yoga, to improve a person’s mental state and cultivate his need for self-development and, at the same time, increase the level of his physical abilities.

At the same time, an adaptive physical education specialist must be very well educated, especially in his field.

However, those whose work involves direct communication with people - teachers, coaches, directors - must be good psychologists. And the profession we are talking about here, taking into account the characteristics of the contingent, doubly presupposes in a person not only the presence of innate qualities of a psychologist, but also knowledge of scientific psychological methods, with the help of which he can competently influence the personality of the student. For example, in a group attended by totally blind or visually impaired people, an ordinary teacher will enter, say hello and, perhaps, introduce himself. And the adaptive physical education specialist will approach everyone, introduce himself first, ask their name, and shake hands. Through this tactile contact, the student will better feel and perceive his mentor. This will simplify their interaction in the future.

An adaptive physical education specialist must be a good trainer, and therefore a teacher, that is, he must properly train his ward. Thus, it requires excellent knowledge not only of the methods of physical education and sports training, but also of the didactic principles of using these methods. An incorrectly selected load can be harmful to health and lead to serious undesirable consequences. For example, people with hearing impairments can learn to swim, but they should not be allowed to jump into the water from a stand upside down, because the water puts a lot of pressure on them. eardrums and this can harm the learner.

He is not a specialist in adaptive physical culture, but it is clear that his activities are directly related to medicine. If in big sports the achievement of the highest results is largely due to developments in the field sports medicine, then a specialist in ROS should all the more have an excellent understanding of the characteristics of a particular ailment. It depends on him what type of load should be chosen in a particular case and how to dose it correctly. For example, a “core” person performing the “pump” exercise (bending to the sides with alternately pulling the arms along the body) will do it 6-8 times, and for respiratory diseases it is recommended larger number tilts, with an extended exhalation and pronouncing vowel and consonant sounds as you exhale.

All the work of a specialist should be aimed at correcting, correcting, improving the moral and physical condition of the patient, increasing his psychological and physical performance, and therefore should contribute to better adaptation, adaptability to life in the real, and not in the “parallel” world.

- Tell me, should a coach feel sorry for his ward, give in to him, follow his lead?

Regret in what sense? I mean, resting your chin on your fist and sighing pitifully, of course, no. And to take into account the specifics, try to understand the reason for this or that reaction, of course, yes. The coach needs to have great patience, be very tactful, he must have great power of suggestion, sometimes even create a situation of artificial success in order to encourage the student - and, perhaps most importantly, he must respect his student. I personally feel sorry for alcoholics and drug addicts, because they suffer from the most terrible illness - loss of personality. And you can learn a lot from my students in terms of fortitude.

By the way, an illustrative example of the socialization of a disabled person is Yuri Vereskov. Much has been said and written about his life. I knew him personally. He then walked with a crutch. Yuri lost his leg as a child, but did not become despondent, but on the contrary, began to engage in intense physical exercise, and first learned to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, turning the pedal with one foot. Subsequently he became a coach and an active Paralympic athlete.

At that time, the concept of adaptive physical culture did not exist, but there were people who had the knowledge and desire to help. This was the beginning. And today, the successes of our Paralympic athletes in the world prove that their timely entry into adaptive physical education and adaptive sports allowed them not only to significantly improve their health, but also to develop physical qualities, but also to reveal their sporting talents, achieve high results, and most importantly - to convincingly prove to themselves and others that a person is always capable of more.

There are many other examples where people who have been disabled since childhood, suffering from cerebral palsy and other ailments, become scientists, teachers, and specialists in various fields.

Thus, the possibilities of adaptive physical education are very wide, but provided that the adaptation process is under the guidance and control of qualified and professionally trained specialists.

- Where and how can you get such a profession?

In the institutes of physical education at the relevant faculties, in some pedagogical universities, in medical universities. High school graduates can study both full-time and correspondence forms training is 4 years, and after graduating from a medical or sports pedagogical college - 3 years.

The range of training disciplines is very wide. This is caused by the need, as mentioned above, to understand a wide variety of issues: from methods therapeutic massage before a medical examination of work ability; from the subtleties of psychological counseling to safety precautions when engaging in physical education and sports activities.

There are general professional disciplines: theory and methodology of physical culture, theory and organization of adaptive physical culture, developmental psychology, basic types of motor activity and teaching methods, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, general pathology. And that's not all. There are also main disciplines for this specialty: private pathology, psychology of illness and disability, age-related psychopathology, physical rehabilitation, massage, special pedagogy, adaptive physical education, private physical exercise techniques and much more. And, of course, there are cycles in the humanities, socio-economics, mathematics and natural sciences.

- What should an applicant pay attention to when choosing this specialty?

- This profession can be chosen by those girls and boys who are involved in physical education and sports. I don’t mean that they necessarily have high sports titles. I believe that the road to this profession is open to those who love physical education and believe in it as a life-giving source of health, personality development and self-affirmation in our difficult world.

You need to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian well, have a good knowledge of biology and social studies, and be in good physical shape, since universities can conduct testing physical fitness future students - for example, running 1000 and 100 m, standing jump, lifting the body from a lying position, bending forward from a sitting position, pulling up on a high bar for boys and on a low bar for girls.

- To be objective, let’s talk about the difficulties of this profession...

Our direction in Russia is relatively young, so there are objectively difficulties along the way of this profession that need to be overcome. In particular, not all heads of educational institutions are yet aware of the importance and necessity of AFC. Let me explain: sometimes university graduates, when applying to a school for employment issues, are faced with the fact that there are wages for physical education teachers, there are a lot of sick students, but there are no clearly stated regulations about who the physical education specialist at the school is.

- Mikhail Dmitrievich, how insurmountable are these difficulties and what are more in this profession: pros or cons?

Since there is an objective need for training highly qualified personnel in adaptive and therapeutic physical culture, regulatory issues legal status, employment, financing, I am convinced, will be resolved. And today we can already say with a high degree of confidence that the chosen course of training for specialists is bearing fruit. It probably cannot be otherwise, because students, for example, of our university with a specialty in physical education quite successfully undergo serious organizational and pedagogical practice on the basis of leading rehabilitation centers and correctional institutions of various types. There they manage to combine the acquired theoretical knowledge with the development of practical skills future profession. Students who have distinguished themselves most during their internship often receive the opportunity to find employment in the same institutions.

- Where do AFK specialists generally work?

How to get a job? You can contact the health or educational authorities, where requests for specialists in this profile are received, you can obtain information via the Internet or in those educational institutions who were finishing. In general, in the usual way.

Such specialists are needed in all educational institutions where there are students assigned to a special medical group. They are needed in special educational institutions - we are talking, first of all, about boarding schools for children with developmental defects, about orphanages, about psychoneurological dispensaries, about correction classes and about correctional kindergartens. There are also children's and youth sports schools for people with health problems, federations, and clubs. And in addition, a specialist in adaptive physical culture will find a job in sports, health and rehabilitation centers, medical institutions, sanatoriums, and rest homes.

In general, he can work as a teacher, coach, methodologist. Can conduct research work and be a consultant. He can also work in physical education and sports management bodies - at the federal, republican or regional levels.

Among our graduates there are employees of famous fitness centers, physical education and sports clubs, clinics and hospitals, teachers of lyceums and gymnasiums, exercise therapy instructors, and sports managers. Many of them are engaged in private practice, fluent in the techniques of various types of massage.

And in general, a specialist in adaptive physical culture has a great opportunity to apply himself. Why? Because in modern conditions Many weakened and sick people want to play football and basketball, do weightlifting and golf, swim, and go on long hikes like their healthy peers. Until recently, many people had never heard of all this. But today people with disabilities are developing computer equipment, acquire interesting professions and crafts, wish to be citizens useful to society.


Budrina Anita Anatolevna

3rd year student, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, EIK(P)FU,
RF, RT, Elabuga

E-mail: anita . budrina @ mail . ru

Miftakhov Almaz Faridovich

scientific supervisor, physical education teacher of EIK(P)FU,
RF, RT, Elabuga

Adaptive physical education (abbr. AFK) is specially created for people with health problems, both physical and moral.

For normal existence in society, as an equal member of society, having opportunities in various types of human activity.

Figure 1. Structure of ROS

Adaptive physical culture is a set of sports and recreational criteria aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to the normal social environment of people with disabilities, overcoming psychological barriers that block the sense of touch. full life, as well as the awareness of the need for one’s personal investment in social formation society.

“Adaptive” - this name highlights the purpose of physical education methods for people with health problems. It is suspected that physical culture in all its manifestations should push for positive functional improvements in the body, thus creating desirable motor coordination, physical abilities aimed at ensuring the vital functions of the body, shaping and improving the body.

Rehabilitation (in medicine) is a set of medical, psychological, pedagogical, professional and legal norms to restore self-sufficiency and independence, ability to work and health of persons with limited physical and mental achievements.

Adaptation is the body’s getting used to the circumstances of its residence.

Physical culture is an inseparable element of culture, representing a complex of spiritual and material values ​​realized and applied by society for the purpose of physical development of a person, strengthening his health, improving motor potential, supporting the harmonious development of the individual.


The theory of ROS as a science studies the essence, composition, functions of ROS, its task, foundations, a characteristic part of the activities of those involved and specialists in this field; develops a conceptual apparatus, and also studies the goals, objectives, methods, various components of ROS, proves, researches and applies its new types and forms, aimed at pacifying the various interests of persons with changes in health status.

One of the main objectives of the theory of Adaptive Physical Culture is the task of studying the needs, interests of persons with health problems and people with disabilities, and individuality.

A theory of AFC must reveal its complex relationships with other areas of science and the experience of a group of people - health care, education, social security, and, in turn, prepare a development methodology and recognize people with disabilities as equal members of society, having opportunities in various types of human activity.

An important task of the theory of physical activity is the knowledge of the principles of intellectual, ethical, aesthetic education in the process of physical activity.

Functions of adaptive physical culture

· preparatory, preventive, rehabilitation

· therapeutic and rehabilitation

· creative, health-improving, value-oriented.

· developmental, correctional, educational, preparatory

Figure 2. Main types of adaptive physical culture

Adaptive physical education:

Produces and develops motor activity, material and spiritual; ability, ensures the adaptation of the individual to his state of health; habitat, society and various types of activities;

Adaptive Sports:

Helps overcome psychological barriers;

Helps achieve the highest results, as well as victories in the Paralympic Games;

Adaptive motor recreation:

First of all, recreation - leisure and entertainment using sports equipment;

It helps improve physical state human body;

Improves a person’s spiritual state, improves mood and normalizes mental and physical performance;

Adaptive physical rehabilitation:

Restoring a person’s physical and mental state after all sorts of illnesses, injuries, stress resulting from any type of activity or other life factors through physical exercise.

Goals and objectives of AFK:

Adaptive physical education forms:

·a meaningful attitude towards one’s own potentials in relation to the potentials of an ordinary capable person;

· the ability to overcome not only material, but even spiritual barriers;

· formation of motor skills and abilities that are subsequently missing or damaged various systems;

· the ability to overcome forced measures to work in society;

· the need to be a healthy person, at some stage this is doable, and to implement a person’s way of life aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health;

·understand the responsibilities of one’s personal contribution to the life of society;

desire to improve one's own individual characteristics;

· a tendency to increase intellectual and physiological capacity.


  1. Evseev S.P., Shapkova L.V., AFK: Textbook. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2000 – 152 p.
  2. Kaptelina A.F., Lebedeva I.P., exercise therapy in the system medical rehabilitation, – M.: Medicine, 1995 – 332 p.
  3. Litosh N.L., Adaptive physical education for children with developmental disorders: Textbook. – M.: SportAkademPress, 2002 – 140 p.
  4. Matveeva L.P., Theory of physical culture - M.: FiS, 1983 - 128 p.

The slogans: “Sport is health” or “Movement is life” are probably familiar to every active member of our society. Regardless of race, gender, social status and religion, people are united in the common opinion that human health is the highest value. Unfortunately, in the age of modern electronic technology, the younger generation underestimates the importance of their own physical capabilities that nature has provided them. Sitting in front of gadget screens for days on end, children weaken their bodies and endanger their health. This behavior increases the level of morbidity and general weakness of the generation and, as a result, the entire nation. Developed countries have begun to allocate more and more resources and material costs to health programs. Adaptive physical culture is also spreading and developing. In our article we will consider in detail this type of active activity: what it is, its goals, functions, theory and implementation in practice.

Health-improving physical education: characteristics

Each of us has encountered the concept of health-improving physical education at least once in our lives. Starting from infancy, mothers or foster nurses conduct special general strengthening and developmental gymnastics for newborns, then children are introduced to exercises and various sports. And the private industry even offers the most various shapes health-improving physical education: from yoga to step aerobics.

What is health-improving physical education? This is a series of sporting events that are aimed at general strengthening body, activating its immune forces. Health-improving and adaptive physical culture are similar concepts, but have different goals and methods of implementation. The concept of health-improving physical education should not be confused with therapeutic, rehabilitation gymnastics.

Healthy people engage in general physical education strong people to maintain and strengthen physical fitness and health.

Goals and functions of health-improving physical education

The main goals of health-improving physical culture are the following:

  • provision and preservation high level public health;
  • improvement of physical skills;
  • increasing immunity;
  • psychological fulfillment of needs in physical activity, competition, achieving goals;
  • regulation of normal body weight and proportions;
  • active recreation, communication.

Adaptive physical education pursues other goals, therefore it is used only for people with persistent health problems.

The methodology identifies the following main functions of general developmental physical education:

  • health: a set of exercises is selected taking into account the individual capabilities of the human body, age and other factors;
  • educational: implemented in the dissemination and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • The educational function is to present theoretical and practical material for a health-improving physical education course by professional trainers based on proven methodological and experimental data.

Types of health-improving physical education

Health-improving physical education is classified depending on the age of the wards: children, teenagers, youth, for the elderly. There are health systems of various nationalities, for example, yoga and Ayurveda. Author's methods are being developed, for example, according to Ivanov or Strelnikova. There are complex health measures or those with a specific direction. And also well-known modern tendencies: aerobics, fitness and others.

What is adaptive physical education?

Back in 1996, physical education for persons with health problems was included in the state register-classifier of specialties for higher education. Today this specialization is called “adaptive physical culture.” The emergence of this trend is associated with a massive deterioration in the health of the country's population and an increase in the level of disability.

Adaptive physical education differs in theory and implementation in practice from health or physical therapy. If the first is aimed at general health improvement, and the goal of the other is to restore impaired body functions, then the adaptive system is designed for the socialization of people who have serious health problems that affect the adaptation and self-realization of disabled people in society.

Adaptive physical education is an integrated science. This means that it combines several independent directions. Physical education for disabled people combines knowledge from such areas as general physical education, medicine and correctional pedagogy, psychology. The adaptive system aims not so much to improve the health status of a person with disabilities, but rather to restore it social functions, adjustment of psychological state.

Goals and objectives

Often adaptive physical education becomes the only opportunity for a person with a disability to become a member of society. By exercising and competing with people with similar physical abilities, a person is able to realize himself as an individual, develop, achieve success, and learn to interact in society. Therefore, the main goal of special physical culture is the adaptation of a person with limited abilities in society and work.

Based on the individual physical capabilities of a person, the level of equipment with professional personnel and materials, different tasks of adaptive physical culture are set. But the main activities remain unchanged. The general goals are:

  1. Corrective and compensatory work on identified physical deviations. In most cases, such activities are carried out both for the underlying disease and for related problems. For example, with cerebral palsy, attention is paid not only to the development of muscles, joints, and coordination of movement, but also to vision, speech and other detected health problems.
  2. The preventive task is to carry out measures aimed at generally improving a person’s well-being, increasing strength and capabilities, and strengthening the immune system.
  3. Educational, educational and developmental tasks of adaptive physical culture are also important. The goal is to instill in people with disabilities the concept of physical activity as a daily integral part of life, to teach the culture of sports, the rules of behavior in a team and during competitions.
  4. Psychological tasks are important components of physical education for people with disabilities. It is not uncommon to experience asocialization of a person not so much because of any health problem, but because of lack of confidence in one’s own abilities, inability to interact with other people, and lack of understanding of one’s place in society.


It is customary to distinguish the following types of adaptive physical culture:

  1. Special education involves teaching people with disabilities the theoretical and practical foundations of physical education.
  2. The rehabilitation direction includes the development of integrated sets of sports exercises aimed at socializing a person with disabilities by developing and improving physical skills.
  3. Adaptive physical education classes can be extreme. They carry a subjective or objective danger.
  4. Special mention should be made of adaptive sports. Every year the development of this direction is significantly accelerated and improved. There are Paralympic, special and Deaflympic disciplines. Thanks to the advent of disability sports, tens of thousands of people with disabilities around the world have been able to realize their potential and become socially active members of society.

Adaptive Sports

The concept of adaptive sports is not new. It is reliably known that back in the 19th century, in the territory modern Russia Special educational organizations for the blind were created. Their program, in addition to general intellectual knowledge, included special gymnastics. In 1914, football competitions for people suffering from deafness were held for the first time. And already in 1932, the country began to hold competitions in the most different types sports among people with disabilities. All kinds of associations and organizations aimed at developing adaptive physical culture began to be actively created.

Subsequently, sports for people with disabilities experienced different stages: from recession to revival and the emergence of new directions. Since 2000, adaptive sports began a new round of its formation and development. The direction is being popularized and spread. Coaches gain experience, athletes achieve high results at the international level.

Today, there are different classifications of areas of adaptive sports. Initially, only a few main large groups. Then new species appeared due to the division according to the type of deviation in health. Nevertheless, the main and most widespread are 3 branches:

  1. Paralympic sports are competitions for people with musculoskeletal and visual impairments.
  2. Deaflympic sport is for people with hearing impairments.
  3. Special - with intellectual disabilities.

In turn, each of the above areas is divided into sublevels. For example, in Paralympic sports there are competitions between people with amputated limbs, paralysis, and spinal cord injuries.

In addition, competitions are organized both in general, typical for Olympic Games, requirements, and special ones, adapted to the capabilities of a specific group of people with disabilities in physical health.

The relevant specialized organization should develop competition evaluation criteria. Adaptive physical culture is not only sports performance, but also the athlete’s fortitude, his personal achievements in the fight against illness.

Implementation methods

The goals of adaptive physical culture and sports are clear. How to implement them in practice? To do this, it is necessary to master special pedagogical techniques. The following methods are effectively used in physical education work with disabled people:

  1. Knowledge generation. In addition to mastering the required amount of information, this method includes the development of motivation, determination of values ​​and incentives. They use verbal and figurative-visual methods of transmitting information. Depending on the type of disease of the student, you should choose the most effective method or combine in doses and reinforce verbal information with a clear example. The means of adaptive physical culture are chosen differently. So, for example, a blind person can be offered, as a visual method of acquiring knowledge, tactile way get acquainted with the model of the human skeleton or individual muscles, thereby teaching the basics of anatomy and physiology. And the verbal method for deaf people is carried out together with an audiologist or by showing tables.
  2. Method for developing practical skills. Both standardized approaches and proprietary private methods of adaptive physical education are used, designed for people with certain disabilities. More details about private methods are described below.


Various health deviations are required individual approach. What is recommended for one group of people with disabilities is a contraindication for others. In this regard, depending on the pathology, private methods of adaptive physical culture are being developed. Health deviations are classified into the following large groups:

  • visual impairment;
  • intellectual impairment;
  • hearing impairment;
  • disruption of the musculoskeletal system: amputation, spinal and cerebral.

Thus, complex methods of adaptive physical culture have been developed for each type of disease. They indicate goals and objectives, methods and techniques, recommendations, contraindications, necessary skills and abilities of a certain area of ​​physical education for the disabled.

The greatest contribution to the development of private methods in this area was made by such a teacher as L. V. Shapkova. Adaptive physical education in her works is considered as a social phenomenon that requires a multilateral approach on the part of professionals working with people with disabilities.

It should be noted the research of such a teacher as L.N. Rostomashvili on the method of adaptive physical education for people with visual impairments. The problem of physical activity for people with disabilities was dealt with by N. G. Baykina, L. D. Khoda, Y. V. Kret, A. Ya. Smekalov. The method of adaptive physical education for cerebral palsy was developed by A. A. Potapchuk. For amputees and congenital anomalies A. I. Malyshev and S. F. Kurdybaylo were engaged in a complex of special physical education.

A reference book for students of pedagogical universities in sports specialties is a textbook authored by such a teacher as L.P. Evseev. Adaptive physical culture is considered from the point of view of practical implementation. The book reveals the basics of adaptive physical education for people with various disabilities: goals, objectives, principles, concepts, types, methodology, content, and other recommendations.

Adapted physical education for children

If children engage in health-improving physical education from the very beginning early age, then when there is a need for adaptive sports? Unfortunately, medical statistics is disappointing - every year the cases of birth of children with physical pathologies are increasing and the leader of this rating is cerebral palsy. For such children, adaptive physical education is an integral and mandatory part of general rehabilitation and socialization. The earlier the diagnosis is made and measures are taken to implement specially targeted physical activity for the child, the higher the likelihood of favorable adaptation in the surrounding society.

Our country practices the creation of separate “special groups” and classes in general preschool and school educational institutions. In addition, there are special organizations for children with persistent health problems, where private methods of adaptive physical education are implemented.

The prognosis for disabled children who undergo adaptive physical education is positive. For the majority, physical indicators significantly improve, a correct psychological assessment of themselves and others develops, communication and self-realization are formed.

Our article discusses the theory and organization of adaptive physical culture. This direction is an important part of general physical education and sports. The development and dissemination of this sports industry in society is an important task for the whole state and each of us in particular.


Trouble, when it comes, does not ask for your first or last name, or year of birth. Misfortune can happen to anyone. I don’t even want to think about the fact that I was born healthy child in one terrible moment he will turn into a person, as they say, with limited physical capabilities. And in principle, it’s not worth it.

In reality, there are hundreds, thousands of unhappy children and adults who are deprived of the opportunity to lead a full life. You cannot lock such a person within four walls, supposedly protecting him from the dangers and difficulties that lie in wait on the street. The computer and books are good friends when alone. But does everyone need loneliness? And how does it feel to feel “cut off” from the rest of the world?

In the system of social protection measures for disabled people, its active forms are becoming increasingly important, the most effective of which is rehabilitation and social adaptation through physical culture and sports. Integration of people with disabilities into the life of society today is unthinkable without them. physical rehabilitation. The latter is not only integral part professional and social rehabilitation disabled people, but also lies at their core.


Adaptive physical culture is a set of sports and recreational measures aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to the normal social environment of people with disabilities, overcoming psychological barriers that prevent them from feeling a full life, as well as the awareness of the need for their personal contribution to social development society.

Of course, its scope is comprehensive, especially in the current living conditions, when the health of the population as a whole and especially young people is deteriorating catastrophically. And not only in our country. Adaptive physical education has already become widespread in many foreign countries. Well-trained professionals in this field are expected in clinics and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes, health and rehabilitation centers, in educational institutions, especially specialized ones, and in sports teams.

But most importantly, adaptive physical education allows us to solve the problem of integrating a disabled person into society. How?

A person with physical or physical disabilities mental health adaptive physical education forms:

· conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with the strengths of the average person healthy person;

· the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life;

· compensatory skills, that is, allows you to use functions different systems and organs instead of missing or damaged ones;

· ability to overcome what is necessary for full functioning in society physical activity;

· the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead healthy image life;

· awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to the life of society;

desire to improve one's personal qualities;

· desire to improve mental and physical performance.

Counts that adaptive physical education is much more effective in its action drug therapy. It is clear that adaptive physical education is strictly individual in nature. Adaptive physical education takes place entirely from beginning to end under the guidance of an adaptive physical education specialist.

“Adaptive” - this name emphasizes the purpose of physical education means for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation motor activity, both biological and social factors effects on the human body and personality. Understanding the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. At the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after. P.F. Lesgaft opened the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture for people with disabilities.

General information

Adaptive- this name emphasizes the purpose of physical education for persons with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity as a biological and social factor influencing the human body and personality. Understanding the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. For the first time at the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after. P.F. Lesgaft opened the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture for disabled people, then the Department of Adaptive Physical Culture was created at the Moscow City Pedagogical University at the Faculty.

Prerequisites for creation

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (1996) brought to the fore the problem of introducing into the practice of educational institutions a set of measures aimed at timely providing each child with age-appropriate conditions for the development and formation of a full-fledged personality, including physical education. The solution to this problem acquires special social and pedagogical significance when working with children with developmental disorders. The method of adaptive physical culture has significant differences due to the abnormal development of the child’s physical and mental sphere. It is these basic provisions concerning medical-physiological and psychological characteristics different children nosological groups, typical and specific disorders of the motor sphere, special methodological principles of working with this category of children, the correctional orientation of the pedagogical process determine conceptual approaches to the construction and content of private methods of adaptive physical education. In 1997, the state standard of higher education was approved vocational education in the specialty "adaptive physical culture". The state standard project was developed at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture of St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgafta.

Individual disciplines

…for cardiovascular diseases

Main article: Adaptive physical culture for cardiovascular vascular diseases

...for cerebral palsy

Personnel training

Training of specialists in adaptive physical culture is carried out on the basis of the State educational standard of the second generation (2000) in specialty 032102 - “Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education).” An adaptive physical education specialist has the right to work with persons with health problems, as well as with all categories of persons with developmental disorders and to carry out sports pedagogy; recreational and leisure and health and rehabilitation; correctional, scientific and methodological organizational and managerial types of professional activity.

Currently, one of the leading universities training specialists in this specialty is the Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Students have been trained at the Department of Adaptive Physical Education since 1999.

As part of the work to improve the regulatory and legal support for activities in the field of physical education of children with disabilities, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia approved federal state educational standards secondary and higher professional education in the following specialties: 050142 "Adaptive physical education", 034400 "Physical education for persons with health problems (Adaptive physical education) (qualification (degree) "bachelor", "master").


In a person with disabilities in physical or mental health, adaptive physical education forms:

  • a conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person;
  • the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life;
  • compensatory skills, that is, allows you to use the functions of different systems and organs instead of missing or impaired ones;
  • the ability to overcome the physical stress necessary for full functioning in society;
  • the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to society;
  • desire to improve your personal qualities;
  • desire to increase mental and physical performance.


  1. Evseev S.P., Shapkova L.V., Adaptive physical culture: Textbook. - M.: Soviet sport, 2000
  2. Kesarev E.D., Teaching children with developmental problems in different countries peace. - St. Petersburg: 1997
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  4. Samylichev A.S., On the issue of theoretical foundations methods of physical education for students // Defectology, 1997
  5. Litosh N.L., Adaptive physical education: Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with developmental disorders: Textbook.-M.: SportAcademPress, 2002.- 140 p.
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