Home Hygiene Sitting on green grass in a dream. What does the dream Grass mean?

Sitting on green grass in a dream. What does the dream Grass mean?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

walking along it is an obstacle; green - hope; eating or smelling herbs is an exposure; quarrel, difficulty in business; taking medicinal herbs in a dream is a crisis; consolation and completion in business.

I dreamed about grass

according to Miller's dream book

This is a truly auspicious dream, promising a happy and well-off life: it portends a rapid accumulation of wealth for trading people; glory - to writers and artists; safe journey on the stormy sea of ​​love - to all who love. Seeing mountains towering over green plains is a sure sign of approaching danger. If in a dream, while walking through a green meadow, you come across places with dried grass, this portends illness or difficulties in business. A happy omen is only a dream about green and lush grass. Dried grass promises grief.

I dreamed about hemp

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing hemp in a dream means your success in any ventures, especially business ones. For a young woman to dream that she stumbled and fell in a hemp field means an inevitable quarrel and separation from a friend.

I dreamed about a bull

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your circle and women will seek your company. Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you never dared to dream of before. If the bulls lean towards the grass, this means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you. If you see selected purebred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover. Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness. If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you. If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover.

Why do you dream about a bull?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

illness, sadness, if red or black; pursues a bull, a calf - to an inheritance; white bull or white buffalo - big income; raised on horns - unusual glory; a bull (at all) without color - a benefit based on the size of the animal.

Seeing a bull in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The symbol has a double meaning. Usually the bull personifies the masculine principle, the solar regenerative force dedicated to all the heavenly gods, as well as fertility, male productive force, and royal origin. In other cases, it symbolizes the earth and feminine natural strength. When the bull becomes lunar, it is ridden by the moon goddesses - Astarte and Europa, and it means the taming of the masculine and bestial principles. The bull rider or bulls pulling the cart are attributes of the solar warrior, associated with the sky, the storm and solar deities. The roar of a bull symbolizes thunder, rain and fertility. As the embodiment of productive male power, the bull is associated with the fertile forces of the sun, rain, storm, thunder and lightning, therefore, with both dry and wet elements. Heavenly deities very often appear in the form of a bull, and goddesses are depicted with him as a spouse. The sacrifice of the bull and taurobolion take place in the worship of Attis and Mithras, as well as in ancient New Year celebrations. Bull symbolism is common in Sumerian and Semitic cults. The man-bull is usually a guard, protecting either the middle, or the treasure, or some doors. It protects against evil and is usually apotropaic. The bull's head is the most important part because... it contains his life principle meaning sacrifice and death. Stabbing a bull to New Year symbolizes the death of Winter and the birth of creative life force. In Buddhism, the Ox represents personality, the ego, and is an attribute of the god of the dead, Yama, who is sometimes depicted with the head of a bull or buffalo. Among the Celts, bull gods symbolize strength and power. For Druids, the bull is the sun, and the cow is the earth. Among the Chinese, the ox is considered one of the animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. In Christianity, the bull personifies brutal force and is the emblem of St. Eustathius, martyred in a copper bull, and St. Tesla. Among the Egyptians, the bull Apis was an avatar of Osiris and “the second life and servant of Ptah.” He was also worshiped in the form of Mneus or Merver. It was dedicated to the solar god Ra, who, in the form of a heavenly bull, daily impregnated the sky goddess Nut. The earth god Neb was also the bull of the heavenly goddesses. The bull's thigh was considered the phallic leg of Set, symbolizing fertility, strength and the North Pole. Among the Greeks, the bull was considered an attribute of Zeus, as a heavenly god, as well as Dionysus, who was depicted with horns and sometimes with the head of a bull when he personified the male principle. Dedicated to Poseidon, whose cupbearers in Ephesus were “bulls”. As a wet force, the bull was an attribute of Aphrodite. For the Jews, Yahweh is the “bull of Israel,” therefore, he represented the power of Yahweh. For Hindus, it is a symbol of strength, speed, fertility, and the reproductive power of nature. Shiva travels on the bull Nandina, the guardian of the West. The bull is also an attribute of Agni - the “Powerful Bull” and the form of Indra in his fertile aspect. The bull also symbolizes the vital, all-embracing breath of Aiditi. The strength imparted by the soma is often equated to the strength of a bull. Rudra connects with the cow goddess. For the Iranians, the bull personifies the soul of the world, and its productive forces are associated with the Moon and rain-bearing clouds. The bull was the first animal created and the first animal killed by Ahriman. From the bull's soul came the disputes of all created things subsequently. In Minoan culture this is the Great God. The bull was sacrificed to the god of the earth and earthquakes: “He who shakes the Earth will rejoice at the bull,” Homer. In some cultures, it was believed that the bull causes earthquakes by lifting the ground with its horns, and then everyone hears its roar. In Crete he appears to represent the reproductive forces of nature. In Mithraism, the bull is considered a solar god, and the sacrifice of the bull was a central ceremony in Mithraism. It also represents victory over the bestial nature of man and life that has passed through death. The bull and lion are a symbol of death. In Ancient Rome, the bull was considered an attribute of Jupiter, the god of Heaven, sacred to Mars, an attribute of Venus and Europa, both lunar deities. Europa, as a symbol of dawn, was carried across Heaven by a solar bull. Among the Scandinavians, the bull is an attribute of Thor and is dedicated to Freya. Among the Sumerians and Semites, the celestial bull plowed a deep furrow across the sky. Ramman, Ashur and Ad ad rode bulls and were called “bulls of heaven.” Marduk, or Merodach, is identified with Gudibir, the "bull of light." The sun, Enlil, or Enki, is the “fierce bull of heaven and earth.” The moon god Sin also takes the form of a bull. The Hittite sun god Teshub takes the form of a bull and is an aspect of Ea, the god of magic, and is often depicted in Sumerian art as the guardian of the entrance. The Syrian and Phoenician Baal, or Bel, the solar god of soil fertility and herds, was symbolized by a bull. The Akkadian "guiding bull" begins zodiac year. Winged bulls represent guardian spirits. Zodiac meaning of the bull - Taurus is a symbol of the sun and the creative power of spring.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

You will become rich and lucky. A black bull with large horns warns of the violent nature of your enemies.

Seeing plants in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In most cases, plants cannot serve as a key to the interpretation of dreams, since they often play the role of background decorations. The exception to the rule is a certain plant that runs like a red thread throughout the entire dream. Significant plants are those that have received some significance in literature or are an iconic part of your own experience. For example, your dream could be about visiting a friend who is sitting in a hemlock bush. Obviously, such a plant is important because of the connection between hemlock and suicide in ancient legends. Other plants that may have symbolic meaning are those that remind you of your childhood, a certain place, or a certain person. What is important in this case is the nature of the relationship that exists between you in the present and these memories.

I dreamed about a plant

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing some green plant in a dream is a harbinger of worries that will bring you a feeling of deep satisfaction. If in a dream they explain to you that this plant is poisonous, then the dream warns you of possible intrigues. Seeing useful plants portends good relationships among friends, warmth and comfort in the house. Seeing an evergreen plant or evergreen shrub near your home promises prosperity and knowledge that will help you become happy.

I dreamed about a valley

according to Miller's dream book

Walking in a beautiful green valley in a dream predicts successful business management and a favorable turn of events for you in the service. For lovers, this dream promises unanimity. A walk through a dull and barren valley marks a turn for the worse in everything. Swampy areas promise illness.

I dreamed about clover

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes the divine triad, the triple aspect of life of body, soul and spirit. For the Chinese it means summer. In Christianity, clover is a symbol of the Trinity and the emblem of the Irish St. Patrick.

Dreams allow anyone to look into their future and understand themselves better. After all, they come from the subconscious, about the full capabilities of which there is still no accurate information. What green grass means in dreams is interpreted ambiguously in different sources. In general, esotericists are inclined to believe that the dream has a positive meaning and foreshadows the onset of a calm and prosperous period in life.

Women have a more nuanced understanding of the world. They attach importance to little things and believe in dreams more often than men. This is what dreams mean according to women's dream book green grass:

Esotericists also suggest taking into account what day of the week the dream occurred. The chances of the dream coming true depend on this.

Decoding according to Miller's dream book

This dream interpreter is one of the most popular and authoritative. According to his point of view, seeing grass in a dream means the following:

To preserve the energy of a positive dream, it is better not to tell anyone about it. It is advisable to remember more often good dream, imagine it coming true, then there is a much greater chance that it will actually happen.

Aesop's Predictions

Many people find the ancient Greek poet’s interpretation of dreams quite accurate. That is why Aesop’s dream book has not lost its popularity, passing through the centuries. This is what the interpreter says about dreams about grass:

  • Aesop believed that in general such dreams symbolize regret about the past and the desire to return to the previous way of life;
  • to see in a dream how green blades of grass make their way through the dry soil - to the speedy fulfillment of your wildest desires and the implementation of plans;
  • I dreamed of green grass, walking on which gives pleasure - it’s time to rest, the body gives a signal of severe fatigue;
  • crawling through a meadow in a dream means excessive curiosity about the lives of other people; if you see another person crawling, you can assume that someone is showing an unhealthy interest in the affairs of the dreamer himself;
  • if in a dream the grass dries up right under the feet of a person walking on it, it means that in reality he has an evil envious person who will interfere with important matters;
  • walking in a dream world along a path overgrown with greenery means meeting in reality with an old friend with whom pleasant memories are associated;
  • feeding some animal with grass in a dream means that the dreamer feels the need for true friend with whom you can share your joys and troubles;
  • if in night dreams a person is busy searching medicinal plants in the meadow, it means that he is concerned about solving an important problem, the importance of which he somewhat exaggerates.

Knowing how to decipher symbols, it is easier for anyone living on Earth to understand the deep needs of their “I”. After all, it is in this language that his subconscious communicates with a person. This is why many people attach great importance to dreams.

Interpretation for family people

Family dream book answers questions from those who have already started a family. For them, the interpretation will be the most truthful. This is what it means to see green grass in a dream according to this dream book:

What to do to prevent it from coming true bad dream? It is not recommended to interpret such a dream or tell anyone about it. It is best, without getting out of bed, to say the phrase: “What I saw in a dream, I will not see in reality!” After that, you just need to stop thinking about what you dreamed about.

Green grass - good health/ increase in wealth / successful work.

Dry, yellow - everything is bad.

Cooking grass is a disorder.

Eating raw is a failure.

Looking for medicinal herbs - need / fear / unfavorable course of the disease.

Seeing dry medicinal herbs is a sign of imminent deliverance.

Seeing green turf means success in business / friendship.

They have to post something - there is a road ahead.

Seeing dry is a bad connection that will bring harm and damage

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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For romantic natures, such a dream means happiness and true friendship.

Dry, yellow grass - illness, grief.

But if you see dry medicinal herbs in a dream, it means recovery.

A particularly good dream: the yard of your house is covered with fresh emerald grass. Such a dream promises peace, tranquility and joy in your family. Such Nice picture: a cozy, clean house, in front of it there is a courtyard - a real lawn. And in the yard... Let's repeat this in tongue twister: “there is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.” Again! Clearer. Now it's good!

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation Grass Fresh, green grass in a dream is a very favorable sign, foreshadowing a happy, well-off life. She prophesies to businessmen fast growth prosperity, writers and artists - fame, lovers - a safe journey across the boundless ocean of love. Seeing mountains towering over green plains in a dream is a sign of impending danger. Dried, sun-bleached grass promises grief, illness or difficulties in business. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Grass Grass: This is a very auspicious dream. It promises happiness and success in trading, quick enrichment creative people: glory, and for lovers Seeing mountains against the backdrop of green meadows: an omen of approaching trouble. If you dream that you are walking along fresh green grass and suddenly come across dried out areas, then in reality illnesses and troubles in business await you. Dreams in which you see clean green grass promise you happiness and joy. If the grass is withered and withered, the consequences of the dream will be sad. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Grass Seeing grass in a dream can be associated with the past, with hope for revival, with regret or renunciation. Seeing grass breaking through concrete in a dream means undying hope that will come true. To see a person crawling on his knees and looking for something in the grass - you are overly curious, and this will cause you a lot of inconvenience. To dream of a person walking through the grass, and it withers right before your eyes - there is a selfish person in your environment who makes life difficult for everyone and for you in particular, be honest and do not be afraid to tell the truth. Admiring the shine of the grass and feeling that it feels silky to the touch is a sign of fatigue and a desire to change the situation; to memories. The path is overgrown with grass - a meeting with an old acquaintance; resurrection of past events; change in outlook on life. Seeing a grave overgrown with grass means problems with parents and older family members. Mowing the grass means profit, prosperity, and troubles. Feeding an animal grass - searching for a reliable friend, the desire to gain trust good man; to a declaration of love, a frank conversation. Gather medicinal herb- puzzle over a long-standing problem, look for an unconventional solution. Aesop's Dream Book

Dreaming Grass If an unknown plant grows in a place where grass usually does not grow, then a family relationship will develop with the owner of this place. Green grass symbolizes piety in faith. And if he sees in a dream that people are holding green grass in their hands, then this is a sign of harvest this year. And whoever among the poor sees himself among green grass, if he gathers it or eats it, he will become rich. Seeing different herbs in a dream means impermanence. Islamic dream book

Interpretation of the dream Grass Walking on dewy grass and getting your feet wet means a love quest and peace of mind. Roll in thick grass- to a prosperous and carefree life. Seeing freshly cut grass and inhaling its fragrant aroma - in reality you will be so overloaded with work that you will even have to postpone your vacation. hide in tall grass- love will flare up with renewed vigor, looking for a lover in it means an imminent wedding. Collecting medicinal herbs is a successful outcome of a serious illness. Weed the weeds - get rid of the annoying suitor. Setting fire to dry grass means an accident. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Grass (cm Meadow) People // obstacles; walking on it - a friend will betray you, difficulties; mowed - death, failure; green - good, health, joy, hope, happiness, success, changes in life; withered - illness, poverty; collect - poverty; mowing is a big hassle, death. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Grass Grass. This is a truly auspicious dream, promising a happy and well-off life: it portends a rapid accumulation of wealth for trading people; glory - to writers and artists; safe journey on the stormy sea of ​​love - to all who love. Seeing mountains towering over green plains is a sure sign of approaching danger. If in a dream, while walking through a green meadow, you come across places with dried grass, this portends illness or difficulties in business. A happy omen is only a dream about green and lush grass. Dried grass promises grief. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Grass A dream about grass promises a happy and well-off life. For businessmen - replenishment of capital, for writers and artists - fame, for lovers - serene enjoyment of wonderful feelings. But the mountains towering above the green plains are a sure sign of approaching danger. Dried grass in a dream foreshadows illness or difficulties in business. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Grass Admiring lush green grass in a dream is a sign of great and long-term prosperity. If you see dried and wilted grass, this portends illness and misfortune, but not for you, the one you love dearly. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Grass The grass is tall and green: a successful period is ahead. Dry: health may fail, pay attention to the stomach. Mowed, if you mowed: someone's death, perhaps sudden, if someone mowed Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Grass Grass: people / obstacles to walk on it: a friend will betray, difficulties mowed: death, failure green: good, health, joy, hope, happiness, success, changes in life withered: illness, poverty to collect: poverty to mow: great troubles, death. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Grass Grass (meadow) - Grass symbolizes vital energy and health. Green grass - health, success, inspiration. Dry, brown grass - hard, unsuccessful work, illness. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Grass (meadow) Grass symbolizes vitality and health. Green grass - health, success, inspiration. Dry, brown grass - hard, unsuccessful work, illness. Grass - fresh green grass - vital energy, growth of new qualities, mutual love. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Grass Dream about grass: promises a happy and well-off life. For businessmen: replenishment of capital, writers and artists Dried grass in a dream: foreshadows illness or difficulties in business. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Flowers (and herbs) For women: Usually both are considered a very good sign by dream interpreters. The main thing is that they are not withered, trampled or of artificial origin. If a woman sees herself in a dream drowning in a sea of ​​flowers or surrounded by fluffy clouds, then most likely she is very much in love. Although sometimes a “colorful” dream has a certain meaning and interpretation.
For men: Seeing flowers growing in the garden is a symbol of something new, most often pleasant ( happy news, a long-awaited purchase, an unexpected meeting with the person you would like to see). If the flowers are withering, drying up, falling off, this is a symbol of loss and grief. White flowers mean melancholy and loneliness, although on Thursdays and Tuesdays they foretell a meeting with beautiful woman.
For children: FLOWERS - to anxiety, troubles.

Grass in a dream For men: If in a dream you walk, lie, sit on green, lush grass, then this portends you success and good luck in business, at work. This means that there is “soil” under your feet that cannot be shaken, that is, what you have done up to this time will serve as the foundation that will ensure your well-being in the future. If the grass in your dream turns yellow, withers, or droops, then difficulties in business or health problems await you. The more space you see is filled with withered grass, the more serious and dangerous the trouble awaiting you. If in a dream you trample, trample down the grass, or it dries up behind you, then you need to rethink your life and your actions. You may not be doing the right thing, which could lead to undesirable results. If you saw in a dream some medicinal herb (mint, St. John's wort, coltsfoot or some other), when you wake up, try to concentrate and remember well appearance weed, if it's unfamiliar to you, or what it's called. Your body is probably sick or weakened, and if you start drinking a decoction of this herb, you will be protected from serious illness.
For children: GRASS - you will have the opportunity to have a good rest.

Seeing her in a dream is always a favorable sign. The dream book writes a lot about why urban and rural residents dream of green grass.

Like the beginning of a new cycle in nature, it symbolizes the rebirth of the soul, joy, pleasant emotions and a sense of renewal.

Seeing green grass in a dream - good sign. It symbolizes work, recuperation after depression, as well as various happy moments, a good relationship in family, friendship and love. This is what green grass most often means in a dream.

Revival to life

It is beneficial to see it for those who are waiting for an update or experiencing various troubles. The dream book interprets green grass, light and clean, young as a symbol of new strength, the revival of personal qualities, as well as the restoration of personality after a period of troubles and failures.

If you dreamed of green grass, then this means the beginning of a new life period, love and joy.

Sometimes she says that you will soon have a new job and you will spend a lot of time on fresh air, relax or just enjoy your life.

If in your dream the first spring grass was like a thin green rug, then soon expect good news and a favorable combination of circumstances.

Sometimes for married couples such a dream foreshadows a long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a child, maybe even twins. The dream book writes that this is a very favorable dream that predicts joy, happiness, material well-being and various kinds of benefits.

Why do you dream about grass and flowers? For example, with dandelions, clover and sweet clover flowers? The dream book writes that soon your life will become easy and beautiful. For a girl, the appearance of such dreams promises femininity, beauty, happiness, as well as a favorable combination of circumstances in her life.

Soft green grass is one of the most auspicious dreams you have. Walking along it barefoot, picking flowers, catching butterflies is always a favorable sign, which means joy, pleasant emotions and feelings.

A dream of a meadow with spring flowers and dense vegetation, but not thorny, means favorable circumstances for creativity, outdoor recreation or work.

Sometimes the dream book writes that a girl dreams of thick green grass with various flowers for a wedding or imminent engagement to a loved one. The dream book writes that in her independent journey everything will turn out favorably both in life and in a dream.

Very often, walking through the grass without bumping into any snags or thorns means joy, happiness, and a favorable development of events for you. In some cases, the dream book writes that your life will be cloudless, and you will easily achieve your life goals.

If you inject yourself with something or are painfully injured, then the dream means trouble, resentment, loss and various unfavorable circumstances. Sometimes you are faced with the most unpleasant side of life, for example, with betrayal, scandals, insults, or the fact that some circumstance will make a negative impression on you.

If the thorn was small, then the dream book advises to be careful in real life. This dream symbolizes grievances, scandals, and negative circumstances. In some cases, a dream predicts illness, injury, obstacles on your path, as well as barbs and minor scandals.

What does it mean to dream in which you walk on cut or mown grass? This dream means that your hopes for something will not come true. Sometimes modern books they write that someone will prevent you from carrying out your plan and will try to spoil your plan in the bud.

In some situations, grass torn out with roots or mown can predict an accident that can happen to children or the younger generation.

The dream book writes that this dream means troubles, dangers, and also that your love and hope will be trampled, spoiled, broken by someone. Very often, to see grass with flowers uprooted in a dream means that your undertaking, idea and business will be spoiled in its very prime or in its bud.

Someone will rudely interrupt your initiative or put insurmountable obstacles in front of you in life and in communication. Therefore, try to ensure that no one even accidentally finds out about your idea, since there are people who do not approve of all this and can greatly harm your idea.

In some cases, the dream book writes that such a dream means trouble for you, as well as an illness that will ruin your plans and dreams. The dream book writes that you should make every effort to implement your idea or confess your love.

Why do you dream about beautiful fine grass on a football field? This dream means good luck in business, as well as joy and a favorable combination of circumstances. The dream book writes that this dream predicts your success in implementing some plan or idea.

Sometimes modern books promise you communication with a person who is soft, flexible and pliable, like grass, who will bend under the pressure of people and circumstances, but will always emerge from the situation with minimal negative consequences. This means innate flexibility and the ability to adapt correctly to circumstances.

If you dreamed of tall grass, taller than a person, with powerful stems and flowers with a fragrant smell, then this dream is favorable for you.

The dream book writes that you have sufficient internal and external potential to perceive life.

Sometimes this dream predicts acquisition and happiness for you, but in some cases, impenetrable grass means big obstacles in life.

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