Home Wisdom teeth Triolan biological additives. The main areas of impact of Biolan

Triolan biological additives. The main areas of impact of Biolan

stabilizes human sexual activity

"Biolan drip" description

Code "Biolan drip" in ampoules No. 10 - 002-01

Release form: capsules, 10 pcs.

peptide-amino acid complex

When is it necessary to take Biolan drip in an amp. No. 10

    * Restores immune system body, increases motor activity.
    * Protects against stress, improves mood and sleep.
    * Increases the pain threshold (which allows you to reduce the dose of narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics by 1.5-2 times).
    * Stabilizes a person’s sexual activity, restores and normalizes it, increases libido.
    * Has a powerful anti-aging, gerontological effect, especially in people suffering from signs of early aging.
    * Helps stabilize cardiovascular activity and blood pressure.
    * Blocks chronic diseases caused by long-term stress.
    * Increases concentration, memory, learning ability.

Pathologies of central and peripheral nervous system: meningitis, encephalitis of any origin, neuritis, paralysis, epilepsy, paresis, stroke, multiple sclerosis, radiculitis.

Diseases digestive system: enteritis, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, liver and biliary tract diseases, peptic ulcer. Viral hepatitis: depending on the severity of the disease, 3-5 ampoules per day for 5-7 days.
Oncological diseases: 2 ampoules per day for 5 days after each course of chemotherapy.

Postoperative period: depending on volume surgical intervention 3 ampoules per day for 5 days.
Injuries: traumatic brain injuries, bone fractures, joint dislocations, sprains, bruises, wounds. Depending on the severity of the condition, 3-5 ampoules per day for 5-7 days.

Burns: depending on the area and depth of the lesion, 3-5 ampoules per day for 5-7 days

Acute and chronic diseases: acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pyelonephritis, cystitis, otitis, sinusitis, prostatitis, adnexitis. (During an exacerbation, the course is 2-3 ampoules per day: morning, afternoon, evening.)
Diseases of cardio-vascular system. (ischemic disease heart, myocardial infarction, hypertonic disease.

Increased sexual activity, in the absence of organic lesions. Course: 3-5 ampoules per day for 10 days.

contraindications and side effects not identified. There are no age restrictions.
Precautionary measures: in patients suffering from an insulin-dependent form diabetes mellitus, the drug can only be used under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting with an assessment of sugar levels due to possible restoration insulin with subsequent development of hypoglycemia.
Release form: ampoules 10 pcs (drop form).

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The Treolan company was founded in 1990 and is part of the LANIT group as a distribution division. Treolan operates on Russian market IT products. The company's distribution network includes more than 2,500 partner companies throughout Russia. The distributor's sales are based on servers, data storage systems, computers, peripheral equipment and software. Treolan sales offices are located in the cities of Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and Samara.
In its product catalog, Treolan offers for sale the following main product groups: servers, computers (desktops, laptops and tablets), printers (including large-format), scanners and MFPs, monitors and projectors, software, uninterruptible power supplies and surge protectors, computer components, data storage systems, network equipment, communication cabinets and KVM equipment, telephony, storage media, Consumables, computer accessories, control and security equipment.
Treolan company supplies products from world famous manufacturers and brands: Adaptec, Dell, HP, IBM, Apple, Lenovo, Sony, Acer, ASUS, Samsung, Toshiba, D-Link, OKI, Benq, LG, NEC, ViewSonic, APC, IBM , Gigabyte, Seagate, Western Digital, Cooler Master, INWIN, VENTO, Zalman, Huawei, Zyxel, Panasonic, ABBYY, Adobe, Microsoft and many others.
The company's warehouse constantly maintains a minimum assortment of about 6,000 products. Delivery of goods in Moscow is carried out by our own transport service free of charge for orders over $3,000, and to the regions - according to separate programs. Pickup is available 24 hours a day. Deferred payment and reservation of goods are possible. Partners are provided with information and technical support. The Treolan catalog is loaded via API, which allows you to instantly obtain the necessary information about the state of the warehouse and the cost of goods directly from the Treolan database.

Treolan distributor directory integration

The module for 1C:Bitrix allows you to integrate the distributor "Treolan" into your online store. Information about the Bitrix module, its installation, configuration and synchronization with Treolan can be found on the 4Dealer website in the section Module for Bitrix.

The WordPress WooCommerce plugin allows you to integrate the Treolan distributor into your online store. Information about the Word Press plugin, its installation, configuration and synchronization with Treolan can be found on the 4Dealer website in the section

BIOLAN® dietary supplement- a general tonic – an additional source of peptides and amino acids (since 2014, “Biolan” in plastic capsules (euroampoules) has been registered as “Triolan Elite”). This is a new generation natural anti-stress drug.


Peptide-amino acid complex.

Description of composition:

"Biolan" is a complex of natural neuroprotective peptides and amino acids, optimally balanced and necessary for the normal and stable functioning of the nervous system and the human body. Amino acids are present in the composition both in free form and in the form of low molecular weight peptides containing from 2 to 12 amino acids.
Region biological activity peptides is extremely wide. They affect the state of the cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, endocrine, digestive and other systems, change energy metabolism in the body, but are especially effective in regulating the functioning of the central nervous system. One of the most characteristic features– their multifunctionality.
Amino acids are the main structural elements of protein. A protein molecule is made up of 100 or more amino acid residues. There are 5 million proteins in the human body! Despite such a variety of protein structures, only 22 amino acids are required for their construction, 9 of which are essential, that is, they must be supplied with human food; they are not synthesized in the body. In the absence of at least one of these acids, proteins are no longer synthesized, and food is used as a source of energy or stored in fat deposits.

Mechanism of action:

Stress – disease – aging. This is the chain that shortens our lives. Any manifestations of stress “burn” neurons in the subcortical centers that provide control of the body. When more than 80% of neurons burn out, the control system falls apart. “Biolan” acts as a protector of neurons – a neuroprotector. The drug is completely similar to the peptides and amino acids that are produced by human body to support the nervous system. “Biolan” restores the amount of peptides in cells that decreases under stress, prevents the process of neuronal destruction, and protects those neurons in which irreversible changes have not yet occurred. "Biolan" launches the processes of natural self-regulation of the body, thereby normalizing homeostasis and immunological status; participates in the regulation of blood pressure levels; ensures the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

The mechanism of the compensatory action of the central nervous system boils down to the fact that, under the influence of overload and stress, it forms commands for the body itself to produce various substances that mobilize protective forces, ensuring regulation of the functioning of both the body as a whole and its individual systems.
Substances produced under the influence of stress include, first of all, peptides. In the body, peptides are synthesized from amino acids or are products of protein breakdown. Peptides, due to their biological activity, perform important physiological functions in the body.
Being endogenous components of a living cell, peptide bioregulators are effective in extremely low doses and have a high selectivity of action.

They participate in the restoration and maintenance of energy metabolism processes:

  • in restoring and maintaining the activity of energy-synthesizing processes;
  • in normalizing the functioning of the electron transport respiratory system mitochondria;
  • in optimization of peroxidation processes and protection cell membranes from damage by active radicals and metabolites;
  • in improving the supply of oxygen to the body and its delivery to tissues;
  • in activating the processes of detoxification, metabolism and removal of metabolic products (restoration and maintenance of the microsomal oxidation system in the liver).

An increase in mitochondrial activity in a neuron under stress leads to the formation of free radicals and their fixation on the cell membrane. Free radical complexes cause protein degeneration, block neuronal receptors, inactivate the enzymatic activity of a number of compounds, which causes an increase in free radical oxidation, which leads to further damage to the neuron. Replenishment of peptides missing in the body allows you to normalize the functioning of the body, due to which in most cases it is ensured effective prevention diseases and even complete recovery.
The mechanism of action of “Biolan” is realized through a bioregulatory effect at the cellular level.

The main directions of impact of "Biolan":

Antioxidant - absorption of formed free radicals and suppression of their formation, preventing lipid peroxidation of cell membranes of brain tissue during pathological processes, stress reactions, exogenous intoxications;
Nootropic - improvement of energy and plastic metabolism in nervous tissue, recovery processes in the brain, regulation of cognitive functions;
Neuroprotective - preventing overexcitation and self-destruction of neurons, supporting the body's adaptive capabilities.

  • Stress and stressful conditions, neuroses, depression, increased excitability and irritability, chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia.
  • To improve physical mental performance and in extreme situations.
  • To normalize the psycho-emotional state.
  • To increase immunity, adaptive capabilities and defenses of the body.
  • For the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, accelerating recovery after operations.
  • In case of violations cerebral circulation, memory, concentration.
  • For decreasing side effects chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer.
  • For liver dysfunction and gastrointestinal tract.
  • For prevention functional disorders of cardio-vascular system.
  • For traumatic brain injuries, bone fractures, joint dislocations, sprains.
  • To increase sexual activity.
  • At complex therapy drug, alcohol and nicotine addiction.
  • To maintain good spirits during age-related changes body.

Optimal course: 1 ampoule (tablet) 2 times a day (dilute the contents of the capsule in 10 drops of cold boiled water, instill sublingually (under the tongue) or on nasal septum; dissolve the tablet under the tongue).
Duration of treatment is 3 – 4 weeks.
Minimum course: 1 ampoule (tablet) per day for 5 – 10 days. Repeat 2 – 3 times a year.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to dietary supplement components.
Interaction with other drugs: taking Biolan enhances the effect of other drugs, eliminating them negative impact on the body (toxic, allergic, etc.).
A dietary supplement is not a medicine.

Shelf life: 1 year

Release form: 10 pcs.

SGR: RU. dated 12/05/13

Schemes for using "Biolan" for various diseases

Health problems

Neuropsychiatric disorders, functional disorders And infectious diseases nervous system (neuroses, phobias, obsessive states, strokes, paralysis, neuritis, meningitis, etc.)

1 – 3 ampoules (table) 3 times a day

over several months according to the following scheme:

5 days - reception, 5 days - break

Stress, anxiety states, increased excitability, irritability

1 ampoule (table) per day

within 10 days

Cardiovascular system disorders (coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension)

1 ampoule (table) 3 times a day – 3 days, gradually reducing the dose to 1 ampoule (table) per day;

Minimum course 12 days

Acute and chronic diseases

(ARVI, tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.)

1 ampoule (table) 2 – 3 times a day;

Minimum course 7 days

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract

1 ampoule (table) 3 times a day;

Minimum course 5 days

In chemotherapy and radiotherapeutic treatment of cancer patients

Before chemotherapy/radiotherapy, 1 ampoule (table) per day for 3 days;

Up to 3 ampoules (table) per day during the entire course of therapy;

2 ampoules (table) per day for 5 days after each course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy

To prevent the occurrence

allergic reactions

during preventive vaccinations

Within 5 days

1 – 3 ampoules (table)

(2 days before vaccination, on the day of vaccination and 2 days after)

In traumatic situations (traumatic brain injuries, fractures, bruises, dislocations, sprains, burns, etc.)

Depending on the severity, 1 – 3 ampoules (table)

within 10 days

To increase physical and mental performance, overcome the syndrome chronic fatigue, normalization of psycho-emotional state

1 ampoule (table) per day for 5 – 10 days

The effectiveness of Biolan has been proven by numerous studies conducted in medical institutions and research institutes in St. Petersburg and Russia.
Developer: Jupiter-2 LLC, St. Petersburg.

2017: New general director - Grigory Sverdlikov

The SafeLine partner network today includes more than 1,000 companies in Russia and the CIS countries, and its product line includes solutions from such vendors as Application Security, Bitdefender, FireMon, Fortinet, IBM ISS, Positive Technologies, SpectorSoft, Stonesoft, TITUS, Security Code, "TKB-Monitoring".

Informzashita explains the reason for the sale of the distribution business by the desire of the company's shareholders to focus efforts on developing the main areas of their business - the development of information security tools and the provision of services in the field of information security. Services, in particular, are called by Informzashita as the main driver of its revenue growth in 2012.

SafeLine was the first company to be acquired by Treolan. Treolan views this deal as a “profitable investment” and believes that SafeLine will contribute to the rapid promotion of products and solutions, entry into new markets, and, as a result, growth in sales volumes.

Treolan told TAdviser that at the time of the acquisition, SafeLine employed 40 people. CEO SafeLine Oleg Bakshinsky accepted a job offer from Treolan and will take one of the management positions in the company.

“We are now finishing work on the final version organizational structure in connection with the acquisition of SafeLine. The purpose of the transaction is to obtain a synergistic effect from the acquisition, so we expect that most of the SafeLine team will join Treolan or remain in the Informzashita team,” Treolan told TAdviser.

Dmitry Ivannikov took the position of General Director

In February 2013, Dmitry Ivannikov took the position of CEO of Treolan. He was responsible for strategic development the company, its general management, and also participated in the development of the entire distribution business of Lanit Group of Companies. Among Treolan's strategic plans at that time were the expansion of the partner network, the implementation of a regional development program, and the expansion of product offerings.

2012: Integration of the Pirit business

Treolan will focus on working with the SMB channel and partners working with corporate and government customers. The diHouse company will concentrate on working with the retail sales channel, primarily with federal retail. In accordance with this strategy, the original plans to integrate PIRIT's distribution business into Treolan's business have undergone changes.

  • Treolan integrates the PIRIT business across all lines of the ASUS Open Platform Business Group (components, server, network, wireless equipment, all-in-one PCs, desktop computers and ASUS monitors), as well as business with component suppliers (Cooler Master, Leadtek, Zalman and others), previously owned by PIRIT, which will significantly expand the range of products and take a stronger position in working with local assemblers. To increase the level of support for partners in these product areas, Treolan has created a new product division.
  • Treolan also gets access to ASUS system business products (laptops, subnotebooks, tablets and smartphones) and HP Pavilion (laptops and netbooks). This is a logical addition to the enterprise product lines of these vendors in the Treolan portfolio, which reflects modern trend BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), when corporate users can use personal laptops purchased independently at work. Now partners will be able to offer their customers products for “dual” use.
  • The diHouse business integrates the retail direction of PIRIT and the related business for ASUS System Business Group products (laptops, subnotebooks, tablets and smartphones), in the HP Pavilion direction (laptops, netbooks), as well as in the Gadgets and Accessories direction.

As a result of these transformations, the entire PIRIT product portfolio is now available to Treolan partners. Employees of the PIRIT distribution division will continue to work in accordance with their specialization in the Treolan and diHouse companies. PIRIT partners representing the corporate and SMB segments of the market have the opportunity to continue working with Treolan, and PIRIT retail partners – with diHouse.

2010: Creation of a company based on the Lanita distribution department

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