Home Orthopedics Why do you dream about a big butterfly dream book. The magic of numbers

Why do you dream about a big butterfly dream book. The magic of numbers

A modern dream book is able to interpret any dream. Butterflies in a dream are no exception.

White, black, colored - they indicate to us internal experiences, clarify the attitude of others towards us and predict the future.

Why do these beautiful creatures dream?


A dream in which a bright butterfly sits on a flower prophesies joy and success in love. And if she is white, without a single spot, then you lack passion and unpredictability in your relationship with your partner.

A black moth on a petal is a sign that you need to take the first step towards reconciliation. And if you see white spots on it, then your young man himself will come to you to make peace.

  • A dream in which a butterfly sits on a large stone means creating strong relationships.
  • Seeing her take off is a sign of an exciting walk with good friends.
  • A lot of butterflies above your head - for a holiday in a big company.
  • An orange moth with black spots - for a passionate night.
  • Catching a butterfly in a dream is a sign of a marriage proposal.

If a moth sits on a tree, then you have a long conversation with your loved one. And a romantic walk through the evening city is what you dream about when a butterfly lands on a green leaf.

Seeing it against the backdrop of a clear sky means confidently heading towards your goal. And many butterflies that flutter over a beautiful flower mean an interesting pastime with children.

  • A dream in which the moth is bright blue is a sign of a trip to the sea.
  • A red butterfly means a passionate romance with a temperamental man.
  • Orange - for a fun outing with loved ones.
  • Green - to calm and regularity in life.
  • Purple - to the successful completion of a long-started business.

As the dream book writes, a butterfly that lands on an animal’s ear promises a meeting with school friends. If you dream about many moths that a cat chases, it means that reliable friends will appear in your destiny.

When an insect gets caught in a web in a dream, then in reality you will have to go through a serious test. And if he managed to escape from the network, then you can quickly deal with the accumulated problems.

In the house

A sudden visit from a friend is what you dream about when a butterfly flies into your window. And if a lot of moths have visited you, then soon a noisy friendly party will take place in your house.

An insect on your pillow dreams of a fleeting romance. And a dream where a butterfly sat on a curtain warns of possible betrayal.

  • Trying to catch a beauty with a net means restoring the previous relationship.
  • Killing her in a dream is an act of a friend that could damage your reputation.
  • Catching it and putting it in a jar or aquarium means a friendly conversation in a cozy place.
  • There are many butterflies behind the glass - a sign of meeting distant relatives.
  • The insect flew out the window - towards the long road.

According to the dream book, a butterfly in the kitchen speaks of your culinary abilities. And if it flies over a switched-on gas burner, then there is a risk that your plan will fail due to the frivolity of your friends.

Lots of insects on kitchen table mean your desire to spend general cleaning. And to see a dream in which a butterfly flew into the refrigerator means breaking off relations with false friends.

What else could this mean?

There are other details that the dream book advises you to pay attention to. Butterfly unreal big size appears in a dream when you take on too many responsibilities. And a small moth speaks of your shyness and lack of self-confidence.

It is also worth remembering that, than more colors present in the color of the insect, the richer and brighter your life will be in the near future.

If you dream about a butterfly all night, then try to pay more attention to the needs of your loved ones. And the short episode about the moth suggests that at this stage of life you are doing everything right.

If in a dream an insect is next to you, then your friends are devoted to you. And to see them in the distance is to be proud of your position in society.

The dream book has many explanations of what butterflies mean in dreams. Among them you will definitely find something that suits you. To do this, you just need to remember the dream in the smallest details. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Interpretation of dreams with butterflies.

The moth is a beautiful and very bright insect. This is a kind of symbol of beauty and purity. The insect is distinguished by its bright color and gracefulness. This insect can often be seen in a dream. In this article we will tell you what moths mean in a dream and how to interpret dreams with them.

In general, it is a symbol of spirituality. This dream suggests that you should devote more time to yourself and spiritual development. Read new books, develop yourself, find an interesting hobby.

Interpretation of sleep:

  • Perhaps a lonely girl will meet her soulmate
  • If moths flutter in a meadow, this will improve financial well-being
  • If there are a lot of moths, then you will hear from good friends

This is definitely good news. Depending on the details, such a dream can mean different events.


  • If it flutters above your head, your problems and worries will soon disappear
  • If an unmarried girl dreams of a moth, then this indicates the appearance of a secret suitor
  • If a butterfly lands on your shoulder, a serious patron appears
  • If a sick person had a dream, he will soon recover


  • Black or night butterfly - perhaps one of the dead is trying to warn you of trouble
  • Moth - belief in the afterlife
  • White. This is not a very good dream, as it promises troubles. You won't solve your problems soon
  • A blue or green butterfly dreams of good news
  • A white butterfly with large wings is a harbinger of troubles and problems. If she sits on someone close to you, then you should show concern for the person in reality: perhaps he will soon get sick
  • Black insect - other people's secrets will soon be revealed to you
  • A lot of white butterflies - wishes come true, but you have to wait a little
  • Catching night butterflies - longing for deceased loved ones

If you dreamed that you were a butterfly, this is not bad dream. Most likely, you will soon have to think about the future. You may have to solve spiritual problems and deal with mental anguish.

The interpretation of the dream depends on where exactly the butterfly landed.


  • Moth on the head. This is for disturbing thoughts and reflections
  • If a butterfly lands on your finger, you may be saying hello to an old friend
  • If on clothes, then good news awaits you

In general, the butterfly symbolizes some kind of connection between the outside world and the real world.


  • Lots of butterflies. This is for news and suitors
  • If there are a lot of moths in the apartment, then this indicates possible troubles and troubles
  • If butterflies land on clothes, this promises a waste of money

If you touch moths in a dream, this bad sign. Most likely, troubles or troubles await you. It's even worse to see a mutilated moth. You will most likely be disappointed in a loved one. Catching moths - catching love or finding a soul mate.

This is a bad dream because it does not bode well. Most likely, losses and disappointments await you. You may be upset about your work situation. If you see insects that are burning or need your help, then this means that one of your friends is facing trouble. You must help a friend.

This suggests that you miss someone who died. Perhaps these are your parents or relatives. You need to go to church and light candles for the repose. You must let go of the deceased and find peace.

Butterflies are mythical creatures, so their appearance in a dream indicates that otherworldly forces trying to warn or caution you.

VIDEO: Dream interpretation butterfly

Thanks to modern dream books Absolutely any human dreams can be interpreted: funny and nightmare, cute and annoying. Butterflies in dreams are one of the favorite images of people, since these creatures are very beautiful, and, moreover, they have important in terms of predicting future events. What interpretation of the image of butterflies does the dream book give?

Butterflies in dreams are one of people's favorite images.

To find out what butterflies mean in dreams, you should seek interpretation from several dream books at once, since each of them gives its own interpretation of this image. However, if you sum them up, you can get the following values:

  1. A person dreams about a butterfly when he is in anticipation of joy. Surely, a very happy event will happen in his life soon. Perhaps the dreamer has a wedding planned in the coming days.
  2. A moth that lands on the ear of some animal, for example, a cat, portends a meeting with an old friend of the dreamer. He hasn’t kept in touch with this person for a long time, so it’s time to renew friendly relations.
  3. If in a dream a person saw how this beautiful insect landed on a flower, good luck in love awaits him. A single dreamer can safely take the first step towards his chosen one.
  4. If a person dreamed of a butterfly that landed on green grass, then you can expect good news from distant relatives.
  5. A large and beautiful butterfly in a woman’s dream is a symbol of a long relationship with her chosen one. If she already has a beloved guy, then the likelihood that he will want to tie the knot with her is high.
  6. To see many beautiful butterflies flying into the dreamer’s room in night dreams is good news. And if there was a white individual among them, then the person’s most cherished wish will come true in the coming days.
  7. If a person killed this insect in a dream, it means that he will soon be in trouble. The meaning of such dreams always carries anxiety and confusion.
  8. If this beautiful creature was white, without a single spot, this means that the dreamer is experiencing a lack of love and thrills.
  9. A dream in which a beautiful butterfly sat on a stone foreshadows the creation of long and happy relationship. And if such a dream was seen by a person who has already met his soulmate, this means that their relationship will last a very long time.

The dreamer in whose dreams a large number of colored butterflies flew above his head will have many happy and joyful moments in life. Multi-colored insects in night visions are always harbingers of celebration and rejoicing.

Why do you dream about a butterfly (video)

Butterflies in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller's dream book offers the following meanings for the image of a butterfly in dreams:

  • An insect sits in beautiful green grass - soon a person will become the owner of a valuable thing. Perhaps he will buy what for a long time saved money. However, if the grass is dirty or limp, then the new acquisition will not bring long-awaited joy.
  • The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered above him in his night visions.
  • If a young girl has a dream, she will have a happy marriage.
  • But if the insect was white, this is a bad sign. This image foreshadows an illness for which a person will begin to blame others.

The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered over him in his night visions

The dreamer can count on the fulfillment of his own cherished desire in the event that in a dream a large white butterfly flew into the window of his room. However, if she sits down somewhere, this is an alarming sign foreshadowing illness.

Why do you dream of colored, black, white butterflies?

  1. Multi-colored butterflies in a dream indicate that the dreamer will soon have a wonderful time. He will be surrounded on all sides by cheerful friends and acquaintances. Most likely, the person will receive an invitation to someone's birthday. At the holiday, he will have a great time and stock up on positive energy for a long period.
  2. See in a dream black butterfly- means experiencing mental anguish. Surely something recently happened in the dreamer’s life stressful situation and now he needs rest. Black insects in dreams always symbolize a person’s tension and his need for peace.

The white individual seen in night dreams symbolizes the dreamer’s secret desire. If there were no stains on it, it means that what a person has wanted for so long will soon belong to him.

If you dream of a big beautiful butterfly: what is it for?

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility. The burden of obligations that he independently placed on his shoulders prevents him from experiencing the taste of life. The dreamer probably feels guilty before someone and tries to make amends by helping this person in every possible way.

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility

But if there was a huge insect gray- this is a bad sign, foreshadowing that trouble may happen in a person’s life.

Seeing butterflies in the house: meaning in the dream book

Home is the place in which the dreamer feels most protected. When he dreams of this fortress, fencing him off from dangers outside world, it’s worth thinking about, why would this be?

A moth that flies to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles

A moth that flies to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles. It is important to remember the color of the insect here. If the individual was white, this is good sign. A person can prepare for the fact that he will be considered the master of life. But a black moth that flies into the dreamer’s house portends minor troubles.

Catching a butterfly in a dream: meaning

Such a dream can have several interpretations.

  1. If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will get married successfully. If the dreamer already has a chosen one, then he will become her husband.
  2. A person will be able to restore his former relationship with his soulmate if in his dream he was able to catch an insect with the help of a sap. However, if the butterfly was able to free itself, the dreamer will not be able to achieve reciprocity again.
  3. If a person catches a beautiful butterfly and puts it in an aquarium or glass jar, he will have a relaxed, friendly conversation in a secluded place.

If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will marry successfully

Why do you dream of moths of different colors?

The color of an insect can greatly influence the interpretation of a dream.

  • Seeing a bright blue or blue moth in a dream means a trip to the sea. IN in this case, the color of the insect is symbolic: Blue colour associated with the sea, ocean, lake, in a word, with expanses of water.
  • The red color of the butterfly symbolizes the dreamer's passion. As they say, passions will soon seethe in a person, he will be overwhelmed with new feelings and emotions. It is possible that all this will be connected with a new love adventure.
  • If the moth was orange, then in the coming days the dreamer will have fun with his family. Perhaps he will go on a sortie with them.
  • A green butterfly in dreams is a symbol of calm and tranquility. A person clearly does not live in a frantic pace of life. He plans his activities based on previous experience. A person never acts impulsively; all his decisions are balanced and well thought out.

If the moth was purple, this is a very good sign. What does he portend? Firstly, purple is the color of harmony. There will be no stress or sudden events in the dreamer's life. Secondly, a purple butterfly seen in a dream symbolizes the successful completion of all started work. And a dream in which there were many moths of a given color foreshadows the dreamer positive results all his endeavors.

Butterfly in a dream book (video)

The dream book contains a huge variety of meanings for night dreams about butterflies. The interpretation of this image depends on many factors. When interpreting such a dream, it is important to take into account the dreamer’s emotions in the dream, the circumstances under which he saw the butterfly, its color and behavior, etc.

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Butterflies are a beautiful symbol; among many peoples it was equated with the hidden side of the soul, its immortality. Another interpretation is transformation, transformation from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful creature. But a dream with such symbolism does not always leave a pleasant aftertaste, which is why so many people want to know why a butterfly dreams.

Interpretation in different dream books

Dream books interpret the image of a butterfly differently. For example, a modern family dream book says that the vision of this insect promises new acquisitions and prosperity in various areas. A butterfly in flight - quick news from acquaintances or friends about whom nothing has been heard for a long time.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, this is a symbol of a quick date and joy, new pleasant acquaintances.

Oriental women's dream book in a sense, repeats the above: moths in a dream are a sign of wealth and prosperity, a successful life and career.

This dream takes on a completely different meaning in the ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi. If a woman dreams of butterflies, a meeting with an unpleasant, poorly educated man is coming, who may die after a while (in Ancient Persia, butterflies were considered a symbol of fragility and excessive fragility). For a man, it promises a quick marriage to a virgin, who will give birth to a weak child.

In the Slavic dream book - revealed secrets, conspiracies or gossip.

In the Wanderer's dream book, dreams about butterflies speak of a pleasant, but short-lived pastime. If the dreamer has a lover or beloved, then the vision means his (her) inconstancy, a tendency to cheat.

See colored butterflies

In dreams, details play a role, for example, the color or smell that accompanies night vision. If you have a dream about moths, you need to remember the shade of their wings: each will have a separate meaning.

The white insect in many cultures meant the human soul. Accordingly, such a dream speaks of the imminent spiritual purification of the dreamer, his thoughts and actions. The Slavs believed that the vision that appeared to the young girl indicated that her dream was unrealizable.

Butterflies are beautiful and harmless insects that can cheer up many people and make this world a little more beautiful. If you dreamed of a butterfly, expect something new and beautiful to appear; a more accurate interpretation depends on some features of the dream. After all, a dream can reveal the future. When deciphering, try to remember the whole picture in more detail; the more you can remember, the more accurate the deciphering of what butterflies dream about will be.

Why do you dream about a butterfly?

A dream is the most precious personal wealth for a person - it carries clues that can change both the course of a certain event and the course of one’s entire life. In interpretations of why butterflies dream, the opinions of most experts are similar.

This phenomenon is a very good sign, promising good news, prosperity and career advancement.

A more detailed study of the dream will reveal new meanings, and perhaps provide the necessary answers.

Who dreamed about it: a woman or a man

A butterfly seen in a dream is a kind of personification of spirituality. Try to spend more time on your own development, find something you like that will be interesting to you and will help you become stronger internally.

A more accurate interpretation of the dream:

  • For a lonely girl - news of future love, which will become the foundation for a reliable marriage.
  • For a woman, such a dream is a kind of warning. Don’t use your beauty to please your desires; be more friendly to others.
  • For married woman– well-being in family life. And if moths fluttered over the grass, then the financial condition of both spouses will improve.
  • For a man in a relationship, such a dream promises a quick marriage and his first-born son as heir. For a lonely guy, such a dream speaks of popularity among his peers. A night moth in a dream warns you of a frivolous hobby that will not bring you happiness.

Catching butterflies

If you dreamed about how you were trying to catch a moth, then expect success on the love front. Touching a moth with your hand opposite does not bode well.

  • The very process of catching butterflies promises the restoration of previous love relationships or success in love with a new acquaintance. Fishing with a net means success in all endeavors; with your hands – anxiety, troubles and problems in the family.
  • The girl dreamed of how she caught a butterfly with a net - in the near future her lover will ask her to marry. The interpretation of such a dream is also influenced by the time of year in which the dream occurred: spring - meeting with friends, summer - traveling, autumn - relationships with a frivolous person, winter - a secret will be revealed to you.
  • For a man - a quick marriage in which his wife will give him an heir.
  • For married people - you have to learn about your partner’s adultery.

Number of butterflies: one, several or many

It is believed that what life of a person, this is how he dreams.

  • For the sick, the lone moth brings recovery.
  • One butterfly in a dream healthy person portends sudden events with a pleasant outcome.
  • A pair of moths symbolize love relationship which will grow into a strong union.
  • More than three - to inspiration, finding inner peace and freedom.

Why do you dream about a lot of butterflies? A flock of winged insects is considered a good sign.

The problems that have arisen will be solved by themselves.

The exact interpretation will be indicated by the places of their flight:

  • Floated in the air - empty chores.
  • They fluttered over the grass - fun, celebration.
  • Around the flowers - go to family holiday, you will have a great time with the children.
  • Overhead - pleasant news from afar, meeting with friends.

If a butterfly gets entangled in a web, problems and difficulties await you. If the moth managed to get out of the net, then you can easily overcome all the obstacles on the way.

Insect color

Colorful moths in a dream foreshadow the same vivid emotional events that you will remember for a long time. Perhaps this is a party with friends, or perhaps a unique date.

Values ​​depending on color:

  • White is a harbinger of imminent illness.
  • Yellow moth - receiving unpleasant news.
  • Brown tint - expect health problems.
  • Golden – financial stability.
  • Gray or other pale colors - family troubles, worries, disappointments on the love front.
  • Blue butterfly - a journey to the sea.
  • The orange color of the insect means relaxation with friends.
  • Green or blue - Measured and serene life.
  • Purple color - completion of old affairs.
  • Black butterfly - one of the dead is trying to warn you.
  • Red or others bright colors(unpleasant to the eye) – closely monitor the appearance of any symptoms, they may be a sign of a serious illness.

Moth size

In addition to color, it is very important to take into account the size of the insect seen in a dream. After all, a large butterfly is interpreted in the dream book as an event of great importance. It is the size of the insect that determines the significance of the information.

A large moth portends fateful events, while a small one carries insignificant information.

A huge and frightening insect in a dream is dangerous. You may be under the influence bad person or you have a black mark magical ritual. If a huge butterfly tries to attack you, this is a warning.

The pale and huge butterfly is your reflection. Apparently, you are very lost and extremely unsure of yourself - it is time to work on your inner spirit.

Place: outdoors, in the room, on the body

If you dreamed of a butterfly, its location will affect the interpretation of dreams. You see her fluttering in the background blue sky- it means you are on the right path to your desired goal.

If the insect landed on:

  • Flower - pleasant events await you.
  • Leaflet - remember that sometimes your loved ones need to give in.
  • Stone - the relationship between a lover will become stronger and closer.
  • Animal - meeting with a lost friend.

If in a dream an insect flew into your house, then the actions taking place will help to interpret it. The fluttering of a moth around the room promises empty hopes and dreams.

  • If a butterfly flew into the room through the window, then expect a visit from an old friend.
  • You see a flock of insects in the house - expect an invitation to a party.
  • If the butterfly lands on the pillow, you will soon be involved in a fleeting romance.
  • The moth sat down on the curtain, indicating trouble. A close friend will probably betray you.

A good dream in which a moth comes into contact with your body, namely sitting on it - you will receive good news from afar.

And if he sits on your hand, an exciting acquaintance awaits lonely people, and a meeting with their beloved for lovers.

A moth sits on clothes - expect big waste.

Butterfly according to the dream book

Why do you dream about a butterfly - Vanga’s dream book

  • A flock of beautiful moths is hovering around - there will be an opportunity to change your life in the right direction.
  • If you catch butterflies in a dream, but it turns out in vain, expect betrayal in life from someone you trust unquestioningly.
  • If you caught a moth, this confirms that you are an unreliable person. Try to improve relationships with people, change your behavior, because it is your qualities that hinder true friendship.
  • A moth on your shoulder means good news from loved ones.

I dreamed of a butterfly according to Freud

In most people's dreams, the moth is a reflection of the child.

  • Watch the movements of insects - you really want to have children.
  • A butterfly sits on your body - children love you.

Attempts to catch an insect indicate a strong sexual attraction to a teenager. Keep an eye on the moth - among your friends there is a young man with whom you want sexual intimacy.

Seeing butterflies in a dream - Miller's dream book

If you watch an insect fluttering among plants, there will be consistency and additional profit in life.

For an unmarried girl, this dream promises a strong love relationship, from which a strong family union will grow.

Snow-white moth - to ailments. If he flew into the room and landed on some object - a warning about the imminent illness of a loved one.

Butterfly: Loff's dream book

You see a flock of moths - expect to receive news. Colorful insects foreshadow the same bright events and happy changes in life. It is possible that you will regain lost friends.

Trying to catch a moth means great luck in life. If you catch them, then fortune will be with you, but if not, don’t expect a miracle. Seeing how another is trying to catch insects - in life, a stranger is taking credit for your merits, be more vigilant.

It is believed that sleep is the most the best medicine in the world. After all, he is able to heal the most severe wounds on the soul. In addition, a dream carries a lot of information that can change the course of events. The correct interpretation of a dream is the key to the door to the future; if you choose it accurately, it will fill your life with happiness.

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