Home Pulpitis Psycho-emotional tension and stress. Psycho-emotional tension and muscle tension

Psycho-emotional tension and stress. Psycho-emotional tension and muscle tension

Stress is the body’s defensive reaction to a difficult, uncomfortable situation. The condition is accompanied internal tension, increased anxiety and a feeling of fear.

Relieve stress at home

They get rid of stress symptoms through psychoanalysis and techniques that patients perform at home, on the way to work or at the workplace. Helps relieve nervous tension folk recipes: Safe tinctures and natural-based products do not cause side effects.

Stress and psycho-emotional tension

Stress is a state consisting of a complex of negative internal processes. Tension is individual moments that arise due to stress factors and have serious consequences for further development person.

These concepts indicate the psychological state of a person. Psycho-emotional stress causes physical and mental stress, characterized by a partial loss of control: in this state, a person overcomes difficulties without being sure of the result of his actions. Stress is the body’s reaction to factors that, for a number of reasons, the human mind perceives as overwhelming difficulties that cannot be overcome.

Types of nervous tension

Nervous excitation is characterized by a load on the central nervous system. In a state of stress, a person does not relax: at night he is tormented by nightmares, and in the morning he feels tired and apathetic. The nervous system does not recover. Mental stress changes the behavior of an individual, making a person aggressive and isolated from others. For convenience, there are two types of extreme mental stress:

  1. The inhibitory type is expressed in a person’s low adaptation to new conditions, when he cannot adapt to the assigned tasks at work and the requirements in the family. His reactions are inhibited and inadequate in relation to the situation.
  2. Excessive forms of mental stress ( excitable type) are expressed in a change in the behavior of the individual: he withdraws from his usual habitat, becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative. Mental overstrain leads to rapid mood swings. This type of tension is characterized by increased aggression of a person who has experienced severe stress.
  3. Excessive or prohibitive forms of mental stress arise due to hypermobilization of the body (a person experiences an emotional breakdown).
  4. Exorbitant forms disrupt coordination of movement. Due to tension, confusion appears and concentration decreases.

Stress, tension, aggression

Symptoms of psycho-emotional problems

Nervous fatigue is reflected in a person’s behavior. His attitude to life, behavior and society changes. Symptoms of nervous tension:

  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • increased anxiety;
  • depression;
  • manic behavior (a person is focused on one task).

The symptoms and treatment of nervous tension are similar to stress relief methods. The primary goal is to reduce the level of anxiety and combat the main cause of this condition. Without medications, tension decreases gradually through an increase in a person’s activity and correction of his behavior.

Every symptom of nervous tension is accompanied by exhaustion of the human mind and body. Nutrition is disrupted, muscle tone decreases - the personality literally weakens before our eyes. A sign of problems in the body that arise against the background of mental stress: arrhythmia, hypertension, infectious diseases(malfunctions immune system), disturbances in the functioning of the intestines (constipation, diarrhea, increased flatulence).

How to relieve tension

Methods for relieving psychological stress directly depend on the condition of the affected person. Calming pills and psychotropic medications are prescribed by a doctor in cases where exercise and regular techniques do not produce positive results. Psychocorrection is a safe technique for adults and children.

Psychological counseling and psychocorrection

The state of mental tension consists of physical reactions that can be learned to control. The method for home use is based on the correction of the body's reactions. Through breathing exercises a person learns to control fear, and tension exercises help to concentrate.

Proper relaxation technique

The easiest way to relieve tension is to instruct the body to change its external reaction. To relieve stress and nervous tension at home after a working day, you should take a walk in the fresh air.

The benefits of walking

Walking alone with your thoughts allows you to understand the reasons for the current situation and take your mind off the problem. Changing the environment helps you quickly calm down, relax your muscles and reduce overexcitement. It is better to take a walk before bed to relieve mental stress and prevent insomnia.

Exercise to relieve tension

The mental stress associated with overcoming imperfection is expressed in the behavior of the individual. She is tense and complex: her injuries are reflected in a person’s appearance and demeanor. He is stiff, stooped and clumsy. Gymnastics are used to combat internal tensions.

Relieve tension and stress:

  • starting position – standing against the wall with your back extended;
  • feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward (palms pointing down);
  • as you exhale, the body slowly pulls upward; as you inhale, the weight of the body is redistributed over the entire foot.

The number of repetitions of the exercise depends on physical training person. Psycho-emotional stress due to sudden changes at work or in your personal life is accompanied by panic attacks - this exercise will ease anxiety, and mental stress will disappear within 5-10 minutes.

Alternate body lifts with breath holds. A person needs to stretch out on his toes and tighten his abdominal muscles. As you exhale, the body relaxes and returns to its original position.

Breathing exercises

To quickly relieve stress or nervous tension, you need to calm your breathing. As a reaction to fear and stress, a person experiences shortness of breath, suffocation, chest pain and uneven breathing. With the help of simple breathing exercises, psychological stress is reduced, and the person returns to a normal state. Breathing exercises are suitable for both men, women and children.

Breathing exercises to relieve tension are easy to remember:

  1. Starting position – sitting or standing. The person settles into a comfortable position with a straight, elongated back. It is important that the chest is smooth, straightened, and nothing interferes with calm breathing.
  2. Closing your eyes helps you distance yourself from what is happening around you. The exercise can be done at home, at work or on public transport.
  3. The first breath is slow and deep. While inhaling, a person counts to himself to five. The air passes through the lungs, the stomach gradually rounds.
  4. Exhale slowly. You should exhale gradually, tensing your abdominal muscles, then releasing your lungs. The complex of inhalations and exhalations is like a wave that first fills a person and then releases him.
  5. You should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  6. Between inhalation and exhalation, hold your breath for a few seconds.

Breathing exercises to relieve stress

A simple pattern of “inhale for 5 counts – hold your breath for 5 seconds – exhale for 5 counts” will help you relax your body and free your mind from anxious thoughts. Repeating the exercise helps to distract attention from the stress factor. Breathing exercises are performed for 10 minutes. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times a day.

Restoring the correct breathing rhythm normalizes a person’s mental state. Before going to bed, this exercise will help you fall asleep quickly and get rid of anxious thoughts.

Equipment for extreme situations

An effective method of relieving psychological stress in conflict situations is emergency measures. Use quick techniques to normalize the condition in stressful situation and to prevent nervous breakdown. The “Boat” exercise helps a lot with a panic attack.

Starting position – sitting or standing. It is necessary to straighten your back and fold your hands in the form of a boat (palms connected at the level chest, elbows bent). In order to relieve stress and nervous tension, you should monitor your breathing for 3-4 minutes. At the fifth minute its frequency decreases. Calm, measured inhalations alternate with long exhalations. During inhalation, the lips are closed (inhale through the nose). After a few minutes, the body will relax and the mind will calm down.

Calming herbs and aromatherapy

You can relieve stress in a relaxed home environment. Soothing tea and essential oils, incense and aroma candles will create all the conditions for relaxation of the body.

Helps with internal tension herbal teas, which are stored all year round. As a natural sedative select herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, chamomile and motherwort. Dilute the herbal taste of tea with honey, cinnamon or syrup. The composition of the collection is selected individually.

Herbal tea with honey

Getting rid of nervous tension at home is easy if you take baths with pine needles and essential oils once a week. Use 10 drops of oils (orange, cedar and lemon tree) added to a warm bath. This way you can relieve fatigue. After a bath, it is recommended to drink freshly brewed chamomile tea or a decoction with medicinal plants(Melissa and mint).

The beneficial properties of oils are used to improve blood circulation, in the fight against colds and stress. Incense helps to relax: with the help of an aroma lamp and essential oils you can calm the nervous system. With the help of lavender, geranium and frankincense oil, a woman can relieve severe pain during menstruation (hormonal imbalance causes increased nervousness and psycho-emotional stress).

Prolonged stress

The result of increased excitability (symptoms: irritability, apathy, confusion) becomes prolonged stress. A person has a headache, tremors in the limbs, joint pain, body aches - psycho-emotional problems lead to pathologies.

The attending physician prescribes medications that relieve physical symptoms. Psychoanalysis and work on lifestyle helps the individual get rid of stress and its consequences. The danger of a prolonged stressful state lies in the disruption of the central nervous system.

Mental disorders manifest themselves in people who have not struggled with constant emotional stress.

The right rhythm of life

You can avoid taking stress-inducing drugs if you plan your daily routine, create proper diet and worry about the health of the body. Anti-tension medications cause drowsiness and affect human behavior, and folk remedies are not dangerous from stress. Useful habits, developed while working on thinking and behavior, will prevent stress in the future.

Sports activities

The following will help relieve internal tension:

  • playing sports;
  • new hobbies;
  • trips out of town;
  • new acquaintances and meetings;
  • timely rest.

Working on your own thinking saves you from stress - the attitudes by which a person lives create his reactions. Stress resistance is developed through self-education and self-knowledge. If a person knows the cause of fear, he is not afraid of the future, he is not afraid of the unknown.

The daily routine is a balanced day during which the body has time to rest and get the required load. The culture of food consumption allows you to get rid of such manifestations of stress as overeating or starvation.

Physical exercise

The ability to withstand stress is tantamount to the ability to control the body's spontaneous reactions. A tense body cannot relax and resist stress and its consequences. Physical activity is used to harden the body: running in the morning or in the evening before bed helps. While running, a person clears the mind and allows the body to release accumulated tension.

You can overcome stress if you cultivate resilience in the face of problems. Working on your body improves self-esteem. Development motivates a person to new achievements, and group classes allow you to make promising acquaintances. Relieving stress through yoga is based on a combination of meditative techniques and physical exercise. A person learns to look at the world, people and the causes of stress differently. Relaxation is the key to harmony and well-being.

Finding new hobbies

Interests and hobbies are the foundation of a developing personality. The basis of art therapy (one of best methods combating prolonged stress) is the disclosure of a person, his fears and anxieties through art. Figures, compositions, paintings reveal the true traumas of the individual. Through art therapy, old emotional wounds can be soothed. A person who knows himself is not afraid of the world around him.

New activities bring impressions and positive emotions. Positive experiences save you from stress. They switch the personality away from the problem and make the experience less significant.

Rest and relaxation

Lack of rest ends in emotional burnout. The personality loses motivation and weakens. The less time a person devotes to rest, the more susceptible he is to external influence. Rest consists of distracted activities: picnics, going to the cinema, communicating with loved ones. Such activities give the body the necessary respite.

Relaxation is aimed at revealing the true desires of the individual. Away from work and family responsibilities, she can make the right decisions. A change of place is a signal of calm for the body.


Stress and psycho-emotional tension are similar concepts that describe a difficult state of an individual. Difficulties at work and at home exhaust a person, make him weak and susceptible. Stress is expressed physical symptoms: daily routine, sleep and nutrition are disrupted. The longer this state lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it.

Physical activity, conversations with friends and psychoanalysts help cope with tension and stress. Individual program Treatment is a balance between a person’s desires and needs. For further development, he needs to get rid of stress, which distorts the perception of reality.

Ways to relieve psycho-emotional stress

Experience shows that an effective means of preventing tension, preventing the syndrome professional burnout is to use methods of self-regulation and self-restoration. This is a kind of safety precaution for specialists who have numerous and intensive contacts with people in the course of their professional activities. These techniques were and are now being used in working with teachers during interactive classes at TMK, MBOU Secondary School No. 56, during individual and group work with clients. The information presented in this article is included in the information block of the “Prevention” program emotional burnout teachers" and into practice on self-regulation of the body.

Natural ways of regulating the body and self-regulation

Human nature is such that he strives for comfort, to eliminate discomfort, without thinking about it, without knowing what scientific words it is called. These are natural methods of regulation that turn on by themselves, spontaneously.

You probably use many of them intuitively. It's a long dream tasty food, communication with nature and animals, sauna, massage, movement, dancing, music and much more.

The following natural methods of regulating the body are distinguished:

laughter, smile, humor;

thinking about the good, pleasant,

various movements such as stretching, muscle relaxation;

watching the landscape outside the window;

looking at flowers in the room, photographs, other pleasant or dear things to a person;

mental appeal to higher powers(God, the Universe, the great idea);

bathing (real or mental) in the sun's rays;

breathing fresh air:

poetry reading;

expressing praise or compliments to someone just like that.

Try asking yourself questions:

What helps you cheer up and switch?

Which of the above can I use?

Mentally, or better yet on paper, make a list of these methods. Consider which ones you can use consciously when you feel tense or tired.

Unfortunately, such means, as a rule, cannot be used at work, directly at the moment when a tense situation has arisen or fatigue has accumulated. Are there any techniques that can be used during work? Yes.

To begin with, it is important to understand what natural mechanisms for relieving tension, relaxing, and increasing tone you have; become aware of them; move from spontaneous use natural ways regulation to the conscious in order to manage one’s condition.

Specialists who deal with the problem of regulating emotional states and neuropsychic tension use special moves consciously. They are called methods of self-regulation, or methods of self-influence, emphasizing the active participation of a person in them.

Self-regulation is managing one's own psycho-emotional state, achieved by a person influencing himself with the help of words, mental images, control muscle tone and breathing.

Thus, self-regulation can be carried out using four main means, used separately or in various combinations.

As a result of self-regulation, three main effects can occur:

calming effect (elimination of emotional tension);

recovery effect (weakening of symptoms of fatigue);

activation effect (increased psychophysiological reactivity).

Timely self-regulation acts as a kind of psychohygienic means that prevents the accumulation of residual effects overstrain, promoting complete restoration of strength, normalizing the emotional background of activity, and also enhancing the mobilization of the body's resources.

Bank of self-regulation methods

1. Methods related to breathing control

All other vital rhythms of our body are subordinated to breathing and its rhythm.

Breath plays in our mental life not the least role. Mastering your breathing and its mechanisms is one of the ways to cope with psychological problems and neurosis. Conscious control of breathing is one of the the most ancient ways combating stress and other psychological stress.

Breath control is effective remedy influence on muscle tone and emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (using the abdominal muscles) reduces excitability nerve centers, promotes muscle relaxation, that is, relaxation. Frequent (chest) breathing, on the contrary, ensures a high level of body activity and maintains neuropsychic tension.

Proper breathing is an adjustment to the rhythm and emotions of thinking. You have probably noticed more than once how much a particular emotional state, the rhythm of emotions, changes our breathing. Remember how it changed when you were excited, when you were expecting the result of some process that was important to you. How did you breathe when you learned some good news?

Every time a special breathing pattern arises that corresponds to your emotional state. If you are excited, your breathing is shallow and rapid. If you are calm, it is slow and deep.

There is also an inverse relationship. In a difficult, emotionally intense moment for you, when your breathing is short and your heart is beating somewhere in your throat, you can calm yourself down with the help of, that’s right, breathing. Smooth and slow breathing will help you cope with your emotions. Breathe as you would if you were in a state of deep rest.

To speed up the process, you need, while maintaining a calm breathing pattern, to slightly increase the depth of breathing and its intensity.

In the same way, by changing the rhythm of breathing, you can move from a relaxed, calm state to a more active, cheerful one. That is, by changing our breathing pattern, we can transfer ourselves to ANY emotional state.

Of course, in order to consolidate this skill, it is necessary to consciously practice these transitions from one state to another. Practice leveling out irritation and aggression with even, slow and deep breathing. And finally, when you feel a loss of strength, in a state of apathy, change your breathing pattern, bringing it closer to what distinguishes an actively working person.

How to do it? Try, when you are irritated or angry, to breathe the way a person who has barely woken up breathes. Imagine that you are in bed, you have just had a pleasant, peaceful dream. Now you have woken up, and your breathing is slow and calm. Take ten inhalations and exhalations, carefully monitoring the accuracy of the breathing of the newly awakened person (at the same time, increase the depth and intensity of the breathing, maintaining its pattern!). There will be no trace left of the negative emotion.

Breathing can change more than just emotions. It has a powerful effect on thought, and therefore on the entire body. Breathing is associated with thinking and concentration, more precisely with intellectual rhythm. By learning to breathe correctly, you can significantly improve your mental abilities. It is important to learn to breathe normally and control this process. When controlling the breathing process, you should not be zealous. But when you are experiencing emotional discomfort, just check how you breathe. And if you find out that something is wrong and your breathing is not improving, if it is frequent, superficial and ineffective (i.e., not satisfying your needs), then take action.

With natural and full breathing, the body takes a characteristic pose. As you inhale, the head slides back, the shoulders move forward and up, the stomach retracts, the pelvis moves forward, and the legs move apart by themselves. When exhaling, all these parts of the body move in the opposite direction, as if the person is preparing to group, but does not group. All this is possible only if you surrender to the process of breathing, which is what I wish for you with all my heart, since natural breathing contains many resources for our mental and even physical well-being.

Mastering natural breathing. Try to inhale as completely as possible using the intercostal muscles, muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and abs. Exhale equally deeply. “Breathe in” the remaining air two or three times; only 3-4 consecutive exhalations without inhalations. After a 3-5 second pause, try to inhale as fully as possible again. If necessary, perform this complex 3-7 times. Focus on the result; you should feel that your breathing has become free and full. You should also feel that all three muscle groups (intercostal muscles, shoulder girdle muscles and abs) are working harmoniously, helping each other to ensure breathing.

Checking for complete breathing. To make sure that your breathing is truly complete, tense as much as possible and hold the tension for as long as possible. Then take 2-3 deep spontaneous inhalations and exhalations. Additionally, make sure that your breathing is not impeded by any muscle blocks (a feeling of muscle tension in one of three areas: chest, shoulders, abs). If you identify some kind of muscle block, get rid of it by additional tension of this muscle group according to the appropriate scheme.

It would be absurd to completely abandon the tools for maintaining mental well-being that are hidden in the breath. In the process of evolutionary development, a clear relationship has developed between deep and rapid breathing, on the one hand, and the activation of the body on the other. At the same time, when breathing decreases, the nervous system rests, and in the meantime the body restores and accumulates energy resources. During inhalation, the mental state is activated, and during exhalation, the whole body calms and relaxes.

If you feel anxious, overwhelmed or tense, immerse yourself in the here and now and focus on your breathing. Feel only your breath. Sit with your back straight and count your breaths: one when you inhale, two when you exhale, three when you inhale again, four when you exhale again, and so on. Continue counting only to ten, since large numbers counting breaths is difficult. Go through two or three of these cycles. Focus on each account. Give your attention to exactly one, exactly two, exactly three, etc. Invest yourself in each number, follow your breathing, your inhalation, exhalation, pause. Notice the obstacles that are preventing you from breathing fully and remove them. While breathing, feel the currents that arise in the body under its influence.

In case of increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, increase the time for all three phases of the breathing process: inhale-pause-exhale. Start with 5 seconds. Inhale slowly for 5 seconds, pause for 5 seconds and exhale also for 5 seconds. There is no need to breathe at this rhythm for a long time. Monitor the result and be guided by it. If it’s not difficult for you, you can gradually increase the duration of each phase (pause - no more than 10 seconds).

This exercise should not be performed before work that requires high activity. It has a pronounced calming effect, so it can be effective before bed if you have difficulty falling asleep.

In order to raise the general tone and gather strength, the alternation of breathing phases should be as follows: inhale - exhale - hold your breath for 5 seconds. Keep track of the result and be guided by it. You can increase the duration of the respiratory phases (each separately), but not much. The exercise should be carried out carefully.

For emergency activation of internal resources: inhalation should be done less actively, and exhalation should be forced, quite sharply, with artificially created difficulties. Sit with your back straight, lean your shoulders slightly forward, inhale calmly for 3 seconds and exhale forcefully for six. Create tension in the muscles of your tongue and larynx to resist the passing air. Simultaneously with exhalation, tense the muscles of your arms, chest and abdomen. You should not do more than 5-6 breaths in this way.

2. Methods related to controlling muscle tone and movement.

Under the influence of mental stress, muscle clamps, voltage. The ability to relax them allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension and quickly restore strength.

How to do it?

They say that we knock out a wedge with a wedge. And we will do just that. To achieve complete relaxation, you need to tense up as much as possible.

What do we have to do? First, we will learn how to consistently tense each muscle group. After this, you will need to master their simultaneous tension, and only then we will talk about relaxation. Ready? Then let's get started.

To fully relax, you need to tense all muscle groups: hands - forearms - shoulders and upper arms - shoulder blades - face - neck - abs - buttocks - perineum - thighs - legs - feet.

So, let's learn to relax.

1.Squeeze left hand into your fist as hard as you can. If you squeeze your hand well, you will be able to see that your knuckles have turned white. If you now slowly unclench your fist, you will clearly feel the muscles relaxing. This needs to be done with other muscle groups.

2.Bend your left arm at the elbow and tighten your left biceps so that it becomes as convex as possible. Then relax your muscles completely. Let your arm hang freely along your body.

3.Relax your right hand in the same way.

4.Tighten the muscles of the left moan. Curl your toes inward. After you feel a sufficiently strong tension in the muscles of your foot, let it relax.

5.Tighten your calf muscles. Touch them with your hand and you will feel how the muscles gradually become more and more solid. Pull your toes out to better tighten your muscles. Then relax them.

6.Straighten your leg and push it away from you in one fell swoop. You will feel the muscles in the front of your thigh tighten; they should be firm all the way up to the hip joint.

7.Do the same with the muscles of the other leg.

8. Straighten up with your whole body, stretch up, contracting the muscles of your buttocks. Then relax your muscles.

9. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Try to pull your stomach in as much as possible. Now suddenly relax and allow yourself? blur?.

10.Take a deep breath and try to hold it for as long as possible, tensing your chest muscles. Then exhale.

11. Straighten your shoulders and move them as far back as possible, then quickly bring them forward. Finally, raise them as high as possible. Try to keep your head still and try to touch your ears with your shoulders. You probably won't be able to do this, but at least try. Then relax and lower your shoulders.

13.Now relax the neck muscles. Tilt your head forward, then turn it first to the left, then to the right. Tilt your head back as far as possible. Relax your neck muscles. Feel your neck to make sure the muscles are truly relaxed.

14.Raise your eyebrows up, then lower them. Do this several times, making sure you feel how facial muscles Every time they do this they tense up. Then relax these muscles.

15.Close your eyes as tightly as possible. Imagine that someone is trying to force you to open your eyelids and open your eyes. Keep them tightly squeezed. Then, without opening your eyelids, relax your facial muscles.

16.Make several circular movements with your lower jaw. Grind your teeth. Wrinkle your forehead. Smile as wide as possible. Relax all your facial muscles. Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly while doing these exercises. As you relax, try to breathe as little as possible.

In a well-relaxed muscle, you will feel the appearance of warmth and pleasant heaviness. If the clip cannot be removed, especially on the face, try smoothing it out with with the help of the lung self-massage in a circular motion fingers (you can make grimaces - surprise, joy, etc.).

Having practiced the ability to relax each muscle group in turn, we move on to the next stage. Tighten all muscle groups at the same time and create maximum tension in this position. Mentally count to 10, concentrating not on the count, but on the tension. On the count of 10, sharply relax, lean back and take a deep, calm breath. If necessary (determined independently), you can take an additional 2-3 deep breaths. Rest for a minute. The exercise should be repeated at least 7-10 times a day until you learn to voluntarily, quickly and fully relax without preliminary tension.

This exercise should be used whenever anxiety occurs, as a first and foremost emergency care. And also during attacks of internal stiffness, feelings of anger and stress. The best way is to practice it daily. The ability to relax should certainly enter your life. Moreover, it is better to spend the vast majority of time in this state rather than in tension.


Exercise is contraindicated during infections, pregnancy, and also in cases where exercise stress limited by a doctor (for example, for vascular or neurological diseases).

If muscle pain appears that is not associated with one or another chronic disease, give yourself a massage and continue exercising as usual.

It is likely that chronic muscle tension Some areas of your body are higher than others. For example, if you suffer more from anxiety, you may find it more difficult to relax your shoulders, neck muscles, and lower limbs. If in everyday life you have to restrain irritation and aggression to a greater extent, then pay Special attention on the cheekbones, tension in the arms and in the back muscles.

It’s not enough to just learn to relax. You must, firstly, be able to voluntarily, at will, enter into this pleasant and, of course, useful condition physical relaxation; secondly, do not forget to tone your muscles before loading; and finally, make relaxation a natural state for yourself.

3. Methods associated with the impact of words

It is known that a word can kill, a word can save. Second signaling system is the highest regulator of human behavior. Verbal influence involves the conscious mechanism of self-hypnosis, and has a direct impact on the psychophysiological functions of the body.

A wonderful means of self-regulation are formulas-moods. The formula-mood is a positive, i.e., the statement we need. It's like white paint being put on top of a dirty spot. If it covers the entire stain with a thick layer, then the dirt will not be visible - it will disappear, and the sheet will be clean again. As a result, there will be no problems in our lives caused by our erroneous beliefs. The thicker the layer of paint, the more reliably we are protected from the emergence of our erroneous beliefs. If the paint layer is thin, then the stain can show through and ruin our life again. That is why formula-moods need to be repeated for a long time and as emotionally as possible. The time and energy invested in them is proportional to the amount of paint that will cover the dirty spot.

When you first pronounce the mood formulas, it may seem to you that this method is hopeless. Imagine that you have planted a seed. It first germinates, then takes root, and only after that the sprout breaks out. It takes time for the sprout to develop into an adult plant. It’s the same with formulas and settings. Be patient.

In order to get rid of erroneous beliefs and idealization, it is necessary, using self-programming techniques, to dislodge them from consciousness and replace them with positive and useful statements.

Options for working with formula settings Rewrite by hand at least 100 times. You can rewrite no more than 5 times a day, so this will take about a month.

Memorize positive affirmations (or write them down on paper and carry them with you) and repeat them mentally. The total repetition time is 3-5 hours in total. It turns out to be very effective to record on a cassette the formulas and sentiments that you have uttered. Listen to them before bed. Reinforce your new positive formulas in any way you can: in your thoughts, in your conversations with yourself or others, through journal entries.

Remember the rule - the wording of self-hypnosis is constructed in the form of simple and brief statements with a positive focus (without the particle “not”).

Self-orders. This is a short, abrupt order made to oneself. Use self-command when you are convinced that you should behave in a certain way, but have difficulty doing it. Talk calmly! Be silent, do not give in to provocation! - this helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, and comply with ethical requirements and work rules.

Formulate a self-order.

Repeat it mentally several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

Self-programming. In many situations, it is advisable to look back and remember your successes in a similar situation. Past successes tell a person about his capabilities, about hidden reserves in spiritual, intellectual, volitional spheres and instill confidence in their abilities. Think back to a time when you dealt with similar difficulties.

Formulate the text of the program; to enhance the effect, you can use the words “exactly today”:

“Today I will succeed”; “Today I will be the calmest and most self-possessed”; “Today I will be resourceful and confident”; “It gives me pleasure to conduct a conversation in a calm and confident voice, to show an example of restraint and self-control.”

Repeat it mentally several times.

Self-approval (self-encouragement). People often do not receive positive assessment of their behavior from others. This, especially in situations of increased neuropsychic stress, is one of the reasons for increased nervousness and irritation. Therefore, it is important to encourage yourself.

In case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself,

mentally saying: Well done!, Good girl!, It turned out great!.

Find opportunities to praise yourself at least 3-5 times during the working day.

4. Methods associated with the use of images

The use of images is associated with an active influence on the central nervous system of feelings and ideas. We don’t remember many of our positive feelings, observations, and impressions, but if we awaken the memories and images associated with them, we can relive them and even strengthen them. And if with words we influence mainly consciousness, then images and imagination give us access to powerful subconscious reserves of the psyche.

To use imagery for self-regulation:

Specifically remember situations, events in which you felt comfortable, relaxed, calm - these are your resource situations.

Do this in three basic human modalities. To do this, remember:

1)visual images of the event (what you see: clouds, flowers, forest);

2) auditory images (what sounds do you hear: birds singing, the murmur of a stream, the sound of rain, music);

3) sensations in the body (what you feel: warmth sun rays on your face, splashes of water, the smell of blossoming apple trees, the taste of strawberries).

If you feel tense or tired:

1) sit comfortably, with your eyes closed if possible;

2) breathe slowly and deeply;

3) remember one of your resource situations;

4) live it again, remembering all the visual, auditory and bodily sensations that accompanied it:

5) stay inside this situation for several minutes;

6) open your eyes and get back to work.

We wish you success in mastering these techniques and stay healthy!

Educational psychologist

There are three degrees of severity of emotional stress.

The first degree is a state of attention, mobilization, activity, characterized by increased performance, strengthened function of organs and systems that provide the solution to this problem. It occurs whenever the task facing the body is unconventional and requires concentration and mobilization of intellectual and physical resources. This state is very useful, it trains the body and increases performance.

The second degree is the appearance of sthenic negative emotions. Psychologically, this is a familiar state of rage (anger, indignation), accompanied by an extremely significant (marginal) increase in the activity of organs and systems, ensuring the interaction of the body with environment. The performance of skeletal muscles increases significantly, attention is concentrated, the work of the heart increases, and arterial pressure, breathing, oxidative and energy processes increase, vascular spasm appears abdominal organs and blood flows intensely to the muscles, brain, lungs and heart. The goal of such a reaction is to maximize the body’s resources and thereby achieve a solution to the problem that has arisen.

The third degree, asthenic negative emotion, occurs if the task requires resources much greater than those available to the body even with maximum mobilization of forces. It is psychologically experienced as a state of fear (horror, melancholy). It's coming a sharp decline intellectual and energy resources (out of fear, one’s hands “give up”, “legs give way”, “mental abilities” are paralyzed, a “vegetative storm” can turn into “chaos”).

The considered three degrees of stress state in “pure” form are rare. Often there are degrees of emotional stress that can be characterized as intermediate (transitional) stages. So, for example, in the intermediate stage between II and III, suppression of only intellectual functions may occur with complete preservation (and even increase) of energy resources. In this case, a person overcome with fear and losing his mind with enormous energy commits senseless acts (panic).

ъTransitional situations of another kind are also observed, when only energy resources are reduced: a person paralyzed by horror is aware of the approaching danger, but is unable to make a single movement to avoid it.

The degree of tension that arises in a given situation is, among other things, determined by previous life experiences. The insufficiency of this experience, the lack of skills necessary to overcome difficulties, contribute to the emergence of a state of tension of a higher degree.

Pozharisky I. Emotional stress Constant worries Due to certain events they create emotional tension, it affects both physical well-being and mental state.

In modern reality, people often have to experience stress. Sometimes it happens that some unforeseen event ruins all plans and forces you to plunge into anxious thoughts about your future. At the same time, the immediate prospects do not seem rosy, but, on the contrary, fade into a large number of bright negative emotions. Constant worries about certain events create emotional stress. It, in turn, affects both physical well-being and mental state. At the same time, the desire to act, make plans, or do anything at all may disappear.

Causes of emotional stress

Emotional stress never just appears out of nowhere. In order for it to develop, prolonged exposure to one or more factors is required. In most cases, people cannot explain to themselves why their mood suddenly deteriorates or the desire to engage in self-improvement disappears. Let's take a closer look at the causes of emotional stress.

Unjustified expectations

Every person has certain hopes about his own life. Some place great emphasis on self-realization, others dissolve in the family. If for some reason existing expectations are not met, then the individual experiences internal deprivation.

Suddenly, familiar landmarks are lost, everything seems meaningless and incomprehensible. Even those things that previously formed the basis of a happy existence are not pleasing. A state of emotional tension sets in, which has a very detrimental effect on health. An individual does not always have the opportunity to satisfy any of his desires. Most often, this is hampered by certain circumstances, which create significant obstacles on the path to a happy worldview.

Constant stress When there is some problem long time is not resolved, then the person puts himself in a state of stress. Typically, this feeling gets worse if nothing is done. A person begins to feel unnecessary and insignificant, his self-esteem rapidly declines, and an inferiority complex develops. It begins to seem that the complexity has no solution at all. In reality this is, of course, not the case. Constant stress is exhausting, makes you doubt yourself and close yourself off from the world in your own experiences. Emotional tension increases if the individual does not find a solution favorable to himself. After all, each of us needs to feel a certain confidence in the future. When for some reason this does not happen, then

internal state

starts to get worse. Fears and phobias Everyone has them to one degree or another.Various anxiety states common reason the appearance of emotional tension. The problem is that not everyone can openly talk about their experiences to others. IN modern society. According to many people, such a person should easily cope with any difficulties, have no shortcomings, strive as much as possible for self-improvement and work on himself. Modern people place increased demands on themselves. It seems to them that they have to be on time everywhere, while it is desirable to be better than others - acquaintances, friends and relatives. In fact, it turns out that an individual cannot always be at the limit of his capabilities. Gradually, strength fades away. A person begins a period of moral and physical exhaustion, which is accompanied by emotional stress. Most often, people simply do not realize this and do not understand what is really happening to them.

Inability to express feelings

Inability to express openly own feelings– another reason why emotional tension develops. Not every person can easily tell others about their emotions. Some people are so embarrassed to express their feelings that they prefer to remain silent, so as not to reveal their individual weakness to others. It is not easy for them to admit their own phobias and defeats. The inability to express feelings is dictated by the fear of condemnation from society. This serious problem which inevitably leads to emotional stress. This condition is characterized by an increased feeling of abandonment and loneliness. Anyone who, for one reason or another, becomes a hostage to his own fear, subsequently cannot act openly without experiencing a feeling of guilt. This condition can last for years without bringing moral relief. So the person gradually becomes confused in himself and stops trusting others.

How to relieve emotional stress: ways

The state of emotional stress has a detrimental effect on physical and mental health. Without a doubt, you need to be able to work effectively with him in order to overcome the feeling of hopelessness in time. Relieving emotional stress will help you free yourself from the internal burden that weighs on your personality. How to do this correctly, without harming yourself? Let's try to understand such a difficult issue.

Positive thinking

It will always be useful in life. You must gradually learn to direct your thoughts into positive side. Negative events, of course, unsettle you, but they always teach you something and allow you to draw timely conclusions. Positive thinking– a great thing that teaches you not to get hung up on small failures. No matter what happens, it is important to remember that all difficulties are temporary. It never happens that problems stay with us forever. In most cases, they are resolved one way or another. The ability to see something good and beautiful in people and events will always come in handy. Relieving emotional stress is always a long process that requires a lot of concentration. People who have learned to think about their own well-being ultimately find peace and tranquility.

Expressing feelings

Under no circumstances should you keep all your experiences inside yourself. This position will not lead to anything good. To free yourself from emotional stress, you need to learn to talk openly about your feelings without being ashamed of their presence. This is not as easy to do as many people think: you will have to spend extra time, develop new habit

, try an unusual model of behavior in action. But the effort is definitely worth it. Learning to express your feelings naturally is just as important as being able to find your own purpose. Emotional stress will gradually go away as a person stops fighting with himself and driving himself into rigid boundaries.

Revaluation of ideals The desire to please society in everything and always can lead to nervous exhaustion. Revision of your own individual position will help relieve emotional stress.

You need to understand why you need to always be on top in front of others. Often this behavior is typical of people with low self-esteem. Re-evaluating ideals will help you understand what the mistake is and what exactly needs to be changed in life. Often people do not even realize that they are suffering greatly. They try to please others, thereby missing out on their own opportunities. You need to have the courage to look at the situation from the inside and draw appropriate conclusions.

Clearly building a perspective for the future helps relieve emotional stress. This is how anxiety and fear of life go away, which do not go away on their own if no attempt is made to do so. Having a goal in itself greatly disciplines and directs a person to continue moving forward, despite any obstacles.

When we clearly understand what we should move towards, we will no longer stop at any obstacles. The main thing is that a person knows which road he should take. Otherwise, any attempts to find inner harmony will end in failure. It is worth remembering that we are truly motivated only by the presence of a high goal. Self-realization should be joyful, inspiring, and not bring any suffering.

External support It is extremely important for every person to be approved by others. Of course, this is not always possible, especially when our personal beliefs run counter to the ideas of society. Relieving moral stress, of course, helps to realize that loved ones really sincerely worry about us. Then we begin to truly appreciate the time spent together, to realize how dear they are to us. If people always strived to understand each other, they could make their lives a little happier. This is why it is so important to strive to build full-fledged, trusting and

warm relations with loved ones. After all, if we have no one to share our feelings with, all existing achievements will lose all meaning. This is true. So the problem nervous exhaustion often takes place where a person has to hide his true feelings behind various social masks. The individual disappears into the crowd, trying to please society, going against his own beliefs. To cope with such internal tension, you will need to examine your own feelings and free yourself from all negativity. Only then can one hope to find happiness. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you can seek advice

to the Irakli Pozharisky Psychology Center

. Working with a psychologist will help you overcome internal discomfort and confusion.

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The life of every person passes in a state of frequent stress, which is provoked by many factors. How to relieve emotional stress if you constantly have chronic lack of sleep, a busy work schedule, and various conflicts? And if we add to this traffic jams and bad weather, it becomes clear that there really is a need to correct this condition. There are always enough problems; your mood can be spoiled by aggressive people around you, everyday problems of various sizes, or illness that you are forced to endure on your feet.

At the end of the week, many people remind themselves of a hedgehog whose spines point inward. It is difficult to fight internal discomfort, but it cannot be said that it is impossible. You should try to get back peace of mind and ease of being. It's no secret that we are forced to do a lot of things through force, and practically, it turns into a way of life. In such conditions, a person needs to pamper himself, otherwise existence will begin to resemble an endless struggle, and this obviously will not make us more optimistic.

Pampering yourself and giving yourself a little pleasure is not at all difficult. For example, you can do something you really enjoy several times a day. Some people like to play solitaire, play with a pet, chat with a friend, and so on. Every four hours you should set aside at least ten minutes for your favorite activity, and then you can successfully return to business. If you follow this rule, you will notice that you begin to feel a little more comfortable, calmer, and your condition is improving. Sometimes urgent psychological help is necessary if the nerves are like taut strings and you need to “let off steam.”

How to quickly relieve emotional stress? At such moments you can stomp your feet, tear the paper to shreds, and so on. But such a discharge is carried out for no more than three or four minutes, do not get carried away. This will be enough to get rid of accumulated negative emotions, without turning the necessary psychological release into a banal hysteria. “Sparring” with a regular punching bag has a similar effect. It’s not for nothing that a number of Western Asian companies hang similar equipment, and sometimes bosses can even attach their own photo to the punching bag. Having chopped off a pear, a person takes out his resentment and anger on it, so he calms down, clarity of thinking returns, the normal rhythm of life is restored, and the possibility of fruitful functioning is restored.

To get rid of emotional stress, you can jump, do three sets of fifteen times, the tension will significantly weaken. IN in this case, it’s not only the adrenaline that works, but also the opportunity to laugh at yourself. You can imagine that an emotional shock overtook you in the office. So where can you jump without attracting attention? Of course in the toilet. And if you look at yourself from the outside, you will certainly smile, your mood will improve, and you will return to work, remaining an able-bodied person. You can try a relaxation method such as drinking a glass of ice water in small sips.

How to relieve emotional stress if you are at home? You can wash your face with this water, rub your ears and even your feet with cool hands. Thus, you receive shock therapy, the body calms down, switches to warming mode, moving away from the panic state. To calm down, you should use breathing exercises. Exist special complexes aimed at getting rid of various diseases, and there are also exercises to eliminate emotional stress. When performing such complexes, you need to keep a window or window open.

There are only three emotional tensions characteristic of humans. This is directly emotional, as well as physical and nervous. With emotional stress, the psyche is subject to destructive stress. At nervous tension there is a reaction to circumstances nervous system, for example, if you are overtired, upset, etc. As for emotional stress, it arises if someone has offended, insulted, or shouted at a person. In such cases, emotions are either kept to themselves or spill out. Any nervous tension is caused by factors such as stress, depression, and strong emotions.

Emotional tension occurs when emotions accumulate, if someone has been rude to you, made a remark, or criticized you. That is, an action has taken place that keeps you in a certain tension, emotions overwhelm you, but you are not able to throw them out. It is important that only negative emotions can cause emotional stress. To get rid of it, you must distract yourself from the event that upset you, or you just need to throw it out. You need to analyze the situation, and if necessary, and the person deserves it, throw out your emotions in his presence, comment on the situation, you will feel better. In addition, the object of your anger will understand that he did wrong.

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