Home Hygiene Acupuncture – effective treatment or nonsense? Acupuncture: indications, treatment, benefits and harms, contraindications What not to do after acupuncture.

Acupuncture – effective treatment or nonsense? Acupuncture: indications, treatment, benefits and harms, contraindications What not to do after acupuncture.

Acupuncture, reflexology, acupuncture, acupuncture - these are the names of traditional Chinese treatment methods, which involve influencing certain points of the body through thin needles. Its essence lies in the activation of individual centers that are responsible for organ health and well-being. Now the technique is widespread in cosmetology and various branches of medicine.

What is acupuncture

Acupuncture is a technique that causes a lot of controversy among both patients and doctors. Some believe that it can get rid of the most severe diseases, others are skeptical about it. But there's another group of people who just don't know what are the benefits of acupuncture, therefore they treat it neutrally.

Reflexology is widespread not only in China, but is also actively used in Asia and Europe. The first information about it, according to some scientists, dates back to the Neolithic period, which is confirmed by the corresponding hieroglyphs dating back to the period 1600-1100. BC e.

There are 2 main methods of acupuncture - corporal and auricular. The first involves influencing points throughout the body, the second only on those located on the auricle. The principle of therapeutic action in each one - impact on reflexogenic zones in order to activate them.

Modern techniques are complemented by the use of electric current, which is carried out by needles. This improves the effectiveness of traditional acupuncture. The benefits and harms of this procedure are described sufficiently, but it is important to consider that this is individual for each patient. The technique has contraindications and a number of conditions in which you cannot take risks with traditional Chinese medicine, and it is important to seek emergency medical help.

When a person wants to improve the health of the body, preventive acupuncture is well suited. The benefits and contraindications of the technique will be compared before the procedure to exclude undesirable adverse reactions.

Before resorting to such a technique, you should take into account your state of health, compatibility with other medical procedures and the potential danger from which no one is immune.

Acupuncturists say that by applying needles to individual points, more than 300 diseases can be cured. This technique is considered especially effective for pathologies nervous system, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic diseases of the spine. Reflexology can be used for almost any pathology when it is not in the acute stage. Experts believe that acupuncture can cause harm when the right approach can't, but try it therapeutic effect everyone can.

Often, for chronic incurable diseases of the spine, a vertebrologist recommends manual therapy in combination with acupuncture and massage. Such A complex approach allows you to keep the body in good shape, activating its strength for recovery.

For what pathologies is reflexology most effective:

Acupuncture will be especially useful for the prevention of diseases at the initial stage of their onset. At the same time, emotional and psychological changes in this case, they will be the first signals about the onset of pathological processes.

For what other diseases and disorders can you try acupuncture:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • sexual disorders and various neuroses;
  • blockage of the biliary tract;
  • rheumatic and traumatic joint injuries;
  • hysteria, neurasthenia, professional dyskinesia.

As an auxiliary technique, acupuncture is suitable for residual disorders after stroke and heart attack, multiple sclerosis, and muscular dystrophy. Acupuncture may be considered after polio, for trophic disorders and hypothalamic syndrome.

Contraindications to acupuncture

Some diseases will not allow acupuncture. This is due to the fact that needles, penetrating the skin, damage it and lead to increased blood flow. In certain diseases, this can affect the spread of infection and the enlargement of the pathological focus. Acupuncture is not considered an emergency treatment measure; it gives a delayed result, therefore, in severe conditions that require immediate assistance, the technique is postponed until the recovery period.

Contraindications for acupuncture:

  • pregnancy period (especially the first and last trimester);
  • severe mental disorders;
  • malignant tumors and some benign neoplasms;
  • acute dermatological diseases;
  • cachexia (severe degree of exhaustion of the body).

Any intervention is unacceptable for acute infectious diseases of the skin. Damage to the dermis will lead to spread pathogenic microflora to neighboring areas, and the greatest danger is the migration of pathogenic microorganisms along with blood.

What are the benefits of acupuncture?

A Chinese acupuncturist is able to influence any organ without medication using needles alone. Acupuncture is also popular because it can be combined with other techniques, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by official medicine. This is good because a skeptical attitude can be turned into an experiment by trying acupuncture in parallel with techniques whose effects are more understandable and therefore taken for granted.

There are 3 theories of the effect of acupuncture - capillary, tissue and neuro-reflex.

According to the first theory, the therapeutic effect occurs due to the activation of blood flow through the capillaries under the skin. This leads to improved metabolism. But this theory does not explain the positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Tissue explains the benefits of acupuncture by activating the release of biologically active substances located in damaged cells. They activate the restoration of structures, improving the supply of oxygen and increasing the body's resistance.

The last, neuro-reflex theory is the most popular; according to it, the signal from irritated points is transmitted along nerve fibers to the spinal cord and then to the brain. This leads to the launch of a series of reactions, followed by a hormonal response, increased blood circulation, and the release of active substances.

Many people turn to this technique with diagnoses such as cancer and infertility, when official medicine can't help. The patients are guided by hope and faith. There are many cases where the desired effect was produced not by proven medical procedures, but by oriental healing techniques. This can be called the placebo effect, but it is no longer as significant when an incurable disease is a thing of the past.

Possible harm from the technique

Acupuncture can be both beneficial and harmful. Many factors influence the body's response. These are age, psychological attitude, existing diseases, doctor’s professionalism and much more. Reflexology can be performed between the ages of 3 and 75 years.

Possible harm from the technique concerns the risk of infection during needle insertion. In modern clinics and centers where this service is provided, everything is carried out under sterile conditions, which eliminates infection by 99%. If you turn to a self-taught person or try to carry out the procedure yourself, the risk increases significantly.

When agreeing to acupuncture, you need to make sure that the doctor is licensed and the procedure will take place under sterile conditions with disposable needles. A few days before it, you should switch to a light diet, avoid smoking and alcohol, and drink more clean water. Before the procedure, it is also recommended to consult a therapist and undergo tests, the results of which should be shown to an acupuncturist.

To perform safe and effective acupuncture, the physician must know:

  • what disease it works with, even if the technique involves general improvement;
  • all acupuncture points, of which there are more than 1700, having a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology;
  • how to correctly combine individual points in order to influence a specific organ and system.

Before performing reflexology, your doctor will tell you what you will feel during the procedure and how to make your body as relaxed as possible to get the best results. It is also important to follow all the specialist’s recommendations regarding behavior after treatment.

Before you try the healing approach of ancient Eastern healers, you need to know that there are benefits and harms of acupuncture.

A positive effect on the body comes from the use of an acupuncture needle - irritating factor, acting on nerve endings (synapses, receptors and effectors), thereby triggering a response.

Depending on the depth and technique of needle insertion, the positive side departments of the central nervous system and soft tissue trophism. Acupuncture has the most positive effect on various pathologies of the spine, when the lumbar, cervical and other parts are damaged.

The harm lies in the fact that this procedure has some contraindications and side effects, therefore, only a specialist has the right to prescribe it. The effectiveness of therapy also depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the quality of the instruments themselves. We will learn in this material what you need to know about acupuncture techniques in order to get the maximum benefit and not experience any adverse reactions.

How does acupuncture work?

There are a number of theories that explain the positive healing effects of acupuncture. For example, stabilizing blood flow in small vessels, changing electrical discharge, thermoelectric concept and even hypnosis. But traditional medicine recognizes only the reflex principle of influence.

Acupuncture has the following mechanism: when a needle is inserted, brain structures, as well as nervous and humoral mechanisms, begin to actively function. The response is carried out through the central nervous system. The specialist, being aware of visceral and somatotopic innervation, specifically influences the internal organs of a person.

Each reflex point is responsible for a certain spinal segment or metamer. Therefore, when it is stimulated, a reaction occurs in those segments with which it is most associated. Currently, this principle is called “metameric reflexology”. It has been scientifically proven that the spinal segments are responsible not only for the dermis, but also for the muscles, bones, ligaments, vascular structure and internal organs.

When used correctly, acupuncture, which came to us from the east, is very beneficial for the body because:

  • improves blood circulation, especially in the upper and lower extremities;
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • normalizes hormonal levels and metabolic processes in the body;
  • stabilizes mental condition, stimulating and relaxing parts of the central nervous system;
  • removes excess fluid and relieves swelling;
  • has immunomodulatory and regenerating effects.

The process of pain relief occurs as follows: the nerve impulse from the impact of the needle enters the brain much faster than from the diseased area. The fact is that impulses from diseased organs move along “slow” fibers. When the nerve impulse from acupuncture reaches the brain, it activates interneurons, causing a blockage of areas of the brain that receive signals from damaged organs.

Reviews from many patients indicate that after an acupuncture procedure their overall well-being improves. This is explained by the stimulation of nerve endings related to the endorphinergic system.

They trigger the activation of the production of endorphins, which relax the body.

Indications for the procedure

Since acupuncture affects all structures of the human body, it has a large list of indications. It is worth noting that only the treating specialist prescribes acupuncture sessions.

Organ system Pathology associated with this system
Musculoskeletal system Osteochondrosis (dystrophy of articular cartilage), arthritis, periarthritis, myositis, arthrosis, fractures, scoliosis, bursitis, sprain, heel spur.
Digestive tract Attacks of nausea, gastralgia, dyspepsia, gastroduodenitis, bile stagnation, stomach or duodenal ulcer.
CNS Neuritis, vertebral hernia, nervous tics, neurosis, hysteria, dizziness, radiculitis, neuralgia, neuropathy, migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, urinary incontinence.
The cardiovascular system Impaired heart contractions, heart block, arterial hypotension and hypertension (I and II degrees).
Airways Inflammation of the trachea, chronic laryngitis, bronchial asthma, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Endocrine system Hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis (not acute), hypothalamic syndrome, non-insulin-dependent diabetes.
Visual apparatus Strabismus, sharp deterioration of vision, dysfunction of the eyeball.
Urinary and genital organs Chronic cystitis, nephritis and prostatitis.
Female reproductive organs Ovarian pathologies, unstable menstrual cycle, menopause, infertility caused by changes hormonal levels.
Leather Neurodermatitis, urticaria, eczema of chronic and acute nature, severe itching.

Acupuncture is also used as an additional method of combating excess weight. When a person reaches a turning point and loses willpower, acupuncture normalizes his mental state.

What are the benefits of acupuncture, in addition to the above diseases? The procedure is also used to combat bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse. However, a positive therapeutic effect can only be achieved if the patient himself is motivated.

Despite the large list of indications, acupuncture cannot be used as the main method of treatment. Acupuncture is most effective for diseases of the spine, affecting the lumbar and other parts.

For various pathologies, diet therapy should be followed, medications, surgery, execution physical exercise etc.

How does an acupuncture session take place?

During the procedure, the person must be completely relaxed. To this end, the office of a specialist performing acupuncture should bring a feeling of psychological comfort.

It should play quiet relaxing music that has a positive effect on mental health patients suffering from neuroses, hysteria and other diseases of the central nervous system.

If several procedures are performed in one room, each patient must be provided with a separate fenced couch or individual booth.

At the beginning of acupuncture, the doctor disinfects the person’s skin. Then he installs the needles independently or using a special apparatus into biologically active points. They are selected depending on what disease the patient suffers from.

As a rule, 8 to 10 needles are placed in 1 therapy session. They act on nerve endings in a time range from 20 to 40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the specialist carefully removes the needles from the patient’s skin.

The duration of treatment and its frequency depends on the doctor’s prescription, who takes into account the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient. The average course of acupuncture is 10-12 sessions, which are carried out every day. At chronic diseases a course of therapy is carried out once every 3 months. For pathologies that occur for the first time, one course of acupuncture is sufficient.

According to many reviews, patients report a feeling of relief after undergoing the first acupuncture sessions. Others note that therapeutic effect occurred after several procedures.

Many patients tolerate acupuncture quite easily. The procedure does not cause pronounced pain. When the needle is inserted, unpleasant sensations are noted, which soon cease. However, to a large extent they depend on a person’s sensitivity threshold.

The acupuncture needle has a special structure. Its edge is not sharp, but rounded. When the instrument is inserted, the skin is not pierced, but simply stretched. During the session, the patient may feel light pressure in the acupuncture areas and slight pulsation.

Some people report that during acupuncture they experience feelings such as warmth, itching, various tingling sensations, heaviness, numbness and even electric shock.

Contraindications and side effects

Each medical procedure has a number of contraindications, and acupuncture is no exception.

Firstly, there are age restrictions: acupuncture is prohibited for children under 1 year of age.

This is due to the fact that the baby’s body is not yet fully formed, and his skin is very thin and delicate.

Secondly, absolute contraindications to the use of acupuncture are:

  1. The presence of benign neoplasms and cancer. Activation of blood circulation entails accelerated growth of the tumor.
  2. Hyperthermia. At high temperatures, the mechanisms that have a therapeutic effect are disrupted.
  3. Pathologies infectious nature– sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, purulent diseases, open tuberculosis, AIDS. Acupuncture sessions can provoke further spread of the pathogen.
  4. Pathological pregnancy. The procedures lead to an increase uterine contractions, What's on early stages pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.
  5. Mental disorders. Even with minor pain, the patient's reaction can be unpredictable.
  6. Alcohol poisoning or drug use.
  7. Diseases of the hematopoietic system - hemophilia and leukemia.
  8. Painful sensations of unknown origin.
  9. Autoimmune diseases.

There are also situations in which the doctor decides whether to prescribe the procedure or not. Relative contraindications include:

  • age over 70 years;
  • physical strain and stress;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • menstruation period;
  • polio;
  • dystrophic change in muscle structure;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • damage to the hypothalamus;
  • suffered a stroke.

It is prohibited to prescribe acupuncture in the head and face area in children under 7 years of age. Do not insert the needle into damaged areas of the skin, scars, scars and areas affected by varicose veins.

Sometimes the patient may experience harm from acupuncture. Negative phenomena include:

  1. Pain and bruising in the area where the needle was inserted as a result of damage to blood vessels.
  2. A sharp decline blood pressure, loss of consciousness.
  3. Infection with infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis) that are transmitted through blood due to poor disinfection of medical instruments.
  4. Damage to internal tissues due to improper procedure technique or low qualifications of the doctor.

During the procedure, trauma to moles and keloid scars may occur, which leads to their malignancy.

The human body has a huge resource for self-healing. Even with seemingly incurable diseases, by correctly influencing acupuncture points, you can awaken inner strength and restore health.

Treatment with acupuncture, or acupuncture, acupuncture, is a method of alternative medicine, known to mankind since ancient times. One of the world's museums houses an ancient Egyptian papyrus, which is a diagram showing points for reflex action. The age of the find is over 3500 years.

China is considered to be the birthplace of acupuncture, although in Tibet, Nepal and India, similar treatment was probably practiced even earlier. But it was Chinese healers who began to widely apply and improve the basics of Zhen-Jiu - as they themselves call needle treatment.

The healing effect of acupuncture

Chinese doctors are convinced that the vital energy qi circulates inside a person through special channels - meridians. If there is an obstacle to the movement of this energy, this leads to illness. By influencing reflex points, the acupuncturist removes obstacles and restores the natural flow of qi.

Medicine, recognizing the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment, finds other explanations for this, based on scientific and pseudo-scientific knowledge of physiology. This is how various theories and hypotheses appear.

Tissue, or “necrohormone theory”

In 1942, the doctor Petragnani suggested that when a needle is inserted into the tissues of the skin and muscles, the cells located around them are destroyed, with the release of biologically active substances - necrohormones. These protein breakdown products have an active stimulating effect on the entire body and especially on the affected organs, encouraging them to accelerate regeneration.

Petragnani's followers considered acupuncture as nonspecific microprotein therapy, since protein breakdown products are absorbed at the site of the area injured by the needle. Experts who currently share this theory believe that this biostimulation effect is associated with the reflex action of the autonomic nervous system.

Capillary theory

It is believed that during the process of acupuncture there is a reflex change in the local capillary blood flow in the skin and muscle tissue. Thus, gas exchange between blood and tissues is accelerated, waste products of cells are eliminated faster and, as a result, local pain reactions are eliminated. The larger the vascular branch, the greater the impact on the body that can be exerted by targeted manipulations around it. Thus, the maximum effect comes from exposure to areas of the skin under which large vessels, nerve trunks and plexuses pass. At the same time, critics of the theory point out its limitations: they believe that it is impossible to explain examples of treatment of internal organs by influencing the capillary bed of the skin.

Vegetative-reflex theory

Domestic physiologists have identified the role autonomic reflexes- responses to irritation by the needle point. In particular, Professor Alexander Shcherbak considered the skin as a receptor organ, abundantly supplied with autonomic nerve endings. He developed a theory about intravegetative reflexes connecting the skin with internal organs and vegetative centers. Correct impact on acupuncture points allows you to “reach” the diseased organ and help it.

Other hypotheses are no less common. For example, about the stimulation of “fast” sensitive nerve fibers by a needle. An impulse sent to the brain activates inhibitory interneurons and thus blocks the sensation of pain that comes from the affected organ. This explains the analgesic effect of needles, which some patients feel from the first sessions. According to another version, the analgesic effect can be achieved by influencing the nerve endings related to the endorphinergic system and leading to the production of endorphins by the pituitary gland. The so-called pleasure hormones have a pronounced analgesic effect, as a result of which the functioning of the nervous system is restored and the general condition of the body improves.

The method of magnetic resonance therapy and Doppler sonography confirms that placing needles at certain points increases blood supply to the areas of the brain that regulate the functioning of certain organs.

In addition, doctors do not exclude the placebo effect: in their opinion, the patient believes that this therapy will benefit him, thus setting the body up for a positive result.

Indications for acupuncture

Chinese healers consider acupuncture to be a cure for 250 ailments. Using the finest needles, they offer to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems.

For neuritis (Bell's palsy) and facial nerve paresis acupuncture treatment may be prescribed as an adjunct to drug therapy. This is a serious neurological disease in which a person cannot control facial muscles, it becomes difficult for him to open his mouth and eat food. An inflamed nerve can distort the face and make it asymmetrical.

Acupuncture is indicated for treatment osteochondrosis- chronic disease of the spine caused by flattening of the intervertebral discs. Deformed discs put pressure on the spinal cord roots and autonomic nerves, causing pain and spasms, numbness in the hands, loss of coordination, and headaches. This leads to the formation of muscle blockades of the intervertebral discs - a painful condition for the patient. The use of acupuncture can significantly reduce pain, and in many cases, stop it altogether.

Treatment with acupuncture is also relevant for problems with the digestive system: for gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and gastroduodenitis. Acupuncture also helps alleviate dyskinetic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, restore motor, trophic and secretory function stomach, get rid of diarrhea and constipation. Impact on biologically active points helps relieve spasm of the esophagus and eliminate intestinal colic, bloating, reduce vomiting reactions. In addition, the use of Zhen Chiu methods helps to minimize the manifestations of exacerbation chronic diseases digestive tract.

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system- the most obvious indication for acupuncture treatment, since the needles act on nerve endings. Acupuncture is considered a real salvation for trigeminal neuralgia, neurasthenia, neuroses, psychasthenia, insomnia, and migraines. A pinched nerve due to a hernia can also be treated with acupuncture. Also, acupuncture relieves neuralgic pain due to sciatica, lumbago, radiculitis, and protrusion.

In addition, acupuncture treatment is used for arthrosis and arthritis: it promotes the regeneration of joint tissue. Acupuncture eases the flow cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system and increases body tone, alleviates gout, reduces toothache. This method corrects strabismus, acupuncture is used for obesity, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Exposure to needles blocks inflammatory processes in bronchitis, cystitis, cholecystitis, prostatitis, reduces autoimmune manifestations such as atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema.

Of course, like any therapy, acupuncture can be most effective in the early stages of the disease, when functional disorders in the functioning of organs are minimal. However, the method is also used for advanced forms of diseases, achieving positive results- you just have to be patient.


Acupuncture - medical procedure, which means it has a number of contraindications.

Absolute contraindications to acupuncture treatment are:

  • Availability benign or malignant neoplasms . Acupuncture improves blood circulation and therefore can trigger the activation of tumor cells.
  • Purulent inflammation, AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. Acupuncture can help spread infection in the body.
  • Mental disorders, state of narcotic or alcohol intoxication . Such people are not able to follow all the doctor's instructions.
  • Age up to one year, because skin small children are very thin.

The list of relative contraindications includes multiple sclerosis, poliomyelitis, epilepsy, and stroke. It is not always possible to treat children under five years of age and elderly people over 70 years of age: it all depends on individual characteristics body. Pregnancy is not a limitation for the procedure, however final decision The acupuncturist accepts it only after examining the patient. It is not recommended to place needles in areas where there are wounds, scars, dilated due to varicose veins, or moles.

It is not advisable to undergo a course of acupuncture treatment during severe physical fatigue and psychological stress: the effect on an energetically depleted body will not bring the desired effect.

Preparation for the procedure and its implementation

Acupuncture does not require special preparation. But there are several recommendations. So, it is advisable to visit an acupuncturist an hour or two after eating; eating spicy and spicy foods is not recommended. Before the procedure, you should not expose yourself to overheating or hypothermia. If the patient is undergoing any treatment in parallel with acupuncture, the doctor must be informed about this before the session begins.

Depending on the disease, the patient may be offered a lying or sitting position. For example, the doctor will ask you to sit down if needles need to be installed in the head, face or back area. If you need to reduce pain in the affected area or, conversely, restore sensitivity, a specialist can massage it. Then the doctor should thoroughly clean the area where the needles were inserted with alcohol. During the session, the patient needs to relax his muscles as much as possible, not move and monitor his sensations. If after the injection he feels dizzy or nauseated, he should immediately inform the doctor about this - the session may be terminated.

On a note Acupuncture needles are either single-use or reusable. The material can be used steel, silver and gold. The minimum needle length is a little more than a centimeter, the maximum is about 20 centimeters, the diameter is from 0.25 to 1 millimeter. When choosing a needle, insertion depth and exposure time, the specialist is guided by physiological characteristics patient and treatment goals.

The entire procedure, from insertion of the first needle to removal of the last needle, takes about 30–60 minutes. As a rule, after the session, the doctor recommends that the patient not move for another five to ten minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to refrain from performing physical work and do not overload your mind with solving complex problems.

Many traditional Chinese methods treatments, in particular acupuncture, are officially recognized by WHO. Thus, it has been confirmed that acupuncture has a positive effect on pain of various origins, with dislocations and sprains, with rheumatoid arthritis, liver and renal colic, allergic rhinitis, as well as depression, including depressive neurosis and depression after a stroke. Acupuncture is also used in pregnant women: to prepare the body for childbirth and to correct abnormal fetal position. And this is not a complete list.

Thursday, 08/29/2019

Editorial opinion

Be sure to pay attention to how seriously the acupuncturist takes hygiene rules: unsterile needles, poorly disinfected treatment areas, dirty towels can lead to infection.

Acupuncture is one of those healing methods that are not fully understood, due to which it is surrounded by countless myths. There are those who believe that with the help of needles, specialists are able to perform a miracle and cope even with an incurable disease. There are also people who do not believe in the effectiveness of this method at all, believing that it does not bring any benefit. At the same time, the facts tell us that today acupuncture is a recognized therapeutic method that has strictly designated indications and contraindications. What is this branch of medicine, what is the cost of the procedure and how real is the positive effect - you can find out from this article.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is called variously: acupuncture, acupuncture and acupuncture. Its essence lies in the impact of the finest needles on special biologically active points, of which the human body has quite a lot.

This is interesting!
The specific time of origin of acupuncture is not known exactly. However, some scientists believe that a similar procedure was carried out using especially sharpened stones, starting from the Neolithic. The hieroglyphs found telling about this treatment method are dated by archaeologists to 1600–1100. BC e. Today, acupuncture is popular not only within China, but is also widely used in Asian and European countries.

The duration of an acupuncture session depends on indicators such as:

  • type of impact points;
  • disease;
  • needle installation technique.

The duration of the procedure sometimes reaches an hour. The sensations that accompany the procedure differ from different people, and in one person during different sessions. The process of inserting a needle usually turns out to be absolutely painless, but it also happens that the patient feels pressure, bloating, slight soreness and even itching at the injection site. Any of these reactions is considered normal. Most often, acupuncture sessions do not cause much discomfort in patients, up to complete relaxation, as a result of which some people even have time to take a nap during the treatment process. There is no reason to be afraid of this treatment method.

Types of acupuncture

Acupuncture is divided into corporal and auricular types. The first involves influencing points throughout the body. In the second, knowledge about the reflexogenic zones that are located on the auricle is used. It happens that these two types are opposed to each other, although in fact the acupuncturist needs to master both types of techniques. At the same time, there is an opinion that even within the framework of one treatment course, one technique can be supplemented with another to achieve maximum effect.

It is important to note that there are different variations of needles used in acupuncture. Their choice is determined by the impact zone. High quality metal is used in the manufacture of corporal needles, and surgical stainless steel is used for auricular needles. Needles can be either disposable or reusable; in addition, gold and silver needles are sometimes used.

Sometimes acupuncture is accompanied by the application of electric current using needles as conductors. In addition, together with the installation of needles, the following methods of influence are used:

  • cauterization;
  • warming up;
  • pressure on reflexogenic points;
  • use of substances that can cause irritation;
  • other manipulation options.

These methods are not considered acupuncture, although they have a similar principle of influence.

According to Chinese acupuncturists, acupuncture can cure many ailments of various kinds (more than 250 different types diseases). Among those susceptible to cure are attributed:

  • diseases of the nervous system, including paresis of the facial nerve and osteochondrosis;
  • malfunctions digestive organs, heart muscle, kidneys.

Some people turn to acupuncture as a “last resort” after traditional medicine fails to treat their condition. This position cannot be considered correct due to the fact that the greatest effect of acupuncture is achievable when applied to it in early period development of the disease, before deviations in the functioning of organs have time to provoke organic changes in them.

The works of Eastern scientists claim that any disorders that occur in the body, excluding traumatic ones, occur as a result of a prolonged malfunction of specific organs. Such subtle disruptions, including those of a psychological and emotional nature, can develop over many years. They can be considered the primary indicators of disease. Only at this stage can acupuncture achieve maximum effectiveness, as well as prevent the development of diseases and irreparable changes in organs.

Contraindications for acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture cannot cure everything, it cannot cope with all diseases. Acupuncture is just one of the official treatment methods, albeit a rather specific one. This indicates the presence of contraindications for use, such as, for example, high body temperature or any type of infectious disease.

Acupuncture is not a first aid remedy applicable to people with diseases of the abdominal organs occurring in acute form, including appendicitis, acute pancreatitis or various types of injuries, including fractures - acupuncture can do little to help with them. In these circumstances, it is necessary to urgently contact surgeons, and only after that, during recovery period, it is permissible to consult an acupuncturist.

The pregnancy period is also not considered best time to use this treatment method, especially in the later stages.

When applied to children under seven years of age, as well as to people of advanced age, this method is much less effective than for the average age group.

There is also no positive effect when oncological diseases, refuting the myths about the miraculousness of this technique.

Modern medicine has stopped disputing the positive effects of acupuncture on human health. This is undoubtedly due to the numerous reviews of patients satisfied with the treatment, but, in addition, it is confirmed by the results of recognized clinical studies.

During 2006, at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientists carried out work to study the therapeutic role of acupuncture in relation to diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, connective tissues, respiratory, nervous and genitourinary systems. Many indicators were studied, including analysis of the components of blood cells, their oxidation abilities and biochemical indicators, the results of ultrasound examinations, and monitoring of blood pressure levels. As a result, the study proved the significant effectiveness of acupuncture, which ultimately had a success rate of 80 - 91%.

Other researchers are also working on similar works. The achievements of these studies are actively discussed at international scientific conferences. However, the question of the mechanisms that trigger recovery processes as a result of acupuncture still does not have a clear answer and causes controversy among scientists.

There are about 20 different theories born after certain studies, clinical, biochemical or immunohistochemical in nature.

Thus, the capillary theory states that the effective effects of acupuncture are directly related to the fact that the installation of needles stimulates the activation and restoration of blood flow moving through the capillaries located under the skin. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the mutual blood exchange between the skin and tissues. The disadvantages of this version include its inability to explain the positive effects received by internal organs.

Tissue theory suggests that from placing the needle at the level upper layers skin, activation of the release of biologically active substances located in damaged cells and tissues occurs. Thanks to these substances, the body is stimulated, leading to the activation of pressure and the restoration process in cells, the passage of oxygen through tissues improves and the body’s resistance to external negative influences increases.

This is interesting!
To confirm the tissue theory, a full-scale study was conducted in 2010. Before facelift surgery, specialists (with the patients' permission) inserted acupuncture needles into reflexogenic points on the face, then took skin samples to determine the content and distribution of a substance called histamine. These manipulations actually served to increase histamine levels; in addition, there was a difference in its distribution throughout different skin structures.

The neuro-reflex theory has achieved maximum popularity among scientists today, suggesting that from irritation of points located in a certain way on the skin area, a stimulus is transmitted through nerve fibers to the spinal cord. And then - to special parts of the brain. As a result, all this triggers a complex chain of reactions, including changes in blood circulation, as well as causing the release of biologically active substances and obtaining a hormonal response. Among other things, a certain amount of endorphins, also called “happiness hormones,” is produced. They, in turn, have a positive effect on the emotional component of the condition and on reducing the perception of pain. The study of nervous, biochemical and electrical reactions that occur as a result of the impact of needles on reflex points continues to this day. The difficulty of establishing unambiguous patterns is associated with the complexity of the biophysical system that the human body represents.

The skillful hands of a sufficiently qualified specialist are the key to the success of an acupuncture procedure. In such conditions, this treatment modality is valuable for those who have functional disorders.

If the acupuncturist is not sufficiently qualified, the result of acupuncture may be disastrous; at best, there will be no benefit, and at worst, harm to health will be caused.

  1. In settings where reusable needles are not sterilized and are used on different patients, there is a high risk of serious infection. infectious disease or development inflammatory process. It is for this reason that it is necessary to pay attention to the storage conditions of the needles before agreeing to carry out the procedure.
  2. No less important is the correct selection of points for proper treatment, otherwise the effect will not be therapeutic at all. Here, any mistake threatens both the loss of a significant amount of money in the hope of improving health, and a violation of the condition of blood vessels, nerve endings, and reflexogenic zones, provided that the basic norms for installing needles are not followed. To achieve the maximum effect from treatment, the acupuncturist should meet some important conditions.

First of all, it should be noted that the diagnosis must be made correctly. In this case, it is allowed to use the gifts of traditional medicine, which allows you to undergo a fairly detailed preliminary examination. Do not neglect the results of blood tests, ultrasound and MRI. In addition, the traditional diagnostic technique widely used in China can be used. The key to correctly selecting an acupuncture regimen can be a simple diagnosis based on the pulse and the condition of the tongue. The choice of method for obtaining information about the patient’s health status is determined individually by a specialist who needs to know exactly the anatomy and location of all 1,700 acupuncture points.

A doctor with the appropriate qualifications will cope with this task without difficulty, because most of the points are associated with landmarks of anatomical origin, which include the exit points of nerves, blood vessels, and some muscle and tendon areas. In addition, there is a special device that can also be used to easily determine their position.

The most difficult condition for a successful session is the correct combination of acupuncture points that require action for a specific diagnosis. Unorganized influence on the points, including if they are “indicated” in the treatment of an existing disease, will not help to bring the cure closer. Throughout the session, it is very important to follow many conditions and rules of acupuncture. This is precisely the reason that competent acupuncture on the human body can only be carried out with sufficient qualifications, that is, a specialist must undergo a long and comprehensive course of training.

Cost of acupuncture service

Many people are surprised that with a fairly short duration of the “needling treatment” session, its cost can be quite high, because the procedure does not require the use of expensive medications or medical equipment. In fact, the price of the service is determined by the qualifications of the acupuncturist. For example, training in acupuncture in China takes place over several years and requires basic medical education. This time should be enough for a detailed study of the topography of acupuncture points, the theory of meridians, the principles of combining points, and the technique of placing needles. The learning process is carried out exclusively on a full-time basis, and therefore entails time and financial costs. Of course, training courses for a period of three months do not compare with the quality of training in the traditional style conducted at universities in China.

Based on the above, we can conclude that when choosing a clinic, you should evaluate not the cost of services, but the level of qualifications of acupuncturists. On average, the duration of an acupuncture course is about 10–15 procedures. In fewer sessions it is usually not possible to achieve the required level therapeutic effect. If we consider various Moscow clinics, then we should focus on the amount of 15,000–55,000 rubles per course. It is advisable to repeat the procedures 2-3 times at intervals of several months.

Video: acupuncture - what it treats and how it works

If you want to use acupuncture or acupuncture for treatment, the benefits and harms of this procedure must be carefully analyzed and weighed. In China, this method has been successfully used for about 5,000 years; the opinions of European scientists are contradictory. As with any method of healing, it is important that the patient fully trusts both the specialist and the technique, is confident in his recovery and really wants it.

What is the meaning of the effect of needles on the skin?

In the countries of the ancient East, the healing system was directly related to philosophy. Healers believed that for the body to function normally, Qi energy must flow well and unhindered through special channels. If its flow to any organ is too great, inflammation occurs; if it is insufficient, the system weakens and does not work well.

There are points on the human body where energy meridians come close to the surface of the skin. A small injection with a thin needle to a depth of no more than 3 mm is enough to adjust the flow strength, weaken or strengthen the filling of the channel with Qi energy. It is important to know the exact location of the impact site: make a mistake by a few millimeters and the flow will go in a different direction.

The modern explanation for the improvement in health caused by needle injections is as follows: when nerve endings are irritated, a reflex reaction occurs. The body responds to the impact by increasing activity various systems. Tissue nutrition is enhanced, protective reserves are mobilized. Similar reactions occur when receiving a massage or walking barefoot on a rocky beach.

There are other theories: bioelectric resonance, thermal homeostasis, effects on the patient’s consciousness. Most likely, all these factors act in combination, and the result is healing effect. The patient’s attitude towards the procedure is also important: self-hypnosis can work wonders, the placebo effect is known to all doctors.

How to get the most out of your treatments

Choose the right point using pictures or medical reference books, without sufficient experience it is impossible. In the East, specialists have been studying this art for many years. They take into account age, gender, health status, and even the time at which the procedures are performed. A lot of charlatans have appeared in Russia who have downloaded layout diagrams from various sources. energy centers and they think that this is enough to open a clinic. Find a specialist who actually knows the technique, has official document and will do everything as needed.

During the first conversation, pay attention to what emotions the doctor himself and his recommendations evoke in you. If you want to immediately leave and never come back, do so. Even if you ended up with the most brilliant professional, but without a trusting contact and a good attitude towards working together, nothing good will come of it. Look for another specialist or another technique.

If you decide to undergo a course of treatment, make sure that the effect is maximum. A lot depends on you too, do not neglect simple recommendations.

  1. If you are undergoing other procedures, inform your acupuncturist about them and agree on the time of the sessions.
  2. Tell your doctor when your period begins so that he can reschedule the procedure or use a technique that is appropriate for your condition.
  3. Do not go to the center on an empty stomach or after a large lunch. Eat a couple of hours before your session.
  4. Take a blanket or warm jacket with you. If the office is cold, the effectiveness of the treatment will decrease.

How does the session work?

It can say a lot about the clinic and the doctor. treatment room. Where patients are treated with respect, the entire environment should promote peace of mind and good mood. There are no scary posters or instruments reminiscent of the Inquisition on display. In order not to embarrass patients, each treatment couch is located in a separate booth or behind a thick screen. If music is playing, it should be quiet, pleasant and light. Prison chanson, tragic romances and hard rock are inappropriate here.

Do not be surprised if the doctor places needles on a completely different part of the body than the affected organ. The impulses from the injections do not go directly to the joint or stomach, but through the nerve endings they enter the brain, and our main command organ sends the necessary signal to the diseased system.

What happens when skin is pricked

European and Russian doctors have adopted the experience of Eastern healers. The doctor looks for points associated with the diseased organ and acts on them with needle injections. Only disposable sterile instruments are used, the procedure time depends on the method of exposure.

There are different ways:

  • acupuncture - exposure to needles a short time, no more than an hour;
  • microneedling – installation of small needles that can remain in the skin for several days;
  • auriculotherapy - injections of energy centers located on the ears.

The needle pricks the skin, the pain impulse instantly enters the brain, which begins to produce hormones that reduce sensitivity. At the same time, the blood supply to the damaged organ is activated, and nerve impulses are sent to it, triggering the regeneration system.

Another advantage of this method should be noted: the needles only look sharp, but in fact the tip has a rounded shape. When the procedures are carried out correctly, the skin is not injured, but slightly moves apart, allowing the tip to pass through. There should be no wounds - if you notice droplets of blood, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Benefits of acupuncture for the body

When exposed to special points, impulses travel to the organs lying on this meridian. Vital work is activated important systems, a person notices an improvement in well-being. The big advantage is that no drugs that have side effects enter the bloodstream; the body’s own defenses are mobilized for recovery.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the beneficial effects are felt after the first session. Under the influence of injections, the body reflexively responds with the following changes:

  • protective forces are strengthened;
  • hormone production is activated;
  • metabolic processes improve;
  • blood supply to blood vessels improves;
  • pain is reduced;
  • inflammation and swelling are relieved.

Indications for procedures

Good specialists use acupuncture to treat any disease. Sometimes, with the help of acupuncture, even hopeless patients who were abandoned by official medicine recover. But it’s not easy to find such a professional; there are only a few of them.

The technique is used in certified medical centers. Qualified doctors determine the treatment regimen.

Often procedures are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • disorders in the nervous system;
  • headache, migraine;
  • pain in the spine;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • liver pathologies;
  • improper metabolism;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • poor immunity;
  • injuries;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • sexual disorders;
  • pathologies in the respiratory organs
  • allergies;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco addiction.

The procedures must be carried out by a competent specialist who himself sees the source of the problem. It's no use just taking it off headache, if the patient has cervical osteochondrosis, the relief will not last long. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the discomfort; this is the professionalism of the healer. Ask him in as much detail as possible why you feel discomfort, what systems are not working correctly. If he does not give an accurate answer, then the treatment will most likely be ineffective.

When acupuncture can be harmful

With this method of treatment, the patient should not assume that the doctor will do everything, but that he is an ordinary client who only pays money. In order for the treatment to produce results, you must comply with all the specialist’s requirements. For example, during the course you cannot:

  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • engage in sports or work involving heavy physical exertion;
  • eat fatty and;
  • accept water treatments after the session.

When you undergo acupuncture, the benefits and harms depend not only on the physician, but also on you. Be sure to tell your doctor everything about your condition. Any little thing can cause your condition to worsen. Don't forget to let us know if you have:

  • temperature;
  • cold;
  • menstruation;
  • course of treatment with medications;
  • any other ailments.

The specialist will decide for himself whether it is necessary to carry out the procedures, or will select a gentle scheme. If during a session there is strong pain, tell your doctor right away. Perhaps it's a matter of individual hypersensitivity to pain or other problems. In most cases, the discomfort is minor and patients can easily tolerate it. A slight burning sensation, numbness or drowsiness is not a sign harmful effects procedures, after the session they go quickly.

When performing acupuncture at home or using the services of an unqualified specialist, it is possible to introduce infection into the wounds. It is especially dangerous if it is not a disposable kit that is used, but instruments used to treat several patients. In this case, both hepatitis and AIDS can be transmitted. If an illiterate doctor places needles on moles or scars, there is a risk of neoplasms. Such acupuncture will definitely bring harm, not benefit.

If you are suspicious and even when visiting a good medical center If you are afraid of infection, purchase and bring your own set of disposable needles.

Often people come to the centers who want to get rid of excess weight. A good specialist will not just conduct a course of procedures, but will teach you how to eat properly. Don't go for acupuncture if you hope that you can lead your previous lifestyle and the needles themselves will rid you of fat: it doesn't happen. In addition to dietary restrictions, we must not forget about physical education and massage, otherwise stretched skin will sag in unsightly folds.

With the right approach, the results are impressive. More than 7 kg are lost in a month. There are techniques that can help you lose weight faster, but such drastic changes are often harmful to your health. If you notice that the kilograms are disappearing at a tremendous speed, tell your doctor about this; such a symptom may be a signal that there is a malfunction somewhere in the body.

Benefits for women and men

Many women's problems arise due to hormonal imbalances. Irregular menstrual cycles, discomfort during menopause, and the inability to become pregnant and bear a child often occur due to an excess or deficiency of special enzymes. Impact on certain points causes the glands to produce female hormones in the required quantities, the ovaries begin to produce eggs capable of fertilization, the uterus is ready to receive them.

Sexual impotence and male infertility in most cases arise for similar reasons. Sometimes obesity or metabolic disorders lead to sexual problems. Acupuncture can correct all these disorders. Representatives of the stronger sex themselves should reconsider their lifestyle. If they do not get rid of stress, work without rest or abuse alcohol, no procedures will return them to full potency.


When you come to your first appointment, be sure to tell the doctor about all the features of your body and health condition. A good specialist will decide whether you need acupuncture; the benefits and harms of this procedure will also be taken into account by him. There are not many contraindications to acupuncture sessions, but a competent specialist will analyze all the factors and the state of the body as a whole and decide which path to choose. He may offer a more gentle regimen or advise you to come after a while and first undergo treatment with other methods.

If a specialist categorically refuses to carry out procedures, do not look for workarounds. Acupuncture is not right for you, but there are many other techniques that will help without harming the body. This ban especially applies to children under one year old, who are at risk of damage to their delicate skin.

Contraindications are:

  • oncology;
  • some skin diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe exhaustion;
  • in some cases, needles are not recommended for benign tumors;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • serious mental problems.

If changes in heart rate, nausea, or dizziness occur, it is better to interrupt the procedure. Such phenomena do not always mean that treatment is contraindicated for you; perhaps a bad specialist placed the needles incorrectly.

It is impossible to decide which treatment method is better; for each specific case, you need to select the treatment method individually. Relax, throw out all the advice of friends and neighbors from your head and think about what your heart is most passionate about: acupuncture, medicinal herbs. Your intuition should tell you the right path. When choosing a healing method, first consult with your doctor. If he doesn't mind, don't self-medicate, find good specialist. Only with this approach will treatment give good results.

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