Home Smell from the mouth The problem of helping wild animals arguments. Arguments for writing the Unified State Examination

The problem of helping wild animals arguments. Arguments for writing the Unified State Examination

Our little brothers need care no less than people. And some of them become so attached to their owner that they begin to consider him their friend.

We offer the top 10 fascinating books about friendship between humans and animals:

  1. "", James Bowen. This book is an unusual story of friendship between a man and a cat. More recently, James wandered the streets of London, earning a living by playing the guitar and selling magazines, using drugs and being in deep depression. Life seemed to have no meaning. But everything changed when fate brought the guy together with a red cat. He was sick and limping, so James decided to help him and took him to veterinary clinic. After recovery, the guy tried to return the pet to the street, but he clearly didn’t like this idea. And since then the two have been inseparable. By the way, Bob became a real talisman for James, because with the advent of his red-haired friend, the guy’s income doubled. And recently He published a book about such an unusual and touching friendship.
  2. "", Vera Chaplina. This book is the story of an unusual friendship between a zoo worker and a lioness. Vera picked up Kinuli as a small and weak lion cub, which was abandoned by its mother (hence the nickname). The woman literally put the animal on its feet and fed the lioness Scottish Sheepdog Peri. For some time, Kinuli lived in a communal apartment, but when she turned one year old, she was forced to be transferred to the zoo, and with a shepherd dog, which the lioness considered her mother. While staying in the apartment, Kinuli suffered dangerous disease, and literally all of Chaplina’s neighbors nursed her. Many films have been made about this unique lioness and many articles have been written. The book describes an unusual home life an absolutely wild and dangerous beast, the friendship of a lioness with a woman.
  3. "", Gabriel Troepolsky. This story literally glorified the author, was published almost immediately, and later even translated into several languages. Bim is a white Scottish setter with a black ear. He lives with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Ivanovich, who was once a journalist, but now hunts and sometimes immerses himself in philosophical reflection. He loves his pet and often takes him hunting. There were no signs of trouble, but suddenly Ivan Ivanovich ended up in the hospital due to a fragment in his heart that remained there from the war. He gives Bim to his neighbor, but the dog runs away and goes in search of his owner. On his way he meets a variety of people, who are described through the eyes of a dog. Some are sweet and kind, others are evil and even cruel. Ivan Ivanovich is discharged and arrives at the shelter where Bim ended up. But the two friends are not destined to meet.
  4. " ", Anton Chekhov. This story is familiar to many from childhood. Kashtanka is a dog who lost her owner Luka Alexandrovich. She tries to find the one to whom she is so devoted, but she becomes exhausted and falls asleep. Kashtanka is found by a man who turns out to be the circus clown Mr. Georges. He takes the dog and tries to tame it and teach it various tricks. Kashtanka gets used to her new surroundings, which include Mr. Georges, as well as a trained goose, pig and cat. And so, the dog finds himself in the circus arena and begins to perform, but suddenly he sees his former owner among the audience and rushes towards him. Here is such a simple story of devotion and friendship with a happy ending.
  5. Peers, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. This story was written back in 1931 and became one of the most beloved among young readers. It tells about the childhood of a simple boy living with his parents in the dense forests of Florida. He meets his peer - a young fawn. Gradually, real feelings arise between the boy and the animal. The fawn becomes a real close friend for the hero. There are many other characters in this book, which include wolves, bears and possums. Living among heavy rains and long droughts is not easy, but the world becomes a little better if you have a faithful comrade nearby.
  6. "", John Grogan. Many people got to know this touching story thanks to the film, but the book is even more heartfelt. Marley is a Labrador that the Grogans got almost immediately after their marriage. This dog is an incredible mischief maker who can turn the whole house upside down. But for the spouses he became a true friend. He taught them to sincerely love, help each other and support in the most difficult situations. Marley became an excellent nanny for the Grogan children, and he also taught them a lot. After reading this touching and funny book, you can be convinced that dogs are the most loyal friends for whom appearance, status and financial situation are not important.
  7. The Dog Who Spoke to the Gods by Diana Jessup. This book is not so much about friendship as it is about the devotion of dogs and the fact that they are also capable of real feelings. Many people believe that animals do not have a soul, and the emotions and experiences characteristic of humans are alien to them. Some people are so used to dogs that they perceive them as a piece of furniture. They are put out the door like unnecessary toys, experiments are carried out on them. But dogs feel everything and can even talk about their feelings. This is exactly what Diana Jessup, a professional dog breeder, talks about in her work. She tried to make readers listen to their pets and try to understand them. And her novel became a love story, proof of human cruelty and a real report from hell.
  8. "Lassie" Eric Knight. Joe Carraclough is the young son of a miner, who is the envy of everyone in the area, because the boy has a purebred collie. But for Joe, the dog became a true, loyal friend. She met him every day from school and spent all her time with him. But one day Joe, coming home, did not find Lassie. The father said that he sold the dog to a wealthy nobleman to pay off his debts. The pet is taken to Scotland and, it would seem, the friends will never meet again. But there are no barriers to true friendship.
  9. Beethoven, Robert Thyne. Beethoven is a large and very kind St. Bernard, who was sheltered as a puppy by a large and friendly family consisting of a mother, father and three children. The dog immediately won the hearts of almost everyone, and only the head of the family could not come to terms with the pet’s antics. But the younger members of the family are simply delighted with Beethoven, because it is so fun and interesting to play with him. But when a pet gets into trouble, all family members decide to save him, including dad, who realized that without huge dog the house became too boring, and the children had become very attached to Beethoven. And he, in turn, will do everything to return to the house that has become so dear.
  10. "Eye of the Wolf" by Daniel Pennac. The Arctic Wolf, who once lost an eye, lives in a locked cage in a Paris zoo. People constantly come to look at him, but he hates them, because they brought only evil. The wolf spends monotonous and boring days, but one day a boy named Africa comes to the zoo. Him kind heart, and he also knows how to tell stories and listen carefully. And this man is not like the others, he will make the wolf, embittered at all people, look at the world with completely different eyes. He will be able to see and feel the good he so dreamed of.

These were the most interesting books about friendship between animals and people.

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It's no secret that animals often turn out to be incredibly loyal to their owners. The connection between a little friend and a person can become much stronger than any other bonds and amazes to the core. Russian writers have touched on this topic more than once. We reviewed several works and selected arguments.

  1. In the story “Mumu” ​​Turgenev fully shows the dog’s loyalty to its owner. Main character story, Gerasim is a deaf-mute, rather frightening janitor, in whose soul there is much more room for goodness than in other characters. It is this trait of his that helps him find his first and only friend. Passing by the river, he rescues a drowning puppy, takes him into his little closet and nurses the poor animal, which eventually becomes beautiful dog named Mumu. Despite the fact that she was affectionate with everyone, she remains truly faithful to Mumu only to her savior and tries to always be close to him. But by order of the lady, the poor animal is sold for fifty dollars. When Gerasim realizes what happened, he goes in search, but everything is in vain. What was his happiness when, a day later, Mumu herself comes to him with a piece of rope around her neck. It was nothing other than true love for her master and true devotion that brought her to Gerasim.
  2. In the story “Kashtanka,” Anton Pavlovich also touches on this theme of an animal’s loyalty to its owner, although he does it differently. In the story, the little dog Kashtanka loses her benefactor, carpenter Luka Alexandrovich, on the street and tries to find him. The dog gets tired and falls asleep alone with his grief when he is accidentally found by a new owner - a clown under the pseudonym "Mr. Georges". There, at Kashtanka, who was already called Aunt, it begins new life, quite eventful, with new friends and adventures. In this place she is loved and caressed, but she still misses her previous, cruel owner, who was often rude to her and even beat her. One day, Mister Georges decides to take her to work at the circus. At the moment of her performance, Kashtanka hears the familiar voices of the carpenter and his son, who call out to her, and she, happy, rushes towards them. Despite good life the clown, she still remains faithful to Luka Alexandrovich.
  3. In the story by L.N. Andreev’s “Bite” shows not only the animal’s loyalty, but also all the bitterness of resentment from yet another betrayal.
    This book is about a stray dog ​​living in a village, which everyone is ready to offend: throw stones, kick or hit. Anger towards people grew in her every day, without ceasing, but one day, after all, she overcame herself and trusted a good drunkard, and she received a kick from him. From that moment on, she rushes at every passerby, is afraid of any rustle and constantly barks. When townspeople come to the village, she meets a girl, Lelya. Of course, at the first meeting, the dog manages to tear her dress out of fear and anger, but then, after a while, the animal gets used to both her and the children. They call her Biter. Thanks to affection and attention, she turns into kind dog, faithful to my new friends. In the fall, all the townspeople went home, leaving their dachas and Kusaka with them. Lyolya, who was not allowed to take her with her, goes to the station without saying goodbye to the animal. The dog tried for a long time to find his friends who had left, but returned to the dacha with nothing.
    All she could do was howl with grief and yet another betrayal.

Essay on the Unified State Exam. Based on Morozov's text about animals.

Friend, whose are you? (according to Morozov)

Morozov poses the problem of relationships between people and animals.

This problem is always relevant, because “our little brothers” live next to us. Attitudes towards them are different. Some people truly treat animals as brothers. Others pass by indifferently, throw their annoying “friends” out into the street, kill and maim. So the author talks about a dog who is looking for a friend, and a man passes by. Morozov says that much has been written about the devotion and love of a dog, contacts with it have a beneficial effect on people, and the very presence of an animal has a healing effect.

The author’s position is as follows: he argues that the most important thing for a dog is “to be a friend to a person,” and people must learn to live in accordance with their law - human, “which has been known since ancient times as the Code of Honor.” One cannot but agree with this point of view.

Let us recall L. Andreev’s story “Biteer”. In the summer, children at the dacha tamed a stray dog, which had never before known either affection or satiety, but now became attached to people, believing that someone needed it too. Alas! Summer is over, people have left, and poor Kusaka is left alone again. And it’s not just hunger that threatens her. She dared to love, was ready to be devoted, to serve a person. The writer makes you think about yourself, about “our smaller brothers.

Let us turn to Troepolsky’s well-known story “White Bim” Black ear" Bim was an example of devotion and loyalty to man. He suffered greatly when he was left without an owner. A difficult time has come for Bim. Different people met on his way: both good and evil. The reader goes through a long and difficult journey with the dog and bitterly regrets the death of his friend. Bim's story leaves no one indifferent. She teaches a person to live according to the laws of honor and conscience.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you need to treat animals with care, see them as friends, and learn devotion and love from them.

Essay The role of humans in the lives of animals

The last notes

The topic of people's relationship with animals is one of the most relevant, acute and pressing.

How can the problem identified by the author be formulated? This is the problem of the role of man in the life of “our little brothers,” animals with whom he coexists for many centuries.

Commenting on this problem, it should be noted that people find themselves involved in every living entity adjacent to them. Zoologists and veterinarians study the characteristics of animal organisms and treat them. Livestock breeders and business managers approach this issue in the most pragmatic way, talking about meat, wool, fur, taking them away along with life from the same animals.

What is the author's position? She is like that. People must be responsible for those whom they have tamed, settled next to them, in the same apartment or in their yard. Having determined their purpose for themselves, people must take care of their food and create acceptable conditions for their existence. At all times, domesticated animals have been drawn to people, seeing them as support and protection. Along with the fact that each peasant had poultry, draft, meat and dairy cattle in his house, he, as the owner, saw the individual traits of each individual and knew the most important techniques for their maintenance and treatment. At the same time, a dog, a horse, a calf, and a variety of birds know their owner, distinguish him by his voice, gait, smell, and are happy from communicating with him. And every person, at the sight of an immensely devoted creature, feels warm in his soul.

I agree with the author’s opinion and confirm the correctness of his position with the following first argument. Dogs are especially attached to people. By the way, they perform a wide variety of duties, helping their masters. In rural areas, they guard livestock in a herd, go hunting with the owner, and poison the beast. Sled dogs in sleds transport people and cargo. There are diving dogs. There are guides who help the blind navigate the hectic environment of the city. At the same time, love and complete obedience of animals become a reward to the owner for caring for them. There are cases when dogs wait for months and years for a missing owner in the very place where, due to some sad circumstances, they had to part. It happened that a dog, brought tens or even hundreds of kilometers and abandoned, returned to the owner’s house, having covered these enormous distances and rubbed its paws bloody.

Argument two. The theme of mutual affection between people and animals is also heard in our domestic literature, in works that are deeply human, filled with pain and pity for the “beast”, “our smaller brothers”. Let us remember Yesenin’s poems: “Song of the Dog”, “Fox”; Let us remember Troepolsky’s novel “White Bim, Black Ear.” These works are about man's unrequited debt to this animal world - warm, trusting, endlessly devoted and often deeply and unfairly offended by people.

Conclusion. Love for animals will enrich the heart and soul of a person.

Final essay

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Date of publication: 12/19/2016

Ready-made arguments for writing the Unified State Examination on the following issues:

The problem of loving animals

Problem careful attitude to animals

The problem of humane treatment of animals

Yu. Yakovlev story “He killed my dog”

IN a short story“He Killed My Dog” Yakovlev tells the story of a boy who loved and, no less important, understood animals. Taborka found a dog in the village that had been abandoned by its previous owners. Not knowing the name of his furry friend, the boy did not come up with a new one. He believed that a dog, like a person, should have only one name. Taking responsibility for the animal, Taborka refused to kick him out of the house. He explained this by saying that the dog had already been kicked out once.

B. L. Vasiliev novel “Don’t shoot white swans”

Egor Polushkin, the main character of Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot White Swans", is a shining example a person who truly loves animals. A reverent attitude towards nature cost a man his life. When drunken tourists were killing fish and shooting at swans, Yegor rushed to save the animals alone, not suspecting that it was a trap. His cousin and his accomplices were waiting for him on the river bank, and they beat him to death.

The problem of love for animals is emphasized in Vasiliev’s novel “Don’t Shoot White Swans.” When Kolka, the son of the main character, found out that Vovka wanted to torture the puppy to death, he without hesitation agreed to give the flayer his brand new spinning rod, although he understood that he would never be given one like that again.

N. A. Nekrasov poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”

The problem of love for animals is reflected in Nekrasov’s work “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.” The main character, despite the fact that he was a hunter, treated animals with care. During the flood, he saved the hares, took the wounded ones to his place and healed them, after which he released them, telling him not to come across them in the winter. Grandfather Mazai never killed animals unnecessarily or for fun.

Man and animal. About people's attitude towards animals

The attitude of people towards animals is the problem that M. Goncharova reflects on.

The author tells with deep sadness about tragic fate animals that are not visually attractive. Citing as an example the barbaric attitude of people towards frogs, M. Goncharova talks with great enthusiasm about the wonderful tradition that exists in England, where with the help of a green bucket people were able to help toads cross the road. The author dreams of going to the UK after retirement and encourages other retirees to join her in the name of saving frogs.

M. Goncharova’s position is clear. We cannot divide animals into “warm fluffy ones and cold slippery ones”: we must be merciful to every creature of God.

I remember N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares,” for whose hero the forest is his native element: the grandfather worries about all its inhabitants. During the spring flood, he saves drowning hares, collecting them in a boat, and cures two sick animals. This is a truly human attitude towards “our little brothers”!

The Internet is literally replete with stories about the tragic fate of animals,

brought from exotic countries. Here is a huge boa constrictor stuck between water pipes, frightening the residents of several apartments. In another case, a young woman with a child in her arms in the entrance, stepping on “something,” was bitten. This “something” turned out to be a small crocodile. Where did overseas guests come from in Moscow apartments and entrances? They were brought into the country, bought for a lot of money, and when the owners got tired of them, they were simply thrown out of luxury apartments. How, probably, this crocodile and the boa constrictor, and our homeless cat or dog, who fell under the wheels of a car, were jealous of that English toad, which, in order to preserve the species of animals, like the frog princess, is carried across the road!

Thus, I can conclude that we humans must be merciful to all animals living around us.

P. S. Based on the collection by N. A. Senina, 2013, p. 503.

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  • Category: Arguments for the Unified State Exam essay
  • A.P. Chekhov's story "Kashtanka". Chekhov tells us about a dog's attachment to its first owner. Having gotten lost and finding herself in good home conditions with a trainer, Kashtanka remembers the carpenter Luka Alexandrych and his son Fedyushka, despite the fact that the latter often mocked her. And, noticing them already during the circus performance, Kashtanka joyfully rushes towards them. And then they take their dog.
  • S.A. Yesenin - poems “Herd”, “Son of a Bitch”, “Swan”. We feel love for all living things in the poet’s poems about “our little brothers.” Animal world Yesenin has a part of nature, very close to a person. His animals are not personifications of human vices and virtues, but ours faithful friends with your worries, sorrows and joys. They are endowed with living feelings, capable of sincere love and affection. Their stories are sometimes dramatic. Thus, the swan dies under the sharp claws of an eagle, having managed to save her cubs. The poet communicates with them almost on equal terms, as with close friends. So, in the poem “Give me a paw, Jim, for luck...” he opens his soul to a big, good-natured dog, tells him about his beloved. In another poem (“Son of a Bitch”), a young dog, the son of an old dog, awakens in the poet’s heart memories of youth and past love. And the poet is grateful to him: “Do you want me to kiss you, dog, for May awakened in your heart?”

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