Home Coated tongue How to determine what a person himself wants. How to tell your attitude by looking at you

How to determine what a person himself wants. How to tell your attitude by looking at you

Colleague, friend, potential partner... You like a person, but you don’t fully understand what kind of person he is, how he will react to your vulnerability, can you trust him with a secret, ask for help? There are articles circulating on psychological “life hacking” sites like “If you want to get to know someone, ask them 38 questions.” Let's imagine what it looks like: you sit a colleague or acquaintance opposite you, ask him questions from the list and carefully document the answers. How many will agree to this?

The other extreme is to believe that you can figure out a person only through several months or years of close communication. Coach John Alex Clark is sure: it’s not about the amount of time, but about observation and the willingness to connect facts into a single chain. There are a few simple techniques, which allow you to detect patterns in behavior and understand character.

1. Notice the details

Every day we perform thousands of routine actions: talking on the phone, buying food. People's actions can provide insight into their personality and help predict how they will behave in similar situations.

Example A. Someone who chooses the same dish at a restaurant every day may avoid change in life and dislike uncertainty. Such a person may turn out to be a faithful and devoted husband, but it will be difficult to convince him to move to another country or make a risky investment.

Example B. A person who enjoys trading the stock market and other risky ventures is likely to take risks in other areas of life. For example, he may quit his job without finding a new one and without taking care of the financial “safety cushion”.

Example C. A person who never forgets to look both ways before crossing the road can be a cautious person. He will carefully consider every decision before making it and will only take calculated risks.

By analyzing a person’s behavior in one area, you can evaluate how he will manifest himself in other areas of life.

2. Pay attention to communication methods

How does he communicate? Does he build relationships with everyone or single out those who are closest in spirit, and try to stay within the bounds of decency with the rest? Does he act on a whim, without a clear plan, is he guided by impressions or does he try to analyze everything, does he not trust his instincts and strives to be objective? Is he rather a practitioner who lives in a world of facts, tasks, measurable quantities, or a thinker for whom ideas, concepts, diagrams and images are important?

3. Discuss relationships at work, with mutual friends

It seems that “washing the bones” is an empty and meaningless activity. But the main thing is what qualities a person imparts to others, how he interprets their motivations. When talking about others, we most often notice what is in ourselves. Our personal “pantheon” can tell us what we value in people, who we strive to be like, what qualities we try to change in ourselves.

The more often a person evaluates others as kind-hearted, happy, emotionally stable, or polite, the more likely it is that he himself is endowed with these traits. Reasoning like “he’s just pretending, he’s digging a hole for someone” can mean that the interlocutor is calculating and understands only relationships built on benefits.

The human body and soul are inextricably linked. Therefore, it is impossible to separate character from its external manifestations. What is outside is also inside. Human psychology based on behavior and gestures makes it possible to easily determine character. Let us learn this too.

A person's appearance can say a lot

If a person’s clothing is distinguished by its unusualness and pretentiousness, catchiness, then this speaks of an artistic type of personality, of an artistic nature. There are people who neglect appearance. After talking with them, you will easily understand whether this is his creative attitude to life or banal sloppiness.

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If a person is dressed to the nines, as if he just stepped off the catwalk, this often means that he wants to establish himself with his clothes. This is a sign of inner uncertainty and helplessness.

A person’s appearance should be in harmony with clothes and complement the image. Schizoid personality types do not adhere to this principle.

Bright colors in clothes are loved by emotional and loving people, while half-tones are loved by calm and balanced people. Often people who have a hard time getting used to and adapting to new circumstances wear clothes that are out of season.


A handshake is a common form of introduction for men. If a person comes to you from afar with an outstretched hand, then we can say that he is cheerful and sociable, does not hide anything behind his soul. If he is still actively shaking your hand and speaking quickly, he is an active, energetic person.

Secretive people usually shake hands with the palm down and a large bend in the arm. elbow joint. This movement seems to say “I won’t give anything away.” Often such people turn out to be two-faced and ruthless. If your palm seems to be pressed down, then you have a domineering, suppressive and callous personality.

A limp handshake speaks of laziness and lack of initiative. Shy and modest people shake hands awkwardly.

Communication zone

Human psychology helps to recognize unpleasant and annoying people by their behavior.

Aggressive and unceremonious people are unpleasant to communicate with. They often violate the permissible distance. You feel this subconsciously. They may tap you on the shoulder. Hold your hand for a long time or look into your eyes. If an unfamiliar person approaches you very close, less than 50 cm, then this causes a desire to move away, as well as anger and indignation.

Shy, insecure people keep a long distance.

How longer people communicate and become closer to each other, the more the distance between them decreases.

Posture, gait, gestures and facial expressions

Human psychology in terms of behavior and gestures is not always as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance.

Since a person is raised from childhood to adhere to certain rules and norms of behavior, it is sometimes very difficult to determine a person’s character. For example, it is difficult to judge by a smile what is happening in a person’s soul, because it can be real or “through tears.”

The duality of human nature also makes it difficult to understand him. If a person is gentle and reliable, but does not want to seem like that, then he will accordingly behave differently and control his actions.

To understand body language important role It is the involuntary, unconscious movements that play.

If a person has an asymmetrical face, then you can tell. That the rational and the emotional are at odds with each other. When there is a constant internal struggle, remorse, it is very reflected on the face.

If a person has an unnatural, stiff gait (that is, the legs, pelvis and lower back seem to be tightly connected to each other), this indicates problems in the sexual sphere.

Tension or relaxation of movements plays an important role. When a person is relaxed, he rests his soul and is open to the perception of others.

The psychology of human behavior helps to determine character traits based on the following basic characteristics:

  • Carelessness and lack of discipline are manifested by a loose gait and relaxed postures;
  • Uncertainty and fearfulness are expressed in closed postures of arms and legs, hands in pockets or covering part of the face. Also, redness and an intermittent voice indicate a person who is unsure of himself. These people tend to constantly hype themselves up and make mountains out of molehills;
  • Nervousness and anxiety are indicated by rhythmic movements of the fingers. Handling objects, fidgeting in a chair.
  • A wide and slow gait speaks of a person who wants to show off himself. And the theatricality of gestures speaks of inflated self-esteem;
  • Straightforward and restrained movements speak of a cold, calculating nature;
  • Sudden and disordered movements indicate irritability and nervousness;
  • If body movements are rounded and smooth, this characterizes a person who is emotional and has a carefree attitude towards the world.

Eyes and gaze

Eyes reflect inner world person. They are the first to react to their internal state. When we are sad, sadness appears in our eyes. If we are having fun, then our eyes shine with happiness.

The look also varies. For example, hard, prickly, cold, angry, shameless, affectionate, gentle, gloomy, cunning, stubborn, confident, fierce, excited...

Any communication is accompanied by a glance. If normal, calm communication occurs, then the look will be the same. If the gaze goes into the distance, it means the person is distracted or lost in thought. A sideways glance expresses distrust and secrecy. Squinted eyes express distrust, anger and vindictiveness of nature.

Politicians often see this pattern when one eyebrow is raised. But the folds on the forehead remain horizontal. This speaks of a strong will, neglect and hostility towards the outside world.

Looking down from above speaks of arrogance and contempt. Conversely, the bottom-up view is about subordination and helpfulness.

A long, direct and firm gaze indicates that the person wants to subjugate you to his will. This is how investigators and prosecutors look during interrogations.

A “running” gaze characterizes people who feel fear or threat. Such eyes are often found in criminals who for a long time spent in prison, as well as swindlers.

Human psychology sometimes helps to determine by behavior and gestures what profession a person has, what position he holds and what social class he belongs to.


When communicating, the face is the first thing you pay attention to. Here it is important to consider the nose, lips and folds near them. They will tell you a lot.

There is a so-called “suffering fold”, which gives a person a suffering expression. These are people with weak character. Weak willed, helpless and patient. Always retreating from difficulties.

Strength of character is judged by the wings of the nose. If they swell greatly when breathing, then this person is temperamental and energetic.

The corners of the mouth show general state person. The drooping corners indicate a pessimist, always dissatisfied with life.

The degree of tension of a person is shown by a closed mouth. This speaks of determination and strength of character. A slightly open mouth indicates relaxation and passivity.

Smile and laugh

All people smile and laugh differently. Laughter can be contagious, quiet, mocking, angry, sincere, barking, arrogant, artificial, etc.

Pure, carefree laughter shows a light, free, laid-back nature.

If a person has aggressiveness, envy, anger or contempt, then these feelings prevent you from laughing easily and freely. It turns out something like “he-he-he”. Young people who want to attract attention usually giggle. Laughter like “ho-ho-ho” seems to say: “Well, tell me too...”. It reflects arrogance, boasting, a desire to humiliate, to doubt what was said.

Every person can judge the authenticity of a smile by relying on their intuition. She will tell you whether a person is pleasant or not, likes or dislikes, “slippery type” or “somehow he smiles wrong.” Intuition rarely deceives. Human psychology by facial expressions makes it possible to determine, first of all, the sincerity of a person.


  • Dropped or raised shoulders, along with a slightly hunched back and retracted chin, speak of humility, weakness, and a sense of inferiority of a person;
  • Raising your head too high and protruding your chest is a sign of pride, vanity and arrogance;
  • A tense and motionless posture isolates sensitive and shy people from the outside world;
  • Sometimes sensitive people they try to hide it, outwardly showing rigidity, coldness, as if bristling at others. Then a certain angularity of posture appears;
  • A person with feeling self-esteem, has a free, relaxed posture with his head held high. This demonstrates trust, openness and respect for people.

Human psychology in terms of behavior and gestures has been studied for many years. This science is called body language. Achievements modern psychology in this area gave impetus to this direction, and the demand for this knowledge from a practical point of view pushed psychologists to further study the connection between the soul and the body. Since any of our internal experiences, movements of the soul cause a response in the body, facial expressions, gestures, movements.

Often we see all these external manifestations and our brain processes them instantly at the level of “pleasant - unpleasant”, “trustworthy - not trustworthy”, etc. After all, there are often situations in life when we say “there is something I don’t like about this person” or “what a slippery type he is.” That is, we don’t know what caused our reaction, but we subconsciously feel it. By trusting your intuition and learning a little body language, Everyday life you will be able to determine a person's character at first sight.

Maintaining communication with other people is not an easy task. On this path you cannot avoid experiences, pain, and disappointments. But it is possible to reduce the number of unpleasant emotions associated with communication if you take the time to learn to understand others. It may not be easy, but as they say, nothing is impossible, if only you have the desire.

How to understand another person

To understand another, it is important to realize and accept as a given that everyone has their own opinion on any matter, and it is this that he considers the only correct one. It is his moral guidelines, values, outlook on life, taboos and accepted norms of behavior that determine what kind of people they are, how they live, what is most important for them, in the first place, and what is secondary, what they strive for, who they like and who no, what moral categories are used to guide decision-making.

By getting used to listening more than trying to talk about yourself, you will hear everything you need, and by drawing conclusions and asking certain questions, you will get the most full information about the person you are interested in. And not just listen, but hear what people talk about most often, what attitude they are trying to express in their own words, feelings, thoughts on this or that matter. People are always happy to open up to those who listen to them and want to hear. Sometimes you don’t even need to ask them leading questions; they themselves will tell you much of what you want to know or give enough information so that you can draw the appropriate conclusions. Of course, only if they are not professional intelligence officers, paranoids, closed people, or scammers who themselves want to get the information they need from you, which they can then use for profit.

To hear what is interesting and important to you, you need to be able to shut up in time. Without sincere interest in a person, this is not easy to do, because we want to talk more about ourselves and talk ourselves. But you cannot try to understand another without showing interest in him. In order for him to open up to you, it is important to win him over, make him loosen up and open up. It is no secret that many are quite shy and repressed, so they remain aloof and closed, and it is impossible to understand them.

Someone who is cold and indifferent to others will not be able to hear or understand those around them, because in fact he does not care about them, and they feel this very well. Therefore, it is not surprising when people are in no hurry to talk about themselves.

Learn to win people over, don’t hesitate to ask their opinions, ask tactful questions that they will be happy to answer. The most appropriate topics for conversation with people will be discussing their hobbies, interests and problems. Every person needs to be spoken to in his own language.

For example, animal lovers helping homeless animals, volunteers participating in saving nature, helping orphans, people with disabilities physical capabilities They are distinguished by exceptional kindness and the ability to sympathize with the grief of others. They are compassionate and ready to help when asked.

Sports lovers are active, prefer an energetic lifestyle, leisure. They are more willing to take risks than those who prefer to relax at home with their favorite book in their hands. Those who love to read are accustomed to receiving information, analyzing it, drawing some conclusions, thinking about life. True, this depends on the type of literature, but still they are more diligent than those who do not like to read.

If a person constantly strives to have the latest innovations, he wants to impress others. The opinions of others are important to him, he is suggestible. He will compare all his actions and decisions with what people say. He lives for others. Due to low self-esteem, he tries to compensate for his lack of self-confidence and desire to take a worthy place in life and believes that it is the opinions of others that reflect his achievements, successes and who he is. Such people will willingly talk about themselves, embellish achievements and successes, show off expensive purchases in order to receive the admiration that they so lack. Ask such a person to tell about himself, he will be happy to answer all your questions, just remember that he will easily embellish reality. So, be sure to analyze all the information received from them in order to find out the truth that interests you.

Photo: how to understand another person

To learn to understand people, you need to give them the right to have their own opinion, always remember that they have their own desires, dreams, hopes, and they may not correspond to yours. What you like, they may not like, what you are used to thinking about does not bother them at all. If you don't forget about this, it's much easier to find mutual language with a person.

More often than not, everyone tries to convince others that they are right, as if their life depended on it. It is so unpleasant for them to be misunderstood that they are ready to do anything, although it makes no difference whether they share their opinion or not, the main thing is that it suits them. And in the midst of the disputes that arise, one forgets that attempts to impose one’s opinion will not allow one to understand the other, but will only make him close himself off even more.

Photo: how to understand another person

In order to avoid a lot of problems in life that arise because of others, it is important to be able to understand them. This will make it easier to find those with whom you are on the same path, to endure misunderstandings more easily, and to accept the fact that everyone has the right to their own view of what is happening, regardless of what others are trying to impose on them. Then you will definitely avoid misunderstandings and worries when trying to answer the question of why he or she did this to me.


As a personal trainer, I use specific, insightful questions to help my clients better understand themselves and to clarify their goals for me personally.

I usually ask open-ended questions that can't be answered with a simple yes or no, so the client has to dig deeper and find answers they may not have even thought about before. Asking the right questions can stimulate deeper, more interesting conversations and discourse, and set the stage for discovering common interests, creating stronger connections, and strengthening mutual understanding and empathy.

Ability to ask good questions is art. No one wants to feel like they're being interviewed or like they're being pressured for information. An important and large part of this process lies in the ability to listen carefully to the answer and perceive what lies behind the words.

Listening also involves the ability to observe body language, listen to the tone of speech, and be sensitive to what is left unspoken. It is important to be able to ask thoughtful follow-up questions and keep the conversation going, reflecting its essence. By learning to ask good questions and listen carefully, you will create space for closer, stronger, and more enjoyable relationships.

Here are 25 questions that will help you start an interesting, deep conversation:

1. What is your best childhood memory? This question always makes people smile and often leads to humorous and emotional conversations about family, travel, holidays, traditions, hopes, dreams and friendships. You can learn a lot about a person who shares their childhood memories with you.

2. If you had a chance to change something in life, what would you choose? This question can give you insight into the person's condition and who they are. You will also be able to see his weaknesses and learn about his hopes and dreams. Often, when people share their regrets or unfulfilled desires with others, it broadens their interactions and increases trust.

3. How did you two meet? This is a great question to ask when communicating with a couple. Quite often, telling a story about a first meeting brings people together, bringing back happy memories. This gives them something to enjoy together and allows you to learn more about their background and how they interact with each other.

5. What kind of music do you like? Our favorite music helps define ourselves and reflects the dreams and views of our generation. What we listen to reflects what resonates with our soul. This reveals our inner essence and our deep beliefs, which are sometimes very difficult to express in words.

6. If you could go anywhere, where would you choose and why? This question not only allows you to discuss past travel experiences, but also helps you better understand the other person's personality, interests, and adventurous spirit.

7. If you could only have five things, what would you choose? This question really gets people thinking. We are very attached to our things, but there are only a few of them that are of particular importance to us. When people are forced to define it, you can see what material goods they value the most.

8. Which school teacher had the greatest influence on you and why? Teachers can play a key role in developing our love of learning, exploring our true desires, and discovering our talents. These people inspire us or simply believe in us and want the best for us.

9. Have you ever thought about what will be written on your tombstone? Although this question is a little painful, it concerns important topics, looking deep into the heart. What are we aiming for? How do we want to be remembered and what do we want to leave behind?

10. What was the turning point in your life? This question allows you to move to a deeper level of communication. Often such moments arise when experiencing difficult life situations: death, divorce, job loss, etc. It is during these times that we are forced to make huge mental, physical or emotional shifts.

11. Why did you choose this profession? The story of why a person chose a particular profession helps to learn a lot about him, about his motivations, interests, education and ambitions. We often spend most of our time at work. Consequently, the answer to this question also shows what a person has decided to closely connect his life with.

12. How do you spend your time? free time? This question serves as an excellent addition to the previous one, creating a holistic picture of how a person managed to organize his life. We will be able to learn about the interests, various hobbies and obligations of our interlocutor.

13. If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? This is a fun question that reveals a person's attitude towards money, work and life goals. Would the person quit his job? Would you buy your dream home? Or would you do something altruistic? Would a person be happy to receive a large monetary fortune or would he want to avoid such gifts of fate?

14. Who do you admire? The answer to this question will reveal who a person wants to be like. We admire people whose actions and character reflect what we want to see in ourselves. Once you know the answer, you can learn more about the true character of the interlocutor.

15. Tell us about your three favorite books. Why did you choose them? Discussing your favorite books creates space for an interesting conversation and helps your interlocutors find a common language. It also gives both parties the opportunity to learn something new and understand different points of view or interests that they had not thought about before.

16. What are you most afraid of? This question is intended to probe the waters and, nevertheless, can reveal a lot. Every person is afraid of something, and it is these fears and concerns that show our vulnerabilities and painful points. When someone shares something like this with you, you need to respond with caution, kindness, and trust. You need to be respectful and sensitive to other people's fears so that they feel safe and can open up to you on a deeper level.

17. What do you understand by the word “love”? Every person has their own “love language”: words, behaviors and attitudes that show how they express their love and that make them feel loved. This is a great question to ask your significant other.

18. What are your strongest qualities? Most people don't feel comfortable answering this question at first because they're trying to be modest. But deep down we all want recognition for our positive qualities. Typically, people ask the same question to their interlocutor and this creates a positive connection between them.

19. Can you remember your most embarrassing moment? You should not take this issue too seriously and then you can laugh heartily, remembering such moments. Most people like to tell funny stories about themselves, as long as there is no shame or guilt involved. Sometimes people may talk about something painful or shameful. Then it's time to show compassion and participation.

20. If you became president, what would be the first thing you would do? By asking this question, you can learn a lot about the other person's political views, ideals, values, and concerns. If you want to avoid lengthy arguments, just be prepared for the possibility that you may not agree with the other person's opinion. Don't forget that we are all different and that's wonderful. Communication completes us. Be open.

21. How old do you feel now, and why? Ask this question to people over 50 and you'll get some interesting answers. As people age, many people do not feel their chronological age. It is very interesting to know how people perceive themselves internally. It is likely that their age does not coincide with their feelings at all.

22. If you could witness any event from the past, present or future, what would you choose? This is a great question for an engaging conversation. You'll be able to learn about the other person's interests and goals, and perhaps be inspired to explore your own interests more deeply.

23. What skill would you like to learn and why? Most people want to constantly improve for their own satisfaction. This question will give a person the opportunity not only to talk about his desires, but also to think about why he has not yet achieved success in what he wants.

24. What is your idea of ​​a perfect day? Reflecting on this question makes us return to memories of wonderful days lived. The question adds a happy note to the conversation, awakening pleasant feelings and perhaps even a desire to recreate that perfect day.

25. How would your friends describe you? This question allows a person to step back and try to see themselves from a different perspective, bringing self-awareness and self-honesty into the conversation, and making the conversation deeper and more interesting.

By asking these questions, you can also learn a lot about yourself. You show others that you are involved, interested, and respect their personality. You create strong connections, exchange of sincere feelings and genuine information. When others feel valued by you, you create the basis for lasting, mutually beneficial, wonderful relationships.

Girls quite often suspect their boyfriends of cheating on something, but a device for reading thoughts has probably not yet been invented. While such an amazing thing has not yet been invented, let's resort to simpler ones, but still quite effective methods. So how can you find out a person’s thoughts and what he is hiding? This guide will help you “get into” the head of your beloved guy (and quite possibly not only yours and not only the guy’s...)

How to find out a person's thoughts

If your young man who is next to you is not yet your young man at all, but still, you really want to know how he gets to you this moment applies - just watch! If he talks to you relatively quietly, it means that he completely trusts you, and if suddenly, on the contrary, he makes too much noise, it means that he is not very comfortable in your environment.

To find out a person’s thoughts, be sure to pay attention to the speed and timbre of his speech. If a person speaks quite quickly and somewhat confusingly, then he probably still likes you, but if his speech sounds monotonous, then he is simply bored with you. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the position in which the guy is.

Does it copy your gestures almost completely? Definitely, he is absolutely not indifferent to you (to be fair, it is worth saying that in this way he may well mark you as a pretty interlocutor, and not a potential life partner)!

A sure way to find out a person's thoughts

But, if with each word he moves a little closer to you, then he most likely has a crush on you one way or another. In addition, he definitely likes you (at least externally), if he looks at you without interruption for at least 7 seconds (this is the 7 second rule, so to speak). Moreover, if you have known each other for quite a long time or are just dating, you You can certainly try to somewhat analyze his line of behavior.

If he makes fun of something that, in general, he never makes fun of (or would not make fun of), then this means that he is somewhat nervous and is probably hiding something!

How else can you find out a person's thoughts? Sometimes guys hide something in their hearts from a girl, not because yesterday they had wild sex with five beauties in a row, but simply because he is worried about you. Sometimes it seems to them that you have enough problems of your own. And he has absolutely no idea that all his problems are your problems too.

There are a number of ways to nudge him a little towards greater frankness. You can start it all first. Sincerity always pushes one to be sincere.

True, you don’t need to honestly say that, in general, you think his own friend is extremely attractive, this can push the guy away from you rather than bring him closer to openness. You can, in general, even arrange a kind of day of sincerity.

It will be agreed that, for example, once a week (month or year...) you both simply tell each other about everything. Over time, such frankness will simply become a permanent habit for him.

And it is quite possible that it is simply incredibly difficult for him to express all his emotions in words directly to his eyes. You can offer him something like this to send you to email emails with your revelations, or leave small notes with your confessions.

We hope we answered your question. how to find out a person’s thoughts and what he is hiding.

How to find out from a person what he is hiding

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. How to find out what a person has, what he is hiding? Look a person straight in the eyes when you talk to him - this is exactly what ancient wisdom teaches us. If you want to learn a little more about the person with whom you are currently having a conversation, look more often into his eyes, or rather into his pupils. This way you can recognize his true feelings and true intentions much better.

Our eyes actually reveal a person’s real thoughts and from them we can find out what a person is hiding. For example, when Aristotle Onassis was bringing a deal to a conclusion, he always wore dark glasses so as not to accidentally reveal his true intentions. People have always, from time immemorial, attached great value look.

Therefore, expressions such as “he has bad eye“, his eyes “shine suspiciously”, she literally “incinerated him with her gaze”, his eyes were “innocent, like a child’s”, his eyes darted, what an alluring look.

Also in Ancient China Many jewelers often practiced observing the pupils of those wishing to purchase their precious jewelry. When the purchase price was discussed, they watched the eyes of the purchasers quite carefully and closely. Prostitutes in very ancient times often dropped belladonna solution into their eyes to make their pupils more dilated, and at the same time they would appear more attractive.

Young lovers, looking intently attentively into each other's eyes, wait for this very dilation of the pupils of their partner directly at the subconscious level. It's extremely exciting.

Only direct communication in private, face to face can be called genuine communication. At the same time, we immediately experience with whom we are very comfortable, with whom we are rather awkward or completely unpleasant, with whom we absolutely do not deserve any trust. We thereby subconsciously, without even wanting it, evaluate how this or that person looks and how long he holds his gaze on us during communication.

Quite a lot of signals that we call “body language” are determined by nationality and indigenous traditions. This can also apply to gaze.

For example, in the south of Europe it is often customary to look into the eyes of your interlocutor during a conversation, but in Japan such a gesture will certainly be taken as an obvious insult. There, it is customary to look at the neck of your interlocutor during a conversation.

Before jumping to conclusions about the relationship between your interlocutor and you, be sure to first remember what this might mean in his indigenous traditions. Now we know how to find out what a person has, what he is hiding.

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