Home Smell from the mouth Meditation before bed for deep sleep, relaxation and cleansing. Rules for evening meditation for relaxation

Meditation before bed for deep sleep, relaxation and cleansing. Rules for evening meditation for relaxation

Meditation before bed(audio or video) – the best remedy for everyone who can't sleep for a long time. Did you know that there are special meditations for sleep? This is exactly what I want to offer you today.

As you know, healthy and good sleep– this is the basis good health, both physical and mental. But it happens that you seem to have slept, but you wake up in the morning and feel like a broken bucket. Common situation?

U bad sleep There are many reasons, but the most common is severe mental fatigue. Simply put, our brain is tired and can’t relax. Because he continues, like a mill, to grind all the information that fell into him during the day. And this information is not always useful. Basically, this is informational garbage, tons of which are tossing and turning in our brains in our heads half the night.

That's why we wake up in the morning with undercharged batteries :)

What is the solution? That's right, we need to help our brain relax.

Video meditations before bed will calm and relax you, help you quickly remove excess nervous tension and will quickly cause a pleasant yawn...

Therapeutic MUSIC FOR SLEEP, accompanied by the enchanting sounds of falling drops of water, will quietly plunge you into a state of deep sleep, where you can experience vivid, colorful dreams and understand the true reasons for your actions while awake.

The one proposed below will help you quickly establish DAY SLEEP, which very effectively replenishes our body’s resources. You can listen to it online or download it for free.

Audio meditation before bed

Video meditation before bedtime (daytime)

Video meditation before bed (nighttime)

Healing music for sound sleep

Well, if this doesn’t help you fall asleep, then an hour and a half of pouring rain and thunderstorms will certainly put you to sleep! 🙂

May you have sweet dreams!

Alena Golovina

Interesting on the topic:

The day is over, work is behind us, the sun has long set - it’s time to go to bed to gain strength for tomorrow’s marathon. The body is buzzing from the day's running, fatigue rolls in like a wave, the eyelids close on their own. But along with everything, a paradoxical problem wakes up - insomnia. The body requires rest, but the brain cannot calm down. In my head there are thoughts about mistakes made, unfinished business, and upcoming difficulties. Will meditation before bed help in such a situation? How can you avoid harming yourself?

Why do you need meditation before bed?

Most common reason taking a long time to fall asleep and waking up at night - obsessive thoughts. If the day has been emotionally difficult, and new obstacles lie ahead, it is difficult to “turn off” your brain and forget about the negativity. However, relaxation exercises can radically change the situation. Regular training will help:

  • quickly stop the flow of negative memories and thoughts;
  • relieve stress, calm emotions;
  • get rid of the burden of the daily bustle, throw unnecessary information out of your head;
  • improve the quality of dreams, forget about nightmares;
  • improve blood circulation, restore proper deep breathing, and relax muscles.

It is enough to allocate from 5 to 20 minutes before resting at night. Daily exercises will teach you to fall asleep quickly, rest well during sleep and wake up without lethargy and weakness.

However, there is a nuance that is better to understand right away. Standard meditative practices are carried out to activate thought processes, clearing the mind, receiving energy from internal sources. It is logical to assume that these techniques are not suitable for evening sessions. But what activities then will help solve sleep problems?

How to meditate at night

In order for the exercises to be beneficial, cause the expected effect and generally bring pleasure, you will have to study 5 main recommendations:

  1. The best provisions- lotus or half lotus. The “Turkish” pose is also suitable. The back is straight, without stooping, but not tense. You can sit against the wall or use soft cushions. Eyelids are closed, arms are relaxed, palms are open. It is allowed to connect the fingertips.
  2. Breath- smooth, slow, deep. Inhalation lasts approximately the same time as exhalation. There is a 2 second pause between them.
  3. Attention focuses on positive feelings, ideas, dreams or memories. Any negativity is avoided. At the same time, you should not try to overly control or suppress thoughts; it is better to let them go, periodically giving them direction.
  4. If it’s hard to distract yourself from bad thoughts, you can shift your attention to surrounding signs. It is important that these objects evoke pleasant experiences. It could be beautiful flowers or a painting, a bowl of delicious grapes, the pleasant unobtrusive smell of an aroma lamp, or the melodic sounds of a violin.
  5. Situation acting. The light is dimmed, ideally a night light, sconce or floor lamp is turned on. It is advisable to open the window to let in fresh air. However, it is better to remember that all senses are more irritable before bedtime. Bright colors, light, intrusive aromas and sounds will aggravate the condition.

the main objective is about complete relaxation and enjoyment. Only by calming down internal state and mind, you can count on a good night's sleep.

To make the session even more successful, suitable techniques. They are described in the next section of the article and are intended specifically for evening classes, so they are not suitable for afternoon or morning training. By repeating them regularly, you can develop conditioned reflex. Then the body itself will prepare for sleep as soon as the person begins to perform the necessary movements or imagine the same pictures.

Evening relaxation techniques


The feeling of light, smooth rocking is soothing. This is why children and even adults love to ride on swings, ride trains or lie in hammocks. The fantasy of a boat floating on a quiet river is also peaceful. How to do it:

  1. ensure good circulation fresh air- open a window or window. IN warm time year, you can conduct classes right on the balcony or even veranda;
  2. take a comfortable position that allows you to relax all your muscles;
  3. close your eyes and imagine yourself in a small boat floating with the flow;
  4. imagine the surroundings - pre-dawn, light fog, beautiful plants on the river bank;
  5. concentrate on imaginary sounds - the rustling of leaves, the splashing of water, the quiet creaking of a swaying wooden boat. You can turn on some soft music (optional).

After 10 minutes of this practice, the eyelids will become heavy and relaxation will reach its peak. It is better to come out of the state smoothly, moving slowly, as if afraid to drive away the drowsiness. Then it is important to go straight to bed. If you do other things after meditation (brush your teeth, clean the room, change bed linen, etc.), the effect noticeably decreases or disappears altogether. All procedures for preparing for sleep are done before the meditation session.

Mental teleportation

Sometimes, in order to relax, it is enough to imagine yourself in a pleasant safe place. It could be parents' house, where the whole family once lived together, or a quiet, light forest not far from the dacha. The imaginary space can be mentally removed from existing memories or simply fantasized. A few examples that are easy to imagine during pre-rest activities:

  • green meadow at sunset;
  • night fire when camping with tents;
  • quiet village or country house;
  • the bank of a small calm river or lake;
  • beach with palm trees, calm sea, sunset;
  • rocking chair by the fireplace (perhaps in the library);
  • soft cloud (elements of fantasy will not hurt).

It is important to imagine every little detail, try to interact with the details from the invented picture. Along with this technique, audio recordings of natural sounds are often used. It is advisable that they be associated with the evening hours - the chirping of grasshoppers, the hooting of an owl. The crowing of a rooster, noisy birdsong, and human hubbub will not do.

Mental transformation

Its essence lies in mental transformation. You can imagine yourself as a natural phenomenon (rain, fog, wind), a specific object (pillow, feather), or an abstraction ( Sunbeam, water, radio wave), living creature (cat, sloth). If you try to immediately try on the chosen image, it is unlikely that anything will come of it. It’s better to “get into the role” gradually.

If you imagine yourself as cotton candy, your train of thought would be something like this:

“I feel warm and cozy. My body becomes lighter with every breath. First, the tightness in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips dissipates. Then the fingers, hands, forearms, and shoulders become airy. There is emptiness and weightlessness in my head. I breathe freely, with every cell. Thoughts dissolve like sugar in syrup. The sweet water evaporates and I become fluffy ethereal cotton wool.”.

Figurative relaxation

Relaxation of this type occurs gradually, as smoothly as possible. It requires a fantasy of positive waves. These can be simple streams of water or some kind of fantastic magical waves that relieve stress. Below is the procedure.

  1. Imagine a continuous flow and its structure. What is it - dense or diffuse, airy or liquid?
  2. Fantasize about the color of the wave. Is it transparent or solid, does it shimmer?
  3. Concentrate on the sensations you get from the flow. What does it bring - soft warmth, pleasant coolness, a slight ticklish tingling sensation?
  4. Imagine how the flow begins to slowly envelop the entire body, centimeter by centimeter, starting from the legs and ending with the head.
  5. “Let in” the current inside you so that it fills every cell with pleasant sensations. To merge with it, to completely dissolve in it.

The exercise gradually stops when noticeable drowsiness appears. The wave recedes into reverse order(from head to feet), but a little faster. The eyes open slightly. Then it is better to go to bed immediately.

Proper meditation before bed will help cope with chronic insomnia, relieve nightmares, and improve your schedule. However, if the rules are not followed or the technique is chosen carelessly, the effect may be the opposite. To avoid negative consequences, just follow the advice from this article and be sure to listen to your body.

Crazy rhythm modern life accompanied by stress, nervous overstrain Due to endless problems and workload, it often becomes the main reason for lack of sleep. When going to bed, a person cannot concentrate on the process of falling asleep, because he is making a plan of events for tomorrow and analyzing his actions. The brain also works at a tense pace, processing the information received during the day. And if you do not provide quality rest to the body, it will not receive the necessary energy. Meditation and relaxation for productive sleep will help solve the problem. Special practices developed by such masters as Elena Valjak, Suzanna Semenova, Oleg Gadetsky, allow you to feel a surge of new strength the morning after waking up.

What is meditation and how does it help people Everyday life? The state of relaxation that occurs during the process of concentration of the mind has a powerful effect on the body, gradually restoring energy potential.

The essence of the concept

Many people associate the word “meditation” with monks, enveloped in the aroma of incense, and Buddhist temples located high in the mountains. In reality, it involves immersion in one’s own consciousness, focusing on achieving a special mental state.

It is important to know! The mysterious term translated from Latin means “to ponder”, “to mentally contemplate”. In the modern understanding, this is a series of exercises that allow you not only to control emotions in any situation, but also to find peace of mind, replenish your energy reserves, and learn to organize your day.

Benefits of meditation before bed

Meditation involves cleansing the chakras and aura before bed, making it possible not only to fall asleep quickly and soundly, but also to feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength, good mood. Regular meditation practices can solve a number of problems:

  • restrain the avalanche-like flow of thoughts that invariably arises before bed;
  • get rid of worries, anxieties and unreasonable fears;
  • tune in to a positive mood;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and endocrine system;
  • restore physical strength and peace of mind;
  • fill the body with new energy.

With daily exercise of only 15-20 minutes, the brain develops the habit of quickly switching off and plunging into a positive dream.

Varieties of techniques

Among the variety of techniques, experts identify several of the most effective ones that have a beneficial effect on human life and health.

Forgiveness. The technique allows you to get rid of grievances and misunderstandings that interfere with normal life, as well as forgive yourself and the people who make up your immediate and distant surroundings.

Attracting good luck and finance. Meditation is aimed at fulfilling desires through concentration. You should start positioning yourself as successful person, every time, mentally imagining wealth and money.

Relaxation. Allows you to cleanse the aura and strengthen the biofield. Having taken a comfortable position, you need to focus on your condition, clearing your brain of unnecessary information and negative emotions. Gradually calming down, you should mentally move to some beautiful paradise and experience the full range of sensations of unity with nature.

Healing. It is used to treat various bodily ailments and mental wounds, and restore vital energy. It is recommended to present yourself as active and absolutely healthy person, who has access to hiking and traveling to distant countries. Simultaneously with thoughts, let into the body positive energy, and feel how it fills your whole body.

Cleansing. An important technique that allows you to get rid of sleep problems, restore health, cleanse yourself of negative emotions and bad thoughts. Having settled comfortably in bed, you need to completely relax, normalize your breathing and begin to meditate. To do this, imagine yourself walking barefoot through the forest. Having found a path, walk to the bank of a small stream and listen to the sound of its murmur. Seeing a flat sandy shore, approach it and, standing in the center, draw a circle around you. While inside it, feel how the flow of energy fills the entire body, penetrating every cell. In a peaceful state, return to reality and feel joy and relaxation.

Features of the event

The path to good sleep always starts with a healthy environment. For proper rest, it is necessary to prepare not only the body and spirit, but also the surrounding space.

Helps you fall asleep quickly and get proper rest:

  • aromatherapy;
  • relaxing music;
  • spontaneous dance;
  • reciting special mantras.


Those who are turning to meditative practices for the first time can practice at home, since the exercises do not require special training. Meditation before bed for beginners involves observing what is happening inside yourself: thoughts, emotions, movements. The process of immersion, considered as a hypnotic state, should begin with taking a comfortable position.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • sit in a chair or chair;
  • lean on your back to eliminate muscle tension;
  • place your feet on the floor or tuck them under you (assuming a lotus position);
  • fold your hands on your knees or clasp your hands;
  • relax your body and close your eyes.

A beginner can listen to the meditations of Sinelnikov and Livanda, but while performing the exercises it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:


Relaxation techniques before bed, selected specifically for children in accordance with their age and temperament, can make their rest calm, deep, and most importantly, productive. With regular practice, parents will quickly notice positive changes in psycho-emotional state, behavior, physical health your child.

Attention! The child needs meditation most of all. A huge flow of information that his brain cannot cope with leads to disorders nervous system, the emergence of anxiety, fears, and the development of prolonged depression. Meditative practice can eliminate these conditions by stabilizing the activity of the central nervous system and normalizing sleep.


Being the head of the family and, therefore, the breadwinner, a representative of the stronger sex experiences regular nervous overload, which negatively affects all areas of life. To maintain physical and sexual health, relieve stress and to experience what healing sleep is, simple meditation should be done daily.

Advice! Having learned to relax correctly, a man will be able to regain healthy rest, increase overall tone, increase productivity for the coming working day and set the body up for recovery. vitality and energy.

Meditation, done while lying down before bed, will teach you how to heal physical ailments and mental wounds.


A woman’s body is highly sensitive and reacts sharply to the slightest changes in the world around her. This is especially evident in evening time as obsessive thoughts, worries about your family and friends, analysis of actions and actions.

Constant stress creates persistent sleep disturbances and leads to the development stressful situations, depression, which affects relationships at work and in the family. Performing meditation exercises allows you to achieve the following results:

  • suspend internal dialogue or get rid of obsessive thoughts;
  • free the brain from the flow of unnecessary information, giving it the opportunity to relax;
  • activate the processes of self-rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level;
  • restore inner harmony, filling your consciousness with love for yourself and loved ones;
  • gain confidence in the future.

It is important to know! The benefits of meditation for women also lie in the fact that it helps relieve internal pressures, reduce the incidence of neuroses, and set the body up for gradual recovery in case of serious illnesses.

Best Meditation Techniques

Theta healing teaching

To restore health and improve financial situation, increase creative potential A technique based on changes in the frequency of brain activity, which is determined during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, is ideal. The practice consists of several stages:

  • withdrawal muscle tension, complete and absolute relaxation;
  • dissolution of one’s “I” and immersion in the surrounding space;
  • achieving the level of “molecular synchronization”;
  • positioning oneself as the smallest particle of the Universe;
  • focusing your attention on what you want.

Complete relaxation, which is only possible in a comfortable position, sets the subconscious mind to achieve positive result in overcoming difficult life situations.

Breathing exercises

The practice is aimed at maximizing relaxation after the end of the lesson. Being the basis of all techniques, it allows you to control the inhalation-exhalation process and change its frequency. The difficulty of practice lies in the fact that the desired effect can be achieved only after hard training with the help of a trainer. The description of the methodology can be represented by the following points.

  1. Take the lotus position or horizontal position.
  2. Concentrate on your sensations for 2-4 minutes.
  3. Achieve correct breathing. It must be diaphragmatic rib cage remains alone. Hands are placed on the stomach.
  4. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Breathe at a constant rate for at least 10 minutes.

After a quarter of an hour, drowsiness sets in, the brain is saturated with oxygen. When a state of immersion appears, you need to go to bed and fall asleep.

Practice of Suzanna Semenova

A well-known energy psychologist creates meditative exercises aimed at resolving difficult life situations. The most popular technique is the “Wishing Room”. It allows you to completely relax, gain faith in yourself, achieve success, prosperity and the fulfillment of your cherished dreams. Having taken a comfortable position, you should listen to the recording of the meditation, and then try to fall asleep.

Principles and rules of healthy sleep

To fall asleep quickly and easily, and at the same time feel rested and full of energy, you must follow the rules healthy sleep. They imply a whole range of recommendations, among which the main ones are the following.

Mode. You should go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. Thanks to this, a conditioned reflex is formed, and the body wakes up without the help of external influences.

Duration of sleep. Having determined for yourself the time period that is necessary for proper rest, you need to try to maintain it without reducing it to complete any tasks.

Nutrition. The regime should be designed in such a way that the evening meal ends 2-3 hours before falling asleep. Dishes should be light and quickly digestible. If necessary, before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir, warm milk, or eat a banana or apple.

Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are considered substances that activate mental arousal. It has been proven that their absence in a person’s life helps them sleep peacefully at night. The same applies to strong drinks - tea, coffee. It is recommended to consume them 5-6 hours before bedtime.

Mental activity. Working at the computer, watching shows, communicating on social media. networks excite the nervous system and cause insomnia. 2-3 hours in advance, you should switch your attention to calmer activities and getting ready for bed.

Rest zone. A cozy atmosphere, a comfortable atmosphere, and a comfortable bed encourage quick calm and normal sleep. Moderate temperature and humidity, as well as a constant flow of fresh air, will help ensure long and sound sleep.

Evening ritual. Daily habitual actions - warm bath, massage, light music, relaxation, auto-training, cup herbal tea– will help you completely relax and quickly immerse yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Meditation before bed is the maximum relaxation of the body and liberation from negative thoughts and emotions. Regular classes every evening for a quarter of an hour allows you to fully rest throughout the night, feeling energetic and rested the next morning after waking up.

Unlike standard meditation techniques, meditation before sleep does not require concentration from a person. On the contrary, he is required to relax, tranquility and even dreaminess to some extent. The fact is that it is the strong desire to fall asleep that is the main obstacle to falling asleep. No matter how ideally the room and environment are prepared for falling asleep, if the mind is agitated and restless, it will not be possible to fall asleep.

Meditation for sleep involves immersing yourself in the most relaxed state, helping to sweep away everything unimportant.

Meditation before bed will help restore full sleep, harmony in feelings, and overcome depression. With the help of meditative techniques, you can fall asleep, and then meet the morning without feeling lethargic and overwhelmed. Having mastered the deep sleep meditation technique, you can forget about it forever.

  • So, meditation before bed is needed to:
  • stop obsessive negative thoughts;

free your mind from unnecessary information accumulated during the day. The main condition for sleep is relaxation and rest, which is what relaxation and meditation can achieve from stress and. The ancient art of relaxation allows a person to fall asleep, freeing his mind from the influence of stress. Meditation techniques will help relax muscles, restore breathing, improve blood circulation and fall asleep quickly. If you take the habit of meditating for 5-20 minutes before going to bed, you can train your mind not only to fall asleep quickly, but also to see positive good things..

good dreams

  1. 5 most effective meditation techniques
    During meditation, the eyes should be completely closed or slightly open. Rhythmic, deep, slow breathing should not distract or attract attention. At first, many who practice relaxation before going to bed feel a state of loneliness, which should not be frightened; it passes quite quickly. The emerging thoughts during the session should simply flow past your consciousness, without plunging into it and without causing a response. There is no need to concentrate attention on them, go deep into them and develop them, they should simply disappear.
    You need to end the session softly and smoothly. Mindfulness meditation is not a spiritual practice, but simply the science of relaxation, enabling a restful and healthy sleep, and then a vigorous awakening.
  2. As has already been indicated, it is the burning desire to sleep that distances a person from falling asleep. One of the meditation techniques is called the dreamer's pose and it is intended specifically for those who worry about not being able to fall asleep, to the point that they cannot fall asleep.
    The point of the Dreamer Pose technique is to enjoy this unexpected time of rest. Relax, place your hands behind your head, and stretch out comfortably on the bed. That is, take the pose of a person resting on the grass. Imagine in your mind how a fresh breeze blows over you, the sun sets, twilight envelops everything, surrounding nature falls asleep. You are in no hurry to go anywhere, much less to fall asleep, but simply enjoy yourself. Your body is relaxed, resting and already recovering. The essence of this meditation for insomnia is not to come to terms with insomnia and accept it, but to relax so that you can fall asleep.
    The main goal is achieved through inaction and lack of willpower, through focusing on the current moment. You stop waiting in anxiety for insomnia, accept it, relax and through relaxation you fall asleep.
  3. Breathing Meditation
    Breathing meditation is another meditation for deep sleep. More often, the technique of mindful breathing is used in reverse to feel a surge of vigor, but it will also help for the opposite process.
    To start meditating, you should do all the things in advance - brush your teeth, make the bed, ventilate the room. It is better to meditate in cotton pajamas, right on the bed or next to it with the dim light of a night lamp. You should sit in the classic lotus position or the more comfortable half lotus position, you can simply sit on bent legs. The main requirements are a straight back, which will not prevent air from entering the lungs. Your hands should be placed on your knees. For the first 5-6 minutes, you should simply carefully observe your breathing. Most the best option- trace the movement of each inhaled portion of air from the moment of inhalation to its exhalation. no mantras or ideas are required - just follow your breathing and all thoughts will flow through all consciousness. Usually, after 10-15 minutes of concentration on breathing, the consciousness begins to calm down, after 15-20 minutes the meditator feels drowsy. A more advanced technique of deep or slow breathing allows you to control the breathing process until the entire respiratory process slows down, as in the body of a sleeping person.
    It is better to go to bed as soon as you feel drowsy. There is no need to meditate for more than 20 minutes.
  4. Autotraining
    Autotraining is another technique for achieving sleep. Autogenic sleep training begins with deep relaxation of the body. Start relaxing with your toes. Imagine yourself lying on the beach. Feet point towards the water. The tide begins to rise and pleasant waves begin to roll over your feet. The water touches the toes, relaxing them. Then the wave reaches the ankles. The calves of the legs relax and fatigue disappears from them. The knees and hips gradually take turns, relaxation reaches the stomach. Warm, gentle water soothes and completely covers the body. As the wave retreats, it takes all fatigue and stiffness with it. As soon as you feel yourself being drawn to sleep, immediately stop the exercise, allowing yourself to go into the arms of Morpheus.
  5. Meditation mantras
    With the help of correctly selected voice formulas for falling asleep, you can fall asleep deeply and wake up in the morning cheerful and energetic. It is better to listen to mantras before going to bed, because not every beginner will be able to read mantras to themselves and fall asleep at the same time. When listening, it is important to adjust the volume so that it does not interfere with falling asleep, but the words must be clearly audible. By the way, not only mantras, but also any Sanskrit chants will be useful for listening before bed. The subconscious opens at night and perceives these more fully and easily healing sounds, which have a pleasant sound and help get rid of stress and anxiety.
  • The first text to try when starting to use techniques for falling asleep with mantras is OM AGASTI SHAINAH. This mantra is read until complete relaxation.
  • The text RI A HUM is read with the visualization of a black dot between the eyebrows. This mantra is ideal for those suffering from chronic insomnia.
  • The mantra SHUDHE SHUDHE MAHAYOGINI MAHANIDRE SVAHAA will make your dreams more pleasant.
  • The text OM SUSHUPTI OM is a special mantra that allows you to fall into a healthy sleep.

Other techniques

The problem of how to relax before bed can be solved with the help of other techniques, which include:

  • Sleeping music will help you relax. When creating relaxation music, oriental motifs are taken as a basis. Listening to oriental melodies helps to increase the amplitude of alpha waves, which create the preconditions for a feeling of satisfaction;
  • aromatherapy: this is the aromatization of air essential oils such as bergamot, sandalwood, lavender, etc. Combinations of these scents are often used. Incense sticks and aroma lamps are used for aromatherapy. Pillows with sets are very popular;
  • muscle contraction: the technique of alternating muscle contractions is quite effective. Starting with your legs, tense your muscles and relax for 10-15 seconds. In this way, squeeze and alternately relax all the muscles from bottom to top. This method improves muscle blood circulation.

Sleep meditations will help you fall asleep on time and wake up every morning feeling energized and strong.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of a practicing physician. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008.
  • V.M. Kovalzon Fundamentals of somnology. Moscow, Publishing house “Binom. Knowledge Laboratory.” 2011
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016.

Attacks of insomnia no, no, and they manifest themselves in the life of any person. If a person does not have any diseases, then this often happens after an emotionally stressful day or before important events. But, in any case, this is an unpleasant episode of disruption to the daily routine. And it needs correction. We exclude drug intervention as not natural, and consider a remedy for insomnia such as meditation.

Cause of insomnia

Insomnia can occur for reasons that may be psychological or physiological.

TO psychological reasons include emotionally intense days or events. And it doesn’t matter whether the day was filled with good or bad emotions. The mind cannot stop analyzing, revising, remembering. These also include falling in love or being in a stressful situation for a long time.

Physiological reasons are due to inconvenience to the body, not to the nervous system. For example, insomnia often occurs when moving to a new place. In hot, cold or stuffy conditions. If you have drunk a large amount of stimulating drinks or eaten a lot of sweets, which give a quick release of energy into the blood. And now it is physically impossible to relax.

Diseases that impair breathing and heartbeat, can also cause insomnia.

In both cases - be it psychological or physiological causes of insomnia - the first thing you need to do is calm the mind. This is sufficient when psychological problems. For elimination physiological reasons calming the mind becomes only a stepping stone to eradicate bodily disturbances. And in this case it will take a little more time.

Methods of meditation for insomnia

There are many ways to meditate. Just choose one of them. If insomnia often torments you, then positive side this problem will be something you can try various ways meditations for insomnia.

A meditation for sleep can be watching your breathing. Complete absorption of attention aimed at the breathing process slows down the rhythm of breathing itself and heartbeat,

Meditation by switching attention to sound. This type of meditation includes the meditative practice of yoga nidra. It's more of a meditation before bed. The peculiarity of yoga nidra is that during the practice itself you need to refrain from falling asleep. But its results contribute to further rapid falling asleep and sound sleep.

You can do this kind of meditation yourself, unaccompanied, observing your body, filling it with heaviness and warmth. Relaxation during this method of meditation is achieved quickly and is in a great way from chronic stress and insomnia.

You can relax your body even faster if you use the tension and relaxation method. To do this, you need to alternately tense the muscles of the body and then relax them.

You can relax and then fall asleep with a monotonous sound. Most often this is Om meditation. This method of meditation for insomnia is similar to hypnosis, but does not require the intervention of outsiders.

Conditions for meditation

But whatever method is chosen, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the upcoming meditation. Be sure to ventilate the room. But do not forget to close the window after a while so that the noise of the street does not interfere with falling asleep.

If you can't stay warm, take another blanket. Or put it in a plastic bottle hot water and place it at your feet. If the room is very cold, wear a hat. This is how tourists keep warm in the cool season.

If the weather, on the contrary, is sultry like summer, then do not forget to turn on the air conditioner before going to bed to slightly lower the air temperature. Don't leave it on overnight. Using a sprayer, you can spray water with a few drops of valerian or mint. And pour it into the bottle cold water and place it at your feet.

The bed should not be too soft. It is better to meditate to fall asleep while lying on your back in Shavasana pose (corpse pose). You can place a rolled-up blanket or large towel under your neck and knees.

Meditation technique before bed

Let's take a closer look at meditation techniques that do not require external intervention or sound: the method of transferring attention to the body and the method of figurative visualization.

In the first case, after taking a comfortable position, walk with your inner gaze over all parts of the body, detailing them: thumb right hand, forefinger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, back of the hand, palm, whole hand, forearm, shoulder, whole right hand. Then go to left hand, separately right and left side chest, stomach, back. Chest, stomach and back in general. The whole body. In the same way, walk your attention through your legs, head and neck. On the head it is necessary to highlight the forehead, eyebrow area, upper right eyelid, upper left eyelid, muscles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, lips, area around the mouth, jaw area, cheeks, entire face, muscles of the head, back of the head, back of the neck, front of the neck, completely neck, completely neck and head. Sending attention to each part of the body, try to relax this area. After paying attention to the whole body, practice feeling the lightness and heaviness of the whole body, filling it with pleasant warmth. “I am serene and calm, I fall asleep easily.” It is not necessary to complete the meditation to the end. If you feel drowsy, lie down in a comfortable position and give your body rest.

In the figurative visualization method, you need to imagine yourself in a place that is associated with a peaceful and happy state for you. And merge with nature, becoming part of it. You can choose any element of nature: water, a stream, a tree leaf, swaying grass, an animal sleeping in a sunny meadow. Enter the image, feel the calm and rhythmic movement of the wind, filled with warmth from sunlight, the measured noise of leaves, the wave-like movement of grass in the meadow, the monotonous murmur of a stream. Become one with the tranquility of nature.

Have a nice sleep!

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