Home Orthopedics Why does the body need B vitamins and what does their lack lead to? Preparations of B vitamins: review of drugs, use in neurology Medicines containing vitamins of the group

Why does the body need B vitamins and what does their lack lead to? Preparations of B vitamins: review of drugs, use in neurology Medicines containing vitamins of the group


Even if your city is not a huge metropolis, the urban lifestyle cannot be canceled. An abundance of technology, long hours at work, and stress have a negative impact on health. Vitamin B complex is a storehouse that will compensate for the deficiency useful substances in organism. Health, beauty, proper metabolism and energy exchange are based on these elements. Find out about the need for specific foods in the diet and a complex of drugs containing B vitamins in the body, as well as problems with their deficiency.

Benefits of B vitamins

You've definitely already heard about the enormous benefits of the complex of this group of vitamins. Each element performs its own function, which is responsible for vital processes. They cannot replace each other in combination, so a lack of one type of vitamin leads to the destruction of the entire system. The group has 6 components included in many metabolic mechanisms. Let's take a closer look at each element of the complex and the daily norm.

B1 known as “thiamine” or “thiamine pyrophosphate”. The vitamin takes part in the metabolism of fats, salts, carbohydrates, and proteins in the body. The main element of the system - the brain - functions fully only when it is provided with thiamine. Vitamin B1 is responsible for normalization digestive system, stimulation of appetite, which leads to increased ability to work. The daily intake of the substance for an adult is 1.3 mg, for pregnant women - 1.6 mg, for children under 3 years old - 0.8 mg. A lack of thiamine leads to disruption of coordination, sleep, calmness, and stamina. nervous system.

Riboflavin (B2) responsible for normalizing energy reactions. The main processes occurring with the help of this vitamin are the development, creation, regeneration of body tissues, the combination of antibodies and shaped elements blood. The level of riboflavin B2 in the body contributes to the coordinated functioning of the skeleton, muscles, immunity, digestive system and hematopoiesis. It is necessary for hair, skin, and nails, so if there is a lack of vitamin, they deteriorate (characterized by brittleness and lethargy). The daily norm for adults is 1.2 mg, for a child 4 years old – 0.6 mg, for pregnant women – 1.6 mg.

Nicotinic acid, vitamin PP or B3– guarding the epidermis. Its job is to stimulate skin respiration. Nicotinic acid regulates blood circulation, normalizes processes blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels and protects against atherosclerosis. In group B, the nicotine vitamin prevents the development of pellagra. The daily norm of nicotinic acid for an adult is 15 mg, for a 5-year-old child – 8 mg, for a pregnant woman – 18 mg.

Pantothenic acid, or B5, is responsible for the normal tone of muscle tissue, body thermoregulation, and heart function. The vitamin participates in the synthesis of adrenal hormones and blood antibodies, protecting the body from infectious diseases, toxic substances and cancer. A deficiency of B5 causes dizziness, nausea, headaches, and insomnia. The daily requirement of the vitamin for an adult is 6 mg per day, for a 5-year-old child – 4 mg, for a pregnant woman – 8 mg.

Pyridoxine, or B6, is involved in the connecting reactions of amino acids in the body. The vitamin helps produce enzymes and hormones, break down fats, lowering cholesterol levels. Lack of pyridoxine can lead to anemia, regression of processes of cardio-vascular system. If there is a lack of vitamin B6 in your body, it will easily lead to dermatitis, depression, nausea, vomiting, and deterioration of skin tissues. The daily norm for an adult is 2.1 mg, for a child 5 years old – 1.2 mg, for a pregnant woman – 2.5 mg.

Folic acid, or B9, – is extremely necessary during pregnancy. The vitamin is responsible for the creation of a normal nervous system, blood circulation, and timely growth of the fetus. If the body has enough folic acid, then menstruation in adolescents is painless, menopause in women is without complications, and in pregnant women the risk of premature birth is minimized. Hypovitaminosis B9 leads to anemia, leukemia, irritability, apathy, and insomnia. The daily norm of folic acid for adults and children is 0.2 mg, for pregnant and lactating girls - 0.3 mg.

Cyanocobalamin, or B12, is important in the processes of creating red blood cells and synthesizing hemoglobin. The vitamin promotes the production of antibodies in the body, anti-virus and infections. The course of processes in the male reproductive system requires B12 elements. The daily vitamin requirement for an adult is from 3 mcg, for children 5 years old – 1.6 mcg, for pregnant women – 4 mcg.

How to take B vitamins in tablets

If you notice the slightest signs hypovitaminosis, you need to include an additional source of B vitamins. In pharmacies you will more often find B1, B2, B6 and B12 in preparations, because other components are quite sufficient in food. Why do you need a complex of vitamins from this group in tablets? You've heard about the syndrome more than once chronic fatigue. The main reason for this feeling is the lack of B complex vitamins.

The instructions for each drug will explain in detail how to take it and when it is better to take the tablets. The main action of this group is to release the body’s energy to process carbohydrates into glucose. Before starting a vitamin course, talk to your therapist about it, find out the rules of administration and how often to use B-complexes. Study the contraindications and only then compare the symptoms of your body with the prescribed drug. If there is the slightest uncertainty, get your blood tested to determine possible allergies for vitamin.


This is a multivitamin (B1, B2, B6, B12), which is used for diseases of the nervous system, various neuralgia, liver, paresthesia, nausea in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, lumbago, and lack of these elements during lactation. Not balanced diet, frequent alcohol and nicotine, exhaustion of the body are other reasons to take B-complex vitamins. Course – 2-4 weeks, daily norm determine according to the instructions. Side effects for allergies to B vitamins are in the form of dermatitis. Cannot be taken with hypersensitivity body, combined with alcohol.


Pharmacology offers a complex water-soluble vitamins groups B1, B6, B12. For maximum effect, it is recommended to take vitamin B tablets after meals with water or tea. The course and daily norms are up to your doctor. Among the rare side effects organism for a drug of this group: itchy skin, nausea, development of tachycardia. Neuromultivitis is contraindicated for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, and people who cannot tolerate the components of the vitamin complex. Neuromultivit is used for:

  • lumbago;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • epilepsy;
  • sciatica;
  • plexite;
  • facial nerve paresis.

Doppelhertz active magnesium plus: B vitamins

Pharmacological classification – dietary supplement. Combination of magnesium, folic acid, B1, B6, B12. Possible compatibility with other drugs. Before taking, consult your doctor to find out how often you can drink and at what time to take the pills. No overdoses were observed; contraindications are individual intolerance to vitamins. Indications for use of a group of vitamins:

  • increased fatigue;
  • physical exercise;
  • the body's need for additional energy;
  • constant stress;
  • fatigue after serious illness.

B complex of vitamins – B Complex

This complex contains B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B8, B9, B12 and auxiliary components. Vitamins of this group increase immunity, improve and strengthen hair and nails. The complex is used for metabolic disorders, central nervous system disorders, skin rashes. Vitamins in food do not always satisfy the body’s needs, so this complex is taken during meals. The complex drug of group B is limited to individuals with individual intolerance, children under 12 years of age, and women during pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamins Superum

If you are looking for a cheap complex of B vitamins, then the Superum dietary supplement is just for your body. It contains B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B9. The body needs the Superum complex if an additional source of vitamins is needed, for alcoholism and diabetes, for the stability of the nervous system, for gaining weight with maximum efficiency. Contraindications – individual intolerance. For information on the daily dosage of the complex and the period of use, please contact your physician.

Table of foods containing vitamin B in the table

List of vitamins

What products contain

Thiamine (B1)

Obtaining energy from proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Buckwheat, oatmeal, peas, wholemeal flour products.

Riboflavin (B2)

Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, maintains the normal condition of the epidermis, vision, mucous membranes.

Buckwheat, pasta, milk and all derivatives, yeast, all cabbage.

Nicotinic acid (B3)

Connects proteins and fats in the body, stimulates skin oxygenation.

Nuts, liver, fish, green vegetables, buckwheat, egg yolk, milk, yeast, beans.

Choline (B4)

Dairy products, beans, spinach, yolk, liver, kidneys.

Pantothenic acid (B5)

Reduces cholesterol levels in the body, stimulates the production of energy from food.

Peas, buckwheat and oatmeal, green vegetables, fish roe, liver, hazelnuts, poultry.

Pyridoxine (B6)

Stimulates the formation of antibodies in the body against infections, reactions carbohydrate metabolism, hemoglobin compounds.

Potatoes, various cereals, citrus fruits, dairy products, fish, meat, liver, cabbage, Walnut, hazelnuts

Biotin (B7)

Promotes healthy dermis, hair, strengthens nerve tissue and brain cells.

Liver, kidneys, egg yolk, spinach, yeast, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Inositol (B8)

Lowers cholesterol levels, stimulates reactions in the brain, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Wheat germ and bran, beef heart, brains, oranges, flour products.

Folic acid (B9)

Cell division, formation of nucleic acid and new red blood cells, healthy development of the fetus in the womb.

Honey, citrus fruits, beans, yeast, liver, wholemeal flour.

Cobalamin (B12)

For the nervous system, for the growth of the body.

Animal products.

Vitamins in ampoules

Has your hair become dull, lost its strength and color, and is constantly falling out? No need to go too expensive medical procedures or buy luxury shampoos to restore their condition. Use vitamin ampoules with components B1, B6, B9. They perform vital role for hair – resists excessive hair loss, used for complex treatment against baldness, for the skin - prevents rapid aging, relieves itching. How to use vitamins in hair ampoules? Some important rules complex drugs:

  • You need to file the head of the ampoule with a special file to avoid cuts and loss of fragments. Break off the marked vessels by hand.
  • The ampoule is designed for single use. If the recipe says to take a smaller amount of vitamins, then after a while the liquid in an open container will no longer be useful.
  • The concentration of the product in the ampoule is so significant that you need to avoid excess. The dosage must be clear and precise.
  • Apply the contents of the ampoule to the scalp. This way, the most beneficial effect is achieved, vitamins of this group are absorbed into the vessels, and metabolic processes occur faster in the layers of the epidermis.

How to inject B vitamins

Doctors prescribe intravenous or intramuscular injections to patients who have limited nutrition or illnesses (osteochondrosis, diabetes). Is it possible to mix B vitamins? No. If you are prescribed several components, you inject the injections one by one - today B1, tomorrow B6 and so on. Intramuscular injections you can do it yourself in the buttock, after washing your hands and rubbing the injection site with alcohol. Intravenous - only to a nurse if you or family members do not have appropriate medical education.

From the video you will learn about the first signs of a lack of vitamins of this group. Don't expect obvious symptoms that will obviously require you to see a doctor. A small deficiency of nutrients can easily be compensated for with a quick course of tablets or capsules, if you know that you definitely will not get the required daily requirement of vitamins from this group in food. The information and tips in the video below will be useful to you, even if you only suspect why your hair is constantly falling out or your skin tone is becoming dull.

When there is a lack of vitamins in the body, health problems begin. To make up for the deficiency of essential substances, and prevent the failure of organ functions and the development of diseases, you need to drink vitamin complexes, which are sold in pharmacies.

The best way To make up for a deficiency is to get tested and find out which vitamins and minerals you are missing and take only those whose readings are below normal. But in winter and spring, you can buy mineral and vitamin complexes to maintain immunity and healthy functioning of the body. Especially if you feel unwell, general weakness, or increased fatigue. In this article we will tell you how to choose them correctly and which vitamin complexes are the best for adults and children.

If you think that buying vitamins you are wasting a lot of money, then don’t be so critical. Unlike the number of chemical drugs, which are expensive in price, and not always effective complexes can help to avoid a number of seasonal diseases, such as colds and others, which are caused by a lack of a certain element and do not appear immediately, more often with age.

For the body to function properly, in addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins are also needed. When there are not enough of them, a person begins to get sick, vision deteriorates, depression and physical fatigue appear.

For example, a deficiency of ordinary ascorbic acid can cause death. Vitamin C affects metabolic processes in the body, and protects blood vessels from fragility and penetration through their walls, which prevents gum bleeding and internal bleeding. Be sure to add it to your diet in large quantities.

Vitamin A is responsible for skin condition. If it is not enough, peeling occurs, cracks on the heels, cracked lips, and jams appear in the corners. List of products that contain it.

A lack of vitamin B1 negatively affects the brain, which is accompanied by headaches and memory deterioration.

These are just two vital vitamins. There are more than 10 types of them. And besides them, life also requires minerals. The most famous of them is iron, which is involved in hematopoiesis and is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

Magnesium is responsible for the state of the central nervous system, when it is low, irritability appears, which can develop into depression. Calcium strengthens bones, and potassium and sodium control the cardiovascular system. This list may not be exhaustive; it can be continued, which we will do in a separate article.

Important: Vitamins and minerals can be purchased as a complex at a pharmacy kiosk.

To obtain daily dose vitamins and microelements, for the normal functioning of all body systems, a person needs to eat several apples, oranges, lemons, pears, and other fruits a day, a couple of bunches of greens, and plus a couple of kilograms of meat and liver. Firstly, it becomes clear that you can’t eat that much, and secondly, with the quality of modern products, they are unlikely to be that useful with their additives.

Advice: It is better to buy the entire required amount of vitamins and minerals at the pharmacy, in the form of complex preparations.

The main thing when using it is to adhere to the dosage specified in the instructions. An excess of vitamins is just as bad as a lack of them.

If the body is unwell for a long time, what should be prescribed by a doctor, after an examination has been carried out and the cause has been established.

Choosing the right vitamins

To purchase the best complex of vitamins at the pharmacy, you need to know what it should include.

Mandatory requirements:

  1. A minimum of starch, sugar, lactose, and talc. The permissible dose is from 5 to 10 mg. These substances are added to increase the weight of the tablet.
  2. Drink vitamins and minerals separately. The absorption of some reduces the absorption of others. Take after 5 hours. If one tablet has everything at once, it is not suitable. Much more benefit They bring vitamins separately and minerals separately.
  3. Must contain:
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • vitamin D.
  1. Required minerals:
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • chromium;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • nitrogen.
  1. Presence of brewer's yeast. Not mandatory, but recommended by experts. They are rich in protein, which helps build all the structures of the body. They contain many B vitamins.
  2. The presence of amino acids: tryptophan, leucine, alanine, valine, tyrosine, asparagine. Although they do not enter into synthesis with body substances, they are indispensable for other functions. They influence protein synthesis, transform into other amino acids, and promote the functioning of digestion enzymes.

The dosage of the drug is indicated in the instructions, according to the age category and weight, it must be followed.

Everyone decides for themselves what form of release to choose. Usually vitamins good quality are available in several forms to suit the choice of each consumer, they can be in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • chewing “sweets”;
  • dragee;
  • capsules;
  • powder;
  • coffee;
  • syrup;
  • gel.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Before buying the complex, you must read the label on which the manufacturer writes the following information necessary for the buyer:

  • name of the elements in the composition of the drug; preference is given to the one that contains all necessary for the body Components;
  • the source from which it was obtained must be indicated along with the component;
  • serving size, which means the dosage taken;
  • the number of elements in one portion.

Advice: Give preference in choosing products that contain calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Top 10 best vitamin complexes

According to reviews from consumers, specialists, and pharmacists, a rating was formed based on the effectiveness of their use. The top 10 included the following vitamin complexes:

Consists of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, plus lipoic acid. Suitable for any age. It is recommended to take it to replenish the necessary elements, and in case of increased physical and mental activity. After completing a course of 1 month, 1 tablet per day, the risk of colds by 30%.

A complex created on the basis of scientific recommendations for individual and joint reception useful elements. This approach is the key to better absorption of substances and prevention allergic manifestations. Three tablets, determined to be taken by time of day, contain various components:

  • in the morning portion vitamin B1, for normal hematopoiesis;
  • in a lunch dose, antioxidants that protect against the effects of harmful radicals;
  • The evening tablet contains vitamin D3, which, together with retinol, biotin, and calcium, really strengthens the body.

An effective vitamin and mineral complex, which is confirmed by positive reviews about it. Contains vitamins A, group B, vitamin D3, E, H, PP, in combination with the most beneficial microelements. Indicated for use to replenish elements in the body, during heavy physical and mental stress, to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. Recommended to be taken after illnesses for recovery immune defense while taking antibiotics, or hormonal drugs, for prevention purposes.

4. "Daily Formula"

Contains 25 vitamins and minerals, such as A, group B, C, D, E, they will strengthen immune system, and colds and flu will not be scary. Minerals in the form of magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus will improve the functioning of the nervous system, make bones and muscle tissue healthy. The complex also contains selenium, chromium, and several enzymes that normalize the work gastrointestinal tract. Recommended as biological additive to food.

The complex for adults, it consists of 14 vitamins and 17 minerals, which completely compensate for the deficiency of essential substances. Increases the body's defenses against colds. Effective in dietary menus, promotes weight loss in combination with physical exercise.

6. "Multitabs"

A complex with a large number of antioxidants that help improve metabolism, skin condition, and improve immunity.

The best vitamin and mineral complex for children. Contains 9 essential vitamins. Available in the form of syrup and tablets. Recommended for use with therapeutic purpose, and for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

8. “Centrum from A to Zinc”

Multivitamin complex of 13 vitamins and 17 microelements. Can be taken from 12 years of age. Assigned as food supplement to compensate for the deficiency of all elements.

Are best multivitamins for children from 3 years old and teenagers. Taken when there is an insufficient amount of vitamins in the body, for the purpose of prevention, and during the period of active growth.

10. "Undevit"

Multivitamins come from the USSR. Can be taken by children, adults, during pregnancy. Affordable. The downside is the small dose of elements in one tablet.

During the recovery period, in old age to improve metabolism, with increased physical and mental stress: it is recommended to consume 2-3 tablets per day.

Course 20-30 days. Breaks between courses are 1-3 months. Repeated courses on the recommendation of a doctor.

Combination features

So that when using vitamin complexes side effects reduce to zero, you need to know that scientists do not recommend combining the following elements:

  • manganese with zinc;
  • manganese with nickel;
  • iron with zinc;
  • vitamins B1 and PP;
  • manganese with copper;
  • copper with zinc;
  • copper with iron.

In order for vitamins to bring more benefits, you need to know that:

  • Vitamin C, copper and cobalt work together to improve iron absorption. And the presence of calcium and manganese worsens the problem.
  • Fluorine in tandem with sodium and magnesium has a good effect on the functioning of the nervous system and muscle tissue.
  • Vitamins B2 and B6 enhance each other's actions.
  • A large dose of zinc negatively affects the absorption of iron and copper.
  • An insufficient amount of zinc leads to failures in the absorption of tocopherol.

Considering the above information, you can easily select good vitamins, and give the body the substances it needs.

How often to take vitamin-mineral complexes during the year

Vitamin-mineral complexes contain the necessary amount of substances for the prevention of hypovitaminosis. Take all medications as directed to avoid hypervitaminosis, which can be even more dangerous.

Considering the current standard of living of the population, the regime and quality of food, it is worth periodically taking vitamin preparations.

If your diet is varied and you are sure that you get all the necessary elements from food, you also have wellness, multivitamins should be taken only for the purpose of prevention.

For preventive purposes, medical specialists It is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes twice a year in winter and spring. The duration of treatment should not exceed 2 months, the course should be repeated no more than 3 times a year. Longer use is possible for people who engage in sports, heavy physical labor, or hazardous work conditions, or live in areas with a harsh climate.

Supplements must be taken to prevent hypovitaminosis, both for children and adults. It is better to consult your doctor about which type of multivitamin to choose. The form of release of the drug for use can be selected when purchased at the pharmacy.

Important: Liquid drugs are absorbed by the body faster.

When choosing vitamin remedy In addition to its effectiveness rating, you also need to pay attention to the composition, because not always what has helped others can help you personally.

About 20% of older people are deficient in vitamin B12. Most vegans are also at risk of B deficiency. However, not only vegetarians and the elderly need vitamins from this group. It turns out that supplements of such vitamins are one of the possible ways reducing professional stress and improving productivity. Another important advantage taking them reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms. Our pharmacies sell many vitamin complexes. Let's consider, Which vitamins contain more vitamin B?.

Let's compare the amount of B vitamins in vitamin-mineral complexes

We will select for analysis the most popular domestic and imported complexes containing B vitamins, which are available in tablet form: Centrum, AlfaVit, Vitrum, Complivit, Supradin, Multi-Tabs, Perfectil, Duovit, Neurobion, Doppelhertz, Milgamma. They can be divided into:

  1. combined with other vitamins and minerals,
  2. specialized (containing B-complex in increased dosage).

Combined multivitamin-mineral complexes

These include Vitrum, Centrum from A to Zinc, AlfaVit Classic, Perfectil, Complivit, Supradin, Multi-Tabs Classic, Duovit. The entire B-group is present in them:

  • B1 – thiamine,
  • B2 – riboflavin,
  • AT 5 - pantothenic acid,
  • B6 – pyridoxine,
  • B9 – folic acid,
  • B12 – cyanocobalamin.

In AlfaVit, Vitrum, Duovit, Complivit, Multi-Tabs and Centrum, thiamine, pyridoxine and riboflavin are contained within the daily norm (1–1.5 mg) and differ slightly between drugs.

If you are looking B vitamins with microelements, pay attention to Perfectil and Supradin. Compared to other drugs in this group, they contain more:

  • thiamine approximately 10–20 times,
  • riboflavin 2.5–4 times,
  • pyridoxine 5–10 times.

Pantothenate (B5) is most abundant in Perfectil (40 mg), and B12 is found in Complivit (0.0125 mg). The folate concentration in all preparations ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 mg. Biotin (B7) is contained only in AlphaVit, Vitrum, Centrum, Perfectil and Supradin, and in Supradin its concentration is an order of magnitude higher than in the others.

Vitamin complexes with vitamin B - comparison table
Complex Amount of B vitamins in 1 tablet (mg)
B1 B2 B5 B6 B7 B9 B12
AlfaVit Classic 1.5 1.8 5 2 0.05 0.1 0.003
Vitrum 1.5 1.7 10 2 0.03 0.4 0.006
Doppelhertz Active Folic acid + Vitamins B6+B12+C+E 6 0.6 0.005
Doppelhertz Active Magnesium + B Vitamins 4.2 5 0.6 0.005
Duovit 1 1.2 5 2 0.4 0.003
Complivit 1 1.27 5 5 0.1 0.0125
Milgamma Compositum 100 (B) ? 100
Multi-tabs Classic 1.4 1.6 6 2 0.2 0.001
Multi-tabs B-complex 15 15 30 15 0.2 0.005
Neurobion in tablets 100 100 0.24
Perfectile 10 5 40 20 0.045 0.5 0.009
Supradin 20 5 11.6 10 0.25 1 0.005
Centrum from A to Zinc 1.4 1.75 7.5 2 0.0625 0.2 0.0025

Specialized B-complexes

Such drugs include Vitamin B complex tablets Milgamma Compositum and Neurobion, Doppelgerz brand preparations with B vitamins and Multi-Tabs B-complex. The principle of their creation is based on a combination of two or three nutrients that interact with each other in the body. Often the concentration of B-group vitamins in them is increased to therapeutic doses, because they are prescribed to compensate for a serious vitamin deficiency or in complex therapy nervous diseases.

Multi-Tabs B-complex contains all B vitamins, except biotin. Compared to the above-mentioned drugs, it contains increased content:

  • riboflavin 3–8 times,
  • pantothenic acid 4–6 times (but less than in Perfectil),
  • thiamine 10–15 times (but less than in Supradin).

Reducing homocysteine ​​levels in the blood is thought to reduce the incidence of heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. Folic acid and cyanocobalamin (B12) are involved in the metabolic conversion of homocysteine ​​into the beneficial amino acid methionine.

Clinical studies show that a diet low in these vitamins increases the risk of stroke. A folate and vitamin B12 supplement taken for 3 months reduced homocysteine ​​levels by 32% and reduced the risk of colon cancer by 30–40% among people with a genetic predisposition to the disease.

It is on the basis of a combination of these vitamins that the Doppelhertz Active Folic Acid + Vitamins B and Doppelhertz Magnesium + Vitamins B products were created. The folic acid content in them is increased to 0.6 mg, although the amount of vitamins B12 and B6 differs slightly compared to other complexes of this group .

The triad of B1, B6 and B12, which is commonly used to treat peripheral neuropathy, is found in Neurobion. If we compare all the above-mentioned B vitamins in tablets, then it contains the highest concentrations of thiamine and cyanocobalamin (20 and 48 times more, respectively), and the amount of vitamin B6 exceeds the average daily dose by 50 times.

A special feature of the drug Milgamma is that it contains a synthetic analogue of vitamin B1, benfotiamine (100 mg). Its advantage is that it is fat-soluble and therefore is better absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract than thiamine. The dose of pyridoxine in Milgamma, as in Neurobion, is significantly higher than in all other multivitamins.

However, we should not forget that when choosing vitamins, you do not need to follow the principle “the more the better,” but remember that each vitamin has its place and time. This is especially true for complexes in which vitamins are contained in therapeutic rather than prophylactic dosages. Consultation with a doctor will save you from mistakes and help you individually choose the right drug.

B vitamins occupy a worthy place in the list of human essentials. The group is quite large. It is a “community” of eight different water-soluble substances that work together to process food and produce energy. The classification of vitamins will be discussed below.

B vitamins are also necessary for correct height and development of children, are indispensable for blood cells, hormones and the nervous system of adults.

The body has assigned vitamins of group B the next important role - supporting and increasing speed chemical reactions. In some of them, without vitamins, no process occurs at all. To start and accelerate the necessary currents, the B vitamin group is used as a catalyst.

Vitamins can be, for example, cofactors (a cofactor is a non-protein compound that a protein needs for its construction function in the body). They are called "helper molecules" that take part in biochemical reactions for key metabolic processes. In addition, they all play an important role in the functioning of the body, and the lack of any of them can greatly affect our health.

The distribution of roles between the “members” of the group is as follows:

  • Thiamine (B1): This is an anti-stress vitamin that protects the immune system by helping form new cells in the body. Although deficiency is rare, insufficient thiamine can cause Wernicke encephalopathy. neurological disorder.
  • Riboflavin (B2): works as an antioxidant, fighting negative impact free radicals on the body. In addition, it prevents cardiovascular diseases and premature aging. Riboflavin is needed for the reproduction of red blood cells. Its deficiency can lead to skin diseases, hair loss, liver problems and anemia.
  • Niacin, or a nicotinic acid(B3): improves blood circulation, increases the level of “good” cholesterol - high-density lipoprotein in the body. B3 also promotes the production of certain hormones. Its deficiency can lead to pellagra (vitaminosis), which causes dermatitis, insomnia, weakness and diarrhea.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5): participates in the formation of energy by breaking down fats and carbohydrates. In addition, it promotes testosterone production. Although vitamin B5 deficiency is rare, if it develops it can lead to acne.
  • Pyridoxine (B6): Acts as a metabolic stimulant, regulating levels of homocysteine, an amino acid associated with heart disease. It is involved in hematopoiesis, hemoglobin synthesis and helps deliver glucose to blood cells. It also takes part in the synthesis of hormones that contribute to high mood.
  • Biotin (B7): a beauty vitamin responsible for healthy nails, skin and hair. This is a highly active element involved in the control of blood glucose levels, as well as the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. During pregnancy this is important for proper development fetus Its deficiency in infants can cause disruption of proper development and disorders of the nervous system.
  • Folic Acid (B9): Crucial for good memory, brain activity, and helps avoid depression. During pregnancy, it supports fetal development and prevents neurological defects. A lack of this vitamin can lead to anemia.
  • Cobalamin (B12): participates with B9 in the production of red blood cells, and also contributes to the creation of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in human blood. Its absence can cause anemia, peripheral neuropathy and memory loss, and cognitive impairment.

This classification of vitamins is accepted in the pharmacological and nutritional fields. The special science of vitaminology studies the structure and mechanism of action of vitamins, the features of their use in the treatment of ailments and the prevention of various diseases.

Vitamins in food

The source of vitamins is food or synthetic pills from the pharmacy.

There are many foods that can provide the body with this cluster of important substances. The list of vitamin-containing foods includes foods such as plant origin, and the animal. Both vegetarians and meat-eaters can choose a source of replenishment of nutrients from group B. Note that the quantitative content of vitamins in food products is not a constant value, but depends on many reasons: plant varieties, climatic conditions their growth, types of products, recipes for food processing, conditions and periods of storage of raw materials and finished products.

Vitamins in food products are distributed unevenly, some supplies are simply a “storehouse” for them, while others have very small amounts. Here is a list of ten record holders for the content of B vitamins:


It is one of the richest sources of B12. She has the ability to concentrate the "elixir of life" in her cells. The process occurs under the influence of bacteria.

Sardine, mackerel, clams and salmon are some species that can provide your daily dose of vitamin B12.

Beef liver

It is the richest source of B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12.

Medium piece (70 g) beef liver provides more than half of the daily requirement of substances such as B9, B6 and B12. To recap, folate (B9) helps prevent birth defects, B6 produces serotonin to regulate mood and proper sleep, and B12 helps in the formation of red blood cells. To block daily norm Riboflavin (B2), half a piece is enough for an adult.


Available all year round, chicken is an exceptional source of B vitamins. It is also rich in proteins and minerals, which makes cooked meals nutritious and wholesome.

Boiled or fried chicken breast provides an excellent source of niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5) and vitamin B6, which are essential for efficient metabolism in the body.

Eggs and dairy products

Fried or boiled eggs are a reliable source of B vitamins. In fact, every one of the B vitamin classifications can be found in eggs. Egg yolks are an excellent source of B12, which helps in the production of red blood cells. Eggs also contain niacin, B6, and biotin. They are responsible for regulating metabolism, enhancing immunity and cell growth. In addition, milk and dairy products are also a rich source of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and B12. They also contain other B vitamins, such as B3, B5, B9 and B6, but in small quantities.

One glass of milk (200 ml) provides 100% B12, 15% thiamine, 45% riboflavin, 3% niacin, 9.3% folate and a small amount of pyridoxine, meeting the recommended daily intake for adults.


This is a great source important vitamins group B. Many of their varieties, including beans, peas, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, are rich in thiamine, niacin, folic acid and riboflavin.

These vitamins help convert food into energy, reducing inflammation and lowering bad cholesterol levels.

Soy milk

A good source of B12 is soy milk. It is a healthy alternative for people with allergies or who cannot digest lactose.

Since vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal products, soy milk is especially beneficial for vegetarians. In addition, since it is extracted from plants, it contains absolutely no lactose, cholesterol or saturated fat.

The body needs B12 for the proper functioning of the nervous system and metabolism. Soy milk also contains small amounts of other B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5 and B9.

Just 1 cup of fortified soy milk provides 50% B12, 30% riboflavin (B2) and 15% folate (B9) according to the recommended daily values.

Soy milk, along with B-vitamins, is an excellent source of high-quality protein and isoflavones, plant substances that help reduce levels of “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL).


Whole grains such as oatmeal, a breakfast staple, are another good source of B-complex vitamins, including B6, which plays a role in nerve communication in the brain, as well as B1, B2, B3 and B9.

Oatmeal also contains dietary fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and vitamins E and K. Plus, oats have zero cholesterol.

Eating oatmeal on a regular basis helps reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

If eating plain oatmeal every day seems boring, you can add chopped fruit or nuts to improve the taste and content. nutrients in our dish.

Nuts and seeds

It is a rich storehouse of many important B vitamins such as niacin (B3), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), folate (B9) and pyridoxine (B6).

They all work as cofactors or coenzymes during metabolic processes in the body.


This extremely healthy plant is one of the best sources of B vitamins. It contains several types of B vitamins, with the most common being B9 or folate. 1 cup of raw spinach provides 15% of the recommended daily amount. B9 promotes tissue regeneration and proper cell functioning.

Other B vitamins in spinach are B2, B6 and B7. In addition, it is noted for its high content of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium.

This wonderful green leafy vegetable has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Its consumption helps reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure, improve bone condition.

Spinach can be added to many dishes: salads, omelettes, soups. This versatile food goes well with fruits, vegetables, and herbs in smoothies.


Another a good option to meet the body's needs for vitamins, especially B6. To regulate sleep and mood, adults need 1.5 mg of B6 every day, with a banana providing one third. For women, B6 may reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Regular consumption of bananas helps reduce the risk of various types cancer, improves muscle health, promotes sleep and trains cognitive abilities.

In addition to bananas, you can eat oranges, melons, avocados, and papayas, which also contain the B complex.

Thus, knowing which vitamins prevail in food, you can choose a menu in accordance with the needs of the body and the advice of a nutritionist.

It just so happened that bad ecology and not a completely balanced diet O greatly affect our health. And health is very important, because it is the condition of your body that affects the appearance and amount of vital energy. To maintain a high level of health, vitamins and dietary supplements will help us.

If in the case of dietary supplements it is more likely to be an addition to nutrition at your request, then vitamin complexes are very necessary for the body, they help it carry out its work uninterruptedly, maintaining your vital state.

B vitamins are essential for health. They support the basic functions of our body and preserve beauty. So their use is quite extensive - both neuralgia and cosmetology use this vitamin for their own purposes.

Why are group B drugs needed?

In total, this group includes 12 vitamins, the most important of which are considered to be b1, b2, b6 and b12. You need to figure out what exactly each of these vitamins affects and where they are found in their natural form.

What products contain

I think you understand that B vitamins are very important both for physical health, and for the mental, and, of course, for appearance. It is now necessary to consider In what foods can these vitamins be found:

If you diversify your diet by consuming the above products, you can quite increase the level of B vitamins in your body in a natural way. However, this is not always possible under the influence external factors. Then vitamins come to our aid in the form of tablets or injections.

Review of group B drugs in tablets

The drug can be taken either in tablets or injected intramuscularly.

Group B vitamins in injections are preferred due to their rapid and complete absorption. Although giving injections is not so easy - you need to ask someone for help. Make sure the person is doing everything right! The ampoule (capsule) must be opened very carefully; when administering the medicine, there should be no air in the syringe. Injection is difficult. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can do everything correctly, then give preference to the drug in tablet form.

It is better to consult a doctor before starting the course.

And there shouldn’t be any problems with the usual form of B vitamins in tablets.

Read the manufacturer's instructions included in the package and follow all recommendations completely. You should always take your vitamins with regular drinking water.

Prices are approximate, and it all depends on where you live and which pharmacy you purchase the drug from.

B vitamins in tablets, drug names:

It is still better for children under 12 years of age to take lighter medications, since vitamins may be poorly absorbed directly. Suitable drugs include:

  • Pikovit.
  • Multi-tabs Baby.
  • Alphabet Our baby.
  • Adivid.

In general, this vitamin is essential for the body. And if you feel that your diet is low in foods that contain B vitamins, or your food is not too varied, then you can start the course. If you have any problem physiological nature (headache, constant fatigue, hair loss), then you shouldn’t think that a vitamin complex will save you. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor and find out the exact cause of the problem.

There are no special contraindications for use. However, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, you are under 12 years old, or have mental problems, then it is better to consult a doctor.

And remember that B vitamins are not a cure for a disease, but rather simply a prevention.

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