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Nervous breakdowns: symptoms, consequences and how to protect yourself from them. Nervous breakdowns: why they happen and how to prevent them After a nervous breakdown, a person learns to live again

Author of the article: Maria Barnikova (psychiatrist)



Maria Barnikova

A nervous breakdown is a clear indicator indicating serious problems in the functioning and interaction of body systems.

Moderate, periodically occurring emotional stress is an important component human life, motivating for active work and stimulating for new achievements. Low-intensity and tamed, they allow you to maintain interest in life and encourage self-knowledge. As well as excessive and unbearable for the body exercise stress can cause muscle injuries, and chronic and intense mental stress can cause serious negative consequences for the state of all systems. One of the most common mental health problems is the curse of modern times: a nervous breakdown.

Breakdown– a pronounced indicator indicating serious problems in the functioning and interaction of body systems. A nervous breakdown is not a static phenomenon over time, but acts as an indicator of an acute initial phase in a developing pathological process in the field mental life person. A nervous breakdown informs about the likelihood of an approach:

  • psychogenic reversible states – ;

The result of such an acute crisis is the individual’s persistent conviction that he cannot control and manage his emotions, feelings, and behavior. During a nervous breakdown, a person is at the mercy of the ideas of his own worthlessness that have absorbed his thinking, which the person cannot resist by force of will.

Although a nervous breakdown is a specific reactive state that is often recorded in patients in clinical settings, the term does not have an exact scientific definition in official diagnostic classifiers DSM-IV And ICD-10. Most doctors make an assumption about the fact of what happened nervous breakdown in the patient, based on the subjective symptoms that the patient describes, confirms the close environment when the influence of negative external stimuli is obvious. Special situations have been described when a person’s history of a nervous breakdown appeared after the person had lost the ability to fully function in society.

Despite the painful symptoms that appear, a nervous breakdown is a kind of positive mechanism used by the body for protection. A nervous breakdown is a specific lever, by using which the body manages to relieve the accumulated exorbitant burden of fatigue and tension. A nervous breakdown is similar in nature to other protective tools of the body, for example: increased lacrimation, the appearance of a cough, an increase in temperature in response to exposure to harmful factors.

Causes of a nervous breakdown

The factors that led to an acute crisis can be absolutely any events that occurred in a person’s life, which he interprets as significant phenomena. The causes of a nervous breakdown are both large-scale, sudden stress that is intense in its impact, and insignificant, chronically ongoing stressful situations.

According to research conducted by the American Association mental health, The most common causes of nervous breakdowns are:

  • sudden problems in a person’s personal life (divorce or breakdown of relations between spouses, separation from a beloved partner or his betrayal);
  • prolonged exposure to an unfavorable climate in the family (quarrels, difficulties in raising children, forced separation of spouses, long-term illness of a close relative);
  • uncomfortable working or training conditions (unfriendly atmosphere in the team, excessive or incomprehensible requirements, difficult schedule);
  • financial difficulties ( low level income, job loss, large loan obligations, sudden loss of personal property).

The causes of a nervous breakdown may be related to congenital characteristics or be the result of a person’s unhealthy lifestyle. Among these factors:

  • genetic predisposition to emotional disorders;
  • organic diseases of the central nervous system and thyroid gland;
  • deficiency or disruptions in the metabolism of neurotransmitters;
  • lack of vitamins, microelements, amino acids;
  • exposure to viruses and infections, in particular those affecting the brain;
  • insufficient rest, disruption of sleep-wake patterns;
  • alcohol abuse, drug use, self-medication with psychotropic drugs;
  • personality traits, total parental control, social isolation, incorrect mechanisms for responding to events.

It has been established that people with certain accentuated personality traits are predisposed to the development of psychogenic disorders and nervous breakdowns, such as:

  • impressionability, vulnerability, suspiciousness;
  • authority, intolerance, egocentrism, inability to take into account the wishes of others;
  • straightforwardness, uncompromisingness;
  • excessive punctuality, conscientiousness, responsibility.

Women are more prone to nervous breakdowns because they emotional sphere more intense, dynamic and unstable. Often a nervous breakdown is the result of unresolved internal conflicts: dissatisfaction of a person’s needs, discrepancy between what is desired and what is actually there, and the opposite of motives.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown

Every person needs to know the symptoms crisis state for timely comprehensive measures that can prevent the worsening psychogenic disorder. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown occur at three levels: physical (somatic and autonomic), mental (emotional and cognitive), and behavioral. As a rule, the disorder debuts with changes in the emotional sphere.

Mental symptoms

  • increased excitability, severe irritability;
  • intense reactions to a minor stimulus;
  • dissatisfaction and irritation from the slightest noise;
  • sensitivity to bright light;
  • decreased performance due to absent-mindedness, lack of composure, and inability to concentrate on the actions being performed;
  • fatigue and feeling of exhaustion;
  • impatience and fussiness;
  • indecision;
  • touchiness, vulnerability, suspiciousness;
  • feeling of restlessness and anxiety;
  • fixation on experiences;
  • mood instability;
  • tearfulness up to hysterical fits;
  • underestimation or overestimation of self-esteem;
  • contradictory life values.

In difficult situations, symptoms are intensified by ideas of guilt and one’s own worthlessness, or, conversely, paranoid thoughts of greatness and invincibility appear.

Physical symptoms

  • frequent headaches, especially of a compressive nature (“neurasthenic helmet”) or hallucinatory (psychalgia);
  • discomfort in the chest and abdomen;
  • dizziness, “floaters before the eyes” arising from surges in blood pressure;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • change eating habits(lack of appetite or overeating);
  • persistent sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, frequent awakenings at night, nightmares);
  • excessive concern for health conditions, similar to hypochondria;
  • autonomic failures (increased sweating, heart rhythm disturbances, fluctuations blood pressure, violation digestive organs, frequent urge to urination);
  • decreased libido and deterioration of potency in men;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle in women.

Behavioral symptoms

During a nervous breakdown, a person is unable to mobilize himself to perform activities, which is why he is forced to give up his usual responsibilities. When communicating, he easily loses his composure and cannot contain his emotions, shouting at his interlocutors, using harsh insults. Due to the lack of active attention, an individual may turn around and leave without explaining his behavior to others, which is why he seems very strange. Some people, during a nervous breakdown, are especially cynicistic, aggressive, and take out their anger on loved ones. There is also a possibility of increased dependence on alcoholic beverages (alcoholic depression) and the risk of starting to take narcotic drugs.

Nervous breakdown: treatment

Treatment for a nervous breakdown is chosen based on an analysis of the specific factors that provoked the crisis, as well as based on which symptoms dominate the patient.

  • Step 1. If the intensity of passions has reached its climax, it is necessary to urgently relieve mental stress. To overcome a nervous breakdown, relaxation techniques will help, the essence of which is: by eliminating muscle spasms achieve a reduction in emotional intensity. To do this, psychologists recommend trying to strain as much as possible simultaneously or sequentially all skeletal muscles. After severe tension, muscular and then mental relaxation will certainly occur.
  • Step 2. If there is a nervous breakdown, you should definitely free yourself from aggression and release negative energy. This can be done by having a “battle” with a punching bag or by running for several kilometers. Any intense physical activity can cool down your ardor.
  • Step 3. Dousing can instantly sober you up from negative thoughts ice water. Those who do not dare to use such an extreme measure can take a cool shower or wash their face with cold water.
  • Step 4. To relieve the symptoms of panic attacks, you need to resort to breathing exercises, performing them in a well-ventilated area. You can close your eyes and slowly count to one hundred.
  • Step 5. Warm baths with aromatic oils or pine extract will help achieve relaxation. As a general strengthening remedy, it is recommended to undergo a course of therapeutic massage.
  • Step 6. When you feel the peak moment approaching, you should switch your attention to some significant circumstances that bring thrills. For example: watch the latest news, play paintball, attend a concert of your favorite band.
  • Step 7 Remember that you cannot accumulate destructive emotions in your soul: resentment, anger, rage, jealousy. It is necessary to study your feelings, change negative experiences to positive emotions. At the initial stage, it will be useful to engage in self-knowledge and adjustment of thinking under the guidance of an experienced psychologist. A nervous breakdown can be overcome with the help of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy sessions can completely “reboot” the brain, after which a person seems to be reborn.
  • Step 8 In order not to aggravate negative experiences, the source of such feelings should be eliminated or minimized: avoid contact with unpleasant people unnecessarily, get rid of objects that irritate, and do not engage in activities that do not bring joy.
  • Step 9 If an unpleasant event occurs, you should not try to forget it: you need to rethink its meaning. You can do this by talking openly about your worries with a close friend or psychoanalyst.
  • Step 10 Try to depict your emotions on a piece of paper: draw your anxieties, grievances, anger. After which it is necessary to supplement the picture with positive images of joy, happiness, kindness.

In some situations, a nervous breakdown requires the use of medication. Depending on what symptoms bother a person, the doctor prescribes treatment with drugs from the following groups: antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropics, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, vitamins.

Council of psychologists: Don’t bring yourself to nervous breakdowns, learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

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A nervous breakdown is acute attack anxiety that changes a person’s normal life. This condition occurs when a person experiences a sudden feeling of stress that lasts for a long time.

general description

As a result of a developed nervous breakdown, a person ceases to control actions and emotions, completely succumbs to emotions and feelings, while he does not think about actions.

A nervous state has a positive effect on the body. This is how a person who is in prolonged depression or stress gets rid of accumulated negative emotions. Unpleasant moments for a person come out along with tears, which is a protective reaction of the body. But you should understand that you cannot bring yourself to a nervous breakdown. The frequent occurrence of this condition negatively affects the nervous system and psyche as a whole.

There are many reasons for a breakdown: numerous stressful situations or severe fatigue. Each person has his own “boiling point” threshold. It is advisable to know the symptoms observed in this disease. This way you will be able to protect yourself from the negative consequences that lead to a nervous breakdown. During this, the person becomes ill with his heart or ends up in a neuropsychiatric dispensary.

Factors that cause a nervous breakdown

A breakdown will not just appear out of nowhere. It is provoked by factors that affect the psyche and cause nervous anxiety. These factors include:

  • stress;
  • prolonged depression;
  • avitaminosis;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • heredity;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • schizophrenia and other nervous system disorders.

If you understand that you have at least 1 item from this list, then you should be careful and try to prevent the disease. You should do something you love, read an interesting book or go watch a movie at the cinema. It is necessary to get out of prolonged stress and depression and check your health periodically.

It is important to understand that only a doctor will make such a diagnosis. You should not self-medicate. So you will never understand the reason for what is happening. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and never refuse to provide this help if your loved ones offer it to you.

Signs of illness

As you know, each person has his own emotional threshold and his own signs of an incipient nervous breakdown. In this regard, women are the most emotional. They throw a tantrum, break dishes, cry, and may faint.

Representatives of the stronger sex are more restrained in this regard. For men, it is difficult to determine how he feels and what is happening to him at this moment. It is known that men express a nervous breakdown in aggression and physical impact. Families are often observed in which the husband, in a fit of nervous breakdown, hits his wife or other family members. Such restraint negatively affects health and psycho-emotional level, which becomes more unstable.


A breakdown can be prevented in advance if you know its symptoms. It doesn't happen suddenly. It usually appears gradually in the form of some signals, at first glance they are compared to a common stomach upset or a manifestation of the disease.

Symptoms are divided into 3 types:

  1. Behavioral.
  2. Physical.
  3. Emotional.


TO physical symptoms include the following:

  • insomnia, a person becomes more restless, sleep disturbance and general routine appear. Many people do not take this sign seriously, believing that they have simply disrupted the regime. But it’s worth taking a closer look at other changes observed in humans;
  • problems with stool;
  • breathing problems; during a nervous breakdown, there is often a lack of air;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • decreased concentration;
  • memory problems;
  • significant decrease in libido;
  • violation menstrual cycle among women;
  • panic attacks.


Behavioral symptoms of nervous illness:

  • behavior that is strange for people around him, this includes talking to oneself, twitching and other actions;
  • mood swings, and this happens so pronounced that it does not look natural;
  • an attack of anger or violence. When a nervous breakdown reaches an extreme state, a person will unconsciously have a desire to commit a crime.


Emotional symptoms are both a consequence and a cause of a breakdown. These include the following:

  • Long-term depression is not only a symptom of a nervous breakdown, but to a greater extent the cause of its occurrence. It is important to control yourself during periods of strong emotional stress. There is no need to bring yourself to depression, because you risk spoiling your nerves or developing a heart problem;
  • feeling of restlessness, anxiety;
  • low self-esteem, especially women suffer from this. A decrease in self-esteem is associated with excess weight, flaws in appearance, or other reasons that are noticed only by this person. It happens that self-esteem decreases due to humiliation in the team or unsuccessful relationships in which there was no love;
  • thoughts of suicide or committing any crime;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • heightened self-esteem;
  • weak character.

It is noted that representatives of the fairer sex are most susceptible to breakdown. This happens because women are more emotional than men. Women worry about the most seemingly insignificant things. A woman’s psycho-emotional state is almost always in tension. It all depends on the menstrual cycle and the emotional stability of the person.

Now it’s worth considering in more detail the important points from all of the above.

Sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, irritability and apathy - these symptoms are clear signs a nervous breakdown that will soon occur. But you can warn a person or yourself in advance. A feeling of uselessness appears and depression begins to develop, which is often protracted. A specialist in this field or some strong emotional event that carries only positive impressions will help to cope with such depression.

Nervous breakdown in women during pregnancy

It is worth understanding that a number of changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy, which affect her emotional and mental background.

Often girls become very irritable and become depressed. Depressive and stressful conditions are associated with weight gain and abdominal growth, because a woman ceases to be attractive. This applies to those women who are obsessed with ideal forms. They were not psychologically prepared for this kind of body change.

The nervous state of a pregnant woman is dangerous not only for her, but also for the child, since he reacts to all changes in psycho-emotional terms.


The psyche of children is not as stable as that of adults. The unstable emotional state of a child is directly related to the attitude of parents towards each other. If parents in a family constantly quarrel and are on the verge of divorce, then the child suffers from this situation the most.

To bring him to a nervous breakdown will not be the right upbringing, which will affect his life in the future. Perhaps his parents mistreated him, constantly scolded him and beat him, which will easily affect the child’s psyche.

It is necessary to monitor which team in kindergarten the child got caught. Children are usually afraid to talk about being bullied by peers or teachers in kindergarten. If parents notice changes in behavior, they should talk to the child. It is important to be the first to make contact. Only in this case will it be possible to find out everything.


Everyone has heard the phrase “Transitional age”. It characterizes a mentally unstable state. IN teenage years active development of both sexes begins. Girls become women, and boys become young men. But hormonal changes are not the cause of emotional instability, because not everyone is susceptible to this condition. The nervous background of a teenager is influenced by society, educational institution and parents. It is not always possible to cope with any shocks.

For many teenagers, minor problems that should not be worried about become global and seem like an overwhelming task. As soon as the parents discover sudden changes mood or other symptoms, you need to calmly discuss everything and offer your help first. Often problems in adolescence are the cause of schizophrenia or other diseases with serious mental disorder in adulthood.

If relatives or friends try to help a person who is “backed into a corner,” the response they will see is aggressive behavior, which is usually not typical for him. Often a breakdown is similar to a feeling of severe overwork, when joyful things do not evoke emotions.

As previously mentioned, changes occur not only in the emotional and mental plane, the body suffers, subject to changes in mood and well-being in general. With frequent emotional outbursts, negative processes occur in the body and affect health. Panic attacks are often observed. Expressed in accelerated heart rate, sweating, dizziness and other symptoms. Problems arise with the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Violated normal function of these systems, which leads to tachycardia from the heart and problems with stool from the gastrointestinal tract.

Pain in the heart occurs, leading to a heart attack or stroke, depending on the emotional state person. Often, due to the occurrence of such problems, a person begins to worry himself more. Only now the stressful state will be additionally associated with the state of health.

IN digestive system changes are happening. Everyone noticed when bad mood or under stress, a person either refuses to eat or eats everything in large quantities. In such a case, the same thing happens. But in most cases there is a loss of appetite, which includes a feeling of nausea.

The psycho-emotional state completely affects the stomach, because the stomach is practically tied to the person’s state. Present discomfort in the stomach when a person is afraid or worried. Stress affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing problems with stool in the form of diarrhea or constipation. This cannot be treated with medication. You should try to get out of this emotional state - and all problems will go away.

Reasons for appearance

People who grow up in an unfavorable family, who have an unloved job that takes a lot of time, are susceptible to a nervous breakdown. These are the people who suffered death loved one or breakup. There are different reasons the occurrence of such a condition. It all depends on the stability of the psyche itself. It's different for everyone. Those who are very emotional themselves are especially susceptible to this condition. Any little thing causes depression, stress and, as a result, a nervous breakdown.

It is necessary to control emotions, to distinguish truly important problems from insignificant ones. It is important to remember that all problems can be solved. A serious illness, which, as it initially seemed, did not give the right to life, goes away thanks to patience and good medicine.


There is no clear treatment that is prescribed for everyone. It all depends on psycho-emotional state person, and at what stage the breakdown occurs. When the situation is sufficiently advanced, treatment must be carried out in a dispensary special purpose. Treatment will include tranquilizers and antipsychotics, which help restore the nervous system and return the person to their previous state.

If the cause of a nervous breakdown is overwork, then the person needs rest in a sanatorium where they will monitor him medical workers. It is advisable that the sanatorium be local and not abroad. This way there will be no acclimatization, which will provoke another attack of nervousness.

Nervous condition requires professional treatment, which will be prescribed by a qualified specialist. After therapy, a person should limit the appearance around him of what caused this condition in him. If the nervous breakdown was caused by overwork at work, then you should quit this job and find something more suitable with a shorter schedule.

The main thing is to avoid similar situations that cause stress again. A good option prevention would be a visit to a psychologist. This option is suitable for those who do not open up to loved ones. It's always easier to speak out and talk to a stranger. He will tell you how not to react to certain situations and how to avoid stress. With a psychologist, a person will find what he was not happy with in himself, he will overcome some existing fears.

As soon as a person experiences the first symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a psychologist. Then it will be possible to prevent this condition, measures will be taken to eliminate the symptoms. This will greatly improve the person’s condition. Mental health conditions should be taken very seriously. You never know what will be the end point when a person becomes ill. This significantly affects a person’s future life, thereby aggravating the situation.

Such a severe emotional state often leads to irreversible consequences. And this is not surprising, because a person’s psycho-emotional background is disrupted, which provokes certain actions. The consequences of a nervous breakdown are the following:

  1. Suicide. Bringing yourself to an unstable emotional state ultimately becomes the cause of suicide. This happens due to the fact that a person is no longer able to cope with emotions and thoughts, that he sees a way out only in ending his life. If you help a person in time, this can be prevented.
  2. Diabetes. Against the background of stress, all processes in the body go astray and stop functioning normally, which leads to many diseases, including diabetes.
  3. Schizophrenia. This mental illness will remain with the person for life. It is not completely treatable. It will only be possible to get rid of some attacks.
  4. Uncontrollable behavior. As a result, attacks are made on loved ones or simply strangers. Often this leads to murder. In this case, the person is declared insane.

Which doctor should I contact?

Many people know about this disease, but not everyone understands which doctor will help. It is necessary to contact a neurologist, neurologist, psychiatrist and psychologist. These doctors will help a person prevent further development nervous breakdown, calm down and return to your previous normal state.


There is no need to be shy about addressing the problem. It should be understood that the doctor asks many different questions to clarify all the details. The correct diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. Doctors often recommend undergoing additional examination, which will set various diseases– dysfunction of the cardiovascular system or gastrointestinal tract.

The modern rhythm of life forces us to pay more and more attention to our health. Stressful situations, difficulties at work, financial instability, traffic jams in big cities, and, as a result, a nervous breakdown from his unpleasant consequences. This can be avoided if you do not put all these troubles in the foreground, devote more time to family, friends, hobbies and interests.

What is a nervous breakdown?

All more people are faced with a given concept. A nervous breakdown is a condition of the body that is caused by a reaction to some irritant– changes in the usual rhythm of life, stress, problems. This diagnosis is called mental disorder, or neurosis. There is an opinion that this is some kind of protective reaction on the part of the body, caused by the influence of single or long-term loads on it. A person is not always able to control his emotions and actions during neurosis, which can be unpleasant or dangerous for others.

Causes of a nervous breakdown

The reasons for such a person’s condition can be various life situations, For example:

  • stress at work, lack of work;
  • difficulties in the family or personal life;
  • illness;
  • unjustified expectations from something, unfulfilled dreams;
  • alcohol addiction, computer games, drugs.

Additional factors include the absence of a work-rest schedule, long periods of work at the computer, and rare visits to fresh air and decreased immunity biological system, physical, emotional or mental overload. Frequent nervous breakdowns indicate a serious malfunction of the central nervous system and may be a reason to visit a doctor.

Nervous breakdown - symptoms

A person may sometimes not notice the symptoms of such overstrain, but this is clearly visible to others. Signs of a nervous breakdown are as follows:

  • headache, ;
  • constant dry mouth;
  • feeling tired, sleep disturbance;
  • changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract – loose stool, constipation;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • lack of desire social adaptation in society;
  • anxious thoughts, anxiety;
  • unexpected mood swings, irritability and fits of anger;
  • baseless tantrums;
  • thoughts and conversations about suicide.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in women can manifest themselves in disruptions in the menstrual cycle, which will lead to adverse consequences. For female body sometimes characteristic postpartum depression, arising due to hormonal changes in the body, increased worries about the baby and increased responsibility. It often manifests itself in the form of irritability, tearfulness, and apathy, which can lead to more serious consequences. Symptoms such as these may be a sign of developing psychological disorder. If they occur, you should contact a specialist.

Stages of a nervous breakdown

Depending on the identified symptoms, some stages of this disease are distinguished:

  1. At the first stage, manifestations of a nervous breakdown may go unnoticed. A person develops an increased interest in the world around him, he is full of ideas and energy to implement them.
  2. The second stage is characterized by fatigue, drowsiness, some agitation, and sometimes irritability or indifference.
  3. At the third stage, as a rule, there is indifference to everything that happens, apathy, anger and aggression.

How to deal with a nervous breakdown?

Regardless of the stage of the disease, treatment for the neurological disorder should be started as soon as possible. A competent doctor will tell you how to cope with a nervous breakdown. The first thing is to identify the source of the disease and eliminate it. An experienced psychotherapist selects an individual course of treatment. If the patient is not dangerous to others, then treatment is carried out at home, with loved ones.

Nervous breakdown - treatment

First, you need to adjust your lifestyle - establish a diet, rest and work:

  1. How to treat a nervous breakdown - spend more time in nature, establish contact with people around you. You can do exercises, choose measured yoga and Pilates courses, breathing exercises help a lot.
  2. It is necessary to exclude, as well as drinks containing caffeine.
  3. You should take care of yourself, spend more time with friends and family, and devote more time to your hobbies.
  4. Worth avoiding stressful situations, or try to change the attitude towards them.
  5. It is possible to prescribe immunomodulatory drugs or vitamins to improve the overall tone of the body.
  6. In some cases, treatment may be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a physician using stronger substances.
  7. Conversations or trainings can be held with patients with the participation of a psychologist.
  8. As medicines, decoctions of chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort and hawthorn are sometimes recommended, which have a calming effect and stop a single nervous breakdown.

Herbal infusion for a nervous breakdown


  • thyme - 5 g;
  • chamomile - 5 g;
  • hawthorn - 5 g;
  • St. John's wort - 5 g;
  • boiling water - 400 ml.


  1. Pour boiling water over all ingredients.
  2. Let it brew for half an hour.
  3. Strain and take 50 ml before meals twice a day.

How to strengthen your nerves after a nervous breakdown?

After eliminating the source of the disease, it is possible to use complex therapy. Treatment after a nervous breakdown involves preventing neurological disorders. In some cases, a change of scenery, a trip to the sea and abandonment will be useful. bad habits. Helps strengthen nerves physical exercise, staying in the fresh air, following a daily routine, good nutrition and sleep, communication with loved ones, the use of natural vitamins - fruits or vegetables. To eliminate health problems, you need to know how to avoid a nervous breakdown.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

Problems with nervous system can affect a person’s future career – it becomes difficult to concentrate, make decisions and process information. In addition to the brain, the kidneys and the cardiovascular system– the risk of arrhythmia and atherosclerosis increases, blood pressure rises. As a result of emerging aggression, family relationships may deteriorate. The consequences of a nervous breakdown in women are much more serious than in men - problems arise with reproductive system. During pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Nervous breakdown and depression

A nervous breakdown can be a sign of depression, or vice versa. This condition is characterized by irritability, aggression, lack of desire to communicate and do anything. Often this syndrome is protracted. A psychotherapist is treating him. If necessary, he prescribes various drugs and antidepressants for nervous breakdown. No matter what difficult life situations occur, it is important to find strength and not push yourself to the breaking point.

From destruction.

A nervous breakdown appears as a result of accumulated negative emotions in the process of frequent neuropsychic tension, constant stress and traumatic events, depression, excessive anxiety and neuroses.

Prevention of nervous breakdowns

To avoid nervous breakdowns in your life, you need to take simple preventive measures- first of all, learn not to accumulate negative energy in your psyche and, if something has already accumulated, then learn to work off these negatives on your own and in a timely manner.

Simple rules for preventing nervous breakdowns:

  • Avoid stressful (conflict) situations if possible, or change your attitude towards them;
  • In order not to accumulate negative energy, practice mental hygiene: use relaxation techniques and working out accumulated negatives;
  • It’s trivial to keep track of your physical health and nutrition;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: get rid of bad habits;
  • Raise your self-esteem, improve your “I” position in life and simply love yourself;
  • Properly structure your time: do not lead yourself to “emotional burnout” at work and psychophysical overstrain at home - rest (sleep) in a timely manner.
  • Get rid, if any, of neuroses and depressive disorders;
  • Get rid of excessive anxiety and suspiciousness - change your thinking
  • Visit periodically

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