Home Stomatitis Development of logical thinking in primary schoolchildren. Development of logical thinking of junior schoolchildren when solving non-standard problems

Development of logical thinking in primary schoolchildren. Development of logical thinking of junior schoolchildren when solving non-standard problems

Formation of logical thinking of junior schoolchildren

Shapochnikova Natalya Aleksandrovna, tutor at the Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 18” in the city of Magnitogorsk.
This material will be useful to teachers primary classes, primary school tutors, teachers of extended day groups in extracurricular activities, psychologists, parents of primary schools.
Target: to form the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren.
The relevance of the problem of thinking development is explained by the fact that the success of any activity largely depends on the characteristics of thinking development. It is precisely at primary school age, as special studies show, that logical thinking should develop quite intensively. Thinking plays a huge role in cognition. It expands the boundaries of knowledge, makes it possible to go beyond the immediate experience of sensations and perception. Thinking makes it possible to know and judge what a person does not directly observe or perceive.
Since the subject of our research is the formation of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren, we will dwell in more detail on the characteristics of this term. But first, let's give a general definition of the concept of thinking.
So, thinking is a process of cognitive activity, characterized by a generalized and indirect reflection of reality, thanks to which a person reflects objects and phenomena in their essential characteristics and reveals their relationships.
And logical thinking is a type of thinking in which the reflection of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, their connections and relationships is carried out with the help of concepts and logical constructs. Logical thinking is a kind of thinking in which actions are mainly internal, carried out in speech form, and the material for them is concepts.
Human logical thinking is the most important point in the process of cognition. All methods of logical thinking are inevitably used by the human individual in the process of understanding the surrounding reality, in everyday life. The ability to think logically allows a person to understand what is happening around him, to reveal significant aspects, connections in objects and phenomena, to draw conclusions, to decide various tasks, check these decisions, prove, refute, in a word, everything that is necessary for the life and successful activity of any person.
Let us dwell on the characteristics of the forms of thinking of children of primary school age. As you know, primary school age is an extremely important and rewarding period of learning. The possibilities inherent in it are associated with the development of cognitive abilities and the assimilation of intellectual aspects of activity.
When developing logical thinking, it is necessary to lead children to identify common essential features in different subjects. By generalizing them and abstracting from all secondary features, the child masters the concept. In such work, the most important is:
1) observations and selection of facts demonstrating the concept being formed;
2) analysis of each new phenomenon (object, fact) and identification of essential features in it that are repeated in all other objects classified in a certain category;
3) abstraction from all secondary features, for which objects with varying non-essential features are used while preserving the essential ones;
4) inclusion of new items in known groups, designated by familiar words.
Such complex mental work is not immediately possible for a child. He does this job, making a number of mistakes. Some of them can be considered characteristic. After all, to form a concept, a child must learn to generalize, relying on the commonality of essential features of different objects. But, firstly, he does not know this requirement, secondly, he does not know which features are essential, and thirdly, he does not know how to isolate them in the whole object, abstracting from all other features, often much more striking. In addition, the child must know the word denoting the concept.
Practice shows that by the time children move to fourth grade, they are usually freed from the influence of individual, often clearly given, signs of the subject and begin to indicate everything possible signs in a row, without distinguishing the essential and general from the particular. Thus, when explaining the concept of “wild animals”, many third grade students, along with highlighting the main feature - lifestyle, also name such insignificant ones as “covered with fur”, “claws on paws” or “ sharp teeth" Analyzing the animals, most of the students in grades I and II classified the whale and dolphin as a group of fish, highlighting the habitat (water) and the nature of movement (swim) as the main and essential features.
As for the word, this only form of existence of a concept, the introduction of the corresponding terms showed not only the accessibility of their assimilation by children 7 - 10 summer age, but also high efficiency.
Next, we will give a description of the mental operations of younger schoolchildren. It should be noted that the peculiarities of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren are clearly manifested both in the very course of the thought process and in each of its individual operations. Let's take an operation such as comparison. This is a mental action aimed at establishing similarities and differences in two (or more) comparing objects. The difficulty of comparison for a child is that, firstly, at first he does not know what “comparing” is, and secondly, he does not know how to use this operation as a method of solving the task assigned to him. The children's answers speak to this. Here, for example: “Is it possible to compare an apple and a ball?” “No, you can’t,” the child answers. “You can eat an apple, but a ball rolls, and another one flies if you let go of the thread.”
Another way to pose the question: “Take a good look at the orange and the apple and say: how are they similar?” - “They are both round, you can eat them.” “Now tell me: how are they different from each other? What is different about them? - “An orange has a thick peel, and an apple has a thin peel. An orange is red, but an apple is green, sometimes it’s red and the taste is not the same.”
This means we can lead children to the correct use of comparison. Without guidance, a child usually picks out any feature, most often some catchy one or one that is most familiar to him and, therefore, significant for him. Among the latter, the purpose of the item and its use by humans are most often indicated. To master the operation of comparison, a person must learn to see similarities in different things and different things in similar things. This will require a clearly targeted analysis of both (or three) objects being compared, a constant comparison of the distinguished features in order to find homogeneous and different ones. It is necessary to compare form with form, the purpose of an object with the same quality of another.
Research has shown that the thinking of younger schoolchildren is characterized by a feature - unilinear comparison, i.e. they establish either only differences, without seeing similarities, or only general and similar, without establishing differences. Mastering the comparison operation has great value in the mental activity of younger schoolchildren.
After all, most of the content learned in the lower grades is based on comparison. This operation underlies the classification of phenomena and their systematization. Without comparison, a child cannot acquire systematic knowledge.
Peculiarities of children's thinking often appear in children's judgments about the actions and goals of people they hear or read about. These same features are clearly revealed in guessing riddles, in explaining proverbs, and in other forms of working with verbal material that require logical thinking.
For example, children are given a riddle: “I know everything, I teach everyone, but I myself am always silent. To make friends with me, you need to learn to read and write” (Book).
Most children I-II class give a confident answer: “Teacher” (“She knows everyone, teaches everyone”). And although the text says: “But I myself am always silent,” this essential element, without being emphasized, is simply omitted. In this riddle, the accented element of the whole was the words “I teach everyone,” which immediately caused an erroneous answer.
The illogicality is “visible” in various judgments of children, and in many questions that they ask adults and each other, in disputes and evidence. For example: “Is the fish alive or not?” - “Alive.” "Why do you think so?" - “Because she swims and opens her mouth.” “And the log? It's alive! Why? After all, it also floats in water? - “Yes, but the log is made of wood.”

Here children do not distinguish between cause and effect or change their places. They use the words “because” not to designate causal dependencies, but to list facts side by side, to designate the whole.
The development of thinking in primary school age is largely associated with the improvement of mental operations: analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, classification, and with the assimilation of various mental actions. To create optimal conditions for the development of thinking, it is necessary to know these characteristics of the child. A number of scientists have identified psychological characteristics and conditions for the development of thinking in learning. The theory of developmental learning, developed by D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov, has received the greatest fame and recognition not only in domestic but also in world science.
D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov not only declared the need for logic and change in connection with this method and technique of teaching, but also laid down its principles in the structure of educational subjects and their content. Naturally, they made logical thinking a key link in the chain of mental development of schoolchildren.
Our gymnasium works according to the developmental education program of D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov. In our work we adhere to the main goal and principles of developmental education.
Let us recall that the main goal of developmental education by D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov is to provide optimal conditions for the development of a child as a subject of educational activity, interested in self-change and capable of it, the formation of mechanisms that allow children to set themselves the next task and find means and methods for solving it.
In my work, I use the following principles of developmental education by D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov:
1. Search principle. In work, knowledge is not given ready-made. Finding a solution new task the basis of the desire and ability to learn.
2. The principle of setting the problem. The need to find a way to solve a new problem is not dictated by the requirements of the teacher. When children discover that a problem cannot be solved using the methods they already know, they themselves declare the need to find new ways of acting. (Solving puzzles)
3. Modeling principle. The universal attitude that children discover when transforming the object of study does not have sensory clarity. It needs a model method of representation. The model, acting as a product of mental analysis, can then itself become a means of human mental activity.
4. The principle of correspondence between content and form. In order for children to be able to discover a new way of action through search activities, special forms of organizing the joint activities of children and the teacher are necessary. The basis of this organization is a general discussion in which each proposal made is evaluated by the other participants. Children participate in the development of control and evaluation criteria along with the teacher. Thanks to this, they develop the ability to self-control and self-esteem.
In the process of developing the logical thinking of children aged 7-10 years, perhaps the most important thing is to teach children to make, albeit small, but their own discoveries, which as a result contributes to their development and strengthening of formal logical connections. For this purpose, I have developed a series of classes united by a common idea - solving logical problems. The most typical tasks are solving anagrams, puzzles, identifying common features and identifying unnecessary objects in the proposed series, words, etc., that do not correspond to the found pattern; classification according to one or more characteristics, etc. Let us note the main features of our approach:
1. Fairytale-game nature of the tasks. The tests that are offered to the child must correspond to his spirit, be interesting and exciting. The series of developed activities represents a journey through the Magic Land of “Rebus Mania”, “Match Carousel”.
2. Consistent complication of the nature of completing tasks from lesson to lesson, while the formulation of the tasks may remain the same. For example,
Another option for complicating tasks is to increase the number of features characterizing the objects under consideration. For example, the pattern of placing objects can be based only on color, but performing a more complex task involves taking into account not only color, but also shape, size, etc.
3. Lack of strictly fixed time for completing tasks. The main goal of the proposed tasks is not to state a certain level of thinking skills, but to develop logical thinking, provide opportunities for finding new ways to solve problems, and children's discoveries.
4. The active role of the child in the process of completing tasks. He should not just choose the desired figure from those proposed, but try to draw it, paint it in the desired color, identifying a pattern. During the decision process, the teacher should no longer give any hints. All the necessary accents are placed by him at the stage of setting the task. By being observant, students can determine the solution key themselves.
5. Collective analysis of task completion. At the end of the lesson, you should have a reserve of time (10-15 minutes) so that schoolchildren can talk about their “discoveries”, while success is psychologically consolidated, which is especially important for children 7-10 years old. In the process of collective analysis, schoolchildren learn to control the correctness of assignments, compare their reasoning and results with the results of a friend, and evaluate the answer of another student. When summing up, it is important to communicate not only the finished result, but also the method for obtaining it. Children learn to justify their answer, highlight what is essential in a task, and draw conclusions. It is very important for the teacher to organize the discussion in such a way as to bring children’s thought processes out into the open, using them to show the nature of the emergence of guesses.
It is useful to discuss different approaches to completing tasks and compare them. Collective discussion allows you to take into account answers that were not initially provided by the teacher. If the child has logically substantiated his result, then it must be considered correct. For example, when solving the anagram ETLO, the possible answers are SUMMER and BODY.
The idea of ​​a collective discussion of not only a ready-made solution, but also a search for a solution was implemented during the testing process in the final lesson, where the most difficult tasks were proposed. It took place in the form of a “Tournament of Thinkers”, a meeting of the “Club of Intellectuals”, where two teams competed. Children solved problems within their group, with opponents receiving the same tasks. The solution to each task was submitted to the jury, after which it had to be argued. The teams did this in turns, and the opponents could ask questions to clarify the decision, or point out an error.
We tested the students in our class as follows: the experiment began when the children were in second grade, and the end of the experiment occurred when the children completed fourth grade. The work was carried out with each individual, and based on these results, general trends were derived. The experiment was carried out over three years from 2013 to 2015. At the final stage of the experiment, we conducted final testing.
As a result of an experimental study of the problem of interest to us, we obtained the data presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Quantitative composition of students by level of mastery of logical operations of thinking at the beginning of the experiment

table 2
2 "A" classes at the beginning of the experiment

Analysis of the data shows that 35% of students have the ability to identify the essential at an above-average level, 57% at an average level, and 8% at a below-average level. Such a logical operation as comparing objects and concepts is proficient at an above-average level by 13% of students, at an average level by 61%, at a below-average level by 18%, and at a low level by 8% of the students surveyed. 35% of students can analyze relationships and concepts at an above-average level and 65% at an average level. The operation “generalization” is proficient by 27% of students at a high level, 30% - at an above-average level, 27% of students at an average level, 8% - at a below-average level, 8% - at a low level. 20 people (87%) are proficient in theoretical analysis, 3 people (13%) are not proficient.
Analysis of the data shows that the average indicators of the development of logical thinking of students in grade 2 “a” at the beginning of the experiment are as follows: 9% of students have a high level of development of logical thinking, above average - 26%, average level - 52%, below average - 9%, low - 4%.
In this regard, to develop students’ ability to identify what is essential, we conducted the following games and exercises: “What is the main thing?”, “What cannot exist without?”
To develop the comparison operation among students, the following games and exercises were used: “Compare the object”, “How are they similar, how are they different?”
To develop the generalization operation, the following games and exercises were carried out: “Name what is common between...”, “What is superfluous?”, “Name the common features.”
To consolidate the ability to analyze concepts, the following exercises were used: “Complete the definition”, “Fill in the blanks”, “Choose a concept”.
To develop logical thinking and maintain interest in classes, in addition to the above-mentioned exercises and games, students were offered non-traditional tasks, exercises, and logical problems: for example, “Encrypted Word”, “Attention - Guess”, puzzles, charades, crosswords. Classes were held for the “Thinkers” circle, the “Lucky Chance” quiz and “Tournament of Thinkers” were held, where non-traditional tasks were used.
As for the results of determining the levels of mastery of logical operations of thinking at the end of the experiment, they are presented in Table 3.
Table 3
Quantitative composition of students by level of mastery of logical operations of thinking at the end of the experiment

Table 4
Average indicators of development of logical thinking of students
4 “A” grades at the end of the experiment

Table 5
Average indicators of development of logical thinking of students
at the beginning and end of the experiment

Analysis of the data at the end of the experiment shows that 17% of students have the ability to identify the essential at a high level, 43% of students have it at an above-average level, and 40% have it at an average level. Such a logical operation as comparing objects and concepts is proficient at a high level by 4% of students, at an above-average level by 57% of students, at an average level by 35%, and at a low level by 4% of the students surveyed. 22% of students can analyze relationships and concepts at a high level, 51% can analyze relationships and concepts at an above-average level, and 27% of students can analyze them at an average level. The “generalization” operation is performed by 27% of students at a high level, 47% at an above-average level, 22% of students at an average level, and 4% at a low level. 20 people (87%) are proficient in theoretical analysis, 3 people (13%) are not proficient.
Analysis of the data shows that the average indicators of the development of logical thinking of students in grade 4 “A” at the end of the experiment are as follows: 18% of students have a high level of development of logical thinking, above average - 48%, average level - 30%, below average - 0%, low - 4%.
Having analyzed the data obtained at the end of the experiment, we concluded that the number of students with a high level of development of logical thinking increased from 9% to 18%, students with an above average level increased from 26% to 48%, students with an average level decreased from 52% to 30%, there were no students with a level below average, students with a low level of development of logical thinking remained at the same level of 4%. It was found that children of primary school age, mastering the material, are able to master knowledge that reflects the natural, essential relationships of objects and phenomena; skills that allow one to independently obtain such knowledge and use it in solving a variety of specific problems, and skills that are manifested in the wide transfer of mastered actions to various practical situations. It was established, therefore, that with the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities of the noted nature, already at primary school age, children form the foundations of logical thinking.
Well-developed logical thinking of students allows them to apply acquired knowledge in new conditions, not to decide typical tasks, find rational ways to solve them, take a creative approach to any activity, actively and with interest participate in your own learning process.
The problem of developing a child’s logical thinking is one of the most important tasks, the solution of which determines the improvement of the entire educational process of the school, aimed at the formation of productive thinking, internal needs and the ability to independently acquire knowledge, the ability to apply the existing knowledge in practice, in creative transformation reality.
The research we conducted and the results obtained during diagnostics prove the need for the formation of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren. Determining the prospects for the research, we note that the work performed does not pretend to be an exhaustive development of the problem of developing logical thinking in primary schoolchildren. It seems relevant to further work with students on the formation of logical thinking.
In conclusion, I would like and hope that our experience will be of interest to teachers primary school, will give them impetus for their own creativity and new experiments. The fairytale-playful nature of the material will allow it to be used not only for clubs at school, but can also serve as a good basis for family activities.

In order to develop and improve the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to create pedagogical conditions conducive to this.

Primary school education should focus on the teacher helping every student reveal your abilities. This is true when the teacher takes into account the individuality of each person. In addition, it helps to unlock the potential of a younger student diverse educational environment.

Let's consider pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of the student’s logical thinking:

  1. Lesson activities that encourage children to think. It is better when such tasks are not only in mathematics lessons, but also in all others. And some teachers take logical five-minute breaks between lessons.
  2. Communication with the teacher and peers - during and after school hours. Reflecting on the answer and ways to solve the problem, students offer different solutions, and the teacher asks them to justify and prove the correctness of their answer. Thus, primary schoolchildren learn to reason, compare various judgments, and draw conclusions.
  3. It’s good when the educational process is filled with elements where the student:
    • can compare concepts (objects, phenomena),
    • understand the differences between common features and distinctive (private)
    • highlight essential and non-essential features
    • ignore unimportant details
    • analyze, compare and summarize.

“The success of the full development of logical thinking in a primary school student depends on how comprehensively and systematically this is taught.”

Primary school is the best period for targeted work on the active development of logical thinking. All sorts of things can help make this period productive and productive. didactic games, exercises, tasks and assignments aimed at:

  • developing the ability to think independently
  • learning to draw conclusions
  • effective use of acquired knowledge in mental operations
  • search characteristic features in objects and phenomena, comparison, grouping, classification according to certain criteria, generalization
  • using existing knowledge in various situations.

Logic exercises and games

The means for developing the logical thinking of a primary school student must be selected taking into account the goals, as well as focusing on the individual characteristics and preferences of the child.

It is useful to use non-standard tasks, exercises, and games for the development of mental operations both in the classroom and when teaching children at home. Today they are not in short supply, since a large number of printing, video and multimedia products, and a variety of games have been developed. All these means can be used, selected taking into account the goals, as well as focusing on the individual characteristics and preferences of the child.

Watch a video with an example of a tablet game aimed at developing the logical thinking of primary schoolchildren

Exercises and games for logical thinking

  1. "The fourth wheel." The exercise consists of eliminating one item that lacks some characteristic common to the other three (here it is convenient to use cards with images).
  2. "What is missing?". You need to come up with the missing parts of the story (beginning, middle or end).
  3. "Do not snooze! Continue!". The point is for students to quickly name the answers to the questions.

During reading lessons:

  • Who pulled the last turnip?
  • What was the name of the boy from “Tsvetik-seventsvetik”?
  • What was the name of the boy with the long nose?
  • Who did the fiancé of the ticking fly defeat?
  • Who scared the three little pigs?

In Russian lessons:

  • What word contains three letters "o"? (trio)
  • Which city's name indicates that it is angry? (Grozny).
  • Which country can you wear on your head? (Panama).
  • What mushroom grows under the aspen tree? (Boletus)
  • How can you spell the word "mousetrap" using five letters? ("Cat")

In science lessons:

  • Is a spider an insect?
  • Do ours blow migratory birds nests in the south? (No).
  • What is the name of the butterfly larva?
  • What does a hedgehog eat in winter? (Nothing, he's sleeping).

In mathematics lessons:

  • Three horses ran 4 kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse run? (4 kilometers each).
  • There were 5 apples on the table, one of which was cut in half. How many apples are there on the table? (5.)
  • Name a number that has three tens. (thirty.)
  • If Lyuba stands behind Tamara, then Tamara ... (stands in front of Lyuba).

"Advice. To enrich the educational process, as well as for homework, use logical problems and riddles, puzzles, rebuses and charades, numerous examples of which you can easily find in various teaching aids, as well as on the Internet.”

Tasks that activate the brain

There are many tasks that activate the brain

Tasks to develop the ability to analyze and synthesize

  1. Connecting elements together:

“Cut out the necessary shapes from the different ones offered to make a house, a ship and a fish.”

  1. To search for different signs of an object:

“Tell me how many sides, angles and vertices a triangle has?”

“Nikita and Egor did the long jump. On his first try, Nikita jumped 25 cm further than Egor. With the second, Egor improved his result by 30 cm, and Nikita jumped the same as with the first. Who jumped further on the second attempt: Nikita or Egor? How long? Guess it!”

  1. To recognize or compile an object based on certain characteristics:

“What number comes before the number 7? What number comes after the number 7? Behind the number 8?

Classification skills tasks:

"What common?":

1) Borscht, pasta, cutlet, compote.

2) Pig, cow, horse, goat.

3) Italy, France, Russia, Belarus.

4) Chair, desk, wardrobe, stool.

“What’s extra?”- a game that allows you to find common and unequal properties of objects, compare them, and also combine them into groups according to the main characteristic, that is, classify them.

“What unites?”- a game that forms such operations of logic as comparison, generalization, classification according to a variable criterion.

For example: take three pictures with images of animals: a cow, a sheep and a wolf. Question: “What unites a cow and a sheep and distinguishes them from a wolf?”

Task for developing the ability to compare:

“Natasha had several stickers. She gave 2 stickers to her friend and she has 5 stickers left. How many stickers did Natasha have?”

Tasks to find essential features:

“Name the characteristic of the object.” For example, a book - what is it? What material is it made of? What size is it? How thick is it? What is its name? What subjects does it apply to?

Useful games: “Who lives in the forest?”, “Who flies in the sky?”, “Edible - inedible.”

Comparison tasks:

Comparison by color.

a) blue b) yellow c) white d) pink.

Comparison by shape. Need to name more items:

a) square shape b) round shape c) triangular shape d) oval shape.

Let's compare 2 items:

a) pear and banana b) raspberries and strawberries c) sleigh and cart d) car and train.

Let's compare the seasons:

Conversation with students about the characteristics of the seasons. Reading poems, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the seasons. Drawing on the theme of the seasons.

Non-standard logical problems

One of the most effective ways to develop logical thinking in elementary school is to solve non-standard problems.

“Did you know that mathematics has a unique developmental effect? It stimulates the development of logical thinking, in the best way forming methods of mental work, expanding the child’s intellectual abilities. Children learn to reason, notice patterns, apply knowledge in various areas, and be more attentive and observant.”

In addition to mathematical tasks, the brain of younger schoolchildren is developed puzzles, different types of tasks with sticks and matches(laying out a figure from a certain number of matches, moving one of them to get another picture, connecting several points with one line without lifting your hand).

Problems with matches

  1. You need to make 2 identical triangles from 5 matches.
  2. You need to fold 2 identical squares from 7 matches.
  3. You need to make 3 identical triangles from 7 matches.

Comprehensive development of thinking is also ensured by puzzle games: “Rubik’s Cube”, “Rubik’s Snake”, “Tag” and many others.

Well-developed logical thinking will help a child in his studies, making learning easier, more enjoyable and interesting.

The games, exercises and tasks proposed in this article are aimed at developing the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren. If these tasks are gradually made more difficult, the result will be better every day. And flexible, plastic thinking and quick reactions will help the child in his studies, making the acquisition of knowledge easier, more enjoyable and more interesting.

Good day, dear friends! Do you remember what grades you got in school? I remember. I don't have any C grades on my certificate. But during any year of study there were threes, twos and even stakes sometimes. So I’m thinking, who is Alexandra, my daughter, like? Excellent student, hanging on the honor board! Apparently the additional exercises we do with her are bearing fruit.

Lesson plan:

Exercise 1. Connecting the unconnected

A very interesting exercise! Useful not only for children, but also for adults. This exercise is used as a test during castings for radio presenters. Imagine, you come to a casting, and they say to you: “Come on, my friend, connect us a chicken with a pole.” In all seriousness, that's what they say!

This is precisely the point: you need to combine two completely unrelated concepts. Radio presenters need this in order to quickly and beautifully compose summaries to songs during live broadcasts, for easy transitions from one topic to another.

Well, it’s suitable for children to develop creative, imaginative, quick thinking.

So how do you connect a chicken with a pole? There are many options:

  1. The chicken walks around the pole.
  2. The chicken was blind, walked and crashed into a pole.
  3. The chicken was strong, it hit the post, and it fell.
  4. The pole fell right on the chicken.

Want to practice? Fine. Connect:

  • chamomile with milk;
  • headphones with jellyfish;
  • boots with the moon.

Exercise 2. Word breakers

If in the previous exercise we connected, then in this exercise we will break one long word into many short ones, consisting of letters of a large word. According to the rules, if a letter occurs 1 time in a long word, then repeat it in in short words You can't do it twice.

For example, the word "switch" is broken down into:

  • tulle;
  • key;
  • beak.

I don't see any more options, what about you?

You can break up any long words, for example, “holiday”, “picture”, “towel”, “polar explorer”.

Exercise 3. Puzzles

Solving puzzles helps you think outside the box and creatively. Teaches the child to analyze.

Puzzles may contain images, letters, numbers, commas, fractions, placed in very different orders. Let's try to solve some simple puzzles together.

  1. On the first one we see the syllable “BA” and “barrel”. Let's connect: BA + Barrel = Butterfly.
  2. On the second, the principle is the same: Ram + KA = Steering wheel.
  3. The third one is more difficult. A cancer is drawn, and next to it is “a = y”. This means that in the word cancer, the letter “a” needs to be replaced with the letter “u”, we get “hand”. To this we add one more “a”: hand + a = hand.
  4. The fourth rebus with a comma. Since the first letter is “A”, the guess word begins with it. Next we see “fist”, after the picture there is a comma, which means you need to subtract the last letter from the word “fist”. Let's get "kula". Now let's put it all together: A + kula = shark.
  5. The fifth rebus is difficult only at first glance. You need to remove the letter “i” from the word “saw”, and read the word “cat” backwards. As a result, we get: pla + tok = scarf.
  6. The sixth, completely letter puzzle. Everything is clear with the first and last letters, but what about the middle? We see the letter “o” drawn in the letter “t”, so let’s say “in t o”. We connect: A + WTO + P = AUTHOR.

Have you practiced? Now try to solve the puzzle yourself.

You can share your answers in the comments. You will find all sorts of puzzles in children's magazines and.

Exercise 4. Anagrams

Can an orange be turned into a spaniel and vice versa? "Easily!" - anagram lovers will answer. You don't even need a magic wand.

An anagram is a literary device that consists of rearranging the letters or sounds of a certain word (or phrase), resulting in another word or phrase.

Just as easily, a dream turns into a nose, a cat into a current, and a linden tree into a saw.

Well, shall we try? Let's do this:

  • the “coach” flew off to the stars;
  • the “word” grew on the head;
  • “lace” learned to fly;
  • "atlas" became edible;
  • the “pump” settled in the forest;
  • the “mote” became transparent;
  • the “roller” was placed on the table before dinner;
  • “Bun” learned to swim;
  • the “daisy” was spinning around the lantern on summer evenings;
  • The “park” could not survive without water.

Exercise 5. Logic problems

The more logic puzzles you solve, the stronger your thinking becomes. It’s not for nothing that they say that mathematics is gymnastics for the mind. Indeed, when solving some of them, you can really feel your brain moving.

Let's start with the simpler ones:

  1. Kolya and Vasya were solving problems. One boy solved at the blackboard, and the other at his desk. Where did Vasya solve problems if Kolya didn’t solve them at the blackboard?
  2. Three old grandmothers live in the same entrance, on the third, fifth and seventh floors. Who lives on what floor, if grandmother Nina lives above grandmother Valya, and grandmother Galya lives below grandmother Valya?
  3. Yura, Igor, Pasha and Artem finished in the top four at the running competition. Who took what place? It is known that Yura came running neither first nor fourth, Igor ran after the winner, and Pasha was not last.

And Sashulya brought the next three problems from the Mathematical Olympiad. These are problems for third grade.

“The gardener planted 8 seedlings. All but four of them grew into pear trees. All but two pear trees bear pears. Pears from all fruiting pear trees, except one, are tasteless. How many pear trees have tasty pears?”

“Vasya, Petya, Vanya wear ties of only one color: green, yellow and blue. Vasya said: “Petya doesn’t like yellow" Petya said: “Vanya wears a blue tie.” Vanya said: “You are both deceiving.” Who prefers what color, if Vanya never lies?”

Now attention! A task of increased difficulty! “To the backfill,” as they say. I couldn't solve it. I suffered for a long time, and then I looked at the answers. She is also from the Olympics.

“The traveler needs to cross the desert. The transition lasts six days. The traveler and the porter who will accompany him can take with them a supply of water and food for one person for four days each. How many porters will the traveler need to realize his plan? Enter the smallest number."

If you still fall asleep on any problem, then contact me, I’ll help)

Exercise 6. Match puzzles

Matches are not a toy for children! A means for training thinking. For safety reasons, I suggest replacing matches with counting sticks.

These simple little sticks make very complex puzzles.

First, let's warm up:

  • fold two identical triangles from five sticks;
  • out of seven sticks, two identical squares;
  • remove three sticks to make three identical squares (see picture below).

Now it's more complicated:

Arrange three sticks so that the arrow flies in the opposite direction.

The fish also needs to be turned in the other direction, moving only three sticks.

After moving only three sticks, remove the strawberry from the glass.

Remove two sticks to create two equilateral triangles.

The answers can be found at the end of the article.

Exercise 7. Truth and lies

Now let's work as Sherlock Holmes! We will seek the truth and discover lies.

Show your child two pictures, on one of which depict a square and a triangle, and on the other a circle and a polygon.

And now offer cards with the following statements:

  • some figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no triangles on the card;
  • there are circles on the card;
  • some figures on the card are squares;
  • all the figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no polygons on the card;
  • There is not a single rectangle on the card.

The task is to determine whether these statements are false or true for each picture with shapes.

A similar exercise can be carried out not only with geometric shapes, but also with images of animals. For example, put a cat, a fox and a squirrel in the picture.

Statements can be as follows:

  • all these animals are predators;
  • there are pets in the picture;
  • all the animals in the picture can climb trees;
  • all animals have fur.

You can choose pictures and sayings for them yourself.

Exercise 8. Instructions

We are surrounded by a variety of objects. We use them. Sometimes we don’t pay any attention to the instructions that come with these items. And it also happens that there are simply no instructions for some very necessary items. Let's correct this misunderstanding! We'll write the instructions ourselves.

Let's take a comb for example. Yes, yes, an ordinary comb! This is what Alexandra and I did.

So, instructions for using the comb.

  1. A comb is a device made of plastic for making hair smooth and silky.
  2. A comb should be used for excessive shaggy and curly hair.
  3. To start combing, go to the comb and carefully take it in your hand.
  4. Stand in front of the mirror, smile, bring the comb to the roots of your hair.
  5. Now slowly move the comb down towards the ends of your hair.
  6. If there are obstacles in the form of knots on the way of the comb, then run the comb over them several times with gentle pressure, while you may cry out slightly.
  7. Each strand of hair must be processed with a comb.
  8. Combing can be considered complete when the comb does not encounter a single knot on its way.
  9. After finishing combing, you need to rinse the comb with water and place it in a specially designated place.
  10. If a tooth of a comb breaks off, you need to throw it in the trash.
  11. If all the teeth of the comb have broken off, send it after the tooth.

Try writing instructions for a saucepan, or slippers, or a glasses case. It will be interesting!

Exercise 9. Making up a story

Stories can be composed in different ways, for example, based on a picture or on a given topic. This will help, by the way. And I suggest you try to compose a story based on the words that must be present in this story.

As always, an example.

The words are given: Olga Nikolaevna, poodle, sparkles, turnip, salary, gray hair, castle, flood, maple, song.

This is what Sasha did.

Olga Nikolaevna was walking down the street. She was leading her poodle Artemon on a leash; the poodle was all shiny. Yesterday he broke the lock on the cabinet, got to the box of glitter and poured it all over himself. Artemon also chewed through the pipe in the bathroom and caused a real flood. When Olga Nikolaevna came home from work and saw all this, gray hair appeared in her hair. And now they were going for turnips, because turnips calm the nerves. But turnips were expensive, costing half their salary. Before entering the store, Olga Nikolaevna tied the poodle to a maple tree and, humming a song, went inside.

Now try it yourself! Here are three sets of words:

  1. Doctor, traffic light, headphones, lamp, mouse, magazine, frame, exam, janitor, paper clip.
  2. First-grader, summer, hare, button, gap, fire, Velcro, shore, plane, hand.
  3. Konstantin, jump, samovar, mirror, speed, sadness, step, ball, list, theater.

Exercise 10. Let's put things in order

We've already worked as detectives. Now I propose to work as police officers. The fact is that the words in well-known proverbs and sayings have violated the order. We will fight against order breakers. Try to arrange the words as they should be.

  1. Food, time comes, in, appetite.
  2. You will pull out, without, labor, from, a fish, a pond, without.
  3. Measure, one, ah, one, seven, cut, one.
  4. And, ride, sled, you love, carry, love.
  5. They are waiting, no, seven, for one.
  6. A word to the cat, and it’s nice and kind.
  7. A hundred, ah, rubles, have, no, have, friends, a hundred.
  8. Falls, no, apple trees, far, apple, from.
  9. Flowing, stone, not, water, lying, under.
  10. In autumn, they count the chickens.

I want to clarify. We don't do this on purpose. That is, there is no such thing that I say: “Come on, Alexandra, sit down at the table, let’s develop our thinking!” No. All this in between, if we go somewhere, we go, before bed instead of books. It’s very interesting to study, so you don’t have to force anyone.

Well, now the promised answers to the match puzzles!

Answers to puzzles

About two triangles made of five matches.

About two squares out of seven.

We get three squares.

We unfold the arrow (watch the color of the sticks).

Turn the fish.

And about two equilateral triangles.

I recently discovered this video on the Internet. It has completely different exercises. We tried, but so far it’s difficult. Well, let's practice. Take a look, maybe it will be useful to you too?

Go for it! Get busy! Grow together with your children. Try these golden exercises. Show off your results in the comments!

Thank you for your attention!

And I look forward to visiting you again! You are always welcome here!


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of thinking of junior schoolchildren

2 Features of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren

3 Theoretical basis the use of didactic game tasks in the development of logical thinking of primary schoolchildren

Chapter 2. Development of logical thinking of a junior schoolchild under experimental conditions

1 Determining the levels of development of logical thinking of a primary school student

2 Results of ascertaining diagnostics

3 Formative experiment

4 Results of the control study


List of used literature


At primary school age, children have significant development reserves. When a child enters school, under the influence of learning, a restructuring of all his cognitive processes. It is the primary school age that is productive in the development of logical thinking. This is due to the fact that children are involved in new types of activities and systems of interpersonal relationships that require them to have new psychological qualities.

The problem is that students already in the 1st grade need logical analysis skills to fully master the material. However, research shows that even in the 2nd grade, only a small percentage of students master the techniques of comparison, summing up concepts, deriving consequences, etc.

Primary school teachers often primarily use training-type exercises based on imitation that do not require thinking. Under these conditions, such qualities of thinking as depth, criticality, and flexibility are not sufficiently developed. This is precisely what indicates the urgency of the problem. Thus, the analysis shows that it is precisely at primary school age that it is necessary to carry out targeted work to teach children the basic techniques of mental action.

The possibilities of forming thinking techniques are not realized by themselves: the teacher must actively and skillfully work in this direction, organizing the entire learning process so that, on the one hand, it enriches children with knowledge, and on the other, it fully shapes thinking techniques, contributes to the growth of cognitive powers and abilities of schoolchildren.

Special pedagogical work for the development of logical thinking in young children gives a favorable result, generally increasing the level of their learning abilities in the future. At an older age, no fundamentally new intellectual operations arise in the system of human mental activity.

Many researchers note that purposeful work on the development of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren should be systematic in nature (E.V. Veselovskaya, E.E. Ostanina, A.A. Stolyar, L.M. Fridman, etc.). At the same time, research by psychologists (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, A.A. Lyublinskaya, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) allows us to conclude that the effectiveness of the process of development of logical thinking for younger schoolchildren depends on the way special developmental work is organized.

The object of the work is the process of developing the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren.

The subject of the work is tasks aimed at developing the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren.

Thus, the purpose of this work is to study optimal conditions and specific methods for developing logical thinking in primary schoolchildren.

To achieve this goal, we identified the following tasks:

analyze the theoretical aspects of thinking of younger schoolchildren;

identify the features of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren;

Conduct experimental work to confirm our hypothesis;

At the end of the work, summarize the results of the research done.

Hypothesis - the development of logical thinking in the process of gaming activities of a primary school student will be effective if:

The criteria and levels of development of logical thinking of a primary school student are determined.

Research methods:

Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature.

Empirical: experiment in the unity of its stages: ascertaining, formative and control.

Data processing methods: quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results obtained.

Data presentation methods: tables and diagrams.

Research base: secondary school.

The structure of this work is determined by the stated goals and objectives and includes an introduction, main content, conclusion and list of references.


Thinking is a mental process of reflecting reality, the highest form of human creative activity. Meshcheryakov B.G. defines thinking as the creative transformation of subjective images in the human mind. Thinking is the purposeful use, development and increase of knowledge, possible only if it is aimed at resolving contradictions that are objectively inherent in the real subject of thought. In the genesis of thinking vital role plays understanding (people of each other, the means and objects of their joint activities).

From the 17th to the 20th centuries. problems of thinking were recognized in the logic of empirical ideas about man and his inherent ways of relating to the outside world. According to this logic, capable of reproducing only the spatial interactions of “ready-made systems,” unchangeable cognitive abilities, as if eternally bestowed upon man by God or nature, are opposed to the equally unchangeable properties of objects. The generic cognitive abilities included: contemplation (the ability of the sensory system to carry out their figurative-sensual reflection in contact with objects), thinking and reflection (the ability of the subject to evaluate his innate forms of mental activity and correlate with them the facts of contemplation and conclusions of thought). Thinking remained the role of a recorder and classifier of sensory (observation, experience, experimentally obtained) data.

In the Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. thinking is defined as the highest level of cognition, the process of reflecting objective reality.

In the literature, the specificity of thinking is traditionally determined by at least three structural characteristics that are not found at the sensory-perceptual level of cognitive processes. Thinking is a display of significant connections and relationships between objects of reality; specificity of reflection in thinking, in its generality; mental reflection is characterized by mediation, which allows one to go beyond the immediate given.

Only with the help of thinking do we recognize what is common in objects and phenomena, those natural, essential connections between them that are inaccessible directly to sensation and perception and which constitute the essence, the pattern of objective reality. Therefore, we can say that thinking is a reflection of natural, essential connections.

Thus, thinking is a process of indirect and generalized cognition (reflection) of the surrounding world.

Traditional in psychological science definitions of thinking usually capture its two essential features: generalization and mediation.

thinking logical junior schoolboy

That is, thinking is a process of generalized and mediated reflection of reality in its essential connections and relationships. Thinking is a process of cognitive activity in which the subject operates various types generalizations, including images, concepts and categories. The essence of thinking is to perform some cognitive operations with images in the internal picture of the world. These operations make it possible to build and complete a changing model of the world.

The specificity of thinking is that:

thinking makes it possible to understand the deep essence of the objective world, the laws of its existence;

only in thinking is it possible to understand the becoming, changing, developing world;

thinking allows you to foresee the future, operate with the potentially possible, and plan practical activities.

The thinking process is characterized by the following features:

It is indirect in nature;

always proceeds based on existing knowledge;

comes from living contemplation, but is not reduced to it;

it reflects connections and relationships in verbal form;

associated with practical human activities.

Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, characterizing thinking, wrote: “Thinking is a tool for a person’s highest orientation in the world around him and in himself.” From a physiological point of view, the thinking process is a complex analytical and synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex. For the thinking process, first of all, those complex temporary connections that are formed between the brain ends of the analyzers are important.

According to Pavlov: “Thinking represents nothing else but associations, at first elementary, standing in connection with external objects, and then chains of associations. This means that every small, first association is the moment of the birth of a thought.”

Thus, these connections (associations) naturally caused by external stimuli constitute physiological basis thinking process.

In psychological science, there are such logical forms of thinking as: concepts; judgments; inferences.

A concept is a reflection in the human mind of the general and essential properties of an object or phenomenon. A concept is a form of thinking that reflects the individual and the particular, which is at the same time universal. The concept acts both as a form of thinking and as a special mental action. Behind each concept there is a special objective action hidden. Concepts can be:

General and individual;

concrete and abstract;

empirical and theoretical.

The empirical concept captures the same items in each separate class of items based on comparison. The specific content of the theoretical concept is the objective connection between the universal and the individual (whole and different). Concepts are formed in socio-historical experience. A person acquires a system of concepts in the process of life and activity. The content of concepts is revealed in judgments, which are always expressed in verbal form - oral or written, out loud or silently.

Judgment is the main form of thinking, during which connections between objects and phenomena of reality are affirmed or denied. Judgment is a reflection of the connections between objects and phenomena of reality or between their properties and characteristics. For example, the proposition: “Metals expand when heated” expresses the relationship between changes in temperature and the volume of metals. Judgments are formed in two main ways:

Directly, when they express what is perceived;

indirectly - through inferences or reasoning.

In the first case we see, for example, a table Brown and express the simplest judgment: “This table is brown.” In the second case, with the help of reasoning, one deduces from some judgments and obtains other (or other) judgments. For example, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, on the basis of the periodic law he discovered, purely theoretically, only with the help of inferences, deduced and predicted some properties of chemical elements still unknown in his time.

Judgments can be: true; false; general; private; single.

True judgments are objectively true judgments. False judgments are judgments that do not correspond to objective reality. Judgments can be general, particular and individual. In general judgments, something is affirmed (or denied) regarding all objects of a given group, a given class, for example: “All fish breathe with gills.” In private judgments, affirmation or negation no longer applies to all, but only to some subjects, for example: “Some students are excellent students.” In single judgments - to only one, for example: “This student did not learn the lesson well.”

Inference is the derivation of a new judgment from one or more judgments. The initial judgments from which another judgment is derived are called premises of the inference. The simplest and typical form of inference based on particular and general premises is a syllogism. An example of a syllogism is the following reasoning: “All metals are electrically conductive. Tin is a metal. Therefore, tin is electrically conductive.” There are inferences: inductive; deductive; Similarly.

An inductive conclusion is one in which reasoning proceeds from individual facts to a general conclusion. Deductive inference is such an inference in which reasoning is carried out in reverse order induction, i.e. from general facts to a single conclusion. An analogy is an inference in which a conclusion is drawn on the basis of partial similarities between phenomena, without sufficient examination of all conditions.

In psychology, the following somewhat conditional classification of types of thinking has been accepted and widespread on such various grounds as:

1) genesis of development;

) the nature of the tasks being solved;

) degree of deployment;

) degree of novelty and originality;

) means of thinking;

) thinking functions, etc.

1. According to the genesis of development, thinking is distinguished: visual-effective; visual-figurative; verbal-logical; abstract-logical.

Visual-effective thinking is a type of thinking that is based on the direct perception of objects in the process of acting with them. This thinking is the most elementary type of thinking that arises in practical activity and is the basis for the formation of more complex types of thinking.

Visual-figurative thinking is a type of thinking characterized by reliance on ideas and images. With visual-figurative thinking, the situation is transformed in terms of image or representation.

Verbal-logical thinking is a type of thinking carried out using logical operations with concepts. With verbal-logical thinking, using logical concepts, the subject can cognize essential patterns and unobservable relationships of the reality under study.

Abstract-logical (abstract) thinking is a type of thinking based on identifying the essential properties and connections of an object and abstracting from other, unimportant ones.

Visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical and abstract-logical thinking are successive stages in the development of thinking in phylogenesis and ontogenesis.

Based on the nature of the problems being solved, thinking is distinguished:



Theoretical thinking is thinking based on theoretical reasoning and inferences.

Practical thinking is thinking based on judgments and inferences based on solving practical problems.

Theoretical thinking is the knowledge of laws and rules. The main task of practical thinking is to develop means of practical transformation of reality: setting goals, creating a plan, project, scheme.

Thinking is differentiated according to the degree of development:



Discursive (analytical) thinking is thinking mediated by the logic of reasoning rather than perception. Analytical thinking unfolds in time, has clearly defined stages, and is represented in the consciousness of the thinking person himself.

Intuitive thinking is thinking based on direct sensory perceptions and direct reflection of the influences of objects and phenomena of the objective world.

Intuitive thinking is characterized by rapidity, the absence of clearly defined stages, and is minimally conscious.

Thinking is differentiated according to the degree of novelty and originality:


productive (creative).

Reproductive thinking is thinking based on images and ideas drawn from certain sources.

Productive thinking is thinking based on creative imagination.

According to the means of thinking, thinking is distinguished:



Visual thinking is thinking based on images and representations of objects.

Verbal thinking is thinking that operates with abstract sign structures.

It has been established that for full-fledged mental work, some people need to see or imagine objects, while others prefer to operate with abstract sign structures.

Thinking is classified according to its functions:



Critical thinking aims to identify flaws in other people's judgments. Creative thinking is associated with the discovery of fundamentally new knowledge, with the generation of one’s own original ideas, and not with evaluating the thoughts of others.


The pedagogical aspect of the study of logical thinking, as a rule, consists in the development and experimental testing of the necessary methods, means, conditions, factors in organizing the learning process that develop and shape logical thinking in students. Many researchers note that one of the most important tasks of schooling is to develop students’ skills in performing logical operations, teaching them various techniques of logical thinking, equipping them with knowledge of logic and developing in students the skills and abilities to use this knowledge in educational and practical activities.

The possibility of mastering logical knowledge and techniques by children of primary school age was tested in psychological and pedagogical research by V.S. Ablova, E.L. Agayeva, Kh.M. Veklirova, T.K. Kamalova, S.A. Ladymir, L.A. Levinova, A.A. Lyubinskaya, L.F. Obukhova, N.G. Salmina, T.M. Warm and others. The works of these authors prove that as a result of properly organized training, primary schoolchildren very quickly acquire logical thinking skills, in particular, the ability to generalize, classify and substantiate their conclusions.

At the same time, there is no single approach to solving the question of how to organize such training in pedagogical theory. Some teachers believe that logical techniques are an integral part of the sciences, the fundamentals of which are included in the content of education, therefore, when studying school subjects, students automatically develop logical thinking based on given images (V.G. Beilinson, N.N. Pospelov, M.N. Skatkin).

Another approach is expressed in the opinion of some researchers that the development of logical thinking only through the study of academic subjects is ineffective, this approach does not ensure full mastery of the techniques of logical thinking and therefore special training courses in logic are needed (Yu.I. Vering, N.I. Lifintseva, V.S. Nurgaliev, V.F. Palamarchuk).

Another group of teachers (D.D. Zuev, V.V. Kraevsky) believe that the development of students’ logical thinking should be carried out on the specific subject content of academic disciplines through accentuation, identification and explanation of the logical operations found in them.

But whatever the approach to solving this issue, most researchers agree that developing logical thinking in the learning process means:

develop in students the ability to compare observed objects, find common properties and differences in them;

develop the ability to highlight the essential properties of objects and distract (abstract) them from secondary, unimportant ones;

teach children to dissect (analyze) an object into its component parts in order to understand each component and to combine (synthesize) mentally dissected objects into one whole, while learning the interaction of parts and the object as a whole;

teach schoolchildren to do correct conclusions from observations or facts, be able to verify these conclusions; instill the ability to generalize facts; - develop in students the ability to convincingly prove the truth of their judgments and refute false conclusions;

ensure that students’ thoughts are presented clearly, consistently, consistently, and justifiably.

Thus, the development of logical thinking is directly related to the learning process; the formation of initial logical skills, under certain conditions, can be successfully carried out in children of primary school age; the process of developing general logical skills as a component general education, must be purposeful, continuous and connected with the process of teaching school disciplines at all its levels.

To effectively develop the thinking of younger schoolchildren, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on the age-related characteristics of children’s mental processes.

One of the reasons why younger schoolchildren experience learning difficulties is weak reliance on the general patterns of child development in modern mass schools. Many authors note a decrease in interest in learning and a reluctance to attend classes among younger schoolchildren as a consequence of the insufficient development of the level of educational and cognitive mental logical activity. It is impossible to overcome these difficulties without taking into account the age-related individual psychological characteristics of the development of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren.

Primary school age is characterized by the presence of significant shifts in the development of thinking under the influence of purposeful learning, which in elementary school is built on the basis of the characteristics of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. A special feature of children of primary school age is cognitive activity. By the time a junior schoolchild enters school, in addition to cognitive activity, an understanding of the general connections, principles and patterns underlying scientific knowledge is already available.

Therefore, one of the fundamental tasks that primary school is designed to solve for the education of students is the formation of as complete a picture of the world as possible, which is achieved, in particular, through logical thinking, the tool of which is mental operations.

In elementary school, based on the curiosity with which a child comes to school, learning motivation and interest in experimentation develop. The independence that a preschool child showed in play activities, choosing one or another game and methods of its implementation, is transformed into educational initiative and independence of judgment, methods and means of activity. As a result of the ability to follow a model, rule, and instruction developed in a preschool institution, younger schoolchildren develop arbitrariness in mental processes and behavior, and initiative in cognitive activity arises.

Based on the ability to use object substitutes developed in play activities, as well as the ability to understand images and describe using visual means what they see and their attitude towards it, the sign-symbolic activity of younger schoolchildren develops - the ability to read graphic language, work with diagrams, tables, graphs, models.

The active inclusion of various types of models in teaching contributes to the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking in younger schoolchildren. Younger schoolchildren differ from older children in their mental reactivity and tendency to immediately respond to influence. They have a pronounced desire to imitate adults. Their mental activity is thus aimed at repetition, application. Younger schoolchildren show few signs of mental inquisitiveness or desire to penetrate beyond the surface of phenomena. They express considerations that reveal only a semblance of understanding of complex phenomena. They rarely think about any difficulties.

Younger schoolchildren do not show independent interest in identifying the reasons, the meaning of the rules, they ask questions only about what and how to do, that is, the thinking of a younger schoolchild is characterized by a certain predominance of the concrete, visual-figurative component, the inability to differentiate the signs of objects into essential and non-essential, separate the main from the secondary, establish a hierarchy of features and cause-and-effect relationships and relationships.

Therefore, we believe that the list of the main above-mentioned logical operations, the development of which is mainly focused on in primary school, should be supplemented by such logical operations as defining concepts, formulating judgments, carrying out logical division, constructing inferences, analogies, and evidence.

A study of the features of the implementation of these operations by primary schoolchildren showed that this stage is an active propaedeutic period in the development of a child’s logical thinking. Their thought processes are intensively developing, the transition from visual-figurative to verbal-logical thinking, which began in preschool age, is completed, the first reasoning appears, they are actively trying to build conclusions, using various logical operations.

At the same time, school educational practice shows that many primary school teachers do not always pay enough attention to the development of logical thinking and believe that all the necessary thinking skills will develop independently with age. This circumstance leads to the fact that primary school the growth in the development of children’s logical thinking and, as a consequence, their intellectual abilities slows down, which cannot but have a negative impact on the dynamics of their individual development in the future.

Therefore, there is an objective need to search for such pedagogical conditions that would contribute to the most effective development of logical thinking in children of primary school age, a significant increase in the level of children’s mastery of educational material, and the improvement of modern primary education, without increasing the educational load on children.

When substantiating the pedagogical conditions for the development of logical thinking of junior schoolchildren, we proceeded from the following basic conceptual provisions:

learning and development are a single interconnected process, advancement in development becomes a condition for deep and lasting assimilation of knowledge (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankova, E.N. Kabanova-Meller, etc.);

the most important condition successful learning is the purposeful and systematic formation of students’ skills in implementing logical techniques (S.D. Zabramnaya, I.A. Podgoretskaya, etc.);

the development of logical thinking cannot be carried out in isolation from the educational process, it must be organically combined with the development of subject skills, taking into account the characteristics of the age-related development of schoolchildren (L.S. Vygotsky, I.I. Kulibaba, N.V. Shevchenko, etc.).

Based on this, we proposed the following pedagogical conditions for the formation of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren: the presence of teachers with a stable focus on the development of logical thinking; ensuring students' motivation to master logical operations; implementation of activity-based and personality-oriented approaches to the development of logical thinking; ensuring variability of lesson content.

The basic condition in this set of conditions is that teachers have a stable focus on developing the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren. In the process of schooling, the student needs not only to communicate the “sum of knowledge”, but also to form in him a system of interrelated knowledge that forms an internal ordered structure.

The formation of an ordered system of knowledge, in the process of which various information is constantly compared with each other in a variety of relationships and aspects, generalized and differentiated in different ways, included in various chains of relationships, leads to the most effective assimilation of knowledge and to the development of logical thinking.

All this requires the teacher to restructure the traditionally established structure of the lesson, highlight mental operations in the educational material, and focus his activities on teaching students logical operations. And if the teacher does not have this, if he does not have the desire to change anything in the educational process that is familiar to him, then there is no need to talk about any development of the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren, and no matter what conditions of this process are substantiated, they will remain theoretical provisions, not needed in practice.

The second most important condition is to ensure students' motivation to master logical operations in learning. On the part of the teacher, it is important not only to convince students of the need for the ability to carry out certain logical operations, but in every possible way to stimulate their attempts to carry out generalization, analysis, synthesis, etc. It is our deep conviction that a junior schoolchild’s attempt, even if unsuccessful, to carry out a logical operation should be valued higher than the specific result of acquiring knowledge.

The next condition is the implementation of activity-based and personality-oriented approaches to the development of logical thinking. The active, conscious activity of younger schoolchildren is the basis for a high level of development of logical thinking.

The structure of educational material should be focused on independent and reasonable acquisition of knowledge by students based on the use and generalization of their experience, since objective truth acquires subjective significance and usefulness if it is learned on the basis of one’s own experience. Otherwise, the knowledge is formal. It is important to focus on the learning process, and not just the result. The implementation of the ideas of a personality-oriented approach allows us to bring each student to high level development of logical thinking, which will ensure success in mastering educational material in educational institution at subsequent stages of training.

Drawing up a system of variable tasks that is adequate to the age and individual characteristics of the student’s personality, the level of development of his logical thinking, is also a pedagogical condition for the development of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren. This condition presupposes a change in the content, structure of classes, the use of a variety of teaching methods, a phased, systematic and mandatory introduction of logical tasks into all school subjects. The use of a set of logical tasks in the learning process will increase the productivity and dynamics of the development of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren.


In domestic pedagogy, a system of didactic games was created in the 60s. in connection with the development of the theory of sensory education. Its authors are famous teachers and psychologists: L.A. Wenger, A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova and others. V Lately the searches of scientists (Z.M. Boguslavskaya, O.M. Dyachenko, N.E. Veraksa, E.O. Smirnova, etc.) are moving towards creating a series of games for the full development of children's intelligence, which are characterized by flexibility, initiative of thought processes, transfer of formed mental actions to new content.

Based on the nature of cognitive activity, didactic games can be classified into the following groups:

Games that require executive functioning from children. With the help of these games, children perform actions according to the model.

Games that require replay action. They are aimed at developing computing skills.

Games with which children change examples and problems into others that are logically related to it.

Games that include elements of search and creativity.

This classification of didactic games does not reflect all their diversity, however, it allows the teacher to navigate the abundance of games. It is also important to distinguish between didactic games themselves and gaming techniques used in teaching children. As children “enter” a new activity for them - educational - the importance of didactic games as a method of learning decreases, while gaming techniques are still used by the teacher. They are needed to attract children's attention and relieve their stress. The most important thing is that the game is organically combined with serious, hard work, so that the game does not distract from learning, but, on the contrary, contributes to the intensification of mental work.

In the situation of a didactic game, knowledge is absorbed better. A didactic game and a lesson cannot be opposed. The most important thing - and this must be emphasized once again - is that the didactic task in a didactic game is carried out through a game task. The didactic task is hidden from children. The child’s attention is focused on performing play actions, but he is not aware of the task of learning. This makes the game a special form of play-based learning, when children most often unintentionally acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game. Children and the teacher are participants in the same game. If this condition is violated, the teacher takes the path of direct teaching.

Based on the above, a didactic game is a game only for a child. For an adult, it is a way of learning. In a didactic game, knowledge acquisition acts as a side effect. The purpose of didactic games and game teaching techniques is to facilitate the transition to educational tasks and make it gradual. The above allows us to formulate the main functions of didactic games:

the function of forming a sustainable interest in learning and relieving tension associated with the process of adaptation of the child to the school regime;

function of the formation of mental neoplasms;

the function of forming the actual educational activity;

functions of developing general educational skills, educational and independent work skills;

function of developing self-control and self-esteem skills;

function of forming adequate relationships and mastering social roles.

So, a didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. In didactic games, not only educational knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired, but all mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and abilities are also developed. A didactic game helps to make educational material exciting and create a joyful working mood. Skillful use of didactic games in the educational process makes it easier, because play activities are familiar to the child. Through play, learning patterns are quickly learned. Positive emotions facilitate the learning process.

In expanded form, the pedagogical conditions for the development of cognitive processes of a primary school student can be presented as follows:

certain content of knowledge that is amenable to ways of understanding;

finding such techniques and means, such vivid comparisons, figurative descriptions that help to consolidate in the minds and feelings of students the facts, definitions, concepts, conclusions that play the most significant role in the system of knowledge content;

organized in a certain way cognitive activity, characterized by a system of mental actions;

a form of educational organization in which the student is placed in the position of a researcher, a subject of activity, requiring the manifestation of maximum mental activity;

use of independent work tools;

developing the ability to actively operate with knowledge;

when solving any cognitive problem, using means of collective work in the classroom, based on the activity of the majority, moving students from imitation to creativity;

encourage creative work so that each work, on the one hand, stimulates students to solve collective cognitive problems, and on the other, develops the student’s specific abilities.

The development of cognitive processes in students does not occur with a template presentation of the material. Shchukina G.I. noted that the activities of teachers have common features that contribute to the development of students’ cognitive processes:

purposefulness in nurturing cognitive interests;

understanding that caring for multifaceted interests and the child’s attitude towards his work is the most important component of a teacher’s work;

use of the wealth of the knowledge system, its completeness, depth;

understanding that every child can develop an interest in certain knowledge;

attention to the success of each student, which supports the student’s faith in his own abilities. The joy of success associated with overcoming difficulties is an important incentive to maintain and strengthen cognitive interest.

The game is good remedy, stimulating the development of students’ cognitive processes. It not only activates the mental activity of children, increases their performance, but also instills in them the best human qualities: a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance.

An important role is played by positive emotions that arise in the game and facilitate the process of cognition, assimilation of knowledge and skills. Acting out the most difficult elements of the educational process stimulates the cognitive powers of young schoolchildren, brings the educational process closer to life, and makes the acquired knowledge understandable.

Game situations and exercises, organically included in the educational and cognitive process, stimulate students and allow them to diversify the forms of application of knowledge and skills.

A child cannot be forced or forced to be attentive and organized. At the same time, while playing, he willingly and conscientiously does what interests him, strives to bring such a task to the end, even if this requires effort. Therefore, at the initial stage of learning, the game acts as the main stimulus for learning.

The basis of any gaming methodology conducted in the classroom should be the following principles:

The relevance of didactic material (up-to-date formulations of mathematical problems, visual aids, etc.) actually helps children perceive tasks as a game, feel interested in getting the right result, and strive for the best possible solution.

Collectivity makes it possible to unite the children's team into a single group, into a single organism capable of solving problems of a higher level than those available to one child, and often more complex.

Competitiveness creates in a child or group of children the desire to complete a task faster and better than a competitor, which allows you to reduce the time to complete the task, on the one hand, and achieve a truly acceptable result, on the other. Almost any team game can serve as a classic example of the above principles: “What? Where? When?" (one half asks questions - the other answers them).

Based on these principles, we can formulate requirements for didactic games conducted in classes:

Didactic games should be based on games familiar to children. For this purpose, it is important to observe children, identify their favorite games, analyze which games children like more and which ones less.

You cannot force a game on children that seems useful; the game is voluntary. Children should be able to refuse a game if they don't like it and choose another game.

The game is not a lesson. A gaming technique that involves children in a new topic, an element of competition, a riddle, a journey into a fairy tale and much more is not only the methodological wealth of the teacher, but also the overall work of children in the classroom, rich in impressions.

The emotional state of the teacher must correspond to the activity in which he participates. Unlike all other methodological means, the game requires a special state from the one who conducts it. It is necessary not only to be able to play the game, but also to play with the children. Competent implementation of the didactic game is ensured by the clear organization of didactic games.

The nature of students’ activities in the game depends on its place in the system of educational activities. If the game is used to explain new material, then it should include children's practical actions with groups of objects and drawings.

In lessons to consolidate material, it is important to use games to reproduce properties, actions, and computational techniques. In this case, the use of visual aids should be limited and attention in the game should be increased to speaking out loud the rules and computational techniques.

In the game, you should think through not only the nature of the children’s activities, but also the organizational side, the nature of the management of the game. For this purpose, means are used feedback with the student: signal cards (a green circle on one side and a red circle on the other) or cut-out numbers and letters. Signal cards serve as a means of activating children in the game. Most games must include elements of competition, which also increases children’s activity in the learning process.

Summing up the results of the competition, the teacher draws attention to the friendly work of team members, which contributes to the formation of a sense of teamwork. It is necessary to treat children who have made mistakes with great tact. The teacher can tell a child who has made a mistake that he has not yet become a “captain” in the game, but if he tries, he will certainly become one. Students' mistakes should be analyzed not during the game, but at the end, so as not to disrupt the experience of the game.

The gaming technique used should be in close connection with visual aids, with the topic under consideration, with its objectives, and not be of an exclusively entertaining nature. Visualization for children is like a figurative solution and design of the game. She helps the teacher explain new material, create a certain emotional mood.

The teacher, with the help of the game, hopes to organize the attention of children, increase activity, and facilitate the memorization of educational material. This is, of course, necessary, but it is not enough. At the same time, care must be taken to preserve the student’s desire to learn systematically and to develop his creative independence. Another condition necessary for the use of the game in elementary school to be effective is the teacher’s deep penetration into the mechanisms of the game. A teacher must be an independent creator who is not afraid to take responsibility for the long-term results of his activity.

Playing in elementary school is a must. After all, only she knows how to make difficult things easy, accessible, and boring things interesting and fun. The game can be used to explain new material, to reinforce it, to practice counting skills, and to develop students’ logic.

If all the above conditions are met, children develop the following necessary qualities, How:

a) a positive attitude towards school and the academic subject;

c) voluntary desire to expand one’s capabilities;

e) revealing one’s own creative abilities.

All of the above convinces us of the necessity and possibility of forming and developing cognitive processes in younger schoolchildren, including logical thinking, through the use of didactic games.

Let us summarize briefly the conclusions from the first chapter:

Thinking is a generalized reflection of objective reality in its natural, most essential connections and relationships. It is characterized by community and unity with speech. In other words, thinking is a mental process of cognition associated with the discovery of subjective new knowledge, with problem solving, with the creative transformation of reality. Thinking is the highest form of reflection of the surrounding reality. Thinking is a generalized and word-mediated knowledge of reality. Thinking makes it possible to understand the essence of objects and phenomena. Thanks to thinking, it becomes possible to foresee the results of certain actions and carry out creative, purposeful activities.

Being a transitional age, primary school age has deep potential for the physical and spiritual development of the child. Under the influence of learning, two main psychological new formations are formed in children - the arbitrariness of mental processes and the internal plan of actions (their execution in the mind). In the process of learning, children also master the techniques of voluntary memorization and reproduction, thanks to which they can present selective material and establish semantic connections.

The arbitrariness of mental functions and the internal plan of action, the manifestation of the child’s ability to self-organize his activities arise as a result of the complex process of internalization of the external organization of the child’s behavior, created initially by adults, and especially teachers, in the course of educational work.

Research by psychologists and didactics to identify the age-related characteristics and capabilities of children of primary school age convinces that in relation to a modern 7-10 year old child, the standards that assessed his thinking in the past are not applicable. His true mental abilities are broader and richer.

As a result of targeted training and a well-thought-out system of work, it is possible to achieve in the elementary grades such mental development of children that makes the child capable of mastering the techniques of logical thinking common to different types work and mastering various educational subjects, to use learned techniques in solving new problems, to anticipate certain natural events or phenomena.

The development of cognitive processes in a primary school student will be shaped more effectively by targeted external influence. The instruments for such influence are special moves, one of which is educational games.

Didactic games are a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. In didactic games, not only educational knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired, but all mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and abilities are also developed. A didactic game helps to make educational material exciting and create a joyful working mood. Skillful use of didactic games in the educational process makes it easier, because play activities are familiar to the child. Through play, learning patterns are quickly learned. Positive emotions facilitate the learning process.



Research on the development of logical thinking was carried out on the basis of a secondary school in the city of Murmansk.

The study involved 15 2nd grade students (8-9 year old students, 9 girls and 6 boys).

The diagnostic program, the purpose of which was to determine and diagnose the level of development of logical thinking, included the following methods:

Methodology “Exclusion of Concepts”. Objectives of the methodology:

research into the ability to classify and analyze;

definition of concepts, clarification of reasons, identification of similarities and differences in objects;

determining the degree of development of a child’s intellectual processes.

Methodology “Definition of concepts”. The purpose of the technique: to determine the degree of development of intellectual processes.

“Sequence of Events” technique. The purpose of the technique: to determine the ability for logical thinking and generalization.

Methodology “Comparison of Concepts”. The purpose of the technique: to determine the level of development of the comparison operation in younger schoolchildren.

Description of diagnostics:

Methodology "Exceptions of concepts". Purpose: the technique is intended to study the ability to classify and analyze.

Instructions: The subjects are offered a form with 17 rows of words. In each row, four words are united by a common generic concept, the fifth does not belong to it. In 5 minutes, the subjects must find these words and cross them out.

Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov, Peter.

Decrepit, small, old, worn out, dilapidated.

Soon, quickly, hastily, gradually, hastily.

Leaf, soil, bark, scales, branch.

To hate, to despise, to be indignant, to be indignant, to understand.

Dark, light, blue, bright, dim.

Nest, hole, chicken coop, gatehouse, den.

Failure, excitement, defeat, failure, collapse.

Success, luck, winning, peace of mind, failure.

Robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault.

Milk, cheese, sour cream, lard, yogurt.

Deep, low, light, high, long.

Hut, hut, smoke, stable, booth.

Birch, pine, oak, spruce, lilac.

Second, hour, year, evening, week.

Bold, courageous, determined, angry, courageous.

Pencil, pen, drawing pen, felt-tip pen, ink.

Processing of results: the number of correct answers is counted and, depending on it, the level of formation of the analysis and synthesis processes is determined:

-16-17 correct answers - high,

-15-12 - average level,

-11-8 - low;

-less than 8 - very low.

2. Methodology “Definition of concepts”. The purpose of the technique: to determine the formation of concepts, the ability to find out the reasons, identify similarities and differences in objects. The child is asked questions and based on the correctness of the child’s answers, these thinking characteristics are established.

Which animal is bigger: a horse or a dog?

In the morning people have breakfast. What do they do when they eat during the day and in the evening?

It was light outside during the day, but at night?

The sky is blue, and the grass?

Cherry, pear, plum and apple - is this...?

Why do they lower the barrier when a train is coming?

What are Moscow, Kyiv, Khabarovsk?

What time is it (The child is shown a clock and asked to name the time), (The correct answer is one that indicates the hours and minutes).

A young cow is called a heifer. What are the names of a young dog and a young sheep?

Which dog is more like: a cat or a chicken? Answer and explain why you think so.

Why do cars need brakes? (Any reasonable answer indicating the need to slow down the car is considered correct)

How are a hammer and an ax similar to each other? (The correct answer indicates that these are tools that perform somewhat similar functions.)

What do a squirrel and a cat have in common? (The correct answer must indicate at least two explanatory features).

What is the difference between a nail, a screw and a screw? (Correct answer: the nail is smooth on the surfaces, and the screw and screw are threaded, the nail is driven in with a hammer, and the screw and screw are screwed in).

What is football, long and high jump, tennis, swimming.

What types of transport do you know (the correct answer contains at least 2 types of transport).

What is the difference between an old person and a young person? (the correct answer must contain at least two essential features).

Why do people engage in physical education and sports?

Why is it considered bad if someone doesn't want to work?

Why is it necessary to put a stamp on a letter? (Correct answer: a stamp is a sign that the sender has paid the cost of sending a postal item).

Processing of results: For each correct answer to each question, the child receives 0.5 points, so the maximum number of points he can get in this technique is 10. Not only those answers that correspond to the examples given can be considered correct, but also others, quite reasonable and corresponding to the meaning of the question posed to the child. If the person conducting the research is not completely sure that the child’s answer is absolutely correct, and at the same time it cannot be definitely said that it is incorrect, then it is allowed to give the child an intermediate score - 0.25 points.

points - very high;

9 points - high;

7 points - average;

3 points - low;

1 point - very low.

The “Sequence of Events” technique (proposed by N.A. Bernstein). Purpose of the study: to determine the ability for logical thinking, generalization, the ability to understand the connection of events and build consistent conclusions.

Material and equipment: folded pictures (from 3 to 6) depicting the stages of an event. The child is shown randomly arranged pictures and given the following instructions:

“Look, there are pictures in front of you that depict some event. The order of the pictures is mixed up, and you have to figure out how to swap them in order to make it clear what the artist drew. Think and rearrange the pictures as you see fit, and then use them to compose a story about the event depicted here.” If a child correctly established the sequence of pictures, but could not compose a good story, you need to ask him a few questions to clarify the cause of the difficulty. But if the child, even with the help of leading questions, could not cope with the task, then such completion of the task is considered as unsatisfactory.

Processing the results:

Was able to find the sequence of events and composed a logical story - high level.

Was able to find the sequence of events, but could not write a good story, or was able to, but with the help of leading questions - average level.

I couldn’t find the sequence of events and make up a story - low level.

Methodology “Comparison of Concepts”. Purpose: to determine the level of development of the comparison operation in younger schoolchildren.

The technique consists in the fact that the subject is given two words denoting certain objects or phenomena, and is asked to say what they have in common and how they differ from each other. At the same time, the experimenter constantly stimulates the subject to search for as many similarities and differences between paired words as possible: “How else are they similar?”, “In what other ways,” “How else are they different from each other?” List of comparison words:

Morning evening.

Cow is a horse.

Pilot - tractor driver.

Skis are cats.

Dog Cat.

Tram - bus.

River - lake.

Bicycle - motorcycle.

Crow is a fish.

Leo - tiger.

Train - plane.

Cheating is a mistake.

The shoe is a pencil.

Apple - cherry.

Leo is a dog.

Crow is a sparrow.

Milk is water.

Gold Silver.

Sleigh is a cart.

Sparrow is a chicken.

Oak - birch.

A fairy tale is a song.

The painting is a portrait.

Horse - rider.

Cat is an apple.

Hunger - thirst.

) The subject is given two words that clearly belong to the same category (for example, “cow - horse”).

) Two words are proposed that are difficult to find in common and which are much more different from each other (crow - fish).

) The third group of tasks is even more difficult - these are tasks for comparing and distinguishing objects in conditions of conflict, where the differences are expressed much more than the similarities (rider - horse).

The difference in the levels of complexity of these categories of tasks depends on the degree of difficulty in abstracting signs of visual interaction between objects, on the degree of difficulty in including these objects in a certain category.

Processing the results.

) Quantitative processing consists of counting the number of similarities and differences.

a) High level - the student named more than 12 traits.

b) Average level - from 8 to 12 traits.

c) Low level - less than 8 traits.

) Qualitative processing consists of the experimenter analyzing which features the student noted in greater numbers - similarities or differences, whether he often used generic concepts.


Conclusive diagnostics were carried out comprehensively, with the entire group of children.

Summary table of diagnostic test results Table 1

No. Name and surname of the child Methods 12341. Alina M. high medium high high 2. Anton S. low low medium low 3. Svetlana M. medium low medium low 4. Andrey R. low medium medium low 5. Andrey P. low low low medium 6. Stanislav S. high high high medium 7. Daria G. medium very highhighhigh8.Elizabeth R.mediummediumhighlow9.Valeria S. low medium medium low 10. Sergey D. medium low medium medium 11. Alexandra V. high high medium high 12. Mark B. low medium low low 13. Ekaterina A. high medium medium high 14. Karina G. medium low high low 15. Lydia V. medium low medium medium

The results of the diagnostic study are summarized in the table:

Generalized results of ascertaining diagnostics Table 2

Diagnostic name/ Level of implementation - number of children and % “Exclusion of concepts” “Definition of concepts” “Sequence of events” “Comparison of concepts” M.D.M.D.M.D.M.Two 17%3 - 33%1 - 17%2-22%1-17%4 - 44%-4 - 44%average1 - 17%5 - 56%2 - 33%4 - 44%3 - 50%5 - 56%3 - 50%1 - 12 %low4-66%1 - 11%3 - 50%3 - 34%2 - 33%-3 - 50%4 - 44%

As can be seen from the generalized diagnostic results, girls have a higher overall level of task completion than boys. These indicators are reflected in the diagrams:

Diagram 1. Comparison of the results of the “Elimination of Concepts” technique

Diagram 2. Comparison of the results of the “Definition of Concepts” technique

Diagram 3. Comparison of the results of the “Sequence of Events” technique

Diagram 4. Comparison of the results of the “Comparison of Concepts” technique


The best results were shown when performing the “Sequence of Events” technique, thus, a high level of performance of tasks of this diagnostic was shown by 17% of boys and 44% of girls, an average level - 50% of boys and 56% of girls, and a low level - 33% of boys; there was no indicator.

The children experienced the greatest difficulties when completing tasks in the “Definition of Concepts” methodology, when performing tasks related to the development of processes of analysis and synthesis of phenomena. Thus, only 17% of boys and 22% of girls showed a high level, and 50% of boys and 34% of girls showed a low level.


The formative experiment was carried out over a month in the form of a cycle of 10 correctional and developmental classes, the purpose of which was to develop logical thinking in children of primary school age through games. Classes were conducted with the entire group of children in the form of additional circle work; some of the tasks were completed by children in basic mathematics lessons, or completed by them as homework.

Since the ascertaining experiment showed that children experience the greatest difficulties in tasks that require a high level of development of analysis and synthesis, which are the most important mental operations, we paid great attention to the development of these particular processes. Analysis is associated with the selection of elements of a given object, its characteristics or properties. Synthesis is the combination of various elements, sides of an object into a single whole.

In human mental activity, analysis and synthesis complement each other, since analysis is carried out through synthesis, synthesis - through analysis. The ability for analytical-synthetic activity is expressed not only in the ability to isolate the elements of an object, its various features or to combine elements into a single whole, but also in the ability to include them in new connections, to see their new functions.

The formation of these skills can be facilitated by: a) consideration of a given object from the point of view of various concepts; b) setting various tasks for a given mathematical object.

To consider this object from the point of view of various concepts, tasks were proposed for classification or for identifying various patterns (rules). For example:

By what criteria can you separate buttons into two boxes?

The technique of comparison plays a special role in organizing the productive activity of younger schoolchildren in the process of learning mathematics. The formation of the ability to use this technique was carried out in stages, in close connection with the study of specific content. At the same time, we focused on the following stages of this work:

highlighting features or properties of one object;

establishing similarities and differences between the characteristics of two objects;

identifying similarities between the characteristics of three, four or more objects.

At first, objects or drawings depicting objects that were well known to children were used as objects, in which they could identify certain features based on their existing ideas.

To organize students’ activities aimed at identifying the characteristics of a particular object, the following question was proposed:

What can you tell us about the subject? (The apple is round, large, red; the pumpkin is yellow, large, with stripes, with a tail; the circle is large, green; the square is small, yellow).

During the work, the concepts of “size” and “shape” were reinforced and the following questions were proposed:

What can you say about the sizes (shapes) of these objects? (Big, small, round, like a triangle, like a square, etc.)

To identify the signs or properties of an object, children were usually asked questions:

What are the similarities and differences between these items? - What changed?

Children are already familiar with the term “feature” and it was used when performing tasks: “Name the characteristics of an object,” “Name similar and different characteristics of objects.”

Tasks related to the method of classification were usually formulated in the following form: “Divide (split) all the circles into two groups according to some criterion.” Most children successfully complete this task, focusing on features such as color and size. As different concepts were learned, classification tasks included numbers, expressions, equalities, equations, and geometric shapes. For example, when studying the numbering of numbers within 100, children were given the following task:

Divide these numbers into two groups so that each contains similar numbers:

a) 33, 84, 75, 22, 13, 11, 44, 53 (one group includes numbers written with two identical digits, the other with different ones);

b) 91, 81, 82, 95, 87, 94, 85 (the basis of the classification is the number of tens, in one group of numbers it is 8, in another - 9);

c) 45, 36, 25, 52, 54, 61, 16, 63, 43, 27, 72, 34 (the basis of the classification is the sum of the “digits” with which these numbers are written, in one group it is equal to 9, in another - 7 ).

Thus, when teaching mathematics, classification tasks of various types were used:

Preparatory tasks. These include: “Remove (name) the extra” object,” “Draw objects of the same color (shape, size),” “Give a name to the group of objects.” This also includes tasks for developing attention and observation: “Which object was removed?” and “What has changed?”

Tasks in which the teacher indicated based on the classification.

Tasks in which children themselves identify the basis of classification.

We also widely used tasks to develop the processes of analysis, synthesis, and classification in the classroom, when working with a mathematics textbook. For example, they used next tasks aimed at developing analysis and synthesis:

Connecting elements into a single whole: Cut out the necessary shapes from the “Appendix” and make a house, a boat, a fish from them.

Search for various features of an object: How many corners, sides and vertices does a pentagon have?

Recognizing or composing an object based on given characteristics: What number comes before the number 6 when counting? What number comes after the number 6? Behind the number 7?

Consideration of a given object from the point of view of various concepts. Make up different problems based on the picture and solve them.

Setting various tasks for a given mathematical object. By the end of the school year, Lida had 2 blank sheets left in her Russian language notebook and 5 blank sheets in her math notebook. To this condition, first pose a question such that the problem is solved by addition, and then a question such that the problem is solved by subtraction.

Tasks aimed at developing the ability to classify were also widely used in the classroom. For example, children were asked to solve the following problem: There are 9 episodes in a cartoon about dinosaurs. Kolya has already watched 2 episodes. How many episodes does he have left to watch? Compose two problems that are the inverse of this one. Choose a schematic drawing for each problem.

Tasks aimed at developing the ability to compare were also used, for example, identifying features or properties of one object:

Tanya had several badges. She gave 2 badges to her friend, and she had 5 badges left. How many badges did Tanya have? Which schematic drawing is suitable for this problem?

All proposed tasks, of course, were aimed at developing several thinking operations, but due to the predominance of any of them, the exercises were divided into proposed groups.

As a generalization of the work carried out, we conducted a generalizing lesson in a mathematics circle on the topic “Sets”, in which the developed skills of analysis, synthesis, classification, etc. were reinforced in a playful way.


The control study was carried out using the same methods as during the ascertaining experiment.

Summary table of the results of the control stage of the study Table 3

No. Name and surname of the child Methods 12341. Anton S. average average high low 2. Svetlana M. high average average average 3. Andrey R. high low average low 4. Andrey P. low average average average 5. Elizaveta S. high high average average 6. Valeria S. low average high average 7. Sergey D .high low medium high 8. Mark B. medium low medium medium 9. Karina G. medium medium high medium 10 .Lydia V.mediummediumhighlow

The summarized results of the control study are presented in the table:

Generalized results of control diagnostics Table 4

Diagnostic name/ Level of implementation - number of children and % “Exclusion of concepts” “Definition of concepts” “Sequence of events” “Comparison of concepts” M.D.M.D.M.D.M.Two-high 3-50% 5-55% 1-16%33%2 - 34%5-55%15%4 - 45%average34%33%2 - 34%6 - 67%4 - 66%4-45%55%4 - 45%low16%1- 12%3 - 50%---2 - 35%1-10%

Comparative results for individual diagnostics are presented in the diagrams:

Diagram 5. Comparative results of the diagnostic “Exclusion of Concepts” according to the data of the ascertaining and control study

Diagram 6. Comparative results of the diagnostic “Definition of Concepts” according to the data of the ascertaining and control study

Diagram 7. Comparative results of the diagnostic “Sequence of Events” according to the data of the ascertaining and control study

Diagram 8. Comparative results of the diagnostic “Comparison of Concepts” according to the data of the ascertaining and control study

As can be seen from the results presented, we can conclude that there is a significant improvement in logical processes in children, including the processes of analysis, synthesis, and classification. The number of children showing a high level of task completion has increased, including among boys these indicators have improved significantly.

the psychological and pedagogical conditions that determine the formation and development of thinking are theoretically substantiated;

the features of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren were identified;

the structure and content of games for younger schoolchildren will be aimed at the formation and development of their logical thinking;

We do not consider our result to be final. It is necessary to further develop and improve techniques and methods for developing productive thinking, depending on the individual properties and characteristics of each individual student. Much will also depend on the subject teacher, on whether he will take into account the peculiarities of the cognitive processes of schoolchildren and apply methods of developing logical thinking in the course of explaining and consolidating the material, whether he will build his lessons on a bright, emotionally charged story or reading a textbook text, and from many other facts.

It is necessary to continue the work begun, using various non-standard logical tasks and assignments, not only in lessons, but also in extracurricular activities, in a math club class.

Let us summarize briefly the conclusions from the second chapter:

In order to study the level of development of logical thinking, we carried out a comprehensive diagnosis. The study involved 15 2nd grade students (8-9 year old students, 9 girls and 6 boys).

The diagnostic program included the following methods:

Methodology “Exclusion of Concepts”. The goals of the methodology are to study the ability to classify and analyze, define concepts, find out the reasons, identify similarities and differences in objects, determine the degree of development of intellectual processes in a child.

Methodology “Definition of concepts”. The purpose of the technique: to determine the degree of development of intellectual processes.

Methodology “Comparison of Concepts”. The purpose of the technique: to determine the level of development of the comparison operation in younger schoolchildren.

The results of the diagnostics showed that the best results were shown when performing the “Sequence of Events” technique, thus, a high level of performance of tasks of this diagnostic was shown by 17% of boys and 44% of girls, an average level - 50% of boys and 56% of girls, and a low level - 33 % of boys; girls did not have this indicator. The children experienced the greatest difficulties when completing tasks in the “Definition of Concepts” methodology, when performing tasks related to the development of processes of analysis and synthesis of phenomena. Thus, only 17% of boys and 22% of girls showed a high level, and 50% of boys and 34% of girls showed a low level.

Carrying out the “Comparison of Concepts” technique also caused difficulty, especially for boys, who showed a low level of task completion of 50% and an average level of 50%. The girls coped with these tasks somewhat better. They showed 44% completion of tasks at a high level, 12% - average level and 44% - low level.

The task “Elimination of concepts” caused difficulties mainly for boys, so 17% of boys and 33% of girls showed a high level, an average level - 17% of boys and 56% of girls, and a low level - 66% of boys and only 11% of girls. This, in our opinion, is due to the better level of speech development in girls, since boys often intuitively perform tasks correctly, but find it difficult to explain their choice and prove their opinion.

Thus, when conducting a formative experiment, we paid attention not only to the development of logical processes in children, but also to the development of their speech. The formative experiment was carried out over a month in the form of a cycle of 10 correctional and developmental classes, the purpose of which was to develop logical thinking in children of primary school age through games. Classes were conducted with the entire group of children in the form of additional circle work; some of the tasks were completed by children in basic mathematics lessons, or completed by them as homework.

Since the ascertaining experiment showed that children experience the greatest difficulties in tasks that require a high level of development of analysis and synthesis, which are the most important mental operations, we paid great attention to the development of these particular processes. In addition, various tasks for classifying objects according to various criteria were widely used.

As a generalization of the work carried out, we conducted a generalizing lesson in a mathematics circle on the topic “Sets”, in which the developed skills of analysis, synthesis, classification, etc. were reinforced in a playful way.

Next, a control study was conducted using previously used diagnostics. Analysis of the results of control diagnostics allowed us to conclude that there was a significant improvement in logical processes in children, including the processes of analysis, synthesis, and classification. The number of children showing a high level of task completion has increased, including among boys these indicators have improved significantly.

the psychological and pedagogical conditions that determine the formation and development of thinking are theoretically substantiated;

the features of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren were identified;

the structure and content of games for younger schoolchildren will be aimed at the formation and development of their logical thinking;

The criteria and levels of development of logical thinking of a primary school student have been determined and received experimental confirmation.


Activity can be reproductive and productive. Reproductive activity comes down to the reproduction of perceived information. Only productive activity is associated with the active work of thinking and finds its expression in such mental operations as analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification and generalization. These mental operations in psychological and pedagogical literature are usually called logical techniques of mental actions.

The inclusion of these operations in the process of mastering mathematical content ensures the implementation of productive activity, which has a positive impact on the development of all mental functions. If we talk about the current state of modern primary school in our country, then reproductive activity still continues to occupy the main place. In lessons on two main academic disciplines- language and mathematics - children solve standard educational and training problems almost all the time. Their purpose is to ensure that children’s search activity with each subsequent task of the same type is gradually curtailed and, ultimately, completely disappears. On the one hand, the dominance of activities to acquire knowledge and skills that existed hinders the development of children’s intelligence, primarily logical thinking.

In connection with this teaching system, children get used to solving problems that always have ready-made solutions, and, as a rule, only one solution. Therefore, children are lost in situations where the problem has no solution or, conversely, has several solutions. In addition, children get used to solving problems based on an already learned rule, so they are not able to act independently to find some new way.

Techniques of logical analysis are necessary for students already in the 1st grade; without mastering them, the educational material cannot be fully assimilated. Conducted research shows that not all children fully possess this skill. Even in the 2nd grade, only half of the students master the techniques of comparison, subsuming under the concept of inference, consequence, etc. etc. Many schoolchildren do not master them even in high school. This disappointing data shows that it is precisely at primary school age that it is necessary to carry out targeted work to teach children the basic techniques of mental operations.

It is also advisable to use didactic games and exercises with instructions in lessons. With their help, students get used to thinking independently and using the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

In accordance with the objectives of the study, in the first chapter of the work, an analysis of the literature on the problem of developing the logical thinking of junior schoolchildren was carried out, and the features of the logical thinking of junior schoolchildren were identified.

It was found that primary school age has deep potential for the physical and spiritual development of a child. Under the influence of learning, two main psychological new formations are formed in children - the arbitrariness of mental processes and the internal plan of actions (their execution in the mind). In the process of learning, children also master the techniques of voluntary memorization and reproduction, thanks to which they can present material selectively and establish semantic connections. The arbitrariness of mental functions and the internal plan of action, the manifestation of the child’s ability to self-organize his activities arise as a result of the complex process of internalization of the external organization of the child’s behavior, created initially by adults, and especially teachers, in the course of educational work.

Research by psychologists and didactics to identify the age-related characteristics and capabilities of children of primary school age convinces that the standards by which their thinking was assessed in the past are not applicable to a modern 7-10 year old child. His true mental abilities are broader and richer.

The development of cognitive processes of a primary school student will be formed more effectively under targeted external influence. The instrument for such influence is special techniques, one of which is didactic games.

As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, a diagnosis was made of the level of development of logical thinking in grade 2, which showed great potential for the development of logical thinking in children. The diagnostic program included the following methods: “Elimination of concepts” to study the ability to classify and analyze, define concepts, find out the reasons, identify similarities and differences in objects to determine the degree of development of the child’s intellectual processes; “Sequence of events” to determine the ability for logical thinking and generalization; “Comparison of concepts” to determine the level of formation of the comparison operation in younger schoolchildren

Analysis of the results of the diagnostics made it possible to develop a system of exercises for the development of logical thinking as a result of the use of various didactic games and non-standard logical tasks. In the process of using these exercises in mathematics lessons, some positive dynamics of the influence of these exercises on the level of development of logical thinking of primary schoolchildren was revealed. Based comparative analysis results of the ascertaining and control stages of the study, we can say that the correctional and developmental program helps improve results and increase general level development of logical thinking.


1. Akimova, M.K. Exercises to develop the thinking skills of junior schoolchildren. - Obninsk: Virage, 2008. - 213 p.

Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in children's education: Psychodiagnostic tables. Psychodiagnostic techniques. Corrective exercises. - M.: Os - 89, 2009. - 272 p.

Glukhanyuk N.S. General psychology. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 288 p.

Grigorovich L.A. Pedagogy and psychology. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 480 p.

Kamenskaya E.N. Developmental and developmental psychology. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008. - 256 p.

Kornilova T.V. Methodological foundations of psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 320 p.

Lyublinskaya A.A. To the teacher about the psychology of a junior schoolchild. - M.: Pedagogy, 2009. - 216 p.

Maklakov A.G. General psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 592 p.

9. Mananikova E.N. Basics of psychology. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2008. - 368 p.

Nemov R.S. Psychology. - M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2008. - 640 p.

11. Obukhova L.F. Age-related psychology. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2006. - 442 p.

12. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 720 p.

13. Slastenin V.A. Psychology and pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2007. - 480 p.

Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day: Logic for primary schoolchildren: A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2009. - 144 p.

Tkacheva M.S. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Higher Education, 2008. - 192 p.

Tutushkina M.K. Practical psychology. - St. Petersburg: Didactics Plus, 2004. - 355 p.

Feldshtein D.I. Age and pedagogical psychology. - M.: MPSI, 2002. - 432 p.

Shishkoedov P.N. General psychology. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 288 p.

Elkonin D.B. Psychology of teaching primary schoolchildren. - M.: Psychology, 2009. - 148 p.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Zelenchuksky district

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school n. Arkhyz"

Development of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren

Nizhny Arkhyz village

I. The importance of developing logical thinking in children.

II. Types of exercises to develop logical thinking.

a) “Highlight two words”

b) “What’s extra?”

c) “What do they have in common?”

d) “Choose your words”

III. Interdisciplinary connections.

IV. Development of verbal-logical memory.

a) Tasks to determine the truth and falsity of judgments;

b) Tasks with linking words.

V. “Mathematics is mental gymnastics.”

a) Development of cognitive interests;

b) Logical tasks in mathematics lessons;

c) “Compare and draw a conclusion”;

d) Logical tasks of three levels;

e) Finding patterns;

f) “Continue the row”;

g) Non-standard tasks.

VI. What is the result?

Developing logical thinking in children is one of the important tasks primary education. The ability to think logically, make inferences without visual support, and compare judgments according to certain rules is a necessary condition for the successful assimilation of educational material.

Thinking should be developed from the first days of a child’s life: at home, in kindergarten and school.

In parallel with the development of thinking, the child also develops speech, which organizes and clarifies the thought, allows it to be expressed in a general way, separating the important from the unimportant.

The development of thinking affects a person’s upbringing. The child develops positive features character and the need for self-development good qualities, efficiency, ability to think and reach the truth independently, plan activities, as well as self-control and conviction, love and interest in the subject, desire to learn and know a lot.

Sufficient preparedness of mental activity relieves psychological stress in learning, prevents academic failure, and preserves health.

No one will argue that every teacher should develop the logical thinking of students. This is stated in explanatory notes to curriculums, and is written about in methodological literature for teachers. However, the teacher does not always know how to do this. This often leads to the fact that the development of logical thinking proceeds largely spontaneously, so the majority of even high school students do not master the initial techniques of logical thinking, and these techniques must be taught to younger students.

First of all, from lesson to lesson you need to develop the child’s ability to analyze and synthesize. The sharpness of the analytical mind allows you to understand complex issues. The ability to synthesize helps to simultaneously keep in sight difficult situations, find causal connections between phenomena, master a long chain of inferences, discover connections between individual factors and general patterns. A critical orientation of the mind warns against hasty generalizations and decisions. It is important to form productive thinking in a child, i.e. the ability to create new ideas, the ability to establish connections between facts and groups of facts, and compare new fact with what was previously known.

The psychologist noted the intensive development of the intellect of children at primary school age. The development of thinking leads, in turn, to a qualitative restructuring of perception and memory, their transformation into regulated, voluntary processes.

A child, starting to study at school, must have sufficiently developed concrete thinking. In order to form a scientific concept in him, it is necessary to teach him to take a differentiated approach to the characteristics of objects. It is necessary to show that there are essential features, without which the object cannot be subsumed under this concept. The criterion for mastering a particular concept is the ability to operate it. If students in grades 1-2 distinguish, first of all, the most obvious external signs that characterize the action of an object (what it does) or its purpose (what it does), then by the third grade, schoolchildren rely more on the knowledge and ideas developed during the learning process .

The following exercises help with this:

Highlight the two words that are most significant for the word before the brackets:

Reading (eyes , notebook, book, pencil, glasses)

Garden (plant, dog, fence, shovel , Earth)

Forest (sheet, trees, apple tree, hunter, bush)

What's extra?



"What do they have in common?"

Ask your child how to describe what you read in one word.

1. Perch, crucian carp - ...

2. Cucumber tomato - …

3. Wardrobe, sofa -…

4. June July - …

5. Elephant, ant -

A more complex version of the exercise contains only two words for which you need to find a common concept.

"Find what the following words have in common: a) bread and butter (food)
b) nose and eyes (parts of the face, sensory organs)
c) apple and strawberry (fruits)
d) clock and thermometer (measuring instruments)
e) whale and lion (animals)
e) echo and mirror (reflection)"

Exercise. "Choose your words."

1) “Choose as many words as possible that can be classified as wild animals (pets, fish, flowers, weather phenomena, seasons, tools, etc.).”

2) Another version of the same task.
"Connect with arrows the words that match the meaning:

ball furniture
poplar flower
closet insects
plate wood
coat clothing
ant dishes
pike toy
rose fish"
Such tasks develop the child’s ability to identify generic and specific concepts and form inductive verbal thinking.

When working to develop logical thinking, I rely on my belief in the potential of children. Some guys can think quickly and are capable of improvisation, others are slow. We often rush a student to answer, and get angry if he hesitates. We demand quick reactions from the child, but what we often achieve is that the student either gets used to expressing hasty but unfounded judgments, or withdraws into himself.

Already in elementary school, when constructing the content of education, it is necessary to provide for a system of necessary logical thinking techniques. And although logical techniques were formed during the study of mathematics, they can later be widely used as cognitive ready-made tools when mastering the material of other academic subjects. Consequently, when selecting logical techniques that should be formed when studying a subject, interdisciplinary connections should be taken into account.

Taking into account subject connections, I use the following tasks:

1. Find an unknown number:

Herring Ice

Soloist Liszt

72350 ?

Answer: 3

In the words of the first column, the first two and last two letters are excluded. This means that the first and last two digits must be excluded from the number accordingly. We get the number 3.

2. Find an unknown number:

Airplane Crowbar

Starling Moat

350291 ?

Answer: 20

Children notice that in the words airplane and starling, two outer letters are excluded, and the rest are read in reverse order. Therefore, by eliminating the two extreme digits and rearranging the rest, we get the number 20.

3. Find an unknown number:

Machine 12

Tier 6


Answer: 10

Analyzing words and numbers, we notice that in the word car– 6 letters, and the number is 2 times larger in the word shooting gallery– 3 letters, the number is 2 times larger, in a word school– 5 letters, the number is 2 times greater – 10.

4. Find an unknown number:

Tree + earth = 11

Tourist X sport = ?

Answer: 30

In a word tree– 6 letters per word Earth– 5 letters, adding these numbers, we get the number 11. In the word tourist– 6 letters per word sport– 5 letters, multiplying these numbers, we get the number 30.

Due to the relative predominance of the activities of the first signaling system Younger schoolchildren have more developed visual-figurative memory. Children retain specific information, faces, objects, facts in their memory better than definitions and explanations. They often learn verbatim. This is explained by this. That their mechanical memory is well developed and the younger schoolchild does not yet know how to differentiate memorization tasks (what needs to be remembered verbatim and what in general outline), the child still has poor command of speech; it is easier for him to memorize everything than to reproduce it in his own words. Children do not yet know how to organize semantic memorization: they do not know how to break the material into semantic groups, highlight key points for memorization, or draw up a logical plan for the text.

Under the influence of learning, memory in children of primary school age develops in two directions:

The role and specific gravity verbal-logical memorization (compared to visual-figurative);

The ability to consciously manage your memory and regulate its manifestation (memorization, reproduction, recollection) is formed.

The development of verbal-logical memory occurs as a result of the development of logical thinking.

Tasks to determine the truth or falsity of judgments

1. There are two drawings on the board. One depicts a monkey, a cat, a squirrel, the other a snake, a bear, a mouse. Children are given cards with various sayings written on them:

All the animals drawn in the picture can climb trees.

All the animals in the picture have fur.

Not a single animal in this picture can fly.

Some of the animals in the picture have paws.

Some of the animals in the picture live in burrows.

All the animals in this picture have claws.

Some of the animals in the picture hibernate.

There is not a single animal in this picture without a mustache.

All animals drawn in the picture are mammals.

None of the animals in the picture lay eggs.

Students need to determine for which picture the statement is true and for which it is false.

You can invite the children to independently indicate on their sheets opposite each statement the number of the picture for which this statement is true.

This task can be made more difficult by asking the children, looking at these pictures, to come up with their own true and false statements using the words: all, some, none.

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I use it in math lessons special tasks and tasks aimed at developing the cognitive capabilities and abilities of children. Non-standard tasks require increased attention to the analysis of conditions and the construction of a chain of interconnected logical reasoning.

I will give examples of such problems, the answer to which must be logically justified:

1. A box contains 5 pencils, 2 blue and 3 red. How many pencils must be taken from the box without looking into it so that there is at least one red pencil among them?

2. The loaf was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts were made?

3. The bagel was cut into 4 parts. How many cuts were made?

4. Four boys bought 6 notebooks. Each boy received at least one notebook. Could any boy buy three notebooks?

I introduce non-standard problems already in the first grade. The use of such problems broadens the mathematical horizons of younger schoolchildren and promotes mathematical development and improves the quality of mathematical preparedness.

The use of classification techniques in mathematics lessons allows us to expand the work methods available in practice, contributes to the formation of positive motives in educational activities, since such work contains elements of a game and elements of search activity, which increases the activity of students and ensures independent completion of work. For example:

Divide into two groups:

8 – 6 8 – 5 7 – 2 1 + 7 2 + 5

8 – 4 7 – 3 6 – 2 4 + 3 3 + 5

Write down all the numbers written with two different digits:

22, 56, 80, 66, 74, 47, 88, 31, 94, 44

But tasks in which the basis for classification is chosen by the children themselves are especially effective for developing students’ logical thinking.

The system of work to develop students’ logical thinking is aimed at shaping children’s mental actions. They learn to identify mathematical patterns and relationships, make feasible generalizations, and learn to draw conclusions. The use of supporting diagrams and tables in mathematics lessons promotes better learning of the material and encourages children to think more actively.

As a result of systematic work on the development of logical thinking educational activities students become more active, the quality of their knowledge increases noticeably.

In conclusion, I would like to advise teachers working on developing logical thinking in younger schoolchildren not to forget that it is necessary to take into account the level of ability of the children in your class. Difficulties must be overcome.

List of used literature.

1. , Sideleva in primary school: Psychological - pedagogical practice. Educational and methodological manual. – M.: TsGL, 2003. – 208 p.

2. , Kostromina to overcome difficulties in teaching children: Psychodiagnostic tables. Psychodiagnostic techniques. Corrective exercises. – M.: Os – 89, 2001. – 272 p.

3. Artyomov A.K., Istomina basic methods of teaching mathematics in primary grades: A manual for students of the faculty of training primary school teachers of the correspondence department. - M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1996. – 224 p.

4. Vinokurova abilities of children: 2nd grade. – M.: Rosman-Press, 2002. – 79 p.

5., Parishioners: Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions./ Ed. . – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1999. – 464 p.

6. , Kostenkova classes with children:

Materials for independent work of students in the course “Psychological - pedagogical diagnostics and counseling.” – M.: V. Sekachev, 2001. – 80 s.

8. Istomina. 2nd grade: Textbook for four-year elementary school. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2000. – 176 p.

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