Home Gums Treating candles or helping kind people. Is it possible to be treated with a church candle?

Treating candles or helping kind people. Is it possible to be treated with a church candle?

Candle energy

Cleansing and treating a person with candle fire

Fire is the most powerful and untainted element on Earth. Fire itself is pure and purifies all other creations and man. That’s why fire is always burning in temples.
Fire has many types - the fire of a bonfire, a hearth, a volcano, a candle... Fire can be used to cleanse rooms, consecrate things, and heal people.
There are several ways to use fire to cleanse a person.
It's nice to just sit by the fire or fireplace, thinking about life. And the troubles seem to be getting smaller...
The living flame of a candle works the same way. Light a candle, say out loud what is bothering you, take it out of your soul and burn your mistakes and mistakes in the candle fire. The soul will be cleansed, the body will feel better.

Candle fire can cleanse the subtle fields of a person. Surround yourself with candle fire right hand along the contour of the body, starting from the head, along the left arm and side, left leg, right leg along the outer and inner lateral surface.

Then, taking the candle in left hand, surround your right hand with fire, return to the top of your head. Then, taking the candle in your right hand, make 3.5 or 7 circular movements clockwise over the crown of the head, at the forehead, at the throat, at the chest, at the stomach, at the pubis and at the tailbone (i.e., at all seven chakras ). The candle that remains after this procedure must be cleaned of carbon deposits and set to burn out for your health to the end, without extinguishing it. And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into a river or stream, turning your back and throwing the paper over left shoulder.

The candle may appear streaked or begin to smoke black smoke. This means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by disease and need to be treated. When the organ is healthy, the candle burns evenly and without soot. If the swelling on the candle is caused by the patient, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses.
If it is the opposite, it means that the disease was “made” for him. If a tear rolls down the candle to the left or right, this indicates an energetic struggle that the person being purified by fire is waging with someone. If the “tear” is black, it means that the person is in a state of negative energy.

Treatment with candle fire.

The cleansing properties of living candle fire can be used to treat many diseases. It is known that diseases of the organs of the physical body, as a rule, occur due to disruption of the circulation of vital energy at the input or output. Violations at the input lead to the organ suffering from a lack of energy. This manifests itself in the form of various atony, hypofunctions and organ weakness.
Disturbances at the output lead to stagnation, slagging and inflammation.

You can remove all disturbances in the circulation of vital energy with candle fire, using it taking into account the phases of the Moon.
On the growing Moon, fire opens blockages and fills the diseased organ with life-giving, healing energy.
On the waning Moon, fire removes toxins and relieves inflammation.

You need to read a prayer, turning to higher powers for help, and light a candle for health. Place a candle on sore spot. For stability, you can place a book under the lid with a candle. A candle will tell you a lot.

When candles are placed for your health in the temple, the picture will be the same as at home, but in the temple the candles sometimes bend. This suggests that the person who lit the candle is possessed evil spirit. The swells on candles sometimes resemble the features of the person who sent the curse.
If the candle goes out, you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

Walk with a candle around the perimeter of your home, from the front door clockwise until the crackling and soot stop.
You can also clean shoes and clothes.

If everything is in order in a person’s life, the placed candle burns with a high flame, without forming any influx. If in inner world Not everything is going well for the person, the candle begins to “cry”, flows run through its body. If a flow line runs along a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means that a curse may have fallen on the person.
If the flow lines go obliquely and intersect, then this person may get sick.

Since ancient times, people have known that the element of fire cleanses and burns everything negative that clings to a person’s aura.

The cleansing effect of candle fire has a significant effect in treating the most various diseases, since the cause of many of them is a violation of the circulation of vital energy at the entrance and exit of the body.

If there are problems at the input, there is an energy deficiency, which leads to atony, hypofunction of certain organs, and weakness.

In case of violations at the output, congestion, inflammation, slagging. You can get rid of such troubles if you light candles according to the phases of the moon.

On the waxing moon The fire of a candle will help remove blockages and nourish the diseased organ with healing energy.

On the waning moon Using a lit candle, you can remove toxins from the body and relieve inflammation.

The uniqueness of the effect of a candle flame on the biological field that surrounds a person is that it helps to cleanse the body of everything negative that accumulates in us day after day. And if a person living in an urban environment rarely has the opportunity to sit by the fire, then he can always light a candle in front of him.

Having sat near a lit candle for at least 7-10 minutes, watching the vibrations of the tongue of its flame - how it deviates first to the right, then to the left, then freezes in place, we soon begin to notice how the candle throws a small amount of soot into space, which, like shows many years of experience in magic, absorbs fatigue, irritation and resentment that have accumulated in a person.

Pain subsides and sadness passes, preventing the disease from penetrating through negative thoughts and feelings into our physical body. Thus, mental pain, gradually dissipating, prevents the pain of the physical body. Along with the crackling of the candle, our pain goes away, and peace and peace of mind returns to its place.

To withdraw from loved one layers of negative fields and programs, ask him to sit on a chair sideways so that the back does not block his back from the influence of the candle flame, and stand behind him.

Light a candle and forget about all your everyday thoughts for a while. The patient should begin to “clean” from the tailbone. The hand with the candle should perform rotational movement counterclock-wise.

The amplitude of this movement is 10-15 centimeters. And the time during which you will perform the ceremony is chosen by you arbitrarily. If the candle begins to crackle, it means that you have found a “problem” place - an area in which a person has serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Surely at this moment you will see a flash of soot. Hold the candle near this area until the candle stops smoking! When the flame has become clean again, we continue to move up the spine - to the very top.

We end the ritual with a movement above the head: at a distance of 10-15 centimeters above.

Cleaning must be done 3 times, checking whether the candle burns evenly in the place where it previously smoked.

Repeat this procedure every evening and see how much better your life has become.

Rituals with candles for healing from illnesses.

Ritual one:

Take a metal lid - the kind used for sealing jars when canning vegetables and fruits - and attach a third of a thin wax candle to its inside.

Turn to the saints in prayer and light a candle for health. Then place it on the sore spot (yours or the person you are treating; he should lie down).

You can place the lid with the candle not directly on the body, but, for example, on a book - in this case the candle will be more stable. Watch carefully so that it does not fall.

Ritual two:

This treatment can be used to treat diseases gastrointestinal tract not associated with infections and surgical interventions, migraines unknown etiology, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

If it is necessary to improve vision, the patient must sit with his eyes closed during the ritual.

In case of hypertension, the candle must be moved from top to bottom; in case of hypotension, on the contrary, from bottom to top.

Take the lit candle with your right hand (unless you are left-handed) by the lower end with three fingers (thumb, middle and index).

Try to feel how red comes out through the tips of these fingers up through the candle. cosmic energy, painting the candle red.

Bring the candle to the place where the diseased organ is located and mentally direct the flame along with healing energy into the organ. Moving the fire with the power of imagination, try to burn out the disease. Imagine it as voluminous, white, and the flame framed in a silver halo.

The healing session should be carried out until the disease is completely destroyed by the flame (5-7 minutes).

After completing the treatment session, be sure to wash your hands with running water and dry them with a clean towel.

At the end of the procedure, do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out and go out on its own.

Ritual three:

This candle ritual can be used to clear thin fields.

Light a candle, take it in your right hand and move it along the contour of your body, moving it from your head along your left arm, left side, left leg. Then move the candle to right leg and run it along the outer and inner side surfaces.

Transfer the candle to your left hand. Wrap the flame around your right hand and return to your head. Circular movements carry the candle over the top of the head, near the forehead, at the throat, then move it to the chest, stomach, pubis, tailbone. This will cleanse all seven chakras.

After this procedure, clean the rest of the candle from carbon deposits, but do not extinguish it, but leave it to burn out to your health.

Say these words:

“I light a candle for the health of God’s servant (name)”.

Wrap the carbon removed from the candle in paper and throw it into a river or stream. Throw over your left shoulder, turning your back to the water. If there is no body of water nearby, you can throw the package into the toilet.

Candle therapy is one of the most ancient methods of folk healing. It is difficult to determine whether the burning of a candle is connected with the subtle matters of a person, or whether its effect affects a higher, metaphysical level. But the fact is that a lit candle cleanses the soul and body of a person.

So, to clean the apartment, you need to place a lit candle, starting from the door, clockwise around the entire apartment (except for the kitchen), in the corners of the mirrors, above the bed, armchair, sofa, etc. In this case, you should read the prayer 3 times. Then walk along the same path again, sprinkling the apartment with holy water, after which the home is fumigated with incense.

Prayer by candlelight

With the help of a candle and prayers, you can also correct a person’s biofield, cleanse and restore energy centers(chakras), remove damage and the evil eye, provide protection, neutralize negative energy and much more.
A church candle has a beneficial effect on a person’s spiritual state.

Placed like this on the table in the family circle, it has the power of rapprochement and harmony. Children, observing the aura of the candle, calm down, become spiritually closer to their parents, and find it easier to relate to them. mutual language.

  • In healing, lit candles are successfully used in diagnosing diseases and identifying a diseased organ; a lit candle usually begins to smoke over it.

The suppository treatment method is very effective for vascular disease, thrombosis, trophic (long-term non-healing) ulcers and other pathologies. To do this, it is often enough to treat the feet with fire (the points where there are projections internal organs) and individual chakras through which excess negative energy is discharged.

Often for therapeutic effect The position of the candles and their number matter:

  • candles arranged in the form of a triangle have greater energetic force;
  • a square built from candles has a calming effect and normalizes everything internal functions body;
  • located crosswise, they help balance the four elements in a person (fire, air, water and earth), balance physical energy with emotional energy;
  • pentagram (pentagon) made of candles strengthens vitality, awakens spiritual energy;
  • the six-pointed star strengthens and protects the subtle human aura. Brings body and spirit into harmony, connects heart and mind.

Since ancient times, people during life's troubles for help and support Hard time resorted to prayer. No less miraculous is the power of the cleansing sacred fire church candle, which, combined with sincere prayer, can help with many problems and suffering.

Healing and church candles

Much is known about the healing and protective properties of the church candle. After all, the wax that is part of it absorbs well and preserves the beneficial energy of the temple, and while burning the candle bestows this energy on the surrounding people and space.

It is not for nothing that candle therapy is one of the most ancient healing methods among people. To heal a person, they tried to use church candles, which combine the life-giving and cleansing energy of fire with the grace-filled energy of the temple and spirituality.

Even those who do not need healing from an illness, people in a state of mental confusion, are miraculously helped by a burning candle. This is especially visible if you observe the child’s reaction to the candle - he calms down, becomes more affectionate, attentive and obedient. The living flame of a lit candle attracts the eye, promotes detachment from worldly problems, and concentration on the spiritual. It calms the restless spirit of a person in a state of anxiety or sadness. For the candle to be especially effective, you need to sit in silence, touch it with all your fingers and concentrate on the flame, mentally calming down, forgiving and repenting. It is useful to read a prayer at such a moment.

For treatment physical illnesses(For example, trophic ulcer, thrombosis, other vascular diseases, etc.) use contact therapy with candle fire. This flame is gently applied to certain points on a person’s foot associated with the organ being healed.

Traditional healers often use a burning candle to diagnose diseases and find a diseased organ. A lit candle is held over a person in turn. Above the unhealthy organ, the candle flame begins to tremble, and the candle itself begins to smoke.

For healing, it is better to use blessed candles, and each candle is used only once. After therapeutic actions(as after the cleansing ritual), the candle cannot be blown out; it must be extinguished with a special cap.

Home cleansing

Entering new house(no matter whether yours or rented), or after tragic events, the premises should be cleaned.

Sometimes people also notice that their life circumstances began to suddenly, inexplicably, deteriorate without any visible preconditions. The cause of failures, deterioration of health and the atmosphere in the family may be unfriendly energy alien to the home.

A burning candle cleanses not only the body and soul of a person, but also the entire home. If you doubt that you live in a house free of negative energies, with the help of a church candle, prayer and a fairly simple ritual, you can independently cleanse your home of bad energy.

The apartment is cleansed with blessed church candles and prayer. The ritual should be performed with with a pure heart, wishing only good and positive things to the residents of the apartment. Before it, it is better to fast for several days, cleanse yourself, go to church, confess and receive communion.

Before cleaning with a candle, containers (plates, saucers, etc.) with table salt are placed in all corners of the apartment for the period necessary to cleanse the person who will perform the ritual. Before cleaning the apartment with a candle, carry out general cleaning, ventilate the room. The person conducting the ceremony takes a shower with salt (rub salt water it is impossible, just like getting your hair wet), which is then washed off plain water. Wear comfortable, discreet clothing; jewelry should not be worn.

They clean the entire apartment step by step, with the exception of the kitchen. At the entrance, a candle is drawn from the outside from left to right. The peephole on the front door is crossed three times. Moving clockwise, carry the lit candle from the door throughout the apartment, while reading it three times strong prayer(for example, “Our Father”). You don’t have to read a prayer, but say in your thoughts that you are cleaning your house, always in a good, positive mood. You need to bring the candle to the mirrors (in the corners), above the bed, sofa, armchairs. They stop in the corners and make the sign of the cross with a candle. Open the doors of cabinets or wardrobes and be sure to look inside carefully so as not to accidentally set the contents on fire. After walking around the house, leave the candle to burn out.

The second time, also going clockwise, the house is sprinkled with holy water, then fumigated with incense.

It is better to clean the room regularly, once every 2–3 months.

In the family, to fix the shaky family relationships, to strengthen the existing ones, it is sometimes recommended that all members of this family sit around the table and place a lighted candle on it. This way, harmony in the family, general trust, care and respect for each other are revived and strengthened.

It is better to use church candles, without dyes and fragrances, to cleanse and bring harmony into the house. There should always be church candles in the house, which it is advisable to light when the family gathers around the healing fire every Saturday.

When cleaning a person or apartment, the candle may crackle and smoke. This means that the desired effect achieved, and purification was indeed required. You should stop at this moment and read prayers until the candle “calms down.” When the room or person is already clean, the candle begins to burn evenly again, without crackling or soot.

Easter candles

A special healing power is contained in Easter candles blessed during the Easter service. After all, Easter is one of the main Christian holidays, and candles lit on this night seem to absorb the energy of this sacred holiday. At the Easter service, you must light the previously purchased candles so that each one burns at least a little, and then put them near the Easter cake and eggs so that the priest will bless them - this way these candles will receive greater healing power.

You can store Easter candles in a closet, but it is better to keep them near the icons.

Watch a video tutorial about cleansing your home using church candles:

Humanity has successfully used purification by fire for centuries. Many scientific works have been written about its impact and a large number of scientific and educational videos have been filmed. I propose to consider the 8 most effective ways to cleanse yourself, another person and your home.

For many millennia, people considered fire sacred and worshiped it, identifying it with the Sun and Life. Some pagan rituals on its basis have survived to this day: we celebrate Maslenitsa with the burning of its effigy, we jump over the fire on Kupala night, we pray in front of burning candles.

And fire helps to cleanse the soul and aura, enter the higher spiritual realms and be heard by the Universe. Today we’ll talk about the most powerful, beneficial and mysterious natural force that bestows health and prosperity - fire.

Rituals for purification by fire

Even eminent scientists talk about the existence of a human biofield - an energy body. Look what Professor Neumyvakin says about him. The scientist even wrote a large and very informative book about the energetic essence of man. It is easy to find in electronic form on the Internet. I highly recommend reading it to gain new useful knowledge.

Method 1. Cleansing with a candle

How to find out if you are wearing it, read the special article. And to cleanse yourself of negativity, perform the ritual that my grandmother-healer shared with me.

  1. For a week, every evening before going to bed, be sure to light a consecrated church candle in a dark room.
  2. Sit comfortably in front of it, look at the flame and try to relax as much as possible. Thus, the fire will take away the negativity from your biofield and burn away.
  3. Peer intently into the fire until a state of complete calm and relaxed numbness appears (5-10 minutes).
  4. Read “Our Father” three times and mentally turn to your Guardian Angels with a request to help you cleanse yourself, restore your health, give you good rest and a happy life.

And go to bed peacefully.

In the morning you will feel healthier, more attractive and Fortune will no longer turn its back on you. Try it and see the simplicity and power of such a folk ritual.

Method 2. Healing meditation cleansing with the element of fire

See how to use healing meditation correctly, what attributes and conditions are needed.

Method 3. Purifying a person with fire energy

With the help of a cleansing ritual with the energy of fire, you can save any person from someone else’s negative impact on his biofield, damage, the evil eye, thereby preventing diseases or alleviating those already acquired. The ritual must be carried out together: this is how one person cleanses the aura of the other through the flame of a candle.

Bioenergy therapists advise carrying out the cleansing ritual in white clothes or wrapped in a sheet. White color will protect you from receiving negativity from the patient during the cleansing effect.

  1. Place the person in front of you, and stand behind you, holding a lit church candle.
  2. Try to relax. Turn off the inner chatterbox, the creeping distracting thoughts (just tell them “Get out, I'm letting you go”).
  3. Focus completely on the flame and the person sitting in front of you.
  4. Read quietly “Our Father...” together.
  5. Start cleansing from the bottom of the spine up, from the tailbone to the top of the head, placing the candle fifteen centimeters from the body. At the same time, with your hand holding the candle, slowly lift it up, make small smooth circles (counterclockwise) and listen carefully to the flame.
  6. Where there are clots of negativity or a diseased organ in the biofield, the candle fire will crackle and smoke. Moreover, the stronger these manifestations, the more negativity accumulated in this area of ​​the body. Keep the fire here until the soot and crackling stop.
  7. Be sure to finish the cleansing procedure 20 cm above the crown.
  8. We carry out this cleansing by fire three times.
  9. After this, be sure to wash your hands with cool running water from the elbow to the hand and fingertips, washing away the received negative energy. This is what energy therapists and healers do.

Also look at other folk methods.

Method 4. Practice of cleansing the aura and chakras with fire

This little practice will take 5 to 15 minutes. It cleanses the chakras, awakens the Divine fire and strengthens the aura as much as you want.

Your aura is the sphere of harmony and responsibility in your life. When a person refuses responsibility, his aura collapses. And if he does not take responsibility even for his health, his aura is drawn into the body.

But you can become as wide as the world in your Divine claims and extend your aura to the house in which you live, to your neighborhood, city and even country. Your aura expands along with your consciousness.

  1. Light a candle (preferably a tablet so it doesn’t leak) and, calling on the Divine fire to awaken your chakras, direct the flame to your forehead, between your eyebrows, until you feel warm. Mentally place this fire in the ajna chakra (in the center of the head) and strengthen the fire in it. The head should feel filled with light.
  2. Place a candle opposite your throat and imagine the fire in the Vishuddha chakra (throat center), strengthen it and cleanse the chakra until pleasant lightness and freedom appear in the neck and shoulders.
  3. Place the candle opposite the middle of your chest and light and cleanse the anahata chakra (heart center) in the same way. All rib cage should experience a feeling of warmth, freedom and expansion.
  4. Place the candle opposite the center of the abdomen (above the navel), light it and cleanse the manipura chakra. The stomach should become warm, the middle of the back should be relaxed.
  5. Place a candle at the lower abdomen, awaken and cleanse the swadhishthana chakra. Bottom part The back should fill with warmth and become soft and relaxed.
  6. Place the candle opposite groin area, awaken and cleanse the muladhara chakra (root center, located in the perineum).
  7. When all the chakras are awakened and filled with light and warmth, return the candle to the middle of the forehead, place the fire in the ajna chakra and mentally spread the fire along the nerve channels leading to the hands. The fire should light up in the centers of the palms and in each finger.
  8. Then spread the fire all over your back, mentally directing it to your legs. The knees, feet and toes should be filled with fire.
  9. Then place the candle flame near the center of your chest. Summon fire into your aura, imagine your entire body being in the flame of a giant candle and expand your aura - the aura of fire as much as you see fit. At least for kilometers, at least for your entire city.

At a minimum, you should increase it to 10-15 meters (this is the size of the Divine fire in a person when a person is awakened).

Thank the fire, thank the Divine power and extinguish the candle with your fingers. You can ask your aura to protect you throughout the day and make the people and events you encounter kind and benevolent.

Method 5. The practice of purifying a person with fire

The practice of healing your biofield, changing negative internal state, going beyond your destiny.

Method 6. Ritual of energy purification and protection from negativity

To cleanse yourself of accumulated pathogenic negative energy and gain protection Higher powers at any life situation, carry out such a ritual. It is similar to the above, only here a protective plot is read.

Light a candle, look at the flame and say a prayer:

Flame of the sacred candle, symbol of the Holy Spirit and Universal Fire, symbol of the Sun, cleanse and protect me so that the Holy Spirit descends from heaven and finds its abode in me.

Try to cleanse yourself and your loved ones with fire - acquire new skills, help yourself and people. And in addition I wish you what the Japanese wish each other:

May any illness pass you by. May peace and prosperity remain in the family. May there be good luck in business.

Method 7. Cleansing the house, premises, space with fire

I perform this ritual the same way my grandmothers did. Do the following:

  1. Make a small bag out of paper into which the wax of a burning candle will drip so as not to burn your hands. Or put salt in a container and insert a candle into it.
  2. Place a lit candle in it (preferably a church candle).
  3. Cleaning the room must begin before front door.
  4. Holding the bag in your right hand, enter the room.
  5. We walk around the entire apartment or any room along the wall on the left side, that is, clockwise.
  6. Be sure to stop at each corner and cross it with a three-lit candle. Do the same with windows and doors.
  7. Finish the cleansing at the front door, leaving the apartment or room. Blow out the candle there.

After rituals, I always wash my hands, as I described above. I also imagine a waterfall and douse myself with water from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, sending negativity into the ground, which I advise you to do as well. At the same time, pronounce the spell:

Mother Earth, take everything bad and recycle it for good.

Method 8. Cleansing sound program

I also recommend using the video Sound of Fire. A program specially written by scientists, using healing sound vibrations and fiery flames, cleanses rooms and people from damage, bad energy, all the best. Such programs are created by specialists in institutes. Therefore, without fear, treat yourself with them for your own good.

I shared several rituals known to me. These folk remedies humanity has been successfully using it for hundreds of years - try using them to remove negative impacts. They will definitely help maintain health and well-being.

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