Home Orthopedics The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles tarot cards. The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles card in readings for relationships, love, work and health

The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles tarot cards. The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles card in readings for relationships, love, work and health

Tarot cards -it is a system of signs, numbers and images. Fortune tellers claim that this system is capable of revealing the secrets of existence, past and future only because each card- creature.

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot is an Arcana that always brings well-being. It is even able to smooth out the negative meaning of neighboring cards.

During the time of the pharaohs (this is where the deck originates), when this card fell out in any of the layouts, fortune telling was completed, since the Arcanum symbolized success and luck in all areas.

The Ace of Pentacles always brings prosperity

Numerous names and basic meaning

This suit is called Coins, Denarii and Pentacles. The more common name is the third one. The patron of the card is the element of Earth.

The Tarot card Ace of Pentacles, by its purpose, determines the beginning of a positive period in the life of a fortuneteller. Each alignment is special in structure and meaning, but the Arcanum suggests that there will be luck and success in everything. Whatever business you start, everything will be implemented in the best possible way. The card says that nothing is impossible. Luck is just beginning, but it will not leave you for a long time.

Another meaning of the Arcanum is satisfaction from everything done and started. All achievements bear fruit, aspirations have truly come true. Now it’s time to receive the award, stands on the pedestal. Everything you invest comes back a hundredfold. This is a card of multiplication and prosperity. The future looks only optimistic, which means that you can live and not be afraid for your material or spiritual well-being. The Ace of Coins opens the doors to the most cherished and long-awaited. Are you afraid to start some risky business, do you think you will lose everything? In vain. When appearing in layouts, this card promises only good luck. So take risks and you will succeed.

It is possible that the fortuneteller will receive a substantial amount. This could be a win (casinos and other gambling are not taken into account), an inheritance, or simply a promotion at work. But all this will happen if a person really strives for the goal and puts all his strength and skills into the future project.

The road you fear will bring a successful solution to all problems. The path has already been chosen by luck, and you just need to move forward and not be afraid of changes in your life.

If the fortuneteller did not strive for anything, then the meaning of the Ace of Pentacles card is slightly changed, but will also be positive. In such a situation, Arcanum can be a harbinger of gaining material or mental balance. Happiness looks different for everyone, individually, but the feeling of calm remains.

Reversed card meaning

The reversed position of the Ace of Pentacles tarot card promises obstacles. This Arcanum points to the wrong path. The only thing that remains positive even in an inverted position is the absence of financial problems. Everything will be fine here.

You should focus on the fact that a person is not happy with his wealth. He wants more, even though he doesn't need it. He has already significantly ruined relationships with loved ones. The Ace of Dinariev warns the fortuneteller that he has stopped developing and growing in all respects. He has become oversaturated and now stands still, which affects him extremely negatively, because respect and friendship cannot be bought with money.

Ace of Dinariev warns the fortuneteller that he has stopped developing and growing in all respects

The meaning of the Arcana in work and business scenarios

Many people are dissatisfied with their achievements in work, or are in search of work. That is why they want to use the Tarot to find out their prospects and future achievements. One way or another, the questioner is concerned about the future, which concerns money or material matters.

The Ace of Disks carries information about the probable future. But it all depends on how much a person wants to achieve a goal. You cannot achieve anything without action. If the goal was to get a high position or make a dizzying career and all efforts were thrown at it, then the goal will be achieved.

If you were interested in the opportunity to get more money, you will have it. If you need a promotion, get it. If you want to open your own business, nothing could be easier. Luck goes hand in hand with you. Recognition and awards are required, then expect them soon. Go ahead and get what you want. What exactly will be fulfilled depends only on the person’s desires. I limited myself to little - I got what I wanted, but no more. Although we can’t say that this is bad either. People know how to develop gradually. Those who have everything at once are capable of losing most of what they received because of their vanity. Having achieved little, there is an incentive to go and develop further.

If the fortuneteller feels in his place and is proud of his achievements, but has not dreamed of material benefits or promotions, then the meaning of the card suggests that satisfaction from his affairs will smoothly transfer to other areas of life. A person will be noticed and recognized for his achievements, but no more.

General meaning in the scenario: achieving goals, success in all endeavors, increasing earnings.

The inverted meaning is practically the same. Everything will be fulfilled, everything will be achieved, they will only rejoice at their success through tears. Everything you wanted so much will only bring more problems and difficulties.

Meaning in a relationship chart

The meanings of a Tarot card in an upright and inverted position are quite different. Therefore, they should be considered more specifically.

Straight position

It brings prosperity. Positive moments in everything: in love, new acquaintances, marriage. If this is just the initial phase of a relationship, be sure that it will be ideal and last for a long time, even marriage is possible. A new opportunity has opened up for the fortuneteller to experience the feeling he dreamed of: a relationship where there is mutual understanding and respect.

For a married person, this card reveals a different meaning. Every family is a mystery. There are still quarrels and misunderstandings. Therefore, this Arcanum is a harbinger of a long-awaited idyll between spouses. Certain situations will occur because of which the spouses will unite, finally begin to understand each other, and quarrels and conflict situations will disappear. There is no need to be afraid, nothing bad will happen, since Arkan does not foretell trouble, but predicts only positive moments.

The lasso is a harbinger of the long-awaited idyll between spouses

If the questioner is in search of love, then this card in this scenario means a successful and happy acquaintance. It will be decisive and may end in a wedding ceremony. Sometimes the card speaks of meeting someone who is close to you in spirit; communication with this person will bring pleasure and joy.

General meaning: well-being, mutual understanding, a new stage in relationships, unification.

Reversed card meaning

In an inverted position, the lasso shows that the partners are already tired of coexisting together. The meeting and alliance concluded between them were erroneous and did not carry any feelings other than desires of a sexual nature. Therefore, we can conclude that the separation- this is the best option. Your destiny is still looking for you, and it is already on its way. If the situation was for a love relationship, then the result is not comforting.

Combination with other cards

In order to fully understand the interpretation of the layout, you must pay attention to the neighboring cards. For example, when appearing in combination with the suit of Swords, the Ace of Pentacles does not change its meaning. Here, almost everything promises well-being and success in the financial sphere of human activity.

The only thing I want to focus on is the proximity of Coins and the Five of Wands. In any of the positions, this means loss. It can be both on the material plane and on the spiritual level. If the deal was on relationships, there was a loss of time or mutual understanding.

Let's take a look at other options when the Ace of Pentacles appears in combination with senior figures:

  • If the Sun and the Ace of Denarii lie next to each other (and these are the most prosperous cards in the deck), then success will be in everything. The fortuneteller will get what he wants and even more. Now all the doors are open for him, and the paths are cleared. Even if the Ace of Pentacles is inverted, it will carry the most prosperous meaning.
  • Near the World - reward, profit or salary increase. It is possible that the long-awaited increase is already close. Cards foretell success and getting what you want.
  • In combination with the Moon, Ace warns that deception awaits you. You shouldn't trust anyone. If this concerns work, then they want to drag you into something that will not be successful.
  • With cards such as the Empress, the Magician, the Chariot, it portends well-being, success and the beginning of achieving all goals. Receiving a reward that you have been counting on for a long time.
  • In combination with the Star, it symbolizes gaining hope for the successful completion of a business that will bring significant profit.
  • In combination with Lovers - the formation of a joint family budget.
  • Ace of Pentacles in combination with the Tower - large financial losses, the collapse of a project into which a lot of time and effort was invested.
  • In combination with the Knight of Wands - significant financial losses due to one’s own impulsiveness.

Be sure to pay attention to adjacent cards in the layout

Appearance and meaning in the Thoth tarot

There are no special changes to the Crowley or Thoth deck. As in the standard meaning - success in all matters, achieving what you want.

True, such meaning as “find a solution to a problem” or “a way out of a difficult situation” is also added. Since the Thoth Tarot is unique, the Arcanum itself is a little down-to-earth. An interpretation such as receiving intangible benefits or financial success is not excluded. The man will finally come out into the world. There will be a chance in his life to restore vital energy. Finding good luck.

If you asked for advice, then the card recommends pulling yourself together and moving forward, striving and achieving. This is the only way to achieve everything.

The Ace of Pentacles is a card of luck. But one must strive for it. The card recommends moving towards your goal, despite obstacles. Nothing falls from the sky, and if the Ace of Pentacles falls upside down in the reading, then this is a signal for the fortuneteller, which foreshadows a possible collapse in mental and financial terms. We must not forget about our friends and family for the sake of success and fame. Only close people will be with you in joy and sorrow. Everything else comes and goes.

For many centuries, Tarot cards have been one of the most faithful and reliable tools for predicting fate. To this day, many people use them for a wide variety of layouts. But it is very important to take into account all kinds, because depending on the layouts, positions of the lasso and what other images are located nearby, the interpretation can be different, and sometimes even the opposite. Any card carries a special energy and combines many interpretations. When reading the Tarot, you need not only to see, read and remember all the meanings, but also to feel each card in your gut, to feel what it emits. If you use this tool correctly, you can not only find out your future, but also get answers to many questions, both of an everyday nature and regarding emotional experiences. With the help of Tarot, you can prevent unwanted events in life and attract positive options for the development of paths of fate. Therefore, the interpretation of each card is important, and this requires special attention and awareness of the essence of the issue.

What does the map look like?

Basically, the Tarot card - Ace of Pentacles - is an image that shows a coin in the hand. In addition, the map displays smaller elements such as clouds, wheat and flowers. The main symbolic meaning of this lasso is beginnings, a new path. The card reflects the entrepreneurial abilities of a person, which open up great opportunities for him. Its meaning speaks of an interest in the material side of life’s decisions and a desire to patronize.

The Ace of Pentacles in the layout is a direct reflection of material gain, an increase in the family budget, and the success of a profitable business. It can also mean fame, talk about an increase in the eyes of society, the appearance of people who will treat the person for whom the alignment is being made with respect.

Basic meanings and interpretations in general layouts

Like any Tarot card, the Ace of Pentacles can appear in a layout in several positions, namely upright and inverted. And depending on what form it shows, its meaning will be interpreted. So, if the lasso falls straight, then its interpretation in the general scenario will mean that soon the person being guessed will become happy. In the near future, he will have the opportunity to achieve brilliant results in work or business, his financial situation may improve significantly, and success will await him in any endeavors related to material wealth.

It is worth noting that this card is subject to the elements of the Earth, so the wealth that it may portend does not necessarily relate to finances and social recognition. Having seen this lasso in the layout, we can safely say that a person inside has unrealized goals and plans, has the strength and opportunity to receive not only material benefits, but also spiritual wealth. The map speaks of many paths that will help solve pressing issues, and they allow you to move to a new level of awareness of life.

Symbolism of the card in a regular layout

It is believed that the Ace of Pentacles is one of the most positive cards in the layout. But it is worth considering that luck never falls from the sky while a person sits and does nothing. The card says that the paths are open to him, and if he follows them correctly, he will be able to find his happiness. But inaction will only lead to missed opportunities. And there is a good chance that the search will not be easy at all. But, despite this, the result of these efforts can not only justify all hopes and bring more, but also leave behind a feeling of joy and emotional satisfaction.

If the alignment is made taking into account the manifestation of events in the life of the person being told fortunes, then this card symbolizes a rather valuable and important acquisition. It is worth noting that no money or labor will be spent on this purchase, in other words, most likely it will be a gift. There is also a possibility that a person may soon receive a worthy inheritance with things that are important and useful to him.

Ace of Pentacles: meaning in a normal layout if it is reversed

Despite the positive symbolic meaning of this card, when it is seen upside down, its interpretation is quite negative. Basically, the Ace of Pentacles (reversed) speaks of possible material losses in the near future. In other words, a person is faced with deception related to money, which can include receiving counterfeit money, not fully paid promised dividends, and a fairly strong delay in the payment of wages. But it is worth considering that such events will not bring big problems and losses.

If the person being told fortunes has started some kind of project, then difficulties may arise in this matter, and the initial bets may not be justified. Also, this card in this position can speak of unrealized plans. There is a real situation where the expected profit may be less or it will be received much later, which will bring losses. The appearance of this lasso in this position indicates that now is not the best period, and in any area a person can expect troubles and minor troubles; This is not the best time to start any projects or expect to make a profit. Any financial decisions can be wrong and hasty.

Interpretation of the minor arcana in fortune telling related to career

The symbolism of the Ace of Pentacles in career fortune telling has a fairly positive meaning. When it falls in an upright position, it means that a person is able to achieve great heights in the field of activity in which he is currently working. In some cases, this indicates a stable income above normal and a stable financial situation. Sometimes this card speaks of recognition in society, fame and respect. But for others, the meaning of this lasso will be expressed in the awareness of their importance and independence from others. In any case, the Ace of Pentacles in career fortune-telling suggests that the business that has become the meaning of a person’s life will receive positive development, the possible achievement of set goals and promising solutions. If we consider events, then the interpretation of the lasso reports a successful business meeting, a possible increase in earnings and the likelihood of successful development and self-realization.

Career fortune telling: inverted lasso

If in a chart for business events in a person’s life the Ace of Dinariev falls in an inverted position, then its interpretation means that the person is abusing the power given to him. Perhaps he is involved in corrupt activities. Arkan speaks of a person’s stinginess and the problems associated with this deficiency. In other words, because of greed, profitable investment opportunities may be missed, so you need to reconsider your views and take risks, because this will bring profit. But irrational capital conservation can, on the contrary, lead to stagnation in the business sphere.

In addition, this card speaks of instability, uncertainty that the position will remain with the person. That is, at any moment, having made a mistake, a person can lose his job or go down the career ladder. In addition, this lasso communicates that some of the funds are invested pointlessly, for example, on symbolism or maintaining status, while these expenses lead to a deterioration in general affairs. So it’s better to seriously evaluate your capabilities and reconsider your preliminary plans, to realize how rational and productive they are.

Interpretation of the lasso in health status readings

If in fortune telling about health, which assumes general condition, the Ace of Dinarii falls, this means that the person feels great, in addition, his body works perfectly. If the question is about what diseases the person being told fortunes may have, then this card informs about the likelihood of leg diseases. He may develop varicose veins and gout, salt deposits are possible, but serious and chronic diseases are not predicted. When this card appears in an inverted position, you should expect extra costs for treatment. It is possible that previously planned procedures may cost more than expected.

Interpretation of cards in love layouts in normal position

If in love the Ace of Pentacles falls in an upright position, then the main interpretation of the lasso says that a person has a chance to create emotional relationships. The union of this couple will be strong and reliable. Very often, this card means that a new person will soon appear in the life of the person being told fortunes. Moreover, this acquaintance will be unlike anything else, and the new acquaintance or acquaintance himself will be very suitable for the fortuneteller.

This meeting will bring inspiration and allow you to enjoy life and emotions. In some cases, the interpretation of the card indicates changes in the old alliance. In other words, the relationship with your partner will find a new path, become better, and interest and attraction will reappear between the partners.

The meaning of the lasso in love fortune telling in an inverted position

If this card falls in an inverted position in a relationship chart, then it does not have a very positive meaning. Its main interpretation is obstacles and obstacles on the way. Sometimes it can be interpreted as a warning that the courtship has dragged on, and if you do not urgently move to a new level, then the interest in this communication may dry up and the object of attention may switch to someone else. Or the relationship will not be able to develop in the future into something more than a pleasant pastime and attention. This card also reports a lack of feelings between partners. Probably, in this union, someone is pursuing material gain and deceiving the partner in the sincerity of their intentions.

Interpretation of the card in fortune telling, assessing personality

The characteristics of a person according to the interpretation of the directly located Ace of Dinarii speaks of his wealth. These people relate to the fundamental nature of life and value expensive, high-quality things. It is more important for them to buy a well-known brand product than for reasons of economy. It’s hard to miss such people, because they really stand out from the crowd. Basically, such a person has authority and has a fairly impressive appearance. It is likely that he has some kind of talent or gift. This person can be developed creatively. If the card falls upside down, then the character of such a person is quite difficult. He can be described as a person capable of suppressing others. Such people force you to treat them with attention. Also, their feature is the imposition of their opinions on others. It is this type of character that leads to the need to tell others how to live, what to do and what to think.

Interpretations of Ace as the card of the day

If this lasso appears as a description of the events of a certain day, then its meaning indicates good luck. She will accompany a person everywhere. Therefore, it is worth thinking seriously about the paths that will lead to long-term plans. It is worth paying special attention to the business and financial spheres, because luck will be very useful in this. This day can bring not only good luck, but also help you start a long-awaited business that has been put in a drawer for a long time. You should act bolder, more confident, and not doubt your abilities.

Tarot cards with the help of this card indicate that success is in the hands of a person, and future fate depends only on his actions. After all, no one else will put life in order, establish the necessary connections and walk this path. Therefore, under no circumstances should we allow stagnation, sit in one place, we must act. Even basic communication and being in society can bring positive results. Taking proactive and persistent action and paying attention to conversations can make a significant difference in the future. Don't miss your chance, take action.

Ace of Pentacles: combination with aces of other suits

Each Tarot card can be interpreted separately from other cards that appear in the layout. However, more complete information can be obtained by interpreting the cards in their combination. The Ace of Pentacles with other cards must be interpreted based not only on its position, but also on the order of the matching cards. As an example, we will show the interpretation of the combination of all Aces.

Ace of Pentacles and Ace of Swords located nearby mean the collapse of existing prosperity. In this case, it is better for a person to exercise caution, carefully analyze the current situation and protect himself from this event, which is not very pleasant for each of us.

The combination of cards such as the Ace of Pentacles and the Ace of Wands foreshadows the investment of finances in a project that inspires. A decisive step is enough, which will certainly bear fruit. In this case, it is also better to exercise caution and direct your material resources in the direction that seems most promising both at first glance and from a logical point of view. If in the layout you see the Ace of Cups and Ace of Pentacles next to each other, be prepared for the fact that you will have to plan your happy time. This means not only planning, but also preparing for this pleasant time, as well as anxiously awaiting a happy time.

The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles in the upright position

Ace of Pentacles Tarot - a card of great achievement, a new enterprise is doomed to prosperity. Huge profits, all your investments will pay off a hundredfold. Major and guaranteed success, luck, happiness, triumph in everything. Love, strong family.

  • satisfaction, happiness, gold
  • financial success, recognition, emotional stability
  • symbolizes material wealth, prosperity, fulfillment of all desires

All aces signify new opportunities, and the Ace of Pentacles tarot card also speaks of the beginning of an extremely fruitful period in life. The client will gain financially through a windfall or as a reward for a job well done. Along with achieving material well-being, emotional stability and smooth relationships with others give the Client a feeling of deep internal and externally manifested satisfaction.

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card symbolizes the beginning of a new venture that is guaranteed success. Contentment, acquisition, wealth, great happiness, triumph.

Meaning of the Ace of Pentacles in reversed position

Also a very good card, you will get almost everything you expected. But this gain relates only to the material side; you will not experience spiritual joy from your victory. Your success may be too late. Or the people you counted on will turn away from you. Maybe this achievement will not be enough or meaningful for you, deep down you wanted more.

In any case, success awaits you, but it will not evoke joyful emotions in you; the situation will be quite alarming and ambiguous. In personal relationships, success awaits you, but you will have to sacrifice something, give up something. The puzzle will be missing some piece that would give you a complete feeling of harmony and happiness.

  • commercialism, egocentrism, anxiety
  • exaggeration of the role of money and the importance of position in society
  • the desire for comfort, which turns into boredom and routine
  • treasure, wealth, luxury

The reversed Ace of Pentacles Tarot warns against excessive enthusiasm for the acquisition of material values. The card indicates greed, possessiveness and lack of spiritual development. These qualities will inevitably cause the Client to feel dissatisfied, anxious and insecure.

The reversed tarot card Ace of Pentacles is the same achievements and prosperity, but with pain or, at least, without peace of mind. Wealth and achievements will not bring you joy. Your success will be overshadowed by some losses.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot is a card of achievement. The new venture you have started or will soon begin is doomed to success; this success will most likely be measured by some kind of material gain (money, status, fame, or some combination of these).

This card predicts success for a new venture, no matter what the surrounding cards say, but on one condition: if the surrounding cards are unfavorable, your success will bring with it unhappiness and jealousy, the bad sides of wealth and prosperity. One way or another, the Ace of Pentacles tarot card predicts prosperity and material gain.

The pentacle - a symbol of the material world - rests in the hand that emerged from the clouds.
One of the main lessons of growing up is understanding money and the right attitude towards it, be it the money your parents give you or your own earnings.

This card says that money is a gift that can provide security, order and pleasure, but only if we do not allow this gift to corrupt us.
We must learn to respect money and use it wisely.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Ace of Pentacles
  • Do you know how to handle money?
  • What does “having enough money” mean to you?
  • Have you received any money recently?
  • Do you treat money with respect?
  • Are you succeeding?
Key Ideas
The cards promise financial success, but warn of the danger of becoming selfish and that you may see other people only as competitors and become too dependent on security and comfort.

In other words, enjoy your well-being, but don't let it control you.

Direct card: Soon a friend will introduce you to someone who will give you the opportunity to earn money.
Reversed card: One (or more) of your friends is costing you too much.

It’s worth thinking carefully about how exactly you spend time together and where the money goes.

Direct card: Suddenly it became important to you that your studies were relevant to the real world around you.

Talk to your parents and teachers about this, they will be more than happy to give you valuable advice.
Reversed card: Do you feel like some items are a waste of your time?

Direct card: You need a partner who shares your love for the joys of life.

If you are already together, you are lucky.
If not, look for it.
Reversed card: Love can not be bought.

Direct card: Someone in your family has been offered an amazing job opportunity.

The prospects excite the imagination.
Reversed card: One of the family members became greedy and stingy.
Don't take it too personally.

Direct card: A happy time is coming - with an abundance of energy, stimulation and determination to work towards achieving personal goals.

Reversed card: Stop spending money on things you don't need.

Direct card: Someone has a profound impact on your personal style.
By following this man's advice, you will only benefit.

Reversed card: Copy and imitate, but don't lose your individuality.

Direct card: In the near future, you will be offered a part-time job or some kind of financial opportunity.

There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance.
Reversed card: Taking risks may be rewarding, but success will not make you happy.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Sam was worried about his parents - they worked too much.

The map showed that the family’s life is far from harmonious and it would be very good if Sam took the initiative and talked to his parents.
When they realize that it is much more important for their son to see them more often than to wear new sneakers or receive expensive gifts for Christmas, a compromise will be found.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The hand emerging from the cloud symbolizes new ventures.
New venture.
Financial proposal.
The Suit of Pentacles (also known as Coins or Disks) corresponds to the element of earth.
It reflects a person’s social status, his physical well-being and financial security.

The Ace of Pentacles predicts an auspicious start to financial transactions and business ventures.
Traditionally, this card depicts a hand emerging from a cloud and holding out a pentacle.
In the Tarot of Herbs, a garden extends to the hand of the pentacle, symbolizing the reward of one's efforts, and a long road leads to an arch that opens in the distance, indicating the long journey that will need to be taken to realize the full potential of this suit.

The Ace of Pentacles symbolizes success in society and material gain.
They can be achieved both through our own efforts and as a result of receiving an inheritance or gift.

In any case, we can expect a significant improvement in our financial position.
The time has come to show our skills and abilities in concrete matters, so that with their help we can create something positive.

This card anticipates the beginning of the project; nothing has actually materialized yet, but we feel confident and ready to start a new endeavor.
This may take the form of starting a new business, getting a new job, or starting a family.

There is every reason to assume that our endeavors will be successful and will bring us financial profit, prosperity and stability.

If the Ace of Pentacles appears in your reading, you can expect a salary increase, a promotion, or gain universal recognition and respect at work.

You are enthusiastic about the task ahead of you and have the necessary persistence and determination to work hard to achieve your ambitions.
You sincerely want to put your whole soul into your business, and skill and perseverance will help you use all your resources productively.

This card enhances your sense of self-worth and leads to a strengthening of your self-confidence.
Your material well-being is improving and you are satisfied with yourself.
You are ready to enjoy the gifts of life and satisfy your physical senses.

The Ace of Pentacles also often foreshadows love and happiness in family life.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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A large coin means a very favorable outlook and prosperity.
This card symbolizes the implementation of ideas that balance each other.
Meaning in fortune telling

Huge wealth.
Hidden treasures.
The combination of material and spiritual well-being.

Reversed meaning
Well-being without happiness.

Wealth misused.
Wasted money.
Corruption with money.
Fool's gold.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Ace of Coins is a card of achievement; a new venture is doomed to success.

Most decks feature a single large coin in the center of the card, usually with some kind of decorative decoration on the top and bottom.

In some decks, the illustration follows the theme of divine revelation: a huge hand rising from a cloud holding a coin in its palm.

Inner meaning
Ace of Coins achievement card.
The new venture you have started or will soon begin is doomed to success; this success will most likely be measured by some kind of material gain (money, status, fame, or some combination of these).

This card predicts success for a new venture, no matter what the surrounding cards say, but under one condition: if the surrounding cards are unfavorable, your success will bring with it misfortune and jealousy, the bad sides of wealth and prosperity.

One way or another, the Ace of Coins predicts prosperity and material gain.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: starting a new venture that is guaranteed success.
Contentment, acquisition, wealth, great happiness, triumph.

Inverted, or negative: the same achievements and prosperity, but with pain or, at least, without peace of mind.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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This ace symbolizes new opportunities for achieving material and physical well-being.
This could be a new job, project or promotion.
Accepting such an offer entails not only benefits, but also responsibility.

The card represents the idea of ​​prosperity, comfort, pleasure and security, accompanied by feelings of joy and satisfaction.
The circumstances are so favorable that it would be stupid not to take advantage of them.

The Ace of Pentacles is believed to reduce the negative influence of any cards surrounding it.
The picture on the card of the Waite-Smith deck suggests that material gain can be used to ensure security: enjoy the beauty and peace of the garden, do not go far from home, now is not the time to rush into the unknown.

Nevertheless, in the opening of the arch entwined with greenery, mountains are visible, symbolizing spiritual aspirations and reminding that physical comfort does not allow you to enter the path that leads to the much more difficult and harsh joys of the Spirit.

Both paths promise gold in the end, but in different forms.
Pentacles are the fruits of your labors, the result of work done in other suits.
You reap the harvest, get a medal, and enjoy what your efforts have brought you.

This is a card of physical well-being and material abundance.
It requires that you respect and value your material resources, including your health, property, and practical skills.
Sometimes it indicates an inheritance, gifts, a job offer or other pleasant surprises.

Traditional meanings: complete satisfaction, happiness, bliss.
Sudden wealth.
Joy, ecstasy, pleasure, contentment.
Achievement, acquisition.
Alchemical sun.

Talisman of wealth.

Reversed Ace of Pentacles
It is traditionally believed that even an inverted position cannot reduce the benefits that the Ace of Pentacles showers on you.
On the contrary, his influence becomes exaggerated - wealth turns into surplus, trinkets into priceless treasures.

Everything you touch becomes gold - remember the curse of King Midas.
Perhaps you are now too focused on material gain, perceiving everything in terms of ownership and ownership, measuring what is happening solely by price and value.

You are so afraid of deprivation that you avoid doing favors for others, do not want to share, and become increasingly greedy.
You are afraid of losses and are reducing the range of your capabilities.
Constant containment leads to misuse of resources and shortages of funds.

On the physical plane, you lose flexibility and mobility, and therefore are forced to pay more attention to the body and material concerns.
This is exactly what the inverted Ace of Pentacles can warn about.
The Pentacle is like a wheel, and like it, you can get stuck.

You turn down an opportunity because it's "too good to be true" or out of fear that it will impose unwanted obligations on you.
There are also likely delays, delays and problems associated with various types of payments, work or delivery of material assets.

You may be paid illegally or without anyone knowing.
On the other hand, the reversed Ace of Pentacles may advise you to take things more lightly and avoid attachments, because it is “just money.”

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this image is very rich in meaning.
Silence, preservation and concentration of magical energy are associated with pentacles.
The pentacle in the picture seems to have grown to the hand, which involuntarily brings to mind the fairy tale about a resin effigy to which an angry or greedy hero is glued.

The energy centers located on the palms can be used to radiate energy.
Shamans widely use this type of magnetism in their healing practices.
And finally, let's not forget about alchemical gold - the spirit hidden in matter.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: finding a treasure.
Gold, money.
Abundance, excess.
Prosperity that does not bring happiness.
Grand total.
Leader, head, chief.

A waste of something.
Greed, stinginess, baseness.
Wealth that spoils a person.
"Fool's Gold"

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
I know that success will be achieved because all actions are based on the right beginning.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
In most cases, this card is illustrated by an image of a hand holding a large coin.

Usually it is surrounded by various decorative elements: flowers or ears of wheat.
The Ace of Pentacles is a card of achievement and success, even taking into account the meanings of other cards in the layout.
True, under one condition: if the neighboring cards are unfavorable, then the success achieved will be accompanied by envy, jealousy, and misfortune.

But one way or another, this Arcanum predicts material benefits for the Questioner, which can be measured not only by money, but also by fame, respect, and position in society.
Like all aces, the Ace of Coins symbolizes the beginning of the journey.

It indicates great opportunities, enterprise, interest in the practical side of life, and even patronage.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - A, number - 2, Ruled by the planet - the Sun, there is no zodiac sign, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 19th hexagram ("Visitation"), Weather conditions - clear and sunny, Corresponding color - white, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the sephira Kether.
Card meaning
Straight position
In this case, the Ace of Pentacles promises good luck in money matters, speaks of the success of some new enterprise, predicts happiness and triumph, power and glory.

The Ace of Coins can symbolize an alliance that is beneficial from a financial point of view.

Inverted position
In an inverted position, this Arcanum suggests that the Questioner’s life is going as it should and everything is still fine.

So far so good.
But you should be careful - this part of your life’s path may be strewn with thorns.
Don't be too naive and gullible - you don't have much life experience yet.
Good conditions can be lost by exchanging them for trifles.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Ace of Pentacles - since this suit symbolizes everything material and mundane, do not try to use it to determine the nature of a love relationship, for this there are Cups or, to a lesser extent, Swords.

The Ace of Pentacles indicates achieving heights in real, business life.
Knowledge and patience will bear worthy fruits.
The card symbolizes stability and new acquisitions.
There may be a surprise in the form of unexpected receipt of large amounts of money.

Inverted - says that the situation that occupies you is not allowed to become a reality.
It promises failure at work and in money matters.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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ACE. Ace - a hand emerging from the cloud, as usual, holding a pentacle.

Straight position: absolute contentment, happiness, ecstasy; also a nimble mind; gold.

Reverse position: negative aspects of wealth, bad mind; also very great wealth.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Venus in the second house as a chance to achieve happiness and wealth in your inner or outer world.
ACE OF DENARIUS The Ace of Denariev, like other aces, shows the chances hidden within ourselves.

This ace encourages us to look inside ourselves, to look around in order to find untapped opportunities to get out of the current situation, prosperous and successful in the sense of the element of earth, which this ace represents, that is, in the sense of not only material, but, above all, spiritual wealth.

Along with the Ace of Cups, this is one of the best cards among the Minor Arcana.
However, the luck it symbolizes does not fall from the sky; it must be found.
And it is quite possible that this search will require a lot of work, like searching for treasure in a vineyard.

However, the result will not only meet all our hopes, but will also add to us a feeling of deep happiness.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological equivalents: Capricorn, Aquarius (transition from Capricorn to Aquarius), Saturn, Jupiter, House Ten.
The theme of the Ace of Pentacles rings with triumph.
The Ace of Pentacles can mean acquired skills, new sources of income, new acquaintances, new opportunities for growth.

However, still belonging to a suit belonging to fairly low centers in the body (material suit), the Ace of Pentacles also symbolizes fertility.
This card shows the influence of Capricorn and Cancer (from peak to abyss), and Capricorn, which is more in line with the spirit of Pentacles, is associated with the tenth House (Midheaven) - a symbol of quest and dissatisfaction with what has been achieved.

The Ace of Pentacles combines both the highest Capricorn (self-denial, refusal in the name of an ideal, the ability to sacrifice) and the low, cold, calculating, merciless to oneself and others, selfish Capricorn.

The trap is fixation on a certain form, certain benefits.
Straight position: When upright, the Ace of Pentacles symbolizes delight, ecstasy, joy, superiority, perfection, happiness.
The presence of this card in a reading indicates that the subject may be heading straight to the top of the social pyramid.

One way or another, the Ace of Pentacles sets the following situations: career, professional excellence, separation from roots, perhaps a break with people, at the same time, this is the acquisition of new opportunities, including the opportunity to look at everything with a new, fresh look.

For politicians, artists and other people involved in public activities, the Ace of Pentacles will mean issues of their recognition.
The Ace of Pentacles can elevate a person, but it can also bring him down.
In principle, this map only focuses attention on the above issues.

PENTACLES is a material suit.
Therefore, the Ace of Pentacles can mean money, income, recognition associated with wealth, a harmonious combination of material and spiritual.
In principle, the card may indicate the beginning of a situation, a process that in the future, perhaps quite distant, will lead to fame, money, recognition.

The Ace of Pentacles can also mean some health-related events.
It can be either illness or healing.
PENTACLES is a suit that symbolizes the balance of forces, so issues of health (illness) will be based on harmony or the achievement of it.

Inverted position: In an inverted position, the Ace of Pentacles can mean the impossibility of growth, infertility, lack of sources of income, wealth without happiness, prosperity of satisfaction, health that is wasted, waste, including money, insatiable thirst, encounters with fakes, counterfeits (most likely material) .

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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The hand coming out of the cloud holds a golden denarius.
Below you can see a flowering garden, a gate and a road leading to the mountains.
The Ace of Denarii symbolizes the element of earth.
The five-pointed star on it is a pentagram that unites the five primary elements: fire, water, earth, air and ether (or, according to Eastern ideas, fire, water, earth, metal and wood).

In Kabbalism, it means a tetragram of the name of God (compare with the Wheel of Fortune card), supplemented by the letter “shin” (compare with the Jester card!), which means the name of Jesus (yod-he-shin-vav-he, Yeshua - Jesus).
Having learned the highest meaning of the unity of the primary elements, we leave the Garden of Eden to discover a world full of miracles.

Accept everything this world gives you, the card says.
Discover the secrets of life.
This card is considered the best of all the Minor Arcana.
When it fell out, the ancient Egyptians, according to Eteilla, did not guess further, for it made the whole result of fortune telling favorable.

Having seen this Ace, we do not have to immediately collect the deck and stop fortune telling.
You can and even need to open and view the layout to the end.
However, it is better for this person on this deck on the same day not to guess, “so as not to disturb the secret move of the chips,” and not to frighten off the bird of Happiness.

If a person still has questions, it is better to take another deck.
However, for such lucky ones, both the second and third decks are usually thrown out by the same Ace of Denariev.
Inverted: Its meaning does not change: denarius, it is round.

Vitaly Zaichenko. "Waite Tarot and more, wise instructions sent by the cards."

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Staying in the Garden of Eden promises a valuable chance

Symbolic image:
The hand of God holds a pentacle, a symbol of material well-being.
Below lies a beautiful, well-kept, blooming garden.

Astrological correspondence:
Element: Earth

Traditional meaning:
Financial well-being and stability, reliability, satisfaction, reward, property, potential, growth, development.
Ace is always a new beginning, this card can mean a new stage associated with receiving money.

Such a promise can materialize in different ways, for example, in the form of a salary increase, as additional cash that will arrive in the next quarter, or a tidy sum of money in the form of a loan, a gift, and a very valuable one (jewelry or gold), or even an inheritance.
Additionally, the Ace of Pentacles may indicate a new job or business opportunity that promises further prosperity.

If this Ace appears surrounded by negative cards, it means that you need to prepare for disappointments or failures regarding money issues.

What are we talking about?
On the development of the material base.

About achieving internal stability and self-confidence.
About achieving success and pride in your own achievements.

What needs to be done?
Show your skill and discipline, effectively use resources, the volume of which is completely unknown at first.
Solve problems step by step.

Communicating with others:
Give your interlocutor confidence.
Maintain and expand partnerships.

Take advantage of physical proximity

In love, in matters of the heart:
Beautiful time.
Use the opportunity that Fate gives you to improve your relationship.

Invite your partner to try something new in sex.

In professional activities:
Pursue material goals.
Look for favorable ways to invest capital and investments.

At a difficult moment in life: the long wait will be rewarded.
The time comes when Fate gives you a chance to improve the situation and dot the i’s.

What should you avoid?
Selfishness, fear, rash actions, wastefulness, indecision, laziness, instability.

What surprises does the future hold?
A valuable chance to improve living conditions.
Don't miss it under any circumstances.

Receiving a financial gift.
Material achievements, because there is a desire to devote yourself entirely to work.

If you don’t know what to do today, how to console yourself, Arkan whispers in a quiet whisper:
Try to see the coming day as a valuable opportunity.
Think about your financial situation, the safety and reliability of the business you are doing.

When meditating on this Arcanum, ask yourself:
What opportunities are open to me? What is valuable in my life?

The statements below will inspire you, help you to be optimistic and walk the road of life with ease.
Life presents me with wonderful opportunities.

I do what my heart and inner voice of intuition tells me.

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