Home Orthopedics Good night to your beloved guy in your beautiful words. Good night wishes for a man in your own words

Good night to your beloved guy in your beautiful words. Good night wishes for a man in your own words

Wishing your lover sweet dreams through SMS is not an easy task for any woman as expressing your sincere emotions can be difficult. Sometimes, trying to surprise and please their husband or boyfriend, girls are in search of an original combination of words that describes their feelings.

For such cases, there are the following options for wishes, which can be used in their original form or as the basis for your own essay.

If a man does not accept tenderness due to his tough character, or is rather dry about manifestations of emotions of this kind, it would be advisable to send him a universal SMS. Such a wish will be a sign of attention from loving second half, but won't deliver young man in an awkward position.

For example, you can use the following string options:

No. Wish
1 « Good night ideas, my protector! You are my Everything!"
2 “May you see only pleasant dreams tonight! See you tomorrow! Kiss!"
3 “May this night be good, and in the morning you get up in an excellent mood! Remember, I’m always there!”
4 "Good night! Have bright dreams and easy awakening!”
5 “Have the best furry dreams! May they make your night soft and your morning the most wonderful!”
6 "Sweet Dreams! May tomorrow bring many positive moments!”
7 “Let the night time steal away your problems that you had to face today! Sleep tight!
8 “Tender night and joyful morning! I love you!"
9 “Let tomorrow be better than today! Sweetest dreams, my soul!”
10 “Sound sleep is the key to a great mood! May your morning be joyful and pleasant!”

SMS “Sweet dreams” should be sent to your loved one just before going to bed.

Continuing the conversation after such a wish will spoil the impression and will not bring the desired result.

Short wishes in prose

Short wishes in prose are suitable for men who value attention from their other half. In such SMS you can include words that are understandable only to two lovers, which will add additional trepidation and emotions when reading it before bed.

You can take the following message options as a basis and, if you wish, add something of your own to them:

  1. “I may not spend this night with you in the same bed, but you should know that you live in my head all the time! Imagine that I am now one step away from you. Let the night end quickly and we will see each other again! Sweet dreams!".
  2. “I would like to wish you the most pleasant night and the most wonderful dreams! Thank you for the emotions you gave us today! You are my joy!".
  3. “Warm dreams, my closest and dearest person! You are my boundless happiness and I am incredibly glad that I once met you! Sweetest dreams and joyful awakening!”
  4. “Good dreams, my heart! Let this night help you restore your energy reserves and give you a boost of strength for the next day! My love for you has no boundaries!”
  5. “Beautiful dreams, my king! I dream that you will see something connected with me in your dreams today! Remember that I believe in you every second, I love you and will always support you! Sleep sweetly, my golden one! You are my life!".
  6. “Dear, you are the jewel of my life. I am incredibly grateful to the Almighty for you! May you see something inspiring in your dreams this night, and in the morning we will continue to conquer the world together!”

SMS options with wishes Good night and sweet dreams to your beloved boyfriend or husband.

Having chosen a wish for good dreams in prose, a woman should check her essay for errors before sending a message to her significant other. If a young man is attentive to such moments, then an incorrectly used word is unlikely to be perceived positively by him.

The most beautiful SMS wishes for good night to your beloved man in verse

SMS (you can wish sweet dreams to your loved one, both in poetry and in prose) can beautifully express a girl’s emotions in various forms. If you wish, you can try to compose a short poem in which you describe your feelings for your other half.

If there is no time for this or the skills to select a rhyme, a woman can use the following quatrain options and thus wish her boyfriend pleasant dreams.

Option 1:

“Sweet dreams to you, dear!

You are the best, unearthly.

May this night be good

And he will take the problems away!”

Option 2:

“I need just a little,

Just fall asleep next to you.

I will be immensely glad

When can I hug you?

In the meantime, sleep tight, darling.

Replenish your strength,

Let there be dreams like hundreds of lilies,

Blooming from my love for you!”

Option 3:

"My man is the strongest,

The best and most beautiful.

Let the night pass quickly

To be able to see you!”

Option 4:

"While you sleep, I will be there,

I will guard your dreams

While you're sleeping, under my gaze,

Bad thoughts can't take you!

Let the most deep sleep will come

May the night be peaceful

May happiness find us tomorrow

And it will be a killer day!”

SMS - wishes for sweet dreams to your loved one in verse should not always be written, adhering to certain rules for composing quatrains. A message that reflects the girl’s sincere feelings for her boyfriend, rather than following a perfectly constructed rhyme, will be much more valuable and touching.

Beautiful wishes for good night in prose

Beautiful wishes for good night in prose will touch men who have a romantic nature. Creative people those with a rich imagination will be able to appreciate the girl’s idea.

The following options can be used as examples of such SMS:

Cool good night wishes in SMS

SMS “Sweet dreams” to your loved one can be formulated in a humorous form. Such messages will not only become a sign of attention from the girl, but will also cheer you up or simply make the guy smile.

You can choose funny good night wishes from the options below:

Original wishes

Not only a girl with a rich imagination can wish an original good night to her beloved. If you don’t have your own ideas, you can use the SMS options below for your other half.

They will not only once again remind a man of his woman’s feelings, but will also force him to look at her from a different perspective:

SMS (you can wish sweet dreams to your loved one not only with a traditional message, but also in in social networks, for example, in Viber, What’s up or Facebook) of an original nature will cause conflicting emotions in the addressee. The positive note on which such messages usually end will provide a man with peace of mind and confidence that he is loved and remembered at any time of the day.

SMS with short good night wishes to a boyfriend, man, husband at a distance

Being at a distance from each other long time, a man and a woman begin to be especially sensitive to signs of attention from the other half. Short wishes before bedtime help maintain the emotional connection between partners and ease the hardships of a temporary separation.

The following text options are suitable for SMS messages of sweet dreams:

  1. “Not a single kilometer between us can weaken my feelings for you! I want this night to pass quickly and for us to be together again! Sweet dreams my dearest the best man in the world!".
  2. “I’m sorry that I’m writing to you so late, but I can’t sleep... In my head there’s only you and dreams that we’ll see each other again soon! Let time fly faster! Good dreams, my love...”
  3. “I hate distance because it took you away from me again, even if only temporarily. At night it’s even sadder, but it’s warming to think that very soon we’ll be close again! Good night, my dear!”

The expression of feelings on the part of the other half is pleasant for people of any age and temperament. It's important to just find an approach.

By sending her beloved an SMS wishing sweet dreams, a girl will not only show that she cares about him, but will also prepare the ground for Have a good mood during the morning awakening of her man.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: SMS sweet dreams to your loved one

Wishes of sweet dreams, good night to your loved one in SMS:

My dear! Thank you for today, your smile and the happiness you give me. It's a pity that distance separates us now. I would so like to kiss and hug you. Well, I can only say warm words to you. Although, everything that I feel for you is very difficult to express in words. Darling, I want to wish you sweet and wonderful dreams, so that you fall asleep quickly and gain strength the next day. Get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow you and I still have a lot of work, meetings, and events ahead of us. I look forward to seeing you and forgetting about sadness and loneliness, looking into your eyes. Let the darkness of the night only cover you with a blanket of warmth and fabulous dreams, and give you its sweetness. Good night to you! Kiss!

The sun has long gone below the horizon, and it’s time for my little ray of light to go to bed too. I know that you are very tired today, so I want to tell you to quickly go to bed and forget about your troubles. Just give yourself over to sleep and have a good rest. And in the morning, when you open your eyes, the sun will wake up, it will definitely warm you with its rays and give you the necessary strength for the next day, fill you with energy and joy, so that you can also give good to other people. You know, today I want to wish you fabulous dreams. It is clear that for an adult man this is simply ridiculous, but still, deep down you need to remain a child. Let our dreams be our secret. I wish you the most beautiful dreams, sweet dreams. Good night honey!

My dear! Today was a very difficult day, but it was brightened by our evening meeting. Here I sit at home and keep thinking about you. You are always standing before my eyes. I want to put my great love into this wish for my beloved boyfriend. Thank you for giving me your joy and smile. I wish you to fall asleep quickly, to see only pleasant dreams, so that you can easily hide from problems with your warm blanket, and they will not bother you. But don’t just plunge into the world of desires, but when you wake up every morning, look out the window and smile at a new day in which you can easily realize everything you dream about. Tomorrow will give you many opportunities to change your life. Be just as open and cheerful.

A dark, impenetrable night has already covered everyone. But sitting at home, I’m not the least bit scared alone. After all, I know that I am talking to my beloved on the phone, and even after kilometers your bright smile shines for me. I wish you to plunge headlong into this dream, lie down on the wings of fantasy and fly away to other countries on different continents. May your journey be pleasant. And I fall asleep and remember you. I ask the Guardian Angels to protect your sleep so that nothing will harm it. I want you to wake up full of energy and vitality for a new day and great achievements. You are a great fellow, but don’t forget that it is very important to have a good rest. Wish you good night! I will wait until you wake me up with your call and words: “Good morning.”

Darling! Thank you for being with me, for our meetings filled with love and romance. But night and distance separate us. But even if you are far away, I still feel your soul close to mine. Go to bed quickly. Personally, my eyes are already sticking together. But just don’t forget to close the curtains tightly. Today is not a cloudy night. The moon and stars will definitely look into your window and think about plans to kidnap such a wonderful guy. But you know that I'm jealous. Let your sleep be calm, like our love, as cloudless as tonight, and no one can disturb you. Am I the only one who can wake you up early in the morning? Best wishes for a new day. I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. Good night!

It is very difficult for me to fall asleep alone. I remember our meetings, your hugs, tender kisses. I miss you. Now I'm sad alone. So I just want to hear your voice, wish you good night. Look at the moon now. I look at her too and want to see your look. Now I already know that you are close. Now you need to sleep peacefully. Let's dream together. Just picture us in your head in 10 years or even in old age. It’s hard for me to imagine myself without a friend like you. Dear, I wish you peaceful dreams today and restoration of strength for tomorrow’s working day. Let the quiet wind outside the window sing you a lullaby, and I will convey to him my words of love. Sleep well!

As soon as you lie down in bed and close your eyes, you immediately fall into deep dream. Therefore, dear, get off your page on the Internet, because you can sit like this for many more hours. Sleep is much better for you. You are very tired today. I wish you the most vivid and unforgettable dreams, but at the same time peaceful and calm. Wake up in the morning cheerful, filled with strength, energy, new ideas for great achievements. Let laziness leave you tomorrow morning and don’t stop you from making all your dreams come true. I’m sure that the stars in the sky are waiting for you to fall asleep and the moon will send dim shadows to your wallpaper so that your dreams are good and you don’t feel so lonely. Go to sleep quickly, my dear! I love you and kiss you!

My beloved, go to sleep. I have already prepared the best dream for you, in which I will come to you. He will be very amazing and unlike the others. It will be filled with oceans of happiness, thousands of sweet kisses, the sun will shine brightly in it and fill us with its rays. Then there will be a lot of fruits and sweets, a sea pier, warm sand and clear water. We will sunbathe and dream for a long time. And later in the evening we’ll go boating, you’ll take your fishing rods and I’ll help you. And when the month ends, you suddenly hear the phone ringing. It will be me with wishes good morning. Have you already imagined all this? So, quickly fall asleep and you will definitely dream about it. Good night!

Moon with yours yellow eyes looks at the ground. Little stars light up the sky. This means that the night is all around, the tired day has already passed. You and I are far away, but we will be together in our dreams and dreams. I want to wish you a good and relaxing holiday. Look at the stars. They know all our secrets and innermost dreams. That's the only reason they smile at night. How beautiful they are. Your eyes shine the same way every time I see you. And now, I remember your look and try to fall asleep as soon as possible. Wish you sweet dreams. Let you dream the fairy tale you want, where you and I walk together under the night sky. Close your eyes, relax and fall asleep, fly on the wings of the night. More positivity and smiles for you tomorrow! Good night! Love you!

Today is already ending. The sun set, and with it all the events of that day went into the past. Imagine that you are about to be carried away somewhere, cover yourself with a blanket and get ready for an unforgettable journey. There will be a lot of bright emotions and goodness in it. The night has prepared the necessary rest for you. She understands everyone. After all, when she reigns, all people share with her the most important things. Someone is sad, and she listens to them. Someone is very tired, and she gives him a magical rest and unforgettable dreams, helps a person regain strength and relax. Give yourself over to the night now. She will carry you away and give you happiness. Then you will remember your dreams all day long and rejoice at every event. Good night!

Good night greetings to your beloved:

Every woman wants to surprise and please her loved one. This can be done different ways. But many couples do not live together or are at a distance.

In this case, you can express attention, love, and care via SMS. It’s especially nice to receive them before bed. After reading a pleasant, sincere message from his beloved, a man will fall asleep and wake up with the thought of his beloved.

note! SMS does not have to be written in verse. You can express emotions, feelings, intentions in prose in your own words.

Men note that a good night wish written in their own words warms the soul more and makes them happy, because words come from the heart, they reflect emotions and mood. According to the written text, the girl’s attitude towards the man is understood.

When writing a message, it is advisable to adhere to certain criteria.

Table: the basics of writing wishes correctly

Criterion Description
Consider the temperament of your loved one and the degree of development of the relationship If the message is written to your husband, then use erotic word forms and hints of intimacy.

If the girl and the guy didn't have intimate relationships, then you shouldn’t write sexy, erotic SMS. A man will regard the wish as a hint.

This SMS will provoke a number of questions from the guy. Erotic messages to unfamiliar guys show the girl in an unsightly light in front of the male sex

Size By nature, men are not fans of reading. long texts. Therefore, refuse SMS messages that are several pages long.

Write a short, unusual, original, but meaningful message. A man won't read a message that's too long

Emoticons At the end of the letter, put a few emoticons that show how bored you are with the person.

Be sure to use adjectives in SMS that emphasize the guy’s individuality and temperament.

Examples of adjectives:

  • Affectionate.
  • Darling.
  • Gentle.
  • Expensive.
  • Beloved.
  • Desired.
  • Courageous.
  • Kind.

Don't forget about affectionate diminutive words: hare, baby, cat and others.

Not all girls know how to express their thoughts beautifully, but you want to wish your loved one pleasant dreams in a romantic way.

If the girl herself cannot come up with the text of the wish, then it is worth using ready-made examples of messages.

Beautiful short good night wishes for your beloved man:

  • « Good night, dear. Sweet dreams".
  • « May the night bring spiritual and physical rest, will fill you with strength, energy, restore vigor and strength.”
  • « Beloved! I want to hug you, but this is impossible. You are far away, I can’t reach you. Send your hugs, let them warm you on a cold, lonely night.”
  • « I can't be there and whisper words of love. I miss you, but let my wish warm you.”
  • « I won't close my eyes, until I wish you sweet dreams.”
  • « It's a pity that I'm not around. But don't be sad. Close your eyes and imagine us together, how I warm you with love and affection.”
  • « My wish is simple“Have a good night’s sleep and meet the new day full of energy and strength.”
  • « Today I realized that I am the happiest. I have a beloved, desired, kind and courageous husband. I want you to achieve success every day, and the night gives you the strength to do this.”

Tender and romantic wishes for the night in prose

It is very important to diversify the wishes with tenderness and romance, to remind the guy with gentle words of the joyful moments of life.

Tender and romantic messages:

  • « Sleep, my sweet night will embrace you, will kiss you, but tomorrow there will be a meeting, I’ll kiss you myself.”
  • « Go to sleep darling. Let your dreams become light and pleasant, like the touch of my lips.”
  • « Baby I'm having trouble sleeping. I believe that in our night dreams we will meet and unite in a passionate kiss.”
  • « Believe, the night when we will be together sleep will come. In the meantime, close your eyes and don’t be sad.”

Important! The words of SMS must come from the soul and be sincere. Only then will the guy feel all the warmth and tenderness of the message.

If a young man is intellectually developed and interested in classical literature, then as a wish, send one of the quotes from world classics or famous people.

The aphorisms and expressions of the classics are not straightforward. They express the essence of human relationships. In the quotes there is a hint of a declaration of love, boredom for a loved one and the main priorities in life.

With a message of this nature, the girl will show the guy that she is erudite and has good literary taste.

Quotes from famous people:

  1. Estes Clarissa Pinkola(American poet): “Night is the time when we are closer to pressing thoughts and feelings that we do not notice during the daytime.”
  2. Elchin Safarli(writer living in Azerbaijan): “When it seems that everything is hopeless and nothing will get better, you need to go to bed - it’s always easier in the morning.”

When your loved one is far away, it is important to show him care from a distance. The message will incredibly please the young man and move him to tears.

Sweet wishes for a guy who is far away:

  • « Good night, dear. I wish you sweet and pleasant dreams. I blow you a kiss and mentally hug you.”
  • « Distance is not a barrier, time will pass and we will meet. We will wait for this moment, count the minutes until reunion and meet every night in dreams, which I will decorate with romance, tenderness and love.”

Cute erotic wishes for your beloved guy

Erotic SMS:

  1. « It's cold to fall asleep alone. I miss your hands and gentle words in my ear. Look forward to meeting".
  2. « The night is cold and sad without you. I miss you and am waiting for your return to say “I want you.”
  3. « I remember sweet lips and gentle hands on my body. I remember the heat of the body and the words burning with tenderness. I look forward to a repeat of that night."
  4. « My lips gently kiss your ear, whispering “sweet dreams.”

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Night is the most romantic time of the day. And no one in the world is to blame for the fact that you are now far from each other.Cheer yourself up. Choose which of the following you can give to your beloved as wishes for sweet dreams and good night in prose in your own words.

I'll be your dream...

I want to be close. I understand that this is impossible, but nothing prevents me from wanting it. I will be next to you very, very soon. Close your eyes. I'll dream about you. Just don't send me away. I dream of becoming best sleep for you…. Good night, my sweet one.

Everything will be fine

I'm not tired of quarrels. I know that everything will be forgotten when there is reality between us. Everything will be fine with us, I assure you! But you need to believe in this no less than I do. Sleep beloved, we need to forget all the bad things. Good night, my dear.

My affectionate “meow” to you kitten...

Love you. I don't call so as not to wake you up. I don’t write so as not to disturb. You're an angel. I dream that all your angelic dreams come true. Go to sleep to enjoy them and wait for their implementation. Sweet dreams, kitten.

Sweet dreams

My wonderful angel, when I admire the night sky, I mentally whisper words of love to you. I am sure that my whisper will be heard by your heart. I love you, I wish you sweet dreams.

Moonlight to you...

I want to see you close your beautiful eyes. I promise that I won’t disturb your sleep when it creeps up on you. Vice versa…. I am ready to do everything to prevent him from disappearing, afraid of the moonlight. To you, my joy, moonlit paths in your dreams!

My soul whispers about you...

When night covers the city and the stars illuminate the whole sky with light... When my soul does not sleep... I think of you. It makes me happy to think about you. Because you are the most desired and most loved. Without you I will simply be lost. You won’t let me perish, will you, my sunny? May you have only good dreams!

I already miss you...

I feel so sad and bored when you are not with me. Let's overcome the distances, forget the partings... I will do anything for you. And you help implement what I am building for us.

You are not there, but you are nearby...

Darling, good night. I would give anything to sleep next to you. I know how unrealistic it is now, but I won’t stop dreaming about it. I'll open my eyes - you're next to me. And it’s okay that I met all this in my dreams. The main thing is that you are near, my dear.

Wishing your beloved “Good night” in verse

Write sweet dreams or good night to your beloved man. Of course, you can tell everything, but you will be afraid that you won’t be able to do it. You will lose the rhyme, the lines...

Poems for your loved one with good night wishes

* * *

Darling, let him dream

The most beautiful dream for you.

Let good things happen

Everything he whispers about.

And I will always stay by your side,

To protect you from evil...

I will cover my thoughts with leaf fall,

I will burn all the bad weather to the ground.

Darling, sleep and don’t worry:

I won't run away anywhere.

I love you, my best angel.

I can't live without you.

* * *

Do you want to pamper your beloved for the night?

Send or tell him (for example on Skype) this:

What do girls think about good night wishes?

  1. SMS and mms are my best friends. It is in them that I can express everything that accumulates in my soul. I can’t say something frankly to my face. And the usual “good night” doesn’t appeal to me at all. I'm hard to please, I agree. This is just how life is, not me.
  2. My good night wish is a thousand kisses. I am so glad that my beloved lives next to me and very rarely leaves me alone. I already miss him. Even when he is very close. I love him very much.. And his wishes are great. I would write a lot of them, but I prefer to tell them, like a secret, to a loved one.
  3. Girls, what do you think: how many guys really appreciate what we say and do for them? It seems to me that they don’t care at all... Give them sex and food. And I put it mildly!

Good night my beloved,
Good night dear.
I want to always be close to you,
Like the sky with a sad moon.

But I know it's impossible
After all, you are far from me.
And all that remains is for me to suffer,
To be a lonely star.

Good night my beloved,
Good night, my dear.
And may we both dream
That you and I are together again!

Good night my beloved,
Good night, my dear.
You are irreplaceable for me,
You are the best, dear.
May you have wonderful dreams,
Anxiety will go away forever,
And they will never happen again
And good luck awaits ahead!

I want to hug you, my love,
To fall asleep with you tonight.
After all, you are irreplaceable to anyone,
This is what fate itself prophesies for me.
The stars are already shining in the sky,
The moon looks through your window.
I sing to you “Bai-bai”
Love you. Good night!

Good night my beloved,
Good night, my angel!
You were very tired during the day,
You were in trouble in your head.

It's good that night has come,
It's time for everyone to rest.
So come on, go to bed, darling,
After all, you need to sleep too.

Go to sleep, come on, my dear,
Forget about all your fuss.
May your sleep be sound and peaceful,
And I will come to you in a dream!

The stars whisper to you tenderly,
The moon sings the cradle,
I wish you good dreams,
I love you very much.

I'll kiss you tenderly on the cheek,
I will send my affection,
Sweet night, my dear,
I want to wish you!

I miss you during the day,
I miss you so much.
And I'm waiting for the time when again
I can hug you soon.

I understand you're busy
There is enough bustle in a day.
And I'm waiting for the evening when
I'll see you again.

I love being next to you,
It's a long time to talk to you.
And you are tired and dear
You return home again.

“Good night,” I’ll say.
And I look at you gently.
Rest, my love,
I will be bored without you!

Good night my beloved,
Wonderful, sweet dreams to you,
May the magical night give
Pleasant captivity of your shackles.

Let the pillow be soft
And the sheet doesn’t slide off,
Let the blanket be warm
Let the bed lure you in.

I wish you to sleep comfortably,
Let your body rest overnight
Try not to think about anything
Hurry up, my dear, go to sleep.

Good night my beloved,
You're tired of me during the day.
You are always diligent in your work,
So rest, I beg you!

I always appreciate your concern,
Your efforts are not in vain.
At least sometimes, you are my favorite,
Have a little pity on yourself!

Forget about everything in the world now,
Switch to rest.
Good night my beloved,
And until the morning, watch your dreams!

The night has come and it's time for us
To part until the morning
Go on vacation
To your warm bed.

I hug you tenderly,
I wish you pleasant dreams,
I'm always with you in my thoughts,
Good night, my cat.

Sleep, dear, good night,
A sweet dream is rushing to you,
Close your eyes quickly
He's even been sleeping for a month!

Fall into sleep as if
You are flying to wonderland!
Gain strength so that in the morning
The face of fatigue has disappeared!

Sleep, beloved, serenely,
Break away from the hustle and bustle!
I kiss you tenderly
Even if you are not near me now!

I wish you good dreams,
I hug you tenderly,
I make an appointment for our meeting,
I'm waiting in a dream!

Get some sleep, my love,
My beloved, my beautiful,
Gain strength, and in a dream,
I will come to you dear!

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