Home Prevention What blood tests should you take to check your health? What blood test should be taken Annual medical examination for women what is included

What blood tests should you take to check your health? What blood test should be taken Annual medical examination for women what is included

Contact the paid service provider medical services, they are not interested in disclosing the results, because everything is paid for, and this is the main thing.

A few days before donating blood, and even more so on the day of donation, limit your consumption of fatty foods. Eat everything low-calorie, no fat. It’s also better not to eat sweets. If there is in the blood high level glucose, fat and cholesterol, the result may be false positive.

On the appointed day, calmly go to donate blood for HIV infection. But now be patient a little, you will know the result no earlier than in a few days or even in two weeks. This is due to the process of blood testing, which cannot be accelerated.

Scary word « AIDS"causes horror in the hearts of people. Particularly impressive ones panic and begin to self-medicate using any means they know. But AIDS is not such a common disease and before you suffer and prepare for inevitable death (although this is not the case), it is worth getting tested and, in case positive result, start treatment.


Choose any clinic that suits you, it can be like public hospital, as well as any paid medical office. The anonymity of the results is guaranteed, but in private institutions secrets are kept under seven seals and are disclosed much less frequently. In a clinic, information may accidentally leak to the masses and there is a possibility of publicity. But it's up to you to choose. If this is not a secret, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

According to the World Health Organization, in 2008 there were more than forty million HIV carriers worldwide. More than 60 percent of them are from North Africa. HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that causes the disease - HIV infection. The final stage of HIV infection is AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV infection is transmitted in only three ways. These include unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of HIV infection, the use of contaminated syringes, needles, scissors and other instruments, and HIV can be transmitted from a sick mother to a newborn child in the womb or during breastfeeding. There are no other methods of infection.

You will need

  • A visit to the AIDS Center, a blood test for HIV or an HIV test (this requires your urine or saliva).


First, calm down. Perhaps your concern is unfounded. And if you have a reason to worry, now all you have to do is wait. If you have reason to believe that you are infected with HIV, exercise prudence and protect others from becoming infected.


Follow the necessary safety and protection measures and you will not become infected with HIV.

Don't worry unnecessarily in advance. This won't help you at all.

Tip 4: What tests do you need to take to check your health?

Healthy lifestyle is in fashion. All more people pays attention to the prevention of diseases, without waiting for the disease to manifest itself. In order to check your health, it is recommended to regularly undergo basic tests, with the help of which you can identify dysfunction of a particular organ at an early stage.


In the absence of any complaints, it is recommended to undergo general blood and urine tests annually. This is the simplest and cheapest method to identify early signs of many dangerous diseases. A general blood test shows the level of hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, platelets and other blood components. Based on the results, the therapist may prescribe additional examination. Subject to correct collection general analysis urine is also quite informative. With its help, you can diagnose disorders of the kidneys and, in general, identify early signs diabetes and some pathologies of the hematopoietic system.

An analysis to determine cholesterol levels and lipid profiles must be taken once every 5 years between the ages of 35 and 45, once every 3 years between the ages of 45 and 50, and annually over the age of 50. This analysis allows us to identify lipid metabolism disorders, that is, the development of atherosclerosis. Timely implementation of this analysis can prevent possible heart attack, stroke and vascular thrombosis.

The so-called blood test for sugar is not very informative, so it is preferable to do an analysis to determine glycated hemoglobin. This analysis allows you to determine fluctuations in blood sugar not only at the time of blood sampling, but within 1.5-2 months before it. It is recommended to donate blood for glycated hemoglobin once every 5 years at the age of 30-40 years, once every 2 years at the age of 40-45 years, and after 45 years - annually.

Many people know about the need for diagnostic colonoscopy after 40 years. But this procedure is quite expensive and frightening in its complexity. An alternative to testing is a stool test. occult blood. If the test result is positive, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Biochemical blood test, at least minimal (bilirubin, ALT, AST, creatinine, urea, total protein, uric acid), allows you to get an objective picture of the functioning of the liver, kidneys and metabolism. Unless otherwise recommended, a blood biochemistry test must be taken once a year.

A blood test to determine the level of TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone - will show whether the function of the thyroid gland is reduced. IN last years hypothyroidism has become widespread, so this analysis should be included in the list of routine ones.

A blood test to determine homocysteine ​​levels is a specific, highly informative test. Based on its results, one can judge the possible formation of blood clots in the arteries.

The scourge of the 21st century is hepatitis and AIDS. These diseases are the most common infectious diseases. They are dangerous because they do not manifest themselves within long period time, therefore it is recommended to take an annual blood test for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis B and C and HIV infection.

A correct blood test is the key to ensuring that the doctor receives more than eighty percent of the information he is interested in. Often it is prescribed not to understand what is wrong with the patient, but to confirm the overall clinical picture - in fact, the study becomes a piece in the overall puzzle that helps put the picture together.

The problem is that an analysis done incorrectly creates a false picture, coupled with general symptoms. In case of specificity of other symptoms and the doctor's experience, the analysis is usually redone, but if the incorrect analysis falls under clinical picture illness, can simply be prescribed incorrect treatment. Therefore, a blood test requires careful preparation on the part of the patient.

How to take a blood test?

1. Often, many tests are taken on an empty stomach. What does this mean? That at least eight hours, sometimes twelve, should pass before the last meal and testing. It’s worth being patient and not drinking coffee, tea, or any other drinks other than water - this is also considered food. After eight hours of fasting, tests are taken for serology and biochemistry, as well as hormone levels.

2. Fasting for twelve hours is necessary for a blood lipid test.

3. A general blood test does not require such heroic behavior - it is enough not to eat an hour before the procedure, while you can drink tea (not sweet), as well as sugar-free porridge and an apple.

Cancer screening

Oncoscreening - new method accurate digital diagnostics, superior in accuracy to many methods early diagnosis. The advantages of cancer screening are a quick, one-step and safe (with respect to radiation exposure) procedure for identifying the smallest changes in tissues of the whole body, which suggests the possibility of detecting not only tumors, lumps, but also early metastases. The cancer screening procedure is available in modern oncology clinics and can replace many individual routine regular examinations.

Sooner or later, people feel the justice of doctors’ jokes about how there are no healthy people, but only unexamined ones, on themselves. Previously, the examination took place at professional examinations, but today people are often forced to prescribe examinations for themselves, and at their own expense.

Of course, the ideal option would be annual consultations with several medical specialists, a therapist, laboratory and radiology diagnostics. But such preventive examination is very expensive.

Budget, but still enough effective method control your health - laboratory diagnostics on personal initiative. Many people, unexpectedly for themselves, receive test results and move from the “healthy” category to the “unexamined” category. Fortunately, there are those who begin to take care of themselves a little earlier than doctors send them for examination. Basically, people are checked for hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases, and also undergo biochemical and general blood tests. If something is wrong - cholesterol levels, sugar levels or something else - immediately go to the doctor. Most come to the laboratory already with a doctor’s referral.

What tests and how often do you need to take?

Nobody said that you don’t need to visit a doctor for preventive maintenance - you do! But in the city clinic, often after the dialogue: “Are there any complaints?” - “No!”, The doctor says, “Next.” Unfortunately, preventive examinations are carried out more on paper. Annual survey “full circle” and “ paid doctor" - it's great, but expensive. Therefore, if you have a desire to take care of your health and some funds, you can go straight to the laboratory.

Usually there is a consultant doctor who can correct list of tests necessary for a person. Patients themselves often want to take a blood test “for everything at once,” which is almost never necessary and leads to unnecessary costs.

Most often detected with such preventive diagnostics Very . For example, herpes viral infections, viral hepatitis, toxoplasmosis. These diseases make you tired and make you feel worse, but they do not manifest themselves in any way. Biochemical tests reveal signs of kidney disease, liver disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus and many others.

Minimum set of analyzes- sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, biochemical and general tests will cost a little more than 2 thousand rubles.

May be required depending on age, gender additional tests - for example for women hormonal status, for men, prostate-specific antigen, for pregnant women - perinatal screening, but the whole “kit” costs $120-150. Once every 3-5 years it is worth doing a tomography. For an MRI of a joint, prices will vary depending on the clinic; a survey tomography will cost 2-3 thousand rubles.

How to detect cancer at an early stage?

Plain tomography can reveal even very small cancerous tumor, which has not yet manifested itself. It is clear that tests are several times cheaper than tomography, but are they that informative? What is the best way to get examined to diagnose cancer?

Such tests should generally be done as prescribed by a doctor. And you can see the manifestations of cancer in the initial stages not even by a specific marker, but by looking at a regular biochemical blood test. Some changes compared to the previous "biochemistry" - especially in blood proteins - call for further testing. If the diagnosis is confirmed, such cancer can in most cases be cured without consequences.

Published: 12/04/2012

IN modern society Not all companies care about the health of their employees by initiating and financing collective medical examinations. Some people save on this, some do not consider these investments to be promising, and some, in principle, believe that health is a personal matter for each individual person. Indeed, everyone should take care of themselves and once a year voluntarily undergo medical examination.

This way of taking care of your health will not only help you identify various diseases at an early stage, but will also improve the psychological mood of a person, who will be confident that nothing bad is happening to him, and morning attacks of nausea, for example, are simply a consequence of overeating at night, which needs to be stopped, and not a dangerous disease.

So, in order to undergo the examination, you need to decide in advance on the list mandatory tests, which should be done to get a complete picture of your condition.

First of all, you need to add to this list general blood analysis. This is the most accessible and widespread analysis, with which no examination begins and without which no examination is complete, no matter what human organ is examined. The results of this analysis provide information about the presence of inflammatory processes in the body and demonstrate blood indicators: hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets, ESR. Using these indicators, the doctor can determine the presence of infection, internal hidden bleeding, anemia and other health problems in the body.

Making a blood test more informative will help biochemical analysis blood. Only a doctor can correctly interpret the results of this analysis, since there is no standard set of indicators, as in the general analysis, in the biochemical analysis. This test will determine liver enzymes, glucose, total blood protein, cholesterol, creatinine and others. “Reading” the analysis, the therapist will evaluate the functioning of the kidneys and liver and determine the metabolic rate.

Another necessary and common analysis indicating the state of the body is general urine analysis. In general clinical analysis urine status is established genitourinary system person. The level of leukocytes in the urine will show the presence of inflammation and indicate which organ is affected. A urine test will reveal cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and even early signs of diabetes.

When going through a medical examination, you can’t help but plan a test blood tests for markers of hepatitis and HIV. Both diseases are dangerous because they do not manifest themselves for a long time, but invariably lead a person to fatal outcome. Today, more than half of cases of HIV infection occur through sexual contact, and increasingly both HIV and hepatitis are contracted by quite prosperous young and middle-aged people, and not just prostitutes and drug addicts. Therefore, it is better to be tested annually for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis B and C and HIV than to be tormented by doubts, and almost every adult can find grounds for their appearance.

It would be good to take a blood test for glycated hemoglobin. It will show fluctuations in blood sugar not only at the time of blood collection, but also within 4-6 weeks before it. The higher the level of glycated hemoglobin, the higher the glycemia and, accordingly, the greater the risk of developing diabetes complications. By identifying problems at an early stage, you can avoid the development of the disease by simply adjusting your diet and lifestyle. Advanced diabetes can lead to severe consequences: blindness, gangrene and others.

Persons over 45 years of age should have their blood tested for glycated hemoglobin at least once a year.

It would also be a good idea to submit blood test for hormones thyroid gland . These hormones perform several vital functions important functions, promoting the growth and development of the body as a whole and regulating everything metabolic processes and the activities of the immune, nervous, musculoskeletal, reproductive, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Residents of modern megacities often suffer from hypothyroidism - a lack of thyroid hormones. With this disease, the level of thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) decreases, and the level of TSH (pituitary hormone) increases. This is expressed sharp decline performance, development of depression, rapid weight gain. In women, hypothyroidism can cause disruption of the synthesis of sex hormones, which can lead to infertility, early menopause, irregular menstrual cycles and other serious problems.

An analysis to determine the level of TSH shows whether the function of the thyroid gland is reduced and is recommended for annual testing for people over 30 years of age.

In addition to blood and urine tests, your annual medical examination must include: electrocardiogram, which will show the characteristics of the heart and, if present, identify pathologies, and fluorography- X-ray of the lungs, which will exclude tuberculosis and lung cancer, the incidence of which is increasing every year. You also need to keep an eye on your blood pressure so as not to miss the signs of hypertension.

Women need to visit a gynecologist annually Ultrasound of the mammary glands, and after 45 years - breast mammography. And men should definitely visit a urologist, who will determine what tests need to be taken.

It wouldn't hurt to do the same Ultrasound of organs gastrointestinal tract so that you can be completely calm about your health and not worry until your next trip to the examination.

If a person is concerned about specific symptoms that may be associated with a disease of certain organs, it is imperative to visit a specialist.

Clinical examination is a set of tests and studies that doctors recommend to undergo at various intervals (but at least once every two years).

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The first thing you need to do is remember your family history: what did your grandparents die from, and if they are still alive, what chronic diseases do they suffer from? For example, my grandmother on my mother’s side was blind in both eyes from the age of 75, because she developed glaucoma, so I need to check the condition of the fundus every year starting at the age of 40.

The fact is that, knowing what your ancestors were sick with and what they died from, it will be easier for the doctor to draw up for you individual plan medical examination.

But even if we take away the individual characteristics of your genetic tree, all women without exception need:

Take a general blood test (from a finger or from a vein),

Take a general urine test

Take a biochemical blood test for a number of indicators, which will be discussed a little later,

Get examined by a gynecologist,

Get examined by a mammologist,

Get tested for vaginal flora,

Undergo an examination of the mammary glands (ultrasound - if you are under 35-40 years old, mammography - if you are already 35 or 40 years old; the doctor, after listening to your medical history, in borderline cases based on age, will decide which examination is best suited for you),

Undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs (to detect diseases and neoplasms),

Undergo a colposcopy (examination of cervical tissue to exclude the degeneration of cells into malignant ones),

Check your lipid profile (this will show how high your risk of blood clots is),

Do an ECG,

Donate blood for sugar (in order not to miss the onset of diabetes mellitus),

Test tumor markers (take a blood test for at least three tumor markers: CA-125 - for ovarian cancer, CA-15-3 - for breast cancer, CA-19-19 - for colon and rectal cancer, which is in third place most common in women after breast and lung cancer),

Hormone analysis (must be taken at the beginning and on the 20th day of the cycle). It will show how well your ovaries are working and thyroid.

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Now let's move on to deciphering the biochemical blood test indicators.

Alanine aminotransferase (AMT) shows whether there is liver damage ( chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer). If its level is elevated, this is a reason for doctors to suspect the disease. Is it true, accurate diagnosis It is difficult to determine from this analysis, so additional research may be required.

Total amylase in serum is a pancreatic enzyme. The test will tell you whether you have pancreatitis or other damage to the pancreas. Again, if its level is elevated, then doctors will sound the alarm, but they won’t be able to say for sure what’s wrong with you yet: additional research is needed.

Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase – indicator autoimmune diseases thyroid gland.

Antithrombin III has a depressant effect on blood clotting. A decrease in its concentration indicates that there is a risk of blood clots.

Total protein in whey. Blood proteins are divided into albumins (synthesized from protein supplied with food in the liver) and globulins (support immunity, transport nutrients to tissues, ensure normal blood clotting, and are also represented by enzymes and hormones. Doctors may be concerned about the fact that your protein levels are low and they are interested in absolute value, and not relative, which depends on the retention or, conversely, loss of fluid. So, if the absolute protein content in the blood is reduced, then this may indicate a violation of protein metabolism, which in itself can be a symptom of impaired liver function (since the albumin content usually decreases), kidney problems or disorders endocrine system. In general, if they find out that something is wrong, they will suggest further examination.

Total bilirubin - bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin contained in red blood cells that die naturally or something provokes their death. Normally per day healthy person 1% of red blood cells disintegrate; Accordingly, approximately 100–250 mg of bilirubin enters the blood. Bilirubin may increase due to increased breakdown of red blood cells (which is typical for some types of anemia) or liver damage (for example, with hepatitis). The fact is that further processing of bilirubin occurs in the liver in order to remove it from the body, but if the liver is damaged in any way, then bilirubin from the damaged cells is released and enters the blood. An increase in bilirubin can also be associated with difficulties in the outflow of bile (for example, if the bile duct is compressed by something, for example, a tumor, an enlarged lymph node, a stone or a scar), then this condition is called bile duct dyskinesia. To find out if you have one of these abnormalities in body functions, this test is prescribed.

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an enzyme found in liver cells and bile ducts, accordingly, the result again shows how your liver functions. The test result will help you find out if you have bile stagnation (cholistasis). At the same time, the production of this enzyme is also triggered by alcohol, so on the eve of the test you should not drink or take paracetamol or phenobarbital (contained in Corvalol), which also increase the GGT level.

Plasma glucose. This is not about a popular singer on the screen, but about a result that will help find out if you have diabetes. This is important because diabetes begins with minor symptoms that can easily be missed. Analysis is especially necessary for those who have genetic predisposition diabetes (your closest relative is diabetic), your weight is above normal or you are over 45 years old.

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Homocysteine. Accumulating in the body, homocysteine ​​begins to attack the internal walls of blood vessels, the intima lined with endothelium. And the body strives to heal the resulting gaps. To do this, the body contains cholesterol and calcium, which form atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of damaged vessels. And everything would be fine if these plaques did not ultimately lead to blockage of the vessels being repaired! Homocysteine ​​should definitely be checked if your immediate family has had blood clots, ischemic disease heart or strokes with heart attacks. It is necessary to monitor its level especially closely if similar diseases developed in the family before the age of 50.

Iron in serum. You are not in danger of becoming a tin lumberjack if your test is normal. If you have anemia, this indicator will help determine whether it is associated with reduced content iron in the body or maybe it has developed, for example, due to a lack of vitamin B12. If your iron content, on the contrary, is elevated, this may be due to hereditary hemochromatosis (a disease associated with increased absorption and accumulation of iron) or an overdose of iron supplements.

Serum calcium. Calcium is the main building material of the body; in addition, it is involved in the contraction of muscles and the heart. This mineral is in constant balance with phosphorus. That is, if the amount of calcium in the blood decreases, the phosphorus content increases, and vice versa. Therefore, they talk about phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The level of calcium in the blood is regulated by the parathyroid and thyroid glands. This test shows calcium metabolism in the body, which is important for assessing kidney function (they excrete calcium), indirectly assesses whether there is breast, lung, brain or throat cancer, whether there is myeloma (a type of blood cancer), and also indirectly indicates hyperthyroidism ( if calcium levels are elevated). However, this analysis will not tell doctors anything about the calcium content in the bones of the skeleton! To assess this indicator, there is a separate technique - densiometry.

Coagulogram (prothrombin according to Quick and INR) - the result shows how well the blood clots.

The leukocyte formula (leukogram) shows, firstly, how much the body can resist infection, and secondly, it can show, with a shift to the left (that is, an increase in immature leukocytes), cancer of some organs, including the breast.

In addition to all of the above, you must definitely check for the presence of antibodies to rubella in the blood, and if they are not there (you have not been sick and have not been vaccinated), then get vaccinated against rubella! After all, you have probably heard about terrible fetal defects if the mother suffered from rubella during pregnancy.

Social corruption, self-diagnostician.

More and more often, I come across patients at appointments who tell me about what they are being treated with and what makes me scared.... Impressive lists of medications and diagnoses. But the worst thing is that these diagnoses were not made by doctors, the drugs were not prescribed by doctors, all this is self-diagnosis and self-prescription based on advertising or advertising sites on the Internet. Today I will not bore you and say that you can’t do this, it’s useless. I have already written many articles, they have collected tens of thousands of shares, they have already been read by hundreds of thousands of people, including my friends, my patients and... And still, every day I see women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer or breast cancer based on a blood test for tumor markers... Today I will not repeat once again that tumor markers are not a test for cancer, that you don’t need to use tumor markers to test yourself for cancer of certain organs, this is You can read everything in my articles about tumor markers, links are on the page "WOMEN'S DICTIONARY".

Recently I was reproached for keeping silent about a certain universal tumor marker, which Mr. Zabolotny recommends taking to identify “CANCER OF ANYTHING.” He calls this wonderful tumor marker CEA (carcinoid-embryonic antigen, which when translated into Russian is usually written as CEA, that is, cancer-embryonic antigen. Zabolotny calls it universal and suggests taking it to everyone and if it is elevated, then.... Then already then it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands, an ultrasound of the pelvis... So, my dears, CEA (SEA) is the same non-specific analysis as all the others, and if it is elevated, it means absolutely nothing, exactly the same , as well as the opposite. That is, when it is normal, but the cancer is developing in full swing. Thus, an ultrasound should be done not after the tumor marker increases, but once a year. AND PERIOD!

Today I will give it clean practical advice According to the list of tests and studies that need to be done, this is the minimum; everything above this minimum should be prescribed after consultation with doctors. This list is valid for age group 30+.

So: we rent once a year

1. General blood test with leukocyte formula. Precisely with the leukocyte formula, since some blood diseases can be recognized precisely by the leukocyte formula. By default, in most laboratories, a general blood test (CBC) does not include the leukemia formula and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and is a separate test that needs to be ordered in addition to the CBC - pay attention to this when donating blood!

2. Biochemistry of blood. The list is very extensive. The minimum list is liver enzymes, protein fractions, glucose. Personally, I prefer to always donate glycated hemoglobin, this is especially true for people who have elevated or upper limit blood sugar.

3. Lipid profile. Includes cholesterol and lipoproteins (HDL, LDL, VLDL), and the atherogenic index is also calculated. This analysis shows probabilistic risk cardiovascular diseases and the risk of strokes

4. Coagulogram - blood test for clotting. Relevant for everyone, especially for smoking people and women taking contraceptives. About contraceptives and how to reduce side effects, such as loss of libido, swelling, weight gain, depression, I will tell you in the next article, don’t lose touch with us).

5. Hormones! Normally, of all the hormones that need to be checked for men and women, Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxine (free T4), for men over 35 years of age, total and free testosterone.

I’ll say right away that women who have a cycle failure do not necessarily have to immediately run and take all sex hormones; most often they will be within the reference values; often the cycle failure is dictated by other reasons, including disruption of the thyroid gland, and all additional appointments should already be done by specialized doctors.

6. Vitamin D (25-OH) is one of the main hormones that ensure human immunity, cancer protective effect, cardioprotective effect, regulation of blood clotting, etc. 85% of the population major cities have a year-round vitamin D deficiency. The latest recommendations from immunologists are to take vitamin D year-round at a dosage of 5000 units per day for adults. It is also worth noting that during the USSR, during the period when fish oil was forcibly given to children, a multiple decrease in the number of cases was recorded colds, as well as cancer. Unfortunately, forced “vaccination” with fish oil is no longer carried out, which has its consequences.

When testing your blood for VITAMIN D, it is worth considering that if your level is below 30, this is already a significant deficiency and a threat to health, if below 20, the development of diseases is possible bone tissue, and also increases the risk oncological diseases. Also, don’t be fooled by the fact that every summer you go to Turkey to sunbathe, so your vitamin D levels are fine. Alas, even residents of California, where there is sun and warmth all year round, are deficient in Vitamin D.


Women must undergo an ultrasound of the pelvis and mammary glands once a year. Please note that the most informative days for these studies are days 5-9 of the cycle, that is, the follicular phase of the cycle. Men over 40 years old are recommended to have a prostate ultrasound. For women and men, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

A separate topic that is often asked to be covered is a blood test for micronutrient deficiency. It’s worth writing a separate article on this subject, so for now I’ll just say that the most correct solution is to analyze hair for microelements, not blood. Hair should not be colored for at least 2 months. I will write in the next article why a blood test for microelements is not always indicative.

Friends, do not engage in overdiagnosis and self-diagnosis. I have provided a minimal list of tests, you can go to the doctor with it, share this list with your friends, and give us a “heart” as a New Year’s gift.)

Nikita Istomin, obstetrician-gynecologist, KLD doctor, osteopathic doctor.

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in life. And many couples prepare for it in advance. If future parents take care of family planning and undergo a series of tests, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and birth healthy child will increase several times.

It is no secret that many children born were not planned by their parents. However, every year the number of couples who are serious about conceiving a child is increasing. The better prepared potential parents are, the greater the chance that future mom easier to bear pregnancy and give birth healthy baby. In order to determine how ready the future parents are to conceive, it is necessary to undergo a number of tests and visit several doctors.

What tests should a woman undergo before pregnancy?

Family planning for a woman begins with a visit to the gynecologist's office. You will significantly help the doctor if, even before your appointment, you remember about all your illnesses and calculate the duration menstrual cycle. Don't forget to grab medical card. The information provided will help the doctor create a complete picture of the examination.

So, the list of tests:

  • Gynecologist – consultation with a gynecologist is very important; this is a specialist doctor who will manage the entire pregnancy.
  • Dentist – timely examination oral cavity and treatment of diseased teeth will eliminate the risk of dangerous infection.
  • Otolaryngologist. Diseases of the ENT organs are also dangerous and even in chronic form will be a constant source of infection.
  • Cardiologist. Additional load on cardiovascular system Women during pregnancy and childbirth can be harmed if there are diseases or pathologies in this area.
  • Allergist.
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • general, biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • scraping from the cervix for PCR testing;
  • scraping cytology;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary and thyroid glands, pelvic organs to exclude the presence of pathology;
  • the presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis, herpes virus, rubella, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus;
  • antibodies to HIV, syphilis, gonococcus, mycoplasma, gardnerella;
  • antibodies coli, staphylococcus;
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C;
  • HIV analysis;
  • test for syphilis;
  • PCR for latent infections;
  • colposcopy;
  • PCR examination of scrapings taken from the cervix - for the presence of pathogens of herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis;
  • study of the level of thyroid hormones TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, which regulates the function of the thyroid gland), T3 (thyroxine), T4 (triiodothyronine).

1. First of all, you will be examined in a chair and will undergo a colposcopy. This is a diagnostic examination using a special device - a colposcope. Using this procedure and taking a cytological smear, the condition of the cervix is ​​assessed. The main task before planning a child is to eliminate the sources of infections and the cause inflammatory diseases. Therefore, you will be given several directions for tests and ultrasound diagnostics.

2. IN standard list Pre-pregnancy tests include a general urine and blood test. The first analysis reflects the general condition of the body and allows you to identify diseases genitourinary tract. A blood test determines the level of hemoglobin and helps track what is happening in the body inflammatory processes. A blood test for sugar, a biochemical blood test to assess the functioning of the most important organs, and a coagulogram are also required. The last test determines blood clotting.

3. PCR diagnostics of infections is one of the most necessary procedures. This is a blood test for many dangerous infections, which pose a considerable danger to the development and life of the fetus.

One of the most important components of preparing for conception is checking the body for the presence of TORCH infections. The abbreviation TORCH is formed from the most dangerous for a child infectious diseases: toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma), rubella (Rubella), cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) and genital herpes (Herpes). If a woman has at least one of the listed pathogens during pregnancy, then most likely she will have to have an abortion. And if pregnancy has not yet occurred, conception should be postponed until recovery.

The results of PCR diagnostics will determine whether you are suffering from other diseases:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis.

If you are not sure that you had rubella as a child, be sure to get tested to find out whether there is a risk of infection during pregnancy. The disease can lead to intrauterine malformations of the fetus. If you have already had rubella, you can safely plan a child. If you have never had it, it is better to get vaccinated to avoid infection during pregnancy. Pregnancy is allowed three months after the vaccine is administered.

4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs detects diseases and pathological processes, preventing conception and the normal course of pregnancy. The study is scheduled on days 5-7 and 21-23 of the cycle. At the first stage there is an assessment general condition pelvic organs.

At the second stage, the transformation of the endometrium and the presence of corpus luteum(whether ovulation has occurred). During an ultrasound, doctors often diagnose problems that require surgical intervention: ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, polyp of the uterine mucosa.

5. your blood in mandatory will check for such the most dangerous diseases such as hepatitis B (HbSAg), hepatitis C (HCV), HIV and syphilis (RW).

6. It is necessary to find out the blood type and Rh factor of both the woman and her husband. A positive Rh factor in a wife and a negative Rh factor in a husband does not cause cause for concern. But if, according to the results of blood tests, the expectant mother is found to be Rh negative, and the man is positive, then when pregnancy occurs, a Rh conflict is possible.

This is especially true for women who have ever had a blood transfusion, pregnancy, abortion or other surgery, because the likelihood of specific antibodies forming in their blood increases. An Rh conflict may occur between an Rh-positive child and an Rh-negative mother, leading to immune complications, e.g. hemolytic disease newborns.

If a woman is Rh negative, a man is Rh positive, and if there is no Rh antibody titer, Rh immunization is performed before pregnancy. Blood type conflicts are less common, but doctors should take this fact into account.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

7. The next important criterion for assessing a woman’s reproductive ability is determining the concentration of hormones in her blood. Hormone tests are optional. An examination may be prescribed for menstrual irregularities, excess weight, unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child for more than a year, and previous pregnancies with an unsuccessful outcome.

Your doctor will determine the specific list of hormones that will need to be tested based on your circumstances and health status. Most hormones are examined on days 5-7 and days 21-23 of the cycle. This list may include:

  • prolactin, which affects ovulation;
  • testosterone, a high level of which can cause miscarriage;
  • DHEA sulfate, on which the functioning of the ovaries depends;
  • progesterone, responsible for maintaining pregnancy;
  • estradiol, which determines the development of the uterus, fallopian tubes and endometrium;
  • prolactin, responsible for the ovulation process;
  • thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism;
  • luteinizing hormone (LH), which influences ovulation.

8. Preparation for conceiving a child will be incomplete without examining the potential expectant mother for factors of miscarriage. To do this, they take tests from her to determine the content of antibodies to cardiolipin, human chorionic gonadotropin, phospholipids and detect lupus anticoagulant.

9. A comprehensive examination ends with a visit to an ENT doctor, dentist and therapist. An ENT doctor will determine whether you suffer from chronic diseases of the throat, nose and ear. It is impossible to allow the acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections suffered by the mother, which were severely suffered by the mother, not to disrupt development. nervous system fetus

During pregnancy, it is difficult to carry out full dental treatment, and at the same time, infections in the oral cavity provoke inflammatory processes. Because it's up to you to decide dental problems ideally before the woman becomes pregnant.

General urine and blood tests should be shown to a therapist. Based on the research and examination, the specialist will make a conclusion about the state of your health. You may be assigned additional diagnostics and appropriate treatment.

What tests should a man undergo?

It is the woman who bears the unborn child. However, half of the genetic material a baby receives belongs to the man. Not all husbands like to visit doctors, so a wife can reassure her husband that taking tests and visiting a clinic for a man is much faster and easier.

What the future father will need:

  1. A general blood and urine test that determines the state of health and the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body.
  2. Determination of blood type and Rh factor to identify the possibility of Rh conflict between mother and fetus.
  3. Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases. If a man is infected with any infection, he needs to be cured before conception.
  4. Additional tests ordered by the doctor. These may include a hormonal blood test, spermogram (sperm examination) and secretion analysis prostate gland. If all tests are normal, but pregnancy does not occur, the man will have to take a test to determine the compatibility of the spouses.

In what cases may you need to visit a geneticist?

Married couples should undergo genetic testing:

  • having in the family hereditary diseases (mental illness, hemophilia, Duchenne myopathy, diabetes and others);
  • where the man and woman are at mature age, because aging chromosome cells increase the risk of pathology during the formation of an embryo;
  • whose relatives suffer from mental retardation and physical development without visible external reasons;
  • who have already had two or more regressing pregnancies;
  • whose child suffers from a hereditary disease.

If there is a good reason for genetic research, you should not neglect a visit to a geneticist. Remember that hereditary diseases can appear after several generations in your child.

If the test results are normal, you can safely begin preparing for conception. All expectant parents are advised not to smoke, not drink alcohol, not take medications, not go to the bathhouse for several months and take care of their health. Stick to it proper nutrition and take vitamins. Planning a pregnancy means taking care of your unborn child!


Video: Preparing for pregnancy

The obstetrician talks in detail about preparing women for pregnancy. Here is a list of tests that need to be taken before pregnancy: STDs, Torch infections, hormones, vaginal candidiasis. It is also necessary to visit a dentist, gynecologist, therapist, etc. Observe the rules of personal hygiene and conduct healthy image life.

Where should future parents start planning a pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of having an unhealthy child? You need to start with yourself, with your lifestyle. It is optimal to undergo a medical examination 2-3 months before the planned conception. The scope of examination at the stage of pregnancy planning is selected individually, based on the age of the parents, the presence chronic diseases, heredity, etc. Therefore, the examination plan when planning pregnancy is selected individually.

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