Home Pulpitis Severe contusion of the chest on the right without a bruise. What to do if you have a chest injury

Severe contusion of the chest on the right without a bruise. What to do if you have a chest injury

Injury chest during any type of aggressive mechanical impact can become a serious threat to health. Therefore, the victim should be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible and undergo a full examination.

A bruise is a serious injury that affects not only soft fabrics. Very often the integrity of the ribs and pleura of the lungs is damaged, and blood vessels are damaged. Swelling occurs as a result of a blow, a fall, or due to mechanical compression.

You should not self-medicate, because the results of aggressive action on the chest area may vary. Even visible pathologies no, the ribs are intact, perhaps the vessels are ruptured and blood is pouring out of them, which forms a hematoma. There is also a high probability of damage to the blood vessels of the heart and organs abdominal cavity.

Symptoms of sternum injury

Chest contusion always resolves with clear signs, which depend on the force of the impact and the severity of the injury. They appear immediately after mechanical impact.

The main symptoms that help identify damage in the sternum area:

  • sharp painful sensations when inhaling;
  • formation of tumor and edema under the breast at the site of the broken rib;
  • bruising and bruising occurs;
  • formation of a hematoma without a bruise;
  • the injury site becomes hot;
  • soft tissues on the left or right are dense.

Often an injury in this area is accompanied by serious complications: bruise or fracture of the ribs, injury to the lungs, abdominal cavity and heart. Signs of a fracture or crack in the chest are sometimes accompanied by displacement and changes in its appearance. If the damage occurs on the left side of the chest, there is a possibility of damage to the heart. This condition can lead to clinical death.

What to do if you have a chest injury

In case of serious injuries, you should not self-medicate. Can be removed pain syndrome with painkillers and go to the hospital or call ambulance. The patient cannot move; the best position is half-sitting.

When the doctor arrives, he will examine the victim for fractures, displacements, and bruises. internal organs. Treatment of a chest contusion consists of using painkillers, applying compresses and rubbing the swelling with medicinal ointments.

Depending on the degree of injury and the health status of the victim, full recovery occurs between 1 and 6 months. With proper and systematic treatment, the bruises will hurt for no more than 2 weeks.

Help before the ambulance arrives

First aid for a bruise or fracture of the chest is provided as quickly as possible after the injury.

First you need to call an ambulance, and then do the following:

  1. apply a cold compress to the chest to prevent tissue swelling from spreading;
  2. to reduce pain, drink a painkiller and apply a tight bandage made of an elastic bandage or any other fabric to your chest;
  3. if the victim has lost consciousness, revive him with ammonia;
  4. if there is no breathing, you must do artificial respiration, the features of this technique will be explained to you by dispatchers over the phone;
  5. clear your mouth of vomit and blood, do not let the victim choke on his own tongue;
  6. sit the patient up or lay him down on a hill or pillow;
  7. if the rib fracture is open, treat the wound with iodine solution.

Pain relief and anti-inflammatory therapy can begin even before the doctors arrive.

Do not try to remove foreign objects or debris from the wound.

Pale skin and blue lips indicate lung injury. In this case, you should wait for an ambulance. Severe bruise or a fracture of the chest threatens failure of many body systems and clinical death.

Diagnostic measures

To diagnose an injury, a surgeon or traumatologist performs an examination external symptoms. If the pain is sharp and severe, it is necessary to take a chest x-ray. The main thing is to determine the severity of the damage. When palpating the bruise site, no unnatural changes or protrusions should be felt.

If a bruise of internal organs is suspected, a magnetic resonance or CT scan. After full examination and complications are excluded, the patient can be sent home for treatment. If rib displacement and internal hemorrhage are observed, surgery is necessary.

Drug therapy

Elimination of the consequences of a bruise consists of external influence on bruises, hematomas and abrasions using ointments, gels and compresses.

If there are no wounds at the site of injury, you can use ointments prescribed by your doctor:

Anti-inflammatory drugs, are used only in the case of intact skin. The most popular ointments are Diclofenac and Ibuprofen.” The drug is used up to 4 times a day. If there is a lump at the site of the bruise, it is necessary to lubricate the chest every 2 hours.

Ointment with bodyaga. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates skin regeneration. Using this product you can eliminate swelling.

Medicinal ointment with heparin. The drug eliminates swelling and resolves blood clots formed from ruptured capillaries. It is considered the best healing ointment for bruised sternum, especially if used in combination with snake venom.

If painful sensations are not released, the analgesics “Ketorol” and “Nise” are prescribed. However, you should not abuse painkillers without a doctor's prescription.


Treatment for a chest injury includes not only drug therapy, but also physical therapy with massage. A specialist can eliminate abnormal fusion of ribs and reduce recovery time.

During the first sessions, you need to massage the area around the chest for no more than 5 minutes. Such manipulations will help improve blood circulation and affect the resorption of swelling and hematomas. At the end of the course, you are allowed to gently rub and knead areas of the chest for up to 20 minutes. It is also recommended to rub mumiyo into the skin during sessions.

How to treat with folk remedies

In addition to the main drug therapy, a chest bruise can be treated using folk remedies. Herbal decoctions, tinctures and compresses can quickly eliminate swelling, bruises and hematomas.

  • Complex of herbs in alcohol: violet, burdock, wheatgrass, speedwell. Take 20 grams of dried leaves of the collection and leave for 5 days in a liter of vodka. Apply night compresses.
  • Tincture of birch buds. Take buds and alcohol in equal quantities, and keep the mixture in a dark place for about a week. Apply evening compresses for 2 weeks.
  • Tincture of St. John's wort, marshmallow and oak bark. The crushed ingredients are mixed with two glasses of vodka. The tincture is used for compresses, which are made daily for two weeks.

When treating at home, it is worth remembering that it is important to take medications and apply compresses to the injury site regularly. Keep in mind that you may develop an allergy to some herbs, but completely alcohol compresses you can get burned.

How dangerous is a chest bruise for a person?

Bruises to the sternum can lead to serious injuries to internal organs. If the victim has difficulty breathing, the skin turns pale and the limbs turn blue, the pulse decreases, it is necessary to provide immediate assistance.

Complications that appear after a blow to the sternum:

  • bleeding that occurs inside the pleura of the lungs;
  • anemia, occurs due to large hemorrhage;
  • accumulation of air or gases in the chest due to cracked or broken ribs;
  • accumulation of air in lung tissue;
  • trauma to the blood vessels of the heart is a fairly serious pathology, as it can lead to death;
  • dangerous injuries on the right can cause lung injury;

A blow to the mammary glands has serious consequences for women. A strong blow to the chest can cause hematomas, which will begin to fester and lead to tissue necrosis. As a result female breast covered with pits and scarred areas.

Chest injuries are divided into closed and open. At open damage the wound is visually identified. Closed injuries are diagnosed if skin maintain integrity. This type of injury is often called a chest contusion. This term often means a minor injury that does not lead to a violation of the integrity of bone structures and internal organs. Although often the impact of a traumatic factor of great force leads to closed fractures bones, contusions of the lung, heart, vascular ruptures, respiratory tract.

Types of closed chest injuries

A chest bruise is often the result of a car accident, or is formed when falling on a protruding object, an uneven surface, due to a strong blow at the chest level. Often such an injury occurs during sports, at work, or at home.

Closed chest trauma is classified taking into account the nature of the injuries received:

  • Without compromising the integrity of bone structures. In this case, a hematoma, contusion or muscle rupture is diagnosed.
  • With the presence of bone damage (sternum, ribs, collarbone, scapula).
  • Without injury to internal organs.
  • With damage to one or more organs (lung, heart, respiratory tract, esophagus, blood vessels).

In addition, the classification takes into account the volume of lesions. Injuries can be isolated and limited to a violation of the integrity of one organ, or multiple, when several organs of the same anatomical zone are damaged. In particular, if there is a contusion of the chest on the left. A combined injury is said to occur when there is damage in other areas, for example, neck injuries or traumatic brain injury. Combined trauma refers to organ damage caused by several damaging factors.

Symptoms of a chest bruise

The clinical picture is determined by the nature and severity of the damage. Symptoms appear immediately after the impact. Based on their severity, the severity of the injured person’s condition is roughly assessed and the scope of necessary emergency measures is determined.

With a mild chest contusion, the symptoms are minimal:

  • Pain that increases with movement, coughing, and deep breathing.
  • Bruising in the area where the blow was struck. A bruise can occur without a bruise, or the formation of a hematoma is not immediately noticeable.
  • Local tissue swelling.

If bones are damaged at the time of injury, the victim may feel a crunching sensation in addition to pain. Violation of the integrity of bone structures is confirmed by palpation of the damaged area. The chest in the bruised area is sharply painful.

With moderate and severe injuries, in addition to the listed symptoms, there are signs of damage to bones and internal organs. A severe contusion of the chest is often accompanied by severe pain, internal bleeding, and severe complications, which can result in traumatic shock. The condition is characterized as severe if there are respiratory and circulatory disorders, symptoms of intense bleeding, and symptoms of shock.

When examining the victim, the doctor must as soon as possible identify life threatening violations, if any.

Life-threatening injuries

Chest trauma can cause the following serious injuries:
  • pathologically mobile chest;
  • lung damage;
  • traumatic pneumothorax, hemothorax, chylothorax;
  • respiratory tract damage;
  • heart injury;
  • violation of the integrity of the main vessels;
  • damage to the esophagus;
  • traumatic asphyxia;
  • diaphragm injury.

A contusion of the chest on the right is often accompanied by damage to the ribs, pleura or lung. When the injury is localized in the left region of the chest, it is important to exclude cardiac contusion and vascular rupture.

Cardiac contusion is a fairly common occurrence with closed chest injuries. The right ventricle is more often affected. The most severe type of contusion is myocardial rupture leading to tamponade and sudden death. Damage to the valves leads to the development of heart failure. Sometimes in case of concussion, only the heart hurts. It is often painful to breathe; in other situations, the symptoms resemble an anginal attack.

In case of chest contusion, treatment and diagnosis are carried out according to a specific algorithm that allows minimizing the risk of death.


In the event of chest injury, it is important to quickly establish a diagnosis, identify life-threatening disorders and at the same time provide the necessary medical care. It is the accuracy of the diagnosis that will allow us to answer the question: “What to do if you have a chest bruise?” The scope of examinations is determined by the severity of the condition. In extremely difficult situations, an inspection is carried out and emergency surgery to stop bleeding.

If the condition is satisfactory, a full range of examinations is prescribed:

  • X-ray examination;
  • electrocardiography;
  • determination of clinical and biochemical blood parameters;
  • pleural puncture;
  • thoracoscopic examination;
  • echocardiography;
  • bronchoscopy according to indications;
  • inspection by specialists.


Video - first aid for chest injury

First aid and treatment for chest bruises

First aid depends on the nature of the injury. If the bones and internal organs are not damaged, it is enough to provide rest and pain relief. You can reduce the pain by applying a fixing bandage, applying cold to the site of the bruise and taking a drug with an analgesic effect. Issues of assistance are decided by the doctor after examining the patient.

If the examination does not reveal any serious disorders, the traumatologist will recommend treatment at home. If the regimen is followed, there should not be any complications of injury, but patients are often bothered by severe pain. Many people are concerned about the question: “How long will the pain last?” Unfortunately for full recovery even with a slight bruise it will take about 1.5 months. Physiotherapy will help speed up the healing process.

Serious damage to lung tissue and bleeding often require urgent surgery. Pulmonary contusion increases the risk of distress syndrome, so such patients require hospitalization. Pneumothorax may require chest drainage. It is definitely indicated for the development of tension pneumothorax. In case of hemothorax, the pleural cavity is also drained, and in case of massive bleeding, urgent surgery is performed.

Treatment of a chest contusion becomes much more complicated if there is damage to the trachea or bronchus. With closed injuries, they are rare, but significantly aggravate the condition. The presence of a rupture in the airway wall is an indication for surgical treatment.

Unstable hemodynamics require monitoring central venous pressure and maintaining cardiac output with the help of inotropic drugs. Drug therapy necessary for the development of arrhythmia. Surgical treatment prescribed if severe valve damage or hemopericardium is diagnosed.

Injuries to large vessels with massive bleeding very often lead to fatal outcome. A patient's life can only be saved by performing emergency surgery.. In this case, suturing of the vessel or endovascular prosthetics is performed. Injuries to the main pulmonary vessels may be an indication for pneumonectomy.

Injuries to the esophagus due to chest contusions are rare. They are more typical for neck wounds. If esophageal perforation is diagnosed, wound suturing should be carried out within the first 24 hours. When deferred surgical intervention mortality increases significantly.

After a bruise, it may take a long time to completely normalize the functions of the chest organs. recovery period. The speed of patient rehabilitation largely depends on the severity of the injury and the adequacy of treatment. But after the main treatment, attention should be paid therapeutic exercises, breathing exercises, physiotherapy, healing ointments. You can also treat a bruise using folk remedies: herbal tinctures have been successfully used for a long time to prepare compresses that accelerate tissue healing. For bruises, tinctures of violet, St. John's wort, nettle, birch buds, and aloe are suitable. You can apply anti-inflammatory drugs, bodyagi, or heparin ointment to the bruise site.

Before using any medications, including those prepared folk recipes, you need to consult with your treating traumatologist.

Chest contusion is a condition that occurs after injury to the upper body. can occur even after a minor impact on a horizontal surface. In this case, soft tissue bruises with swelling and inflammatory changes often occur.

A strong blow can damage the lungs and mediastinum.

There are situations when impacts are not accompanied by rib fractures, but swelling of the lung tissue and impaired blood supply lead to hematomas (local limited accumulation of blood). If these injuries are not treated in a timely manner, serious consequences occur with restriction of breathing and blood supply.

Classification of injuries according to ICD-10

In Russia, ICD 10 has been adopted as a unified standard for recording morbidity.

Chest contusion according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD 10) is marked with code S22. With it, any attempt to touch the site of injury causes sharp pain.

According to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, the following categories are distinguished:

    1. Superficial injury (S20).
    2. Open wound (S21).
  1. Fracture of the rib and sternum (S22).
  2. Dislocation and sprain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus (S23).
  3. and nerves (S24).
  4. Injury blood vessels(S25).
  5. Heart damage (S26).
  6. Injury to other organs or unspecified (S27).
  7. Crushed chest (S28).
  8. Unspecified injuries (S29).

Depending on the etiology, the doctor indicates the disease code in the diagnosis according to the ICD. However, it may not describe the disease by clinical standards. It is enough to indicate the pathology code according to the international classification.

Symptoms of chest contusion

A chest contusion occurs immediately after injury. Main symptoms:

  • sharp pain at the site of injury, which intensifies;
  • bruises and bleeding occur at the site of injury;
  • Due to hemorrhage in the soft tissues, swelling appears.

With pathology, it is not necessary that all symptoms of the disease be expressed. Only one or more of the above symptoms may be present.

If symptoms are combined with a rib fracture, urgent treatment of the disease is necessary. The danger of the pathology should not be underestimated, as it can lead to collapse of the lungs (atelectasis).

Due to the likelihood of rapid development of secondary pathology when there is a blow to the upper torso on the left after an injury, doctors must prescribe. It allows you to detect the accumulation of fluid and blood in the left pleural sinus(hemothorax).

It is important to monitor the person's condition for several weeks after the stroke. To prevent shortness of breath, hemorrhage, loss of consciousness, the patient constantly takes medicines prescribed by a doctor.

In case of heart damage, it is advisable to perform a cardiac massage, but it must be carried out very competently. To prevent the patient’s condition from worsening, physiotherapy and manual therapy are performed.

What could be the consequences?

The consequences of a blow to the chest can be determined based on clinical symptoms:

  • pleural damage;
  • destruction of lung tissue;
  • air entering the pleural cavity;
  • subcutaneous emphysema (accumulation of air in soft tissues);
  • decreased breathing;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • general deterioration of condition.

Due to the risk of serious complications, treatment should be started as early as possible. To reduce the risk of complications, you should use pressure bandage. It limits the mobility of the chest and prevents pain.

The consequences of an impact without serious damage usually disappear within 2-3 weeks. Nevertheless, there are situations in which serious complications arise in the form of pneumothorax, hydrothorax, subcutaneous emphysema (according to ICD 10 codes S21 and S25).

At the site of a bruise or hematoma long time may remain . Most often, such seals remain in fractures of the ribs on the left. Anti-inflammatory ointment will help eliminate them.

Clinical studies show that some people are predisposed to this phenomenon. The danger of the pathology is that the lungs can be damaged and respiratory system. And irregular pain without adequate treatment can develop into chronic pain syndrome.

An interesting fact is that in women who hit their left side, hemothorax occurs extremely rarely.

With a bruise on the right, an accumulation of blood often forms in the right pleural sinus, accompanied by pain.

Treatment of injuries

A chest contusion is usually treated at home. After applying the bandage, the doctor will prescribe necessary medications and return visit time. If serious consequences are observed after the illness, the pathology will have to be treated in a hospital. You may need surgery to remove blood clots and stitch together large vessels. After drainage, a course of anti-inflammatory and painkillers is prescribed.

Classic treatment involves a course of physiotherapy to accelerate the healing process of injured tissues and resorption of lesions.

After establishing the type of injury according to ICD 10, assistance should be immediately provided to the victim according to the clinical protocol.

The algorithm of actions may be as follows:

  1. provide the patient with peace;
  2. apply a cold compress to the damaged area;
  3. Apply an anti-inflammatory bandage every 15 minutes;
  4. relieve pain with drugs.

For local treatment Doctors, depending on the symptoms, prescribe the following ointments:

  • analgesic (to relieve pain);
  • anti-inflammatory (to relieve swelling);
  • thrombolytic (to eliminate blood clots in the veins).

In case of serious injuries with damage to blood vessels and lungs (according to ICD 10 codes S26-S28), puncture may be necessary pleural cavity to remove blood and infiltrative fluid.

Treatment of bruise according to the medical algorithm:

  1. Cold compresses are applied for 1-2 days after the injury. Cold must be applied daily for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Warming compresses are used to get rid of bruises (a heating pad and a warm bath).
  3. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments are used constantly.
  4. The mobility of the torso should be limited using a special bandage.
  5. Electrophoresis for speedy tissue healing.
  6. Vascular damage is repaired surgically.

There are also folk remedies for treating chest injuries, but only proven medical methods will completely get rid of the disease.

Traumatic injuries to the chest are very common. There can be quite a few reasons - this happens when you fall, hit, or collide with a solid obstacle.

To avoid complex consequences, you need to contact a traumatologist in time. However, in simple cases, chest contusion is treated at home.

A chest contusion is a condition that occurs after an injury to the upper body. The ICD-10 code is S20-S29. Chest injuries. With a strong blow, there is a risk of damage to the lungs and mediastinum.

In general, chest injuries are divided into two main categories - open and closed. In most cases there are closed injuries, which are characterized by the absence of a wound on the surface of the skin.

  • injuries without bruising of the skin;
  • bruises with possible damage to internal organs - heart, blood vessels, lungs;
  • traumatic asphyxia - it is characterized by suffocation as a result of strong compression.

Closed injuries without significant damage account for approximately 73% of the total number of chest lesions. Moreover, half of this amount is accompanied by fractures.


It is impossible to ignore a chest contusion, since its manifestations occur immediately after the blow.

The main symptoms of injury include the following:

  • sharp pain that increases with inhalation;
  • formation of bruising and bluish discoloration of the skin in the injured area;
  • soft tissue swelling;
  • compaction in the affected area.

If the bruise results in serious damage, the symptoms are more severe. In this case, the skin turns pale, dizziness and shortness of breath occur. At severe pain Shock and even respiratory arrest may occur.

If the chest is affected on the left side, there is a risk of heart failure. As a result, clinical death may occur.

You should not perform a heart massage in such a situation, because this procedure will only worsen the patient's condition. On impact right side there is a risk of lung damage.

Many people are interested in the dangers of chest injuries. Any injury can cause serious health consequences.

Thus, with the development of hemothorax, accumulation of a large amount of blood in the pleural cavity is observed. After a short period of time it collapses.

This is due to damage to the blood vessels of the abdominal cavity and lungs. With severe hemorrhage, anemia may increase. To get rid of clotted blood, surgery is necessary.

With pneumothorax, a large amount of air accumulates in the chest area. At the same time, the lungs are compressed and reduced in size.

If a rib is fractured, there is a risk of air getting into the subcutaneous tissue. This condition is called subcutaneous emphysema. In this case, the intercostal vessels are damaged, which leads to severe bleeding.

To reveal this state, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • breathing problems;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • increase in pressure;
  • progression of subcutaneous emphysema;
  • skin cyanosis;
  • general deterioration of health.

First aid

First aid for a chest bruise must be provided - the effectiveness of subsequent therapy depends on this.

Immediately after receiving an injury, you need to do the following:

In simple cases, treatment is carried out according to the standard regimen. So, what to do if you have a chest injury? In the acute post-traumatic period, cold compresses are applied to the damaged area. This helps prevent swelling and bruising.

To cope with pain, painkillers are used. Most often they take drugs from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Ibuprofen, Indomethacin.

All body movements during this period should be limited as much as possible.

Constant use of painkillers is prohibited, since they have a lot of side effects. How to treat a bruise in such a situation? For this purpose, you can use a special ointment.

A properly selected drug eliminates swelling, resolves hematomas and relieves pain.

Medicinal ointments used in such cases:

  • swelling appears in the damaged area;
  • there are no open wounds on the skin;
  • the hematoma does not extend beyond the affected area;
  • Without touching the injured area, pain does not appear.

To cope with the symptoms of a bruise, you need to use the following categories of medications:

Many people wonder how long a chest bruise will hurt. It all depends on the extent of the damage. Doctors do not recommend using ointments for more than 1 week.

If pain persists after this period of time, this indicates a fairly serious injury.

To cope with the symptoms and consequences of a chest contusion, effective folk remedies can be used as a complement to traditional therapy:

To speed up recovery after a chest injury, you can use massotherapy. This simple procedure will prevent deformation and reduce healing time.

First, the massage is done just above the affected area - this helps to activate the outflow of blood from the bruised area. With your second hand you need to process the neck and lower back in parallel.

During the first 4-5 sessions, you should avoid contact with the affected areas, gradually approaching them. The duration of the procedure should start from 5 minutes, gradually increasing to 20.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can use mumiyo. To do this, rub a small amount of the product on the affected area. This must be done within 1 month. Shilajit can also be taken orally, mixed in equal parts with caraway decoction.

If the bruise is complicated by a rib fracture, mumiyo can be combined with rose oil. This mixture significantly accelerates the fusion of bone tissue.

Physical activity is allowed no earlier than 1-2 months after the injury - it all depends on the severity of pain. In this case, you can gradually begin to perform therapeutic exercises.

Exercise therapy for a chest contusion helps to activate blood circulation and avoid dangerous consequences for good health.

In the first weeks after injury it is indicated breathing exercises with chest contusion. It helps strengthen muscles, normalize general state and improve blood flow into the patient’s body.

A chest contusion is a fairly serious injury that can lead to damage to internal organs. However, in simple cases this condition does not pose a particular health hazard.

You can easily deal with it yourself using medications and folk remedies.

A chest injury can occur for a number of different reasons, but regardless of this, if it occurs, you should immediately see a doctor and begin treating a chest contusion at home.

The chest area has a certain protective function, which, like a shield, protects many vital internal organs, such as the lungs and heart.


Symptoms of a bruise or fracture include severe swelling, sharp pain when coughing, breathing, laughing and similar actions where chest work is necessary. Healing usually takes at least four weeks. During this period, the person should be in a state of extreme rest; it is advisable for someone close to come to the apartment to provide care for the patient.

Let's say that you were examined by a doctor, and no fracture was detected. If you don’t want to stay in the hospital for a whole month, use the recommendations and recipes for successful rehabilitation at home with the help traditional medicine.

IMPORTANT! If pain in the rib area does not go away within two weeks and discomfort only get worse, stop self-medicating and visit a doctor.

Treatment of chest contusion with folk remedies

Complex of herbs in alcohol

The best and most in a safe way Treatments for bruises are tinctures made with herbs and alcohol. To prepare this mixture, you will need a considerable amount of ingredients:

  • take an equal amount, about 20 grams each, of cornflower flowers, meadowsweet, bearberry leaves, knotweed, horsetail and hernia, some birch buds and bean pods;
  • pour all ½ liter of vodka and leave for at least three days;
  • Use daily as a compress, after straining.

Violet tincture

For this tincture, purchase violet and veronica at the pharmacy. The result is promised after just ten procedures:

  • put 30 grams of burdock root and dried violet flowers into any container, add 20 grams of wheatgrass roots and veronica leaves;
  • pour the mixture with 1000 ml of vodka and close for five days;
  • strain and apply a moistened compress overnight.

Uses of oregano

This compress is made from coltsfoot and oregano flowers:

  • buy dry herbs at the pharmacy and chop them;
  • pour ½ vodka into any container, leave in a dark place for three to four days;
  • apply as a compress on the chest overnight, the duration of the course should be at least two weeks.

For the following compress, only calamus is needed:

  • pour one hundred grams of herbs with the same volume of vodka as in the previous recipe;
  • leave for three days in a remote place;
  • use as a lotion a couple of times a day for three weeks.

Compress based on wild rosemary and nettle

The product will help you feel an improvement in your chest condition in the second week. Also suitable for wrapping sore joints:

  • Mix one hundred grams of wild rosemary and nettle, pour half a glass of vodka;
  • leave for four days, then add to the mixture pomegranate juice and leave for another two days;
  • use as a compress daily for two weeks.

Birch buds to help

  • Pour 50 grams of barberry leaves and one hundred grams of birch buds with half a glass of vodka;
  • leave for five days, strain using gauze, then apply compresses soaked in the tincture on the chest every evening for at least ten days.

Aloe and hemlock

This recipe includes aloe juice, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times to almost every person:

  • in a glass container, mix seventy grams of hemlock leaves, fifty grams of balsam;
  • prepare the aloe plant so that you can add three tablespoons of juice (preferably at least three years old);
  • pour the mixture with 300 grams of vodka and leave for four days, after which add juice and wait for another two days;
  • strain the resulting tincture and apply as a compress daily for about a week.

Attention! Hemlock is a poisonous plant. Please use caution.

Another mixture for compresses is prepared based on oak bark and St. John's wort:

  • Grind 30 grams of St. John's wort, 20 grams of bark and marshmallow leaves using a coffee grinder, pour in half a liter of vodka;
  • leave for about four days, strain;
  • Apply compresses once daily for two weeks.

St. John's wort and alder

If you can purchase alder bark and St. John's wort, the following tincture will help quite effectively in the healing process:

  • Place twenty grams of each type of bark in a container, add crushed hemlock leaves;
  • pour ½ liter of vodka and leave for three days;
  • Continue the course of treatment for three weeks, using a compress daily.

Common harmala

The plant is not known to everyone for its healing properties, but they can be fully verified by applying in practice the following recipe for treating a chest contusion:

  • Mix twenty grams of harmala with four tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • add a quarter glass of vodka, leave in a dark place for five days;
  • apply gauze soaked in the tincture every evening, daily, continue the course for at least ten procedures.

Instead of lemon juice, you can use its zest, as in the following recipe:

  • grate about three tablespoons of zest on a fine grater;
  • add 30 grams of linden bark, pour in ½ liter of vodka;
  • leave for four to five days;
  • equally suitable as a treatment with compresses and wraps, continue the course for at least two weeks.

Bay leaf

Unexpected, but very effective remedy for making medicinal compresses - ordinary, Bay leaf available in every kitchen:

  • mix three tablespoons of finely ground leaf with 20 grams of juniper needles;
  • pour half a liter of vodka over the herbs, close and leave for three days;
  • apply a compress to the bruised area every day for a month.

Angelica was previously used in folk medicine in its entirety with roots, leaves and flowers. Nowadays, only the rhizome is used, which has a strong healing effect:

  • Pour 20 grams of rhizome crushed in a coffee grinder into one liter of vodka;
  • leave in a dark place for two days;
  • Apply compresses or lotions to your chest every day for three weeks.

Moldavian snakehead

If it is possible to purchase a Moldovan snakehead, thanks to the following recipe, the process of treating a bruise of the chest in the area hearts will pass much faster:

  • Pour 80 grams of finely ground herbs with half a glass of vodka;
  • For two weeks, use compresses and lotions daily, observing the regularity you have built.

Another recipe using the same snakehead, but in combination with linden bark:

  • 20 grams of Moldavian snakehead and linden bark, pour half a liter of vodka;
  • place in a dark place at room temperature for five days;
  • strain the mixture and use for daily lotions;
  • Continue treatment for at least three weeks.


ABOUT beneficial properties Every person knows nettle, so in treating a chest bruise from a fall, it will have a very strong effect:

  • 30 grams of dry, crushed nettle, mix in a container with 20 grams of also crushed leaves of angustifolia;
  • add ½ liter of vodka to the herbs, leave the mixture in a sealed container for two days;
  • use as a daily lotion on the bruise, continue treatment for ten days.

The last remedy for compresses or lotions is made only from hop cones:

  • pour one hundred grams of crushed, dry cones with half a liter of vodka;
  • leave for two days, apply gauze soaked in the tincture to the bruise every day for two weeks.

Massage treatment

Massages provide a special healing effect in the treatment of an injured chest. It is advisable to start performing it immediately after receiving an injury in order to minimize the healing time of the damaged area and avoid any deformation. Start performing it a little above the bruised area in order to stimulate the outflow of blood from the injured area, at the same time it is necessary to simultaneously massage the lumbar and cervical areas. Move to the injured area only after four to five sessions, all this time slightly increasing the intensity of the procedure.

Advice! Start the duration of the massage from five minutes, gradually increasing to twenty.

No less effective is treatment using mumiyo, which is similar in effectiveness to herbal tinctures:

  • rub a small amount of the mixture on the injured area of ​​the chest for a month without interruption;
  • In addition to rubbing, it is recommended to use mumiyo internally, mixing in equal proportions with caraway decoction;
  • for bruises with damage or broken bones, mummy is mixed with rose oil, which stimulates accelerated fusion bones.

The herb wormwood, used as a kind of ointment, due to the high concentration of its juice, has a strong healing effect:

  • grind the plant until several tablespoons of juice are formed;
  • rub the affected area daily.

IMPORTANT! Before using any plant or product, make sure there are no allergies in order to avoid possible additional problems. Before making any traditional medicine, consult your doctor.

They call it a bruise closed damage soft tissues obtained as a result of external mechanical influence, during an accident, fall. The consequence of damage is the manifestation of edema and internal hemorrhage. The pain can be unbearable, so bruise ointments are often used to reduce pain.

Any strong impact on the bone can cause hemorrhage into the joint cavity. In the case of a chest contusion, hemorrhage may form in the pleura.

Ointment for chest contusions is a mixture that resolves hematomas and can relieve swelling and pain. It is used as a means to provide first medical care in severe cases and as a healing gel for bruises mild degree when contacting a specialist is not required.

Ointment for bruises is used if:

  • swelling appeared at the site of exposure;
  • the skin is not damaged, the bruise site is closed;
  • pain does not appear without impact on the site of the injury;
  • the bruise or hematoma does not extend beyond the area of ​​injury.

An ointment, gel or solution for internal tissue damage has the following effects:

  • relieve pain;
  • relieve the damaged area from swelling;
  • produce an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • resolve bruises and hematomas;
  • cool the inflamed area of ​​the skin after a bruise;
  • are absorbed through the layers of the epidermis and have a healing effect from the inside.

Gels are considered more effective due to their rapid penetration into the membrane. Not all ointments can have the desired effect. It is important to choose a product based on needed by the body substances.

The bruise requires intensive local therapy. It would be advisable to use a product that contains non-steroidal substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often used in pharmacology diclofenac, ibuprofen or ketoprofen.

The ointment is applied to the area lung bruise movements. The product can be used only when there is no damage to the epidermis on the bruised area. It is recommended to apply the drug about four times a day. If seals appear in the bruised area due to swelling, the ointment should be used more often, as absorption is significantly reduced.

Badyaga is a common plant with anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties. Ointments based on natural ingredients provide immediate results. They are able to relieve swelling and pain, and also quickly restore damaged tissue.

Heparin ointment

Heparin is a substance that resolves clots formed during a bruise and restores the functioning of small capillaries. In ointments, heparin is often used in combination with snake venom, which warms the damaged area.

It is not recommended to use any ointment for more than a week. If during this time the pain does not disappear, then you should consult a specialist. This suggests that external influence caused not a slight bruise, but more serious damage. The norm is only the long-term persistence of a hematoma, which completely disappears after 2-3 weeks. All other manifestations after a week of treatment require qualified assistance doctor

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