Home Coated tongue What does increased myometrial tone mean? What to do with myometrial hypertonicity during pregnancy? Symptoms of changes in tone

What does increased myometrial tone mean? What to do with myometrial hypertonicity during pregnancy? Symptoms of changes in tone

Uterine tone occurs frequently during pregnancy. The pathology is accompanied by certain symptoms. Subsequent treatment is carried out using medications and other techniques.

Every pregnant woman has experienced increased uterine tone. Regardless of the causes of this condition, it should be treated to save the pregnancy. Exist effective methods, which allow you to get rid of pathology.

What it is?

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ that can contract, and its basis is the myometrium. During pregnancy, the uterus tends to enlarge. Nature arranges it in such a way that throughout pregnancy the muscle tissue of the uterus is in a relatively calm state. Thanks to this, it is possible to bear fruit.

Also, the uterus can contract at times; this phenomenon occurs closer to childbirth. These abbreviations are called “training” abbreviations. It often happens that during pregnancy muscle The uterus is in a tense state (uterine tone).

Danger of uterine tone for a child

First of all, the condition is dangerous due to the increasing risk of miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy, the increased tone of the uterus does not allow the fetus to gain a good foothold in the endometrium. Also, this condition often leads to placental abruption.

Moreover, hypertonicity of the uterus is capable of compressing the blood vessels connecting the body of the baby and the mother. Because of this, the child is deprived of most of the nutrients and oxygen.

Most often, hypertension is detected on early stages pregnancy. It is during this period that it seriously threatens the baby’s health.


Uterine tone is more likely not a disease, but a consequence of negative effects on healthy body pregnant. There are certain reasons and circumstances that lead to uterine tone.

Early in pregnancy

An increase in tone occurs in the early and late stages gestation of the fetus. But this often happens at the beginning of pregnancy. This is due to contractions of the uterus, but at this stage it is not ready for childbirth. Most often, the changes are accompanied by a dull pain in the lower abdomen.

The reasons for tone in the first trimester are:

  • hormonal disruptions occurring in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • lack of progesterone production;
  • nervous experiences;
  • pathological processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman.

At the end of pregnancy

It’s curious, but in the 2nd trimester, increased tone can also be characterized by the above conditions. However, most often main reason– this is a burden and an incorrect lifestyle.

An increase in tone also occurs due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus. As a rule, this occurs due to multiple pregnancies, polyhydramnios, or a large fetus. If inflammatory processes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, this phenomenon also helps to increase the tone of the uterus. Also, the pathological condition can develop as a result of a respiratory viral infection.

Known types of uterine tone

During the period of bearing a baby, deviations from generally accepted norms often occur, one of which is hypertonicity of the reproductive organ. There are different types of this pathology, characterized by unpleasant sensations and symptoms.

Hypertonicity of the posterior wall

All the danger this state is that hypertonicity back wall uterus may not cause discomfort or inconvenience. If some pain is felt, this may indicate pregnancy complications.

However, in most cases the symptoms are not pronounced. Hypertonicity of the posterior wall can be suspected based on the following signs:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • discomfort during physical activity;
  • tension in the reproductive organ, a feeling of heaviness.

Hypertonicity of the myometrium along the anterior wall

Normally, contractions and tensions of the uterus are 15 times a day. If this phenomenon occurs more often, it can be defined as hypertonicity of the anterior wall. This condition causes some inconveniences:

  • a pulling painful sensation in the lower abdomen (below the umbilical region);
  • feeling of heaviness or tension in the perineum;
  • frequent urination and the urge to urinate.

Local tone

Local muscle tension in pregnant women is often confused with cystitis, osteochondrosis or intestinal disorder. Often there is pain in the sacrum, lower back or abdomen. However, most often discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen and perineum.

Short-term tone

Such pathological changes are felt as short-term contractions of the muscles of the reproductive organ. It is at week 20 that short-term tone often occurs for the first time. This is explained intensive growth fetus and an increase in the size of the uterus.

Most often, this phenomenon stops after the pregnant woman assumes a horizontal position.

Diagnostic measures

The diagnostic procedures carried out allow us to determine with 100% probability the pathological changes that have occurred in the reproductive organ of a pregnant woman. Such activities are carried out by an experienced medical specialist using special instruments.

How does it feel?

First of all, the doctor will collect an anamnesis. It is important to tell the patient about unpleasant sensations which he feels. These include:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant compression in the perineum;
  • sudden abdominal tension;
  • lower back pain;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

In especially severe cases, pain is accompanied bloody discharge. In this condition, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, as this can lead to miscarriage. Also alarm signal will cause cramping pain lasting more than one minute.

What does it look like on an ultrasound?

As the main method for determining hypertension, doctors carry out ultrasonography. This procedure helps to visually determine total or local contraction of the muscle of the reproductive organ.

As a rule, there is a thickening of the surface of the uterus on a certain side. If detected this sign in the area where the placenta is attached, there is a possibility of its detachment. Thickening of the entire myometrium may also be observed, which is confirmed by emerging clinical symptoms.

What tests are taken?

After the ultrasound examination, the doctor recommends that the expectant mother undergo additional examinations, thanks to which it will be possible to see a broader clinical picture. These include a blood test in which specialists determine the amount of progesterone.

Treatment methods

After diagnostic measures the doctor prescribes effective therapy, thanks to which it will be possible to maintain the pregnancy.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as this can lead to serious consequences.

Who prescribes treatment?

Whenever unpleasant symptoms and suspicion of the development of pathology, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist. Thanks to his recommendations, it will subsequently be possible to prevent the development of a pathological process in the reproductive organ of a pregnant woman.

What medications are prescribed?

IN mandatory The therapy provided involves the use sedatives. The most commonly prescribed medications are valerian or motherwort. If these drugs are ineffective, the specialist prescribes Nozepam.

If progesterone deficiency is responsible for the increased tone of the reproductive organ, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Duphaston.

Also, in most cases, patients are prescribed Magne B6, thanks to which they can compensate for the lack of vitamin B in the body.

Treatment with suppositories

Doctors usually prescribe Papaverine in suppositories. This is an effective remedy that has a beneficial effect on the pregnant woman’s body. In case of increased tone, it is recommended to use the drug according to the attached instructions.

Duration of treatment

The therapy provided depends on the nature and severity of the pathology. Experienced doctor determines the treatment period based on the patient’s condition and the diagnostic measures performed.

Proper nutrition

Thanks to a healthy diet, it will be possible to improve the general well-being of the pregnant woman and have a beneficial effect on the tone of the uterus. Some phenomena caused by poor nutrition can lead to diarrhea, flatulence and constipation. It is these phenomena that most often provoke the tone of the reproductive organ.

Doctors recommend sticking to healthy eating throughout the entire period of pregnancy. You should also protect yourself from bad habits: drinking alcohol and smoking. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the expectant mother and her unborn baby.


The doctor can advise how to shorten physical activity, as well as its increase. Regarding uterine hypertonicity, the second option is often recommended.

Increasing physical activity is primarily recommended for those people who have been actively involved in sports and exposed themselves to physical activity.

  • spontaneous movements in a home environment accompanied by pleasant music;
  • walking on fresh air;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • yoga classes;
  • breathing exercises.

Exercise should be enjoyable, in which case it will lead to positive changes in the pregnant woman’s body.


Reducing tone at home

At home, perform a number of simple techniques that will help eliminate tone:

  1. Get on all fours, raise your head up and arch your back. Hold this position for no more than 1 minute. The exercise is repeated several times a day.
  2. Many people had no idea that by relaxing the facial muscles, you can reduce tension in the reproductive organ. It is enough to lie down comfortably and relax the muscles of your neck and face.
  3. You need to take a position in which the uterus is in free suspension. Get on all fours, resting on your elbows.


And yet, you should not give preference only to traditional methods and abandon traditional treatment. This can worsen the clinical picture. Before treatment, you should consult your doctor.

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Myometrial hypertonicity - every pregnant woman knows about this diagnosis. It accompanies every second pregnancy at any stage. This real threat pregnancy and fetal health. What are its symptoms, why does it occur and how to prevent it.

Norm and pathology

The uterus, a hollow muscular organ, has three layers of tissue:

  1. The outer layer, the perimeter, is a membrane of serous tissue.
  2. The mucous membrane that lines inner layer, called the endometrium.
  3. The wall of the middle layer (myometrium) is formed by smooth muscle tissue. It provides the organ with the ability to contract during childbirth and pushes menstrual fluid out of the non-pregnant uterus.

After a fertilized egg has been implanted into the organ cavity, the myometrium begins to “prepare” for gestation and childbirth. It strengthens, becomes more and more thickened, and grows. A sufficient amount of calcium, glycogen and enzymes accumulate inside it, which will stimulate its contraction during labor.

Physiologically, like any other muscular structure of the body, the myometrium must be in good shape.

Pathology is determined by how tense or relaxed the walls of the organ are:

  1. With hypotonicity, the muscles are completely relaxed. This condition is observed in the first hours after childbirth and can cause uterine bleeding.
  2. With hypertonicity of the myometrium, the wall becomes tense above normal.

If myometrial hypertonicity is periodic during contractions, this is also considered normal. But if it is constant and observed during the period of gestation, then this is a pathology. It can cause premature miscarriage.

According to the degree of tension, myometrial hypertonicity can be total (tension over the entire surface), local (tension in a separate area).

How does pathology develop?

There are many factors that provoke uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. Basically, for this pathology to develop, several factors act.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy:

  1. Chronic urogenital infection (ureaplasma, chlamydia, genital herpes virus, cytomegavirus). Against the background of the inflammatory process, a large number of biologically active compounds are synthesized in the organ, provoking contractility and hypertonicity of the myometrium.

  2. Hormonal diseases in which progesterone deficiency is observed: hyperandrogenism, hyperprolactinemia, sexual infantilism. Against this background, local uterine tone is possible in the early stages of pregnancy (the period of the first 14 weeks). Hormonal deficiency is a prerequisite for miscarriage and chorionic detachment. Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy also develops against the background of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
  3. Diseases in which the structure of the uterine wall changes (neoplasms in the form of polypous growths, fibroids, adenomyotic nodes), malformations (double uterus, accessory horn, uterine septum). Such pathologies prevent the egg from being properly implanted and the embryo grows, and with the stretching of the organ, they cause increased local uterine hypertonicity.
  4. Chronic diseases internal organs(hypertension, diabetes, obesity, renal failure).
  5. Pregnancy with complications in the form of incorrect presentation position, polyhydramnios, gestosis, Rh conflict, toxicosis.
  6. Increased gas formation with altered intestinal motility.

Socio-economic causes of uterine hypertonicity:

  • Heavy physical labor, hazardous production, night shift work.
  • Period of financial difficulties.
  • The woman's age is under 18 and after 40 years.
  • Family conflicts, stressful situations.
  • Adverse habits of a pregnant woman.
  • Insufficient or unbalanced diet.

With hypertonicity of the myometrium, the blood vessels that connect the maternal body and the fetus spasm. The fruit does not receive enough nutrients with oxygen. Threats in the form of developmental delays and interrupted pregnancy increases several times.


Increased contractility The organ can develop in three forms: local, along the posterior and anterior surfaces.

When hypertonicity of the posterior wall of the uterus develops, the process is asymptomatic.

The attending physician establishes pathology only on the basis ultrasound diagnostics. Pathological tone along the posterior wall of the uterus is determined by changes in the uterine muscle fibers.

Outpatient treatment is indicated for a pregnant woman. Sedatives and antispasmodics are prescribed medicines. In case of uterine hypertonicity of the 1st degree, it is recommended to reduce physical activity and limit sexual contacts.

The tone of the posterior wall of the uterus during second-degree pregnancy gives more vivid clinical symptoms: aching constant pain in the lower third of the abdominal cavity, a feeling of “fullness” in the vagina, rectum. If the diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound, the pregnant woman is indicated for hospitalization. With bed rest, under medical supervision complex treatment is carried out.

The likelihood of posterior wall pathology depends on age. Expectant mothers under 18 and over 35 years of age are at risk.

Hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus during pregnancy causes pain in the lower third of the abdominal cavity with an increased urge to urinate and empty the intestines.

With increased tone along the anterior wall, painful sensations, similar to those experienced by a non-pregnant woman with the onset of menstruation.

With hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus, there is a high probability of uterine bleeding. If a woman’s discharge changes or traces of blood appear, this should be a reason for immediate hospitalization.

Symptoms of total uterine hypertonicity: a woman feels “petrified” abdominal walls, complains of pain with watery, bloody discharge.

It is possible that after the fourth month with this pathology, fetal movements will change. If this happens and the fetus moves more often or less frequently, the pregnant woman should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

During an examination, the doctor discovers general symptoms hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy: deterioration in general health, nervousness, nagging pain in the lower third of the abdomen, increased pain after minor physical exertion.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor conducts gynecological examination, prescribes ultrasound examination and tonuometry.

So that the treatment of pathology gives positive result, the first stage shows complete psycho-emotional and physical peace. Preparations:

  1. Before treating uterine hypertonicity with strong medications, prescribe sedatives on a plant basis: tincture of motherwort, valerian, peony.
  2. If herbal sedatives are ineffective, treatment includes one of the tranquilizers: Diazepam, Phenazepam, Halcyonine.
  3. If it is determined that the cause of the development of pathology is progesterone deficiency, synthetic drugs are prescribed. hormonal agents: Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Metipred.
  4. To relieve spasms and improve blood supply, antispasmodics are prescribed: No-shpu, Papaverine.
  5. For the treatment of pregnancy pathologies after 16 weeks, it is prescribed special drugs tocolytics: Ginipral, Partusisten. They reduce contractile function and protect against premature labor.
  6. Complex therapy is supplemented with Magne-B6 preparations, multivitamins, and folic acid.

What should a woman do on her own, and how to cope with the first signs of hypertension at home:

  • Learn to breathe calmly, be as nervous and worry as little as possible.
  • For a while, completely eliminate physical activity and any housework.
  • Breathe fresh air as much as possible.
  • Avoid public transport.
  • Limit sex life.
  • Do not take baths, limit yourself to showers.
  • If your doctor recommends, purchase a bandage. A properly selected product will be an excellent prevention of hypertension.
  • Learn and regularly perform relaxation exercises.

In order to prevent myometrial hypertonicity, a woman should adjust her diet: be sure to include dishes made from oatmeal and buckwheat, nuts, and fresh herbs.

And most importantly: do not miss scheduled visits, strictly follow all doctor’s prescriptions.

Pregnancy is important event in a woman’s life, however, often during its course a pathology such as increased myometrial tone is diagnosed. It is important to know the symptoms of this pathology and possible reasons its development. Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid various complications.

Causes of development of myometrial hypertonicity and treatment methods

The causes of hypertension during pregnancy may lie in structural changes in the uterine wall

Pregnancy is the most long-awaited and exciting event for a woman, but its course is often overshadowed by various diseases. Often, when visiting a gynecologist, you can hear such an unpleasant diagnosis as “myometrial hypertonicity,” which causes a lot of worry and anxiety in the expectant mother. Most often, a specialist makes a decision to place a pregnant woman in medical institution to undergo appropriate treatment, or strict adherence to bed rest at home is prescribed.

What is actually dangerous about myometrial hypertonicity during pregnancy that such drastic measures are required? In fact, increased myometrial tone during pregnancy is considered a dangerous pathological condition that requires increased attention. This is explained by the fact that the supply of sufficient nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus, as well as the favorable end of pregnancy, subsequently depends on this.

Features of the pathology

From a biology course we know that the uterine cavity is lined with three layers:

  • endometrium;
  • myometrium;
  • parimetry.

The endometrium is the layer that covers the surface of the uterus from the inside, and the parimetry is a serous film lining the outside of the reproductive organ. However, the most important and complex layer is the myometrium, which is characterized by muscle contraction, which plays a huge role in the successful completion of labor. If during pregnancy such increased muscle tension is diagnosed before the due date, then experts talk about a pathology such as hypertonicity. This pathological condition female body causes high blood pressure in the reproductive organ and the result of this phenomenon may be the premature onset of labor.

However, diagnosing such a pathology does not necessarily lead to the onset of premature labor or miscarriage, since there are cases favorable outcome pregnancy. Most often, increased myometrial tone along the anterior or posterior wall ends with a disruption in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, which can negatively affect its further development.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Today, increased myometrial tone can develop for various reasons.

Reasons for the increase

Most often, the development of hypertension is observed as a result of changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, that is, a decrease in progesterone levels.

This disorder is especially dangerous at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the final formation of the placenta has not yet occurred. In addition, one can highlight following reasons pathologies:

  • Myometrial tone can increase when a woman’s production of the male sex hormone, androgen, increases;
  • often experts diagnose hypertonicity with underdevelopment of the reproductive organ and its small size;
  • increased uterine tone can be diagnosed when the expectant mother has a history of various diseases inflammatory nature of the uterus or malignant neoplasms.
  • tone can increase under the influence of various stressful situations, constant anxiety, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • uterine fibroids cause hormonal imbalance in the female body and tone is often diagnosed precisely with this pathology;

Local hypertonicity occurs predominantly in endometriosis, when pathological cells cause structural changes in muscle fibers.

Often doctors are faced with such a pathological condition of the female body as uterine hypotonicity. During pregnancy, such a pathology does not pose any significant threat to the woman and the baby, however, if such a condition develops during labor, problems may arise. various kinds complications.

Risk factors

In addition to the reasons that lead to increased myometrial tone, risk factors can be identified. Most often, experts diagnose pregnancy failure in the presence of certain medical factors:

  • identifying various pathologies during pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases of various types in the genital and internal organs;
  • progression inflammatory processes in the reproductive system;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • harmful production, that is, an increase in the tone of the uterus can occur with constant interaction of a woman with harmful substances, with heavy physical labor and daily work;
  • The age of the pregnant woman plays an important role, since doctors note that after 35 years, women become susceptible to uterine hypertonicity;
  • irrational organization of her daily routine, that is, the woman does not get enough rest.

Symptoms of pathology

IN modern medicine Uterine hypertonicity is divided into:

  • local increase in myometrial tone, that is, muscle tension in a separate area of ​​the myometrium occurs;
  • a general increase in uterine tone is a tension of the entire myometrium.

The following zones of occurrence of hypertonicity in the cavity of the reproductive organ are distinguished:

  1. An increase in myometrial tone along the posterior wall causes the following symptoms:
  • strong nagging pain lower abdomen;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • bloody vaginal discharge
  1. An increase in tone along the anterior wall causes severe pain in the lower abdomen, which are accompanied by severe tension. Increased tone of the uterus along the anterior wall at the end of pregnancy can lead to slower fetal movements. This pathological condition often ends in spontaneous miscarriage.

The posterior wall is the site of localization of large blood vessels, through which nutrients are supplied to the baby. If the myometrium is tense, they are compressed, and the result is fetal hypoxia. Often, increased tone of the uterus along the anterior wall can occur with any external irritation that affects the abdominal cavity.

Features of pathology treatment

Many believe that the spasmodic state of the uterus is the main reason for the development of premature labor and miscarriage, and various abnormalities can be observed during pregnancy.

However, uterine hypertonicity does not always require treatment and is most often resorted to when there are symptoms such as:

  • shortened neck and a threat to its opening;
  • the appearance of spotting discharge;
  • painful sensations in the abdominal area.

If such symptoms are absent, then no special treatment is required. If there is an increase in uterine tone physiological nature It can be eliminated by simply relaxing the facial muscles and resting on your side. Another relaxing exercise that doctors advise to do if the uterus has high tone is getting on all fours and gently arching your lower back.

When deciding on special treatment for such a pathology, antispasmodic medications are most often prescribed. These remedies do not eliminate the possibility of miscarriage, but they do allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. If there is a history of premature birth, a drug such as Utrozhestan is prescribed.

Complications of pregnancy

Increased tone during pregnancy leads to the progression of such a dangerous condition as fetal hypoxia. With this pathological condition, a narrowing of the lumens of the uterine vessels is observed and an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the child, and this ends in a violation of the uteroplacental blood flow.

Hypoxia can cause the development various types abnormalities in the baby and malnutrition.

If no effort is made to eliminate hypertension, this may result in premature onset of labor or spontaneous miscarriage. Today, increased uterine tone can be successfully treated and this helps prevent the development of many complications. The most important thing in such a situation is a timely visit to a specialist for medical help.

In some cases, a woman preparing to become a mother develops hypertonicity of the uterine myometrium. This is a dangerous situation that requires special treatment and constant monitoring by a gynecologist. The proposed material will tell you about all the nuances of this pathology, treatment and prevention.

The uterus is a muscular organ. Therefore, it has the ability to contract and stretch as the fetus grows. The multilayer walls of the uterus give this organ strength and protect the fetus during intrauterine development.

Myometrium is the middle thickened muscular layer of the uterine wall, which has a complex structure. The main composition of the myometrium is formed by smooth fiber muscle tissue. It is supplemented by elastic fibers and connective tissue fibers.

Myometrial hypertonicity is not a disease. A woman's uterus periodically tenses and contracts throughout menstrual cycle. In the normal state, such changes in tone in most cases occur unnoticed. After all, this natural process. However, during pregnancy, many ordinary processes are perceived by the female body as pathologies.

Myometrial tone is the degree of its tension. Based on this, they differ:

  • weakened, or hypotonic;
  • normal, or normotonus;
  • increased, or hypertonicity.

During pregnancy, the uterus is in a relaxed state under the influence of hormones. This is necessary for normal development the fetus and providing it with the necessary space. Therefore, excessive tension in the muscular layer of the uterus, the myometrium, is unacceptable during the period of intrauterine maturation of the fetus.

During the prenatal period, the uterus gradually tightens. The onset of labor is characterized by intense contractions of the uterine muscles. In this way, the fetus is pushed out and ensures its smooth passage through birth canal.

Localization of pathology

Hypertonicity also varies in prevalence. Both local and widespread (total) hypertonicity of the myometrium is observed. In any case, increased tone is dangerous and requires specialist supervision and special treatment.

Total hypertonicity spreads throughout the uterus. The symptoms of this condition are similar to those local hypertonicity. Additional feature is a pathologically hard spherical abdomen.

Main reasons for the phenomenon

Very often, myometrial hypertonicity is observed during pregnancy. In late pregnancy, moderate hypertonicity occurs under the influence of fetal movements. Usually this process is localized on the back wall of the uterus.

In this case, this condition is a normal reaction of the uterus to changes associated with fetal development. The need for medical procedures in such cases is determined by the doctor. This is done after a general examination of the expectant mother, an anamnestic conversation with her, as well as studying the condition of the uterus using ultrasound.

Various neoplasms on the surface of the uterine tissue often cause overstrain of the myometrial layer. After all, the presence of fibroids or polyps does not allow the embryo to develop normally. The uterine walls lose their elasticity due to these neoplasms. The consequence of the situation is hypertension.

In addition to pregnancy, there are other reasons that cause an increase in the tone of the myometrial layer. It can be:

  • infectious infection;
  • structural neoplasms – adenomyotic nodes, polyps, fibroids, etc.;
  • congenital malformations of the uterus;
  • venereal diseases;
  • lack of sleep and rest;
  • nervous overload, stressful situations;
  • metabolic disease;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • constantly wearing uncomfortable shoes with very high heels;
  • bad habits;
  • dysfunction of the body's physiological defenses;
  • deterioration of health.

Therefore, only periodic visits to a gynecologist and Attentive attitude to the state of your health, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, when the risk of miscarriage is very high.

Characteristic symptoms

The main symptoms of a pathological increase in myometrial tone are vaginal discharge mixed with blood and dull It's a dull pain in the pelvic area. Blood is usually released in small quantities. Mostly in the form of veins or small drops.

Hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the perineal area;
  • frequent discharge of natural needs.

Hypertonicity of the myometrium of the posterior wall of the uterus is most often asymptomatic. A similar condition is determined during an examination in a gynecological chair and through ultrasound.

In this case, a woman may feel:

  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • distension in the lower abdomen;
  • lumbar pain.

Pain in the pelvic area can be permanent or temporary. In general, pain can be eliminated with medicines. Taking them without a doctor's permission during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

In the early stages of pregnancy, pain caused by increased tension in the muscle tissue of the uterus is localized in the area of ​​the anterior wall. As the fetus grows and the uterus enlarges, the intensity of the pain gradually decreases until it disappears completely.

During the prenatal period, pain caused by hypertonicity can be felt in the fundus of the uterus. The most dangerous signal at this stage is vaginal discharge mixed with blood. They usually range from pale pink to light brown. This situation can cause fetal loss.

With an increase in myometrial tone during this period, the expectant mother's abdomen becomes pathologically hard. There is a feeling of hardening of the uterus. This causes discomfort or pain of varying intensity during normal movements.

Changes in tone under the influence of hormones

During the period of gestation, the hormonal background of the female body changes. Normal hormone balance involves increased levels of progesterone and decreased levels of estrogen. This creates the necessary conditions for the proper development of the fetus. Even a slight imbalance of these hormones can provoke uterine bleeding and spontaneous abortion.

Estrogen is required to ensure the elasticity of the uterine walls. It regulates the tone of this organ and is responsible for the activity of her uterine muscles. The hormone is a normalizer of intrauterine development and the reproductive process.

Treatment used

During the period of gestation, treatment of myometrial hypertonicity is undertaken only in special cases. difficult cases. Basically, if there is a risk of pathological termination of pregnancy or a sharp deterioration general condition expectant mother and her baby.

The main signs that require immediate contact with a specialist are vaginal discharge of an unusual color, possibly bloody, or severe pain in the abdomen, lower back and other parts of the body. In such a situation, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Outpatient treatment is undertaken if the hypertonicity is moderate, with periodic myometrial tension.

Pledge successful treatment in this case - correct identification of the reasons causing the increase in tone, and precise definition localization of tension - on the cervix, wall, fundus of the uterus or everywhere.

The main means used to restore normal myometrial tone:

  1. Antispasmodics – Papaverine, Droverine, No-shpa.
  2. Sedatives - tincture of valerian or motherwort, Trioxazin, Sibazol, Nozepam.
  3. Tranquilizers – Halcionine, Diazepam.
  4. Magnesium Sulfate – 25% solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection.
  5. Tocolytics: Ipradol, Ginipral.
  6. Means that improve blood supply to the uterus: Curantil, Trental.
  7. Drugs that reduce the contractile dynamics of the uterus: Bricanil, Patrusisten.
  8. Means for restoring hormonal balance - Utrozhestan, Duphaston.
  9. Painkillers.
  10. Hepatoprotectors – Essentiale, Hofitol.
  11. Drugs to improve metabolism - Riboxin, Actovegin.

All medications are prescribed by a doctor. Take them without consulting a specialist or stop them spontaneously healing process is strictly prohibited.

Possible complications for the fetus

Myometrial hypertonicity in early pregnancy often leads to spontaneous fetal rejection or intrauterine death. In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, myometrial hypertonicity provokes the development of fetoplacental insufficiency. This, in turn, causes oxygen starvation fetus As a result, the normal intrauterine development the future baby, the correct formation of individual systems and organs small organism. As a result, the risk of having an unhealthy child with various congenital pathologies and diseases.

In late pregnancy, hypertonicity of the myometrium causes premature onset of labor and the birth of a premature baby. This happens because under the influence of tense myometrium, ICI develops, i.e. isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

The cervix and isthmus of the uterus experience significant overload. After all, the child’s weight increases noticeably during this period. Therefore, the uterus can open ahead of schedule, pushing the fetus into the birth canal. Premature labor begins.

Placental abruption is another dangerous consequence of myometrial hypertonicity, especially if the placenta is located too low. As a result, the fetus does not receive vital substances and may ultimately die.

Mode correction

At home, the expectant mother with myometrial hypertonicity should observe bed rest. Physical exercise, nervous experiences, sexual relations should be limited as much as possible.

If you experience tense sensations in the uterine area that occur in late pregnancy, special relaxing exercises are recommended. The doctor who monitors the woman during pregnancy will help you choose specific exercises. Using the recommendations of a specialist, the expectant mother will be able to independently reduce the tension of the uterine muscles, bringing the uterus to a normal state.

Preventive actions

The following measures will help to avoid the appearance of myometrial hypertonicity during pregnancy:

  • lack of excessive physical activity;
  • peace of mind;
  • positive emotions;
  • special gymnastics for expectant mothers;
  • use of a bandage in late pregnancy.

The expectant mother should pay special attention to her own health. After all, not only the health, but also the life of the unborn baby directly depends on this. Therefore, adherence to the regime, dosed exercise, restful sleep and walks in the fresh air are a necessary condition absence of myometrial hypertonicity, calm pregnancy and normal labor process.

A pregnant woman's food should be rich in magnesium, vitamins, useful substances. Products that cause flatulence should be limited. Drinking enough fluids will help avoid constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.

The period of gestation and preparation for childbirth is a very important and difficult moment for a woman’s body. Therefore, the expectant mother should be under the constant supervision of a specialist. This will allow timely detection and elimination of many dangerous situations, including increased tone of the main reproductive organ- uterus.

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