Home Plaque on the tongue Pain in the lower abdomen during breastfeeding. Stomach pain while breastfeeding

Pain in the lower abdomen during breastfeeding. Stomach pain while breastfeeding

Symptoms of gastritis are the resumption of pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, bloating. Any woman who has suffered from gastritis in the past can easily recognize signs of exacerbation, although sometimes the first signs of the disease appear when the fetus is being carried.

What should a breastfeeding mother do?

After the birth of a baby, almost every young mother faces many difficulties regarding her health. The most common complaint after pregnancy and during breastfeeding is regular abdominal pain affecting the stomach.

Pain factors in it can be an incorrect diet and the presence of diseases associated with the digestive system. If the stomach hurts with hv, there is an urgent need to consult a doctor.

When a mother becomes ill while breastfeeding, the first question that interests her is whether it is possible to continue to feed the baby. First of all, it should be noted that for any ailment, a woman should consult a doctor, and only a therapist after an examination will be able to recommend how and what to treat a nursing mother.

It should be noted that colds viral infections, sore throats, bronchitis in a nursing mother are not a contraindication for lactation. In this case, it is necessary to observe anti-epidemic measures:

  • isolate the baby while sleeping in another room;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • feed the child and care for him only in a gauze bandage, which must be changed every three hours;
  • you can put a bactericidal lamp in the children's room and turn it on several times a day for 10 minutes;
  • disinfect the air with garlic. To do this, peel a few cloves of garlic, crush and arrange in saucers around the room. It is necessary to change garlic at least three times a day, as phytoncides quickly disappear.

Taking these precautions, you should not forget about the treatment. It is necessary to be treated with drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding, especially with antibiotic therapy.

Today, there are many drugs that can be taken by nursing mothers, and the attending physician will help you choose them. At the same time, symptomatic therapy (drugs for the common cold, cough and sore throat) is used almost without restrictions.

It is also allowed to take antiviral drugs based on interferon.

If the mother's illness is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then it is necessary to bring it down if it rises above 38.5 degrees. For this, paracetamol is most often used. Feeding a child with breast milk at a temperature not only cannot harm the crumbs, but, on the contrary, will help protect him from illness. Antibodies produced in the mother's body are transmitted to the baby and protect him from infection.

First you need to determine exactly where it hurts alive in a nursing mother. If in the upper part, most likely it is the stomach.

Remember what you ate during the day, could you get poisoned. This may be an exacerbation of gastritis or another disease of the stomach.

If top part the stomach suddenly fell ill after a plentiful feast, this may well be the cause of overeating. In addition to poisoning with low-quality foods, the stomach can also get sick from an abundance of too fatty or spicy foods, especially if you have been on a nursing diet up to this point.

Pain in the upper abdomen is also often associated with problems with the pancreas, which, for example, has ceased to produce enough elements necessary for digesting food.

With pain in the stomach, a person experiences severe discomfort, which does not allow him to live in the usual rhythm of life. Of course, at the first manifestations of pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will establish the exact cause of its occurrence.

However, there are times when the stomach aches on nervous grounds or in a pregnant woman, as well as in case of poisoning. Important in this concomitant symptoms, which will help to suspect the presence of a more serious disease. Today we will look at what to do when the stomach hurts after eating, after chemotherapy, from antibiotics, and what to do if the child has a stomach ache.

Causes of stomach pain

We note right away that women who had stomach problems before pregnancy (gastritis, pancreatitis, and others) will face the same problems, possibly on a large scale, and find themselves in the role of expectant mothers.

A woman must inform her gynecologist about diseases of the digestive tract even when registering.

Depending on the severity of the problem and the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, the doctor will prescribe certain drugs that can help the woman and not harm the baby.

Self-activity and the use of familiar drugs in this case are not allowed.

As for women who have not previously complained about their health, but experience heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy, the situation is somewhat different with them.

Discomfort and slight pain in the stomach after eating during pregnancy are considered a normal, physiological condition that does not require medical intervention.

Consider why, what are the most important reasons that the expectant mother experiences minor pain and heaviness in the abdomen after eating.

The most important cause of all digestive problems in pregnant women (this is stomach pain, and nausea, and a feeling of heaviness, and constipation, and others) is hormonal.

During development in the womb future mother new life, her body begins to intensively produce progesterone.

The muscles of the stomach during pregnancy begin to work less intensively, its peristalsis and motility are significantly reduced, food is faster than usual in the lower part of the stomach.

As a result, discomfort (non-intense pain) and heaviness in the abdomen. The latter is also facilitated by the fact that during pregnancy the production of the hormone motilin decreases and glucagon increases.

The physiological cause of discomfort in the stomach after eating is the rapid growth of the uterus, which intensely presses on the stomach, causing it to rise up.

Diarrhea in a nursing mother causes not only discomfort, but also great anxiety for the baby. How does a mom's stomach upset affect a child? Can I continue feeding with diarrhea? These and many other questions are faced by mothers who have problems with the stool.

Causes of diarrhea


It is not contraindicated to take herbs with an enveloping and analgesic effect: chamomile, flax seed, oats, dill fruits, licorice root. Such infusions can actually safely relieve pain syndrome. But mint can reduce lactation and should be taken with caution. To reduce pain on an empty stomach, a spoonful of flaxseed oil is indicated.

There are a number of drugs that are sometimes used to treat gastritis in breastfeeding, but their effect on the infant body is unknown or studies are underway, but not yet completed. Of these funds, it is worth noting Gastrosidin (famotidine), Digestal, Mezim forte, Pancreatin, Festal.

Unsafe drugs are harmful because they pass into breast milk and can cause various degenerative changes in the child. You can not take with breastfeeding Controloc (pantoprazole), De-Nol, Gerusil varnish, Helicocin. Cimetidine, Enterosgel, Gasterin are recognized as safe. Smecta helps to slightly reduce pain, but it does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, Gaviscon are used with caution. To relieve pain, you can use No-shpu (it is also used during pregnancy), Papaverine.

In order to fulfill effective treatment gastritis during breastfeeding, many women often use some types of herbal decoctions.

These natural remedies can have a mild analgesic and calming effect, however, by and large, their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven.

When a woman in labor is diagnosed with gastritis, it may be useful for her to use herbal preparations that have an enveloping and analgesic effect.

These include:

  • chamomile;
  • flax seeds;
  • oats;
  • dill fruits;
  • liquorice root.

Infusions from these herbs, in fact, can relieve the symptoms of pain in women after childbirth. Mint also reduces the level of lactation, so you need to drink decoctions from it with extreme caution.

In order to reduce the pain of gastritis during breastfeeding (that is, after childbirth), it is recommended to take one tablespoon of flax oil in the morning on an empty stomach.

There is also a list medicines, which in rare cases can be used to treat gastritis during breastfeeding however, their effects on young children have not yet been studied.

These medicines are:

  1. Gastrosidina (Famotidina).
  2. Digestal.
  3. Mezima.
  4. Pancreatin.
  5. Festal.

After childbirth, it is forbidden to take unsafe medications such as Controloc (Pantoprazole), De-Nol, Helicocin.

Among the recognized safe medicines, drugs like Cimetidine, Enterosgel, Gasterin can be noted.

Pain can be reduced through the use of Smecta, however, this remedy is not able to eliminate the causes of the disease.

Carefully it is worth using medicines like Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, and also Gaviscon.

In order to quickly relieve pain, it is allowed to use such a popular remedy as No-shpa (it is often used both before and after childbirth).

In the presence of very severe pain accompanying gastritis, it is necessary to immediately treat gastritis. To do this, it is recommended to temporarily transfer the baby to the mixture.

Carrying out the treatment of inflammation of the stomach, it is worth remembering that if in the future the mother has plans to breastfeed the child, she should try as much as possible to maintain the presence of milk.

In order to maintain lactation after childbirth, it is necessary to drink vitamin complexes specially designed for a nursing mother, as well as massage the chest area, constantly express milk, drink enough clean water throughout the day.

It is not recommended to drink medicines without consulting a doctor, because only experienced doctor is able to identify the type of disease after conducting an appropriate analysis of the contents of the stomach and receiving the result ultrasound.

Prior to the start of treatment, it is necessary to search for a narrow-profile specialist (usually a gastroenterologist) and strictly adhere to all his appointments.

When gastritis is characterized by mild symptomatic manifestations that do not cause serious problems, and a woman decides to treat gastritis without using artificial feeding, she needs to follow a number of rules.

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the daily routine and the whole way of life. A woman should be careful to have regular rest and adequate sleep during therapy.

It will not be superfluous to allocate at least 2 hours a day for sleep, as well as adjusting your schedule with the baby's regimen - both need to fall asleep at the same time.

After giving birth, a woman needs to be in the fresh air as often as possible.

Besides, important point is to eliminate the factors that provoke the development of stress (psychological and physical overstrain, excessive housework, etc.).

During gastritis, the food intake of a nursing mother should be regular, frequent (up to six small portions per day) and complete.

If the symptoms of the disease worsen, doctors advise consuming more various lungs soups with cereals;

  • oatmeal and buckwheat on the water;
  • not too fatty vegetable stew;
  • fermented milk products, etc.

In general, it is necessary to eat foods that will not irritate the gastric wall, but rather create enveloping effect.

Chronic form gastritis is a very common type of disease that can go into an exacerbation stage in some periods of life due to wrong mode nutrition, excessive eating, prolonged nervous tension, weak immune system, as well as as a result of hormonal changes in the body of a woman.

Most likely aggravation symptomatic manifestations can be observed both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

It is worth noting that the normalization of the condition after the detection of gastritis during breastfeeding is quite real.

You can prevent the disease if you treat gastritis with high acidity in a timely manner and in full. Visit a specialist regularly preventive examinations by reviewing your diet and strictly follow all recommendations. Refuse semi-finished products, salty, spicy and fried. Focus on dairy and vegetable foods. The best prevention there will be no stress, maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

Often mothers are faced with the fact that doctors put a woman before a choice: either breastfeeding or treatment. However, this approach can hardly be called humane, if we are not talking about acute manifestations gastritis that do not allow mom to carry on full life.

If the baby does not suffer from colic and allergic reactions, mom allows herself to be pampered with all sorts of goodies in the form of sweets, barbecue, pickled vegetables. At the first suspicion of exacerbated gastritis, you need to go on a strict diet and exclude everything that can provoke unpleasant symptoms from the side gastrointestinal tract:

  • sauces and marinades,
  • fried food,
  • sweets,
  • hot spices,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • fresh bread and pastries.

This is the main list of prohibited foods. A woman will add to it the food that caused an individual non-perception by her or the baby's body.
You need to eat by the hour, every day at the same time. With gastritis, the work of the glands responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is disrupted. Therefore, you need to accustom the body to prepare for food intake - to produce it in the required amount.

The amount of food eaten at a time should correspond to the volume of a small handful or a glass.

It is necessary to refuse feeding the baby with mother's milk if the treatment according to the scheme mentioned above did not give results and the state of health worsens. Most likely, the cause of this condition is the rapid activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. In this case, it will apply complex therapy, and it will begin with antibiotics.

The main stages of drug therapy in the treatment of gastritis:

  • Reception of antibiotics, special antihelicobacter drugs. They will help get rid of the main cause of the disease.
  • Acidity regulation gastric juice. Most patients suffer precisely from increased acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, it is mandatory to take drugs that calm the secretion of the gland.
  • Taking enzymes, drugs to improve digestion. These include: Creon, Festal, Pancreatin.
  • symptomatic treatment. Phosphalugel, Almagel will help relieve pain. In addition, they have enveloping properties, protecting the mucous membrane from the negative effects on it. It will be necessary to treat gastritis in this way for up to 2 weeks.

Therefore, in the treatment of gastritis, maximum efforts should be made in order to maintain lactation. But if a number of safe medications and folk recipes did not give a result, and the state of health is getting worse - you need to think about switching to a full-fledged traditional therapy without saving the breastfeeding of the baby.

Breastfeeding is a very important process in the postpartum period. It is with mother's milk that the child receives nutrients, immune cells, vitamins and hormones vital for growth and development.

How is gastritis treated in nursing mothers

However, during lactation, women are at risk of the disease, as well as at any other time in their lives. Gastritis in a nursing mother is one of the most common diseases after the birth of a child, and it is important to treat it promptly and adequately by a gastroenterologist.

  • 1 Types of gastritis: what to ask a doctor
  • 2 How to identify and treat gastritis while breastfeeding
    • 2.1 Breastfeeding with mild therapy
    • 2.2 Treatment of gastritis without breastfeeding

Types of gastritis: what to ask a doctor

The doctor must not only make a diagnosis, but also explain it. It is important to understand the causes of the disease in order to make an “informed decision” about further treatment- Don't be afraid to ask questions. Chronic gastritis is a pathological process in the stomach, characterized by inflammation and impaired production of chemically active substances in the mucous membrane of the organ.

Hungry pains in the stomach appear as a result of functional and organic changes in the body. The main cause of pain is associated with high level acidity of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid irritates the gastric mucosa and thus leads to pain.

How to identify and treat gastritis while breastfeeding

The clinical manifestations of gastritis in a breastfeeding woman are no different from the symptoms that appear in other women suffering from this disease.

However postpartum depression, lack of sleep, concern about the child, about the quality and quantity of milk, of course, affect the assessment of the state of the body, and a pregnant woman cannot always correctly assess the symptoms. Treatment of gastritis during breastfeeding is important to start at the first signs of the disease.

Therefore, in no case should you miss the signs of incipient gastritis:

  • pain in the upper abdomen, especially worse when eating;
  • belching with bad smell possibly with food particles;
  • feeling of heartburn, nausea, vomiting.

The lack of proper and timely treatment of gastritis can lead to quite serious consequences:

  • there is always a risk that a woman will lose her milk;
  • pain and bad feeling negatively affect the mood of a woman, which, in turn, is transmitted to the child;
  • gastritis can lead to severe complications, which in the future can not only adversely affect the entire digestive process, but also make it impossible.

There are two types of treatment for gastritis during lactation:

  • maintaining lactation with the simultaneous use of drugs that are safe for the child;
  • refusal to breastfeed and the use of highly effective, but dangerous drugs for the baby. It is used in case of pronounced symptoms of the disease.

Gastritis of the stomach is an inflammation on the mucous surface, which leads to a disorder of its work, and, accordingly, disrupts the absorption of food. The patient in the presence of gastritis does not receive enough energy, because of which the whole body suffers.

Like many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, esophagitis and other diseases of the esophagus), the disease can occur in acute form or be chronic. But this is not the whole classification. Still gastritis can have increased, normal and low acidity of the gastric secretion.

It should be noted that gastritis is sufficient dangerous disease, being engaged in improper treatment of which, the mucous surface of the stomach is damaged by exposure to a concentrated secret, alkali or chemicals. Untimely treatment of gastritis of the stomach can lead to disastrous consequences. Also, even the first symptoms of the disease can indicate the development malignant neoplasm.

Reasons leading to the development of the disease

Causes of gastritis of the stomach

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First, let's highlight the symptoms that require urgent medical care:

  • redness around the seam after caesarean section;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • intense pain;
  • bleeding.

The following symptoms speak of disorders of the digestive tract: discomfort, heaviness, vomiting, heartburn, belching, constipation or diarrhea, weakness, malaise, change in appetite. The specialist evaluates all these symptoms, as well as the nature of the pain.

Each of the signs indicates a functional failure in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of gastritis in a nursing woman is a problem of increased complexity, which requires timely diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of gastritis during lactation

postpartum period starts from the first hours after birth. Even in the delivery room, an ice tank is placed on the stomach to stop bleeding.

If the birth occurred by caesarean section, then this position (lying on the stomach) should not be taken. Natural childbirth is beneficial for a woman's health, you should not insist on a caesarean section without a sufficient number of medical indications.

There is controversy about the consequences of this operation for the child. Of course, there are situations in which a caesarean section is the only way to deliver.

In the first hours after childbirth, it is dangerous for a woman in labor to get up, as this can cause loss of consciousness. If you feel urgent need rise, seek medical attention.

Throughout the week spent in the hospital, a nursing mother will be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, they will intensify at the time of feeding the baby. This is fine.

At the moment of sucking by the baby, the hormone oxytocin is released, it causes uterine contractions, this is necessary for its recovery. How better uterus decreases, the faster the woman will recover after childbirth.

Two weeks after giving birth, the pain during feeding becomes almost imperceptible. The amount of bleeding is also reduced. These discharges differ from menstrual ones, they have a specific smell and a larger volume. They can last for several weeks, but if their volume does not decrease, and the woman feels excessive fatigue and drowsiness, then it may be bleeding, life threatening women.

In the postpartum period, a woman should not be subjected to physical and emotional stress. Lifting heavy objects can lead to serious health problems for a woman. In the first month after childbirth, a woman should be assisted with housekeeping more intensively than before childbirth. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of a nursing mother. The diet should be complete and nutritious and exclude foods that can cause allergies in a child.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen:

  1. Recovery of the body (in the first days after childbirth).
  2. Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Disorders in the genitourinary system.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in a nursing mother 6 months after childbirth indicate the appearance of the first menstruation in the coming days. The absence of menstruation in the first 6 months is due to the high level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation and affects menstrual cycle. This period may be shorter or longer. In women who are not breastfeeding, the first menstruation occurs after 6 to 8 weeks.

The causes of pain may be different. Since it is believed that pregnancy does not occur during the feeding period, women are negligent in contraception.

Abdominal discomfort in a nursing mother is complicated by the inability to take most medications that are contraindicated during lactation.

Depending on the cause of the pain, the specialist selects the treatment and gives recommendations on nutrition and treatment of the symptoms of the disease, which does not adversely affect the baby.

Correction of the diet and nutrition system

The saturation of the child, lactation and recovery of the body after childbirth depend on the nutrition of a woman. Therefore, you should include safe foods in your diet. A lactating woman should replenish the supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For a day, a young mother loses 1000 kcal, to make up for such losses, use the following products:

  • Lean meat: chicken, lamb, veal. Pork meat is not recommended to be consumed 4 months after childbirth.
  • Sea fish. Sturgeon species and caviar should be avoided.
  • Coarse flour products, prunes, fresh vegetables contain dietary fiber and improve digestion.
  • Fresh fruits, cereals, olive, linseed or sunflower oil.

After the birth of a baby, almost every young mother faces many difficulties regarding her health.

The most common complaint after pregnancy and during breastfeeding is regular pain in the abdomen, in particular the stomach.

Pain factors in it can be an incorrect diet and the presence of diseases associated with the digestive system. If the stomach hurts with hv, there is an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Symptoms and causes of pain

If a woman experiences any of the following symptoms, she should see a doctor to rule out more serious problems.

Symptoms that require medical attention:

  1. Redness around the scar after a caesarean section.
  2. Feverish state.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Excessive or bright red bleeding.
  5. Sharp or severe pain that seems unbearable (the stomach hurts intensely).

A nursing mother may experience pain after childbirth, especially in the lower abdomen. The physical exertion during childbirth strains these tissues, and it can take six to eight weeks for them to recover.

But, if the pain increases or lasts longer than usual, the cause should be identified and treated.

After giving birth, you can expect some pain in the abdominal muscles and soreness in the perineum (pelvic floor).

Expectant mothers giving birth surgically by caesarean section, pain, itching and burning at the incision site are also often reported.

In any case, the muscles will need to be restored during a certain period after childbirth.

Regardless of the way the child is born, do not forget about taking painkillers prescribed by the doctor, rest and bed rest at the first signs of severe pain, bleeding and delaying the rehabilitation process to return to normal activities.

Another cause of stomach pain during breastfeeding is an abnormal process of contraction of the uterus. The latter is a muscle with a lot of blood vessels woven together by muscle fibers.

After she returns to her pre-pregnancy size, a woman may experience some cramps similar to menstrual cramps.

Also called "postpartum contractions," these cramps begin immediately after the baby is born, as a result of reduced blood flow to the uterus.

It is extremely important for the uterus to contract to about the size of a grapefruit for an hour or so after giving birth to avoid bleeding.

After ten days after childbirth, the uterus, as doctors believe, should return to its pre-pregnancy size.

If the uterus does not stop the arteries of intertwined muscle fibers, the placental area can bleed heavily and threaten the health of a nursing mother.

Extreme pain during the first few hours after delivery may indicate a hemorrhage, where blood clots may form in the uterine cavity.

To reduce the risk of bleeding, doctors usually give patients a certain dose of a substance called pitocin after the baby is born to encourage involution.

Breastfeeding helps in the involution of the uterus by releasing oxytocin into the blood, which causes contractions, and also reduces the risk of bleeding.

Harmful bacteria can enter the mother's body during childbirth using obstetric instruments or surgery during a caesarean section.

Some women who choose an epidural for pain relief may find a urinary tract infection from the catheter into the bladder.

Mothers who give birth by caesarean section may develop infections at the site of the incision. Endometritis (infection of the lining of the uterus) can occur after childbirth, regardless of how the baby was born.

These infections can be associated with pelvic pain, burning in the area, fever, and pain in many areas of the body.

Antibiotics are commonly used to treat any bacterial infection observed in a nursing mother.

Many new mothers have difficulty initiating the first bowel movements after childbirth.

The muscles around the rectum may be sagging and weak, the perineum may have stitches from surgery (episiotomy), and the hormonal system needed for normal digestion may be malfunctioning.

In addition, pain medications and iron supplements commonly given to women to prevent anemia after childbirth can also cause constipation.

If a woman has discomfort from slow or painful bowel movements, she needs to drink plenty of water, increase the amount of coarse fiber in her diet and eat dried fruits such as prunes or raisins, and increasing fiber (vegetables and fruits) in food is generally beneficial. affect the state.

You can also try something called a stool softener or magnesium supplements, which can help your stomach function properly.

Therapy: Do's and Don'ts

If you experience discomfort in the abdomen, you need to visit a gastroenterologist.

In the presence of pain of an acute and burning type, you should immediately contact the medical institution for urgent help.

Only based on the results of examinations, it is possible to find out the real causative factors for the appearance of pain in the stomach.

The first stage in determining the causes of pain will be a survey of the patient. It is important to specifically indicate the location and regularity of the pain that occurs.

If they appear only after childbirth, you must definitely tell the doctor about it, who will tell you what to do in this case.

After carrying out certain diagnostic measures, the specialist will prescribe a complete therapy for the patient, which will save the woman not only from the pain syndrome, but also from the causes of its development.

In a situation where the causal factors for the appearance of uncomfortable sensations are known to the nursing mother, it is possible to try to cope with them on her own.

For example, if the soreness arose against the background of an incorrect diet, there is a need for some time to stop eating and drink a large amount of water.

At the same time, it is desirable to completely abandon heavy and fatty foods.

In the presence of spasms in the stomach, you can use a massage technique, namely to massage the area near the navel with circular movements in a clockwise direction.

This type of massage can easily relieve spasms, help in the promotion of gas and relieve pain.

If the massage does not work, you can drink antispasmodics. To relieve spasms, medicines such as No-shpa, Spazmalgon and others are used.

However, it is worth remembering that only the attending doctor can prescribe medications during breastfeeding to a nursing mother, since some of them are able to pass through the barrier into milk.

Only an experienced doctor knows what to do with the patient and how to properly treat.

In order to prevent the occurrence of pain, it is also recommended to use preventive measures.

If a woman has noticed that unpleasant feelings appear after eating fatty foods, it is advisable to make changes in the diet.

Eat light meals in small portions several times a day.

Don't forget about the liquid. When breastfeeding, it is recommended to drink at least three liters of fluid per day. At the same time, you need to make sure that the stomach does not overflow.

Overeating is one of the most common causes discomfort in the region of the stomach.

If constipation occurs, which is also one of the causes of pain, you need to follow a special type of diet.

Almost all breastfeeding mothers often face various types of gastrointestinal disorders.

In this regard, you need to pay increased attention to your health, it is very important to eat healthy food, rest regularly and exercise moderate physical activity.

Useful video

Pregnancy, childbirth and lactation bring a young mother not only the joy of motherhood and positive emotions from communicating with the baby, but also a large number of new health problems. Such pathologies include the condition of a woman when her stomach hurts during breastfeeding.

Diarrhea in a nursing mother causes not only discomfort, but also great concern for the baby. How does a mom's stomach upset affect a child? Can I continue feeding with diarrhea? These and many other questions are faced by mothers who have problems with the stool.

Causes of diarrhea


Causes of pain in the lower abdomen:

  1. Recovery of the body (in the first days after childbirth).
  2. Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Disorders in the genitourinary system.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in a nursing mother 6 months after childbirth indicate the appearance of the first menstruation in the coming days. The absence of menstruation in the first 6 months is due to the high level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation and affects the menstrual cycle.

This period may be shorter or longer. In women who are not breastfeeding, the first menstruation occurs after 6 to 8 weeks.

The causes of pain may be different. Since it is believed that pregnancy does not occur during the feeding period, women are negligent in contraception.

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, this phenomenon can be due to both physiological and pathological causes. If you determine in a timely manner why this happens and what dictates these pains, they can either be completely avoided or minimized. Among the most common causes, doctors name the following factors.

First you need to determine exactly where it hurts alive in a nursing mother. If in the upper part, most likely it is the stomach.

Remember what you ate during the day, could you get poisoned. This may be an exacerbation of gastritis or another disease of the stomach.

If the upper abdomen suddenly gets sick after a heavy meal, this may well be the cause of overeating. In addition to poisoning with low-quality foods, the stomach can also get sick from an abundance of too fatty or spicy foods, especially if you have been on a nursing diet up to this point.

Pain in the upper abdomen is also often associated with problems with the pancreas, which, for example, has ceased to produce enough elements necessary for digesting food.

Hungry pains in the stomach appear as a result of functional and organic changes in the body. The main cause of pain is associated with a high level of acidity in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid irritates the gastric mucosa and thus leads to pain.

  • 1 Pain in gastritis
  • 2 Causes of illness
  • 3Diagnostic methods
  • 4Methods of treatment
  • 5Preventive measures

1 Pain in gastritis

Gastritis is most common in men, and causes a number of symptoms that can determine the extent of the disease. The main symptom is pain.

It is the intensity of pain in gastritis and its nature that make it possible to distinguish this disease from hepatic colic, cholelithiasis. Pain in this disease does not begin abruptly, they gain their intensity within 10 minutes and subside very slowly.

Of course, it is impossible to diagnose such a disease based only on the intensity, so you should be aware of other symptoms that provoke gastritis. These include:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of fullness of the stomach after eating;
  • Availability bad taste in the mouth.

Pain is a very important symptom. The ability of the patient to understand and describe its features helps the specialist to make the most accurate anamnesis.

After reading this article to the end, you will prepare for a conversation with a doctor, and at the same time clarify something useful for yourself personally. You can even take a notebook in order to write down the terms that characterize your case.

Why the stomach hurts: looking for "hot spots"

First, let's decide on the place where the "hot spot" of your body is located. This is the easiest.

Unpleasant sensations just below the ribs may indicate not only damage to the inlet of the stomach, but also pathological changes in the esophagus, liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

In the right half of the upper abdomen, cholecystitis "hurts" and cholelithiasis reveals itself.

In the area from the top of the abdomen to the navel, discomfort provoked by various kinds pangastritis, and sometimes intestinal pathologies.

The following factors can provoke the formation of an inflammatory process on the walls of the stomach:

  • Poor nutrition, regular consumption of fatty and fried foods;
  • Hyperproduction of gastric juice;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • postpartum depression and increased emotional stress.

If, before the onset of pregnancy, a woman practiced smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages, then these adverse factors could provoke the development of gastritis after childbirth. A less common reason for the formation of an inflammatory process is a decrease in the body's defenses against the background of bearing a child.

Gastritis of the stomach is an inflammation on the mucous surface, which leads to a disorder of its work, and, accordingly, disrupts the absorption of food. The patient in the presence of gastritis does not receive enough energy, because of which the whole body suffers.

Like many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, esophagitis and other diseases of the esophagus), the disease can be acute or chronic. But this is not the whole classification. Still gastritis can have increased, normal and low acidity of the gastric secretion.

It is worth noting that gastritis is a rather dangerous disease, when improperly treated, the gastric mucosa is damaged by exposure to concentrated secretion, alkali or chemicals. Untimely treatment of gastritis of the stomach can lead to disastrous consequences. Also, even the first symptoms of the disease can indicate the development of a malignant neoplasm.

Reasons leading to the development of the disease

Causes of gastritis of the stomach

Types of chronic gastritis

Symptoms of gastritis are the resumption of pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, bloating. Any woman who has suffered from gastritis in the past can easily recognize signs of exacerbation, although sometimes the first signs of the disease appear when the fetus is being carried.

The doctor must not only make a diagnosis, but also explain it. It is important to understand the causes of the disease in order to make an "informed decision" about further treatment - do not be afraid to ask questions. Chronic gastritis is a pathological process in the stomach, characterized by inflammation and impaired production of chemically active substances in the mucous membrane of the organ.

Before the beginning drug therapy it is important for every nursing woman to determine the cause that provoked the inflammatory process in the stomach. This disease, as a rule, has a chronic course, which is replaced by periods of exacerbation, especially in the off-season. Gastritis is characterized by the formation of a superficial inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa.

How to help a nursing woman during lactation?

Abdominal discomfort in a nursing mother is complicated by the inability to take most medications that are contraindicated during lactation.

Depending on the cause of the pain, the specialist selects the treatment and gives recommendations on nutrition and treatment of the symptoms of the disease, which does not adversely affect the baby.

Correction of the diet and nutrition system

Is it dangerous when pulling the lower abdomen during pregnancy?

When a mother becomes ill while breastfeeding, the first question that interests her is whether it is possible to continue to feed the baby. First of all, it should be noted that for any ailment, a woman should consult a doctor, and only a therapist after an examination will be able to recommend how and what to treat a nursing mother.

It should be noted that colds, viral infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis in a nursing mother are not a contraindication for lactation. In this case, it is necessary to observe anti-epidemic measures:

  • isolate the baby while sleeping in another room;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • feed the child and care for him only in a gauze bandage, which must be changed every three hours;
  • you can put a bactericidal lamp in the children's room and turn it on several times a day for 10 minutes;
  • disinfect the air with garlic. To do this, peel a few cloves of garlic, crush and arrange in saucers around the room. It is necessary to change garlic at least three times a day, as phytoncides quickly disappear.

Taking these precautions, you should not forget about the treatment. It is necessary to be treated with drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding, especially with antibiotic therapy.

Today, there are many drugs that can be taken by nursing mothers, and the attending physician will help you choose them. At the same time, symptomatic therapy (drugs for the common cold, cough and sore throat) is used almost without restrictions.

It is also allowed to take antiviral drugs based on interferon.

If the mother's illness is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then it is necessary to bring it down if it rises above 38.5 degrees. For this, paracetamol is most often used. Feeding a child with breast milk at a temperature not only cannot harm the crumbs, but, on the contrary, will help protect him from illness. Antibodies produced in the mother's body are transmitted to the baby and protect him from infection.

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen can be the first to inform a woman about her new condition at the most early dates. Women often mistake these sensations for premenstrual syndrome.

They are also accompanied by fatigue, headache and characteristic sensations in the mammary glands.

All these sensations are explained by the hormonal restructuring of the body, which is preparing for the formation of a new life.

As the fetus grows, it needs more and more space, so at the end of the first trimester, the uterus stretches, and with it the ligaments that support it.


Breastfeeding is a very important process in the postpartum period. It is with mother's milk that a child receives nutrients, immune cells, vitamins and hormones vital for growth and development.

How is gastritis treated in nursing mothers

However, during lactation, women are at risk of the disease, as well as at any other time in their lives. Gastritis in a nursing mother is one of the most common diseases after the birth of a child, and it is important to treat it promptly and adequately by a gastroenterologist.

  • 1 Types of gastritis: what to ask a doctor
  • 2 How to identify and treat gastritis while breastfeeding
    • 2.1 Breastfeeding with mild therapy
    • 2.2 Treatment of gastritis without breastfeeding

To begin with, we highlight the symptoms that require emergency medical care:

  • redness around the seam after caesarean section;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • intense pain;
  • bleeding.

The following symptoms speak of disorders of the digestive tract: discomfort, heaviness, vomiting, heartburn, belching, constipation or diarrhea, weakness, malaise, change in appetite. The specialist evaluates all these symptoms, as well as the nature of the pain.

How to identify and treat gastritis while breastfeeding

The clinical manifestations of gastritis in a breastfeeding woman are no different from the symptoms that appear in other women suffering from this disease.

However, postpartum depression, lack of sleep, anxiety about the baby, about the quality and quantity of milk, of course, affect the assessment of the state of the body, and a pregnant woman cannot always correctly assess the symptoms. Treatment of gastritis during breastfeeding is important to start at the first signs of the disease.

Therefore, in no case should you miss the signs of incipient gastritis:

  • pain in the upper abdomen, especially worse when eating;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor, possibly with particles of food;
  • feeling of heartburn, nausea, vomiting.

The lack of proper and timely treatment of gastritis can lead to quite serious consequences:

  • there is always a risk that a woman will lose her milk;
  • pain and poor health negatively affect the mood of a woman, which, in turn, is transmitted to the child;
  • gastritis can lead to serious complications, which in the future can not only adversely affect the entire digestive process, but also make it impossible.

There are two types of treatment for gastritis during lactation:

  • maintaining lactation with the simultaneous use of drugs that are safe for the child;
  • refusal to breastfeed and the use of highly effective, but dangerous drugs for the baby. It is used in case of pronounced symptoms of the disease.

Each of the signs indicates a functional failure in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of gastritis in a nursing woman is a problem of increased complexity, which requires timely diagnosis and treatment.


Before starting therapy for hepatitis B, a woman is advised to consult a gastroenterologist to identify the cause of pain in the stomach. The doctor prescribes a set of examinations to the woman:

Breastfeeding with gentle therapy

To improve well-being, a woman needs to perform following conditions:

  • Diet. You need to change to control your diet. Dishes with a high content of fats, salt, sugar are excluded. Must be eaten soups, vegetables, and dairy products, as they help restore the protective layer in the stomach. After a period of exacerbation of gastritis, you can gradually add meat and fish dishes to the diet. It is also recommended to include vitamins in the diet, in the event that they are approved by the attending physician.

Important! You can not dramatically and radically change your diet. Any diet, even the softest, needs to be changed gradually.

  • Daily regime. A woman should rest every time she feels the need for it. However, it is better to bring everything to a certain schedule in such a way that the time intervals between sleep and food are constant from day to day. You can not engage in extraneous matters during feeding, this leads to excessive overwork. It is best to take a comfortable and relaxed posture, close your eyes and try to rest.
  • Anesthesia. At chronic gastritis the painful factor is, as a rule, a spasm. Antispasmodics will help relieve pain, but you should consult a specialist before using them, as some medications may harm the health of the child.
  • Emotions. During breastfeeding, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that can cause concern to both the woman and the child.
  • Maintain acidity levels. Mineral waters are used on the recommendation of the attending physician. And also the doctor can prescribe enzymes, if necessary.
  • Healing herbs. IN medical practice when breastfeeding, special herbal preparations are used, but only at the discretion of the doctor.

Treatment of gastritis without preserving the possibility of breastfeeding

In the absence of the effect of mild therapy or with a severe pain syndrome, doctors prescribe more powerful drugs for the treatment of gastritis during breastfeeding. However, these drugs will have a strong toxic effect on the child if they enter his body with breast milk, so he is transferred to artificial feeding, stopping GW.

Treatment of gastritis according to this scheme includes:

  • Antibiotic therapy. It is aimed at destroying the main cause of gastritis - Helicobacter pylori.
  • Decreased acidity of gastric juice. Since many of the patients have increased acidity, doctors prescribe special drugs to lower secretory function stomach.
  • Drugs to improve the digestive activity of the stomach.
  • Fighting symptoms - experts prescribe medications that stop pain attacks, as well as enveloping the mucous membrane in the form of a protective film.

Thus, doctors advise, if possible, to keep breastfeeding, but if the means that are safe for the child have not brought the desired effect, then it is worth deciding, together with your doctor, the issue of switching to more powerful medications and refusing to breastfeed the mother.

With a high degree of probability, you will cure gastritis with a timely visit to the doctor. It is enough to carefully monitor your health and the health of your child, pay attention to the symptoms of gastritis and, if in doubt, consult a pediatrician or gastroenterologist.

In order to confirm the diagnosis, a nursing woman needs a consultation with a gastroenterologist and a therapist, followed by the following types of examinations:

  1. A general clinical blood test performed to detect markers of the inflammatory process such as leukocytosis and accelerated ESR;
  2. Gastroduodenoscopy. This highly informative technique allows visualization of the gastric mucosa and duodenum in order to assess its condition;
  3. pH meter of gastric juice. The purpose of this diagnostic technique performed on an individual basis, since the reference result can be obtained when performing gastroduodenoscopy.


It is not contraindicated to take herbs with an enveloping and analgesic effect: chamomile, flax seed, oats, dill fruits, licorice root. Such infusions can actually safely relieve pain. But mint can reduce lactation and should be taken with caution. To reduce pain on an empty stomach, a spoonful of flaxseed oil is indicated.

There are a number of drugs that are sometimes used to treat gastritis in breastfeeding, but their effect on the infant body is unknown or studies are underway, but not yet completed. Of these funds, it is worth noting Gastrosidin (famotidine), Digestal, Mezim forte, Pancreatin, Festal.

Unsafe drugs are harmful because they pass into breast milk and can cause various degenerative changes in the child. You can not take with breastfeeding Controloc (pantoprazole), De-Nol, Gerusil varnish, Helicocin. Cimetidine, Enterosgel, Gasterin are recognized as safe. Smecta helps to slightly reduce pain, but it does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, Gaviscon are used with caution. To relieve pain, you can use No-shpu (it is also used during pregnancy), Papaverine.

In order to perform effective treatment of gastritis during breastfeeding, many women often use certain types of herbal decoctions.

These natural remedies can have a mild analgesic and calming effect, however, by and large, their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven.

When a woman in labor is diagnosed with gastritis, it may be useful for her to use herbal preparations that have an enveloping and analgesic effect.

These include:

  • chamomile;
  • flax seeds;
  • oats;
  • dill fruits;
  • liquorice root.

Infusions from these herbs, in fact, can relieve the symptoms of pain in women after childbirth. Mint also reduces the level of lactation, so you need to drink decoctions from it with extreme caution.

In order to reduce the pain of gastritis during breastfeeding (that is, after childbirth), it is recommended to take one tablespoon of flax oil in the morning on an empty stomach.

There is also a specific list of drugs that in rare cases can be used to treat gastritis during breastfeeding, however, their effect on young children has not yet been studied.

These medicines are:

  1. Gastrosidina (Famotidina).
  2. Digestal.
  3. Mezima.
  4. Pancreatin.
  5. Festal.

After childbirth, it is forbidden to take unsafe medications such as Controloc (Pantoprazole), De-Nol, Helicocin.

Among the recognized safe medicines, drugs like Cimetidine, Enterosgel, Gasterin can be noted.

Pain can be reduced through the use of Smecta, however, this remedy is not able to eliminate the causes of the disease.

Carefully it is worth using medicines like Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, and also Gaviscon.

In order to quickly relieve pain, it is allowed to use such a popular remedy as No-shpa (it is often used both before and after childbirth).

In the presence of very severe pain accompanying gastritis, it is necessary to immediately treat gastritis. To do this, it is recommended to temporarily transfer the baby to the mixture.

Carrying out the treatment of inflammation of the stomach, it is worth remembering that if in the future the mother has plans to breastfeed the child, she should try as much as possible to maintain the presence of milk.

In order to maintain lactation after childbirth, it is necessary to drink vitamin complexes specially designed for a nursing mother, as well as massage the chest area, constantly express milk, and drink enough clean water throughout the day.

It is not recommended to drink medicines without consulting a doctor, because an exclusively experienced doctor is able to identify the type of disease after conducting an appropriate analysis of the contents of the stomach and obtaining the result of an ultrasound examination.

Prior to the start of treatment, it is necessary to search for a narrow-profile specialist (usually a gastroenterologist) and strictly adhere to all his appointments.

When gastritis is characterized by mild symptomatic manifestations that do not cause serious problems, and a woman decides to treat gastritis without using artificial feeding, she needs to follow a number of rules.

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the daily routine and the whole way of life. A woman should be careful to have regular rest and adequate sleep during therapy.

It will not be superfluous to allocate at least 2 hours a day for sleep, as well as adjusting your schedule with the baby's regimen - both need to fall asleep at the same time.

After giving birth, a woman needs to be in the fresh air as often as possible.

In addition, an important point is to eliminate the factors that provoke the development of stress (psychological and physical overstrain, excessive housework, etc.).

During gastritis, the food intake of a nursing mother should be regular, frequent (up to six small portions per day) and complete.

With the worsening of the symptoms of the disease, doctors advise using more different light soups with cereals;

  • oatmeal and buckwheat on the water;
  • not too fatty vegetable stew;
  • fermented milk products, etc.

In general, it is necessary to eat dishes that will not irritate the gastric wall, but on the contrary, will create an enveloping effect.

The chronic form of gastritis is a very common type of disease that can go into an exacerbation stage in some periods of life due to improper diet, excessive eating, prolonged nervous tension, a weak immune system, and also as a result of hormonal changes in a woman's body.

With a high degree of probability, aggravation of symptomatic manifestations can be observed both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

It is worth noting that the normalization of the condition after the detection of gastritis during breastfeeding is quite real.

Having determined the cause of pain in the stomach, only the attending physician can advise what to take to eliminate it. If the cause of the pain syndrome is the development of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment and tell you what to do if the stomach hurts with hepatitis B.

It is allowed to practice the treatment of diseases only after an accurate identification of the cause - if a woman began to be disturbed by burning pains in the stomach, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance, because it is likely that internal bleeding has begun.

If pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is due to pathological causes and is not the norm, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It will depend on what kind of failures in the woman's body occurred after the birth of the baby.

Often mothers are faced with the fact that doctors put a woman before a choice: either breastfeeding or treatment. However, this approach can hardly be called humane, if we are not talking about acute manifestations of gastritis, which do not allow the mother to lead a full life.

If the baby does not suffer from colic and allergic reactions, the mother allows herself to be pampered with all sorts of goodies in the form of sweets, barbecue, pickled vegetables. At the first suspicion of exacerbated gastritis, you need to switch to the strictest diet and exclude everything that can provoke unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • sauces and marinades,
  • fried food,
  • sweets,
  • hot spices,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • fresh bread and pastries.

This is the main list of prohibited foods. A woman will add to it the food that caused an individual non-perception by her or the baby's body.

You need to eat by the hour, every day at the same time. With gastritis, the work of the glands responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is disrupted.

Therefore, you need to accustom the body to prepare for food intake - to produce it in the required amount.

The amount of food eaten at a time should correspond to the volume of a small handful or a glass.

It is necessary to refuse feeding the baby with mother's milk if the treatment according to the scheme mentioned above did not give results and the state of health worsens. Most likely, the cause of this condition is the rapid activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. In this case, complex therapy will be applied, and it will begin with antibiotics.

The main stages of drug therapy in the treatment of gastritis:

  • Reception of antibiotics, special antihelicobacter drugs. They will help get rid of the main cause of the disease.
  • Regulation of the level of acidity of gastric juice. Most patients suffer precisely from increased acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, it is mandatory to take drugs that calm the secretion of the gland.
  • Taking enzymes, drugs to improve digestion. These include: Creon, Festal, Pancreatin.
  • symptomatic treatment. Phosphalugel, Almagel will help relieve pain. In addition, they have enveloping properties, protecting the mucous membrane from the negative effects on it. It will be necessary to treat gastritis in this way for up to 2 weeks.

Therefore, in the treatment of gastritis, maximum efforts should be made in order to maintain lactation. But if a number of safe medications and folk recipes have not yielded results, and your health is getting worse, you need to think about switching to full-fledged traditional therapy without saving the baby's breastfeeding.

Gallstone disease at the initial stages is treated conservatively. Drugs for gallstone disease are selected by the attending physician.

Their action is aimed at improving the properties of bile, preventing the appearance of new stones and reducing existing stones. Also, with the help of drugs, you can improve the outflow of bile and reduce inflammation in gallbladder.

This article is devoted specifically to drugs that are effective in gallstone disease.

List of drugs

Conservative treatment of gallstone disease includes such drugs:

  1. Cholagogue:
    • Allochol;
    • Holosas;
    • Urolesan;
    • Cholagol;
    • Berberine bisulfate;
    • Flamin.
  2. Antispasmodic drugs:
    • No-shpa;
    • Duspatalin;
    • Spazmalgon.
  3. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory:
    • Analgin;
    • Paracetamol;
    • ibuprofen;
    • Tempalgin.
  4. Ursofalk.
  5. Antibiotics.

All these drugs are discussed in detail below, in the article.

Causes of diarrhea

How to get rid of burping after eating at home

Belching is considered a completely natural phenomenon that can appear in a person after eating. This condition is caused by the accumulation of gases in the stomach.

In some cases, belching appears very often and may even be permanent, so you need to know how to get rid of belching at home.

Medication use

Belching can be treated various methods and often people run to the pharmacy to buy medicine for such a symptom.

To do this, you can use the following drugs:

  1. Almagel. You can take such a medicine not only for belching, it will also help get rid of heartburn and flatulence. It is forbidden to use the remedy for kidney pathologies, while breastfeeding.
  2. Motilium. Can be used in tablet and suspension form. The drug allows you to remove the stagnation of food in the stomach and you need to drink the remedy a quarter of an hour before a meal. It is forbidden to use the medicine for bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as obstruction of the stomach.
  3. Pancreatin. These tablets will help get rid of heaviness and belching.
  4. Omeprazole. The medicine is sold in capsules and serves to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach, and medicine is also used for belching. It is forbidden to drink "Omeprazole" for liver diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Smekta. It is sold in the form of a powder, which must be drunk to relieve heartburn and belching. It is forbidden to use the powder for intestinal obstruction.

All drugs are allowed to be used only in certain cases and in the treatment of certain pathologies, since belching of air in adults often occurs as a result of diseases.

Power adjustment

Belching often appears as a result of the use of low-quality, incompatible products, as well as the wrong diet.

Whatever the reasons for belching, you must adhere to proper nutrition. This allows not only to get rid of belching, but also improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

There are several standard rules that will allow you to remove a burp, regardless of the reason for its occurrence:

  1. It is recommended to use separate meals so that dishes of different consistency are consumed separately.
  2. You need to eat often, but in small portions, which makes it easier digestive process.
  3. After meals and before it, you can drink various teas that are made from medicinal herbs. These include mint, chamomile or sage. Such a drink can soothe gas and other discomforts.
  4. From the menu, you need to remove food that contains a lot of sugars, fibers and vegetable fiber. Complex carbohydrates are also excluded, since such substances are digested for a long time and require a lot of enzymes.
  5. It is necessary to minimize the use of dairy products, with the exception of low-fat kefir, yogurt and acidophilus.
  6. Every week it is recommended to spend fasting days and use only rice and mint tea as a daily food. All this stops belching with air, indigestion and flatulence.
  7. It is recommended to create a diet that will be rich in magnesium, fatty acids and vitamins from the group, B 6, E, K. All these elements can be found in salmon, flaxseeds, soft-boiled eggs, dried fruits and veal.

Using such rules it will be possible to protect and avoid belching air after eating, but if this does not help, then you will need to use folk methods which are easy to make at home.

Folk remedies

It should be understood that burping with air is not a separate disease, but is considered a symptom of certain pathologies, when you should be alert.

Treatment of belching with folk remedies is perfect for stopping the condition at home.

radical therapy

If the test results showed the presence of a mild inflammatory process, for relief pathological symptoms the following methods are used:

  • Compliance with the daily routine. A nursing woman who is faced with gastritis must observe the regime of work and rest. If a young mother feels tired, then she should not deny herself a 30-minute rest;
  • Diet. Diet plays one of the most important roles in improving the condition of the gastric mucosa. A nursing woman should exclude the use of sugar, fatty foods, table salt and various spices. Positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract dairy products, soups from vegetables and cereals, natural fruit and berry kissels without added sugar;
  • Maintaining the pH of the stomach. To this end medical specialists recommend daily intake of alkaline mineral water;
  • Emotional state control. Regardless of whether a nursing woman suffers from gastritis or not, she needs to control psycho-emotional state avoiding stress and nervous tension;
  • Relief of discomfort and pain in the stomach. For this purpose, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed. medicinal medicines. The attending physician is engaged in selection of names and dosages of such means.

If, against the background of gentle gastritis therapy, the general condition of the young mother did not improve, then medical specialists decide on the need for a radical course of treatment, which involves the rejection of breastfeeding. This type of gastritis treatment involves the use of such medicines:

  • Enzymatic preparations;
  • Antibacterial agents, the action of which is aimed at suppressing the vital activity of Helicobacter Pylori;
  • proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole) and antacids;
  • H2-histamine blockers;
  • As symptomatic therapy, antispasmodics, as well as drugs that normalize water-electrolyte exchange in organism.

In order not to complete premature lactation, it is important for a nursing woman to express breast milk during the entire period of radical therapy. The expressed product is unsuitable for feeding the baby. You can resume breastfeeding only 3-5 days after the end of drug therapy.

Tablets from the stomach while feeding

When a nursing mother's stomach hurts, all necessary measures must be taken so that she does not end up in the hospital, away from the baby. If you have heartburn or you suspect that you have eaten some low-quality foods, take smecta.

It is absolutely safe for a nursing drug, adsorbing all unnecessary and eliminating the symptoms of stomach problems. If it is overeating or lack of enzymes, take pancreatin (preferably only after consulting a doctor), but only once.

Systematically overeating, escaping with enzymes, is not at all good for the pancreas.

If abdominal pain is caused by gas and colic, there is dill water for this (you probably already stocked it for the child) and espumizan. For constipation, nursing mothers can take Regulax or use one of the folk remedies(castor oil, etc.)

d.). WITH severe pain in the lower abdomen or on the right, it is still better to consult a doctor.

Painkillers taken from “female” pains are mostly contraindicated during lactation, and with appendicitis it is contraindicated to take anything at all and you should immediately head towards the nearest hospital.

Products that increase lactation

Be sure to consult your doctor before taking medication while breastfeeding. Even if the drug can be taken while breastfeeding, only the doctor will select the correct dosage depending on the individual characteristics of the baby's development. In addition, pain and spasms may indicate serious health problems in the mother that will require other treatment.

Some mothers think that when the dose is reduced, the pain medication does not affect lactation or the baby. For example, if you drink not a pill, but only half, it will not do harm. This is wrong! In any case, if the drug is absorbed into the blood, it will pass into breast milk. In addition, a small dosage may not bring the desired effect and may not relieve pain.

List of drugs

Metronidazole for gastritis and ulcers - instructions

Trimedat has become a widely used drug. It is used to treat adults and children with colic and digestive disorders. It compares favorably with other antispasmodics, which is why it has received recognition from gastroenterologists. From what the drug helps and how to use it correctly, you will learn from this article.

Composition and form of release

The action of Trimedat is due to the presence of trimebutine in the composition. The remaining substances are auxiliary and do not have a pharmacological effect:

  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • silicon dioxide colloidal;
  • corn starch.

The drug is produced only in tableted flat-cylindrical form. Pills white color, with the letters "TM" pushed aside on one side.

The dosage of the main active ingredient per 1 tablet is 100 mg or 200 mg.

In pharmacies, the drug can be found under two names Trimedat and Trimedat Valenta. These drugs do not differ in their constituent components. Their difference lies in the country of manufacture:

  • Trimedat Valenta - produced in Russia;
  • Trimedat - made in the Republic of Korea.

pharmachologic effect

Creon is a drug used for replacement and symptomatic therapy with a lack of digestive enzymes. The active substance is pancreatin. Stimulates the work of the pancreas. Due to the balanced enzyme composition, it helps to digest nutrients, ensuring their normal absorption.

Main indications for use: cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, tumors, peptic ulcer, blockage of the ducts or removal of the pancreas, decreased function of the pancreas in old age.

Metronidazole is the first active substance that was once used to destroy pathogens. helicobacter bacteria pylori in gastritis, gastroduodenitis and peptic ulcer.

The drug of the same name is actively used in anti-Helicobacter therapy to this day.

This medicine belongs to the group of antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agents, is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic.

Metronidazole helps not only with hp-associated inflammation of the stomach, but also with giardiasis, trichomoniasis, peritonitis, pneumonia.

Instructions for use of metronidazole

Tablets are white, with a yellowish-greenish tinge, flat-cylindrical; there is a cross line.

In addition to the key component, the composition includes povidone, stearic acid and potato starch.

The components of the drug disrupt protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, prevent tissue respiration of bacteria.

Active ingredients are involved in metabolic processes and metabolized in the liver, and then very slowly excreted from the body.

Excretion is carried out mainly with urine (up to 80%) and to a lesser extent with feces.

How to drink metronidazole - before meals or after?

The drug is usually taken after meals or during it. The tablet is not chewed.

Dose for an adult - 2 tablets three times a day.

How many days to take the drug?

The course of antihelicobacter therapy usually lasts 7 days. Often it is combined - that is, at the same time the patient is invited to drink other pills (for example, amoxicillin, amosin).

Metronidazole analogues

Groups of drugs without contraindications

Women during lactation are allowed to systematically take antihypertensive drug Methyldopa and its analogues Dopanol, Dopegyt.

In severe hypertension, Capropril, Enalapril can be prescribed in combination with diuretics Veroshpiron or Hydrochlorothiazide.

The list of drugs allowed while breastfeeding includes:

  • Cholagogues, enzymes, anti-enzymes: Festal, Allochol, Cholenzim, Enzistal, Oraza, Pepfiz.
  • Preparations of enveloping and adsorbing action: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Activated carbon, Karbolen, Tanalbin.
  • Inhaled corticosteroids in bronchial asthma.
  • Hormonal agents for the treatment of autoimmune pathologies.
  • oral monophasic contraceptives a new generation based on desogestrel and levonorgestrel: Microlut, Lactinet.
  • Short-term antihistamines: Cetirizine, Loratadine. Means of the first generation (Suprastin, Tavegil) are not prescribed.
  • Herbal laxatives Guttalax, Regulax are allowed, but in moderate dosages. Bisacodyl is not recommended.
  • Multivitamins and minerals.

Every woman should be aware that the safety and toxicity of drugs directly depends on the age and status of the baby. For example, in the weak, premature, and in the first two months of a newborn's life, the process of absorption and excretion of drugs does not occur at the same speed as in older and heavier children.

Therefore, dosages, duration of the course, type and form of the drug should be discussed exclusively with the doctor. Only a specialist will tell you the optimal dosage regimen and thereby reduce the risks of a negative impact on the child.

And this is an axiom that is not discussed.

Diet after childbirth

For stomach pain and stool disorders, women on breastfeeding can be helped by proper nutrition. Mom does not have to follow a strict diet. During lactation, a woman spends about 500 kcal daily, so proper nutrition is necessary.

The list of staples for consumption includes:

  • dairy products;
  • lean meats;
  • gluten-free cereal cereals: buckwheat, corn;
  • boiled and stewed vegetables;
  • pasta;
  • fruits in small quantities.

It is also important to observe the drinking regimen. Preference is given to fruit drinks, compotes, green tea.

Foods that can cause stomach pain:

  • sweets;
  • fresh bread;
  • milk in pure form;
  • fried food;
  • smoked meats;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • bakery;
  • citrus;
  • spices.

The nutrition of a woman during lactation pursues several different goals at the same time. The daily diet should not only help to saturate the baby, stimulate a sufficient amount of milk in a woman, but also help physical recovery. female body after childbirth.

But still, the main distinguishing feature of the diet during lactation should be the complete safety of products for mother and baby. To do this, all dishes must be fresh and prepared from quality ingredients. This will help avoid digestive problems and constipation.

The saturation of the child, lactation and recovery of the body after childbirth depend on the nutrition of a woman. Therefore, you should include safe foods in your diet. A lactating woman should replenish the supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For a day, a young mother loses 1000 kcal, to make up for such losses, use the following products:

  • Lean meat: chicken, lamb, veal. Pork meat is not recommended to be consumed 4 months after childbirth.
  • Sea fish. Sturgeon species and caviar should be avoided.
  • Coarse flour products, prunes, fresh vegetables contain dietary fiber and improve digestion.
  • Fresh fruits, cereals, olive, linseed or sunflower oil.

Abdominal pain disturbs both children and adults. They do not bypass nursing mothers. The problem in this case is exacerbated by the fact that not all medications are approved for use during this period. Postpartum changes in the body, stress, lack of sleep, eating disorders - all this and much more can cause abdominal pain during lactation.

Why does pain appear?

Discomfort in the epigastric region with hv can appear for a number of reasons:

  • stressful state. The experiences of a nursing mother can provoke excessive production of gastric juice, which includes hydrochloric acid. This is what acid does. irritant effect on the condition of the mucous membrane, which is fraught with the development inflammatory response and the appearance of soreness;
  • prolapse of the stomach. During pregnancy, due to the growing uterus, the organs are slightly displaced, and after childbirth, the condition can worsen even more. This change causes pain;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases digestive system: gastritis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • muscle pain. Difficult labor can provoke muscle pain, which is easily confused with stomach pain;
  • convulsions. They are also called postpartum contractions, resulting from a decrease in blood flow to the uterus;
  • violation of the diet. Limiting certain foods and increasing others can lead to digestive problems.

In some cases, discomfort in the stomach area is associated with disorders from other organs and systems: inflammation of the kidneys and adrenal glands, pleurisy, intervertebral hernia, metritis, inflammation of the small intestine.

Breast pain in a breastfeeding mother may be the result of overeating


To begin with, we highlight the symptoms that require emergency medical care:

  • redness around the seam after caesarean section;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • intense pain;
  • bleeding.

The following symptoms speak of disorders of the digestive tract: discomfort, heaviness, vomiting, heartburn, belching, constipation or diarrhea, weakness, malaise, change in appetite. The specialist evaluates all these symptoms, as well as the nature of the pain.

Diseases that cause stomach pain in a nursing mother

Why does my stomach hurt while breastfeeding? The doctor will be able to answer this question after the examination. Let's talk about the most common diseases that provoke discomfort.


Prolapse of the stomach causes pain in the epigastrium of a dull or aching character. Usually discomfort occurs after eating and passes in the supine position. Sometimes pain occurs in the lumbar region. Eating provokes bursting and heaviness in the stomach, nausea and belching.

Appetite also decreases, weakness, fatigue and irritability appear. Gastroptosis causes headaches and dizziness.

Therapeutic exercise strengthens the ligamentous apparatus, which is responsible for holding the stomach in place. A woman is encouraged to do gymnastics or swimming. A special role in the treatment of prolapse is played by breathing exercises, which should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. As adjuvant therapy folk methods are also used, for example, an infusion of yarrow and wormwood.


Inflammation of the gallbladder causes dull pain with right side, which gives into the shoulder blade and arm. Women complain of belching with a bitter taste, nausea and vomiting, general malaise, fatigue, drowsiness, fever.

With cholecystitis, it is extremely important for a woman to follow a strict diet. In difficult cases, a two-day fast is prescribed. In the future, it is important to observe fractional nutrition. Food is best cooked steamed or stewed and baked. Food should be taken warm, cold dishes will only increase discomfort. An important role is played by compliance with the drinking regimen.

Abdominal pain during breastfeeding may occur due to inflammation of the gallbladder


Gastric pain has a pulling cramping character. Women are also concerned about nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, and upset stools. In some cases, the doctor may recommend interruption of feeding. If the pain is moderate and does not affect the general condition of the woman, then in this case the problem can be eliminated without interrupting feeding.

With gastritis, a woman is recommended to take food that envelops the gastric mucosa and does not irritate the organ. In the inflammatory process, you should use oatmeal on the water, buckwheat porridge, jelly, vegetable stew, etc. Mineral water able to normalize the acidity of the stomach. With increased acidity, it is recommended to take Borjomi, with low acidity - Essentuki.


Pain in the upper abdomen during inflammation of the pancreas are burning and bursting in nature, which are simply unbearable to endure. Vomiting brings no relief. Remains of undigested food appear in diarrhea. The general condition of the woman is disturbed, the body temperature rises.

On the first day, a woman must observe fasting. To relieve pain, cold is placed on the upper abdomen. Antispasmodics are prescribed to relieve pain.

Pain in lower abdomen

The postpartum period is different for every woman. Sometimes there are pains in the lower abdomen, which can greatly frighten a woman. A short and mild discomfort is considered a variant of the norm. If the pain does not go away for a long time and brings unbearable discomfort, this cannot be tolerated.

Let's highlight the most common causes of pain in the lower abdomen:

  • the active production of oxytocin can cause cramping pulling pains. The hormone stimulates the contractile function of the uterus so that the organ returns to its previous forms;
  • irritation of the nipples during lactation further stimulates the production of oxytocin. Active contraction of the uterus causes a new wave of pain;
  • remnants of the placenta in the uterus can provoke pain that does not subside within a month after childbirth. Adhering particles provoke the formation of blood clots and putrefaction. You can solve the problem with surgical intervention, along with which antibiotic therapy is prescribed;
  • endometritis. Most often occurs after a caesarean section. Surgery can cause infection to enter the uterus. In addition to pain, spotting appears with impurities of pus, and the temperature also rises. Helps fight inflammation complex treatment, including such drugs: antibacterial, desensitizing, detoxifying, restorative;
  • salpingoophoritis. Inflammation of the appendages provokes pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • peritonitis. Inflammation of the abdominal cavity causes unbearable pain and high fever;
  • vertebral displacement. In this case, the pain radiates to the spine. Unpleasant sensations can disturb a woman for a long period of time and intensify with physical exertion.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by inflammation of the appendages

What should a breastfeeding mother do?

During breastfeeding, mothers are not allowed to use all the drugs that are usually used to relieve pain. This is due to the fact that the active components of drugs penetrate into breast milk, and then into children's body.

Treatment differs depending on the underlying cause of the pain. If the whole thing lies in digestive disorders, a woman is prescribed enzymatic agents.

If the pain is accompanied by heartburn and sour belching, this indicates an increased acidity of the stomach. In this case, enveloping and antacid preparations will help. Along with drug treatment, a woman should normalize her diet.

If abdominal pain caused constipation, rhubarb root, buckthorn bark, senna leaves, bran, anise and Castor oil, flax seeds. Flatulence is another cause of discomfort. Increased gas formation can cause malnutrition, for example, the abuse of fried potatoes, black bread, milk, vegetables.

To combat the pain caused by flatulence, an infusion based on cumin, dill seeds or chamomile flowers will help. Dill oil and fennel oil can reduce gas formation. To restore the water-salt balance, it is necessary to drink natural water in sufficient quantities. It will also be a good prevention of constipation.

Separately, I want to say about the pain after a caesarean section. The surgical suture can cause discomfort. To relieve pain syndromes, a woman is prescribed analgesics that will not harm the baby. Also, along with painkillers, uterine contraction stimulants are prescribed.

If, in addition to pain, the seam turns red after a cesarean section, then be sure to consult a doctor

Very often, after a caesarean section, women are worried about flatulence. Due to surgery, the digestive system is disrupted. In addition to following a proper diet, it is useful for women to do self-massage in a clockwise direction. Also, don't feel sorry for yourself too much. physical activity will help you get rid of increased gas formation faster.

If you had a caesarean section, then during feeding, apply a pillow over the seam. Within two months after childbirth, intimacy is prohibited. In the first week after surgery, the suture should be treated with antiseptic solutions.

Abdominal pain in a nursing mother occurs for physiological and pathological reasons. If the discomfort lasts during the first week after childbirth, then most likely this is a variant of the norm and a sign of natural contraction of the uterus. In this case, the pain has a pulling cramping character that can be tolerated.

If the soreness persists for a longer time and is unbearable to endure, then it is best to contact a specialist for an examination.

You should not self-medicate, only a specialist will be able to identify the true cause of abdominal pain and prescribe the correct treatment. Watch your diet, do special exercises for uterine contraction and try to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. Early appeal for qualified help will help to avoid serious complications and maintain health!

After the birth of a child, a new mother may face a variety of health problems. One of the most common postpartum complaints is constant pain in a stomach. The causes of pain in the stomach can be malnutrition or the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you experience pain of any nature, you should immediately consult a doctor.


If your stomach hurts or you feel discomfort in the abdomen after childbirth, you need to determine the cause of the disease. Discomfort can occur for several reasons. Self-diagnosis in this case is almost impossible. Remember that abdominal pain can be a dangerous symptom. various diseases. Consider the main causes of abdominal discomfort after childbirth and during breastfeeding.

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. If during pregnancy a woman had diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, these diseases could worsen during childbirth. In the presence of any diseases of the stomach, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor in order to avoid exacerbations. If you experience abdominal pain after childbirth, you need to visit a gastroenterologist.
  • Change schedule and food. Often, when breastfeeding, when a mother changes her eating schedule and begins to eat foods that are unusual for her, the stomach can react with soreness and bloating.
  • Omission of the stomach. During pregnancy, all the organs of a woman are displaced. Childbirth can exacerbate the displacement, as a result of which the stomach may sink. Gastric prolapse or gastroptosis is a common cause of abdominal pain after childbirth.
  • Muscle pain. Often, muscle pain after childbirth can be confused with pain in the stomach. Such sensations are typical for women who have undergone difficult childbirth. If the baby was squeezed out by manual pressure on the fundus of the uterus, in the first days after birth, the mother may feel moderate or sharp pains in the region of the stomach.
  • Stress. Postpartum stress often causes stomach discomfort. At the same time, an increased content of acid is released into the stomach, which irritates the mucous membrane and causes pain. Stressful conditions also include irritable bowel syndrome.

What to do if constipation occurs during pregnancy

Diseases of the internal organs

Often the cause of pain in the stomach is a disease of one of the internal organs. The disease can be both chronic and acquired after childbirth. Common causes are diseases of the large and small intestines, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder or liver.

Also, the syndrome can be a sign of diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcers. Only diagnostics can reveal the presence and extent of these diseases. With timely access to a doctor, you can hope for gentle treatment and a speedy recovery.

Abdominal pain is insidious and dangerous. It can occur with a disease of organs that are not related to the abdominal cavity. So, for example, pain in the abdomen can appear with pathologies of the appendages, kidneys, lungs or uterus. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist.


Another common cause of abdominal pain is cramping. Experts note that the causes of the disease are still unknown. With this violation, there is no pathological changes functions and tissues of the body. Treatment is based on withdrawal muscle spasm. Presumably, the disease develops against the background of nervous shocks and stress. It is noted that only adults suffer from spasms.

If this disorder occurs, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis of the abdominal organs in order to exclude other causes of the pain syndrome. Only after analyzing the state of all organs and systems, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

However, it is not necessary to write off any soreness as a spasm. Pain is a signal that something is wrong in the body. It doesn't come and go just like that. Our body is designed in such a way that we can learn about violations in the work of organs in time and eliminate them.

Which doctor to contact

If you experience abdominal discomfort, you should visit a gastroenterologist. When acute and burning pain, you should immediately call an ambulance. Only by the results of research can you find out the true causes of stomach pain.

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The first step in determining the cause of pain is to interview the patient. In this case, it is necessary to clearly describe the location and intensity of pain. If pain has become your companion after childbirth, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

During the initial examination, the following diseases can be detected:

Gastritis. Localization of pain in gastritis is felt in the upper or middle part of the stomach. The pain is worse after eating. With this disease, sensations can be acute or pulling.

Such pains are also characteristic of stomach ulcers. An ulcer is a complication of untreated gastritis and often requires surgical treatment.

Postpartum prolapse of the stomach.

This pathology is characterized by heaviness in the stomach, aggravated after eating.

There are frequent cases of swelling and discomfort. The pain is aching. Localization under the spoon. Also, patients with this diagnosis experience nausea and lack of appetite.

Often nursing mothers are faced with the problem of irritable bowel. This disease can develop from a combination of causes. The transition to a new schedule and diet, combined with postpartum stress, become the impetus for the development of the disease. The main symptoms of the disease is a violation of the intestines, which may be accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. There is also a feeling of discomfort and aching pain in the abdomen.

If you had diseases of the abdominal organs before pregnancy, you should also notify your doctor about this. You need to have a medical card with you, which reflects all your chronic and acquired diseases.


Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe you a complete treatment that will eliminate not only the pain syndrome, but also the causes of its occurrence. If you know the causes of discomfort, you can try to cope with them yourself. So, for example, if pain occurs against the background of malnutrition, it is necessary to refuse food for a while. Drink more fluids. Avoid heavy and fatty foods.

Causes of fever after caesarean section

With stomach cramps, you can do a massage. in a circular motion massage the area around the navel in a clockwise direction. Such a massage will quickly relieve spasm, help the movement of gases and relieve pain. If the massage is ineffective, you can take an antispasmodic. To relieve spasm, drugs such as no-shpa, spazmalgon, etc. are used. Remember that only the attending physician can prescribe medication for the mother during breastfeeding!

To prevent the occurrence of pain, it is necessary to take preventive measures. If you notice that discomfort occurs after eating fatty foods, you need to adjust your diet and eating schedule. It is necessary to eat in small portions 5 - 6 times a day. Food should be light. The mother should include in the diet as many vegetables, fruits and herbs as possible.

Don't forget about water. During breastfeeding, you need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. Be careful not to overfill your stomach. Overeating is a common cause of stomach discomfort. If constipation occurs, which is also a common cause of pain, follow a special diet.

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