Home Removal What does the front door influence according to Feng Shui: location according to the cardinal directions. What color should the front door be according to Feng Shui?

What does the front door influence according to Feng Shui: location according to the cardinal directions. What color should the front door be according to Feng Shui?

Input feng shui doors play vital role in the general atmosphere of the house. There should be no obstacles to the full movement of energy flows.

Some of them have a positive impact on a person, while others, on the contrary, are completely negative. It is important that the energy channels are not cluttered, otherwise stagnation occurs.


Entrance doors serve as a link to the outside world in every residential building. It is through this place that all energy circulates – both external and internal.

Following the advice of Feng Shui experts, you can choose the right doors - this will help solve many current problems.

  • In no case should sharp corners be directed towards the doorway. It is better to place tables, unusual wall designs, figurines with sharp corners away from this place. And in general, to attract positive energy into a living space, it is recommended to choose interior items with rounded corners.
  • According to Feng Shui, the front door should always be clean: without stains or dirty marks. From her appearance depends on the nature of the attracted energy. Harmony will forever settle in your home if you hang a symbolic symbol on the door eastern sign(for example, a horseshoe).
  • Small pendant lanterns perfectly ward off evil spirits and negative Sha energy. Besides protective function lighting accessories will significantly decorate the front entrance to your home. Remember that damaged light bulbs need to be replaced on time - like all broken things, they negatively affect a person and his condition.
  • According to Feng Shui, the door must be durable: glass is not suitable as a manufacturing material here. Lubricate the hinges in a timely manner to avoid squeaking.
  • According to Eastern traditions, the door always opens into the house. Only under this condition will favorable energy not encounter obstacles on its way.
  • Do not allow windows near the front entrance. All energy flows, not having time to penetrate inside, will evaporate. But the problem is completely solvable: you can fix it yourself this error layouts. Place it on the windowsill home plant– choose your favorite.
  • The size of the door must also meet certain criteria. It is desirable that it be medium in size. If the doorway is wide, it will create financial problems in your family. If, on the contrary, the passage is very narrow, conflict situations can't be avoided.

What should not be in front of the front door?

1) Bathroom

If you are planning to purchase a home, keep in mind that the front entrance is not located opposite the bathroom or toilet - constant water leakage takes away all the energy - both positive and negative. This will cause a lot of trouble.

First of all, the health of all family members will suffer. You will constantly feel tired, unhappy, and apathetic.

The next problem is the shortage Money. Energy that favors financial matters will also be washed away with the bathwater.

What to do if the bathtub (toilet) is opposite the door?

Of course, if you are just planning to build your own home or are engaged in its arrangement and repair, then these tips will make your task much easier.

If it is not possible to change the layout, then a couple of secrets that experts in Eastern sciences talk about will help.

  • Hang a wind chime on the door leading to the bathroom. It is desirable that it be large, bright and shiny. This will create a reflector effect - the energy tending to the water will not be able to penetrate inside the bathroom. It will spread throughout the house.
  • A horseshoe pointing down, a small rock crystal ball suspended from the ceiling, or a crystal chandelier could also be a good solution.
  • Various bells or crystals will perfectly protect and protect from troubles. Their reflective surface and pleasant melody will drive away all the bad and invite prosperity, happiness and mutual understanding into your home.

In this short video (02:28) about what to do if the toilet door is opposite front door, the most famous Feng Shui master Natalya Pravdina will tell you.

2) Mirror

The mirror has a great influence on a person's life. This is mainly due to the fact that the mirror surface is capable of changing the direction of the energy flow and giving it the right impetus. This piece of furniture copes well with stagnant energy and normalizes circulation.

Remember: hanging a mirror in the hallway opposite the front door is strictly prohibited!

Positive energy will not be able to get inside the house. All family members will suffer. This will affect your health, relationships, and financial well-being. Luck will simply turn around and leave the house.

The best solution is if the mirror hangs in the hallway on the wall to the right of the front door.

Example of correct mirror placement

Door direction according to cardinal directions

In the works of Feng Shui specialists, the front door has a special name - the Qi Gate. The direction of the front entrance also has an impact on the nature of the incoming energy.

  • It is considered the most favorable East End light for door location. This guarantees the owner of the house success in all areas of life, constant professional growth, and financial well-being.
  • The southeast helps eliminate financial problems. Slowly but surely the money will return to your home - you just have to wait a little.
  • According to Feng Shui, an entrance door that faces north will provide a calm and quiet home atmosphere. A small crystal on the wall in the hallway will perfectly complement the symbolism. The couple's relationship will improve Brown color doors.
  • To ensure that your children always have a thirst for knowledge and new things, the door should be directed to the northeast. Information will be absorbed very easily and quickly.
  • If the front door is located in the northwest direction, respect and tolerance will always reign in the family.
  • The southern part of the world awakens activity and a desire to take initiative. Thanks to a special flow of energy, residents receive a charge that increases internal strength.
  • Love and eternal romance will definitely settle in your home if the door is directed to the southwest according to Feng Shui. You will understand your loved one perfectly and will find agreement.
  • The Western direction promotes the development of creative abilities, so this option is perfect for young, self-seeking families, as well as those who have small children.

But everything should be in moderation - excessive amounts of unnecessary energy sometimes have a negative impact on emotional condition person. Water symbols that can be hung on the door or placed on a shelf in the hallway will help reduce the effect a little.

Feng Shui door color

Feng Shui experts say that the color of a door is directly related to the geographical direction. Therefore, before deciding on this issue, you should find out which direction of the world your front entrance faces.

The red color of the front door is suitable for the south side of the house

  • The northern direction harmonizes well with white or black. Available in blue shades. But green tones should be avoided - they do not go well with the cold part of the world.
  • Gold or silver colors (or any other metal color) are suitable for doors facing west or northwest. In this case, red and blue options are not recommended.
  • White color is not suitable for the east and southeast directions. Here it is better to give preference to doors in black or blue shades.
  • The southern part of the world is combined with green, which represents flowering and growth. The red option works well. But don't use black tones.
  • Northeast or southwest harmonizes with brown. It is believed that this color option will bring prosperity and stability to your family. But white doors are not suitable for these geographical areas.

Live according to Feng Shui!

Alexandra Kalashnik, especially for the site ""


The qi energy collects in front of the front door and enters the house through it. The Chinese interestingly called the front door the mouth or gate through which qi passes.

Dangers waiting outside

That is why pay attention to the outside of your front door: whether there are secret arrows directed at it, sending aggressive sha energy.There is a greater likelihood of such arrows in your direction if you live in your own home, since secret arrows outside the room are created by sharp corners and pointed roofs opposite your house, satellite dishes and power lines, lonely growing trees, etc.

More details: You need to know the enemy by sight: secret arrows

If you live in apartment building, then from the entrance you may be in danger in the form of an elevator or stairs, which are located directly opposite the front door. To protect yourself from harmful energy, try raising the threshold a little. This will make it more difficult for harmful energy to enter the house.

What color is suitable for the front door according to Feng Shui

For a door located on west or northwest, the colors of the Metal element are suitable: white, gray.

For a door located on southwest or northeast, the colors of the Earth elements are suitable: light yellow, beige, brown, sand shades.

If the door is located in southern sector, then the colors of the fire element suit her perfectly: red, orange, purple, rich yellow.

If the door is located on east or southeast, then it’s good to use the colors of the Wood element: brown, green, light green.

For a door located in the north, the colors of the water element are suitable: blue, light blue, black.

Unfavorable location of the entrance door in the interior. Possible problems

Unfavorable cases are when:

  • the bathroom and (or) toilet are located opposite the front door,
  • the bathroom and (or) toilet are located above the entrance door,
  • the staircase inside the room is located opposite the entrance,
  • a wall that is too close is located opposite the front door,
  • the other entrance door (rear exit) is opposite the front entrance door,
  • The mirror is located opposite the front door.

Let's consider all cases.

The bathroom and/or toilet are located opposite the front door

Bathrooms don't have a very good reputation in Feng Shui. By nature, bathrooms are stagnant, low energy, and characterized by draining energy. Of course, this does not mean that good Feng Shui cannot be done in the bathroom, but protection should not be neglected.

Why is it unfavorable? : entering the house, the qi energy first rushes forward and goes straight into the bathroom (WC), where it is safely washed away through the sewer.

How to correct the situation:

  • Keep the bathroom door closed at all times. And in the bathroom itself, monitor the condition of the taps and pipes (they should not leak or drip).

The bathroom and/or toilet are located above the front door

This problem can be encountered in a private home.

Why is it unfavorable? : the front door is symbolically flooded from above.

How to correct the situation :

  • Create a separation between two spaces—the bathroom and the front door area—with flooring or a rug in the right color. The color is determined depending on the bagua sector in which the bathroom or toilet is located. However, if this is the northern sector, you should not use a lot of the Water element, which, again, can flood from above. To weaken Water, add the colors of the Wood element.
  • Keep the bathroom door closed at all times.
  • You can also enhance the protection from the bathroom by using a lamp in the main entrance area. A crystal chandelier, for example, will do this well.
  • You can visually push the energy up and thus fight back using wallpaper with predominantly vertical stripes or movement, as well as tall lamps.

The staircase inside the room is located opposite the entrance

Why is it unfavorable? : entering the house, qi energy rushes up the stairs, leaving the first floor without energy.

Of course, home is different from home. And if the hallway is large, then it is likely that the energy gradually and harmoniously spreads across the rooms. This bigger problem small hallways when the staircase is opposite the entrance. In such cases, the energy is forced to rush up the stairs.

How to correct the situation:

It is necessary to slow down the energy and focus it on other things.

  • Use a large plant or floor vase along the path of the energy if space allows.
  • You can hang a mirror or a bright picture on the side to distract attention.
  • You can also use wind chimes or crystals.

A wall that is too close is located opposite the front door

Why is it unfavorable? : A wall that is opposite and/or too close to the front door can block the flow of energy, thereby creating a stagnant space where nothing good happens.

How to correct the situation:

  • To retain energy, you can use beautiful paintings, bright wallpaper, and living plants.

The rear exit is opposite the main entrance door

Why is it unfavorable? : before it gets into the house, the energy immediately goes out through another door.

How to correct the situation:

  • It is good to hang a curtain on the back door: it will draw attention away from the door.
  • In addition, you can distract attention with the help of wind chimes and crystals suspended from the ceiling.

The mirror is located opposite the front door

Why is it unfavorable?: as soon as chi energy enters an apartment or house, the mirror instantly reflects it and sends it back out.

How to correct the situation :

  • Under no circumstances should you hang a mirror opposite the front door!

Entrance door in Feng Shui: other aspects

In Feng Shui, the most favorable sector for the front door is considered northwest, since he is associated with the head of the family, the oldest and most authoritative man in the house. However, the entrance is not always in this sector, but this is not scary: other sectors and directions are no worse.

Southwestern the direction is associated with the mother, the oldest woman in the family. There is a possibility of disharmony in the family associated with the increasing dominance of the mother. To weaken this effect, add a Metal element to the sector.

Entrance door located in northern sector, helps maintain a calm lifestyle. But taking into account the fact that the element of the sector is Water, the main thing is not to overdo it with it, because an excess of the element can lead to apathy, indecision and constant fatigue. To weaken the Water element, add a little Wood.

Feng Shui does not help a person in material life - says Alexander Anishchenko, head Russian Academy Feng Shui. This teaching is part of the Taoism religion, and the task of any religion is to help a person grow spiritually. Feng Shui helps to organize space so that it gives a person additional energy, which can be directed, among other things, to obtaining material benefits.

In Feng Shui, life energy is called qi. Feng Shui books have thousands of rules on how to attract chi into your home. In this article we will talk about how to choose from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them that qi enters the house.

Doors to the house and feng shui

The height of the opening should be sufficient for all family members. According to Feng Shui, the entrance steel door in an apartment should be larger than the interior doors. Choose a rectangular canvas; arched structures should be avoided.

What is in front and behind the threshold also matters. Columns and pillars in front of the entrance are undesirable. This slows down and blocks the flow of qi. To prevent energy from stopping at the threshold, keep the hallway clean. Remove clutter and excess furniture. It’s good if the hallway is light. So, if there is no window, turn on the lights more often.

These rules are understandable even to a person far from feng shui. They are dictated by the comfort and safety of residents. The following recommendations cannot be explained rationally, but followers of the teaching are confident that they work.

Door energy according to Feng Shui for careerists

In Feng Shui encyclopedias, much attention is paid to the choice of the location of the entrance group. These tips will be useful if you decide to buy a new home.

  • If professional recognition is important to you, pay attention to the southern direction. This option is also suitable for active, purposeful people.
  • Also, for those whose aspirations are related to their career, the eastern location of the door is favorable.
  • For those who dream of financial well-being, the southeastern direction is favorable.
  • If you strive to gain knowledge, the northeast direction will be conducive to this. But this location of the entrance group is not always good for older people.

Favorable location of the entrance door for those whose priority is family and children

  • The western direction is favorable for families with children. Feng Shui experts believe that the chi energy that enters a house from the west contributes to proper development children.
  • If you strive for harmony and happiness in your family, choose the southwestern direction.
  • North-west is the direction of the head of the family. This way the flow of energy will be directed towards him. This location is suitable for families with a traditional lifestyle.
  • If you dream of a calm, measured life, choose an apartment facing north. But there is a risk that the calm flow of life will turn into indifference.

What should those who already live in an apartment whose door is located in the wrong direction do? Its location cannot be changed. But the good thing about the teaching of Feng Shui is that there are other ways to influence the flow of qi energy.

The color of the front door if they are facing south or north

According to Feng Shui, color can enhance positive factors and neutralize negative ones. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the color of the door with the direction:

South. Patron of fire. Direction is associated with fame. To enhance the effect of positive energy, paint the canvas red, yellow, green or brown. This will contribute to recognition in the professional environment and increased popularity.

North. Patron of water. The direction is responsible for the career. For a door that faces north, cold and contrasting shades are suitable: blue, white and black. Avoid yellow, green and brown shades.

Door color if it faces east or west

East or southeast. Patron tree. Responsible for financial well-being. Matching colors blue, black and green.

Southwest or northeast. The direction is patronized by the earth. Responsible for relationships. Use all shades of yellow, brown, orange.

West or northwest. Here the element is metal, so all shades of metal are suitable: bronze, silver, gold. Direction promotes the development of creative abilities.

In the pursuit of happiness and success, all methods are good. Try to put these tips into practice. Moreover, the rules of Feng Shui do not contradict common sense.

Selected for a reason. This topic is given great attention when creating a favorable atmosphere in the home, because the front door is a conductor vitality inside the house.

Negative, aggressive energy (sha), passive energy (xi qi), and positive energy (shen qi) accumulates at the threshold of the house. Which one will go inside depends on how well the front door is designed. The free movement of energy is hampered by incorrect color and many other factors, correcting which together, you will get a stunning energetic result.

Secret arrows

Secret arrows (poison arrows or killer arrows) are obstacles to the free circulation of vital energy and its penetration into the living space, the targeted action of the destructive energy of sha qi. Even if you choose the right color and shape that attracts well-being, poisonous arrows will “scare away” it.

Killer arrows outside the room have the following incarnations:

  • Direct road leading to your house, T-shaped or V-shaped intersections, dead-end location;
  • Sharp corners - spiers, outbuildings, elongated building, fence battlements, etc.;
  • Traces of progress located near the house: telephone lines, cables, antennas and satellite dishes, lamp posts, power lines and poles, railways;
  • Narrow staircase;
  • The apartment is located next to the stairs on the lower or upper floor;
  • Trees opposite the entrance. Dried or diseased plants exude particular negativity.

But there are many ways to smooth out the negative merger of secret arrows. If you have a private house, neutralize sha qi with symbolism representing the Red Phoenix. It is presented in the form of landscape figures that create a barrier: a small fountain, a bush with lush vegetation, a decorative slide. Besides energy benefits, you will revive your garden plot.

If there is a straight path leading to your front door, giving room for malicious sha energy to maneuver, correct this by making the path winding, decorating it with flowers, stones, or simply earthen mounds.

You can redirect sha qi outside by using a special bagua mirror or a regular one. It will collect poisonous arrows and take them away from your home, preventing the shen qi from being destroyed. However, hang such a mirror carefully so as not to point it into your neighbors' house.

It is difficult or even impossible for apartment owners to use these effective techniques. In this case, try creating a barrier in the form of a threshold that rises a couple of centimeters above the floor level.

Use a small souvenir or an image of two crossed swords or a cannon for decoration. These are powerful symbols that can both protect and destroy the life-giving Shen Qi. Therefore, when using them, be careful and do not overdo it.

The illuminated space around the front door helps improve the flow of qi energy. To do this, hang a beautiful lantern above the entrance that will brightly illuminate it.

Correct Feng Shui for the entrance to the house

It is believed that according to Feng Shui, the front door should be made of solid material, expressing strength and massiveness. Glass and even glass or transparent inserts are considered an unsuccessful material, because of the transparency of which the life energy of Shen Qi does not linger for a long time in such a living space. To improve this negative aspect, hang curtains or decorate the nearest window sills with flowers.

It’s good if the entrance door swings open into a bright hallway or hall, letting good energy in. If you have the opposite situation, then it can only be corrected by re-hanging the hinges so that the door opens into the living space. It is undesirable for stairs and restroom doors to be located opposite the entrance. If the hallway resembles a dark, dusty closet, then the warmth and light that shan qi emits is repelled.

To correct the negative, hang talismans in the hallway that bring good luck. They are made in the shape of a horseshoe, or in the form of a pendant from tubes of 7, 8 and 9 pieces.

As for the size, then the best option- a medium-sized door, with the condition that it is comfortable for the tallest member of the family to pass through it. At the same time, it should be larger than other openings in the house. If complied with basic conditions, then you can rest assured that goodness and positivity will flow unhindered into your home.

The meaning of the location of the front door and its shape according to Feng Shui

An important role in the life of the residents of the house is played by the location oriented towards any part of the world. If you are building a house, take note of this information and position the entrance according to Feng Shui requirements.

The ideal form corresponds to the five elements of the elements:

  • Fire - south. Any symbol of fire or wood will give cheerfulness of spirit and body to the inhabitants of the southern door;
  • Water - north. To increase the cleansing properties of water, the element of which dominates when the door is located in the north, use water symbols in its decor, and to strengthen the spirit - personifications of the element of metal;
  • Tree - east, southeast. A tree as a symbol gives the opportunity for personal and professional growth. To activate this feature, use its symbolism when designing, and any of the water talismans will be suitable for updating;
  • Earth - southwest, northeast. If the door is decorated with an element that personifies this element, then the inhabitants of this living space will experience reliability and stability;
  • Metal – northwest, west. The symbol of such an element decorating the entrance will give the residents strength of spirit and health. You can supplement it with the symbolism of the living element of fire.

As for the shape of the door and the elements decorating it, they also directly depend on the element of the element that corresponds to it. Illustrative examples are shown in the figure below.

Door on the south side

The southern landmark of the front door has a beneficial effect on people who crave fame and universal recognition. However, such violence can disrupt family relationships. The symbolism of Water will help smooth out the irrepressible energy.

Door on the southwest side

The southwest has a beneficial effect on the positive energy of the mother. This arrangement brings harmony and peace to the family. But it can upset the female and male balance and turn a woman into the head of the family. To moderate the excesses of the feminine aura, introduce woody colors and symbolism into the interior.

Door on the southeast side

Family peace, mutual understanding and financial well-being - this is what the southeastern direction contributes to. However, don't expect instant results. The feng shui principle of gradualism applies here.

Door on the east side

The eastern compass direction has a beneficial effect on the ambitions of young families and helps to translate their goals into the desired reality. Keep in mind that it is this direction that brings good luck to businessmen in all their affairs.

Door on the north side

The measured and calm course of life and family relations will be provided by the energy entering the northern door. However, such calm can develop into indifference and apathy. To avoid this, hang a beautiful crystal in the hallway.

Door on the northeast side

Households living behind a door facing northeast are sensitive to external influences. This has a beneficial effect on those who are at the learning stage or are constantly engaged in self-improvement.

Door on the northwest side

The Northwestern landmark favorably influences the head of the family or its eldest male member. Such energy strengthens his authority and gives wisdom.

Front door color

Having dealt with the secret arrows and concepts of what an ideal front door should be according to Feng Shui, it’s time to take care of the color, which directly affects the lives of the residents of the house. Choose what color the front door should be based on the compass direction in which it is located. Colored entrance doors will improve the flow of incoming positive qi energy and decorate the house.

Door facing south

If the entrance faces the south side of the world, then it is better to paint the canvas in any shade of red or green. These are favorable colors, foreshadowing good luck in business for residents. If you are not satisfied with this palette, then use an alternative - yellow and brown tones. It is strictly not recommended to use black and gray colors.

West facing door

According to Feng Shui, the western or northwestern entrance door is decorated in metallic shades. For a southwest entrance door, brown is a good color. You can add bronze tones to it. However, beware of red, blue and black colors.

Door facing east

Green, blue and black colors are an excellent solution for entrance doors in the eastern and south-eastern directions. For the northeast, shades of brown, red or orange are suitable. A bad choice is white.

Door facing north

Cool and restrained colors: white, black and blue are suitable for the northern direction. They will appear as a “trap” for positive energy. However, avoid brown and green tones.

By carefully analyzing the parameters of the front door, you can understand how correct it is considered according to Feng Shui and eliminate these inconsistencies. The most effective thing you can do is change the color of your front door according to Feng Shui. To fully understand the intricacies, watch the attached video.

According to Feng Shui, the front door is the most important place in the house. Through it, both positive energy and negative energy enter the house. Interior doors are also of particular importance. Correct location doors allows you to maintain a good atmosphere in the house. In this article we will look at how the front door should be located according to Feng Shui and how it should look.

Position and dimensions of the entrance door

According to Feng Shui, the entrance door should not be located to the side of the facade, but clearly in its center. It is important if there is a small porch in front of it, because it is in this part that energy accumulation will take place. It needs to be installed on the correct side of the world. According to Feng Shui rules, a doorway should only open into the building.

It is not recommended to install a narrow doorway. If it brings discomfort to residents, then it will constantly accumulate next to it. negative energy. Choose doorways that allow even the largest guests to pass through quietly.

Color spectrum

The color of the front door should depend on which side of the world it will be installed on. The direction should be determined using the main 5 elements of nature.

  1. The North-Western or Western side of the world implies the element Metal. To attract good luck, you should choose golden, silver or white doors.
  2. Water corresponds to the North side of the world, so blue or light blue shades are used in such directions.
  3. Fire characterizes the South direction, so preference should be given to red, green or orange colors.
  4. The element of wood corresponds to the Northeast or East. Green or brown color schemes should be used in such parts of the house.
  5. The element of earth, that is, South-West or North-East, implies the use of brown or yellow colors.

Toilet doorway

The toilet door is of significant importance in the Feng Shui system. You should not install it opposite the front door. It is believed that by doing this you will attract negativity and failure. Also, you should not place it in front of the living room, because... the owners will often be nervous and worried.

If you put kitchen table towards the toilet, then you will constantly be haunted by problems with the digestive system.

The position of the toilet opposite the bedroom leads to restless sleep. You should not place an aquarium with fish next to the door to the toilet. On the one hand, such a talisman can bring financial independence, but its position near the toilet leads to troubles in the business sphere.

Rules for installing interior doors

According to Feng Shui, interior doors must comply with the same rules as entrance doors. That is, their color depends on the direction of the world. Decorative parts should be round in shape. They should be installed in such a way that they open into the room.

You should not install completely glass doors. It is believed that glass negatively affects a person’s life because a lot of good energy escapes through it. Do not place doorways at the same level as windows. They must be asymmetrical in relation to each other. Otherwise, well-being will rapidly flow out of your home.

Mirror installation

According to Feng Shui, it is forbidden to place mirrors in front of the front door. It is believed that you will drive positive energy away from the house. Mirrors begin to absorb all the good things that are reflected in them.

If you install mirrors opposite the front door or interior door, the health of the residents will significantly worsen. There may also be problems with finances, luck and success in your endeavors. It is best to place mirror surfaces on the side of the front door so that only the rooms of the house are reflected.

Neutralization of negativity

According to the rules of Feng Shui, bells should be hung above the door, which with their sound will remove negativity from the home.

If you decide to position the front door not according to Feng Shui, then you can neutralize the negative with the help of interior elements (you can place any pieces of furniture, even a sofa or shelf).

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