Home Pulpitis How to get rid of the herpes virus using folk remedies. Folk remedies for herpes - proper treatment and important recommendations

How to get rid of the herpes virus using folk remedies. Folk remedies for herpes - proper treatment and important recommendations

The appearance of a liquid bubble on the lips is usually perceived by people as a signal of a cold. But why doesn’t it pop up every time a person is sick or hypothermic?

The fact is that a blister on the lips is formed due to the activity of the herpes virus type 1 (HSV-1). After a one-time introduction into the human nervous system, the pathogen remains in the body and periodically makes itself felt with bubble outbreaks.

- the disease is contagious. The virus is transmitted in several ways:

  • When kissing a carrier of HSV-1 and having oral sex without using protective equipment.
  • When using shared utensils (the patient must acquire separate kitchen utensils while the virus is active).
  • Through other people's cosmetics designed for lip care.
  • Through bath accessories (towels, washcloths, toothbrushes).
  • When smoking one cigarette between two people, when one of the comrades has a specific element on his lips.

Herpes on the lips can appear during emotional disorders, after overheating or hypothermia, against the background of poisoning by various drugs and weakened immunity. In women, HSV-1 activity often occurs on the days of menstruation and during periods of dietary fasting.

To avoid self-infection, it is important not to touch the cold with your hands. But if the bubble bursts when you feel it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap to prevent viral agents from spreading to healthy skin.

Let's learn how to treat cold herpes at home using proven folk remedies.

Traditional treatment for herpes on the lips

An early sign of herpesvirus infection in the body is itchy skin. Once this sensation and twitching occurs on the lips, it is important to prevent the formation of a blister.

Herpes can be prevented in several ways:

But if the moment is missed, and a mature vesicle is visible on the lips, other traditional medicine preparations will have to be used. Honey and apple cider vinegar help to quickly extinguish a viral outbreak. The products are mixed in equal proportions and the ulcers are lubricated with a mixture of 2 r. in a day.

You can cauterize the sore with propolis tincture and celandine juice. The procedure is performed twice a day and, in addition, for quick healing, the lips are wiped with sea buckthorn or St. John's wort oil. The juice of the golden mustache plant, oil infused with dandelions, and tincture of poplar buds cope remarkably well with the pathogen.

For frequent relapses of herpes on the lips, healers advise using dry spherical wormwood flowers. A single dosage of raw materials is 5 – 10 balls. Treatment with wormwood is carried out 3 times. a day before meals.

Considering the fact that the herpes simplex virus lives inside the body, it is important from the inside, and not just from the outside.

Alcohol tincture of propolis will help to treat herpes on the lips with folk remedies quickly and effectively. ½ tsp. The drug is diluted in half a glass of cool boiled water and taken orally for 5 days. The product is drunk 2 times. in a day. During this period, the affected areas are treated with propolis and butter ointment. Take 15 g of the first product, 100 g of the second, or half a pack.

  • Frozen propolis is grated.
  • The butter is heated in a steam bath.
  • The products are combined and the mixture is simmered over low heat for half an hour, removing the foamy top.
  • The drug is passed through 2 layers of gauze and the remainder is squeezed out.
  • The hot mass is cooled at room temperature.
  • The frozen ointment is used to treat herpes and lubricate dry and damaged lips.

To strengthen the immune system, a multi-component herbal collection is prepared. In the amount of 2 tbsp. take raw materials of lemon balm, thyme, motherwort, juniper berries, chamomile, raspberry leaves. Wormwood, St. John's wort and spring Adonis add exactly 1 tbsp each.

The collection is poured with boiling water at the rate of 2 tbsp. for 2 glasses of liquid and leave for 1 hour. In filtered form, drink the infusion 0.5 cups 4 r. per day. The internal healing of the body takes 1–2 weeks. Then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the dose if necessary. Next time, a monthly interval is maintained between courses.

How to remove herpes on the lips: external folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers various remedies that can rid an infected person of herpes on the lips in a matter of days. They are used at home individually or with periodic alternation.

Let's consider the most affordable means that can be found in every home.

  • Toothpaste . The herpetic elements are spread in a thick layer and the “medicine” is left until the morning.
  • Laundry soap. As soon as your lip becomes suspiciously itchy, you should quickly lubricate it with a brown bar. A herpetic blister will not pop up.
  • Salt . A pinch of small grains is sprinkled onto the viral focus. Salt will drive away cold herpes in a few days.
  • Alcohol . Blisters are wiped with medical alcohol. It dries out the elements quickly.
  • Paper . The newspaper sheet is rolled into a bag and set on fire on a plate. The product formed as a result of combustion is used to treat herpes virus blisters.
  • Egg . Remove the film from the inside of the chicken egg and apply it to the sore with the sticky part. As the film dries, moisten it with your tongue. Twitching and pain in the lip are normal when treating herpes with eggs. The film is changed several times a day.
  • Spoon . A teaspoon is dipped into hot tea and immediately applied to the bottle. The procedure is painful, but highly effective at the initial stage of rashes.
  • Soda. Throw 1 tsp into boiling water (150 ml). soda and immediately remove the solution from the heat. A cotton swab irrigated with liquid is applied to the sore spot.
  • Garlic . Two cloves are passed through a garlic press. The gruel is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. honey The lips are treated with the product until the rashes are completely healed.

Plants such as celandine, Kalanchoe, string, eucalyptus, meadowsweet, calendula, St. John's wort have antiviral properties. It is recommended to lubricate your lips with their juices in the first days of the appearance of a herpetic rash.

Applications for external use for herpes on the lips are done as follows. First, a preparation is prepared from flax seeds, mallow and marshmallow leaves, sweet clover herb and dried chamomile flowers (20 g each). Boil 2 large spoons of herbal mixture in 50 ml of water. The hot paste is placed in a gauze bag and applied to the problem area.

It is important to make hot poultices, because... For HSV-1, not only plants are destructive, but also high temperatures.

Infusions to strengthen the immune system

Since herpes strains recur when the immune system is weakened, it is important to supplement external treatment of HSV-1 with internal preparations.

In order for it to pass quickly and without the spread of viral foci to different parts of the body, representatives of alternative medicine suggest drinking the following infusions.

Video: treatment with brilliant green.

Herpes is one of the most common diseases, affecting 90% of all people on the planet. Once it enters the body, it will settle there forever. Some people do not even know about the presence of this virus in their body, since it never appears outside, while others regularly encounter its manifestations.

This virus infects a cell in the human body and literally integrates into its genetic apparatus. There are plenty of ways to become infected with herpes: it can happen through sexual contact, airborne droplets, and even through a harmless handshake or household objects.

Despite the fact that almost every one of us carries the herpes virus, about 60% of those infected do not even suspect it, because their disease does not manifest itself in any way.

For the rest, herpes shows itself as soon as the immune system weakens a little. Reasons for this may include:

  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases.

If herpes manifests itself in the form of inflamed blisters no more than 5 times a year, then this is normal and there is no need to worry in this case. If this happens more than 5 times a year and rashes occur not only on the lips, then this is a serious reason to contact an immunologist.

Scientists have already identified as many as 8 types of this virus. The most common are the first three:

  1. Type I: herpes of this type is manifested by rashes in the form of blisters that appear on the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities, on and;
  2. Type II: usually manifests itself as an inflammatory process on the genitals;
  3. Type III: May cause chickenpox or shingles.

As a rule, herpes makes itself known in advance, and redness, itching, a slight burning sensation and a tingling sensation appear at the site of the future rash. Treatment will be most effective if it is started already at the stage of the appearance of these precursors.

Treatment with folk remedies

One of the most effective medicines is all kinds of folk remedies for herpes. The combination of folk recipes with pharmaceutical drugs will not only do no harm, but will also significantly speed up the healing process.

You just need to do the following:

  1. Crush the garlic or grate it.
  2. Place the resulting pulp on gauze and make a compress from it.
  3. Apply it to the sores or even attach it with an adhesive plaster.

This method can be greatly simplified - just cut a clove of garlic in half and rub one of the halves on the bubbles that have popped up, generously lubricating them with garlic juice.

Treatment with sulfur

This is an unpleasant, but nevertheless very effective way to treat the manifestations of herpes. Plus, you don’t have to go far to get the medicine—it’s right there in your ears.

You just need to remove a little wax from your ear and lubricate the bubbles that have popped up with it. Many people speak very positively about this method, claiming that it helps after 2-3 procedures. It will work most effectively at the very first signs of rashes appearing on the lips.

Treatment with toothpaste

Traditional methods of treating herpes can be quite unexpected, for example, using toothpaste. Everyone also has this product at home, so it is possible to immediately begin treatment at the first sign of a rash.

Many people are probably perplexed - how can you cure herpes with toothpaste? But in reality everything is simple: to do this, the bubbles need to be lubricated with a thin layer of paste. While it dries, the sores will dry out along with it. It should be applied regularly until the sore turns into a dry crust and falls off along with a layer of paste.

Use of aloe in treatment

The healing plant aloe can also help get rid of herpes. You need to use it as follows:

  1. Cut a small piece of aloe leaf and peel it.
  2. The juicy pulp of the leaf should be applied to a cold for just a few minutes.
  3. Cut the aloe piece again to freshen the cut.
  4. Apply the juice of the plant generously to the sore area.

You can keep a piece of aloe on a “cold” longer by sticking it with an adhesive plaster and thus turning it into a compress. This folk remedy will quickly eliminate unsightly sores and restore the skin.

Using soda

Soda is another simple aid in the fight against herpes, which can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. The beneficial properties of soda have long been used in folk medicine, and herpes can be treated in several ways.

First way:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in hot boiled water.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply it to the sore as a compress.
  3. Once the compress has cooled slightly, dip it into the solution again until it is hot and apply it again to the affected area. This must be done until the water becomes cold.
  4. After such procedures, a thin film of soda will remain on the sore, which needs to be washed off only after a while.

Second way:

  1. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the affected area.
  2. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the baking soda with a cloth soaked in warm water.
  4. Lubricate the affected area with moisturizer.

Along with baking soda, salt works just as effectively - you can sprinkle it on a cold in the same way. Sea salt works best.

Traditional medicine offers another rather unusual way to treat herpes - using a film removed from the inside of a raw chicken egg.

This film should be placed with the sticky side on the affected area of ​​the skin and worn all the time. If it has dried out and wrinkled, you just need to wet it a little - and it will straighten out again and lie evenly. Slight discomfort, twitching and pain in the area of ​​the cold are a good sign that indicates that the product is working.

Alcohol tincture of propolis

Alcohol tincture of propolis can be bought at any pharmacy, and this product can also help quickly tidy up the affected areas of the skin. Just soak a cotton pad in the tincture generously and apply it to the sore. This should be done every two hours, and 5-10 minutes after each time, lubricate the affected area with a rich cream.

Traditional treatment with onions

Onions are another available remedy for treating a cold that has popped up. Simply cut the onion and apply the juicy pulp to the affected area. When the onion dries a little, you can cut it again and apply it again. This will not allow the virus to develop further and will quickly dry out the popped pimples.

Treatment of herpes with herbs

Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes also involve the widespread use of various medicinal herbs. Celandine, string, wormwood and oregano work best against herpes. From herbs or herbal mixtures you can make useful tinctures and decoctions that will help in the fight against illness.

Important! When using herbs, do not forget that you always need to monitor the dosage and observe how the body reacts to a particular remedy. Some plants contain poison, and their use must be strictly dosed. For example, if you overdo it with celandine, you can cause severe poisoning. However, when used wisely, this herb is very beneficial.


Herpes can be cured quite quickly with Echinacea tincture. This is one of the most worthy alternatives to antibiotics, which fights herpes no worse than tablets. Echinacea has an antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation, quickly heals wounds and promotes the regeneration of new skin to replace damaged skin.

You can buy the tincture at the pharmacy and take it in a ratio of 2 teaspoons per glass of water.


Calendula is most often used to treat skin diseases, boils, etc. Its second name is marigold. It is their flowers that contain a large amount of useful substances.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers (you can buy them at the pharmacy) and pour 100 grams of them. vodka. You need to infuse for exactly 2 weeks, after which you can use it by wiping the sore spot with the resulting infusion. The tincture can also be drunk - just take 20 drops 2-3 times a day.

If you don’t have time to wait 2 weeks for the infusion to be prepared, you can prepare a strong decoction of calendula. Just pour boiling water over the dried flowers and leave for several hours. After this, the decoction can be used to wipe off the cold that has popped up.


Chamomile effectively heals herpes, soothes inflamed skin, relieves itching and pain, and draws out pus. Dried chamomile leaves need to be poured with boiling water and left for 3 hours. After this, the resulting decoction can be applied to the inflamed areas or taken a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Chamomile tea will help strengthen the immune system, make it more resistant to viruses and infections, and therefore significantly reduce the risk of getting a cold again.

Treatment of illness with essential oils

Herpes can be quickly treated with folk remedies using essential oils. Possessing antiviral and antibacterial properties, they perfectly fight the herpes virus and effectively eliminate its manifestations.

The following oils are most useful in this case:

  • tea tree oil;
  • bergamot oil;
  • fir oil.

By mixing 4 drops of bergamot oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of vodka or alcohol, you will get a healing solution that can be used to lubricate herpes blisters several times a day.

You can also simply soak a cotton ball in fir oil and apply it to the sore spot several times a day until the sore goes away.

By the way! You can make healing baths with essential oils by simply adding a few drops to warm water. With the help of such baths you can treat cold blisters that pop up on the genitals.


It is impossible to get rid of herpes forever, because if this virus once enters your body, it will remain there for life, waiting for an opportunity to remind itself.
However, you can prevent the infection from getting out, and then you will never have to suffer from the unpleasant manifestations of herpes. For prevention you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • strengthen your immune system - eat plenty of vitamins, prepare healthy and fortified herbal and berry infusions, play sports and exercise;
  • avoid stress, try to sleep and eat well;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • get rid of bad habits and stick to a healthy lifestyle;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene.

If you have already encountered manifestations of herpes more than once and know exactly where unpleasant rashes begin, try to start treatment at the earliest stages, when the first signs in the form of itching, burning and tingling just appear. At this moment, treatment has the greatest effect, and, knowing how to treat herpes with folk remedies, you can easily prevent the appearance of an unpleasant sore without wasting time and money.

Herpes is an unpleasant disease, but it can be completely under your control. If you take care of yourself and your health, you will forget about it for many years. If the sore does pop up, you can always quickly get rid of it with the help of traditional medicine. But if herpes manifests itself more than five times a year, you have a serious reason to consult an immunologist.

Herpes is a viral infection, the carrier of which is almost every person, and its most common form is the type 1 virus. Its manifestation in the form of painful rashes most often appears on the lips and nasal mucosa.

There is no universal remedy that would help get rid of the herpes virus forever. Special medications help slow down its development, relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up recovery. Folk remedies for herpes on the lips can provide a positive result, but treatment must be comprehensive.


The list of traditional medicine recipes contains many remedies that help not only get rid of herpes, but also increase the body's resistance to various types of infections. The traditional method of treatment can be used both at the initial stage of the disease and during the period of exacerbation.

To prepare folk recipes, you need products and herbs that can easily be found in any home or pharmacy.

Methods of using folk remedies can be different: lotions, compresses, rubbing. The effectiveness of herbs is due to the high concentration of substances in their composition that suppress the virus. Teas, decoctions and tinctures can be prepared from medicinal plants.

For effective and quick treatment, they begin to fight the problem at an early stage of the disease, when there are no rashes yet, but only itching and tingling, slightly reddened skin. You can immediately apply a cauterizing compress to the problem area and drink a vitamin drink. In later stages of the disease, folk remedies will help prevent further spread of infection and reduce painful symptoms, relieve swelling and redness.

However, before using any folk method or medication for treatment, you should consult your doctor.


Treatment of herpes involves the use of aloe leaves in their pure form. Before use, the leaf must be washed and the spines cut off. Then cut it lengthwise and apply it to the affected area. Repeat the procedure every hour. Each time you can take a fresh leaf or use a sharp knife to refresh the cut. The sheet can be secured as a compress. This will speed up your recovery. For prevention, traditional medicine recommends drinking the juice orally.

However, caution should be exercised as in large quantities it can cause digestive problems and allergic reactions.


The most effective use of toothpaste is at the stage when painful blisters appear. If they have already appeared, you can quickly dry them with toothpaste. This folk method is best used in the evening or at night.

Essential oils

An effective folk way to get rid of herpes is to use essential oils with antibacterial and antiviral properties. The use of tea tree oil gives good results. It should be applied to the affected area using a cotton swab or swab. The oil reduces pain and relieves inflammation. If a burning sensation is felt, the oil should be diluted with water.

To treat herpes, the oil is used in pure form or in mixtures.

When combined with tea tree oil, extracts from plants such as chamomile, lemon balm, eucalyptus, and geranium work best.

  • What else is possible?

Salt and soda

A popular folk method of combating is the use of table salt. Apply a few salt crystals to the affected area for 20 minutes. Then rinse your skin with warm water and apply a moisturizer. Carry out the procedure at least 5 times a day.

Another popular way to fight herpes is to use baking soda. A small amount of soda is mixed with warm water to form a thick paste. Lotions are made from the resulting mixture. The resulting crust should not be removed.


This fruit contains a lot of acid, which has a detrimental effect on the herpes virus. It is recommended to lubricate the affected area several times a day with thin slices of lemon or fresh juice. To quickly cope with herpes, you need to repeat the procedure as often as possible.


An ancient folk method of treatment is the use of egg film. You will need a film removed from the inside of the shell. The sticky side should be glued to the affected area. If mild pain occurs during treatment, do not rush to remove the film. Such a reaction indicates that the folk method is working and the wound is healing.


Good results are obtained by using an ointment prepared from fresh juice from calendula petals and petroleum jelly, taken in equal quantities. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the resulting ointment is applied to the problem area.

If this folk recipe does not produce results, then you can use a pharmacy alcohol tincture of calendula. Apply it to the site of inflammation using a tampon 3-4 times a day.


To combat herpes, propolis ointment is used. In order to make it, you will need crushed propolis and vegetable oil. The ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. When the mixture is heated, add wax. Heat until completely dissolved. Remove from heat and stir for another 5 minutes. Add honey. After the mixture has cooled, it can be used.

You can treat rashes with an alcoholic infusion of propolis, pre-mixed with water. Apply as a lotion or compress.


This folk recipe is suitable for both oral administration and lotions. 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Take the tincture 10-15 drops orally 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

At the same time, it is useful to make lotions. To do this, soak a cotton swab in the infusion and apply to the affected area.

Repeat the procedure as often as possible. At night, apply a compress, securing the cotton wool with a plaster.


This folk product is an effective remedy for fighting herpes. A peeled garlic clove is cut in half. The cut area should be rubbed well on the affected area.

A clove of garlic can be crushed with a press and the resulting paste applied to the affected area. This procedure is best done at night.

Garlic is an effective remedy for fighting herpes. A peeled garlic clove is cut in half. The cut area should be rubbed well on the affected area.


For treatment you will need juice. To do this, pass the plant through a meat grinder, squeeze and leave to infuse for 7 days. Apply the prepared juice to the affected area for 3 minutes. Take a break for 5 minutes and repeat the procedure.

For an alcohol tincture, you need to take 1 part of plant material and 3 parts of alcohol. Leave the mixture for 10 days. The finished infusion is used to lubricate rashes.

The water decoction is prepared in a water bath. The crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water and cooked for 15 minutes. The rash is treated with a swab dipped in the broth.


A popular folk recipe for treating colds on the lips is an aqueous decoction of Echinacea. To prepare it, you need to pour 4-5 tablespoons of flowers into 250 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. It's better to take a thermos. Use the decoction for lotions. Good results can be achieved by applying a compress to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.

You can use alcohol tincture. It is taken orally, diluting 2 tbsp in 250 ml of water. l. At the same time, rashes on the lips are treated with a swab dipped in the tincture.


The best prevention of herpes is strengthening the immune system. You need to reconsider your diet and increase the amount of foods rich in proteins and vitamins. It is better to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to include garlic in the diet, which is widely used in folk medicine as a natural antiseptic.

You can use other traditional methods. In order for them to bring maximum benefit and relieve the painful manifestations of herpes for a long time, you need to combine several methods, using both external and internal means.

For example, a mixture of walnuts, honey, dried apricots and raisins. This folk recipe is a good way to maintain immunity and improve health. It is useful to drink vitamin teas: raspberry, cherry. A good antiviral remedy for herpes is a drink made from viburnum or cranberry. This simple folk technique will reduce the activity of the virus and relieve inflammation.

As soon as you catch the herpes virus, it will remain with you forever and will remain dormant in your body, and manifest itself when the immune system is weak.

At first you feel a tingling or itching sensation on your lip. You look in the mirror and see nothing. After a few days, the itching gets worse and you realize it's herpes.

The herpes virus, which spreads so easily and is so difficult to eradicate, can be avoided. But once you become infected, all you can do is keep it at bay using natural remedies.

Find out more in today's article.

A healthy immune system is the key to success.

Herpes is caused by a virus that is transmitted in two ways:

1. From mouth to mouth (kiss).

2. Through sharing contaminated objects (toothbrushes, dishes, cosmetics, etc.)

Once you have contracted the virus, it stays with you forever. But don't worry—it can remain dormant in the nervous system, never coming to the surface. This requires a strong immune system.

If you were infected with the virus, your natural immunity was likely low at the time of exposure. The virus managed to enter the body and stay there.

But if you want to avoid suffering from irritating cold sores, you need to start taking better care of your immune system. How?

Through healthy eating and exercise.

Other causes of herpes:

2. Effect of sunlight

3.Lack of sleep

Natural treatment for herpes.

There are not many home remedies for herpes because very little is known about the virus itself. However, the student left many people can say goodbye to him forever thanks to these 100% natural methods.

Are you ready to meet them?

Ice for natural treatment of herpes.

This is one of the most popular treatments for herpes symptoms. All you need to do is take an ice cube and place it on the affected area.

Keep it there for 10 minutes, or until the cube is completely melted. Repeat the procedure after 2 hours.

Ice will reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

This procedure only works when the blisters are still intact (before the wound opens and starts oozing, which is when the virus spreads more easily).

Tea bags for natural treatment of herpes.

Here's another option for the stage when the blisters start to open. A used tea bag can be very helpful. Make black tea as usual. Don't throw away the bag. Let it drain and cool for a minute (you don't want to burn the cold sore area).

Place the tea bag on your lips and press until it cools. Wait two hours and then repeat this procedure.

Essential oils for natural treatment of herpes.

You can choose mint or lemon oil, because they are the most effective against herpes. But any essential oil you have at home will be useful.

Apply a few drops to a cotton pad and apply it to the cold sore. This will soothe the pain and relieve discomfort.

Sugar for natural treatment of herpes.

Be aware that this product may bake a little. However, it is very effective against herpes. Place a few grains of sugar on the blisters. Not only will it dry them out and reduce pain, but it will also eliminate any bacteria in the area.

Herbs for natural treatment of herpes.

In this case, you have two options: internal and external use. For the first, you can prepare herbal tea, and for the second, apply the herb directly to your lips.

The most common herbs used for herpes are:

valerian root

Drinking teas made from these herbs strengthens the immune system and fights viruses, making you more resistant to the effects of microorganisms that carry diseases.

If you just want to apply the herbs topically, brew the herbal tea as usual and soak a cotton ball in the liquid. Apply pressure to the affected area. You will notice that this remedy dries out cold sores faster than any other.

Sea salt for natural treatment of herpes.
This is a most powerful tool. You may have already tried it when you had herpes, so you already know what we mean. But you need to pull yourself together to endure it.

However, it's really worth it.
You have 3 options:
Salt and water.
Mix a tablespoon of sea salt with a few drops of water until a paste forms. Apply it to the cold sore using a cotton swab and leave it on for as long as you can. Rinse off with warm water. Repeat three times a day.

Salt and toothpaste.
Instead of mixing sea salt with water, try using a little toothpaste instead. Place it on the cold sore overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Salt and lemon.
Cut a small piece of lemon and sprinkle it with salt. Place on the cold sore and press lightly. This will be very painful! Repeat (if you can) twice a day.

Data 06 Jul ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor   Dmitry Sedykh

There are many ways to cure herpes. For this purpose, drugs are used that are selected taking into account the localization and intensity of the disease. In the treatment of herpes with folk remedies, a complex of drugs is used, the action of which is aimed at generally strengthening the body and suppressing symptoms.

Highlight general contraindications to the use of traditional medicine. Such medications do not have serious effects on the liver and other organs. In this regard, folk remedies for herpes are prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to children.

It is prohibited to take folk remedies in the treatment of herpes if individual intolerance to individual components is identified. In addition, it is not recommended to use a number of plants to treat herpes that has affected the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. With such localization of the disease, these drugs can cause a burn.

It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes. Also, you cannot use exclusively folk recipes, refusing medications. Persons with immunodeficiency need to use a complex of drugs whose action is aimed at suppressing the virus and restoring the body.

Folk remedies for herpes

Products for topical use

When the first signs of exacerbation occur, it is recommended to treat herpes with local folk remedies. During this period, aloe juice is used. The latter contains various substances that suppress bacterial activity and stop inflammation. For general strengthening of the body, aloe can be taken orally.

Regardless of the chosen treatment method, herpetic rashes must be treated using cotton swabs. It is highly recommended not to touch problem areas with your fingers. After completing each procedure, you should wash your hands with soap.

In advanced cases, when not only a viral infection is detected, but also an inflammatory process, it is necessary to treat problem areas with Echinacea tincture. This plant is considered a natural antibiotic that does not harm the liver. And to prevent infection, calendula tincture should be applied to the rash.

Folk remedies for herpes on the lips


The second way to quickly get rid of herpes at home is to treat the problem area with earwax. This effective folk remedy suppresses the activity of the virus at the initial stage of relapse. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with earwax until the symptoms of the disease disappear.


If herpes rashes occur, you need to apply eggshells to the problem areas. The latter creates a sticky film that prevents the spread of the virus. The procedure must be repeated several times a day.


Methods for quickly treating herpes with folk remedies include treating problem areas with garlic. To do this, you need to make a paste of root vegetables. The resulting medicine must first be wrapped in gauze and applied to the problem area for several minutes. You can also rub garlic on open ulcers, which will speed up the process of tissue regeneration.


Mumiyo consists of many substances that relieve pain, suppress bacterial microflora, and stimulate tissue regeneration. This folk remedy is used against herpes in its “pure” form or in combination with other medications. To speed up the recovery of the affected area, it is necessary to apply no more than 20 g of mumiyo powder several times during the day.

Burnt paper

The use of this folk remedy after the appearance of the first signs of the disease helps prevent the formation of herpetic eruptions. To obtain the medicinal composition, you will need uncoated paper. The latter must be placed on a dish, set on fire and wait until the fire goes out. At the end, gum resin will remain, which should be used to treat problem areas.


Chamomile has a complex effect on the body and helps quickly get rid of the signs of herpes. To prepare an anti-inflammatory folk remedy, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry leaves of the plant and pour boiling water. The medicine is infused for one hour. The resulting folk remedy should be applied to herpetic rashes. Additionally, it is recommended to drink the infusion for general strengthening of the body.

Medicines based on propolis

Treatment of the disease is carried out not only with herbs and plant infusions. Treating rashes with propolis gives no less effective results.

The main folk remedy for herpes is propolis tincture. To prepare the latter, you need to take 70 percent alcohol (½ cup) and mix with 1 tbsp. l. beekeeping product. The medicine is infused for 8 days. At the end of the allotted period, the product can be applied to problem areas. Propolis tincture in the fight against the disease is effective on the first day, when itching occurs in the affected area.

For the second recipe, you need to first freeze the beekeeping product, then finely grate it. Next, 100 g of butter is melted in a water bath and mixed with a teaspoon of propolis. Then the composition should simmer for 30 minutes. The resulting ointment should be applied to the herpetic rash.


Celandine helps cure herpes at the initial stage of development. To treat open wounds, a mixture obtained from juices is used:

  • celandine;
  • Luke;
  • milkweed;
  • ivy;
  • wormwood.

Juices must first be diluted with water in equal proportions. To the resulting product you need to add a mixture of olive oil and calendula tincture (proportion 1 to 10).


To prepare a good folk remedy, you need to take clarified butter and heat it until it turns brown. Next, the composition should cool to room temperature. It is recommended to use the oil until the signs of herpes disappear.

How to treat herpes on the lip at home

Products for internal use

Treatment of herpes from the inside is carried out when the disease becomes generalized. Folk remedies used in such circumstances do not have a direct effect on the virus. Medicines strengthen the immune system, thereby stimulating the body's defense mechanisms.

Hawthorn fruits

Decoctions of rosehip and hawthorn have a good general strengthening effect. To prepare the medicine you will need 20 berries of both plants. Next, grind and mix all the ingredients, pour a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. It is recommended to drink the medicine throughout the day.

Strengthening teas

For general strengthening of the body, weakened during a relapse of herpes, it is recommended to take the following folk remedies:

  1. Tea made from raspberry and black currant leaves. The ingredients are taken in any proportion. The decoction should be taken up to three times a day.
  2. A decoction of mint leaves, strawberries and lingonberries. The ingredients are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for about an hour.

Herbal recipes

To speed up recovery from herpes, you will need a decoction of the following ingredients (taken in equal quantities):

  • series;
  • burdock root;
  • penny man;
  • meadowsweet;
  • spiraea;
  • black poplar buds;
  • liquorice root;
  • gravilate root.

From the mixture of the given components you need to take 1 tbsp. l. Next, the ingredients are diluted with 500 ml of boiling water. The product should sit for half an hour. The medicine should be taken three times a day, 1/3 cup. The duration of treatment with this folk remedy is 1 month.

For the second medicine you will need:

  • woodruff grass (4 parts);
  • linden flowers (5 parts);
  • walnut leaves (1 part).

From the mixture of ingredients you need to take 2 tbsp. l. and pour a glass of boiling water. After infusion, the folk remedy should be drunk in two doses. The resulting folk remedy for herpes should be taken for a month.

Secrets of treating herpes

Possible consequences of self-medication

The consequences caused by self-medication of herpes are mainly due to the addition of a secondary infection. In this case, suppuration of the problem area is possible, which is eliminated with chamomile decoction or alcohol tincture of propolis.

Possible complications that arise from self-medication include a sharp weakening of the immune system. In this case, it is possible that herpetic eruptions may spread to new areas of the body. Therefore, during an exacerbation of the disease, it is important not only to use local medications, but also to take general restorative medications orally.

In extreme cases, the infection spreads to the internal organs, causing dysfunction of the latter.

In the treatment of herpes, a complex of medications and folk remedies is used. Therapy for the disease involves both regular treatment of the rash and taking medications that have a systemic effect on the body. To avoid complications, the list of folk remedies for herpes must be approved by a doctor.

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