Home Tooth pain Which product is better, “Mildronat” or “Phenotropil” and how they differ. Piracetam and mildronate - Phoenix health What does Semax do

Which product is better, “Mildronat” or “Phenotropil” and how they differ. Piracetam and mildronate - Phoenix health What does Semax do

A. Let's start with drugs that improve cerebral circulation, cerebral vasodilators. From them, because their description will be useful to us in the future, and I had nowhere else to stick them)

1. Cinnarizine (Stugeron) [vasodilator] A calcium channel blocker with a predominant effect on cerebral vessels. From efficacy studies, “it was found that the antihistamine and antidopaminergic properties of cinnarizine contribute to the development of depression, somnolence and extrapyramidal disorders.” Cinnarizine can also provoke the development of Parkinson’s disease and enhance the negative effects of alcohol. Well fuck him with such effects.

2. Vinpocetine (Vinpocetine, Cavinton) [vasodilator, nootropic]. Included in the list of vital and essential drugs. Improves blood circulation and brain metabolism, in addition increasing the content of cAMP and then energy compounds (ATP) and improving the metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin in brain tissue. Among the suspicious side effects is the effect on the ECG. 50 tablets< 50 рублей. Check mark.

3. Meldonium (Mildronat, Cardionat, Midolat) [a drug that improves metabolism and energy supply to tissues]. A structural analogue of the precursor of carnitine?-butyrobetaine, which is a vasodilator, and therefore falls into this category. It is included in the Vital and Essential Drugs, there are reviews of clinical effectiveness, and is used for mental and physical overload (including in athletes). 40 capsules, 280 rubles. Why not?

4. Pentoxifylline (Trental, Agapurin SR) [a drug that improves microcirculation, angioprotector] Improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, inhibits PDE, increases the concentration of cAMP in platelets and ATP in erythrocytes with simultaneous saturation of energy potential, which in turn leads to vasodilation and other positive effects regarding the functioning of the circulatory system. Arguments in favor are again coming from medical practitioners. The market is mainly represented by a cheap injection solution, but there are also tablets: 20 for 200. Let's remember.

B. Now let's fire a salvo with the main caliber, gamma-aminobutyric acid and its derivatives:

1) There is GABA (Aminalon) itself [nootropic]. It seems to cost about a ruble and a half per tablet, over-the-counter. The effectiveness, judging by the reviews, is low, but reject This is not why we use it, but because of the availability of more effective derivatives.

2) Phenibut (Aminophenylbutyric acid) [nootropic with anxiolytic activity]. Aminalone, enhanced by the introduction of a non-polar phenyl group (benzene ring) to more easily cross the blood-brain barrier. It is cheap, sold with a prescription that no one asks for, but has a number of unpleasant side effects: it is not good for the stomach, it can be addictive, and tolerance to it develops quite quickly. Into the furnace.

3) Next comes a whole cohort of GABA derivatives that do not actually have GABAergic activity - racetams. All of them have so-called ampakine activity, which is similar to pure ampakines currently at the testing stage. This name is due to the mechanism of action of such compounds - enhancing the effect of glutamate on AMPA receptors. Instead of acting directly, they bind to a particular modulatory site of the receptor and prolong the opening time of this ion channel in the presence of glutamate (a natural signal), thereby increasing the transit time of ions through the receptor and promoting long-term potentiation (LTP), which is responsible for equally long-term memory.

In addition, racetams increase the metabolism of acetylcholine and may have a peptidergic component of action, i.e. are mimetics of some neuropeptide involved in the regulation of learning and memory processes. This idea is exploited by the authors of Noopept, which we will return to later in the section on peptides.

So, racetams (according to the wiki):

Aniracetam (4-8 times more potent than piracetam)
Oxiracetam (2-4 times more potent than piracetam)
Pramiracetam (8-30 times more potent than piracetam)
Phenylpiracetam (60-80 times more potent than piracetam)

There is more, but not much good.

As for “potency” (this is a clever word for “strength”), it is difficult to say anything, especially considering the individuality of the effect, so we will leave the specific numbers to the conscience of the authors of the corresponding article, and will dwell in more detail on two representatives of the class:

a. Piracetam (actually Piracetam, Lacetam, etc.) [nootropic] is a classic of the genre, almost the first nootropic developed. Sold without a prescription almost free of charge. It gets into the brain poorly, so it is used in large doses and with little effectiveness; it begins to act in a week or two, or does not begin at all. Among the negative effects it causes the so-called. rollback at the end of application, that is, a fairly sharp drop from “good” to “as it was,” which is quite sad. On the positive side, some write about “piracetam priming,” when after long-term use (a couple of months) and an even longer period without medication, a subsequent single dose of a large dose gives an immediate effect without a one- to two-week build-up procedure. In general, with complex therapy it is possible leave it as a backup option.

Regarding Piracetam, it is worth adding that there are combination options with other drugs, primarily vasodilators. For example, Fezam = piracetam + cinnarizine and vinpotropil = piracetam + vinpocetine. The first drug goes in the same place as its prototype, cinnarizine, since it has even more side effects, from drowsiness to insomnia, or the classic “swing”, familiar to every experienced drug addict who has mixed amphetamines with opiates, but only less pronounced. Fuck it. Second option much more interesting, but only if we decided to include piracetam in the regimen and chose vinpocetine as a vasodilator, then, yes, it is easier to take them together as vinpotropil (30 capsules, 150 rubles).

b. 4-phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil) [nootropic]. Piracetam, enhanced in the same way as the aminalon-phenibut combination. A prescription (in theory) is needed, it costs 10 tablets for 300-400 rubles, not cheap. Judging by the reviews, it is the most powerful of the popular nootropics with a pronounced (psycho)stimulating component. Some complain of increased irritability as a side effect, others suggest eating in bulk before an exam and accuse the drug of being useless. If you follow the instructions for course use (which, by the way, are common to all nootropics), then the likelihood of an effect is maximum. We include it in the diagram.

4) Complex preparations based on GABA and B vitamins:

a. Hopanthenic acid (Pantogam) [nootropic]. It is a modified pantothenic acid molecule (B5), including a GABA residue that replaces the alanine fragment. Let’s also quote the wiki: “has neurometabolic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties. Increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances, stimulates anabolic processes in neurons, combines a moderate sedative effect with a mild stimulating effect, has an anticonvulsant effect, reduces motor excitability while regulating behavior. Increases mental and physical performance. Helps normalize GABA content during chronic alcohol intoxication and subsequent ethanol withdrawal. Shows analgesic effect.” In fact, this quotation serves the sole purpose of showing that nootropics have an extremely wide range of predominantly beneficial effects, which are pointless to list every time. As for this substance, everything is, of course, wonderful, but judging by the reviews, it is not very suitable for combination therapy, its effect is weak, and the phrase “in some cases can cause acute lethal hepatic encephalopathy due to pantothenic acid deficiency” is somewhat confusing . Nootropics should not have such effects, even with a low probability. No.

b. Nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid (Picamilon) [nootropic, vasodilator]. It has pronounced vasodilating properties in combination with nootropic and anxiolytic effects. The spectrum of effects overlaps with vinpocetine. Judging by the labels on the box, a recipe is needed, but few people have heard of it. Costs less than a hundred rubles. My grandmother speaks about the side effects, or rather the lack thereof, crunching it like caramels. It is difficult to judge independent effectiveness, but for complex therapy that's it- we received a drug that indirectly improves the delivery of nutrients to the brain.

By the way, regarding the diagrams. I think there is no need to explain the meaning of ticks, crosses and question marks, but the rest is a legend:

C. Next stop is the cholinergic system. It has two types of receptors: M (muscarinic) and N (nicotinic), named after the corresponding mimetics. They are located in many parts of the brain and are responsible for different things: muscarinic receptors ensure disinhibition of the pyramidal layer of the cortex and enhance the transfer of information between its other layers, nicotinic receptors, on the contrary, provide inhibition of cortical neurons. In principle, this is all very important, and, in a good way, much more important than the subject of the article, but I am not a neurophysiologist, so due to incompetence I will not delve further into the topic. The basic idea is that this system is important, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is responsible for its operation, is a necessary thing, especially since the use of racetams also increases its consumption, so let’s see how we can influence it:

1) Precursors. Acetylcholine is synthesized in the cytoplasm of the endings of cholinergic neurons. It is formed from choline, which we have already met under the guise of vitamin B4; taking it directly does not improve the weather, so let’s move on to more effective means.

a. Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) [acetylcholine precursor, nootropic]. It is a choline molecule with one methyl group removed. Unlike its relative, it penetrates through the BBB directly into the brain, therefore it works more efficiently. Found in food, such as fish, and in tablets. Extends the life of mice, is used to tighten eyelids, has a number of near-nootropic effects, but the real effectiveness of DMAE very doubtful.

b. Meclofenoxate (Acefen) [nootropic] is a complex of DMAE with n-chlorophenoxy-no-one-reads-acetic acid, a compound related to plant growth hormone (whatever that is), which promotes better absorption of DMAE , and in itself improves the metabolic processes of the brain. The effectiveness of meclofenoxate should be slightly higher than pure DMAE, and judging by the reviews, it additionally has a mild stimulating effect, but in practice it is not possible to verify this due to the absence of the drug in the pharmacy chain and rumors about its price, measured in almost five figures numbers. It's a pity.

c. Another DMAE derivative is Deanol aceglumate (Nooclerin) [nootropic], this time dimethylaminoethanol is paired with a pumped version of glutamic acid - acetyl-L-glutamic acid. The meaning of the latter is that, unlike the original, the acylated version reaches the brain in a more complete composition, without being destroyed along the way by liver transaminases. As a result, the two-component drug falls into the category of nootropics with psychostimulant activity. For now let's say a cautious yes.

d. Cytocoline (CDP-Cholin) (Ceraxon) [nootropic] is an endogenous compound, a precursor of phosphatidylcholine, a component of cell membranes, which also indirectly increases the amount of acetylcholine, since more free choline is released “on the spot” for its synthesis. 700 rubles for a bottle of solution.

PS If you want a verdict, read on!

e. Choline alphoscerate (Gliatilin, Cerepro) [a precursor of acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine] is very similar to citicoline, both are primarily used for acute cerebral ischemia, both have a nootropic effect, but differ somewhat in cost (gliatilin ~500 rubles) and predominant action. For citicoline, it is the repair of neuronal membranes, reducing the degeneration of free fatty acids (in case of head injury, cerebral edema); for gliatilin - a direct increase in the production of acetylcholine (improvement of cognitive functions in dementia), and the release of acetylcholine from the terminals in response to the administration of the drug (dose-dependent awakening effect). Since we are more interested in direct acetylcholine effects, let's stop at gliatilin.

2) Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are a more radical way to influence the efficiency of the cholinergic system, and, as a result, more risky. Considering that the two-way effect on it, that is, both an increase in the concentration of acetylcholine in synapses and a decrease in the amount of the enzyme that destroys it, is simply dangerous (fraught with an acetylcholine crisis), I would not recommend this class of drugs. Moreover, normally acetylcholine does not return to the cell, but is completely destroyed by acetylcholine esterase, so you can get disastrous results with monotherapy, so I would not experiment with it. However, we will still go through specific medications, which by the way belong to the clinical-pharmacological group of drugs for alleviating the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and dementia:

b. Galantamine is both a selective inhibitor of brain acetylcholinesterase and a cholinesterase inhibitor, from 500 to 2000 rubles depending on the dosage. If you want to take a risk...

c. Neuromidin - An inhibitor of cholinesterase, not acetylcholinesterase, has a diffuse effect that is not limited to the central nervous system. Neuromedin has a tablet form from list B, an injection solution is listed A. The cost is ~ 600 rubles, but it is worse than galantamine, so No.

d. Rivastigmine (Exelon) - although of the drugs considered, this is the most successful from a pharmacological point of view, its price is >2000, so Alas.

D. Then it becomes a little sad: the main -ergic systems are coming to an end. The work of serotonergic is corrected mainly by antidepressants or substances like mescaline, psilocybin and LSD. I would be careful to advise that those that are different (Article 6.13 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and that they contribute to cognitive functions, somehow I don’t believe it. It seems there are no nootropics that have a predominant effect on the noradrenergic system; too many other things are tied to it. You can indirectly influence the entire cycle of catecholamine synthesis: dopamine -› norepinephrine -› adrenaline, or turn to clinical and pharmacological groups that are completely far from nootropics. However, a person who is ready to accelerate his brain using psychopharmacological methods may not mind accelerating something else:

1) Norepinephrine + dopamine.

a. 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (methylhexanamine, DMAA, geranamine) [stimulant, thermogenic]. Affects mood and emotions, increases mental focus, increases productivity, reduces appetite, enhances lipolysis (fat burning). It is considered a stimulant 4-10 times stronger than caffeine, but without its toxicity and harm to the body. Used mainly by not very honest athletes as a doping, it is now being gradually withdrawn from sale, which seems to hint at some exaggeration of harmlessness.

b. Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) [an antidepressant of the selective norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor class]. It is used to combat depression (your cap), excess weight, smoking and even sexual dysfunction (according to the results of a 12-week course of bupropion, 63% of patients (both sexes) noted an improvement or significant improvement in their sex life, versus 3% in the placebo group; this the only such antidepressant, the others are the opposite). It seems to have no direct relation to memory or cognitive processes, however, it is possible that it is capable of increasing overall performance due to its effect on mood. But this is so, thinking out loud.

2) Dopamine. The dopaminergic system includes several so-called pathways (mesolimbic, mesocortical, tuberoinfundibular, nigrostriatal), they are responsible for almost everything possible, in particular, motivation (reward system), mood and motor activity. The selective activation of dopaminergic transmission is the mechanism of action of many drugs. All neuroleptic-antipsychotic drugs, which are prescribed to all sorts of violent schizophrenics, work to reduce it, so that they do not rush through the streets, but sit quietly and look at the wall. If we don’t talk about some very harsh antiparkinsonian drugs, like levodopa, then the dopaminergic system is affected by:

a. Selegiline (Deprenyl, Yumex) [monoamine oxidase type B inhibitor] A less potent antiparkinsonian drug. There are references to its use as a “nootropic”, however, primarily in people over 40, and when drawing analogies with mice, for which it prolongs life. It has many contraindications, drug interactions, it is unclear whether it is sold in pharmacies and how much it costs (on the Internet it is available in boxes of one hundred tablets for amounts of 1500-3000 rubles), so it’s better let's not touch him.

b. Adamantylbromphenylamine (bromantane) (Ladasten) [actoprotector, antiasthenic drug] It has a stimulating effect in combination with an anxiolytic effect, increases the body's defenses, promotes mnestic processes and learning; improves coordination of movements, etc. and so on. It has no side effects other than possible insomnia, costs 300 rubles, reviews, as always, range from “helps” to “no effect.” We put a tick.

3) Norepinephrine. Drugs that affect the noradrenergic system primarily have a stimulating effect, so I will not praise them, but I will mention:

a. Synephrine [stimulant, thermogenic] Used in sports pharmacology as an analogue of ephedrine. The main effects are stimulating and fat burning. In 5th or 10th place there is an improvement in mental concentration.

b. Reboxetine (Edronax) [an antidepressant of the NRTI class] has not been registered in Russia and is not sold, so let's omit.

c. Atomoxetine (Strattera) [SNRI class stimulant] It is used primarily for the treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (this is such a fictional but very popular disease in the West), it costs about 1000 rubles for 7 capsules, it seems difficult to purchase without a prescription.

E. Among the groups of drugs that have nootropic or psychostimulating activity, the category “let’s take some vitamin and pump it to cross the BBB” remains. This is usually done by doubling the corresponding molecule, which doubles the brutality of the vitamin, and the efficiency is simply 100500. So:

A small note about “drugs used for asthenic conditions” (as this category is officially called), like sulbutiamine or bromantane. “Asthenia - chronic fatigue syndrome - a painful condition manifested by increased fatigue and exhaustion with extreme instability of mood, weakening of self-control, impatience, restlessness, sleep disturbance, loss of the ability for prolonged mental and physical stress, intolerance to loud sounds, bright lights, strong odors.” As I understand it, an independent diagnosis of “asthenia” is not made, which is probably correct - each of us experiences this sometimes. But what should antiasthenic drugs do? Transfer a person from a state of asthenia to a state of sthenicity, i.e. high efficiency, composure and insensitivity to interference. That is, these drugs can fight laziness, boredom, melancholy and fatigue. Precisely all the things that usually prevent one from learning any lower power estimates of Shannon functions much more than the physical inability to remember or understand them.

But let's return to our sheep:

F. Peptides. This category is exclusively chemical, because its few representatives have practically nothing else in common with each other. We are interested in this due to the fact that they have little in common with all the other drugs we have considered, which allows us not to be afraid of overlapping effects and unpredictable drug-drug interactions. So:

Hypothetically, as of 2008, about 1,600 nootropic drugs alone were registered in the world; the website nootropics.com provides a list of more than three hundred, which, apparently, are used by someone. So it’s stupid to complain that the list is coming to an end, but, nevertheless, it is so. There are some very exotic options left.

G. Nootropics, hypnotics, sedatives and anxiolytics. In theory, what kind of nonsense is this? How can sleeping pills improve performance? Actually, there may be several reasons:

  • Such drugs are usually taken at night, so they do not cause problems with drowsiness during the day, quite the contrary

  • due to the nature of their action, they improve sleep, which allows you to get better sleep, and, therefore, function better the next day

  • they allow you to fall asleep “one tablet at a time,” i.e. and in an excited state, which can be very useful

  • and most importantly, they can be very useful in complex pharmacotherapy, since one of the few but most common side effects of the previously discussed drugs is sleep disturbance, insomnia.

Three drugs:

1. Melatonin (Melaxen) [a drug used for temporary adaptation disorders]. It is a synthetic analogue of the pineal gland hormone, a regulator of circadian rhythms. Melatonin itself is synthesized in the dark from serotonin, so its additional intake also affects the serotonergic system, increasing the amount of this neurotransmitter in the midbrain and hypothalamus. Also, under the influence of melatonin, the content of GABA in the central nervous system increases. On the Internet it is also considered as a substance with nootropic activity, although it is not a nootropic. The price is 500 rubles for 24 tablets, the effect is excellent, among the side effects it is worth looking at drug incompatibility (for example, with NSAIDs), there may be an allergy. But nevertheless, yes, yes, yes.

2. (Mebicar, Adaptol) [nootropic, daytime tranquilizer] A wildly cool active ingredient -dione, I think that by saying it three times out loud you can summon someone. Acts by improving oxygen supply to myocardial tissue; normalizing the disturbed electrolyte balance of the blood, the content of potassium ions in plasma, erythrocytes and myocardial cells; helps to enhance protein synthesis and increase the energy resources of the cell. Regulates disturbed night sleep without having a direct hypnotic effect. It does not have an anticholinergic or muscle relaxant effect, and does not impair coordination of movements. Eases or relieves nicotine withdrawal. Does not reduce mental and motor activity. Does not create an elevated mood or a feeling of euphoria. 20 rubles per tablet, there are few reviews about the nootropic effect, but there is a lot of information about its very possibility. Let's say.

3. Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (Mexidol) [antioxidant, broad-spectrum nootropic, daytime tranquilizer]. As for pharmacokinetics, the mechanism is due to antihypoxic, antioxidant and membrane protective effects, and also increases the concentration of dopamine. It is present on the market in the form of an injection solution, tablets (30 pieces, ~200 wooden) and toothpaste (Sic!). The latter is worth trying if only for the lulz. According to reviews, the drug is good specifically as a medicine for treatment, as for prophylactic and experimental use, there is no information.

1. Memantine [glutamate NMDA receptor blocker, drug for the treatment of dementia]. An example of a drug that, in theory, should have the opposite effect of nootropics on healthy people, inhibiting glutamatergic transmission. Dumb-drug, so to speak. But this is my opinion, I don’t know, it seems to help someone. Cost 1-2 thousand per box. There is no way.

2. Ethylthiobenzimidazole (bemityl) (Metaprot) [actoprotector, adaptogen]. The mechanism of action is to activate the synthesis of RNA, and then proteins, including enzymes and those related to the immune system. It has pronounced antioxidant activity, increases the body's resistance to extreme factors: physical activity, stress, hypoxia, hyperthermia. Increases performance during physical activity, according to some estimates up to 200%, especially in conditions of lack of oxygen. Enhances the effect of nootropic drugs. A box for 300-400 rubles. Sounds interesting.

3. Guanfacine (Estulik) [Antihypertensive drug] Stimulates central alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, reduces blood pressure. In theory, where is the nootropic effect here? It turns out that some studies have shown that it is present here: the drug improves attention, concentration, memory in general and spatial memory in particular. It’s a pity he only does this in the laboratory and only on monkeys. In humans, the effect is rather negative due to the side sedative effect of the drug. Sadness.

4. Hormones that affect memory. Vasopressin, orexin, pregnenolone. Besides memory they act God knows how and on what else. Plus, the artificial intake affects their normal production, so it’s better not to touch this Pandora’s box, even if there was such an opportunity (it doesn’t exist in Russia).

I. A large category of herbal preparations remained completely unconsidered:

Ginkgo biloba (a cross between a pine and a fern)
Ginseng (root)
Aralia (tree)
Rhodiola rosea (herb)
Blackberry comb (mushroom)
Bacopa (something like plantain)
Schisandra chinensis (such a vine)
Eleutherococcus senticosus (also known as “wild pepper” and “devil’s bush”)
Ashwagandha (a plant whose name translates as “horse spirit”, nuff said in my opinion)

Thousands of them.

I can’t say anything particularly bad about herbal preparations and their medicinal use, especially considering that the history of this use can go back a couple of thousand years, which indirectly speaks of their effectiveness. Moreover, some of the compounds I listed earlier are actually also of plant origin. But to understand hundreds of bushes, mushrooms and horse spirits, which are mainly described on very suspicious sites along with aura cleansing techniques, the sale of energy pyramids and advertising of the most popular ashrams this season - no, I can’t, excuse me, without me.

PS Schisandra and eleutherococcus seem to work, ginkgo biloba according to the description is quite effective, the rest even from this list doesn’t matter.

If you are reading this article in the first half of 2016, then you should know about the drug that has become sensational in the last few months - Meldonia. It is actively used by professional athletes and apparently is really effective, since in 2016 it began to be considered a doping agent. The number of disqualified people in the first 3 months alone looks quite impressive. But how does it work, why has it gained such popularity and who can it be useful for?

Meldonium was introduced in 1970 in Latvia for the treatment of heart disease. But it has gained the greatest popularity in the CIS countries, and its popularity is currently growing rapidly.

How does Meldonium work?

In general, this drug has one main mechanism of action from which a wide variety of properties arise. The following is a quote from the instructions: “Inhibits the enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, reduces the synthesis of carnitine and the transport of long-chain fatty acids through cell membranes, prevents the accumulation of activated forms of unoxidized fatty acids in cells (including acylcarnitine, which blocks the delivery of ATP to cell organelles).” .

Now we will translate:

- Inhibition means preventing, prohibiting action. Sleep is an inhibitor of the state of vigor, and vodka is an inhibitor of adequacy.

- Carnitine. A well-known sports supplement positioned as a fat burner. Works through the transport (movement) of fatty acids into the cell to be converted into energy. The meaning: fatty acids in a certain ratio are not deposited somewhere on the stomach, but are moved and broken down to store energy inside the cells. The supplement is very useful for those who are on a diet and/or have a high calorie expenditure during the day (do not sit in a chair for 8-12 hours).

- The enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase is the substance that triggers the creation of carnitine from gamma-butyrobetaine.

We unite: Meldonium interferes with the creation of carnitine, preventing the use of fat as a source of energy.

Why then is Meldonium effective?

Let’s remember about the object of treatment with today’s drug – the Cardiovascular system. Heart muscle cells produce energy 60-80% from fatty acids and 20-40% from glucose. Meldonium allows you to switch to energy production, mainly through glucose. This process begins to require more oxygen.

Thus, meldonium rearranges cell metabolism and improves energy supply, primarily to heart cells.

Meldonia course

The main contraindication for use is high blood pressure. Naturally, it is better not to experiment with any pills in childhood, pregnant or lactating women.

Side effects - agitation, tachycardia and other signs of increased performance.

There are several states of this substance, let’s focus on capsules. The exact duration of administration has not been established. It is recommended to take it in the first half of the day or 5 hours before bedtime, because the half-life of Meldonium is 4-5 hours. The course consists of 250 mg tablets, 2-4 times a day.

Effects of Meldonium

— In addition to being prescribed by doctors, the drug can be useful for athletes with an emphasis on muscle endurance.

— It is also interesting for improving intellectual abilities, because the brain loves to consume energy. And if there is more of it, then the work will be more productive.

- Reduces fatigue.

— Improves the transport of glucose and oxygen.

- Antiasthenic effect.

- Helps people with large body weight or heart disease.

What to combine with

The question is complex. Meldonium changes energy consumption towards glucose, so if you practice various keto diets or any other “no-carb” diets, the effect will likely be ambiguous. With Meldonium, it is carbohydrates and oxygen that come to the fore. That is why it is so popular in sports with long-term stress: running, gymnastics, biathlon, tennis, football, etc.

Intellectual activity also requires a large amount of glucose - the drug is useful.

Based on this, we can say that Meldonium goes well with high mental or physical stress and high carbohydrate consumption.

Carnitine or L-carnitine or Acetyl-L-carnitine is the complete opposite. Taking these supplements may even become dangerous. I have not found any such studies, but carnitine enhances the absorption of fatty acids for conversion into energy, and Meldonium limits this effect and enhances the effect on glucose and oxygen. And taking such supplements together looks very strange.

The drug should be helped by other substances that improve energy production in the Krebs cycle, that is: Mexidol, Succinic acid, Coenzyme Q10,

Prohibition of Meldonium

Finance and power still have enormous influence in the world, and Meldonium was banned, most likely due to the benefits of third parties. It is not that dangerous, judging by its mechanism of action. In addition, even over the past 5 years, history knows many examples of the denigration of truly working substances, this is especially noticeable in the sports nutrition and pharmacology markets, which operate with huge amounts of money.

Quote from the scientist-creator Meldonius:

“I think this is the lobby of carnitine manufacturers. This drug is a common dietary supplement used by athletes and bodybuilders. Our group, which at one time developed meldonium, stated that carnitine is not a harmless drug, it can affect the development of atherosclerosis.”


— In addition to direct prescription by a doctor, Meldonium is useful for people engaged in heavy mental or physical labor, as well as athletes.

— Works through reconfiguring cell metabolism towards greater consumption of glucose and oxygen and less fat. The complete opposite of carnitine.

— The main effect is an increase in labor productivity.

— Capsules take 500-1000 mg per day, the duration is individual.

Have productive work, see you soon!

Mexidol's INN is Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.

This scary name, upon closer examination, means a hybrid of succinic acid and a substance that increases cell survival in unfavorable conditions.

  • Binds free radicals that are constantly formed in our body as a result of internal damage, inflammation, intoxication and external influences (sun, environment, etc.).
  • Stabilizes cell membranes so that they let through what they are supposed to and do not let in what should not enter the cell.
  • It improves the binding of the neurotransmitters GABA and dopamine to their receptors, so you can expect that the drug will relieve anxiety, restlessness, and improve your mood.
  • Improves blood supply to the brain and blood fluidity.
  • Thanks to this, it affects memory and learning processes. So it has a nootropic effect, although it is positioned as an antioxidant.
  • Has an antitoxic effect during withdrawal syndrome.
  • Condition after a stroke.
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Mild memory and attention impairments.
  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Withdrawal syndrome.
  • Asthenia, stress.
  • Acute renal or liver failure.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

1-2 tablets each. 3 times a day for 2-6 weeks.

For withdrawal symptoms, the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Parenterally, it is administered 2-5 ml intramuscularly or intravenously, depending on the disease and the severity of the process.

When administered intravenously, it is first diluted in saline. solution.

Enhances the effect of anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant and antiparkinsonian drugs.

In most cases, Mexidol is used in combination with other drugs.

So, as you can see, Mildronate is more often used for heart diseases, and Mexidol is used for brain diseases.

Synonymous replacement

  • Mexiprim – solution for parenteral administration, tablets.
  • Mexifin is a solution only.
  • Cerecard is only a solution.


Mildronate is a popular drug whose action is aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body. Meldonium-based medicine is often used in therapy to treat pathologies of the cardiovascular system and for physical and mental exhaustion.

Thanks to taking this drug, performance significantly increases and tension decreases. Due to Mildronate, the level of humoral and cellular immunity increases.

The drug has a positive effect on myocardial cells, which are often subject to significant stress and lack oxygen.

  • for chronic heart failure;
  • pre-infarction state;
  • for various pathologies of peripheral arteries;
  • with general exhaustion of the body;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for the treatment of myocardial infarction;
  • for cerebrovascular insufficiency and a number of other diseases.

Mildronate is most often used to prevent possible deterioration of patients' condition. This drug is not used for the treatment of pathologies that are in the acute stage.

The drug has been noted to be highly effective in cases where there is a need to restore strength. Mildronate also has a positive effect in restoring blood supply to the retina. The drug is effective in the treatment of alcoholism, as it reduces the symptoms of the nervous system during withdrawal syndrome.

The medicine can be taken in tablet form or intravenously.

Piracetam has the ability to significantly speed up the learning process, as it stimulates mental activity. This drug is widely used for perinatal brain damage, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, strokes, mental retardation, and concussions.

The effectiveness of the drug is quite difficult to evaluate objectively, since the therapeutic effect begins to appear after completing the full course of treatment.

The action of the drug Piracetam is based on enhancing the functioning of cells of the nervous system. The drug activates glucose metabolism and normalizes regional blood circulation in areas of the brain affected by a stroke.

Since the action of the drug is aimed at influencing the nervous and circulatory systems, it is recommended to enhance metabolic processes in the brain. The drug does not have a hypnotic or sedative effect, so patients are allowed to drive a vehicle.

The nootropic drug has a beneficial effect on improving the state of consciousness, restoring memory and speech function. Doctors recommend taking the drug before meals.

If we compare Piracetam and Mildronate, we can conclude that both drugs are aimed at improving metabolic and mental processes in the body and have a tonic effect. But, instead of Piracetam, you can take Mildronate only as recommended by your doctor. Although the effects of medications are similar in many ways, there are a number of differences.

The combined use of Piracetam and Mildronate is not recommended by experts, since these drugs have a tonic effect on the human body.

The consequence of taking medications for one period can be:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • depression, apathy;
  • hyperexcitability.

To achieve the required therapeutic effect, doctors may resort to combining drugs.

This is the original drug with the notorious active ingredient called Meldonium.

When we hear the word “Meldonium,” associations immediately arise in our heads: doping, sports, the Olympics, disqualification of athletes, confiscation of medals.

Unfortunately, this happens in our lives: for 30 years there lived a completely harmless drug for the heart. And then a short circuit occurred in someone’s inflamed brain, and this drug was suddenly branded with disgrace, labeled “DOPING” without even consulting its developer.

The World Anti-Doping Agency WADA was rubbing its hands because... there was an official reason to slander Russian athletes, since the drug was used mainly by Russians. Well, it’s not for me to explain to you that Russia is like a bone in the throat for many countries of the world.

Meldonium was included in the list of prohibited substances on January 1, 2016. They say that at this time his sales increased 15-20 times! The logic is simple: since it’s banned, it means it works like a dope.

Let me remind you that doping is a substance that can artificially increase physical activity and endurance during sports competitions. These include psychostimulants, anabolic steroids, peptide hormones (insulin, growth hormone), etc.

The fight against doping is being carried out so that all athletes are on equal terms and to preserve the health of athletes, because the body will not be able to work at the limit of its capabilities for a long time.

Meldonium was created in the mid-70s of the last century by a Latvian professor who worked at the Institute of Organic Synthesis.

The main idea was to develop a remedy designed to protect the body from overload.

“When overloads pass a certain point, irreversible cell damage begins, and then we see the sudden deaths of completely young and strong people from a massive heart attack or stroke right on the hockey field or at the marathon. And Mildronate prevents damage to the heart muscle or brain from such stress.”

28-year-old figure skater Sergei Grinkov died of a heart attack during training.

19-year-old hockey player Alexey Cherepanov died right during the match.

21-year-old biathlete Alina Yakimkina died at a 15-kilometer distance.

All this happened before Meldonium was blacklisted, and we don't know if they accepted it or not. Maybe the disaster could have been avoided?

This is only a small part of the deaths among athletes. The list goes on. Over the years, athletes from America, Spain, Italy, Germany, Korea, Bulgaria, Zambia, Ecuador died during competitions or training... If you are interested, Google it.

When the developer found out that Meldonium was classified as a doping drug, he was dumbfounded, since it is not a psychostimulant. It does not promote the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, like, for example, Amphetamine.

The professor said that the ban on Mildronate is, in fact, a crime against human rights. Athletes are not robots. They have the right to be healthy and protect their bodies.

But it was and remains a voice crying in the wilderness.

The persecution of athletes who have Meldonium in their blood continues.

Mildronate simply became a bargaining chip in political games. Before it was banned, athletes began to be tested to see exactly who had and how much of the drug was in their blood. We found out that athletes from Russia have the most of it.

And this is understandable: after all, it was developed in one of the republics of the Soviet Union.

In general, the well-known scenario of the West, where the queen of evidence is “highly likely,” which translated means “very likely.”

The saddest thing is that although its half-life is 3-6 hours, it is found in the blood several months after the last use.

As I already told you, Meldonium is not a nootropic. It is a metabolic agent.

It inhibits the enzyme responsible for carnitine synthesis.

What does Carnitine do? Transports fatty acids across cell membranes, where they are oxidized (burned) to produce energy.

But with excessive loads, hypoxia is observed. There is not enough oxygen to burn fatty acids. As a result of their incomplete oxidation, intermediate metabolic products are formed, which cause the death of cardiac muscle cells.

Since Meldonium reduces the content of Carnitine, the use of fatty acids for energy is reduced and the use of carbohydrates (glycogen) for this purpose is increased. The oxidation of carbohydrates requires less oxygen than the oxidation of fatty acids.

Products harmful to the heart are not formed. The myocardium is protected and happy.

Along with the slowdown in carnitine synthesis, the content of a substance that has a vasodilating effect increases. Thanks to this, in case of acute myocardial infarction, the formation of a necrosis zone slows down, and in case of cerebrovascular accidents, blood circulation in the ischemic area increases, the prognosis improves, and recovery is faster.

  • Improves load sensitivity.
  • Restores energy reserves.
  • Thanks to this, it increases physical and mental performance TO NORMAL (and not above the limits of human capabilities, as WADA is trying to present).
  • Shortens the recovery period for myocardial infarction.
  • Reduces the frequency of angina attacks.
  • Improves blood circulation in areas of cerebral ischemia.
  • Improves blood circulation in the retina of the eye.
  • Eliminates autonomic disorders during withdrawal syndrome in patients with chronic alcoholism.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Chronic heart failure.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders, including acute ones, i.e. stroke.
  • Reduced performance.
  • Mental and physical overload.
  • Retinal hemorrhages and some other eye diseases.
  • Withdrawal syndrome.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

Caution with liver and kidney diseases.

For cardiovascular diseases, Mildronate is used as part of COMPLEX therapy, and its use is not urgently necessary.

For ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular accidents, 500 mg-1 g per day in 1 or 2 doses. Course 4-6 weeks.

For reduced performance, 500 mg 2 times a day for 10-14 days. After 2-3 weeks you can repeat.

Athletes: 500 mg - 1 g 2 times a day before training for 14-21 days.

In severe cases, they begin with intravenous or intramuscular administration, and after 10 days they switch to oral administration.

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Dyspeptic disorders.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Decreased or increased blood pressure.
  • Increased excitability.
  • Enhances the effect of antihypertensive drugs, especially alpha-blockers and nifedipine.
  • Enhances the effect of cardiac glycosides.
  • When used together with nitroglycerin, tachycardia and arterial hypotension are possible.

Synonymous replacement

It is an angioprotector, i.e. vascular protector, based on a plant called Ginkgo Biloba.

How does it work?

  • Improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain.
  • Improves blood flow.
  • Reduces blood viscosity.
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals.
  • Acts on the release, reuptake and binding to receptors of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin.

When is it used?

  • Impaired memory and attention.
  • Visual impairment due to vascular problems.
  • Hearing impairment, tinnitus, dizziness, motor coordination disorders.
  • Chronic obliterating diseases of the arteries (obliterating endarteritis).

Its big advantage is that it is available without a prescription, so offer it if they ask for something for tinnitus or dizziness. Or something “natural” for memory.


  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Ulcerative-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the acute stage.
  • Stroke, acute period.
  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Reduced blood clotting.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders, headache, dizziness, bleeding with prolonged use, because reduces blood clotting.

How is it taken?

1 t. 3 times a day with meals for at least 3 months.

For those who find it difficult to swallow tablets, offer a suspension: 1 ml 3 times a day with meals, first diluted in ½ glass of water.

Dear friends, hello!

Today we will make the final push and finish the topic.

But first, let’s look at the drugs that are prescribed for cerebrovascular disorders and are not classified as nootropic drugs.


How is Meldonium used?

For cardiovascular diseases, Mildronate is used as part of COMPLEX therapy, and its use is not urgently necessary.

For ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular accidents, 500 mg-1 g per day in 1 or 2 doses. Course 4-6 weeks.

For reduced performance, 500 mg 2 times a day for 10-14 days. After 2-3 weeks you can repeat.

Athletes: 500 mg - 1 g 2 times a day before training for 14-21 days.

In severe cases, they begin with intravenous or intramuscular administration, and after 10 days they switch to oral administration.

Side effects of Meldonium

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Dyspeptic disorders.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Decreased or increased arterial blood pressure.
  • Increased excitability.

Drug interactions

  • Strengthens the effect of drugs, especially alpha-blockers and nifedipine.
  • Enhances the effect of cardiac glycosides.
  • When used together with nitroglycerin, tachycardia and arterial hypotension are possible.

Synonymous replacement

Cardionate, Idrinol, Meldonium.

Mexidol's INN is Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.

This scary name, upon closer examination, means a hybrid of succinic acid and a substance that increases cell survival in unfavorable conditions.

How does Mexidol work?

  • Binds free radicals that are constantly formed in our body as a result of internal damage, inflammation, intoxication and external influences (sun, environment, etc.).
  • Stabilizes cell membranes so that they let through what they are supposed to and do not let in what should not enter the cell.
  • It improves the binding of the neurotransmitters GABA and dopamine to their receptors, so you can expect that the drug will relieve anxiety, restlessness, and improve your mood.
  • Improves blood supply to the brain and blood fluidity.
  • Thanks to this, it affects memory and learning processes. So it has a nootropic effect, although it is positioned as an antioxidant.
  • Has an antitoxic effect during withdrawal syndrome.

When is Mexidol indicated?

  • Condition after a stroke.
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Mild memory and attention impairments.
  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Withdrawal syndrome.
  • Asthenia, stress.

When is Mexidol contraindicated?

  • Acute renal or liver failure.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

How is Mexidol taken?

1-2 tablets each. 3 times a day for 2-6 weeks.

For withdrawal symptoms, the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Parenterally, it is administered 2-5 ml intramuscularly or intravenously, depending on the disease and the severity of the process.

When administered intravenously, it is first diluted in saline. solution.

Drug interactions

Enhances the effect of anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant and antiparkinsonian drugs.

In most cases, Mexidol is used in combination with other drugs.

So, as you can see, Mildronate is more often used for heart diseases, and Mexidol is used for brain diseases.

Synonymous replacement

  • Mexiprim – solution for parenteral administration, tablets.
  • Mexifin is a solution only.
  • Cerecard is only a solution.

It is an angioprotector, i.e. vascular protector, based on a plant called Ginkgo Biloba.

How does it work?

  • Improves blood flow.
  • Reduces blood viscosity.
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals.
  • Acts on the release, reuptake and binding to receptors of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin.

When is it used?

  • Impaired memory and attention.
  • Visual impairment due to vascular problems.
  • Hearing impairment, tinnitus, dizziness, motor coordination disorders.
  • Chronic obliterating diseases of the arteries (obliterating endarteritis).

Its big advantage is that it is available without a prescription, so offer it if they ask for something for tinnitus or dizziness. Or something “natural” for memory.


  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Ulcerative-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the acute stage.
  • Stroke, acute period.
  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Reduced blood clotting.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders, dizziness, bleeding with prolonged use, because reduces blood clotting.

How is it taken?

1 t. 3 times a day with meals for at least 3 months.

For those who find it difficult to swallow tablets, offer a suspension: 1 ml 3 times a day with meals, first diluted in ½ glass of water.

Drug interactions

Incompatible with acetylsalicylic acid and other anticoagulants.

be careful when selling Tanakan and analogues, because older people often take aspirin.

Synonymous replacement

Bilobil - contains the same amount of active ingredient as Tanakan.

Bilobil forte contains 2 times more active ingredient and is taken a little less often.

Bilobil intensity 120 contains 3 times more active ingredient than Tanakan and Bilobil. Taken only 1 time per day.

There are other analogues: Memoplant, Ginkoum, etc.


Just do not replace the drug with a dietary supplement. This is incorrect, even if the content of the active substance is the same as in the drug.

As always, you ask, which is better?

Tanakan is the original drug, although I have dearly loved KRKA, the manufacturer of Bilobil, since the days of working as a pharmacy consultant.

Now let's move on to the remaining nootropics.

Active ingredient: Citicoline.

All cell membranes contain phospholipids. One of the main phospholipids is phosphatidylcholine. And Citicoline is its predecessor.

Consequently, Citicoline is a building material for the cell membrane and, first of all, for the cells of the central nervous system.

What does Ceraxon do?

  1. Protects nerve cells from destruction, because “cements” gaps formed in the cell membrane as a result of various influences.
  2. Prevents excess formation of free radicals.
  3. Increases the formation of acetylcholine, because In the body, Citicoline breaks down to choline, from which the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is formed. And, as you remember, it is extremely important for memory.
  4. Improves cerebral circulation.

When is Ceraxon used?

  • Acute period of ischemic stroke.
  • Recovery period after a stroke.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Impaired memory and attention.

When is Ceraxon contraindicated?

  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, feeling of heat, tremor, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, swelling, shortness of breath, insomnia, agitation, loss of appetite, A/D changes.

How is it used?

It is available only in liquid form: for oral and parenteral administration.

It is taken orally 5-10 ml 1-2 times a day, depending on the disease, for at least 6 weeks.

In the acute period of stroke, it is usually prescribed intravenously.

Drug interactions

Enhances the effect of Levodopa.

Synonymous replacement


I advise you to take a closer look at this drug.

First, it is one of the few nootropics available without a prescription. Therefore, it can be recommended to adults when you hear:

“Something has happened to my memory”

“My head began to think slowly”

“What can you recommend to improve your memory in order to prepare for exams?”

Secondly, it is convenient to take.

Thirdly, there is only one release form, so it is impossible to get confused when to offer which one.

Fourthly, it gives a minimum of side effects.

Fifthly, I came across this information: in 2002, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences proved that Noopept is 1000 times more effective than piracetam!

How does Noopept work?

It consists of amino acids that safely pass through the blood-brain barrier. And there they are:

  1. They enhance the binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is important for memory, to receptors.
  2. Increases the resistance of brain cells to damage (hypoxia, toxins, etc.).
  3. Reduce the degree of neuronal damage.
  4. Binds free radicals.
  5. Improves blood fluidity.
  6. Reduce the amount of ischemia during stroke.
  7. Normalize activity: reduce headaches, tachycardia.

When is Noopept indicated?

  • Impaired memory and attention.
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injury.
  • Asthenia.
  • Decreased intellectual productivity.

When is Noopept contraindicated?

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • Severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

How is Noopept taken?

Orally after meals, 1 t. 2 times a day, morning and afternoon (no later than 18 hours). If the effect is insufficient, the dose is increased to 3 tablets. in a day.

The course is 1.5-3 months. You can repeat it in a month.

Side effects

  • Allergic reactions.
  • In severe cases of arterial hypertension, blood pressure may increase.

Drug interactions

Not noted.

How does Encephabol work?

  • Improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain.
  • Promotes the release of acetylcholine in synapses.
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals.
  • Reduces blood viscosity and improves cerebral blood flow.

As a result of all this, memory, attention, and thinking improve.

When is Encephabol indicated?

  • Dementia.
  • Impaired memory, concentration, and thinking.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders.
  • Neuropsychic disorders in children and adolescents.

Oral suspension is given from birth, tablets from 7 years.

The course is at least 8 weeks. The effect can be noticed only after 3-4 weeks.


  • Rheumatoid.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Liver and kidney dysfunctions.
  • Pronounced changes in the blood picture.

Side effects

There are a lot of them, including changes in the blood, liver, even hepatitis, dyspeptic disorders, sleep disorders, excitability, etc.

How is Encephabol taken?

Adults: 2 t. 3 times a day during or after meals.

It is given to children in age-specific dosages: up to 7 years of age - suspension, from 7 years of age - tablets.

Drug interactions

Increases adverse reactions of drugs such as gold, sulfasalazine, and levamisole.

Semax is a unique nootropic derived from adrenocorticotropic hormone of the pituitary gland.

This is a “piece” of a hormone consisting of 7 amino acids, which in this form have completely lost the functions of the hormone, but brilliantly improve brain function. Of these, 4 amino acids have a nootropic effect, and 3 slow down their breakdown, i.e. prolong the effect of the drug.

What makes it unique?

  • It is administered intranasally.
  • Works in minimal doses.
  • This is the fastest nootropic. You can expect the effect within 5 minutes.
  • The action lasts more than 20 hours.
  • It has virtually no side effects.

Initially, it was created for people of certain professions: air traffic controllers and nuclear power plant operators, mountain rescue services, rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, pilots, in order to quickly concentrate and restore mental performance.

What does Semax do?

  1. Activates the production of such mediators as dopamine (responsible for motivation and satisfaction from work), serotonin (general well-being), acetylcholine (memory, attention, muscle feeling).
  2. Activates brain receptors responsible for memory and learning.
  3. Increases the production of protein responsible for the formation of new neurons, neural connections, prolonging the life of old neurons and neural connections.

As a result:

Memory, concentration, and the body’s adaptation to hypoxia, ischemia, anesthesia and other damaging factors improve.

The drug also promotes the formation of long-term memory.

When is Semax prescribed?

Semax is available in two forms: 0.1% and 1% nasal drops.

1% drops have only one indication: acute period of ischemic stroke. If they are used in the first hours and days of the disease, the prognosis improves, the survival rate of patients increases, and the restoration of movements and speech is accelerated.

0.1% drops have much more indications:

  • Condition after traumatic brain injury, neurosurgical operations and anesthesia.
  • Recovery after a stroke.
  • Increasing human adaptation in extreme conditions.
  • Prevention of decreased performance in situations requiring concentration.
  • Impaired memory and attention.
  • Atrophy, optic neuritis.
  • In pediatrics from 7 years of age for attention deficit hyperreactivity disorder.


  • In ophthalmological and neurosurgical practice – children under 18 years of age.
  • In other cases - children under 7 years old.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • History of acute mental conditions, anxiety, seizures.

Side effects

As with any intranasal medication, irritation of the nasal mucosa is possible.

How is it used?

The dosage depends on the disease. The average dosage is 2-3 drops in each nasal passage 2-4 times a day for 10-14 days.

Drug interactions


When selling, do not forget to warn the buyer that the drug must be stored in the refrigerator (temperature no higher than + 10°).

This concludes our analysis of nootropic drugs.

Some of you also asked about the “Huato Boluses” product - they say, where did it go?

Unfortunately, I didn’t find any information about this.

I can only guess: there are 10 botanicals in it. There may have been many allergic reactions to it.

It is inconvenient to use, given the release form, and the course required more than one or two packages.

Friends, if you want to add something on nootropics, comment, ask, write in the comment box below.

Version - July 2014. OUTDATED!!!

Additions and corrections in comments!

I think there is no need to explain why a survivalist needs such medications. Mild stimulants or, conversely, sedatives may be needed every day. It is desirable that there are no side effects, or they are minimal. And with the onset of the apocalypse, you can’t do without drugs for fear and serious stimulants!

And yet, for a survivalist, being a dunduk is pichalbida.  The consequences can be catastrophic! We can suddenly decide that our government cares about us. That taxes, fines, customs duties and cameras on the roads are actually good and that the salary is enough to live on. You can start driving an untinted Lada Kalina, fastened with a seat belt, in the right lane at a speed of 40 km/h. Or you can even contact some kind of waffle and then pay alimony... And then goodbye preparation. Oh oh oh!! It’s scary to even think about what kind of vegetable and common man you can turn into! What to do? You need to keep your wits level! Nootropics will help us with this.

The article is not complete yet; it will take a year and a half to two years to try everything. Therefore, you can also read about nootropics here:

neuroleptic.ru in particular - neuroleptic.ru/forum/topic/8131-best-nootropic/


functionalalexch.blogspot.ru/2013/01/blog-post_428.html or nepropadu.ru/blog/guestroom/3642.html

A little explanation:

In the future, when I write “Suitable for PD,” I will mean either a stimulant “for jerking” or a drug for fear. And this drug will require a strong effect from the first dose, immediately, here and now.

And if, for example, I write about a vitamin “Useless for BP,” this does not mean that as soon as BP knocks on the door, you should immediately flush it down the toilet. If possible, you should definitely continue taking vitamins! But they don’t have an immediate effect by themselves.

Let's get started.

1. Racetams:

Piracetam (Nootropil, Lucetam)- the very first, oldest and they say that the “only real” nootropic. Grandfather, so to speak. Brain drug! Not particularly stimulating. You need to drink it in a course of a month or several. Therefore, it is useless for BP. A side effect may appear on the engine (probably if you overdo it). Increases irritability.

As a child, they seemed to feed me with it, but now I didn’t bother with it, fearing the impact on the engine. Whoever has a strong motor - think for yourself.

Aniracetam- some kind of derivative of grandfather, seemingly a stronger teacher. There is little information, it is difficult to get in Russia.

Oxiracetam– also a derivative of piracetam, also stronger, there is also no information and there is also no piracetam itself.

Pramiracetam (Pramistar)– again we have a derivative of piracetam and problems with information about it and purchasing it in Russia. It is written - 30 times stronger. Should save you from depression. For BP - unlikely.

I plan to gather information about it and, if anything, drink it. It seems you can buy it here - _apteka-doctor.com/shop/product_info.php?morion=41555_

Levetiracetam- anticonvulsant, antiepileptic. Whether in PD or during peacetime, it is useless to most people (well, with the exception of those suffering from epilepsy, of course).

In general, there are a whole bunch of racetams. Yandex will help you.

Fenotropil– I want to write more about this thing. This is a “fast” Piracetam. It was obtained by adding some other molecule to the piracetam molecule - there is a picture in Wiki that shows this. It is said that this is done to speed up the action of piracetam. Someone says that a hair dryer molecule or part of it was attached to the piracetam molecule, with all that it implies. I am not a chemist - I can neither confirm nor refute this statement.

We open the instructions and see - nootropic, anxiolytic, antiasthenic, anticonvulsant and neuromodulatory effects. Antidepr.

Now for the facts: May increase irritability. Expensive! Increases blood pressure. Those who compared it with Modafinil say that Modafinil is stronger. Well, in principle it’s not surprising. In general, reviews about him are so-so. The price is also annoying - 45 rubles per wheel.

I thought that it would be suitable for survivalists “for a breakthrough”, so I bought some and decided to test it:

100 mg after lunch - almost no effect.

In a few days.

At 6-45 am 200 mg - clarity in the head. There is no stimulation. For several minutes my head was slightly buzzing. Sometimes there is a slight heaviness in the chest. The effect lasts 4-5 hours.Perhaps it will help to do some meticulous work that requires concentration.

At about 7-8 o'clock in the evening I feel quite tired and have a headache. Apparently they are waste. Around 21.00 I get plastered and sleep until 6 am.

I don't see any point in taking a larger dose. The conclusion is bullshit. Or a fake, but unlikely.

It’s useless for PD; it’s probably not worth taking as a course either, based on the list of side effects and other reviews.

As a last resort, you can consider it as an enhancer of nootropics and central nervous system stimulants and try mixing it with something.

This concludes our discussion of racetams.

2. GABA and GHB:

Aminalon- For the brains. For vessels. Reduces blood pressure - indicated for hypertension. Low toxicity!

It is of no use to the power supply. You need to drink it in a course and it will not stimulate. But I think that in peacetime it will not be superfluous. I have a pack of aminalon lying around. I’ll take the course as soon as I finish eating picamilon and I advise you.

Picamilon– now just about him. Official data - anti-VSD, vasodilator (relaxes blood vessels), for the eyes, for the blood vessels, for the brain. Antidepr! Antiasthenia! Anti-fear! Better for brain vessels than piracetam and aminalon.

In general, reading the instructions, you might think that picamilon is a panacea for everything and that it is a survivalist’s best friend! In reality this is certainly not the case.

I have been taking picamilon for about a month and a half at the moment and I can say with full responsibility that it is useless for BP. You can drink it as a course - it goes absolutely easily. It is especially relevant for me, because I have high blood pressure and intracranial pressure, which results in constant headaches. So, it still dilates the blood vessels of the brain and, after a course of treatment, reduces the frequency and severity of headache attacks and reactions to weather changes.

No stimulating effect was noticed. It doesn’t help with depression or stress, maybe with 2-3 times higher doses it will, I don’t know... I can’t say that it enhances the mental health either. I liked glycine even more in this regard.

Well, overall the impressions from it are pleasant, so I recommend it. Especially for those who have the same problems as me. But it is only for peacetime and a miracle will not happen from taking it. It costs a penny, is available everywhere, can be purchased without problems.

Phenibut (Anvifen)– a remedy “for astronauts”, a medicine for fear and nerves, enhanced (or accelerated) aminalon. Low toxicity, but there are side effects on the gastrointestinal tract. They write that it quickly causes toler. Therefore, if you drink as a course, do it carefully and wisely. After the course, there is a withdrawal syndrome followed by depression and paranoia. In short, there were reviews that it was rubbish.

In general, I also decided to test it. We position it as a cure for fear in PD. I wanted to buy a pack of 10 tablas, so I looked around the city.About half of the pharmacies strictly cut off - “According to prescription.” The remaining half are sold without question. Anyway, I bought 20 tablets. Produced by different companies. Sometimes it’s 300 rubles, sometimes it’s 160. I bought it for 160 (maybe it wasn’t worth it, I don’t know...).

Where can the average survivalist in peacetime check out the cure for fear? At the dentist's appointment, of course! And the opportunity just turned up.

I read the instructions, had lunch, and took 2 wheels of 250 mg each. Time 14.00 It tastes like a hybrid of ascorbic acid and some kind of bitter crap. Not catching any sensations, an hour later I threw another one. And an hour later the dentist was waiting for me.What can I say... There was no drowsiness or nausea. And I won’t say that my anxiety has diminished. If it has decreased, it’s only a little bit. When you realize that you are about to be filled with lead, this will not be enough.

The conclusion is that it’s not very good. It may be necessary to increase the dosage, add a gram or more. Or, again, a fake. I also don’t see much point in drinking in a peaceful manner.

By the way, later, closer to 24 hours, I was completely covered with an irresistible drowsiness. (Note: I am a night owl and 24.00 is not a reason for me to sleep).

Pantogam (Hopantenic acid)– but I’ll warn this shit right away!

We read what they write - for the brain, during stress, anticonvulsant, to increase physical strength. and mind. performance, to improve memory and attention. Sedative + mild stimulant. Antitoxin.

Hm. I believed it. Started drinking. It tastes like a nasty, bitter muck. A dose of 1.5 g per day is half the permissible dose. Pins and smears! My head hurts in waves. At first it was funny. On the 3rd day it started to get annoying. I read the lurka, it says that this crap removes vitamin B5 from the body with rather disgusting consequences. I asked Vicki again - and it’s true! I threw the box with this slag somewhere far away.

Verdict – total headlight! I categorically do not recommend sailing in peacetime, much less for BP! Or take it mixed with vitamin B5 at your own peril and risk.

Neurobutal- hypnotic, adaptogenic, antihypoxic, tranquilizing, nootropic.

Well... Like, if you have problems sleeping, then try it. In a peaceful way, of course. I do not need. If you have PD, drinking sleeping pills is bad manners, if not cruel extreme.

3. Vitamins, amino acids and the like:

Coenzyme Q10 - Drink. Good stuff. For the motor, brains, immunity. I accept Cellucor WS1 Extreme. Sold in jock shops. Expensive! But the chance of stumbling upon bullshit tends to zero. This complex also contains L-carnitine, a couple of vitamins and other little things. There is no use for the power supply.

Idebenone (Noben)- for the brain, for blood vessels, for blood supply, anti-asthenia, antidepressant, stimulates. Analogue Q10. Must be a good thing!

For BP, I don’t know if it will work immediately or not, but if you drink it in a course it seems to invigorate you. I want to try drinking it.

Pyritinol (Encephabol)- A derivative of a vitamin, but is not a vitamin in itself. Improves blood circulation in the brain, stimulates. Antidepr. For the brain and blood vessels. Side effects on the liver, kidneys, skin.

Maybe it will help me personally with headache attacks. I don’t even know if it’s worth taking it as a course. Somewhere it is said (like on Lurka) that in the mix with Gliatilin invigorates well.

I think I'll try to throw in once or twice.

Lecithin. Action - psychostimulating, tonic, hypolipidemic, restorative, stimulating cellular metabolism. For the motor.

Natural precursor of acetylcholine

You can drink it, but don’t expect miracles or any obvious effect from it. Useless for BP.

Sulbutiamine– some kind of vitamin of group B. Or a derivative of a vitamin of this group.

I advise you to pay attention to them! Good stuff!

When you drink as a course, you don’t feel any hyper stimulation – it’s just comfortable and that’s all. And you freeze less. For PD, I don’t even know... I should probably try a higher dose.

L-glutamine– a vitamin (or amino acid) with side effects. It’s useless for BP; in peacetime you can probably drink it sometimes, but without fanaticism.

L-carnitine– vitamin B11 - for the motor, for the brain, for memory, for blood vessels. Breaks down fat. Eat! Either - Acetylcarnitine (Carnicetine). The differences are insignificant. You can eat one or the other. Found in vitamin complex Cellucor WS1 Extreme. For BP it is useless.

L-Tyrosine- Breaks down fat, reduces appetite. It's useless for BP. May increase blood pressure. Well, in peacetime, in principle, you can also drink it carefully.

Choline alfoscerate (Gliatilin, Alpha GPC, L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine)– It seems like vitamin B4, BUT!!!

In one article it is attributed to the nootropics of the latest generations! That is, in theory, it should restore nerve cells, refuting the famous proverb. It is the most effective precursor of acetylcholine in the body.

With Lurka, a non-illusory increase in the stimulating effect was also noted when taken together with encephabol. It is recommended to be used together with racetams, since the latter work mainly by accelerating the synthesis of acetylcholine in the brain.

From there - don’t overeat it, otherwise it will damage your liver.

Over the hill there is a thing called SYNAPTINE® ULTRA is a mix of pramiracetam and Alpha GPC.

I plan to take the course mixed with pramiracetam! The course is indicated for 3-6 months. And also mix with encephabol and determine its suitability for PD.


Citicoline (CDP-Choline, Cytidine Diphosphate Choline)- Choline precursor, a more economical alternative to Alpha GPC.

DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol)- again a precursor of acetylcholine. You should also look for it as a dietary supplement. There is also little information. How it differs from the previous 2 – I don’t know.

We need to dig deeper, study it and, if anything, drink it. Hardly for BP.

Nooclerin (Deanol aceglumate)- nootropic, cerebroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant, hepatoprotective.

2-(dimethylamino)ethanol N-acetylglutamate (1:1).

Along the way, this is a tandem of DMAE with something else. Must be a good thing. Plus it's good for the liver.

For BP it is unknown how good it is. I'll drink it.

Meclofenoxate (Centrophenoxine, Acefen)– either the same as the previous 2 points, or when it enters the body it is converted into them. For the brain, improves blood circulation, antiasthenia.

Take a closer look at this product!

HOWEVER! Wiki Warning - Large doses of acetylcholine can be hazardous to health.

And acetylcholine also has an impact on the motor. Like this…

4. In combinations:

Vinpocetine + Piracetam

Binotropil (aminalon + melatonin)

Diapiram (piracetam + diazepam)

Melatonin - apik (melatonin + pyridoxine)

Thiocetam (piracetam + thiotriazoline)

Ozatropil (piracetam + aminalon)

Orocetam (piracetam + orotic acid)

Phezam (piracetam + cinnarizine)

Yucalip (melatonin + valerian extract)

I don't see much point in them.

5. Correctors for cerebrovascular accidents:

Some people mix them with piracetam, but I think you should stay away from these drugs. Too many side effects.

Cinnarizine - Took it according to instructions. Yes, it helps with headache attacks caused by vasospasm. But! It completely knocks you out!!! Worse than sleeping pills! Sealed in the sofa for a day. And then you walk around with your eyes wide open and giggling as if you’ve messed up the grass.

Conclusion: it’s interesting for junkies, but not for survivalists. Neither in peacetime, nor during BP.

I didn't even try the rest.

Nicergoline- for blood vessels, for blood supply to the brain, against headaches caused by vasospasm. Reduces blood pressure. There are side effects on the motor! Useless for BP. Yes, and for a peaceful person there is also some kind of headlight.

Vinpocetine- for blood circulation, vasodilator. For the eyes, for the brain, for the ears. Antispasm of blood vessels. Reduces blood pressure. Side effects on the motor and intracranial pressure. Useless for BP.

Vincamine- about the same as Vinpocetine, only more side effects. For BP it is useless, for a peaceful one it is also doubtful.

Naftidrofuryl- also some kind of bullshit.

Xanthinol nicotinate- well, this is something from the same opera.

5. Peptides:

A peptide is several amino acids in one.

Glycine– for the brain, anti-stress, antidepressant, anti-VSD, lowers blood pressure.

A simple product that costs a penny and is sold everywhere and to everyone. They also eat everything, in kilograms. Harmless.

You think a little better while you're drinking. A little clarity in my head. It has a slight effect on depression, but the dose must be doubled. It's a little calming.In general, a little bit of everything. If, for example, at work some old (or young) moronic, senile creature in the position of head-boozer or head-housekeeper trolled you, then throw 2-3 tabla under your tongue and she’ll let you go. All in all, it's not a bad thing. In principle, you can eat a lot and constantly.

Can Eltacin– it will be even better, because it also contains glutamine and cystine.

Well, for a power supply unit, of course, it doesn’t work.

Noopept- For the brains. Anti VSD. May increase blood pressure + side effects on the kidneys and liver. According to reviews - active!

Not enough information. We should study it better. Probably useless for BP.

Semax- for the brain, antiasthenia, for blood circulation, for the eyes. May increase blood pressure. There is also a second version (concentration 10 times higher) - anti-stroke. Taken through the nostril.  Also considered to be fresh nootropics.

I’ll have to try it a little later, once I’ve completed a simpler course of nootropics. You look and it scans for the power supply.

Selank– Developed in the same place as Semax. Because of fear. Antidepr. For the brains. There is little information. Need to try. Perhaps suitable for BP.

5. Extracts from the blood and brains of animals:

I don’t know what this group of teachers is called correctly.

Cerebrolysin (Cerebrolysate)– For the brain, for the blood vessels. For stroke patients. They write that he is a very strong teacher. Perhaps even the most powerful nootropic. Refers to the latest generations. Must restore nerve cells. Accelerates! Expensive! A little inconvenient because they need to be injected.

Lurka is a very powerful remedy; you can’t use it more than once every six months.

I haven’t tried it, but I’ll definitely try it! Perhaps suitable for BP!

Cortexin– Russian answer Cerebrolysin. Or a copy. For the brain, anti-VSD, for blood circulation, anti-asthenia. Also from new ones, using special technology.

I'll try it too. I don’t know how it will behave with PD.

Cerebramin– as the name suggests – an extract from the cerebral cortex of the Brahmins. Ha ha! :-D Just kidding! Not from the Brahmins, of course. Just regular, single-headed cows. Goes like a dietary supplement. There is little information. We need to study and try.

Actovegin, Solcoseryl- antihypoxic, cytoprotective, regenerating, membrane stabilizing, angioprotective, wound healing. Regenerator!! There are side effects.

You should take a closer look at this drug!

Cellex- seems to be another synonym Cerebrolysin.

6. Unstructured:

Memantine- anti-insanity, for the brain, for the central nervous system. There are side effects on the kidneys and liver. Useless for BP. In peace - I don't know. IMHO, more for old people. Well, we should probably take a closer look and try it.

Melatonin- adaptogenic, hypnotic, antioxidant.

Extract from the pineal gland!!! Ahaha! Fans of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas will understand. 

Essentially: There are side effects. Useless for BP. And IMHO it’s not really needed for peaceful purposes.

Metaprot (Bemitil, Bemaktor, Antihot)

But you need to pay very close attention to this remedy!

Nootropic, regenerative, antihypoxic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity. Stimulant! There are side effects on the motor, blood pressure and eyes. In peacetime it is not recommended to eat too much, but for power supply or some other extreme situation it should be suitable! Not often found in pharmacies.

I will search and try.

Mexidol- anti-VSD, for blood circulation, anti-fear, for the brain, for blood vessels. for the motor. Also an interesting tool. It's definitely worth taking a course towards peace.

For BP - I don’t know. I will try.

Mebicar– “Day” trunk. Anti-fear, anti-stress. Good for the engine too! Harmless, low toxic, but can cause weakness and drowsiness.

If it doesn’t cause problems, then it will be quite suitable for a power supply unit. Well, maybe someday there will be peace.

I'll try.

Afobazole– also anti-fear and anti-stress. Should not cause drowsiness. Has a good chance of ending up in a survivalist's first aid kit!

I'll try.

Tenoten– again anti-fear and anti-stress. Let's try and compare with Mebicar, Afobazole, Selank and Phenibut. We choose one or a couple of the best ones and put them in the power supply kit.

Ladasten, bromantane (Adamantylbromophenylamine)- Doping. It has side effects on the eyes and blood pressure - this is not indicated in the instructions, but they exist!!! Therefore, it is not worth taking a course, and there is no effect from one dose. Conclusion - headlight! Not needed either in peacetime or during PD.

Tanakan (Ginkgo Biloba)– An interesting natural product, but with side effects on blood clotting and the gastrointestinal tract.

I haven't tried it. I don't even know what to say about her.

MildronateI didn’t consider it for myself because of the side effects on intracranial pressure. For those who are not suffering, google it, watch it, study it, try it. I'd love to read the reviews! 

Forskolin- some kind of dietary supplement.

Sydnocarb (Phenylcarbamoyl-3-(b-phenylisopropyl)-sydnonimine)

needs no introduction. A great tool for a survivalist! However, it is prohibited and it is unknown where to find it. It may no longer be in production.

Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Meridil)– prohibited and unavailable in Russia. Try bringing it from the USA. If you are not rude, it does not cause any side effects or addiction. An excellent choice for power supply and extreme situations!!!

Modafinil (Provigil, Alertek, Modalert)– with large overdoses there may be some side effects on the engine and in peace there is no need to eat too much. Prohibited. Not in Russia.

Adrafinil- in the body it turns into Modafinil. Not yet banned, poorly available in Russia. Weak, harmful, NOT recommended for use.

Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)- the least harmful of the amphetamines, but still - a hair dryer is a hair dryer! Sold in the USA.

Dextro-methamphetamine (Desoxyn)– dextro screw. Available in the USA. Nothing more to add.

Sunifiram, Zembrin, CILTEP– some of the latest American nootropics. Nothing is known about them. Perhaps these are ampakines - the latest generation of nootropics. There are even more brutal names - PRL-8-53, PLR 8-147, RGS14, irda-21, NSI-189.

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