Home Coated tongue Headaches are not relieved by pills. Why does constant headache occur? As a conclusion

Headaches are not relieved by pills. Why does constant headache occur? As a conclusion

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Sometimes headache appears suddenly, as if squeezing in a strong vice. Of course, if you have medications at hand, dealing with it is not particularly difficult. But discomfort often arise at a completely inopportune moment, and then it is very, very difficult to eliminate them. And sometimes you have a severe headache and the pills don’t help. But you can’t leave the situation like this, you need to act, but somehow differently. And today we will help the readers of “Popular about health”, we will tell you what to do if you have a headache, but there are no pills or if they do not help.

You need to understand that if medications do not help, then this is a reason to visit a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to establish the reason and act on it. If pain visited you in evening time, then before visiting the doctor, there are some things you can do.

Sometimes overcoming a headache that comes on suddenly can be quite simple. First, you should try to completely relax. Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and put all thoughts out of your head. Wait about a quarter of an hour, and the unpleasant symptoms may go away on their own. Surprisingly, quite often only relaxation is enough to get rid of pain.

Massage also helps relieve discomfort. And it is quite possible to do it yourself. Massage your head, moving with gentle movements from the forehead to the back of the head. Then go down to the ears, and also massage the area from the crown to the back of the head. Slowly lower yourself towards the neck area. Also stretch your neck a little.

Fresh air will help relieve headaches. Open the window and ventilate the room. If possible, go for a short walk to the nearest park.

For many people with severe headaches, peace and quiet is not enough. Even indoor light can contribute to increased discomfort. And then you should turn off the lamp, close the curtains or blinds. Humidifying the air can also help - using a humidifier or a regular spray bottle, as well as hanging wet towels around the radiator.

To get rid of headaches, you can prepare yourself a warm bath. The ideal option would be to add a couple of drops to the water. essential oils, for example, lavender or lemon. You can also use oil peppermint or marjoram. Lie in warm water for about a quarter of an hour, but do not overheat. The water should be at a comfortable temperature.

A hot shower may also be a good option. This procedure will help eliminate spastic pain resulting from muscle spasms that are localized on the back of the neck and head itself. But be careful, after a hot shower, any draft can lead to increased pain and the development of myositis. So dry yourself thoroughly and put something around your neck.

In some situations, a cold compress can help relieve headaches. This procedure helps to narrow the blood vessels localized in the painful area and reduces the severity of painful pulsation. To carry it out, you can take a bag and fill it with ice cubes, then wrap it in a towel and apply it to the forehead, temples or back of the head. Of course, instead of ice cubes, you can use any package from the freezer.

If you have a star balm lying around your house, then a headache is a condition in which such a medicine may well manifest itself. Simply apply a small amount to the temples and bridge of the nose. And after just a few minutes, a couple of balm will help improve the condition.


If you want to get rid of headaches, do a simple and effective acupressure. By influencing active points, you can improve your well-being by an order of magnitude.

One of the active points is located in the area between the eyebrows, where the bridge of the nose gradually flows into the forehead area. It is also called the third eye point. Just massage it with your finger for a couple of minutes.

Applying pressure to points located near the inner base of the eyebrows will also help cope with headaches. They are symmetrical and need to be massaged simultaneously, but not longer than one minute. Apply light pressure to such areas by applying clockwise pressure.

The following points are located on both sides of the nostrils. But not right next to them, but a little further - where there is a depression in the lower part of the cheekbones. Massage them not too intensely for thirty seconds to one minute.

Treatment of points located on the back of the head - right on the hairline - will help overcome headaches. Massage such areas, and the unpleasant symptoms will become less pronounced.

Two centimeters from the temple above the ear there is a small pit. If you are worried about pain in the frontal lobe and temples, massage this area. Act simultaneously on both sides of the head, so the effect of the massage will be maximum.

To get rid of headaches, applying pressure to a point that is located away from the head - on the arm. It is between big and index finger, With back side brushes Cover your hand with the fingers of your other hand on both sides and massage this point for thirty seconds to one minute. Then repeat with the other hand.

Alternative medicine methods

If you are experiencing a headache, try taking a slice of lemon and rubbing it on your temples. Also a good option would be an aromatic drink made from mint, rose hips or ordinary chamomile. This drink has calming and analgesic properties. You can also brew lemon balm tea, sweeten it with honey and drink it warm in small sips. If a headache occurs due to low blood pressure, drink a cup of fairly strong and sweet tea.

Of course, if a headache occurs regularly, it is better to find out the reasons for its occurrence with a doctor.

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Video "Headache, what to do without pills"

Sometimes a person has a severe headache, pills do not help. This occurs due to the fact that we make our own decisions and use painkillers that are available in home medicine cabinet. But it is impossible to treat it yourself without determining the causes of its occurrence.

Why does my headache not go away?

More than half of crampy head pain occurs due to nervous fatigue. Often the cause of pain is stress, poor nutrition, colds, hypertension or hypotension, and alcohol intoxication. In these cases, we take any painkiller, and in case of hypertension we begin complex treatment. But what to do if you have a severe headache or the pain is chronic? This may be due to a serious illness.

Doctors conventionally divided characteristic headaches into:

  • tension pain;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • intracranial bleeding;

The source of tension pain is a stress factor or injury muscle tissue head and neck. At the same time, squeezing is felt. These characteristic symptoms appear after lunch and after applying the usual they disappear within an hour.

Pain that is localized in one part of the head can be caused by migraines. This chronic form pain is accompanied by nausea, dizziness and aversion to harsh bright light. A person can remain in this state for up to four hours. This is due to a disruption in the blood flow to the head. For migraines self-treatment ineffective. Treatment needs to be comprehensive: medications and herbs.

Cluster headaches most often affect men. Signs of such pain are similar to functional disorders with a cold: throbbing pain localized in one part of the head, red eyes and runny nose. They occur periodically and last for 20 minutes. The sources of this type of pain have not been established.

Intensely increasing headache, insomnia, and depression are characteristic of temporal arteritis. Such pain symptom most often affects older people and is associated with uncontrolled use of drugs and viral infections. The danger of such pain is that it can lead to loss of vision. Used as treatment steroid drugs. Characterized by increasing headaches, then nausea appears, speech becomes unintelligible. The cause of this condition may be injury to the blood vessels of the brain. If you experience such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

A small number of tumor processes in the head are accompanied by pain (). But if pain occurs, it is a consequence of an enlarged tumor that puts pressure on the brain tissue. The pressure in the blood vessels increases and pain appears. Naturally, in this case you cannot take any therapeutic measures on your own. This functional disorder is associated with severe cancer and is treated in a hospital setting.

Mild functional disorders of the brain cause spasmodic headaches. The reasons in this case may be nervous disorders and overwork.

If painkillers, traditional medicine and preventive measures, then, most likely, headaches are associated with serious pathologies.

If no means bring relief, then the patient should be treated in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors.

What to take if pills don't help

If the cause of the pain has already been clarified and the pain symptom is associated with mild fatigue or anxiety, then, in addition to a simple painkiller, you should take valerian tincture and get a good night's sleep. For preventive purposes, ventilation of the room, changing posture after 15-20 minutes during sedentary work, and neck exercises will help. After using medications additional help May be light massage heads.

At high blood pressure Using medications prescribed by your doctor and resting your body will help. In this case, you can lie down with a warm scarf tied to your head. Headaches with low blood pressure can be relieved by drinking coffee. Medicines based on eleutherococcus and lemongrass can help. A few drops (usually 10) of these products should be diluted in 30 g of water. Massage can also help active point under the occipital protuberance.

Pain of varying intensity and frequency can be treated with traditional medicine. St. John's wort and blue cyanosis herbs and valerian root are suitable as medicines. To prepare the infusion, take one tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 3 hours. Pharmacy forms of medicines will also help: alcohol tincture of peony, motherwort or valerian. The course of such treatment is 2-3 weeks.

A reliable method of treatment for migraines is to bandage the head for pain. So far, medicine cannot offer cures for complete cure migraines. However, it is worth remembering that there is nothing better as a preventative measure than:

  • leisure;
  • good sleep;
  • physical education classes;
  • balanced diet (in this case, migraine “provocateurs” should be avoided: mayonnaise, cheeses, smoked meats, spicy foods).

The following methods and means can provide relief from migraine pain:

  • apply the lemon peel to your temples with the wet side;
  • attach a cabbage leaf, drink freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • prepare an infusion of clover flowers (one tablespoon of dried clover flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour, use 50 g 3 times a day);
  • take 30 g of blackcurrant juice 3-4 times a day;
  • rub into temporal region heads mint oil.

As a preventive measure, you should also drink a glass of yogurt or whey daily on an empty stomach.

For cluster pain and temporal arteritis, scented pillows made from mint and lemon balm herbs, and the use of aromatic lamps with lemon, mint and lemon balm oils are helpful. These herbs can be brewed together or separately and applied as compresses to the frontal part of the head. To prepare a tincture for a compress, add 1 tbsp. l. mixture of these dry herbs and leave for 3 hours. The product is filtered. The solution can be used orally, 50 ml 3 times a day for pain.

The herbs hawthorn and oregano with lemon give an excellent effect in treating headaches. To prepare such a decoction, take one tablespoon of herbs and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for an hour and drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Add lemon and, if desired, a little honey to this tincture.

Baths using lemon balm tincture and aromatic herbs have beneficial properties. Enhances the effect water procedure use of oriental tea. To prepare tea, take cumin, half a cinnamon stick and an anise star on the tip of a knife. The components are poured into 200 g of boiling water and infused in a ceramic bowl.

Name me at least one person who has never had a headache... This unpleasant sensation is familiar to almost everyone, and some can’t even imagine what it’s like to live without pain. At the same time, most people do not undergo treatment, but simply take painkillers and live quietly with this problem for years, if not decades. What does this mean? At a minimum, the quality of life suffers. However, more often than not, there is a decrease in the level of daily activity and an increase in the risk of developing depression.

Actually, it's not that scary. There is one more circumstance that served as the reason for writing this article. One person can have several types of headaches (cephalgia) at the same time, which greatly complicates diagnosis and thoroughly blurs clinical picture. Everything will be fine with the doctor, he will understand the situation, but it is more difficult for the patient - against the background of existing pain, which he has had for a long time, he may not notice a new one, which may be a sign of a serious illness.

In other words, if the head hurts for the first time, then the person will go to the doctor; if she was sick from her youth, and now she began to hurt a little more or a little differently, then, most likely, the person will simply start taking a different painkiller. But you should consult a doctor... This is why many brain pathologies go unnoticed early stages. What to do? We are for it annual medical examination Therefore, our clinic operates an examination program aimed at identifying the causes of headaches.

Before talking about treatment, I will consider the mechanism of development of the most common diseases. This will help you understand the causes of pain and understand the appropriateness of all medical prescriptions.

Tension headache

This condition is based on excessive tension of the pericranial muscles, i.e. muscles located around the skull. These include the frontal, temporal, masticatory, suboccipital and other muscles. This feature determines the nature of the pain syndrome - the pain seems to compress the head with a ring.


Despite the fact that the immediate cause of pain is muscle hypertonicity, the psychogenic factor plays a leading role. However, there is nothing surprising here - emotional tension is automatically transformed into muscle tension.

It would be naive to deny the fact that many of us function in a state of chronic stress. Let’s take any person leading an “office” lifestyle. What catches your eye? Physical inactivity, working with large flows of information, coffee and cigarettes... A familiar picture, isn’t it? At the same time, factors such as the degree of satisfaction with conditions and wages, relationships in the team or loyalty of management remain behind the scenes. What am I talking about? Some patients tell us at an appointment that they may experience a painful sensation immediately after an unpleasant conversation with one of their colleagues or even at the very thought of having to prepare a report and speak to their superiors. This is one of many examples; the situation can be absolutely anything. It is important to understand that the presence of a long-term unresolved internal or external conflict in a person gives rise to constant emotional stress, which is the cause of this type of headaches.


How do they manifest themselves? These pains are literally of a compressive nature. Some people compare them to a tightening hoop, others to a vice; The medical literature uses the term “helmet-type pain.” The unpleasant sensation is not particularly intense and does not depend on the level of daily physical activity. However, in many patients there is a direct connection between the onset of pain and previous stress.


If we talk about treatment, then in addition to traditional drug therapy non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants (Citramon, Ibuprofen, Mydocalm, Katadolon, etc.) osteopathic effects and the help of a psychologist are indicated. Osteopathy will help relieve painful muscle tension, and psychotherapeutic support is necessary to work with emotional disorders such as increased anxiety, various phobias or depressions that are universally found in this condition. Without working through all aspects of the problem, it is almost impossible to achieve any significant results.

Migraine (hemicrania)

Migraine (hemicrania) - unilateral pain of a pulsating nature

This is probably one of the few diseases that occupies a special place in the minds of most people - almost everyone who has a severe headache thinks that they have a migraine. This is not always the case because this pathology has very specific features. For example, a typical migraine attack is characterized by a headache so intense that it literally shuts the person out of everyday life. It’s impossible to do anything, all that’s left to do is crawl under the covers and hide.


It is currently believed that the cause of the disease is associated with an abnormal functioning of the trigeminovascular system (a set of certain structures of the brain), or more precisely, with its hypersensitivity. Being easily excitable, she can become overly active and trigger a whole cascade. pathological processes, giving rise to painful symptoms. Thus, we are dealing with an individual characteristic of a person, manifested in the form of a chronic disease.

What can trigger migraine attacks? Basically, anything. However, there are a number of established factors that are directly associated with episodes of hemicrania in most people. These include the consumption of certain foods, cyclical changes in the body of women, disturbances in the sleep-wake rhythm and fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. Does this include stress? Undoubtedly! Many patients note that they are restrained negative emotions are also a kind of trigger mechanism. I will say more, in a number of cases, between painful symptom and an unpleasant experience can be equated. If you want, the body thus tells us the truth about our true feelings. In any case, this is what proponents of the psychosomatic concept say.


As mentioned above, migraine is a chronic disease characterized by cyclical occurrence of attacks, which are manifested by throbbing pain in the temporal or temporo-frontal-orbital region. The head may alternately hurt on one side or the other (usually on one side). The pain syndrome is often accompanied by dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. It is noteworthy that bright lights, loud sounds or strong odors only aggravate the situation. Another feature is that some people immediately before an attack experience a migraine aura - a symptom complex represented by unusual visual sensations (spots before the eyes, loss of visual fields or distortion of the perception of surrounding objects).


It is at such moments that you should take triptans (Amigrenin, Relpax, etc.) - specific medications that can prevent the occurrence of the symptoms described above. However, everything is not so simple. According to modern concepts, migraine treatment is a complex process that requires taking into account all provoking factors. It is not enough to relieve an attack; it is necessary to develop a program to minimize irritation of the trigeminovascular system. For example, a complex therapeutic measures may include medicinal support (Propranolol, Vasobral, Cinnarizine, Amitriptyline, etc.), correction of postural disorders and psychotherapeutic assistance. Everything is very individual.

Cervicogenic headache (cervicocranialgia)

This is pain associated with damage to structures cervical region spine and surrounding soft tissues. We are talking about degenerative-dystrophic processes leading to arthrosis of the intervertebral joints, spasm of the suboccipital muscles and irritation of the sensitive nerve fibers located in this area.


Why is this happening? This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, crooked posture (osteochondrosis) or previous spinal injuries (in particular, whiplash). In some cases, the cause of pain is incorrectly selected glasses.

We have already discussed “office syndrome” earlier. Now let's touch on another aspect of this condition, namely, let's talk about such a postural disorder as the forward position of the head. This phenomenon occurs not only in the office. Pay attention to the people in public transport- widespread use of smartphones. What does this lead to? Let's conduct an experiment. Take a filled teapot and try to hold it in front of you at arm's length. Hard? Feeling tense? The same thing happens with the neck muscles, which try to hold the head in a tilted position. Being chronically tense, they can block the intervertebral joints and prevent venous outflow from the head, thereby causing cephalgia.


It is worth noting that the headache hurts (or hurts more strongly) only on one side, and is not accompanied by pulsation (the pain is more of an aching nature). It is noteworthy that the unpleasant sensation begins in the area of ​​the back of the head or neck, subsequently spreading to the parietotemporal-frontal region. Some people may experience dizziness and intolerance to bright lights or loud sounds at these times. The described symptoms occur in the morning (while lying down), after sleep, or during the day, during such types of daily activities as working at a computer or driving a car.


How to treat? In their pure form, analgesics are not particularly effective. Muscle relaxants, microcirculation correctors and venotonics are used. It is now generally accepted that the most reasonable tactics for managing patients with cervicogenic headache is therapy, including manual correction, physical therapy and lifestyle modification. It is important not just to “correct” the neck and select exercises; the person himself needs to monitor his posture and maintain good physical shape.

Medicinal abuse

Overuse headache is a complex psychophysiological phenomenon that occurs as a result of long-term use of painkillers. We are talking about the “habit” of feeling pain.


As you already understand, there are several types of cephalgia, each of which has its own characteristics. It is logical that, based on this, it is necessary to develop a treatment program. However, most people do not consider it necessary to see a doctor, but simply use analgesics, without thinking about the fact that the pills do not act on the cause, but only relieve the pain. Gradually, the body gets used to them, and the medications stop helping. This can go on for quite a long time. The medications will change and the pain will eventually become chronic.

In medicine, there is such a thing as a body diagram. To illustrate this phenomenon, we can give the example of phantom pain. Imagine this situation: a person suffers from pain in his leg for a long time, it is amputated, but “it” continues to hurt... The leg was cut off, but the feeling that “it” hurts remains! Amazing, isn't it? This happens because there is a body, and there is a body diagram (the brain’s idea of ​​it), and in some cases these things do not coincide. That’s why there is no leg, but “it” hurts - the brain continues to “think” that the leg is there! If pain is built into the body’s schema, then the real body has no choice but to “recognize” it as part of it. This is what characterizes drug abuse.


At first, the symptoms may have features of the primary disease - migraine or tension headache. Subsequently, these features become blurred: the pain becomes constant and non-localized, sleep is disturbed, and various emotional disorders. To say that it is impossible to do anything in such a state is to say nothing. A person completely loses the ability to enjoy life. There are all the signs of depression on my face.


Treatment of chronic pain is a complex task that requires Herculean efforts on the part of both the doctor and the patient. All activities are carried out as part of the treatment of the underlying disease. First of all, you need to stop all painkillers. It is important to normalize brain function, therefore, nootropics, microcirculation correctors and antioxidants are prescribed. One of the priorities is improving the emotional background and quality of sleep. For this purpose, anxiolytics or antidepressants are selected. However, psychotherapeutic support is crucial, since the temptation to return to taking painkillers is very strong. However, this is a typical behavior strategy for people with chronic pain. Many patients benefit from relaxation procedures and moderate physical activity.

Vegetovascular dystonia

IN modern classification In diseases, this condition is referred to as “somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.” In principle, the essence does not change.


The logic is that the existing vegetative imbalance periodically (for example, when the weather changes) leads to malfunctions in the entire vascular network: when it is necessary to expand, the vessels narrow, and vice versa, when it is necessary to narrow, they expand.


This explains the nature of the painful sensations. As a rule, these are throbbing or pressing headaches that do not have a clear localization (the forehead, temples or the whole head may hurt), but are often accompanied by such unpleasant phenomena as dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat or increased sweating. It is noteworthy that such episodes arise as a response to certain stressful situations, and, often, occur against the background of pronounced emotional stress.


Such people are helped not by painkillers, but by sedatives.

We have analyzed the most common pathologies that do not have an obvious organic component. That is, they do not change the structure of the brain. That is why in such cases, MR angiography (the most informative diagnostic method) visualizes the absolute norm. However, this does not mean that undergoing an examination is pointless. When examining a person, the doctor builds a hypothesis, which can only be verified during diagnostic measures. Sometimes, not everything is so simple, and only modern equipment allows us to clarify the situation. For example, migraine symptoms often hide much more serious problems.


What are the characteristics of almost all tumors (and there are extremely many of them) that can affect the brain? All of them lead to its gradual destruction. At first, this process is asymptomatic, but subsequently, as the disease progresses, pain and various functional disorders come to the fore (visual acuity quickly decreases, swallowing is impaired, or coordination of movements deteriorates). Treatment is surgical. There are also various variations: gamma knife, chemotherapy, etc.

Aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations

A cerebral aneurysm is a pathology characterized by local dilation of any cerebral artery, which occurs as a result of protrusion of its wall. As for arteriovenous malformation, it is a tangle of randomly intertwined vessels with abnormal high speed blood flow Increasing in size, both vascular formations can compress the surrounding structures, which gives rise to a variety of symptoms (pain in the projection of the aneurysm, ringing in the ears, epileptic attacks, emotional instability, etc.). That's not all. The seriousness of the situation is that these things are quite fragile, and the likelihood of them spontaneously breaking is extremely high. Therefore, in order to prevent intracerebral hemorrhage, it is necessary to surgically eliminate its potential source.


Believe it or not, our brain not only “thinks,” but also constantly produces fluid in which it itself is located. It is also called liquor. Since this cerebrospinal fluid is secreted continuously, it needs to flow somewhere from the cranial cavity (there simply is not enough room for it there). What happens if the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is obstructed? Rising intracranial pressure. This is observed in oncology and inflammatory processes, as well as after hemorrhagic strokes, injuries and operations. In many people, hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome occurs without obvious reasons. It manifests itself as bursting pain, which can intensify when tilting the head down. Sometimes it can be dealt with with drugs (Aescusan or Diacarb are used), but in some cases surgery is performed - ventriculoperitoneal shunting.

Arnold-Chiari malformation (anomaly)

Arnold-Chiari malformation - descent of the cerebellar tonsils (red arrow) into the foramen magnum (green line)

No one doubts the fact that the brain is located in the head, and the spinal cord is located in the back (spine). The cranial cavity communicates with the spinal cavity through the foramen magnum. This is the place where the brain meets the spinal cord. In some people, the cerebellum may “sink” into this hole (called an Arnold-Chiari malformation), thereby causing a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation disorder. How does this manifest itself? Headache localized in the back of the head. How to treat? In mild cases, medication or osteopathic treatment is sufficient; in severe cases, when there is infringement spinal cord, - surgical intervention is required.

So, we have not yet considered dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints, sinusitis, vasculitis, essential hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, bronchial asthma and many other pathologies accompanied by pain in different parts heads. And we won't. Understand that the same symptom can occur in different diseases, and only a doctor can figure it out.

Migraine and headache occur due to various reasons. Sometimes this is a natural result the morning after a party, and sometimes it is a symptom of a dangerous chronic disease. Headache: which pill is better to take? The choice depends on the individual characteristics of each person. In this article we will look at the most popular pharmacy

Causes of headaches

There are primary and secondary headaches. Primary is not accompanying symptom, but a separate, independent disease. The main problem in this case is the pain itself. Secondary headache is a symptom of a chronic latent disease, which provokes migraine or sharp pain in the temples and back of the head.

A painful headache accompanies infectious diseases, constant alcohol intoxication. It can often be triggered by poisoning (both toxic substances entering the body from the outside, and those produced by the body tissues themselves). Common causes of headaches are atmospheric pressure, weather changes, chronic stress, depression of various etiologies, fasting and strict diets, hypoxia, sunburn or hypothermia. The reasons one way or another disrupt cerebral circulation and the metabolism habitual for the functioning of the brain.

Which medications should I choose?

If you have a headache, what pills can you take to help yourself? First of all, try to determine the cause of the discomfort. After this, select the optimal medicine it will be much easier. In the vast majority of cases (95%), patients are characterized by a primary headache, and only in 5% of cases by a secondary one.

What symptoms should you get tested for?

In the cases described below, you should contact a neurologist or therapist:

  • sharp throbbing pain in the temples;
  • nagging pain painful nature in the back of the head;
  • a feeling of heaviness and tingling in the eye sockets, brow ridges;
  • feeling of numbness in the neck, shoulder girdle simultaneously with constant migraines;
  • profuse nosebleeds accompanying migraines;
  • if the headache starts early in the morning and night sleep does not have any effect on it;
  • In parallel with migraine, nausea, vomiting, and short-term loss of consciousness occur.

All these symptoms are characteristic of different serious illnesses. This is how osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, arrhythmia, hypertension, and organic brain damage can manifest themselves.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

This is a huge group pharmacological drugs having an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

If you have a severe headache, what pill should you take when there is a change in atmospheric pressure? The following representatives of the pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will have a rapid analgesic effect: medicines:

  • "Piroxicam" and its derivatives;
  • "Meloxicam";
  • "Nimesil";
  • "Celecoxib".

It should be noted that all these drugs have a high toxic effect on the kidneys and affect blood clotting. If they are taken regularly as an anesthetic, pathology may develop. urinary tract, which will eventually lead to chronic renal failure. Pregnant women and children are prohibited from taking it.

Antispasmodics for headaches

The principle of action is to reduce vascular tone and muscle relaxation (muscle relaxation). As a result, the symptoms of migraine are significantly reduced or it goes away completely. The effect occurs within twenty minutes after taking the tablet. Here are the most popular antispasmodics for those looking for which pill to take if they have a headache:

  • "Drotaverine";
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Galidor";
  • "Papaverine".

You can combine antispasmodics with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, in this case there may be a toxic effect on the kidneys. Contraindications to taking antispasmodic drugs are heart failure, chronic diseases liver on late stages, arterial hypotension, individual intolerance to the components. What pills can you take when you have frequent and severe headaches? You can also try effective remedy"No-shpa."

Antidepressants for migraines

If the headache is caused by a psychosomatic condition or organic brain damage, then nootropics or antidepressants come to the rescue. This is a strict class prescription drugs, which can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. The most common of these medications are: Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Zoloft, Stimuloton, Mexidol, Cerebrolysin, Sertraline, Piracetam, Cinnarizine.

In some cases, taking such psychotropic medications is the only way to get rid of the constant migraine that poisons the patient’s life. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required.

Analgesics for headaches

Perhaps the most popular means among the people. They not only have excellent anesthetic properties, but can also lower the temperature. Can be used for flu and colds.

  1. Aspirin is sold in tablet and effervescent form. People with kidney problems are better off choosing tablets. But if the liver is acting up, it is better, on the contrary, to prefer effervescent form release.
  2. Paracetamol is a powerful pain reliever and antipyretic. Its main disadvantage is its strong toxic effect on internal organs. Overdose can result in death. But if the patient is in a situation where he has a headache due to a hangover, what pill should he take in this case? A one-time dose of paracetamol is quite acceptable.
  3. Citramon is a cheap analgesic popular since Soviet times. Due to the caffeine content, it has an invigorating effect. Can relieve even the most severe headache within fifteen minutes.
  4. "Mig 200" is a modern, advertised analgesic. It is effective, but it is a little overpriced due to the constant rotation of advertising for this product on television and radio. After taking the pill, the headache subsides within ten to twenty minutes.

What headache pills should I take during pregnancy?

The “interesting situation” automatically eliminates most of the analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a woman due to their high toxicity. Which pill should I take if I'm a woman?

The ideal option in this case is “No-shpa” or “Drotaverine”. The dosage of the drug and the duration of its use can only be prescribed by your doctor. Despite the almost complete safety and low toxicity of such drugs, they are prohibited in a number of countries for use by pregnant women. The main reason for this is the assumption of a possible connection between excessive use of the drug and problems with delayed development of the child. However, if you follow the dosage and use the medicine only for unbearable headaches, there should be no problems.

You should avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for headaches during pregnancy. Due to the high toxic load on the kidneys, dehydration and the development of infections in the tissues of the urinary system are possible, which will have an extremely negative impact on the embryo.

How to get rid of headaches without pills?

Here's a series effective advice that will help alleviate the condition without resorting to pharmaceutical technologies:

  • lightly massage your temples with your fingertips, alternating strong pressure with light stroking;
  • stretch your neck muscles with rotational movements head to alternate sides;
  • drink hot, strong tea (preferably black) with plenty of granulated sugar;
  • try to go to bed: the next morning, as a rule, there is no trace left of the migraine;
  • eat a hearty meal: very often migraines are a consequence of fasting or a strict diet in girls;
  • if symptoms of migraine begin in an apartment or office, go out into the fresh air and do breathing exercises to saturate the brain cells with oxygen.

What medications cure hangover headaches most quickly?

Many men are concerned about the question: if you have a headache after drinking alcohol, which pill should you take? Here are the top 7 remedies to relieve migraines after a wild party:

  • Citramon will quickly and effectively relieve discomfort and give you energy for the rest of the day.
  • Analgin due to its effect on nervous system quickly stops the transmission of pain impulses. For a hangover, it acts not only as a pain reliever, but also as a mild antihistamine (reduces the toxic effect of ethanol).
  • "Aspirin Upsa" also contains ascorbic acid, which is washed away by alcohol. Used in the form effervescent tablets, should be dissolved in a glass clean water.
  • "Pentalgin N" is a complex drug based on analgin, caffeine, codeine and phenobarbital. Relieves pain, reduces inflammation, normalizes sleep, and has a sedative effect.
  • "Solpadeine" is a popular drug for headaches. It contains paracetamol, caffeine, and is a potent drug.
  • "Tempalgin" quickly and effectively relieves headaches of any etiology. It has been popular with consumers for more than ten years.
  • Paracetamol - can be used no more than once a month to avoid overdose symptoms. It has not only an anesthetic, but also an antipyretic effect.

What pill should I take? The answer to this question must be found by the patient himself, depending on his state of health. It makes no difference what was drunk - beer or other drinks. If there are no contraindications, you should try to relieve the pain with a citramone tablet. If you need a sedative effect, you can try Pentalgin N. Now you know the answer to the question, if you have a headache, what pill to take.

Headaches can be painful for various reasons. But this pain is often so debilitating and intrusive that it sometimes makes you lose sleep, performance, and even appetite. In such cases, a person is forced to resort to the use of antispasmodic tablets. Let's consider which of them are the most effective. Let's choose best pills for headaches.

The cause of a headache can be any disease or, on the contrary, banal psychological tension and stress. Among the main factors leading to headaches, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Psycho and emotional overstrain, stress and depression. Long absence healthy sleep can also lead to headaches.
  2. In women, headaches may depend on the menstrual cycle.
  3. Vascular disorders lead to headaches most often.
  4. Head or neck injuries often lead to pain. Pain often occurs from overstrain of the cervical spine. Children and office workers are susceptible to it.
  5. Infections and inflammatory processes.
  6. Headache can also occur due to colds. This symptom is connected to the underlying disease in almost 50% of cases.
  7. Facial injuries.
  8. Taking medications that will lead to intoxication of the body. These include antibiotics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants.
  9. Weather conditions. Weather dependent people often suffer from headaches related to weather conditions, changing seasons or sun exposure.
  10. Bad habits. These include drinking alcohol and smoking.
Photo: Tablets that relieve headaches

How to choose headache pills?

Today, the number of “head pain” tablets includes dozens of items. Without medical care understanding them can be quite difficult. When choosing a drug, several factors must be taken into account:

  • Localization pain. The pain can be located in the temporal, frontal or occipital parts, and can also be enveloping.
  • Characteristics of pain. It is worth highlighting what exactly the patient feels. The pain can be squeezing, bursting, stabbing, sharp or dull. It may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, loss of vision in one eye, nausea, hearing loss, ringing in the ears and vomiting.
  • Causes of spasms. Sometimes it is possible to determine the cause of a spasm without medical help. If the pain is periodic, then most likely the patient knows what exactly provokes it. This could be stress, prolonged fasting, weather, illness and much more.

It is on the basis of these observations that you should choose headache pills. Without taking into account such important factors, treatment may be counterproductive, and the pills may seem ineffective.

Photo: What pills to take for headaches

Taking pills for headaches should be conscious and correct. Only by knowing how to take medications correctly can you be treated without thinking about the consequences. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  1. You should start with the simplest and most famous tablets - Paracetamol and Nurofen. Stronger drugs should be taken only if neither one nor the other type of tablet helped.
  2. It is recommended to take tablets for headaches no more than 5 days in a row. After this period, the drugs can cause considerable harm to the body.
  3. Analgesics are not able to help with migraines, hypertension and hypotension. Drinking them is useless, so you need to consult a doctor to get recommendations on taking effective medications.
  4. Taking headache pills should not be combined with alcohol. Their effectiveness in some cases remains virtually unchanged, but, nevertheless, this combination can lead to kidney problems.
  5. Severe pain is relieved only strong drugs. To get a red prescription, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.
  6. Combining different painkillers will not help achieve a double effect. This way you can only worsen your own condition by creating a mass side effects.
  7. Head tablets containing codeine or phenobarbital are prohibited for use by patients who work in hazardous industries, operate machinery, or drive a car.

High blood pressure means worse general condition a patient in which the patient feels several symptoms at once - nausea, dizziness and headache. Since hypertension is a very complex disease, the use of conventional painkillers is almost never acceptable. To treat such pain, you need to eradicate its very cause.

Photo: Tablets for headaches with pressure

Self-medication of pain due to hypertension is not possible. This can lead to many consequences for the body and even fatal outcome. In order to receive an appointment, you need to contact a cardiologist or therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and give the necessary recommendations for further therapy.

It is important to eliminate headaches due to hypertension in a timely manner. This is due to the fact that such a symptom simply signals a danger to life. The mildest consequence can be hemorrhage in the retina, other complications include stroke and heart attack.

What pills will help with a bursting headache?

Not many people are familiar with a bursting headache, because such a symptom is quite rare. This pain is called liquorodynamic pain. It is very dangerous for human life and requires immediate medical attention.

The pain feels like very strong intracranial pressure. A characteristic feature is an increase in discomfort and tension. Taking antispasmodics has virtually no effect on such pain. If this pain occurs in the patient or his relatives, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance, which will avoid irreparable consequences.

What drugs are used most often? List

Classic headache medications are available in almost every home medicine cabinet. However, due to the huge abundance of modern painkillers, many people wonder whether the effectiveness of old drugs is identical to that of new ones? It is worth noting that both new and old medications for headaches contain virtually identical main components. The differences lie only in the excipients, which are not always required to be used.

1. Citramon

Citramon is a combination drug that can cope with headaches. mild pain and moderate severity. It contains paracetamol, caffeine, Acetylsalicylic acid and additional components. The maximum permissible dose of the drug per day is 6 tablets. The optimal dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is not recommended to take the medicine for more than 3 days in a row, as side effects may occur. The drug is usually well tolerated by adults and children, but can cause a number of unpleasant side symptoms such as allergic reactions, intestinal disorders and headaches. Also not excluded side effects from the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

Photo: Citramon headache tablets - instructions

2. Nurofen

A good anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug that belongs to the group of derivatives propionic acid. Able to cope with headaches varying degrees intensity. Active active substance drug - ibuprofen. This product is quickly absorbed by the body and quickly distributed, eliminating painful sensations. The drug is excreted through the kidneys within 6-8 hours.

3. Tempalgin

A drug of combined action that contains sedatives and analgesics. The substance also contains specific component– metamizole sodium. It has a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is used not only to suppress headaches, but also to various types neuralgia and pain syndromes. It is recommended to take the drug with food to ensure better process suction.

4. Solpadeine

A universal drug of combined action that can cope with various types of pain syndromes. Thus, the high effectiveness of the product is due to the action of the components included in its composition. The composition contains caffeine, codeine and paracetamol. Also, a huge advantage of Solpadeine is that it is well tolerated by the body and virtually does not cause any side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions are observed.

5. Ibuklin

An effective dual-action drug that can not only relieve pain, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to its complementary combination, Ibuklin allows you to get rid of pain for a long time, without causing drowsiness and weakness in a person. It can be used to treat children over 3 years of age, as it is well tolerated by the body and has no serious side effects.

6. Pentalgin

An effective drug that simultaneously has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. This versatility is due to the composition of the product, which includes as many as 5 components - phenobarbital, caffeine, codeine, metamizole, paracetamol. Used to suppress serious pain syndromes of various localizations.

Tablets for headaches during pregnancy

Preparations of almost any type are absolutely contraindicated for women who are carrying a child. Headaches often appear in pregnant women, but they cannot be relieved with the usual pills, as this can harm the baby. If the pain is prolonged, then pregnant women should under no circumstances take two medications:

  • Aspirin, as well as its derivatives Citramon, Citrapar;
  • Analgin and its derivatives Spazgan, Baralgin, Spazmalgon;
  • Atenolol;
  • Fiorinal;
  • Erotamine.

You can accept:

  • No-shpa. These head pills are more effective than many other drugs and, moreover, they are not capable of harming the child. No-shpu is also taken in cases where a pregnant woman suffers from increased tone uterus.
  • Paracetamol. The drug is often prescribed to expectant mothers not only as a pain reliever, but also as a means of relieving fever.
  • Panadol. It is recommended for pregnant women to drink children's Panadol. It is better tolerated by the body. The drug is also used as an antipyretic.
  • Efferalgan. The drug is well tolerated and does not cause addiction. However, you can drink it only in the second trimester of pregnancy. The first and third trimester are the times when taking the drug can have a detrimental effect on the baby’s development.
  • Citramon. You can use this potent drug during pregnancy, but in dosage. So, doctors do not recommend that pregnant women take more than 2 tablets per day. If a woman needs to take the drug additionally, it is better to consult a doctor to get recommendations on replacing the drug with safer drugs.

Headache in children and how to relieve it

Headaches in children most often occur due to overwork at school. It is recommended to relieve such headaches with rest, balanced diet and walks on fresh air, but these methods are not always effective. Therefore, children are also prescribed pills.

  1. Paracetamol and its derivatives. Paracetamol almost never has a harmful effect on the child's body. Derivatives of this drug can also be used. However, which headache pills are best for your baby should be determined by the doctor.
  2. No-shpa. The drug is often prescribed to children. Maximum daily dose for children over 6 years old is 200 mg.
  3. Spasmalgon. This drug is not prescribed to children, but it is allowed to use half a tablet once a day for children aged 6-8 years, 3\4 tablets for children aged 9-12 years and 1 tablet for children over 13 years old.

Treatment of headaches without the use of pills

Taking medications is not always prerequisite headache treatment. Women suffering from cramps during pregnancy know this best. They usually have to solve this problem without auxiliary means. You can cope with pain without pills in the following ways:

  1. When you're tired, it's usually enough to just get some sleep.
  2. If there is a lack of oxygen, that is, if you stay indoors for a long time, you need to go for a walk. This will saturate the blood with air.
  3. You can do a head massage yourself. To do this, just slowly massage your head in the part that hurts.

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