Home Smell from the mouth Reduced content of lactobacilli in feces. Online interpretation of the analysis for dysbacteriosis in adults

Reduced content of lactobacilli in feces. Online interpretation of the analysis for dysbacteriosis in adults

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of not just the quantitative content of microorganisms in the intestines, but also the proportional ratio. The correct balance ensures the necessary digestion process and helps enzyme systems.

Age characteristics nutrition are accompanied by changes in requirements for. Therefore, what is optimal for an infant is considered a violation for an adult and vice versa.

Feces for dysbacteriosis are a complex analysis. It requires compliance:

  • preliminary preparation;
  • rules for collecting stool;
  • isolation of each group of microorganisms;
  • differentiation with pathological flora.

Some of the research requires biochemical methods; in addition, if necessary, bacteriological culture for dysbacteriosis is done on special nutrient media. Therefore, stool testing for dysbacteriosis is carried out by experienced laboratory technicians who have special training.

A little about intestinal microorganisms

More than 500 species of microorganisms live in the human intestine. Their tasks:

  • help in breaking down substances ingested with food to a state that allows free passage through the wall into the bloodstream;
  • remove toxins and gases that arise during the digestion process and prevent rotting;
  • speed up the elimination of unnecessary harmful substances;
  • produce the enzymes the body lacks for vital functions;
  • synthesize essential vitamins;
  • ensuring participation in the synthesis of components for immunity.

It has been proven that bifidobacteria are capable of secreting specific substances with anticancer effects.

All microorganisms are divided:

  • for useful ones - they perform the above functions, maintain health (bifidobacteria - 95% of the total composition, lactobacilli up to 5%, Escherichia);
  • conditionally pathogenic - become pathogenic in the presence of necessary conditions(change in the acid-base balance of the environment, a decrease in immunity due to prolonged or serious illness), “traitor” bacteria can become staphylococci, enterococci, clostridia, fungi of the genus Candida;
  • harmful or pathogenic - when they enter the body, they cause intestinal disease (salmonella, shigella).

Helicobacter is localized in the area of ​​the pylorus of the stomach. Are one of important reasons gastritis, peptic ulcer and cancer. They may be isolated from the saliva and feces of an infected person. Found in 2/3 of the population.

Helicobacter is considered so far the only microorganism that survives in conditions of acidic gastric juice

Decoding the stool analysis for dysbacteriosis provides information about the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora, warns about dangerous deviations. According to the method of obtaining energy, microorganisms are divided:

  • aerobic - viable only in the presence of oxygen (enterobacteria, lactobacilli, streptococci, staphylococci, fungi);
  • anaerobic - develop without access to oxygen, are resistant (bifidobacteria, enterococci, clostridia).

Normally, the human body is protected from the spread of bacterial flora and fungi from the intestines to the stomach and other parts of the digestive tract. The obstacles are:

  • hydrochloric acid gastric juice, which destroys certain types of microorganisms;
  • the presence of an ileocecal valve at the border between the ileum (the latter in small intestine) and the cecum (the initial part of the large intestine);
  • a smooth muscle system that regulates peristaltic wave-like movements to push contents in one direction - from the small to the large intestine.

The ileocecal valve prevents the entry of stool with microorganisms from the bottom up

This is what happens in healthy person. Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis may show a violation of defense mechanisms.

When is it necessary to take a stool test for dysbacteriosis?

Dysbacteriosis is not a disease, but a consequence of some disease. Usually they lead to it:

Changes in health status can be caused by a decrease in the proportion of beneficial microorganisms and an increase in the proliferation of opportunistic pathogens and pests. Specific symptoms can not be. But, given the failure in the functioning of the patient’s intestines, one should expect:

  • stool disorders (alternating diarrhea and constipation);
  • bloating (flatulence) due to increased fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • attacks of colic;
  • the appearance of undigested dietary fiber residues, mucus, blood in the feces;
  • decreased appetite, insufficient weight gain in children;
  • common allergic reactions;
  • permanent plaque on the tongue, teeth, bad breath;
  • bleeding gums;
  • increased hair loss, brittle nails;
  • areas of dryness and flaking on the skin;
  • signs of decreased immunity, which can be judged by frequent colds, difficulties with treatment.

Patients are prescribed the necessary examination for diagnosis. To find out the role of disturbed intestinal flora, the doctor will prescribe an analysis for intestinal dysbiosis. The study is indicated for patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy to select supportive treatment.

How to get tested for intestinal dysbiosis?

To obtain reliable results, it is not enough to have qualified specialists and a well-equipped laboratory nearby. It is necessary to comply with the requirements for preparation for analysis and correctly collect feces.

The analysis for dysbacteriosis can be assessed as reliable if in the previous three days any foods that promote fermentation processes were excluded from the diet. These include:

  • alcohol;
  • beet;
  • meat and fish dishes.

Three days before the test, stop using such medicines, How:

Wash the perineum and anus area well with soap before defecation. Wait for spontaneous bowel movement to collect material, do not use laxatives. This requirement is difficult for people with constant constipation. Collect stool in a sterile container, without urine. Close the sample tightly with a lid.

If you are not sure how well you can process dishes at home, it is recommended to buy a special jar at the pharmacy

In the presence of bloody discharge or mucus impurities they need to be included in collected material. The child should be seated on a potty, previously well washed and rinsed with boiling water.

To conduct research, about 10 g of feces is enough; this is equal to a teaspoon in volume. On the lid of the vessel you should indicate the initials and surname of the patient; for a child, the date of birth, time and date when the test is taken.

The ideal way to complete the test for dysbacteriosis is to quickly deliver the container to the laboratory (no later than 40 minutes). Let's say two hours. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four hours, but not in the freezer. How longer delay, the more will die anaerobic microorganisms from contact with air. And this distorts the results obtained.

What methods are used to detect dysbacteriosis?

The doctor suggests passing stool first to general analysis, which is called coproscopy or scatology. It is carried out by microscopying a drop of feces diluted with distilled water.

There is no exact count of the number of bacteria. In the results, it is important for the doctor to register disturbances in the digestive process. In order to clarify the cause, biochemical or bacteriological tests are prescribed. additional research.

Biochemical method

Biochemical analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis allows you to get results within an hour. The method is based on the ability of bacteria to secrete fatty acids. By analyzing the type of acidic content, microorganisms are distinguished and localization in the intestine is determined.

The advantages of the method are:

  • comparative speed;
  • the possibility of extending the delivery time to the laboratory to a day;
  • safety of the material when frozen in the refrigerator;
  • accuracy of information.

For correct collection, in contrast to the scheme already given, it is necessary:

  • provide for a period after antibiotic therapy of at least two weeks;
  • women should refrain from taking the test if their periods have not completely ended;
  • pick up pieces of feces from different parts.
  • acetic acid 5.35–6.41;
  • propylene 1.63–1.95;
  • oil 1.6–1.9.

Based on the concentration of fatty acids, it can be concluded that possible composition microorganisms in the intestines.

Bacteriological culture method

Bacteriological culture stool for dysbacteriosis is a more labor-intensive research method. The analysis should be carried out as soon as possible after defecation.

Stool is inoculated onto plates containing medium containing a growth catalyst.

Bacteria multiply within 4–5 days. How much dysbacteriosis analysis is done determines the time required for the growth process. They are much larger than in biochemical research, because it is required not only to calculate a quantitative indicator, but also to identify microorganisms by their properties. Results are reported in CFU/g (colony forming units).

The normal distribution of microorganisms must correspond following diagram:

  • bifidobacteria 10 8 –10 10;
  • lactobacilli and Escherichia 10 6 –10 9;
  • streptococci 10 5 –10 7;
  • non-hemolytic staphylococci 10 4 –10 5;
  • clostridia 10 3 –10 5;
  • conditionally pathogenic enterobacteria 10 3 –10 4 ;
  • hemolytic staphylococci less than 10 3 CFU/g.

The number of bacteria in children under one year of age breastfeeding different from adults:

  • bifidobacteria make up 10 10 –10 11;
  • lactobacilli 10 6 –10 7 .

Based on the disturbed ratio of microorganisms, a conclusion is drawn about intestinal dysbiosis.

The disadvantages of the method are:

  • significant distortion of results depending on the delay in delivery of material;
  • lack of accounting for mucosal bacteria found in the colon;
  • death of anaerobic microorganisms from contact with oxygen.

The conclusion indicates the degree of dysbacteriosis

What does a stool test for dysbacteriosis show?

Based on the results of all studies, the analysis for dysbacteriosis in adults is deciphered. It takes into account the isolated microorganisms and their quantity:

The results of the analysis must be treated carefully both in terms of preventing the development of the disease in the future and when choosing the optimal treatment.

A stool test for dysbacteriosis is usually prescribed as part of the diagnosis of intestinal pathology.

Intestinal dysbiosis (dysbiosis) is a syndrome characterized by changes in the microbial composition of the large intestine. Laboratory diagnostics dysbacteriosis begins with performing a bacteriological analysis of stool. As a rule, the attending physician, when writing a referral for a test, talks not only about where to get tested, but also about how to properly prepare. Compliance with the rules of preparation and collection technique largely affects the reliability of the results of the study of intestinal microflora.

For the purpose of quality and quantification pathogenic forms of microorganisms in 1 g of feces, tank analysis is used - inoculation of feces on nutrient media.

When is a stool test for dysbacteriosis indicated?

Suspicion of an imbalance in the microbial flora can be caused by signs of ill health that appear over a long period of time and cannot be explained by other reasons.

General symptoms:

  • decreased appetite;
  • general malaise;
  • decreased immunity;
  • disruption of normal weight gain in children.

Local symptoms:

  • stool disorders, painful sensations during defecation;
  • flatulence, bloating, rumbling;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • nausea, belching, bad taste in the mouth.

Stool disorders are determined by the localization of dysbiotic changes: enteral diarrhea is a sign of dysbiosis in the small intestine. Due to impaired absorption of nutrients, the volume of feces is increased, feces are foul-smelling and foamy. Abnormal stools of the colitic type indicate dysbiosis localized in the large intestine. The volume of bowel movements in this case is often scanty, mixed with mucus and streaked with blood.

Impaired absorption of essential nutrients in the intestine for a long time can cause hypovitaminosis, protein-energy deficiency, ion balance disorders, calcium deficiency and has the following manifestations:

  • mood swings, irritability, decreased cognitive abilities;
  • dryness and pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • skin itching;
  • dullness and brittleness of hair, peeling nails;
  • decreased mineralization of bone tissue;
  • angular stomatitis.

Preparation for stool analysis for dysbacteriosis

A week before the study, stop taking antibiotics and other medications that affect the microbial flora, as well as stool parameters. The chair intended for the analysis must be formed naturally, do not use enemas, laxatives or rectal suppositories.

Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis can only reveal its presence; to determine the causes it is necessary additional examination.

It is prohibited to collect material for research earlier than two days after an X-ray contrast examination of the digestive tract. On the eve of taking a stool test for dysbacteriosis, you need to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to the coloring of stool, excessive gas formation, diarrhea or constipation.

The material for analysis should not contain urine or vaginal secretions, so stool should be emptied before collecting feces. bladder, then wash with soap and water without foaming additives or fragrances.

You need to take care in advance of the container from which the feces will be collected. This can be a dry and clean vessel; if this is not the case, you can attach plastic film to the surface of the toilet. Immediately after defecation, feces from different areas should be collected into a sterile plastic container using a special spatula built into the lid. To test for dysbacteriosis, you will need about 10 ml of biomaterial. The feces are delivered to the laboratory within three hours from the moment the analysis is collected. It is allowed to store the material in the refrigerator at a temperature from +3 to +7 °C for six hours; with longer storage, the reliability of the results is considered reduced.

During the analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis, the concentration and ratio of normal, opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms are determined.

Normal intestinal microflora and its functions in the body

Microbial flora is necessary for the functioning of the body. The intestines of a healthy person normally contain 400–500 strains of different microorganisms. They ensure normal digestion, participate in the synthesis and absorption of vitamins, and suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes.

Sometimes an express method for diagnosing dysbiosis is used, the results of which can be obtained within an hour, but with this test the content of only bifidobacteria and its own protein in the stool is assessed.

Normal intestinal microflora performs the following functions:

  • participation in the development of local immunity, the synthesis of antibodies that suppress foreign microflora;
  • increasing the acidity of the environment (decrease in pH level);
  • protection (cytoprotection) of the epithelium, increasing its resistance to carcinogenic and pathogenic factors;
  • capture of viruses, prevention of colonization of the body by foreign microorganisms;
  • Bacterial enzymes break down nutrients, resulting in the formation of various compounds (amines, phenols, organic acids and others). Transformation also occurs under the influence of enzymes bile acids;
  • participation in the final decomposition of undigested food residues;
  • providing the body nutrients, synthesis of low molecular weight fatty acids, which are a source of energy for intestinal cells;
  • formation of gas composition, regulation of peristalsis, enhancement of absorption processes in the intestine;
  • synthesis of B vitamins, nicotinic, folic and pantothenic acid, vitamin K, ensuring the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron;
  • participation in the mechanisms of regulation of reparative processes during the renewal of intestinal epithelial cells;
  • synthesis of a number of amino acids and proteins, metabolism of fats, proteins, carbons, bile and fatty acids, cholesterol;
  • disposal of excess food, formation of feces.

In a healthy person, a dynamic balance is maintained in the intestine between the host organism, the microorganisms inhabiting it and environment. Violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora causes dysbacteriosis.

Typically, dysbiosis is a consequence or complication of intestinal pathology or irrational antibiotic therapy.

Stool analysis for dysbacteriosis

For the purpose of qualitative and quantitative determination of pathogenic forms of microorganisms in 1 g of feces, tank analysis is used - sowing feces on nutrient media. Bacteriological culture is used for diagnosis intestinal infections and bacterial carriage. The material for culture is placed in a sterile container with a preservative, then a pure culture of the microorganism is isolated, its properties are studied and the number of colony-forming units (CFU) is calculated.

How long does it take to test stool for dysbacteriosis? As a rule, the waiting time for results ranges from two days to a week. Sometimes an express method for diagnosing dysbiosis is used, the results of which can be obtained within an hour, but with this test the content of only bifidobacteria and its own protein in the stool is assessed.

A stool test for dysbacteriosis is deciphered by the attending physician, taking into account the medical history and clinical manifestations of the disease.

Normal indicators

The norms for newborns are significantly different, since the children's intestines are not yet completely populated by microorganisms. With the transition to artificial feeding Many parents are faced with the problem of dysbiosis in children, since in infants the balance of microorganisms often helps maintain the mother’s microflora.

On the eve of the test, you need to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to the coloring of stool, excessive gas formation, diarrhea or constipation.

Interpretation of the analysis: dysbiosis, its stages and types

Intestinal dysbiosis is divided into several phases depending on changes in the intestinal microflora and the severity of the clinical picture:

  1. Latent phase (compensated dysbiosis)– predominance of anaerobic microorganisms, the number of apathogenic microbes is reduced slightly, begins to multiply opportunistic flora. There are no clinical manifestations; disturbances are detected during laboratory examination of stool for another reason.
  2. Start-up phase (subcompensated dysbacteriosis)– the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli decreases, the normal flora is suppressed with the development of opportunistic microorganisms. Clinical manifestations moderate and corrected by the basic treatment regimen.
  3. Aggressive microbial association (widespread dysbiosis)– the predominance of aerobic microflora, E. coli undergo structural and functional changes. Hemolytic cocci, Proteus and other pathogenic flora appear. Expressed clinical picture disorders of the digestive process, the appearance of an inflammatory process in the intestines.
  4. Associated dysbiosis (decompensated dysbiosis)– in the intestinal microflora there are no bifidobacteria, the number of lactobacilli is significantly reduced, E. coli are practically not detected. The replacement of normal microflora with pathogenic strains of microorganisms is accompanied by pronounced local symptoms, severe disorder general condition with the development of intoxication or sepsis, foci of inflammatory processes are located in different internal organs.
Suspicion of an imbalance in the microbial flora can be caused by signs of ill health that appear over a long period of time and cannot be explained by other reasons.

Based on the type of pathogen, intestinal dysbiosis is divided into the following groups:

  • staphylococcal;
  • bacteroid;
  • candidomycosis (fungi from the genus Candida);
  • Proteaceae;
  • clostridial;
  • Klebsiella;
  • associated (Proteus-enterococcal, etc.).

Causes of dysbiosis

A stool test for dysbacteriosis can only reveal its presence; additional examination is necessary to determine the causes. Typically, dysbiosis is a consequence or complication of intestinal pathology or irrational antibiotic therapy. In addition, the composition of the microflora in the intestine may change under the influence of the following factors:

  • endocrine disorders, especially diabetes mellitus;
  • immune disorders;
  • irrational use of antimicrobial agents, steroid hormones;
  • radiation therapy;
  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • alcohol abuse.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disorder, removing acute symptoms diseases, normalization of colon microflora and elimination of excess bacterial contamination small intestine, improvement intestinal digestion and absorption, strengthening protective functions beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, restoration of impaired intestinal motility.

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It is carried out to assess the state of the intestinal microflora and identify pathological bacteria. Diagnostics are prescribed to identify disorders of intestinal functionality, manifested in chronic disorder digestion. Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by a disturbance in the microbial balance of the intestine, so the study of microflora is necessary for a relevant assessment of the condition of the intestine. In a normal state, microflora bacteria are in a symbiotic relationship and ensure full functionality of the intestines.

If pathogenic bacteria predominate, stool disorder begins to develop, and the body does not absorb everything useful material, which are necessary for its full operation, then it’s worth it. Difficulties in diagnosing flora imbalance are due to the fact that the symptoms of this pathological condition similar to any signs of gastrointestinal disorders. The main indication for testing for dysbiosis is long-term consumption of antibiotics, which destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora. To assess the state of the microflora, a stool sample is used, which is examined by a specialist and compared with indicators that are considered normal. The test results for an adult and a child are not identical, so a specialist should decipher the tests.

Normally, the intestinal microflora has a constant composition. The nature of dysbacteriosis is physiological and psychomatic in nature. The main reasons for the development of dysbiosis in adults and children are:

  • chronic intestinal diseases;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • poor nutrition;
  • immune system disorders;
  • psychological stress.

Causes of dysbiosis in adults and children

For children, the development of flora imbalance is caused by poor personal hygiene due to helminthiasis or intestinal infections. Sometimes bacteriosis can be endogenous and exogenous, so dysbacteriosis is often found in infants.

Also, dysbiosis in adults and children can occur against the background of metabolic disorders or sudden changes in diet.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in adults and children

The manifestation of flora imbalance is ambiguous, so it can easily be confused with any other intestinal disease. A stool test for dysbacteriosis is done in the presence of symptoms:

  • chronic diarrhea and constipation;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • rumbling in the intestines;
  • reducing the protective functions of the immune system;
  • lack of appetite;
  • malabsorption of nutrients.

Bloating is one of the symptoms of dysbiosis

Indications for the study for adults and children are the need to establish the cause of stool disorder, bloating and pain in the epigastric region. Dysbacteriosis in a child is accompanied by allergic reaction and redness of the skin. In children, symptoms of dysbacteriosis can manifest themselves as helminthiasis, so it is necessary to examine the child’s stool culture to confirm accurate diagnosis. It is necessary for a child to have a stool test for dysbacteriosis to monitor the state of the microflora when taking medications.

About Polysorb before drinking alcohol

How to get tested for dysbacteriosis?

To diagnose dysbiosis, the patient must undergo a stool culture. As a rule, the microflora in the small intestine is not susceptible to pathological changes, and the composition of bacteria remains balanced. The microflora of the large intestine is most susceptible to pathological changes, so analyzing stool for dysbacteriosis is the most effective method diagnosis of the disease. For the results of the study to be accurate, it is important to perform a stool culture correctly. Diagnostic indicators depend on the conditions of stool collection, so when analyzing a sample, you need to take into account several factors that may distort the results:

  • Absence of mucosal microflora in the samples. Mucosal microflora are bacteria that are found in the intestinal mucosa. When analyzing stool for dysbacteriosis, only cavity flora is present in cultures, which makes the results inaccurate.
  • Contact of the sample with air. When stool is exposed to air, some of the bacteria die, so it is important to reduce the time the sample is exposed to air to a minimum.
  • Analysis time. It is important to deliver the sample to the laboratory immediately after defecation so that the flora bacteria are not killed.

Stool culture is necessary to diagnose dysbiosis

To get the most accurate results from the test, it is important to collect the sample correctly. A stool test for dysbacteriosis is done for a child in the same way as for an adult. In order for the results of a child and an adult to be correct, the rules for collecting crops must be followed:

  1. The sample must be voluntary, without stimulating the process of defecation with drugs or an enema.
  2. The sample container must be sterile. Special containers for laboratory tests can be purchased at the pharmacy. To collect a sample from a child, you need to use a special stick, which is included in the container set.
  3. Before collecting the sample, you must empty your bladder to prevent urethra from getting into the sample. The process of defecation itself must be carried out in a clean container, previously scalded with boiling water.
  4. The analysis should be collected immediately after bowel movement. For research, 10-15 grams of intestinal contents are enough, which are placed in a container and tightly closed.
  5. The sample must be submitted to the laboratory within an hour after defecation. The longer it sits outdoors, the less bacteria it will retain. The anaerobic nature of the flora affects the result.
  6. Before taking the test, you need to stop taking medicines in particular those containing bifidobacteria. If you are taking antibiotics, stool analysis should be performed 7-10 days after the end of therapy.

What is the easiest way to remove waste and toxins from the body?

Before analyzing stool for dysbacteriosis, you must adhere to a three-day diet. It is necessary to exclude foods that promote fermentation of flora in the intestines. Before submitting samples for analysis for dysbacteriosis, it is important to thoroughly wash the perineum and anus.

How long does the analysis take?

To receive the results of a stool test for dysbacteriosis, you need to wait from 3 to 7 days. This is due to the fact that in government institutions laboratories are overloaded with samples and are tested on a first-come, first-served basis.

Typically, diagnosis is public clinics is free except for the cost of the sample container. In private diagnostic centers The research is carried out on a paid basis.

Deciphering tests for dysbacteriosis

The interpretation of stool analysis for dysbacteriosis is carried out by an infectious disease specialist, who assesses how many pathogenic and beneficial bacteria are included in the microflora and compares the result with normal values. Laboratory research is carried out by placing a sample in a nutrient medium. Within 3-4 days, the bacteria multiply, and the result of the increase in colonies shows their number in 1 gram of sample. The unit used for dysbiosis testing is CFU/g. CFU/g shows the colon-forming units present in 1 gram of feces. According to the results laboratory research the specialist compares the results for all microorganisms that should normally be contained in the microflora.

An example of an analysis for dysbacteriosis

Normally, an adult’s microflora should contain:

  • pathogenic bacteria: pathogens of salmonellosis, dysentery, intestinal infections – 0;
  • E. coli: 10 6 – 10 8;
  • E. coli with low enzyme activity: 10 7 – 10 8;
  • hemolytic Escherichia coli: 0;
  • lactose-negative enterobacteria: 10 4;
  • lactobacilli: 10 6;
  • bifidobacteria: 10 8;
  • enterococci: 10 7 – 10 9;
  • bacteroids: 10 6 – 10 8;
  • yeast-like fungi (candida): 10 3;
  • staphylococci: 10 2 – 10 5;
  • pathogenic staphylococci: 10 2;
  • non-fermenting bacteria: 10 2 – 10 5;
  • opportunistic bacteria: 10 3.

How salts and toxins are removed

The indicators are arbitrary and largely depend on the age of the patient. The results of analysis for dysbacteriosis in children differ from the results in adults. Bacteriological analysis is considered quite informative, but to obtain the most accurate results you should do biochemical analysis.

A healthy intestine contains various bacteria that take part in processing and assimilation of food and protecting the body. An imbalance of beneficial and opportunistic bacteria can lead to gastrointestinal dysbiosis, which is expressed by diseases such as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation or other intestinal disorders.

At the first symptoms of dysbiosis, the doctor prescribes an examination, the patient donates the material, and Decoding the analysis for dysbacteriosis in adults determines the composition of the microflora.

The bacterial culture test sheet contains a lot of highly specialized information; to decipher it, consultation with a specialist is often required. The table indicates the name of the bacterium, the result of the analysis and the norm. The doctor, comparing the indicators, draws a conclusion about the state and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, establishes the fact of the development of dysbacteriosis and microflora imbalance.

The transcript of laboratory tests for the development of dysbiosis in adults contains a list of all the main bacteria, including those that should not be present in the body.


The normal content of these beneficial bacteria is at least 95% or higher. Bifidobacteria are responsible for the absorption of vitamins, participate in the breakdown of food, its digestion and absorption of microelements.

Bacteria also play another role important role– removes toxins by stimulating the intestinal walls.


Lactic acid viruses, or lactobacilli, promote the production of lactic acid and are necessary for the full functioning of the intestines. The normal ratio of lactobacilli content is 5%.

Escheria coli or Escherichia coli

Despite its low content, the bacterium is necessary to maintain the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Escherichia coli ferments lactose, prevents an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms, supports the vital activity of bifidobacteria in the intestines, promotes the production of B vitamins, and the absorption of calcium and iron.

Normal content coli – 1%


Anaerobic microorganisms that do not form spores. Bacteroides take part in the breakdown of bile acids, food digestion, and lipid metabolism processes.

These bacteria are sometimes mistakenly classified as harmful microelements; after birth, they gradually inhabit the human body, but their role in the digestive tract has not been fully studied.


Gram-positive aerobes, anaerobes and cocci that colonize the small and large intestines are involved in the fermentation of carbohydrates and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms.

Despite the fact that enterococci are causative agents of various diseases, a small amount of them is necessary for a healthy body.

Pathogenic microbes

Pathogenic bacteria include salmonella and shigella. Penetrating into the intestines, microorganisms provoke the development of infectious diseases. intestinal diseases. Keeping them even in small quantities can cause urgent hospitalization.


Staphylococcus epidermidis, similar to enterococci, belongs to the group of opportunistic bacteria and is part of the microflora healthy intestines. Its percentage is 25%.

Staphylococcus aureus is classified as a microbe external environment, the slightest entry of these microorganisms into the intestines can cause serious distress, accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea.


Yeast-like bacteria of the genus Candida are contained in the microflora of a healthy intestine in small quantities, which can increase after taking antibiotics.

Indicators of normal and pathogenic microflora

Having studied the laboratory test sheet, even without medical education it is possible to determine the state of the intestinal microflora based on the norms of bacteria content in the intestines

The concept of “norm” may differ slightly among different laboratories.

But there are basic standards that you can focus on when deciphering the results laboratory analysis for dysbiosis in adults:

  • Bifidobacteria: 108 - 1010.
  • Lactobacilli: 106 - 108.
  • Escherichia coli: 106 - 108.
  • Bacteroides: 107 - 108.
  • Enterococci: 105 - 108.
  • Pathogenic enterobacteria: absent.
  • Peptostreptococci: 105 – 106.
  • Saprophytic staphylococci: ≤104.
  • Pathogenic staphylococci: absent.
  • Candida: ≤104.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis can be different. Experts install preliminary diagnosis, when the patient has at least three signs for 10 days or longer.

Prolonged pain in the abdomen and intestines is the first signal about the development of the disease, a violation of the microflora becomes the cause of infectious diseases, and in some cases - ulcers.

With dysbiosis, food is not digested properly, which leads to intoxication and symptoms such as an unpleasant taste in the mouth, not associated with the consumption of various foods.

It is important to know! Improper food processing prevents the full absorption of beneficial microelements, which can trigger intense weight loss for no apparent reason.

Flatulence is also considered one of the signs of the disease, but only in cases where gas formation is permanent and is not associated with the consumption of certain foods. Large formation of gases in the intestines against the background of dysbiosis causes severe physical discomfort.

Intestinal imbalance is often expressed by regular bowel movements, which subsequently leads to diseases such as fissures anal passage or hemorrhoids.

Severe discomfort in the stomach (random seething, rumbling), as well as general malaise, is a natural reaction of a weakened body to the development of intestinal dysbiosis. It should be taken into account that drowsiness and headaches are not a reason to make a diagnosis, but, in combination with other symptoms, this will be additional confirmation of the disease.

How to submit material correctly

Before submitting material for tests for dysbacteriosis in adults or children, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the established rules, otherwise the decryption will show erroneous data.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • 4 weeks before submitting the material, stop taking probiotics and eubiotics.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed after the study or a day after administration.
  • 4 days before collecting the material, you should stop taking all medications that could affect the microflora. gastrointestinal tract, with the exception of necessary ones, as well as from rectal suppositories.

If in doubt, it is better to visit a specialist and consult which medications can be temporarily excluded.

  • Before collecting material, it is prohibited to use any creams, give an enema or use other stimulants.

Defecation should be natural

  • When collecting stool, urine should not get into the material container.
  • To avoid research errors, it is recommended to use only sterile containers. The lid of the jar must be tightly closed to prevent other microorganisms from getting inside.
  • Only fresh material is suitable for analysis; it must be submitted to the laboratory no later than 3 hours later.
  • Storing the material for 5 hours or more, as well as freezing it, is prohibited.

It is important to know! When collecting material onto a diaper or towel, the fabric must be ironed with a hot iron; this is necessary to sterilize the surface.

How accurate is the analysis?

Maximum accuracy of the analysis is guaranteed by compliance with all rules for collecting material, but there are some nuances. Only those microorganisms that move freely in the intestines enter the stool. Examination of the mucous membrane will give a more accurate “picture” of the state of the microflora, because it contains several times more different bacteria.

Among the microorganisms there are also so-called “anaerobes”, that is, bacteria that exist without oxygen. Naturally, When collecting the material, most of these bacteria die, in fact, there are much more of them than the decoding of the analysis for dysbiosis in adults shows.

Clinics often recommend donating material immediately after collection, despite the fact that in practice this is difficult, this rule should not be neglected. The longer stool is stored, the less accurate the analysis will be.. Some bacteria will inevitably die under the influence of the external environment.

It is permissible to take tests again, to compare readings or in cases where there is doubt about their accuracy. You can use the services of testing for dysbacteriosis in adults in different laboratories, but from each you need to take a ready-made transcript indicating the norm.

How to treat dysbiosis in adults, restoration of intestinal microflora. find out useful information from video:

Intestinal dysbiosis: concept and treatment. Watch a video consultation with a specialist:

Online transcript stool analysis. Watch the informative video:

The human intestine is inhabited by ~3 kg of bacteria. They represent the microflora necessary for normal digestion, but in the event of various malfunctions, the number of some microorganisms can noticeably decrease - dysbacteriosis will occur - an imbalance of bacteria.

Although doctors do not classify it as an independent disease, this does not reduce the harm. If intestinal dysbiosis is suspected, it is prescribed special tests stool to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract are of paramount importance for human life. They synthesize vitamins, break down food and protect against attacks by pathogenic strains.

In other words, humans and bacteria are in symbiosis. But if the composition of the microflora is disturbed, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea may occur, not to mention the consequences of insufficient supply of nutritional compounds to the tissues.

The purpose of stool analysis is to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of bacteria in the intestines.

For this purpose, 3 methods are usually used in medicine:

  1. Coprogram.
  2. Bacteriological analysis.
  3. Biochemical analysis.


A coprogram is prescribed when a person complains of chronic or acute disorder stool, abdominal pain of unknown nature, a sharp decline weight for no apparent reason.

Doctors also resort to such research when treating diseases not related to the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true when treating pathologies with antibiotics. different parts body (throat, joints, etc.).

A coprogram is a primary examination, which is only auxiliary method and gives a physical characterization of the intestinal contents.

The analysis is carried out in 2 stages:

2. Microscopic:

  • cells and tissue fragments;
  • digested food (fiber, fat, salts, starch, etc.).

If the coprogram shows deviations from the norm, the doctor has a reason to conduct a more thorough analysis. In the laboratory, stool is cultured on a nutrient medium.

After 4-5 days, the bacteria will multiply, which will allow their colonies to be examined under a microscope. After this, the specialist makes a conclusion about the number of microbes in 1 g of feces (CFU/g).

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis. Test results for adults and children often differ, so the patient’s age must be taken into account.

But waiting 5 days for colonies to grow is not always permissible, because during this time a person’s condition can deteriorate significantly.

Biochemical analysis of stool

Biochemical analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis gives results on the day the samples are submitted. The essence of such research is to identify compounds present in the intestines.

Particular attention is paid to the spectrum of fatty acids, because they are synthesized by bacteria in the process of life. Biochemical analysis is also called rapid diagnostics.

The method is very informative and simple; it not only demonstrates the imbalance of microflora, but also establishes the section of the intestine in which the malfunction occurred.

Doctors are much more likely to give preference this study due to its significant advantages:

  • Speed. Results will be available in 1-2 hours.
  • Sensitivity. The method very accurately determines the concentration of compounds.
  • Undemanding to the freshness of samples. Even yesterday's poop will do.

The reliability of the research results directly depends on proper preparation. The fact is that many food products contain substances that will give a positive reaction.

First of all, it's meat. It is in it that hemoglobin is present.

Secondly, it's iron. All red products contain this element. It is worth refraining from eating such foods for 3 days before the test, so that the laboratory does not accidentally get a false positive result.

Restrictions also apply to raw vegetables and fruits: during the preparation period you need to eat only thermally processed plant products.

In addition, the patient must stop taking medications that directly affect the intestinal microflora:

  • antibiotics;
  • probiotics;
  • laxatives (official and popular);
  • rectal suppositories.

Adults prepare for a stool test for dysbiosis on their own. Content Research children's intestines is no different, but parents will have to monitor the child’s compliance with all recommendations.

How to properly take a stool test for dysbacteriosis?

Diet and medication withdrawal are the primary conditions for the reliability of the analysis results. In addition, the patient will need to collect stool in accordance with the rules.

Handing over feces - 6 rules:

  1. Before the control bowel movement, wash the perineum (the possibility of getting old samples is eliminated).
  2. The use of any auxiliary means to speed up the process of defecation (enema, laxative) is prohibited.
  3. Prepare a special container with a tight lid in advance (must be purchased at a pharmacy).
  4. Do not allow liquid to get into the stool (urine, water, etc.).
  5. Take 3 stool fragments (1 teaspoon each from different areas).
  6. If blood or mucus is present, such samples must be taken.

Gut bacteria are primarily anaerobic. 1 hour after defecation they will still maintain their population in natural form, however, the microorganisms will gradually begin to die.

In order to correctly test stool for dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to deliver excrement samples to the laboratory at least within 2 hours after bowel movement.

Urgency is not so important for biochemical research, which studies not bacterial colonies, but the result of their vital activity - fatty acid. These compounds almost do not disintegrate spontaneously, and therefore remain unchanged for quite a long time.

Doctors even allow you to freeze stool and bring it in the next day. In the case of newborn children, this option is sometimes the most preferable for parents.

The intestines are home to 100 trillion bacteria, which is 10 times the number of all cells in the body. If there are no microbes at all, then the person will simply die.

On the other hand, a shift in balance in any direction leads to diseases. The interpretation of stool analysis for dysbiosis is to determine the number and types of microbes.

Table of interpretation of results and norms of analysis

Children under 1 yearOlder childrenAdults
Bifidobacteria10 10 – 10 11 10 9 – 10 10 10 8 – 10 10
Lactobacilli10 6 – 10 7 10 7 – 10 8 10 6 – 10 8
Escherichia10 6 – 10 7 10 7 – 10 8 10 6 – 10 8
Bacteroides10 7 – 10 8 10 7 – 10 8 10 7 – 10 8
Peptostreptococci10 3 – 10 5 10 5 – 10 6 10 5 – 10 6
Enterococci10 5 – 10 7 10 5 – 10 8 10 5 – 10 8
Saprophytic staphylococci≤10 4 ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Pathogenic staphylococci- - -
Clostridia≤10 3 ≤10 5 ≤10 5
Candida≤10 3 ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Pathogenic enterobacteria- - -

Detailed transcript:

1. Bifidobacteria:

  • 95% of all bacteria living in the intestines;
  • synthesize vitamins K and B;
  • promote the absorption of vitamin D and calcium;
  • strengthen the immune system.

2. Lactobacilli:

  • maintain acidity;
  • synthesize lactase and protective substances.

3. Escherichia:

  • synthesize vitamins K and B;
  • promote the absorption of sugars;
  • produce colicins, proteins that kill microbes.

4. Bacteroides:

  • break down fats;
  • perform a protective function.

5. Streptococci:

  • break down carbohydrates;
  • perform a protective function;
  • present in small quantities and not always.

6. Enterococci:

  • break down carbohydrates.

7. Peptococci:

  • participate in the synthesis of fatty acids;
  • perform a protective function;
  • are not always present.

8. Staphylococci:

  • live in the large intestine;
  • participate in nitrate metabolism;
  • There are many pathogenic strains.

9. Clostridia:

  • live in the large intestine;
  • synthesize acids and alcohols;
  • break down proteins.

10. Fungal:

  • maintain an acidic environment;
  • opportunistic.

A change in the number of certain microorganisms is possible when pathogenic strains enter the intestines.

This usually occurs due to poor personal hygiene (dirty hands, unwashed fruits and vegetables). Antibiotic treatment is the second common cause of dysbiosis.

To normalize the situation in the gastrointestinal tract, doctors additionally prescribe probiotics - special dietary supplements.

In addition, dysbiosis often indicates an immune failure. Leukocytes control the population of microbes, the number of which increases significantly when natural defenses decrease. And often they do not reproduce beneficial bacteria, but pathogenic.

Stool analysis in children

The results of stool analysis for dysbacteriosis in children are somewhat different than in adults. This is due, first of all, to the gradual colonization of the intestines by microorganisms.

After birth, the child feeds on mother's milk, which promotes the development of normal microflora. But in hospitals, infection with Staphylococcus aureus often occurs.

And if the mother does not have antibodies to this microorganism, then the baby will develop dysbacteriosis.

In addition, some beneficial strains appear only within 1 year, such as bacteroides. Sometimes fungi of the genus Candida develop excessively in the child’s intestines, which provoke the corresponding disease - candidiasis.

The most common cause of dysbiosis in children is an early transition to artificial feeding. After all, the baby needs mother's milk in the first year of life.


A stool test for dysbacteriosis is prescribed for any digestive disorders. In addition, doctors monitor the state of the patient’s microflora during antibiotic therapy.

Timely identification of dysbiosis and clarification of the nature of the disorder will make it possible to take action right steps and reduce the likelihood of complications.

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