Home Children's dentistry Examples of social projects for young disabled people. Social project “Childhood without borders”

Examples of social projects for young disabled people. Social project “Childhood without borders”

pensioners and disabled people

social crisis



"Support for people with disabilities"

"Let's join hands, friends,

so as not to disappear alone..."

Kemerovo - > Kuzbass - > Russia - > UN

1995 .- 2010

Social project “Support for people with disabilities” the authors developed, first of all, for themselves (Anddisabled people find themselves in a crisis situation, in which almost everyone is now, from the first day of disability) and for my fellow sufferers (direction of “scientific organization of one’s own life”).

Support for people with disabilities is needed both by those who are trying to restore weak people’s faith in their own strengths, and by those who are trying to help the weak (children, including disabled children, frail disabled people; lonely To old people), believing that all help is always good. However, the “Siberians” believe that assistance must be provided by carefully studying the scope of a person’s internal capabilities and the degree to which these capabilities are realized in society. Self-testing to determine (in numbers) the ratio of these two indicators allows us to develop individual plan optimizing quality of life. Allows you to assist a person in developing his internal capabilities to maximum limit capabilities of his body, without giving rise to dependency. Self-rehabilitation is useful, first of all, for the person himself.

The concept of the social project “Support for Disabled People”, technology and rules of social partnership, structure and content of the project were published by “Siberians” in the collection scientific works“Issues of general and differential psychology” KemSU. There are five in the project:

1). DISABLED people - healthy people.

2). “Don’t be afraid of bright words,” we tell ourselves and each other in Civil Society.

3). “The Art of UNITY” in Civil Society.

4). "YOUTH and Co" in Civil Society.

5). WOMAN in Civil Society.

© L.I. Cheremnykh and members of the communication CLUB “SIBERIANS”

© Sports Federation of Children with Disabilities (SFID) INVADROME

Visiting Community Outreach Centers

Kemerovo communication CLUB “SIBERIANS”

Public “Methodological Center “Support for Disabled People”

director – V.V. Nifantova(Ph.D.)

“Let’s join hands, friends, so as not to perish alone...”

Adam J. Jackson.

Eat “hairdryer e n”, which arose only in Siberia, its travelers somehow revealed it to us:

We were going hunting and were caught in a snowstorm.

They see: a hut. The door is propped open.

The door was opened. They entered quietly.

They found a dry splinter in the stove.

Salt and firewood. And a little cereal:

Those who were here Don't be stingy for others!

...The travelers, also leaving supplies,

Afterwards, sending his sons to hunt,

They were punished: don't be stingy!

The grandchildren have not forgotten about this to this day...

Ancestors We will never forget ours -

Only in Siberia there is such a person.

Siberian “hairdryer O men": “Give to take!”-

After all, there is in the world Souls GOOD give!

...We are this “hairdryer O men" tried to develop

Please help! Did you guess that?

More good people we wanted to say

(But first we apologize for being so bold):

“Hairdryer O men" we are the Siberian heritage of the WORLD,

Like salt and cereal, leave as means

IN "magical life" transform people's lives.

Write to "Spring" , we are waiting for you! Hurry...

Health And Joy We wish you

Perhaps we will recognize you very soon?

We would like to attract children and parents,

How many problems old people can shrug off their shoulders!

L.I. Cheremnykh (2001).

Three neighbors once gathered over a cup of tea (one of them is a disabled person from childhood without both legs - an involuntary prisoner of the four walls of her apartment).

They lit three candles that they happened to have (two are the same height, and the third is shorter, but also thicker).

Here the neighbors remembered the magic words written amazing personBulat Shalvovich Okudzhava:

"Let's compliment each other:

After all, this is all - Lovely beautiful moments!

Let's exclaim - admire each other,

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words!

Let's understand each other perfectly,

So that, having made a mistake once, you won’t make a mistake again...

Let's live, indulging each other in everything,

It’s more that life is so short...”

So our neighbors began to say to each other the most affectionate words, of which there are a great many in any language.

... Unexpectedly for the women, the tall candles seemed to stretch out their stearic “hands” to the low candle.

Then our neighbors tried to clasp their hands in a single handshake. Here's what they came up with:

This is how it was formed symbol Art of UNITY of like-minded people at the place of residence, place of work/study, hobbies or professional interests of partners. Physically strong partner (hand on top) socially active partner (hand on the right) and physically weak partner who has lost faith in his own strengths or does not have these strengths (a lonely old man or a child, especially a disabled child - hand on the left), only based mutual attraction can help each other live better. This technique of positively influencing each other can be called Lascotherapy.

Many years later. A space of mutual attraction and mutual assistance began to form around our neighbors. Since November 1996, this space has become the “SIBERIANS” communication CLUB » Kemerovo (without rights legal entity and without fixed membership).

CLUB President – L.A. Romanova (retired teacher, psychologist-valeologist). Press Secretary of the CLUB – L.I. Cheremnykh (disabled childhood 1st grade, physician, teacher, member of the United Russia Party). Director of the public “Methodological Center “Support for Disabled People” - V.V. Nifantova(Ph.D. - retired).

Formation programs overcoming the social crisis by pensioners and disabled people was started by a group of active disabled people of Siberia on the initiative of the chief physician of the Omsk prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise V.A. Ishala, (father of a disabled child) in November 1972 in the occupational therapy room of the complex and primary prosthetics hospital of this enterprise (occupational therapy instructor – L.I. Cheremnykh. She became the head of the authors of anti-crisis programs).

It was V.A. Ishal wrote amazing lines that became for the authors of the above-mentioned programs the concept of all their further scientific and practical activities:

The word is not simple - “disabled”, the Word is tough, cruel and evil... Whose soul does not ache from a different fate, cursed three times?

... Don’t rush to get overwhelmed with tears,

Don't try to feel sorry for a person

After all, another “cripple” By the generosity of the Soul

Can Antarctica be easily warmed up!

He has no legs - he's walking!

Confident, beautiful!

He makes such marvelous things without hands,

What others, “handy”, clearly cannot do!

It's not easy to learn, of course.

Without limping, walking without a leg...

But it’s even more difficult, three times, not to break,

Learn to, without limping, - LIVE!

For 10 years of work L.I. More than 12,500 disabled people passed through the occupational therapy office at Cheremnykh. Of these, only 1,196 people were able to overcome a terrible misfortune and find their place in life thanks to the unique experience of self-rehabilitation.

Disabled people find themselves in a crisis situation (which is where almost everyone is now) from the first day of disability. For 10 years of work L.I. Cheremnykh, an occupational therapy instructor, passed through the occupational therapy office over 12,500 disabled people. Of these, only 1,196 people were able to overcome a terrible misfortune and find their place in life thanks to the unique experience of self-rehabilitation. Then, back in the city of Omsk, an attempt was made to apply the experience of these disabled people to representatives of other groups of socially disadvantaged people from among those who do not have physical disabilities.

The parable about two frogs caught in a jar of milk comes to mind. And when another 299 pensioners tried to perform this unique experiment on themselves, it turned out that positive results are achieved only when there was still enough “milk” in the “cups” good quality– friendly relationships between people around a pensioner or disabled person in conditions of mutual attraction and trust.

In 1982 L.I. Cheremnykh, for family reasons, moved to live in Kemerovo, without stopping work on anti-crisis measures programs.

Having studied the self-rehabilitation experience of these 1196 “frogs” and 299 pensioners, the authors programs (286 people) separated the particular from the general. And with the help of scientists and specialists from Siberia (more than 60 people) tried to put the results of this experiment on themselves on a scientific basis.

Having published these results in collections of scientific papers of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy and Kemerovo State University, the authors programs received a sufficient number of positive reviews.

Here is an abstract review of the authors' 10th and latest publication programs:

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Kemerovo State University Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Kemerovo, 2004

"Siberians" : V.N. Sorokin; B.V. Shushpannikov (inv.IIIgr.); L.I. Cheremnykh (inv.Igr.); S.V. Kolbasov; P.I. Guzinman; E.L. Lanzmann (inv.IIgr.); L.A. Romanova; N.G. Sokolova; T.I. Nohrina; O.V. Chudinovsky.

“As soon as a person begins to feel like an individual, he is necessarily included in the system of imitation - in social self-education. We, without knowing it, have been in such a system all our lives. And those whom we imitate, also, sometimes without knowing it, become our “guides-conductors” in conductive-social self-education. This process imperceptibly affects the moral state of both the individual and society.

At the same time, the choice of guidelines to follow can only be made by the person himself. The basis of this choice is the desire to feel not only full-fledged, but also a full-fledged member of society. And therefore it is very important to form such public (and production) relations in which there would be a sufficient number of positive, well-known guidelines for imitation, with the help of which the internal capabilities of each individual are revealed to the maximum, achieving its full self-actualization. And this is the essence of managing the system of social self-education.

In nature there is a very clear example of a community in which the place of one representative cannot be taken by another.

This is a pine cone, in which it is impossible to change places of nuts - each has its own place. Constant feeling that you are the only one in the whole world, that there has never been and never will be another like you, inspires a person’s involuntary respect for himself.

At the same time, the thought necessarily arises that it is necessary to lead such a life so that you can not lose respect for yourself.

This method of self-actualization is conductive personal self-education.

Can it be controlled?

Of course, if the role models are clear, relevant and attractive.

When such self-education includes persons with health-related disabilities (disabled) , then completely unexpected(both for disabled people and for others) their position in society changes significantly for the better.”

We - “Siberians”! That’s what one of them called us scientific supervisors our extraordinary team - A.I. Shundulidi – Doctor of Technical Sciences , Professor KuzGTU (at that time deputy head of the Kemerovo regional administration), thanks to which a group of Kemerovo residents (L.I. Cheremnykh - teacher, disabled child 1st grade, A.P. Sluzhaeva - doctor, V.V. Nifantova - candidate of medical sciences) In November 1995, I managed to take part in the conference of the Siberian Ecological Fund in Novosibirsk.

It was there that it was formed "Methodological Center for Support of Disabled People"(director V.V. Nifantova), whose activities allow us today to talk about the scientific basis programs for pensioners and disabled people to overcome the social crisis in the formation of SOCIETY for ALL and for everyone - Civil Society.

We continued our work, having received over the years a fairly large number of positive reviews from scientists and a review from the Department of Organization and Quality Control of Medical Care together with specialists from the Russian scientific center rehabilitation and physiotherapy of the Russian Ministry of Health (in June 1997).

At the suggestion of A.I. We called part of what we did Shundulidi, "Doctrine" mutual assistance of the population and interaction between the people and the state (consisting of programs for people with disabilities and pensioners to overcome the social crisis) , harmoniously complementing the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities (UN Resolution 32/57 of December 3, 1982) And Standard Rules ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities (UN Resolution 48/96 of December 20, 1993) the activity of pensioners and disabled people themselves, put on a scientific basis.

Teaching each other the “scientific organization of their own lives,” “Siberians” wrote for each other "Books of Magical Life", based on Adam J. Jackson's definition:

“...The difference between people who live a “magical Life” and those who lead an ordinary life does not lie in the circumstances around them - it lies in their attitude. Attitude is the mental brush with which we paint our lives. We choose the colors we use ourselves.”

From the review by N.A. BARBARASH – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy for the “Books of Magical Life” prepared for publication by V. Sorokin, L. Cheremnykh, S. Savenkov and P. Malakhov.

September 2005:

“The Books of Magical Life” are presented for review as a Family Guide from mutual assistance to the interaction of those who, having changed their attitude towards themselves, towards everyone and everything, prefer to be loved and healthy, rich and happy!

Their main idea is to help the lonely, elderly, sick, disabled and socially vulnerable people, who in Russia today constitute perhaps more than half of the total population. The authors in figurative form appeal not only to the reader’s mind, but also to his subconscious - intuition, imagination, deep levels of the “soul”.

Having a direct or indirect relationship to medicine, the authors provide convincing modern data on the rich capabilities of the human body - processes of regeneration, compensation, mental self-regulation.

These data are successfully illustrated with references to the works of famous scientists and excerpts from these works. “Books” are addressed, in principle, to every family - men, women, children; they form in the reader a kind and wise consciousness of the “primacy” of family happiness, its significance for the upbringing and fate of the child.

I can’t help but remember the words of V. Ketlinskaya from her novel “Courage”: “You have to want, you have to really want, and then everything will come true - a meeting or happiness.”

Motto “Don’t be afraid of bright words!” helps the reader to feel kindness and love for people, promotes the assimilation of self-regulation techniques outlined in the books - exercises for the soul, mind and body.

I consider the publication of these books extremely necessary and timely.”

Such a review by such a famous scientist could not help but inspire “Sibiryan”. A more in-depth search for the scientific basis programs for pensioners and disabled people to overcome the social crisis introduced disabled people to three student diplomas of graduates of KemGUKI in 2005, which are included (with the consent of the authors) into a methodological basis programs:




Thanks to these diplomas, the first collection of five "Books of Magical Life" edited by N.A. Barbarash.

conductive-personal , grandmother ( together with grandson) accomplished a real feat.

, for this is one of the methods of managing the moral development of both the individual and society as a whole. When the grandson came home from school, having difficulty understanding what the teacher said

Continuing to study the experience of self-rehabilitation worthy of imitation, “Siberians” discovered a unique example of a resident of the city of Kemerovo - an amazing grandmother who gave all her strength and all her love to her sick grandson.

The grandmother not only had to teach her grandson to crawl, crawling next to him (still the same role model). She had to teach him to sit and stand. To teach him how to walk, she took him to the soft sands so that he would not hurt his knees. It took her even more work to teach him to speak, think, and remember. Unexpectedly for herself, the grandmother independently developed for her grandson conductive-personal method of treating delayed psycho-speech and intellectual development. Sending my grandson to study in a regular school rather than in a auxiliary school (where he, perhaps, would not have experienced torment from his classmates, whose childhood cruelty can only be compared with “hazing” in the army), grandmother ( together with grandson) accomplished a real feat.

So that other disabled children and their parents do not have to perform this feat, these children should study together with healthy children everywhere (inclusive education movement), because this is one of the methods of managing the moral development of both the individual and society as a whole.

When the grandson came home from school, having difficulty understanding what the teacher said (this was largely prevented by the torture of classmates), the grandmother very successfully made it easier for him to master knowledge, developing certain reflexes in his grandson.

G groups WITH social P partnership (same as for adults), which are gradually (when the children grow up) healthy people and disabled people.

However, the method conductive pedagogy applies not only to children.

2. Conductive-social pedagogy in the treatment and prevention of social diseases with the participation of disabled people who have positive experience of independent social adaptation, is worthy of imitation by healthy people, because it stimulates them in a certain way (“disabled people can do it, can’t I?”).

Open your palm: Your spread fingers figuratively represent your remaining or as yet undiscovered possibilities. The space between your fingers is your problem. Close your fingers with the fingers of your disabled partner - he will solve your problems with his abilities, provided that you also strive to solve his problems.

We can find you partners with whom you can live full life in the microdistrict Just Society formed by you.

Use in educational process computers (within the framework of the “Electronic Russia – 2000 -2010” program) installed at home for disabled children, makes these children attractive to those classmates who do not have such an opportunity.

Thus, the problem of organizing communication between disabled children and their healthy peers is completely painlessly solved, creating on the basis of mutual complementarity and mutual attractiveness G groups WITH social P partnership (same as for adults), which are gradually (when the children grow up) will erase the now very sharp line between healthy people and disabled people.

“You, the human being, can do more for your health and well-being than any doctor, any hospital, any medicine and any exotic medical device.”

These words J. Califano helped us draw certain conclusions and then begin to act (“churning butter”, as one of the frogs did when they got caught in a jar of milk).

It can be painful to wait social assistance, which will never be enough for everyone. But we have learned to build our own well-being with our own hands on mutually beneficial terms together with those who live next to us.

You can suffer from loneliness within the four walls of your home in the city. (and in the village too).

But we have learned to push these four walls, expanding our living space as much as we want.

One cannot help but recall again the parable of two frogs caught in a jar of milk. One of them folded its legs and drowned. And the other frog floundered, floundered and knocked down the oil, through which it got out of the jar, thus getting rid of trouble.

This is how disabled people, from the first day of onset of disability, find themselves in a social crisis.(which has now hit the whole world). But it is beneficial for everyone if more people with disabilities are able to overcome adversity, find their place in life, and become full-fledged members of society.

Of course, this is useful, first of all, for the disabled themselves.

This balance of power will significantly reduce society's costs of providing free social assistance to disabled people - these costs place a tax burden on the entire population. This burden is constantly becoming heavier, because the number of people in need of help is increasing every day, so the increase in the number of disabled people who are not adversely affected by disability are beneficial to any society.

Extending the active age of pensioners is also beneficial, not only for themselves, but for society as a whole.

How can pensioners help both disabled people and young, healthy people??

Their professional experience is a national treasure, which is now (literally and figuratively)goes "to nowhere". Their wisdom and life experience, which both young disabled people and young healthy people need, are currently practically not in demand.

Thus, pensioners who have extended their active age, and disabled people who have overcome adversity, can help young and healthy people learn how to overcome a social crisis, understanding that the troubles of disabled people can befall anyone, and old age inevitably awaits everyone.

In addition, an example of disabled people who found their place in life, who have become full-fledged members of society, cannot but make every healthy person think. Sensible people cannot help but change their attitude towards themselves. “Disabled people can, am I really worse?”

Symbol of the Art of UNITY of like-minded people (and pensioners, and disabled people, and young, healthy people) by place of residence, place of work/study, by hobbies or professional interests of partners - these are three hands clasped in a single handshake.

Physically strong partner (hand on top) (hand on the right) , can combine into G groups WITH social P

Thus, the formation of a system of social partnership begins in the family, continues among residents of apartment buildings and private sector neighborhoods, in the territory of a microdistrict, district (urban/rural), municipality (urban/rural), region, at the interregional, national and interethnic levels, gradually forming a rehabilitation space for everyone.

Only father (hand on top), mother (hand on the right) and baby (hand on the left) clasping their hands in a single handshake with members of the other three families (and they, in turn, with members of three families, etc., etc.), can create conditions under which the Art of UNITY, transferred from hand to hand, from heart to heart (as in “Living Thread”), And will form a WORLD REHABILITATION SPACE. But for this it is necessary that their Exalted Self is open to the entire Universe (symbol which the “Siberians” saw in a dove hovering above the Earth). Healthy people, having formed such a SPACE (while they are healthy and young), will fill the “krinkas” with milk, thanks to which the “frogs” (orphan child, disabled person, lonely elderly person or simply sick person) Those who find themselves in this “crunch” will be able to overcome trouble, provided that they themselves actively strive for this. But only with the support of this initiative by the state, which has a system of municipal self-government, this “milk” becomes “sour cream”, reducing the time it takes to “churn butter” - the efforts of both the person and the efforts of his environment, necessary to overcome the disaster that has befallen. And begin the process of changing your own life for the better (both disabled people, pensioners, and healthy young people) with my own hands (start “churning butter in a jar with milk”) follows with self-diagnosis TO qualities AND from:

The author’s “Methodology for the participation of disabled people in practical rehabilitation” “can act as an element of psychotherapy, increasing the motivation of disabled people and their loved ones to actively participate in rehabilitation programs” (from the letter of the department of organization and quality control of medical care and the Russian Scientific Center for Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 10-19/11091 dated September 22, 1997).

Physically strong partner (hand on top) socially active partner – retired and disabled (hand on the right) and a physically weak partner who has lost faith in his strength or does not have these strengths (a lonely old man or a child, especially a disabled child – hand on the left), can combine into G groups WITH social P partnerships, can create for themselves a space of mutual attraction and mutual assistance.


“Have you at least once in your life found yourself in a situation where you felt like you were living worse than everyone else, like in hell? It seemed that your life was not worth a penny. Did you feel so bad that you wanted to die? This could be in different time By various reasons: you didn’t get what you wanted from life, someone offended you somehow, you weren’t accepted in some company, etc.

But we are sure that you have never even tried to think (before committing rash acts, resorting to drugs or anything else): “Is everything really so bad, do I really live the worst life of all?”

A creative attitude towards yourself, towards those who live nearby, towards your role in society and on Earth begins small - with determining your capabilities (tests "A") and from determining how these opportunities are realized in society (tests “B”). The numbers of our tests show their place in the author’s general system of determination AND index E efficiency A adaptability (note - not adaptation, but adaptation with the active participation of both the person himself and those who surround him).

Set yourself up for objectivity - do not underestimate or exaggerate your capabilities.

We would like to offer you the assessment method we have developed. AND index TO quality of your AND from life (IKZH), which will help you find out a very precise answer to the question posed above.

With our help, you can determine what you need to do to change your life for the better.

Moreover, this will be a specific action, and not general abstract phrases that are written in cheap books about auto-training and other “miraculous” remedies.

This method will also help you build a curve showing what level your IQL was at different periods time if you count it regularly.

How right we are is up to you to decide, but even if, in your opinion, we are wrong, you still, please, try to calculate your IQL at least once, just do it honestly, and then we’ll see...”

The introduction of this methodology is closely related to the “Screening analysis of the quality of life of the population” methodology, developed for self-diagnosis of participants in the system of continuous social self-education.

Quality of Life Index (IKZH)

When testing, you need to choose the answer that you think meets your needs, desires and capabilities, and write down (in the column allocated for this) answer. Additional instructions provided with the test must be followed, if any.

We present to your attention a total of six tests in two series, the answer to which does not require prior preparation. In parentheses is the number of this test in system tests our "Comprehensive Index of Social Adaptation"(35 tests) - « KISA » .

Those interested can also be offered the computer program “KISA”.

Series A tests:

Test-1(6 "A"). How do you get around?

Complete immobility (no movement function) - 0.

Moving within the bed - 1.

Moving within the apartment - 2.

Moving within the microdistrict - 3.

Unlimited movement - 4.

Test 2(21 "A-1"). How healthy are you?

The test should be performed in the morning, 20 minutes before breakfast, coffee, or smoking a cigarette. Sit comfortably, breathing straight and calmly, after 7-10 minutes, count your pulse in one minute.

Then take a calm breath and exhale, cover your nose and mouth with your hand, notice the time that you can not breathe.

Pulse assessment for men (women's heart rate is on average 5 beats higher than men's):

more than 85 hits - 0.

76 - 95 beats - 1.

66 - 75 hits - 2.

51 - 65 strokes - 3.

less than 50 strokes - 4.

Breath Hold Assessment:

less than 10 seconds - 0.

10 - 29 seconds - 1.

30 - 59 seconds - 2.

60 - 89 seconds - 3.

90 seconds or more - 4.

Test-3(25 "A-1"). How happy are you?

Try to break down happiness into its components. There are from eight to ten basic factors that exhaust the range of human aspirations (health, family relationships, sex, financial situation, housing, social status, work/study, hobbies...) Arrange these factors in column 2 in descending order of their importance to you:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |


1 | | 8 | |________________|

2 | | 7 | | |

3 | | 6 | | |

4 | | 5 | | |

5 | | 4 | | |

6 | | 3 | | |

7 | | 2 | | |

8 | | 1 | | |

total: | |

Column 3 shows the significance coefficients for each factor for you.

In column 4, give them a rating using a 5-point system. (5 - very satisfied, 4 - Fine, 3 - so-so, 2 - Badly, 1 - quite bad).

Multiply the numbers in columns 3 and 4 line by line, write their products in column 5, then add all the numbers in it and divide the resulting sum by 180.

Test results:

less than 0.3: you have had a life catastrophe - 0.

0.3 - 0.5: there is a crisis in your life, you are unhappy - 1.

0.5 - 0.7: Your life is gray, mediocre - 2.

0.7 - 0.9: You live well, you don’t complain about life - 3.

more than 0.9: You are satisfied with life, happiness accompanies you - 4.

Test-5(32 "B"). How educated are you?

Primary education - 0.

Incomplete secondary education - 1.

Complete secondary education - 2.

Higher education - 3.

Several higher educations academic degree - 4.

Test -6(33 "B"). How financially secure are you?

Lack of material support - 0.

Income in the amount of less than 2 times the minimum wage - 1.

Income in the amount of 3 - 4 times the minimum wage - 2.

Income in the amount of 5 - 9 times the minimum wage - 3.

Income in the amount of more than 10 times the minimum wage - 4.

Calculation table IKZH

Test: assessment

__1. "A" __|_______

__2. "A" __|_______

__3. "A" __|_______

__4. "B" __|_______

__5 B" __|_______

__6. "B" _|_______

1) Add up the numbers in the columns of the series “A” tests.

2) Add up the numbers in the columns of the “B” series tests.

3) Divide the amount received by the first action by the amount received by the second action - the result will be your IQL.

If your IKZH equal to one- we can talk about the optimality of your life.

If IKZH less than one- You must admit that you are not active enough, and you need to pay attention to your internal reserves.

Try to move more, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, using culture as active agent survival (culture of nutrition, culture of breathing, culture of life and being). Be cordial and friendly with others, perform altruistic acts - and the “vitamin of happiness” will appear in your blood - endorphin, which is similar in action to morphine, but does not cause addiction to drugs.

If IKZH more than one- You should strive for greater social activity, to be appreciated by others - so that you can more fully realize your potential in society.


We closely monitor the quality of our lives using the testing we offer. This testing is the basis of the “Microdistrict MAP of the social well-being of the population” (average neighborhood scores for each test are calculated).

It is more convenient to observe the dynamics of this quality on the graph:

It is necessary to draw the curve that we talked about at the beginning.

For example:

For greater clarity, we have shaded your capabilities on the chart. The unshaded part is the prospects for your individual plan for increasing IQL.

But this is also a diagram that we use when selecting partners for each other. (in this case, the graph also has a second, inverted reflection – from bottom to top) so that members G groups WITH social P partnership (« SHG » ) complemented each other, forming an integral social organism.

Testing yourself regularly (without looking at the results of previous testing), You can track the dynamics of the quality of your life.

We are ready to help you analyze the reasons for the improvement or deterioration of this quality and develop an individual plan for optimizing the quality of your life.

Working in this way with us at the Internet Institute "Living Thread" » (

Our foreign colleagues in misfortune, with whom we communicate via the Internet, believe that disabled people can engage in such activities in any state that has a system of municipal self-government. Continuation of such activities for state level can not only complement the World Program for Persons with Disabilities, but also create a mechanism of competition between states that have signed up to this program.

From the review ON THE. BARBARASH– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. department of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy for the testing system proposed by the “Siberians”.

April 1997:

“...The attitude of society towards its representatives who need support and help is a measure of the moral and spiritual health of society as a whole.

The political and social crisis of today's Russia has given rise to confusion and depression in various segments of the population, against the background of which lack of spirituality, embitterment and cruelty have found fertile ground.

Heroic attempts to create a system social support for the most disadvantaged members of our society today, those with serious health problems, deserve the highest approval overall.”

Members Kemerovo CLUB communication "SIBERIANS"

thank you for your attention!

Write to us: 650099 Kemerovo, GSP, PO Box 1035.

To solve some social problems, social projects are created within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what they are. What features do those aimed at young people have? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or senior-oriented projects? Let's say, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation?


A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a specific or aimed at improving some aspect of social life. But besides the idea, he must also propose ways to implement it, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, who will be in charge target group project. An example of a social project that will be published below will help you understand what it is. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to resolve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). Usually there are 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from an entity with large financial capabilities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the system social security, social protection, healthcare, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are outlined immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they are not very different in general, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

What features do projects aimed at youth have?

The most main feature- that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation that needs to be improved should be described in detail, as well as all specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.

What should the project comply with?

The project must meet the following conditions:

  1. There should be no contradictions in the ideas put forward and methods of implementation.
  2. It must be possible to implement it under the given conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say something about social projects for schoolchildren; examples of them should be able to interest these restless children.
  4. It must provide a response to the social order that has arisen in society.
  5. The implementation plan must be effective and such that it will achieve the goal.
  6. This should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, can interest young people.

How should a social project be formalized?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. The area of ​​work may be health, creativity, demographic issues, health improvement, scientific or cultural awareness, popularization of sports or better attitude to other people. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the specific goal could be the popularization of radio electronics, engineering, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a logical thought club or an astronomical circle.

After determining your goals, you need to think about tasks - the most concentrated goals. An example of tasks could be the following: instilling qualities that will allow difficult teenagers at risk to settle in life as a normal citizen, or helping in determining a place of study/work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives have been determined, then the action plan and implementation deadlines should be discussed, as well as the place where all the developments will come to life. The action plan should contain as detailed a list of actions as possible, which will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of ​​what is required of you, here are four social projects for young people.

Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects at school. The examples, although not very large-scale, will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is advisable to involve a school psychologist in the work.

Example of a social project for youth No. 1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Target. Reduce the number of people who divorce after being married by preparing and explaining the responsibilities and rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is, what responsibilities and rights each spouse will have.
  2. Help distribute future responsibilities now so that there is no friction later.
  3. Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine whether they understand what it means.

We need a step-by-step plan that describes all the actions and their sequence.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place of implementation: city such and such.

Example for youth No. 2

Direction: support of motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Goal: providing assistance to refuseniks and minor orphans who are being treated in the hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, material assistance, toys and medicines, for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore health to refuseniks and minor orphans.
  3. from the state budget or from charitable funds for the improvement of refuseniks or orphans who are in medical institutions.
  4. Drawing attention to the problem of children without parents in order to convince people to adopt children.

A detailed plan that describes the details of finding funds and transferring them.

Location: Children's regional Hospital city ​​of Samara.

Example for youth No. 3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth group.

Direction: youth with congenital defects and disabilities in universities.

Goal: achieving socialization of physically distinct students.

  1. Promoting the full socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that carry out social protection for such people.
  3. Help in social and cultural life.
  4. Help aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards youth with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
  7. Implementation of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, testing and implementation of new rehabilitation methods.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place: university in such and such a city.

Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them you can choose to help disabled children who study in regular schools.

Natalia Mukhamatchina
Social project “Childhood without borders”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution


Social project

The project was compiled:

Mukhamatchina Natalia


1. Information card

Name project« Childhood without borders»

Justification of relevance and social significance of the project Child Problem having limited opportunities, is not that he cannot walk, see, hear or speak, but that he is deprived childhood, is deprived of communication with peers and other children, separated from ordinary children's affairs, games, worries and interests. Such children need help and understanding not only from their parents, but also from society as a whole; this is the only way they can understand that they are really needed, that they are truly loved and understood. The integration of children with developmental problems into the environment of ordinary peers is a quite common phenomenon in all highly developed countries of the world. That's how it is today social order of society and the state. TO MADOU kindergarten"Star" A compensatory group has been opened for children with disabilities, which is attended by 10 people. The project will help children realize their creative abilities outside the educational program.

Goals and objectives project GOAL: Creating optimal conditions for implementation

individually – personal characteristics children with

limited health opportunities.


1. Inclusion of children with limited opportunities in

different kinds individual and collective activities, expanding their range of interests and creative opportunities.

2. Introducing them to an active, creative lifestyle.

3. Help your child with limited opportunities to realize their importance in a group of peers and society.

Brief content summary project Children with disabilities need to realize the child’s potential and create conditions for their comprehensive development, not only within the framework of an adapted program. Subject design activity is the organization of leisure activities for children with disabilities in MAOU kindergarten"Star" in group No. 1 "Sun".

In the proposed design activities used personal experience teacher

Project Designed for children of all ages.

Deadlines project 2015

Materially – technical base and estimated cost project Purpose of expenses Amount

1 Purchasing materials for making crafts

3 Purchasing prizes for events

5 Transport costs (trips) 500 rub.

Total 2000 rub.

2. Relevance and importance of this problem.

"We are worried about

what kind of person our child will grow up to be;

but we forget that he is already a man"

Stashia Tauscher

One of the current socially-economic and demographic problems of modern Russian society is the inclusion of children with limited opportunities into society.

The main problem of children with limited opportunities lies in disrupting his connection with the world, in limited mobility, poverty of contacts with peers and adults, in limited communication with nature, inaccessibility of a number of cultural values, and sometimes even basic education. This problem is the result of the prevailing social consciousness, which sanctions the existence of a developmental environment inaccessible to a child with disabilities. A child with a disability may be as capable and talented as his peer who does not have health problems, but inequality of opportunities prevents him from discovering his talents, developing them, and using them to benefit society.

A child is not a passive object, but a developing person who has the right to satisfy diverse needs for cognition, communication, and creativity. A child with a disability needs not only certain benefits and privileges, but conditions and environment for comprehensive individual development.

Working with "special" children, I cannot help but note how important and interesting it is for them to live and enjoy with their peers, participate in various events, and delight others with their creativity. From the first days I observed how my students strive to prove themselves. How important it is for parents to receive attention from the teacher and MADO specialists. With what pleasure children participate in various activities, trips, holidays. This is how the idea for this was born project, in which I presented my personal experience.

3. Collection and analysis of information on the selected problem.

Inclusive education enables all children to fully participate in the life of the community kindergarten , has resources aimed at stimulating the equality of students and their participation in all aspects of the life of the team.

L. S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to create a learning system in which a child with limited opportunities would not be excluded from the society of children with normal development.

TO MADOU kindergarten"Star" A group has been organized for children with disabilities, which is attended by 10 children. The emphasis is on the fact that every child needs to create favorable conditions for his development, upbringing and learning, to meet his educational needs.

Most parents of children with special educational needs need professional, systematic assistance to their child. Studying the educational needs of parents of group No. 1 "Sun" I learned that not everyone has the opportunity to take their children to different clubs, an art school, where a child with disabilities could show his talent, his creativity, so the need arose to create project« Childhood without borders» .

4. Implementation of the action plan project.

To achieve goals project We divided all activities into stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (March 2015):

Diagnosis of children and survey of parents;

Study of literature;

Coordination of a joint action plan;

Preparation of event scenarios, selection different levels competitions;

Introducing children and parents to the implementation plan project.

Stage 2 – practical (April – November 2015)

Implementation plan project

No. Name of event Dates Interaction

with parents Interaction with specialists

1 Participation in the MADOU painting competition "World - childhood June 2015

2. Participation in an international Internet craft competition "Step forward" May 2015

3. Calendar and thematic holidays of MADOU and groups:

"Friends Day"

"Health Day"

"Mothers Day"

"Autumn Holiday"

"Christmas story" During a year

Participation of parents in all activities together with children

4. Travel:

*to the monument to military glory

*to the local history museum

*to the library Throughout the year

5. Theater club "Magic chest"

During the year, additional education teacher

6. Ecological circle

"World of Wonders" During a year

Stage 3 – final (December 2015):

Summing up the implementation work project;

Coordination of further plans.

5. Expected results project.

1. As a result of this project every child can self-realize,

spend your leisure time qualitatively.

2. Child with limited opportunities will be included in various types of individual and collective activities, not only in the group, but also in the MADO, which will contribute to the expansion of his living space, the restoration of his individual and social value.

3. The positive dynamics of the general emotional mood of a disabled child will increase - from wariness and apathy to a joyful desire to create, communicate, share their achievements with peers and parents, expand social contacts, will be overcome socio- cultural and psychological isolation, self-esteem will increase, and the possibilities of mutual understanding between children and parents will expand.

4. A disabled child will have the opportunity to be creative, to creatively comprehend the world, to perceive the creativity of others and their own.

5. Parents and theirs "special" The child gains invaluable experience of joint communication and mutual understanding.

Earn money and decide at the same time social problems- Can. Rehabilitation, training, and employment of people with disabilities are examples of the areas of work of social entrepreneurs. In Russia, this type of business is still in its infancy, but there are already successful examples. Especially for DISLIFE, Everland specialists prepared a review of 6 business projects that have already changed and continue to change the lives of people, including those with disabilities.


Founders of the project: Lyubov Ermolaeva, Alina Zubareva

Year of foundation: 2016

BuySocial is a social online store. Any purchase at BuySocial.me is a help to people in need, a contribution to nature conservation or the development of cultural projects.

Everland infographic

All producers are Russian social entrepreneurs and charity organisations. They provide jobs for people with disabilities or older people in the outback. This is an opportunity to earn money and feel needed while doing what you love. Some manufacturers donate their profits to charity, helping people with serious illnesses, children from orphanages, girls who have suffered from violence, and grandparents from nursing homes.

BuySocial's mission is to unite buyers who care about how and why a product is produced, and sellers who, along with the quality of the product, care about their contribution to the development of society and preserving the environment. The project is trying to solve the problem of poverty and usefulness to society.

Lyubov Ermolaeva: “If you decide to start an activity in the field of social entrepreneurship, I advise you to start trying a little bit at a time! Make prototypes and go show them to people - potential buyers of your product or service, constantly testing your hypotheses in practice. Find support from like-minded people—in your team and beyond. Tell us about your ideas and people who share your values ​​will be attracted to you, perhaps becoming partners or clients. You may have an idea for a social entrepreneurship project that no one has done before. Don't be afraid of this, sometimes ideas that seem completely unrealistic at first work! And at the same time, don’t fall too much in love with your idea, check whether other people really need it - your clients and beneficiaries. Be prepared for the fact that you will often have to balance between business and social contribution. Go for it!”

You can find out more about the project at.


Founders of the project: Elena Martynova, Igor Novikov

Year of foundation: 2016

Everland's mission is to help professionals with disabilities achieve professional self-realization.

Everland infographic

Everland was created on an interest-free loan of 4.5 million rubles from impact investor Boris Zhilin. In less than 2 years, the founders of the project invested another 5 million rubles from their own funds. Today the project is earning money, and the entrepreneurial part is paying off. The social component – ​​training of specialists and the work of curators – is not yet available. The project employs people with different types of disabilities from different regions of Russia and even CIS countries.

The first interviews at Everland took place on August 31, 2016 at Impact Hub Moscow.

Elena Martynova: “If you decide to start activities in the field of social entrepreneurship, you need to build a business plan, evaluate the project carefully, try to outline risk areas and opportunity areas. If there are already operating initiatives in other regions, it is better to negotiate a franchise and use their experience, this will reduce time, reduce financial risks, and be more efficient. If the approach is innovative and no one works like that, try to first understand why? Maybe this is a dead end? If you still have faith in the hypothesis, then get involved and work until the result.”

Igor Novikov: “When implementing, it is important to see and maintain a balance in both components - the effectiveness of solving a social problem and the quality of the service or product for the end client. We must remember that it will not be easy, and do not despair if it is difficult. This is a difficult area, labor-intensive, requiring full dedication, but it gives results and meaning. You can definitely feel like a creator in it.”

Learn more about Everland's work on the project.

"Mom is working"

Project founder: Olesya Kashaeva

Year of foundation: 2012

“Mom Works” is a project that helps young mothers get an education, find work at home, or start their own business. The network of free coworking spaces “Mom Works” is a space where mothers can work quietly while a teacher takes care of their children.

Everland infographic

The mission of the project is to solve problems of material income among young mothers by providing them with the opportunity to earn income during maternity leave, improving the standard of living of young families and providing women with opportunities for self-realization, professional development and income generation without interruption from raising children.

Photo courtesy of the project.

Olesya Kashaeva: “We help young mothers overcome such difficulties as planning their time, fear of being away from their child due to employment or absence on work issues, combining raising children with fulfilling job responsibilities.”

You can learn more about "Mom Works" at.

Charity Shop

Project founder: Daria Alekseeva

Year of foundation: 2014

Charity Shop is a social business that generates funds for programs charitable foundation"Second wind". You can buy things in the project stores famous brands, donated by the townspeople, and with the proceeds the fund is engaged in recycling things into poor condition, provides jobs to people from socially disadvantaged groups and provides clothing to the poor, including people with disabilities. The Charity Shop's mission is to financially support these programs.

Everland infographic

The Charity Shop's mission is to use unnecessary resources (clothes tired of previous owners) to generate benefits - new jobs, recycled materials, helping people in crisis.

Photo courtesy of the project

Daria Alekseeva: “If you decide to start activities in the field of social entrepreneurship, treat your business as a commercial one. If your business model doesn't fit and you earn less than you spend, it's not the high social burden that is to blame, but poor management. Think about what, besides the environmental or social component, makes you truly needed and competitive.”

Walk in the Dark Museum

Project founder: Elena Stakheeva

Year of foundation: 2016

“Walk in the Dark” is an unusual museum, the exhibition of which is immersed in absolute darkness! At the Walk in the Dark Museum, people learn a lot about themselves, as all senses except sight are put to the test. The project influences perception healthy people lives of people with disabilities.

Everland infographic

The mission of the Walk in the Dark Museum is to give people a new experience and introduce them to the world of blind people.

Elena Stakheeva: “If you decide to start an activity in the field of social entrepreneurship, you need to understand what motivates you in the first place - the desire to create something new, build theories, take risks, assemble a team and manage it, solve the problems of all participants in the process, or do good? If the first, start boldly, don’t waste time, big victories and a lot of interesting things await you along the way. If you mostly just want to do good, I recommend getting a job in one of the existing projects and making a difference there.”

Photo courtesy of the project.

You can order a walk in the dark at the project.

Opportunity to develop your own project

If you yourself want to become a successful social entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to take part in the All-Russian competitive program Rosbank and Impact Hub Moscow - “START DIFFERENTLY” for projects that help people with disabilities.

Finalists will be included in a part-time incubation program, where they will work on the development of their project together with experienced experts. The authors of the most effective projects will receive a travel grant for studying in France (I place), 200,000 rubles (II place) and 150,000 rubles (III place).

Photo courtesy of the competition organizer

Ilya Polyakov, Chairman of the Board of Rosbank: “Often social entrepreneurs focus on one income model - paid services for beneficiaries, in particular people with disabilities. Since a significant part of the target audience is practically insolvent, the social entrepreneur does not understand how to cover costs, how to set pricing and work stably. A sustainable financial model is a constructor made from many elements: the ability to work in a team, build marketing strategy, enter into profitable partnerships, inspire, solve legal issues, etc. This is exactly what the participants of “START DIFFERENT” will learn.

Co-founder and director of Impact Hub Moscow Ekaterina Khaletskaya: “The development program “START DIFFERENTLY”, which is organized by Rosbank with the participation of Impact Hub Moscow - for Russia new format: Firstly, it is designed specifically for those social entrepreneurs who employ people with disabilities or improve their quality of life in other ways. Secondly, it includes training for selected participants and awards for three winners (grants and a trip to France to exchange experiences). Thirdly, the program is practical: participants will test income models with the support of a curator who will help set goals and move towards them. The “START DIFFERENTLY” project involves Rosbank employees as consultants and nationally known experts in social entrepreneurship. Applications for participation are accepted until July 16.”

Read more about the competition at.

Personal growth

Implement: Social project Creative club for people with disabilities “No Borders!”



Social project Creative club for people

with disabilities “No Borders!”

People with disabilities, people with disabilities, are everywhere. According to United Nations (UN) estimates, almost every tenth person on the planet is disabled.

It is not a person’s fault that he was born or became this way. It is not his fault that he cannot always work and provide for himself. The way of life of disabled people is to take daily medications that help maintain the body’s vital functions, but do not cure diseases.

Disabled people are the same as all people, although with their own characteristics. Who doesn't have them?! It is necessary that people with disabilities study and work together with ordinary people. They need understanding and equality.

We must help people with disabilities!

The state, as best it can, helps disabled people by providing medical care. All regions of the country are trying to provide education for disabled children who need home schooling.

According to official statistics, lives in Russia

about 10 million people with disabilities.

For a long time it was believed that a disabled person was only his defects and could not bring anything useful to society, and the optimal solution in his situation was isolation. Fortunately, today the situation has changed for the better. But so far these changes are not enough for every disabled person in our country to live a full life: communicate, work, have a full-fledged family, travel.

Today not every professional educational institution is able to accept a wheelchair user or a person suffering from blindness for study; not every employer is interested in employing a disabled person, therefore he has only one option: sit at home and watch TV.

In this regard, there is a need to seek integration of people with disabilities into society. And a club for creativity and communication in this case is the best option for solving the problems of people with disabilities. So, this project gives a person the opportunity not only to “go out into the world”, but also to acquire new knowledge, skills, communication skills with others, build a family, and, as a result, overcome their fears and complexes.

Project " Creative club for disabled people “Without Borders!” brought together people who know first-hand about all the problems of people with disabilities. The club team consists of families whose members are disabled people.

They will inspire, support and teach you to live life to the fullest!

Natalya Ulchenkova takes care of her daughter Marta, who has been disabled since childhood. Disappointing statistics show that in the last five years the number of disabled children has increased by almost 10%. Many fathers of such families cannot withstand the load and leave, leaving their wives and children to cope with all the difficulties alone. Natalia, with her example, is able to inspire the mothers of such children.

Also taking part in the project are professional psychologists, teachers, lawyers and simply caring people.

What do we offer:

  • Regular meetings for disabled people and members of their families 1-2 times a month, at which various thematic circles, communication, and tea drinking will be held.
  • Subjects of the circles:
  • DIY creativity: making crafts, gifts and other Handmade products
  • Conversations and communication on topics about family, healthy way life, character, formation successful personality, work.
  • Conducting seminars, meetings, consultations with psychologists, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, artists, etc.
  • Organization of outdoor events: picnics, trips to museums, trips to Russian cities.
  • Conducting a job fair for people with disabilities, etc.

What do we need for this:

  • Premises for holding the listed events. The premises should be easily accessible and equipped with a ramp.
  • Furniture: tables, chairs, wardrobe.
  • Bus for transporting people.
  • Supplies for creative meetings, food for tea parties.
  • Any assistance in the development of the project.
  • And also your attention and any interesting ideas!

Our details:

Charitable Foundation "City of Mercy":

TIN 5638032637 / KPP 563801001, OGRN 1105600002793

JSCB "Forstadt" (CJSC), Orenburg, account number 40703810201000006183,

BIC 045354860, code 30101810700000000860

In the purpose of payment write: Voluntary donation. Without VAT.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Completion Criteria

Launch the project, hold the first introductory meeting. Photo or video report.

Personal resources

I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. (Bible: Phil.4:13): I have time. Friends, like-minded people, and this is strength, together we can do a lot. Well, I have a desire to do this.

Environmentally friendly goal

I want to realize myself and be useful to society. As a child, I dreamed that I would motivate other people to live by the example of my life, and this project is a step towards realizing my childhood dream.

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