Home Orthopedics Sudden urge to defecate causes. The most common causes of false urge to defecate

Sudden urge to defecate causes. The most common causes of false urge to defecate

Healthy nerves - healthy body. And this statement is almost undeniable. Various ailments can appear literally suddenly. It's worth going through minor stress and irritable bowel syndrome right there. Diarrhea on nervous soil the same reality as other diseases that develop during periods of depression. About 20% of people in the world suffer from this problem. But you can cope with it if you approach the problem from the point of restoring mental balance.

Can diarrhea be caused by nervousness?

Despite the fact that most people suffering from this disease have passed the age of thirty, similar cases also occur at a young age. Can diarrhea be caused by nervousness at 10 or 60 years old? Yes. In addition, according to research, this problem is most often faced by women with hereditary mental disorders. Although this cannot be stated unequivocally.

In each specific case, irritable bowel syndrome or, as people call it, “bear disease” can and should be fought. True, without visiting a competent specialist and finding out the main reasons of this state can't get by here.

Nervous diarrhea: symptoms

In order to learn how to deal with a problem, it is worth finding out its root cause. This means that symptoms will be important.

Nervous diarrhea has the following symptoms:

  • Increased sensitivity.
  • Feeling of intestinal fullness.
  • More painful sensations in the intestinal area.
  • The abdomen is almost always in a bloated state.
  • The stool is mushy and occurs up to 8 times a day.
  • Periodic sharp cramping pain.
  • The urge to defecate almost always occurs after eating.
  • The duration of diarrhea ranges from a couple of weeks to several weeks.

It would seem that nervous diarrhea manifests itself in almost the same way as standard diarrhea. But it is always preceded by something difficult psychological condition: panic attacks, psychoses, depression, psychopathy, manic-depressive disorders, neurosis, fear, stress and emotional overexcitation.

Diarrhea due to nervousness, what to do?

This question is very relevant, since it is necessary to cope with the cause of the nervous disorder. And this is the first thing to think about. Therefore, when curing diarrhea due to nervousness, a neurologist will tell you what to do. A course of stabilizing drugs will come in handy. Although for some, in order to get back to normal, regular valerian and other herbs to calm the nervous system will come in handy.

The next stage of recovery will be a balanced diet. You should never consume foods that stimulate diarrhea. Diarrhea due to nervousness will decrease if the patient gives up caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, and fatty foods. It is important to regularly consume foods that have a strengthening effect. In addition, do not forget about the regularity of meals and portion sizes.

How to treat diarrhea due to nervousness?

This problem should be treated by a specialist. Although you can try taking some drugs that stabilize intestinal motility without it.

Nervous diarrhea in an older child develops due to stressful situations. Simply being afraid of something or being in a quarrel with his parents, he may develop such a condition. Even soothing tea from lemon balm and mint, used together with children's "Enterofuril" will give the desired result.

Diarrhea caused by nervousness is curable. To this end, it is worth taking care of restoring your emotional state first of all, and anti-diarrhea medications and proper nutrition will be the key to health.

Diarrhea due to nervousness is a rather rare phenomenon, so not everyone attaches importance to the fact that such a pathology occurs due to a disorder of the nervous system and only treats the symptoms, ignoring the underlying cause. It is difficult to diagnose neurogenic diarrhea; this can only be done by an experienced specialist.

This article will discuss why the pathological condition occurs, what its characteristic symptoms are and how to get rid of it.

Can diarrhea be caused by stress?

Experts say that about a third of patients who often suffer from diarrhea have irritable bowel syndrome. Pathology is a disorder motor activity organ. The disease manifests itself in both women and men. Most often diagnosed in people over 35 years of age.

Diarrhea from stress is caused by the relationship between the digestive organs and the nervous system.

A stressful situation provokes the release of adrenaline in the body.

This substance in large quantities affects the formation of water in the digestive organs. There is more of it, and the stool becomes more liquid.

Against the background of nervous shock, motilin, gastrin, and cholecystokinin, which are hormones that stimulate intestinal motility, are also intensively produced. When this function accelerates, the organ cannot quickly absorb fluid. As a result, diarrhea may occur.

During nervous experiences, oxygen deficiency develops, which leads to spasms in the intestines. Another reason is the fact that against the background of a nervous disorder, pathogenic microorganisms multiply at a faster rate, which leads to the development of diarrhea.

Causes and factors of appearance

When a patient is diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea from nerves develops much more often.

Diarrhea from anxiety is usually provoked by the following factors:

  • experiences;
  • stress;
  • neurosis;
  • psychosis;
  • excitement;
  • psychopathy;
  • depression;
  • fear;
  • increased anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • breakdown;
  • manic-depressive state.

Typically, diarrhea occurs after stressful situations at school or work, or with severe fatigue. This type of diarrhea does not depend on previously consumed food.

Neurogenic diarrhea develops especially often in those patients who have various phobias, are unable to control their experiences and are exposed to frequent stressful situations.

Symptoms and characteristics

A characteristic feature of nervous diarrhea is its cessation after the stress situation has subsided.

There is no mucus or bloody discharge in the stool.

Diarrhea from stress is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort and pain in the abdominal area;
  • flatulence;
  • frequent but false urge to defecate;
  • loose stool;
  • navel pain;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements.

These symptoms usually occur periodically, in some cases they appear constantly. Abdominal pain is cramping in nature. With pathology, stool can be up to ten times a day.

Sometimes the problem is accompanied by nervous system disorders. Therefore, a person may have apathy, anxiety and excitement, nervous breakdowns, and irritability.

In some cases, pain occurs that is associated with the central nervous system. Therefore, diarrhea is often accompanied by headache, dizziness, a feeling of a “lump” in the throat, numbness of the arms and legs.

If the above symptoms are observed in a person, then it is necessary to seek advice from an experienced specialist. The doctor will prescribe bacteriological culture stool. Also, for diagnosis you will need to consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.

This is explained by the fact that with chronic stress, a patient’s diarrhea can last up to a couple of weeks, which can lead to dehydration.

This condition is dangerous for children and elderly patients, as it can be fatal. In addition, with prolonged diarrhea, minerals and vitamins are poorly absorbed.

Therefore, neurogenic diarrhea requires mandatory treatment.

Treatment methods

In case of intestinal disorder, immediate treatment is necessary to prevent the development of undesirable consequences.

This condition must be combated using the following methods:

  • use of medications;
  • traditional medicine;
  • psychotherapeutic treatment;
  • establishing proper nutrition.

First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. Therefore, it is important to periodically visit a psychologist or psychotherapist.


The pathological condition can be treated medications, which belong to the group of antidiarrheal drugs.

Effective and popular medications are:

  • Lopedium;
  • Nifuroxazide;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Laremid;
  • Loperamide.

In some situations, Parfen, Ephedrine or Metacin, which are anticholinergics, are used.

If the patient complains of severe pain in the abdomen, then antispasmodics are prescribed.

These include:

  • No-shpu;
  • Papaverine;
  • Spasmologon;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Galidor.

Sometimes sorbents are used, in particular Activated carbon, Ecoflor, Smecta, Enterosgel.

In addition, you can get rid of diarrhea due to stress by using antidepressants. These medications reduce anxiety, eliminate nervous tension.

  • Azafen;
  • Fluoroacyzine;
  • Imizin.

These medications quickly eliminate the nervous disorder, which in turn relaxes the intestinal muscles, peristalsis slows down, and stool frequency decreases.

The dosage and treatment regimen are selected by a qualified psychotherapist, taking into account the severity of the pathology, as well as individual characteristics the patient's body. Self-medication can only worsen the situation and lead to serious complications..

Traditional medicines

For nervous disorders that are accompanied by diarrhea, alternative therapies are excellent.

A decoction of bird cherry helps well with this pathological condition. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of berries into a cup of boiling water and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes.

Take the medicine strained in half a glass three times a day. The decoction should be drunk warm.

To others medicinal plants that have antidiarrheal properties include:

  • blueberries;
  • Potentilla;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile

Rice broth helps with diarrhea.

You can use alternative remedies only after the approval of your doctor.

Nutrition rules

When dealing with nervous diarrhea, it is important to eat right. It is necessary to give up foods that provoke diarrhea and introduce foods into the diet that stimulate its cessation.

Prohibited foods for diarrhea are:

  • baked goods;
  • grape;
  • cabbage;
  • canned food;
  • marinades;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • fermented milk food;
  • mushrooms;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

These products stimulate intestinal peristalsis, causing diarrhea to increase.

It is not allowed to eat fried and fatty foods. You should also avoid sweets, coffee, seasonings and spices.

The following foods should be included in your diet:

  • low-fat soup;
  • fruit jelly;
  • rice porridge;
  • oatmeal;
  • blueberry compote;
  • strong tea;
  • low-fat omelette;
  • wheat crackers;
  • lean fish.

It is also important to follow certain dietary rules for diarrhea.

  1. Should be adhered to fractional meals. It consists in the fact that a person should eat in small portions, but increase the frequency of meals up to six times.
  2. Dishes should not be fried, fatty, salty or sweet.
  3. Food must be steamed, boiled, baked or boiled.
  4. It is advisable to take food at the same time of day.

If you adhere to the rules regarding nutrition, then diarrhea of ​​neurogenic origin will go away much faster.

The work of the intestines is connected with the nervous system, so in some cases diarrhea can provoke nervous tension and stress. To get rid of the pathology, it is important to take antidepressants and antidiarrheal medications, as well as eat right.

Frequent and painful urge to defecate, severe diarrhea and diarrhea can occur for a variety of reasons.

Causes of diarrhea and diarrhea:

1 overeating;

2 infection with an intestinal or sexually transmitted infection;

3 exacerbation chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract;

4 enzyme deficiency;

5 formation of benign and malignant tumors in the intestines;

6 unbalanced diet may lead to diarrhea and vomiting;

7 diseases of the pancreas can cause diarrhea;

8 autoimmune disorders;

9 diverticulosis - protrusion of the intestinal walls, often accompanied by diarrhea, diarrhea;

10 inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;

11 intestinal dysbiosis;

12 hormonal imbalance;

13 malabsorption syndrome - disruption of the absorption process nutrients in the small intestine;

15 Irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by severe diarrhea;

16 Crohn's disease - a chronic inflammatory process in the organs of the digestive system;

17 intestinal tuberculosis;

18 food, alcohol, nicotine, narcotic, chemical poisoning;

19 reason for severe diarrhea and diarrhea is taking antibiotics, anticoagulants, antacids and antiarrhythmic drugs, dietary supplements, preparations that contain synthetic sweeteners - sorbitol and mannitol;

20 psycho-emotional stress.

Experts pay special attention to the so-called nervous diarrhea - diarrhea provoked by fear, anxiety or excitement. The main difference between nervous diarrhea and regular diarrhea is that it does not go away over time. Taking medications like Imodium or Loperamide can provide short-term relief from nervous diarrhea, but after the pills expire, diarrhea can return - usually at the most undesirable moment: during a work meeting, in the midst of a public speech, while visiting a theater, concert hall or exhibition, etc. Unfortunately, there is no universal remedy for eliminating emotional diarrhea: since such diarrhea is psychosomatic in nature, its treatment involves individual approach to every patient. Therefore, if the question arises about how to eliminate nervous diarrhea, how to get rid of attacks of diarrhea, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

Nervous diarrhea, why diarrhea occurs due to nervous stress, causes

Nervous diarrhea occurs as a result of a malfunction of the colon, provoked by the entry into the blood of stress hormones - adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine. The substances interfere with the absorption of fluid in the intestines, which leads to a strong urge to defecate, accompanied by abdominal pain, intestinal spasms and colic, and bloating. Stools with nervous diarrhea are thin, watery, and during exacerbation of the disease - with an admixture of mucus. The frequency of bowel movements varies from three to four times a day (during a lull period) to seven to nine times a day (during an exacerbation period). The acute stage of nervous diarrhea can last from several days to several weeks. During this period, a person cannot function normally during the day: frequent urges to defecate, intensifying after eating, significantly limit his ability to move, social and work activity, and household activities. Such restrictions do not have the best effect on the emotional and mental state person: he becomes withdrawn, irritable, aggressive. Constant worries regarding problems with stool, due to the fact that a strong and frequent diarrhea may lead to a nervous breakdown or deep depression- in this case, you cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist.

Diagnosis of nervous diarrhea, how to understand that diarrhea is caused by a nervous breakdown

What symptoms of nervous diarrhea exist indicate that diarrhea is caused by emotional overstrain, and not, say, dysentery, endocrine disorders, food poisoning or bowel cancer? Experts advise paying attention to following signs nervous diarrhea:

1 A person suffering from nervous diarrhea, as a rule, does not experience any other discomfort, except for a frequent urge to defecate, weak intestinal colic, abdominal pain and bloating that occur exclusively during the daytime. During the night's rest discomfort disappear, which is due to the cessation of the production of stress hormones that provoke diarrhea.

2 With nervous diarrhea, a person’s temperature does not change, which cannot be said about the situation when diarrhea is caused by poisoning, intestinal infection or inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.

3 In the stool released during nervous diarrhea, mucus may be present, but never pus, fat, bile, or blood.

4 The number of leukocytes in the blood of a person suffering from emotional diarrhea does not exceed acceptable levels. The same can be said about the ESR level.

Treatment of nervous diarrhea, what to do, how to treat nervous diarrhea?

The main factor contributing to the recovery from nervous diarrhea is reducing the level of anxiety and stress. Changing jobs (if the stress is related to the atmosphere in the team or the specifics of the profession), meditative practices, playing sports, hobbies, or working together with a psychologist can help with this. Sedatives (Afobazol, Novopassit, Tenoten, Persen, tinctures of motherwort and valerian) and antidiarrheal (Imodium, Loperamide, Enterodes, Barboval) drugs can be used as adjuncts. The use of medications for nervous diarrhea should be mandatory check with your doctor: if diarrhea is caused not by stress, but by a disease of the internal organs or intoxication of the body, taking them can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being and/or the development of serious complications.

Bear disease - what is it, causes

Bear sickness is expressed in an irresistible desire to empty the rectum in a stressful situation. As a rule, fear or excitement acts as a trigger: deep emotional experiences(anxiety before important event- exam, professional certification, wedding, birth of a child, public speaking, resentment, anger, horror, frustration, anxiety) trigger the production of stress hormones that cause physiological (nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, diarrhea, pallor, redness skin, rapid heartbeat, hyperventilation, increased blood pressure) and mental (increased nervous excitability, irritability, aggression, hysterical mood) changes. A disease such as bear disease is characterized by a long course of symptoms: attacks of diarrhea that occur against the background of emotional stress can torment a person for several months and even years, causing a lot of inconvenience and preventing active social, domestic and work life. educational activities. It is impossible to cope with such a condition on your own; you need the help of a specialist.

Treatment of bear disease

Another step towards healing can be following a diet for diarrhea, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Experts advise excluding from the diet alcoholic and carbonated drinks that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, fatty, spicy, smoked and pickled foods, canned food, baked goods, chicken eggs, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, legumes, limit the consumption of dairy products (one of the reasons for ongoing diarrhea may be lactase deficiency - the lack of enzymes involved in the breakdown of milk sugar). Recommended products include porridge boiled in water, baked or steamed vegetables, lean soups, durum wheat noodles, lean fish and meats, and dried bread.

Drug treatment of bear disease is prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient’s body: in the absence of contraindications, a specialist can prescribe antidiarrheals (Taninal, Imodium, Dialin, Stopdiar, Ersefuril, Loperamide, Uzara, Stoperan, Diara, Lopedium), antibacterial (Entoban, Nifuroxazide, Mexaform, Ersefuril, Dependal-M, Alpha Normix), antispasmodic (Spazmolgon, Baralgin, Spasmol, Maxigan, Papaverine, Tempalgin, No-shpa, Spazgan, Drotaverine, Trimedat), sedative (Afobazol, Gerbion, Dormiplant, Novopassit, Sedasen, Sedariston, Alora, Menovalen , Persen, Relaxil, Sedavit, Trivalumen, Sedafiton, tincture of valerian and motherwort), adsorbents and astringents (Smecta, Enterosgel, Kaopectat, Filtrum-STI, Polysorb MP, Polyphepan, Silix, Tannacomp) agents or probiotics (Enterol, Baktisubtil, actisubtil" s"e, smoked and baked bread sweeteners - can be adjusted based on a person's well-being, including Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Lactobacterinifiform." They must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions: an overdose is fraught with deterioration in well-being and the development of complications.

What to do if nervous diarrhea, diarrhea or bear sickness appears?

During attacks of diarrhea, not only waste and toxins leave the body, but also useful trace elements, as well as vital fluid. To make up for the lack useful substances, experts recommend increasing fluid intake to three liters per day during bear illness. It is not recommended to drink coffee and tea, as these drinks have a pronounced diuretic effect. Experts advise paying attention to fruit drinks, jelly, compotes, herbal teas, mineral water without gas: these drinks will not only replenish the lack of useful substances and fluids in the body, but also normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which will have a positive effect on the well-being of a person suffering from nervous diarrhea or bear disease.

If there is insufficient fluid intake, a person may develop dehydration, characteristic symptoms which are:

1 dry mouth;

2 weight loss due to lack of appetite;

3 “bags” under the eyes;

4 deep cracks on the lips and tongue;

5 headache;

6 drowsiness;

7 dryness and flaking of the skin;

8 dizziness;

9 low arterial pressure;

10 shortness of breath;

11 unintelligible speech;

12 pain in muscles and joints;

13 lack of urge to urinate;

14 rapid heartbeat;

15 sudden loss consciousness.

If any of the above symptoms are detected, you should immediately adjust your fluid intake: if this is not done, the person will soon die.

How does diarrhea occur due to nervousness?

Changes in intestinal motility are influenced by many factors. One of them is psychosocial stimuli, under the influence of which the production of morphine-like substances by the cells of the digestive system is disrupted. It has been scientifically proven that irritable bowel syndrome always means the accelerated movement of food consumed by a person, which is externally manifested through diarrhea.

Why is diarrhea caused by nervousness harmful?

Whatever the cause of loose stools, it is important to remember that frequent bowel movements repeated more than three times a day cause dehydration. Excreted from the body along with fluid important microelements, necessary for full life: magnesium, potassium, sodium, as well as phosphates and chlorides. Losing a large amount of fluid causes serious damage to the body. If timely measures are not taken to prevent dehydration and restore water-salt balance, the consequences can be disastrous, even fatal. The risk group primarily includes young children and the elderly. Unlike diarrhea caused by food poisoning or infectious infection, a similar phenomenon associated with nervous overstrain, occurs quite often.

If stress is chronic, loose stool may persist for days or even weeks. Such diarrhea for a couple of days is not dangerous to health. If the illness lasts a week or longer, there is a risk of serious complications. The first and most severe of these is dehydration. If diarrhea caused by nervousness lasts for a week, and bowel movements are repeated more than three times a day, gastrointestinal tract does not have time to absorb vitamins and nutrients supplied to it with food. Because of this, the body is rapidly depleted. To prevent such situations, you need to follow the rules of a healthy diet and avoid conflicts and other psychologically unfavorable situations as much as possible. An important condition recovery for a person susceptible to nervous diarrhea is rest and isolation from psychological pressure. For this, moral support and attention from others are enough. Treatment of diarrhea due to nervousness requires control of sleep patterns, sufficient illumination of the room in which the patient is located, walking fresh air. Following these simple recommendations helps restore the emotional, and with it the physical health patient.

What other causes of nervous diarrhea could there be?

Just a few decades ago, doctors associated diarrhea exclusively with the use of low-quality or heavy products and intestinal bacterial imbalance. Nowadays, one of its reasons includes psychological problems. Among the factors influencing the likelihood of loose stools caused by nervousness are stress, depression, severe emotional shock, disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system, side effects some medical supplies, anorexia. From them negative influence not only the intestines, but also the entire digestive system can be affected, as a result of disruption of which diarrhea appears.

Nervous diarrhea is a disease that appears against the background of experiences during a period of prolonged depression or before an important life event. Most often, diarrhea occurs in a person with hereditary psychosomatic disorders. Today, more than 20% of people suffering from emotional diarrhea have been recorded.

Mechanism of development of emotional diarrhea

The condition and functioning of the body directly depends on mental balance and emotions. When nervous, nerve endings are activated. Stress impulses sent increase blood pressure, causing the heart to beat faster.

The work of the whole organism is activated - muscle tone intensifies, the cells' need for oxygen increases. Since the blood flow does not have time to provide the organs and tissues with the necessary oxygen, as a result, a violation of the regulation of contraction-relaxation of peristalsis (spasm) occurs. In medical terminology, this condition is called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), one of the main symptoms of which is diarrhea.

Abdominal pain due to psychosomatic experience

How emotions affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

The influence of psychological instability on the parasympathetic nervous system leads to the predominance of the latter over the sympathetic, which significantly increases the wave-like contraction (peristalsis) of the gastrointestinal tract. Dysfunction of intestinal motility provokes the occurrence of gastrointestinal pain.

Increased production of the hormone adrenaline redistributes organic fluid inside the body, redirecting it to the colon. This process significantly slows down the processing of food; under the influence of wave-like shocks, undigested food moves into the intestines. Signs of diarrhea are the result of a systemic failure in digestion.

Deep emotional stress can be provoked by the following factors:

  1. Lack of lunch break at work, physical fatigue and mental fatigue;
  2. Holding back negativity for a long time without the opportunity to speak out;
  3. Feeling intensely guilty about a minor negative remark;
  4. Dry food, fast food, quick swallowing without chewing is one of the main causes of digestive problems;
  5. Experience in a child or teenager before an upcoming important exam at school;
  6. Stressful situation at work;
  7. Premenstrual syndrome in women.

Factors that provoke nervous diarrhea

Nervous diarrhea has a purely psychosomatic etiology. Modern medicine highlights several mental disorders which can quickly cause irritable bowel symptoms and diarrhea.

Basic diseases that provoke the appearance of gastric psychosomatics:

  • prolonged depression;
  • psychoses;
  • neuroses;
  • manic-depressive syndrome;
  • panic attack;
  • overexcitement against a background of emotions;
  • fear.

Excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, fatty and spicy foods increases the symptoms of nervous indigestion, which can trigger the transition of the disease from acute stage into chronic.

Diarrhea from nerves - common symptom stress state of such a category of the population as pregnant women and children attending school.

Nervous diarrhea: symptoms

In a patient suffering from diarrhea due to an emotional state, the symptoms of the disease arise suddenly. The urge to have an urgent bowel movement usually occurs during or immediately after eating. In addition to the main symptom, the following are added to the symptoms of diarrhea from stress:

  • a feeling of discomfort in the stomach and intestines (indigestion), cramps, pain and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • flatulence, bloating, belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • headaches, general fatigue.

Bloating is one of the main signs of diarrhea from nerves.

The appearance of symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and nausea are not standard manifestations of diarrhea due to an emotional disorder.

The frequency of bowel movements during emotional diarrhea reaches 9 times a day. There are no purulent or bloody impurities in the stool. Most often, loose stools have a mucous base mixed with hard lumps.

Constant dependence on the toilet and discomfort lead to long-term depression

When the stressful situation that provoked the diarrhea is resolved, the manifestations of the disorder disappear on their own.

What to do if the first symptoms of diarrhea appear?

Helps reduce symptoms of diarrhea sedatives, refusal bad habits, following a diet with the addition of strengthening products.

Features of the treatment of emotional diarrhea

There is no specific treatment regimen for nervous diarrhea. With the approval and supervision of a doctor, you can try to treat the disease at home. This method is convenient for minor symptoms of nervous diarrhea.

Read also:- causes, treatment methods

Medicines for the treatment of emotional diarrhea from a home medicine cabinet

  1. Loperamide, Imodium, Diara - effectively inhibits peristalsis, retains feces, prevents the rapid removal of fluid from the body, and normalizes microflora.
  2. Novo-Passit, Valerian, Persen Forte – reception calming tablets will help get rid of the root cause of diarrhea.
  3. Regidron - the drug compensates for the rapid loss of fluid by the body during diarrhea.

If diarrhea symptoms do not go away after using home remedies for two days, you should consult a doctor immediately.

The parallel use of dietary nutrition along with taking a course of therapeutic treatment for diarrhea significantly increases the chances of fast recovery and recuperation.

What should a patient with IBS do?

Allowed foods for diarrhea

A balanced diet for nervous diarrhea is simply necessary. IN daily diet patients must have meat and fish dishes from low-fat varieties, wheat crackers, rice or oatmeal, fruit jelly and berry jellies, strong brewed tea. Dishes are prepared by steaming or by stewing and boiling. Meals are divided into small portions 5 times a day. To strengthen the intestines, it is useful for the patient to give fruits - quince, pomegranate.

During treatment for diarrhea, take sorbents - the drugs restore the gastric mucosa, normalize the intestinal microflora, and remove them from the body harmful substances and slags.

Nervous diarrhea: foods prohibited

During the treatment of emotional intestinal disorder, it is recommended to exclude legumes from the diet - they stimulate gas formation.

Limit your consumption of smoked meats and sweets to a minimum. Smoking products irritate the intestinal mucosa, which can cause increased symptoms of diarrhea. Sugar can cause intestinal fermentation, which is extremely undesirable with liquid bowel movements.

Chips, food and dishes fast food, salted nuts are products that are strictly contraindicated in case of peristalsis disorders and damage to the intestinal microflora.

During treatment, refrain from taking fresh vegetables and fruits - these products contain a lot of fiber, which enhances peristalsis. During the period of illness, the effect of fiber on damaged intestinal microflora will increase the symptoms of diarrhea.

Traditional methods of treating diarrhea

Start treatment the old fashioned way by introducing strengthening foods into your diet. For example, rice water and homemade jelly have an astringent effect, and mineral water still and weak tea help balance the water-salt balance.

To calm irritated intestinal motility, use water infusions of bird cherry or chamomile. As sedatives Herbal teas based on lemon balm or mint are suitable.

Mint tea calms nerves and stabilizes psycho-emotional state, normalizes sleep

Emotional diarrhea as a disease is curable. To people suffering frequent diarrhea on a nervous basis, it is worth thinking about the initial restoration of psychological perception. Constant discomfort as a result intestinal problems, worsens social vitality, reduces a person’s level of ability to work, and cultivates the development of complexes in him. Balanced diet, eliminating bad habits and provoking factors is the only correct treatment at long-term illness intestinal disorders.

You can learn more about the topic from the video:

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There is no such person who has not encountered diarrhea at least once in his life. Its main causes are viral and bacterial infections, incorrect food combinations, overeating, poisoning. But intestinal function does not only depend on this. Sometimes the slightest stress is enough to encounter such an unpleasant condition as loose stools. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms and treatment of nervous diarrhea in order to quickly get rid of it.

Stressful situations can cause diarrhea

In this article you will learn:

What is the cause of the pathology

With the onset of diarrhea, it is important for the patient to understand whether there may be an intestinal disorder due to nervousness. After all, treatment must begin with the cause, and not with the consequences. When intestinal peristalsis accelerates, fluid absorption slows down and stool becomes watery - this is diarrhea. Intestinal upset can occur even with the slightest disruption in fluid absorption. If the doctor indicated “IBS” (irritable bowel syndrome) in the conclusion, then during stress it is very likely that diarrhea will occur. Nervous breakdown intestines may become stronger due to high sensitivity digestive organ to the action of hormones.

More information about irritable bowel syndrome and associated diarrhea is described in the video:

Provoking factors

Nervous stomach upset often occurs due to poor heredity. It is likely that pathology will appear if the patient’s relatives also experience this disease. Gender also has an impact on the occurrence of the disease. Diarrhea due to stress is more common in female patients, especially during critical days or before menstruation.

Some mental disorders contribute to the development functional disorder intestines. These conditions include: neuroses, psychoses, depression, panic states.

A person who lives in constant fear, who cannot control his feelings, and who often gets into a state of nervous excitement, often experiences the phenomenon of diarrhea.

Women are much more likely than men to experience nervous diarrhea

Additional symptoms

Often, diarrhea and vomiting due to nervousness disappear as soon as the depressive or stressful state disappears. This is the main indicator that the problem had a psychosomatic basis. Defecation occurs before or immediately after eating; the patient sleeps well at night. Sometimes bowel movements can occur exclusively before eating, sometimes after, and there may be bowel movements both before and after meals. The following symptoms of nervous intestinal disorder also occur:

  • painful sensations and bloating;
  • erroneous urge to defecate;
  • pain in the side and lower abdomen;
  • diseases of the autonomic nervous system.

With this disease, the stool is liquid or mushy. The urge to defecate is frequent - more than 4 times, sometimes even 6-8. The volume of feces is small, there are no impurities of fat, blood or pus; mucus, on the contrary, is more common.

Often, nervous diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal pain

There are often abdominal cramps and painful sensations when pressing on the sigmoid colon.

Symptoms of nervous diarrhea can last from several days to 2-3 weeks. Exhaustion of the body and insufficient absorption of nutrients, microelements and vitamins do not develop.

Difficulty in diagnosing diarrhea during stress

Often people are unable to connect diarrhea and stress on their own. The patient rarely goes to the hospital, and sometimes he is simply embarrassed and does not consider it necessary to tell the doctor about problems in life, stress and depression. Because of this, it is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis and success in treatment often depends more on the patient himself. If there is a connection between diarrhea and stressful situation, you need to tell the doctor about it, even if the information is extremely personal.

For nervous diarrhea, antidepressants may be recommended

Diagnosing nervous diarrhea is not difficult if the relationship between diarrhea and emotional impact is caught in time and tests do not indicate infections and inflammations. First, it is necessary to exclude other diseases (bacillary, amoebic dysentery, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, colon cancer) accompanied by diarrhea to definitively diagnose functional diarrhea. Mild nervous diarrhea may be confused with disaccharidase deficiency and endocrine diseases complicated by diarrhea.

How to distinguish nervous diarrhea

Examination of stool will help distinguish functional diarrhea from diseases accompanied by diarrhea. Feces containing blood and pus indicate infectious and inflammatory diseases; this is also evidenced by bowel movements, both daytime and nighttime, fever, leukocytosis, and signs of poisoning. All this is not observed during diarrhea due to nervousness.

Rice water - effective remedy against dehydration of the body due to diarrhea

Methods for treating diarrhea

To know what to do if you have diarrhea due to nervousness, you need to determine what specific situation led to stress and diarrhea. For treatment, it is necessary to change the environment that provokes depression, restore inner harmony. In a child, treatment of diarrhea due to nervousness should be carried out with extreme caution. After all, in children the disease can easily become chronic due to bad relationship in the family, school.

Drug groupActionDrugsApplication
AntidepressantsMedicines of this group are removed nervous condition, anxiety. Relaxes the intestinal muscles and reduces the number of bowel movements.Azafen,
Must be taken at night. The dose depends on the severity of the disease.
Antidiarrheal drugsThey are used only for treatment acute diarrhea. Medicines in this group slow down the movement of feces through the intestines. It should not be used by people prone to difficult bowel movements.Loperamide,
Take it once. The medicine takes effect 30 minutes after administration.
AntispasmodicsThey remove the tone of the muscles of the digestive organs, relieve spasms, relieve pain, and reduce the number of bowel movements.Spasmalgon,
The dose is determined by the instructions for use.

The table below contains medications and their effects on the body.


Nervous diarrhea deprives a person of a large amount of fluid and nutrients. Dehydration has a very detrimental effect on the body. To replenish fluid, you need to take salt-free solutions, such as weak tea, rice broth, still water, medicinal product Regidron. You need to drink in small sips so as not to cause vomiting. Decoctions of herbs such as bird cherry, chamomile, and cinquefoil also help cope with dehydration.


Despite the fact that this pathology does not have a direct relationship with nutrition, it can have a positive effect on a speedy recovery. The following products should be limited:

  • cabbage;
  • grape;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • smoked, salty food;
  • conservation;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables;
  • sweet buns.

If pathology develops, the patient must exclude fermented milk products from his menu

It is necessary to completely avoid drinking coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and sweet foods, especially cakes with buttery, fatty cream.

Therapy with folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help alleviate the situation:

  1. Bird cherry. Bird cherry fruits treat diarrhea, which does not have an infectious basis. It is necessary to pour 20 g of berries with 250 ml of boiling water. Boil for 25 minutes. Let the broth cool and strain. Take 300 ml of decoction per day in three doses.
  2. To combat chronic nervous diarrhea, use a herbal mixture of plantain leaves, cinquefoil, and knotweed. Pour 2 tbsp. l. raw materials 500 ml of boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for half an hour. Strain the broth and drink 100 ml 4 times a day before meals.
  3. A decoction of yarrow and St. John's wort will cure prolonged diarrhea. Pour 20 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink instead of tea.
  4. Pour 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn leaves 250 ml boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. Leave for half an hour and drink instead of tea.

A decoction of bird cherry berries will help cope with diarrhea

Meals without harmful products and treatment together will quickly restore the body and relieve the disease. It must be remembered that the main cause of the disease is emotional experiences, from which you need to protect yourself so that nervous diarrhea does not appear again.

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