Home Pulpitis Pain after renal colic. How to relieve an attack of renal colic at home

Pain after renal colic. How to relieve an attack of renal colic at home

Quite often, patients learn about such a diagnosis as urolithiasis at the time of the onset of renal colic syndrome, with which they are admitted to the hospital by ambulance.

As a rule, until the formed stone moves through the urinary tract, the pathological process is completely asymptomatic. Although the patient’s body is already experiencing quite severe metabolic disorders, patients do not even realize that they have stones and do not know what renal colic is.

Renal colic is a symptom complex that has a clear clinical picture happening, characterized by a severe attack of pain in the patient and changes in his urinary sediment (traces of blood, pathological impurities, etc. appear in the urine).

This condition is observed in people of different genders and age groups. In children and pregnant women, renal colic is quite severe, which requires a special approach from the doctor for relief. pain syndrome.

Renal colic, as a rule, is unbearable and begins suddenly (against the background of complete well-being). They completely deprive a person of his ability to work for a certain period of time, and if treatment is delayed, they can cause serious and dangerous complications.

Main reasons

In order for an attack of colic to develop, there must be a disturbance in the outflow of urine, which leads to a reflex spasm of the smooth muscle fibers of the ureter and the appearance of a strong pain impulse in the cerebral cortex.

Stagnation of urine increases the pressure gradient in the collecting apparatus of the affected kidney, which disrupts the processes of microcirculation and venous outflow in it. There is an increase in the parenchymal component of the organ and stretching of the capsule rich in nerve endings. This significantly increases the pain and worsens the patient's well-being.

The causes of renal colic in more than 90% of cases are associated with the formation of stones at different stages of the urinary tract. It is this disease that urological doctors most often have to deal with. The process is based on metabolic disorders, which leads to stone formation from urates, oxalates and other substances.

Among the predisposing factors, one way or another, influencing the onset of ICD, it is necessary to highlight:

  • genetic predisposition to metabolic disorders (more than half of the cases);
  • work associated with heavy physical exertion or intense sports that lead to dehydration;
  • improper diet, small amount of fluid consumed during the day;
  • congenital defects of the urinary tract, leading to pathological stagnation of urine, etc.

An attack of renal colic can be triggered by any inflammatory process in the collecting apparatus of the kidney, in which the urine output is disrupted due to a clot of pus that has closed the lumen of the duct (for example, against the background of acute pyelonephritis or an exacerbation of its chronic form).

Destructive changes in the tissues of one or both kidneys can also cause the onset of sudden pain. This is observed during cancerous degeneration of an organ or a tuberculous process in it.

Against the background of oncology, normal tissues and walls of blood vessels are destroyed, which often leads to the closure of the lumen of the ureter or urethra with tumor fragments

Severe traumatic effects on the organ (can cause a blood clot to escape into the lumen of the urinary tract and block it, for example, when falling from a height).

Compression of the ureters or urethra from the outside (growing oncological processes in the pelvis, massive hematoma, etc.).


As a rule, the initial manifestations of the process go unnoticed by the patient (if we are talking about the formation of stones). It is extremely rare that they pay attention to the fact that in the area of ​​the kidneys there is sometimes colitis or aching for no reason, until the disease begins to progress.

Typical and most clear symptom the process that has begun – intense, more often unbearable pain, which occurs suddenly and is paroxysmal in nature (sometimes preceded by intense physical activity).

The pain is localized on the side of the ureteral blockage or excretory duct from the collecting apparatus

The pain syndrome forces the patient to rush around in bed in search of the most comfortable position that can reduce the pain, however, these attempts are in vain. They are very excited and moan during the attack.

If the calculus is localized in the lumen of the urethra, then the pain in the lower abdomen is diffuse. Dysuric disorders appear and the process of emptying the bladder is disrupted. Patients complain of pain when urinating, and the desire to urinate becomes painful and constant.

A characteristic symptom of the process is the presence of blood in the urinary sediment (hematuria), the appearance of which is noted by the patient himself, because, as a rule, it is visible to the naked eye

Irradiation of pain to the genitals, different parts of the abdomen, and rectum is characteristic, which is accompanied by a painful urge to empty the bowel. Intestinal bloating may occur, simulating the clinical picture of an acute abdomen.

At the peak of pain, attacks of nausea and vomiting appear, which do not relieve the symptoms and do not bring relief to the patient. If the temperature rises to febrile levels or higher, then this is direct evidence of the addition of bacterial flora, which can threaten the patient with a number of serious complications.

When the stone passes spontaneously, the pain syndrome ends as suddenly as it began, which indicates the restoration of the outflow of urine.

Renal colic in children and pregnant women

Treatment of pathology in this category of patients is carried out only in a specialized hospital.

In children, stone formation is usually caused by poor diet and genetic predisposition. During pregnancy, processes that were previously latent are often activated, including urolithiasis.

Renal colic during pregnancy is often mistaken for the onset of premature labor, especially if it occurs in the last stages, as a result of which the woman is mistakenly hospitalized in the maternity hospital. If disturbances in the outflow of urine are observed in young children, then making a diagnosis can also cause difficulties, since children cannot always explain what exactly is bothering them.

When choosing an anesthetic for renal colic in children and pregnant women, preference is given to the safest antispasmodics that are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly (for example, No-shpa).


An unfavorable outcome is observed if the treatment of renal colic is delayed for one reason or another (for example, for a painfully long time he tried to stop pain attacks by taking large doses of painkillers and did not consult a doctor).

Complications of the process include:

  • inflammation of one or both kidneys (obstructive pyelonephritis);
  • cicatricial deformities of the affected ureter (development of strictures in it);
  • septic condition of the patient (urosepsis) and others.

Scar narrowing of the lumen of the ureter can only be restored through surgical intervention

Diagnostic principles

When a patient is admitted to a hospital, the doctor must very carefully collect his medical history. To do this, a question is asked about the presence of similar symptoms previously both in the patient himself and in his relatives (family history).

Subjective complaints are assessed, because on their basis it is possible to exclude a number of other pathological processes. The characteristics of pain, their exact localization and irradiation, what provokes them, and what, on the contrary, helps relieve renal colic, are asked in detail.

When examining a patient, the doctor palpates the abdomen and pelvic organs. There is sharp pain on the side of the lesion, that is, in the place where the lumen of the ureter or urethra is blocked. The stomach is usually tense. When you tap on the lumbar region, a sharp pain occurs.

The main importance in differential diagnosis is given to methods of laboratory and instrumental research.

All patients are prescribed:

  • blood test (general and biochemical);
  • urine analysis and Nechiporenko test;
  • plain X-ray and excretory (intravenous) urography;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and urinary tract;
  • CT or MRI of the urinary tract;
  • other studies as indicated (diagnostic laparoscopy, etc.).

The presence of kidney stones can be diagnosed using X-ray and ultrasound methods.

Principles of differential diagnosis

Unfortunately, there are no pathognomonic symptoms characteristic only of an attack of acute colic, so the process must be differentiated from a number of other diseases.

Below is a list of the main diseases that occur with symptoms reminiscent of renal colic:

  • acute processes in the abdominal organs (inflammation of the appendix, acute cholecystitis or pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum with perforation, intestinal obstruction);
  • acute processes in the pelvic organs in women (inflammation fallopian tubes or ovaries, ectopic pregnancy and tubal rupture, torsion cystic formation and necrosis of its legs and others);
  • inflammation of the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis and others);
  • pathological processes of organs of cardio-vascular system(attack of myocardial infarction, dissecting aortic aneurysm);
  • pain syndrome associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis of the thoracic or lumbar regions spine, prolapsed hernia and others).

Each of these conditions requires a thorough laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient.

If sudden pain occurs, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible, which will send the patient to the hospital for further examination and specialized treatment.

It’s worth saying what you can’t do with renal colic:

  • trying to relieve pain on your own for a long time discomfort, taking huge doses of analgesic drugs from different pharmacological groups;
  • warm the area of ​​greatest pain if you are not sure that the cause of the symptoms is related to the movement of the stone. Before arrival medical team you should do the following:
  • you need to calm down as much as possible and try to breathe deeply with each attack of pain;
  • find home first aid kit(analgesics and antispasmodics, or a combination of them, for example, Baralgin, will help temporarily relieve an unbearable attack of renal colic).

You can also take 2 tablets of No-shpa or Drotoverine. If there is a person in the family with medical education, then their intramuscular administration is recommended.

When none of the above-described remedies are in the first aid kit, then a Nitroglycerin tablet is used as pain relief, which is taken under the tongue until it is completely dissolved (cannot be chewed or washed down with water).

Specialized emergency therapy

To maximize short time To reduce the severity of pain, all drugs are administered intravenously, if this is not possible, intramuscularly.

Among the most common and effective painkillers are Ketorol, Diclofenac, Tramadol, Baralgin M and others.

Before the doctor begins to relieve an attack of colic, it is necessary to tell him in detail about all the drugs and their dosages that were taken previously

Antispasmodics for renal colic help fight the spastic component of the pathological condition, so their prescription is mandatory (No-shpa, Platyfillin, Papaverine and others).

Treatment of renal colic in the hospital

When a patient is admitted to a specialized department, the basis of treatment for the patient is painkillers and antispasmodics. This continues until the stone passes or until the patient feels better.

If a patient experiences complications of an infectious nature due to the addition of bacterial agents, adequate antibacterial therapy is mandatory. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the microflora, which is sown in urine tests (protected penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides and others).

All patients are prescribed a salt-free diet, and all foods that can, in one way or another, influence the formation of stones (fatty meats and fish, confectionery, etc.) are completely excluded from their diet. The choice of a specific type of dietary food depends on the type of stones (urate, oxalate and others).


Further management of the patient directly depends on the size of the stones, their number, location, age of the patient, etc.

If an attack of colic can be easily stopped, and the stone is small (up to 1 cm in diameter), and there is a possibility of natural passage, then, as a rule, it is not touched. This is not an indication for surgery, so the patient continues to be treated conservative methods(they prescribe the necessary diet, prescribe medications that help dissolve stones, etc.).

In the case where the severity of pain is unbearable, and there are also signs of kidney dysfunction, surgery is started immediately.

The choice of surgical approach is determined by the patient’s condition and the specifics of the process (abdominal surgery, endoscopic intervention, etc.)


Every patient who has suffered an attack of renal colic associated with urolithiasis at least once in his life must subsequently adhere to a number of rules and principles of nutrition. Even surgical removal stone does not guarantee the patient a complete absence of relapse of the disease.

Diseases of the urinary system often occur with severe symptoms. One of the most dangerous conditions with painful manifestations is renal colic.

How to relieve pain during an attack? What signs require urgent assistance doctors? Why does pain develop? The answers are in the article.

What is renal colic

A dangerous condition, accompanied by severe pain, develops suddenly. A person cannot sit and move calmly, severe pain increases rapidly.

The main factor causing painful symptoms is a violation of the outflow of accumulated urine from the problem kidney. Compression of the tubules or blockage of the ducts is caused by stones: phosphates, oxalates, urates or tumor formation. Acute symptoms often develop after lifting weights, high loads in the gym, long bicycle rides, or after riding a motorcycle.

The main causes of renal colic:

  • urolithiasis in women and men;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases;
  • development of a tumor compressing the kidney;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation chronic pyelonephritis;
  • severe pathologies of the retroperitoneal region.

Renal colic ICD code - 10 - N23.

Clinical picture

Renal colic in men and women has similar symptoms:

  • during an attack, a person rushes about, looking for a more comfortable position in which discomfort is not felt so much;
  • pain occurs sharply in the kidneys and spreads across the upper abdomen;
  • unpleasant sensations quickly cover the ureter, bladder, are heard in the area of ​​the ribs, and spread to the legs;
  • often a sharp pain pierces the back, iliac region, and groin area;
  • in the absence of timely assistance, painful shock is possible;
  • the attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • One of the difficulties that arises during the relief of painful symptoms is problems with oral administration of medications. Vomiting causes rapid dehydration;
  • against the background of pain syndrome due to renal colic appear frequent urge to empty the bladder, macrohematuria develops;
  • Blood clots are often visible in the urine;
  • blood pressure rises, pain and dizziness;
  • with pyelonephritis (an inflammatory disease), the temperature often reaches 38-39 degrees;
  • sometimes the patient feels the urge to defecate.


  • symptoms of renal colic in men. The pain often affects the genital area;
  • symptoms of renal colic in women. Pain sensations occur not only in the abdomen, lower back, and bladder, but also appear in the perineum and radiate to the thigh. One of the reasons is kidney prolapse, kinking of the ureter against the background of sudden weight loss or physiological characteristics of the body: a small retroperitoneal layer of fat or the absence of a layer that supports important organs in the correct position.

The symptoms of an attack in the kidney area are considered one of the most severe and painful, along with toothache. The shooting continues for 10 hours or more, sometimes lasting two or three days with short breaks. It is important to call an ambulance in time, if necessary, hospitalize the patient in order to avoid serious complications due to dehydration, intoxication when the outflow of urine is impaired.

General rules and effective methods of treatment

The first rule is to seek emergency medical help. Sometimes negative symptoms indicates the development of other pathologies that have similar manifestations. Wrong actions and delay in calling an ambulance in some cases pose a risk to the victim’s life.

What is an attack of renal colic often confused with:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • attack of radiculitis;
  • lumbago - shooting in the lower back;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • biliary colic;
  • perforated ulcer in the stomach;
  • acute inflammation of the pancreas.

Important! You should not warm up the affected area if there is the slightest doubt that the problem arose due to a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidneys. Relieving human suffering with the help of dry heat in many conditions, for example, acute appendicitis or ectopic pregnancy, causes an intensification and acceleration of the development of a negative process, the consequences can be tragic.

How to relieve pain

Emergency care for renal colic:

  • immediately call a medical team;
  • give painkillers and antispasmodics;
  • if you are 100% sure that an attack develops against the background of urolithiasis in men and women, you need to place the victim in a bath with hot water or apply a heating pad;
  • in other cases, the use of heat is unacceptable: high temperature causes active progression of inflammation or other pathological process in the peritoneal area.


Oral administration due to vomiting and nausea is difficult; taking a pill is quite difficult. For rapid relief of acute symptoms, admission active ingredients Injections of analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and compounds that relieve spasms of smooth muscles are prescribed directly into the blood. Intramuscular and intravenous administration cannot be carried out longer three days, then pain-relieving suppositories and tablets are prescribed.


  • Baralgin.
  • Metamizole.
  • Ketoprofen.
  • Pitophenone hydrochloride.
  • Ketorolac.
  • Diclofenac.

Pain relieving suppositories:

  • Ketanov.
  • Diclofenac.
  • Spazdolzin.
  • Baralgin.

Tablets for the treatment of renal colic:

  • Paracetamol.
  • No-shpa.
  • Spasmalgon.
  • Platyfillin.
  • Drotaverine.
  • Baralgin.

Important nuance:

  • before the doctors arrive, painkillers are given in minimal quantities: too high a dose of analgesics “blurs” the picture of the attack, making it difficult for doctors to figure out what factor caused the excruciating pain;
  • It is difficult to endure pain during lumbago, but addiction to analgesics can negatively affect the diagnosis and development of a treatment regimen. You should not frequently take painkillers in the hope of self-cure: only a specialist can determine the cause of the problem;
  • It is important to know: advanced cases with self-medication often provoke renal failure.


During an attack, herbs and homemade ointments help little: without the use of NSAIDs, antispasmodics and analgesics, acute pain cannot be relieved. It is important not only to relieve discomfort, but also to understand why the attack develops and to treat the underlying disease.

Folk remedies for renal colic are ineffective, Herbal decoctions to improve urine flow, relieve inflammation, and normalize the functioning of nephrons are prescribed after the elimination of dangerous signs. In the treatment of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, and other kidney pathologies, medicinal plants are beneficial, but during an attack you should not rely on corn silk or nettles: you need to call a medical team and use medications.

Diet and nutrition rules

  • Foods and dishes that increase the load on the kidneys, provoke an increase in blood pressure, and increase the risk of a new attack are prohibited. Do not consume: strong tea, chocolate, cocoa, peppery, salty foods. You should not eat fried foods, smoked meats, mayonnaise, fast food, chips;
  • cause harm in case of kidney pathologies: strong meat, mushroom and fish broths, sausages, offal;
  • healthy vegetarian light soups, porridges, fruit and vegetable salads with yogurt dressing, vegetable oils, low-fat sour cream;
  • useful methods of heat treatment - steaming, baking;
  • Drinks allowed include mineral water without gas (an appropriate name according to the recommendation of a urologist), purified water, necessarily slightly heated. Liquid volume - up to 3 liters per day. Hard water is prohibited;
  • juices from packages, sour fruits, sweet soda, beer, and strong alcohol will have to be excluded from the diet.

Renal colic during pregnancy

Features of the flow:

  • the symptoms are similar to the characteristic manifestations of renal colic in the normal state;
  • the main reasons are blockage of the ducts due to urolithiasis, exacerbation of pyelonephritis due to chronic course pathologies;
  • the main area of ​​pain is the right side, often lumbago affects the thigh and genital area;
  • health depends on the competent actions of people who are near a pregnant woman during an attack expectant mother and fruit. Against the background of smooth muscle spasms, increased blood pressure, vomiting, and excruciating pain, premature labor often begins;
  • The best decision is to urgently call an ambulance. Doctors relieve pain using medications that are safe during pregnancy.

After eliminating a painful attack, doctors recommend adhering to the rules to prevent a new exacerbation. It is important not to smoke or drink alcohol. Doctors advise changing your diet, reducing the load on your kidneys by giving up fried, salty, fatty foods, smoked meats, hot and spicy dishes.

Some more useful tips:

  • treat chronic diseases;
  • See a doctor in time for pain in the kidneys and bladder;
  • choose calm sports: walking, swimming. General strengthening exercises are useful;
  • do not understand gravity, do not make sudden movements, jumps;
  • drink enough fluids;
  • promptly treat infectious and viral diseases;
  • regularly visit a gynecologist/urologist to identify problems of the female/male genital area;
  • take herbal decoctions to prevent inflammation and improve fluid outflow.

With renal colic, it is important not to get confused, ask for help from loved ones, passers-by, colleagues, friends (depending on the place where the attack occurred). Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to alleviate the person’s suffering; if you doubt the correctness of the actions, you should abandon untested methods. You should not use analgesics uncontrollably, so that serious consequences do not arise.

Video - expert advice on the rules of first aid and the features of further treatment of renal colic:

In contact with


Acute and chronic pathologies in the organs of the urinary system cause discomfort, disrupt the outflow of fluid, and worsen the general condition. A common complaint from patients of all ages is kidney pain.

What to do at home? What medications and herbs are effective in treating diseases that cause pathological processes and pain in the kidneys? How to prevent new attacks? The answers are in the article.

  • Possible causes of pain in the kidney area
  • How to understand that your kidneys hurt
  • What to do at home
  • Medications
  • Folk remedies and recipes
  • Diet and nutrition rules
  • When conservative treatment does not help
  • Kidney pain during pregnancy

Negative symptoms in the kidney area are a consequence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Often discomfort develops against the background of malfunctions in the body, pathologies of neighboring organs.

The main causes of pain:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal colic;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal failure (acute and chronic);
  • kidney cyst;
  • improper functioning of the urinary system during pregnancy;
  • high load on the kidneys due to poor nutrition and drinking poor quality water;
  • hypothermia.

Learn how to provide first aid for renal colic and further treatment diseases.

Read about the causes of urolithiasis in men and the treatment of pathology at this address.

How to understand that your kidneys hurt

How can you tell if your kidneys are hurting? The following symptoms of a sore kidney indicate malfunction of important organs of the urinary system:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • in the acute stage of many diseases, discomfort is felt in the groin area, legs, upper abdomen;
  • often the pain radiates to the bladder and genital area;
  • urine test results worsen. Often, it is during a medical examination that doctors identify pathologies that a person does not pay attention to in the case of a chronic course or mild negative symptoms;
  • dark circles appear under the eyes, legs and face swell;
  • often develops arterial hypertension(pressure increases);
  • blood clots appear in the urine;
  • often feel thirsty, appetite decreases;
  • The color of urine often changes: the liquid darkens, becomes cloudy, and “flakes” appear;
  • with urolithiasis, sand and small irregularly shaped pebbles are noticeable in the urine;
  • weakness appears, drowsiness develops;
  • the volume of discharge when emptying the bladder is noticeably reduced;
  • urination is difficult, burning and discomfort often occur;
  • when the inflammatory process is activated, the temperature rises, in some cases – up to +39 degrees;
  • Sometimes vision deteriorates and rashes appear on the body.

What to do at home

Many people believe that the best remedy for pain in the kidney area - these are herbal decoctions. Regular intake of properly selected herbal remedies really improves the patient’s condition, but renal pathologies can be completely cured only after a comprehensive examination, consultation with a nephrologist or urologist.

Common mistakes:

  • Selection of herbs and medicines on the advice of friends suffering from kidney disease. It is important to remember: what suits one person is contraindicated for another. In case of urolithiasis, it is important to consider chemical composition concretions (stones), otherwise therapy will bring harm, not benefit. When detecting phosphates, one type of diet and medications is required, when detecting oxalates and urates, another.
  • Uncontrolled use of analgesics. To anesthetize does not mean to cure. After taking Paracetamol, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpa, Drotaverine, the condition improves for a while, the kidneys hurt less, but the problem does not disappear. Gradually, the inflammatory process becomes more active; strong painkillers are required, which also do not eliminate the cause of the discomfort, but only relieve the pain syndrome for a short time.


If your back hurts in the kidney area, then you cannot experiment with replacing drug therapy with herbal medicine. The use of questionable methods sometimes ends tragically.

Tablets for stopping the inflammatory process:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Verapamil.
  • Norfloxacin.
  • Cyclophosphamide.

If efficiency is low, these drugs replace more strong antibiotics: Cephalexime, Amoxicillin.

To dissolve and remove sand and stones, tablets are prescribed:

Effect of drugs for urolithiasis: reduce concentration uric acid, dissolve urates. Effective compositions reduce the acidity level of urine and facilitate the removal of stones naturally.

Herbal medicines:

Folk remedies and recipes

Herbalists recommend many mixtures based on medicinal plants to dissolve and remove salts. All herbal remedies can be used only with the permission of the attending physician. The use of inappropriate plants often worsens the condition of the urinary system. Under no circumstances should tablets be replaced by taking traditional medicines.

Proven means:

  • decoction of flaxseed. Take a teaspoon of healthy raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, leave for forty minutes;
  • decoction of rosehip root. Boil 2 tbsp. l. raw materials (water - 350 ml) for 10 minutes, let the liquid brew for half an hour;
  • Birch juice. Take the healing liquid daily for two weeks, a third of a glass twice a day;
  • infusion of carrot seeds. Proportions and method of preparation, as for a healthy drink made from flaxseed;
  • bearberry infusion. To prepare tea you will need 20 g of plant material and 300 ml of boiling water;
  • tea from lingonberry leaves. It’s easy to prepare a healing drink: steam a tablespoon of leaves in a thermos, take 250 ml of boiling water;
  • pumpkin in any form daily. The largest percentage of nutrients is retained in baked pumpkin. With this method of preparation, the body easily absorbs the product;
  • chamomile decoction. For half a liter of boiling water, take a couple of tablespoons of healthy flowers;
  • horsetail infusion. Boiling water – 250 ml, vegetable raw materials – 1 tsp;
  • kidney collection. Nettle - 40 g, shepherd's purse, juniper fruits, rose hips and bearberry - 20 g each, sweet clover flowers and herb - 6 g each. Also add 120 g of dried rose hips. At 2 tbsp. l. 1 liter of boiling water is enough for the mixture. In a thermos, the infusion is ready in 3 hours;
  • herbal decoction with fir oil. Ingredients: lemon balm, oregano, knotweed, sage - 20 g each, the same amount of fir oil;
  • a decoction of St. John's wort and centaury. For 300 ml of boiling water - a teaspoon of herbs;
  • cucumber fasting days do it a couple of times a week. Eat 1.5 kg of juicy vegetables per day.

Diet and nutrition rules

  • liquid – 2.5 l, no less;
  • refusal of spicy, fried, peppered foods;
  • minimum salt;
  • you should not eat a lot of offal, protein foods, meat, fish;
  • light soups with vegetable broth are useful;
  • a good option is a dairy-vegetable diet;
  • For each patient, the doctor develops an individual nutrition plan, taking into account the chemical composition of kidney stones, if solid formations are detected;
  • You cannot drink alcohol, soda, or juices from packages;
  • Ready-made sauces, ketchups, canned food, and sausages are not beneficial;
  • It is harmful to drink coffee, strong black tea: drinks increase blood pressure.

When conservative treatment does not help

Some diseases cannot be treated at home due to the low effectiveness of many methods. The use of herbal decoctions and daily use of painkillers interfere with proper therapy purulent inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

In severe forms of disease, exacerbation of urolithiasis, abscesses, it is required surgery, including urgent. The choice of the type of surgical intervention is made by a urologist after a thorough examination of the patient, studying tests, and performing an ultrasound.

Learn about the causes of urolithiasis in women, as well as how to prevent the disease.

Effective methods of treating acute renal failure in men are written at this address.

On the page http://vseopochkah.com/bolezni/pielonefrit/hronicheskij-u-zhenshin.html read about the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in women at home.

The help of a surgeon is needed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of purulent pyelonephritis, urolithiasis when the ducts are blocked;
  • proliferation of a large purulent kidney cyst;
  • detection of fibroma, adenoma, malignant neoplasm;
  • development of an extensive abscess of the right kidney;
  • thromboembolism.

Kidney pain during pregnancy

Discomfort develops with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, severe form urolithiasis, renal colic. Among the reasons: hypothermia, inflammatory processes, infections, poor nutrition, poor circulation in the kidneys.

A sharp pain affects the right side, lower back, and reaches the genitals. In severe forms of the pathological process, complications, disruption of the course of pregnancy, and a negative effect on the fetus are possible.

If pain syndrome develops, it is important to contact a gynecologist and nephrologist in a timely manner. Uncontrolled use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory compounds is prohibited. It is important to treat the disease that causes kidney pain. One of the dangerous complications in advanced cases is a purulent abscess.

With renal colic, premature birth is possible. In case of acute pain, it is important to call an ambulance to preserve the health of the mother and fetus.

Why do my kidneys hurt? How to recognize the symptoms of kidney disease? How to get rid of pain? Find out the answers after watching the following video:

How to recognize renal colic?

Even children know that the kidneys are located in the lumbar region. And often any discomfort in this part of the body is regarded as renal colic. Meanwhile, an attempt to treat a non-existent diagnosis is fraught with even greater problems.

It’s better to focus on the correct symptoms right away:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that pain should not be observed in the lower back, but above. Since the kidneys are located at the top of the lower back, discomfort will be felt somewhere in the area of ​​the ribs;
  • with colic, the pain can “spill” downwards - this happens when a pebble blocks the urethra. This will be accompanied by problems with urination - pain, frequent or difficult emptying of the bladder;
  • The pain is quite intense and has the character of an attack. The victim begins to rush around in vain, trying to find the most comfortable position. However, such attempts are unsuccessful;
  • the pain often spreads to other areas - the genitals, abdomen, rectum. The latter can lead to a false desire to evacuate. Sometimes intestinal bloating also occurs;
  • not the most pleasant sensations often lead to nausea or vomiting.

You should definitely pay attention to the side in which discomfort is felt:

  • on right– appendicitis and blockage of the bile duct often manifest as pain on the right side. Painful sensations on the right are often experienced by pregnant women who have experienced an exacerbation of urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. This can also be recognized by its impact on the genitals and thighs;
  • left– but in this case, the likelihood that a person is faced with the problem raised in this article increases significantly. There is no appendix or gall bladder here.

Pain relief with heat

Thermal procedures are recognized as a fairly effective way to alleviate the condition of the victim.

Most often, sharp pain occurs precisely when a stone forms in the ureter - this is how a spasm occurs. The heat will expand the ureter, and the unfortunate formation may well pass through it.

If there are no contraindications in the form of heart or gynecological problems, if there are no intestinal diseases, run to the bath!

This should be done as quickly as possible - within half an hour. The water should not warm up above 40 degrees. It is advisable to take a sitting position rather than a lying one - the kidneys should be located above the bladder. You need to allocate 20 minutes for a bath, no more.

As an alternative to a bath, you can use a heating pad. You just need to apply it for 15 minutes or half an hour to the area that is bothering you. Or, alternatively, squeeze it between your legs. If you don’t have a heating pad at home, a warm scarf and a bottle of water will do. Mustard plasters will also come in handy.

Antispasmodics to help

In order to create an algorithm of actions, it is important to know what the body needs to receive first. But he needs to remove the spasm, relax the muscles and restore the flow of urine at least a little.

Well, the following antispasmodics are perfect for relieving spasms:

These so-called combined agents and spasms are relieved, and inflammation is eliminated. They can be taken by swallowing.

The calculation is as follows: for one dose – a tablet or two of one of the above remedies. However, it is most preferable to administer the drug intramuscularly, if possible - such an approach is both more effective and quicker.

In questions of how to relieve renal colic, it is allowed to take medications such as:

They are also able to cope with spasms, but in the case of particularly acute colic they are practically useless.

Analgesics - additional help

In order to relieve pain, you can also use analgesics, which are divided into the following types:

  • the simplest ones, called antipyretics. They are created on the basis of paracetamol and analgin. In addition to eliminating discomfort, they also lower the temperature. These are Nurofen, Tempalgin, Efferalgan, Baralgin, Panadol and, of course, Analgin;
  • anti-inflammatory, helping in more severe cases - the so-called non-steroidal ones. These are Diclofenac, Citramon, Indomethacin and the familiar Aspirin;
  • narcotic (opium)– are used strictly when prescribed by a doctor; they can only be purchased by prescription in particularly painful cases. These are Codeine, Morphine, Promedol, Fentanyl.

You can also take Panangin or Asparkam - they perfectly strengthen the heart muscle, which also suffers during painful attacks.

The latter analgesic also helps dissolve the stone. It also contains extremely useful magnesium, but sometimes it is not absorbed during attacks. Sometimes in such cases, doctors recommend taking vitamin B6.

It also happens that, despite attempts to get rid of discomfort, the intensity of pain only intensifies. This means that the stone does not strive to move further. Then Nosh-pu or Baralgin can be repeated. If you find Ibuprofen in your medicine cabinet, Ketorol is also a good alternative.

A mixture of Pipolfen and Analgin is often used. It is administered intramuscularly, after which the person falls soundly asleep for several hours. The body relaxes, which is very useful during an attack of renal colic. It should be warned that after sleep the patient begins to feel very thirsty, but you cannot meet him in this regard - one mug of strong tea with lemon will be enough. Rose hips or cranberry juice are also suitable.

A little about folk remedies

Of course, folk remedies for relieving renal colic at home are not a panacea, but they can relieve pain.

  • decoction of pumpkin or flax seeds. Seeds with a volume of approximately 100 g need to be filled with water. You can take a little water. This solution can be drunk, but a compress on the kidney area is also quite effective;
  • compress. If the pain is very severe, the following compress will come in handy: heated olive oil with yarrow, marshmallow, chamomile;
  • decoction of blackberry root. You need to find more root and boil it in 5 liters of water. As soon as half the liquid has boiled away, you can turn off the heat. The dosage is as follows – 100 grams three times a day;
  • lingonberry leaves, previously dried and filled with boiling water. You will need 20 g of leaves, and a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the infusion should be filtered. Honey will bring benefits, a tablespoon of which should be dissolved in filtered medicine;
  • carrot seeds. Carrot seeds are beneficial for kidney stones in general and renal colic in particular. Just a tablespoon of them is poured into a glass of hot water. The product should be infused for 12 hours, and then it is important not to forget to strain the product. The drink is consumed 5 or 6 times a day before meals.

With renal colic, what the patient eats is of no small importance. So, with an unhealthy diet, there are all risks of worsening the condition.

The list of “wrong” products includes the following:

  • fried and salty foods;
  • chocolate and any type of cocoa;
  • meat broths, various smoked meats and sausages of all types, liver.
  • any cereals;
  • vegetable and fruit salads.
  • soups without meat in the recipe.

The appearance of pain in the back or lower back does not give one hundred percent confidence that the cause is only neuralgia. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after passing the necessary tests and examination. But a person can only approximately guess what kind of sore is attached to him. With pain in the kidneys, in particular, such unpleasant sensations appear as:

  • Frequent urination, with very little urine coming out.
  • When urine is excreted, its darkening and turbidity are noticeable.
  • Sharp back pain moving from the lower back to the lower abdomen, which can also be a sign of kidney disease.
  • Body temperature rises, which can sometimes cause a mild fever.
  • Sometimes vision deteriorates, i.e. the objects a person is looking at become blurry and out of focus.
  • There is a burning sensation when urinating.

If these unpleasant symptoms are detected, you should contact a urologist as soon as possible. He will prescribe treatment. However, if you can’t get to a doctor right away, you can use some recommendations that will dull the pain in the kidneys and relieve acute symptoms.

The suggested tips for relieving lower back pain, which may be signs of kidney disease, should never be used as treatment. This is only a short-term relief of unpleasant and acute sensations. It is recommended to use them at home, when there is no medical professional nearby.

Pain relief

You can relieve kidney pain when there is no specialist nearby to help you professionally provide assistance yourself. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Drink as much fluid as possible.
  2. Take a hot bath.
  3. Put warm heating pad to the kidney area.
  4. Prepare a decoction of fruits, berries and plants that have diuretic properties.
  5. Take painkillers for severe pain.

The most in an accessible way Relieving kidney pain at home is by taking large amounts of fluid. Experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of it per day. What does this give? Firstly, when it enters the body in large quantities, it flushes urine excretory system. Secondly, it helps reduce the burning sensation.

Taking a hot bath should be done with caution. If a person has a cardiovascular disease or a diseased intestine, then this method of relieving kidney pain is not recommended, because hot water may provoke an increase in the pain syndrome of these diseases.

Another way to relieve a painful attack is to apply a heating pad with warm water to the kidney area. The duration of such a compress should be no more than 15 minutes. The warmth from a heating pad dulls the pain well.

The experience of treating various diseases with folk remedies has been accumulated over generations and is effectively used in many cases. A decoction of cranberries and juniper berries is not a medicine that can be used to treat kidney disease. But the beneficial substances contained in cranberries and junipers have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Therefore, a decoction made from these fruits without added sugar is recommended to be drunk during painful attacks of kidney disease. If the body does not accept this bitter liquid, then you can sweeten it with a spoon of honey.

What many of us don't know is that simple plants like dandelion and burdock can be helpful in relieving a kidney attack. An infusion of their leaves is an effective diuretic. It is well known that frequent urine production in the bladder helps to reduce the number of bacteria in the kidneys. Therefore, if you drink diuretic infusions, it will be easier for the kidneys to cope with bacteria.

How to relieve pain quickly when it becomes unbearable? In this case, you will have to resort to painkillers. This medical supplies No-shpa, Papaverine, Solpadeine, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. They are in great demand. People often take them when they want to get rid of pain in other organs. It is important not to make mistakes when taking these medications. After all, you may not know for sure whether you really have renal colic, and not attacks of pain in the lumbar or back caused by other diseases.

If all the proposed methods do not relieve pain in the kidneys, then you will have to take an extreme measure - call an ambulance. The doctor will give you a pain-relieving injection. And in order not to call the ambulance again in the future, he will recommend more effective drugs instead of those that you took while trying to get rid of acute pain in the kidneys on your own.

To avoid kidney disease, you should immediately consult a doctor at the first sign of it. By doing this on time, you will not allow it to progress, and by starting treatment in a timely manner, you will save yourself from the disease.

Renal colic or neuralgia?

How can we figure out whether the alarm signals are really being sent to us by the kidneys and not by the back muscles?

With pain in the kidneys we have to feel:

  • sharp pain moving from the lower back to the lower abdomen;
  • increased temperature, sometimes with mild fever;
  • frequent urge to urinate, but only a small amount of urine;
  • cloudiness, darkening of urine;
  • burning sensation when going to the toilet;
  • blurred, blurred vision.

How to properly help yourself with kidney pain?

At the first symptoms, you need to contact a urologist - he will tell you why the kidneys have stopped working correctly and prescribe therapy. But how to survive the time before the appointment?

  1. You need to drink more fluid, up to 2 liters per day. It will flush the urinary system and help reduce the burning sensation.
  2. Decoctions of cranberries and juniper fruits have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. They should be drunk without sugar. If this is too much for you, add a spoonful of honey.
  3. Infusions of dandelion and burdock leaves are an excellent diuretic. Frequent urine production will reduce the number of bacteria in the kidneys.
  4. For pain in the kidneys, heat works well, reducing painful attacks. You need to put a warm heating pad on the kidney area for a quarter of an hour.
  5. A hot bath will also help a lot with kidney pain - but only if you are sure that it is your kidneys that are hurting, and you do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases or intestinal ailments. Otherwise, you risk causing a sharp increase in pain.
  6. For severe colic, you can use painkillers ( No-shpa, Papaverine, Solpadeine). Please note that if you make a mistake and it is not your kidneys that hurt, painkillers will make it difficult to diagnose your illness.
  7. If the above methods do not help, all that remains is to call an ambulance. The doctor will give an injection that will relieve the pain attack and recommend more effective medications.

For kidney pain, strict medical supervision is required. The kidneys help remove toxins from our body, and pain is a request for help. Help your body so that it does not let you down in the future.

Renal colic is a typical manifestation of urolithiasis, the most common kidney disease. Approximately 70-75% of patients in urological hospitals are hospitalized with this diagnosis.

In fact, we are talking about several diseases that have different origins and different paths of development, but are united by one manifestation - renal colic. We received the first descriptions of this disease from Hippocrates, but until now scientists have not been able to solve the riddle: why are certain particles formed that do not obey the general movement of urine, but immediately grow from a crystal to a clinically significant size?

The answer to this question might have solved this problem, but today we can only note the steady growth of this disease. Moreover, if previously it affected mainly mature people, now it is often diagnosed even in twenty-year-olds.

Acute pain, so characteristic of this disease, is not caused by “scratching” a stone that has begun to move, as many people think. The mechanism of its occurrence is associated with a violation of the outflow of urine as a result of tissue edema and venous stagnation. The swollen kidney tissue puts pressure on the fibrous capsule, which has a lot of pain receptors, which causes such a severe syndrome.

Disruption of the outflow can be caused by the passage of a stone, small stones (in the form of sand), a blood clot, mucus or pus. The cause can also be a tumor process, and even inflammation that has arisen in neighboring organs: all this can be a prerequisite for compression of the ureter. And yet the most common reason- This is precisely a blockage of the urinary tract with a stone.

Manifestations of renal colic

Most often, it all starts completely unexpectedly, without any warning symptoms. The pain appears from the back, at first it is not sharp, nagging. However, very soon it begins to grow and gradually moves to the side, and then to the stomach, “sliding” down along the ureter.

The pain can be localized not only in the lower abdomen, it can radiate to the groin or genital area, often radiating to the thigh, lower back and subcostal area. If we talk about the intensity of the suffering, it is simply “legendary”: people roll on the floor, almost losing consciousness, on the verge of shock.

No change in body position can reduce the intensity or reduce these painful sensations; often only narcotic drugs can do this. Acute pain in renal colic causes bloating, muscle spasms, and difficulty in bowel movement. A person is ready to even take poison to stop this nightmare!

This is really extreme unpleasant symptom- renal colic. How to relieve pain? Resolving this issue becomes a mandatory and primary task. However, this is not the only manifestation of the disease. Patients may experience nausea, vomiting often occurs, and the temperature can sometimes even be very high.

The face turns pale, sweat appears, consciousness becomes clouded, heart rate changes, and blood pressure rises. Urination is frequent and painful, but can be impaired to the point of complete anuria. Typically, the duration of an attack of colic does not exceed a day, but there are cases when it continues for a long time, with periods of remission and subsequent deterioration of the condition.

Renal colic: how to relieve pain during an attack?

Briefly outline the strategy of action, it will be expressed in three directions:

  1. Application of heat.
  2. Analgesics.
  3. Antispasmodics.

Let's start with the heat. It would seem that a hot bath up to the waist with water at the maximum temperature that the patient can withstand, a heating pad on the lumbar region or mustard plasters - and the issue is resolved. However, not all so simple. There are a number of factors and they must be taken into account.

For example, you should not use a hot bath if you have heart disease or high temperature. This method is also excluded in conditions accompanied by impaired consciousness. In addition, there must be firm confidence that this is renal colic, and not peritonitis caused by inflammation of the appendix, or something else that does not allow the use of heat.

If renal colic is definitely established, then a hot sitz bath is a very good remedy for relieving pain. If there are contraindications to a bath, you can use mustard plasters or a heating pad.

The most commonly used painkillers are Analgin or Baralgin. Any drug administered as an injection has a stronger and faster effect than tablets.

However, you should not take painkillers for renal colic until examined by a doctor. This can blur the picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Antispasmodics for renal colic are subject to the same requirement. If the diagnosis is beyond doubt, then taking them will help to expand and relax the walls of the ureter, facilitating the passage of urine and thereby improving the patient’s condition. Usually, the drug “No-spa” is well suited for this purpose, and you need to take a large dose of the medicine - up to four tablets.

There are times when all these remedies are not able to relieve pain. In this situation, a doctor who has in his arsenal can help narcotic drugs, for example the drug "Promedol". For a person experiencing renal colic, how to relieve pain is the main question, but you still need to start with an accurate diagnosis.

Examinations to clarify the diagnosis

Symptoms of colic may resemble a “hot stomach.” This concept includes a whole group of diseases. In addition to appendicitis, hepatic colic looks similar; it is also necessary to exclude acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

An error can also occur in the presence of peptic ulcers of the duodenum or stomach. Some vascular diseases, intestinal obstruction, not to mention women's ailments have almost similar symptoms. Symptoms of renal colic in women have their own specifics, so a special section is devoted to this topic.

In addition to the “acute abdomen,” a similar picture is given by herniated discs, radiculitis, herpes zoster, or even ordinary intercostal neuralgia. Almost complete coincidence of symptoms occurs with intestinal obstruction.

Many of listed diseases require urgent action. So the task facing a doctor seeing a patient for the first time is not at all an easy one. This is why you should never resist an offer to go to the hospital and have a comprehensive examination done there. For renal colic, this is an absolute, one hundred percent indication.

IN in this case A misdiagnosis could very well cost your life. For example, the ureter could be completely blocked by a stone. This cannot be determined by external examination, but it may well lead to necrosis of the kidney and its acute failure. You may need to insert a catheter or have surgery and drainage of the organ. It is unlikely that you will be able to do all this without leaving home.

In a hospital setting, a doctor can prescribe a variety of tests as needed, as well as provide proper care for renal colic. However, first of all, they usually do general tests, while clarifying blood biochemistry and, of course, ultrasound of the excretory system, and possibly x-rays.

“Female” specificity of renal colic

The symptoms of colic described above are not gender specific, except that sometimes pain in men radiates to the scrotum. For women, pain in the labia area is more common. Otherwise, all this is of a universal nature.

Moreover, the same symptoms of renal colic in women may indicate completely different diseases that men, due to their nature, cannot have. For successful treatment, it is extremely important to make a clear differentiation when diagnosing the patient in order to exclude the following causes:

  • rupture of the fallopian tube;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • tubal abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • torsion of the ovarian stalk.

All of these conditions can cause blockage of the ureter and create the typical picture of colic. In this case, warning signs may include:

  • cold sweat;
  • pallor;
  • low pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness.

Renal colic in women that occurs during pregnancy is particularly difficult to treat. This condition in itself does not create conditions for the development of urolithiasis, however, it is during this period that exacerbations of all chronic diseases very often occur.

This is especially true for the kidneys, which are especially actively involved in the process of creating new life and are forced to work with redoubled force. Manifestations of the disease are common, but the arsenal of means to relieve pain is seriously limited.

Firstly, hot baths are excluded, as well as other thermal procedures on the kidney area - this can lead to premature birth. For obvious reasons, narcotic painkillers for renal colic are also not applicable in this case.

At the same time, prolonged intense pain itself can provoke premature onset of labor, so the only correct way out is to immediately consult a doctor. In the most extreme case, it is possible to take antispasmodics: the drugs “No-shpa”, “Papaverine” or “Baralgin”, in the form of injections.

What should you do first in case of renal colic?

Of course, to relieve pain, to save a person from nightmarish torment. This is the first thought that may come to mind, but it is not the best. First aid for renal colic should be provided by a doctor.

Moreover, until his arrival it is advisable to refrain from any attempts home treatment to avoid complications and keep all symptoms in a pronounced form, without interfering with the correct diagnosis.

This is especially important in complicated cases: colic of one remaining kidney, old age, bilateral attack, poor general condition, heart disease, etc. What to do if a doctor is unavailable for some reason? How to relieve renal colic in this case? In principle, the main methods have already been described.

It is only important to add that in cases where there are doubts about the true causes of pain, the least dangerous would be the use of antispasmodics, but if there is no doubt, you can use a heating pad, bath, analgesics. Some experts also recommend adding half a tablet of Nitroglycerin under the tongue.

It is also used to relieve an attack in a hospital setting. novocaine blockade, acupuncture, electropuncture, physiotherapy. If all measures do not bring the desired result, urine output will be restored using a catheter. It is also possible to pre-destruct the stone using special equipment.

It is in a hospital setting that it is easier and more logical to undergo a thorough examination in urology after the attack has been eliminated. In any case, it is necessary to remember the serious danger of self-medication in the presence of such a terrible symptom as renal colic. How to relieve pain, how many and what examinations to do, how to treat - all this should be decided only by a doctor.

Renal colic. ICD-10

Today in Russia, at the level of the Ministry of Health, a standard for the treatment of this disease has been approved. This is a step-by-step developed system, according to which assistance is provided to patients with similar symptoms. A system was created based on data from the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision. It provides all methods for diagnosing and treating diseases. In accordance with the ICD, renal colic has code N23.

How to eat with renal colic

After the pain is relieved, nausea gradually disappears, and the patient returns to the ability to eat. It is important to understand that diet for renal colic is very important for a quick recovery. Only a doctor can give specific recommendations on products, since he knows the chemical composition of the stones. As for general recommendations, then they are:

  • meals are frequent, fractional, portions are small;
  • do not overeat, especially at night;
  • exclude spicy, fried, smoked, canned foods;
  • do not subject food to prolonged heat treatment;
  • It’s better to steam or boil, you can bake.

A diet for renal colic is relevant during illness. As the kidneys recover, the range of products should be expanded, guided by recommendations for a healthy and balanced diet.

This means that, firstly, there should be enough food to meet all the body’s needs, but not too much.

Secondly, food should be varied, with the obligatory inclusion of “live” foods: vitamins, minerals, fiber.

Thirdly, moderation in the consumption of tasty, but not healthy foods.

And finally, the most important thing: provide the body with a large amount of truly pure water without any impurities. Many believe that compliance with this one condition can completely heal the body.

Traditional methods of treatment

Help with renal colic is offered to us by numerous traditional healers. Although they, first of all, advise consulting a doctor. But while waiting, you can apply a cabbage leaf to your lower back or drink an infusion of birch buds.

Horsetail has proven itself well, and knotweed also helps quite well with this ailment. For colic, prepare a decoction from a mixture of centaury and sage; it is even better to add chamomile to it. You can drink this drug for a long time, up to two months. But you can not only drink horsetail, but also add it to your bath.

Compresses made from hot potatoes or oat broth are also suitable. In general, there are many recipes. If you add a diet to all this, success is guaranteed. But on one condition: please call a doctor!

Well, if we're really serious, it's unlikely. traditional methods will withstand competition with modern medicine in the treatment of the acute phase of the disease. But now you have been relieved of the pain attack, examined, given nutritional recommendations, and prescribed medications. Now we need to work hard to cleanse our kidneys of unnecessary “junk”, to dissolve and expel everything that should not be there. It is at this stage that the experience of traditional medicine is simply irreplaceable.

It is the collections of herbs and medicinal plants that have been polished over centuries that will help you completely say goodbye to the disease, and at the same time restore the impaired metabolism. The best thing is to find an experienced herbalist and, with patience, carry out the course of treatment to the end, as expected.

And after that, be sure to undergo a re-examination and compare the results. What can you do? In this world, nothing comes to us without difficulty, but health is worth it!

How to prevent renal colic

The formation of stones is often provoked by diseases of the endocrine glands. Also, an excess of vitamin D in the body or a lack of A contributes to the deposition of salts. Diseases of the digestive system also play an important role in this process. Nutrition for renal colic, or rather, the principles of such nutrition, should be applied after recovery in order to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Limitation of human mobility is also a risk factor. A hot climate creates conditions for dehydration and, accordingly, increased urine concentration. Even frequent consumption of mineral water becomes a source of introduction of salts into the excretory system. Drinking clean water daily, in large quantities, but in small portions, can play a decisive role in defeating the disease.

Sanatoriums and resorts for urolithiasis

Many people have heard about how well resorts with kidney disease help to recover from kidney disease. mineral water. However, each water only affects a certain type of stone. If there are phosphates, you can go where there are acidic mineral waters:

If you have urates in your urine, it means you need alkaline water:

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An acute attack of pain in the lumbar region, like a cramp, is a sign of kidney pathology; it knocks any person out of the usual rhythm of life. Emergency care for renal colic plays main role in the correct relief of a painful attack, and should be provided immediately. Correctly provided care will improve the healing process and help doctors in a short time regulate the general condition of a person.

Urgent Care

Pre-medical first aid for renal colic should be competent and timely. Must be observed correct algorithm carrying out special procedures. It is important to understand that only if you are clearly convinced of the diagnosis can you take independent steps and use medications, otherwise you need to urgently seek help from doctors.

What to do with renal colic in the first minutes?

Providing emergency first aid at home is possible with a clear knowledge of all methods for localizing colic. At the first stage, pain can be relieved by using thermal methods and special medications. The sequence of procedures is as follows:

  • call an ambulance;
  • create a calm environment;
  • establish the location of pain;
  • monitor possible temperature changes;
  • collect urine.

Removing spasms and restoring normal urine flow is the result for which all procedures are carried out. pre-medical care help. The kidneys are very sensitive to heat, so the patient must be provided with warm objects: wrap him in a blanket, put a heating pad on him. As a rule, warming the area where the pain occurs leads to its reduction or complete cessation.

How to relieve pain with drugs?

After thermal procedures, the patient can be administered painkillers or antispasmodics. Medicines can be in the form of tablets and injections. Antispasmodics for renal colic relieve muscle tone of the ureter, improving the patency of the ducts. Most often, myotropic drugs are used for renal colic (No-Shpa, Papaverine, etc.). If you are concerned about acute pain, it is better to treat pain with the help of combination drugs (“Spazmonet”, “Baralgin”, “Avisan” and others). Let's look at frequently used ones in more detail.

"No-Shpa" ("Drotaverine")

The most popular medicine that is always at hand. It can be taken not only as a medicine for renal colic, but also to relieve any pain. Reducing calcium supply muscle cells, the medicine reduces muscle tone. To relieve pain from renal colic, you can take 4 tablets at once, but in case of emergency, to relieve an attack of renal colic, you must administer the drug intramuscularly.

"Baralgin" (BARALGIN)

A potent drug (stronger than No-Shpy). Tablets (0.5-2 pieces several times a day) act much more slowly, because they must go through the entire digestion path. The solution (2 ml) goes directly into the blood, so injections for renal colic are more effective. The drug contains a fairly large dosage of components, and in order to avoid a decrease in blood pressure, it must be administered very slowly. At intramuscular injection(5ml-1 ampoule) solution, entering the blood, begins to act within a few minutes.

It is forbidden to relieve spasms using Analgin. It can distort the manifestation of symptoms, thereby complicating the diagnosis of the disease.

"Ketorol" (KETOROL)

You can relieve renal colic at home with Ketorol only if you are firmly convinced of the correct diagnosis. The drug helps relieve pain, but at the same time it will cover all the symptoms. For treatment at home, Ketorol is administered intramuscularly. The injection is given slowly (over half a minute), the result occurs after 30 minutes.


Refers to drugs that act on cells (cholinergic receptors) in which neuromuscular transmission occurs. It is well tolerated, but not very effective (it resembles Papaverine in action). The attack is stopped subcutaneous injection 0.2% solution (1-2 ml).

Contraindications and restrictions

When providing emergency care, it is important to remember that any method that eliminates kidney pain has its contraindications. Any intervention for renal colic at home should be supported by knowledge:

  1. It is necessary to ask the patient about any contraindications or allergic reactions to medications.
  2. It is important to understand that colic cannot be treated with medications without medical supervision. They are used as an aid to relieve an attack of kidney stones. Their long-term use can lead to deterioration of health. Pain is a symptom of a disease that requires a full examination and treatment.
  3. The use of thermal procedures is prohibited during inflammatory processes.
  4. If a painful attack occurs in an elderly person, it is better to use a heating pad rather than a bath with warm water. This approach will prevent the development of a heart attack.

After providing first aid, you must call a doctor or take the patient to the clinic.

When is hospitalization required for renal colic?

Suspicion of renal colic requires consideration quick action, and the ambulance will deliver the patient to the clinic quickly and under professional supervision. Hospitalization is indicated in any case, because kidney stones, having changed their position, can clog the ducts, and the attack will recur. Even with good dynamics, the patient is observed in the hospital for 3 days. There are situations in which hospitalization is mandatory:

  • The pain does not go away after using medications.
  • Feeling worse:
    • vomit;
    • urinary disturbance;
    • complete absence of the urge to urinate.
  • Pain on both sides.
  • Attachment of the inflammatory process, which is confirmed by increased temperature.
  • With a physiological feature (one kidney in a person).

If relief of renal colic at home has been successful, and the person refuses hospitalization, then he is recommended to eat a diet, apply heat to the back and control when urinating. It is important to collect urine in a clean container to monitor for sediment or stone passage. But it is advisable to conduct an examination with a urologist to exclude the development of complications.

Health care

If painkillers for renal colic do not relieve acute painful sensations, and the duration of renal colic reaches several hours and no improvement is expected, the main task of doctors is to relieve the attack in a short time. Interviewing the patient will provide information about what pre-medical care was taken, which will help in making decisions about further treatment of the patient.

As a rule, stopping an attack always begins with analgesics or antispasmodics. In case of a prolonged attack, droppers from complex medicinal mixtures or novocaine blockade can help. While they are dripping, the nurse performs an independent intervention (monitors the patient’s condition). At this time, a dropper from “Baralgin” No-shpa, “Platifillin”, glucose is indicated, also intramuscular injections of “Analgin”, “Pipolfen”, “Platifillin” are prescribed additionally “Promedol”, “Diphenhydramine”, “Papaverine”, “No” -shpa."

Further therapy consists of finding out the causes of colic and the degree of obstruction of the urinary system. Must be held dependent interventions(collection of material for lab tests). If renal colic occurs against the background of an inflammatory process, the doctor will definitely prescribe an antibiotic, most likely they will prescribe antibiotics wide range actions. It is not always possible to quickly eliminate the infection in the case of urolithiasis, so drugs are prescribed before the stone is removed from the body. If edema is present, diuretics are prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment at home, as a rule, cannot be done without traditional medicine. With an integrated approach, the use of herbal remedies gives good results. The pharmacy chain has a fairly large selection of herbal preparations with diuretic and antiseptic effects. In the case of colic due to urolithiasis, the choice of herbal preparations is influenced by the type of stone.

In contact with

Renal colic is a condition accompanied by severe pain. Treatment of renal colic at home is aimed at eliminating pain and alleviating the patient's condition.

Symptoms of renal colic

It is worth suspecting colic if there are sharp spastic pains in the lower back, under the ribs. The pain radiates to the perineum and goes to the thigh. Most often the pain is localized on the right or left; rarely there is renal colic on both sides. The attack is so strong that the person may go into shock and may lose consciousness. Due to spasm, urinary obstruction occurs, which leads to increased pain. If all the signs indicate renal colic, the patient must be provided with immediate attention. emergency assistance without waiting for the doctors to arrive.

Most often, the cause of an attack is urolithiasis - a spasm occurs when the stone moves. If there is no history of urolithiasis and the patient has never complained of kidney disease, one should not resort to potent analgesics and warming. This can worsen the situation (if the pain is caused by colitis or appendicitis) and blur the clinical picture. While waiting for the doctor, you can give the patient Spazmalgon or No-shpu; they are allowed for unclear diagnoses.

Emergency help at home

The primary task is to relieve spasm, stop a painful attack and normalize urine excretion. For this purpose, injections of antispasmodics and analgesics are used:

  • Baralgin - do it intramuscularly, preheat the ampoule in the palm of your hand;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • No-Shpa (Drotaverine) solution for intramuscular injection slowly;
  • Platiphylline is an injection solution, administered subcutaneously;
  • Analgin and Pipolfen solution for injections.

You can relieve an attack of colic with the help of tablet forms of these drugs, but you need to take into account that injections act faster, since the medicine immediately enters the blood.

To stop an attack and restore the outflow of urine, local heat is used - the patient should be put to bed so that the kidneys are above the bladder and a heating pad at a comfortable temperature should be placed on the perineal area. This warming helps relieve spasms and soothe pain.

It is necessary to monitor the patient's condition; if the urge to urinate occurs, immediately empty the bladder; under no circumstances should it be tolerated. If pain decreases and there is persistent improvement, the patient is recommended to take a bath, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. To prevent clouding of consciousness, you should keep ammonia and Corvalol nearby. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.

After 6 hours from the onset of the attack, the patient should be given an Asparkam tablet; it supports the heart muscle and helps remove stones from the kidneys. If the stone comes out, the attacks will stop.

You should not use a heating pad on the kidney area until urination is restored; it is not recommended to take diuretics until the spasm is relieved - this may worsen the situation. During pregnancy, hot baths and heating pads are prohibited; antispasmodics should be used and an ambulance should be called.

Phytotherapeutic methods for relieving renal colic

Medications to relieve an attack can be combined with herbal treatment for colic. Herbal infusions, teas, and herbal baths have pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing properties.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs:

  • A bath with a decoction of Sage, Chamomile, birch and linden leaves - 10 grams each, poured boiling water and infused for 30 minutes - helps well in relieving colic at home. Then the resulting broth is filtered and poured into the bath.
  • Decoction of Chamomile and linden flowers - 20 grams, Oats (straw) - 200 grams, Malva leaves - 50 grams. The method of application is the same.
  • Combine 10 grams of raspberry, manzhetki and dried leaves with birch branches - 100 grams. Pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and add to a warm bath.

Baths with herbal decoctions soothe and relieve spasms. After it, you need to spend about two hours in bed, covered warmly. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, provided that urination is normalized.

Public gatherings

Dosage forms that are taken orally and have a pronounced relaxing and analgesic effect can be prepared fairly quickly. Efficiency and safety folk remedies making them more and more popular among the population. Medicinal plants not only relieve pain, but also affect the cause of colic.

  • Birch leaves – 10 grams.
  • Juniper fruits – 10 grams.
  • Stalnik root – 10 grams.
  • Celandine – 10 grams.
  • Potentilla goose - 10 grams.

Pour 4 tablespoons of the collection with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and drink warm for an hour.

Collection No. 2:

  • Celandine.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Thyme.

10 grams each, pour a liter of boiling water, take the same.

Decoctions of plants are used to help normalize urination and relieve pain:

  • Birch buds and leaves – 40 grams per liter of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes.
  • Lingonberries (leaves) – 60 grams per liter of water, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Blackcurrant (leaves) – 40 grams per liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 30 minutes.
  • Horsetail – 30 grams per 1 liter, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Bearberry – 30 grams per liter, cook for 20 minutes.

All of these forms should be drunk when ready, in small sips, 300–400 ml. Take the rest during the day, half a glass after each bladder emptying. During this time, the pain attack usually subsides. But in order to cure the disease, it is necessary to know the exact diagnosis and take the appropriate course, combining drug therapy with folk remedies.

If relief does not occur, the temperature rises, and the condition worsens, you need to urgently seek help from the hospital.

Nutrition for renal colic

During intense pain there is no appetite, and the patient cannot be forced to eat. The exception is warm drinks (herbal decoctions) in small portions, fractionally.

Upon completion of the acute phase, the patient should adhere to a diet based on treatment table №10:

  • Drinking regime – at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Reducing calories by reducing fats and carbohydrates.
  • Limiting salt.

Recommended and prohibited foods:



· Vegetable soups or recycled beef broth.

· Meat and fish, boiled or baked.

· Porridge on the water.

· Omelet – no more than 2 eggs per day.

· Boiled seafood.

· Dairy products With low fat content, cheese rarely .

· Pasta, yesterday's bread.

· Vegetable oil and butter in small quantities.

· Fruits and fresh vegetables in large quantities.

Acute, salted, fatty, fried, smoked.

Sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup, seasonings.


Coffee, cocoa, strong tea, carbonated drinks .


Fresh bakery.

Mushrooms, legumes.

Marinades, canned food.

Sorrel, asparagus, spinach, garlic, onion.

Special nutrition in the case of renal colic serves to alleviate the patient’s well-being and prevent a recurrent attack. If the cause is urolithiasis, it is worth determining the nature of the stones, their composition - and prescribing accordingly proper diet. It must be remembered that colic occurs due to kidney disease, which must be treated, so a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Renal colic is predominantly caused by urolithiasis, more often in men of working age. Only 13% of cases of renal colic occur for other reasons, but each case requires medical intervention due to the danger of appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, spermatic cord torsion, which occur with similar symptoms.

Treatment of renal colic

A condition in which the free flow of urine is impaired, accompanied by intense pain in the kidney area, is called. The main sign of kidney obstruction is stabbing unbearable pain in the lower back, from which this phenomenon got its name.

Kidney pain occurs for many reasons. If an attack occurs for the first time, you must definitely call a doctor, who will determine how to treat it. This is especially true for attacks in a child or a pregnant woman.

The main goal of treatment for renal colic is to eliminate the cause of ureteral obstruction and restore normal urine flow. What to do and what to take in this case depends on the size of the stone and its location in the urinary tract.

First aid

If colic appears for the first time, it is better to call a doctor immediately. The pain of renal colic is sometimes compared to labor pains. It is so strong that it cannot be removed with the usual means available in the first aid kit. Analgin, baralgin in tablets will only prolong the patient’s torment.

If you can’t call a doctor, you can try to cope with the pain yourself by giving an intramuscular injection:

  • no-shpy;
  • analgin with diphenhydramine;
  • papaverine;
  • baralgina;
  • spasmalgona.

The presence of a stone in the ureter causes inflammation. If you manage to relieve the pain on your own by taking antispasmodics, the patient will definitely need medical help.

Even if the stone is small and there is a chance that it will pass on its own, the patient is prescribed:

  • antibiotics, uroseptics for the treatment of inflammation in the ureter - nitroxoline, ceftriaxone, levofloxacin, fosfomycin;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation in the kidney - trental, pentoxifylline;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - drotaverine, diclofenac, ketorolac, lornoxicam.

The patient is required to rest in bed, and may be left at home if the painkiller has worked. If the attack cannot be relieved, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where he receives urgent Care.

Be sure to be hospitalized for renal colic:

  • patients with one kidney;
  • with bilateral colic;
  • pregnant women;
  • old people;
  • children.

Hospitalization is also necessary if appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, ectopic pregnancy among women. It is also necessary to exclude hydronephrosis of the kidney and prostate tumor in men.

An examination is necessary in all cases of renal colic to exclude tumor diseases of the pelvic organs and intestinal obstruction, which can also cause symptoms in the patient that are similar to the manifestations of colic.

Algorithm for relieving renal colic

Treatment at home

Treatment at home for renal colic is possible only if the stone is diagnosed as small in size and has a fairly high probability of passing on its own. To reduce pain, you can put rectal suppository with papaverine, diclofenac.

If colic is not accompanied by pyelonephritis, then it can be relieved by applying dry heat. At high temperatures, heating procedures are dangerous. They will increase blood flow, and with the blood flow, the spread of infection in the body will accelerate.

In the absence of contraindications, a patient with renal colic can take a hot bath during the subsiding phase of the attack. IN acute period the patient cannot sit quietly, taking a bath in a state close to shock is dangerous.

The best way to relieve pain from renal colic is to administer an anesthetic intramuscularly. After the attack subsides, you can use traditional medicine.

Good means for washing the kidneys are pumpkin juice, a decoction of pumpkin seeds, watermelon, melon. These products should be added to the diet only after consulting a urologist. For large stones, products with a diuretic effect can be harmful.

For urate stones, it is useful to take an infusion that contains the following in equal quantities:

  • Birch buds;
  • parsley leaf;
  • flax seed;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • rosehip (fruit).

To prepare the infusion 1 table. l. collection is poured with 0.25 liters of boiling water in a thermos and left for 6 hours. Drink during the day in 3 doses.

Phosphate and oxalate stones are treated with a mixture that contains in equal proportions:

  • sweet clover;
  • motherwort;
  • immortelle;
  • lingonberries;
  • madder root.

To make the infusion, 2 tables. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the mixture and leave for 12 hours. Drink during the day in 5 doses.

Reason to see a doctor

Seek immediate medical attention for renal colic accompanied by:

  • acute pain in the lower back that cannot be relieved with painkillers;
  • increased temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting, which does not bring relief.

Patients with one kidney, people over 60 years of age, as well as with a bilateral attack of renal colic in men, women and children should call an ambulance and not refuse hospitalization.

Treatment in hospital

Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, the size of the stone is determined. If it is possible to independently remove the stone from the urinary tract, the patient is prescribed drugs that reduce pain and eliminate swelling.

Most often, for these purposes, for renal colic caused by urolithiasis, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and indomethacin are used.

The probability of spontaneous passage of a stone is:

  • 85% if the dimensions do not exceed 4 mm;
  • 50% with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • 10% if the stone is larger than 6 mm in diameter.

Concrete larger than 6 mm is removed promptly. When choosing a removal method, its location matters.

Chances of spontaneous passage if the stone is located:

  • in the upper part of the ureter – 35%;
  • in the middle part – 49%;
  • in the lower part – 78%.

The final decision of the urologist is influenced by the nature of the stone itself, its shape, the absence of sharp, cutting surfaces, as well as:

  • failure of treatment;
  • infectious kidney diseases associated with colic;
  • danger of sepsis;
  • risk of bilateral obstruction.

Conservative treatment

Medicines are prescribed when there is a high probability of spontaneous passage of a stone. In addition to anti-inflammatory and painkillers, the patient is prescribed antibiotics if the ureteral obstruction is complicated by a bacterial infection.

An acute attack is treated with painkillers. In men, the spermatic cord is additionally anesthetized with novocaine, and in women, a novocaine blockade of the round ligament is performed (an intrapelvic block is performed).

Medicines prescribed to expel stones include:

  • progesterone;
  • glucagon;
  • nifedipine.

After stopping the attack, the patient is prescribed antispasmodic drugs Avisan, madder, urolucan, spasmocystenal, pinabine.

Additional treatment options include:

  • sitz baths with horsetail decoction;
  • volume of liquid drunk - 2.5 l/day;
  • cranberry juice.

For urate stones:

  • prescribe potassium bicarbonate, sodium citrate to alkalize urine;
  • Allopurinol is prescribed, a drug that regulates uric acid metabolism.

If the likelihood of spontaneous expulsion of a stone from the urinary tract is absent or very low, then resort to surgical intervention or crushing stones using ultrasound, dynamic currents, vibration.

To divert urine, it is sometimes necessary to perform a nephrostomy, for which an outlet for urine flow is created using drainage through renal pelvis or from the bladder.


Surgical intervention for renal colic, aimed at destroying the stone and removing its fragments, called lithotripsy, is performed:

  • contact method;
  • contactless.

The most common non-contact method for removing small diameter stones is. The force of the shock wave in this method is used to crush stones up to 2.5 mm in size.

The stone is treated with ultrasound for 40 minutes, after 14 days a control examination of the kidneys is carried out. During this period of time, stone fragments should completely leave the ureters.

Can be used for crushing. Laser treatment of the stone is carried out under anesthesia. The stone after this procedure turns into dust.

This contact type of exposure is carried out using a probe equipped with a laser radiation source. The probe is inserted into the ureter and brought directly to the stone.

To process the stone, a special holmium laser is used, which does not have a damaging effect on surrounding tissue. A tube is inserted after the administration of antibiotics, which are prescribed due to the high risk of infection.


To prevent colic, they resort to diet No. 7, except in the case of oxalate stones, when diet No. 6 is prescribed, which is used to treat gout.

Kidney diet No. 7 limits the consumption of table salt, includes mainly plant foods and an increased amount of daily fluid intake.


Oxalate stones look like dark-colored thorns. When moving through the ureter, the sharp edges injure the inner surface of the urinary tract, which leads to the appearance of blood in the urine.

Oxalate stones occur with normal urine acidity. The reason for the appearance of oxalate stones is a lack of fluid in the body.

Sorrel, spinach, legumes, and tomatoes are excluded from the menu; beets, carrots, black and green tea are limited. It is useful for oxalate stones to eat dishes with cucumbers, pears, apricots, grapes, Essentuki mineral water No. 20 are useful.


Round, grayish phosphate stones occur in alkaline urine and easily disintegrate when crushed by laser.

For phosphate stones, limit cottage cheese, milk, liver, and kidneys. Do not consume hot spices, smoked meats, cocoa, alcohol, or coffee. Mushrooms, chicken eggs in the diet, and sour cream are limited.

It is useful to drink birch sap and Arzni mineral water. Apples with a sour taste, cranberries, currants, lingonberries are recommended, carotenoids and vitamin D are necessary.


Hard, yellowish-colored urate stones form in an acidic environment with excess uric acid. For urate stones, it is useful to drink alkaline mineral waters of Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya.

Patients are prescribed diet No. 6, dairy products, meat, and eggs are limited. Products with a strong taste, such as radishes, hot peppers, are excluded from the diet; legumes, which include cocoa, and products containing it, such as chocolate, are prohibited.

It is recommended to limit meat products containing purines and increase the amount of plant foods, with the exception of legumes. For urate stones, it is useful to include dishes with parsley, celery, and drink a decoction of pumpkin seeds.

After renal colic caused by urolithiasis, the patient has been registered with a dispensary for 5 years. To prevent renal colic, patients must follow a diet, drinking regimen, avoid excessive physical activity, and avoid hypothermia.
The video shows how to relieve renal colic and how to treat it:

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