Home Dental treatment Is it normal or pathological to sleep with your head towards the door? The correct position of a person in a dream in relation to the door Why you can’t sleep with your feet forward towards the door

Is it normal or pathological to sleep with your head towards the door? The correct position of a person in a dream in relation to the door Why you can’t sleep with your feet forward towards the door

The arrangement of furniture in the room is important task during the renovation of the apartment. Favorable placement of a desk will allow you to arrange your work area as comfortably as possible. And proper bed placement can impact healthy and productive relaxation. There are many beliefs regarding right place this item in the bedroom. Should we believe them?

The key to healthy sleep

There are many beliefs regarding the correct place of this item in the bedroom.

Quality relaxation is influenced various factors. They can be divided into three main groups:

  • relating to environmental conditions;
  • physical;
  • psychosomatic.

Quality relaxation is influenced by various factors. Their

Doctors strongly recommend maintaining a healthy atmosphere in the bedroom. To do this, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning once a week, wipe off dust and vacuum 2-3 times a week. It is also recommended to install indoor plants in this area.

In summer you need to leave the window open at night, in winter you need to leave it in the “ventilation” mode at night, or open the window. The temperature should be comfortable. It is advisable to keep the room cool.

It is also recommended to install indoor plants in this area.

Naturally, physical state person has great importance. One of the reasons causing bad dream is overeating. To keep it strong and light, nutritionists advise not to consume food 3 hours before relaxation, and liquids 2 hours before.

Proper bed placement can make a difference in healthy and productive relaxation.

Psychosomatic factors include insomnia and psychological condition. For a relaxing rest, it is recommended to turn off electronic gadgets 2 hours before going to bed, and not keep them in the bedroom. Meditation is also useful if you can’t sleep for a long time.

The belief in the significance of the position of the bed is considered a psychosomatic factor. Experiments have not definitively proven the influence of furniture arrangement on an individual’s dreams and quality of life. This topic remains completely unexplored. The results depended on whether the participant believed it or not.

Experiments have not definitively proven the influence of furniture arrangement on an individual’s dreams and quality of life.

Many people are interested in whether the location of the bed affects the quality of sleep and life? No matter how you look at this question, the answer is “yes.”

  1. From a logical point of view, this is explained by the fact that proper air circulation must be created in the space. If the bed is not positioned correctly, this can be prevented.
  2. On the other hand, various beliefs arise regarding the location of the bed in the room. In the traditions of many nations, there is a rule that you cannot sleep with your feet towards the entrance, place the bed close to the wall, or place it against the opening, as this affects the person’s well-being and quality of life in general.

Many people are interested in whether the location of the bed affects the quality of sleep and life?

In Slavic traditions

According to Slavic mythology You cannot sleep with your feet towards the entrance. Our ancestors believed that during dreams the soul separates from the body and floats in space. The door, in turn, was perceived as a portal to the “other world”, opening exclusively at night. Thus, it was believed that the soul of a person sleeping with his feet , can separate from the body and not return to it, slipping into this portal. So, if you fall asleep in this position, there is a chance that you will not wake up.

According to Slavic mythology, you cannot sleep with your feet facing the entrance.

The Slavs believed that they could sneak into a room at night evil spirits. And if a person sleeps with his feet towards the exit, he is more open to their influence. As a result, sleep disturbances, the appearance of various diseases, and poor psychological state are observed. It was also believed that these spirits could drag away the soul of the sleeping person, which would lead to his death.

Thus, it was believed that the soul of a person sleeping with his feet towards him could separate from the body and not return to it, slipping into this portal.

Philosophy of Ancient India

In Indian beliefs, it was believed that there were meridians in the room through which energy (prana) circulated.

The door, in turn, was perceived as a portal to the “other world”, opening exclusively at night.

Interesting! The statement about the presence of energy flows in living space exists in different cultures. In India this energy is called prana, in Japan - ki, in China - qi, in Hawaii its analogue is mana.

The Slavs believed that evil spirits could sneak into a room at night.

In accordance with this, you should not place the bed close to the wall: there may be negative currents there. According to Indian beliefs, there is no need to place the sleeping place with your feet towards the door: on this line there are strong flows of prana of different directions. A person may not be able to cope with such a strong flow, which adversely affects his psychological and physical condition.

It was also believed that these spirits could drag away the soul of the sleeping person, which would lead to his death.

According to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a teaching that appeared in Ancient China. Like most Eastern movements, it is based on knowledge about the circulation of energy and the ability to manage it. Part of this philosophy is the doctrine of the correct placement of objects in space.

The statement about the presence of energy flows in living space exists in different cultures.

According to this school, you cannot position the bed so that you sleep with your feet facing the door. It is believed that this is a kind of gate. If a person sleeps in this position, vital energy leaves through them. And instead of gaining strength during rest, he loses it, as a result of which he wakes up tired and sleep-deprived.

The bed should not be placed close to the wall: there may be negative currents there.

Most people, regardless of whether they are superstitious or not, still try not to place their bed with their feet towards the door.

In accordance with the presented philosophy, luck may escape through the opening during sleep. As a result, difficulties arise with cash flow, health, and relationships with loved ones. All this is due to the fact that the positive energy of life is drawn through the portal.

A person may not be able to cope with such a strong flow, which adversely affects his psychological and physical condition.

Ancient superstitions and a modern view

According to ancient rules, placing a bed in front of a door is prohibited due to various reasons which we have considered. Modern experts have their own point of view on this issue. They believe that signs have an influence only on those people who believe in them. That is, it enters psychosomatic factor. A person psychologically prepares himself for illness and failure, being confident that they will happen. As a result, everything happens.

Feng Shui is a teaching that appeared in Ancient China. How

Some experts justify the manifestation of the results that legends speak of by genetic memory and historical development individual. What does it mean? In ancient times, when homes were not protected by locks and enemies could enter them, the owner needed to see the opening from anywhere in the room. When he sleeps with his feet towards the entrance, this is impossible. Therefore, in modern world the sleeper feels uncomfortable in this position, which is justified by genetic memory. Because of this, a violation of the regime, accumulation of fatigue, and the appearance of irritability are possible.

Part of this philosophy is the doctrine of the correct placement of objects in space.

The only judge remains you yourself.

The above theories have not been proven and the question is still open. However, there are indicators that the location of the berth opposite the door may have a negative effect on a person’s rest and well-being.

Modern experts have their own point of view on this issue.

Should I follow or not?

A person psychologically prepares himself for illness and failure, being confident that they will happen.

From point of view modern science their manifestation is explained by psychology: a person, having believed in them, sets himself up for failure. However, there is no reason to deny the teachings and beliefs of our ancestors.

Because of this, a violation of the regime, accumulation of fatigue, and the appearance of irritability are possible.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether these beliefs should be believed or not.

The only judge remains you yourself. Most people, regardless of whether they are superstitious or not, still try not to place their bed with their feet towards the door. The choice is yours, my reader.

The above theories have not been proven and the question is still open.

VIDEO: Is it possible to sleep opposite the door / Banteeva’s Periscope 2016 on TopPeriscope.Ru

There are many different superstitions and signs in the world. Some of them are hard to believe, but some you can agree with. One of the most common questions on people's minds is: is it possible to fall asleep with your feet or head towards the door? And if not, then why? The answer to this question lies in ancient beliefs, as well as some modern teachings.

The question of whether it is possible to sleep with your feet facing the exit has long been of interest to many peoples. The Slavs, Scandinavians and even the Chinese tried to figure out how to position themselves correctly during sleep in order to have a good rest and at the same time avoid anyone's negative influence.

There are several versions different nations explaining why this still cannot be done:

  1. The Scandinavians have an interesting legend, according to which there are three worlds in the Universe. Ordinary people live in one of them, gods live in the other, and monsters, evil ghosts and other evil spirits live in the third. It was believed that when a person fell asleep, his soul separated from the body and went on a journey, and the door was a kind of portal accompanying the soul. So, if you fell asleep with your feet towards the exit, you could end up in a “dark” world inhabited by ghosts and never return from it.
  2. The Slavs perceived the door in almost the same way and believed that evil forces could easily drag a person to hell by the legs. For these reasons, people tried not to sleep with their feet towards the door, so as not to give any evil spirits the opportunity to take their souls.
  3. A question of security - in this situation a person is quite vulnerable, it is easy to attack him and commit some illegal actions. Therefore, ancient people tried to sleep in the back of the house and in such a direction towards the door as to prevent enemies from attacking.

Followers of the Feng Shui movement also encourage sleeping in any way you like, but not with your feet forward towards the door or windows, since this position of the body is considered to release its vital energy. The person will wake up tired and feel bad.

To some extent, there is some truth in this, because many people sleeping with their feet towards the exit note that:

  • They have nightmares;
  • Often suffers from insomnia;
  • There is no feeling of complete rest after sleep;
  • Sleep is mostly intermittent and restless.

There is a version that such things happen on a subconscious level, since a person feels unprotected during sleep, and the instincts of ancient ancestors do not allow him to relax in the “foot to the door” position.

Opinions on whether it is possible to sleep with your head towards the door

An equally interesting question that torments many people: is it possible to sleep with your head towards the door? Let's figure it out.

There are the following options to explain the opinion on this matter:

  • If you believe the Scandinavians, then you can’t sleep with your head towards the exit either - it opens through the door other world and evil demons can penetrate the head of the sleeper and even hypnotize him or steal his soul;
  • The teachings of Feng Shui are also clear on this issue: you can’t sleep like that, because your head should have a reliable rear, protecting not only from drafts, but also preserving the peace of the sleeper;
  • The issue of safety is also extremely relevant - in the “head to the door” position you cannot see who is entering at all, which gives a feeling of insecurity and discomfort.

It turns out that sleeping with neither your feet nor your head towards the door is extremely undesirable. Ideally, the bed should be placed somewhere on the side of the exit from the room. If you have to sleep with your head towards the door, you need to have at least a backrest on the bed that blocks the person from leaving.

How the bed is positioned determines how restful and quality the sleep of the person lying on it will be. When moving into a new monastery or making renovations, it is worth paying attention to this issue Special attention.

So, how to place a bed correctly, according to the teachings of Feng Shui:

  1. The bed must be protected, which means its headboard is adjacent to the wall or have a strong, comfortable backrest;
  2. You should not hang shelves above your sleeping area and place any heavy things on them: who knows at what second they will decide to fall;
  3. Lying on the bed, you need to clearly see the exit from the room, otherwise the feeling of anxiety will not allow you to rest properly;
  4. A mirror reflecting the sleeper and directed towards the window is also not the best option - the rays of the sun falling on the mirror surface can interfere with a restful sleep;
  5. It is advisable to place the spouses' bed so that it is approached from each side;
  6. An excellent place for a baby's cradle would be in the corner, and the crib should be in contact with both walls.

If you choose between the location of the bed in relation to the exit with your feet or head, then the first option is preferable.

It is also advisable to think about ensuring that there are no pipes behind the bed. Any, even the quietest sounds can be very clearly audible at night and irritate a person. What kind of calm and refreshing sleep can we talk about then?

It is not possible or still possible to place the bed opposite the door

What to do if the bed is opposite the door? Is this correct or should something be changed? Psychologists note that much depends on the person himself, and how comfortable he is with this arrangement. If there is some kind of sign, this does not mean that everyone must believe in it.

However, if a person feels uneasy while resting on a bed that is opposite a regular or balcony door, he should not torture himself and position the sleeping place differently, for example, perpendicular to the entrance.

How not to place a bed:

  1. In contact with the wall on which the door is located, blocking the view - in this case, you will not see people entering, which will cause concern;
  2. Head to the window, especially if it is close: extraneous noises and sounds will interfere with rest and create anxiety;
  3. Under a very low or sloping ceiling - there may be some psychological discomfort, which will be expressed in constant anxiety and a feeling of atmospheric pressure from above;
  4. On the same line with the window and door - in this case there may be problems with sleep due to the intense movement of air flows;
  5. Foot to the wall - in this case it turns out that there is no view of the room, and at the same time all the person’s energy seems to go into the wall.

Expert opinion: why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door (video)

When people sleep, they want to be as protected and calm as possible. Only in this case can we hope for a healthy and deep dream. There is no single opinion regarding the position of the body or bed in relation to the exit. Every person should listen to their feelings and desires. If he feels comfortable sleeping with his feet towards the door, then let him sleep that way. This position is considered more favorable than sleeping with your head towards the exit of the room. You can test yourself by spending the night in many positions, and thus determine in which place you had the best sleep.

After all, we spend a whole third of our day and life in general in it.

A properly positioned bed gives us safety, the opportunity to rest and recuperate for subsequent activities.

If you sleep enough, but wake up tired, if your health has deteriorated, or your career is not going well, pay attention to the rules on how not to place a bed in the bedroom. Examples of placement and Feng Shui recommendations in the article.

Feng Shui is a very deep and systematic science, formed over thousands of years. Its goal is to make our existence harmonious.

How a bed shouldn't be

1 Foot to the front door(position of the deceased), i.e. in a straight line to the doorway.

According to Feng Shui, this factor can create diseases along the midline of the body.

If rearrangement is impossible, a tightly closed door, a screen in front of it, a chest of drawers, a cabinet, or a tall plant with rounded leaves will reduce the negative impact.

2. Opposite the mirror when it reflects sleeping people. In detail, how to hang a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not cause harm.

3. Adjacent to a wall with a door. This is especially important if you share a bedroom with family members or disrespectful roommates who have a different sleep schedule than you.

Whenever the door opens, you will have to wake up on high alert due to the unexpected sound and movement of the door opening. Ailments in the center of the body may also develop.

4. Adjacent to a wall with a door when the door blocks the view. You'll have to get out of bed to see someone coming in, instead of just raising your head if your bed is on the opposite side of the door.

It may seem to you that not seeing the door is normal for you, but subconsciously you will also experience anxiety, which creates an imbalance in the nervous system. Results may include nerve problems, arrhythmia, and rapid heartbeat.

Additionally, repeatedly twisting your body to see who is coming in can cause neck and spine problems in the long run.

5. Headboard to the window itself, especially to the large, panoramic one. The window is the gateway between your bedroom and the outside world.

When you sleep with your head directly under the window, your sleep is easily disturbed by sounds from the wind or noise coming from outside, smells, light, and the movements of insects and birds.

When sounds, movements or smells are unfamiliar, your survival instincts kick in and can wake you up completely, making it difficult to fall back to sleep.

Feng Shui advises avoiding placing your bed under a window; this position provides little protection and creates anxiety and trouble.

Thick curtains can be a solution.

6. Share one wall with the toilet (bathtub). It's a bit like having a bedroom right under the toilet. If your bed shares a wall with the toilet, you may hear fluid moving through the pipes.

The adjustment is to use a thick (preferably soft or very substantial) headboard for the bed, which can minimize unwanted noises that disturb your sleep.

According to Feng Shui: can lead to a leakage of energy, vitality and wealth.

7. Share one wall with the kitchen. Heat from the kitchen, sounds of moving water, running refrigerators, other household electronics, and other noises reduce the quality of sleep.

In addition, the kitchen is an area of ​​intense human activity that can disturb your sleep with the clanking of dishes, pots and sounds of other activities taking place in the kitchen.

According to Feng Shui, such a proximity, just as in the case of a toilet, leads to loss vitality, energy, good luck.

8. Under a slanted or low ceiling. They put an invisible pressure on people's energy, which turns into some kind of vague anxiety or feeling of contraction whenever you go to bed. This is especially noticeable if you sleep on the side with a lower arch.

A simple solution is to use a four-poster bed. The four pillars that surround you while you sleep tend to make you feel more protected from the downward pressure of the ceiling.

9. Under the ceiling beam, especially with sharp corners. A beam that looks like a sharp object creates. Air currents, pushing off sharp edges, attack the sleeper.

Thus, the beam gives the feeling that your space is being chopped up, which can detract from a restful sleep. A canopy over the bed will also help, or repairs during which the protrusions are smoothed or rounded.

10. Under massive objects, hanging directly above the head or at the head of the sleeping people: chandeliers or bookshelves (more than 180 cm in height), for example.

Large objects make you feel depressed, experience involuntary fear, which provokes insomnia, stress, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Solution: hang a chandelier above the dining table, and replace massive shelves with small ones. Or move the bed.

11. On the same line between the window and the door. This is the case when the bedroom is like a long “pencil case”; the bed seems to be standing on the roadway. Sleeping on such a bed is not comfortable due to the sudden movement of air currents.

How to fix:

hang a small multifaceted crystal ball in the center of the window at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor. A ball from a crystal chandelier or a purchased Swarovski ball will do. Its edges will refract rays of light and disperse sharp currents of air and energy.

Place a lush ornamental plant on the windowsill; it will stop the rapid energy of qi.

Place a screen immediately behind the bed in front of the door: the air and energy flows, going around the screen, will become smoother, and the atmosphere in the bedroom will be harmonious.

12. Near electrical outlets. They generate additional harmful energy background.

13. The footboard is adjacent to the wall. Feng Shui warns: a reduced range of visibility, when the gaze rests on a wall, reduces a person’s energy, his life vision, and intuition.

A wall at the foot of the bed could be blocking your career, causing foot problems and ankle joint. The more space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes and improves.


If sleep does not bring rest, there are problems in personal and social life, take into account the rules for placing the bed. Our health, well-being and well-being depend on how correctly it stands.

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

When planning the furnishings of a room, many people remember one old belief about the location of the bed. Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the door or is it better to place the furniture differently? Let's consider where these prejudices came from, whether we should believe them, how best to position the bed for maximum comfortable sleep and how to do it correctly according to Feng Shui.

A small room sometimes forces you to place the bed with your feet towards the door

Sleep is an important part of human existence. It helps you recharge your batteries, have a good rest, and improve your overall well-being. If the bedroom is uncomfortable, you will not be able to get enough sleep. This will have the most unpleasant effect on your mood, performance and health. That’s why we all try to arrange the bedroom comfortably and carefully, arrange the bed correctly, and choose bed linen. But thanks to our ancestors, we often ask ourselves the question, why can’t we go to bed with our feet pointing towards the exit from the room? This is one of the most common beliefs related to sleep and the fact that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. How then to place a bed correctly according to Feng Shui?

The bedroom should be comfortable and cozy, and it doesn’t matter where your feet are pointed.

Ancient folk beliefs

All the roots of today's superstitions go far into the past. In those days, people could not explain many things due to lack of knowledge. Trying to find an explanation for all this, people attributed events and objects magical properties, citing interference higher powers, spirits. It was from then that the belief came down to us that a person should not sleep with his feet towards the door. Why can’t you sleep like this and how can you do it then? After all, sleep with your head on entrance doors They don't recommend it either.

Doors are a symbol of entry and exit to the other world, as our ancestors believed. Therefore, the deceased was carried out feet first, as if he was independently leaving this world and stepping into another. Since then, there has been a sign that you should not sleep with your feet pointed at the door, so as not to provoke spirits to mistake a living person for a dead person and take him with you to another world. This is why you should not go to bed feet first. This principle of positioning during sleep is also present in the science of Feng Shui.

The prohibition of placing a bed opposite the door dates back to ancient times.

A fairly large number of all kinds of signs and beliefs are associated with doors and thresholds. If you want to protect your home, then hang amulets on the door, and it is customary to bring a young wife across the threshold so that she is not a stranger in this house, but as if the owner of the home brought her with him.

Arranging furniture correctly

Feng Shui masters pay special attention to how to install a bed in the bedroom. During sleep, a person replenishes his energy reserves, and if the bed is placed, for example, in front of a mirror, then it will not be possible to gain strength. This is why it is forbidden to sleep with your feet facing the door. It is believed that in this position the energy leaves you and you are not protected from negative energy flows.

The science of Feng Shui does not just teach you how to place accessories, it helps to establish spiritual balance through the placement of significant things in the room, such as the stove and bed. Lying with your feet towards the door is strongly discouraged, as is sleeping with your head towards the door. But you don’t need to put it near the window either. Why can't you sleep in this position?

This is explained by the fact that there is no protection for your energy from different sides, from the headboard, from the side. Based on these points, you should arrange a place to relax. It is recommended to place a crib in the corner of the room. So it will have protection on both sides.

When planning your bedroom interior, familiarize yourself with the rules of Feng Shui

How to properly arrange and arrange a place to sleep according to Feng Shui:

  • it is not allowed in front of windows and doors;
  • maybe in the far corner of the room;
  • Do not clutter the space under the bed;
  • the headboard should not be turned towards the windows;
  • It is not recommended to clutter the space above the sleeping area with chandeliers, paintings, etc.;
  • if there is a beam on the ceiling, do not place the bed under it;
  • you can further protect the space during sleep by placing nightstands next to the sleeping area;
  • do not place furniture in a draft, between the entrance and the window;
  • You can sleep with your head on a blank wall.

If you are not sure how to position your sleeping place correctly, whether you should sleep with your head facing north or south, or if it is not possible to follow all the rules of Feng Shui, then simply experiment. Move your bed and pay attention to how you feel, listen to yourself. This way you can find the most favorable accommodation, where you can easily fall asleep, sleep soundly and wake up in a great mood.

Scientists have long been trying to explain why modern society They still believe in omens that came from ancient times. They conduct experiments on animals, study the functioning of the brain using the latest equipment and nervous system person.

Their answer is that superstitions that have stood the test of time still exist today. They carry useful functions and are especially relevant when it comes to an immediate threat to human life.

Folk beliefs

Death is real threat, which can visit a person at any time. The scientifically inexplicable behavior of a person who is afraid to sleep at night with his feet facing the doorway has deep roots leading to the origins of popular beliefs.

Slavic legends

People are afraid of death because they don’t know what awaits them in the other world, unknown world. In Slavic folklore she received a lot of attention, she was revered and feared. With the help of various signs and phenomena, our ancestors tried to predict the time of death in order to avoid the fatal hour if possible.

One of these signs, which states that one should not sleep with one’s feet towards the door, has confidently passed on to us, our descendants, becoming for many an immutable rule when placing a bed in a room.

Why is sleep, when the body of a sleeping person is located in this position, dangerous for life? Both in distant pagan times, and after the adoption of Christianity, the Slavs believed that through the door the soul of a deceased person leaves the body and goes to another world.

The one who fell asleep resembled a dead person: he lay with his eyes closed and became inaccessible to external impressions, hence the second name for death - “eternal sleep.” Often, in order to make the path easier for the soul, relatives opened doors and windows in the house, and doors that prevented the deceased from leaving the body.

During the funeral rite, the coffin was placed opposite the door, and the deceased was carried out feet first so that his soul would not return back. Thus, the living protected themselves from the dead and contact with death, escorting them from home to another world.

To prevent death from confusing the sleeping person from the dead and not coming before the appointed time, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers slept with their heads towards the door.

Norse mythology

The prejudice to sleep with your feet facing the exit of the room is reflected in the culture and religion of other peoples who believe in the eternal confrontation between man and the forces of darkness.

The mythology of the ancient Scandinavians tells that the universe is a gigantic tree - the Yggrasil ash tree. The tree consists of nine worlds, at the top is the beautiful country of Asgard, inhabited by rulers human lives- gods.

In the center of the universe is Midgard, the world of people. It was created by the most beautiful ash leaves, but is very fragile and is constantly under threat from Utgard - the transcendental world external to the earth. This is a world of demonic magic, with its own laws, different from the world order.

Evil spirits can take a mere mortal from Midgard to the other world at night during sleep, when a person is defenseless and does not expect to be hunted. Lying down on a bed opposite the door with his head towards the window and feet towards the exit, he risks being carried away by demons to their terrible, mysterious country.

Opinion of philosophers and esotericists

People who are far from religion, but professing various philosophical views and esoteric teachings, also believe that the door is a portal to the unknown, astral world.

The soul travels in it during sleep, but if the sleeper positions himself with his feet turned towards the door, the human spirit may not return to the body and lead to inevitable death. Hence the fear of many people to sleep in this position, especially at night - the time of activation of spirits and evil spirits.

What does Feng Shui mean?

This Taoist practice, which helps organize the space of a room taking into account favorable energy flows, pays special attention to doors. It takes into account their color, size, texture, opening principle and, of course, location in the room.

Adherents of the doctrine believe that the door and any other opening are the border between energetics; they serve as protection against “dead” energy and prevent the leakage of “living” energy Qi.

According to the Chinese, the bed should be in the most secluded place in the room, since during sleep a person is relaxed and therefore especially vulnerable to action. cosmic energies on his biofield. If the sleeping place is set up so that the person lying with his head is towards the window and his feet are turned towards the door, then the flow of negative Sha energy will easily enter the body shell and displace the soul.

Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui is not so merciless towards those who like to take a nap where and how they please. Failure to comply with the rules of the teaching in arranging furniture can lead a person who spent the night with his feet in an energetically incorrect position to fatigue, irritability and even illness.

If the layout and dimensions of the room do not allow you to place the bed in the right energetic place to enjoy a sweet and restful sleep, you can take the following recommendations of the Chinese sages:

  • do not arrange the sleeping area in the same window-door line;
  • choose a bed with a high headboard and place it close to the wall;
  • hang talismans at the entrance that disseminate favorable energy in all directions;
  • place a potted plant on the windowsill, which will receive a flow of negative energy;
  • hang thick, heavy curtains on the window.

Psychologists' opinion

The wise and ancient science of Feng Shui is not suitable for everyone. Those who are skeptical about philosophical teachings and believe that the superstitions of their ancestors should be left in the past are more likely to be interested in more modern arguments. For example, what psychologists think about the sign that says you shouldn’t sleep with your feet facing the exit.

Specialists responsible for harmony human soul, are of the opinion that for normal regeneration nerve cells and complete rest of all vital systems, deep sleep- required condition.

Comfortable and cozy furniture will create favorable conditions for this process, so that no one and nothing will interfere with your night's rest. It doesn’t matter how a person wants to lie on the bed: forward or backward with his feet towards the windows, door or wall, the main thing is that he feels protected and comfortable.

Where is it better to sleep with your head?

A person spends almost a third of his life in the world of dreams, which is why in the culture of any country there are so many legends, fairy tales and legends related to this physiological state. To believe or not that the “dead man’s pose” can become disastrous and bring misfortune is a personal matter for everyone.

Many are not even familiar with this sign or do not attach any importance to it. As a rule, these are people with a strong psyche who do not complain about sleep problems and take a position that is comfortable for them.

For people who are suspicious and impressionable, who firmly believe in signs of fate and folk beliefs Those experiencing anxiety because of their defenselessness, it is better not to aggravate the situation and trust the experience of their ancestors.

The developed imagination of such people is capable of recreating gloomy pictures in a dark room, their sleep will be restless, and the morning will be joyless and dull. Perhaps the bed was rearranged on the advice of the ancestors, and closed door into the room, will help you calm down and enjoy pleasant dreams.

Despite the development of science and technology that makes it possible to explain phenomena that were inaccessible to human understanding hundreds of years ago, signs will always be in demand. The mystical role of a doorway in the life and death of a person is no exception.

Whether you are ready to open the door and find yourself on the side of the unknown is up to you to decide.

Video: how to properly position a bed in the bedroom?

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