Home Removal Good night wishes in verses and SMS (to friend, lover, beloved). Good night wishes for a man, short SMS in your own words, in prose, beautiful messages for your loved one

Good night wishes in verses and SMS (to friend, lover, beloved). Good night wishes for a man, short SMS in your own words, in prose, beautiful messages for your loved one

Look at the night sky
Find a flying star
Make your wish
And go to sleep with a smile!

World of wonderful fantasies
I've already been waiting for you!
Come on, no problem,
Surrender to him quickly!

Warm crib
I've been waiting for you,
Lie down and sleep sweetly in it,
Remember me!

My dear friend,
Keep your bag of dreams
Choose any of them
And sleep sweetly!

The sun has set
So it's time to sleep.
Run to bed
And go to sleep quickly!

The shadow of the night has fallen on the world,
Can you afford to be lazy?
Just put on your pajamas
And fall into bed like a seal!

My beautiful angel,
A huge piece of my happiness!
I wish you good night,
I love you, kiss you, hug you tenderly!

Ended and faded
This is a beautiful day.
I mentally hug you,
I wish you sweet dreams!

Everyone closes their eyes to fall asleep quickly,
And I close my eyes to meet you in my dreams!
I don't want to scare you off in any way,
I just wish you good night, loving you with all my heart!

Let the pink unicorn
Running at a brisk gallop,
Like a pagan god
Will appear in your dream!

The day is fading
His time is running out
So it's time to wish
You can sleep peacefully!

Let consciousness slip away
The long-awaited dream will come.
Let your subconscious
All night long,
A beautiful vision draws!

Let sleep take you to the world of dreams,
Organizes an exciting flight,
Will bring serenity and peace.
Good night, my good angel.

The hard day is over
You are a flint today!
Change into pajamas for bed
And forward to the mystical castle!

In the clear night sky
The moon and stars are shining brightly
Close the curtain tighter
And go to sleep peacefully!

Extraordinarily cool dreams,
On the sun-drenched shores,
Where there will be no troubles and enemies,
And also dark colors!

My little tiger, good night!
I miss you, really, really...
My eyes don't close
I think about you as much as I can!

Good night I wish you,
Beautiful vivid dreams,
Where there will be many miracles,
And good fairy-tale creatures!

Sweet night, go to sleep, turn on your dreams soon!

Even the stars and the moon wish you a peaceful sleep, and I just humbly join them... 😉

Look what a beautiful sunset! It reminds us that soon we will go to bed and see equally colorful dreams. Look, remember and tell me in the morning!

May you have a good dream, may it be strong, may your strength return, and may you have enough vigor for the whole tomorrow!

I briefly wish you good night! Have enough colorful dreams and get a good night's sleep!

Tomorrow promises to be wonderful, but difficult. So don’t watch anything before going to bed, put away your laptop/smartphone/tablet and go to sleep right away!

Look at the sky, find a shooting star there and wish for the most cherished wish! Good night!

May you have the most desirable and wonderful dreams this night. And the next day, let them slowly begin to come true!

The sun has long gone beyond the horizon, and it’s time for you to go into the bedroom and fall into a healthy, sound sleep!

I wish you to fall asleep quickly and with good thoughts, so that you can sleep peacefully and without nightmares 😉

I wish you a peaceful, albeit short, night. Pleasant emotions, comprehensive relaxation and complete relaxation!

A dream is not only a portal to the next day, but also to a world of beautiful and fabulous dreams, where you can do whatever you want. I wish you to be surrounded by miracles not only in your dreams, but also in reality!

Good night my dear. Before going to bed, think only about good things, for example, about me 😉

I wish that no one and nothing could disturb your sleep: neighbors, a hurricane, a loud company from the street, a fire, workers from a construction site - everyone will behave quietly and peacefully, so that you can sleep peacefully. I'll agree 😉

Let bright stars And full moon will not disturb your peace, I wish you beautiful dreams filled with goodness!

Let your dreams be vanilla, filled with your favorite fruit, and topped with chocolate chips, like a sweet cake. Good night!

Go to sleep, I created a dream where we can do whatever we want. I'm already enjoying myself and waiting for you 😉

Collection of good night wishes for your loved one and loved one, send beautiful wishes for the night.

A wonderful dream crept into the house,
And he comes to you furtively,
Wish you pleasant dreams,
And good night sweet!

Let it be in your bed
Warm, soft and cozy,
Nothing wakes you up until the morning,
Your sensitive sleep is not disturbed.
Sleep well and get enough sleep,
I hug you very tenderly.
And in my dreams, smile at me.
Rest. Good night.

I am dreaming of you,
In reality and in a sweet dream!
I wish you a tender night,
I'm just melting from you!

My darling, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and peaceful sleep. May you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your sleep! I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and love you very, very madly!

The night has come, my eyes have closed,
Dreams have rushed and run,
Let them deliver it to you
Many joyful moments!

I want to wish you
Good, sweet, sweet dreams.
Quiet kiss on the cheek -
This is better than any words.
May you dream of a month
Gently gilded with happiness...
From the smiles of the curtain...
Sweet dreams! Good night!

My beloved, beloved person! I wish you a quiet and peaceful night, tranquility and bliss. May I come to you in your dreams in the form of a beautiful fairy. I will fulfill all your wishes and dreams, I will always be your beloved, friend and faithful assistant! Let the singing of birds remind you of our love, and let the stars give their distant cosmic light! I love you!

Let the stars kiss you
The moon is shining tenderly.
Sleep, kitten, it's late!
The night is full of miracles!

My gentle angel sleeps on the wing,
My gentle angel shines in the darkness.
Sleep, my baby, you see the night outside the window,
Sleep, you are enveloped in spiritual warmth,
Sleep, may you dream
Milky Way, joyful world...
Just don't forget me.
Sleep, my baby, the bed will be heaven,
I will guard your sleep until the morning.
Good night, my beloved kitten.

Good night sweet dreams,
And may the moon not go out.
Let the breeze be warm
You will dream of joy and happiness.
Let the bed be cozy
And a soft pillow.
Good night sweet dreams,
I'll whisper in your ear.

May everything be like in a fairy tale tomorrow,
Let there be more warm words,
Well, for now, close your eyes...
And rest - sweet dreams!

I wish you a most pleasant, calm and good night! May your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you the strength to turn every dream into reality!

Like the world we spin around for good reason,
And again, everyone in their own orbit.
Sleep well, my star...
Your faithful, loving guardian...

I wish you sweet dreams
And I kiss you tenderly on the nose,
I hug you tightly
And I miss you very, very much!
Sleep sweetly, my happiness!
May you have good dreams,
Where will you and I be together?
Take a break from the hustle and bustle.

My sweetie, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it’s time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to be separated even for a minute.

Good night, my dear!
May you sleep sweetly!
After all, sleep is a place where sometimes
You can hide from all misfortunes!

Night has come. The time has come
We have to say goodbye until the morning.
I wish you a good night
Calm, very, very kind,
Let in the bright light of the night moon
Have rainbow dreams!
The stars guard your peace
And they protect you from adversity!

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and imagine cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

The night covered everything with a light blanket,
It’s time for you, dear, to sleep...
You shone like the sun all day long,
You are entitled to rest until the morning!
Wake up with the first ray of dawn
And you will smile sweetly at me...
I have a lot to give for this!
Sleep, my sun! I'll come in my dreams!

There are many kilometers between us,
But my soul is next to you.
I really want at these moments
Just touch you with my cheek.
Only the distance presses,
It's like my heart is in a vice.
I can probably fix everything,
I just wish you sweet dreams.

Good night, my beloved. I wish that you have a good and wonderful dream, that you get a good night’s sleep and wake up in a great mood and with inspiration in your soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

I wish you good night
Let sweet Dreams will come to you.
I also close my eyes,
I'll go on a fabulous flight.
May this night give you
Your distant dreams
And let everything become reality
Whatever you want!

Good night my cat,
Don't forget that I'm with you
And day and night and always,
Wherever you were, or I was!

It is always gratifying to receive beautiful wishes addressed to you. This shows that you are remembered and appreciated. And it’s even better when they try to send them to you for even the most insignificant occasion, and not just on holidays. For example, to receive a wish for good night and sweet dreams after a hard day at work.

And even though I'm far away now,
And I can't reach you,
But I can have my warmth
Send good night wishes!
I'm sending it to you
Together with affection and love,
Longing, care and attraction,
How I feel now.
I hope this brightens up the night, not the hour.

The night has come, which means it's time for us
Go to bed until morning.
I wish you a good night
Calmly, very, very sweet!

Let the soft light of the beautiful stars
Will bring a scattering of dreams,
Where will you get revelation?
About how to continue to live and be!

Good night my bunny,
Do you remember? I'm with you!
Any time of the day or night,
Wherever you were, or I was!

Short good night wishes for PM and SMS

Let there be no dreams today, the neighbor will calm down, and everything outside the window will be quiet and peaceful. So sleep well and get a good night's sleep! Tomorrow I need you fresh and cheerful!

Sleep well, go to sleep,
The world of fairy-tale dreams is already waiting for you,
Surrender to him and begin your flight!

Are you still awake?! And you still don't ride a pink unicorn?! Well, quickly close your eyes and come into my dream, we’ll ride along the Champs-Elysees together!

Wash, put on your pajamas,
Brush your teeth and dive into bed.
Sleep well, without nightmares,
Come on, let's have a good yawn!

Let the moon and stars color your dream today with pastel colors, and let nothing and no one interfere with your dreams.

Postcards and pictures with wishes of good night

Selection beautiful cards and tender pictures with wishes for the coming sleep. All illustrations are clickable, that is, they enlarge when clicked, and are available for downloading free of charge (you don’t even need to say “thank you”).

Beautiful wishes for good night in prose

Sleep is not easy physiological need and necessity. They say that Mendeleev received the table in a dream. This means that brilliant people do not cease to be such even in their sleep. In addition, this is a unique opportunity to digest important events and make a more informed decision. You are certainly an outstanding personality, so I wish you not just a calm, but a creative night that brings inspiration and fresh ideas!

Get comfortable in your bed and wrap yourself in your blanket so that you can comfortably watch the fabulous dreams that I wish for you. Good night!

The sun has already set, which means it’s time to go soon. I wish you good night and sweet dreams without caries. Let this night become so magical that it will immerse you in a real fairy tale and take you through hitherto unknown worlds!

I wish you peace of mind and a good night's sleep! And also sweet dreams and unforgettable sensations that are so pleasant to experience after a good rest. May the night give you sweet dreams, new ideas and rosy dreams.

Tender good night wishes in your own words

Sleep well, my joy. I wish you to think about something pleasant, dream about something desired and fall asleep sweetly under the tenderness, warmth and care of my love for you.

I wish you a wonderful, sugary, gorgeous, delicious, creative, amazing, fabulous, wonderful and good night! Let all the anxieties, worries and problems of this day dissolve in a dream in which there will be no stress. Soft feather bed, warm blanket and balance!

Let this night turn out to be magical and bring nothing but positive emotions, a lot of strength, new ideas and the desire to bring them to life!

I remind my loved one that it’s time to go to the side! Good night and sweet dreams, in which I will definitely come to you and hug you tightly! This will bring you good luck and success the next day. Just believe it!

Here are collected unique and original wishes good night in poetry, prose, pictures and in your own words. By the way, here you can look and choose no less beautiful wishes and your family, loved ones and loved ones will be touched to the depths of their souls!

We have selected good night wishes for you on this page. to a good person in your own words, a calm night will come, take you under its wing, and carry you into dreams. It will be a fabulous flight.

Drink aromatic hot tea, wrap yourself in a blanket hugging your loved ones, feel the warmth of home in the intoxicating silence of the evening.

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night!

Cover yourself with a blanket and make yourself comfortable in bed. Turn on your imagination and dream about love. And I will be with you in soul and heart, because I love you very much.

If you dream about something, you will walk past my dreams to brighten up my loneliness, come into my dreams!

I am typing a message that contains all my love. And I wish you a good night, because tomorrow we will meet again.

I lie silently in silence and miss you. But if you come to me, I will simply melt with love! Good night:)

May your dreams be kind and sweet, sleep and gain strength! I wish that only comfort reigns in your crib all night long!

The moon is shining in the night sky - it gives you a tender, affectionate kiss from me. Good night, my dear little man!

If I don’t come to you in a dream, then let no one come. And I won’t dream of anything. First of all, you'll get a good night's sleep. Secondly, I will come in reality.

Throw away your problems and worries, because life is beautiful, agree! Please, while reading these lines, smile radiantly to everyone!

Strength will come to you, your mind will be sharp and fresh, have a good night, full of dreams and hopes.

Cover your tired eyes and you will be carried away night sleep- fabulous and unique.

The tired day has cast twilight on our shoulders, beloved ones, I wish you a good evening.

Leave all your worries in your hallway. I wish it to be a nice, good evening.

May your night be calm, may your future life be bright and worthy, may luck illuminate your path!

In dreams, everything is possible - to fly with your wings spread, to become whoever you want and to see the most incredible things! This is where you control your dreams! May all the good things you see tonight come true, as if by magic!

Good night. May a lot of amazing ideas come to you in your dreams. Let this dream give an answer to any question.

The silence of the night calmed everything, pacified everyone. Only my love does not sleep. She flies like a bird in your dreams, protects peace, gives strength and inspires you for a new day, for success, achievements, victories. Sweet dreams to you and a pleasant awakening, my angel.

Good night. May the night bring you the desired rest and peace, give you the opportunity to relax and restore your strength.

Good night, the birds don’t sing, only the lanterns give uneven light, in a beautiful dream you will find comfort, and through the night I will send you greetings.

May revelation come to you at night, may every moment be sweet, may it give you energy and strength to move through life cheerfully and happily!

Good night, wonderful dreams, the brightest and most charming, I send an SMS and wish you to fall asleep soon!

You fall asleep so beautifully, because tomorrow will be a new day. Good night, sleep, dear, but without you I am only a shadow.

You are tired of the colors of the day... The night will calm you down, give you rest and relaxation, sweet sensations.

Good night, go to sleep, and plunge into a beautiful land, where your bed will envelop your cradle in good dreams.

My favorite! We didn’t even have time to part for the night, and I already miss you. I want to see you again, hug you and kiss you. But, unfortunately, this is not possible until the morning. Therefore, go to bed quickly, and I will ask the god of sleep, Morpheus, to help us meet in a dream. Good night my bunny.

And yet, I wish, at the end of the day, to sum up everything that happened. I wish you a good evening, and then the weekend is just around the corner.

My dear, in the kingdom of Morpheus they have been waiting for you. Lie down in your huge bed, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and plunge into dreams in which we will undoubtedly meet, because I cannot be without you for even a minute. In addition, tomorrow you will have a day full of new events, which will bring a lot of emotions and impressions. My dear, you need rest, because vigor is the key to a successful day.

Good night my pussy, it's a pity that I'm not close now. Read the text message, smile and go to sleep. I miss you very much and wish you good night, may you good dream if you have a dream, may you sleep sweetly today.

The stars turned silver in the sky, twinkling, they prophesied a new day, and the clock said that it was late, it was time to go to bed! Good night!

Sleep longer in the morning, because tomorrow is a day off and you don’t need to rush anywhere. Good night, my girl!

You are probably sleeping now and snoring quietly. May your sleep be serene, I kiss you tenderly.

Do you see the star in the window? This is my greetings to you! I'll curl up like a cat. Will you come to my dream or not?

A star lit up in the sky as a dot in a string of tasks: forget about your daily bread - pay attention to yourself.

The evening hurries everyone home, where there is joy and comfort. Where everyone who is with you is happy and calmly waits for the night.

Good night! So that your dreams are long and pleasant.

I will cover you with my love. And on the wings of the night these words will fly to you: sleep, my beloved, good night! I love you, and you know it!

I'm already falling asleep and remembering you. I love you so much! My cat, good night.

Stomp, stomp, stomp - I’m a brownie, I stomp like a bear cub, I’ll kiss your eyes, I’ll tell tales in your ear

This night I wish you a good rest and get into that world that you so desired. May your soul gain light there so that you can joyfully greet the new day!

Sleep, my cat, sweet, sweet! I will come to you on the sly, kiss you sweetly, sweetly! I’ll lie down next to you, I’ll be passionate, mischievous! And forgetting about the night's sleep, we will love you with body and soul until the morning!

Let the evening be airy, light, joyful, not boring, let it invite you into the night with a smile and unite hearts.

Go to bed quickly and you will see a dream about us. I love you, my gentle, sweet one, I am dreaming about you now.

I wish you sweet dreams on this fabulous night. Let worries and sorrows all go away from your heart!

The stars lit up in the sky, the time of night has come. I'm alone in a cold bed, I don't feel good without you.

Gently guarding your sleep, the night is coming big, the stars gently mutter: sleep kitten, good night!

Let this night be peaceful - curl up in a ball, no one will wake you up! :)

Good night. Even in your dreams, don’t forget that I love you and will never give you a reason to be disappointed!

See how tempting a soft pillow and a big blanket are? How does a watch wink, hinting that it’s high time for bed? Go to sleep soon, my happiness, enjoy pleasant dreams.

Good night! The last ray of sun fell below the horizon. Let you dream your best, your most favorite dream.

I sent an angel to kiss you goodnight, but he came back and said that an angel doesn't kiss an angel!

By the light of the moon, magically milky way Let colorful and amazing dreams rush to you, my joy.

Good night, sweet dreams, I wish you again, I want to wish you every day, and in the morning gently sing - I love you, everything in this world is for you!

May the heavenly angel and my love protect you, may the radiance of the stars warm and delight you, and may the magical silence give wisdom and harmony.

Night... A mysterious lady, her secrets are incomprehensible. It was as if she had enchanted all people with a dark blanket. He will drop in on everyone to say goodnight...

Let the dream remind you of peace, of how peace lives in your heart. Listen in your sleep to the simple things that come to you from within.

Good night, my love! Let the star softly tread across the sky come closer to you and convey my tender hug, which is filled with inspiration and the magic of love

You know that I am only with you in my thoughts, I dream, I miss you, I worry. Good evening, my golden. I love. Hugs. Kiss.

Good night, sweet dreams, so sweet, bright, interesting. Wake up in the morning, smile, happily plunge into everyday life.

May the guardian angels protect your sleep in silence, and I wish my dear little man good night.

I don’t know whether you are sleeping or not, but I want to tell you - you are like the sun to me, and I want to hug you!

You are my joy, you are my sunshine, who got very tired during the day. Sleep my dear!

Wishing good night to a good person in your own words - Now that night is coming, I will wish you good night. Remember that I love you very much, and that’s why I’m sending you a text message!

Sleep is that period in a person’s daily life, which is characterized not only by proper rest, but also by dreams, thoughts about a loved one and daydreams. Why not wish good night to the person who every time makes your heart beat inexorably fast speed? Original poems on the topic of wishing good night will be appreciated by both the girl and the guy, because they contain all the tenderness, warmth, love and touchingness of your relationship.

In poems about wishing good night, you can find lines about how you miss your soulmate, and about how you want to be next to your loved one at this moment. If you have no talent in writing poetry, thanks to our site you can easily solve this problem. This section contains the best poems about wishing good night, among which you can choose those that you like best both in rhyme and in lines.

I wish you good night
May sweet dreams come to you.
I also close my eyes,
I'll go on a fabulous flight.
May this night give you
Your distant dreams
And let everything become reality
Whatever you want!

My love, good night!
I whisper “I love you” between the lines...
Let the angels protect you
Your sweet dream tonight.

Good night my joy,
You are my destiny, my weakness,
My world, my light, my planet
There is no one more loved than you in the world!

May the stars send you a wonderful dream,
It's like you're in a fairy tale
Where is your personal island of happiness?
I kiss you between the lines!

It got dark. Behind the window
The darkness of the night lies.
And quietly on the palm of your hand
Let the star fall.
And you close your eyes
And sleep will come to you,
Will give you a fairy tale
Fatigue will carry away.

And I'm very quiet,
Without wasting many words,
I whisper: “Good night
And wonderful, sweet dreams!”

I may be far from you
I can't hug you.
But I want my own warmth
Tell you, tell me.
Good night, I say
Hear me baby
I love you most of all.
Well, why aren't you sleeping?
Imagine that you are nearby
What happened to you.
I will come to you in a dream.
I'll give you a flower
And you smile at me!

The night is coming. Dark.
It's time to sleep a long time ago.
May you be under the light of the moon
Good dreams will come.

Sleep soundly, the sadness will go away,
Tomorrow a new day will come,
And you don't need many words.
Good night! Sweet dreams!

I wish you good night.
You know, I miss you unimaginably,
How I want to hug you as soon as possible
And never let go again.

May this night be peaceful
I love you very, very, very much!
Don't be bored without me today,
Good night, close your eyes!

I wish you good night
I send a kiss,
Let me have colorful dreams,
And hurry up to fall asleep!

I wish you good sleep,
I'm sending you to sleep,
Gain strength quickly
Smile at the world in the morning!

Good night, let him dream
Your cherished dream.
And the dream will turn into reality,
This will be a beauty!

Sleep, rest your soul and body,
Calmly gain strength.
I wish your sleep is sweet
Brought you good luck!

Good night! It's dark outside the window,
And the city has been sleeping for a long time.
And you go to bed, it’s time to go to bed,
After all, tomorrow you will have to get up early.

May the night give you the most tender sleep,
Let it be sweet and pleasant.
Gain strength and rest.
Good night! Close your eyes!

Good night sweet dreams,
I send you my love
I wish you dreams,
I send my tenderness!

May you have a dream
And he will be good
You will rest at night,
Meeting magic in a dream!

The hard day is over. Forget
Your anxieties and worries.
You really need to rest
And fall into dreams.

And tomorrow the day will come again,
And everything will be as you want.
Go to bed quickly, have pleasant dreams,
May you sleep sweetly. Good night!

total verses: 903

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