Home Stomatitis Addition and subtraction within 20 goats. Motivation for learning activities

Addition and subtraction within 20 goats. Motivation for learning activities

Summary of a mathematics lesson based on the textbook by T.E. Demidova, S.A. Kozlova "My Mathematics", 1st grade (program "School-2100"). Subject: "Addition and subtraction within 20 ".


Textbook. THOSE. Demidova, S.A. Kozlova, A.P. Tonkikh “Mathematics 1st grade, part 3”, Moscow, Balass, 2014

Lesson type: review-summarizing

Pedagogical tasks: summarize knowledge on the topic studied .

Planned educational outcomes: Subject: know the table of addition and subtraction, the names of the components and results of addition and subtraction, the relationship between them; can add and subtract parts by parts double figures, solve equations of the form a ± x = b, x – a = b based on the relationship between the part and the whole.

- Metasubject :

Accept a learning task, predict upcoming activities and outline ways to solve them, understand the reason for your mistakes.

    Develop the ability to formulate the goals of your activities;

    Develop the ability to construct verbal mathematical statements orally;

    Develop the ability to control and evaluate processes and performance results;

    Develop thinking and attention through mental operations such as analysis and synthesis;

    Develop communication skills, listening and hearing skills.


- Cultivate neatness, love of beauty, feelings of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

To develop a scientific worldview and the ability to clearly organize independent and group work. - Cultivate purposefulness and consistency in educational and labor activity every child. - Ability to self-assess based on success criteria educational activities.

- Regulatory : - The ability to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher. - Talk through the sequence of actions in the lesson. - Work according to a collectively drawn up plan. - Assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment. - Plan your action in accordance with the task, make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made, express your assumption.

- Communicative: - Skill express your thoughts orally. - Listen and understand the speech of others, jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them.

- Cognitive : -Ability to navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher. - Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in class.

Multimedia equipment: interactive board, projector, lesson presentations, document camera, EC TsOR resources: multimedia presentation on the topic: “Numbers from 1 to 20..

During the classes

1. Organizational moment (Motivation for activity and development of organizational skills: self-organization and organization of one’s workplace.)

1) Attention! Check it out, buddy.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order -

Textbook, pen and notebook. Our ears are on top of our heads. The eyes are wide open. We listen, we remember,

We don't waste a minute.
2) Valeological minute. (Psychophysiological activation of children)

a) Exercise “Give a smile to a friend”
b) Exercise for hands The handles are on the table,
And they are still sleeping soundly
And now I woke up alone
And she stretched quietly.
(The palm remains pressed to the table, and the fingers are raised).

This right hand
She lay down again
Apparently he will be resting.
So the left one woke up
She also stretched sweetly.
(The second palm lies on the table, and the fingers are raised).

Now two hands have woken up -
They stretched very, very hard.
(The fingers on both hands rise.)

2. Updating knowledge (At this stage, children are also encouraged to independently formulate the topic of the lesson).

1) A minute of penmanship Complete the first task in your notebook. Find the pattern and continue the series. Work in a notebook.
- Well done!
-Choose the most beautiful numbers and highlight them.

2) Come on, put the pencils aside

No knuckles, no pens, no chalk.

Verbal counting! We're doing this thing

Only by the power of mind and soul.

The numbers converge somewhere in the darkness,

And the eyes begin to glow,

And there are only smart faces around,

Because we count in our heads.

Problems in verse. (children show answers with a mathematical fan)

We worked in the garden, took tools:

Two shovels, two buckets, five rakes, one broom.

A jackdaw walks sideways, sideways, past the windows,

A jackdaw walks past the windows.

And behind her are three little jackdaws, three tits, and two siskins.

On the bank of the river there were three sheep, five cows, and two goats grazing.

How many were there, tell me?

They carry five mushrooms in their hands, five mushrooms grow in the forest.

If you collect mushrooms, how many will there be, how to count?

Two chickens are standing, three are sitting in a shell,

Five eggs are still under the hen.

Quickly count how many chickens my hen will have.

Seryozha says to Tanya:

I have six toffees, a bun, a snack in my pocket, and another candy in my hand. How long will it be together?

Well done!

We have all the smart people in our class.
Get to work guys, get to work quickly
Count, decide,
Don't lose count!

3)Working with a segment of a natural number series. - What questions would you like to ask each other while looking at the board?
Children independently ask each other questions aimed at mastering ideas about constructing a series natural numbers. In this case, the student asking the question names the person for whom the question is intended.

(goal: the ability to build a dialogue, work on the basis of cooperation, correlate and coordinate one’s actions with the actions of other people, organize one’s activities independently. In the course of such work, children develop the ability to speak, including mathematical ones. Thus, organizational and communicative skills develop , intellectual, evaluative general educational skills).

4) Before you are the expressions 10+5 and 15-5.

Come up with problems for these expressions. Choose a diagram for each of them.

(Goal: repetition of the ability to compose and solve problems to find the whole and the part).

3. Generalization of knowledge: (Goal: organize communicative interaction, identify and record the general property of the last task, repeat the “equations” with the children, letters x, y).

1) Teamwork: x+6=14 x-8=7 9+ x=17 19-x=13

What task will you be doing? (solve equations). How did you determine that this is an equation? (there are unknown components of the actions). What letters are the unknown components called? (x and y). Solve equations at the board and in your notebooks. ) 2) Independent work: tasks 2, 3 on p. 44. –Find errors in the records, write them down and correct them.

Physical exercise. Let's sit down as many times as possible
How many snowdrops do we have?
How many snowdrops do we have?
We'll jump that many times. 3) Work according to the textbook: task 4 on p. 44, task 7 on p. 45. Perform according to options. Two students complete tasks on the closed part of the board. The check is compared with the work on the board. A mutual check is being carried out. Then the inscription is deciphered: Victory Day. – When is this holiday celebrated? What do you know about him?

5. Independent work. Test. Performed in pairs. Self-monitoring with self-test against a standard. – I offer you the game “Demines the field.” To do this you need to solve a test. The more tasks you complete, the more mines you defuse. Miners work in pairs, so we will do this work in pairs. Good luck! Let's go, fearless sappers! Task No. 1
Katya has 8 lollipops, Marina has 10, and Fedya has more lollipops than Katya, and less than Marina. How many candies does Fedya have?
Task No. 2
Guess how many mushrooms are in the basket, if there are any:
1) Less than 9, but more than 7
2) More than 6, but less than 8
3) More than 10, but less than 12.
Task No. 3
Write down in order all the numbers that are not greater than 7.
Task No. 4
Underline the largest number with a red pencil and the smallest with a blue pencil.
Task No. 5
Arrange the numbers 12,6,8,4,7,9,16 in increasing order.
Answer: 4,6,7,8,9,12,16.
Task No. 6
Which word has more vowel sounds?
1) doll or clown
Answer: the same
2) parsley or dill
Answer: parsley
Task No. 7
Complete the sentences.
1) If a blouse is more expensive than a skirt, then the skirt......(cheaper than the blouse)
2) If the road is wider than the path, then the path......(narrower than the road)
3) If the cabinet is higher than the sideboard, then the sideboard……..(below the cabinet)
4) If Roma is shorter than Fedya in height, then Fedya………….(taller than Roma)
5) If a mouse has a shorter tail than a cat, then the cat has…….(the tail is longer than that of a mouse)

(Goal: to train the ability to self-control and self-esteem, test your ability to work in pairs, perform integrated tasks with the Russian language).

Test yourself using the map of the cleared field - the standard.
- Those who solved all the tasks correctly, praise yourself. Don't forget to thank each other.

6. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.

(record the material studied, evaluate your activities in the lesson).

Our lesson ends.
- Guys, what did you remember or learn in class today?
- What did you succeed?
- What else needs to be worked on?
-You have stars on your desks, they come in 3 colors. Whoever understood everything in class today and cleared the entire field will receive a red star, whoever understood everything but did not clear the entire field will receive an orange star, and whoever has difficulty clearing mines will receive a yellow star. (Children glue stars onto the poster with the Victory salute).
- What a colorful, multi-colored fireworks display we got!
- When you come home, your parents will ask you what you learned in math class? What will you answer them?
- The lesson is over. Thanks everyone for your work.

GBOU RME "Boarding school in Kozmodemyansk "Gift"

Education system"School 2100"

Math lesson

"Adding and subtracting numbers

within 20"

FULL NAME. teachers : Lyubimova Natalya Nikolaevna

Item : mathematics

Class : 1

date : 04/14/2015

Lesson type : fastening

Form: combined lesson

Target: development of counting skills within 20.


  • Educational:develop the ability to add and subtract numbers within 20; solve problems in two steps to find the remainder; solve equations; find the sum of the lengths of the sides of a rectangle.
  • Educational:develop mathematical speech, attention, thinking.Educational:cultivate a love of beauty.

Planned learning outcome:

Cognitive UUD: develop the ability to add and subtract numbers within 20.

Communicative UUD: develop the ability to interact with group members, the ability to negotiate, and find a common solution.

Personal UUD: to develop the ability to independently draw conclusions, to realize the essence of the work performed in the lesson.

The main idea of ​​the lesson: We can use addition and subtraction of numbers not only in finding expressions.

Basic concepts: sum, addends, minuend, subtrahend, difference.

Interdisciplinary connections: literary reading, the world.


Basic : Kozlova S.A., Demidova Tonkikh “My mathematics” 1st grade, part 3. - Moscow: Balass, 2012;


computer, projector, marker board; presentation for the lesson;

Adding and subtracting numbers within 20.

Organizational moment

We were expecting guests today
And we greet you with excitement,
Are we good at
And count and answer?
Don't judge too harshly
After all, we studied a little!

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Does everyone have good mood? Your good mood is the key to success in any business!

Look at the screen. Find the extra picture.

(Sun, flowers, birds, snow, leaves, butterflies).

Which picture is the odd one out? (Snow).

Why? (It happens in winter).

Let's check -

What time of year do the other pictures belong to? (Towards spring, to summer).

The windows are open... A warm wind is blowing.

Birds laugh from above

And children noisily rejoice in the sun

And they are waiting for fun fun from spring.

What happens to nature in spring? (She comes to life).

Spring is visiting us. (A picture is posted).

Spring has not come to us empty-handed, it has prepared tasks for you, and wants to test you to see if you can complete everything. - Look at the expressions that are written on the board and determine the topic of our lesson. (Adding and subtracting numbers within 20)

Lesson Goal: Continue learning to add and subtract numbers within 20.

III . Verbal counting

a) Numbering of numbers within the second ten.

Before you is 1st task of Spring.

What is this? (Sun)

This is the mathematical sun.

Name the numbers. (The teacher shows, the children call in a chain).

Find the extra number. Why? (Unambiguous).

What numbers are called single digits?

What are the other numbers called? (Double digits).

What digits do two-digit numbers consist of? (Tens and units).

Well done guys, you did your first task well!

What date is today: April 14th. What can you say about him?

What number comes after the number 14? What is it called for the number 14?

What number comes before the number 14? What is it called for the number 14?

First row: your number is 13, second row - 14, third row: - 15. Imagine the numbers as a sum of digit terms. At the board they work: Write down 3 more equalities with signs.

Well done! How did you write down the numbers? How else can you represent these numbers? (As a sum of convenient terms) choose the numbers you like and write a column of 4 expressions next to each other.

Which numbers were repeated? (13, 14, 15)

IV . Solving equations.

Spring has invited guests to us. And who it is, you will find out by completing next task: by solving riddles.

The sun is warming at the threshold, and the snowdrifts have melted,(cards with numbers near the birds)

Streams flowed like rivers and came to us...(rooks) -

“I returned from distant countries to please you, friends.

Spring came! Winter is over! - sang at the birdhouse(starling) -

That's right, it's a rook and a starling. They have brought a task for you. Solve the equation with an unknown number. What is it? (equation) So now we will solve the equations.

The equation for the first option, write it down, it works on the board....:

The minuend is unknown, the subtrahend is 5, the difference is 6. X-5=6

The equation for the second option, write it down, it works on the board:

The minuend is 15, the subtrahend is unknown, the difference is 8. 15-X=8

We recall the rule for finding the minuend and subtrahend.

Analysis of the child’s work at the blackboard.

Physical education minute

V . The solution of the problem.

Look at the spring tree, at first there were 5 cabbage butterflies and 7 wren butterflies sitting on it. 10 of them flew away. How many butterflies are left?

What is the task about? What is known? From these two data, what can we learn? Do we need to know this and why? What should be found in the problem? How do we find the remainder? (subtract) we remember, which means that when we answer the question of the problem, we use what sign? (minus). So, first we will find how many butterflies were which action? (+) Then we will find how many butterflies are left. What action? (-) write the solution to the problem as an expression.

VI . Working with geometric material.

Spring for us means spring flowers. You receive a flower. Choose it yourself:

He hurries towards spring,
I will notice it everywhere:
Little yellow caftan

That flower has long been in Russia

Brought from distant countries.

Scarlet, slender and beautiful,

It's called...(tulip)

There is a hum above the bushes,
Here the table is set for the bees:
Scent all day long
Tender beckons...(lilac).

Under the fence, at the gate,
Here, look and don’t breathe:
Like peas on a string
Little white...(lilies of the valley)

Yellow, white, blue;

They grow empty on the ground.

Spring has tricks:



4+4+4+4=16 dm

6+6+3+3=18 dm

3+3+5+5=16 dm

7+7+2+2=18 dm

3+4+3+4=14 dm

Tasks: measure the length of the sides of the flowerbed and find how many decimeters of wire you need to fence it. Write down your solution here on a piece of paper.

Which flowerbed will need the least amount of wire?

Which flowerbed will need the most wire?

Whose flower beds will be the same?

VII . Lesson summary:

- What did we learn in class today? (add and subtract numbers within 20)

What did we do for this? (we counted orally, solved problems, compared numbers.)

If you understand everything and can explain it to others, then take a pink flower.

If you have mastered the topic, but still need help, then take a yellow flower.

If it was difficult for you. If you don’t fully understand, then take a green flower.

Spring is very happy. She gives you these baskets of flowers so that you can color them at home and bring them to math class tomorrow. (children receive coloring pages with examples to reinforce addition and subtraction skills within 20)

Thank you for the lesson.


Republic of Tatarstan

Aksubaevsky municipal district

MBOU "Savrushskaya Elementary School"

Teacher primary classes 1 category

Ishmetova Galina Vasilievna.

“Textbook My Mathematics” 1st grade. T.E. Demidova, S.A. Kozlova and others.

Math lesson, 1st grade.

Subject : Addition and subtraction within 20.

Goals: consolidate the learned addition and subtraction techniques, the ability to solve equations and word problems, practice skills, conduct independent analysis of problems, comment on the solution of equations by action components; develop memory, attention, speech, logical thinking, cultivate interest in mathematics.

Equipment: number fan, drawings fairy-tale heroes, map of a fairy-tale kingdom, textbooks, notebooks, pens.

During the classes: 1. Organizational moment.

Teacher. Today we will go on a journey through fairy tales on an airplane carpet to the fabulous Mathematical Kingdom. Close your eyes and count to 20 and back. We opened our eyes. In front of youfabulous Mathematical Kingdom. This kingdom is ruled by a wise king. He issued a decree: “I command the guys to fulfill all my wishes!” The king's first desire is to find out. Are you paying attention? Here are his assignments.

Exercise 1. 2 willows grew. Each willow has 2 branches, each branch has 2 pears. How many pears are there in total?

Task 2. The table cover has 4 corners. One corner was sawed off. How many corners does the table have?

So, you completed the task, and the king allowed us to travel around his kingdom. Look who's walking along the path?

Children: Fedora.

Teacher: What fairy tale is she from?

Children: From the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief.”

Teacher: What happened to her, why is she sad?

Children: Because the dishes ran away from her.

Teacher: Let's hurry to return the dishes to Fedora.

D.: Yes.

U.: Determine the extra number: 5,12,13,18,14;

D.: This is 5.

U.: Why?

D.: It is single-digit, the rest of the numbers are two-digit.

U.: Find the difference between the numbers 10 and 4. (show the answer using a fan).

How much more is 13 than 10?

1 term - 8, 2 terms - 4, sum?

How many units are in the number 13?

How much will it be if you subtract 0 from 15?

Petya has 8 squared notebooks and 4 lined notebooks. How many notebooks does Petya have?


U.: Well done, you completed the tasks. Now the dishes will return to Fedora. Our journey continues. We arrived at a clearing. Look how many flowers there are, and who is walking among the flowers. We will find out by completing the tasks. The flowers are unusual, they have tasks, we need to complete these tasks (No. 4, p. 34).

U.: Did you find out who it is?

D: This is Little Red Riding Hood . From the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Charles Perrault.

U.: On the road again. We are flying over the blue sea. Oh, guys, someone is standing there and waving their hands. Who is this?

D.: Aibolit. From the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky.

U.: Where is Aibolit rushing?

D.: Aibolit goes to Africa to visit sick animals. But in front of him is the sea. Does he need to swim somehow? Let's help Aibolit.

U.: To do this, we need to quickly complete No. 5, p. 35. (solving equations).

U.: Well done guys, you completed the tasks. And Aibolit swam across the sea on a whale. And we move on. Our airplane carpet flies over beautiful house in which he lives Malvina. A boy is sitting on the lawn. Guys, what is this boy's name?

D.: Pinocchio.

U.: Right. What fairy tale is he from?

D.: " The Adventures of Pinocchio". A.N. Tolstoy.

U.: Let's relax together with Pinocchio and make our favorite a physical minute.

U. : Now we will find out what Buratino is doing. It turns out that he needs to solve the problem that Malvina asked him. Guys, let's help Pinocchio. (No. 6, p. 35.)

U.: We completed the task. Let's move on. We will fly to visit Puss in Boots . He has been waiting for us for a long time. We must help him complete the task, No. 7, p. 35, so that he can defeat the cannibal.

Who is this when he appears? What other signs of spring can you name?

U.: Well done boys! We completed the task.

Lesson summary.

U.: Our journey has come to an end. What did we do on

The fairy tale says goodbye to us. The wise king was pleased with your work. He is waiting for you to visit again.

Lesson topic: “Addition and subtraction within 20”

Lesson Objectives:

Develop skills in adding and subtracting numbers within 20 with transition through rank;

Improve your decision making skills simple tasks for finding the minuend and for difference comparison;

develop mathematical speech, the ability to compare and draw conclusions, generalize, develop logical thinking, attention and memory;

cultivate interest in the subject, the ability to work independently, and environmental awareness. Slide 2

Org. moment Slide 3- call

The bell has already rung,

We guys have a math lesson.

Slide 4

There are many interesting things in life,

But so far unknown to us.

And learn a lot!

Our lesson is unusual. We'll go to cruise. To travel we need a waybill. Slide 5

Look carefully at the itinerary and tell me where we will visit?

What do you think we will learn? (solve problems, compare expressions, solve examples)

Right. Today in the lesson we will add and subtract numbers within 20. Write down the number, great job.

Slide (6-7) A minute of penmanship

Write down the numbers 3 and 8

Verbal counting. Slide8

Let's dive to the bottom of the sea.

Look how beautiful it is here!

The fish asks us to find the sum of the numbers 5 and 8. (13)

Increase one of the terms by two. (5+2+8=15 What is the amount? Why?

4+9=13 13-6=7 12-5=7

Conclusion: if one of the terms is increased by two, then the sum will increase by 2.

The amount is 15.

Increase both terms by two. What is the amount? (5+2)+(8+2)=17 Why? The amount was increased by 4. Conclusion: if both terms are increased by two, then the sum will increase by 4. The sum is 17.

Thank you guys, the fish is happy.

And we will continue our journey.

Slide 9

Guys, look who came to us? Dolphin

Dolphin sounds the alarm!

People pollute the water!

The fish will have nowhere to live!

We need to solve this problem!

Who guessed what needs to be done to purify the water? Add comparison marks

7+4*8 11-4*10

9*8+7 5+8*12

9*14-4 4+7*10

The sum of 7 and 4 is 11, 11 is greater than 8.

Name the neighbors of the number: 11, 14, 9, 15,18

Dolphin rejoices!

(If time permits: write these inequalities in two columns, combining them with one common feature. On what basis did you do this?)

We will continue our journey.

Slide 8

Dolphin swims in the water

And he invites us to his place.

Asks you to pay attention

On to the next task.

Slide 9

The dolphin offers you three numbers. Write down the expressions and find their meaning.


9 + 6 = 15 15 - 6 =9

6 + 9=15 15 – 9 = 6

What rule do you and I know? Rearranging the terms does not change the sum.

If one of the terms is subtracted from the sum, then another term remains.

Slide 10

What equalities did you write down?

Explain how these equalities are related to each other.

Slide 11

Combine the sums in order of increasing value. 6,8,9,13.14,15.

We ended up on a desert island.

Guys, it's not that uninhabited. Who is this? Slide 13. Who are pirates?

Pirates! Pirates are sea robbers.

We were told to solve problems here,

Otherwise, the pirates will take us prisoner.

How many frogs were there on the shore?

Read it. What is this? Prove it. Tasks. Because there is a condition, a question.

Same condition, different questions.

5 baby frogs jumped from the shore into the water, 2 frogs remained on the shore.

How many fewer frogs remained on the shore than jumped into the water?

Which of you is the most attentive, what interesting things did you notice? (How are the tasks similar and different?)

Do you think they have the same solution? Why? The solutions are different because the questions are different.

And we will find out when we solve the problems.

Write down the solution to the first problem.

Let's check how many frogs were on the shore?

Write down the solution to the second problem.

How many fewer frogs remained on the shore than jumped into the water? How did you find out?

To compare two numbers, you need to subtract the smaller from the larger.

So were the solutions to the problems the same? Why?

Let's continue our journey. Look what a beautiful island we find ourselves on!

Slide 15

Flowers and butterflies greet us and smile. Let us smile at them too.

Solve equations

Compose your problems using numbers within 20.

(If time permits, we solve the problem with transition through the discharge)

It was a wonderful trip!

What did we learn in class? Did you enjoy the trip?

As a memory of our journey, the sea gives us starfish. Slide 16

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