Home Tooth pain How to cope with increased nervousness. How to quickly get rid of irritability: causes of dissatisfaction and their elimination What to do with increased nervousness

How to cope with increased nervousness. How to quickly get rid of irritability: causes of dissatisfaction and their elimination What to do with increased nervousness

The nervous system controls many processes in our body. It has already been proven that nervousness is the main cause of some serious diseases. Moreover, it is uncomfortable emotional condition brings trouble to the person himself, who reacts aggressively to various stimuli. During attacks of anger, hot flashes, increased sweating, dry mouth are felt, and sharpness in movements is noticed. What is nervousness, why does it appear and how to deal with it?

Constant nervousness

The accompaniments of nervousness are often fatigue, irritability, lack of sleep and simply a bad mood. Why does a person fall into ?

The trigger in this situation can be either an incorrect distribution of working time and rest, or ordinary everyday problems. Some people do not know how to restrain themselves at all and throw out negativity at every opportunity.

Naturally, a tired person gets irritated faster. So try to make your workday easier. This makes it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. After all, you spend most of your time at work, and you should experience a lot of positive emotions there.

When experts talk about nervousness, they mean strong reaction person to certain stimuli, i.e. increased arousal nerve cells. Sometimes, due to fault nervous condition Serious health problems may appear. Therefore, do not underestimate this situation. It is better not to self-medicate, and if unpleasant symptoms appear, it is much better to consult a specialist.

Symptoms of nervousness

Nervousness is often accompanied by: depressed mood, weakness, constant fatigue, unreasonable aggressive reaction to all kinds of stimuli, anger, anxiety, or simply tearfulness. You can identify a person experiencing nervousness based on certain signs:

  • regular repetition of certain actions, for example, moving a leg or arm;
  • change in voice timbre, it becomes louder and shriller;
  • pupils dilate.

In most cases, a nervous state causes a decrease in sexual activity and a desire to do what you love, and interest in life disappears.

Causes of nervousness

There are several reasons that cause nervousness. The most popular of them:

  • physiological origin;
  • reaction to certain medications;
  • psychological in nature.

In the first case, a nervous breakdown is caused by certain diseases, vitamin deficiency, hormonal disorders, etc.

Psychological reasons more often than others cause a state of anger in a person. Lack of sleep, fatigue, and even just a neighbor’s drill can ruin your mood for the whole day. Some try to steadfastly not show their condition, but such secrecy leads to serious health problems.

In this case, psychologists advise not to hide emotions, but to look at life with different eyes, to replace negative emotions to positive ones.

At first glance, it sounds somehow implausible; it is impossible to enjoy life when there are many problems around. But think, maybe this teaches you something? Today there are many practices that help a person cope with problems and overcome nervousness.

Many women cannot cope with their condition due to the heavy workload both at home and at work. It’s understandable, it’s hard to do household chores after a working day, and you also need to devote time to each member of the household. It’s good if your family understands and helps you. But you can help yourself by changing your attitude towards life, others and work. If you don’t like the latter, maybe you should think about changing your job. Your favorite job should not irritate you, but bring you pleasure. Create a daily routine for yourself, including all the necessary actions, and try to follow it under any circumstances. Pay special attention to rest; this item must be present in your daily routine.

Often, excessive demands placed on oneself and others lead to nervous breakdown if you can't achieve them. When making plans, experts advise comparing yourself with yourself, but yesterday. Then you will clearly be able to notice positive changes, and this will lift your spirits.

Treatment of nervousness

Symptoms of anger should be dealt with at the first sign. To begin with, you can try grandmother’s effective advice. Many herbs strengthen the nervous system well and show good results in the treatment of nervousness if infusions of sedative herbs are taken regularly. Try lemon balm, birch leaves, valerian root.

Avoid caffeine, as it leads to increased excitability of the nervous system. Replace black tea with.

It has good sedative properties. Many people notice that their sleep after taking it is sound and restful. Within a month, it is enough to eat 130 g of this miraculous remedy.

Don't forget about fresh air. Evening walks always restore the body well after a long day of work. Lack of oxygen causes irritability and headaches. Therefore, try to be outdoors more often.

And also, try not to react too aggressively to the events that accompany you. Look at life with different eyes, and you will see that there are people who love and value you, and this is already a lot to smile and continue to live a calm life.

Otherwise, it can also be called imbalance, incontinence, or anxiety.

The main manifestations of nervousness are mood lability, headaches, and sleep disturbances. Against this background, a tendency towards depressive deviations and excessive suspicion appear. Somatic pathologies may even develop, for example, hypertension.

People with such behavior are usually considered ill-mannered rude people, while a person does not need rudeness, but help, sometimes even specialized help - consultation with a psychotherapist and adequate pharmacotherapy.

Main reasons

Nervousness and irritability can be symptoms of various diseases, and the causes of their occurrence should be sought in a variety of areas of human life - from the physiological characteristics of the body to a malfunction in higher nervous structures.

At the moment, experts are of the opinion that the causes of nervousness may be the following:

  1. Physiological – hyperreactivity of the central nervous system, hormonal imbalances, lack of nutrients and vitamins, as well as premenstrual syndrome in women.
  2. Psychological – severe stressful situations, chronic lack of sleep, overwork and nervous exhaustion. Constantly being busy at work and an excessively fast pace of life in big cities have an extremely negative impact on the body, especially if a person has not had a full vacation for years.

Almost any irritant can become a cause for nervousness - even neighbors in the house. For example, their dog often barks at night or early in the morning, or they start repair work at the most inconvenient time. Many people believe that accumulated tension must be kept within themselves, admiring those around them with a strong will and “nerves of steel.” However, all this can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Experts emphasize that negative emotions should not be accumulated at all, they must be thrown out. Just not as a negative, but as a positive - sing while taking a bath with aromatic salt, master playing the guitar, or learn to paint watercolors.

What happens in the body

Prolonged and strong emotional shocks plunge the human body into a state of stress - muscle tone increases significantly, heartbeat accelerates many times over, sweating increases, and an excessive amount of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline enters the bloodstream.

Such a reaction has been established since ancient times, when the mobilization of resources was required to overcome danger. However, if the situation is repeated frequently, muscle hypertonicity becomes chronic, and depletion of nervous system resources leads to neurasthenia. Following this, failures will occur in other organs and systems - digestive, cardiovascular.

Each person is unique, therefore the duration of the latent period of a negative state in one person can last for years, while in other people asthenia and increased nervousness can occur almost immediately.

Main signs and symptoms

As a rule, against the background of excessive muscle spasms, the brain and the shoulder girdle area are the first to suffer. The explanation is that it is here that there is a high need for adequate blood supply. And constricted vessels are not able to deliver the required amount of nutrients and oxygen.

And all this in combination with nagging pain in the neck, lower back, shoulder girdle– in places of muscle blocks. Episodes occur in an irritated person unmotivated aggression and anger, the mood is dominated by anger or tearfulness.

Characteristic symptoms of nervousness:

  • acquired tendency to perform repetitive actions - for example, swinging a leg or tapping your nails on a table top, fussy moving objects from one place to another;
  • the habit of speaking in a raised voice - in this way a person tries to throw out emotional stress;
  • decreased libido – constant nervousness significantly reduces people’s sexual activity and can become the root cause of sexual impotence;
  • loss of desire to do what you love, hobby, loss of appetite, or back side– bulimia.

In the absence of adequate outside help, it can be quite difficult to cope with such manifestations of nervousness on your own. The situation is becoming more and more aggravated; clinical manifestations of mature somatic pathologies are joining the primary symptoms. Everything can end badly - a suicide attempt, a heart attack, a severe stroke.

What you can do at home

A well-known way to get rid of accumulated negativity is to get a good night's sleep and rest. Each person's reserves of strength are not infinite; they must be regularly replenished. This is what the recommendations of specialists in the field of neurology and psychology are aimed at.

How to get rid of nervousness at home:

  • master simple sets of stretching exercises for the whole body and various groups muscles - this will help eliminate formed muscle blocks, restore adequate blood flow, and relieve accumulated stress;
  • normalize night rest - buy a comfortable bed, preferably with an orthopedic mattress and pillow, thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed, start preparing in advance - take a warm shower, relax, get rid of unnecessary thoughts from your head;
  • you can make yourself a phyto-pillow - combine the herbs myt and meadowsweet in equal proportions, as well as lemon balm and add 2 such volumes of wormwood to them, place everything in a bag of gauze and place it close to the head before resting at night;
  • find new interesting traits and character traits in your sexual partner - look at him with different eyes, and try to have sex despite any stress, thanks to joy hormones, endorphins, you will be able to overcome the negative state;
  • in order to relieve nervousness before menstruation, it is better to start a course of medicinal teas in advance - make it a rule, a week before the start of menstrual flow, to switch to drinking drinks with chamomile, lemon balm, valerian, or motherwort, you can purchase ready-made mixtures in the pharmacy chain, or you can collect herbs yourself and prepare your own tea according to your own recipe.

And the main recommendation of all specialists is that treatment of nervousness and anxiety will not be highly effective if there is no support and understanding of family members. It is always easier to overcome a stressful situation if a person draws new strength from his family.

If close people only add problems, it is better to turn to friends for such help. A divided problem is already half the problem, and it is much easier to solve.

When you need help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist

You should not think that by writing a referral for a consultation with a psychotherapist, the attending physician wants to offend the person. This is far from true. It’s just that some somatic pathologies take their basis precisely in disruptions in the activity of higher nervous structures.

After correcting depressive conditions, various phobias or other disorders, a person will feel much better. This does not mean that mental illness is implied - a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist are not at all equivalent professions. Read more about which specialist is best to contact and how to choose a doctor here.

Comprehensive treatment for nervousness will include:

  • conducting various trainings to eliminate accumulated aggression, stress, and negativity;
  • identifying and eliminating the root cause, for example, troubles at work, excessive self-doubt, overwork;
  • pharmacotherapy - drugs should be prescribed only by a specialist; their doses and total duration of treatment are selected individually, based on the severity of the symptoms of the diagnosed pathology.

Anti-nervousness pills will help a person feel better, normalize sleep, and increase productivity. However, their use is most often addictive. To avoid this, the specialist gradually reduces the dose, then helping to do without medication altogether.


Like any pathology, nervousness is much easier to prevent than to get rid of it later. Prevention measures include the following:

  • avoid severe, prolonged stressful situations;
  • adjust physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • be sure to arrange rest days for yourself, when there are no negative thoughts or hard things to do;
  • treat somatic diseases in a timely manner and prevent significant deterioration in health;
  • pamper yourself more often - buy beautiful souvenirs, new things, goodies, however, do not transfer one psychological dependence into another, the same shopaholism.

And natural sedatives help me get rid of nervousness. I used to drink tea with mint until I got tired of it, then motherwort. Now I drink Edas-306 Passambra, it calms me down very well. Especially when there are problems with sleep.

I often experience mild irritability, especially at work. Therefore, for such cases, I always carry old, proven glycine in my purse. Very convenient and harmless, the main thing is a good assistant.

Correct article, there is no way to escape from nerves now, alas and ah. Glycine forte calms me down; I always have the package in my purse.

An interesting article, but these psychological techniques do little to help me cope with my nervousness when stress accumulates and falls on my “tender” psyche. Here only sedatives help, at least mild ones, such as glycine, mint, lemon balm, motherwort. I brew them with tea, take baths with their decoctions, I also tried motherwort forte (in tablets), which was also good effect, the main thing is to take it the course. Already on the 3-4th day of taking it, I seem to become calmer, I react more softly to nervous situations I fall asleep easier and wake up easier in the morning. So it helps against nervousness and insomnia.

Fatigue, nervousness, poor sleep and everything like that are due to a lack of magnesium in the body, the doctor told me so. Following his instructions, I began to take Magnerot. You can drink it for a long time, there are no restrictions, the active substance is magnesium orotate. My ailments have faded into the background.

I am for herbal sedatives (mint, lemon balm, peony), I have already tried many options. I usually experience some kind of exacerbation of depression in the spring and autumn, and Motherwort Forte helps well. These pills good composition: contains natural substances, magnesium, vitamin B6 - additionally they will not harm anyone. With them I sleep like a baby, but during the day, on the contrary, I am cheerful and active, and my nerves are in order.

The reasons for my nervousness were both physiological and psychological. The doctor prescribed me several options for sedatives. I chose Motherwort Forte with a phyto composition enhanced with magnesium and vitamin B6 to strengthen the nervous system. I took courses, the effect is cumulative and, most importantly, it is there, I began to feel better, my nervousness went away, I began to sleep well at night. I still take it sometimes after difficult days.

I also noticed that nervousness is cumulative. That's when I worked a lot various situations occurs, which lead out of calm state, and this is of a regular nature, then the reaction is explosive most often and a feeling of panic. I often had to resort to medication. Motherwort forte helped me out, since it is natural in its composition and I could periodically resort to its help. And now I'm in maternity leave, and I have a completely different attitude towards things that I used to explode at. Apparently, in a calm atmosphere and surrounded by love, the nervous system is already being tempered)))

And I began to experience nervousness of a slightly different nature, with the onset of menopause. She was nervous and very irritable until, on the doctor’s recommendation, she started taking the drug Qi-klim. About three weeks after I started taking it, I myself began to notice that I wasn’t throwing myself at my family, and I calmed down. It also helped cope well with other symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, surges in blood pressure, and poor sleep. This drug is non-hormonal and has no side effects.

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Nervousness and irritability

A person constantly faces stress in his life. The nervous system is forced to be constantly excited, which naturally causes the development of nervousness and irritability. Symptoms appear vivid when a person is not at ease, because in such a state he is definitely not afraid to express himself. If the conditions in question become permanent, then it is necessary to undergo treatment from a specialist.

The online magazine psytheater.com does not exclude the presence of nervousness and irritability in every reader. If these experiences are not constant, then they definitely arise periodically in a person’s life. What is the reason for their appearance?

Irritability is a consequence of a person’s dissatisfaction with current events. When circumstances arise that are unpleasant to a person, then he becomes irritated. Nervousness can be called a consequence of prolonged irritability. How longer person irritated by something, the more nervous he becomes.

It should be noted that irritability has a specific object to which the emotion is manifested. However, as the nervous system is exhausted by constant irritability due to a person’s inability to eliminate external pathogens from his life, nervousness arises, which can already manifest itself in absolutely everything.

What is nervousness?

Nervousness should be understood as extreme excitability of the nervous system, when a person reacts sharply to any stimulus. Moreover, the external stimulus may already be insignificant to throw a person off balance. The companions of nervousness are restlessness, irritability and anxiety, which are often the causes of its development.

Nervousness can be recognized by headaches, insomnia, a tendency to depression, increased suspiciousness, lability of pulse and blood pressure, and decreased performance. Nervousness overwhelms a person so much that he cannot think, do or reflect on anything else except about the object that caused the state in question in him.

Increased nervousness is perceived by others as imbalance, bad manners, lack of restraint, and promiscuity of a person. However, we are talking specifically about the properties of the nervous system, which for certain reasons cannot maintain balance. That is why it is recommended to consult a specialist who will help identify the cause and eliminate the nervous condition.

Why does nervousness occur?

An experienced specialist always begins his treatment by identifying the causes of nervousness. The condition does not arise by itself. A person does not become nervous just like that. There are always reasons that can be divided into physiological and psychological.

  1. Physiological reasons may be:
  • Diseases endocrine system.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins.
  • Hunger or thirst.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  1. Psychological reasons may include:
  • Stressful situations.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Fatigue.

In a state of nervousness, a person can react sharply to any stimulus that comes from any object. And it all starts with irritability, when a person is unbalanced by a certain object. When irritability reaches its extreme boiling point, anything can make you nervous.

Many people admire the fact that people can control their emotions. However, the other side of the coin is not noticed. When a person is forced to control his emotions, he often simply does not show them. However, they boil and seethe in it, and simply have no way out. external world. As a result, this leads to nervousness when a person gets tired, exhausted and is no longer able to pacify his accumulated emotions that he has not thrown out.

Restrained people often become nervous in the future. The inability to properly express one’s emotions without harming oneself and others, or the fear of expressing one’s experiences, which will be misunderstood, forces a person to accumulate them within himself. In the future, a minor irritant will cause such a storm of emotions that even the person himself will no longer be able to control himself.

Nervousness may be a consequence of some serious illness, when a person is worried about the mortality of his outcome. You should also consider nervousness as a pathology in the nervous system:

Mental illness can also be accompanied by nervousness. These include:

Psychologists note that nervousness is more characteristic of the female sex than the male sex. And the reason lies in the workload, when a woman takes on too many obligations, worries and affairs. She must succeed everywhere: in housework, in raising children, in relationships with men, and at work. Everywhere she is responsible for everything, tries to participate in everything, bear responsibility. Since a woman cannot keep up with everything or she is not able to do her job perfectly, this irritates her. And in addition to physical fatigue, she also becomes nervous over time.

Why are men not prone to nervousness as a result of being busy? They don't take responsibility for doing everything. They shift most of their problems and concerns onto the shoulders of other people, including women. They do not try to control the process of carrying out their orders, but they always ask about the results they expect to receive.

The so-called delegation helps men not to get irritated, unlike women.

Another reason for female irritability can be called hormonal changes. They are periodic in the life of every woman, therefore they significantly influence her mood and condition. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause - everything entails hormonal disruptions that a woman is not able to cope with.

Nervousness is also a consequence of a person’s disagreement with the norms and rules that are imposed on him by society. If a person wants to live differently, then he will be annoyed every time when people impose their rules of life on him.

How does nervousness manifest itself?

Nervousness is a manifestation of a number of symptoms, emotions and sensations that are practically beyond a person’s control:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Bad mood.
  3. General weakness.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Aggression.
  6. Headache.
  7. Sense of anxiety.
  8. Apathy.
  9. Fatigue.
  10. Tearfulness.
  11. Anger.
  12. Same type of actions: swinging the leg, tapping the fingers, walking back and forth, etc.
  13. Loud shrill voice.
  14. Sudden active movements.
  15. Raised voice.

The man resorts to various kinds actions and a raised voice, because this is how he tries to get rid of the tension that has appeared in him. Nervousness can no longer be controlled and hidden, so a person either becomes nervous silently through active actions, or loudly through screaming, crying, anger, etc.

How to treat nervousness?

Nervousness that a person cannot eliminate on his own, no matter how hard he tries, should be treated together with specialists. Firstly, the cause of its occurrence is determined. If the cause was physiological pathologies body, then specific drug treatment is prescribed to eliminate the disease.

Nervousness is treated according to the following principles:

  1. Normalize and stabilize the daily routine. Caffeine, chocolate, cocoa and other stimulating foods should be eliminated from the diet. You should also give up alcohol and nicotine, which do not calm, but only excite the nervous system.
  2. Eliminate factors that destabilize a person.
  3. Add moderate physical activity.
  4. Take advantage of psychotherapeutic techniques: art therapy, psychotherapy, dance classes, reflexology, yoga, meditation.
  5. Go to bed early so that your bedtime coincides with your usual rest time. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink anything strong or eat stimulating foods. You should also avoid watching TV and talking about disturbing topics.

Some people try to cope with nervousness on their own. They use medications (Valerian, Valocordin, Phenazepam), which become addictive. Also, you should not get too carried away with sleeping pills, without which a person will soon not be able to sleep at all. It should be understood that taking medications provides only temporary relief. However, they do not solve the problem, so the person again and again faces factors that irritate him.

What is irritation? This is the level of dissatisfaction that is constantly expressed in the form of dissatisfaction and anger. It occurs in cases where a person cannot satisfy his need for a long time. In this case, dissatisfaction arises within him, which then develops into anger. Nervousness is a consequence of constant irritability, so it should be eliminated in time so as not to accumulate.

Anger is a feeling that is intended to motivate a person to change the situation that has happened. A person faces difficulties, there is no satisfaction, there is a lot of anger. Expressing accumulated dissatisfaction is dangerous, because there are people everywhere, and they are not taught to express anger without harming others. What to do in such a case?

There are only two options here:

  • Give up the need.
  • Find a way to release the accumulated tension inside.

The first option is unrealistic. Giving up a need is tantamount to death. At the psychological and physiological level, this event is experienced as the deepest depression.

Therefore, many prefer the second option. This method is well known, but is not the only one.

The best option for relieving tension is non-aggressive sports: swimming, running, horse riding, etc. An interesting effect can appear here - a lack of strength and desire to play sports. Like, “I have a hard time coming home, but here I still need to play sports.” However, it is sport that helps relieve fatigue. Fatigue occurs when, trying to protect loved ones, an individual restrains his own irritation. And such restraint is done through muscle tension. Sport relaxes the muscles, making it no longer necessary to hold back tension.

No irritation. After which you need to find ways to satisfy your needs so as not to go through the stages of accumulating dissatisfaction, anger and release of tension. It is better to prevent than to fight later. Therefore, start satisfying your needs, then you can forget about irritation.

Irritability is a frequent companion of a person who is constantly faced with events that do not suit or satisfy him. If it is not reset in time, then nervousness develops when a person reacts sharply to absolutely any little thing, even to one to which he would have previously reacted calmly.

In order not to reach a nervous breakdown, it is better to learn to throw out your emotions and eliminate irritability. And if nervousness does arise, a psychotherapist will help eliminate it, whose services should not be neglected.

How to cure nervousness

Nervousness is a state of strong excitability of the nervous system, leading to sudden and acute reactions to minor stimuli. Often this condition occurs along with irritability, anxiety, and restlessness. Nervousness manifests itself in various symptoms: headaches, insomnia, a tendency to depression, increased suspiciousness, lability of pulse and blood pressure, decreased performance. Depending on the cause, symptoms are combined to form symptom complexes.

Increased nervousness is perceived as imbalance, lack of restraint, therefore such people are often mistakenly perceived as ill-mannered, dissolute individuals. Therefore, it would be advisable to undergo an examination, determine the cause and begin treatment for irritability and nervousness.

Causes of nervousness

Nervousness always has a reason; a person doesn’t just become nervous if everything is fine. All reasons can be divided into physiological and psychological.

Most Frequent physiological reasons nervousness - diseases of the endocrine system, digestive tract, lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, hormonal imbalances.

Among psychological reasons Nervousness: stressful situations, lack of sleep, depression, fatigue, anxiety.

Sometimes ordinary situations that a person would not pay attention to in a calm situation cause irritability and emotional outbursts, for example, the sound of a hammer, screaming, weather, music.

Many people often admire people who know how to restrain their emotions and suppress nervous impulses, but they have no idea what it costs them, what the price of such endurance and willpower is. Suppressing emotions is extremely harmful to health. When a person does not give vent to his experiences, nervousness is formed, tension increases inside, “pressure” is formed and “steam” must come out somewhere, and in this case, it comes out in the form of painful symptoms.

In ancient times, such people were called “ bilious man", which is associated with diseases of the biliary tract arising from increased nervousness. Irritability, which accumulates over a long period of time, destroys a person’s stable balance and leads to nervous breakdowns.

If you endure and endure everything within yourself all the time, then soon there comes a moment when restraint is lost and even the most innocent action can cause a nervous reaction. When a person is dissatisfied with himself, this only adds fuel to the fire, irritability becomes even greater. Then the neurotic state becomes stable, and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

The problem with such people is that they take on too much, consider it a weakness to express emotions and suppress irritability. Sometimes they simply don’t know how to correctly express emotions or how to deal with aggression. And often they reach the point where they need treatment for irritability and nervousness. If this is not a very advanced case, then you just need to make a small correction of perception, change negative views to positive ones, change your attitude towards things that cause irritation.

Nervousness can be a consequence of a severe somatic illness, for example, in some forms of cancer.

Increased nervousness occurs in pathological conditions of the central nervous system of the human psyche. Pathologies are organic - dementia, post-traumatic encephalopathy and functional - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Nervousness may be a consequence mental illness such as depression, epilepsy, neuroses, hysteria, schizophrenia, psychosis. This condition may be accompanied by addiction (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, gambling addiction and others). The nervous system is closely related to the endocrine system, representing a single neuroendocrine system.

Nervousness manifests itself as a result of hormonal disorders - thyrotoxicosis, male and female menopause, premenstrual syndrome.

Increased fatigue and depression, together with nervousness, make up a symptom complex called “minor signs of stomach cancer.” The manifestation of such symptoms is very important in diagnosing the early stages of the disease.

Headaches, nervousness, insomnia - this is familiar to many, especially women. According to statistics, they are irritable more often than men. It is necessary to understand what exactly causes nervousness in women. The most common reason is workload. When there are a lot of urgent matters around and there is no one with whom to share responsibilities, a woman has to take on everything, responsibility for the family, home, work.

If a woman were to create a routine for her day, to list all her responsibilities minute by minute, then there would be a long list of various tasks that require her attention. Every morning starts the same way - getting up early in order to have time to prepare breakfast for everyone and gather all family members, and have time to get ready, send the children to school, prepare lunch for my husband, and at the same time show up at work on time. And at work throughout the day, the pace also does not slow down; timely fulfillment of professional duties is required. Upon returning home, the momentum does not slow down, household chores continue: cooking dinner, washing dishes, preparing for tomorrow's work day, as a result of which there is no time left for personal matters, because you still need to have time to sleep. In this case, responsibilities should be distributed among all family members so that everyone has a chance to relax and not shift things to another, thus everyone will appreciate each other more, and the woman will feel much better, the number of reasons for irritability and nervousness will decrease .

Women's nervousness is most provoked by hormonal imbalances - premenstrual syndrome, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. During these periods, a woman’s perception is heightened, she becomes too sensitive and any slight discomfort can cause a negative reaction. If nervousness and irritability appear in women, treatment should occur, the sooner the better, because they spend a lot of their energy and nerves on unnecessary things.

Nervousness can be caused by rejection of generally accepted norms of behavior. When a person’s principles diverge from these norms, if he does not agree to live and work as society dictates, if he does not want to meet their requirements, this naturally leads to irritability.

Symptoms of nervousness

Bad mood, headaches, nervousness, insomnia, general weakness, fatigue - this is an incomplete list of the symptoms that plague an irritated and unbalanced person. Unmotivated aggression, anxiety, anger, tearfulness, and apathy are also added to this list.

These symptoms are numerous and can often mean something other than nervousness. Such symptoms can be grouped into various syndromes. But we can identify the most characteristic signs of nervousness: neurosis-like states, neuroses and neurotic reactions.

Characteristic symptoms also include repetitive actions of the same type, such as swinging a leg, tapping fingers, nervously walking from one place to another. There may also be sudden active movements, a shrill and loud voice. By raising his voice, a person gets rid of emotional stress, gains peace of mind, he shouts out the tension that is pressing him from within. At this state sexual activity, libido decrease, desire for a partner, interest in favorite activities disappears.

Increased nervousness develops on the basis of a stable experience of severe stress, as well as physical and mental stress. As a result, social relations with society deteriorate.

Insomnia is one of the most characteristic signs of nervousness; it manifests itself in the fact that too much anxiety and excitement of the nervous system do not allow a person to fall asleep for three or four hours. Therefore, almost all people in a state of nervousness do not observe a day-night routine; they can sleep soundly during the day and wake up several times at night. Since the symptoms of nervousness are varied, it would be wise to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of nervousness

Treatment of nervousness, which is caused by various diseases, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since self-medication can cause even more harm. If nervousness is a symptom of some pathology, then it is necessary to treat, first of all, the cause, that is, to investigate the peculiarities of the course of the disease. General principles also apply in the treatment of symptoms and causes of nervousness, which can be used in complex therapy.

These principles involve the following actions: normalization and stabilization of the day and night regime, elimination of the most destabilizing factors that increase the excitability of the central nervous system. You should review your diet, avoid drinks containing caffeine, guarana and other stimulating ingredients (coffee, strong tea, cola), limit or eliminate alcohol from your diet. The diet should consist of fruits and fresh vegetables, food should be balanced and light, not heavy.

If you have a smoking habit, you also need to get rid of it. There is a myth that nicotine calms a person; it is just a short-term illusory effect. Smoking has a toxic effect on the brain, which further intensifies the nervous state.

You can reduce nervousness with moderate physical activity, preferably in the fresh air. In cases of increased nervousness, a course of psychotherapy, reflexology, art therapy, dance classes, and yoga is prescribed.

If a person suffers from insomnia, which very often happens in people with this condition, then he needs to direct efforts to eliminate it. Because than more people does not sleep, the more nervous he behaves during the day when he wants to sleep, but cannot, because nervous processes irritated, and thus a vicious circle turns out and this cyclicality needs to be broken. To do this, you should follow several rules. You need to go to bed earlier than before midnight, because at this time rest is of greatest value to the nervous system. To do this, you need to move your usual bedtime back a minute every day. An hour or two before the lights out, you need to exclude factors that irritate the psyche, for example, watching TV, communicating on social networks, playing games, eating food and drinks. Evening walks, warm baths, aromatherapy, and relaxing yoga help promote better sleep.

When a person feels unwell, depressed, nervous and anxious, treatment should be with tranquilizers that eliminate anxiety. Such drugs have a beneficial effect on falling asleep, reducing anxiety and panic. All sedatives if necessary, prescribed by a doctor. Habitual tea and coffee should be replaced by brewing soothing herbal infusions (motherwort, mint, valerian, lemon balm).

Increased nervousness and irritability in women, treatment of this condition requires medications. The peculiarity of the treatment of female nervousness lies in the complexity of the female body, so women are prescribed a full examination and consultation with a number of specialists - a psychologist, therapist, neurologist, gynecologist, sex therapist, endocrinologist. If the case is very severe, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital.

Treatment of irritability and nervousness is often carried out by the person himself without the supervision of a specialist. The treatment methods that a person uses are often unique. Many people, in order to relax and get away from the external “irritable” world, drink alcohol in large quantities. Someone listens to the recommendations of friends who, not being doctors, advise using potent drugs (Valocordin, Phenazepam), which are addictive and others side effects if they are not suitable for a particular person.

Nervousness and anxiety treatment occurs under the supervision of a psychotherapist when a person has severe mood swings. These conditions may be primarily caused by emotional disorders. During the consultation, the psychotherapist conducts psychodiagnostics, understands what can cause nervousness in a person and why he has increased anxiety. Next, the specialist creates an individual consulting program, a course of psychotherapy, during which a person will be able to figure out what and why causes anxiety attacks in him, will learn to better understand himself and change his attitude towards different events, will be able to learn adequate types of responses to various potential irritating factors. He will also learn techniques of relaxation, self-control, meditation, and auto-training, which he can then independently apply in situations of anxiety and irritability.

17 comments on the post “Nervousness”

Hello, I always come home from school irritated and with bad mood, even though my grades are very good, I do my homework and if someone bothers me or says something wrong, I start to get angry and freak out. I often hit my pencil on the table without noticing it, repeating the monotonous swings of my leg. Help me, advise what is best to do in this situation

There was the same nonsense, if it hasn’t started yet, then try drinking glycine forte. I usually start drinking before any exams (about a week before), then everything is ok + I think better

Good afternoon Tell me who to contact, I’m often nervous and irritated?

Hello Olga. The peculiarity of the treatment of female nervousness lies in the complexity of the female body, so women are prescribed a full examination and consultation with a number of specialists - a psychologist, therapist, neurologist, gynecologist, sex therapist, endocrinologist.

Good afternoon. Tell me which doctor to contact with the symptoms described in this article? Thank you.

Good afternoon, Oksana. If severe mood swings are observed, then a consultation with a psychotherapist is necessary; in case of increased irritability, consultation and examination with an endocrinologist.

What should I do with my nervous-depressive state? Everything irritates me, it cracks me up, I lash out at my family.

Hello, Daria. It is necessary to be examined to understand the cause of your condition.

Hello, I know for sure that I have neurosis, I can’t sleep at night, everything around me irritates me, I don’t have the strength to do anything, but the worst thing is that I have fears, I always think that something bad will happen, I can’t do it anymore, it seems like I’m crazy I’ll go, what should I do please tell me?

Hello, Marina. You need to seek help from medical specialists; you will be prescribed an examination.

Which doctor should I contact with the same symptoms?

Hello, Lena. Treatment of neuroses is the competence of psychotherapists, so we recommend starting with this specialist.

Hello, this is your adrenal gland weakness. Proper nutrition, B vitamins, licorice, if there is no high blood pressure, zinc, adrenal gland extract. Read for more detailed information in the Internet. Be healthy and take care of yourself

Drink motherwort forte, glycine, peony tincture, something light and over-the-counter sedative. There will be no harm, but it will support the nervous system.

The man is 61. He drinks sometimes, suffers from insomnia, has become irritable, nervous, and too emotional. It scares. What to do?

Hello, Vladimir. It is necessary to seek help for disturbing symptoms from medical specialists.

Irritability, nervousness, bad mood, dissatisfaction - all these sensations and unpleasant states can haunt a person, intertwined together. What leads to this condition?

Causes of irritability

This could be anything, from improper organization of work time and free time, to minor household troubles. Very often you can observe people who try to throw out their negativity on any occasion, even the most insignificant. And they explain all this simply - twitchiness and fatigue. But few people think that constant irritability very quickly becomes the cause of a whole bunch of problems. mental disorders, which are very difficult to fight and treat.

It is clear that a tired person quickly becomes irritated. So that the work is not stressful and does not seem monotonous, you should do everything possible to make the workplace not only comfortable, but also beautiful, because important matters are decided here. If you don’t worry about this, then excessive irritability will not take long to occur, and constant exposure to such conditions is fraught with even greater problems associated with the appearance of various diseases.

There are people with an unbalanced psyche who, due to simple overwork, can lose their balance. At the same time, serious problems become threatening to their health. We can no longer talk about patience and self-control.

Professionals in the field of psychology and psychiatry define this condition as follows. Irritability is a person's tendency to overreact to the normal environment. Every sane person should remember that there are different people around, different events are happening. Sometimes they are positive, but sometimes they are negative. Natural irritability is extremely rare, but acquired irritability becomes a sign that we are tired, bringing ourselves to such a state.

How to get rid of irritability

Everyone reacts differently. Irritability after childbirth brings its own troubles, and people with professions that require constant stress also endure it in a special way. It cannot be said that it is easier for some and harder for others. Some take up a cigarette, others snack on seeds or sweets. Thus, an understanding appears in the mind that these, even harmful actions, with a clear conscience can be considered a reward for the stressful state suffered. But tobacco smoke and extra calories are not beneficial. And everyone knows about it.

Stronger individuals who know how to control themselves and their emotions look for a different approach: they engage in intense sports, take deep breaths, and try to distract themselves in various ways. And it is right.

Of course, it is difficult to calm down in a stressful state and breakdowns of the nervous system are quite difficult to recover from. That is why, knowing all the pitfalls, it is best to try to make every effort and prevent this from happening. It’s not hard to do this, you just have to try to prevent these conditions, and this means that you need to respect yourself, love yourself, take time for yourself, and then the situation around you will also change.

Irritability through the eyes of physiology

If increased irritability is considered from the point of view of symptoms, then it represents excessive excitability with the patient’s tendency to show negative emotions. But the most important thing is that these very emotions exceed the strength of the very factor that caused them. In other words, we can say that even minor nuisance, on which you can not cycle and simply forget it, causes an unjustified flurry of negative experiences.

Everyone is familiar with this condition and no one will deny that the cause is fatigue, poor health, and troubles in life. Hence the nervousness and even tears. Very often you can observe how irritability and tearfulness go side by side, especially for the weaker sex.

We must not forget about such conditions of mentally ill people. In this case, the main reasons are increased reactivity of the central nervous system, which develops under the influence of factors such as heredity of character, hormonal imbalances, mental illness, metabolic disorders, as well as infections and stressful situations. And during pregnancy and after childbirth, during the menstrual cycle and during menopause, it is the hormonal changes in the body that “give” women nervousness, irritability and other troubles.

How is irritability detected in patients?

Self-diagnosis, and especially self-medication, is completely impossible with such disorders. In a wide variety of diseases, where the symptoms are bad mood, drowsiness, irritability or nervousness, only a specialist can understand. After all, it is difficult to quickly determine the cause. Very often a full examination of the body is required with a set of tests, which includes an ECG, ultrasound, urine and blood tests. This is the only way to identify pathology and make a correct diagnosis.

It happens that these examinations do not reveal any concerns, then the patient is referred to a neurologist, where he undergoes more in-depth MRI and electroencephalogram, which will help determine the condition of the brain.

Another specialist who deals with problems of nervousness is a psychiatrist. Those who are sent there are those whose serious abnormalities were not identified in the outpatient examination, while the unbalanced condition interferes with Everyday life to everyone – both the patient and those around him. The psychiatrist evaluates all previous examinations and prescribes additional tests of the person’s memory, thinking and temperament.

In what diseases does irritability syndrome occur?

Most often, this condition occurs in neuroses, depression, stress disorders after trauma, psychopathy, drug addiction and alcoholism. It is quite common to experience irritability before childbirth. The list goes on and on, including schizophrenia, drug addiction and dementia.


Irritability in people with this syndrome should be cause for serious concern for future psychotic states. Sometimes observed during the prodromal period of the disease and during remissions. Very often, patients with schizophrenia show suspicion of everything, increased isolation, frequent mood swings and isolation.


In this case, along with irritability, anxiety, increased fatigue, and symptoms of depression will be observed. Irritability in this case will be a consequence of insomnia, and with neuroses this often happens.


With depression, irritability in women and men will be accompanied by bad mood, retardation in action and thinking, and insomnia. There is also the opposite state - mania. People suffering from this disease are irritable, angry, and their thinking is accelerated and disordered. In both cases, deterioration in sleep will be observed. And constant fatigue causes even greater imbalance.

Post-traumatic nervousness syndrome

When experiencing a severe shock, most people experience stress disorder. It is called post-traumatic. At the same time, irritability is intertwined with anxiety, nightmares, insomnia and obsessive thoughts, as a rule, unpleasant.

Nervousness and withdrawal symptoms

The causes of such irritability in men and women are the use of alcohol and drugs. Such conditions become the cause of crime, which complicates the future life of not only the sick person himself, but also his relatives.


The most difficult condition. Dementia or acquired dementia occurs as a result of age-related changes, in older people, after strokes. If patients are still young, the cause may be severe traumatic brain injury, infections, as well as drug and alcohol abuse. In any of these cases, irritability, tearfulness, and fatigue will appear.


Many doctors note that such irritability in children and adults is not considered a disease at all. These are innate character traits, so imbalance is inherent in them, especially if a period of exacerbation occurs.

It must be remembered that almost any disease that affects internal organs will be accompanied by increased nervousness. This also applies to thyroid diseases, neurological problems, and menopausal changes in the female body. Therefore, during the period of any illness, a person should be treated more tolerantly.

Ways to deal with irritability

The best way to eliminate increased irritability is to figure out where it comes from and remove its cause. It can be very difficult to do this yourself, so for this it is better to turn to. Other methods will only give a temporary effect, but sometimes this is not bad.

Exercise stress

Physical activity will help release excess steam and burn hormones that affect aggressive behavior. Any sport or physical activity is good for this. If you find it useful physical appearance activity, then you will kill several birds with one stone: you will do useful work and let off steam and pump up your body. If there is no such work, then you can simply engage in accessible sports. The simplest thing is running or brisk walking.


Make herbal decoctions 2-3 times a week and take baths with them for half an hour, adding hot water from time to time. During the entire reception, the temperature should remain comfortable. Valerian, yarrow, and motherwort will have a beneficial effect. These baths are good for people of different ages– for children, adults, and the elderly with various diagnoses. Both representatives of the stronger sex with male irritability syndrome and pregnant women who experience irritability after childbirth will be satisfied.

Decoctions for drinking

Infusions of coriander, fennel, motherwort, caraway seeds and the same valerian, which are prepared in a water bath, help well. Also, an infusion of motherwort with the addition of lemon juice will help restore balance and calm. Most amateur gardeners can observe cucumber grass in their dachas. It is very unpretentious and will help well with insomnia, irritability, neuroses and bad mood.

There are also more delicious natural remedies that will please every sweet tooth. These are prunes, honey, walnuts and almonds, lemon. Each of these products can be consumed in mixtures or separately.

Nervousness is a natural reaction of the human body to unknown or frightening situations; this unpleasant emotional state has a spectrum of manifestation from mild to extensive feelings of excitement and internal trembling in body. Although a certain amount of anxiety has a positive impact on a person's overall performance, the condition becomes a problem at the point where it begins to slow down thoughts and disrupt normal daily life.

Irritability is an increase in psycho-emotional excitability and, to a certain extent, a tendency to negative reactions towards oneself and the people around oneself. A person becomes hot-tempered, aggressive, unfriendly, and has a pessimistic view of certain things (even if the outburst of emotions is not caused by them).

The characteristics of the behavior of an irritated person depend on the individual characteristics of the structure of the nervous system and are predetermined by the living environment: factors such as unsettled personal life, lack of financial wealth, exacerbation of a chronic disease, difficulties at work.

Tearfulness is a high predisposition to react emotionally to various circumstances, accompanied by crying to any minor event (even of a positive meaning), which indicates the presence of a psycho-emotional disorder and is caused by neurological instability. Most often, women and children are obsessed with tearfulness. A “deplorable mood” is accompanied by numerous other symptoms, such as depressed mood, drowsiness, apathy, reluctance to communicate; in children, the condition can develop into aggression and rage, requiring increased attention from adults.

What does it look like from the outside

Nervousness in children manifests itself in whims - the child demands that his requests be satisfied immediately: buy the toy he likes, a delicacy, an item. In adults, this condition can develop due to minor failures on the personal front or at work, or against the background of computer addiction - an attempt to distract from the game causes anger (which means the person suffers from gambling addiction).

Knowing that another person is predisposed to tearfulness and irritability, it becomes necessary to choose words during communication, since any carelessly spoken remark can upset the interlocutor, causing a psycho-emotional outburst.

In some cases, from the outside it may seem that a person began to cry for no reason, but the basis for such a reaction may be the memory of certain events.

Irritable people often do not control their emotions: later they may regret their words and actions, but emotional arousal occurs in one moment - the irritant can be criticism, comment or expression of the opinion of another person.

Complex of provoking causes and factors

Often the development of nervousness and irritability is caused by basic mental disorders– social anxiety or. Quitting the abuse of strong and narcotic substances can also provoke this condition.

Neurological pathologies, such as post-mortem disease, exacerbations of chronic diseases and intake of certain groups medicines, which cause irritability as a side effect, contribute.

Although, of all the reasons why the nervous system malfunctions, the leading ones are difficulties in professional activities and personal life. Stress at work, peer pressure, uncertainty in relationships, parenting issues - all this makes a person experience psycho-emotional stress.

In children, nervousness occurs against the background of pathologies such as schizophrenia, autism, and impaired production of growth hormone.

In men, irritability and aggression are often caused by an acquired pathology characterized by dementia, as well as schizophrenia, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and disturbances in the production of sex hormones and biologically active substances produced by the thyroid gland.

In women, nervousness and excessive irritability can be caused by gynecological disease, endocrine system disorders, hormonal imbalance, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or menopause, mental exhaustion, as well as lack of fulfillment in intimate terms.

Unpleasant sensations can be observed as a result of emotional stress, being in a stressful situation, with pathological changes in the brain, due to hormonal imbalance.

Concomitant symptoms provide a chance for a correct diagnosis

Severe nervousness and aggression, as a symptom, do not always develop independently - it can be complicated by other phenomena:

  • fatigue;
  • frequent;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • nausea, which often occurs after being in transport.

Severe nervousness and anxiety, as a symptom, manifests itself as follows:

Relaxation methods

Yoga, meditation, and auto-training will help you cope with anger and irritability.

People practicing oriental techniques stabilization of mental balance, do not experience nervousness and irritation. At the peak of anger, it is advisable to rinse your face with cold water, drink a glass of a cooling drink or take a contrast shower - this will allow you to get rid of the accumulated negativity and solve the problem calmly.

If anger arises due to a simple misunderstanding of the interlocutor, it is important to change the direction of thinking and understand that the opinions of two people do not have to coincide.

If your emotional state contradicts active sports (depression, high predisposition to panic attacks), a relaxing massage will help. The use of a decoction of medicinal herbs will provide a sedative effect, but the use of any medication must be agreed with a doctor.

To combat increased excitability and achieve stress resistance, you need to learn special breathing exercises. The fact that irritation occurs when the trouble that has happened is given importance is a fact: at the moment of anger, you need to “reduce” the level of significance of force majeure and it will be easier to find a way out of the situation.


To eliminate nervousness, it is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards others; if there is such a need, then you need to change your place of work.

Normalizing your sleep schedule will increase stress resistance, stabilize hormonal levels, and stopping the consumption of strong and energy drinks will prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body’s tissues.

Anger can be made a motivator for sports activities, where the release of energy is directed in the right direction, and not at people around.

Diet, nutrition

One of the reasons for the development of aggression and anger is a deficiency of vitamin B. You can compensate for the missing element thanks to correct drafting nutrition - it is important to include fermented milk products, nuts, buckwheat in the menu, beef liver, legumes.

To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, you need to eat apples, spinach, and pomegranate.

If you suffer from insomnia

Two pathological phenomena - insomnia and nervousness - contribute to the development of each other. To treat insomnia caused by neuroticism, the doctor prescribes sleeping pills. They are available by prescription only.

Aromatherapy is an effective way to calm down and fall asleep: inhaling vapors medicinal herbs or essential oils, you can stabilize the psycho-emotional background.

How to help a child?

In children, nervousness is treated by eliminating intellectual stress, normalizing the quality of nutrition and duration of sleep. It is necessary to find an optimal and useful hobby for your child, replacing constant stay at the computer with spending time in the fresh air, active games, and traveling.

Since medications are used only in cases of severe aggression, an alternative would be evening water procedures in combination with drinking warm milk - this calms and relaxes the child’s body.

A nervous system disorder caused by childhood loneliness is a signal for parents: make sure that the child does not feel like an outcast and is able to establish friendly relationships.

Normalization of the condition during pregnancy

Tearfulness and tearfulness during pregnancy are a common condition. For a pregnant woman, it is extremely important to have proper nutrition, walks fresh air and aromatherapy.

Traditional treatment, and especially drug treatment, is dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and the child’s body.

The use of mint candies will bring benefits - it is also an antiemetic.

A special situation requires restriction from negativity - a woman can make a list of things and events that give her pleasant emotions, and gradually, on a daily basis, carry them out.

It is difficult in some cases to prevent the development of nervousness, because sometimes stimuli act spontaneously, for example, in the area labor activity or personal life. Then you can help yourself through auto-training, the practice of positive thinking, breathing exercises and massage.

If available unsolved problem, then it is advisable to make an appointment with a psychologist: this will allow you to avoid mental anxiety and related phenomena.

It is important to pass in a timely manner medical examination and eliminate pathological processes at an early stage of their development.

Nervousness is caused by internal anxiety, which a person hardly recognizes; usually he cannot name its causes.


It is not possible to describe the entire variety of manifestations of nervousness patterns. Which ones are most common?

For some, this is expressed in increased fatigue, decreased performance, irritability over trifles, headaches, and sleep disturbances. In others, this manifests itself in absent-mindedness and inattention. Hence the complaints of memory impairment. Appears unreasonable fear that the person will not cope with the job (although in this case there is no reason for this). In still others, nervousness manifests itself in increased excitability and rapid exhaustion. A fourth experience mood swings, often towards depression. Tearfulness and moodiness appear. All this may be accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of “psychological discomfort.”

Among other things, “nervousness” can be expressed in unpleasant sensations in internal organs - the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, excretory systems, loss of appetite, etc.

In a state of nervousness, peculiar gait disturbances are sometimes observed without any organic lesions of the musculoskeletal system. At times, unusual sensory disturbances are detected, also not related to organic disorder nervous system. There may be weakening of sexual function in men and menstrual irregularities in women.

Sometimes nervousness, especially often in childhood and adolescence, among other things, appears in the form of twitching of individual muscle groups on the face, neck, and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. Occasionally you can see the whole head twitching. These kinds of tics can also occur in adulthood.

Somatic disorders

Nervous people often complain of feeling unwell, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. They are characterized by headaches, migraine attacks, sweating, lack of appetite, pain in the lower back, upper and lower extremities, and sleep disturbances. Many nervous people cannot tolerate foods that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (for example, alcohol, coffee). They also experience sexual dysfunction (eg, frigidity).

Mental disorders

The most characteristic psycho-emotional disorders: constant internal anxiety, mood swings, depression and fear. Often nervous people are unsure of themselves, too sensitive, irritable, shy, and distrustful. All these symptoms greatly tire the patient, in addition, he tends to exaggerate their severity. Many of us experience nervousness from time to time. Sometimes we avoid meeting or communicating with people and withdraw into ourselves. If such a state becomes habitual, then they develop mental disorders- a constant feeling of anxiety arises, behavior changes.

Doctors and psychologists use the following terms to denote nervousness: psychasthenia, or neurasthenia (when the causes of nervousness are mental or somatic), psychovegetative syndrome, autonomic dystonia or dysregulation.


In nervous people, ailments manifest themselves in the form of disturbances in activity various organs caused by increased sensitivity and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. Such people are easily excitable, so at the slightest problem they develop characteristic physical (somatic) ailments and mental disorders.

Psychological pressure

An insurmountable obstacle to nervous man may be a driving test. The fear of an exam is so great that a person forgets everything he has learned. Increased excitability and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system are caused by various factors: increased excitability can be congenital or accompany certain diseases (for example, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland). Nervousness often appears when there is a hormonal imbalance. Persistent nervousness can occur with a mental illness such as psychosis.


If the cause of nervousness is any disease, then first of all you need to start treating it. Therefore, people with increased nervous excitability should consult a doctor (even in the absence of pronounced symptoms of a physical illness). It often turns out that nervousness is associated not with physical, but with mental disorders or congenital hypersensitivity. You need to tell your friends about your problems, and if this does not help, you should consult a psychologist. To many nervous people Regularly performed autogenic training exercises or meditation help. In addition, it is recommended to increase physical activity (sports are recommended); medicinal baths and sanatorium-resort treatment also have a beneficial effect. Sometimes the treatment of nervousness is facilitated by changing eating habits (eating fresh vegetables and fruits, curdled milk, products made from wholemeal flour with bran).

For most sensitive people inner harmony is restored after they find a counterbalance to their professional activities. If a person is engaged in mental work and moves little, then free time he should exercise (for example, running or walking).

Nervousness is often a normal condition. It occurs in situations involving emotional overstrain(for example, before a session with students). After the decline in psychological tension, nervousness quickly disappears, i.e. there is no need to treat it.

  • - consultation with a psychotherapist;
  • - birch leaves;
  • - dill seed;
  • - valerian root.
  • “Psychological treatment book: a guide to prevention mental disorders", P.V. Volkov, 2004.
  • “How to manage yourself and your life”, A.V. Kurpatov, 2005.
  • how to treat neurosis

A common component of the treatment of neuroses is the use of tranquilizers. However, long-term and regular use of these drugs is not recommended due to the rapid and strong addiction to them. In addition, tranquilizers impair memory and attention to an irreversible level.


Nervousness is a symptom of increased excitability of the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of a sharp reaction to external stimuli, increased excitability, and sometimes some psychological disorders. However, in some cases, the manifestation of this symptom is due to the current physiological state. Nervousness during pregnancy or in the premenstrual period should not be considered a manifestation of any pathology, but such a condition of the expectant mother can affect the health of the child, so it is better to seek advice from a specialized medical specialist.


Nervousness and irritability in women or men can be caused by both certain pathological processes in the body and psychosomatics. It should also be noted that this condition is not always associated with pathologies specifically in the functioning of the nervous system. Increased nervousness can be a manifestation of pathologies of various organs and systems.

Clinicians identify the following possible etiological factors:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • menopause period;
  • constant lack of sleep and excessive physical activity;
  • alcohol abuse or drug use;
  • period of bearing a child - nervousness during pregnancy is quite common, especially if this is the first birth;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • atherosclerotic dementia.

Separately, illnesses of a psychological nature should be highlighted, since in their clinical picture this symptom almost always appears:

In addition, nervousness should not be ruled out as a sign of a person’s overwork, being in stressful situations or frequent nervous tension.

Nervousness in children can be caused by the following etiological factors:

  • adolescence;
  • maternal nervousness during pregnancy;
  • change of environment - moving, changing school;
  • unhealthy psychological situation in the family;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • psychological disorders.

Manifestation of nervousness in a child requires consultation with a child psychotherapist. Ignoring this symptom early age can lead to the development of serious psychological disorders in adult life.


The general clinical picture includes the following signs of nervousness:

  • irritation, for no apparent reason;
  • anxiety, sudden attacks of fear;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance - a person either experiences increased drowsiness or suffers from insomnia;
  • deterioration in performance.

If the cause of this symptom is psychological disorder, then the clinical picture can be supplemented by the following signs:

  • attacks of aggression;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • increased sweating;
  • suspiciousness and anxiety;
  • a sharp negative reaction to current events, for no apparent reason;
  • deterioration of cognitive abilities;
  • memory impairment - it is difficult for a person to concentrate on certain objects and remember basic things;
  • impaired consciousness - the patient may not remember his attacks.

With such a clinical picture, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist and not self-medicate. You need to understand that such a person’s condition is dangerous not only for him, but also for the people around him. In addition, the clinical picture can develop quite rapidly, and irreversible pathological processes can begin, which will lead to a deterioration in a person’s mental abilities and the inability to exist normally without outside help.

Nervousness during pregnancy may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sudden changes in mood - bouts of crying and depression can be replaced by laughter and a positive mood;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • drowsiness, weakness.

In most cases, nervousness during pregnancy is a completely normal reaction of the body to physiological and hormonal changes. However, if nervousness is accompanied by other symptoms and general state pregnancy worsens, you should consult a doctor for advice.


If the signs of this symptom are pronounced, consultation with a psychologist and neurologist is required, in more cases difficult cases treatment takes place with the obligatory participation of a psychotherapist.

To establish the root cause factor, the following laboratory and diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • psychological tests.

The diagnostic program may include additional diagnostic methods and psychological testing, depending on the current clinical picture.

How to deal with nervousness, the doctor can determine only after precise definition etiology of this symptom. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications.


Based on the test results, the doctor can determine how to treat nervousness. IN drug therapy May include drugs from the following pharmacological groups:

  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • hormonal;
  • to stabilize blood pressure;
  • to improve brain function.

Drugs of this type should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, since an overdose can lead not only to physiological disturbances in the functioning of the body, but also to psychological disorders.

If nervousness is diagnosed during pregnancy, then taking medications is excluded if possible. This condition of a woman can be overcome through decoctions or tinctures of special herbs. You can drink chamomile tea, mint tea, milk with honey, and motherwort tincture diluted with water. However, before use, you should definitely consult your doctor.

In some cases, to eliminate the symptom, it is enough to reconsider your daily routine - allocate enough time for rest, start eating right and give up excessive amounts of alcohol.


In this case, the following preventive recommendations can be distinguished:

  • elimination of stress, nervous tension;
  • optimal amount of time for rest;
  • moderate mental and physical activity;
  • timely elimination of all pathological processes.

If you feel unwell, you should seek help from specialized medical specialists.

“Nervousness” is observed in diseases:

Adrenal adenoma is the most common neoplasm of this organ. It is benign in nature and includes glandular tissue. In men, the disease is diagnosed 3 times less often than in women. The main risk group is people aged 30 to 60 years.

Parathyroid adenoma is a small benign education ranging in size from 1 to 5 cm, which can independently synthesize parathyroid hormone, causing symptoms of hypercalcemia in humans. The parathyroid glands are located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, and their main purpose is to produce parathyroid hormone, which takes part in calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. An adenoma leads to the production of more parathyroid hormone than necessary, which causes the symptoms of this disease.

Adnexitis is a unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the appendages, including the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Inflammation of this type is formed due to the influence of various microorganisms, which can be transferred to acute or chronic form. It should be noted that adnexitis, the symptoms of which are quite common among women, defining the disease itself as one of the most common gynecological diseases, is also characterized by the occurrence frequent relapses. Moreover, this inflammation, as a rule, affects both organs at once, and its danger lies in the formation of subsequent infertility for every fifth sick woman.

Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma, which occurs in almost 85% of the child population and half of the adults who currently live in the country. Substances that enter the human body during inhalation and provoke the progression of allergies are called allergens. In medicine allergic asthma also called atopic.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome (syn. asthenia, asthenic syndrome, “chronic fatigue” syndrome, neuropsychic weakness) - slowly progressive psychopathological disorder, occurring in both adults and children. Without timely treatment, it leads to depression.

Asymptomatic or latent pneumonia is a rather dangerous disease because it is not accompanied characteristic symptoms of this disease. Localization of the disorder is often observed in a separate segment of the lung. Due to the absence of symptoms, the disease is diagnosed late stages. Asymptomatic pneumonia affects people of all ages age group, in particular young children.

Intracranial hypertension is nothing more than increased intracranial pressure, mostly known due to the widespread use of this particular definition. Intracranial hypertension, the symptoms of which are often caused by pathology that forms in the brain, is formed due to an increase in the volume of contents in the cranial cavity, in particular, this content can be cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), blood (with venous stagnation), tissue fluid (with cerebral edema ), as well as foreign tissue resulting, for example, from a brain tumor.

Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland is a benign formation that is a consequence of the proliferation of gland tissue. At the initial stage of development, this pathology does not cause significant harm to health. However, if treatment is not started in a timely manner, the tumor can degenerate into malignant, which entails a direct disruption of the thyroid gland. Statistics show that today the disease is diagnosed in 740 million of the planet's population.

Physical inactivity is a pathological condition that is characterized by a violation of almost all functions of the human body (respiratory, digestive, hematopoietic and circulatory functions). All this happens for one reason – a decrease in physical activity. As a result, contractility muscle structures are significantly reduced.

Intestinal dyskinesia is a fairly common disorder in which this organ is not subject to organic damage, but its motor function suffers. The underlying factor in the onset of the disease is considered to be prolonged exposure to stressful situations or nervous overstrain. It is for this reason that gastroenterologists and psychologists treat patients with a similar diagnosis.

Capsulitis shoulder jointpathological process, which causes damage to the capsule and synovium of this area. It is characterized by severe pain and a sharp decrease in the performance of the affected shoulder, which can lead to disability. In the medical field, the disease is widely known as adhesive capsulitis. This disorder Representatives of both sexes are susceptible, but according to statistics, the disease most often occurs in women over forty years of age.

Minor chorea (Sydenham's chorea) is a disease of rheumatic etiology, the development of which is based on damage to the subcortical nodes of the brain. A characteristic symptom of the development of pathology in humans is impaired motor activity. The disease mainly affects young children. Girls get sick more often than boys. The average duration of the disease is from three to six months.

Methemoglobinemia is a disease in which there is an increase in the level of methemoglobin or oxidized hemoglobin in the main biological fluid of a person. In such cases, the degree of concentration increases above the norm - 1%. The pathology is congenital and acquired.

Gouty arthritis (gout) is an inflammatory disease that is accompanied by limited joint mobility and can lead to joint deformation. In most cases, the disease occurs in men, and their peak incidence increases at the age of 40-50; women rarely get sick - according to statistics, 5-8 women out of 1000 suffer from it.

Premenopause is a special period in a woman’s life, the duration of which is individual for each female representative. This is a kind of gap between a weakened and unclear menstrual cycle and the last menstruation that occurs during menopause.

Bowel cancer is malignant tumor, affecting the intestinal mucosa. The presented pathology can begin its formation in any part of the organ. Most often, patients are diagnosed with colon cancer. This disease is very common and the number of sick people is increasing every year. Today, intestinal cancer ranks second in the world among oncological pathologies.

A disease characterized by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases various organs and systems is called reactive arthritis. Often, inflammation of the joints occurs due to infection of the genital organs, urinary system, or even the gastrointestinal tract. After the body is infected with infections, the development of reactive arthritis may be observed in the second to fourth week.

A concussion is a pathological condition that occurs against the background of receiving one or another specific head injury. A concussion, the symptoms of which are in no way related to vascular pathologies, is accompanied by a sudden disruption of brain function. What is noteworthy is that when an injury occurs, a concussion is diagnosed in about 80% of cases.

Subatrophic pharyngitis is a disease in which the growth of connective tissue occurs in the pharynx and nearby lymph nodes. People affected by this disease complain of severe deterioration in health, irritability, discomfort, pain, dry throat, insomnia against the background of these symptoms.

Thyroiditis is a whole group of diseases that differ from each other in their etiology and are united by a single general process, which is inflammation of the tissue in the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis, the symptoms of which are determined depending on the specific form of the disease, can also develop into strumitis - a disease in which increased thyroid undergoes uniform inflammation.

Thyrotoxicosis is a pathological condition characterized by a persistent increase in the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). This condition is also called thyroid hormone toxicity. This pathology of the thyroid gland leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems in the human body, and also negatively affects the functioning of the gland itself.

Trypophobia is a condition in which a person experiences panic fear when seeing holes, cluster holes (many holes), bubbles in the dough, skin abscesses, etc. Trypophobia, the symptoms of which, despite the fact that the disease is not recognized in official medicine, is noted by about 10% of the population, manifests itself in the form of nausea , skin itching, nervous tremors and general discomfort when the listed causes of this phobia appear in the field of view.

Scabies in children is one of the most common and at the same time painful childhood diseases. It is characterized by defeat skin and the development of a large number of complications. A child can get sick at any age. The provocateur of the disease is the scabies mite, which lives only on the human body, which is why it is not possible to contract it from animals. Predisposing factors include failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Enuresis is a pathological disorder in which patients experience involuntary (mostly) urination at night. Enuresis, the symptoms of which are mostly observed in children, however, can be diagnosed in adolescents and a certain percentage of the adult population, in addition, this disorder can occur in patients during the daytime.

Euthyroidism is a condition of the thyroid gland in which the functioning of the organ is disrupted, despite the fact that the level of thyroid and thyroid-stimulating hormones is normal. Clinicians usually use this term to characterize the results of the tests obtained. But, despite the fact that clinical euthyroidism is a physiological condition, serious illnesses, such as endemic goiter or autoimmune thyroiditis, can begin to progress against its background.

With help physical exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Nervous state symptoms

Nervousness is a state of strong excitability of the nervous system, leading to sharp and acute reactions to minor stimuli. Often this condition occurs along with irritability, anxiety, and restlessness. Nervousness manifests itself in various symptoms: headaches, insomnia, a tendency to depression, increased suspiciousness, lability of pulse and blood pressure, decreased performance. Depending on the cause, symptoms are combined to form symptom complexes.

Increased nervousness is perceived as imbalance, lack of restraint, therefore such people are often mistakenly perceived as ill-mannered, dissolute individuals. Therefore, it would be advisable to undergo an examination, determine the cause and begin treatment for irritability and nervousness.

Causes of nervousness

Nervousness always has a reason; a person doesn’t just become nervous if everything is fine. All reasons can be divided into physiological and psychological.

The most common physiological causes of nervousness are diseases of the endocrine system, digestive tract, lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and hormonal imbalances.

Psychological causes of nervousness include: stressful situations, lack of sleep, depression, fatigue, anxiety.

Sometimes ordinary situations that a person would not pay attention to in a calm situation cause irritability and emotional outbursts, for example, the sound of a hammer, screaming, weather, music.

Many people often admire people who know how to restrain their emotions and suppress nervous impulses, but they have no idea what it costs them, what the price of such endurance and willpower is. Suppressing emotions is extremely harmful to health. When a person does not give vent to his experiences, nervousness is formed, tension increases inside, “pressure” is formed and “steam” must come out somewhere, and in this case, it comes out in the form of painful symptoms.

In ancient times, such people were called “bilious people,” which is associated with diseases of the biliary tract that arose from increased nervousness. Irritability, which accumulates over a long period of time, destroys a person’s stable balance and leads to nervous breakdowns.

If you endure and endure everything within yourself all the time, then soon there comes a moment when restraint is lost and even the most innocent action can cause a nervous reaction. When a person is dissatisfied with himself, this only adds fuel to the fire, irritability becomes even greater. Then the neurotic state becomes stable, and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

The problem with such people is that they take on too much, consider it a weakness to express emotions and suppress irritability. Sometimes they simply don’t know how to correctly express emotions or how to deal with aggression. And often they reach the point where they need treatment for irritability and nervousness. If this is not a very advanced case, then you just need to make a small correction of perception, change negative views to positive ones, change your attitude towards things that cause irritation.

Nervousness can be a consequence of a severe somatic illness, for example, in some forms of cancer.

Increased nervousness occurs in pathological conditions of the central nervous system of the human psyche. Pathologies are organic - dementia, post-traumatic encephalopathy and functional - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Nervousness can be a consequence of mental illnesses such as depression, epilepsy, neuroses, hysteria, schizophrenia, psychosis. This condition may be accompanied by addiction (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, gambling addiction and others). The nervous system is closely related to the endocrine system, representing a single neuroendocrine system.

Nervousness manifests itself as a result of hormonal disorders - thyrotoxicosis, male and female menopause, premenstrual syndrome.

Increased fatigue and depression, together with nervousness, make up a symptom complex called “minor signs of stomach cancer.” The manifestation of such symptoms is very important in diagnosing the early stages of the disease.

Headaches, nervousness, insomnia - this is familiar to many, especially women. According to statistics, they are irritable more often than men. It is necessary to understand what exactly causes nervousness in women. The most common reason is workload. When there are a lot of urgent matters around and there is no one with whom to share responsibilities, a woman has to take on everything, responsibility for the family, home, work.

If a woman were to create a routine for her day, to list all her responsibilities minute by minute, then there would be a long list of various tasks that require her attention. Every morning starts the same way - getting up early in order to have time to prepare breakfast for everyone and gather all family members, and have time to get ready, send the children to school, prepare lunch for my husband, and at the same time show up at work on time. And at work throughout the day, the pace also does not slow down; timely fulfillment of professional duties is required. Upon returning home, the momentum does not slow down, household chores continue: cooking dinner, washing dishes, preparing for tomorrow's work day, as a result of which there is no time left for personal matters, because you still need to have time to sleep. In this case, responsibilities should be distributed among all family members so that everyone has a chance to relax and not shift things to another, thus everyone will appreciate each other more, and the woman will feel much better, the number of reasons for irritability and nervousness will decrease .

Women's nervousness is most provoked by hormonal imbalances - premenstrual syndrome, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. During these periods, a woman’s perception is heightened, she becomes too sensitive and any slight discomfort can cause a negative reaction. If nervousness and irritability appear in women, treatment should occur, the sooner the better, because they spend a lot of their energy and nerves on unnecessary things.

Nervousness can be caused by rejection of generally accepted norms of behavior. When a person’s principles diverge from these norms, if he does not agree to live and work as society dictates, if he does not want to meet their requirements, this naturally leads to irritability.

Symptoms of nervousness

Bad mood, headaches, nervousness, insomnia, general weakness, fatigue - this is an incomplete list of the symptoms that plague an irritated and unbalanced person. Unmotivated aggression, anxiety, anger, tearfulness, and apathy are also added to this list.

These symptoms are numerous and can often mean something other than nervousness. Such symptoms can be grouped into various syndromes. But we can identify the most characteristic signs of nervousness: neurosis-like states, neuroses and neurotic reactions.

Characteristic symptoms also include repetitive actions of the same type, such as swinging a leg, tapping fingers, nervously walking from one place to another. There may also be sudden active movements, a shrill and loud voice. By raising his voice, a person gets rid of emotional stress, gains peace of mind, he shouts out the tension that is pressing him from within. In this condition, sexual activity and libido decrease, the desire for a partner and interest in favorite activities disappear.

Increased nervousness develops on the basis of a stable experience of severe stress, as well as physical and mental stress. As a result, social relations with society deteriorate.

Insomnia is one of the most characteristic signs of nervousness; it manifests itself in the fact that too much anxiety and excitement of the nervous system do not allow a person to fall asleep for three or four hours. Therefore, almost all people in a state of nervousness do not observe a day-night routine; they can sleep soundly during the day and wake up several times at night. Since the symptoms of nervousness are varied, it would be wise to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of nervousness

Treatment of nervousness, which is caused by various diseases, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since self-medication can cause even more harm. If nervousness is a symptom of some pathology, then it is necessary to treat, first of all, the cause, that is, to investigate the peculiarities of the course of the disease. General principles also apply in the treatment of symptoms and causes of nervousness, which can be used in complex therapy.

These principles involve the following actions: normalization and stabilization of the day and night regime, elimination of the most destabilizing factors that increase the excitability of the central nervous system. You should review your diet, avoid drinks containing caffeine, guarana and other stimulating ingredients (coffee, strong tea, cola), limit or eliminate alcohol from your diet. Fruits and fresh vegetables should predominate in the diet; food should be balanced and light, not heavy.

If you have a smoking habit, you also need to get rid of it. There is a myth that nicotine calms a person; it is just a short-term illusory effect. Smoking has a toxic effect on the brain, which further intensifies the nervous state.

You can reduce nervousness with moderate physical activity, preferably in the fresh air. In cases of increased nervousness, a course of psychotherapy, reflexology, art therapy, dance classes, and yoga is prescribed.

If a person suffers from insomnia, which very often happens in people with this condition, then he needs to direct efforts to eliminate it. Because the more a person does not sleep, the more nervous he behaves during the day, when he wants to fall asleep, but cannot, because the nervous processes are irritated, and thus a vicious circle turns out and this cyclicality needs to be destroyed. To do this, you should follow several rules. You need to go to bed earlier than before midnight, because at this time rest is of greatest value to the nervous system. To do this, you need to move your usual bedtime back a minute every day. An hour or two before the lights out, you need to exclude factors that irritate the psyche, for example, watching TV, communicating on social networks, playing games, eating food and drinks. Evening walks, warm baths, aromatherapy, and relaxing yoga help promote better sleep.

When a person feels unwell, depressed, nervous and anxious, treatment should be with tranquilizers that eliminate anxiety. Such drugs have a beneficial effect on falling asleep, reducing anxiety and panic. All sedatives, if necessary, are prescribed by a doctor. Habitual tea and coffee should be replaced by brewing soothing herbal infusions (motherwort, mint, valerian, lemon balm).

Increased nervousness and irritability in women, treatment of this condition requires medications. The peculiarity of the treatment of female nervousness lies in the complexity of the female body, so women are prescribed a full examination and consultation with a number of specialists - a psychologist, therapist, neurologist, gynecologist, sex therapist, endocrinologist. If the case is very severe, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital.

Treatment of irritability and nervousness is often carried out by the person himself without the supervision of a specialist. The treatment methods that a person uses are often unique. Many people, in order to relax and get away from the external “irritable” world, drink alcohol in large quantities. Someone listens to the recommendations of friends who, who are not doctors, advise using potent drugs (Valocordin, Phenazepam), which cause addiction and other side effects if they are not suitable for a particular person.

Nervousness and anxiety treatment occurs under the supervision of a psychotherapist when a person has severe mood swings. These conditions may be primarily caused by emotional disorders. During the consultation, the psychotherapist conducts psychodiagnostics, understands what can cause nervousness in a person and why he has increased anxiety. Next, the specialist creates an individual consulting program, a course of psychotherapy, during which a person will be able to figure out what and why causes anxiety attacks in him, learn to better understand himself and change his attitude towards various events, and will be able to learn adequate types of response to various potentially irritating factors. He will also learn techniques of relaxation, self-control, meditation, and auto-training, which he can then independently apply in situations of anxiety and irritability.

Nervousness: how does it manifest itself and how to cope?

Nervousness is a condition that is characterized by excessive excitability of the structures of the nervous system, and manifests itself in an acute and harsh reaction even to minor stimuli. Otherwise, it can also be called imbalance, incontinence, or anxiety.

The main manifestations of nervousness are mood lability, headaches, and sleep disturbances. Against this background, a tendency towards depressive deviations and excessive suspicion appear. Somatic pathologies may even develop, for example, hypertension.

People with such behavior are usually considered ill-mannered rude people, while a person does not need rudeness, but help, sometimes even specialized help - consultation with a psychotherapist and adequate pharmacotherapy.

Main reasons

Nervousness and irritability can be symptoms of various diseases, and the causes of their occurrence should be sought in a variety of areas of human life - from the physiological characteristics of the body to a malfunction in higher nervous structures.

At the moment, experts are of the opinion that the causes of nervousness may be the following:

  1. Physiological - hyperreactivity of the central nervous system, hormonal imbalances, lack of nutrients and vitamins, as well as premenstrual syndrome in women.
  2. Psychological – severe stressful situations, chronic lack of sleep, overwork and nervous exhaustion. Constantly being busy at work and an excessively fast pace of life in big cities have an extremely negative impact on the body, especially if a person has not had a full vacation for years.

Almost any irritant can become a cause for nervousness - even neighbors in the house. For example, their dog often barks at night or early in the morning, or they start repair work at the most inconvenient time. Many people believe that accumulated tension must be kept within themselves, admiring those around them with a strong will and “nerves of steel.” However, all this can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Experts emphasize that negative emotions should not be accumulated at all, they must be thrown out. Just not as a negative, but as a positive - sing while taking a bath with aromatic salt, master playing the guitar, or learn to paint watercolors.

What happens in the body

Prolonged and strong emotional shocks plunge the human body into a state of stress - muscle tone increases significantly, the heart rate accelerates many times, sweating increases, and an excessive amount of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline enters the bloodstream.

Such a reaction has been established since ancient times, when the mobilization of resources was required to overcome danger. However, if the situation is repeated frequently, muscle hypertonicity becomes chronic, and depletion of nervous system resources leads to neurasthenia. Following this, failures will occur in other organs and systems - digestive, cardiovascular.

Each person is unique, therefore the duration of the latent period of a negative state in one person can last for years, while in other people asthenia and increased nervousness can occur almost immediately.

Main signs and symptoms

As a rule, against the background of excessive muscle spasms, the brain and the shoulder girdle area are the first to suffer. The explanation is that it is here that there is a high need for adequate blood supply. And constricted vessels are not able to deliver the required amount of nutrients and oxygen.

And all this in combination with nagging pain in the neck, lower back, shoulder girdle - in places of muscle blocks. An irritated person may experience episodes of unmotivated aggression and anger; the mood is dominated by anger or tearfulness.

Characteristic symptoms of nervousness:

  • acquired tendency to perform repetitive actions - for example, swinging a leg or tapping your nails on a table top, fussy moving objects from one place to another;
  • the habit of speaking in a raised voice - in this way a person tries to throw out emotional stress;
  • decreased libido – constant nervousness significantly reduces people’s sexual activity and can become the root cause of sexual impotence;
  • loss of desire to do what you love, hobby, loss of appetite, or the other side – bulimia.

In the absence of adequate outside help, it can be quite difficult to cope with such manifestations of nervousness on your own. The situation is becoming more and more aggravated; clinical manifestations of mature somatic pathologies are joining the primary symptoms. Everything can end badly - a suicide attempt, a heart attack, a severe stroke.

What you can do at home

A well-known way to get rid of accumulated negativity is to get a good night's sleep and rest. Each person's reserves of strength are not infinite; they must be regularly replenished. This is what the recommendations of specialists in the field of neurology and psychology are aimed at.

How to get rid of nervousness at home:

  • master simple sets of stretching exercises for the whole body and various muscle groups - this will help eliminate formed muscle blocks, restore adequate blood flow, and relieve accumulated stress;
  • normalize night rest - buy a comfortable bed, preferably with an orthopedic mattress and pillow, thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed, start preparing in advance - take a warm shower, relax, get rid of unnecessary thoughts from your head;
  • you can make yourself a phyto-pillow - combine the herbs myt and meadowsweet in equal proportions, as well as lemon balm and add 2 such volumes of wormwood to them, place everything in a bag of gauze and place it close to the head before resting at night;
  • find new interesting traits and character traits in your sexual partner - look at him with different eyes, and try to have sex despite any stress, thanks to joy hormones, endorphins, you will be able to overcome the negative state;
  • in order to relieve nervousness before menstruation, it is better to start a course of medicinal teas in advance - make it a rule, a week before the start of menstrual flow, to switch to drinking drinks with chamomile, lemon balm, valerian, or motherwort, you can purchase ready-made mixtures in the pharmacy chain, or you can collect herbs yourself and prepare your own tea according to your own recipe.

And the main recommendation of all specialists is that treatment of nervousness and anxiety will not be highly effective if there is no support and understanding of family members. It is always easier to overcome a stressful situation if a person draws new strength from his family.

If close people only add problems, it is better to turn to friends for such help. A divided problem is already half the problem, and it is much easier to solve.

When you need help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist

You should not think that by writing a referral for a consultation with a psychotherapist, the attending physician wants to offend the person. This is far from true. It’s just that some somatic pathologies take their basis precisely in disruptions in the activity of higher nervous structures.

After correcting depressive conditions, various phobias or other disorders, a person will feel much better. This does not mean that mental illness is implied - a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist are not at all equivalent professions. Read more about which specialist is best to contact and how to choose a doctor here.

Comprehensive treatment for nervousness will include:

  • conducting various trainings to eliminate accumulated aggression, stress, and negativity;
  • identifying and eliminating the root cause, for example, troubles at work, excessive self-doubt, overwork;
  • pharmacotherapy - drugs should be prescribed only by a specialist; their doses and total duration of treatment are selected individually, based on the severity of the symptoms of the diagnosed pathology.

Anti-nervousness pills will help a person feel better, normalize sleep, and increase productivity. However, their use is most often addictive. To avoid this, the specialist gradually reduces the dose, then helping to do without medication altogether.


Like any pathology, nervousness is much easier to prevent than to get rid of it later. Prevention measures include the following:

  • avoid severe, prolonged stressful situations;
  • adjust physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • be sure to arrange rest days for yourself, when there are no negative thoughts or hard things to do;
  • treat somatic diseases in a timely manner and prevent significant deterioration in health;
  • pamper yourself more often - buy beautiful souvenirs, new things, goodies, however, do not transfer one psychological dependence into another, the same shopaholism.

Nervousness as a symptom of various diseases

What is nervousness?

  • tendency to depression;
  • increased suspiciousness and anxiety;
  • attacks of headache;
  • heartbeat;
  • lability (instability) of pulse and blood pressure;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased performance.

Depending on the cause of nervousness, the symptoms listed above can be combined in different ways and supplemented by signs of the underlying disease.

Causes of increased nervousness

Constant fatigue and nervousness with cerebrovascular disease

This kind of exhaustion can be caused by various factors. Often this is elementary negligence in relation to one’s own health:

  • incorrect daily routine;
  • lack of sleep;
  • nervous and physical overload;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • excessive consumption of tonic substances (tea, coffee, etc.).

Cerebroasthenia often develops in schoolchildren and students during the period of taking exams, in office workers who practice deadlines, as well as in people leading a chaotic lifestyle (even those not burdened with physical or mental labor - excessive entertainment also exhausts the nervous system).

In such cases, the clinical picture of cerebrasthenia develops against the background of the underlying disease, so that signs of nervousness are combined with symptoms of a particular pathology that has led to depletion of the nervous system.

Severe nervousness as a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • circulatory disorders in the central nervous system caused by impaired cerebral vascular tone;
  • pathology of neuroendocrine regulation underlying the disease;
  • factors that caused the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (as a rule, stress, chronic infections and intoxications, occupational hazards, abuse of alcohol, nicotine or caffeine contribute to the occurrence of pathology).

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by a combination of severe nervousness with vascular disorders, such as lability of pulse and blood pressure, palpitations, pain in the heart, headaches and dizziness.

Signs of nervousness in encephalopathies

  • atherosclerotic;
  • hypertensive;
  • alcoholic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • diabetic;
  • uremic (with renal failure);
  • hepatic (for severe liver damage);
  • toxic (with exogenous intoxication, for example, lead encephalopathy due to poisoning with lead salts).

Nervousness in encephalopathy is included in a complex of other asthenic symptoms, such as increased fatigue, headache, decreased physical and intellectual performance.

Nervousness and fear in anxiety states

Tearfulness and nervousness before menstruation

In addition, premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a number of other pathological symptoms:

1. Signs of impaired water-electrolyte metabolism (swelling of the face and limbs).

2. Attacks of headache, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

3. Signs of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (lability of pressure and pulse, pain in the heart, increased sweating, palpitations, accompanied by attacks of fear and anxiety), which in especially severe cases take the form of acute sympatho-adrenal crises (anxiety attack accompanied by pain in the heart area, increased blood pressure, palpitations, ending with increased urination).

4. Symptoms of endocrine shifts (breast engorgement, acne, increased sensitivity to odors, temporary greasiness of skin and hair).

A state of increased nervousness during menopause in women and men

Menopause in women

  • increased sensitivity (tearfulness);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased mental and physical performance;
  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration of memory and creativity.

During the same period, pathological menopause is characterized by specific disorders of neuroendocrine regulation: hot flashes (feelings of heat in the head and neck), dizziness, headaches, palpitations, lability of blood pressure and pulse, sweating, pain in the heart, etc.

Menopause in men

1. Neoplastic processes in the prostate gland.

2. Kidney, liver and heart failure.

Nervousness with hyperthyroidism

  • nervousness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • fussiness;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased performance.

The above signs often lead to patients becoming extremely uncooperative, and poor relationships in the family and at work, in turn, further aggravate mental disorders, which often leads to the development anxiety disorders or depression.

1. Drug therapy.

2. Radical surgery (removal of part of the hyperplastic gland).

3. Treatment with radioactive iodine.

How to get rid of nervousness?

Treatment of nervousness caused by various diseases: general principles

How to treat nervousness with insomnia?

Folk remedies

Motherwort cordalis (motherwort vulgare) is a herbaceous perennial plant that has long been used in folk medicine as a sedative.

Melissa officinalis (lemon balm, mother plant, censer, bee plant) is a perennial herbaceous plant, the Greek name of which (melissa) literally translates as honey bee.

One of the most popular drugs: lemon balm essential oil (15 drops orally to relieve nervousness in combination with heart pain).

A bath made from Scots pine needles has a good calming effect. To prepare it, take 300 g of pine needles and boil for 15 minutes in 5 liters of water. Then the broth is infused for about an hour, filtered and poured into a warm bath.

Nervousness and irritability during pregnancy


  • exogenous reasons (troubles in the family or at work);
  • psychological problems (neuroses of pregnant women);
  • somatic pathology (anemia, hypovitaminosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases).

In the later stages During pregnancy, nervousness can be one of the signs of such a serious pathology as late toxicosis of pregnancy, so if this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor.

What medications for nervousness can you take during pregnancy?

Nervousness in a child


  • A blurred time frame, characterized by a gradual increase in crisis symptoms and an equally gradual decrease.
  • Uncontrollability: it should be remembered that during these periods the child not only responds poorly to the influence of adults, but also does not always properly cope with his own emotions.
  • Breaking old behavioral stereotypes.
  • Rebellion is a protest directed against the surrounding world, manifested by extreme negativism (the desire to do everything “the other way around”), stubbornness and despotism (the desire to subordinate everything and everyone to one’s will).

The following crisis periods of development are identified when a healthy child may develop nervousness:

1. The one-year crisis is associated with the appearance of speech. As a rule, it proceeds subacutely. Due to the particularly close connection between mental and physical development at this stage, it has multiple somatic manifestations, such as disruption of biorhythms (disturbance in sleep and wakefulness, appetite, etc.). There may be a slight delay in development, and even a temporary loss of some previously acquired skills.

2. The crisis of three years is associated with the awareness of one’s own “I” and the beginning of the formation of will. Refers to particularly acute crisis periods. It is often difficult. External influences, such as moving, first visits to preschool, etc., can aggravate the crisis.

3. The crisis of seven years, as a rule, proceeds more mildly. Crisis symptoms are associated with an awareness of the importance and complexity of social connections, which outwardly manifests itself as a loss of the naive spontaneity of early childhood.

4. The crisis of adolescence is in many ways similar to the crisis of three years. This is a crisis rapid growth and development, which is associated with the formation of the social “I”. The age range of this period is different for girls (12-14 years old) and boys (14-16 years old).

5. The crisis of adolescence is associated with the final formation of value guidelines. The age range is also, as a rule, different for girls (16-17 years old) and boys (18-19 years old).

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