Home Wisdom teeth The first course of steroids for beginners - how to start taking them so as not to harm your health. The best steroids for beginners: a course for a beginner How to take anabolic steroids correctly

The first course of steroids for beginners - how to start taking them so as not to harm your health. The best steroids for beginners: a course for a beginner How to take anabolic steroids correctly

Every athlete who perceives power training as a lifestyle, sooner or later you are faced with a choice: remain natural or start a cycle of steroids?

This question arises both for beginners who want to achieve quick results, and for experienced athletes due to certain life circumstances.

Steroids are synthetically produced analogues of human testosterone or its derivatives. Steroid drugs are taken to enhance athletic performance and accelerate the development of muscle mass.

What are steroid cycles, what are they?

A steroid course is the period of time during which athletes take steroid drugs according to a specific schedule. These are, as a rule, combinations of several components, which in different variations produce bundles (stacks) that differ in effectiveness and purpose. Therefore, athletes select these drugs and the formula for taking them individually, so as not to harm their body.

Steroid courses are divided into three types:

  • to ground;
  • on the relief;
  • on dry weight.

To understand which course to take, you need to decide on the goals you want to achieve:

  • if the goal is to strongly increase muscle mass, then a course of steroids for mass is suitable;
  • in case of preparation for performances in competitions or in order to tighten muscles or lose weight, it is best to use a course on relief;
  • if you need to reduce the volume of water in the body, then use a course on dry mass.

Pros and cons of taking steroid drugs

When talking about the benefits or harms of steroids, you need to understand that they relate to medical drugs and, like any medicine, have more negative consequences than positive ones. That is, for an accelerated and effective gain of muscle mass, the athlete has to pay for the deterioration of the condition of other organs.

But it is a little reassuring that these consequences do not arise immediately, but after ten to fifteen years, that is, there is an opportunity to stop. The list of negative impacts includes:

  • aggressive attacks and fits of rage;
  • hypertension;
  • depressive states;
  • premature baldness;
  • impotence;
  • acne ( acne) on the face and body;
  • breast enlargement female type.

To start taking a course of steroids, you must consult a doctor and do a blood test and undergo an examination of the body. And be sure to weigh the pros and cons!

What are the types of steroids?

Steroids are divided into two types: oral and injectable. Each type has its own negative sides Therefore, the advisability of taking a particular drug is determined by the doctor.

Oral steroids have a negative effect on the liver and are therefore recommended for short courses. The effectiveness of such drugs is lower than injections, but they accumulate well in the body.

Intramuscular injectable drugs(oil and water) steroids do not harm the liver, are safer, but have a negative effect on the kidneys. Suitable for long courses, with water injected daily, and oil injected twice a week.

Features of correct reception

For the most harmless use of steroids, several rules must be followed:

  1. It is important to adhere to the regimen of taking medications, eating and sleeping.
  2. Athletes under 21 years of age should not take medications. This is due to the fact that in young body testosterone levels are already quite high and continue to form endocrine system. And additional use of steroids can stop or slow down the growth of the body, especially the shoulders.
  3. For beginners, it is best to start taking steroids with oral medications.
  4. When taking steroid drugs, you must be under the supervision of a doctor.
  5. With the help of specialists you need to choose suitable drugs, dosage, choose a course.
  6. It is important to maintain an enhanced diet, since increasing the intensity of training depletes the body and requires increased protein production. You need to choose the right special sports nutrition.
  7. Breaks between courses should be twice as long as the duration of the course itself.

Which option is better: long or short

A course of steroids is taken to achieve muscle growth, burn subcutaneous fat, and develop endurance and strength. Ready-made courses of drugs are purchased in specialized stores. They are divided into long (complex) and short.

A long course is suitable for use by experienced athletes who, as a result of previous courses, know what they need and how the body reacts to these drugs. Only after taking several simple (short) courses are long courses of steroids allowed. The result is greater results and tangible changes within a few years. But you need to remember that a long course can harm the body. It is important to monitor your condition so that you can start taking protective measures on time.

A short course is a steroid course for a beginner. The duration does not exceed three months, during which the body becomes familiar with hormonal drugs and gets used to them. This course does not suppress the production of testosterone in the body, so the results are not lost during the break. In addition, it is easier to choose a training regimen for a short course. With the right option, in one cycle you can gain up to ten kilos of mass and achieve good definition.

A course of steroids for a beginner. Basic Rules

Tips on how a beginner can choose a course of steroids for weight are as follows:

  1. First, you need to choose the simplest combination of one or a couple of drugs to determine muscle response and the body’s response to hormones.
  2. At first, you should not take increased doses of drugs or complex formulations, as this can cause severe harm to the body.
  3. While taking steroids, you need to monitor your health and how the athlete feels during and after training.
  4. The first course of taking steroids for a beginner should not exceed two to three weeks.
  5. You should take only well-known drugs with studied side effects.
  6. It must be remembered that the main goal initial course is a gradual saturation of the body with steroids, so you should not expect a noticeable increase in muscle mass and volume.

Steroids for Beginners

The most well-known and used drugs for beginners today are the following:

  1. "Nandrolone". This is a drug that is as identical as possible to human testosterone. The only difference is that it does not have such androgenic properties. The drug can be taken by beginning athletes for 10 weeks at a dose of 70 mg daily.
  2. "Winstrol". The product ensures uniform development of muscle fibers and does not side effects and retains fluid in the body, making the athlete look noticeably dry. Duration of administration is designed for no more than five weeks at a dosage of 350 mg weekly.
  3. "Dianabol". The drug is intended for speed dial muscle mass. It is not recommended to take it for more than five weeks in a row due to its strong effect on the liver. After the course of steroids is completed, it is necessary to carry out a recovery cycle for three weeks. This can be done with the drugs "Clomid" and "Tamoxifien", due to which there is an increase in testosterone production and the loss of muscle mass is insignificant.

Ready-made courses of steroid drugs are for beginners effective means during body training. But, when starting to take them, you should not forget about dosages and visits to the doctor.

Friends, hello everyone. In this issue we will talk about how to take steroids, discuss the best regimens (courses) of steroids, their administration, dosages, combinations, PCT (PCT) post-cycle therapy, side effects, etc.

Before I begin, I would like to make some preface: “I personally have never used anabolic steroid(hmm, then why the hell are you telling us how to take them?). Yes, you may be right (besides, I myself don’t like to talk about things that I haven’t tried on myself). BUT, before writing the article, I consulted with many people whom I trust, these are, so to speak, old-school guys who have been doing BB for a very long time and know what they are talking about, besides, I too (I won’t brag and tell you how smart I am) have been doing BB (I know a lot of useful things, which I try to share with you) at least that’s my goal. In short, in general, all the information below is for informational purposes (I feel like after this issue many people will have their farts torn apart) but, oh well, believe it or not ( in INFU) - it’s up to you to decide. I think experienced chemists will appreciate it :)

Despite the fact that there is a whole shitload of these anabolic steroids, there is simply an unrealistically wide choice, the following are most often used:

  • METHANE (Danabol, in tablet form, I think a well-known drug)
  • TESTOSTERONE (its esters: enanthate, sustanon, propionate, in injection form)
  • Deca (nandrolone decanoate - a powerful anabolic drug, in injection form)
  • Boldenone (the drug is similar to Deca (but you need to inject a lot), in the form of injections)
  • Winstrol and stanazolol (powerful ACs, available in the form of injections and tablets)
  • Trenbolone (a drug for professional bodybuilders, so to speak for experienced chemists, injections, of course).

OK it's all over Now. It is these drugs that professional bodybuilders most often use, even though the choice of AC is very wide. Heh, and then, in fact, bodybuilders have been raising muscle mass only on 3 drugs: METHANE, TESTOSTERONE and DECA (NANDROLONE). Because these drugs are kind of basic in bodybuilding (it’s like basic exercises, those that grow meat better on your bones, the same theme with anabolic steroids).

In fact, it is these drugs that the courses are based on.

That awkward moment :)

SCHEMES FOR TAKING anabolic steroids (combinations and dosages)

Let's not beat around the bush. Straight to the point.

First course (newbie)

Beginners want to believe in some super-effective courses of anabolic steroids in order to gain as much meat as possible during the course. They are eager to fight, they want everything at once (they want to combine and do very powerful courses for the FIRST TIME). Not everyone, of course, but there are those who want it. In fact, taking anabolic steroids will not help a beginner much (I 100% guarantee this), because if a person does not know how to train and eat properly, then no steroid will help him.

1st year: Methane "SOLO"

1st course (METHANE SOLO): A course lasting 8 weeks, dosage - 30 mg. Space out pill doses different time(for example, if you have three tablets) then the first in the morning, the second at lunch, and the third in the evening before bed. That's all, this is the first course.

2nd course: Please note, you can once again conduct the course on SOLO METHANE. There is no need to immediately switch to any powerful drugs (or do a combination) because the later you do this, the greater your potential in terms of muscle growth will be. Therefore, there is only one recommendation: it is better to conduct such solo courses (methane) a couple of times again.

Okay, let’s say I’ve already cruised 2-3 times in a non-methane (solo) way, what should I do next?

2nd course (do not count those where you took methane solo) combination: Methane + Deca. The duration of the combined course is 6 weeks: take Methane (tablets) 30 mg per day + Deca (200 mg per week). And for weeks 7 and 8 you take methane alone, without a deck.


Methane can be eaten the same as before (i.e. 30 mg daily), but deca (it is in the form of injections, i.e. you will have to give injections) should be given once a week (for example, on Saturday or BC for convenience, the main thing is on the same day, for example, if you put it on BC, then now you do it only on the next BC) so here are 200 mg deca injections intramuscularly.

Why 200 mg Deca? This is very little (many will say). The point is that this is just essentially your 2nd course (not counting the fact that you took SOLO METHANE 2-3 times, you are still a beginner anyway) you shouldn’t use large dosages at the very beginning (you’ll still have time), believe me, you can grow by 50-100 mg per week, don’t run ahead of your dad into hell. In addition, a dosage of more than 200 mg can cause side effects due to the fact that nandrolone (deca) can bind to PROGESTIN RECEPTORS. Yes, this can be avoided, experienced people will say (for example, using Proviron + testosterone). But why? Why combine (make your life more difficult) at the very beginning of the whole journey, if you can simply use reasonable (not large) dosages? That's what I'm talking about.

In the last two weeks, DECA (NANDROLONE) is removed and only methane remains. This is done on purpose! Now I will explain everything. The fact is that NANDROLONE (DECA) is a long-acting drug. It begins to act (work) only after 3 days. The peak effect of the drug will be in 7-10 days. After this, the concentration gradually decreases over several weeks. I want to say that, in fact, the drug retains its activity for 3-4 weeks, of which 2-3 weeks it is active. This is why the deck has been removed for the last 2 weeks. All so that after completing your course, there is a minimum or no amount of this drug left in your BLOOD, so that you can start resting after the course.

Well, if you don’t do this and leave Deca (that is, inject yourself with Deca in the last week of the course), then after completing your course (for 8 weeks) you will, in fact, sit on the course for another whole month (because Deca is still working), this is bad, firstly, your gonads will not begin to recover, and secondly, the concentration of the drug will no longer be sufficient for your muscles to grow. Do you understand the point? This is very important (remove the deck 2 weeks before the end of the course, i.e. 6 weeks).

It will look like this:

  • 1-6 weeks: Methane (30 mg daily) + Deca (200 mg per week)
  • 7-8 weeks: Solo methane without soundboard.

Again, before switching to more powerful and complex regimens, including dosage or a combination of 3 drugs, you can repeat such courses (methane + deca) a couple of times. In general, it was necessary to write at the very beginning that, in fact, you can repeat course options many times throughout the year before switching to using other drugs. The 3rd course is almost the same as the 2nd, only testosterone is used instead of soundboard. The whole point is that there are people for whom DECA (NANDROLONE) works better, and there are people for whom testosterone works better. Therefore, it is important to try both. For example, my friend’s testosterone did not improve, well, nothing at all (we did not notice the effect at all), which cannot be said about the next course on Deca (nandrolone) because the effect was pronounced. Please note that if you took Methane + Deca and are satisfied with the result, then the 3rd course (can be repeated in the same way as the 2nd). And if you took a course and are not satisfied (nandrolone did not work), then you should try the test (maybe it will fail).

Ronnie Coleman

3rd course: Methane + testosterone (for example, ENANTHATE or SUSTANONE)

By the way, many people may not like this course. They say that both methane and testosterone are strong androgenic drugs. However, this is not quite true. Methane is not such a strong androgen as many people mistakenly believe. What is completely different is that such a combination (methane + test) will lead to very significant fluid retention in the body (it is worth noting that on the course of methane + deca, the retention is not so strong). What I mean is that such a combination will lead to a very strong rollback (a large amount of what you gained during the course will stupidly merge). For the baker, I first put the course of Methane + Deca (I consider it the best, unlike the test), but if Deca does not work (well, this happens, I already talked about this above, there are people for whom testosterone rushes better, and there are those on which there is a deck). So, if the methane + deca course did not please you, you should try this particular course (methane + test).

A combined course lasting 6-7 weeks, methane dosages are the same (30 mg per day), injections of sustanon or enanthate once a week (for example, SB or BC, as convenient) at a dosage of 300-400 mg per week. On weeks 7 and 8 of the course you use only methane (30 mg per day), without sustanon or enanthate. The same nonsense as with the deck (they have a long period life, they need to be excluded 1-2 weeks before the end of the course in order to begin recovery).

It will look like this:

  • Weeks 1-6: methane (30 mg per day) + Testosterone (enanthate or sustanon, 300-400 mg per week).
  • Week 7-8: Solo methane (30 mg per day).

The next course is for advanced chemists (for advanced athletes) who have built up a large amount of meat on their bodies. As you probably noticed, I wrote out the list of courses in order (from easy for beginners to difficult for advanced ones), this is just one of the difficult ones. The course is for those who have already taken a course based on solo methane, methane and soundboard, methane and testosterone. The same course will already be based on 3 drugs, namely: METHANE + TESTOSTERONE + DECA.

4th course: METHANE + Testosterone (enanthate, propic at the end) + Deca

It will look like this:

  • Week 1-6: Methane (30 mg per day) + Testosterone enanthate (400 mg per week) + Deca (200 mg per week)
  • Week 7-8: Methane (30 mg per day) + Testosterone propionate (100 mg every other day)

5th course: Stanozolol + Testosterone (enanthate, propic at the end) + Trenbolone

As you can see, practically nothing has changed, we replaced the metabolite with stanozolol (tablets), and the deca (nandrolone) with TRENBOLONE. Just. In general, at the beginning we replaced deca with trenbolone, and then we decided to change methane with stanozolol (oral) because oral stanozolol suppresses the progestogenic activity that is present in trenbolone. This is kind of good :)

It will look like this:

  • 1-6 weeks: Stanozolol (40 mg per day) + Testosterone enanthate (400-500 mg per week) + Trenbolone (300 mg per week).
  • Week 7-8: Stanozolol (40 mg per day) + Testosterone propionate (100 mg per day)

6th course: FOR DRYING (for mass there are already a bunch of courses presented) it’s time to talk about cutting (there will be one course based on 3 drugs, for experienced athletes who have built up a lot of muscle mass and want to dry out and be lean).

This course (for drying) is taken by analogy with the 5th course (stanase + test + trenbolone). During drying, they use drugs that do not aromatize (in our case, this is stanazolol, and TRENBOLONE is also in our course) or SHORT TESTOSTERONE ESTERS (propionate). And secondly, in order to turn such a course into cutting, we need to either IMMEDIATELY REMOVE or A MONTH BEFORE THE COMPETITION, remove the long-lasting testosterone ester (in our case, it is ENANTHATE). Here's your drying course.

It will look like this:

  • Weeks 1-4: Stanozolol (40 mg per day) + Testosterone enanthate (500 mg per week) + Trenbolone (300 mg per week).
  • Week 5-8: Stanozolol (40 mg per day) + Testosterone propionate (100 mg per day) + Trenbolone (300 mg per week).

Jay Cutler


In order to combat side effects, we essentially need 3 DRUGS: PROVIRON, TAMOXIFEN and GONADOTROPIN. That's all.

We will need them only when you already have side effects or may appear from taking anabolic steroids. I think everyone understands that side effects are inevitable from exceeding the dosage, the duration of the course, or combining complex drugs, or simply from a lack of knowledge of how to take steroids.

What is each drug?

Tamoxifen is an anti-estrogen. Those. if you already have some kind of side effect as a result of aromatization from testosterone (for example, GYNECOMASTIA), then Proviron is no longer helpful for you, you need to use tamoxifen BECAUSE IT IS IT that fights the consequences if they have already emerged (for example, gynecomastia, deposits female type, etc.). Only if aromatization has occurred (for example, you feel that there is some hardening under the nipples) then you need to use tamoxifen.

Please note: once again, it is very important to use it when something has already happened (aromatization has occurred) just for the purpose of preventing side effects, so to speak = it should not be used. For these purposes, PROVIRON is suitable for prevention, but not like tamoxifen. The whole point is that tamoxifen reduces the production of growth factors in your liver, thereby reducing the effectiveness of your course. Do you need it? You don’t need it, so you don’t need to use tamoxifen as a “PREVENTION”.

Tamoxifen is also very good for PCT (PCT) post-cycle therapy, because tamoxifen very well restores the production of your own testosterone after your cycle. And this is very good, because after you finish taking anabolic steroids, your testosterone in the blood drops significantly (even drops below baseline). But here it is very important to take into account that tamoxifen begins to actively work only when you completely stop using artificial hormones (steroids). And for this it is vitally important to take into account the periods of action of a particular drug. For example, in our SECOND COURSE (there METHANE + DECA) I talked about this in detail, for 1-6 weeks we combine DECA + methane, and in weeks 7 and 8 we remove DECA and use only methane, BECAUSE DECA plays for a very long time, and if If we don’t remove it from the last two weeks, then we will actually be on the course for another 2 months (because it works for a long time). This is why some people complain that tamoxifen useless drug, this is not a useless drug - you are 2pizza, who does not understand what and how it works.

PROVIRON - blocks the aromatization of anabolic steroids into female hormones. I want to say that PROVIRON, unlike TAMOXIFEN, should be used on a course, because it fights the CAUSES (it prevents side effects from occurring, it prevents them, as it were) comprendo? Although Proviron may even be an anestrogen (like Tamox), i.e. can fight existing ones female hormones. Proviron also takes up the work of GLOBULIN, and this one binds testosterone in the blood. As a result, it leads to an increase in the concentration of testosterone in your body. Moreover, Proviron increases potency, erection, etc. well that’s already the case...

IN GENERAL, Proviron should be used ON THE COURSE (for prevention purposes). AND ESPECIALLY USE FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE:

— There is a predisposition to aromatization. Hmm, how do I know that I have a predisposition to aromatization, you ask? Answer: for example, during adolescence you had gynecomastia, or you have a loose body type (like an endomorph), or you have already walked and you know what mammary glands harden. Well, something like this. In these cases, you will need to take 50 mg of Proviron per day (this is the 2nd tablet).

— If you use aromatizing drugs (for example, testosterone esters), then you need to play it safe and use Proviron at a dosage of 25 mg per day (this is 1 tablet). And if you are predisposed to aromatase, then increase the dosage to 2 tablets per day (this is 50 mg).

GONADOTROPIN is a drug that the body needs when your testicles stop producing their own TESTOSTERONE (because your body has a lot of artificial hormones, well, steroids that you are on this moment take) and in this case the gonadotropin will stimulate their work no matter what (i.e., in any case, it will act, force). As practice shows, best time of using this drug exactly in the middle of your course, during the 1st week, inject the drug in a dosage of about 500 to 1000 IU daily intramuscularly.

Some unique people use it after the course (but I don’t know how this can be). Because if you inject it after the course, you will slow down your restoration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular arc. This is not good, because your body will think that you are still on the course (although this is actually not the case, it will think that you are) in short, it means that your course is still ongoing and your system will not fully recover. And this is not good!!!

Well friends, I think I’ve told you everything: the best drugs, compiled courses (solo, combination, dosage, etc.) talked about how to deal with side effects (if something happens) in general, tried to answer the question: how to take steroids (CORRECTLY) along the way, presenting you with the best courses of anabolic steroids (and telling about them from A to Z). This is where I end this issue.

Best regards, administrator.

Most beginner athletes, just coming to Gym, immediately set the goal of acquiring the same body as that of professional athletes. But to achieve such a result, you will need to spend not months, but years, intensively training. But to reduce this period to a minimum, you can start taking steroids. Today, the level of prevalence of steroids can be called truly alarming. This is directly related to the fact that most beginners start taking these drugs, guided by dubious instructions, which causes serious harm to their body. To minimize health risks and get a lasting effect, it is important to know exactly, correctly.

Where to start the first course of steroids - basic rules of administration

To cause as little harm to your body as possible, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  • Anabolic drugs are contraindicated for use by persons under the age of 21. This is due to the fact that the body’s endocrine system has not completed its development;
  • the course of taking anabolic steroids itself should last no more than 6 weeks;
  • food should be very high in calories;
  • when taking anabolic steroids, it will be necessary to adhere to the diet and training regimen set by the trainer, otherwise you will not be able to gain the desired amount of muscle mass;
  • One of the most common mistakes beginners make is starting to take steroids after a short period of strength training. This approach is dangerous for the body because muscles will develop much faster than cartilage tissue and ligaments. This could result in serious injury.

To achieve normal muscle growth without harm to the body, you need to correctly select, correctly set the dosage and duration of the course and mandatory undergo rehabilitation therapy. Required terms with regular use of steroids are:

  • quality sleep and good nutrition;
  • regular training;
  • recovery after training.

After stopping the course, be sure to give the body a rest in order to restore the normal course of all metabolic processes in the body. Consider the fact that most athletes who abuse anabolic steroids suffer from hepatitis different forms. Therefore, if you have any problems with the liver, you should stop taking this type of medication.

The first course of steroids for weight – what changes it causes in the body

There are two most common ones on the market today effective type drugs: turinabol (Turik) and methandrostenalone (methane), both drugs are taken orally (can be presented in the form of tablets or capsules). The last one is the most famous and old look steroids, which allows you to gain from 8 to 10 kg of muscle mass in just 1 month. But this drug also has its drawback - it prevents the removal of fluid from the body, so the muscle mass you gained after stopping the course of the drug will partially go away.

Methane intake affects the body the following actions:

  • strength indicators increase significantly;
  • the process of burning subcutaneous fat is partially activated;
  • the remedy strengthens bone tissue and improves appetite.

The main advantage of methane is that its anabolic activity is several times greater than testosterone, but the drug lags behind in the androgenic part.

Beginners need to take into account the fact that after stopping taking steroids, traces of the drug can be detected in the body after another 2-3 months.

If you want to buy the first course of steroids for beginners To gain exclusively lean muscle mass, then opt for turinabol. The product does not retain fluid in the body, so in a 6-week course of its use you can only gain 4-5 kg ​​of weight, but the quality will be much better. The cost of turinabol is almost 2 times higher than methane, but experienced athletes recommend starting the first course with it, since it has a gentler effect on the body, is not so toxic to the liver, and after finishing taking the substance, the substance remains in the body for another 8-9 months.

At the same time, very often the intake is carried out without observing important rules, and therefore the medications turn out to be useless, or even harmful. ABOUT important rules reception tells pharmacist with 50 years of experience in pharmacy Irina Dubonosova:

— My colleagues talked about a buyer who used rectal suppositories orally, in other words, I washed them down with water. And he came to the pharmacy with a complaint: it didn’t help, they say. And another tried to insert a potency pill into an organ that needed help. An erection never happened, but I almost had to see a surgeon. Perhaps both cases are nothing more than an anecdote, but when purchasing medications, you must always read the instructions before use and follow them strictly.

Chew or suck?

Be sure to follow the prescribed method of use, otherwise there is a high risk that active substance it just won't reach its destination. If the instructions for the drug say: “chewable tablet” - chew, “sucking” - suck, it says “put under the tongue” - put it. If it is not written: “bite”, “chew”, then be sure to swallow it whole with water. As a last resort, crush before swallowing, but only if the tablet is not coated. Otherwise, grinding will lead to poor absorption of the medication.

If there is no dividing line on the tablet, there is no need to break it - this means that a half dose is not intended for use. Do not pour out or pour out the contents of the tablet from the capsule - the medicine is specially placed in this form and not in any other form. This way it will be absorbed better and safer.

Shouldn't you take more than two?

It is better not to take several different medications at the same time. Especially if they are prescribed by different specialists. Of course, it is better to consult a doctor when prescribing a new medication, telling him which medications are already prescribed to you.

If you still accept different tablets turned out to be necessary, take them not one after another, but with a break of 30-60 minutes. For example: antibiotics should not be taken with antipyretics, sleeping pills, antihistamines. Iron supplements cannot be combined with antacids (Almagel, Maalox, Rennie, etc.). Oral contraceptives (Marvelon, non-ovlon, Janine, Tri-mercy, etc.) are incompatible with analgin, antibiotics and sulfonamides (streptocide, biseptol). Do not take papaverine and aspirin, vitamin C and penicillin, dibazole and tetracycline at the same time.

When treated with enterosorbents ( Activated carbon, polysorb, smecta) the break between them and other medications (any!) should be at least 2 hours.

If you are unsure about how to take your medications correctly, try to get information from different sources.

What to drink with it?

Under no circumstances should you drink: tea, coffee, sweet juices, soda and, of course, alcoholic drinks.

You can almost always use plain water.

If the annotation does not say when to drink and what you can take the tablets with, it means that you can take them at any time, but it is better to do it 30-40 minutes before meals (or at least 15-20) and wash it down with cool water.

Drink or wait?

Consider your health status, age, occupation, and even gender when taking certain medications. Children, pregnant women, elderly people and drivers need to be especially careful when taking medications. Medicines such as erythromycin, verapamil, diazepam act less effectively on women than on men, but anaprilin and tazepam do the opposite.

Remember that there are many drugs that have the same principle of action, but have different names. This is due to the presence of numerous generics for most drugs. For example, paracetamol is sold as Panadol, Tylenol, Efferalgan, Aldolor, Milistan. Diclofenac - like dicloran, bioran, voltaren, etc. Tavegil - like clemastine, clonidine - like hemitone and catapresan. These are all analogue drugs.

It is important to know

Tablets in gelatin capsules must be taken standing or sitting and washed down with at least 100 ml of water, otherwise the gelatin capsule may stick to the wall of the esophagus.

It is better to take medications to lower blood pressure while lying down.

It is better to first drip the heart drops onto a piece of sugar.

Cough tablets like mucaltin work more effectively if they are dissolved in a small amount of slightly sweet water and drunk an hour before meals.

Caffeine, theobromine and theophylline can be washed down with sour juices.

Oral tetracycline preparations should be taken while standing and washed down with a glass of water.

Most multivitamins are absorbed regardless of meal time, but it is best not to take them with meals.

When taking antipyretic medications, try not to eat a lot of dairy and plant foods, but temporarily switch to meat products.

Bad habits

Alcohol enhances the effect of drugs containing paracetamol and antihypertensive drugs - if you take phenobarbital and drink it with alcohol, there is a risk of dying from respiratory arrest.

Alcoholic drinks combined with aspirin can cause stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding.

A cocktail of alcohol with antidepressants, sleeping pills or antiallergic drugs enhances the calming effect of these drugs, and a person who takes this mixture greatly risks not only his health, but also the lives of others - for example, if he gets behind the wheel in this state.

Alcohol mixed with nitroglycerin leads to sharp decline pressure, which can lead to fainting.

Insulin and other antidiabetic drugs in combination with alcoholic beverages severely lower blood sugar, which can also cause fainting.

Violation heart rate There is a risk of drinking alcohol simultaneously with diuretics and digoxin, as it provokes a change in potassium balance.

Nicotine makes it less effective treatment psychotropic, cardiovascular drugs, pulmonary inhalers and even reduces the effect of birth control pills.


Despite the advice stated above, always carefully read the instructions for medications, consult with your doctor and listen to the sensations of your own body. When self-medicating, you are fully responsible for possible negative consequences for your health.

At the moment, not all are suitable for beginner athletes. Most of the drugs are specially developed for experienced professionals.

ortsmen. A striking example Such drugs are trenbolone acetate and trenbolone enanthate, which are superior in performance even to testosterone. Experts recommend that beginners take drugs such as testosterone propionate, turinabol, stanozolol, methandienone, boldenone, etc. Proper use of these drugs will allow you to avoid side effects, and the effect is sufficient, in particular for those who have not previously taken heavy sports pharmacology.

Any specialist will always recommend that beginners take the mildest steroids that allow them to get results without causing serious side effects. But don’t be upset, because over time you will be able to start taking stronger steroids, such as oxymethalone, omnadren, tri-tren mix or single trenbolone esters, etc.

The best steroids for beginners: first course of steroids

Let's take a closer look at why experts recommend these steroids for beginners.

Taking turinabol for beginners

The very first version of the drug was purposefully developed for use in sports. Note that most of the other drugs from sports pharmacology were intended for use exclusively in medical purposes. True, in sports the drug was supposed to be an excellent addition to methandienone, but in practice it showed completely different results.

The developers of turinabol are East German specialists. The first modification of the drug became available for use in 1965, and even then tens of thousands of athletes began to use it to achieve specific results.

So what effect should beginners expect from taking turinabol?

  • Acceleration of muscle growth;
  • Increased performance and endurance;
  • Correction of muscle relief;
  • Increasing the density of the gained mass.

It is impossible not to note the high index of anabolic activity from testosterone equal to 180%, while androgenic activity is only 50%. This explains fast action the drug on the body – from 6 to 8 hours. Almost from the first days the drug provides tangible effect on the body of a novice athlete, but visually the effect appears gradually.

However, one cannot fail to note the manifestation of some side effects associated with taking Turinabol. Taking the drug in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist may cause rare side effects. In some cases, athletes note the appearance of the following androgenic negative consequences, namely:

  • Increased aggression;
  • The appearance of acne;
  • Increased greasiness of the skin.

Taking the drug can also cause side effects of an estrogenic nature, such as:

  • Gynecomastia;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Swelling.

The advantage of taking the drug is considered to be a slight or completely absent rollback effect.

However, beginners should be aware of the most optimal dosage. Experts recommend that novice athletes take no more than 60 mg of the drug per day. Considering that the drug is an oral steroid with a short period of action, it must be taken daily. On average, the course of treatment can be up to 8 weeks. It is worth noting that athletes can also take Turinabol, but in this case the dosage will not exceed 15 mg per day, and the duration of the course will accordingly last up to 6 weeks.

It is also worth noting that beginners can also use use turinabol in combination with drugs such as stanozolol, boldenone, etc. The mild effect of the drug on the athlete’s body and the almost absent side effects allow the drug to be used with almost any modern anabolic and androgenic steroids. The steroid is also recommended for use in cutting courses to correct muscle relief. In other words, the drug is ideal not just for a beginner, but also for an experienced athlete.

Is testosterone propionate suitable for beginners?

In many effective courses testosterone esters intended for bodybuilders can be found. Moreover, experienced athletes prefer to use long-acting esters, while the ideal solution for a beginner would be to use short-acting testosterone propionate. This drug practically does not retain fluid in the body and is the most effective, fast-acting and safe.

Beginners taking the drug do not have to worry about side effects, since with proper use they are practically absent. In rare cases, when using testosterone propionate, unpleasant moments such as:

  • Acne;
  • Increased libido;
  • Swelling.

While taking testosterone propionate, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of signs of gynecomastia. However, after this drug, experts recommend that you undergo a course of post-course therapy to restore testosterone production.

The main disadvantage of taking the drug is the frequent need for injections. On average, experts recommend administering the drug once every two to three days, which explains the low popularity of the drug among athletes.

Thanks to its pronounced androgenic and anabolic activity, the drug allows the athlete to achieve the following results, namely:

  • Gain of high-quality muscles;
  • Endurance;
  • Increase in physical indicators;
  • The appearance of beautiful, sculpted muscles;
  • Increased libido.

On average, experts recommend that beginner athletes take no more than 100 mg of the drug every two to three days. A bottle of the drug can be extended up to 30 days of use, despite the fact that the cost of the drug is within reasonable limits.

Experts recommend combining methandienone, turinabol, boldenone, nandrolone phenylpropionate and some other steroids with this drug in accordance with the task. Basically, throughout the course, athletes do not complain of swelling, which allows the drug to be used for drying, and not just for increasing muscle mass and strength. Of course, a solo course of the drug is also effective, but in combination with other drugs, testosterone propionate is more effective.
To achieve specific results, you must complete a course of 6 full weeks. The drug is allowed to be taken not only by men, but also by women in slightly smaller doses. If you take the drug in a higher dosage, you may experience virilization.

Boldenone and the aspiring bodybuilder

Not only beginners, but also experienced athletes have heard about this drug. In addition to solo, the drug is often used in combination with testosterone propionate and turinabol. In sports, the ester of the steroid undecylenate, which differs from similar drugs long-term action, which allows the drug to be used by athletes who have a negative attitude towards frequent injections.

For beginners, to achieve their goals, it is enough to use 400 mg of the drug every 7 days. On average, depending on individual characteristics for an athlete's body, the dosage can vary from 400 to 600 mg per week. The course usually lasts up to 8 weeks, and both men and women can take boldenone. Typically, the dosage for women ranges from 50 to 100 mg per week.

Of course, boldenone undecylenate does not belong to the category of strong steroids, but it is an ideal option for beginner athletes and an excellent complement to other courses for experienced athletes. The components of the drug increase appetite and perfectly complement courses to increase muscle mass. Boldenone does not retain fluid in the body, allows you to gain high-quality muscle mass, and at the end of the course, athletes note a slight rebound.
At the moment, boldenone is one of the most harmless steroid drugs. Due to low aromatization, minor estrogenic side effects may occur. There is also a slight androgenic activity, which compared to testosterone is 50%. Athletes with a predisposition to one or more components of the drug note the following disorders:

  • Acne;
  • Greasiness of the skin;
  • Aggression.

The advantage of the drug is the virtual absence of toxicity to the liver, and minimal impact on the natural production of testosterone. Experts recommend using the drug in almost any course; it is important to correctly plan the dosage regimen, dosage and duration of the course.

It should be noted that the drug has long occupied a leading position in the world market and it is not for nothing that it has gained the status of an absolutely harmless steroid.

The best steroid cycles for beginners

I would like to draw the attention of beginners to the fact that in order to achieve good results in bodybuilding, you should not immediately turn to heavy steroids. We, of course, have not reviewed all the current drugs, but the main part can help achieve certain results without resorting to complex combinations of steroids.
Do not forget that the athlete’s body, which has not yet encountered heavy sports pharmacology, must gradually harden. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to use light pharmacology, gradually preparing the body for serious sporting achievements, if of course they are necessary.

Chemistry for beginners: mistakes

The mistake of almost all beginners is to choose light steroids, and contrary to the recommendations of experts, start taking them immediately with maximum dosages. Remember that long-term abuse of even the most harmless androgenic and anabolic steroids can cause serious and sometimes even irreversible side effects. Women who take even light steroids in doses exceeding the recommendations of specialists may notice signs of virilization, while in athletes abuse can cause side effects progestogenic, estrogenic and androgenic in nature. Of course, experienced athletes can afford to take the drug in a dosage of up to 800 mg per week, this will allow them to achieve specific goals, but a beginner who takes a similar dosage may receive in return serious problems with health, and in some cases, an overdose of sports pharmacology drugs usually leads to fatal consequences.

Welcome to IronSet, a blog about sports and healthy trends. Andrey is a writer and sports consultant who contributes to our blog.

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