Home Children's dentistry Aching severe pain in the back. Causes of wandering back pain

Aching severe pain in the back. Causes of wandering back pain

“Health so far outweighs all the blessings in life,

What a truly healthy beggar

Happier than a sick king."

A. Schopenhauer

Back pain is a problem unique to humans. Almost 80% of people have already encountered an unpleasant painful syndrome. Why does my back hurt? This is the body’s signal about diseases of the spine, spinal muscles and problems of internal organs.

  • Does your lower spine hurt? The causes of back pain in the lumbar region are a consequence of ailments affecting the bone tissue of the vertebrae, their ligaments, lumbar discs, nerves, muscles and spinal cord. The internal organs of the peritoneum and small pelvis can also suffer.
  • Do you feel painful impulses in the upper back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades? Check the body for diseases of the aorta, inflammatory processes of the spine or tumors in the chest.

Sharp, sudden lumbar pain is called “lumbago,” and chronic, gradually developing pain is called “lumbodynia.” For pain in the coccyx and lower spine, this phenomenon is called “coccydynia.”

Why does my back “shoot”, ache and pull? There are many reasons, they are divided into episodic (mechanical) pain and chronic problems. If you can quickly get rid of the first ones, then chronic problems they won't go away so easily.

Episodic back pain

Painful sensations in the spine of an episodic nature are a temporary phenomenon, suddenly appearing and leaving without a trace. This pain is the most common - it occurs in 85-90% of people aged 20-60 years. The syndrome begins immediately from the acute phase, usually with bending and subsequent extension of the body.

Episodic pain increases with movement and is not felt at rest. The painful syndrome is not associated with diseases or injuries - it is a signal from the body that it has had to endure some kind of stress.

Occasional spinal pain cannot be ignored! You need to understand the reasons and eliminate them. With a frivolous attitude towards health, pain of an episodic nature can develop into chronic pain that is difficult to cure.

Mechanical pain is localized in the thigh, buttocks and lumbosacral area. The pain syndrome does not extend below the knees and is asymmetrical. What causes this unpleasant phenomenon?

Do you have a dacha? Garden Garden? Digging enthusiastically in their precious potato beds, their backs mercilessly bent, residents of vegetable gardens know firsthand about back problems. What about women? After a hard day carrying huge bags from the store to prepare food for 10 hungry mouths!

The backs of hairdressers, builders, agricultural workers, and doctors can also be pitied. Constant loads on the spine and back muscles lead to sudden, severe pain in the lower back.

What to do? Relax! The body needs to be given complete rest, relax the back, and in the future, learn useful gymnastics for the muscles. lumbar region. Then episodic pain will not dare to affect you.

Uncomfortable position. People get used to everything. An uncomfortable mattress, a high pillow, long hours of work at the computer in an office chair that is too high. Keeping your back in an uncomfortable position for a long time is a problem for the spine. Even while relaxing on your favorite sofa in front of the TV and holding your back in one position for 2-3 hours, the spine experiences no less stress than during active weeding of cucumbers.

When the spine for a long time is in an uncomfortable position, the blood vessels in the dorsal area are compressed, the muscles stop receiving nutrients and become numb. This is not so scary - you just need to warm up well, walk and change your body position. But, if episodic pain comes regularly after sleep, pay attention to this! This fact is the first evidence of osteochondrosis.

Hypothermia. Everyone is familiar with the expression “Blown my back.” In order to cool your back, you don’t have to walk for a long time in the cold or be thoroughly frozen at a bus stop in winter. The main culprits of hypothermia are air conditioners, which greet you with refreshing coolness when you, steamed after the crush in the subway, collapse into the office. Drafts and gusts of cold wind contribute.

The pain after hypothermia manifests itself the next day; it has an aching character. Sometimes it makes itself known by the manifestation of lumbago (a sharp lumbago in the lower back).

What to do? In this case, warming ointments, creams, rest and a warm compress (or belt) become friends of the back. Warm your frozen back! Rub warming ointment into the lower back and wrap the area with a warm scarf or put on a woolen belt. You should keep your back warm and rest until the bitter end! Take pain medication if necessary.

Among women. Every sixth representative of the fairer sex complains of pain in the lower back before menstruation and in different phases of the cycle. In fact, the painful syndrome is localized in the abdominal area due to contractions of the uterus. And pain in the spine is an echo, a reflection of pain impulses. In medicine, this phenomenon is called “radiating pain,” that is, far from the original source.

Young girls and older women who have not given birth most often suffer from this phenomenon.

Back pain is often observed in pregnant women. About 70% of expectant mothers complain of lower back pain. There are many reasons for this:

  • Excess weight, which places additional stress on the spine.
  • Sedentary lifestyle (the uterus puts pressure on the spinal nerve endings).
  • A change in the usual center of gravity, causing tension in the lower back.
  • Relaxation of ligaments during pregnancy (active preparation of the body for childbirth).

What to do? Looking forward to the baby! Taking care of your own health by including regular walks and special exercises for pregnant women in your diet. Not forgetting about massage, proper nutrition and proper rest.

Damage. Be careful, there is ice ahead! If you fall, you could hurt your poor back. What about skiing, skating, roller skating? Any sports activity is fraught with danger mechanical injury, bruise, sprain. These occasional pains (with minor bruises) are not terrible, but constant injuries can turn mechanical pain into chronic pain.

What to do? With proper treatment, such mechanical pain disappears without a trace. For minor injuries, analgesics help. But in case of serious bruises, you should go to the doctor - as a result of a strong concussion, the spinal discs may fall out.

The spine is sensitive to irritating factors! Even a person’s inner mood, psychological discomfort, dissatisfaction with life and work resonate in the back with shooting painful contractions.

Is episodic pain dangerous? One-time hypothermia is unlikely to cause a serious problem. But constant back injury and prolonged incorrect posture become catalysts for the development of dangerous diseases. Remember - a person’s back is not designed for lying on the sofa and sitting in front of the monitor. The body needs movement! Otherwise, you risk giving yourself problematic chronic pain.

Chronic back pain

Regular stress on the spine, constant injuries, long-term work outside in any weather, untreated infectious diseases– all this can cause a person to develop chronic spinal pain and related diseases. Cope with yourself unpleasant symptoms You can’t, here a doctor comes to the rescue. What ailments does a constantly aching back indicate?

Spinal diseases

For a full life and unlimited freedom of the body, the main condition is the health of the spine. Back diseases are a large group of ailments, varying in severity, symptoms, location and causes.

Statistics show disappointing figures - 85-90% of the adult population suffers from back diseases. The problem affects people of all ages and social status.

And only 20-25% seek medical help! Such a frivolous and narrow-minded attitude towards health leads to the development of dangerous complications, including loss of working capacity, disruption of the functioning of internal organs and acquisition of wheelchair. What diseases cause debilitating, constant back pain?

Chondrosis. An insidious and mysterious disease that has not been fully studied by scientists. These are pathological changes in the cartilaginous structure of the spine, in which the cartilage of the vertebral body degenerates into bone tissue.

How does the disease develop? It has been established that the neck muscles play an important role in the development of pathology. In patients suffering from chondrosis, strong constant tension (hypertonicity) was detected in the short fibers of the cervical muscles connecting the vertebral processes. The causes of the disease include:

Symptoms. With chondrosis, the spine hurts in the neck and lower back. The pain syndrome limits movement, and there is an unpleasant feeling of heaviness and tension in these areas. The pathology manifests itself through muscle pain, blurred vision, dizziness, tinnitus and migraine. With the development of thoracic back disease, difficulty breathing and stabbing pain in the heart are observed. And lumbar chondrosis disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and organs of the genitourinary system.

Scoliosis. Abnormal curvature of the spine and deformation of the sternum. Scoliosis often develops in children (12-15% of adolescents have the initial stage of the disease). Doctors divide the disease into 4 types:

  1. Cervical lordosis. The neck bends and becomes arched.
  2. Thoracic kyphosis. Deformation of the thoracic region.
  3. Lumbar lordosis. Arc-shaped curvature of the lower back.
  4. Sacral kyphosis. Curvature of the sacral part of the back.

How the disease develops. Between the vertebrae there is an intervertebral disc - a special structure of the spine. The disc consists of cartilage, in the center of which there is a jelly-like substance. This is the main shock absorber of the body, called the “nucleus pulposus”. At the onset of the disease, the nucleus pulposus moves toward the vertebra, causing it to curve in the opposite direction.

The spinal disc acquires an asymmetrical shape and provokes a violation of muscle tone. The muscles of the vertebra, tense on one side and completely relaxed on the other, unfold the spinal column and deform it.

Symptoms. Scoliosis at the first stage is almost invisible. And it does not cause any complaints or inconveniences in a person. Taking a closer look at the back, you can only notice a subtle asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades. As the disease progresses, noticeably pronounced back pain appears.

The patient's legs quickly get tired and breathing becomes difficult. If the disease is left to chance, the sick person will soon see a hump on his back. And severe colds and bronchitis will become constant companions.

Infectious lesions. Or spinal infections. Such problems arise as a consequence of an existing or past disease, or can be an independent source of damage. The most common causes of spinal infections are bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus). The risk group includes the following categories of people:

  • Obese people.
  • After organ transplantation.
  • With poor, inadequate nutrition.
  • With problems in the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).
  • After surgical intervention on the spinal column.
  • If you have diseases (arthritis, oncology, syphilis, tuberculosis, AIDS).
  • Heavy smokers, alcohol abusers, drug users.

How the disease develops. Development of inflammatory infectious process goes by slowly. Pain in the back increases with every movement and does not subside with rest. With the development of such diseases in the human body, important functions of the spine are disrupted: maintaining the body in an upright position and protecting the nervous structures of the vertebrae.

Spinal diseases have enormous consequences for the health of the body. Vertebral infections affect any internal organs and cause paralysis, seizures and death.

Symptoms of diseases. Infectious diseases are insidious, they easily disguise themselves as other diseases, and it is difficult to identify them on your own. What may be alarming and indicate inflammatory and infectious diseases of the spine?

  • Feeling of numbness in the limbs.
  • Hardening of the cervical spine.
  • Inflammation of wounds after back surgery.
  • Loss of sensation along the vertebrae.
  • Constant drowsiness, lethargy and general weakness.
  • Redness of the skin around the spine.
  • Constant severe back pain that occurs on its own.
  • Temperature rises to +38⁰ C without cold symptoms.

Vertebral hernia. A common disease most often affecting people 25-50 years old (young people 20-25 years old who play sports are also included in the risk group). A hernia is a deformation and rupture of the intervertebral disc ring. Through the hole, part of the nucleus pulposus of the disc protrudes, pinching the nerve endings. A hernia entails a narrowing of the spinal canals, inflammation of the spinal cord and nerve endings. Causes of the disease:

  • Intense physical activity.
  • Scoliosis, untreated osteochondrosis.
  • Alcohol and smoking abuse.
  • Sedentary lifestyle (computer, reading books).
  • Severe back injury (as a result of an accident, a fall from a height).

As a result, the patient develops “radicular syndrome” (unbearable back pain). The consequence of the disease is loss of sensitivity, disruption of the normal functioning of the pelvic organs and paralysis of the legs.

Development of the disease. The development of a hernia begins with thinning (degeneration) of the disc. The disc core gradually dehydrates and cracks appear. Over time, under the influence of internal pressure, the ring expands between the vertebrae. Eventually it breaks. A hernia forms.

The moment a hernia occurs, a person feels it as a click or crunch in the back, and severe pain immediately appears. The hernia protrudes in different ways. If it is directed to the sides or forward, this is fraught with disruption of the functioning of the body organs and their pain. Prolapse of the hernial sac to the spinal cord carries more severe consequences, including paralysis.

Symptoms The symptoms of the disease are vague, the manifestations of a hernia can be confused with radiculitis or neuralgia. Warning factors include pain at the site of the hernia (pain under the left shoulder blade, right, in the lower back, sternum, neck), numbness of this area. Increased pain when sneezing and coughing, when bending and turning the body. Sudden weakness legs and numbness of the limbs.

Vertebral fracture. Our spine includes 33 vertebrae. The vertebral bones are connected by intervertebral discs. Their fracture entails damage and rupture of internal nerve fibers, affecting the integrity of surrounding organs and vital blood arteries.

The causes of vertebral fractures are accidents, falls from a height (in teenagers). In old age, thinning vertebral tissue as a result of osteoporosis can lead to a fracture. In 70% of cases, injuries occur in the lumbar region, 10% in the neck and 15-20% affect the lower spine. Vertebral fractures are divided into three types according to the nature of the damage:

  1. Compression. The front part of the bone is destroyed.
  2. Explosive. The fracture occurs in the posterior and anterior region.
  3. Dislocation. Along with damage to the vertebra, the intervertebral connection is also torn.

How does a fracture develop? The 4th, 5th and 6th vertebrae (cervical spine) are most often damaged. The most severe injuries are considered to be the 1st and 2nd vertebrae. Such injuries lead to severe consequences, including death.

Fractures of the lumbar and thoracic vertebra are caused by direct and flexion-rotation injuries. The spinal cord is compressed, its nerves are pinched and injured intervertebral discs. The consequences of such fractures are different:

  • Disability.
  • Limitation of mobility.
  • Numbness of the body as a result of compression of blood vessels.
  • Kyphotic deformities (curvature of the spinal column).

Symptoms of a fracture. Symptoms of spinal injuries depend on the location of the injury. Signs of an uncomplicated vertebral fracture are standard and include:

  • Swelling of the tissue at the site of the lesion.
  • External damage to soft tissue (abrasions, wounds).
  • Sharp throbbing pain that intensifies with body movement.
  • Deformation of the spinal column, visible to the naked eye.

The first complaint of patients is acute pain accompanied by muscle spasms. Spinal injuries also cause numbness in the arms and legs, loss of strength, and fecal and urinary incontinence. In older people, fractures sometimes occur unnoticed, without trauma. They should be alerted by sharp pain in the spine for no apparent reason. The pain intensifies when walking and decreases at rest.

Degenerative lesion of the spine. Such problems occur in 99% of the adult population of the planet (mainly among residents of developed countries). This is “the price to pay for the ability to walk,” as doctors say. As people age, the plasticity of intervertebral discs decreases and they become dehydrated. By the age of 20-30, the blood supply to the disc by small vessels slows down, metabolic processes now take place due to diffusion.

The causes of the pathologies remain a mystery. It has been established that lifestyle and dietary habits influence spinal degeneration. All sources of the problem are divided into two groups:

  1. Inflammatory diseases. Inflammation (radiculitis, myositis) plays a leading role in vertebral degeneration. The provocateurs of the occurrence of diseases are hypothermia and infectious diseases.
  2. Non-inflammatory diseases. This includes common diseases of the spinal column (hernia, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis).

Development mechanism. A person spends most of his life in an upright position. Intervertebral discs take on the maximum load, losing elasticity over time. The areas of particular risk and premature development of spinal column degeneration include the following factors:

  • Physical inactivity.
  • Overweight.
  • Age and natural aging.
  • Poor posture from a young age.
  • Professional nuances of work (standing, sitting).
  • Intense physical activity (active sports).

In the presence of such factors, the intervertebral discs are gradually dehydrated, and the supply of nutrients bone tissue, it degenerates, loses mineral reserves and begins to deform. Degeneration of the spinal column affects the normal functioning of internal organs.

Symptoms of diseases. The main symptom of the disease is constant back pain and impaired flexibility and mobility of the spine. A person experiences difficulty bending and turning. According to its specificity, the pain can be sharp, shooting or dull and prolonged. Often pain impulses radiate to the limbs (spread pain signal along the nerve roots).

Neurological problems

Neuralgia of the spinal column is called “dorsalgia”. It affects 70-80% of the world's population. Dorsalgia is characterized by a chronic course and regular exacerbations of the disease, accompanied by pronounced pain syndromes. What diseases provoke the development of spinal neuralgia?

Radiculitis. Or radiculopathy (damage to the nerve roots of the spinal cord). Radiculitis is not a separate disease. This is a complex of symptoms that appear when nerve endings are pinched. The scourge of older people, every third person after 40 years is already familiar with this disease. And in older people, the slightest draft provokes the development of radiculitis. There are three types of disease:

  1. Cervical. The cervical spine suffers.
  2. Chest. The disease is localized in the middle part of the back.
  3. Lumbar (sacral). It affects the lower part of the spinal column. This type of radiculitis is also called sciatica.

The main culprit of radiculopathy is osteochondrosis (in 95% of all cases). The disease can also begin as a result of injuries, diseases of internal organs, arthritis, hernia and tumors.

How the disease develops. With age, a person “leaches out” minerals, the most important components for strong bones. The intervertebral disc becomes thinner and breaks through, forming a herniated disc. If it is directed towards the spinal cord, contact between the hernia and the nerve root occurs. With constant irritation of the root, radicular pain or radiculitis appears. The body reacts to the combat syndrome with a protective reaction of the muscles - they become more toned in order to try to relieve the pressure of the hernia on the nerves.

The longer radiculitis lives in the human body, the more the disease becomes chronic and difficult to treat. In late forms of the disease, a person develops spondylosis (deformation of the vertebrae) and pathological growths of the bones of the spine (osteophytes) appear. Osteophytes, regularly irritating blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, lead to even more serious consequences, including complete immobilization of the patient.

Symptoms of the disease. Pain from radiculitis can be dull or sharp, cutting in nature. It is rarely localized in one area - the pain syndrome is widespread throughout the spinal column. In addition to constant pain, parts of the patient’s body become numb, muscle weakness and loss of sensitivity begin, accompanied by burning and tingling.

With radiculitis, nerve impulses travel unevenly and intermittently. This leads to the fact that the muscles stop working normally and atrophy. Severe painful spasms occur in any state of the body.

Intercostal neuralgia. Or thoracalgia. This is a pathological process that appears due to irritation and inflammatory processes of the intercostal nerves. “Neuralgia” is translated from Greek as “nerve pain.” Reasons include:

  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Age and hormonal changes.
  • Pathological changes in the spinal column.
  • Poisoning of the body with medications, toxins.
  • Tumors. As they grow, they compress the nerve endings.

In most cases, the development of neuralgia is caused by several factors simultaneously acting inside the body.

Development of the disease. The pathological process is provoked by inflammation of the intercostal nerves. Nerve endings, subjected to compression and constant irritation, provoke severe pain syndromes in the back. Intercostal nerves have numerous branches. Because of this, pain may be felt under the right shoulder blade, under the left. The pain radiates to the area of ​​the heart and internal organs, forcing doctors to think about the development of cardiac pathologies, gastric problems and take the wrong path when making a diagnosis.

Symptoms of neuralgia. This disease poisons the life of a sick person. Neuralgia manifests itself immediately with a burning pain. The pain impulse travels along the entire direction of the nerve. The piercing pain does not subside for a minute, intensifying with inhalation/exhalation, sneezing and coughing. With the slightest movement and rotation of the body. The painful ordeal lasts from 2-3 hours to 4-5 days and is accompanied by the following factors:

  • On palpation, the pain intensifies.
  • Individual muscle areas may twitch.
  • The patient experiences increased sweating and the skin turns pale.
  • The skin over the affected area loses sensitivity (partially or completely).

Pathologies of internal organs

The spinal column is the main basis of the human musculoskeletal system. Our spine and internal organs are closely interconnected. Problems with the spine provoke the development of diseases of the internal organs and vice versa, lung infections, the work of microorganisms causes problems with the spine, and pain in the stomach radiates to the back.

Hippocrates also said that: “If a person suffers from multiple ailments, the true cause of the disease must be looked for in the spine.”

Pneumonia. Acute infectious disease of the lungs (infection affects both lung tissue). The disease is very common and dangerous due to its unpredictability. Pneumonia (or pneumonia) leads in the number of deaths. The disease is divided into 4 types:

  1. Out-of-hospital. The most common type of illness.
  2. Hospital. A person becomes ill while in the hospital, having been admitted to the department without signs of pneumonia.
  3. Aspiration. The development of the disease is provoked by the entry of foreign objects into the pulmonary tract.
  4. Atypical. The disease is caused by harmful microflora (mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia and other viruses and bacteria).

Pneumonia threatens anyone, but the following are especially susceptible to it:

  • Elderly people, over 55-60 years old.
  • Patients with epilepsy and after head trauma.
  • Young children with weakened immune systems.
  • Suffering from diabetes, asthma, bronchitis.
  • Alcohol and tobacco abusers.

How the disease develops. The trigger for the onset of the disease is viral infections. When hypothermia occurs, the body weakens and immunity decreases. Harmful microorganisms enter the lungs and begin to multiply rapidly. A healthy person expels viruses by coughing and sneezing. This does not happen with weak immune forces. Microbes penetrate further and further along the pulmonary tract, never ceasing to multiply, and cause pneumonia.

Symptoms of the disease. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature (up to +39⁰ C). Pneumonia is accompanied by shortness of breath, severe wet cough. Appetite decreases, general weakness and fever increase. When listening to the chest, wheezing is detected. With the development of pneumonia, pain is observed in the sternum, back, abdomen and side. Such symptoms indicate damage to the pleural layers of the lungs.

A large number of nerve vessels and plexuses are concentrated on the pleura. Reacting to irritation, pain impulses are sent to the back. Back pain due to pneumonia is similar in nature and intensity to the pain syndrome due to radiculitis.

Chronical bronchitis. Prolonged inflammatory processes in the bronchi. The diagnosis is made if the patient has a cough with copious sputum production for 2-3 months over 3 years. Chronic bronchitis affects 20% of the population. Workers in industries with polluted air and active smokers are especially at risk. Symptoms develop 3 times more often in men after 40 years of age.

How the disease develops. With prolonged irritation of the bronchi (dust, smoke, exhaust gases, smoking), their mucous membrane begins to change and becomes accessible to infections. The mucous membrane increases the production of sputum, but does not cope with its removal to the outside. A wet cough begins, which intensifies in chilly, damp weather.

Gradually, the bronchi shrink, taking in less and less air. Shortness of breath occurs, causing suffocation. Less oxygen enters the blood, causing respiratory failure. The condition develops into chronic bronchitis.

Symptoms. Constant painful cough with the release of mucopurulent sputum. During the acute phase, the cough intensifies and the sputum becomes purulent. Symptoms include shortness of breath, weakness and sweating, chest and back pain. The patient has wheezing, and the veins in the neck swell when breathing. The long-term course of the disease leads to deformation of the phalanges of the fingers and nails (they thicken).

Kidney pathology. Pathological changes in the kidneys are a serious problem modern world. And one of the most common diagnoses. Kidney diseases are widespread and should not be launched. But most problems associated with the kidneys are hidden and are very difficult to identify in time. Pathological changes in the kidneys include:

  • Tubular dysfunctions.
  • Urinary and nephrotic syndrome.
  • Acute and chronic renal failure.

Development of the disease. In most cases, the occurrence renal pathology leads to infection of the body by viruses or bacteria. Tumors and cysts have been implicated in kidney failure. Stones, sand in the kidneys, congenital anomalies and disruptions in the metabolic process contribute.

Symptoms. The first signal that something is wrong with the kidneys is constant mild chills and causeless fatigue. Colds have the same manifestations, so people don’t sound the alarm. And the manifestations of the disease intensify - a febrile state begins, accompanied by fever. A painful syndrome occurs in the lumbar and back area (from the affected organ).

The eyelids and face swell; in obese people, the swelling spreads to the entire body. There are problems with urination. Patients complain of a burning sensation, the urge becomes too frequent or disappears completely. The color of the urine changes – it becomes brownish, and specks of blood appear.

So how can you determine the cause of a painful syndrome in the spine? Studying the nature of the pain impulse will help us.

Back pain due to heart problems. Heart problems are the most dangerous; if you experience such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately! Delay is fraught with danger to life.

  • Angina attack. Pain in the back is localized in the interscapular area or in the intercostal region. Burning, squeezing pain occurs after physical or emotional stress. Sometimes the pain impulse moves to the neck area, lower jaw and left shoulder blade. The pain is paroxysmal, attacks last 2-30 minutes.
  • Myocardial infarction. The characteristics of the pain syndrome are similar to angina pectoris, but the pain lasts up to 8-9 hours. They are accompanied by a feeling of imminent death and fear.
  • Pericarditis(inflammation of the cardiac connective membrane). A characteristic symptom is spinal pain behind the sternum. But such a symptom is often absent; you can understand that pericarditis is hidden behind the pain by an increasing painful impulse. Girdle pain in the stomach and back extends to the shoulders, neck and stomach area. Spinal pain is accompanied by shortness of breath and painful breathing.
  • Aneurysm of the thoracic aorta. A life-threatening condition manifests itself as a sharp, shooting pain in the middle of the spine, radiating to the neck. My left side, back and shoulder hurt. The pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and pressure surges.

Respiratory diseases. Problems with the bronchi and lungs are not as dangerous as heart problems, but they should not be neglected. Define possible illness possible by painful impulses in the spine.

  • Pleuropneumonia. When the disease occurs, the back hurts between the shoulder blades, radiating into the chest. The pain intensifies with breathing. It is accompanied by fever, muscle soreness and a strong wet cough.
  • Pleurisy. The disease manifests itself with a sharp cutting pain in the sternum area, radiating a pain impulse to the area of ​​the shoulder blades, involving the lower back.
  • Pneumothorax(lung collapse). Life threatening the condition begins with a sudden throbbing pain in the sternum, radiating to the shoulder blade. There is bluish skin and shortness of breath.

Gastrointestinal diseases. Such diseases are reflected mainly by pain syndromes of the lumbar spine, affecting the area of ​​the lower ribs.

  • Stomach ulcer(perforation). The disease radiates a painful sensation in the area of ​​the border between the lumbar and thoracic spine. The pain is dull in nature, sometimes surrounding the area of ​​the lower ribs. The pain impulse is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Acute cholecystitis. Be wary when your right side hurts from your back! The pain is also concentrated in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Sometimes it can occur in the area between the shoulder blades (especially in the lower corner of the right shoulder blade), shoulder and right side of the chest. Attacks of pain last up to 2-3 days. The pain syndrome is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and fever.

Kidney problems. At renal colic painful impulses are long-lasting, pronounced, concentrated in the lumbar region. They intensify when you stand for a long time or with body movements. The pain radiates to the leg, hypochondrium area, groin area, peritoneum, affecting the inner thighs. The syndrome is accompanied by an increased urge to urinate.

Genitourinary system. Sharp, piercing pains of an episodic nature in the area of ​​the sacrolumbar joint make you think about problems in this area. In women, pain impulses indicate ongoing inflammatory diseases or hormonal changes in the genitourinary system. Men (especially older ones) with such painful impulses should be examined for the presence of prostatitis.

Myositis(inflammatory processes in the back muscles). These diseases are characterized by moderate, dull pain that occurs in the area of ​​the affected tissue of the spinal column. The pain impulse does not limit movement, but causes serious discomfort. The pain radiates to the leg and is accompanied by swelling of the affected area and heat in this area.

The remaining cases of pain impulses in the spinal column are mainly associated with diseases of the spine itself. Is it possible to get rid of back pain on your own? Which specialists should we rush to?

Treatment and prevention

We are recovering at home. If the pain in the spine is not particularly painful, it is easy to cope with it on your own. How to treat your back at home? Rubbing the body with camphor or pepper tincture. Use and medicinal ointment(atrivin, finalgel, virapin, viprotox, finalgon). These remedies increase blood circulation and relieve pain well.

If pain in the spine began due to stretching of the back muscles, apply ice to the affected areas to reduce pain impulses. Massage the area with ice cubes for 7-10 minutes. And from 3-4 days, switch to thermal wraps with decoctions of medicinal herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Physical stretching can help relieve acute pain. Without getting out of bed, smoothly pull your leg towards your chest, relax and repeat. If you have pain, it is better not to get out of bed, but to roll out of it smoothly.

Advice. Forget about soft mattresses! If you have a problematic back, you should sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow. They evenly distribute the load on the spinal column during sleep and minimize pain impulses. Doctors recommend sleeping in the “fetal” position (on your side, with your legs pulled to your chest) if you have back pain.

Painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen) relieve inflammation in the spine. If there are contraindications to the use of the medicine, an excellent analogue white willow bark becomes (it contains acetylsalicylic acid). A decoction of the medicinal plant relieves moderate spinal pain. Steam the bark (20 g) with boiling water (200 g). Let it brew and take a tablespoon of the decoction 3-4 times daily.

An effective means of getting rid of painful problems in the spine is massotherapy. It is carried out by an experienced specialist in a course of 12-15 procedures. But at home, an alternative can be stroking, with light pressure movements in the lumbar region.

Attention! A professionally performed massage can cause pain in the spine. This effect is normal, painful sensations appear only in the first 2-3 sessions.

Physical therapy will help you say goodbye to painful syndrome in the spine. Many exercises are done at home without medical supervision. Lie on your back and alternately raise/lower your outstretched legs. When training, tighten your abdominal muscles. During gymnastics, back pain may be slightly activated, but it will go away after 3-4 minutes.

If your back pain is excruciating and prevents you from moving around the house, consult a doctor immediately! In this case, doing gymnastics and rubbing yourself with ointments is ineffective, and delay is fraught with consequences.

How can a doctor help? Which doctor should I contact if I have unbearable back pain?

Vertebrologist. A specialist who treats the spine (the Latin word “vertebra” means “vertebra”). A highly specialized doctor uses various techniques (ultrasound, magnetic resonance and computed tomography) in his work. With the help of examinations, he will rule out or confirm pathological changes in the vertebrae and relieve the painful impulse with the help of physiotherapy, injections and medications.

Qualified spine specialists are familiar with the techniques of manual therapy, massage, and even perform surgical interventions on the spine. But not every clinic has vertebrologists - these professionals are rare. What to do? Look for a replacement.

Neurologist. These doctors are available in every district clinic. They may not have the same knowledge and skills as vertebrologists, but they can help you sort out back problems and prescribe adequate treatment.

Urologist, nephrologist. Go to doctors of such specialties if you are sure that problems with the spine are excluded, and back pain is an echo of problems with the kidneys. Doctors in these specialties are highly specialized, nephrology is based on a therapeutic bias, and urology is related to surgery.

Therapists, pulmonologists, cardiologists and gastroenterologists. If back pain is an indicator of heart pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases, or lung problems, your path lies to these specialists!

Don't start problems with your spine! Act immediately and urgently. Contact your doctor immediately, without delaying the visit or self-medicating. Take care of yourself!

What to do if back pain becomes more frequent - be sure to make an appointment with a neurologist or vertebrologist. After the examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the discomfort and provide the necessary treatment. Not only back pain will be eliminated, but also the pain that caused it. For this purpose they use conservative methods treatment - taking medications, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy.

Causes of back pain

The back can also hurt for natural reasons, for example, due to muscle strain after sports training or heavy lifting. But such loads negatively affect the condition of the ligaments and vertebral discs. If they do not decrease, then there is a high probability of microtrauma of bone and cartilage tissue and the development of degenerative-destructive pathologies.

Degenerative diseases of the spine

Back pain always manifests itself in 2-3 degrees of severity. At the initial stage, only mild discomfort occurs, which disappears after a short rest. A person attributes them to fatigue after a hard day at work and is in no hurry.

Reduction of intervertebral space.

And at this time, the discs are slowly and steadily destroyed, the vertebral bodies are deformed with the formation of sharp bone spines -. They compress soft tissues, infringe on the spinal roots, which leads to pain.

It can also cause back pain. They also occur when there is curvature of the spinal column (kyphosis) due to injury or progressive pathology.

Inflammatory diseases

TO inflammatory diseases relate - , . Particularly dangerous, in addition to back pain, are those that cause symptoms of general intoxication of the body: chills, fever, increased sweating.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis, or, is more often diagnosed in men 15-30 years old. Pathology develops due to increased aggression of the immune system towards the body's own cells.

First, it occurs, and then fusion of the intervertebral joints occurs. The leading symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis are stiffness of movement in the lower back, and then in other parts of the spine.

Kümmel-Verney disease

The reason for the development of this pathology is a previous injury with damage to blood vessels. Extensive hemorrhage leads to partial aseptic necrosis spongy substance of the vertebra. Gradually, damaged tissues are resorbed, and new, healthy cells are formed. But while recovery processes are taking place, the injured spinal segment cannot withstand the load and collapses. Back pain occurs, first clearly localized, and then spreading to neighboring areas of the body.


This is the name for inflammatory lesions of the spine. They are specific and non-specific. The latter include all rheumatic pathologies, as well as infectious diseases provoked by the penetration of staphylococci and streptococci into the vertebral segments. The cause of specific development can be brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis.

All inflammatory pathologies are characterized by back pain. In the acute and subacute periods they are strong, burning, piercing. If the disease has taken a chronic course, then during the remission stage only mild discomfort occurs.

Myofascial pain

Chronic muscle pain is called myofascial. Small round lumps form in the skeletal muscles of the back at trigger points. They can be easily felt by pressing on the skin. Trigger points are divided into active and passive. In the latter, pain occurs only on palpation. And discomfort in active points appears with any muscle contraction. Myofascial pain is caused by injuries, poor posture, frequent hypothermia, and osteochondrosis.

Internal illnesses

Along the spinal column there are nerve endings that innervate the internal organs. If the kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines, or heart are affected by any pathology, then pain impulses enter the spinal roots. A person perceives them as back pain of varying severity. It occurs with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, angina pectoris. Often a similar symptom accompanies the course of pleurisy, pneumonia, prostatitis, adnexitis, and uterine fibroids.

Physiological pain

Besides muscle strain, natural causes of back pain include. During pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic organs, including sensitive nerve endings. They arise. If they do not disappear after a long rest, you should inform your gynecologist about this. The fact is that such a condition can signal a threat of miscarriage.


Malignant and benign tumors sometimes form in the spinal column. These include osteomas, osteochondromas, hemangiomas, sarcomas, osteosarcomas, and lymphomas. At the initial stage, pathologies are asymptomatic. As the size of the tumor increases, the spinal roots are pinched, which is manifested by acute pain. Metastases of tumors formed in internal organs, including the pelvis, can be found in the spinal column.

Spinal osteomyelitis

Inflammation of the bone marrow that develops due to the introduction of pathogenic bacteria. Pathology can be post-traumatic, contact, postoperative. It is provoked by staphylococci, streptococci, and enteroviruses. Specific osteomyelitis occurs against the background of tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis, and gonorrhea. In addition to cutting pain in the back, a person suffers from symptoms of general intoxication (fever, chills).

Scheme of osteomyelitis.

Paget's disease

Paget's disease slows down the recovery of bone structures. They gradually deform and become brittle, which increases the likelihood of spontaneous fractures. The causes of the pathology have not been established. Presumably, the disease develops when certain viruses are activated, hereditary predisposition, or an inadequate immune response.

Which doctor will help?

If you suspect that back pain is caused by an injury, you should contact a traumatologist. In other cases, it is advisable to make an appointment with a vertebrologist, neurologist or general practitioner. After studying the results of the tests they prescribed, the patient will be referred to a rheumatologist or orthopedist. A neurologist and a vertebrologist are involved in the treatment of osteochondrosis and its complications. If necessary, an infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, and gastroenterologist can be involved in treatment.

Diagnostic principles

At the first appointment, the doctor listens to the patient’s complaints, conducts an external examination, and studies the medical history. To make a final diagnosis, the results of instrumental studies are necessary:

  • MRI or CT scan of the spine;
  • radiography in 2 or more projections;
  • scintigraphy with contrast.

If there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs, an appropriate examination is indicated (ECG, endoscopy, X-ray of the stomach with contrast, MSCT of organs abdominal cavity). carried out to exclude systemic diseases.

A lumbar hernia is shown in the picture.

First aid

For moderate back pain, it is enough to apply any external one, for example, or. It is not advisable to use them before visiting a doctor, as this may distort the clinical picture.

If acute, piercing pain occurs, you need to lie down on a hard surface. You need to take a body position in which your health improves as much as possible. To relieve pain, you should take NSAIDs - Ketorola, Naiza,. Doctors also recommend using antihistamines(Loratadine, Cetrin) for resorption of inflammatory edema.

Treatment methods

You can get rid of back pain only after eliminating its cause. Comprehensive treatment of the underlying inflammatory or degenerative pathology is carried out.


Various dosage forms of drugs are used in therapy. Intramuscular and periarticular injections help relieve acute pain. Mild back discomfort is eliminated by local application of creams and gels. Taking tablets, capsules, and pills will help you get rid of moderate pain.


And the gels Viprosal, Capsicam, Finalgon, Apizartron, Nayatoks are recommended for patients after relief of inflammation. They not only eliminate pain, but also improve blood circulation and stimulate the regeneration of soft tissues. NSAIDs are also used - Ortofen, Ibuprofen, Dolgit, Ketoprofen. The most powerful analgesic effect is found in 5% of domestic production.


The first choice drugs in tablets for back pain are NSAIDs (Ketorol, Nise). But they have a wide list of contraindications and possible side effects. The doctor may instead prescribe Paracetamol or its imported structural analogues Efferalgan, Panadol. Combination agents are also used, for example, Neurodiclovit with diclofenac and group B.

Medicinal compresses

For back pain, especially accompanied by swelling, they are used. Pharmacies sell a concentrated solution, which is diluted with warm boiled water 1:2 or 1:3. In the resulting dilution, moisten a wide gauze napkin or a bandage folded in several layers and squeeze lightly. Apply to painful areas for an hour.

Salt compresses have proven themselves well. To prepare the solution, dilute a heaped tablespoon of coarse crystalline in a glass of water. Moisten a napkin and apply it for an hour to the place where the pain is felt the most.


In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended for all patients with back pain. Often, daily exercise helps improve well-being without taking medications that negatively affect internal organs. Physical therapy doctor After studying the radiographs, he compiles a set of exercises. This is an imitation of riding a bicycle, bringing and spreading legs bent at the knees, “bridge”, bending and turning the body.


Several sessions of classical therapy help to ease or completely eliminate painful sensations. To strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation in the back, basic massage movements are used - vibration, rubbing, superficial palpation. For osteochondrosis, acupuncture and vacuum massage, including hardware, are also often used.

Traditional medicine recipes

To eliminate back pain in folk medicine, ointments, compresses, applications, alcohol and oil tinctures, and infusions of medicinal plants are used. All of them have only a weak analgesic effect. Therefore, doctors allow their use only after the main therapy. Which folk remedies most effective:

  • compress. A large fresh leaf of cabbage, burdock or burdock is rubbed well between the palms, smeared with honey, and applied to the painful area of ​​the back for an hour;
  • ointment. In a mortar, grind a tablespoon of lanolin (sold in pharmacies) and gum turpentine until a characteristic crackling occurs. Add a couple of drops of juniper, pine and rosemary essential oils. Add 100 g of Vaseline in small portions while stirring;
  • Herb tea. Pour a teaspoon of calendula, chamomile, lemon balm into a ceramic teapot, and pour in 2 cups of boiling water. After an hour, filter, take 100 ml 2 times a day after meals.

Before a diagnosis is made, the use of folk remedies is strictly prohibited. They reduce the severity of pain, but do not stop the destruction of discs and vertebrae.

Possible complications

Without medical intervention, both inflammatory and degenerative diseases progress rapidly. Destroyed cartilaginous layers, bone vertebrae are deformed, ligaments are weakened. At the final stage of many pathologies, complete or partial immobilization occurs.

A good doctor is the only way to get rid of pain.


The best prevention of the development of pathologies that provoke back pain is regular medical examination(1-2 per year). Doctors recommend doing water aerobics and Nordic walking. You should give up smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and eating foods high in fat and simple carbohydrates.

It may be fairly easy to determine the cause of sudden back pain. Rearranging boxes. Challenging workout. Snow removal. If the pain is chronic, understanding its cause can be much more difficult. Here are a few unexpected factors that may be causing your discomfort.

You are experiencing stress

Back and emotional condition strongly connected. If you are experiencing psychological stress, it may well manifest itself physiologically. When you remain tense for a long time, tired muscles begin to ache and spasms appear. Often the neck and shoulders, as well as the lumbar region, suffer from tension. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, take a regular walk, or do yoga. This will help you stabilize your condition.

Your heels are too high

Perhaps your collection of fashionable shoes is the cause of your discomfort. High heels disrupt your center of gravity. They cause you to lean forward when walking, put extra strain on your legs, and prevent you from fully stretching your calves. This creates additional tension in the lower back area, which causes pain. If you must wear heels to work, change in the office and wear comfortable walking shoes to your place of work.

Your diet is wrong

Studies have shown that thirty-one percent of women and twenty-five percent of men who suffer from back pain also complain about the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, pain in the lower abdomen or intolerance to certain foods. The relationship between diet and back pain is due to inflammation: foods rich in fat and sugar fuel inflammation throughout the body, including bottom part backs. If you give up sugar and coffee, you can improve your condition. Try to choose whole foods with minimal processing, lean protein, whole grains and vegetables. This will help you improve your health.

Your pants are too tight

Tight jeans can be hard on your back. Clothing that is too tight restricts movement and can lead to tension in the back, neck and shoulders. Tight jeans and pencil skirts have the worst effect on your health. Choose items that fit your body without hugging you like a second skin. Look for a fabric with stretch that will stretch. You should be able to slide your finger through the waistband with ease.

You sit all day

Absence physical activity- this is one of the most dangerous situations for your body. Your muscles get used to the fact that you are constantly in a sitting position and become stiff. To overcome stiffness and tightness in your muscles, stretch them regularly when you wake up. When your leg muscles are tight, you experience back pain. Some stretching can be done at lunchtime and before bed. It's also a good idea to get up and walk around regularly throughout the day, and make sure your back is well supported when you sit. Try never to hunch over.

Do you smoke

Research shows that smokers are three times more likely to develop chronic back pain. Smoking affects the way your brain responds to back pain, causing you to be less tolerant of the discomfort. Smokers quitting bad habit As part of the experiment, they noted a decrease in chronic pain. Previous research has shown that smoking can damage tissue in the lower back, slowing blood circulation and reducing the supply of nutrients to muscles.

You are not training your abdominal muscles

Strong muscles will help you cope with back pain. If your abs are weak, your lower back has to work extra hard, which can lead to pain. Try doing planks or other similar exercises to strengthen your muscles and help keep your back straight. Pay attention to your spine throughout the day. Your muscles should never be too relaxed whether you are sitting or walking. This is what leads to the risk of developing discomfort.

You are dehydrated

Between the bones of the spine are discs, each of which is partially composed of a jelly-like substance, ninety percent water. Your body needs a steady flow of fluid to help support your discs. If you are dehydrated, the discs become flat and less elastic, causing pain. You can tell if you're drinking enough by the color of your urine. It should be transparent or light yellow. If it is dark, you need to drink more water.

You have crooked hips

Many people don't even notice that they have a curved pelvis, that is, one side is slightly higher than the other. This imbalance can cause lower back pain and is often noticeable when you exercise. This affects how your body reacts to certain movements. For example, if your left hip is higher and you lunge with your left leg, you will notice that the muscles tighten more. If you notice constant pain in your back during exercise, you should contact your healthcare provider. The reason is probably an imbalance.

You have a urinary tract infection

Pain in the lower or upper back, as well as sharp cramps on the sides, may be a sign that there is an infection. genitourinary tract spread to the kidneys. If you notice other symptoms, such as pain when urinating, contact your doctor immediately for treatment.

Pain is one of the types of protective reactions of the body in response to the influence of any pathogenic factor. In addition to mobilizing various functional systems, it serves as a kind of signal for the person himself about the negative changes taking place in the body. Among the many different areas of localization of discomfort, low back pain is the most common.

It is known that more than 80% of people have encountered such clinical symptoms at least once in their lives. As a rule, such a symptom appears in adulthood - at 35-55 years old, although sometimes lower back pain appears in teenagers.

For a long time, such discomfort was considered solely as a manifestation of radiculitis, so patients were sent for consultation to a neurologist.

However, it was later proven that this disease is diagnosed only in 8% of cases when low back pain occurs. Therefore, at present, the only correct hypothesis is recognized that such symptoms can be associated with both orthopedic, rheumatological, traumatological problems, and with various lesions of internal organs located at the level of the sacrum and lumbar.

According to duration, pain is divided into acute and chronic. An acute form of this syndrome is said to exist if such clinical manifestations last no more than 3 months. This is how long it takes to restore and heal tissue damage. If lower back pain lasts longer, we are talking about a chronic form of the disease. In accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, a subacute form, which lasts several weeks, is included in a separate group.

Therapeutic classification of pathology

Clinically, there are several types of this syndrome:

  • local;
  • projection;
  • reflected;
  • radicular (or radicular);
  • appearing with muscle spasm.

Local pain in the lumbar spine is constant, its intensity can vary depending on the position of the body, and it also intensifies with movement. In this case, the patient can accurately identify the location of painful areas, and pressing on them is accompanied by severe discomfort. Often, against the background of this form of pain syndrome, the mobility of the legs and torso is limited.

Projection pain in the lower back is of neurological origin. It can be diffuse or concentrated at any one point. Occurs when nerve fibers that transmit pain impulses to the corresponding part of the brain are damaged or pinched. In this case, unpleasant sensations can spread along the nerve. Discomfort intensifies when turning the body, and becomes pulsating during exercises and movements associated with direct pressure (axial) load on the spine.

Radicular pain in the lower back has all the symptoms of a lumbago, that is, it occurs suddenly, for no apparent reason. At rest it has a dull, aching character, but any movement is accompanied by excruciating sharp shooting pain impulses. Almost always, this form of discomfort in the lower back occurs with irradiation of unpleasant sensations in the right or left leg, usually below the knee joint. Bends, turning on the side, raising straight legs lead to displacement of the roots and increase pain in the lower back.

Referred pain syndrome occurs when internal organs are damaged. The occurrence of discomfort is due to the fact that the tissues near the source of pathology and a certain area of ​​the spinal column are connected to each other by the same nerve. With this type of pain syndrome, a vague feeling of discomfort occurs that spreads from inside the body to the outer surface of the back. Moreover, the intensity of the unpleasant sensations practically does not change with movement and palpation of the spinal area.

Another classification is characterized by the separation of primary and secondary low back pain. The main cause of the primary syndrome is mechanical damage to the ridge associated with dysfunction of muscles and ligaments, osteochondrosis, and herniated intervertebral discs. Secondary low back pain is a consequence of other diseases that do not directly affect the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine.

Classification according to the pathogenetic mechanism of occurrence

In accordance with the pathogenesis of the appearance of pain syndrome can be:

  • Nociceptive. Appears when specific pain receptors (they are called naciceptors) are irritated as a result of tissue damage due to injury, sprain, bruise, inflammation, etc. Such pain in the lower back is sharp character, its intensity depends on the severity and duration of the pathological process. However, if the disease affects bone or muscle tissue, the pain becomes dull and aching. It intensifies with movement and practically disappears at rest, and has a clear localization.
  • Neuropathic. As a rule, it occurs when the vertebral roots are damaged as a result of an intervertebral hernia. Such pain radiating to the lower extremities is chronic and is accompanied by impaired skin sensitivity and movement disorders.
  • Psychogenic. Low back pain of this origin occurs extremely rarely. Typically, such a diagnosis is made if, over the course of six months, doctors have been unable to identify the exact cause of discomfort in the spine.

But this classification is very conditional, since in patients with chronic pain in the lumbar region, all pathophysiological mechanisms take part in the formation of symptoms.

The occurrence of such a clinical picture is not an independent disease. This is just a symptom of some pathological process. Therefore, to designate it, doctors use terms that define localization and intensity. Acute pulsating, cramping pain in the lower back is called lumbago, and dull, aching, chronic pain is called lumbodynia or lumboischialgia.

Etiological factors

Experts believe that the most common cause of lower back pain is muscle strain.

So, in the absence of appropriate preparation or excessively intense physical activity, connective tissue fibers become torn, especially at the site of muscle attachment, which causes lower back pain.

However, the causes of such symptoms are not always so “harmless”. Dangerous in terms of further forecast development are the following diseases:

  • Tumor. Diagnosed in less than 1% of patients with low back pain. Risk factors include a history of cancer, sudden weight loss for no apparent reason, age over 50 years, pain impulses during sleep or at rest.
  • Infection. This diagnosis is supported by increased body temperature, chronic bacterial lesions of the epidermis, genitourinary, respiratory systems, immunodeficiency states, and use of corticosteroids. As a rule, if pain in the lower back is caused by an infection, then the back “aches” even at rest, in addition, discomfort appears in the abdomen, behind the chest, etc.
  • Cauda equina syndrome. The disease is associated with pinching of a large nerve fiber in the lumbosacral region. In this case, the pain is moving in nature, radiating to the buttocks and back of the legs. With severe damage, a person loses sensitivity lower limbs and the ability to fully extend them.
  • Compression fracture of the spine. In the vast majority of cases, it is preceded by severe trauma, and sometimes it can develop into a combination of old age (over 70 years) and osteochondrosis.
  • Acute abdominal aneurysm. Often this pathology is asymptomatic, and its only clinical manifestation is lower back pain. This diagnosis is suggested in case of concomitant atherosclerotic formations in the vessels, in elderly patients, in the presence of stabbing pain at rest or at night.
  • Herniated disc. Accompanied by sudden pain, sensations as if the back was “stiff” in the lumbar region, muscle weakness in the legs.

In addition, stiff, sharp or, conversely, aching, stabbing pain in the lower back can be a consequence congenital anomalies spinal structures (for example, spondylolisthesis), protrusion or damage to intervertebral discs, various lesions joints with arthritis (juvenile, reactive), ankylosing spondylitis. In some cases, lower back pain is caused by metabolic disorders (Paget's disease), osteoporosis, neurological disorders ( a shining example serves as pinching or inflammation (sciatica) of the sciatic nerve).

Projection pain syndrome occurs with ulcers or tumors of the posterior wall of the stomach, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes and diverticulitis of the colon. In women, such symptoms are sometimes a consequence of gynecological diseases, and in men - prostate tumors or prostatitis.

If a patient consults a doctor with complaints of lower back pain, the diagnostic and further treatment tactics are as follows:

  1. Examination of the person, collection of anamnesis, with special attention paid to symptoms indicating life-threatening conditions ( specific signs tumors, aneurysms, etc.).
  2. If there are no manifestations of serious diseases, pain relief therapy in the acute period, therapeutic exercises, and massage are prescribed.
  3. Identification of symptoms of dangerous pathologies requires further diagnosis using laboratory and instrumental methods.
  4. Once the diagnosis is made, certain medications are prescribed, and sometimes surgery is necessary.

If the examination of the patient does not provide any information, and the effects of tablets and injections do not bring results within six months, a consultation with a specialized specialist is recommended to exclude or confirm the psychogenic origin of the disease.

Back pain in the lumbar region: specific symptoms, when to see a doctor, diagnostic methods

As a rule, chronic discomfort in the lower back is caused by certain factors related to the patient's lifestyle and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Some are quite amenable to non-drug correction, others can only be corrected with the help of medications, physiotherapy or surgery.

If you have chronic back pain in the lumbar region, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • too much stress on the spine associated with professional activity, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position both at the workplace and at home;
  • lack of regular physical exercise, or too abrupt start of training;
  • significant physical activity without appropriate muscle preparation;
  • postural disorders (scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, stoop);
  • obesity;
  • frequent colds;
  • damage to the digestive tract;
  • smoking, abuse of caffeine-containing drinks.

Chronic pain usually occurs both after regression of acute pain and independently of it as a primary symptom. The most common causes of its appearance are instability of the spinal column due to osteochondrosis, myofascial syndrome (discomfort associated with improper load distribution or excessive strain of the back muscles), arthrosis of the facet joints of the spine. Typically, discomfort increases when walking, moving, turning or bending the body.

Acute pain in the lumbar region is usually associated with injuries to the bone, connective or muscle tissue of the spine, or a fall. Sudden Appearance Such sensations may indicate the passage of a stone from the kidney and its downward movement along the urinary tract. Quite often, women complain that their back hurts in the lumbar region after childbirth due to the heavy load on both the pelvis and sacral region spine.

Every person experiences similar symptoms, but not everyone goes to the doctor. So when should you book a consultation?

Indications for examination if your back hurts in the lumbar region are the following risk factors:

  • elderly age;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • concomitant infectious pathologies;
  • increased body temperature, the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication of the body, loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • the presence of blood in the urine, tachycardia, abdominal pain and other signs indicating damage to internal organs.

Usually, if the back hurts in the lumbar region, a person begins self-treatment. Patients use a variety of anti-inflammatory and warming ointments, which are available in a wide range in every pharmacy. However, if the condition does not improve within 7-10 days, this is a reason to visit a surgeon, orthopedist or traumatologist.

To determine the cause of pain in the lower back, doctors use following methods diagnostics:

  • Radiography. Prescribed in the vast majority of cases, it serves as the main way to detect vertebral fractures. From the image, you can determine the height of the gap between the vertebrae, deformation of the intervertebral disc, degenerative changes in the ridge, and tumors. In some cases, conventional x-rays are not enough; the procedure is repeated with loads (bending forward or to the sides, etc.).
  • Electromyography. Helps determine the excitability and functional conductivity of nerve endings. Prescribed for radiculopathy, unknown cause, if the back hurts in the lumbar region, before surgery.
  • Densitometry(procedure for determining bone density). Prescribed to identify osteoporosis and its severity.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging(CT or MRI). Are a more informative alternative x-ray examination. During one procedure, it allows you to take a picture in several projections and determine the presence of a tumor in the spinal cord or pathology of the myelin sheath. In addition, CT and MRI have lower radiation exposure.
  • Scintigraphy. The study is carried out using contrasting radioactive isotopes. Mainly prescribed for the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms.
  • Myelography. The procedure is similar to scintigraphy, but in this case a contrast solution is injected directly into the affected area. This study allows you to accurately determine the contours and location of the intervertebral hernia if your back hurts in the lumbar region.

A general blood test is also prescribed (the level of ESR and leukocytes is important when diagnosing an infectious process), studies to determine the concentration of calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase. According to indications, tests are performed to identify rheumatoid factor and other specific markers of arthritis. If necessary, an X-ray of the chest organs, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and urinary system are done.

However, not all of the listed methods are prescribed to a particular patient. They are needed only for the differential diagnosis of life-threatening conditions (such situations account for less than 10%). As a rule, if your back hurts in the lumbar region, to determine the exact cause, you are referred for an X-ray, CT scan, MRI, or some laboratory tests.

Acute lower back pain: gender characteristics, discomfort during pregnancy

Constant discomfort in the lower back is usually a consequence of chronic degenerative processes in the connective tissue of the intervertebral discs, which is often accompanied by inflammation.

Such sensations can be of varying intensity - from acute, burning and sharp pain against the background of physical activity to a dull aching pain at rest. But such a problem cannot be resolved on its own. Dystrophy of cartilage tissue can continue for years, and without appropriate treatment it can significantly worsen the quality of life and result in disability.

Periodically occurring acute pain in the lower back is usually explained by muscle spasm, weakening of the muscle frame around the ridge, pinched nerve endings (in this case, discomfort occurs suddenly and can radiate to the heel, thigh, perineum). Sometimes a few days of regular use of pain-relieving ointments is enough to eliminate such symptoms. In some cases, lumbago requires the use of serious analgesics in the form of injections or tablets. But with regular injuries to muscle or connective tissue, the risk of developing chronic spinal diseases increases significantly.

In women, severe lower back pain often occurs due to gynecological diseases (tumors and inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages). Often a similar syndrome is observed during menstruation.

Women often complain of discomfort in the lower back during pregnancy. Similar clinical picture due to several factors. First of all, this is an increase in body weight and its uneven distribution. The main weight of the fetus falls on the lumbar region, which leads to increased stress on the muscles and joints of the spine.

In addition, closer to childbirth, increased synthesis of biologically active substances begins, “responsible” for the divergence of the pelvic bones to facilitate labor. Therefore, severe lower back pain often occurs precisely because of these physiological changes. In the postpartum period, such discomfort can be caused by a consequence of epidural anesthesia.

In men, acute lower back pain may be associated with diseases of the prostate gland or an inflammatory process in the testicles. But in most patients, such disorders are accompanied by other symptoms (deterioration of potency, urination, pulling or shooting pain in the perineum).

What to do if your lower back hurts: therapeutic measures, folk remedies

Treatment regimens for discomfort in the lower back vary significantly depending on its intensity.

So for acute lumbodynia the following are indicated:

  • Bed rest with limited physical activity for a period of 2 to 5 days.
  • Cold or heat compresses are used during the first days for 10 - 20 minutes every 2 hours.
  • Wearing a bandage. This is a very common recommendation on what to do if your lower back hurts. The corset is designed to fix the ridge physiologically correct position and restrictions on physical activity. But in Lately the effectiveness of such measures is questionable, since constant use of the bandage contributes to the weakening of the muscle frame.
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This therapy begins from the first days of the disease. Treatment begins with safe drugs based on diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen in the lowest possible doses. The dosage form of NSAIDs is selected according to the severity of clinical symptoms and individual patient preferences.
  • The use of muscle relaxants (Clonazepam or Sirdalud) is used for no longer than 14 days.
  • Local application of warming ointments.
  • According to indications - blockade with local anesthetics.

After the acute pain subsides, regular exercises from the course of exercise therapy and massage are indicated.

However, manual therapy It is strictly contraindicated for tumors and metastases in the spine, osteoporosis, spondylitis. For oncology, drug treatment will be prescribed, for example, Mekinist. Massage should be done with caution for hernias, congenital or acquired dysplasia of cartilage tissue.

With exacerbation of chronic pain in the lumbar spine, the principles of drug treatment remain the same.

However, during the period of remission, much attention should be paid to proper physical activity to strengthen the muscle corset and improve microcirculation.

When deciding what to do if your lower back hurts, you can use recipes alternative medicine. For example:

  • Take 4-5 turnip roots, wash and cut into small pieces, pour a glass of boiling water and place in the oven for half an hour. Then grind to a puree-like consistency, cool and use for compresses. The duration of the procedure is up to half an hour.
  • Grate fresh horseradish root and rub it on the sore spot once every two days.
  • In case of acute pain, you need to take several radish roots, wash them and mince them. Apply the paste to your back for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take 20 g of dried physalis fruits, grind in a coffee grinder and mix with 80 g of butter. Lubricate the lumbar area twice a day (morning and evening).
  • Grind a tablespoon of thyme herb into powder and mix with butter in a ratio of 1:3. Apply to the affected area twice a day.
  • It is also recommended to take baths. For cooking healing decoction A kilogram of oat straw is poured into 10 liters of water and boiled for 20 minutes. After this, the solution is poured into a pre-prepared bath. The duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes. It can be carried out only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Pour two tablespoons of sweet clover herb and 4 tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain, squeeze out the medicinal raw material and bring the volume of the infusion to 200 ml with boiled water. Use warm as a rub.
  • Mix 10 g of chamomile and linden flowers, pour a glass of hot water, bring to a boil, leave and take half a glass three times a day.

Discomfort in the lower back may occur due to various reasons. These include menstruation in women, prostate diseases in men, overexertion, and more serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. However, it is up to the doctor to decide what to do if your lower back hurts. Of the independent methods of treatment, only local use anti-inflammatory and warming ointments for a maximum of 10 days.

Lydia 05/29/2018 10:57:50

This often happens to me because of chondrozae, sometimes I have to swallow handfuls of pills to make it at least a little easier. Now, however, I have become wiser, I took home both the Almag and the Relaxmat, I undergo regular treatment, plus I do physical therapy, fortunately, I found an inexpensive trainer. It’s scary to think what could have happened if I hadn’t started treatment on time.

Bardukova Elena Anatolievna
neurologist, homeopath, work experience 23 years
✔ Article checked by a doctor

Famous Japanese rheumatologist:“IT'S MONSTERAL! Russian methods of treating joints and spine cause only bewilderment. See what doctors offer to treat your back and joints in Russia: Voltaren, Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Milgamma, Dexalgin and other similar drugs. However, these drugs DO NOT TREAT JOINTS and BACK, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease - pain, inflammation, swelling. Now imagine that...” Read the full interview"

Why does my back hurt? Incredibly, back pain affects 9 out of 10 people. It makes you wonder if there is any common cause excruciating back pain, under what conditions it can be eliminated, and if a person can get rid of it, will it come back again.

In most cases, back pain appears due to a simple muscle strain.

Statistics show that half of people have chronic pain in the spine, as a result of joint diseases, pain in the muscles and spinal discs. There are many ways to relieve pain, but they require compliance with many rules, correct diagnosis and timely treatment.

We will tell you in detail about all the most important causes of back pain.

Why does my back hurt in the spinal area?

AN INCREDIBLE STORY THAT WILL SHOCK MANY:“My name is Olga, I’m 38 years old. My lower back hurt very badly. I came to the hospital and they did an MRI and said: “You have hernia and osteochondrosis 4 degrees. Get ready for operations" I almost fainted there! Horrible! What surgery, I'm only 38? It turns out that even at this age you can develop grade 4 osteochondrosis. But it all started with ordinary lower back pain, which then became chronic, aching, and then a lumbar hernia formed! She made it difficult to sleep and walk. I refused the operation because I was afraid of the anesthesia: I might fall asleep and never wake up again. I also have heart problems. As a result, they assigned me a bunch useless drugs, and when I returned, the doctors simply shrugged their shoulders, saying, what do you want, you have to do the operation... A couple of months ago, on the Internet, I came across an article that literally saved me. I regained my health and the pain went away! I am so grateful to fate, to the incident that brought me to this article! Finally my spine is healthy, all thanks to this article! Anyone who has PAIN IN THE BACK AND JOINTS - read NECESSARILY ! Now there is NO PAIN, I sleep normally, walk and work in the country.” Read more"

Back pain can occur accidentally, for example, when lifting heavy objects or during sudden movements. They often appear after heavy loads on this area of ​​the ridge.

This is explained by the fact that the back muscles along the spine, which were heavily loaded, suffer. The back muscles can also become overstrained if the patient stands or sits in the same position for a long time. After several hours of rest, such pain syndromes subside. Here are the most common causes of back pain:

If your back pain does not go away after rest or if it gets worse, you should visit multidisciplinary clinic. Very often, back pain signals a serious problem with the spine, which does not go away on its own and without timely treatment, complications are possible.

For example, a herniated disc can cause irreversible damage to the nerves in the spine. This will affect the mobility of the lower or upper limbs and eventually lead to disability.

As we already know, determining the exact cause of back pain is not easy - it can be very diverse. When pain in the back and lumbosacral spine appears simultaneously, the first thing we must take into account is whether the pain will go away after resting in a supine position.

According to patient reviews, in these cases, drug treatment provides a better therapeutic effect than balneological and physiotherapeutic procedures, and shock wave therapy. It is possible to prevent such conditions if you realize in time that it is necessary to strengthen your back muscles, lead an active lifestyle, monitor your weight and eat right.

For orthopedic diseases of the back and joints, it is better to make an appointment with a neurologist to receive quality advice.

Let's take a closer look at all the possible reasons that lead to the appearance of pain.

The main causes of pain depending on location

Stories from site readers:“My name is Ekaterina, I’m 42 years old. Several years ago I had a severe flu, after which I ended up in the hospital with complications. One of the complications was inflammatory process in the lower back and joints. X-ray showed initial signs lumbar osteochondrosis and hernia. And at that time I was 39 years old. When walking and climbing stairs, pain occurred in the lower back and leg. It's a dull pain. I tried a lot: Voltaren, Milgamma, Meloxicam... Some helped more, some less. But only this new remedy took away the terrible pain. The last x-ray showed nothing. I just want to wave this photo in front of the doctors, who said that it could get worse, but it won’t get better. I keep the product on hand and recommend it to everyone. It saved me, that’s for sure.” Read more"

Muscle and joint pain

Back pain is sometimes a sign serious illnesses internal organs. A lot of pain - in the muscles and joints at the same time, may mean viral infections. This condition is transient, in addition, other symptoms occur simultaneously with these symptoms - high fever, runny nose, nausea and vomiting.

A viral infection may cause pain all over your back.

Chest and back pain

Very often with heart attacks, chest pain appears, accompanied by an unpleasant feeling in back. It is for this reason that any back pain should be carefully analyzed and, in acute conditions, medical help should be sought.

These pains are also caused by colds or osteochondrosis.

If you suddenly develop chest and back pain but don't have any other warning signs, try to remember if you were sitting somewhere in a draft. This is because cold air can cause inflammation in the nerves.

Japanese rheumatologist: “Do you have a sore Back and Joints? A new safe treatment method at home!” Good article, must read"

Simultaneous back and chest pain is possible for various psychological reasons, such as stress and depression, as well as skin diseases, in particular lichen.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Back pain can be caused rheumatoid arthritis, which is autoimmune disease, as well as osteoarthritis. Treatment in such cases does not lead to the elimination of osteophytes, but to achieving comfort due to pain relief and reduction of inflammatory processes.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, chondroprotectors and kinesitherapy help in the treatment of this disease.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Back pain may result from trigeminal neuralgia and intercostal neuralgia. Attacks of this disease can limit movement indefinitely. Pain may occur in the area above the coccyx.

The cause of such attacks may be a compressed nerve, an inflammatory process, changes in hormonal levels and bone structure due to the natural aging of the body. Attacks of intercostal neuralgia can be confused with angina attacks. But unlike intercostal neuralgia, heart attacks go away within a few minutes after taking a nitroglycerin tablet.

This is exactly what is observed with lumbar arthrosis of the spine: intervertebral discs and nerve endings are pinched. This disease manifests itself after a long stay in an unnatural position, as well as during active sports.

Pain occurs mainly during movement.


With age, wear and tear of the spine occurs, which is reflected in a number of changes, one of which is spinal canal stenosis. Spinal stenosis affects different sections of the spine or the entire spinal column. This causes compression of the vertebrae and nerve roots.. This is what causes persistent back pain.

Spinal stenosis is not a harmless disease. Depending on the location of the lesion, not only back pain is observed, but other changes may also occur, such as immobilization of the arms or legs, as well as disruption of the functioning of internal organs, such as the intestines or bladder.

Diseases of internal organs

Real stories site readers:“My name is Alexandra, I’m 38 years old. I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this! What I learned from the article literally pulled me out of wheelchair! Last months I started moving more, in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis, take 5 minutes and read this article.” Read the article»


If you systematically feel abdominal discomfort and at the same time back pain, these may be warning signs of ovarian or colon cancer. This statement may seem strange, but practice and statistics prove its truth.

Back pain can also be caused by a tumor on the bone tissue. Do not delay your visit to the medical center - solving the problem at an early stage means saving your life.


Excruciating pain in the left side of the body is a signal of exacerbation of gastritis. Sometimes the situation is quite complicated - the pain creeps to the left side of the chest and back. Most may think that these are heart problems.

Back pain and gastritis - it sounds strange, but it is quite possible. In such cases, carefully analyze where exactly the pain is coming from, whether there is heartburn, whether you feel discomfort, heaviness or pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastritis can cause back pain


Back pain when coughing and inhaling can occur with bronchitis. This is one of the symptoms that accompany a typical bronchitis cough. Pain in the back and chest occurs when this disease recurs.

Liver diseases

Experts say that in pathologies, the liver gives signals through a discomfort and pain in completely different parts of the body, and the body organ itself does not hurt. If the liver is painful, problems will most likely be in the hypochondrium - above it or in the back. So pain in the back, between the shoulder blades and in the right hypochondrium can be a signal of liver problems.


Anemia may be associated with back pain in some cases. malignant forms. In such cases, changes in the bone marrow and a decrease in the value of red blood cells are associated with cancer. If the bone marrow is affected, then disturbing back pain may appear.

Gallbladder diseases

What are the causes of back pain under the shoulder blades? If there is sudden and increasing pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade and shoulder, then you should be prepared to hear that you have problems with gallbladder. Pain in the right side of the back is one of the typical signs of biliary colic. If the pain also covers the area of ​​the right hypochondrium - around the liver and gall bladder, then there is no doubt that we are talking about problems with bile or even stones in the gall bladder.

Risk factors

DOCTOR'S OPINION! “I have been working as an orthopedist for many years. During this time I had to deal with various diseases of the back and joints. He recommended only the best drugs to his patients, but still the result of one of them surpassed himself. It is absolutely safe, easy to use, and most importantly, it acts on the cause. As a result of regular use of the product, the pain goes away in a few minutes, and within 7 days the disease disappears altogether. An excellent tool for quick and stable results...” Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, orthopedic doctor. Find out more"

Passive lifestyle

Working in an office for several hours in a row in front of a computer is a real test for the spine and, in general, for the entire musculoskeletal system. One of the disadvantages of office work is staying in the same position, which overloads the back and strains the muscles. The rule is known: after 50 minutes of working in front of the computer, a ten-minute warm-up or change of body position should follow.

To relieve back pain, experts recommend physical therapy and yoga until these activities are contraindicated. Such activities will strengthen certain groups of muscles and ligaments, and this may also be good preparation for the process of giving birth to a child. You also need to be careful with nutrition - eat certain foods with sufficient amounts of vitamins, proteins and microelements so that the unborn child does not feel a deficiency of these useful substances and developed in the right way.

How to prevent back pain?

Stories from site readers:“My wife has long suffered from acute pain in her joints and back. Over the past 2 years, pain has always been present. Previously, I could not imagine that a person could scream like that in pain. It was terrible, especially in the middle of the night, when blood-curdling screams were heard in complete silence. According to her, it was like dogs chewing her legs and back. And there was nothing to help her, I just held her hand and reassured her. She injected herself with painkillers and fell asleep, and after a while everything happened again... In the morning, when she woke up, she cried more often. The smile completely disappeared from my face, the sun left our house forever. She also had difficulty moving - her knee joints and sacrum made it possible to even turn around. The first night after using this new remedy was the first time without screaming. And in the morning a cheerful woman came up to me and said with a smile: “But there’s no pain!” And for the first time in these 2 years I saw my beloved wife happy and smiling. She flutters around the house like a swallow, the rays of life play in her eyes.” Read more"

Experts say that back pain is one of the main causes of physical discomfort between the ages of 20 and 40. At this age, it rarely comes to degenerative changes in the skeleton and muscles.

Great article to follow up:

It may sound strange, but, according to surgeons, in most cases we are not talking about diseases of the spine, but about problems with posture! More care should be taken about posture, especially for teenagers, when active growth begins - scoliosis is quite frequent illness after 13 years.

Why does my lower back hurt?

Answer: The most common cause of back pain in modern lifestyles is degenerative diseases of various parts of the spine as a result of occupational injuries, coupled with immobilization.

For example, pain and numbness in the neck most often occur due to sitting for more than two hours daily in front of a computer and poor posture when working with a computer mouse. Pain in the neck and back often occurs in people who work in a static position in a factory or with constant repetitive movements during work. Lower back pain is most common among workers who perform heavy work. physical work or exposed to adverse weather conditions such as cold and drafts.

Why does back pain occur after sleep?

Answer: Even young people often complain of morning stiffness and back pain after getting out of bed in the morning. This can mean diseases such as sciatica, sciatica, lumbago and disc herniation. However, this can only be determined by a neurologist.

It may also be an uncomfortable bed. It is known that in such cases it is better to sleep on a hard bed, and soft mattresses are contraindicated, since they deform the spine and provoke pain. It is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness.

Why does my back hurt after a massage?

Answer: This can be influenced by various factors, ranging from illiterate actions of the massage therapist to exacerbations of chronic diseases. The following reasons can be identified why a person feels pain immediately after a session:

  • Some people come to a massage therapist during an acute period of illness in the hope of getting rid of it. However, applying pressure to painful areas in such cases usually makes the condition worse.
  • An illiterate massage therapist can cause serious injury. You need to be especially careful when choosing a specialist.
  • During the first massage sessions, the patient may experience discomfort and pain - this is a normal phenomenon that will pass in within three days.

Massage is contraindicated for:

  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • a period of stress or severe nervous shock;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • hemangiomas are benign tumors;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • various injuries, sprains and other problems with the spine.

The most important thing is to find a qualified specialist, and then the positive effect will not be long in coming.

Video: why does your back hurt?

Although the causes of back pain can be very serious, in many cases it can go away on its own. But if painful sensations bother the patient for a long time and are not relieved by painkillers, then you should not postpone a visit to a therapist, neurologist or vertebrologist. Take care of yourself!

Conclusions and Conclusions

What are our Russian doctors keeping silent about? Why in 90% of cases does drug treatment give only a temporary effect?

Unfortunately, most of the remedies “treating” back and joint diseases that are advertised on TV and sold in pharmacies are completely divorce.

At first it may seem that creams and ointments help, BUT in fact they only TEMPORARILY relieve the symptoms of the disease.

In simple words, you buy a regular painkiller, and the disease continues to develop into more severe stage. Ordinary pain can be a symptom of more serious diseases:

  • degeneration of muscle tissue in the buttocks, thighs and lower legs;
  • pinched sciatic nerve;
  • development of arthritis, arthrosis and related diseases;
  • acute and sharp pain - lumbago, which leads to chronic radiculitis;
  • cauda equina syndrome, which leads to paralysis of the legs;
  • impotence and infertility.

How to be?- you ask. We have studied great amount materials and, most importantly, tested in practice most of the remedies for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. So, it turned out that the only new remedy which does not remove symptoms, but truly cures - this is a medicine that is not sold in pharmacies and is not advertised on TV! So that you don’t think that they are selling you another “miracle drug,” we will not tell you what an effective drug it is. If you are interested, you can read all the information about it yourself. Here is the link" .

List of used literature

  1. Evgeny Cherepanov "Healthy Spine School", 2012;
  2. Alexey Ivanchev "Spine. Secrets of Health", 2014;
  3. Victoria Karpukhina "Spinal health. Popov, Bubnovsky systems and other treatment methods", 2014;
  4. Yuri Glavchev “The spine is the provocateur of all diseases”, 2014;
  5. Stephen Ripple "Life without back pain. How to heal the spine and improve overall well-being", 2013;
  6. Galli, R.L., Speight, D.W., Simon, R.R. "Emergency orthopedics. Spine.", 1995

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