Home Oral cavity Necrosis in dentistry. Necrosis of hard dental tissues

Necrosis in dentistry. Necrosis of hard dental tissues

Acid necrosis of teeth

Acid (chemical) necrosis of teeth is the result of local influences. This lesion is usually observed in long-term workers in the production of inorganic (hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric) and somewhat less frequently organic acids. One of the first clinical signs of acid necrosis is a feeling of sore throat, increased sensitivity to temperature and mechanical stimuli. Sometimes there is a feeling of teeth sticking when they are closed.

Causes of acid necrosis of teeth:

The occurrence of this pathology is primarily associated with the direct effect of acids on tooth enamel. In the workshops of such industries, acid vapors and gaseous hydrogen chloride accumulate in the air, which, when entering the oral cavity, dissolve in saliva. The latter becomes acidic and decalcifies the hard tissues of the tooth.

Pathogenesis of acid necrosis of teeth:

The progression of chemical necrosis of hard dental tissues leads to a change in the appearance of the enamel of the front teeth: it becomes matte and rough. Sometimes the enamel takes on a dirty gray tint or dark pigmentation. The abrasion of dental tissues is sharply expressed.

With acid necrosis, the incisors and canines are most severely affected. The enamel disappears in the area of ​​the cutting edges of the crowns, and sharp, easily broken off areas of the tooth crown are formed. Then the process of destruction and abrasion spreads to the enamel and dentin of not only the vestibular, but also the lingual surface of the incisors and fangs. The crowns of these teeth are shortened, the cutting edge becomes oval, and the crown takes the shape of a wedge. Gradually, the crowns of the front teeth are destroyed to the gingival margin, and the group of premolars and molars is subjected to severe abrasion.

Mild forms of acid necrosis can be observed in patients with achilic gastritis, who, for the purpose of treatment, are forced to take orally a 10% solution of hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid. In this case, there is increased abrasion of the cutting edges of the incisors and the chewing surface of large molars. To prevent this, it is recommended to take acid through glass or plastic straws.

Treatment of acid necrosis of teeth

If lesions occur, measures are taken to help eliminate hyperesthesia and strengthen dental tissue. If there is significant tooth decay, orthopedic treatment is indicated.

Prevention of acid necrosis of teeth:

Prevention of acid necrosis of teeth is carried out primarily by designing supply and exhaust ventilation in workshops in which columns with alkaline water are installed for rinsing the mouth. As observations have shown, workers must carry out this procedure every 1/2-2 hours.

All chemical production workers must be registered with a dispensary. Preventive treatment of teeth with fluoride preparations and remineralizing solutions is carried out during clinical examination.

Dental injuries - tooth bruise, tooth dislocation, tooth fracture. Treatment.

Acute tooth trauma occurs from a simultaneous cause. Often patients do not seek help immediately, but after a long period of time. This makes it difficult to diagnose and treat such lesions. The type of injury depends on the force of the blow, its direction, and the location of application. Age, condition of teeth and periodontal disease are of great importance.

Acute trauma in 32% of cases causes destruction and loss of anterior teeth in children.

In temporary teeth, the most common occurrence is tooth dislocation, fracture, and less commonly, crown fracture. In permanent teeth, the frequency is followed by the breaking off of part of the crown, then dislocation, bruise of the tooth and fracture of the tooth crown. Dental trauma occurs in children of different ages, but temporary teeth are often injured at the age of 1-3 years, and permanent teeth - at 8-9 years.

Bruised tooth. In the first hours, significant pain occurs, which intensifies when biting. Sometimes, as a result of a bruise, a rupture of the vascular bundle occurs, and there may be hemorrhage into the pulp. The condition of the pulps is determined using odontometry, which is carried out 2-3 days after the injury.

Treatment consists of creating peace, achieved by eliminating solid foods from the diet. In young children, the tooth can be excluded from contact by grinding the cutting edge of the antagonist crown. It is not advisable to grind the edges of the crown of a permanent tooth. In case of irreversible damage to the pulp of the affected tooth, trepanation of the crown, removal of the dead pulp and filling of the canal are indicated. If darkening of the crown occurs, it is bleached before filling.

Tooth dislocation. This is a displacement of the tooth in the socket that occurs when a traumatic force is directed laterally or vertically. In normal periodontal condition, significant force is required to displace the tooth. However, with bone resorption, dislocation can occur from hard food and be accompanied by damage to the integrity of the gums. It can be isolated or in combination with a fracture of the tooth root, alveolar process or jaw body.

· Complete tooth luxation is characterized by its falling out of the socket.

· Incomplete dislocation - partial displacement of the root from the alveolus, always accompanied by rupture of periodontal fibers over a greater or lesser extent.

· Impacted dislocation is manifested by partial or complete displacement of the tooth from the socket towards the body of the jaw, leading to significant destruction of bone tissue.

The patient complains of pain in one tooth or group of teeth, and significant mobility. Accurately indicates the time of occurrence and cause.

First of all, it is necessary to decide whether it is advisable to preserve such a tooth. The main criterion is the condition of the bone tissue at the root of the tooth. If it is preserved for at least 1/2 the length of the root, it is advisable to preserve the tooth. First, the tooth is placed in its original place (under anesthesia), and then it is kept at rest, excluding its mobility. For this purpose, splinting is carried out (with wire or quick-hardening plastic). Then the condition of the dental pulp should be determined. In some cases, when the root is displaced, the neurovascular bundle ruptures, but sometimes the pulp remains viable. In the first case, with necrosis, the pulp must be removed and the canal sealed; in the second case, the pulp is preserved. To determine the condition of the pulp, its response to electric current is measured. The reaction of the pulp to a current of 2-3 μA indicates its normal state. It should, however, be remembered that in the first 3-5 days after injury, a decrease in pulp excitability may be a response to traumatic exposure. In such cases, it is necessary to check the condition of the pulp over time (repeatedly). Restoration of excitability indicates restoration of a normal state.

If the tooth reacts to a current of 100 μA or more during repeated examination, then this indicates pulp necrosis and the need for its removal. If a tooth is injured, the root may be driven into the jaw, which is always accompanied by rupture of the neurovascular bundle. This condition is accompanied by pain, and the patient points to a “shortened” tooth. In this case, the tooth is fixed in the correct position and the necrotic pulp is immediately removed. It is recommended to remove it as early as possible to prevent decay and staining of the tooth crown in a dark color.

In case of acute injury, there may be a complete dislocation (the tooth is brought in by hand or the fallen tooth is inserted into the socket). Treatment consists of tooth replantation. This operation can be successful with intact periodontal tissues. It is carried out in the following sequence: the tooth is trepanned, the pulp is removed and the canal is filled. Then, after treating the root and socket with antiseptic solutions, the tooth is inserted into place and fixed (in some cases, splinting is not necessary). If there are no complaints of pain, observation and x-ray control are carried out. The tooth root, replanted in the first 15-30 minutes after injury, is only slightly resorbed, and the tooth remains for many years. If replantation is carried out at a later date, then root resorption is radiologically determined within 1 month after replantation. Root resorption progresses, and by the end of the year a significant part of it is resorbed.

Tooth fracture

Crown fracture does not present any diagnostic difficulties. The volume and nature of treatment intervention depend on tissue loss. If part of the crown is broken off without opening the pulp chamber, it is restored using a composite filling material. The exposed dentin is covered with an insulating lining, and then a filling is applied. The best results are achieved when restoring the crown using a cap. If the conditions for fixing the filling are insufficient, then parapulp pins are used.

If a tooth cavity is opened during an injury, the first step is anesthesia and removal of the pulp; if there are no indications and conditions for its preservation, the canal is sealed. In order to improve the conditions for fixing the filling, a pin can be used, which is fixed in the canal. The lost part of the crown is restored with a composite filling material using a cap. In addition, an inlay or an artificial crown can be made.

It should be remembered that the restoration of the broken part of the tooth should be carried out in the coming days after the injury, since in the absence of contact with the antagonist, this tooth moves in a short time and the adjacent teeth tilt towards the defect, which will not allow further prosthetics without prior orthodontic treatment .

Tooth root fracture. Diagnosis depends on the type of fracture and its location, and most importantly, the possibility of preserving and using the root. X-ray examination is decisive in diagnosis.

The most unfavorable are longitudinal, comminuted and diagonal oblique fractures, in which roots cannot be used for support.

With a transverse fracture, much depends on its level. If a transverse fracture occurs at the border of the upper 1/3-1/4 of the root length or in the middle, then the tooth is trepanned, the pulp is removed, the canal is filled, and the fragments are connected with special pins. In case of a transverse fracture in the quarter of the root closest to the apex, it is enough to fill the canal of the larger fragment. The apical part of the root can be left without intervention.

After filling the canals, it is important to restore the correct position of the tooth and avoid injury when closing the jaws.

Most often, dental damage occurs in childhood and has its own characteristics of diagnosis and treatment, due to significant differences from damage to the teeth of an adult. Damage to teeth in children occurs more often as an independent type of injury and much less often in combination with injuries to other parts of the face.

In recent years, this pathology has become more common. This is facilitated by the popularization of such types of sporting events as hockey, football and others that require forceful struggle during the game. The prevalence of this pathology has not been sufficiently studied. Data from M. Marcus (1951) indicate a higher prevalence of trauma to the anterior teeth - 16-20% of the total number of children examined. The upper incisors are most often affected by injury. The ratio of the number of injured upper to lower incisors is 3:1. Boys are injured 2 times more often than girls.

It should also be noted that in recent years the number of cases of complicated trauma has increased: odontogenic cysts of the frontal region; inflammatory processes in this area, often leading to the cessation of the formation of the root system of the teeth and a decrease in the functional value of a tooth or group of injured teeth, which ultimately ends in their early loss. These types of complications indicate that many specialists are little familiar with the specifics of treating traumatic dental injuries in children.

Treatment of dental trauma in children at all stages can be limited to a period of several days or weeks, or can last up to 2-3 years.

This duration is determined by the severity of the injury, the degree of formation of the root system of the injured tooth and the method of its treatment.

Based on extensive experience and analysis of the results of treatment of this pathology, it is considered appropriate to divide the entire period of rehabilitation of a child with dental trauma into three stages.

· Stage I - initial treatment, which begins from the moment the child contacts the doctor until he is provided with specialized medical care.

At stage I, emergency care is provided to a child with a dental injury in any medical institution. A patient with a dental injury without damage to the soft tissues and bones of the facial skeleton and without a concussion should be referred to a dentist. Considering that this pathology is mainly dealt with by a pediatric dentist-therapist, it is better if the child, bypassing other specialists, immediately gets to him. The dentist-therapist is obliged to provide him with specialized assistance, and the sooner this assistance is provided, the better the long-term treatment results will be. This assistance includes the following actions: assessing the child’s general condition, making a diagnosis, providing pain relief (if necessary) or prescribing analgesics. Delaying specialized treatment within 1-2 days entails fewer complications than hastily performed unqualified care, which often leads to irreparable complications resulting in the loss of a permanent tooth.

· Stage II of specialized medical care begins with collecting anamnesis, determining the cause of the injury, including specialized treatment until clinical recovery. This includes:

· correct preparation of medical documentation;

· taking anamnesis;

· carrying out clinical research methods (inspection, palpation, percussion);

· transillumination study;

X-ray examination;

· based on the obtained clinical and additional research methods, establishing the correct diagnosis;

· carrying out specialized treatment.

· Stage III - follow-up treatment and restoration of function of injured teeth, clinical observation.

Dividing the rehabilitation of children with trauma into three stages contributes to the correct provision of medical care at each of them - from referral to the right specialist to providing the patient with qualified specialized treatment.

The appearance of a tooth can be spoiled not only by carious lesions. In dental practice, there are often cases when a tooth has extensive damage and the cause of this was not pathogenic microorganisms, but external factors.

Constant long-term exposure of tissues leads to necrosis, which requires complex and often long-term treatment.

What it is?

Dental tissue necrosis is the gradual death of enamel and dentin cells. This pathology is a complex dental disease that is difficult to treat.

Usually, The chewing function of a person suffers primarily. As the disease progresses, diction disorders may occur.

Each type of pathology is characterized by its own specific area of ​​localization at the initial stages of development. But as the course of the disease progresses, necrosis gradually spreads to the entire surface of the enamel.

Which, if left untreated, leads to complete destruction of the crown of the tooth and its loss. In this case, necrosis of the gums is sometimes observed after tooth extraction.

Clinical case statistics show that in recent years the frequency of diagnosis of dental tissue necrosis is constantly increasing.

How does it manifest?

Various types of this pathology are characterized by some common signs that allow timely diagnosis of the disease.

To these symptoms include:

  • increased sensitivity of enamel to hot, cold and sour;
  • frequent manifestation of a sore throat for no reason;
  • loss of enamel shine;
  • the presence of unnaturally white spots on the surface, reminiscent of chalk, with a gradual change in color to a darker one. The spot may even turn black;
  • pigmented areas have an uneven color: darker in the center, lighter around the perimeter;
  • in the area of ​​change in shade, the enamel becomes rough and heterogeneous;
  • when exposed to a probe, the affected tissue crumbles and peels off;
  • in some cases, the pathology is accompanied by constant aching pain;
  • there is abrasion of tooth tissue in the area of ​​the cutting part of the front incisors and fangs;
  • in the presence of abrasion, the edges become unnaturally smooth, and the height of the tooth is shortened;
  • If left untreated, complete destruction occurs, right down to the gum line.

What factors provoke it?

The development of this pathology can be influenced by a variety of and completely different factors. Dental tissue necrosis can be provoked by both internal and external causes.


To internal factors, include the following:

  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • pregnancy period. As a rule, necrosis was observed with frequent pregnancies following one after another;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland, for example, hypothyroidism;
  • imbalance of hormone production (especially in adolescence);
  • regular human intoxication;
  • genetic predisposition.

Internal factors mainly lead to cervical necrosis.


External factors include anything that can negatively affect tooth tissue directly:

  • excessive or prolonged exposure to substances containing acids or harsh chemicals. For example, medicines, products, industrial substances;
  • receiving high doses of radiation. Most often observed in the treatment of cancer diseases;
  • constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation.


Depending on the cause and area of ​​localization of the pathology, several types of necrotic tissue damage are distinguished.


With this type of necrosis, areas in the neck of the tooth are affected. As a rule, they are localized in the center, near the gum line and partially below it. Most often, cervical necrosis affects canines, incisors and premolars.

The disease begins with the appearance of a common chalk spot, which quickly progresses and leads to darkening of the adjacent area.

The boundaries of the affected area are actively expanding. In dark areas, the enamel is easily removed by scraping with the blunt end of the probe.

Gradually, the pathology can spread to neighboring specimens.

Typically, cervical type of necrosis accompanied by slight pain that occurs after exposure to irritating factors: products with borderline temperature.


Acid, or as it is also called chemical, occurs as a result of constant exposure to acid or aggressive chemicals. This type of pathology cannot be classified as carious lesions.

Most often it occurs in people working in chemical production, where vapors saturated with acids and hydrogen chloride are constantly present in the air. Also, acid necrosis would be diagnosed in people with frequent vomiting: during pregnancy, in patients with achylia or gastritis.

The most harmful effects are observed from inorganic acids. When it enters the oral cavity, the acid interacts with saliva and leads to demineralization of weak areas of enamel.

The pathology begins with the formation of decalcified areas, which gradually collapse, exposing unprotected dentin. The disease mainly affects the canines or front incisors.

The gradual thinning of the enamel leads to the formation of a sharp edge of the cutting part. With the development of chemical necrosis, tertiary type dentin begins to be produced, therefore pathology can be completely painless.


The use of radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs. Teeth are no exception - non-carious destruction due to irradiation this type occurs quite often.

In addition, people whose professional activities involve radiation equipment are at risk.

The volume of damage and the timing of the development of pathology will directly depend on the received radiation dose. A large dose of radiation causes malfunction of blood vessels and disruption of metabolic processes, which leads to rapid tissue destruction.

In addition to tooth demineralization, the disease may be accompanied by following symptoms:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • changes in trophic processes of soft tissues;
  • the addition of a feeling of numbness or burning, both in the enamel area and on the mucous membrane;
  • anemia;
  • excessive dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • inflammation of periodontal tissues;
  • edema.

Most often, pathology covers the area where teeth meet the gum line.


Not so long ago, among the known diagnoses of necrosis, a new one appeared: computer necrosis. This type of disease was observed in people who did not leave the monitor for at least 8 hours a day, and this regimen was maintained for 3 to 5 years.

This pathology is characterized by smooth symptoms. Apart from external changes in the enamel, nothing else bothered the patients. Most often, it was the side that was facing the screen while it was working that was affected.

This explained by constant ionizing radiation emanating from the monitor.

Unlike other types of necrosis, computer necrosis affects a large area of ​​the dentition at once. In this case, the affected area includes the crown part, the root of the tooth and even the jaw bone.

The special difference is that the disease spreads primarily to the pulp. At the same time, the teeth become dull and take on a grayish tint, even in the intact area.

In areas where pathology is localized, softened dental tissue is found. As a rule, there is no pain at all.


For diagnosis, standard methods are used that would distinguish necrosis of hard tissues from pathologies with similar symptoms and differentiate the varieties.

For this purpose, a visual examination is used, as well as instrumental and hardware examination, using X-ray equipment.


Marble disease and Stanton-Capdepont syndrome have symptoms similar to necrosis. But unlike them, necrosis spreads much faster.

Fluorosis and enamel hypoplasia, in contrast to necrosis, begin during the intrauterine development of the fetus and manifest themselves immediately after tooth germination. In addition, these pathologies are characterized by symmetry and preservation of the properties of the enamel.

The death of dental tissues from ordinary caries can be diagnosed by the location of the lesion. Caries is characterized by damage to any one zone, where it will only deepen and gradually expand.

With necrosis, the entire surface is affected, regardless of the site of primary localization.

How are the species distinguished?

In order to accurately diagnose pathology, it is necessary to differentiate it not only from other dental diseases, but also to determine the type of disease.

Unlike the others, the computer one immediately affects the pulp, which is shown on X-ray images. For other species, this symptom is unusual.

In addition, the enamel loses its shine and uniformity over the entire surface, and not just at the location of the lesion.

The slowly progressing rate of the disease and the formation of sharp edges will help to distinguish the acidic type, which is not typical for the radiation type, in which flat, ground edges are formed.

Radiation is always accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition of both the oral cavity and the entire body.

Treatment methods

Each type requires long-term treatment and the selection of an individual therapy regimen, which can only be prescribed by a dentist after a detailed examination.

As a rule, treatment is complex and includes local remineralization procedures, fluoridation and the use of general medications.

What is it aimed at?

The main goal of treatment is to restore the quality and integrity of dental tissues.

At the initial stages of pathology development, therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused it, as well as restoring the density of the dental tissue structure by saturating it with minerals.

In more advanced cases, therapy will additionally solve the problem of eliminating tooth surface defects.


The main treatment can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

From publicly available methods use the following treatment regimen:

  • Calcium glycerophosphate. Take 1.5 g per day orally for a month.
  • Klamin. For at least 2 weeks, take 2 tablets per day;
  • Phytonol. Dilute 30 drops of the drug in a small amount of warm water and drink at least 15 minutes before meals. The product must be taken for about 2 months.
  • Multivitamin complex. Complivit or Kvadevit are recommended, taking 3 tablets per day for a month.
  • Applications using pastes, which contain large amounts of phosphates. Applications are applied to the enamel every day, leaving for 5 to 15 minutes.

A course of treatment according to this regimen is necessary every 3 months.

How diverse the causes and treatment methods for dental necrosis can be, look at the video:

General rules

Treatment of any type of necrosis has a certain sequence:

  • First, the affected tissues are cleansed.
  • Then complex remineralizing therapy is used.
  • In case of severe destruction, orthopedic treatment is carried out with preparation of the affected area and the application of strengthening pastes, which are covered with a temporary filling.
  • After 1.5 months, the defect area is again opened, cleaned and filled with a permanent glass ionomer filling.


Prevention of this pathology, first of all, consists in eliminating aggressive factors that provoke tissue death, or limiting their impact.

In addition, it is necessary to adjust the diet, reducing the consumption of sour and sweet foods to a minimum.

It is also worth paying special attention to the quality of oral hygiene and regularly visiting the dentist.

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This is a non-carious destruction of the structure of enamel and dentin of teeth due to the influence of negative endogenous and exogenous factors. At the beginning of the disease, chalky spots appear in the cervical area on the vestibular surface of the tooth enamel; as the disease progresses, cavities with uneven boundaries are formed. Pain appears from sour and cold foods. To diagnose pathology, data from a clinical examination, history of the disease, and dental radiography are used. Depending on the severity of hard tissue damage, therapeutic and orthopedic treatment methods may be used.

General information

Necrosis of hard tissues is a systemic multiple damage to the hard tissues of the tooth, which causes the formation of defects on the surface of enamel and dentin. Necrosis of hard tissues develops after teething under the influence of various harmful factors. Now this pathology accounts for about 9% of all non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues. Pathology occurs with equal frequency in men and women. People who work in hazardous industries and have constant contact with toxic substances, undergoing radiological treatment (for example, cancer patients), as well as patients with hormonal imbalances or disorders of the digestive system are most susceptible to the development of necrosis. Necrosis of hard tissues is a fairly common dental pathology in dentistry, which leads to loss of chewing efficiency and requires timely and rational treatment.

Causes of necrosis of hard dental tissues

The causes of necrosis of hard dental tissues are divided into exogenous and endogenous. Endogenous causes of destruction of enamel and dentin include dysfunction of the endocrine glands (thyrotoxicosis, pathology of pregnancy), dysfunction of the central nervous system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (hyperacid gastritis). Thus, with endocrine disorders, the mineral composition of tooth tissue changes, and with problems with the digestive tract, tooth tissue is destroyed by gastric acid.

Exogenous factors in the development of necrosis are toxic substances in production, taking certain types of medications (for example, oral contraceptives), and radiological radiation. When exposed to external production factors, necrosis mainly affects the hard tissues of the central teeth and canines, less often - premolars and molars, since these teeth come into more contact with air containing toxic substances.

When exposed to exogenous stimuli, an immunosuppressive effect occurs on the organs of the oral cavity, the pH of saliva decreases to 5, and microcirculation in the neurovascular bundle of the tooth deteriorates. As a result of these processes, there is a disturbance in the nutrition of hard tooth tissues and a change in the processes of natural remineralization of enamel and dentin. With necrosis, tooth tissue becomes thinner, the structure of enamel prisms is disrupted, the structure of odontoblasts in the pulp tissue changes, and dilation of blood vessels is observed.

Classification of necrosis of hard dental tissues

From a practical point of view, the most relevant for a dentist is the classification of necrosis according to the stages of damage to the hard tissues of the tooth. The following stages are distinguished:

  1. Formation of a chalky spot
  2. Chalky stain, exposed light dentin
  3. Cervical defect with a funnel-shaped depression.

Initially, focal demineralization of the enamel occurs in the cervical area of ​​the tooth. Such enamel can chip off without fully completing demineralization, thereby exposing light dentin. The patient may experience areas of necrosis at different stages of development. The disease progresses, and an increasing amount of tooth tissue is affected. The enamel becomes fragile, the dentin softens. Pronounced processes of obliteration are determined, the size of the pulp chamber decreases. Often, necrosis of hard tissues is complicated by rapidly progressing dental caries, so some authors classify necrosis of hard tissues as multiple caries.

Symptoms of necrosis of hard dental tissues

Patients with necrosis of hard tissues complain of discoloration of teeth. Thus, when exposed to hydrochloric acid, teeth become yellow-gray in color, when exposed to sulfuric acid, teeth become black, and when exposed to nitric acid, they become white. The enamel becomes matte and rough, and the shine disappears.

Further, the color of the teeth may darken as a result of the formation of replacement dentin. Patients are bothered by a feeling of sore throat. As the process progresses, pain appears when eating sour and cold foods, which goes away after the irritant is eliminated. It becomes difficult for patients to brush their teeth because the mechanical action causes pain.

Dental damage is multiple and progresses rapidly. Unlike other types of non-carious lesions, defects have uneven borders. The bottom of the cavities is matte, probing the cavities is painful. Dental percussion is negative. Further development of the process leads to vertical and horizontal abrasion of teeth, as a result of which chewing efficiency is greatly reduced.

Diagnosis of necrosis of hard dental tissues

To diagnose the disease, dentists conduct a thorough history taking and clinical examination of the patient. Differential diagnosis is carried out with other types of non-carious enamel lesions - wedge-shaped defect and enamel erosion. With necrosis of hard tissues, unlike other non-carious lesions, there is no surface gloss, and a different shape of the lesion is determined.

To exclude changes in the periapical tissues, radiographic diagnostics are performed (orthopantomogram, computed tomography, targeted radiography of the tooth). When diagnosing lesions, it is very important to determine the cause that caused the necrosis, so dentists often refer patients to see an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and other internists.

Treatment and prevention of necrosis of hard dental tissues

When treating necrosis of hard dental tissues, it is necessary to limit the exposure of the patient to a harmful factor. For this type of pathology, complex treatment should be carried out: general and local. General treatment should be aimed at increasing the reactivity of the body and the immune system. Local treatment is carried out by dentists. In the initial stages of the disease, remineralizing therapy with calcium preparations is used to strengthen the hard tissues of teeth. When cavities appear, the defects are closed with modern filling materials. In severe stages, when there is a pronounced loss of hard tissue, teeth are restored with orthopedic structures. The types of structures are selected by an orthopedic dentist individually for each patient.

To prevent necrosis of hard tissues of teeth, patients need to follow safety rules in production, use personal protective equipment, undergo medical observation by general doctors if there is pathology of internal organs, do not miss regular examinations by a dentist, sanitize the oral cavity and maintain a high level of oral hygiene cavities.

Necrosis is a pathology of tissues of a living organism, manifested in the death of cells without subsequent regeneration and with a complete cessation of their functioning.

This deviation develops under the influence of strong irritants and may be accompanied by swelling or, conversely, dehydration of tissues.

Characteristics of the pathological process in the oral cavity

Necrosis of hard tissues of teeth and gums is a dangerous phenomenon that over time leads to a complete loss of chewing functions. The death of dental tissues in the oral cavity is the process of gradual death of dentin and enamel cells. This type of dental disease is difficult to treat.

The death of gum cells and hard dental tissues can be caused by various factors - both external (direct external influence) and internal (diseases of internal organs, changes in the state of the body).

The pathological process affects several teeth at once. As the disease progresses, rapid tissue abrasion and loosening of the affected teeth occur.

Since necrosis is an irreversible phenomenon, therapeutic measures in this case are aimed not at treating the affected areas, but at stopping the process of cell necrosis.

Death of gum cells

Gum necrosis is an abnormal process that manifests itself in the death of soft tissues of the oral cavity. The development of the disease is associated with circulatory disorders. The affected areas do not recover even with therapeutic measures.

Provoking factors

The gum structure is destroyed due to the following factors:

Separately, it is worth noting the harm to gum tissue from such material as, which is sometimes used in the dental field to remove pulp from the depths of the tooth. Arsenic has a destructive effect on soft tissues and can cause the development of gum necrosis.

The photo shows gum necrosis that developed from arsenic embedded in the pulp

Features of the clinic

The death of gum tissue is expressed in the following signs, which become more pronounced as the pathology progresses.

The first thing that should alert the patient is strong symptoms for no obvious reason. Other signs of the disease are:

  • loss of enamel shine;
  • discoloration and roughness of the surface of the teeth;
  • appearance ;
  • redness of the gums and swelling, slight lag of their surfaces from the tooth;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

As tissue death progresses, an increase in body temperature is observed, as well as increased bleeding of soft tissues, the appearance of gray plaque on the surface of the teeth and their gradual decline.

Against the background of the described symptoms, the patient experiences constant headaches, loses sleep and appetite.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of deviation is based on identifying the following criteria:

  • the presence of an unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity;
  • color of gum tissue, their structure;
  • soft tissue pain, bleeding;
  • the presence of signs indicating intoxication of the body - insomnia, headache, stomach upset.

In addition to visual examination methods of the oral cavity, the dentist also prescribes instrumental diagnostics to the patient.

Using the first method, a picture of necrotic tissue destruction and possible complications caused by this are obtained.

X-ray examination allows you to establish the stage of the pathological process.

Instrumental diagnostic methods involve conducting a microscopic examination of soft plaque. The result is obtaining information about the composition of the microflora, the number of leukocytes, and identification of fungi.

The dentist also examines the likelihood of concomitant oral diseases.

As for the treatment of the destructive process, the effectiveness depends on the stage of its development, the presence or absence of other soft tissue diseases. Already affected areas cannot be treated, since necrosis is irreversible. Dead cells can only be removed surgically to avoid further destruction and the spread of infections.

There are two ways to stop the pathology:

  1. Treatment of affected tissues with antiseptics and restoration of normal blood circulation, surgical removal of completely dead areas. This treatment method is used for dry necrosis.
  2. Transfer of wet necrosis to the dry stage, followed by treatment of the affected areas with disinfectants, opening of purulent areas and their drainage.

Since dying off provokes the rapid spread of infection and causes intoxication of the body, the patient, along with the described procedures, is prescribed antibacterial and detoxification therapy.

With timely treatment, while necrosis is in the early stages of development, the prognosis of the disease is favorable: special measures restore normal blood circulation in the gum area, help stop bleeding and eliminate pain, etc.

If treatment fails, as occurs in late stages of necrosis, chewing function may be lost. In addition, gums and teeth are completely destroyed.

To prevent a destructive process, it is recommended to ensure adequate and regular dental care, promptly contact the dentist if problems arise, eat well, and treat chronic diseases.

Necrotic changes in hard dental tissues

Necrosis of tooth enamel and dentin occurs due to the presence of provoking factors of an internal and external nature:

  1. First group combines such causes as disruption of the functioning of organs and systems of the body: these are malfunctions in the central nervous system and in the functioning of the endocrine glands, genetic malfunctions. Also, the death of hard tissue cells is observed during pregnancy, when a serious hormonal change occurs in a woman’s body.
  2. External reasons– these are unfavorable factors that directly affect a person. These include the effects of chemicals, radioactive radiation, and electromagnetic influence. Dental necrosis often occurs in representatives of those professions whose activities are associated with these harmful substances.

Classification of destructive process

In the dental field, the following types of dental necrosis are considered:

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic measures to accurately determine the disease include examination of the patient, history taking, and differential methods. Polarizing microscopy during diagnosis allows you to detect changes in the subsurface layer of enamel.

The choice of treatment method depends on what type of necrosis was detected:

  1. During therapy cervical type of pathology is first eliminated, then their surface is covered with special materials, carious cavities.
  2. With tissue destruction caused by computer exposure or radiation, necrotic masses are removed and the resulting cavities are filled with calcifying material. After a month and a half, the affected dental tissues are removed and reinforcing compounds are reapplied. The last stage of treatment is with special cements.
  3. When acidic Necrosis, first of all, you need to stop the influence of harmful substances on the tooth. Next, a long course is carried out.

The consequence of the advanced form of the disease is the loss of the entire dentition.

To prevent exposure of tooth enamel to harmful substances in an industrial environment, it is important to follow safety precautions by using personal protective equipment and rinsing the mouth with alkaline water every two hours.

Another important condition for prevention is maintaining oral hygiene.

Summing up

Necrosis is a dangerous phenomenon that contributes to the destruction of hard and soft tissues. In dentistry, this pathology is considered as a condition that cannot be completely cured. However, it is possible to stop the destructive process and eliminate already dead areas.

The death of gum tissue and hard tooth tissue requires different diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Depending on the form and stage of development of the disease, it can have both favorable and unfavorable outcomes.

In order to prevent pathology, it is important to follow a set of prescribed measures, especially if a person’s professional activity is associated with harmful substances - acids, chemical elements.

Among non-carious dental diseases, necrosis of hard dental tissues is quite dangerous. Let's talk about its causes and methods of treatment. Under no circumstances should such a problem be ignored, as this threatens the complete loss of the entire dentition and loss of chewing function.

The danger of this pathology lies in the fact that the infection in the mouth constantly enters the internal organs with food and saliva, thereby provoking the appearance of other diseases. If you experience any of the symptoms described below, you should immediately consult a doctor to correct the problem.

What is dental necrosis?

This pathology is formed under the influence of many aggressive external or internal factors. The destruction process is the gradual death of hard tissues - enamel and enamel, which leads to the loss of their chewing function. If the disease develops and is not affected in any way, then it will all end with impaired diction and tooth loss.

Necrosis develops quite actively and can affect a variety of areas of hard tissue, quickly spreading throughout the entire series. This is an irreversible process that is difficult to treat. It is found with equal frequency in men and women of different ages. Among non-carious diseases, it is common in 9% of all cases of visiting a doctor.


Why does necrosis of hard tissues appear in the oral cavity? There are many factors contributing to this; they can be internal or external. People who work with radiation, complex instruments, chemicals, metals and other hazardous industries are at greatest risk. Let us briefly describe the main causes of dental necrosis:

  • problems in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • hormonal disorders, which often happens during adolescence or pregnancy;
  • hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland malfunctions;
  • constant intoxication of the body;
  • hereditary factors;
  • frequent exposure to high acids or their fumes on the oral cavity (this includes work in hazardous industries, frequent vomiting, disturbance of the acid-base balance in the stomach, etc.);
  • high doses of radiation, for example, in the treatment of cancer;
  • electromagnetic pulses;
  • taking certain medications that contribute to the destruction of enamel.

Doctors have noticed that if the cause is internal problems, then cell death begins from the root or cervical area. And in cases of the main factor lying outside the body, tooth necrosis affects the outer part of the crown. Most often, incisors, canines and premolars are affected by this type of disease, because they are susceptible to direct aggressive effects (for example, harmful fumes).

Exogenous factors lead to disruption of the composition of saliva and the alkaline balance of the oral cavity, reduce blood microcirculation, which ends in destructive processes due to insufficient nutrition at the cellular level and poor protection from external influences.


When diagnosing, doctors are helped by the following signs of the disease, which make it possible to determine the onset of necrosis of hard tissues:

  • increased sensitivity, manifested in the form of an irritable reaction to;
  • causeless formation that cannot be explained by eating sour fruits;
  • a significant decrease in gloss on the enamel surface, it becomes pale and dull;
  • the appearance of white chalky spots, which darken over time and sometimes even become black;
  • such pigment formations may have an uneven shade, when it is darker in the center and lighter towards the edges;
  • the affected areas of hard tissue appear rough to the touch and acquire a heterogeneous structure;
  • during diagnostic exposure using a probe, peeling of individual sections of enamel is observed;
  • in some patients the disease is accompanied by constant aching painful sensations;
  • the cutting edge of the tooth quickly collapses, which significantly reduces the chewing function and leads to abrasion of its surface, malocclusion and loss of part of the crown;
  • with advanced pathology, the units in the row decrease so much that their edge rapidly approaches the gum.

Depending on the specific impact, you may notice a certain change in the shade of the tooth. So, if hydrochloric acid became the main pathogenic factor, then the color of the enamel becomes yellow-gray, and if sulfuric acid, then black. The concentration of nitrogenous substances leads to the formation of chalky spots and loosening of the solid structure.


There is a classification that identifies a certain type of dental necrosis depending on its cause and location:

  1. Cervical - as the name suggests, it affects the cervical area of ​​the enamel, closer to the gum, and sometimes goes under it. It all starts with an inconspicuous white spot, similar to chalk. But the disease progresses quickly and the affected area darkens, turning brown or even black. The pathogenic formation is actively growing, covering ever larger volumes and nearby units. When exposed to dental instruments, the enamel surface is easily scraped off, exfoliating in the affected areas. The patient complains of increased sensitivity when eating hot or cold food.
  2. Acidic - appears from exposure to aggressive acids or their fumes on the dentition. Most often, this type of disease is observed in people working in hazardous industries, where there is constant contact with such substances. It often appears in pregnant women or patients with gastritis, since vomit settles on the teeth and quickly destroys them with its chemical composition. Necrosis of hard tissues begins in this case from small individual affected areas on the dental crown, where demineralization processes occur. Calcium is quickly washed away from the enamel structure, the tooth surface is destroyed and exposes unprotected dentin. Due to thinning under the influence of acids, hard tissues quickly wear away and lead to damage to the cutting edge. In this case, the pathological process is characterized by a painless course.
  3. Radiation – appears as a result of harmful radiation. It is observed most often in two groups of people. The first are those who work with the relevant instruments and apparatus for a long period. The second group are patients with cancer who are undergoing radiation or other types of therapy. Irradiation not only destroys the dental structure, but also affects the condition of all organs and the general well-being of a person. The intensity of the disease directly depends on the dose, frequency and duration of the negative impact. In addition to destructive processes in the enamel and dentin tissues, other problems occur - the condition of the mucous membrane worsens, periodontal inflammation occurs, there is a feeling of numbness or burning, anemia is diagnosed, increased dryness or, conversely, swelling is observed in the mouth. Necrosis is located in the cervical region, closer to the edge of the gum.
  4. Computer disease is a relatively new type of pathology, diagnosed in people who spend most of the day at the computer. Due to its harmful radiation, a destructive process occurs in the enamel on the frontal part of the row. Those who work at a computer for 3-5 years or longer are at risk of the disease. In this case, the symptoms of necrosis are smoothed and unexpressed. Apart from changing the shade of the enamel, nothing bothers the patient. But a significant area is immediately affected - almost the entire smile zone, constantly facing the monitor. The pathological process begins from the outer part of the crown, but over time it moves to the root area and even to the jaw bone. The pulp begins to suffer most quickly from necrosis, and the teeth acquire a gray tint.


To accurately establish a diagnosis, the doctor needs to carefully examine the condition of the patient’s oral cavity, collect anamnesis, complaints, and also use additional indicators. It is very important to distinguish hard tissue necrosis from other non-carious diseases. In this case, the main diagnostic symptom is the lack of shine on the tooth surface, since with a wedge-shaped defect and enamel erosion, for example, it remains.

Differential diagnosis involves identifying a specific destructive process:

  • necrosis of hard tissues is characterized by rapid development, which prevents it from being confused with Stanton-Capdepont syndrome or marble disease;
  • there is asymmetry of the affected areas, the appearance of symptoms at any age and obvious changes in the structure of the enamel, which distinguishes necrosis from fluorosis or hypoplasia of the dental surface;
  • caries is characterized by locality, the predominant destruction of only one area, without rapid spread throughout the entire row, and necrotic tissue death affects a wide area at once.

With the help of some x-ray studies (sighted x-ray, computed tomography or) it is possible to accurately determine the affected areas and distinguish necrosis from other similar diseases.

It is also important to establish the main factors that caused the pathology. For this purpose, they are referred to other specialists, for example, an endocrinologist. Polarizing microscopy is also used, which helps to determine structural changes in the enamel.

If we talk about the causes, then radiation necrosis is accompanied by other symptoms of general weakening of the body and corresponding radiation, which the patient should mention. With a chemical or acid disease, sharp cutting edges are formed on the chewing surface. With the computer variety, the dental pulp is initially affected.

What distinguishes hard tissue necrosis from most other pathological processes is the loss of shine and disruption of the enamel structure not only in the affected area, but throughout the entire surface of the dentition.

How is necrosis of hard dental tissues treated?

When choosing therapeutic tactics, you need to take into account what exactly caused the necrosis:

  1. In case of cervical lesions, they first try to reduce the resulting sensitivity. The surface is coated with a special healing composition, and the tooth is filled.
  2. If the pathology is the result of working at a computer, then the specialist carefully cleans out all necrotic particles and fills the resulting cavity with a special calcifying composition. After a month and a half, the procedure is repeated, and then the tooth is filled to preserve its functionality.
  3. If tissue necrosis appears as a result of acid exposure, then it is necessary to first eliminate the provoking aggressive factor and only then engage in remineralizing therapy.

The most important thing in the treatment process is to reduce the pathogenic impact of the underlying cause. Next, they try to replenish the destroyed volume of dental tissue as much as possible in order to prolong the chewing function of the row. Therefore, the most basic method of treatment is remineralizing therapy, aimed at restoring the structure of the enamel and increasing its protective properties.

For this, the following drugs and procedures are prescribed:

  • taking calcium glycerophosphate orally for a month;
  • Klamin is also prescribed for at least two weeks;
  • in diluted form, you need to use phytonol for at least two months in a row;
  • General strengthening therapy with vitamin and mineral complexes is required;
  • applications with special pastes enriched with phosphates.

If the destructive process is not stopped in a timely manner, this will lead to complete loss of the dentition and the need for prosthetics. But this is not the only danger of necrosis. With food, the infection enters the internal organs, which leads to various diseases and a general deterioration in the patient’s condition. If additional symptoms occur, antibiotics and other targeted medications may be necessary.

Video: medical history of Yulia Kuzmina.

Preventive measures

To avoid such a disease and its unpleasant symptoms, you need to try to maintain healthy teeth. For this:

  1. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of your mouth daily.
  2. If possible, reduce the effect of pathogenic factors.
  3. Visit your dentist every six months and follow his recommendations for caring for your teeth and gums.
  4. Strengthen protective measures in production and follow safety rules for working with aggressive substances or devices.

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