Home Prevention Symptoms of anemia in women. Methods of treatment and prevention of anemia

Symptoms of anemia in women. Methods of treatment and prevention of anemia

Anemia (anemia) is a non-infectious blood pathology, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Red blood cells perform in the body important function- transport oxygen to tissues and organs. With anemia, oxygen deficiency occurs (tissue hypoxia).

Signs of anemia in women are nonspecific. They are combined with laboratory changes, which help clarify the diagnosis. Symptoms and treatment are largely determined by the type of anemia, the causes of its occurrence, the level of iron and other compounds, and the degree of hemoglobin deficiency.

Causes of disease in women

The causes of anemia in women are:

  • Acute and chronic blood loss. It is possible with hemorrhoids, gynecological diseases With uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation (fibroids, cancer, endometriosis, polyps, cervicitis, erosion), hemorrhoids, operations, anal fissures, leukemia, leukemia, injuries, ulcers. Bleeding is the cause of the development of posthemorrhagic anemia in women.
  • Helminthiases.
  • Lack of iron in the body. It is observed in vegetarians and vegans due to the absence of meat products in the menu.
  • Malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of substances in the intestines).
  • Increased body need for iron and vitamins (B12 and folic acid). Possible during pregnancy and intense exercise.
  • Frequent blood donation (donation).
  • Blood diseases.
  • Violation of the hematopoietic process (bone marrow hypoplasia or aplasia).
  • Poor nutrition (lack of vitamins, macroelements and micronutrients in the menu). Anemia in women often develops in the absence of liver, eggs, vegetables, fruits and greens in the diet.
  • Liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis).
  • Pathology of the stomach and intestines (enteritis).
  • Irradiation (intense ionizing radiation).
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Exposure to mutagenic chemical substances.
  • Smoking.
  • Irrational use of medications.
  • Congenital anomalies. May cause the synthesis of abnormal hemoglobin.
  • Female alcoholism.
  • Tumors.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Hereditary diseases.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Viral and bacterial infections.


Anemia manifests itself externally (changes in skin color, trophic disorders, damage to the mucous membranes) and internal signs (organ dysfunction). During laboratory tests (diagnostics), the following manifestations of anemia are determined:

  • A drop in red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Change in concentration serum iron. It decreases in thalassemia, iron deficiency and chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. An increase in iron indicates B12-deficiency and hemolytic forms of this pathology.
  • Change in color index (degree of saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin). This indicator is increased in B12 and folate deficiency anemia. Hypochromia is characteristic of thalassemia, iron deficiency and chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. For hemolytic and acute posthemorrhagic forms of anemia color index fine.
  • Changes in the shape and size of red blood cells.
  • Decrease in platelets and leukocytes. It is observed in the hypoplastic form of anemia in women.
  • Changes in bone marrow composition.
  • Low levels of cobalamin in the blood and folic acid.
  • Increased bilirubin. Characteristic of hemolytic anemia.

Anemia in women is characterized by wide variability clinical symptoms.

Internal symptoms

Internal (not detected during examination) symptoms of anemia in women include:

  • Impaired sense of smell and taste. Occurs when there is a lack of iron in the body.
  • Muscle weakness. The reason is insufficient oxygen supply to the muscles.
  • Fatigue during physical work.
  • Respiratory disorders in the form of shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.
  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Signs of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, lack of appetite).
  • Enlarged liver and spleen. Identified during palpation and percussion.
  • Decreased memory, deterioration in thinking and memory.
  • Cardiovascular disorders (tachycardia, drop in blood pressure, chest pain, palpitations and heart palpitations).
  • Fainting.
  • Weight loss. Characteristic of B12 deficiency anemia.
  • Presence of floaters or fog before the eyes. With anemia, women may experience decreased vision.
  • Sensory disorders(pins and needles, burning, tingling, sensation of warmth or cold). It is observed in cases of anemia due to a lack of cobalamins.
  • Movement disorders (inconsistency of movements, clumsiness).
  • Disorders of urination and defecation.
  • Deterioration of sleep.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Migraine. It manifests itself against the background of prolonged oxygen deficiency in the brain.

External signs

External signs of anemia in adult women are:

  • Change in skin color. The face becomes pale. A slight icteric tint is possible (with hemolytic anemia). The most constant external sign of anemia in women.
  • Pallor of the mucous membrane. This sign detected by examination of the oral mucosa.
  • Dry skin, decreased elasticity, peeling and cracks.
  • Loss of shine in hair, increased hair loss and thinning.
  • The presence of cracks on the lips and sticking in the corners of the mouth.
  • Visible destruction of tooth enamel.
  • Changes in fingernails and toenails.
  • Changes in the tongue (disappearance of papillae, red coloration, presence of cracks).
  • Change in urine color. In hemolytic anemia, it becomes dark brown or cherry in color.
  • Behavior change.
  • The presence of ulcers on the skin of the hands and feet. Characteristic of thalassemia.
  • Changing the shape of bones in different parts of the body. Seen in thalassemia.

Features of treatment

Treatment of anemia in women is carried out after excluding other pathologies (leukemia, congenital anomalies, hemophilia). Complex therapy includes:

  • Eliminating the cause of anemia. Treatment may be necessary for existing inflammatory diseases, quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages, avoiding contact with chemicals, treating helminthiases.
  • Taking medications. Iron deficiency anemia should be treated with iron supplements and complex products with vitamins and microelements. Ferro-Folgamma, Sorbifer Durules, Ferrum Lek, Ferlatum, Aktiferrin and Maltofer are used. For B12 and folate deficiency anemia, Folic acid and Cyanocobalamin are prescribed. Drugs such as Mamifol and Folacin are often used. For aplastic anemia, Epostim and Erythrostim are effective. For anemia of autoimmune etiology, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants are used.
  • Strict diet. Sick women need to avoid foods that impede the absorption and absorption of iron (black tea, soy, rice, milk). You need to eat foods rich in folic acid, iron, vitamin C and cobalamins more often. Red meat, liver, vegetables, fruits, yeast, eggs and greens are beneficial. It is necessary to diversify your diet as much as possible. This will ensure that the body receives the necessary substances.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Red blood cell transfusion. Required for severe blood loss and low hemoglobin levels.
  • Administration of infusion agents ( hypertonic solutions, electrolytes, glucose solution with ascorbic acid). Effective for acute posthemorrhagic anemia in women.
  • Correction of the heart, kidneys and liver. For this purpose, symptomatic drugs are prescribed.
  • Removal of the spleen (splenectomy). This operation is most effective for hemolytic anemia with microspherocytosis.
  • Forced diuresis. Required for anemia of toxic nature.

How dangerous is the disease for women?

Any anemia is dangerous for women. In the absence of proper treatment, the following consequences are possible:

  • jaundice (with hemolytic anemia);
  • liver enlargement;
  • mental disorders;
  • decreased intelligence;
  • impaired fetal development (in pregnant women);
  • arterial hypotension;
  • anorexia;
  • stomatitis;
  • asthenovegetative syndrome;
  • ischemic disease;
  • heart failure.

With adequate and timely treatment, the prognosis is most often favorable.

There are many reasons for decreased hemoglobin in women. This is mainly due to factors such as menopause, menstruation, pregnancy and many others. Essentially, it can be said that a decrease in red blood cell levels may have Negative consequences. It is important to promptly identify the causes of low hemoglobin in women after 40 years of age. The norm of indicators varies within different limits depending on the age of the person. Therefore, each patient has his own health criteria.

Anemia. Why is this dangerous?

Why is a decrease in the indicator considered dangerous in women? A special group of people susceptible to this disease often includes women in menopause.

The danger is that the complication of symptoms and deterioration in well-being leads to the rapid development of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and neurological systems. Anemia also causes premature aging, which is especially important for ladies who celebrated their 40th anniversary.

Hemoglobin indicators are the result of a complex interaction of proteins with the so-called “red bodies” - red blood cells. Therefore, anemia is often associated with a complex disorder metabolic processes in the patient's body.

The main causes of abnormalities in blood composition

There can be many reasons for a decrease in hemoglobin. Only an experienced specialist will help establish the correct diagnosis. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a therapist and getting tested.

  • Blood loss.

One of the most common causes of anemia is excessive blood loss caused by injury, damage female organs as a result of surgical treatment and with heavy menstruation.

  • Slowing down natural biological processes.

In especially severe cases, iron deficiency occurs. In the future it will be anemia, anemia. In some cases, chemical intoxication. Such manifestations of complications pose a direct danger to life. Therefore, chronic anemia is regarded by the therapist as a dangerous condition and requires immediate qualified therapy. Women over 40 years of age are at particular risk, as the signs of natural aging are already making themselves felt. This affects the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in general.

  • Oncological diseases of the pelvic organs.

Anemia may be a sign of malignant leukemia. The cause is excessive use of medications and contraceptives. Also, the condition is often caused by chronic diseases of the pelvic organs and long menstruation, which is not the norm.

Any reason mentioned is an impetus for a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. But at the same time, a woman can feel good without feeling hazardous processes flowing through her body. This happens because it knows how to adapt to pain, malaise and other signs.

The main causes in women over 40 years of age are closely related to chronic manifestations. With iron deficiency, patients develop malignant tumors, ulcers, and cervical erosions. Hormonal imbalance also appears during the period.

The main factors causing a decrease in the optimal indicator:

  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of proteins;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • deterioration of the heart and circulatory system;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

A reduced rate at the age of 40-50 years will lead to exhaustion of the body if measures are not taken. As a result, the patient experiences pronounced symptoms of premature aging, for example, deterioration of complexion, deep wrinkles. The disease can cause insomnia and frequent headaches.

How can a reduced level be dangerous in this age range? Scientists have found that the disease can cause early memory loss. This happens because the brain does not receive the amount of oxygen necessary for proper functioning.

How to increase hemoglobin at home

As a medical treatment, the patient is prescribed medications containing iron. They may be in the form:

  1. tablets;
  2. suspensions;
  3. powder;
  4. injections.

The appropriate drug is selected based on the data comprehensive examination patient. Doctors strongly discourage self-medication, so as not to aggravate the condition. If, at the time of seeking help, a woman is already extremely exhausted, the therapist may decide on complex treatment, including IVs and pills.

The home method is also effective and gives good results. All folk remedies are based on medicinal herbs. But do not forget that self-medication leads to serious consequences. Before using any herbal infusion or product, you should first consult a doctor.

To prevent anemia, experts recommend adding to the diet:

Excess iron, like anemia, negatively affects the well-being and health of the patient. The hemoglobin level in the blood can be quickly and efficiently measured using laboratory tests, and if necessary, stop taking iron-containing medications.

Most of the causes of low hemoglobin in women after 40 years of age can be eliminated at the initial stage. Proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits have a positive effect not only on hemoglobin levels, but also on health in general. In addition, be sure to regularly visit a therapist and get tested.

Anemia is a phenomenon that can be a symptom various diseases. Many diseases of internal organs, especially the liver, intestines and spleen, are accompanied by anemia. Therefore, the diagnosis of anemia itself requires additional research, since the correct treatment depends on its cause.

The main syndrome of anemia is low hemoglobin

Depending on the reasons that caused the disease, anemia can be:

  • Hypoplastic. Caused by bone marrow disorders, which alter the process of blood formation.
  • Hemolytic. Red blood cells are destroyed much faster than new ones are created.
  • Posthemorrhagic. Caused by severe blood loss as a result of injury or trauma.
  • Scarce. This anemia is caused by a lack important microelements, most often - iron.

Features of iron deficiency anemia

This type of anemia is the most common and affects mainly women. Approximately 30% of women of reproductive age have signs of mild anemia, but do not attach any importance to it, mistaking it for mild fatigue. Decreased hemoglobin for a long time may not be noticeable, since anemia in women develops gradually. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by too much blood loss during menstruation or due to gynecological diseases.

After 40, signs of the disease in women become most noticeable, since at this age women rarely take care of themselves carefully, fatigue accumulates and the desire to be on time everywhere takes its toll. Unfortunately, in our women this condition is considered the norm, not the exception. The body’s “inability” to distribute iron and make reserves also affects it. In their young years, girls rarely suffer from anemia and do not think about their diet, but pregnancy, diets, possible vegetarianism, stress, fatigue use up iron in the body, for its needs the body begins to take it from the tissues (hidden iron deficiency), and then from the blood . Thus, at the age of 40, a woman often feels unwell due to iron deficiency, which has been developing over the years.

Due to anemia (anemia), a person's number of red blood cells decreases

After age 50, when menopause occurs, the anemia often goes away because the woman no longer loses blood during her period.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia in women

Iron deficiency anemia develops under the influence of various factors. These include:

  • Gynecological diseases accompanied by blood loss: fibroids, too long menstruation (hypermenorrhea), endometriosis;
  • Incorrect, inadequate nutrition;
  • Hereditary characteristics;
  • Intestinal bleeding. This is one of the most unpleasant factors, since it can be difficult to detect. Unlike hemorrhoids, bleeding in the intestines may not cause pain, and they can only be identified by a change in the color of the stool. Usually, few people pay attention to such little things, which is why a person can lose weight per day every day

In addition to the direct causes, there are also risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • A diet low in folic acid, iron, and vitamin B-12. Typically, this picture is observed in women who refuse to eat meat or animal food in general, but do not choose the right vegetarian diet.
  • Frequent intestinal disorders that interfere with the absorption of beneficial substances. Dysbacteriosis especially contributes to a decrease in hemoglobin.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body consumes more iron than usual, as it is necessary to ensure fetal blood circulation. For this reason, the expectant mother needs to regularly check the level of hemoglobin in her blood in order to take timely measures. Anemia can also occur with breastfeeding and in the first time after childbirth.
  • Protracted illnesses. Kidney failure, diseases of the liver, intestines and spleen, ulcers slowly but surely lead to constant blood loss, and as a result - to anemia.
  • Family history. Some types of anemia (sickle cell) are inherited.
  • Lifestyle. Bad habits, constant stress, heavy workload, insufficient rest and sleep can cause this disease.
  • Donation. A one-time blood donation is not dangerous for a healthy person, but systematic donation can lead to anemia, especially if nutrition is not enhanced at this time.

Refusal to eat meat or animal foods in general can provoke the development of anemia

Signs of anemia in women

Anemia is a disease whose symptoms are often mistaken for simple fatigue or lack of sleep. If a woman has been experiencing at least half of the symptoms listed below for a long time, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

  • Weakness, general fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Sometimes a low-grade fever appears for no apparent reason.
  • Leg and arm spasms, pins and needles sensation and numbness.
  • Loss of coordination of movements, trembling, muscle weakness.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, tachycardia, shortness of breath even with minimal exertion.
  • Headache, darkening of the eyes, difficulty concentrating on anything.
  • Nausea, lack of appetite, vomiting, stomach pain, belching, feeling of weakness.
  • Unexpected preferences in tastes and smells - a person tries to eat dry cereals and pasta, he wants to eat clay, he likes the smell of paint and acetone, etc.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the throat, soreness, difficulty breathing and swallowing. There is a change in the epithelial cells, which causes dryness and irritation in the mouth, small ulcers in the corners of the mouth, itching and dryness in the vagina.

Anemia has pronounced characteristic symptoms

  • Nails become dry and brittle and noticeably flatten. If anemia has developed for a long time, then the nails take on a concave shape.
  • Pale skin with a marbled effect (vessels are visible through the skin). Sometimes the skin may have a greenish tint.

Consequences of anemia

Despite the fact that none of the symptoms look scary, treatment of anemia in women is necessary, since the consequences of this disease can be sad. Reduced hemoglobin leads to oxygen starvation of all tissues and organs, including the brain.

Anemia without treatment can lead to the following results:

  • disruption of the functioning of all internal organs, the appearance of edema, digestive disorders;
  • malfunctions nervous system, emotional instability, insomnia, decreased mental abilities;
  • disruption of the heart. Trying to compensate for the lack of red blood cells, it begins to work more intensively, wears out quickly and also experiences oxygen starvation. As a result, cardiac arrest is not uncommon in severe anemia;
  • decreased immunity and susceptibility to various infectious diseases. The probability increases autoimmune diseases.

Due to anemia, digestion and, in general, the functioning of all internal organs can be disrupted.

How to treat anemia

Let our grandmothers forgive us, but the usual recommendation in the spirit of “eating well,” especially buckwheat porridge, White filling apples and pomegranates, frankly speaking, is not enough. As a preventive measure it is good for health, but as a treatment it is not. Especially when anemia is already “aged”, advanced (hemoglobin content figures for the mild stage - g/l, moderate - g/l, severe - below 80 g/l).

There is no need, guided by your inner instinct, to purchase iron-containing preparations and vitamins for anemia from pharmacies and use them without any control:

  • firstly, such drugs have side effects, among which constipation turns out to be the most harmless
  • secondly, in any case, anemia is treated taking into account personal specifics, and you have every chance of taking a “not your” drug, which, even if it does not cause harm, will not be able to help.

Important! Under no circumstances should you purchase iron supplements at random and drink them just like that at any time of the day at your own peril and risk.

To determine your “own” drug in order to begin treatment of iron deficiency, you need to take many tests. various analyzes and tests. There are many aspects to treatment of this disease, which vary from person to person. How exactly your treatment will proceed is dictated only by general state your body, but it is also determined by numerous (and sometimes very complex) laboratory tests and studies. Be patient and still go through them all. This will greatly help your doctor make a diagnosis: anemia is not treated at random, the process involves understanding the full picture of your disease.

To inspire you a little, we will share with you the forecasts of doctors: with the right treatment (if the doctor is competent, and the patient, in turn, is patient), iron deficiency anemia will be overcome, maybe even in a year. And in this case, a pleasant discovery awaits you: a completely full-blooded life with complete absence anemia. With timely and effective treatment, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Prevention of anemia

Prevention measures (also known as anemic prevention) are initially aimed at preventing the formation of anemia in principle, and only after that at restoring the iron level in the body during the initial stages of the disease. Prevention measures will not cure stage three (severe) iron deficiency anemia, no matter how hard you try. But in conjunction with the treatment of the disease, you may also be prescribed proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment and prevention of anemia

The human body can absorb iron from two main sources: animal products (chicken, beef, fish) and plant products (lentils, beans, spices). It is necessary to eat two types of foods, of course, unless for some reason your doctor tells you otherwise.

Daily dose iron is determined by gender and age:

  • Children (ages 1 to 10 years): 7-10 mg per day.
  • Women (ages 19 to 50): 18 mg per day.
  • Pregnant women: 27 mg per day.
  • Men (ages 19 and older): 8 mg per day.

Anemia in women: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom indicating that not everything is in order with the body. There are several types of anemia. In 80% of cases, iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed. It develops due to insufficient iron in the body.


Towards development iron deficiency anemia may lead following reasons.

Chronic bleeding (in 80% of cases):

  • uncontrolled donation;
  • blood loss due to transfusion or hemodialysis;
  • pulmonary and nasal bleeding;
  • neoplasms in bladder and kidneys, polycystic kidney disease, urolithiasis disease, chronic pyelo- and glomerulonephritis;
  • fibroids, endometriosis, heavy and prolonged menstruation;
  • bleeding from the digestive tract: hemorrhoids, neoplasms, hookworm infestations, colon diverticula, varicose veins esophageal veins, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Insufficient absorption of iron as a consequence of such diseases:

  • intestinal amyloidosis;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • chronic enteritis;
  • resection of the small intestine.

Increased need for iron during sports, pregnancy and lactation, during intensive growth.

Insufficient intake of iron from food in vegetarians.

Together with food, a woman’s body should receive 15 mg of iron daily, and for pregnant women this figure is 30 mg.


Iron deficiency anemia in women manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • decreased performance, malaise, general and muscle weakness;
  • drowsiness, decreased concentration, fast fatiguability, dizziness, headache, fainting;
  • tingling and dry tongue, change in taste;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat;
  • dry hair and skin, brittle nails;
  • itching and burning of the vulva;
  • atrophic changes in the mucous membranes of the genital and respiratory organs, in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased appetite, need for salty, spicy, sour foods.

Iron deficiency anemia can be suspected by appearance. The skin becomes pale, flabby, dry, flaky, and the cheeks become flushed easily. Hair quickly turns gray and thins, breaks easily, becomes thinner, turns grey, and loses its shine. Nails become brittle, split, flatten, become dull and thin, and white stripes appear on them. At severe forms anemia, the nail plate takes on a concave shape.


To diagnose iron deficiency anemia, the doctor directs patients to undergo a general and biochemical blood test. The result of a general blood test will show the level of red blood cells, reticulocytes and platelets, and a biochemical test will show the concentration of hemoglobin, bilirubin, ferritin, and iron.

The doctor may refer the patient for a consultation with a gynecologist to rule out pathologies of the uterus and appendages. The examination plan also includes endoscopic and X-ray examination intestines and stomach in order to exclude neoplasms, ulcers, polyps, diverticulum, ulcerative colitis. If there is reason to suspect pulmonary siderosis, then they are referred for tomography and radiography of the lungs, and sputum examination. If you suspect kidney disease, you need general analysis urine, radiographic and ultrasonography organ.


To effectively treat iron deficiency anemia in women, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause and, if possible, eliminate it (treat the underlying disease or eliminate the source of bleeding). Therapy for anemia should be comprehensive. The treatment program consists of the following activities:

  • eliminating the cause of anemia;
  • complete therapeutic nutrition;
  • ferrotherapy – replenishment of iron deficiency in the body;
  • relapse prevention.

People suffering from anemia need a varied diet, including products of plant origin (bread, buckwheat, rice, raisins, pomegranates, prunes, dried apricots, spinach, peas, parsley, soybeans, beans) and meat products (liver, veal). However, diet alone cannot compensate for iron deficiency in the body. Even when eating exclusively high-calorie foods containing microelements, vitamins, iron salts and animal protein, about 3-5 mg of iron per day is absorbed into the body. Therefore, in case of anemia, iron supplements must be prescribed.

Currently the list medicines containing iron is quite wide. They differ in the following indicators:

  • composition: different iron content, presence of additional components;
  • dosage form: drops, tablets, capsules, injection solution.

We list the drugs most often used to treat anemia in women: Totema, Ferrum lek, Ferroceron, Ferroplex, Ferrogradumet, Feramide, Tardiferon, Maltofer.

The World Health Organization recommends prescribing products containing ferrous iron in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The daily dose is 2 mg/kg elemental iron. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months, in some cases up to 4-6 months. A good iron supplement should have the following properties:

  • optimal amount of iron;
  • simple application scheme;
  • minimum side effects;
  • the presence of components that stimulate hematopoiesis and enhance absorption;
  • the best price-quality ratio.


To avoid the development of iron deficiency anemia in women, the following measures are recommended:

  • rapid elimination of the source of blood loss;
  • eating foods containing a lot of iron (liver, meat);
  • regular monitoring of blood condition;
  • prophylactic intake of iron-containing drugs.

Anemia in women is common. Iron deficiency negatively affects not only well-being, but also the functioning of the body as a whole. Therefore, when the first signs of iron deficiency appear, you need to consult a doctor.

Causes of anemia in women

You need to take great care of your health. Any deterioration of the condition should be recorded by specialists, as it may be a symptom serious illnesses. One of these is anemia - pathological condition caused by a number of factors. Anemia in women can be caused by a variety of reasons, which is why consultation with a doctor and subsequent therapy aimed at eliminating the source of the problem are necessary.

Various types of anemia in women

The disease is called “anemia” because there is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. This disease is also caused by a combination of other hematological syndromes, against the background of which there is a significant reduction in the number of red blood cells.

In turn, anemia is a symptom of other diseases:

  • Pathology of internal organs;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Liver problems;
  • Pathology of the spleen;
  • Diseases of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract in general.

All these diseases are accompanied by the development of anemia, so diagnosis includes a complete and comprehensive examination of the human body. In some cases, additional, in-depth studies are required, since the duration of treatment and its result depend on timely prescribed correct therapy.

Severity of anemia by hemoglobin level

Experts identify several types of this disease. The differences are based on the reasons that influenced the decrease in red blood cells. There are:

  • Hapoplastic anemia – main reason are negative processes leading to bone marrow disorders. As a result, changes occur in the biochemical processes of hematopoiesis;
  • Hemolytic - in the case of the development of this type of anemia, hemoglobin (red blood cells) are actively destroyed, and new ones, which are replacements, are created slowly;
  • Deficiency - this type of disease is caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements in the human body, primarily iron, as the main component of blood.

With anemia in any of its manifestations, a decrease in the concentration of red cells - hemoglobin - can be observed in the blood. Its normal content per unit volume of blood decreases simultaneously with a decrease in the level of other blood elements - red blood cells. The risk group includes:

  • Women (up to 55 years old);
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Small children;
  • Girls whose age is one year.

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to undergo annual examination, eat healthy and varied, including red meat, vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Iron deficiency anemia: features of the disease

The peculiarity of the disease is due to the fact that 95% of the risk group are women of different ages. Among men, this problem is practically not observed. According to various medical observations, about 31% of women of childbearing age experience a similar disease in a mild form - they feel constant fatigue, apathy, and laziness. The problem associated with a lack of hemoglobin may not be noticed immediately, since the development of this type of disease is slow. In 94% of cases, anemia caused by iron deficiency can be caused by large blood loss (menstruation, childbirth or gynecological diseases).

Signs of iron deficiency

Signs of the problem become brighter and more intense after a woman reaches the age of 40. This is due to the fact that the body does not know how to accumulate iron reserves, but its natural reproduction slows down by this time. As a result, the woman feels a lack of strength and energy, and fatigue becomes constant.

The body begins to take iron from the tissues - a hidden deficiency occurs, then from the blood, which leads to the development of anemia. After menopause, there is a decrease in the incidence of the disease, the problem gradually disappears as menstruation stops.

Causes of the disease

The causes of iron deficiency anemia are varied. Factors influencing the likelihood of developing anemia:

  • Gynecological diseases that lead to loss of large volumes of blood - fibroids, menstruation, endometriosis;
  • Incorrectly selected menu, inadequate nutrition;
  • Hereditary and genetic characteristics;
  • Intestinal bleeding - it is difficult to determine them, since pain in most cases no;
  • Haemorrhoids.

You will also need to pay special attention to the qualitative composition of the blood in a number of other cases that can lead to the development of anemia. The following reasons are identified that reduce the amount of iron:

  • The daily diet does not contain folic acid, there are no vitamins and iron itself (vegetarianism);
  • Frequent (3-4 times a week) intestinal disorders are noted;
  • Dysbacteriosis (occurs in children or after taking a course of antibiotics);
  • Pregnancy - during the process of bearing a fetus, the body requires an increased amount of various substances, minerals and components, including iron, which is required to ensure normal blood circulation for the fetus. That is why it is necessary to regularly take blood tests, measure hemoglobin levels, and, if necessary, take measures to eliminate iron deficiency.

It will also be necessary to take measures to regulate the iron content in the blood in the case of long-term, chronic diseases, such as:

  • Kidney and liver failure;
  • Diseases of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Presence of ulcers;
  • Problems with the functioning of the spleen.

Injuries accompanied by large blood loss also lead to the development of anemia. In order to recognize the type and degree of development of the disease, it is necessary to know the family history, since some types of the disease, for example, sickle cell anemia, are inherited. The possibility of anemia is also influenced by the lifestyle a woman leads. The presence of bad habits increases the risk of development, constant stressful situations, high loads, work at hazardous production. Lack of rest and bad dream also negatively affect the quality of blood and the amount of hemoglobin in it.

Frequent blood donation leads to the development of anemia due to iron loss. It is important to remember that donating blood once is difficult to harm your health, but by doing it constantly, you can reduce the amount of iron in the blood to dangerous levels. If it is expected that blood will be donated, it is necessary to eat intensively before and after the procedure in order to speed up the processes of hemoglobin restoration.

Daily iron requirement. Table

Other causes of anemia

You can also encounter the problem of iron deficiency for the following reasons:

Anemia also develops in the presence of various tumors in the body. Problems with hemoglobin synthesis cause its reduction. If one or more causes are present in everyday life that may become a factor in the development of the disease, an immediate visit to a doctor is required for a full and comprehensive examination.

Signs and symptoms of anemia

There are main signs of iron deficiency anemia in women that should prompt a visit to the doctor:

  • Constant feeling of fatigue and lack of sleep even when following all the rules a long period time;
  • Weakness;
  • General fatigue (even without physical activity);
  • Decreased activity and performance;
  • The appearance of low-grade fever (for no reason);
  • Spasms of varying intensity in the limbs;
  • Numbness in the arms or legs;
  • Feeling of goosebumps on the skin;
  • Cold fingers;
  • Paleness of the mucous membranes;
  • Peeling of the skin;
  • Loss of consciousness (a rare manifestation of the disease)
  • Violations (sometimes severe) of coordination of movements;
  • Pain on the tongue when ingested by spices or other spicy foods;
  • Deterioration of hair condition;
  • Trembling in the muscles and their weakness;
  • Disturbances occurring in the heart (irregular rhythm, tachycardia);
  • The appearance of shortness of breath with slight physical exertion;
  • Headache turning into migraine (or frequent occurrence of pain of varying intensity);
  • Sudden or frequent darkening of the eyes;
  • Loss of concentration when working for long periods of time;
  • Attacks of nausea of ​​varying duration;
  • Significant or frequent loss of appetite;
  • Vomiting or the urge to vomit;
  • Stomach pain;
  • Belching;
  • Changes in tastes and food preferences;
  • The need for strong odors (paint, acetone);
  • Sore throat (without a cold or acute respiratory infection);
  • Feeling of a foreign body in the throat (lump);
  • Difficulty in swallowing;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Chest pain;
  • The appearance of dry mouth (change in the number of epithelial cells);
  • The appearance of inflammation or ulcers in the mouth;
  • Itching and dryness in the vagina.

Since the symptoms of anemia are similar to the manifestations of various diseases and conditions, then establish accurate diagnosis impossible on your own, required qualified assistance specialist

Characteristic signs of anemia

The appearance of anemic problems can be confirmed if signs characteristic of this disease are present:

  • The appearance of brittle and dry nails (they noticeably flatten, a concave shape of the nail plate appears);
  • The skin turns pale and acquires a marbled effect, as the vessels begin to appear through the skin;
  • Appearance of a greenish tint to the skin.

The appearance of dryness and wounds on the skin, the desire to include inedible foods in the diet, is also a signal indicating the presence of problems with the blood. Special attention All these signals should be given attention after 30 years. In addition, with anemia, depressive states may occur that require specialized treatment, so it is impossible to delay the diagnosis of the body.

Clinical manifestations of anemia

Clinical manifestations of anemia caused by iron deficiency:

  • Redness of the tongue;
  • The presence of angular stamotitis (sticking in the corners of the mouth).

It is important to remember that most visual symptoms do not appear in women if the disease is mild or moderate in severity.

Diagnostic measures

In order to establish the cause of the development of the disease, its type and degree, the doctor carries out a series of tests in a medical institution. diagnostic measures. In the case of iron deficiency anemia, they are simple:

  • Patient interview;
  • Determining the symptoms that a person has;
  • Laboratory tests and studies (blood sampling for analysis).

Blood structure in anemia

The doctor finds out the time of the first appearance of the main symptoms, whether there are chronic or hereditary diseases. Then a visual inspection is performed to determine the condition of the skin. If found obvious signs anemia, and then confirmation of this by test results, the next stage of diagnosis begins - additional studies to determine the type of anemia. Hardware methods of study are used, which make it possible to further determine the causes of pathological changes. Mandatory research - differential diagnosis for the purpose of comparison with other types of anemia.

Treatment of anemia must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Traditional methods maintaining the optimal amount of iron in the blood does not always work. Including foods such as buckwheat, pomegranate, and apples in food can maintain a good result and be an addition to therapy, but not the main way to eliminate anemia if it appears. This is especially important to consider for women in old age. Indicators of anemia development (hemoglobin content) for women over 50 years old by stage:

  • g/l – mild form of iron deficiency;
  • 80-90 g/l – moderate severity of the disease;
  • 80 g/l and below this indicator is a severe form of anemia.

It is necessary to understand that self-medication in this case can only do harm. So, taking medications and vitamins containing iron must be approved by a doctor, since there are individual characteristics of the body that require a special approach to the treatment method.

Blood counts are normal. Table

Special medications are prescribed by a doctor and included in the treatment program based on the results of the examination. Doses and timing of administration are calculated to minimize possible negative consequences, such as constipation. In addition, a self-selected remedy can cause harm to other organs.

In order to determine the appropriate iron supplement for a particular patient, the doctor prescribes various studies and tests, since there are a large number of aspects and features in the treatment of the disease that differ for each person. Diagnostics will allow you to develop a treatment program based on the results of all tests. If measures to eliminate anemia were taken on time, then in most cases iron deficiency anemia will be cured. It should be remembered that the recovery process and subsequent prevention may take a long period of time. Treatment can last from 1-2 months to a year, but in general the prognosis of specialists is favorable for patients.

Dietary nutrition for anemia

Development of a special dietary restriction – therapeutic diet is an integral subject of therapeutic influence on the body in order to eliminate anemia. The basic principle of the diet is very similar to the system of proper nutrition, so there should not be any difficulties in following the recommendations. Meals should be small in terms of the amount of food per serving, but frequent - at least 5 times a day. Of these, there are 3 main meals, 2-3 snacks.

The first meal (breakfast) consists of an omelet with meat (beef), cocoa, porridge and a piece of bread with whole grains. Lunch should contain vegetable salads, soups based on chicken or meat broth. For dinner you should eat porridge, fruits or vegetables. Snacks and afternoon snacks are made from fermented milk products, fruits and nuts.

You should also include carrots, asparagus, strawberries, and blueberries in the menu. The consumption of all these products helps not only to normalize the iron content in the blood, but also to solve related health problems, such as indigestion or gastritis.

Consequence of the disease

The need for timely comprehensive treatment lies in the fact that unpleasant consequences arise for the body. Each symptom in itself does not cause significant harm, but in combination they can cause more complex and dangerous diseases. Reduced hemoglobin leads to oxygen starvation, as blood circulation slows down. All organs and tissues suffer, including the brain, which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Anemia left unattended or treated can lead to the following consequences:

  • disruption of the functioning of all internal organs;
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • disruption of digestive processes with the subsequent appearance of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • disruption of the nervous system, including emotional instability;
  • the occurrence of insomnia;
  • decreased mental performance and abilities;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (arrhythmia, tachycardia appear as a consequence of compensation for insufficiency of red blood cells and hemoglobin);
  • decreased immunity (frequent colds).

It is important to remember that there have been cases of sudden cardiac arrest caused by severe anemia. In addition, the likelihood of various autoimmune diseases increases significantly, especially in the older age group.

Prevention of iron deficiency anemia

In order to eliminate or prevent an anemic crisis, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the disease. All of them are aimed at preventing the development of symptoms. Prevention also aims to restore and maintain the level of iron in the body at optimal levels, including at the very beginning of the development of anemia.

It's important to remember that preventive actions will be useless if a person suffers from severe anemia - it is necessary to combine prevention with basic treatment to achieve good results. The main prevention is:

  • proper nutrition (compliance with recommendations and standards, quantity and quality of dishes);
  • The diet should include both plant and animal components - poultry, beef, vegetables and fruits, various legumes.

The daily dose of iron that should be contained in the body is determined by gender and age:

  • Children under 10 years old need 7-10 mg per day.
  • Women under 50 will need at least 18 mg per day.
  • Pregnant women: 27 mg per day.

This element in the blood is also important for men. They require at least 8 mg per day to prevent anemia.

Thus, the development of deficient blood diseases - anemia - can occur in at different ages. Immediate diagnosis and treatment will be required to prevent serious complications from occurring.

Anemia in adult women: symptoms, causes and treatment

Before talking about the causes and symptoms of anemia, you should understand in detail what this disease is and what types it is divided into. It can cause great discomfort. Therefore, it is so important to know how anemia manifests itself, symptoms and treatment in adult women.

What is anemia: types of disease

So, anemia is a fairly common disease associated with a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Naturally, after this the question arises: what is hemoglobin?

A special protein is called hemoglobin, which is contained in red blood cells, medically called erythrocytes.

Anemia in medicine is divided into several types:

  • iron deficiency;
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • aplastic;
  • deficient in B12.

Naturally, these types of anemia have one thing in common - these diseases begin to gradually intensify when there are failures in the formation of red blood cells or with fairly large blood losses.

Symptoms and signs of anemia in adult women

Accordingly, all types of this disease also have certain common symptoms, one of which includes increased heart rate and weakness.

In addition, anemia, regardless of the type, has other common symptoms:

  • sudden shortness of breath that occurs during normal exercise or exercise;
  • “flies” running before the eyes, severe dizziness;
  • pale tint of mucous membranes and skin;
  • increased frequency or simply sudden onset of angina attacks;
  • serious disturbances in the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of anemia vary depending on the type. So, for example, the following symptoms are characteristic of hemolytic anemia:

  • yellow discoloration of the mucous membranes and skin due to an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood;
  • enlargement of the spleen, also called splenomegaly.

The most widespread in our country is iron deficiency anemia, which begins to gradually and completely unnoticeably develop with a lack of iron. Iron deficiency anemia has its own symptoms:

  • severe and sudden dizziness accompanied by tinnitus;
  • muscle weakness and high degree of fatigue;
  • shortness of breath during physical activity and pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle and rapid heartbeat;
  • the desire to consume clay, chalk and other perversions of taste;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes and skin.

In addition, there may be a decrease in secretion gastric juice, hypotension and tachycardia.

Pernicious or B12-deficiency anemia has its own symptoms:

  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • deterioration of intestinal function;
  • nausea or vomiting.

As for aplastic anemia, it develops quickly and acutely most often, and if we talk about the symptoms of such a disease, they include the following:

  • clearly visible pallor of the face;
  • severe weakness;
  • tinnitus accompanied by dizziness;
  • tachycardia. In addition, with aplastic anemia, other symptoms may be observed, such as nosebleeds, severe bleeding in the gums, and constant bruising.

Treatment of anemia in women with folk remedies at home

Traditional recipes can act as an adjuvant to the main therapy. Therefore, they must be agreed with the attending physician. To eliminate the disease, mixtures of vegetables and herbs can be taken.

  • Carrot, radish and beet juice are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is left to simmer slowly over low heat for 2-3 hours. Take the consistency before meals, 1 tbsp. The treatment period can reach several months.
  • Fortified juices are effective for anemia. They can be mixed according to the principle described above, or you can drink a drink from one variety. For treatment, you can use pomegranate, birch, beet, grape, and apple drinks.
  • A chicory drink is useful for general lethargy associated with iron deficiency.
  • Birch and nettle leaves are brewed in a thermos with boiling water. Drink the mixture before meals.
  • Rose hips have a general strengthening effect. They can be brewed in a thermos.

It should be borne in mind that traditional methods do not provide fast acting. The course of treatment is usually more than 1 month. Therefore, this treatment is effective on early stages development of the disease.

Treatment of anemia with medication: drugs

Doctors prescribe medications with a high iron content to the patient. Self-administration of medications is not recommended. Only after a comprehensive examination will a specialist prescribe the necessary medications.

Among the popular drugs are:

Folic acid and B vitamins can be prescribed as a comprehensive treatment.

If basic therapy does not give a positive result, the doctor prescribes treatment with hormonal drugs. Experts advise contacting early manifestations anemia, symptoms and treatment in adult women must be interrelated. Very often the disease manifests itself in postmenopausal patients. Therefore, consultation with an endocrinologist or gynecologist is necessary.

There is a misconception among women that anemia, or anemia, is not particularly dangerous, and if you feel more or less normal, you can ignore it. However, this is very far from the truth; signs of anemia in women cannot be ignored. It is very important to promptly find out the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it.

What is anemia?

The word "" from the Greek language is translated as "anemia". This term in medicine describes a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is often accompanied by a decrease in the total number of red blood cells.

The danger of anemia is that in this condition the internal organs receive insufficient oxygen, causing hypoxia.

Anemia may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • the body does not produce enough red blood cells;
  • due to existing bleeding, the loss of red blood cells exceeds their formation;
  • red blood cells are destroyed by the body due to various pathologies.

Anemia is not an independent disease, so if laboratory research a decrease in hemoglobin level has been detected, it is necessary to carry out full examination women to determine its cause.


Anemia in women most often develops due to a lack of iron in the body. The main causes of iron deficiency anemia:

  • chronic and acute bleeding;
  • diseases of the digestive system, which significantly impair the absorption of iron from incoming food;
  • the presence of worms that slow down the absorption of vitamins involved in the hematopoietic process;
  • gynecological diseases accompanied by bleeding, menstrual irregularities;
  • the presence of tumors in the internal genital organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • insufficient amount of iron entering the body due to the lack of meat, dairy products or protein foods in the diet.

Signs of anemia

In order to consult a doctor in a timely manner, you need to know how anemia manifests itself and what health conditions may indicate its development. Such violations include:

  • constant unreasonable weakness;
  • the onset of fatigue during habitual physical activity;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • pale coloration of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • change in appetite, manifested in the desire to consume foods that are not food, for example, clay or chalk;
  • dry and brittle hair and nails;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • increased heart rate;
  • impaired perception of odors, the smells of paint, gasoline and acetone become pleasant;
  • frequently recurring bad mood;
  • absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate;
  • reduced level hemoglobin in blood tests.

All these symptoms cannot be ignored while trying to come up with a suitable reason to justify their occurrence. They can often be signs of anemia, particularly iron deficiency, and you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Most often, anemia occurs in women at risk. These include:

  • women who are overly addicted to low-calorie diets that do not contain meat products;
  • women whose periods last more than seven days, especially if the color of the discharge remains bright red throughout;
  • pregnant women whose body consumes a large amount of iron for the formation and development of the fetus;
  • women suffering from frequently recurring bleeding from the nose or rectum;
  • women with hereditary low hemoglobin levels;
  • women who smoke;
  • women who are donors or have been donors in the past.

What to do if anemia is detected?

Treatment of anemia in women must begin after the cause that caused its development has been identified and eliminated. It is important to ensure proper nutrition and a normal work and rest schedule.

To eliminate iron deficiency in the body, iron-containing medications are prescribed, and the duration of treatment can be up to six months. At the same time, you need to take vitamins.

Modern iron supplements contain substances that improve the absorption of this chemical element. In cases of severe anemia, drugs are introduced into the body by injection, and in particularly advanced cases, even blood transfusions have to be resorted to. The first positive results in the treatment of anemia should be noticeable 10 days after the start of treatment.

The diet of women suffering from anemia should include more foods with high level iron content. You should not consume dairy products, because due to the intake of calcium in the body, the absorption of iron is reduced. It is better to avoid drinking coffee and other drinks containing caffeine. Foods with coarse fibers also interfere with the absorption of iron.

The treatment menu for anemia should include dishes prepared from the following products:

  • meat and liver;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • various cereals;
  • products of plant origin (greens, dried fruits and legumes);
  • mushrooms.

Product Amount of iron, mg/100 g Product Amount of iron, mg/100 g
Dried mushrooms 35 Liver 20
Lentils 11,8 Oysters 9,2
Cocoa 11,7 Mussels 6,7
Wheat bran 11,1 Chicken egg yolk 6,7
Soybeans 9,7 Beef heart 4,8
Beans 7,9 Rabbit meat 4,4
Buckwheat 6,7 Pork heart 4,1
Peanut 4,6 Beef 3,6
Dogwood 4,1 Pork tongue 3,2
Rye bread 3,9 Mutton 3,1

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine allows you to normalize iron levels with a slight decrease. Healing recipes are based on the consumption of foods and herbs rich in iron.

  • It is useful to consume mulberries in any form.
  • Rowan juice, take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, is especially useful for women during menstruation.
  • Mix freshly squeezed beet juice with an equal amount of carrot juice and take half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Very good results can be achieved if you chew a small piece of propolis (about half a teaspoon) 3 to 5 times a day and then swallow it.
  • It is useful to take 100 g of honey daily for one month.
  • You can drink cranberry juice or eat a handful of fresh cranberries. The same goes for pomegranates.
  • Place 2 tablespoons of rose hips in a thermos and add 1 glass of boiling water. Infuse overnight, drink in two doses a day.
  • Grind buckwheat into powder and take 1 teaspoon three times a day with cold water.
  • Squeeze the juice from fresh melon and take 1 glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Grind 400 g of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and walnuts in a meat grinder. Add 400 g of honey, stir thoroughly and take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Can there be complications of anemia?

With absence timely treatment Anemia, despite its apparent harmlessness, can lead to various complications. They can manifest themselves in the following conditions:

  • deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • causeless irritability;
  • exacerbation of a history of various diseases of internal organs;
  • the onset of coma due to insufficient oxygenation of brain cells.

If treatment for anemia is started in a timely manner, and the doctor’s recommendations are followed without violations, then the level of hemoglobin in the blood can be normalized quite easily.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent the amount of iron in the blood from decreasing below acceptable levels during anemia, it is necessary to consume foods that contain this element in sufficient quantities.

Particular care should be taken when following various diets, in particular those that exclude the consumption of meat and other sources of iron. At this time, it is necessary to periodically monitor hemoglobin levels.

Preventive measures can also help with drug treatment various stages of anemia, but, of course, do not replace it.

Women who are vegetarians need to remember that iron from plant foods is absorbed much worse than from meat, so iron intake should be more than the daily requirement.

It is very important to ensure the necessary level of iron for pregnant women, because its deficiency harms the body not only of the mother, but also of the developing child. It’s not for nothing that the daily iron requirement for pregnant women is 1.5 times higher than for non-pregnant women.


Iron deficiency anemia is quite serious problem, which requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication is strongly not recommended, because it is important not only to normalize blood test results, but also to establish the reason that caused their deterioration.

To prevent the development of iron deficiency, you need to monitor your diet, periodically take blood tests and promptly treat diseases that can cause bleeding.

Human blood consists of a liquid base (plasma) and solid fractions - leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes. Each group of blood cells performs a specific function in our body.

Thus, leukocytes are an integral part immune system, platelets are responsible for hemostasis, and red blood cells, with the hemoglobin they contain, are a kind of transport, a carrier of oxygen in the body.

But it happens that the content of red blood cells and... As a result, oxygen starvation may occur various organs and systems. The name of this pathology is anemia.

Naturally, there can be no talk of any normal functioning of the body under these conditions. Therefore, anemia, which occurs even in a mild asymptomatic form, can be a cause and risk factor for the development of various serious illnesses.

Causes of anemia

Anemia is essentially the general name for a syndrome accompanied by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

At the same time, the causes of such a disease can be very different.

The clinical picture of the disease, tactics and treatment methods depend on them.

In medicine, all these reasons are combined into 3 groups.

1. Anemia associated with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood

The main cause of anemia is the insufficient supply and absorption of iron by the body, which is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

If you do not receive this microelement, hemoglobin levels in the blood fall, the number of blood cells decreases and, as a result, anemia occurs.

To maintain hemoglobin levels within normal limits, it is important for the body to regularly receive iron contained in food.

Most of this microelement is found in products of animal origin (red meat, liver, fish, eggs). Plant foods also contain iron (especially apples, dried fruits, nuts), but the percentage of its absorption is noticeably lower.

Provoking factors:

  • poor nutrition is the leading cause of anemia;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also a factor in the development of anemia. During the above periods, a woman’s body spends significant resources on the child, “giving” him the necessary vitamins and microelements, which, coupled with insufficient nutrition, leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • chemical or ;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • following strict diets;
  • grueling physical activity.

2. Anemia associated with blood loss

The main cause of such anemia is acute or regular blood loss and the associated hemodynamic disturbance, when there are not enough red blood cells to perform their immediate function.

This condition can be provoked by:

  • blood loss associated with bleeding (wound, stomach, nasal, etc.);
  • regular blood loss due to donation;
  • plentiful

3. Anemia resulting from other diseases

Many diseases can cause anemia. This is due either to direct damage to red blood cells, or to the loss of the body’s ability to absorb iron and other trace elements and vitamins.

Main provoking factors:

  • oncological diseases;
  • HIV infection;

In addition, an important factor is a hereditary predisposition to anemia.

In some cases, anemia is caused by various genetic diseases. Such forms of anemia are considered incurable.

Symptoms of anemia

Regardless of the reasons for which anemia occurred, the disease is characterized by the fact that at its first stage there are no visible symptoms.

The patient may feel great, but his red blood cell and hemoglobin levels are low.

A diagnosis at this stage can only be made on the basis of laboratory blood tests, which in case of anemia are characterized by severe erythrocytopenia.

As the disease progresses, clinical signs of anemia become noticeable to the patient and his environment. These include:

  • pale skin, which is often accompanied by dryness;
  • dizziness;
  • sensations and “flies” before the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • appetite disorders;
  • fatigue, fatigue;
  • decreased level of attention, concentration, cognitive abilities.

Stages and types of anemia

Anemia is determined by the deviation of the hemoglobin level in the blood below normal. The hemoglobin content in the blood of adult men is 120-140 g/l.

In children and women it may be slightly lower. A level of this substance in the blood of less than 120 g/l indicates the presence of anemia. There are 3 degrees of severity based on hemoglobin levels:

  1. 1st degree characterized by a mild course and absence of clinical severe symptoms. Blood hemoglobin level is 100-120 g/l. Anemia at this stage can be easily corrected with just one change in diet;
  2. 2nd degree of anemia occurs when hemoglobin levels are in the range of 70-100 g/l. The patient experiences most of the symptoms described above. A change in diet alone is not enough - the patient needs to regularly take iron-containing medications;
  3. 3rd degree of anemia occurs when hemoglobin levels fall below 70 g/L. This life-threatening condition usually occurs with acute blood loss or hemolytic shock and requires immediate medical attention.

Despite the similarity of clinical symptoms, the causes of anemia are completely different. Therefore, there are quite a few types of anemia.

Iron-deficiency anemia

The most common type of illness. The disease is usually associated with a lack of iron in food and blood loss. According to statistics, more than 90% of all cases of anemia are associated with a deficiency of this important microelement.

Sickle cell anemia

This type of anemia is a severe genetic pathology, expressed in disruption of hemoglobin synthesis in red blood cells, resulting in damage and death of red blood cells.

A severe form of sickle cell anemia in combination with associated factors (thin air, being in a stuffy, unventilated room) can lead to a hemolytic crisis, which is a direct threat to the patient’s life.

Pernicious anemia

This type of anemia is a consequence of another pathology associated with deficiency. This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin in the blood.

Violation of its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract or insufficient intake from food leads to a deficiency of this substance and, as a result, anemia.

Treatment of this type of anemia is directly related to the elimination of vitamin B12 deficiency.

A lack of folic acid, which plays as important a role in the body as vitamin B12, can lead to anemia.

Aplastic anemia

This form is associated with a disruption in the bone marrow's production of blood cells. As a rule, it is caused by a genetic pathology.


The most severe form of anemia. Due to genetic disorders, the rate of hemoglobin synthesis changes, which leads to significant deterioration in red blood cell function. Unfortunately, thalassemia is an incurable disease, so treatment of the disease is aimed only at alleviating the patient’s condition.

Diagnosis of anemia

Diagnostic measures carried out when anemia is suspected include the following steps:

Determination of the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood

The presence of anemia is determined by the amount of hemoglobin contained in red blood cells. The hemoglobin content is considered to be within the range of 120-140 g/l. However, this indicator can vary greatly depending on the gender and age of the patient.

In any case, if anemia is suspected, a finger test should be performed to determine the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe additional tests blood, determining the hemoglobin content in the blood cell, the number of reticulocytes. A biochemical blood test allows you to find out the level and.

Determining the cause of the disease

To determine the cause of the disease and determine how to treat this type of anemia, various diagnostic methods can be used aimed at studying the state of the gastrointestinal tract (fibrogastroscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, etc.).

Since symptoms and treatment in adult women may resemble those in gynecological pathologies, it is important to conduct the necessary “female” tests.

In general, there are quite a few causes of anemia, so the choice of one or another diagnostic method is determined by the doctor depending on the collected medical history.


Treatment of anemia directly depends on its type and what causes it. Thus, the treatment of anemia, which is associated with heavy blood loss, consists of stopping bleeding and restoring hemodynamics.

For iron deficiency anemia, treatment tactics are aimed at eliminating the deficiency of microelements by correcting nutrition and taking medications.

For some types of anemia it is indicated palliative care aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

Drug therapy

For anemia associated with genetic disorders, taking vitamins and iron-containing medications is indicated. However, in addition to this, regular blood transfusions are necessary.

In thalassemia and during hemolytic crises, glucocorticoids are widely used.

Methods for treating anemia at home

Changing the diet and nature of nutrition is one of the main methods of treating anemia.

In the treatment of anemia, traditional methods are widely used, the use of which is possible only in consultation with a doctor.


The patient’s nutrition plays an important role. The diet should be dominated by protein-rich foods, mainly of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, liver, etc.).

In case of anemia, the frequency of nutrition is also very important. It is best to eat meals in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Folk remedies

Rose hips are widely used to treat anemia, the fruits of which contain a large amount of iron and vitamin C. To prepare the medicine, 5 tablespoons of crushed rose hips are poured into a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes.

Then the drug must infuse. For anemia, rose hips are drunk almost without restrictions, using it instead of tea.

For anemia, it is good to use honey. 3 tablespoons of honey should be taken before meals, 4 times a day. This will help on initial stage anemia.


Prevention of iron deficiency anemia is the consumption of protein, rich in iron food. It is important to ensure that your diet is as varied and balanced as possible.

In addition, eliminating existing bleeding also plays a significant role in the prevention of anemia.


In the case of timely treatment of iron deficiency anemia, the prognosis is favorable; it is enough just to eliminate its main causes.

In cases where anemia is caused by bleeding (posthemorrhagic anemia), the prognosis is also favorable, but only with timely identification of the problem and adequate treatment.

The prognosis for other forms of anemia is poor, since in most cases it is impossible to defeat the disease caused by genetic disorders, and treatment consists only of providing palliative care to the patient.

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